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Tafslr al-Ayyashl
A Fourth/Tenth Century
ShVi Commentary on the Qur'an


Translated by
Nazmina Dhanji
Edited by
Wahid M. Amin
o mF® 、
Introduction by
Meir M. Bar-Asher
4q c a 八


器畿! I

isbn TVfi-i-aBfioaEO-a-i


Tafsir al-Ayyashl
A Fourth/Tenth Century
Shici Commentary on the Qur'an

Translated by
Nazmina Dhanji
Edited by
Wahid M. Amin
Introduction by
Meir M. Bar-Asher



Volume i

1. Al-cAyyashFs Life and Work
1.1 Work V
1.1.1 Al-<Ayyashfs Commentary on the Qufan vi
1.1.2 Manuscripts and Printed Editions of
Tafsir al-'Ayyashi viii
Tafsir al-^yyashi as a prominent representation of
the pre-Buwayhid ImamI ShVi school of Exegesis viii
ami Press
60 Weoley Park Road, Selly Oak 2. The question of the integrity of the Qu,an xi
Birmingham, B29 6rb 3. The Qur^an as a multilayered and polyvalent text xvii

United Kingdom
4. The Imam as the primary authority for Qufan interpretation xix
© ami Press 2020
5. Concluding Remarks xxvi
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission,
in writing, of ami Press, or as permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the Prelude 2
appropriate rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the On the Virtues of the Qufan 2
law above should be sent to ami Press at the address above. Casting aside reports {riwdydt) that contradict the Qur an
The Content of what has been revealed in the Qufan
QMan 26
First published 2020
The meaning of the terms 'abrograting' (al-ndsikh), abrogated
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library (al-mansukhVthe apparenf (泌她D "he hidden (a-bating
the ambiguous, (al-muhkam) and 'the unambiguous' (al­
Vol. 1 ISBN 978-1-8380320-7-4
Vol. 2 ISBN 978-1-8380320-8-1 mutashabih) 30
Vol. 3 ISBN 978-1-8380320-9-8 lied Recitations of the Qufan
The Interpretation of the Seven Reve:
Set ISBN 978-1-8380320-6-7
having various aspects 36
Designed and typeset by Titus Nemeth, assisted by Doris Lang References to the Imams in the Qur1an 36
The Imams and their Knowledge of the Qur'an's Interpretation 56. The Imminent Event 476 8& The Towering
57- Iron 480 Constellations 550
(ta'wil) 40 •. m
e c____ 58. The Dispute 486 87. The Most High 554
On Those Who Interpret The Qur'an According To Their Own
61. Solid Lines 49。 9O・ The City 558
- -------- •5。
On the Reprehensibility of Using the Qur'an for the Purpose of 65. Divorce 494 92. The Night 562
66. The Prohibition 500 93・ The Morning
Disputation S4
67. Sovereignty 504 Brightness 566
3. The Family of'ImrHn 406 68. The Pen 508 94- Relief 570
1. The Opening 58
2. The Cow 74 4. Women 536 74. Wrapped in his Cloak 512 97- The Night of
75. lhe Resurrection 516 Ordainment S74
76. Man 520 102. Rivalry for More 578
Volume 2 78. The Announcement 53。 104. The Slanderer 582
80. He Frowned 534 105. The Elephants 586
The Feast 2 9. The Impunity 378 81. Shrouded in Darkness 538 106. Quraysh 590
6. Livestock 154 10. Yunus 492 83. Those Who Give Short 107. Common Kindness 594
7. The Heights 236 11. Hud 542 Measure 542 114. People 598
8. The Battle Gains 320 12. Yusuf 604 84. The Ripping Apart 546

Bibliography 601
Volume 3 Index of Groups, Sects and Tribes 607
Index of Names 611
13. The Thunder 2 28. The Story 398 Index of Places 627
14. Ibrahim 52 29. The Spider 404 Index of Subjects 629
15. Hijr 94 31. Luqman 408
16. The Bee 124 35. The Creator 412
17. The Children of Israel 174 36. WSn 416
18. The Cave 278 37- Ranged in Rows 424
19. Mary 352
38. Sad 434
20. Ta-ha 356
39. Be Throngs 440
21. The Prophets 360
42. Consultation 446
22. The Pilgrimage 366
43- Ornaments of Gold 450
23. The Believers 374
48. Triumph 456
24・ Light 380
52. The Mountain 462
2S・ The Criterion 384
54- The Moon 466
26. The Poets 388
55- The All-Compassionate
27- The Ants 392
Lord 470
The Feast
5. The Feast

1. From Zurara b. A*yan, from Abu Ja'far t^S? who said, “Ali b. Abi Talib, may
God's blessings be upon him, said that the Chapter of the Feast (surat al-
ma'ida) was revealed two or three months before the Prophet 嘶 passed :计朋心从^ 彳也 @1 Cx 古 : 嗥!! 寸 /〈W Cx.bbj w .'
There is also another narration from Zurara from Abu Jacfar「魏 to that .企岛I嘴妙 o' cJj
effect. 〔 I

2. From 'isa b. cAbd Allah, on his father's authority, on his grandfather's au­
thority, from cAli 混 who said, 'Certain parts of the Qur'an would abro­
gate other parts based on the Prophet's command of what the latest of it [to
be revealed] was. The last thing to be revealed to him was the Chapter of
®JJ*** Jy le^*-1 〃 cd^i-b Ajjl ja\ 〃 (jlfLzIj cly24U
the Feast (surat al-md'ida), which abrogated what came before it and was
not itself abrogated by anything else. It was revealed to him whilst he was
mounted on a grey mule, and the revelation was so weighty upon him that it c^L^2JI dJj bAlb I* <3^111
made the mule stop and slump to the ground until its belly was touching the
earth and causing the Messenger of God 嚏 to faint, such that he had to rest #顷*0勺券3关切*4b参,皿? J也 参/
his arm on Shayba b. Wahab al-Jamhfs head. Later, when the Messenger of
God 德 came around, he read the Chapter of the Feast {surat al-ma'idd) for
us, so the Messenger of God 镯 acted upon it and so did we.'
/ dU诺弁〈顷qi 白•矽1移耕。应参格川由
.以£ &悉;Ajjl (SXllI iJ广 少 IJoi〈皴 创
3・ From Abu al-Jarud, from Muhammad b. 'Mi who said, 'Whoever reads
the Chapter of the Feast {surat al-m^idd) every Thursday, his faith will not
by transgression,
be obscured •. - , nor will hej ever associate anything with God? (Kci 波KI :JI5〈「乂JI 食尹小田顼芋-r

5. The Feast

[From Sam^a] from Ismael b. Abl Ziyad al-Sakuni, from Ja'far b. Muham-
由苛T gi 疽苛4白.R 苛@必1勺』u. /
mad, on his father's authority 嗥 wh。said, 'There is no instance of < Oyou
who believe^ in the Qufan that is not found in the Torah as “0 you poor .顶J曲I " wy * AG项顷她3(J么:凛
people.”' [5:1]

From al-Nadr b. Suwayd1, from one of our associates, from 'Abd Allah b. :」&心岫白顶|好(>^切瑚心淫ji/ ,0
Sinan who said, ‘I asked Abu 'Abd Allah about God's verse: < You who
believe, fulfil your obligations.殆⑴ He said, “[It means] Your pledges.”' ・履I : J15网沪^成拱8j瞄g :鬲3知顶/隰
There is another narration like it from Ibn Sinan. [5:1]

6. From 'Ikrima that he said, 'Every single time that God, may His mention be
exalted, reveals: < Oyou who believe*, cAli b. Abi Tllib 嗥? is at the forefront
ofit? [5:1]

7- From 'Ikrima, from Ibn 'Abb9s who said, 'Every single time that the verse: .嗥5
^0you who believe^ was revealed, 'Ali was its chief and its commander.
God has censured the companions of Muhammad 禳 elsewhere, but He
has only ever mentioned 'Ali with goodness? [5:1] .V

8. From Jacfar b. Ahmad2, from aPAmraki b. 01i, from £Ali b. Ja(far b. 嗥块另 k? c&K* J( 8 —314)1 撰^ 可心事9
Muhammad, from his brother Musa r^1, from 'Ali b. al-Husayn r琴 who
said, 'There is no instance of ^Oyou who believe^ in the Qur'an except it is
found in the Torah as "0 you poor people.”' [5:1]

9- •From Muhammad b.
2贝 muiidiiimau D. Muslim, from one ot
of the two [Imams al-Baqir or al-
p- -1* 1.1 -t .« -. 二

乎吧 that he said regarding God's verse: ^Livestock animals are lawful as D >*>• & 由芋样 lx 4^1-A
foodforyou^ 'This includes the animal still in the womb at the time thatits

mother is slaughtered? [5:1]

- ■ —_ . VA A iA V JL'G

"技刈段瓦:d&(危!1 <?・皆了仃淳
・项且闻11拾3 J舟

1 出-Nadr b. Suwayd al-Sayrafi, a reliable and

Kazim. " 瑚他蜘皿岫 283(nM*:wort"mpanion 叩皿 .j &矣疔论也山pi j咬屏:J&〈《‘CUM匕^
g * severalnarrators in the works of ShFi r网 with this name.
2 There are


5. The Feast

From Zurara, from Abu Ja^ar who said about God's verse: ^Livestock
animals are lawful asfoodforyou J, 'Theyare the foetuses which are still in
the cattle's wombs. The Commander of the Faithful 嗥! used to order the
foetuses to be sold? [5:1]

11. From Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abi Nasr who said, 'One of our associates
narrated from Abu ‘Abd Allah, regarding God's verse: ^Livestock animals
are lawful as food for you^ that he said, "If the foetus in the womb of its
mother already has hair or wool, then slaughtering its mother for consump­
.必> 431
tion makes it fit for consumption too.”' [5:1]

12. From Wahb b. Wahb3, from Ja*far b. Muhammad, on his father's authority,
that 'Ali r瘪 was asked about eating the flesh of elephants, bears, and mon­
keys, and he replied, 'These are not from among livestock animals that can
be consumed? [5:1]

13. From al-Mufaddal who said, *1 asked al-Sadiq 唳 about God's verse: ^Live­
stock animals are lawful asfoodfor you.夕 He replied, “The livestock here is y《土J夕:D盘血E其办Wi白L:JB〈必1芦・w
the guardian, and the cattle are the believers.”' [5:1]
・以义:*由心/ lilb :JS戒夕部
14. From Musa b. Bakr, from one of his associates, that Zayd b. 'AH once went
to AbU Ja'far 嘿 bringing with him letters from the people of Kufa in which
they were inviting him to come to them, and informing him of their having
gathered [ready to fight] and requesting him to come out to join them. So
Abd Ja'far c魏 said, 'God, Blessed and most High, has made certain things
permissible, and He has prohibited certain things; He has provided ex­
・用!臼兴给/^,件0A包另&,代』砂t砂IW #
amples and established certain practices. He has not let the Imam that is
knowledgeable about His command be in any obscurity whatsoever about
y加心户(为&北j>'小心&侦冰S :嗥Ar项J国
the obedience that God has made incumbent, that he should proceed with & &妇I b 4)114^1 虺)外ui",仁 Av
an action before its prescribed time, or rise to fight before it has been made
permissible. God has said concerning hunting game:« do not killgame while
心 :七妇y出Ms%项 *京阳巫约Ab—・
3 Abu al-Bakhtari Wahb b. Wahb b. *Abd Allah b. Zum'a b. al-Aswad b. al-Muttalib b. *Abd
al-'Izzi ( 200/815), a heavily criticized Sunni narrator of Imam Ja'far d-Sadiq
al-§adiq who
would fabricate many traditions and lie against the Imam who was his step-father. He was
appointed as a judge by the Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid. See Hilli, Khulasat al-aqwal,
414 (nr. 1679); Modarressi, Tradition and Survival, 389-91 (nr. 214).

® XUI3刀*-"
5. The Feast

are?折 the state ofconsecration [forpilgrimage})(s:95), so is killing game
agreater sin or killing- a human being unlawfully? He has designated a pre-
scribed time for everything: # but when you have completed the rites ofpil- 「汶1>-冲7》顷魅匕^见罗勺*:}旬;
grimage you may hunt* and: < do not violate the sanctity of God's rites, nor
the Sacred Month f - He has made a certain number of months, of which He
has designated four as sacred. He also says: ^you [idolaters] may movefreely
about the landforfour months, but you should bear in mind both thatyou will
not escape God.夕(9:2),[5;2]
15. From Muhammad b. 'Abd Allah, from one ofhis associates who said, 'I asked :嘿顷白5出词・31萨^萨<朋以&.店/ .\0
Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥"May I be your ransom - why did God forbid the con­
sumption of carrion, blood, and pork?”
So he replied, “God, Blessed and most High, has not forbidden His serv­
ants from consuming those things and permitted everything else out of His gj Cr*。以 L 衬 pG小以,「芫.勺"川 jkjli
desire fbr that which He has prohibited them from - Blessed and Exalted
be He - nor is it that He abstains from that which he has permitted them. L ^3(5^-1(3^ 〈衬 好 % 2JjU o
Rather He has brought all of creation into being, knowing what sustains
their bodies and what is good for them, and has made that permissible and
allowed it accordingly, as a favour from Him upon them fbr their benefit.
Similarly, He knows what is harmful to them and has thus prohibited it, and Y衣T ' G舟 I 匕攻 I e■项少->2以! —A
forbidden them from it, and only allowed it under duress and only for that
particular time when the body can only subsist by means of that thing; and .dAI 3 ,4jdil jA2j JLj Ji Id 网
He has commanded them to consume from it only what is necessary for sur-
vival and no more.”
Then he continued, ^As fbr carrion, no sooner
sooner does anyone touch
does anyone touch it
it or
eat it than it weakens his body, makes it deteriorate, weakens his energy and

leads to infertility; and the one who eats carrion only dies of sudden death.
----- —A A ^4
.oli- 电kl 为项疗 <1*^5J
▲ 广 ・・ ■-
JAs for blood, it engenders a burning thirst, hard-heartedness, and a lack
< --------- --- --- WFk;

of- empathy 1 and' compassion where the consumer of it cannot bej trusted not
to narpntc a 办
:.:: own child, his parents,
1-kill ”friend
close 命;一只--or whoever keeps his com­
pany. •由亮%。斑为姐0仍
As fbr pork, God transformed acertain
( °~十 s 丫-叩2
group of people ninto the form
of animals resembling pigs, monkeys and bears and other disfi; J y 5]板、\j 修° 4)1 时"
igured forms,
Then He prohibited the c- . , of anything
consumption 一十字 、。
resembling those so as not
to derive any benefit thereby nor make light ofHischasti:
. —
—o…s axio vuaaiisement upon them.
As fbr wine, he has prohibited it because of its pffprt corruption."
. ------jcause of its effect and its

5 JjUl 0
5. The Feast

Then he said, KThe alcoholic is as the idol-worshipper. It will cause him to 如^必妙匚山gJc* 购屁 5早用,QI Ulj
shake, take away his radiance and make him decrepit. It urges him to make
money from unlawful means such as bloodshed and fornication. When he n?济由山心 她/「免
becomes drunk, there is no guarantee that he will not lose his dignity whilst
he is out ofhis senses. Wine makes every evil deed accessible to the one who j. Qb出3航―尸小导爵乙现展项%,邸儿圳
drinks it.”' [5:3]

16. From Zurara, from Abu Jacfar who said, Any animal is allowed [for con­
sumption] apart from the pig, one that has died from a violent blow, one
that has been gored, or one that has been thrown from a rooftop and died
as a result, or that which has been savaged by a predator, and this is God's
verse: < unless you have slaughtered it [in the correct manner],少 If you find it c)g < mi
to be alive in that its gaze is still darting, its legs are still moving, or its tail is
still wagging, and you then slaughter it and make it fit for consumption, then .4jVS ci—玉(己".瑚
you may eat it.' He continued, 'Ifyou slaughter an animal in the correct man­
ner then put it in fire, or in water, or throw it from a rooftop or a mountain *111 ci 项 < jUl(3 C-**5y 电如 2 天&《5 jlj:JI5
top, as long as you have slaughtered it in the correct manner to begin with,
you can eat it.' [5:3]

17・ From al-Hasan b. ‘Ali al-Washsha1, from Abu al-Hasan al-Ri曲嘿;he said,
‘I heard him say that the animal that has died as a result of a fall or from a vi­ 祁 I::J6〈嗥1 XI/〈。月I 由 J: 0
olent blow, or that which has been savaged by predators, if you manage to
slaughter it [before it dies] then you can eat it? [5:3]

18- From ^yyuq b. Qurat, from Abu cAbd Allah 混 regarding God's word:
4 any animal strangled^ he said, 'It is ian animal that has been strangled by .'A
:ts rerns; < victim ofa violent blow > refers to the sick animal who is not fit to
bear Athe. pain
. of slaughter, who is neither agitatedlnor does its blood gush
out. /And 侦 ofafall^ is one that has been thrown from a rooftop or an- yQ *占叫薛喝W歧筋3妙关*湖或
other high place, and〈-gored, ,is* °ne who has been butted by its mate? [5:3]
甘|《匕地沁决项CJu &〃曷湖专云烫5少T W澎%
5. The Feast

From 'Amr b. Shimr4, from Jabir who said, "Abu Ja'far 嗥 said regarding 特芫尹»淼少察K■项J&: 川芋W 3 "w .
this verse: < Today the disbelievers have lost all hdpe thatyou willgive up your
religion. Do notfear them: fear Me》, “The day that the QEim will rise K,顷夕cA「貌即i (兄霆廷炙应b技
the Banu Umayya will lose all hope, for they are the ones who disbelieved
and gave up hope in the family of Muhammad, peace be upon them.”' [5:3] •(乂Ji件1^卫jT"项会‘电圳
20. From Zurara, from Abh Ja'far「貌 who said, 'The last obligation that God
revealed was the adherence to the divinely vested authority: # Today I have
perfected your religion foryou, completed My blessing upon you, and chosen as
your religion Islam: [total devotion to God]免 so no other obligations were
revealed since then until the Messenger of God 禅 passed away.' [5:3]
•峰§ J aS I bb Jju 3^1 I
21. From Ja'far b. Muhammad al-KhuzaX on his father's authority who said, ‘I
heard Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥J say, "When the Messenger of God 镂 camped
at cArafat on Friday, Jibra^l 部 came to him and said, CO Muhammad, God .Y\
greets you with peace and says to you: "Tell your community: < Today I
have perfected your religion for you, completed My blessing upon you, and cho­ dAJySj 4jjl I:』r乘!! oljl5old4jjl
sen as your religion Islam: [total devotion to God] >, and I will not reveal an-
ything more to you after this for I have already revealed to you about prayer, 土匕jJ也 qI O 古可为 吟:(it方 J5:dA!
alms, fasting and pilgrimage, and this is the fifth, without which I will not
accept the other fbur.M, [5:3] 心』& I n坷阡jJ六旦疚心y £上招铲w
22. From Ibn Udhayna who said, CI heard Zurara saying from Abuja'far r貌 that .以o jjb ;切b
the obligatory acts were revealed one after the other until adherence to the
divinely vested authority (walaya) was the last of the obligations to come
down, when God revealed: 4 Today I have perfected your religion for you,
completed My blessing upon you, and chosen as your religion Islam: [total de-
J其f心口勺拼n从黎 a cji /习项上亍:J& ‘裁功/
V0ti0n G。如' >(S:3)) nen Abu
VOtlOn t0 Godi JaTar said, “God says: I will not send down
any other obligatory act after this.”' [5:3] 冷由dM*职心4)1 疽I晃拱码I心总“Ul勺I
23 ・ Fron)Hisham b. Salim, from Abu <Abd Allah 嘿 who said, % completion :澳 Jlii 夕 匚^5
of the blessing is entrance into Paradise? [5:3]
,硬月 olb Juu 阡 Jj'、:赤I 原
4 Abu 'Abd Allah •Amr b. Shimr al-Ju«fi a 】-
::ak nawho regularly cites from Jacfar al-
$adiq. ST gag
See Hilli, Khulasat al-aqiudl, 3,78(E E); ModaA,
,Tradition and Survival, .Rl溪:JJI户:JI5 ”瘪血蚌』芦杓白f也苛•”
5. The Feast

From Hariz,from Abu 0bd Allah 嘿;he said, cHe was asked about a dogbe-
longing to a Magian but is trained by a Muslim who pronounces God s name,
・ prey,,as
then sends it off to hunt. He replied, KYes, it can be trained* to catch
long as God's name is pronounced over it, there is no problem. [5:4]

25. From Abu Bakr al-Hadraml who said, ‘I asked Abu 'Abd Allah about the
game caught by falcons, hawks, panthers, and dogs. So he replied, "Do not
eat from the game of any of them without first making it fit for consump­
tion [in the prescribed manner], apart from dogs.” I asked, “What if it has
[already] killed it?” He replied, aYbu can eat it for God says: < [This includes] 急顼宾& 匕5少:零抽1坂声:JBSaG jld:cJ5
what you have taught your birds and beasts ofprey to catch, teaching them as
God has taught you, so eat what they catch for you, butfirst pronounce Gods
name over it. Be mindful of God.矿'[5:4]

26. From Abu 'Ubayda, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嚓? who was asked about a man
who dispatches a trained dog and pronounces the name of God before send­
ing it. He said, 'He can eat whatever he catches for him, even ifhe finds that
it has already killed it. However, ifhe finds another dog with him that has
not been trained then he cannot eat from his game?
I asked, 'What about [the game hunted by] hawks, falcons and eagles?'
He replied, 'If you are assured that it is fit for consumption then you can
eat it, but if you do not know whether it is fit fbr consumption, then do not?
I asked, 'So the panther is not the same as the dog?'
'No,' he replied, conly the hunting dog can be trained? [5:4]
27. From Ism如1 b・ Abi Ziyad al-Sakuni, from Ja'far b. Muhammad, on his
father's authority, from 01i 混 who said, 'The panther is among the beasts
ofprey; and wild dogs, if they are trained, are the same as greyhounds? [5:4]

28- From Sam^a b. Mihran, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嚓? who said, 'My father
used to issue rulings and we used to issue rulings, but we were apprehen-
Sive hawks.:Now, however
s】ve about the game caught by falcons and hawks however, we are no
ongerapprehensive, and their game is not permissible unless you know it
^~ fit*

4: — —
PtiOn :

--r — “235j UX11C

thiS iS in the 蛔of初嗅 that J

God said: £3
i[This includes] whatyou have taughtyour birdsand b\
and this refers to dogs? [5:4] - -------------- - M °fprey t0 Catch^

5. The Feast

From Zurara, from Abu <Abd Allah 嗥? who said, 'Apart from the game JA 为 D屋,瓯 W th ^jUl A j D也匏
caught by dogs, do not eat what is hunted by panthers, hawks and their
like, except what you have established to be fit for consumption, because &印步 q 匕5* :出毓!雌由成诙布旎公窈Y
God says: <( trained to hunt》-so aside from dogs, the game caught by
others must not be eaten unless its fitness for consumption has been estab­
lished? [5:4]

30. From al-Halabi, from Abu 'Abd Allah that it is mentioned in the book
of 'Ali f瘪 that God says:〈Except what you have taught your birds and
beasts ofprey to catch, teaching them as God has taught you 少-'and these Li #很夕:J& a,!)启、(亦1 ? 戒*出5侦9
are dogs? [5:4]
.况少£ J Y屋y京I *
31. From Jamil, from Abu 'Abd Allah「瘪 who was asked about the game that a
dog catches, and which a man leaves aside until it dies [of itself]? He replied,
4Yes, you can eat it, for God says:〈so eat what they catchfor you. y [5:4] 甜入-少匕j* :仙J&嗥WyK,乩黎朋好项尹杪・丫.
From Abu Jamila, from Abu Hanzala, on his authority about the game that a
dog catches and which is found by the man who then takes it, but it dies in
its hands - can he eat it?' He replied, "Yes. God says: #s。eat what they catch
for you. [5:4]

33・ From Abu Basir, us from” cuu

Abu 'Abd Allah r嗥
cuu ruiaii 奔! wno
who saia regarding the
said regarding the verse:
< [This includes] what you have taught your birds and beasts ofprey to catch,
.<女吐成歹:g4111 :J5
J” them
teaching " as God一 ,•has taught you, soeat t what they catchfor you, butfirst
pronounce God's name over 畛 cThere isi no problem with eating what the
dog has caught as long as the dog himself has not eaten thereof. Thus if the 2幺@山顼垢心顷£51。也1土项&,莪心^肱‘"功0^头^4以 -
dog has eaten from it befo;>re you get it, then do not eat it? [5:4]
• <发江工1 Cc质i少:JjL 4JJ4)13]〈产J &( js^i 2龙&巧净

任豹左弟匕5沁出品1芳密嗥岗4^户兄。少 ・w
.《心 湖旗5超归&成小炼。避渺

,XLJI尸 b
5. The Feast

From Rifaca, from Abu 'Abd Allah who said, 'The panther is included in .《瑟」^3夕功1 J&J [1)1 :JG <嗥 WqqI.rt
God's verse: < trained to hunt*: [5:4]

3S・ From Aban b. Taghlib who said, *1 heard Abu cAbd Allah 嗥! say, “Eat what y dA****l L 功U :JG 3 JU 苛.ro
the dogs catch for you, even if only a third of it remains.”' [5:4]

36. From Qutayba al-Acsha who said, Al-Hasan b. al-Mundhir asked Abu 'Abd
Allah about someone who sends a trustworthy man, either a Christian
or a Jew, in charge of his sheep. One of them is afflicted with something so j 上危| M:嘤 瑚血 a jL: a
he slaughters her and sells her. So Abu cAbd Allah said, aYbu should nei­
ther eat it nor include it [i.e. the proceeds] in your wealth, because it boils 焰 竣山I jl Olyvfli 顷
down to pronouncing God's name, and only a Muslim can be trusted to do
that.” 况缶,广丫尹0 j心*为诚' :嗥项仙
So a man asked Abu cAbd Allah while I was listening, “So where does
God's statement: 4 Thefood of the People of the Book is lawfulfor you^5'5^
come in?” So Abu cAbd Allah replied, "My father used to say that that refers
to grains and the like.”' [5:5] 匕匕以沁赤I Jy $ 成嗥0夕屈如
37. From Hisham b. Salim, from Abu 'Abd Allah ♦缨 regarding the verse of God,
Blessed and most High:《and theirfood is lawfulforyou.少 He said, 'Lentils,

grains, and other such things - meaning from the People of the Book? [5:5]

38. From Ibn Sinan, from AbucAbd Allah「瘪 who said: < So are chaste, believing
women* 一 "They are the Muslim women? [5:5] J—勺侦嗥川好寸苛'匚技也苛 .rv
39. From Mas'ada b. Sadaqa who reported, 'Abd Ja'far f貌 was asked about the
verse of God, most High 枷 well as chaste women of the people who were
given the Scripture before you. »G:s)He replied, “It has been abrogated by
\ and do not yourselves hold on to marriage ties with disbelieving
the verse ^and
women.夕(60:10),” [5:5] ja :JG戒必2才匕3伐展^ :J时貌/ly ql 次苛,rA

5. The Feast

From Abu Jamila, from Abu *Abd Allah 痛! who said regarding: < as well as X寻项' 也'3事' &顼荡(J (隰gl jp〈心*顼芋 £
chaste women ofthe
< people who were given the Scripture before you^ 'They
are the pure, virtuous ones? [5:5]

From the righteous servant [i.e. Imam Musa al-Kazim]. He said, 'We asked
him about His verse: ^as well as chaste women ofthe people who were giv­
en the Scripture before you 歹 一 who are they and what does it mean by their
being chaste? He replied, "They are the pure, virtuous ones from amongst . N5心 b g: 勺浪Uj cjA l«
their women.”' [5:5]

From eUbayd[a] b. Zurara who said, CI asked Abu 'Abd Allah (瘪 about the .it
verse of God, Mighty and Exalted: @The deeds of anyone who rejects faith
will come to nothing.歹 He replied, “It is to abandon those deeds through
which one's faith is attested, such as the abandonment of the prayer with­
out weakness or preoccupation.”' He said, 'So I asked him, “Are the grave
sins the worst of all transgressions?” He replied, aYes.w So I asked, “Are they
worse than abandoning the prayer?” He replied, “If he decidedly abandons .『:d底:JS 产i j即:』3:JI5
the prayer as having nothing to do with him, then it is included among the
seven [grave sins].”' [5:5] jK 2% 』J I3UJI5 寸:CJS
43- From Aban b, <Abd al-Rahmans who said, ‘I heard Abu 'Abd Allah f貌 say,
aAll it takes for a man to come out of Islam is for him to entertain an opinion
as opposed to the truth, and to hold fast to it." He said:〈 The deeds of any­
one who rejectsfaith will come to nothing*, and he said, “The one who rejects
faith is one who neither acts according to what God has commanded him
nor accepts it・'" [5:5]
w 0匕*撰?防》:Jis,以四3 皿J「北y
44- From Muhammad b. Muslim, from one of the two [Imams al-Baqir or al-
OT J? _ T
Sadiq], regarding God's verse::《The deeds of anyone who rejects faith will
come to nothing.夕 He said, “This is to abandon1 an action to the extent that
he gives it up in its entirety." He continued, wIncluded here is the one who it
deliberately abandons the prayer, not out of preoccupation or intoxication,
meaning sleep.w, [5:5] &义成以^用1以:* :甘让f孙w 5戒志旦或皿
Abo cAbd Allah Aban b. 'Abd al-Rahman al-Ba河 on
companion of imam jag 槌diq. see 曲需,:*膘3S;)皿响mation, was

S・ The Feast

oJub 3/由L:d旗嗥人侦皿小茂.

45- From,jabir,
一 , from Abu .Jacfar He said, ‘I asked him about the exegesis of
this verse:《The deeds ofanyone who rejectsfaith will come to nothing.夕(s“)
“It means the divinely vested authority of cAli 隰!,and in the Hereafter he g■方0 J5^少嚓由何为亨i[:J医]戒姓一=Od
will be of the losers.”' [5:5]

46. From Harun b. Kharija who said, ‘I asked Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥J about God's
verse: < The deeds ofanyone who rejectsfaith will come to nothing^. He said,
'So he replied, MIncluded in that is what Zurara and Abu Hanifa have de­ j—5^5夕点'E 嚓!!出EJ cJL :JI5 c奴)L ex 芋.
rived.^ [5:5]
)j\ 3jljj S*” l« dAl 5 &4: J应:JIS•玉匚i。匕c»
47. From Abu Bakr b. Hazm6 who said, 'A man performed the ablution (wudu")
and wiped over his socks, entered the mosque and started praying. At that •碎
moment 'Ali「瘪 came and stepped on his neck saying, “Damn you fbr pray­
ing without wudu^
So he retorted, KtUmar b. al-Khattab commanded me to do so?
He continued, 'So he, cAli, took him by the hand until they reached him
and he said, “Look what this man is saying against you” with a raised voice.
, X M

So he, 'Umar, said, aYes,I am the one who commanded him to do so. The
Messenger of God 嘴 wiped [thus].”
So he, CA11, asked, ^Before [the revelation of] The Chapter ofthe Feast or
after?” \ :JG SIaJuu j\ Sjjlll 也:JIS •&海 <d)l hl『
He replied, “I do not know.”
So he said, “Then how can you issue a ruling when you do not know?
The book countermands [wiping on] the socks.”' [5:6]

48- From al-Muyassar b. Thawba who said, 'I heard cAli 唳 < say, “The book
countermands [wiping on] the socks and the face veil.”' [5:6]
・潭pKii &S :以隰快成出Q侦Dw *
49- From Bukayr b. Ayan who said, fI asked Abu ‘Abd Allah 圈
:〈' You who believe, when you get up to pray ^s'6^
about His 电归郁I : Jbu 够:唳 4l)ly 必白5 :JI5 切1 Cx g. W •”
What does 'when
e:7lllfy the 籍段 replied,腿,ifsleep overcomes one^s hearing
ch an extent that he can no longer hear sounds.”' [s:6] *

6 Ab。Bakr b. Hazm al-Ansari, a dose

associate and companion of*Ali b. Abl TaHb. See
Khu7,Mu>w, 22:70 (nr. 13999).

