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INSTRUCTION: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank space provided before each number.
____1. Imaging refers to the “pictures” which we perceive with our mind’s eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, and
through which we experience the “duplicate world” created by poetic language.
____2. Diction is the poet’s choice of words. The poet chooses each word carefully so that both its meaning
and sound contribute to the tone and feeling of the poem.

____3. A character, an action, a setting, or an object representing something else can be a symbol. Most
often, the symbol in a story is an object that represents its owner’s character or situation, or both is
called __.
a. theme b. moral c. irony d. symbolism
____4. The repetition of elements with significant importance in the story which helps the story on
producing other narrative (or literary) aspects such as theme or mood.
a. mood b. irony c. motif d. moral
____5. It is a short poem that usually written in first person point of view and expresses an emotion or an idea
or describes a scene.
a. lyric poem b. sonnet c. haiku d. diona

____6. A Japanese poem written in three lines following the Five Syllables, Seven Syllables and Five
a. lyric poem b. sonnet c. haiku d. diona
____7. It means “to see again”
a. revising b. revitalizing c. conceptualizing d. publishing
____8. It involves submitting final manuscripts to editors of print and online journals and magazines,
newspapers, or publishing companies.
a. revising b. revitalizing c. conceptualizing d. publishing

____9. __ is an element of a short story or prose which is the vantage point, perspective, or angle from which
the story is told.
a. Point of view b. character c. plot d. setting
____10. __ is a type of character who is central to the story with all major events having some importance to
his character.
a. narrator b. antagonist c. protagonist d. reader
____11. __ is the series of events of a story. Freytag’s Pyramid is the other term for this. It is a planned, logical
series of events having a beginning, middle, and end.
a. Point of view b. character c. plot d. setting
____12. It is a kind of plot where the story starts with an introduction of the characters and setting and involves
he development of the story.
a. Modular/episodic b. verbal c. linear d. dramatic
____13. A Vision Technique where series of dreams which allows the character to see events that occur or
have occurred in another time is called __.
a. Prophecy b. Dream Sequence c. Analepsis d. Prolepsis
____14. A story that is imaginative but could never really happen.
a. fantasy b. historical fiction c. science fiction d. mystery fiction
____15. It is a genre of literature whose stories focus on a solving a crime or scenario, puzzling crime,
situation, or circumstance.
a. fantasy b. historical fiction c. science fiction d. mystery fiction

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