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1. Lucy doesn’t like ____. a. swim b. swimming c. swims d. to swimming

2. Sarah ____ two children. a. have b. have got c. is d. has
3. Are ____ any chairs in the room? a. those b. these c. there
4. We went there ____ last Friday. a. × b. in c. on d. at
5. She ____ I was wrong. a. said b. told c. spoke d. telling
6. Milly hasn’t done it ____. a. already b. still c. always d. yet
7. I saw him when I ____ down the street. a. walking b. have been walking c. was walking d. was walked
8. ___ seen a celebrity in person ? a. Did you ever b. Have you ever c. Do you ever d. Are you ever
9. What food ____ on Christmas Day? a. eats b. is eating c. ate d. is
10. They ____ visited Paris in 2005. a. have b. × c. did d. have been
11. At the end of the course, I ____ sing well. a. am going b. will be able c. can d. will
12. I have to ____ a phone call. a. do b. have c. make d. get
13. Liz is ____ in cooking. a. interesting b. interested c. interest d. interestingly
14. We go to bed at midnight. ___, others go to bed at 10. a. so b. because c. however d. then
15. Could you tell me ___? a. where the book b. where is the book c. where the book is d. is the book
16. Will you go out if it ____? a. will snow b. snow c. snows d.
17. What would you do if you __ a wallet? a. find b. found c. have found d. have been
18. The cinema is ____ the restaurant and the bank. a. opposing b. nearly c. between
19. You didn’t listen carefully, __? a. didn’t you b. no c. don’t you d. did you
20. We’ve never ____ to China. a. been b. went c. lived d. visited
21. When she was young, she ___ be attractive. a. would b. used to c. was used to d. used
22. They arrested the man who __ a bank. a. robs b. had robbed c. has robbed d. had been
2 3 . I t h i n k _ _ _ _ . a. I run fastly b. I fastly run c. I run fast d. I fast run
24. I’m so tired. I ____ all morning. a. have been cleaning b. cleaned c. am cleaning d. had been
25. It ____ me 3 hours to get home. a. got b. took c. made d. had
26. I think we ___. a. are monitoring b. are monitored c. monitored d. are being monitored
27. I think we will __ the washing machine fixed next week. a. do b. have c. got d.
28. They __ forgotten about the meeting. a. can’t have b. couldn’t c. can’t d. can’t have been
29. My girlfriend speaks English perfectly. I wish I ___ my English lessons.
a. haven’t given up b. hadn’t given up c. didn’t give up d. don’t give up
30. Do you get___ well with your coworkers? a. off b. up c. down d. on
31. The course, ____ in May, costs 100e. a. that is b. what is c. which is d. is
32. He said he __ the email two days before. a. will have sent b. will send c. send d. had
33. He looks upset! He __ some bad news.
a. had to receive b. had received c. must have received d. must receive
34. __ does your da ughter look like? a. How b. Who c. Whom d. Whose
35. Could you ___ me a favour, please? a. do b. make c. have d. give
36. The teacher ___ me to start reading. a. spoke b. said c. told d. announced
37. He __ to pay for it because it was awful. a. denied b. gave up c. refused d. stopped
38. You should take a jacket __ it gets colder. a. in case b. otherwise c. or else d. so that
39. It happened ____ mistake. a. by b. through c. as a d. because of a
40. I prefer summer ____ winter. a. to b. than c. from d. not
41. I ____ better stay at home. a. should b. would c. could d. had
42. ____ of the rain, we went to the park. a.despite b. in spite c. although d. even

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