® jCLJI "
5. The Feast

From Bukayr b. A>n, from Abu Ja^far regarding GodJs verse: < You who
------- / ■ .
仲棚血 应混的原3顶/ .0.
believe, when you get up to pray, wash yourfaces and your hands up»to the
elbows [...]夕 He said, *1 asked, “What does He mean 1byr that?” ”
He replied, , /如河疽L :3 :JIM &项d能欢角勾心&心〔
“From sleep.”' [5:6]

From Zurara, from Abn Ja'far 嗥 who said regarding God's verse: < You who Ji M 瓦换窗场队向E 4燎 K』/,彼w・。'
believe, when you are about topray, wash yourfaces and your hands up to the
elbows, and wipe a part ofyour heads and yourfeet [...]夕 G:6) cHe must not
leave any part ofhis face unwashed, nor must he leave any part ofhis hands
until the elbows unwashed? Then they both said, 'Wipe your heads and your
feet until the ankles. To wipe part of the head and part of the feet between
the ankles and the tips of the toes is sufficient? He said, 'So I asked, “May ・淄1 X

God make you prosper - where exactly are the ankles?” He replied, wRight
here, meaning the joint just below the leg bone.”' [5:6]

52. From Zurara and Bukayr b. A^an who said, ‘We asked AbuJ^far about the
wudu" of the Messenger of God 潺!,so he called for a vessel or a bowl filled
with water. Then he dipped his right hand into it, took a handful of water 卢p cLaIa :JIS 勺CxJ <4jjl ::J5
and poured it onto his forehead, and washed his face with that. Then he
dipped his left hand in and poured the water on his right arm, washing it
from the elbow to the hand without taking it back up to the elbow. Then he
dipped his right hand in and poured it onto his left arm from the elbow; and
did as he did with the right arm. Then he wiped his head and his feet with LU 澜衡 4)1 j 苛嗥! U W N& £(j^' 油J W •"
whatever was left on his palms, without taking any more water. Then he said,
"He did not slide his fingers under the strap [of his sandal].”' He continued, 〈<4气y 岛U S(3犬法I新尸& c儿V -力3’ 一
'Then he said, "God says:《You who believe, when you are about to pray, wash
yourfaces and your hands up to the elbows says:#《and wipe a
鼠 and then He says: b acIjS s 心1适Jp沙‘&*小新尸A f
part ofyour heads and yourfeet, up to the ankles. ><s:6)So if he wipes a part
ofhis head or a part ofhis feet between the sides of the ankles and the tips
•11 rv> •>
of the toes, it will suffice?,
They said, 'We asked, “May God make you prosper - where are the an-
儿早白 "b \ 己弓Cx*
He replied,aRight here, meaning the joint just below the leg bone."
So we asked him, “Is that where it is?”
He replied, “Separate to the leg bone - the ankle is lower than that.”

5. The Feast

So we said, “May God make you prosper -so a single handful is sufficient 以少' & 0 A’uM 也 l沁*1:JG f NG
for the face, and one for the arm?”
He replied, aYes, if you manage to wash them both, and two [handfuls]
caUp Ms? b豪任』峥#&项妄或火比!
will cover them all sufficiently.'" [5:6]
Wp*' D!皿 Cr* 苴 J』,蝇顶CtM J***?顼9
From Zurara who said, ‘I said to Ab。Ja新嘿,“Tell me about the area of
the face that must be washed in wudu" that God has stipulated?
步 匕泌 J共 mi <aLuP
So he said, uIhe face that God has commanded to wash, and which no
one should wash more or less than - for if he washes more than that he will b u 七苏 ,罗 j ex*,芋 “9
not be rewarded for it, and ifhe washes less, then he will be erring - is that
part which is covered by the index, the middle finger and the thumb, from
.dy 必顼i ji 顼i
the hairline until the chin, and what is covered by a span of two fingers en­
circling the side of the face. Anything else apart from that is not a part of
the face."
I asked, "Are the sideburns not part of the face?”
He replied, "No.”'
Zurara said, CI then said to Abuja*far 嗥,“Can you tell me from where
15、亍:JIS S0刘荔凫,竺』项&〈小心痍:皈
you know that? And also about wiping a part of the head and a part of the
feet?M .5丫 jUlr Jbli!顷 己趴
So he laughed and said, KZurara, the Messenger of God 裕 has said so,
the Book of God having revealed it thus from God, since God says: ^wash
yourfaces'^, so we know that the whole face needs to be washed. Then He
says: and your hands up to the elbows'^, so He juxtaposed the hands until
the elbows to the face, so we know that they must both be washed until the 奇 IJ&G)I
elbows. Then He departed from this statement saying: ^and wipe apart of
y°ur heads,, so we know from when He says "bi-ru^usikunC that a part of M *4^ 七心房<ij I’I ^JJI y!l:嗥! Jli
the head is to be wiped because of the insertion of bi. Then He juxtaposed
the feet to the head, just as He had done with the hands to the face, saying: lx* T 屋 yb Ojh L :&l al* jLo
< and your feet, up to the ankles.夕 So> we know from His juxtaposition of

them to the head that a part of them must also be wiped. - of
The Messenger ,兮项二*** 性如(J! c^Uias
God then explained all that for the people, but they lost it.
Then He says: ^and ifyou can find no water, then take somesome clean sand
clean sand •矽虫次上
and wipe a part ofyourfaces 夕 and juxtaposed it with: <( and your hands with
it.,So when he absolved the one who cannot find water
cannot find from wudu\
water from wudu^ He He *:J任矽1〃泰沙I:芬
replaced part of the washing with wiping, saying: ^apart ofyour faces*,
fhpn • 4 以〜 .leaning , c that sand, bee诚 He 盘:篇Z
> d

26 xv
5. The Feast 5XUJI

solid which would not flow on the face, as some of that soil will stick to part
of the palm and some will not.”' [5:6]
出询〈销亮 I 6 祉j 侦 混 S欢}I
54- From Zurara, from Abu Jacfar 混 who said, *1 asked how one should wipe
the head? He replied, wGod says: < and wipe apart ofyourheads^>, so that is
how you should wipe your head. However, were He to have said: 'wipe your
heads' {imsahu ru'usakuni), then you would have had to wipe the whole of
it."' [5:6]

小项芥冬50久仝: J困妇
.沪3(z 顷 4)1 J^jdAISc
"Jr—,匕 b"1 :JG f
cL>r^ 4*^1 仙 ' A 今砂 质《奖、^5* 也
dA)3 JI 以3 b M #七为» :J& f《夕展少:J& &N
・心、V?以 5 " 住 甘I

JUj 4)1 :JI5JI:klJS :J&(嘤 (ojljj M£

I * Jl5 枝# 展土,:j兄

ojCLJI 3
5. The Feast

From Safwan who said, ‘I asked Abu al-Hasan al-Rida「貌 about God's verse: ,«亮心e夕点i e苛嗥刁另土 U白l瑚qi* / .
4 wash yourfaces and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe a part ofyour
- • / 1

heads and yourfeet, up to the ankles.歹 So he replied, UA man had asked Abu

jL as:J旧效阳' Jl K■顼 J/J归七狎占备

al-Hasan [i.e. Imam al-Kazim] about that, so he had said, "The Chapter ofthe
Feast will suffice you or has sufficed you, meaning in wiping the head and 言11亨i〈皿心打尹 项宛四 : J旧勺dA) 3其嘿tl
the feet.”
So I asked, “But He has said: < wash your hands up to the elbows*, so how
must they be washed?” I瓜:JI5 SjJll琴 @项J'五j]・・・及盘吟:J6用:白5
He replied, “Like this - that the water should be taken in the right palm,
then poured into the left, then he must pour it onto the elbow, then wipe
down to the hand.”
So I asked him, "Just once?”
So he replied, “He used to do that twice.” ・成/* 以 5 jK : Jlii S 0^4 :』cJ5
I asked, aIt would [be enough to] reach the hair?”
He replied, “If he had more he would do so, but if not, then no.w, [5:6] jlSlSLJBS yuJI

56. From Muyassar, from Abujacfar 嗥? who said, lWudiC\3 only once.' He said,
'He described the ankle as being at the base of the leg? [5:6]

57. From 'Abd Allah b. Sulayman, from Abu Ja{far「瘪 who said, 'Shall I tell
you about God's Messenger's wudii'T We replied, 'Yes, please? So he took
.r 知I
a handful of water and poured it onto his face, then he took another hand­
ful [of water and poured it onto his face, then took another handful] and 功1 山少电目溟*J:J& :JI5 (喉J 4)1 JLP ・0V
poured it onto his right arm, then he took another handful and poured it
onto his left arm. 〜 'he wiped his head and his feet. Then he placed his

hand on the back of his foot and said, 'This is the back of the foot, and not
.t .. .

the ankle; pointing to the Achilles,tendon. [5:6] <<v4 JSj 4-vulj U**4.(厂J、,站圮 由 Jai 成f
58. In another narration on his1 authority he said, 'until the Achilles, tendon? ・ 4-^1 泰J 4。七 jUlj jA I JIA ohJU {(知I/由
Then he said, 'This is the shin-bone and not the ankle? [5:6]

・顼敏gt?,卯以3〉: J旧cyA为如心勺J山

5. The Feast 3XLJI 尸"

From CAH b. Abi Hamza who said, ‘I asked Abu Ibrahim「貌[i.e. Imam Musa 必硕幅¥ AD切* E苛矿侦典&L :d& a白•苫s •
al-Kazim] about God's verse: < You who believe, when you are about to pray,
** , ,
wash yourfaces andyour hands up to the elbows, and wipe a part ofyour heads
and yourfeet, up to the ankles.夕 So he replied, wGod speaks the truth.”
So I asked, "May I be your ransom - how should one perform wudu^n .4)1 &X/? : JIaS
He replied, “Each part twice."
I asked, "Should he wipe [twice too]?” dJuo- :cJ5
He replied, “Each part once.”
So I asked, 'Just the once with water?”
He replied, wYes.w
I asked, “May I be your ransom - what about the feet?” 3
He said, “Wash them both once.”' [5:6]
:cJ3 :J&
6o. From Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Khurasani who, without mentioning his
source, cited: 'A man came to the Commander of the Faithful and asked
him about wiping over the socks, so he kept his gaze down to the ground for
a while then looked up and said, ‘0 man, God, Blessed and most High, has 勺B* *&乂心必:琴
commanded His servants with purification, and has divided this between
his limbs. So He kept a part of it [i.e. purification] for the face, a part of it fbr ,又乙:J&
the hands, a part of it fbr the head, and a part of it fbr the feet. If your socks
form a part of these limbs, then wipe over them? [5:6]

61. From Ghalib b. al-Hudhayl7 who said, 'I asked Abu Ja'far about God's
verse:《and wipe apart ofyour heads andyourfeet, up to the ankles,- is this Sg4jjl Aa l: Jlli 3V(J(5沙& 由 ^*11
downwards or upwards?' So he replied, 'No, it is downwards? [5:6]
Jjo-j cLx^j j 4>^1)

b 匕(Lj^2J 4JU Ja>*J J

圾土* :(jm创西芋混乒守U EiL :J& <上励白uic芋.i\

7 Abu al-Hudhayl Ghalib b. al-Hudhayl al-Asadi,
was;"- about whom there is scant information,
:famous poet and companion ofMuhammad al-Ba<
9273). ~ jqir. See Khul, Mu'jam, 14:238 (nr.

,顶J oJ,3*。*
5. The Feast

From cAbd Allah b. Khalifa, otherwise known as al-'Arif [or Abu al-'Anf]
■ ■ — r 〜一__—.
7 隰由 ci!。狗功「6 :J& 疽么 3创
al-Makrani al-Hamadani who said, *Ibn al-Kawwa stood up in the presence
of'Ali r瘪 and asked him about wiping over the socks. So he said, 'Ybui are 拱特侦食:W义房血yd?皿勺海I归N
asking me despite the Book of God? God says: < You who believe, when you
3 A
- ・ ,■

., wash yourfaces andyour hands up to the elbows^ and wipe

to pray,
y ・.
I m3瑚姒渺萍Q吟蛎乙网心&心I Ji /可

apart ofyour heads and yourfeet, up to the ankles.冷'So he stood' up> a sec­
ond time and asked him the same thing, so he replied the same thing to him ,应1°心心史以5, Q匕己J旧
three times, reciting this verse to him each time? [5:6]

63. From al-Hasan b. Zayd, from Ja'far b. Muhammad, that 'All went against I aw、冲1项J涅’33"瘪苛与
the majority in their opinion of wiping over the socks during the rule of
,Umar b. al-Khattab. They said, 'We have seen the Prophet 嘴 wiping over
由 : JIS,券L•格 jL 映 y 以U 3 /J#& Jrdll
the socks? He said, *So 'Ali 部 replied, "Before the descent of The Feast or
after it?' So they replied, cWe do not know? He said, 'Well I do know that the
Prophet stopped wiping over the socks when the Chapter of the Feast was
revealed. For me, wiping on the back of a donkey is better than wiping over
socks!' And he recited this verse: < You who believe, when you are about to
pray, wash yourfaces and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe apart ofyour I 以尹己必么^ Jt 口 £,寸I 刘J
heads andyourfeet, up to the ankles.[5:6]

64. From Zurara who said, 'I asked Abu Ja'far 嗥 about tayammum (dry ab-
lution). So he said, KcAmmar b. Wsir came to the Prophet 嘴 and said, ‘I
AA>- \)\ j
entered into the state of major impurity and did not have any water? So he
asked, 'So what did you do?' He replied, 'I removed my clothes, then rolled
around in the sand? So he said, 'That is what donkeys do. What God has 倾 *(J6 S jC^ L 七二・;9 uJiS***::Jlsi
said is: < thenfind some clean sand and wipe yourfaces and hands with it. yn
He continued, 'Then he struck both his hands together on the earth, then A己沁g 源 J& 由oUU 1 y 曲 SJL^I Jp K f
wiped one hand over the other on the back of the hand, starting with the
• 1 . 1 r
right.' [5:6]
b f cL-p*.
65. ____ ..ssup
From Zurara, ffrom AbU Ja'far r貌 who said, 'God has made washing the face
and the two arms obligatory as well as wiping the head and the feet. So whe:
• •电刀&/"义.略.房妇di 另**心!
it came to si '
situations involving travel, sickness and lack .一 ,
[of water], God zab-]
•。•一 _L,- 1 • •
solved us of washing and prescribed wiping instead of washi 〜、“ y

-〜 -----------_ing, saying:
ajoumev, or hasjust
any ofyou is sick or on ajoumey, 赤瞄函 himself,
切”relieved xm or - had intimate
» »•••
3顷*UN 4^1^jJji41)1 可:Jis〈嗥力J苛•*

34 To
S. The Feast

contact with a woman, and canfind no water, then take some clean sand and 步匕^ [匕盘万%j比A声诩沁J国d* Rjl
wipe apart ofyourfaces and your hands with it. y [5:6]

66. From Zurara, from Abu JaTar 滨?,regarding His verse: < God does not wish
toplace any burden on you in religion - "The burden is the constraint? [5:6]

67. From 'Abd al-A(la, the protege of Al Sam, who said, *1 asked Abu 'Abd
Allah 混,“I fell over and my nail got cut off, so I put a poultice on my finger. ・&•小变鸟P]#占a*沁圳
How do I do wudu" for prayer?,} So he 涟? replied, uYbu know that this situ­
ation and its like are in the Book of God, Blessed and most High: # God does
not wish to place any burden on you in religion. [5:6]

68. From Abu Basir, from one of the two [Imams al-Baqir or al-Sadiq] that the IAa J :嗥! 乂项 可 顷*4 小山*4"
head of [the Abbasid Caliph] al-Mahdl would be gifted to Musa b. {Isa on a
plate. So I said, 'But are not this one and the other one already dead?'
He replied, 'God has said:〈go into the holy land which God has ordained
foryou^, whilst they were not the ones to go into it but rather their chil-
dren went in? Or he said, "Their grandchildren; and that counted as their
entrance therein.
Then I asked, 'So do you consider that what he said about al-Mahdi and 侦IAa项弟工必:cJS .次小
Ibn <IsS will transpire in the same way as this?' So he replied, 'It will happen
with their children?
I asked, 'Do you not deny though that what he says about Ibn al-Hasan
「一 E …-
[i.e. the Twelfth Imam] could equally refer to his children?, He replied, .m院—山1 : 项—山\1早f?
that is not the same as this case.> [5:21]
:SI Aa 乒 (jj cf (J JK 0却 J cfJ j':cMi

5. The Feast

69. From Hariz, from one of his associates, from Abu Ja(far who said, The
Messenger of God 镭 said, “By the One Who holds my soul in His grasp,
you will definitely embark upon practices of the people who preceded you, 必蚤饵辿询少Wb cM;妃,阡或/ £/3。七
treading in their shoes and doing exactly as they did, such that neither will
you miss a step on their path nor will the tradition of the Children of Israel ・上?>! &仁 料& 少
evade you.”'
Then Abuja'far said, 'Musa said to his people: people, go into the 汶之M项上31》:守)「缪史3 :嘤 项
holy land which God has ordainedforyou so they retorted to him, and
were six hundred in number.《They said, aMusd, there is afearsome people in O匕4初” :函uji 通够顷只夕& cX
this land. We will not go there until they leave. Ifthey leave, then we will enter.”
Yet two men whom God had blessed among those who were afraid^s'22~'23^ jg潴另_^携§«虹皂虹运i?-5-争心g与j次尊
-one was Yushac b. Nun and the other Kalib b. Yafana? He said, 'They were
both his cousins.《They said: uGo in to them through the gate and when you 二•列,另Lx 屎心《久顷与1E匕^ :事5? oSCrj
go in you will overcome them. Ifyou are true believers, put your trust in God.n
They said, uMusd} we will never enter while they are still there, so you and your D侦尖冬3 bG 史话焰31少N国一归捻内出—旦
Lord go in andfight, and we will stay here.”* (5:23-24),
He continued, 'Forty thousand people rebelled, whilst Harun, his two .q 甘 LSaIa 耸为 :板
sons, Yusha* b. Nun and Kalib b. Yafana submitted. So God called them dis­
obedient people' saying: ^Do notgrieve over those who disobey. >(5:26) 一 Lil 3 cJ垣 Lx 己—3 o切b )—liJI 或“ :JG
So they wandered aimlessly for forty years because they rebelled, and
€ ., 々 一 /

history repeated itself in the same way when the Messenger of God 廷 / ,,:J国.4jjl
passed away - no one adhered to God's command apart from 'Ali, al-Hasan,
al-Husayn, Salman, Miqdad and Abu Dharr, and they had to wait forty years 4jjl/I 卜4jjl JjuJt 妃廿、
unti卜Ali rose up to fight those who opposed him? [5:21-26]

7。. From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abuja<far and Abu
址■声修"西?项弟"列均由 Y
Abd Allah, peace be 叩 on them both, who said about His verse: 4 My people
'Abd .(乂JI
% 诫气e holy land which God has ordainedfor you^, 'He did ordain it for
them, then cancelled it.' [5:21]


5, The Feast ®XLJI 5

71. From Abu Basir who said, Abd 'Abd Allah c貌 said to me, “The Children of 玄vg盼神出兴M &『U惭*呻项JG :出〈兄顼W
Israel were commanded to enter the holy land, but they did not enter it until
God Himself forbade it to them and their children, and it was their grand­ .击y心以心修加局捻奶上&卢#二敏
children who actually entered it.”' [5:21]

72. From Ismail al-Jucfi, from Abu 'Abd Allah 瀑J. He said, 'I said to him, “May
God make you prosper 一《go into the holy land which God has ordainedfor
7。〃夕(5:2i)- had He originally ordained it for them?” He replied, <cYes, by
God, He had originally ordained it for them, then it became obvious to Him
that they would not enter it.”' He narrated, "Then he resumed [the conver­
sation] saying, "The prayer was [originally] two units with God, having or­
dained it for the traveller thus, and He added two more units for the resident,
making them four units.”' [5:21]

73- From Mas'ada b. Sadaqa, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 that he was asked about vr
God's verse: (go into the holy land which God has ordainedforyou.夕 He said,
'He ordained it for them and then cancelled it. Then He ordained it for their <1^上玉 ^>\^1 cbt/ :J6 戒5 同
children who entered it, and《God erases or confirms whatever He wills, and
the source ofthe Scripture is with Him.夕(13:39^ [5:21] .(I Al)

74- From,Ali b. Asbat, from al-Rida He said, ‘I said to him, "The people of
Egypt allege that their land is holy.” Q切 J 墓气 JaI J) :a) :JG ”瘪匕JI 』JJ 3 申芋 .vt
He replied, “And how is that?” X /

I replied, aMay I be your ransom - they claim that seventy thousand peo­ CJ130*: cJ5 :JG
ple will be resurrected within their mountains and be made to enter Para­
dise without accounting.”
So he said, “No, by my life, it is not like that. It was only when God was
angry withQ the Children
k ‘ of"-Israel that He made themi enter Egypt, and not M Uj cdAl U Y :J国
until He was pleased with them that He took th-
em out of it and into another
land. God had indeed revealed to Musa 1
to take YUsuf's bones out of there
__ 一 一~

too. So Musa asked around fbr someone who might know th-
3 W3
十 sy J>! mi uJ 心无3 件”]M 件注0 %
- „ie whereabouts
of the grave, and he was directed to a 1" ,
blind and chronically incapacitated
woman. So Musa asked her to show him, but she refused unles:
D换 & 嗥i 守丁 j (虹 gX- 5 (号1
. —--viuvzvi umuss it "was m
return for two things fbrfor which he could supplicate to God: fbr Him to re-
move her chronic incapacity and for Hi
尹T :6^圭^ Y J& 上 3"瘪 b>* 口房 2顷 jV4' J J工
- , ------m to grant her the same rank as him
in Paradise beside him.

5・ The Feast

Musa thought that was too much, but God revealed to him: 'What is too 卢V 浏效)如(J皂"I3 心冷9 ‘也比.
much here? Give her what she is asking fbr?
So he did, and she arranged to meet him at moonrise. :SI :妲!4)1 "策
God held the moon at its rising until Musa came to his appointment. So
she took it out of the Nile in a casket made of marble and Musa carried it 4 li 2坨4 g 虹 <Ja,厂疝 4) I 渺?
He continued, 'Then he said, “The Messenger of God 槽 said, 'Do not ,sy 足攵尤*J 均 Cf
eat from earthenware pots from there [i.e. Egypt], nor wash your heads with
its clay, for it engenders disgrace and takes away one's selErespect."" [5:21-
命勿虾为知囱d诚^:其嘴b Ju 如吁5
75- From al-Husayn b. Abi al-'Ala*, from Abu 'Abd Allah (瘪;he said, 'He was
talking about the people of Egypt, and he mentioned Mg's community
and their saying: ^you and your Lord go in andfight, and we will stay here.少 务,上 JaI夕:J5 ’隰 J / *州顼 3 0^1苛 ・
(5:24)So God forbade it to them for forty years and made them wander aim­
lessly. When night fell and they set about on their journey, they called out: ajj I导•少^ 匕4魅丹炎匕2 已、J-jtSG »喉! by
“On our way! Let us go!” They continued thus until the sun set, and they
had emigrated and found a level plain to settle in. God told the land, “Move :旭 sULaJI 5幻<^***** p.g」。
them around so that they remain wandering thus,” [and they wandered] un­
til the early hours of the morning when they said, “This is water that we
have come to, so lefs alight.” When they woke up in the morning they found
themselves in the same dwellings and settlements that they had been in the
previous day. So they said to each other, "0 people, you are lost and have
b』观以约12卢廿ifj? :3办 W制出E
mistaken the way!" and they continued thus until God allowed them to en­ I斗^j5 pIIIIAa J):臾<^ai\ 7
ter it, having originally ordained it for them? [5:24]

76. From Dawud al-Raqqi who said, 'I heard Abu 'Abd Allah say, “How
blessed the land of Sham is but how 1bad are the people who ixwlucic
how bad the country of Egypt is - indeed,. it is aj.—
live there.. ruiu
for- vxAwoVz
・"必眼心弄£衬mi gi参ajK[贬
——s—. a vj IXk^All Kjuj
w… :一i— i
j * -
was displeased with, and the Children of Israel being made to settle there
Em fbr
was J no二 other
土二 reaSon than their displeasing Him and rebelling against U : JIS (JJI 习I:芋 ・ VI
7wi, because
God, uddust vjuq said:《
God said: 〈go into tthe
— holy landw J

which God has ordained for


j/0Z4»(5:2i), meaning Sham. However, they refused

in Egypt and its desert lands 厂 ,
… .** \ to enter it and wandered ,乂pi<早^1 <「园|
aimlessly for forty years. Then they entered it
after forty years:' He continued, 只 ” Their1 leaving
enter into Sham was only after thei:
• - Egypt and being madetO

r repentance and God's satisfaction with

:JI5 4)1 的岳 件4知*j以&,!号 羔顷! &山*击"

5. The Feast 3 jJLJI s

them.” He added, “Indeed I hate eating anything that has been cooked in * b心弧g J慎t m #〈却匕筮1宙M 1^31少
earthenware pots from there, nordo Hike washing my hair with its clay for
fear that its earth will engender disgrace in me and take away my self-re- • J gJ知虹,姐国q 4:j mJ j
spect.”’ [5:21-24]
From Ibn Sinan, from Abu 'Abd Allah 潺! who said with respect to God's
verse:《go into the holy land which God has ordainedforyou ^»(5:21\ cHe knew #ij j^j>i 2 * 加言 (j 招b 侦 J 疝 Q!:嗥
that they would rebel and wander the land for forty years, and that they
would subsequently enter it after His having forbidden it to them.' [5:21]

From Hisham b. Salim, from Habib al-Sijistani, from Abu Jacfar who said,
‘When the two sons ofAdam offered a sacrifice and it was accepted from one 湖匕m篇6焰小q w 凛项苛qj功(Z ・VV

and not the other - it was accepted from Habil and not from Qabil - an in­
tense jealousy overcame him, and he bullied Habil, continuously ambushing <J询项。系^2 W §商:J&双5用
him and trying to corner him on his own until he managed to get him away
from Adam. Then he pounced on him and killed him?
He continued, 'So when Adam came to know of Habifs murder, he
grieved over him intensely and a deep sorrow overtook him? He said, ‘So
he complained to God ofit and God revealed to him saying, “I will grant you
a son to take Habifs place.'”
He continued, 'So Hawwa1 gave birth to a pure and blessed son, and on 上& C/ b 山摘 : -V Cr4 城』
the seventh day Adam named him Shlth. Then God revealed to Adam, KThis
boy is indeed a gift from Me to you, so call him Hibat Allah [lit. the gift of 梦蚤上0卢由么小少pQ 以3 〃丛。一
God].”' He said, 'So he named him Hibat Allah?
He continued, (So when the end ofAdam's life drew near, God revealed
&成 Ajjlbl J5 U j氏(4^ 少 4^ 了盘芋 lS>cX4 A)
to him, "0 Adam, I will cause you to die and take your soul up to Myself
on isuch and' such day,' so make a bequest to the best of your offspring, who
is the gift that I bestowed upon you. Bequeath him and pass on to him the
Names that We have taught you, including the Greatest Name. Place this in a ^3:JIS H 丛习J缶q 区 呼 彷出榛户 p平 5:
casket for indeed I wish for My earth never to be devoid of a knowledgeable
—2 who knows My knowledge and can rule with My judgement,, whom I
one :J& . ja dA!qX "节以乙心心’:姒W 出3 aIjI J»!
designate as My proof over My creatures.”'
He <continued, * 'So
"■ Adam gathered all his offspring together, men and
A D ―O*
T忠湖bjZ c为QT心M ,成匚氐能妹3顶
women, and « said to 兀
;ri s …“My
them, m. children,
mJ . God __ revealed
- : :has 提 to me that He
is going to take my soul up to Himself and has commanded me to make a
.Ajjl : J6 <4)1 3 4^3 出&勺IAa 同
bequest to the best of my offspring and that this is Hibat Allah, for God has

5. The Feast 34jUJI "

chosen him for me and you all after me. Listen to him and obey his com- 利 ,湿"瓦k,to 顷:JG
mandjorhe is my vicegerent and successor over you"
So they all said, “We will listen to him and obey his command, and we 碑卜9,姒!占。圳史豹J瓦I瓦ji
will not oppose him.”'
He said, 'So he asked fora casket and did as he was supposed to. Then he #、浏 A*'浏 Q舟 JiWi ,卢3 4勺I b 山 d u
placed his knowledge, the Names, and the bequest therein, and transmitted
it to Hibat Allah and commissioned him with it, saying to him, Be mindful,
Hibat Allah. When I die, wash me, shroud me, pray over me and place me in
my grave. When forty days have passed after my death take all my bones out 4Jjl Ci)侄奶 I :衬 J底 J卜JI b姒!(侦:JG
of my grave, gather them and place them inside the casket. Guard it carefully
and do not entrust it to anyone else. When your own death approaches and g qi ajIj 心 浏 Q/b 侦刀硕品 3!
you begin to sense that inside yourself, then take the best of your children,
the one who is your closest companion and the most virtuous one of them 侦施(勺」项少b』项"1^'^」*5 &® D幻匕^ 41)1
all from before, and bequeath him in the same way that I bequeathed you.
Do not ever leave the earth devoid of a knowledgeable man from amongst • 与(Oy«l (A)^>-q :bu4t*
us, the people of this household.
My son, God - Blessed and most High - sent me to earth and made ijb 口! 4j«3D矽4^lc> /& :JG
me His ambassador on it and His proof over all His creatures. So I have be­
queathed you by God's command, and I have designated you a proof of God J*衣 4(3^^ 渺4^* iZ-*4 W 4Jb L *j1 :』(Jl5j dA)3 旭
over all His creatures on His earth after me. So do not leave this world with­
out first leaving behind a proof of God and a vicegerent. Hand the casket and
its contents over to him just as I have done unto you. Inform him that there
will come a man from my progeny by the name ofNuh, whose prophethood I3U<^lc- ^jUlr M 词 cO^jWI 旭
will experience flood and drowning. Whoever boards his ship will be saved
and whoever lags behind will drown. Make a bequestbequest to your heir
to your to safe-
heir to safe- dAJ 即气为』4)j 另^ 5*盗(dl«^ 匕0 土 d
guard the casket and its contents, and that when his time______
of deathi approach-
es, to make a bequest to the best, most responsible and most virtuous ofhis 片勺I %竺己已 I Ujii cdAJS J-5 #心
cz~tz:. over to him. Every
children to him, and to hand the casket and its contents
八 making a bequest
heir should, in turn, place his will in the casket, each one
tt0 而-1 one ahr"-him. And whoever lives to see the prophethood ofNuh must
boJirfl thp A rlr Ti/if-k L:~- —」-- , •
board the Ark with him and carry the casket with all its J 4)4^ c 1^3 AlaJtf*- ^Lo-j MiJjl^ 4A)I 旻任 *
------ 】contents onto it, and
none must lag behind it.
Hibat Allah and my children, bewa:re of the wretched Qabil and his off- 决 c(^Jju 4^>jl jj 由 4JJ 刁 caI)Iy»t 以二}^JJ山妮
spring, fbr you have seen what he did t_
to your brother Habil, so be on your 。 **
guard against him and his offspring. Do
4_L — , x —o. ~ J not marry them, nor mingle with
them. Hibat Allah, you and your brothers and sisters should live at the top (尖! &*<站y 卜^导刃宕川善寻Wb渺

5. The Feast

of the mountain far away from him and his children, and let the wretched
Qabil and his children live at the foot of the mountain.1
He continued, cSo when the day came when God had informed him that
he would die, Adam prepared himself for death and yielded before it. He
said, cThe Angel of Death descended upon him, so Adam said, “O Angel of 姒!户9 2 心 A 尸2 奶 好 A
Death, let me declare my faith and glorify my Lord for what He has done
for me before you take my soul." Then Adam said, “I bear witness that there 汶 A 9)由务缶J回孔妇 &
is no god but God alone without any partner, and I bear witness that I am
God's servant and His successor on His earth. He brought me into being out
of His Grace and created me with His own Hand when He has not created
any other creature apart from me with His Hand and blew His Spirit into me. U 户b 上乌 V 尸9 Ijb
Then He beautified my form, not having made any other creature like me
before. Then He made His angels prostrate before me and taught me all the Ajjl I CUlM cojJjj djj
Names when His angels did not know them. Then He let me reside in His
garden, not having designated it as a permanent abode or a dwelling place.
He had actually designed me to live on earth for the destiny and plan that
He had willed, and He had decreed all that before He even created me. So
I went along with His decree and His destiny, and executed His command. > t
Then He forbade me from eating from the tree, but I disobeyed Him and ate dAU I :「j JIas dAU
from it, but He steadied me after my slip, and pardoned me my sin - so for
all the bounties that I have, to Him is due the kind of praise that would com-
plete His satisfaction with me:” He said, 'Then the Angel of Death took his
soul, may God's blessings be upon him?
Then Abu Ja(far said, Jibril descended with his shroud, his embalmment,
and an iron shovel? He He continued,
continued, Seventy
"Seventy thousand angels also
thousand angels also descend-
descend- jb 虺占如 p项* o b 2七 (J
ed with Jibril to attend the funeral of Adam He said, 'So Hibat Allah
______________ , — ▼ 4

washed him, and Jibril shrouded him and embalmed him, then said, “Hibat gpy (jJcj 北IQ"心j*f
Allah, come forward, pray over your father and perform twenty-five takblr
over him." So he 1血
laid down Adam's bier, and Hibat Allah came forward with
三_______ 1 • • , -
Jibril standing to his right and angels behind them both. Then he performed
, - -----------3山.xiicu nt performed
the prayer over him and twenty-five takblr, and Jibril and
twentv-five talchir 一」」the angels fol­ kil) 3 (jrvXJIj ,项/业 旦9
lowed suit. Then they dug a grave fbr him with the iron shovel and lowered
him into 1his' grave. Jibril then said, "Hibat Allah, this is what you must do
fnr your deceased
for a "
j ones from now onwards, and may the peace, mercy and
二c®山 I JST 5 J) W F Aibj 乩左ci ,专& 5
blessings of God be upon you all, people of the household.”'
■____ -1 厂, .

