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EdTech Teacher Training Center

Generation Z and Alpha Learners in Digital

Literacy for 21st Century
1. What are the key concepts that you have learned in this session?
Gen Z is often described as the first generation to grow up entirely in the 21st century. They have never
known a world without the internet, smartphones, and digital technology. This generation is known for
being tech-savvy, highly connected through social media, and having a global perspective.
Generation Alpha is the first generation to be fully immersed in the digital age from birth. They are
growing up with even more advanced technology, including augmented reality, Artificial Intelligence (AI),
and the Internet of Things. Their education, socialization, and entertainment experiences are deeply internet
with technology. As a result, they are expected to be even more tech-savvy and globally connected than
Generation Z.

2. How can you integrate this in teaching and in the field of education?
Integrating Generation Z and Alpha learners into digital literacy education for the 21st century is crucial to
prepare them for a tech-driven world. These generations have grown up with digital technology as a
fundamental part of their lives, making their approach to education and technology unique. All I can do as
a teacher is recognize that Generation Z and Alpha learners are digital natives. They are comfortable with
technology and often learn best through interactive, multimedia, and digital experiences which lets them
acknowledge and leverage their familiarity with technology and most importantly emphasize the
importance of online safety, ethical behavior, and responsible internet use to them.

3. Make a summary of the session either in paragraph or bullet form.

 Generation Z is defined as those individuals born after 1996, who are typically the children of
Generation X. The oldest members of the generation are between 18-25 years old.
 Gen Y (Confident) 1980-1994, Gen Z (Competitive) 1995-2009, Gen ALPHA (Decision Maker)
 Gen Z tend to be well-educated, and their pace of learning is comparatively higher than the previous
generation. Their cognitive ability is higher.
 They value family and societal change
 Money, stability, and career advancement are important to them.
 They have almost no memory of life before smartphones
 They have grown up with the internet since day one.
 Gen ALPHA They’re focused on their family and the future. Can be defined by their worries about
becoming ill, and missing out on spending time with family.
 They’re passionate about the industry.
 They’re spending more time online/tech-savvy.
 AI is their reality, it was impossible a generation ago for people to imagine the impact pf Siri, Alexa,
and Google’s Assistant.
 An interactive lesson doesn’t always have to involve technology ang lighting problems are a great
example of this.
 The speaker discusses different ways to engage these generation to classroom setting.

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