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Letter of Offer and Employment

Letter of Offer
Dear _______________________________________________________ ________

Offer of employment as casual driver.

We are delighted to offer you employment in the above position.

The terms and conditions, as we briefly discussed, are set out in the attached
contract of employment. If you have any queries about these please do not
hesitate to contact ... If you have specific queries you may wish to seek your
own legal advice.

Please review this offer of employment, sign the note of acceptance at and
return to myself. An additional copy of the contract is enclosed for your

We look forward to welcoming you to our team.

Yours sincerely

Gary Shepherd

Employment Contract with Gary Shepherd
This document outlines the terms of contract of employment proposed by Gary

Name of employee

Position ____Logestic Driver______________________________________________

Commencement date
_______________________________________________________________________ ____



You will be employed at various locations throughout Queensland. It is your
responsibility to get to work sites unless other arrangements are put in place.
Work allocation and specific instructions may be given verbally, by telephone
including mobile, texting and or email.

Hours of Work
This position is on a casual basis. There is no guarantee of work hours.

As directed by Gary Shepherd. If you are unable to comply please inform me

Compliance with company policies & procedures

You must comply with the Standard Operating Procedures as supplied and
directed by Gary Shepherd and specific site requirements e.g. safety
requirements of venues.

This is a casual position which attracts an hourly rate of $ 25 per hour. There is
no holiday, sick or other forms of leave. Superannuation at statutory rates is
payable to your nominated fund. Because of the nature of the industry we
work in there are no guaranteed minimum hours and each shift will be
negotiated with you in good faith.

Harassment/racial vilification/discrimination
Many organisations today provide employees with clear policies associated
with behaviours relating to the above, and the consequences for not following
them. Such policies refer to the responsibilities of employees, managers and
the company in upholding these and the protection for those who complain.


You must not disclose any information about the people or organisations we
work for to any persons whatsoever. This particularly includes media
organisations. You must not use social media in any form whatsoever to show
your role or involvement in our client’s activities. You must not take any
photographic images, sound recordings or ask for autographs, souvenirs or

As a casual employee you may be terminated at any time. If you breach any
law or regulation in respect of the work you do, such as, but not limited to,
driving offences, DUI, use of illegal substances, reckless behaviour and
offensive behaviour you will not be offered any future employment.

I accept the offer of employment and agree to the terms and conditions as
stated in this contract.

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