5, The Feast

Abd Ja'far continued saying, 'Then Hibat Allah led his fhther s children 1队(^4 甘由 Q*'疝,安■/ 4 己匕 cj$5
in obedience to God and according to what his father had bequeathed him,
and he stayed away from the children of the wretched Qabil. When Hibat . 4^ aII 4刃 0^1.1 dlL >(Jp A)
Allah's time of death approached he made a bequest to his son, Qaynan, and
handed the casket with its contents, Adam's bones and Adam's will over to <3 Jj t阳(y^j^ B:。象 Jlii
him, and said to him, “Ifyou are the one to witness Nu^s prophethood then
follow him and carry the casket with you onto his Ark and never lag behind 4jJL*j:JG (珍^砂0-虹/1^ ilU JJja£> u Jjj
him, fbr the flood and the drowning will take place during his prophethood.
Whoever boards his Ark will be safe and whoever lags behind will drown.”' O* 富3 <cty & Jlflj c4
c4jjl :J6 (姐七
ji a-a il :ji5^ c顽
He continued, 'So Qaynan executed Hibat Allah's will and led his broth­
ers and his father's children in obedience to God.' He said, "And when the
time of Qaynan^ death drew near, he bequeathed his son MahlaJil and
handed the casket, its contents and the will over to him. Mahla'il then ex­ 匕1^<诲义b D*)顷以# lX/^j c
ecuted Qaynan^ will and followed in his footsteps. When Mahla^Ks death
drew near, he bequeathed his son, Yarid, and handed the casket with all I J^b,<dj1 i»A I (JI5 F c4T/i>-妈 F col^c^Jkb 4)

its contents and the will over to him, and told him of the advent of Nuh^
prophethood. When the time fbr 也rid to die drew near, he bequeathed his ・ OxJI ^*1^- 4j1$j*j 4JJI 4^-
son, Akhnukh, who is Idris [Enoch]. He handed the casket with all its con-
tents and the will over to him, and Akhnukh executed Grid's will. When his J^P& 40^1 oL^jl lc^ <4jjl 4pQd 4-^1 (j <dj( 4Jb :C^jz!! yUL>-y\
end drew near, God revealed to him that, aI am lgoing
" to take you up to the
w fr A
heavens, and take your soul in the heavens. So makej a bequest to your son < jL3 <CjI A 面 I <jb oUj 场〈山& 为出 I *a)j
Kharqasil.M Kharqasil executed Akhnukh^ will. When death came to him,
he bequeathed his son, Nuh, and handed the casket with all its contents and c4jujli B:』J^L9 "我^ (「'I (<3 Uj
the will over to him?
(J USj 汶 G须 应(J &§ % c^i(J o^tJi
.(jU 41P 序

Z s

书加[应 <4^!ij a3 y 5已1 ji H J!住? & 明

硕"j <*,。1(S\ c9<^,町为火** 2y^"场 <4/7 Q履 J”

J>[白小岂,喝 OysA> 邙 C^y 说(J 硕(c4r<^b L ■勺


5. The Feast 3XLJI 尸 b

He continued, 'The casket remained with Nuh until he carried it with

him on his Ark, and when death approached Nuh, he made a bequest to his
son Sam and handed the casket with all its contents and the will over to him?
Habib al-Sijistani said, 'Then Abu Ja'fkr's account stopped there?
[5:27-32] &叫宕少顷,预"上上声fa以! “01

79- From Abu Hamza al-Thumali, from Abu Ja'far r袈•' who said, When Adam .3 L甘j心弟少』卜mJ灼占史i
ate from the tree, he was sent down to earth. Then Habll was born to him
with his twin sister. Then Qabil was born with his twin sister. Thereafter 潦小 &羽I O场 <Kii (J 4a^ 必&>■ JdP Jy 卢:Jfi
Adam commanded Habll and Qabil both to offer a sacrifice. Habil owned X

sheep, and Qabil owned crops. So Habil offered a ram from among the best
of all his sheep, whereas from his crops, Qabil offered that which was not
good enough to bring into his own house. So Habifs sacrifice was accept­
ed, and Qabifs was not, and this is as per God's statement: < [Prophet], tell
them the truth about the story ofAdam's two sons: each ofthem offered a sacri­
fice, and it was acceptedfrom one and not the other. One said, UI will kill you, K勺以!以嘉f叉前瑚4嗥J^r侦/ d剧分gb ・VI
but the other said, uGod only accepts the sacrifice of those who are mindful of
Him”.夕 多 The sacrifice was consumed by fire, so Qabil went to the fire and 山号出Ia/I f灌(打?如出G乌F (如 』妙
built a house for it, and he is the first to have made buildings to house fire.
He said, "I will indeed worship this fire until my sacrifice is accepted.” b c-*>- j E奂 浏
Then Iblis, God's enemy, and the one who courses in man's blood in his
very veins, came to him and said, “0 Qabil, HabiKs sacrifice has indeed been
accepted and yours has not; and if you leave him [alive] he will beget off-
5?谬哆豌犯顶曰匕事阮 &也小上辿顶筋
_ ■ - -0 —

who will boast over your offspring saying, 'We are the sons of the one
1 1
whose sacrifice was accepted whilst you are the sons of the one whose sacri-
fice was rejected? So kill him so that he does not b<
eget any children to boast jUl J1 && q 如I志j中阻陌I < 匕崩
over your children.” So he killed him.

• &侦3^修r顷。乙。心勺:J旧况I &.#顶豹尬4凑
:』JIa5 c&/)lj fjJI 盘功 Cr* 版若由 e"朋 5*口以!
bjjyju L--AP 4)d^4jSy u[dJolj cdlilJ 3 也富 j侦 玉也典

(5^痘&网日J(^jJI夕捻cAil^ J^aj小圳。成成丹?歹渔
5. The Feast

When Qabll returned to Adam, he asked him, aQabIl, where is 耳我bil?”

So he replied, “Look fbr him where we offered our sacrifice.M
蛤W徐也':J屋,山魅cJ山& IM J5 ‘A亳!山15 B
So Adam rushed there and found Habil killed, so Adam said, “Cursed
be this earth that accepted the blood of Habil/ and he wept for Habil for
山Ia卜cli瓦户项〃夬:卜口成,汩上y;(瓦如& QI顶I
forty nights.
Then Adam asked his Lord for a son, and a boy was born to him whom
he named Hibat Allah because God had gifted him to him along with his
项I勺 出』JLa/^T 3、^
twin sister. So when Adam's prophethood came to an end and his days were
coming to a close, God revealed to him, ^Adam, you have completed your
苏「4! W制bl旎乙b "象「盘* 墨
prophethood and your days are coming to an end. Leave behind with your
son Hibat Allah the knowledge that is with you, along with the faith, the
Greatest Name, the heirloom of knowledge and the legacy of the knowledge
of prophethood for your children after you, for indeed I will never cut off
the knowledge, the faith, the Greatest Name, and the legacy of the knowl-
edge ofprophethood from your progeny after you until the Day ofResurrec-
tion. Nor will I ever leave the earth devoid of a knowledgeable man through
3* ® 太顷I y j切牛两卢*1仁刈
J -----------

whom My creed and My obedience may be known, and to be a source of

safety for whoever is bom betweeni your and Nuh.
time and Nuh.ww
. u^j山ii皓也。返<孝也A)鸟志 < 劳aj 8免'伊寸!
your time
He gave Adam the good news of Nuh saying, “Indeed God will send
down a jprophet

' called Nuh who will call xpeople
, —J—6
vjuvj win dCllU
towards God, but who will wm 尖 qi 〃■应 卬匕巩 mi 涅 Jfij(云/E
be rejected by his community. So God will destroy them with the flood.”
n- were ten fathers ,between Adam
There 一 ; Nuh, all ofwhom were prophets.
Adam bequeathed to Hibat Allah that ends up meeting him from
whoever ends
to Hibat Allah that whoever
• 词 b jl 4jjl
among you all should have faith in him, follow him,, and
一」attest to him, and
he will be saved from drowning. Then Adam 侦 y LQIW11 111 W1LH t
was taken ill with the sickness JIaS 4jI c/L/,
that would cause his death, so he sent fbr Hibat Allah and said
————*•*•*»* uxxw oajiJ tO hllTX, if
xrrxn ■ *
you meet Jibril or any of the other angels, pass on my greetings ofpeace, and
say to him, ‘0 Jibril, my father would like to present you the fruits of Para­ cr4匹¥7寸斗Ji竹l :』Jb 乂JI孝°贝 涣刈〃 2
dise as a gift.'”
So Jibril replied, aHibat Allah, your father has [ Y叱、cUc 4)1顷山宾 j5邪句点I勺侦岳 JW .站Ijlc
ings be upon him, and passed away, God's bless-
-」we have only come down to
back home.” So he went back and found that Adam .-J pray over him, so go aLLaj caILju 苏(寸
Jibril「貌 showed him how had passed away. So
-------r to wash him until it was time to pray over him.
Allah said, “Jibril, go forward and lead the prayer over Adam." So
1 and lead the
』J 底 I 。J15,乂项巴 15、
Jibril replied, “God had indeed
commanded us「 <a JI U caILI j jAj. J山勺 川顼川
ther, Adam, when he was in the garden, to prostrate before your fa-
so it does not befit
—;us now to lead

S. The Feast

his son in prayer" So Hibat Allah stepped forward and led the prayer for 0 &〈晚,荷X (诲刈沸^成• Ji福J T J叫血I
his father, Adam, and Jibril and the throngs of angels prayed behind him.
He performed thirty takbir over him. Then Jibril commanded him to omit Qizi■矣 炒况 1
twenty-five of them, and so the practice today amongst us is five takbir. They
used to perform seven and nine takbir over the people who died at Badr.
Then when Hibat Allah had buried Adam 嗥!,Qabil came to him say­ r

ing, “Hibat Allah, I saw that my father Adam has distinguished you with
the knowledge of that which I have not been distinguished with, and this
is the same knowledge that your brother Habil used when his sacrifice was
accepted from him. I only killed him so that he would not have a progeny
who would boast over my progeny saying, cWe are the sons ofthe one whose A)l 夕国泊句夹馈 4^5 Iclj
sacrifice was accepted whilst you are the sons of the one whose sacrifice was
rejected., So if you manifest any of this knowledge that my father has distin­
guished you with, I will kill you just as I killed your brother 耳abil.”
So Hibat Allah and his progeny after him remained hiding the knowl­
edge that they possessed, along with the faith, the Greatest Name, the heir-
loom of prophethood, and the legacy of the knowledge of prophethood, lx aJJI
until God sent down Nuh, and Hibat All我h's bequest to his son was made
manifest when they looked into Adam's bequest. They found therein that 4jjl 4jjl ^fi\ jClj 己I
Ndh was to be a prophet of whom Adam had given the glad tidings. So they
believed in him, followed him and attested to him. Adam had made a be-
quest to Hibat Allah to renew the covenant of this bequest at the start of
each new year, and that that would be a day of celebration for So they
them. So
for them. they
prepared themselves for the advent ofNuh and the time in which he would
come forth. Thus it was in the will of each prophet until God sent down
Muhammad 嘴[5:27-32]
S dU 瓦 必心盘,产—「Ji 宅危
80. Hisham b. al-Hakam said that AbiTAbd Allah 嘿 said, 'When God
manded Adam to make a bequest to Hibat Allah, he commanded him to
就斜:Vthat is h°w the practice of concealing a bequest continued; so
he made a bequest to him, and he concealed that? [5:27-32]

.JJ 秋顷* Q 烬 I. dA13 j 亡1)2鑫(顼

5. The Feast 3XLJI •

1 X

81. From Jabir, from Abu Ja'far「貌 who said, "Qabil, the son of Adam, is sus- 酒4 「盘功京ol:J&凛1伞项苛廿 .A\
pended by his horns in the middle of the sun, and orbits along with it wher- j
ever it orbits, in its bitter cold as well as its fierce heat until the Day ofjudge- 。展心卯区由却,,顷1代54^ y右<,力上
ment. When the Day ofjudgement comes, God will drive him into the Fire?

From Zurara, from Abujacfar He said, 'He mentioned the son of Adam,
the murderer, so I asked him, "What is his condition? Is he from among the "浦商:』3:JI5,典I汕功免,混K 寸苛祐房苛 ・ AX
inmates of the Fire?” So he replied, “Glory be to God - God is far more just
than that, and will combine the chastisement of this world and the Hereafter 板圳计 十渣 J以)5 # 赤I:j厨< jai
against him.”' [5:27-32]
83. From 'Isa b, 'Abd Allah al・'Alawi, on his father's authority, on his fbrefathers,
authority, from 'Ali r戒 who said, 'The son of Adam, who killed his own
brother was Qabil, the one who was born in the garden? [5:27-32] .at

84. From Sulayman b. Khalid who said, ‘I said to Abu 'Abd Allah 喋!,“May I 母芥1明&有2曲&
be your ransom - people allege that Adam married his daughter to his son?
So Abu 'Abd Allah said,aPeople have indeed said that, but do you not
know, Sulayman, that the Messenger of God 镯 said, 'If I knew that Adam
had married his daughter to his son then I would have got Zaynab married
to Qasim, for I would never move away from the creed of Adam.5,,, 〈如b砸I河o'
So I asked, “May I be your ransom -they also allege that Qabil killed
Habil because they were both contending over their sister?” j jl Ul I u5:f^4jjlxpy\ J旧
So he said, aSulayman, how can you say that? Do you not feel ashamed
to narrate such a thing against God's prophet, Adam?" sJ( j jl \
S。I said, “May I be your ransom -then what did Qabil kill Habil fbr?”
.「无3 3勺
& I工氐 由lb & dl Ely :么^

HJia Jli5

5. The Feast ,XUJI

So he replied, MFor the bequest.” Then he said to me, ttSulayman, God,

Blessed and most High, revealed to Adam to transmit the bequest and the
巴农i :卜以少以mi b心J阡:&(4: J国
Greatest Name to Habil, whilst Qabil was older than him. So when Qabil (上i&以5善 心 顶上i"&由么ci!卢W mi尸?
heard about this, he became angry and said, 'lam more worthy of the hon­
our and the bequest? So he commanded them both to offer a sacrifice, by
,顼*^ 妈! Cx* ^y> y I5 //•&( 小夕1(3_3田:J国
God's revelation to him, and so they did. God accepted HabiFs sacrifice, so
Qabil became jealous of him and killed him.” (jlJ
I then asked, “May I be your ransom - so from whom did Adam's prog­ >
eny spread? Was there any other female besides Hawwa1 and any other man &幻如小炒-乒 部 t cA% :』cJ3
beside Adam?”
So he replied, aSulayman, God, Blessed and most High, first grant­
ed Adam a son from Hawwa* who was Qabil, then a son after him - Habil.
: 用擀
When Qabil came of age, as men do, God brought forth a female Jinn for Ojjj 豳 也& 0 Ab p' 3jj 4;以t : Jlii
him, and revealed to Adam to get her married to Qabil. So Adam did that,
and Qabil was pleased and willing. When Habil came of age, as men do, God
brought down a beautiful maiden of paradise for him, and God revealed
村A 3,玲4为才Lj/当弘*少项顷土 〃
.to Adam to get her married to Habil, and so he did. Then Habil was killed 21j-bU上It勺侦顷,由上{&"成S ? JdA!5 由&旧2日
whilst the heavenly maiden was pregnant. The heavenly maiden gave birth - - - - -
to a boy, whom Adam named Hibat Allah. Then God revealed to Adam to c(iU3 』对I bjl?》4)aI)IcJL-JI
transmit the bequest and the Greatest Name to him. HawwaJ gave birth to
another boy whom Adam named Shith b. Adam. ----- When he;came of age as
--------- D]功 I &〈亦 I 匕乂云 cj«l> 0侦Ab Jxis
men do, God sent down a heavenly maiden for him and revealed to Adam
__ / _____
to get her married to Shith b. Adam. He did jso, and* the heavenly maiden 己31•乎夕最-匕用妲!己/ r潺!!(
gave birth to a girl whom Adam named Hawra. When this girl came of age,
Adam got* tt----- daughter
Hawra, , _, •_____
of Shith J to
married ― Allah, son of Habii;
t Hibat ^"3JtS q"(J>! 』ajjI (JU-JI 少哉l•少,I / ?盘。
and the progeny
proffenv of Adam proliferated from these
Adamtwo. Then Hibat Allah,
son of Habil, died, and God revealed to Ad;am, 'Transfer ____
the 十…,、the
bequest, 幻少 场 匕』顶 Jjcij
Greatest Name, Tthe 'knowledge of prophethood that I have manifested
_______ I to
you, and the Names that I have taught yi 3 mi <jb Olir'TjLii cJ-jIa ^4)1 <Jb b Oi> 3jj>- f‘‘S'
./ou to Shith b. Adam.' This is their
story, Sulayman.w, [5:27-32]
b 〈卢4jji 广 b 己,s :.,(3!功 i 4 3?^

.ii 坪、侦3 匕g Dppy if 上,徂牛

5, The Feast

8c From Humranb. A^an who said, 'I said to Abu 'Abd Allah 混,asking him 荔卜:JUJ 4)1 Jy ”象 赤:JG〈寥]D5侦苛 .AO
——~ i • ■

about God's verse:《On account of[his deed], We decreed to the Children of

Israel that ifanyone kills a person - unless in retributionfor murder or spread-
ing corruption in the land - it is as ifhe kills all mankind, while ifany saves a
life it is as ifhe saves the lives ofall mankind.夕
He replied, “There is a place in the Fire where the most painful chastise­
ment of all culminates, and he will be placed therein.w 顷m 皓1少y :as
I asked, HWhat ifhe had killed two people?”
He replied, “Understand that there is truly no place with a more severe
chastisement than that. It will be intensified for him proportionate to what
he had committed.” 寸泰 w qX : JG 伞 QL Jj5l 板 jUI 4 4il 寸:JG
I asked, “[What about:] < while ifany saves a life^n
He replied, KIf he saves someone from drowning, burning, a wild beast ・A5・
or an enemy.” Then he fell silent, then turned to me saying, "Its highest lev­
el of inner meaning is that he invites a person [to guidance] and the latter
responds.”' [5:32]

86. From Sama'a who said, ‘I asked about the verse: # On account of [his deed],
We decreed to the Children ofIsrael that ifanyone kills a person - unless in ret­
ribution for murder or spreading corruption in the land - it is as ifhe kills all 庐: JLuajjI Jy::JG,姑&苛 . K\
mankind, while if any saves a life it is as ifhe saves the lives ofall mankind.)>
He replied, KWhoever has taken someone out of deviation and into guid­
ance has indeed saved his life, and whoever has taken someone from guid­
ance and into deviation has indeed killed him.”' [5:32]

87. From Hanan b. Sadir, from Abu *Abd Allah c^1, who said about God's verse:
^Ifanyone kills a person [...] it is as ifhe kills all mankind^, 'There is a valley 顷匕备项I西 j 〃瘪时y 寸苛,工如3 J匕苛 .AV

in Hell reserved for both the one who has killed all mankind as well as the
.<3 -U-lj (43 jWIJ-5jl(J J : 杪I
one who has killed a single person? [5:32]

88. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abuja'far 噌;‘I asked him about God's
verse: Ifanyone kills a person - unless in retributionfor murder or spreading
U5#夕:扃M赤1西苛&L:J&h粱决*必苛 .AA

corruption in the land - it is as ifhe kills all mankind 鼠 so he said, “There is a

seat for him in the Fire [for a killer], and were he to kill all of mankind, there
;c gc ----- • ' ♦
4 :d旧.#匕/JEi J3匕海 宓X第匕顼成g匕生
is no worse punishment than that:
.j>IDI 以3由 以 &上丹

5. The Feast

He continued, "Whilst if he saves a life, it is as if he has saved the lives

of all mankind, whether it be desisting from killing someone, or saving him
from drowning or a fire, or even more significant than all of those - to take
someone out of deviation and into guidance.”' [532]

89. From Abu Basir, from AbU Ja’far 嗥.He said, ‘I asked him about: any
saves a life it is as ifhe saves the lives ofall mankind.少 He replied, "Whoever
共小成 匕※匕以毛分以L:J&康伞侦的风』 A\

removes someone from disbelief and into belief.”' [5:32]

•火y A 〃 也,项 〃 :j& J?*
90. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Ab。Ja'far r魏 who said, 'Whoever takes
up arms in one of the major cities and manages to wound people, he must
be counterattacked and banished from that city. Whoever takes up arms
outside of the major cities, attacks, wounds, and loots property but does not (J 己乂JI ,jA^ <0 jJJI dUf "(Jl)j 4
kill is still a warmonger. His punishment is that of a warmonger, and he is to
be referred to the Imam. Ifhe wishes, he can either kill him, crucify him, or oLi c j (y^i b J 心
amputate his hand and foot?
He continued, And ifhe wages war, kills, and loots property, then the .aLs>JJ 0<-b ^23
Imam must amputate his hand for the looting, and then hand him over to
the family of the murdered. They can then take legal action against him for F应 \)^2^ 1 ^2x» ji招 hi (fij j o'j:j&
the property, and kill him.'
Abd 'Ubayda asked him, 'May God make you prosper - what if the vic­ .畛c(Jlit Aj^suXJ 山荆J
tim^ family pardon him?' So Abujafe 嗥 replied, 'If they pardon him,
then the Imam must kill him, because he waged war, killed and looted? y\ jia5 s jy^ii 阳j 心> Lp b jLLmi ax” :;七"i aJ ji^
Abu cUbayda then asked him, 'And if the victim's family wanted to get
blood-money from him, then leave him [alive], can they do that?' He replied,
*No, he must be killed? [5:33] '
cAj^PJuj 4^jjl g IjjXl J' 。成 小 I J§ IOXj-PjjI a) Jlii
9i・ FroinAbuSalih, fromAbu £AbdAIlah 混 who said, ‘A group ofpeople from
ampabbacame to the Messenger of God 嘴,so he said to th
Banipabbacame ,
them, “You may
: ;;;;『me,Snd When y°U1 "gongare strong enough I will send you out on
enough I will send you

,暮u j卢^砂够心顷:锥如裨J或&>

5. The Feast

So they said, “Take us out of Medina.” So he sent them out to the cam­
els used for charity to drink their urine and eat of their dairy products. As 母成㈤如'〃以R花&1 JjJ. D! z匕Q芯叫〃板)回旧
soon as they felt better and regained their strength, they killed three of the
shepherds and rode the camels away. This news reached the Messenger of
矛心〉® 5 W (j SX 必 \yJt 顷叫侦〃
God 嘴 and he sent cAli 嗥 after them. They were in a valley near the land
of Yemen, too bewildered to be able to leave from there. So he took them
and brought them to the Messenger of God 嘴,and the verse: < Those who 夕 Uc cJR 湎衡 4^\ JI Z 房Cr4
wage war against God and His Messenger and strive to spread corruption in
the land should be punished by death, crucifixion, the amputation ofan alter­
nate hand andfoot, or banishmentfrom the land* was revealed about them.
So the Messenger of God chose to amputate alternate hands and feet of
theirs? [5:33]

92. From Ahmad b. al-Fadl al-Khaqani, from Al Razin who said, "A highway rob­
bery took place inJalawla3 upon the pilgrims and others who were traversing
the main road, and the brigands escaped. News of this reached al-M^tasim,
so he wrote to his worker there saying,<(Declare the road to be safe [for trav­
el], and let the brigands attack by permission from the commander of the Cjl 0^ c^Uaxll cJuijl F jjy*启31 廿2*^ cdA) Jb & I
faithful. Then when the robbers escape, go after them and capture them. If
you do not, I will order you to be flogged with a thousand lashes and cruci­ .(JjJJk-JUaJ <3^*- cJJI
fied where the highway robbery took place."’
He said, ‘So the worker sought them, managed to capture them, and
correctly identified them. Then he wrote to al-Mu^asim who had
,件』D!出土 ‘仔^ 方小梦 壹\?顷 件闻:小
al-Mu'ta§im who had gathered
all the jurists, including Ibn Abi Du^d. Then he asked them all about the
ruling on them, whilst Abu J^far Muhammad b. al-Rida 嗥! was present
(J.食/*小侦* 件I苛印点 见 > 项(?.'03*
there. So they said, “"God'sGod's ruling has already come down about them in Oyj^. J”,煤寸块:4)y 3 4) I 0^ Ji:yiii <5^,「貌顷/由
the verse: < Those who wage t---- war against God and His Messenger and strive
" spread corruption in the land s»
should be punished by death, crucifixion, the
amputation ofan alternate hand andfoot, or banishmentfrom
务^气项停j 心J姬顶此i说点是齿4 心房血
the land*, and
it is up to the commander of the faithful to decid
concerning them.”
一」e which of these he chooses ・书北iU 3 .卜另胡顷板《区j d史5^
So he turned to AbuJ^far
一 嗥! and said to him, “What do you say about
*1 <•--------- ----- y dA)3(J 他 lyil Q jS "!:J&』心 K:JI5
how they answeredI fh this?
;"'” So
Cc he
l— said,«
These people and the judge have al-
ready spoken as「the commander of the faithful just h<
"''",ieard・” So he insisted, b cJLii 项 LI 项以 LxW c3 Jl
“So now tell me what -L - - you think?
. • ,-

Cr4 dA)对如^4^1 件,城 顼》1 Jki


5, The Feast

He said, "They are mistaken in their ruling. What must be done here is
for the commander of the faithful to look into what these brigands did. If
命 6 命 €• -
they were merely terrorizing people on the road, and neither killed anyone
nor looted property, then he must command for a warrant for their arrest,
for this is the meaning of their banishment from the land - for their terror­ ji: jl :cdA!3 -bu
izing on the path. If they terrorized people and killed as well, then he must
order for them to be killed. If they terrorized, killed and looted property,
then he must order for their hands and feet to be amputated alternately, and 匕^块:疝1 J/ 苛 嗥! ajjIjlp II J>.j JL- J6〈如』标bJ D 4j*.苛 ・v
for them to be crucified after that.M
So he wrote to the worker to do exactly that with them? [5:33] 网&匕i切:妙 眼归&益i 呈j项匕 j
93- From Burayd b. Mucawiya al-'Ijli who said, 'A man asked Abu 'Abd Allah r%? .令 Z bz
about God's verse: *( Those who wage war against God and His Messenger and
strive to spread corruption in the land.夕 He replied, “That is up to the Imam .iLLI 护Q乒 Ji & 芬
to do with him as he wishes." I asked, “So is it entirely at the Imam^ discre­
tion ?w He replied, "No. It has to fit the crime.”' [5:33]
3项仁块以盘赤IE j凛 如半项苛QI凡a邳* W・
94. From Sama’a b. Mihran, from Abu 'Abd Allah 喋]regarding God's verse:
4 Nose who wage war against God and His Messenger and strive to spread cor- iXti (jlj : ‘Li(3}< *件IQ fU>l:J6网狼;益I螺乡,
mgon,n 血 land should be punished by death, crucifixion, the amputation
°fan alternate hand and foot, or banishmentfrom the land.少 He said, 'The
ruling on them is at the Imam's discretion, whether he wants to kill, crucify,
amputate or banish from the land? [5:33]
旬明匕4 j顷猝Me、' :4)y J<lM>l jpcijljj jp .
95 • From Zurara, from oneof ( the two [Imams al-Baqir or al-Sadiq] who said
regarding the verse: # Those who wage 〜-war against God and His Messenger ,寸或*,:J&<寸歧必4 j沁妙J»!
普 Strive t0 spread corruption in the land should be punished by death, cruci-
fixion, the amputation ofan alternate hand andfoot,
or banishmentfrom the
land:: a disgrace for them in this world, and then a '

Hereafter*, 'One imust ---transact with
terrible punishment in the
- them, nor bring them food:
插。必r匕切奇13苛潺!由半0 cJU出 W; &•以苛 -。
give them charity/ [5:33]
圳01某j* W &认卢D!衣瓦 刎匕^
96. From Jamil b. Darraj who said, .9XZ)aii jij < jL»^ (jij 令匕 B’Ly d!以 3:J&
I asked Abu lAbd Allah about God's
verse:《Those who wage war
against God and His Messenger and strive to
- > crucifixion, the
hand and foot, banishment from the land: a

5. The Feast

… o )for them in this world,- and• then

' i a terrible punishment in the Hereof-
ter^> - which one of these punishments listed must be meted out to them?
^苏嘿 3。!:」巳 〃: J& 站j 邪:3
- ■ He
He replied, "That is up totthe Imam to decide. “ can amputate 一 them … if he
wishes, or crucify, kill, or banish if he so)wishes.” I asked, “Banishment to
where ?M He replied, “From onecity (. to another,w and he said, U<A1I 嗥J had
banished two men from Kufa to Basra.'” [5:33]

97- From Sawra b. Kulayb8, from AbuJ^far 瀑!; he said, ‘I asked: “A man goes li :(J6 '岫 瓦心 AtyvxJ -j
out from his house to the mosque in the middle of the night to pray when
he is approached by a man who strikes him with a stick and steals his robe.” c? 09 7_;心1 据 13a &!:片共:J&S阡
He said, “So how have the people responded to you about this matter previ­
ously ?w He replied, “They say that this man is not considered a warmonger
since someone who wages war is one who operates in disbelieving villages,
whereas this is an assault." jb J \ :cJS:jb 项 T北y jb 纪】产[顷:J6
So he said,MWhich is more important: the sanctity of an Islamic place
or a disbelieving pIace?M, He said, *1 replied, aIhe Islamic place, of course.” 虱插匕匕顷沁由jb a.jji 〃为:仙.「北y
So he said,aThese are the very people about whom God says: # Those
who wage war against God and His Messenger and strive to spread corruption
in the land should be punished by death, crucifixion, the amputation of an al­
ternate hand andfoot, or banishmentfrom the land: a disgraceforthem in this
world, and then a terrible punishment in the Hereafter.夕”'[5:33]

98. In a narration from Samaca, from Abu 'Abd Allah 喋! who said, 'When a
man fornicates he must be lashed, and the Imam must banish him from the
land in which he was lashed to another land for a year. The same must be
done with the man who steals and his hand is amputated? [5:33]

99- From Abu Ishaq al-Mada^ni who said, ‘I was with with Abu al-Hasan f潺? when
Abu ai-Hasan when
a man(entered and said to him, "May I be your ransom - God says:《Those
/ 、
who wage war against God and His Messenger and strive to spread corruption
_ . _ -q - * O 1 . --

〜 〜SF VIZf / W''

in the以land
j” s) /4-.-. 1
should be punished 1 f ' *
by death, crucifixion, the amputation ofan al-
ternate hand and foot,
2"…,or banishmentfrom frnm the 1〃抑u
thp landy replied, “Yes, that〜
is exactly what God has said.5
aI)I JJ 1顷 aI :(JG
8 Sawra b. Kulayb, a narrator from Muh; 八 iHX,al-Sadiq. His reliability is,
* ~ ___
however, unascertained. See Flilli, Khulasat
- 165-6
- (nr.
宾 "J心 打 也,J? J? JW以L g 户兀勺1 j

5. The Feast

So he said to him, “May I be your ransom - what kind of thing is it that

would make one merit one of these four were he to commit it?
Q(J 奶**力 朋 T)J g 心火f
He said, 'So Abu al-Hasan (魏 said to him, "Four [punishments] so con-
sider four [crimes] in their stead. Ifhe wages war against God and His Mes­
senger and strives to spread corruption in the land and kills, then he is to j>> Uj <』lg : a) Jldi
be killed. Ifhe kills and snatches property, then he is killed and crucified. If
he steals property but does not kill, his hand and foot are amputated alter­ 用I dllijAl F,券 JxSUAiJxi 圳用I b 孕:J&
nately. If he wages war against God and His Messenger, striving to spread
corruption in the land but neither kills nor snatches property, then he is to 『all dA! 3〃 co^tj 为 cd^jUtS N? cop$ty * Ail 3'
be banished from the land.”
So the man asked him, "May I be your ransom - what is the extent ofhis .弁U?於(仁以5包 匚&
He replied, "He is to be banished from the city in which he commit­ :d& JJl B项顶朔』玉心E:J>J'』J庇
ted the crime to another one. Then the people of that town should be fore­
warned about him that he has been banished so that they do not entertain
him to eat and drink together, nor marry anyone to him. If he leaves that
town for another, then they too should be written to similarly, and this is
what must be done to him for a year, after which he will repent, being de­
graded thus.”
Then the man asked him, “May I be your ransom - what if he goes to a
disbelieving town and enters it?”
He replied, "He would be beheaded ifhe wished to go to a disbelieving
town.”' [5:33] 如3正岭嗥告沁:以嗥关顼»出5项苛・'•'
100. In Abu Ishaq al-Mada^nfs narration ffrom Abu al-Hasan
. ai-Rida I said,
'What ifhe heads towards a disbelieving land and enters it?' He replied, 'Its
________ 1 - - ' " ■ •- -
people must be fought? [5:33]
夕:(察 血y cJS :JG JD 苛 .、・y
101. From Abu Basir who said, £I heard Abu Ja'far 嗥 say, “The enemies of "All
are the ones who will abide eternally in the Hellfire; God says: ( they will be
says: <^theywillbe 白次"M jU'(3 f Jis s jLJI
unable to come out of
IlTianlp fn cd
it.铲” [5:37]
eeq ■、/

102. From Mansur b. Hazim who said, ‘I asked Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥 about: < they
will be unable to come out ofy the Fire. He replied, “The enemies ofcAli are
the ones who will abide eternally in the Fire forever and for all eternity/,

The Feast

kind of 邸昭it that

• — - ransom - what "1 hLj j 41)1 u->J(3顷D"必 J o攻
So he said to him, “May I be your _ -ft"’

fould —
make' one merit
UlOXk^ —
• oneof( rthese
* were n(
.e he to commi
said, to 1him, Four二顼一
〜- Abu al-Hasan y.Ifhe wages war againsi
said, cSo
He Saxv>,
[punishments] so con-
;t God and・ His Mes-
sider four [crimes] in their stead, ■ 'to
•ad corruption in the land andJ- kills, then he is aJ JI2S
senger and strives to spreiJ , he is killed and•cruci:ified.
—「 If
then 1—
be killed. Ifhe kills and snatches property,
he steals property!but does' not ";b;nkill, 粉 hand and foot are ? j
his &
■3 amputated alter- 用心 3 jj 9,4^? F * A Y0圳用I 〃 孕:J&
striving to spread
{war o. God
against 1 and His Messenger, c.
nately. Ifhe wages lither kills nor snatches property,
then he is to Al 3 (j* 匕% 务J 占,J
corrupt )tion in the land but nei...
be banished from the land." - what is the extent ofhis • 顷尹j 心』玲〈如^ dAJ 5 a, Jjtii cdA) 3*? A
isked him, “May I be yourransom
So the man at..,
banishment?n banished from the city in which he commit- :d必早JyiJI (JI tZilJki :』Jlli
He replied, uHe is to be I
-, : town should be fbre-
ted the crime to another one.. Then the people of that
warned about him that he has been banished so that 1 they do not entertain .噂槌J皓血北!
him to eat and drink together, nor marry anyone to him. If he leaves that
------------------------------------- I
U VOL y ■〜。一 - ,------------------------------------- z Lvz _

for another, -then

town Iva —-
too should be written to similarly, and this is
what must be done to him for a year, after which he will repent, being de­
- ■

刀A 4/距:山原3 Cr^'项泌叫M啪山・"
graded thus."
Then the man asked him, “May I be your ransom - what ifhe goes to a ■品[应:55\茂乌岫I
disbelieving town and enters it?M
He replied, “He would be beheaded ifhe wished to go to a disbelieving
town/ [5:33] 」圳 ci &正^—「察言;山:「貌 :J&«(4’ 苛•' ,'
100. In Abu Ishaq al-Mada^nVs narration from Abu al-Hasan al-Rida 嗥J, I said, 区匕^亮5
'What if he heads towards a disbelieving land and enters it?' He replied, ‘Its
people must be fought? [5:33]
"奚孔A 匕殄:嗥gV cJ5 :JI5 ?J 刀*苛 .\.y
101- f Abu Basirwho said, ‘I heard Abu Ja^far 嘿 say, -j z
“The enemies of 汕
一~■—▲■•wu / x mix v jl

are the ones who will abide eternally in the Hellfire; God says:《they will be 圳/习 3内 ¥ 瑚 jUI(J oljcl(J15 S jCjJI
unable to come out ofit.[5:37]

From Mansur b. Hazim who said, 一 Abu lAbd Allah 喉
*1 asked 济 wuui.
about: <( they
will be unable toe - out q/> the Fire.
to come He replied,
m v— 1- . “一 “The enemies of'All a:ire
the ones who will ahi 而或…止.:- -• - - and for all eternity.5
eternally in the Fire forever »,

72 vr
®-VLJI ®
5. The Feast

From Hammad b. Isa, from one of ms ----- i Abu 'Abd Allah 部,

cr.2 ofhis associates, from 冲号黎赤ly项苛他・'・丫
that was asked
FromheHamm : about dry ablution
ablution (tayammum),so I recited this verse:
《Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are man or woman, as punish­
whether they are man -
ment^t and: ivashyourfaces andyourhands , up'the elbows.护5
to theelbows. )66) e sasaid,
*So wipe over your two palms from the point of the amputation., He said:
palms from the point c&HJI 瑚网 3项& 矣
^AndyourLord is neverforgetful. ^(19:64), [5:38]
.〈g防牌匕5» :J6
said, *Abu Mubammad wrote to us mentioning from Ibn Abi 'Umayr,
104. He b. 'Abd al-Hamid, from his Sunni associates, tracing it back to
from Ibrahim b. 'Abd ai-naimu, uvi« ----------
the Commander 0offthe Faithfvlr^!
Faithful that
w>._ thatwhen
whenhe amputatethe
heused th, hand 巩/C 。为1』苛,书』J:] u^-A. 4项以 ^3 : J& .' •,
% to leave
of a thie£ he used the :一
------ '「palm.
• and‘ the
thumb "一・ HeII would
K “O
Commander cof___ left most ofjthe hand?” He said, “So
the Faithful, ,you have 一 .Rl b (也丫』’^Ls513、cf^!! 廿I
” to
he would reply -一 them, And ifhe repents, what will heJ use to do ablution?
X V/1 “AW**— \
- _ ■ . ,,

For indeed God says:《Cut offthe hands ofthieves, whether they are man or
— P —------ J -
孑S* (jt* jt :秒)Jlxi :JG So4> 4aU jry*! b :』
woman, aspunishmentfor what they have done-a deterrentfrom God […]But
V, , ,r. ■, .,b r----

ifanyone repents after his wrongdoing and makes amends, God will accept his 韵%顷功项摆@如认分:以舶勺〈坛i
repentance: God is mostforgiving, most merciful. )>'" [5:38]
,《^6 声血o\盘^号顼知U WA …小}
105. From Zurara, from Abu Ja'far regarding a man who stole, so his right
hand was amputated. Then he stole again, so his left foot was amputated.
Then he stole a third time. He said, 'The Commander of the Faithful sen­ 盘IT (嗥 J^r c?' 苛小j 苛 .\・o

tenced him to life in prison and said, "I would be too ashamed of my Lord
to leave him without a hand with which to clean himself and without a foot :(j 0也/粱茂引必*1 u'T :J5 (招即 心J
on which to walk to fulfil his needs.”' He continued, cWhen he used to am­
putate the hand, he would cut it above the joints, and when he amputated <4, A 以 为,也 T 方 gl o' 0 b 成t*4, j[
footj it* would be cut below the ankle? He said, 'He was never negligent
the foot,
about any aspect of legal punishments? [5:38] I^aIzS c jJI B'C)& : J&
106- Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 that he said, 'When the thief is ar-
From Sana'a, from AbU'Abd
rested, the middle of his hand is to be amputated. If he repeats the crime,
•习m 〃孑瑚芦遇j : JG
h:n he is to be cut from the middle of the foot. Ifhe reoffends, then he is
to be imprisoned. AndJ ifhr — 1 -in prison,
steals then he must be killed? [5:38] 京顷 京 15\出』< 混 41ly苛&.\ r
^jshuJI(J &尸 jt T皿I Ja^j " <U*j C^xlaS 3匕

74 VO
The Feast o JjUJI。

> %
his father's authority, from
i,fromja'farb. Muhammad, on
107. From al-Sakunij so he amputated his hand.
<A11 that a thief was once brought before him,
•广-Ms。he amputated his left foot. Then
Then he was brought before him again, J Qd <y* Q" J底(扫 QI (^^*4)1 aL>.j a>(JI
third time, so he said, ‘I am truly too ashamed
he was brought before him a
a hand with which to eat, drink and clean him-
ofmyLordtonot leave him:
self 血uelievinghimselfwrafoottowalkwith/floghimandimprison
・ Jill 5 〃 十孕
108. --from one»of our associates, from one of the two [Imams al-Baqir
From Jamil,
al-Sadiq] that he said, trIhe thief is not amputated unless he persists with
次 * 庭顷,:J& Um灌LaxJ苛四^]・ '・A
stealing twice and goes back to stealing again, and he is not to be amputated
without a testimony? [5:38]
•』成沙!M原勇’ 展务刀>•
109. From al-Sakuni, from Ja(far on his father^ authority, peace be upon them
both. He said, 'Only the one who breaks into a house or breaks a lock must
be amputated.' [5:38]

no. From Zurqan, Ibn AbT DuMs very close friend and associate who said, ‘Ibn
Abi Du’ad was returning one day from al-Mu^asim^ palace, sorrowful. So
Cr* 5 。机 ql CrJ^j: J& 饱 (4' 功 . ''・

I asked him about it, and he said, “Today I wished that I had already died
C-*^ 乂 QI : Jlii cdA) 5 旭』CJ-Ad c^Ju«jAjX-P
twenty years ago.”' He said, (I asked him, “Why is that?”
' happened today with that black man Abu
He replied, “Because of)f what
Ja'far Muhammad b. <A11 b. Musa [i.e. Imam al-Jawad] right in fronTofthe 。沙&.段j^r Ql ■^y IAa :J6 El/" :a) cJS :J6
commander of the faithful, al-Mu <tasim.,n
He said, *1 asked him, “What happened ?M •吁工 项'。也 B
He replied, UA thief confessed
t0 his crime of stealing and asked the UJd-l jLj项 jl:JB SdJJS :aJ 4:JI5
Caliph to *曾 hkn by castigating him with the due
gathered all the jurists together in 慕赢 — — 2 punishment. So he
> ai•nd' Muhammad b.,Ali 涅
was also present there. So we were.g 4:
we were asked about the point from which the
UL-i 次号 旭夕dA) J] ^Xc^ulC' Si-1 L&h
amputation shoulder —
commence. - I said/From the
istheproofforthatrisaid/Becausethehand, wrist.' He asked, 'What
略岫hew加,becauSogt:' consists of the palm and the
wlP^part ofyourfaces and entaboutdry ablution:
y°ur hands with itysi6).
c^JI JI M c?以 5勺:CJ5:J15 SdJJS Uj :JB
agreed with me about that.' > and a group of people
Others said,'It「 •
must be cut from .行dAi 3由顷4戛7匕夕戒 夕:号11(J。盘血字
Heasked/Whatisitthatindi. the elbow?
—icates to that?'

The Feast 3 JjLJI 3

-・ j* hands up to the
They replied, ‘Because
of when God says:< Wash ..・%
hand extends all the way to the
圳 A -JI5 顽5 〃 杪郭 也JSj
- shows that the 1—
e伽必》whilst washing. This
elbow."’ mad b. cAli 黎 and asked, 'What do
.矽W叫1-3@庭〕>危1就切女疤 gj&Ei
He said, “Then he turned to Muhami
* w :JIaS S II b clJlA j 切 L :JIas 寸 a 食占二^& :J&
you say about this, 0 AbuJ^far?,
people have already spoken about it, 0 commander
So he replied, ‘The 1 -
: J& (^\ 4A> k :(J& j\a\ t <4^5
of the faithful. . 一二 What do you say?'
He said, Tetme decide if they have spoken or not.
Here.plied, 'Absolve from
me— - 0 commander
一 this, of the faithful.f.
即… …… '

He said, 'I swear by God against you if you do not inform me of your
opinion on the matter.' 面\沙 CL〜v5ll3M:Jlii 坤#心1 (14jjl0^51:JI5
So he said, * If you are going to swear by God against me, then I will tell B >

you that they are mistaken about that practice, for the amputation must be
from the joints at the base of the fingers, and the palm must be left alone?
,&M mJ x 卢% w色 e 蚓i 2〉顼 41
He asked, And what is the proof for that?1 .项I唉
He replied, 'The Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his fami­
ly, said, “Prostration is incumbent upon seven parts of the body: the face, :*^131《:.此 4jjl j :J& S(il)3 旭 aZcA-I L :J&
the two hands, the two knees, and the two feet.,> So if you cut his hand off
fr°m the wrist or the elbow, then he will be left with no hand with which to T a)去"矽侦^# ToJaS I 坦 «uW'j(6^1? <4互0
prostrate. God, Blessed and most High, has said: ^the places ofprostration
arefor God alone > meaning these seven parts of the body that he prostrates 4)zJjLj 4jjl(JI5j
with 蚀 do mtpmy to anyone other than God.夕⑺泌)whatever is for God
cannot be cut off.n
.^lax» . 4JJ c< 3 夕 jl aju^JI
He continued, 'So Muctasim was impressed with that, and ordered for
愕 Amputated from the finger joints above the palm?
Du ad said, 'II was mortified and wished that I were not alive,
Ibn Abi Du'ad
b (jjLJI 4j /b <〃3 ^v£Xll :JIS

・&旬浏冬jgQ35心顼功J& . JSOI

黑:也。章nfgywh心5福鬣嚣 jLcJiAd W义 <xm A 3产:J& 功 B:&&j JIS

He asked, "What is it?"
I Wed, “when the commander of the faithf心 S ja Lj:JI5. jUI 4 *■,顶卢I lc 顷勺"I?由 关<^#1
hlS council all the jurists and scholars from l 皿。瓜 together to
Posingmatterofreligion, and asks t黑:哈誓 subjects to discuss a
jj3' u4 2f ’勺产 Wj也勺、*好 J *6^顶芒■方! :3
generals, ministers and scrib. ^LjxLI cdAJ 3 旭 "尸ip Ic ojja^Is c4^ pM
一-. sS":;

5- The Feast

p in favour of the

需3出心: itv believe to be their

ion than them. Then he goes
f 他\

f c<uIax d项

/bJI 仁心

<4)& ojljjjj。:顷<cju JaI

0 jut
ind he took note of what I
He continued, 'S。his face changed colour,:」
had just alerted him to saying, “May God reward 弩黑 - “• advice.”'
He continued, *On the fourth day, he commanded one ofhis
c ministerial
,成 苛川 5》:JlSj(A)11 硕j : J15
serf。蹄ehiMLglm两城 h。嗥 Hedi?sgthe 薄ed

saying: "You know that I do not attend your gatherings. ,七Q&。匕点矶U cl'品jjj 7 Rr*,*仁侦 : JI5
- inviting
So he replied, “I am, in fact, • ■ you to a meal and would appreciate
it if you would grace me1
with your presence in entering my home so that I
, ... J 盘』』寿项&!@!:仙.R)以孩aN浏己gw:地
may be blessed thereby. So and so from among the caliph's ministers will
gladly come and fetch you.”
So he went to his house and when he ate there, he sensed poison in his
巫耳〃 0^功苏方dA) A少3 °少户与兮侦谕
food. So he called for his horse, even while the host was asking him to stay :c 杪
杪Jjl 以 JJ 4)Li 心1人匕
JjAllI CJj R衬
<4^ljb LR I
衬]辰辰衬j顷<JI jlyai f小⑶
on. He replied, “My leaving your house is better for you." He 嗥J survived
that day and night, and then died? [5:38]
.,隰'勇仙^ 出3灼i J Jj渚出公W。b中J:小
111. From Sulayman b. Khalid who said, CI heard Abu 'Abd Allah f瘪 say, “When
God wills something good for His servant, He places a white spot inside his 勺nq 创 J、:Jjaj 嗥顷妇> u j & 』a & jyu 苛
of his heart and assigns an angel to him to guide his
heart, opens the ears ofhis
steps: When God wills something bad for His servant, He places a black
spot inside his heart and blocks the ears ofhis------------
heart and1 assigns a devil
1 c 匕
t0 him to mislead him.” Then he recited this,____ '…‘皿巧或心巧
verse:《When God wishes to
性 W压所响to蛔;“hen讯£;福;[京/
:她,He closes and constricts their breast as ifthey wei
-------------- 一- 一-, re climbing up to the
skies;砺'is how
skies, 或 God makes thefoulness
ofthose who do not believe rebound
伽诚猊砂(6g, he said:《幼盗 against whom your Lord^ sentence
believe^10-9^ and;
is passed will not believe^-96)
好。the ones whose hearts God
姻 mt intend to cleanse.»' [5:41]

“ Fr°mal-Hasanb,Alial-WashshM
from al-Rida He said, *1 heard him
theFire.”,%] unlawful earnings merit uJSOl 3 ::JIS c澳 苛 孑月I Jp J 廿 ・'\Y

5- The Feast

Sam^ab.Mihran, from Abu
From 赢莅;h「wh。said, —1 gains are of many kinds, some
预二cJI:JG ”祝J —M gL仙牛项/ QI化芦 . \'T
be upon from unlawful means),
:upping practitioner (who
ofwhich are: the cupping 尹Ol择 R"p EJI £岳 ,妃侦 jrb :(4U(o
the prostituted charge and the sale ofwine. Asforbnbmg m the course of
the prostitute's charge and the s-----
justice, that is disbelief in God.' [5:42] 血
From jarrah al-MadaW, from Abu,Abd Allah 嗥 who said,;One of the
unlawful gains is bribery in the course of justice? Also from him, And the
prostituted payment? [s:42]

;,From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu 'Abd Allah who said, The [earn­
ings from the] sale of a dog who is not used for hunting is unlawful/ He also
said, 'There is no problem in the sale ofa cat? [5:42] :J站,色q与丑,^圳 3 :JI5〈「第 3卫苛 .\、o
From 'Ammar b. Marwan who said, 'I asked Abu {Abd Allah r^.1 about un­
lawful gains from war booty, so he replied, ^Anything that is defrauded from

the Imam is unlawful, as well as the unlawful consumption of the property

of the orphan. Unlawful gains are of many kinds, including the profit made 苛声字成E:J洗.山1或苛嗥疝I卒II i£jU:J6(J. 诲W .E
from the properties of oppressive governors, the charges of the judges and
corrupt individuals, and the sale ofwine, spirits, intoxicants and usury after U I^v4 2 I ^JlJI (Jl«
they have been declared unlawful. As for the bribes given in the course of
, > >
justice, 0 •Ammar,
^mar, that is disbelief iiin God and His Messenger.”' [5:42]
XxJlj <<3lvixJI jj>-l 〈KliJI 3*^1 (Jl^l
117. From al-Sakuni, from Abu JaTar, on his father's
them both, that he used to forbid the c , 一
authority, peace be upon ・必pj 4i)i js3i .纭勺y 叼 1 氐 <4Ji 如
eating ofwalnuts that children brought
帅血g倒bfinfM慕崩 , -- <J gains? [5:42]
118. With the same chain of transmi;
inSmiSf°n On 旅 father's authority, from <Ali 混,
)史y字*圳块1苛* &顷L况七i /〈k 苛心/Lji w . 、、V
that he said, Unlawful gai
the prostitute's j------
Payment, the bribe in the
.匕二j 顷:J&? < J 项孙 &♦
tune-tellefs fee? [5:42]

为 饱 (迫I 奇 b\: J6 4>l ,嗥 由 / 七IW "L板 ・\、A

9 Al-Jarr助 Wad了ini, .,件J泌为溪顷v,是I

5- The Feast

119- From Malik al-Ji蛔。WS顽Jg空W驾噫畿: who had submitted to God, judged


with guidance and light,'} and the prophets, J-

___ : and the scholars in accordance
to itfor thejews. So did the rabbis
according i - ,hich they were entrusted topreserve.歹'He
.cJj Ji:J&网舟w匕,韵瑚拓I匚£,顶
with that part ofGocTs Scripture wi.-'',
said, cIt came down regarding us?(5:44J
,如邳:机yy 二i G J :混4jjixp顽/,成必苛 z•
Abu <Amr al-Zubayri, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥,'Among theprerequi-
120. From cuu 43祥 w a j
sites of Imamate are purification and immaculacy - ”
from • —
sins ----- ; acts
andJgrave acts

of disobedience that are nitecessarily punishable by the Fire. Then enlighten­

ing knowledge of everything to do with the community's needs as regards
the permissible and the prohibited, knowledge of the Scripture: both the
<妲1& <心奶也长尸顷u 乂>• 〃 dm姒!疽星

general aspects of it as well as the specific, the decisive and the ambiguous, • 4^ 七 caLjIT t^£> & & 习
the minute details of its contents, its unique inner meanings and its abrogat­
ing and abrogated verses? I asked, 'What is the proof that it can only be an 稻夕 *圳。耳 险 al % :3
Imam who is knowledgeable about these things that you mentioned?' He
replied, 'God's statement about those whom God Himselfhas permitted rul­
ership to and those who are worthy of it:《We revealed the Torah with guid­
ance and light, and the prophets, who had submitted to God, judged according
to ilfor thejews. So did the rabbis and the scholars [...])> So these are the
匕35灰。5项匕洛吨多3丁 3
leaders who nurture people with their knowledge aside from the prophets.
The scholars are the people of knowledge, different to the rabbis? Then He
informed us saying: 伽 accordance with that part of Gods Scripture which
theywereentrustedtopreserve. > He did not say 'which they carried/ [5:44] 卜圭g仁n舟了匹ex;典j,匕):j总岳独I *
121.• From 'Abd Allah b. Muskan, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥,
on his fathers author-
ity, from his forefathers,]peace be upon them, who said, 'The Messenger of
God嘴 said, “ 、passes
an oppressive
judgement against someone J15:JI5 (嘤 苛 <决二 a 川半苛 .、Y'
regarding a mere two dirham;is**then forces it upon him, this Zen
him:《those who do notjudge , —se applies to
她[G湖切c妨如I.矿so I asked —
he force him?” J
wording to what God hi
;h 狄盘慕
V ■assent down are reject-
,“0 son of God,s Messenger, how would [啊少寸防心妇^据乒渥瘩由
if he----- ….
erce him, so ifh<
then he harms him with his whii
wniP> or a prison by which to
)wever, if he does not,
• 一】P or incarcerates him in his
….3 prison/ [5:44] 日 勺日[京]功
10 Onwhomthei
;re is little information;
see Hilli, Khulasat al-i
俱响,4n (nr. 1665).

■ -

5- The Feast

From Abu Basir, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 混;忠;;:1, "Whoever judges re-
122. -- what God has revealed has indeed
garding a merenvo dirhams contrary to what God ha
r two dirhams and
rejected [His或部赢 *惴嚣蒙
ha7reject^d [His teachings]? [5:44〕
makes a mistake in his judgement r ‘

<Abd Allah 嗥.He said, ll heard him say,

123. From Abu Basir b. cAli, from Abu
---9 dirhams contrary to what God has
妙 K挽乒『以* :J&C混41)1牛>03*白・心唯3 .'W

ttWhoever judges regarding a mere two

disbeliever in God, the Great.”’ [5:44]
revealed is indeed a l------ •卢)奇UQi岳IJ项L
From one ofhis associates who said, T heard ^mmarsay from the pulpit in
124. From one
Kufa, “There are three that bear witness against ^thman that he is a disbe­ 船 J初 * '册:乓匆天^ *(J^2j : JIS / ・'Y£

L I am the fourth,, and I will name the four. Then he read these vers-
liever, and
es from the Chapter ofthe Feast'. < those who do notjudge according to what J 彩)OUI ^\) .J^\ 也迎贝侦
God has sent down are rejecting [GocTs teachings] [...] they are doing grave
wrong^ <( they are the lawbreakers. ^(5:47)M, [5:44] • * &J匕0・.•多灵 务JL-i &^己加
125. From Abu Basir, from Abu Jacfar f瘪 who said, “Ali 混 said, “Whoever
judges regarding a mere two dirhams contrary to what God has revealed
has indeed rejected [His teachings].M, [5:44]
娃u/5招好〃:嗥音J & :J 4嘿K项苛,k』/ ・

, caJJ \ Jjl
126. From Ibn Sinan, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嚓 who said, 'The Commander of
the Faithful 混,in the case of the blood money payable for a nose that had
been cut clean off, ruled for one hundred camels to be paid: thirty suckling
she-camels not more than three years old, thirty suckling she-camels not
现项牛 还嗥!系从刑 :“起 苛治已功苛 ・\Y\

嚣*n two years old, twenty camels ofsix years ofage, and twenty male
芸# : :' ? 皿啷 payable for an eye that had been gouged OL :少丫 Cx* 说4 J**•方J’
嚣膘:: f°raPTthat wm * 同 the glans, accidentaHy L
not intentionally,
驰可普也的 was 5,5thecaseforal%thathad 方! kJ顷砺 qy Cr4 W 砺很 W ex'。力S
been cut. Similarly, the blood
ffty camels too fdrr
cut clean
cm clean off. He continued, 'And that
off? He
4j^ dAJ jSj Uai-I (j3 带)" ^^5
did not apply to wounds
which someone vested with 嵩嚣;:胃 used to to discipline slaves,
a:ong you, meaning an Imam,
3妄j眼观带勺还以瓦寻y 〃 b* j星观姒还di瓦
该g to what -上丫 u4

5- The Feast

-'/The blood哄 money for

t7- From Ibn Sinan:
,from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嘿 who said, that has j・Y Cf* 乩 15、心V 还:(J& 〃短 ajjIx^ gl s 心已次苛 .'YV
clean off is one hundred camels, for an ey(
a nose that has been cut ^■^ahandthathasbeencutoftWcam-
been gouged out it is fifty
… ____ cut off, it is one hundred camels and for an ear
els. For a penis that has been
务函控 u4 15、川顷小丫(>•
that has been cut clean off, fifty camels. Other injuries such*i as wounds, ex- 以,"‘“V 心丫 cr* IS'bSM & <Jj^l 〃 aJL&513、
emplary punishments, the finger and the like are to be judged
,- individually
byone vested with justice from among you, and ^those who do notjudge
[GocTss teachings]. /[5[5:44]
according to what God has sent down are rejecting [God" :44]
JU’S弟¥/初件。勺孔.项心施I g J】
From Abu al-cAbbas, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 用! who said, 'Whoever judges
.# 如人^ 曰'\*»<4(2^e 匆
regarding a mere two dirhams contrary to what God has revealed has indeed
rejected [His teachings]? I asked, 'Would he have rejected everything that
God has revealed or only what He has revealed to Muhammad specifical-
必岛I J项L房或& ©声":d&燎项苛5 W项cZ ,'YA

ly?' He said, 'Wbe unto you! If he rejects what was revealed to Muhammad
铉,is that not tantamount to rejecting all that God has revealed?J [5:44]
& K顶q圳:JB勺镯卫应k项岳I项lc JT:cJ5

9 From Hafs b. Ghiyath, from JaTar b. Muhammad 嗥 who said, 'God sent
Muhammad down with five swords. One of these swords is sheathed: it is
SaIjI Jjl« 顶销卫
up to others to draw it and upto us to issue the ruling. This sheathed sword
is the one with which retaliations are executed. God, Mighty and Exalted,
says: < a lifefor a life, an eyefor an eye, a nosefor a nose, an earfor an ear, a
toothforatooth, an equal wound:: if
woundfor aa wound
翎血 woundfor if anyone forgoes this out of
anyone forgoes
湖冲:it will serve as atonementfor his bad deeds,
----- - Those who do notjudge ^4^ j . "JI L«& cl*J^ EaL**> 1^3 Ld〈l’L提
according to what God has revealed tare doing
' ' grave wrong. > So drawing the
sw’d is upto the family of the victim, anZi -
issuing the ruling for it is up to
us.' [5:45] ^LJjl 包'I少:J?"出'J& c(^L>aaJI a>(忸
3, From Abu Basir who < '' *
- a:ked Abu,Abd Allah 嗥 about:他咬*
♦一 —2va x KI
加goes this out of charity, it will serve as「,
said, aIt atones for his bad deed; atonementfor his bad deeds He
霎撰 5badd5pgt 。
・J the injury that he for- 勺〃认一3^寡嗥 d)ly 侦白・瑚〈jry^J (jjl .\Y,

•券 1 " L j 坦侦 5 b 3卷:J15

The Feast

心Y 乩山罗川斗m电:aJJIjup qI苛QL 苛 .'YV

源#也X;:需岩*峥5顶整也 ,W 〃 I3[京b
1一 : camels and for an ear
els, For a penis ±at has been cut off, it is one hundred
that has been cut clean off, fifty camels. Other injuries siwh,1 as wounds, ex-
emplary punishments, the finger and the like are to .)be judged
,- individually 1 >
,and《those who do notjudge J, I J kjS 4> 〈匕
by one vested with justice from among you, r 、
accordingto what God has sent down are rejecting [God!s teachings]. > [5:44〕
,曰 1 \a 加
From Abu al-*Abbas, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥 who said, Whoever judges
regarding a mere two dirhams contrary to what God has revealed has indeed
rejected [His teachings]? I asked, <Would he have rejected everything that 逸<4)1 Jji Cz/5^ ”程半新jp叱w』苛 .、YA
God has revealed or only what He has revealed to Muhammad specifical-
ly?' He said, *Wbe unto you! If he rejects what was revealed to Muhammad , , >
榭 is that not tantamount to rejecting all that God has revealed?1 [5:44]
Jp J/ K 顶3]场J :J& J皆 Jy' B Jjl U^:CJ5
129. From Hafs b. Ghiyath, from Ja*far b. Muhammad 瀑J who said, 'God sent
Muhammad down with five swords. One of these swords is sheathed: it is
up to others to draw it and up to us to issue the ruling. Ihis sheathed sword
j项顶% ml镯名
is the one with which retaliations are executed. God, Mighty and Exalted,
says: < a lifefor a life, an eyefor an eye, a nosefor a nose, an earfor an ear, a
t00thf°ra g, an equal woundfor a wound: if anyone forgoes this out of a1)I J::J& “湿'卫(J. w 己A ex.
Charity\lt wil1 se”e as atonementfor his bad deeds. Those who do notjudge
"c呼t0 what God has r^ledare doinggrave wrong. > So drawing the
j% “JI (以! bjrjC> DJ,
算岩p to the famUy of the victim, and issuing the
nd issuing ruling for
the ruling it is
for it is up
up to
遇y :七泌]?■ ju〈。^以疝均(位 g 却
130. From Abu Basir who said f_ - Abu {Abd Allah f^' about: ^If anyone .LJ! 4>^>^ <I
T asked
,——〜.—、• A KI

forces this out of charity, it will serve as t'

1n1 "onenwt所旅由d deeds.* He
said, aIt atones for his bad deeds in proportion to
went・M:4s] : 一 2 the injury that he for- ^4 嗥朋好[idJL:j&c・、Y,
-券j eA。4坛•如以侦3 b心具:J&

5- The Feast

From Abu Jamila, from one of his associates,

of his associates, from 5云 of the two [Imams
“5” one 朋Ji : J时现国心苛他头苛
131, al-Baqir or al-Sadiq] who said, 'God 'God set aside an
set aside an(obligatory
、 share of the
khums for the family ofMuhammad 磁;,but Abu Bakr refused to give them 多:4jjl J15 Jij cSjIjcj 项(jjli -Jf
their share out of jealousy and animosity,1when God had said: , <*Those who
....... ..... f.aled are doinggrave wrong.少 Abu
do notjudge according to what God has revet J区* b Ji' 再 #西3匕JI 卜i dWjtS & &3I 匕'矣j
the family of Muhammad, peace be upon them,
Bakr was the first to deny
their right; he oppressed themland 【nd turned people against them. When Abu
T --------
Bakr died, 'Umar succee----- with neither consensus from the Muslims
, laded him
, ofMuhammad 镯.So {Umar carried on, in the
nor consei:nt from the family - ■ . «
S J〔虹*以A /A成勰;名U>j M <另31 b 3)尹异由
same way, not giving the family ofMuhammad their right, and did exactly
* 匕
as Abu Bakr did.' [5:45] •卜.W L
132. From Sulayman b. Khalid, from Abu 'Abd Allah 凝J who said, "Neither
the Jew nor the Christian nor the Magian must be judged by other than 为寻 '为 ,:JI5〈隰创y gl cJjK 3dleL-苛 .'Z
God's law. God says:〈sojudge between them according to what God has sent
down, y [5:49] .《舟 &>»—多:4Jjl JLaJJIjJu

133・ From Abu Basir, from Abu Ja'fkr f灌 who said, 'The law is of two types:
God's law and pre-Islamic pagan law.' Then he said:《Is there any betterjudge f牛 1卜方41)1 产心旧件I 嘿 Qi/ ・\rr
than Godfor those offirmfaith^ He continued, "So bear witness that Zayd
[ibn Ihabit] had judged according to pagan law, i.e. concerning the incum-
bent duties? [5:50] KJ 浏心花:(JI5 方如R 技:J15
134. From Dawud al-Raqqi who said, ‘A man asked Abu lAbd Allah 嗥? in my •必顷小少** H

presence about God's verse: ^But God may well bring about a triumph or
some other event ofHis own making: then they will rue the secrets they har­
boured in their hearts. So he replied, “This refers to the destruction of the 4i 赤13 次J 成 隰 mi 半 li jL :jis cjji S 苛 ・\YX

Bani Umayya seven days after Zayd's body was burnt.”' [5:52]

. >

5, The Feast

From AbU B迎who said,顽f斜,遂嚣她卯岫,
Abu Basir who said, 'Abu Ja'far 隰
ar, meaning Salim,
心”印点6履嘤关守项:J&孑苛 ・ \ro
Salama, Kathir al-Nawwa>, Abu 亦Miq&m, and Emm:?
L/U UI A»***j*-—----- / .

from those who were misled by these people;

have led many people astray!……如 Some people say>
__ _____________ ."—'…""
扇I 汶花g 5圳1湿3 - Ul勇一灵可时
and they are among those about whom God says, y *、,二、

、"when really they do not believe^ and
believe in God and the Lust Day,— - . 匕泉g艰匕打切#力© ©为
strongest oaths that they tvere 碗山
with you. All they did was in vain: they have lost

136. From Sulayman b. Harun11 who said,-■‘I said ' I to him that some of thesec Ijla
. <公匕务H二j卤

claim that the sword belonging to 1 the Messenger of God is now in the pos-
session of’Abd Allah b. al-Hasan? So he said, 'By God, neither they nor their :6[如 oAa J):』:JG w ・

father have ever seen it from one of their two eyes unless his father noticed it
with al-Husayn f弑.It is preserved for the one vested with this authority, so
do not go right nor left for by God, the position is clear. By God, if all the in­
habitants of the sky and the earth were to come together to turn this author­ ”我^ M〃 oljU ajjIj :Jlsi
ity away from the places wherein God has placed it, they would not be able
to. If all of the people were to reject faith such that no one remained, God
would bring about a people who would be worthy of this position? Then he
continued, cHave you not heard God's statement: < You who believe, ifany of ^>3 Cf 圳 I心 JI \y^\ 如 Jjbl jl jJ
7? go back on yourfaith, God will soon replaceyou with people He loves and
who 1。此 Him, people who are humble towards the believers, hard on the disbe- 41)1 jlU <3 4Jjl
until he had finished that verse and recited another vers^: T^enif
*V inthem^e have entrusted them to others who do
nOt 件但杪'与 Then he said that this verse referred specifically to the JaI
people about whom that verse applied to? [5:54]
I>・E ^
applied to?
J* < 4以曰山旬牝才9七1^二^-必匆世

11 SuJayman b. Harui
whom there is

5- The Feast

…二,from Abu 'Abd Allah 澳.He said/I 歹寸I OJA :J做瘪

From one ofhis associates, from a man, .\rv
:X篇《慕;港“吧吁ws s加 《God will soon replace you with people He loves

disbelievers. > He replied,uThe proteges. (5-54J

From Khalid b. Ya邮 from alWmar b. al-Makki, from Ishaq b普 。少3卫次如灯。&判苛,夕1 顶竟j w T2 &•用A w・
Allah b. Muhammad b. 'Ali b. al-Husayn, from al-Hasan b. Zayd, from his fa­
ther Zayd b' al-Hasan, on his grandfather's authority 逑who said, 'I heard 3: J鼠嗥1 土 苛E履/与a —I /:嘤 Qi
cAmmar b. ^sirsay, UA beggar came and stood before,Ali b. Abi Talib while
he was bowing in his supererogatory prayer, so he removed his ring and (举0也豹嗥项&溟二5j :以
gave it to the beggar. So when the Messenger of God ,嘴;came, he informed
him of that and this verse was revealed to the Prophet 敖:< Your guardi­ ° Ja 也髭 y J关 <dAJ Ajjl Jj*-j (Jli </LJI ollapbc4xl>-^i
an is only God, His Messenger, and the believers who maintain the prayer and
pay the prescribed alms while bowing down in worship. * So the Messenger
of God 碾 recited it to us, then he said, “For whosoever I am master, 'All
:匕划 瑜 扶少I &1顼&须同盛 强房知玲匕! >应I
is his master. 0 God, protect whoever adheres to him and oppose whoever 2%® : JI5 & (LJp 耳落 4Jjl WJoi《禹+,Aj
opposes him.n, [5:55]
・ «oblt 〃 oUj b Jb 波I
139. FromlbnAbiY^furwhosaid, 'Isaid to Abu 'Abd Allah 混,“I present to you
my faith with which I believe in God.” He said, "Hand it over." I said, “I bear
witness that there is no god but God, and I bear-----
------ witwless that Muhammad 曜; aI)I (jol 凶打:嗥 ajjIjlp 0勺 :J15〈刀迎项功苛 .
is 曲 Messenger of God, and I attest 1t0 that which he brought from God.”'
He continued, {Then I listed the Imams 一J to him until I reached Abu JaTar.
Then I said, “And I attest to you the 。卜 L; 3b J>*-j I食 jl :dJ5 •皿:JIS
same way that I believe in them.” So he
said, MI forbid you from mentionir^ing my name outside in public.”'
.Aban said thatlbn Abi Ya^rsaid/I als. 占已妒i •芯y』成:j&顽心b &
岩嚣2需:X/y are; 10 said to him
e ones 蛔 along
whom my first
in the Qur'an:《You who belit says
authority amongy^u G°d 脸the Messenger, and those in
after" So Abu Allah said, «Nowrecite the verse

Sdsaid/Maylbeyour ransom
- which verse?”

12 理 db.Ya蛔 BajWboutwhomtherei,
(nr. 4234).
IS scant information. See Kh互 砌,8:43 ,瑚与心=:』dJ6 : J6

The Feast ,£UJI

--, 曾:
—; and the believers
He replied:《Yourguai ibed alms while bowing down in
3翁扶w 6^ 仲孩项5 须纶di> :JI5
who maintain the prayer andpay the present
worship.》 ” ・#饱允穿匕瑚
Then he said, “May God have mercy on you.】
God have mercy on you for [ac- :J困:J& 勺/V IAa& ajjI :J^aj :cJ5:JIS .4)1 :Jlii:JIS
He said, *1 asked, “Are you saying may C.
knowledging] this authority?
for [acknowledging] this au- AaJ 4)1 dl>j
He replied, “May God have mercy on you
thority.M, [5:55】

From Abu Hamza, from AbuJaTarc^ who said, ‘Whilst the Messenger of )。心少以寸小卜嘴mi山七顷J4隰决吁孑苛,沪项苛 ・',,
God, peace be upon him and his family, was sitting in his house, there was .
a Jewish man with him - or he said five Jews and among them was - ‘Abd :应I °Ja cJ关 c「乂^ 3 命灯件^ 一 ^Jl 〃 :J15j\ _ ^Jl
Allah b. Sallam, when this verse was revealed: < Your guardian is only God,
His Messenger, and the believers who maintain the prayer and pay the pre­
scribed alms while bowing down in worship. > So the Messenger of God
隆:心i J插必械g板和句di>
left them in his house and went out to the mosque, and there was a beggar c^Lj i3g Mja*(3mi J^j 蚓
there. The Messenger of God 镌 asked him, “Did anyone give you some­
thing in charity?M He replied, HYes, that man praying over there? It was 歹 JlSjA 亍:JI5 Li (J乙L销 4)1 4)Jti
^^[5:55] “ 一

141. From al-Mufaddal b. Salih, from one of his associates, from one of the two
[Imams al-Baqir or al-Sadiq] who said, When this verse was revealed:
{Your guardian is only God, His Messenger, and the believers who maintain
the prayer and pay the prescribed alms while bowing down in worship ¥, it
"SC ^7 Pr°phet^ 曲 he feared that the Quraysh would
尖滤J 产j,嘴浸皆AJ5 * 史房知伺匕块
芝;停5比y 代以如旧寸#多韵处!功1匕占很少宣曲珈,#
From Abu Jamila, from
al-Baqir or jal-SadiqJwhosaid/TheMessc-
God has revealed
al-MiqdadT fpE篱F
---J to me to love four people: Lui,
.N Ji21b cj3 也 «U^ :切)jl 5
・切? J : J底 S^IIJub * 口 jd/W s刘.&我寸:&

The Feast SjjLJI ^>***(/*

,』—I all those people at the time, did no

So I said,'Indeed! However, from :晚# 孩插5 jJI OUI olb :CJ5
So he replied, "Yes three people did.'
一一 know about iju
know aouui 2 authority?'
one c*“y ―/
I asked, * These verses that were
I asked, 'These verses that were revealed: ^Yourguardian is only God,
His Messenger, and the believers [,..])> and: ^obey God and the Messenger,
廿jL 刘 决iL《郊据 的i侦项i旬侦顶夕
His Messenger, 1___
and those in authority amongyou^ - did <" no one ask whom they were re­
vealed about?' So he replied, 'For the very reason that it had come to them,
they did not ask? [5:55]
From al-Mufaddal, from Abujaffar 部,about His verse: < Your guardian is
143- • --------- ---------------------- — • . ・
-•一 .

only God, His Messenger, and the believers...he said, 'They are the Imams, .豚!点勺F:J15
peace be upon them? [5:55]

144. From Safwan al-Jammal who said, *Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 said, When this 妇顼电瑚・寸13 IL :嗥札y项JI5:J& JtLLI &英苛 ,\££
verse of authority came down the Messenger of God called for canopies,
all the canopies at Ghadir Khumm. So they were swept, and the call for
prayer was made to gather everyone.
Then he said, '0 people! Is not the authority I have over the believers :(j& j1 cjj-'Ui 1^1: j 15 f
greater than the authority they have over their own selves?, They replied,
'Of course? He said, 'Then for whomsoever I am master, 'Ali is his master.
My Lord, protect whoever adheres to him and oppose whoever opposes
Then he ordered the people to pay allegiance to him, and the people did
cc NTc* c c:—— 一 —一 ・• .
so. Not a single person approached without ----- :paying allegiance to him, and
he did not speak until Abu Bakr came fforth, whereupon he said, xAbu Bakr,
mi b:d 旧,心七 b项 qi b : 1 tic <5 it t: jtxd <5
pay allegiance to 'Ali's authority? So he replied, *From
, ------ L”,• auiM God or His Messen­ 4jjl :S (4jjl :(JIa5 . 4,*^1 : 卜..
” -- So he replied, Trom God as well1 as His Messenger.'Then'Umar came,
so he said, *Pay allegiance t '二:…心
to 'Ali's authority? So he said, 'From God or His
Messenger? So he replied, Trom 福
turned away
turned ,-
r indignantly, and when
as well as 广 =一一 Then
His -Messenger? ---- he
they both met he said to Abu Bakr,/He (Jj***j l: Jlsici! 值 <^***JI O® \)jIa 己产"
is certainly pullingw thei \top ofhis cousin's ai
Ren 「 he quickly arms up very high?
.… rushed out from the
he returned to the Prophet
‘s Mesj
0 Messenger
again, peace be 1
camp, but it was 1not long
, before 心 心 &侦 &!视
of God 榭 I left the sap 2upon a 1 and his family, saying,
camp to fulfil need when I saw a man
wearingwhite clothes, 一,andl
+3 ha^ “ave never seen、 someone 如嚏^ 4A)I 朗:J国"山顼9
him. He had the most beautiful face
Hehadthemost face and
^ most pleasant
-j moresmell
handsome And
of all. than

5. The Feast

made a pact with 'Ali that only a

he said,
“The Messenger of God 供 has 预)立&,嗥 :JIS WI5"⑤州/A:, Jlii
disbeliever would reject,
,w who that was?' He replied, ^o? He said,
S。he said, “Umar, do you kno,
be the first to reject it and to disbe-
.顶m 点 jji
'That was Jibrail 嗥,so beware lest you
lieve as a result?M c/J边二JI丁址 W 心J:4jjl JIS j
said,,"Twelve thousand men had attended
Then Abu 'Abd Allah 喋........
<Ali b. Abi Talib 湖 and yet he was not able to 〈浏心a!j cjlll <1 6^R>l A jj5 \i “卷!!顷帼 qI
Ghadir and borne witness to
take his right even though one of you need only have wealth and two wit-
nessesto Mabie totake your right. The party of God are the victorious ones
regarding,Ali 混[5:55]

145,.From Abu Basir who said, 'I said to Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥,“'Umar b・ Rayah
claims that you have said that there is no divorce without clear evidence.w,
He said, 'So he replied, “lam not the one who has said that, rather it is
God, Blessed and most High, who says it. By God, were we to issue rulings
to you unjustly, we would be worse off than you all. Indeed, God says: < Why 幻 cj^4~l ajjIj ULaJjaj2JjLj 4II Jj <«cJ5 El l«: Jlni :JIS
do their rabbis and scholars notforbid them 铲” [5:63]

146. From Hisham al-Mishraqi13, from Abu al-Hasan al-Khurasani [i.e. al-Rida]
泓 He said, 'Indeed, God is as He has described Himself: Unique, Self-sub-
sisting, Light? Then he said,《Truly, God^s Hands are open wide.^
wide. >
So I him, 'Does He have hands like these?; pointing to my hand
4 闵I JI:JB 燎 jLI【I QIqI 户多习 fUu / .3
血,'If He were thus, He would be a created being? [5:64]
he 、said,
his.,So he
and his
.如匕与方讣如$ :
推蛔 Ed Abu <Abd Allah 嗥 about G°d,s
ZSjgQ哄础,Godistigh 地岫nWtis J j$Jb J&J :—oJb 匕 lj —I j$S> 浏点成I :』cJi5
God is tight-fisted, but it is 血 goam
they 妙g
who are tight-fist-
ed.y He said, *So he said » mn …
“"KT—、一 __ 1 、
t0 me, H only that, but they also said that His
Hands are [tied] to His Neck, but He
IIn another narration about thi:
said, “He has rid Himself of all things."
of all command:” [5:64] lS statement of theirs: “He has rid Himself
^4^1 :4)l 心芋:象 \)\ cJLi:J6 苛 .MV

一孟 a T j如一 1疥h j底:jis . < t项饥『湖《

13 HishSm b. Ibrahim 厂亦Mashriqi, a reliable • 9 VM
Mu'jam, 2。汶91-3 (nr. 13349). cgpanionoff ja’f'。。帅,

o^aJLJI 3
5. The Feast

of God 镂 has made

a pact with 汕 that only a ,嗥以加5 :JIS扣5 〃。盘 /侦嘴J困
he said, FeMessenge:,
disbeliever would reject.” ' .,硕, was?' He replied, ^o? He said,
'That was Jib函1 嗥,s。 功 &心电 特工心I/a 也:JIS &
lieve as a result? M “aTwelve
Twelve thousand
thousand men had attended
Then AbU'Abd
△----- Allah 漫^KAbiTalib
said, 混,and yet he was not able to QlJjbLi <JILI a! jlj(<o- *1 j5 li qI
Ghadir and borne witness to*------ -* have; wealth
though one of you need only 一二 and.two wit-

his right even
炽。血 1 yourrightnpawfGodgthevictonousones
)f God are the victorious ones ,嘤由cH况匕以二命4-

145- From Abu Basir who said, 'I said to Abu cAbd Allah 嗥,“'Umar b・ Rayah (3贝':心5应&占&. K)!:噢则y g^dJ5:J&< ”?项苛.、s
claims that you have said that there is nodivorce
( without clear evidence.,>,
He said, *So he replied, “I am not the: one who has said that, rather it is
x• *
God, Blessed and most High, who says it. By God, were we to issue rulings
to you unjustly, we would be worse off than you all. Indeed, God says: < Why & cj^ll pi: &! 牛祯 DW 勺以由如& hi L:Jlii:JB
do their rabbis and scholars notforbid them[5:63】

146. From Hisham al-Mishraqi13, from Abu al-Hasan al-KhurasanT [i.e. al-Rida]
喋.He said, 'Indeed, God is as He has described Himself: Unique, Self-sub­
§ :
sisting, Light? Then he said, < Truly, God^s Hands are open wide.少 罚无"J&〈黎 头ip Qpb,&克1 (也芋 ・'"
So I asked him, "Does He have hands like these?', pointing to my hand
and his. So he said, *If He were thus, He would be a created being? [5:64] . wo匕坛#:
147.'• From Wbb- Shu'ayb who said, ‘I asked Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥! about God's J : Jlld —dJo O—I jSub JI Ju 4^1 :a!
才^竺:二呼吧知姑咿卸妒Mtitis they嬴财e tig倏fist-
?匕 He s?,?。he said to me, “Not only that, but they also said that His
a;ds are [tied] to。His Neck, but He said,;“He has ridHMofdl
*竺空叫 rid Himself of all things.”
In another narration about this
statement of theirs: "He has rid Himself
of all command.”' [5:64]
宾瑚匕命奇13苛嗅由半U色L: . \£V

一芯泛妇JSj—:jixi:jis. #入#顼己Lk羽二必■

・ 0 骸M jl(1^专习共
2°:g(d abMashriqi, a reliable
companion of Imam j& al・辑物 See Khu7, •,… i

o4>LJI 3
5- The Feast

「: ^God is tight-fisted^,
on his authority about God^. verse: lx 0J〈浏号* 苏船 必 * :4)I Jy 虺 ・\“

148. From Hammad, •xistingbeing. They are cursed

三「「t that He had rid Himself of e性 e:
'They meant — :慕a遍,says;伊物,G邳sH诚sm
for what they said. God, Mighty anc —
open wide.》'[5:64]
(#汆〔匕bCdil以二^;项匕攵歹:』顶旭黎卜苛 . 、以
149・ From Jabir,
X;e family ofMuhammad, peace be upon them, God wdl shatter .4jjl 4^^ 喉j 垮 & -iXi" jt>« /项 :jb
him? [5:64]

From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Jalfar^ who said regarding God^s '垣'侦商允才3》:D盘珈Ed”鼎J^r l) ' 4
verse: {Ifonly they had upheld the Torah and the Gospel and what was sent
down to them from their Lord, they would have been given abundance from
fi'om .寸叩:cH T W 很匕s诚那
above andfrom Oe/o砂,'Divine authority (walayd). [s:66]

151. From Abu al-Sahba, (or al-Sahban) al-Bakri14 who said, CI heard 'Ali b. Abi cjii-i 兑 Ln 嘿 <jib 项 3 g :jg 修a ‘qji 顼苛• “'
尊lib 部 invite the exilarch and the archbishop and said, “I am going to ask
you about a matter that I know better than both of you, so do not hide it Ln.尖,电 / 苛 mJ?
from me." Then he called the archbishop and said, UI implore you, by God,
who sent down the Injil to cIsa, and placed blessings at his disposal such that 出,。圳 a1)1 : Jlfii c^jL^JI
he could cure the blind and the leper, remove eye pain and give life to the
dead. He made birds for you out of clay and would inform you of all that you 茗I? F J'j'j 豳,倾I
ate and stored away.”
So he replied, “The above is all true." .(JIJub Jlii. K 顷
Then 'Ali 辱 asked, “How many factions did the Children of Israel split
after <Is"
into af Isa?w So he replied, By God,
plied, ““By there was
God, there only one
was only one group.
group ”” .Sj^lj E : JIask?北'! 匕5 I p:r程'少 J 旧
So 'Al哈 said, “You are lying, by God, save Whom there is no god. E

:=温0"5譬盘 God says; < There is an upright group

' 2 one that shall be saved:" [5:66]
泌旨 GP 孙*jSl JlHJcjaM 矶南v J# :隰省 J&

5c§2,乌Jj*匕b :以加源3奶矽Y N/成谖茂2

】4 His name appears as I'欧塑血 and Ibn al-Sahb^in the various editions。&yy郴's
tafsir, but this aonearQ s《二:皿阪口 an aipahbb in tl various editions ofAyyashfs
diem of Ibn (Abbas. See jM:菖嚣。曾山帝&
mMu'assasatal•倾a,M)月 al-Maz2i,%
*严眈 同/:乎血yb al-Bakri al-Basri, the
,,azzi, TahM aUkamalfi 顶 as
asm泌'衫 al-rijal
al-rijal (Bei-
' sma2Bukhari,S的灿瓦场如

The Feast

From Zayd b. Aslam, from Anas b.

.Malik who said, 'The Messenger of 侦心为:*^粱4)1 (3”:JG 以 L a DpJ 苛
152- .c Mfic宥 split up into seventy-one
黑食驾。温篇 -“The community
EtL Fire —
— and。露严com-
Jwhich will be in the Fire and …。帅 in the
n-nity oflsa split upinto s詈芸翌嚣凯嘉 b( 4 “ 二 一
,m^inity will surpass both of these by
Fire and one in Paradise; and my co 一
Paradise and seventy-two in the
one extra groupi,: of which one will go to ・jUi j 北电,律y 顷&小 忘腭i
Fire.” of God?M He replied, “The
They asked, “Who are they, 0 Messenger
.01^141 ouulijis <4)i 妇板:ys
嚣甥窟idth收 b.Abi 顶ib,wheneverheusedtonargthis
narration from the Messenger of God # he would recite from the 坚 Qur'an:
Qur'an: / 1耳 己415、嗥! (j)l & 吉 :与 3 J&
4 [fonly the People oftheBook would believe and be mindful ofGod, We would
' •* J f r\ r£___ J.1_______ ,
take away their sins and bring them into the Gardens of Delight. If only they 人攵^版;5了匕母&J主歹E0孑夕向街4Jl
had upheld the Torah and the Gospel and what was sent down to them from
their Lord, they would have been given abundancefrom above andfrom below:
there is an upright group among them, but evil is what many ofthem do.少 He
would also recite: Among those We created are a group ofpeople who guide
with truth and actjustly according to 妗 ⑺⑻),meaning the community of
Muhammad 嘴[s:66]
tip (jl 14JJI/I N&〈朋*^ 3卜9 &・'0^ 七.・'。丫
153. From Abu Salih, from Ibn cAbbas and Jabir b. {Abd Allah who both said, 'God,
exalted be He, commanded His Prophet Muhammad “祐 to appoint,Ali r灌 以以 〈项&M农:馨14X)1 ,。为. (_/*国
as a 1guiding authority for people, and to inform them of his authority. How-
ever, the Messenger of God < feared that they would say: 'He has brought
h5 c。岫顷d 倾畅 w帅d rebe%nst him ;he扃羸
咨易5阿费遂如少成鬲脚顷应3 必寸
Red tohim:《MessengewocWm e此rythingthat has been sent down t(
覆、捎一臂"冲临蝉叫顿 have communicated His mes-
SUge ~ and God^protectyoufrom thepeople. >So the M(
lessengerofGod 嫩
established his authority on the dayofGhadir Khumm? .\ot
•' [5:67]
154. 'When Jibt提*源源爵判a'far 嗥 who said,

姓 during the&咧面
pilgrimage to announce the authorityWenger
Primage of <A1I of GodW
b Abl farewell
senger, proclaim everythin
^ngert proclaim u..ibe(t 一一
everything that has Tahb t锂果, ,=
,saying 、-----
: ^Mes- 卢cjl JI & &镂忒g :次寸少【亦四V如J润 '
you do not> ihenyou will not hai en^nt down to youfrom yourLord - if
,ve communicated His j----
Protect you from the people. GM 瞄 , -^message - and God will
n° guide
not 物e those who defy Him*, the

The Feast S JjUJI 皿尸

• ; until he arrived at Juhfa and had not yet 柱祁,3»虹&乂须:/也、^4 4)J厄旭二顼如4"l Jj顷
Prophet 敖 tarried for three days
taken him up by the hand for fear。f;::岩亦 Ghadir and reached a place
So when they
Sowhen settled atJuhfa
嶂$祯甘*嚣;天源暇同 。刘” So the people gath-
f 由:8佥 勺徉J 〃 p jJ ":嚏;竣J| J或b圳
:ZXdthe Prophet 段岫Wh。:more 严盅孺
jether and the Prophet 镯 asked, 儿扑广方41)i廿国心即* )阡,蚓小*心旧意剧村js
you than your own selves?^ He said, ‘S。they loudly proclaimed. God and
than your own selves? ---- ‘ second time, “Who is more authori-
His Messenger." Then he asked them: 项小暇〃火V 2处 〃 Jlj 5 » cJSj^ :Jlii c 嗥! Jc-
He said, 'So they said: "God and His
tative over you than your own selves? *«. - fr x >

Messenger? Then he asked ---them at third

l…, time and they replied, aGod and 4jl 山或罗&4 L^jIa aJ^/X &於力414 \j\j <& £§ M 幺"J jd-lj 〃
His Messenger; So he took ‘加嘿 Ali 嘿 by the hand and said, aFor whomsoever
I am master, then ‘Ali is his master. 0 God, protect whoever adheres to him •。如 Y
and oppose whoever opposes him. Assist whoever assists him and thwart
whoever abandons him, for indeed, he is a part of me and I of him. He is to
me as Harun was to Musa, except that there is no prophet after me.”” [5:67] 11x —(j^l>- \)\ I — 4*^1 4 0七"辱 J15:JG a工 3 j^<j^ .\0 0

155. From cUmar b. Yazid who said, *Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥? initiated [the conversa­ (a1>-工J&jJa»卢〈岳匕也侦七& aJ OS"嗥! —J帼痔白
tion] saying, "What "All b. Abi Talib faced, 0 Abu Hafs, was most surprising.
He had ten thousand witnesses but yet was not able to take his right, where­ ct>-^- 4^j jii ai)i4i>- j^-1)^y>-j)\j
as a man needs only two witnesses to do so. The Messenger of God 嘴 left
Medina to go for Hajj with five thousand people, and when he was return- .4$C« Jjbl b jM 4ma^ 4jCLi jij b yjj'『
ing from Mecca, five thousand more from the inhabitants ofMecca escorted
him back.
When 岫 arrived at Juhfa, Jibrall came down with the [revelation of
OS 0J5 cu«b,嗥' 沙如为・隰cH论J; 冷
:he] sacred authority of,Ali. This revelation about his authority had actual-
ly comedown at Mina, but the Messenger of God 嘴 was prevented from
Wg) :黄 d国<c/W “ (顷]〃功1 J^**j,梭
北 斜「坚 t。the stance of the people. So he said: ^Messenger, g
thejm黑:膈 fe&owntoMomy Lord-伽"do 〃尤
比彳凯 yq 教^0 北§为右缠很匕占
Messenger of God 疝薰嚣^严岫汕或 in Mina.” So the
〃舄J国渚血I Ja』以务《力匕^ &
from among the people said *Bv God 7 m Can°pies t0 be swept. A man ,<Jblub ^CxTU 4)Ij Ul ^Ul
tastrophe严 I asked «Umar [ibn Yazid/ 4his surely
皿普 to bring you a ca-
going "
'al-Habashi/ [5:67] ‘ Who was thls man?' So he replied,

3XUJI ^4
The Feast

-;author of al-Damdama al- qI JIP :电?乙上』I jxkl 3 苛

From Abu al-Jarud Ziyad b. al-Mundhir, the ・

,icfar Muhammad b. 'Ali at al-Abtah

jdrudiyya, who said, 'I was with Abuja1
while he was talking to people, when a man
from Basra known as 'Uthman, JaI 〃 成b W 己顶!嗥皆 3 岸J^r
from al-Hasanal-Basri came up to
him^ndS'o son'Xd's Messenger, may I be your ransom - al-胃 an 岳I S.:借/圳另II / cfJjL 决",*^1 dl> a! JU»
of God's Messenger, may I be your
也两 n血mad岫 g that 血ns M V 露 was re什d re­
tradition to us t----- 为4 应I。心 S 羚*4 岫4 另* 以 clxi-
garding a certain man, but he does not inform us who this man,s;乎。严
donotf thenyou willnothwecommmistedHismessQge》, knplying:hat: Do
you fear people when God will surely protect you from the people?”
So Abu Ja'fai•嗥 said, "What is wrong with him? May God not accept 〈cZ圳b 头"功&小四苫4心 W怎匕;
his debt to him, meaning his prayers. Indeed, he could have told you about
him ifhe had so wished. Jibi洲 descended upon the Messenger of God 禳 功'^2$ \』l« : Jlii
and said to him, 'Indeed your Lord, Blessed and most High, commands you
to detail the daily prayer for your community/ and he outlined the prayer to D 质j 板 Au 3"』J 困 湾 a!)i t凄j J、仙哉■为
him in detail, furnishing the evidence for it, and the Messenger of God 德 > %
demonstrated it to his community in turn providing proof for it. 41)1 J^**1j cA^lc-1^)顷;(ikul J^rjl 2J I
Then he came and said to him, 'God, Blessed and most High, commands , 力.
you to detail everything about alms-giving to your community just like you
did with the prayer? So he explained the alms-giving and the evidence for it,
and the Messenger of God explained the alms-giving to his community u jju 占> ^4)lSj b dAi«i J jt s A I山以出,B :(J 国 qQ F
and furnished the evidence thereof
Then Jibrall came to him saying, 'God, Blessed mostand j com-
High, 二_ ____ 4^*1<U \(J 宜 cA^lC'也 ^X4 ^4**^ 3
mauds you to explain the fasting to your community just like you explained

:he prayer
yer and alms to them; that the month of
Sha ban an? Shawwal, such and such must must be
Ramadan comes in between
therein and
done therein
be done such and
and such and
也* 曾''eXP!ained the ['蛔 to him and the evidence
6 Z*p 〃 dtul Jx o' 8 I4;K 功I o\:J国 J^rf
需富蒿::¥藉。四fng gni” jssen零 of God 斯 outlined the fasting to his community

Then he came to him an(ld Sai' 'God, Blessed and most High, commands 7 (JJi dV*-^ B J辰4J ,时时^^(/,硕。
you to explain the Hajj to
prayer, their alms-giving
your community, just like you explained their
and their fast
4^«l &悉^ 4jJI J岳 c<ul^ 4> 己卜顷「侦对,』玉 J,jS**
艾投吧。怦扁df篇MEM1岩严^Plained t。him
community and gave them evidence forit?
you to explain to your people ab' I most High, commands
-* Jout their guardian (exactly as you did with

5. The Feast

— >

their alms-giving, their fasting

Ju Je 包@1宙入H;岛柞火j 4>
氟 X down to you fromyour Lord ifyou do not then youu.ll not
物八所蛔汕疝%见咿・如血咿函。n was: D。you fear peo­
ple when God will protect you from 憎。虬,心.心顽小 % 晰 >匕
* So the Messenger of God 德 stood up and took ‘Ali b. AblTalib by the L **由,祥羽LX4以"JE预&A cl侦J山0 4JJ| B :J困阳.
• , Tor whomsoever I am master, then 'Ali
hand, and raised it saying, {Ali is his
master. 0 God, protect whoever adheres to him, oppose whoever opposes
him, assist whoever assists him, thwart whoever abandons him, love who­
ever loves him and despise whoever despises him. [5:67] 以质疝I力&,小V心涣4板IO :销mi J^j J困:J(5
57- From Abu al-Jarud, from Abu Jacfar who said, When God revealed to
His Prophet: ^Messenger, proclaim everything that has been sent down to you
:岫也履q H匕g地如s匕占响

from your Lord - ifyou do not, then you will not have communicated His mes­
sage -and God willprotectyoufrom the people. God does not guide those who
defy Him* the Messenger of God 新 took Ali by the hand and said, “0 ;方苴@: J鼠血方灌yJ也顼Cx由七心<^4)1 J^j f
people, every single one of the prophets who came before me lived his life
on earth then God called him back so he answered, and I am almost being <^SL fjA J tdyvai " coblp^ <e、b b L)b |H)J1
called, and I too will answer. I am responsible, and you are all responsible
too, so what do you say to that?”
…塑尸 said, “We bear witness that you have proclaimed, advised and ftil- •心闵 J4 户1?顷A &*/b
filled all that wasj upon you, so may God give you the best reward that he has
ever given ±e messengers? So he said, “0 God, bear witness to this!"
哧l夕镯yl Jp 4)1如(t: J15 ”瘪jA^项苛2力田侦苛 .'OV

词卜& 4)1。匕。衫&咬4卬在应切Wl:J底
衬li仞为*/户b <山5*= t顷浏以打b
4jjl 2JV^-(dU^ l<

.J^l ^1)1 : Jlii

The Feast 心1"〃

- I
,the one who witnesses3 this should tell the one
Then he said, “0 Muslims,
whoever has faith in mezand believes in me with
absent that I am entrusting1.,
the sacred authority of *Ali, to
the extent that‘Ali's authority is my authori- W :jb * .亦ij ji j/L 3出作黄噎为老栏3顼< 嚓苫
ithority is my Ws authority].1 who knows how much more
ty [and my aut_ . ,hilst He has$ commanded me to .proclaim it , 4jjIj t L*j?*u5 : JfG <Jl3i — 心口 己沈一S户b
he said three times, “Did you all hear?" A man spoke up, “Yes,
we have heard, 0 Messenger of God."'【5:67]

From Humranb. A>n, from Abu Ja<far 梁 regarding God>s verse: W

AQh匕顷Ph*应3&喉; J^r顽W寥3浏/iZ . \0A

158. 岩浙伸Bookgha面。true
true 顺助
h, the Gospel, and that which has
basis [foryour
been sent down ”
hasbeen to you
religion] unless you 胴
from your
Lord: but whathas been sent down toyou [Prophet]from your Lord is sure to .嗥'中弘顷如为ja : J 甚电 出!匕二^
defiance,>歹 He said, 'This is the
increase many of them in their insolence and defiance.
sacred authority of the Commander of the Faithfill 嗥・'[5:68]
\**"**^L?》:己1*> 41)1 性涉挫匕"OP ,
159. From Khalid b. Yazid, from one of his associates, from Abu 'Abd Allah re­
garding Gocfs verse:'《They thought no harm could come to them 少 whilst the b &衡 m Ij : 感 M
Messenger of God was in their midst, then they # became blind and deaf^
when the Messenger of God 嘴 was taken from this world. Then < God 切^成《:J15武展!茅引jry*l如’ yE F两邕仙J>*-j
turned to them in mercy when the Commander of the Faithful 嘿 rose
up.' He said,4 Then they《became blind and deafagain * until this very hour? &ui a

160. From Zurarawho said, *1 wrote to Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥 along with some of 苛 3m.麟 q'。! jS**:d& (j^ , '3,
皿 associates regarding that which the people narrate from the Messenger
fc/1 3L 4.L^a.TY_11« 1 t. ■ O
of God 轶,that Hell is obligatory forwhoi)ever associates anything with God, C-SJ-J JlA5 4jjl } J3J c jUI 4)必砚凶/1 〃》品思圜创
and whoever does L - anything with God, Paradise becomes ob-
not associate
ligatory for him. He replied, “Who
嚣冒膘常t ;"s state::**驾:燃 专):息e豹,却a心碘彳顶〃心:j&,《3』
as per God's statement: {Ifanyou.
tllforbid 机伽1 the Garden. >w As for hi:
瞄版心削;指鬻默罕严恤皿叽…3* )mes obligatory for
not disobey God.”' [5:72]'"旅[comet] view: it is whoever does 扃1峭呻勇^'/I疝葛:嗅京罗项J&《匀^


,The Feast

oni his
his father^
father's authority, citing an infallible with-
authority, citing 0^==^ /匕» :4)i e ,心j 七i 苛』上 3 jla-i 茂
From Ahmad b. Khalid, regarding God's verse: <his mother was a virtu-
out mentioning his source, ic&a^..o --
ous woman;::慕初 。。妗》HesM'IhWedtM
both atefood. He said, "They used• to have
, 1----- “cl Ecgrnad
bowel movements.' •圳炎版:次网「匕却
From Abu 'Ubayda, from Abu *Abd Allah 混 who said: < Those Children of
“ 47 ------------------- ...

ejected through the words ofDawud, and Isa,

忑星ny切):g嗥南半善/岱妇项w .
Israel who defied [God] were re)
son ofMaryam.夕 He said,,They were
:ailed pigs by Dawud and apes by Isa
called !sa jU Jp,淳 % 可 h ju & 刀 um :JG 戒二挤号曷 & 03
b. Maryam.' [5:78]
・嗥' &* &・
From Muhammad b. al-Haytham al-Tamim尹,from Abu 'Abd Allah 嚓? re-
- - ・ -< ..»

garding His verse: < They did notforbid each otherfrom the wrong that they
used to do. How vile their deeds were!》 寥M方匕=>夕:爵妙(4”貌由炒侦的顷湖料ad芋 .e
He said, ‘Even though they did not enter their meeting places or sit in
their gatherings, they would still laugh with them and socialise intimately
with them? [5:79]

4. From Marwan, from one ofour associates, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥. He said,
‘He mentioned the Christians and their enmity, and read God's verse: ^Jor
there are among them people devoted to learning and ascetics. Thesepeople are
not given to arrogance.夕 He said,aThose were people between the time of
'isa and Muhammad, who were waiting
waiting for thp advent 介£卜
fhr the ”“—~—人 嘴;:
of Muhammad <8。”>

. ut 出5» :4jj!苫:Jli
65. From 'Abd Allah b. Sinan who said, 'I asked him about a man who threatens
'out a man who threatens
to divorce his wife [as an oath] or expel his slaves if they drink something
prohibited and made imp -- '"' 一 二
(permissible. So ’he replied, “As for what is prohib-
.禅岸修。为盛,如 B @质成史项:d&
ited, it is not binding, whether he swears. ,
:s an oath or not. As for what is per-
missible, it cannot be abandoned, for it is not
God has made permissible
] *' up to him to forbid that which ・E
because God says: 4 You who believe,
.... do notfor-
bid the good things God has made,
lawful to you. * So his oath is
on the permissible either.”' [5:87] 3 not binding J^U-I 口板 QI4)^dj *(I I 口 :JlSi % I*» J

15 Muhammadb. al-Haytham b. *Urwa al-Tamimi, a reliable narrator ofImam Ja'far al-Sadiq*s

蜉可况Ji血歹霰3勺扃法l W』x1郊竣出
traditions. See HiBi, Khulasat al-aqwal, 263 (nr. 924).

5, The Feast

From 'Abd Allahb. Sin^njrom Abu cAbd Allah 嗥 who said, 'God's saying:
J— ' “
J 知夕:川J顶:J&〈滨朋岫』茂,(3已白顶1炒苛 .\V\
From cAbd Allahb. Sinan,
N” ----- w thoughtless in your oat岭;;this
< God does not take you [to task]for what is
“No, by God!”, or “By God, of course!!» whilst his' heart ‘站专城M ’如出如N:kJI E尹:
is when a man says: \ , “ ar* 'r
does not avow anything?
In another narration from Muhammad b. Muslim, he said, "While he does

not avow it? [5:89]

From Ishaq b. *Ammar who said, 'I asked Abu al-Hasan f貌 about: # tofeed ■项 ja (危!苛r葬 II dJU-:J6 < 苛 ・E

what you would normally give your

ten poor people with food equivalent to
feed sixty poor people. Can he give <Y: Jlii S dAJ 3 仁*1 cL^**v«jIjl 西心人序 U
them^ or to
own families, or to clothe them%
that altogether [to one person]? He replied, “No, rath-ier he should give each
cdUljUl jJ
person as God has stipulated.”'
He said, ‘I asked, “So the man should give to his relatives if they are
.产J& <心3必斗灼)危1#:4:JS
needy?" He replied, %s.”
I asked, “Can he still give it to them if they are weak but not adherents of
the authority of the Imams?” He replied, aYes, and the adherents oiwalaya 如勘Ja侦产J困日为夕函n侦任!屯如白:乙出
are more beloved to me.”' [5:89]
From Muhammad b. Muslim, from one of the two [Imams al-Baqir or al-
Sadiq] who said, [The atonement] for breaking an oath is feeding ten poor
people. Do you not see that He says:《the atonementfor breaking an oath is 节1 G : o(以! J项是d& c嗥芋(卜3 3必W *E
to feed ten poor people with food equivalent to what you would normally give
your ownfamilies, or to clothe them, or to setfree a slave - if a person cannot
抑d the means, he shouldfastfor three days.夕 Perhaps your own family's pro­
vision per person comes to less than a mudd (a measure of food). However, c^ll jLSl^ 33 J' dAW Jjdi5—土/j
one should calculate and set aside one mudd of flour, water, and dough per
person, As for their clothing, if it coincides with winter then clothing suit- <1^5lj(3§ cJli jLjl^ 匕务 JA I5§ 4jUj <U>J^ (j
…一__■一 w******
fide 以--L— --,•『・ • •・
able for that, and if it coincides with summer then clothe them accordingly.
Each poor person should
porb------------- v 1,1have trousers andJ an overshirt, and for women Ia a i 项^j^**v* cJ^ a> atLiJl.
it should be that which covers
covers all
all that
that is prohibited to be left uncovered:
is prohibited
trousers, a head covering and ar-----
in overgarment; and to fast for three days 一 if JI 3^ X冲kJ,也玲」:以:3 3项
-- the
one wishes to fast instead. However, .-fast should
- be performed with your
own body and not through your wealth or other •djr^ % 以
---- :means? [5:89]

116 、、V
5- The Feast

'Abd Allah who said, ‘I asked him 韵夕:4)l Jy 由L:J& 4灌 /心I化 3论&苛 • '史
From Samaca b. Mihran, from Abu
• , ')whatyou would normally give
about God's verse:《withfood equivalent to
your own families'^ as latonement
. for breaking an oath. He replied, “What
itisfy them for one day; and one mudd per poor
W W员)•陌决j幺3 匕
J------ ---own family■ eats to sal J

person was suitable

person was st------- according to him.”
I asked, “[What about]:4^ to clothe them*?” He replied, “Two gar-
ments for each man.”' [5:89] .Jvy : JIS S :3
From Abu Basir who said, 'I asked Abujacfar r^? about God^ verse: 4 with
「 equivalent
food , '…少
to whatyouwould normally giveyour ownfamilies. 、’He …
〜 said, 匕上二涟!! U:J6 4.
“The same provision as your own dependents and the provision of that time
was one mudd? I asked, “What about their clothing?” He replied, “One gar- .顷dAH :(JG 感
ment.B, [5:89]

172. From Ibrahim b. 'Abd al-Hamid, from Abu Ibrahim 嗥'[i.e. Imam Musa al-
Kazim], He said, 'I asked him about feeding ten poor people or sixty poor
people - can that be combined and given to one individual? He replied, "No.
Give it to each person separately as God has said.”' He said, *1 asked, “Can
a(5 / nl :jb,喉!甘I』寸苛 罗白.砰』苛 ・、VY

a man give it to his relatives?” He replied, “Yss.”' He said, ‘I asked, “Can

he give it to incapacitated women who are not adherents of the authority
,ikb 伊:亦 guy 以3 寻Lg 好项
(waldya)[of the Imams]?” He replied, “Yes, though adherents of the walaya
are more beloved to me."' [5:89]

173. From Ibn Sinan, from Abu 'Abd Allah 隰 who said, me a-------- .廿 5 EJk" :瑟:JS
卜—11— ■ • 一乍-.. 'The atonement for
breaking an oath is to give every poor person a mudd of food < ,,
----- 1 equivalent to 可为 :J& 我习I JaI ji " oLjJI AJxZjl:cJS:JG
what feeds a person from your own family per day. A mudd ofwheat should
include its grinding and baking for each poor person; or it is to clothe them
with two garments? [5:89]

&忘 :陌 5J6 武程赤3 cjl 苛 Q J 功苛 .M

43 r :JGj 伊 ^3 dAbbl" L Jji


5. The Feast Midi

In another narration on his authority, _
'Two garments for every man;; or to
174. • - • -1--
helpless people, in situations where you 心 cS>l jj .\vt
set a slave free from among the ].
must set a slave free? [5:89]

from Abu 'Abd Allah 横? who said, irIhe atonement for break-
175 From Zurara,
ing 3an“ oath is to set a slave free, or《tofeed ten poorpeople with food c^uiv-
35 5户p(3?!项®J& 河邕 苛 $ijj苛> .Wo
alent to what you would normally give your ownfamilies^ with condiments,
■ • - _ . 1_ _ 1____ J I
the norm ofwhich would be oil and vinegar, and superior to that bread and jji-i ,二yb 3^~' :-iaAA^ij 扃 i*
meat. The offering should be one per person, and the clothing should
be two garments. Whoever cannot afford this must fast for three days. God J^2j $ 招〈。口 ^>**^1? <(j^**w* *X< bX« 菇 烦 c^>dllj
says:〈Ifa person cannotfind the means, he shouldfastfor three days.夕 He
must fast them consecutively, In the atonement for breaking an oath, one
is allowed to set a boy slave free, whereas in the atonement for murder, it
3 成^ (jjr^ <J <3& 以W 必玲^匕 券3 为应 I
can only be someone who professes the unity of God [i.e. a Muslim]? [5:89]
瑟4 Y乒,伊泌^,细
176. From al-Halabi, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥J, that the atonement for breaking
an oath is to feed ten poor people, for each one two mudd\ one of wheat and
one of flour, enough to fit in both hands; or to clothe them with two gar­
〔展L JSO〈成:项I 0j瓦J <4)Ijlp qI 芋 苛
ments per person; or to free a slave. He has a choice as to which of the three
he would like to do, and if he does not have the means to do any of these (3 於J(移^(3*^ 项 心口。心! 产项〈也^ b
■______ -1 f* ■ -

three, then fasting for three days is obligatory for him. [5:89]
4^1p c己J ,曲‘匕 cjtAb dJJ5
177. From Abu Hamza, from Abujacfar 嗥)He said, *1 heard him say, "God has
・ * A)^i
authorized manI with the power to choose when it ( … to the
it comes * atonement
fbr breaking an oath just as he has authorized the Imam
oath just as he has authorized the Imam 1 regarding —〜rpun­
ishment for] a womens- j—1 ** _ …,
warmonger, to do as he wills.” He also said, “Whenever the
word 'or' occurs in the Qufan, man has
mZMd . a choice therein
____ 尸 : [S:89] \vv

oD j顶 1 争(J (s\ 魅 <泉|

.jLi-l 43


5. The Feast

,—潟 who said, Tasting for three days $ d1 y G况宙成爪,敬:皈嗥! gjj白&芦^展;|

From abZuhri, from 'Ah b. al-Husayn^- forone who does not have ・\VA
178. )ath is obligatory
as atonement for breaking an oat is cannotfind the means, he
is all consequential and not a separate option. [5物」
From Ishaq b. 'Ammar, from Abu 'Abd Allah「号 ,He said, 'He was asked
179- 州ttlJt。眼mentf。而蛔球汕,咿 :dsv了畋件绊
j an oath, regarding :血Jy j打瓦^丈:J&,嗥奇七项苛:特3 <5列苛 .'VI
cannotjina the
son cannotfind me 5 days)1 - what arethe cm
mcui^f he shouldfastfor three days^
teriafor not having the means? What if a " i man begs fbr a living and hence
acquires ihemean^? So he replied, “If he doesnot have an extra day's worth
of food in addition to his family^ daily provision, then he does not have the
means." He also said, "Fasting must be done for three days without a break
in between them.w, [5:89] :Jl5j (险 a)Lp J-yis。心质

180. From Abu Khalid al-(^mmat16 that he heard AbU'Abd Allah r瘪 say about
the atonement for breaking an oa±, 'Whoever has the means to feed is not
supposed to fast. Feed ten poor people a mudcTs worth of food each, and if
he cannot afford it then he must fast fbr three days or free a slave or clothe L 4):展I J^2j II A;l(1>^\ jJU-/ ,SA-
[people]. Clothing should be two garments, or feeding ten poor people -
whichever one of those he undertakes will absolve him.' [5:89] (3^f J ‘I国对f *(j§ Jx» l-U 5』
181. 竺Abi Hamza said from Abu W Allah 嗥 that he said, 'If he does not ,dA) 5 E c jL^J (O^-Sjl c43j
have the means then he should fast for th]
------ >-iree consecutive days, and the feed-
ing of ten poor people is a mudd per person? [5:89]

182. From al-Halabi, from Abu cAbd Allah 嗥 wh, oUlyu「[1 EX.择岭\ N:g嗅血卒顼苛,"lJ' cx省出
0 said, Tasting for three days as
a break 嚣熠 for breaking
¥Wt an oath must
也普 be do: e on consecutive days without
a break in between t'them/He also said/All fasting - .-U 上 ( 1*1? \j

the three days of fastir— ig can be split up except for
;lng as a:°nement for an oath, for God
一 J says: ^he should
fastfor three days^ consecutively; [5:89]

16 /•-
* Khahd Yazidal-Qammat, a reliable trS
坦11] Khuldsatal-
• 口㈣如,295 (nr. wsmitteroflmL ,八
如皿拓 traditions. See
-a湖ual, 399 (nr. 226).

The Feast 心I;

,球 He said, 'He says, “Gambling is wager-

FYom Abu al-Hasan 皿由・ He ・也屏:八知以:嗥习危1项V
ing.”' [5:9。]

•-部.He said, T heard him say, “Chess, backgam- L »,户8b 项b 目迎 B: J共 : JI5 < 嗥 苛
From Abu al-Hasan al-Rida 摩 . 'A£
184. mancala, and everything that one can wager on is gambling/ [5:90]
gambling.”' [5:9。]
mon, l.—-—-, -

--• b from Abu ^Abd Allah f^. He said/I heard him say,
185. From Hisham b. Salim, -
b. <Abd al-Muttaliband… his comrades$ were drunk on a wine
■ ' ' -------------------------------- 1 1----------------- ------ ~c" %

called al-Sukruka, they reminisced together about camel hump-meat. So 顼ill Q &•小以:g A*:JI5 < 嗥i gi 苛 & 3「也茂 .'A。
Hamza asked them, 'How can we get some?' So they replied, 'There 'Th= isIa
s^-camelbelongingtoyournephew cAlL, So he went out and slaughtered it. c-a>xL1I :(J&aJ jq<—J 亍很a) t紫!
Then he cut out its liver and hump and brought them inside to them.
He continued, K<Ali approached and saw his she-camel and was greatly k 项'澎•世 功砒 oJa :ytii e u :睥"
upset by that. They told him, cYbur uncle Hamza has done that?
He said, "So he went to the Prophet 嘴 and complained to him about it.” .aL>-。& <1^4
He continued, “So the Messenger of God 鞍 went with him, and Hamza
was alerted: 'That is the Messengerof God 磴;at the door? So Hamza came
out in a fury, and when the Messenger of God 嘶 saw him with an angry
典* 分 心:』9或以3 丛e 隰 去:J&
face, he left, and Hamza said to him, 'If the son ofAbu Talib wished to drive 好&衡血I妇—:JI5 顼5心河幽—玉:小
you along with reins, he could do so.' Then Hamza went into his house, and
the Prophet^ left? J 整 J& . u-jUI 4jjl J :3^i.
He said, "And this was before [the Battle of] Uhud.w
竺欢in塑,“S。God revealed the prohibition of wine, and the Mes- .3 I 4^>J (J
senger of God 筮 ordered for all their bottles t0 be brought, which were
poured out.”
,He said, Fen the people were caiied
』少 •乂 < 《y. 3 工也 Ql 功"项J a) Jldi * JB
called upon
upon to march out to Uhud, so
to march
the Messenger of God 姓
out 1t0° 皿「 …I?Wen?Ut,SS 可可1as people, and Hamza went 镂川妇人g 小 Jjb:JB 上(3 豳:J15 %
when:2 C----
Positioned himself aside from
* -
压 battle, Hamza went
nen when he came back to hl 由。enemy until he was victorious.
te came back to his position,
the Messenger of God, how 温;:""'Pe°ple Said t0 him,‘O uncle of 〃帽对 i <4x)d 上 1A c/uy *京:j&
°fGod 程 may still be harbouring someth可皿the Messenger
t0 "tack a second time until he 1 蜓 'gainst you?> Then he went y L& bE j &元旨成以场:d& (嘴创另〉,沪寸3
:medtohispositigSotheystd^PPT1 林昭 the people, then re-
0W C0U,d you
y°Ug0 out to
go out t。fight
fight While thXssenge^G
while the M( 次的 ofG°d> Jj — Jr乩血罗_/f b 血 :c/W』J底 Q, JI
g of God 殡 may still be

The Feast 。Xl*JI

器也学嚣andhu金dh* and
harbouring something against you • 姒! jA折零4瓦令,嘴伊』廿也/彦嘴由山七次
rhen he saw him approaching him, •八.
—, He said, Then he went
• eyes,
the MessengerofGod kissed him between ,his "比璀 AF :J&,土b'嘶 小jJ3j
and Hamza was martyred, may God have mercy on him.
to attack the enemy
of God 犊 shrouded him in a woollen cloth with black • 4jJ I 出& <4jj I
So the Messenger
and white stripes (al-nimrd)!,
Then Abu 'Abd Allah said, “It was like this curtain on my door. It was 3^1 B声观况3 3Aa现凡"很:潺!血好项J&F
such that when he covered his face with it, his feet would be uncovered,
and when he went to cover his feet, his face would show.” He said, uSo he 士少也 : JI5 3^3。乂r 协 2史;
covered his face with it and placed leaves from the ikhdhir p\^nt on his feet?
He said, “So the people fled and cAli 嗥 remained standing, and the Mes­
senger of God asked him, * What were you doing, 'Ali?' He replied, ‘0 Mes­
senger of God, I was standing firm on the battlefield? So he said, ‘I thought .j L b 4Ajl(J^»j 4)Jlii “戒古燧J ^bJI「*& :J&
as much.'" He said, 'And the Messenger of God 嘶 said, *1 implore you, my
Lord, for what Ybu have promised me, for truly ifYbu willed they [i.e. the \^} 4)1 J>*-j JBj:J6 .di jj顶 1山七l:J&
idols] would never again be venerated.'”' [5:90]
2 x “ .命
・-La) : (3[dAj§I* J_J b 21 JlZDI
186. From Abu al-Sabbah, from Abu cAbd Allah 隰.He said, 'I asked him about
nabidh and wine - are t'they considered the same? He replied, “No, nabidh
is not equal to wine. God has prohibited wine, both a little of it as well as
I as
a lot,jj《st as He has prohibited carrion, blood, and pork, and the Prophet 3芋的匚4瘪川蚌寸苛《91 d / ・E
嵋 Prahibited the 血Mating drinks. Whatever the Messenger of God 嘴
prohibits has been prohibited by God Himself”
5f 叫S/il 4^1 颇 g! Axil 和"湖 E
I asked, KI wonder how the
Messenger of God 嘴 usedI to deal with wine-drinking?” So he said, “He
used to beat them with二sli~
-lippers, more or less, every time a drunkard was
brought before him,
nthe PeoN continued to increase the number of
Jii 嘴
gf 5湍"K
------ ”,[5:9o]

jlii -,岖 M件 刖浏 kyj 招呻1


5. The Feast

187. From
'Abd Allah b. Jundab, from whoever reported it from AbU 'Abd Allah 顷b,匕^ 疹事:J & c嗥a呻侦W <0J^' a y 4白.4,妃W ・\AV
哩 who said, 'Chess is gambling, and backgammon is gambling/ [5:90]

From Ism茹1 al-Ju'fl, from Abujacfarc^ who said, 'Chess and backgammon
are gambling? [5: 9。]
.项》锣^ :皈嗥项苛〈#4*|以卜!苛 .、AA
From Yasir, the servant, from al-Rida 横?. He said, ‘I asked him about gam­
a7he bread and the
The deposit from each thing.” He said, "The
bling. He said, a“Ihe
■ 11 - « ------------------------------ 1

deposit that is placed by the gamblers [as pawns], be it cash or anything

J&心舔y 出/的L J&,嗥句勘(必顷1苛

else.”' [5:90]

190. From Hisham, from the reliable narrator, who without mentioning his
source said that Abu ‘Abd Allah ♦挈 was once told, 'It has been narrated on
your authority that [according to you] intoxicants and gambling, idolatrous
practices, and [divining with] arrows all refer to certain men? So he replied,
'God does not address His creatures in a way that they cannot comprehend? .4jjl S JL>-jy 顷 『q b
191. From *Abd Allah b. Sinan, from Abu *Abd Allah 峰 who said, cQuddama b. 3 u-jlliUl 3 尹顶:J6 d貌 4)lju> qI 苛 QL(Jt .E
Maz*un was brought before cUmar b. al-Khattab having drunk wine for the
punishment to be meted out to him. So he in turn asked 'Ali f貌 and ordered .0(jl& c(JImJ <43aJI i3jbt
him to flog him with eighty lashes.
So Quddama said, UO Commander of the Faithful, I should not get even
a single lash because 1 am of those whom this verse _.
ven applies to:《、There
be no blame upon those 1who 1 ** and•-do righteous deeds in regards to what
** believe
眄 have consumed [in the past]J :)"and—二〜he recited the
wnoie verse to com­
J虬后I晶寸I演《项次 匕9匕心I 灯拱
pletion. AV?...
So 《*Ali 桨 said to him, uYou are 厂
dressees of this verse. What they consumedwrong! You are not among the ad-
—」was permissible for them, and .

they only ate and drank what was permissible for them at the ti.

"is a similar
narration from Ibn Sinan, Lv,
from Abu cAbd Allah 嘿 with
/addition of.“
They only ate and drank what C、
,二 God had made permissible
'','When the drunkard drink:
what he is eati •
- • 1


--.:s, he does not even know
-i with eighty lashes? [5:93]

.5 艰

5. The Feast 5XUI3j尸 b

'Abd Allah 所?,who said about nabidh and

From Abu al-Rabf, from Abu .、vr
…-3 wine. God prohibited wine in and of itself;
wine, 'Nabidh is not the same as
so both a little as well as a L_
lot of it is forbidden, just as He has prohibited
The Messenger ofGod 喔;banned the drinking of
carrion, blood, and pork,
every intoxicant, so whatever t]
:he Messenger of God 镯 prohibits has been 勇供由号枝瓦y 嘴制Ju「力
prohibited by God Himself'
I asked/So how did the Messenger of God 嘴 deal with wine-drinking?' .4jjl
So he said, 'He used to beat them with slippers, more or less. After that
the people used to increase or decrease the beatings without a fixed amount
-- • • 「 -* • , . ■
untii «Ali b. Abi Talib 嗥 fixed it to eighty lashes for the wine-drinker,
whereby he flogged Quddama b. Maz ^n.
He continued, 'So Quddama said, “I should not get a single lash, I am
among the addressees of this verse: < There will be no blame upon those who
believe and do righteous deeds in regards to what they have consumed [in the
past] so long as they are mindful ofGod, and believe So he said to him, KYbu
are wrong! Ybu are not among them. Those people were not consuming the
fbrbidden.M 项应IJaI El cJA> 川:心Ij5 JIa3 :JG
Then *AE 嗥 said, KWhen the drunkard drinks, he becomes drunk and
does not even know what he is saying or doing." The Messenger of God 嘴,
when a drunkard was brought before him, he would beat him. If he was
jK :』j 叽!PE 质1 匕 公 mJ豚!
brought before him a second time, he would beat him again. And if he was
.I* I尸 jJLj Y cjI U
brought a third time, he was killed?
I asked, 'What if the drinker of nabidh drinks something else that intox-
icates him?' (30 % J>Sj IajJu I,了户 iq
He replied, 'He must be flogged with eighty lashes, and the third time he L i -、、
does it, he is to be killed, just as a(*_二 … of wine would be killed? 担E QI 15g 词 七If % j 1功词*yJ-l 街&
1 asked, 'What if a wine-drinker drink:
he flogged eighty lashes?* ---- ;s nabidh and gets drunk from it 一 is jj^9

.He replied, 'No, less than that; but

large amounts is prohibited everything that intoxicates man in 勺 O &$1 Ji夕/ XA)cj二》l *019
- …」even in small amounts? [5:93]

,QI 亮/觐指履3炽q:JG
,「I户 aJJl^(0U Js** cd^Ji »: J&

The Feast

From Hariz, from Abu :
睫,氾「产危1 'S' :J5凛赤X侦苛分/
-*;an ewe. If he kills chicks,
ttion (ihrdm) kills a dove, its penalty's
al consecrat.-
and breaks it, then he must pay money.
then a camel. If he steps on __ an egg L___
charity in Mecca and Mina, as per God's state-
All of this is to be offered asc ,
ment in His Book:
< God is sure to testyou with game within reach ofyour 匕嫁'j cAP i《*U QaJ 15^ .挨,汆' 务Q歹:顶豹修j
h心-meaning eggs and chicks - {andyour spears^ - meaning full-
grown mother birds.' [5: 94] .郭匕庆
From Samg from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 regarding God's verse: < God is sure
to testyou with game} He said, 'God tests them with wild animals that they
can surmount from anywhere? [5: 94]

From Mu^wiya b・ <Ammar, from Abu 'Abd Allah t瘪 regarding God's verse:
•瓦/ ,心小功16刈
4 God is sure to testyou with game within reach ofyour hands and spears. * He
said, 'Wild animals gathered around the Messenger of God 巷 during the ・E
'umra ofHudaybiyya within reach of their hands and their spears so that God
may test them? [5:94] 早 t &>■a甦^ 4)i 少刁拱*>•: ^5^■匕4jj 父卜^
197. In al-Halabi s narration on his authority, 'Game gathered around them from
all sides, coming near them to such proximity that they were within reach of
their hands and spears, so that God could test them thereby? [5:94]

198. From Zurara, from Abu Ja(far regarding God's verse:

划排 - 顶J* 七项 ** :4p以M 祉归(jj
〈Do not kill game
Whiley0U mbithestateofconsecmtion [forpilgrimage], Ifsome.
n n * ,o.... pf ""〃,如衫oes so 折-
篇二您雄唤而欧 ffimalbroughtto the KaM,
egam > He said, 'Whoever kills
3 an ostrich, then [the penalty is] a full-
grown she-camelor cow. Whoever kill:
ls a donkey or similar animal, then he
must offer a cow; and whoever kills a d<
leer must offer an ewe. They are to be

during 血 then he sacrifices at 嘉二七管役「^acrifia:e, and if it is

3 during the 户蜘印匕仁£如■孑 列
ices at Mecca. If he wishes, he
he buys it after coming back, and sacrifice it the; can leave it until
him.' [5:95] —en and that would absolve

•心。0^坷侦^蚤岳7 Eg,昵/”^并g

5- The Feast

From Abu al-Sabbah al-Kinani, from Abu <Abd Allah who said about
intentionally the penalty is an offering ofa
必关沁制E J燎如好项萨Q印《3顼/
God's verse: ^Ifsomeone does so 1.… ,
domestic 扁Mbr。岫 t。the Kg equivalent^ Tor a deer it is an ewe
as well as ;for a dove and its like; for chicks, the same number of lambs; for a
wild donkey, a cow; aimd for an ostrich, a full-grown
---------- - sacrificial animal? [5:95] 心心I 〃辱焰£侦sqL 1LX1宿,氾夔y:jg
From Ayyub b. Nuh17: Tor an ostrich, [the penalty is] a full-grown she-cam-
el or cow; and fora cow, it is a cow.'

201. In a narration by Hariz, from Zurara he said, 'I asked Abu JaTar 喋? about
God's verse: asjudged by two)'ustmen amongyou.少 He said, “The just man
is the Messenger of God 涸 and the Imam after him.” Then he said, “And
this is one of the places where the scribes made a mistake.'" [5:95] T夕Z夕以搭赤心w嗥/*顼白小弓苛<j•成窟,y.、
202. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Jacfar「瘪 regarding God's verse: C? IAaj : 2询〃户四可青 4)1 心0:JjuJI:J5 网夕y 垃
asjudged by twojust men amongyou^, 'It refers to one man, meaning the
Imam 嗥T [5:95]

2。3. FromIbnSinan, fromAbu 'Abd Allah 峰 who said, 'The Commander ofthe
Faithful ffel1, concerning the laws of retaliation when it came to injuries and
exemplary punishments, ruled that where two just men from among you
are to judge, it means the Imam.' [5:95]

雄我薰;*空" 5:徊"如心。
?at i时he Messenger of God 镯 and the Imam
费f fdge“商篇;篇嚣

” [5:95]

・「矣国 3 〃

.MLx.yy ;|辿透极 〃 涔 mi diis

17 AbGal*ayn Ayyub b.Nuhb.
林 of the eighth Imam 1 -, Darr可 al-Nakhal a reliable and trustworthy represent-
g"asajudgeinK响 Seewas
who 航 known 血
f ■ his piety and
-J asceticism. His father, Nuh b.
• >Kiiuldsat al-t
.…伽如,59 (nr. 58).

5・ The Feast

JI5 心项。y:J&,乂JI 白.杏苛 P/事苛

God, Blessed and most High, says: someone does
an offeringofa domestic arnmal brought to the

the penalty isisanoj

intentionally thepenalty
-- 竺笠1 - to the one he has
g equivalent , asjudged by twojustgfm
killed; alternatively, he may atone by
alent number ofdays.》
i.「 " needy or byfasting an equiv-
feeding J迄顼好-33 纭#撰[逐二)必笛仃径
Do you 1know how the balance of those fasts is worked
/_ out, Zuhri?> So I
replied; 'No: He said, *He should get the game valued. Then he should get
an amount of wheat equivalent to that value. Then he should measure the 〈妇all「共:J& ・Y I 2113 jl
】 of cubits covered by that amount ofwheat, and fast one day for each
half-cubit? [s:95] .0 二*^ 33 i\c\^a\^\dU 3 J 区 j 姐创展:J15
206. From Dawud b, Sirhan, from Abu 'Abd Allah 演! who said, 'Whoever kills
game while in the state of consecration, if it is an ostrich, then he must offer
a full-grown she-camel or cow [as penalty]; for a wild donkey - a cow, and
,心宣力豹目B cP f :J*5凛顼Q J 3灿/
for a deer - an ewe, as judged by two just men among you? J-Kp 必
He added, 'His judgement would be to rule based on what he sees
whether to enforce the penalty or the fasting. God says: < an offering ofa do-
mesHc animal brought to theKa'ba^j and fasting for one who cannot afford
a sacrificial animal, so he must instead fast for three days: the day before the
tarwiya, the day oftarwiya, and the day oVarafa! [5:95]

2O7・ F:om 代Allah b. Sinanjrom Abu *Abd Allah 嗥.He said, 'I asked him
:灌W t Gods statement regarding one who intentionally kills game while in
thestateofconsecration: ^Ifsomeone does so inta ■ 一' %. . ~ w, 七人 > .一

函 mpn nmn g eKa ba, equivalent - asjudged by two

5辎: °ne he has kiUed; °fe may atone by
bivalent number ofdays). _ what is that?'
whichhekmed&hecag*景% 侦"has to offer for that 尖「歹^ jl l®lj Ji 婵 c^i l«。[务。圳 : J国
either sacrifice
with it to feed the poor,canallowilgone^J^ "邸 * valued and buy food
hmnyp岫倾would膘篇户了皿淄11® calculate
c^SLII S 卬 J,瑟二 〈I•耳
st one day per poor person? [5:95]

5. the Feast ® jJUJI

[Abd Allah b. Bukayr,from one ofhis associates ; from Abu {Abd Allah
208. From : ^fGoi Mighty and Exalted: < or byfasting an equiva-
W, about the verse ol —, 〜• ・c • i • i ,
lent number ofdays. > Hesaid, *He should value the sacnficml animal regard­ 玉i ,匕息。叫曲冤:d&. #匕3衡J/j为
ing food, then fast one day per food. IfIfthe
of>ffbod. the total
total number ofmg
number of mg
exceeds two months, then he need not fast more than that. [5:95]
,以,C/•顶十 &,■勺1
In Muhammad b. Muslim's narration from one of the two [Imams al-Baqir or
al-Sadiq] regarding the verse: < or byfasting an equivalent number ofdays*, "匕 我。火:( 乂JI Jr 篡 4jljj jj .YI
he said, 'The balance of the value of the sacrificial animal is to be offered to
charity, and if he does not have the means, then he must fast according to
the amount of food allowing a day per poor person? [5: 95]
gK占L最。心W}谗 他(5心i占・c耳1J乙:JI5
210. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from one ofthe two [Imams], he said, "I asked
him about God's verse:《but ifanyone re-offends, God will take vengeance on
him.》He replied, 'There was once a man who took a fox while in the state of .Y\・
ritual consecration, and began to bring some fire close to the fox's nose. The
fox began to screech and defecated. His companions were trying to stop him
from what he was doing, so then he let him go. While the man was sleeping,
a snake came and entered his backside and made him defecate just as he had
tortured the fox. Then it came out and went off/ Another narration says that
jU' (也1 次丹 f声LLu Ml J:: JIS
it came out from him? [5:95] "
cdJJ S kj aL^ \ . c^L^2J 4>l^l 苣V
211. From al-Halabi, from Abu lAbd Allah 瀑 who said,
consecration kills game within the sacred
'If a man in the state of j> 血 S cA2^j\ «4^>- O虹13存1危1略
area, then he must pay the pen-
:lty,for it by giving charity to the poi
rinS 10 庇 P5 he reoffends and kills .<cL>^r < jbCJ!
ne Qoes not nave3 to' pay the penalty, but God will take --------j game again,
[5:95] vengeance on him?
匕〜 * .

cJJ-l心项I fjJj :J& “貌 川妃/ 苛 ・Y\'



5- The Feast

in another narration from al-Halabi, on his authority, about a man in the 我JU由成I心:J6 JJ y胡「声j ,职I W,①日iljj jj
… must -/
state of consecration killing game, he said,,He .• and if
pay the -penalty,
----- whom God says: < God
he re-offends then he is one <about . will take venge-
.JjL^Uc- iiilJL-iii :mi J&段*
ind he does not have to pay the penalty again,
ance on him>, and again? [5:95]

From Hariz,from Abu 'Abd Allah 澳 who said, ^It is permittedfor fou to
catch and eat seafood - an QjijoymsTitJbtyou* * He said, The briny food that
they eat thereof?
And he said,〈There is a distinction between them: every bird that lives
in the forest, lays eggs on dry land, which hatch on dry land count as land
game. Birds that live on land but lay eggs in the sea that hatch in the sea are
considered seafood? [5:96]

214. From Zayd al-Shahham, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥.He said, ‘I asked him •关1 A#
about God's verse:《It is permittedfor you to catch and eat seafood 一 an en­
joymentfor you and the traveller. > He replied, 'These are the briny fish and
what they subsist on too; and even if is not briny, it is an enjoyment? [5:96] ^板:aI)I 芳苛 :JU 武对 Juj .Y\£

215・ From Ab* b. Taghlib who said, 'I asked Abu 'Abd Allah 哩 about: < God
质 made
hasm Kafba - the Sacred House - a means ofsupportfor people.> He
^de the Kdba
以J &砂I或:Jia W分履板才匕匕七二购方顼
s:id, “God has made it for their religion as well as a means of livelihood for
them:' [5:97]
. &亦m第;g电i
216. Krom Ahmad b. Muhammad who said, 7---- ..一-
Fn怦5质5:切雄 'Have you still not stopped asking
硫需::源比詈莒:°refUSe t。-rain yourselves. People be- .仲』血4 5 4衍㊂匕题

God, Blessed and mostresult their abundant r履而万昭 of everything, so

岫 which, ifmade known 丸摆空料哄如 said: 《You who belit n°task about 次
警”奶ey th^lbemad^knownt
炀* God has kept silent about them- God i
" mostforgiving andforbear- Jiii <" a& J*顼^愈浏裆E对lli M
'ngSi and 瞄 came to disbelieve
逐夕板%缶顶萨见仍g棚司E > aw灿赤1
. <,


5- The Feast 3项J 尸b

%/•&晚)乙r匕沁赤I J* 凛奏苛 .Y'V

顺la, or ham to g He said, 'The people during pre-Islamic pagan

ignorance, when a she-camel gave birth to twins would say: This is a wasila,
枷必炎!说事田M d> 5七仁出史包北匕实y5
andwould not allow it to be slaughtered for consumption. Ifit gave birth to 奶y-授$ <1^为 <05 乂 <ci^j:y6 jk)(J j
ten, they would term it sd'iba, and would not allow it to be ridden or eaten.
The 她
hamn was a male camel that they would not be allowed to eat. So God re­ a1)I JjP li 电
vealed that indeed God does not forbid any such thing. [5:103]

218. From Abu al-RabF who said, Abu 'Abd Allah 谜? was asked about the sa'iba:
He replied, “This is in reference to when a man sets his slave free then says
to him, 'Go wherever you want, and I will have nothing to do with your in­ 段危屏:我S彳顷苛嗥血好项必:JB也pi苛
heritance, and I am no longer responsible on your account; and and this is
witnessed by a witness.”' [5:103]
孑或告七竣顼# 〃 4:』
. > >
219. From 'AmmM b. Abi al-Ahwas who said,' I asked AbuJ^far about the
sa'iba. He replied, “Look in the Qui^an, wherever it refers to ( setting a slave
户ee补 补4观
4:92),侦 sa^iba is, <Ammar, one who has no one among
〔hat is what the sffiba
people to fend for him apart from God. Whoever has only God to fend for .仲
hi: is under the protection of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him
J Lj_ £- 一-
” > i. L
?£¥ 观七竺 whoever is fended for by the Messenger of God is also
fended for by the Imam. He is his legal
guardian fbr criminal offences and
executor of his inheritance.M, [5:103]
4jjl J。5明 乂』朋 J j4^ 砂%厨1 瑚
220. 富*&虹Abd Allah 嗥 said that the 如丽 was when ;
birth to its who° in
an animal gave
也顿 Save birth too, its ears would be sli 福5;]
.喋! 4诵由球袒十?)"刃曲&衡
221. ,0: Abu Usama from Abu 'Abd Allah T"
God's verse:伽"所施际 混, He said, ‘I asked him about
'e, when death approaches t -
men fivm among wet as 叫饷 ― —J any ofyou, let twojust
》。m anotherpeople if贰;;嚣:;"^making of a bequest or two men
Here]Plied, “They a,w°:拦警昕
;y gg如顿饥血功
My gm 侦岫®:如表血3苛妁L:J&棉My项邪机叫苛 ・e
!…膈曲畋岫加”时?” Hereplied,g。
I ci _ _, r
Muslims----:L5:io6] .预W:J6戒匀I企M ,犀拱
.试A:J6J必垸* :必由山站:驾

5- The Feast 3XUI3

From Zayd al-Shahham,

-i Abu
X ^believe,
Ab。'Abd Allah ,魏 He said, 1 asked him
when death approaches any ofyou, let
拱挣切做奇i方了 &L出,嘿4)iju>侦Jji »苛.
about God's verse:'Lnnou act as witnesses to the making ofa bequest or
tiuo just men from among you
屁 ifyou arejoumeyingin the land when death ap-
・W心典感在火京3 :亦五壬预。
,:.—i a man who said, ‘I asked Abu 'Abd Allah 混 about
丽职* :赤|其/嗥血好寸白L:如妇苛&白甘苛 ・ YYY*
From,Alib・ Salim, from
God's verse:〈助“z----
^hobelieve, when death approaches any ofyou, let twojust
J必度 徂或好 匀I 131买二么3拱
men 伽
men from amongyou
among you actact as to the making ofa bequest or two men
witnesses to
as witnesses
from another people ifyou arejoumeying in the land when death approach-
es. >So he replied, “Those from among you are the two Muslims, and those
from another people would be the People of the Book. If you cannot find
anyone from the People of the Book, then from the Magians, because the
A Cr* b g杓9 7幻'浒〃。同b Q R浏讪:J困
Messenger of God 蝠 said, 'Uphold the same practice with the Magians as 7幻1 JaI 己a; 顶刁》:J& <d)l j 招
you do with the People ofthe Book with regards to the poll tax {jizya)'n He
continued, “That is if a man died in a foreign land and there are no Muslims.
Then he [i.e. his guardian] should get two men from the People of the Book
・《衫曲 •* Z -

to act as witnesses who are to be kept back after the prayer, and be made
to swear by God:《We will not sell our testimonyfor any price, even ifa close
relative is involved. We will not hide Gods testimony, for then we should be do­ 击少^4I)l <3 juu Si
ingwrong. 》And that is if the deceased's guardian has any doubt about their
testimony, ^Ifit is discovered that these two are guilty [ofperjury] >, then he
can say that they have given a false testimony but he cannot reject their tes-
・W辰与履糜顷柘SS $
严羿 until two other witnesses come to replace the first two witnesses,
心°3 4 d'dAJij:JB
呼 PWonyistruer 倾 theg We have said nothing
he truth}for that would make us 1
wrongdoers. * When he does that, then (31 jaU•费参心 ‘3 J』以典尊 / g #己I
he can『eject the testimony of the first
“虹■* Mm is valid. God
…:two, and the testimony of the other
古. ‘ays: < 倾 will make it more
more likely
likely that they will
that they will 巨陌匕5杉耕

站必勤 成勺 外M 斗
give true andproper testir -
ers afterwards.日化搭观 orfearthat 岫 oaths might be refuted by oth-

v>勺心3 3成<2孙心口 产必村13般奚如也&凯

,匕 弘如篮项屿洛贝邳次成崩衡"以I以
.#3^^ 心.

5, The Feast ®xlji 9

224. From [Muhamm:

. " m 瘾!. He said, ‘I asked
[ad]Ibnal-Fudayl, from Abu al-Hasaj
\iwhendeath approaches any ofyou, let twojustmen
也夕:贝如E苛的L :皈嗥 功苛

him about God's verse:、
- — i act as witnesses to

another people [...].歹 He replied,
and those from another people are the People of the Book. If you do not 3 〃 b# 声 Ey"3〃 S出 b QL R j顷 I : J&
find anyone from the People of the Book, -施血• " :顼竺:------£横3, because
the Messenger of God 供 id,,
强 sail ,Uphold
- the same practice with them as you 以Sj yJaI e已》:亦乾/l Ju的‘5^03y剧
do with the People of the Book. That means that when a Muslim man dies
ina foreign land, then two Muslim men are sought after and made to bear LX4 0^7,屎®i 寥J 炼卢殳kJ’ 匕
witness over his bequest, and ifhe doesnot find Muslims to act as witnesses
then two men from the People of the Book.”' Humran said that Abu cAbd ISl^dDS^j〈y ISIJaI 5顶 b :藻顷项 JI5 :(jl[ J5
Allah f猊 said, 'Those from another people are from the People ofthe Book,
and that is only when a Muslim man dies in a foreign land, seeks two Mus­ 场卢 (JpJmU*4 yllaj及拚BjI(JkJ'ol«
lims to act as witnesses over the bequest and does not find any Muslims,
then he can get two dhimml men from the People ofthe Book, well-regard­ . 心 CrrfS4 y 幻1 JaI 〃 ^4^ iCxr^
ed among their fellow compatriots? [5:106] ✓

225. From Yazid al-Kanasi18 who said, T asked Abu Ja(far about this verse: 匆&2^»云 » 应I 0 jjb W•嗥 yzj^ \)\ CJL»: JB y苛 ,Mo
iOn theDay 蛔 God assembles all the messengers and asks, “ What response
did give? n” They will say, uWe do not have that knowledge:^ He re-
did y°Uuu Ee?
plied, “He will ask, 'What response did you receive regarding your vice­
gerents that you left behind to succeed you overTyour communities?, They
willsay/We do not have knowledge about what they did aft<
U# Y :习为:J& J 沔 s圳 Rp项 j :以:J15
, :er us.,M, [5:109]
.t *AjU 〃 1^1x5 le
Frcm Muhammad b. Yusufal-San<aniw, onhisfath
ier's authority who said, ‘I
asked Abuja^ar 澳 about the 匕二
verse: ^How I inspired the disciples. > He re-
Plied, “They were inspired.”,[s:m]
:畛/瀑J yjo- II CJL : J6 .
From Yahya al-Halabi,i '■
::牌欢欢心c*S [...]
'I read it
Lord.兄甘"加岫赢旋,,「 meaning can you request your
涉以Ja) W: J&戒防U*歹:舞疗4 荼 .YYV

19 was a transmitter of
• 13716).
.页〃如*J 3:卵也
--- le1, narrator of the

5, The Feast

From Isa ,-
al-cAlawi, oni his fathers authority, from Abu Ja知混 who
228. ・YM
said, 'The feast-table that was sent down to the Children of Israel was sus­
pended with golden ropes, and on it were nine spreads and nine loaves of
bread? [5:112-115]

229. From al-Fayd b. al-Mukhta?0 who said, 1 heard Abu 'Abd Allah 混 say, 由 oXUI cJyl IL :g,喉! II £瑚:J6 3 g剑 w
BWhen the feast was sent down to Isa, the disciples said: 'Do not eat from it
until he has given you permission? But one man from among them ate from (J或件心 京.^J IpSt Y:瘪
it, so some of the disciples said, CO Spirit of God, so-and-so has eaten from
it? So Isa asked him, 'Did you eat from it?' He replied, 'No.' So the disciples .W J必3 3:黎仃a) J、N S J5赫I预侦应W
said, *Yes he did, by God, 0 Spirit of God. He definitely ate from it? So {Isa
said to him, Relieve your brother and believe your sight.'” [5:112-115]
clJU-l』J旧.: Jlii
230. From !sa al^Alawi, on his father's authority, from Abu Ja'far r貌 who
said, 'The feast that was sent down to the Children of Israel was suspended
with golden ropes on which were loaves of bread of nine different colours.'
231. From al-Fudayl b. Yasar, from Abu al-Ha:
Hasan 嗥—! who said, 'The pigs from ,j侦I 4juJ cl-aAS b
the community ofisa asked for the descent of the feast, then did
…, 1 not even
believe in it, so God transformed them
God transformed into pigs?
them into Dies.' [5:112-115]
From cAbd al-Samad b. Bundar21, who said, CI heard Abu al-Hasan
l, who said, 'I heard Abu al-Hasan
「况(5*^ 杖 〃/心 B:J & “灌 也’苛cX W
"Pigs were originally a community of heedless people - they rejected the
feast and community of heedless people - they rejected the
thi transformed
and were thus into pigs.”' [5:112-115] ./*•朋S侦•夜卢湍皿山J
233. From Ihalaba b. Maymun from one 、
of our associates, from Abu Jacfar 嗥
regarding the won'ds ofGod, Blessed andi 〃曲力吐I CJ” : 嚓!! M 二*^ :顼七 lX 土^/ .XTY
people, “Take me and
…」r;my mother as two godsmost High, to ^sa: ^Didyou say to
had not said that, but would 了心 泌焰诙 God””?*
alongside God
〜n knew
Whz God 1
said, 'He
?》He said,

'He .yjli-垸 g 顼X V
say it in the future. When something

See HilU, Khulasat ai-raiath'ami, aa reliable
230 (nr. 775). narrator of the fifth, sixth and
21 ,'Abdal.$amadb. Bundar, on whom there is almost nothing. See Khu1!, Mu^anij 11:26
seventh (nr.
6529). 由,°n whom there i;

.jlS*j51* 死p jl 卢 13]朋 芟aLl

5. The Feast

to be, He informed him about
it as if it was something that had already hap-
山网夕::貌网次3 :嗥义^^勺白5 : .头1^苛
pened? [5:116]

From Sulaymanb. Kh浦dwh。said,'I asked A"Abd Allah 惭 about God's

words to 漏:《Didyou say to people, "Take me and my mother as two gods
alongside GocT? > - did God really say that?' So he replied/When God wills
something to be, he relates it before it happens as if it has already happened.5
[5:n6] S6如岫匕,户》应'4嘿顼•星/ .xro

235・ From Jabir al-Ju{fi ,from Abu Abd Allah 嗥 regarding the exegesis of this 4项W韵1广V di:#基顷匕 d跚竺 G匕
verse:《You know all that is within me, though I do not know what is within
You, You alone havefull knowledge of things unseen.夕 He said, 'The Greatest
Name [of God] consists of seventy-three letters, and the Lord, Blessed and
most High, has hidden Himself away from it by a single letter. Thus no one 国玉”紫! 勺凶项,板好另1
knows what is within Him, Mighty and Exalted. He gave Adam seventy-two
letters, which the prophets after him inherited from each other until they 广、b &厂给p址亨i Q或"^*嗥芳
came to Isa. So that is what Isa's statement means:《You know all that is
within 漩》rearing to the seventy-two letters of the Greatest Name. He
says: You are the One Who has taught them to me, so You know them, but I
do not know what is within You? He says: 'Because Ybu have hidden ybur- . dJu^I* ji-l dA) A dliU- 〃
self &om Your creatures with that one letter, no one can know what is within
You? [5:116]

two,t:ers in his possession which he used;
Six, Nug eight, and Adam, 1 -
twenty-five. The Messenger of God had the
冲《。匕蕙* 《豳,丘***矿S e湄如"st仁豳
sum(of all of those. God's Name
the Messenger of God 敖 had ; consists of seventy-three letters, of which
[5:n6] ieventy-two, and one was hidden from him?

出farysy onwhg* 's scant information, was a narrator of

MO砌,11:127 s. 'ns. His reliability, thoughj
-、一• 6739). -,is somewhat uncertain. See Khu*!,

6. Livestock 击顶^__
From Abu Basir who said, 'I heard Abu 'Abd Allah say, 'The Chapter
of Livestock (surat al-an(am) was revealed all at once and spread forth by
seventy thousand angels when it was revealed to the Messenger of God 嘴.
They magnified it and venerated it, for God's name, Blessed and most High,
is contained within it at seventy different places. If people were to know the
virtue that lies in reading it they would never leave it?
〈姒心j jc心顼i **侦 项'y*
Then Abu 'Abd Allah 嘿 said, 'Whoever has a need that he wants God
cP2^' Cr* W 收 <4 0少 (J cl、勺侦 m I 尸
to fulfil should perform four units of prayer with the Chapter of the Open­
ing (surat al-fitiha) and the Chapter of Livestock (surat al-an'dm) [in each
unit]. Once he has completed the recitation of these chapters, he should say
U!------- •
within his prayer:
夕'山瘁4工 4)1 (J!』&旻/ :嗥! JIS “&
'0 Generous One, 0 Generous One, 0 Generous One. 0 Magn谊cent
----- - -- One,
ec Magnificent
0ne,0 f 0 Magnificent One. OOne Who is more b仑贝•宅凡》“人'b也风寸乂^(J专少〈「盘J幻I 4^-Uj CjL^J
magnificent than any other.
0 Hearer of the supplication. 0 One Who i
〜 ,一- 创点七X顷寸板卢亢停板移皆板步板莎
days _ , bkless Muhammad andremains
」 and…the nights, the family by the
of Muhammad,
and have mercy on my incapacity, my poverty, my deprivation and
・・ 4
展? & 以 3 (盗L 酒&,版为 罗危卜6项卫* QV b
my destitution,
ion, for You know
for You know of them better
ofthem b< than myself, and You are
more aware of my need. iiA^ o 计幻陌 咛 cr* n尹
0 One Who had — on Yalqub in his advanced
, c-
returned the light ofehis "-: back to him. years, when He
eyes, Yusuf,
00ne Wh。had mercy on Ayyub after he 心 mm n
0 One Who had mercy on Muhammad 镂 by giving
-2 was struckrefuge
with his affliction. Jjl尸』共L <色JI <己/板"^久死烦块5
orphan and helpinghim against the tyrants and rebels ofithe Quraysh,
to him as an
lm hand thetyrants
and gave him the upper nvAr 以… F 勾”(J ; 乂项 I•机(4! 2七 顶
0 Helper, 0 Help( ^PPerhandoverthem.
加 0 Helper.'

6. livestock /UiYl 0j尸"

He should say this several times. By He who holds my soul in His G

ifyou were to call upon (God with this supplication
n after reciting
&------ ----- - this chapter
when you perform this prayer,-then ask for all of your needs, He would not .1扇 alju jUI b 伊
. would grant you that if God wills?
withhold anything from you, land

2. From Abu Salih, from Ibn 'Abbas who said, Whoever recites the Chapter &^顼《 项1向^*^以£^ 饵 &•(盘Yl B尸 cJj:喋! 4II2项 JBj ,r
ofLivestock (suratal-an'am) every night will be among those who are safe­
. ' t: I
guarded on the Day of Resurrection, and he will never see the Fire directly?

Abu 'Abd Allah also said, <zThe Ch叩ter of Livestock (surat al-an^m)
came down all at once, and was spread forth by seventy thousand angels
until it was revealed to Muhammad So they magnified it and venerated
it, for God's Name is contained within it at seventy different places. If peo­
.W 顷5匕顷 :D 站』顶
ple were to know the virtue that lies in reciting it, they would not leave it?

4- From Ja知 b. Ahmad from al-'Amraki [b. 'A吁 from al-(Ubaydi from Yunus
b. 'Abd al-Rahman from 'AB b. Jaffar from Abu Ibrahim who said, 'Every
prayer has two times, one of which is on Friday
T ' * y at noon? Then he ------
J'jj 代札Q施,乂i: 嗥甘I』顼芋a由
this verse: < Praise belongs to God who created the hi .二 ______
....... .leavens and the earth and
made darkness and light; yet the disbelievers set up equals to their Lord!夕
S 询就 见匕Eg 3顷七如夕砂I d F ,1)1
said, 'They equate darkness with light, and oppression with justice? [6:1]
ouai B寸具M T 成戋项/由5分匕喻
From Mas'ada b. fSadaqa, , 一,-----
from “ g 'Abd Allah 嗥 regarding His verse:
4 then specified a term \for you\ and ai
-一 anotherfixed time, known only to Him.少
.” is unfixed
'The term which
He said, "The is ]
by God and delayed as He wills. The fixed provisional, and it can me
,.〜.〜心, be hastened
one \
一~ 」 term, however, is
He wills to descend on the Night of Destiny and other such occasions, the one that
continued, 'So that is the purport of God's statement: 4 they cannot hasten He
论 nor, when their time comes, willofthey
Purport God'sbe sta「 to delay it for a single mo-
血血,》(7:34)' [6:2] wil1 they be able to
吭山U AL*L« 4L« 圳:

iU苏占卜函I御〃 J出川J灵板用盘上ii
1 AbQ Wuhamr..M
hapur.Onhim, al-Bufaki,
.丹引J 0匕登也 Vj* ;J 芳
reliable and
227 (nr. 764). trustworthy scholar of Nis-

6. Livestock

…Abd Allah 嗥, He said, ‘I asked him about G?d's 纪T、mi JjS 苛公,:J5(嗥 人芦
6. From Humran, from Abu md anotherfixed time, known only to
verse:,:她、 ”她如'g雄常e one that has been specified to the
Him. >, He replied, -“The fixed term
"如,哪项3诞源):g &土
tnighlandthisisasperGod^sverse: 切。暨次代
Angel of Death on that 1 =
comes, then they can neither delay nor^
hasten it, evenfor a moment.夕(】。:49; 匕电务已匕◎少:j»bu创js
i6:6i)This [verse, 6:2] is the one spec*
ified to the Angel ofDeath on the Night
of Destiny, 」nd the other one is left at His discretion .If He wills, He can has-
M “
」询 aLJ j 习II dlLL 展/圳jAj
X •• X

teniit, and if He wills, He can delay it.'” [6:2]

From Humran who said, 'I asked Abu 'Abd Allah 隰 喋 about God's verse:
《then specified a term Iforyou] and anotherfixed time, known only to Him. >
So he replied,uThere are two terms: a provisional term with which God #应4匕r!)火己沁嗥顷 .V
does as He pleases, and a fixed term. [6:2]
^顷。W :Jlis: JB
8. Humran^ narration on his r^.1 authority: As for the term that has not been
fixed by Him it is provisional, and He can hasten it as He pleases and delay
it as He pleases. The fixed term, however, is the one that is defined on the .A
Night of Destiny? [6:2]
.aJJ据丑 目夕 &以 l< ,。匕i
9- From al-Husayn, from Abu {Abd Allah 嗥 who said regarding God's verse:
< then specified a term \foryou] and anotherfixed time, known only to Him 如
The first term is the one that He has consigned to the angels, the messengers,
andld the prophets, and
赤 prophets, and the fixed tprm
the fixed Irnnwn only to口;
term known e : is the -----
Him onec-nthat God
:JrSJ匕』汇顼 技):婷寄潺南y』芦苛
has kept hidden from His creatures? [6:2]

io. Fr°7 <AW 用园 b,Abi Ya缶 who said, 'Ab。Abd Allah said, Fey
源1X*贰雾撷 临,that is why God says:
* them,
and God would confound
rn Id a ■一_ r • ・ •

,in regard to [the truth of] what they

confound.yy [6:9]
明 & 件/ :潺! miy项J&:J&〈方逆寸(>.朋蚌W •"
11. From Hisham L al-Mishraqi who said, CI『•一一 ••- -
KhWs商圈新二I”",皿」wrote to Abu abHasan al-
of tawhid. He said to me/WlZtho° was
可甘蛔 asking about
about the
the different
different meanings
e, Whatw ouldyous ayifthey asked
about God and whether He 汰可如 y°U Say ^they asked you to tell
you to tell them

Mg by saying:啊樵籍 established Himself as being some-

弋",What thmg « gt as W Sayf <God!
〈寸尹寸岳I苛出臾电切L*:J J国5 • 4

6. Livestock

[He is] witness betiueen me and you -
' ■ and I do not say that He is a 'thing, 小U么心顶W Md :J虚心8履义1 &:& :Jg
like other things nor do we say that God is a body.^
So he said ‘“And what weakens this argument: that God is a body unlike
other bodies, but that nothing resembles Him from all ofHis creations?"
He continued, 'S。he 嗥 嗥J replied, “People adhere to three opinions 。廿为卜今 卅V二夕q 6却上:Jlii
when it comes to God's unity: the opinion of denial, the opinion of anthro­
pomorphism, and the opinion of affirming [His Being] without anthropo­
morphism. Neither is the opinion of denial admissible nor that of anthro­
pomorphism, because nothing can be like God. The solution in all that is
the third way, which is the affirmation ofHis Being without likening Him to
anything else. He is as He has described Himself: One, Independent, Light.”'
、登顶以以把凹电成dJJi j以为专、义"O'
12. From Zurara and Humran, from Abu Jacfar and Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be
upon them both, who said regarding God's verse: ^And this Qur'an has been .jy Jjy5* 心法
revealed to me thatlmay warn thereby you and whomever it may reach 如{It
refers to the Imams after him, and they warn people thereby? [6:19]

B From Abu Khalid al-Kabuli who said, ‘I asked Aba Ja海嗥 about: ^And
叱逾!©匕沁姿&嗥£呻0侦>*^顼苛QI/捉房芋• \Y

功is Qufan has been revealed to me thatlmay warn therebyyou and whomev-
er it may reach > - what did He mean 1by the* words:《、 and whomever it may ・KI处应02知"的渗楚啊、菸'成项
reach^ So he replied, “Whomsoever he may reach, beingJ an Imam from
the progeny of the successors, sot*that 'he may warn through the Qur'an just
as the Messenger of God 嘴 warned people thereby尸[6n9]
:,堂 J^r G :J& XL 苛•、v
a 1
14. 观:竺懵 mkayr, from Muhammad, from Abu Jag貌 about 占# : JUi:J15 S #占沁共",瑚9码4 &为关
Go"se: < thatlmay warn therebyyOi


6, Livestock

From Hisham b. Salim, from

Abu 'Abd Allah who said, 'On the Day of 族心顷旧贝如由:如嗥曲岫侦苛牛Lg也v . \o
15- , : no one could have imagined,
:ion, God shall pardon in a way that
Resurrection, .
ill say: {By God, our Lord, we have not set
such that even the polytheists wi .
up partners beside Himiy [6:23]

16. From Abu Ma'mar aJ-Sa'di who said,-L fA man came to (Ali and said, “O d凌2»皂睥3项侦仙4嗥块顶修Uji茅;oh .
」der of the Faithful, I have doubts about God's revealed Book.” So
慕瑟said to him, “May your mother be bereaved of you! How can you 务廿[变成嗥次』Jlii项点I jS ♦

doubt in God's revealed Book?”

So the man said to him, “Because I find that some parts of the book rebut d y祝y&l gv :J>J| 4)JlHi
other parts of it, and they contradict each other.
He said, “So bring forth that which you have doubts in."
So he said, “Since God says: < On the Day when the Spirit and the angels
stand in rows, they will not speak exceptfor those to whom the Lord ofMercy
gives permission, who will say only what is right, )>(78:38) then when they are
made to speak, God says: < they will only say, fBy God, our Lord, we have not 匕久二但;成务:9底(切心—乙汗(4^勾J成彳
set up partners beside Himiy and:《on the Day ofResurrection, you will reject
and curse one 咖厂>(29:25)and:《This is how it will really be: the inhab­
itants ofthe Fire will blame one another in this way^3^6^ and: < God will
say, 'Do not argue in My presence. I sent you a warning, ^50:28> and: < On
f - We shall seal up their mouths, but their hands will speak to Us, and
that Day
诙《 9由1 尊觇辅"形成匕^ 狗 I

theirfeet bear witness to everything they have done, ,J(36:6s))So one minute
they speak, and the next they do not speak; and here you have the skins and
Al- - 1 , « - -
卜矽1 食—攻埒#迎"如感团项侦可浙
the handsand feet being made to speak, and there you have nothing being
able to speak except those to whom the Merciful gives permission,who will

JISj 3^1』Cx* Y山J% if应b

say y what is right. So how is that possible, Commander of the Faithful?”
«A11 of that [which you have mentioned] does not
So0 he said to him, "All
/ - 一

happen in a $ , ----
m single occurrencp 一静g ° . . n •
】叶 rather at varii 、
whose length will be fifty thousand 】ous points during that Day
years. God will first gather all His crea-
tures together in one / ----- they will rei
place, where
talk to each other, seek each oth( * ,
/ ——
^cognise each other. They will
,..iefs forgiveness - those that displayed obe-
dience to the messengers and their folli
righteousness and piety in the' *
二lowers, and assisted each other in
* ci 0^' dAJ3(3 ^5 乂Li 项1 0圳
world. The disobedient lot from among those
who displayed their transgression in this world and aided
other in oppression and enmity in this life will curse eachand
enmity m this life will
abetted arro­
The each cr* &MI仔^匕而从I dW3建以声尹T,以移
gant ones too, as well as the
出e helnia
helpless ones - they will curse and reject each
c^Lkl JaI jb j jJ' Jp 以蝴 勺b

6. Livestock

other. Then they will be gathered to a place where they will run away from
uiiiei* 111^11 八 …- d
each other, as per God's statement: < On the Day man willfleefrom his own
. • - — _\ *r-.L l-n 1
brother, his mother, hisvfather, his wife, his children^ - if they had collaborat­
l/t </w»vr)— • ・必关,0 戾为项产"公项色也19仙由
ed in wrongdoing and animosity in this world #< each ofthem will be absorbed
in concerns oftheir own on thatDay. ^ >(80:34-37)
. . .・■ ■ .
Then they will be gathered at a place wherein they will weep, and if those
cries were to be heard by the inhabitants of this world they would all be
petrified and would flee away from their lifestyles; the mountains them­
selves would crack open, except for what God wills. They will continue to LjJljb
cry until they shed tears of blood.
Then they will be gathered at a place where they will be made to speak, cJubZ U 圳 JaS/二;2 异勺I dAlrdjU 姮
and they will say: < 'By God, our Lord, we have not set up partners beside
Him!'》not admitting to what they had done. So their mouths will be sealed - 员lZ*,刘1。巳 L S/LJIJ-I 顼T*
shut, and instead their hands, feet, and their skins will be made to speak -
and they will speak, bearing witness to every act of disobedience that ema­
nated from them.
Then the seal will be lifted from their mouths, and they will interrogate #(j^==^A^ 匕史。顷^ 少:6l再〈峪 &ls罗(J
their own skins, hands, and feet:《Why did you give testimony against “s?»
They will reply: 4 God, who makes all things speak, made us speak.》(4i:2i)
Thereafter they will be gathered in a place where everyone will try to speak,
0 成,(件项 B &关 M
but none shall be able except those to whom the Merciful gives permission,
and who will speak only what is right. They will then be gathered to a place
件或9 c^iJI 苛亍肉
in which they will quarrel with each other, and debts will be extracted from
one mother as per the Qufanic statements. All that will take place before .妇旅知标须&*b :好嵌狠金
theAccount, and when the accounting begins each person will be absorbed
WIth hls own accost. We ask God for the blessing of that Day.”, a! oil b Y 声i * c舌*1 切 财 由•* 4 f

> /“

己 5 W& dlL包』b; 2 LJ-b以妃i 1113

野&cyUM JJ 籽
/• • z 6 .

k 盘y 3
6. Livestock

From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Ja'far b. Muhammad, on his father^ DKcZqodw .'V
authority, on his grandfathers authority who said, 'The Commander of the
Faithful 嗥 said in his sermon, uSo when they are made to stand in front 淡)W见D朕也:臾心项嗥
of it, they will say: < Ifonly we could be sent back, we would not reject the
revelations ofour Lord, but be among the believers' No! The truth they used
to hide will become all too clear to them. Even ifthey were brought back, they
would only return to the very thing that wasforbidden to them - they are such
liarsiy [6:27-28]
:叫肮!:皈混心白心/ .\A

18. From ^thman b. cIsa, from one of his associates who reported on his &山夹L&U JS :。Ml他亨如山盘奇项
authority that he said, 'God said to water: be fresh and sweet; from you I will
create My Paradise and the people of My obedience? Then He said to the g 必一。攻咨点 fJp a侦孝*心匕
water: 'Be briny and bitter; from you I will create My Fire and the people
of disobedience to Me.' Then He poured both waters on the clay, then took
a handful with this one, which is right, and created them into particle-like
creatures. Then He asked them to bear witness over their own selves: "Am I
not your Lord whom you are obligated to obey?' They replied, cOf course?
So He said to fire: 'Be fire!' and it was a blazing fire. Then He said to them:
Fall into it? So some of them rushed towards it while others moved slow-
ly, and some of them did not leave their seats. When they felt its heat they 《tdWjl Ju cjAJl Ju 2%! "&
returned, and not one of them entered it again.
Then He took a handful from this one and created them into particle-like Cr*仔^,jWI oAa虺项5 :衬J&F 件捉I由产Qi
creatures, jjust like the others. Thereafter He made them bear witness over
their own selves just like the others had done
them: Tall into this fire.' So some
j previously. Then He said to : J旧 M
some ofof them
them moved slowly, some rushed in,
moved slowly,
and some bolted in the blink of 厂.心勺 au ich unu u. men nc
an eye. They all fell into it. Then He said,
'Now come out of it safe and sound? So they came out of it unscathed. *Jl5 U5I:Ljj l:
So the others said, 'Ignore
"Ignore our first ctM
did* ,"—
did.' He said, *Very. well,, I will ignore it.'attempt
So f so that we may do as they
of them moved slowly, and some of them') didsome of them rushed in, some • - ~ 身.匕... .
actly as they had done the first time round. ..」not even leave their seats, ex-
Ihat is the purport of His verse:
^Even ifthey were brought back,
> they would only return to the
^forbidden to them-they very thing that
are such liarsiy [6:28]

6. Livestock

From Khalid, from Abuc.

Abd Allah「魏 who said: ^Even ifthey were brought 刁典也员匕5 :J&燎血y项苛<JJL苛
.)the very thing that wasforbidden to them > -
back, they would only return to
:d from the beginning? [6:28] . (J
'Indeed they are rejecte(--------

From cAmmar b.
From<Anmar Maytham'2, from Abu 'Abd Allah who said, 'A man recited
b. Maytham
this verse in the presence c the Commander of the Faithful
this verse in the presence of ^It is not 二5§»黎*^1顷心愣顶J:J4f灌赤lygb,衬白舟V
you they disbelieve: the evildoers reject God's signs'^, so he said, “Yes actual­
ly, they did disbelieve in him. By God, they disbelieved in him in the worst
manner, but it was subtle. Qtis notyou they disbelieve > means that they can­
W盘皿如日:应感笑由1见危® [弥贫筑?
not bring forth a falsehood with which to disbelieve in your right.”' [6:33] • illf费猊好bwl'(我我如):板
21. From al-Husayn b. al-Mundhir, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥J who said regard­
ing His verse: ^It is notyou they disbelieve^, 'They are not able to disprove 出戒电宾》:时&隰u均3妇-3 .n
your words? [6:33]
22. From Abu al-Hasan 'All b. Muhammad 混,that Qanbar, the client of the
Commander of the Faithful, was brought before al-Hajjaj b. Yusufwho asked
him, 'What did you use to carry out for cAli b. Abl Talib 嗥?' He said, ll used
to help him perform his minor ablution (wudu*)!
遇JI小*。"灌刑dj*顷5 :嗅卫白.好0’/ •
> t
So he asked, 'What would he say upon completing his wudu'T He said, : /I 〃 潢 I* :a! Jlii (jt
'He used to recite this verse:《So, when they hadforgotten the warning that
they had been reminded of, We opened the gates to everythingfor them. Then, 顷夕矽i。某夹jr:j耶』# 汐义以 演i :a1 j旧
"they revelledin what they had been given, Westruck them suddenly and they
77 岫伽nded・The evildoers were wiped out: Praise be to God, the Lord
ofthe Worlds!^ 顿G, 地芸*" W/3项况场匕孩
巴岫胸 asked, 'He would interpret it as applying to us?' S。he said,
:::;当n " "ked,'What are you going to do when I kill 二…广〜二
<T ...;ii , - — wf 2 3 wiieii 1 Kill you?, He replied,
捎::篇笋"faf5'S。fkd ,you will remain wretched!' So he ordered for him to bebe'
15、^9 心 U :Jlii :jidi slu-屯匕:沙弘*' J旧
2 Most likely
5f「f Myy

6. Livestock

FromA岫E 赤加枇fromAbW"席 whosaid 呷dingd's 场J A匕瘢:血JR(J,嗥J^r gi w瑚1沪苛
血 warning that they had been remind­
verse:《So, when they hadforgotten i.~
ed 相,'When they abandoned the sac
ed authority ofcAli 隰 having pre- n 仓二」双功以'I以喉是码驼R:JB
it, ^We struck them suddenly and they were
viously been commanded to j,、
dumbfounded. The evildoers were wiped! out: Praise be to God, the Lord of
m—:- about the progeny of al^Abbas?
the Worldsiy He said, <fIhis was revealed
[6:44-45] . 4 侦11 4)j(J

From Mansur b. Yunus, from a man, from Abu 'Abd Allah 唳 who said
regarding God's verse: {So, when they hadforgotten the warning that they
had been reminded of, We opened the gates to everythingfor them. Then, as
they revelled in what they had been given, We struck them suddenly and they
were dumbfounded^, 'The Banu Umayya were struck suddenly, and the
BanucAbbas will be struck publicly? [6:44-45]

2S・ From al-Fudayl b. Iyad3 who said, 1 asked Abu cAbd Allah『瘪:Who is
defined as a 'pious' person? So he replied, “The one who refrains from God's :J困"丝I 苛 r瘪i ajjIjup II 白切:JI5 廿 ・、°
prohibitions and shuns them. Ifhe is not cautious against dubious things, he
will fall into prohibited things without even realising. Ifhe sees wrong being \尹9(I I 虺 匕 另 ps 顷&圳
done but does not forbid it whilst having the capability to do so, then he has
in effect deemed God's disobedience palatable. Whoever accepts for God to qi jl JwLSj 另9 卢^11 /J 1斗
be disobeyed, however, challenges God with enmity; and whoever accepts
anc"evildoer to remain. .in power has indeed liked for God to be disobeyed.
(4jjl (jl *以1 个国二>"l 4))1 jjb 41)1 浏
God,--Blessed and1 most J High, has praised Himself with the destruction of
the evildoers saying:《The evildoers were wiped out: Praise be to God, the
Lord ofthe Worlds!^ [6:44-45] 豚[项1二?3廿击梦:J困岫由心5以■出奶少以朋
From al-Asbagh b. Nubata who 5 ,' —
said, Whilst £Ali 嗥! was delivering the ser-
P s 5f 7 3 came in stepping over
法:欧奂 saying, “0 Commander of the Faithful, the
foreigners' are obstructing me from
—1 your face.”' He said, 'So {Ali 嗥 said,

D 3血&皂I & 7旧芟^瘪由以:如芯E
3 Abu^Alial.Fudaylb/Iyadb.Ma*
璧岫响 ahYarlg-Marwazi (d. 187/803) ofBas-
.山治段夕'广口 <萨贝】b:J或切如
ra was a reliable Sunni g
ascetic and narrator of Imr------ 一「
^lasat al-aqwal, 387 (nr. 二.蜜 jaTaral-服diq、traditions. See Hilli,
4 The manuscrip* 、-i 1554); Modarressi
… 眦, Survg, 223-4 (nr. 61). 6jj涂冲I Jjl共成*1砂⑵*姑:嗥由仙:J&
or may refer to
f »ere which can eith<ier mean, literally, *the praise'
the opening chapte项 theQu/J
a^-Jatiha. But in any case, neither of 侦g以I 〃撰s秒认虬灸3应,由

/d 3)尸"
6. Livestock

Zd the first part ofthe day in the quest for God>s sustenance then even-
tUreme篇 Godattheen吧hedghouldlnotrepelthemlestlbe

included among the wrongdoers?”' [6:45】

处 >:,冲 3 ° 归』
from Abu 'Abd Allah 潺! who said, 'May God
27,;From Abu *Amr al-Zubayri,
before death, fbr repentance
have mercy on the servant who repents

purifies one from the filth of sin and saves one from the brink of destruc-
don. *God has made it incumbent upon Himself towards His righteous serv­ .#仁旬)项也利卜/念卜梦=北匕福
ants saying: < YourLord has taken it on Himselfto be merciful: if any ofyou
hasfoolishly done a bad deed, and afterwards repented and mended his ways,
God is mostForgivingandmostMerciful. >(6:54) < Yet anyone who does evil or
wrongs his own soul and then asks Godforforgiveness willfind Him mostfor-
giving and merciful. [6:54] ,坷JI :初!15#厦 :板以如勺!
28. From Abu RabF al-Shaml who said, CI asked Abu 'Abd Allah about 、:JOWkj :aLLIj
God's verse:《No leaffalls without His knowledge nor is there a single grain
in the darkness ofthe earth, or anything, fresh or withered, that is not written .▼ S虺 dA! 3
in a clear Record.歹 He said, "The leaf is a miscarried foetus and the grain
is a child. The darkness of the earth is the wombs; the fresh is that which
lives and the withered is that which is miscarried; and all that is in a clear 匕:尧 Jr ajjI 3 芋「瘪 寸 £)L :Cx -”
Record.”' [6:59]

29. From Wusayn b. Khalid who said, ‘I asked Abu al-Hasan r© about God's
蚀、' lea -
‘ ffalls without His knowledge nor is there a single grain in the
而 es$ ofthe earth, or anything fresh or withered, that is not Written in a
严蜜 > So he replied, “The leaf is the miscarried foetus that falls from
皿J cjjbl 5同山j妙亨i:JI5嵌n"分:她5
1S 腭 e? ,womb before it is born and takes the first breath of life.”'
H :* ^严岫血皿 I asked him about the words:
word; ^nor is there a single grain.^
replied, That refers to the child in its mothefs worn/which Xs
implanted but v-- •…血扭”mothefs womb which
was miscarried befbre birth."'
He said, *1 asked about the words: 01芥工公!宓IG : J& *必y幼 妙:上:其
anything, fresh.)>
血se meanings makes much一--
sense and is most probably at----- ■ • •
路*蛔5•痂 transcription error. According
"Jaldgha, it should be al-humara\ meaning the

6, Livestock

HeEied,Fatreferstotheembryowhichbeca::stuckinthew°mb 只区妙n出御妙:出*庭S6> :婷a;:jb

before it had been fully formed and before moving on.
He said, Fen I asked about the words: < or withers ,夕
He replied, “The fully-formed child."'
He said, CI asked, “What about: {written in a clear Record^.
He replied, “In a clear guide.”' [6:59】 r

From Dawudb. Farqad, from Abu 'Abd Allah 部.He said, ^arwan 凭飒& b公如J屋:嗥! 3*技书<
Hakam came to Medina.' He continued, 'He stretched himself out on the
bed, and there was a protege of al-Husayn present there, so he said: # Then
they will all be returned to God, their true Lord. TheJudgement truly belongs
to Him, and He is the swiftest ofreckoners.)' 刀JI/^^顼:J& 勺户> 慕 J W :。岁嗥 Jlfti :JIS
So al-Husayn asked his protege: ttWhat did this one say to you when he
entered?” He replied, “He stretched himself out on the bed, and recited: :嗥! JU3:js .« 为:』顶 d侦 >** 1fi
< Then they will all be returned to God, their true Lord. The Judgement truly
belongs to Him, and He is the swiftest of reckoners.少 So al-Husayn『瘪 said, .jUI 歹、jj A bl
aIndeed! By God, my companions and I will be returned to Paradise, and
him and his companions to the Fire.”' [6:62]

3i・ From Rib*! b. 'Abd Allah, from whoever mentioned it on Abu Ja如r's
authority regarding God's verse: # When you come across people who speak
with scorn about Our revelations 夕 He said, 'Speaking [ignorantly] about
God and disputation about the Qur'an, 4 then turn awayfrom them until they
move on it0 响her' topic. ' ~ He said, 'Among such people are the story-tell-
ers? [6:68] '

32. 以J\33分:4jjl d顶苛嗥 朋y足也L: JG cj^ 苛 ・m

黑竺?竺「w,o said, Y asked Abu <Abd Allah 嗥 about God's verse: s
《Remember when Ibrahim said t0 hisfiither, Azar. > He replied, “His father's
name was Azar.M, [6:74]
.舟q 尸*: jb^jjV
33・ From Zurara who said, CI sasked
* ; Abu *Abd Allah 嗥 about God's verse:饷
this way We should Ibrahim [God's]J J .■一
m妙砂 dominion over the heavens and
织遂,以4节原l冰E(Z嘿/必"白匚:JB小3 w
the earth, so fihat he might be a firm bdieveri
him cc .L _. 1
fha h couf
and all that lives thereii
.- ""冲夕 '/ He replied, Fe
a, earth was
see all thattwasinimwellastheheavens
was in it,
g咬:J6 免历M邳处程*口
叩on it." [6:75] 'e ange that carries it, the Throne and all that is
,寸&办b,心°圳顼^崛上辱* 4 >此”

6. Livestock

34- From 'Abd

亦Rahim al-Qusayr5, from Abu Ja^far who said regarding 纪励克^现••制3&混顼/妇> 苛.rt
, uved Ibrahim [God's] mighty dominion over
God's verse: ^In this way We sho\
the heavens and the earthy % seven heavens were "兰些/顼 such
ith heaven and all that was in it, as well as the
that he could see the seven:
earths and their contents. The same thing was done for Muhammad 矿以(3^ ,芝,。时* b」'项tv妃顷
程 and Ibrahim 嗥,and indeed the same was done for your companion
too? [6:75]
From Zurara, from Abu Ja'far and Abu <Abd Allah, peace be 叩on them
both, regarding God's verse: ^In this way We showed Ibrahim [God's] mighty .To
dominion over the heavens and the earth, so that he might be dfirm believer,.夕
AbuJ^far said, 'The heavens were unveiled for him such that he could see
the Throne and what was on it? He said, 'The heavens, the earth, the Throne,
and the Seat of Sovereignty? :d& i4^ A 。!见(J5*-日9『1 苛 a!
And Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥J said, 'The earth was unveiled for him such that
he could see it as well as the sky and its contents, the angel that bears it, and
the Seat of Sovereignty and what is upon it? [6:75]
峭* <4 J>- 苛 4):混岗蚌项:J/
36. In another narration on Zurara^ authority, from Abu Ja'fhr 嗥? about: # In
this way 必 showed Ibrahim [God's] mighty dominion over the heavens and the .0 圳 顼皈
earth., he said, £He granted his eyes a certain power that pierced through
the heavens and saw what was in it. He saw the Throne and what was upon
it as well as the earth and all that was under it/ [6:75]
37- From Abu Basir, from Abu cAbd Allah 哩 who said,
, ------------- ,"When he was shown
the dommion of the heavens and the earth, he turned and saw a man forni-
崛・(j\j心侦『1 jJu L争I 。久:J& 必匕
, So he invoked God's chasti-
eating. jastisement on him, and he died. Then he saw
another, and he invoked the same and he
------ j too died. Then he saw three more,
invoked God, and they too died. S(二二…u
!o God revealed to him saying, aO Ibrahim,
forindeedifIhadwillMlw°u 源燃 ::。not invoke Me against My servants,
;d;"525gKeMeagainstMyservants, 55 jA A &惭甘1』可:亦棉 W •3
Pie of three different types: 1) a servant ""对 皿 临「created Peo" f, 命
Gpes: i)a servantt to
to worship Me and
worship Me and never associate J>- oli Up匕E户京f,2榜少危匕孙萨
5 *Abd al-Rahim al-Qur-
Ja'far.SeeKh叶协伽: :r, Muhammad al-Ba(

6. Livestock

anything with Me, and whom I then reward; 2) a servant who worships
anything with Me,
other than Me but even then, He will not escape from Me; and 3) a servant

who worships other than Me but from whose loins I create one who will
worship Me.”' [6:75]

38. From Muhammad b. Muslim, fromI one of the two Imams [al-Baqir or ah
g 4^0 斗嗥#侦描 J & 凛 IaJ/卜 Cx .VA

Sadiq] who said regarding Ibrahim ' •he? saw the stars, that he said,
t------- , disbelief. Whoever from
'He was looking for his Lord and never touched
• e亢 dAJ 5 J** (3 u*1 W ,勺
among the people thinks like that is ofhis calibre, [6:75]

39- From Abu ^bayda, from Abu Jacfar 嗥 who said with regard to Ibrahim^
statement, may God's blessings be upon him: my Lord does notguide me,
I shall be one of those who go astray^, 'It means people in general towards 3务曷映以
the covenant? [6:77]

40. From Aban b. ^thman6, from whoever mentioned it to him on their 两J Jjj侦嗥#s <嗥 。夕0心3&出/ &
authority, that one of the accounts about Ibrahim 嗥'was that he was
born during the time of Nimrud b. Kan(an. By that time four rulers had 可 白& 项 项4 $ j /
ruled the earth, two of whom were believers and two disbelievers: Sulay-
nian b. Dawud and Dhul Qamayn, and Nimrud b. Kanlan and Bakht Nasr. 声Aa q/J,;旋。盘I也那。疔另战{帝芸?9.习*伊顶
Nimrud had been told: 'This year a baby boy will be born who will destroy
you all, your religion and your idols? So he ordered midwives to monitor the
women and commanded for any male infant born in that year to be killed.
However, Ibrahim s mother carried him in her back and not in her
belly, and when she had given birth to him she placed him in an under-
X x > X

ground den and covered it up. He grew up much faster than other boys, and
she had made him promise [not to 一」come out until then].
3? 2侦牛以q项。心* 8诲* 嗥矿口也
Then Ibrahim •况 came (out of the den, and saw the planet Venus
never having seen a more beautifiil star than i;,
,so he said, 'This is my Lord?

6 鬻嚣膘徽黑如岫严 in a report citedby Kishshi was apparently »: j鼠人尸]饥18务疽> #桨矿见湛

eponymous founder 'Abd AllaJh^ -
憎g如)。曲点/看况港之序。叩Pledges the divine
Nawusiyya, named thus after their
,ams only, believing that Imam Jafar al薄diq is the
Mahdi and therefore still 辿
less regarded a reliable 二
“ve. Though considered
, devil , his beliefs, Aban is nonethe-
/iant in
narrator of the Imams*'Editions. See Hilli, Khulasat al-aqwal, 74
:氏心& jL队顶QI疝出〈I3'冲'4场妙*
(m. 121); Modarressi, Tradition
and Survival, 129-31 (nr. 1):

6. Livestock

and when he saw it it as-

However it was not long before the moon rose,
this is my Lord? But when it set
tonished him, and he said, 'This is greater,
,when he witnessed daytime and the
・ ® QJ见心
he said, *1 do not like things that set.----
^is ismy Lord. This is bigger than anything I have seen.'
sun rose, he said, °—
;hewid:< Ifmy Lord does notguide me, I shall be one of
When it set, however,------ 、“ •
those whogo astray. I have turned myface
r r.
警伫切??籍 , . :澳 矿侦! E苛嗥 如y寸顶吧%・P ex。引jJ J6盘/ .£\
createdtheheavensandtheearth. I am not one ofthe polytheists. > [6:77 - 79〕
y傻f隰七旧< 心开w" j心逐:他《Qj比砂
.From Hujr who said that al-^Ala b. Sayaba wrote to Abu ^Abd Allah 件! ask­
ing him about Ibrahim's words:印is is my Lord,》-and that whoever
• 券#光砂J技矿I』
would say such a thing today would be deemed a polytheist by us. He replied,
'There was no polytheism on Ibrahim^ part, rather it was in the quest for his
Lord; and it would be polytheism from anyone other than him. [6:78] :嗥矿。! /产’ Q 4)I JR v喉顷y El dJL:JG心I &必芦 .仅

42. From Muhammad b. Humran who said, fI asked Abu *Abd Allah about 圳无,项〈成"枝i,:d&
God's words when we are being informed about Ibrahim「瘪:< 'This is my
Lord.y He replied, "He did not conclude anything thereby; he meant some­
thing other than what he uttered.”' [6:78]
43. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 who said regard­ .由己北C* 成户ij
ing God's verse:钮 is those who have faith, and do not mix theirfaith with
wrongdoing.少'Both from within as well as what Zurara and his associates
have invented? [6:82]
:R出.点 dlkJjl去巴罚:』4 :J& 5 J/. it

44- F:;m Abu Ba?Irwho said, 'I said to him, aShaytan is really pushing me in my
age, causing me to despair; He replied, “Tell him: 'Ybu lie, you disbe-
。以屋说,必p顷户D /尬
:er and polytheist! !I believe in my Lord; nrav. fast and glorify Him, w
Lord: I pray, and
Ido not mix up my faith with wrongdoing?J [6:82]

45. 3嚣鬻*whf narrated it to him. He said, When the

distance and hL °n。眠 of his travels, he saw a black man in the
, $
~d e 蛔 % manhasneverknown a friend.^
GoA# 蒙「燃 , he greeted him. So the Messenger of :嘴血妇』J" A 3川"珞山A队卬
hXZh 3 ¥ yourgood
He replied, I am headed for YathribM
goodself headed?””
He asked, “«And
And what d(
do you want there?»

“UiYI •j尸"
6. Livestock

‘寸^*^Lt心! jb」决电:JG
•r— "I want to mee! Muhammad?
He replied,
He re]•plied, UI am Muhammad.n with the truth, I have not seen
He said,Q, “By the One
i?y uiu s〜 Who- has sent you
a single sol»ul for seven days, nor' have ▼ — anything except for that which
I eaten
my riding beast eats thereof."'
AUixi: JG : JI5
I11J RAVAAAp NFY—-----
fSo he proposed Islam to him, and hhe became a Muslim.'
He said, 'So
He said, ^en his mount bit him, and he died. He was ordered to be
A AV* -----------
washed and shrouded, then the Prophet prayed over him.'
I • J
He continued, *When he was placedin his grave, he said, “He was among
those who had faith and did not mix up their faith with wrongdoing.'” [6-82]
46. From Abu Basir, from Abu (Abd Allah 潺!.He said, 'I asked him:也 those who
havefaith, and do not mix theirfaith with wrongdoing^ - Is fornication part >
of this? He replied, "I seek refuge in God from such people. No, but it is a sin, .以^ 朋 j>lr jlr 1斗胃3 项 〃 ajjI 5尹1 :J5〈以
and if he repents then God will accept his repentance." He also said, “The
one who fornicates regularly, steals and drinks wine is just like the idol-wor- .必 1 妙£& 为 b 呀 ^Ju:JI5
shipper.”' [6:82]

47. Ya*qub b. Shu'ayb, on his authority, about His verse: < and do not mix their
faith with wrongdoing^, that he said, "Misguidance and beyond? [6:82]
.砂 li
48- AbO Basir, on his authority regarding: < with wrongdoing^, he said, 'With
doubt? [6:82]
3劣T项 ・M
49. From cAbd al-Rahman b. Kathir al-Hashimi, from Abu cAbd Allah 隰
who said regarding His verse: i those who have faith, and do not mix their
faith with wrongdoing^, 'They have ____
faith_ in the sacred authority that
Muhammad 锯 has come with and
「C一 - 1 ・
'---- j do
3j not mix it up with the authority
E 吟:必时 如瘪&好瑚用I罗萨
■of so-and-so and so-and-so,, for that— would be mixing with wrongdoing? He
ad?ed,'As*As for faith, not all of it is prone to division, but it does disintegrate 以为如晅"电事Cf嘴 必妃4 B虻/:
1 e b? "?'七 I asked, Is there a state between misguidance and disbelief?'
He replied,cFaith has— —maniy、 ropes indeed? [6:82] .广?择Q狗J*
.细 细厘 饱,总盖 弹迎y加心

6. Livestock /Ujy 3jJ**

From Abu Basir who said/I asked him 职七竺**; : verse: (those who have
50. their faith with wrongdoing^. He replied, “We seek
faith, and do not mix I
Ba§ir, that you should ever be one of those who mix
refuge in God, 0 Abu -1 ,. .况^: J & f c杪业!璀 c/典砚 Sjm :j &
up their faith with wrongdoing? Then he said, “Those are the Kharijites and
their associates."1 [6:82]

From Muhammad b. al-Fudayl, from al-Thumali, from Abu JaTar 嗥 regard-

ing His verse: < We gave him Ishaq and Ya'qub, each of whom We guided^,
'That we may deposit it [the waldyd] with the people of his household《as
We had guided Nuh before^, that we may deposit it with the people of his
household. So He commanded the later generations of prophets that came
・「貌已』* &珞必刈窈b盘>1次咛
before Ibrahim, and Ibrahim himself.' [6:84]

52- From Bashir al-Dahhan, from Abu 'Abd Allah c瘪 who said, 'By God, God
traced clsa b. Maryam's ancestry back to Ibrahim f魏 in the Qur'an before
the Chapter of Women (surat al-nisa")' Then he recited:攵 and among his
descendants were Dawud, Sulaymdn [...] )> until the end of the two verses, -嘤cgV顷(S\
mentioning Isa [6:84]

53. From Abu Harb b. Abl al-Aswad who said, ^Al-Hajjaj sent a message to ^hya or
b. Macmar saying, “I have heard that you claim that al-Hasan and al-Husayn
, • ,1
oun-胃d:mo哭 the progeny of the Prophet 椭 and that you can find b 4Jjl j5j SaJJI Cr*4*^'Q
them m God's Book; and I have read God's Bookfrom
--------------- -- 」cover to cover and
have not found it.”
He replied, “Have you not read the Chapter of the Livestock: ^and
,e—I卢 o/*-l
Qmong his descendants were Ddwud, Sulaymdn, Ayyubt Yusuf, Musa, and
He cM比7甘籍"该点林妍Yahya, )出姮匕土 搭3戕?©夕f盘勺务加麟:J&
though he had "UM:#"*:氏《
though he had n<
罕 of
progeny of Ibrahim
replied, You are right.”' [6:84]
Ibrahim even •心妇:d&〈顷』gJj (嗥矿侦!勺:J&网应?
54. aman^m™raid :id, 'I was with Abu 'Abd Allah when
b・ Zayd b, <Ali claims that 靠点: T shocking thaLis^
^nd you never know but he
••*::gy appointed to leadership publicly,
could have actually been worshipping seventy
⑦土,/以kN嘤块J夕 3 在* " D 仃 b
other idols besides God.”'

6. Livestock

people now disbelieve in them,
电:JUJ4)1 JISUj :Jli:JI;

disbelieve,and he motionj
ied with his hand towards us. So I said, “By God, .凯以:* .以!。七项峪旅匕^
we understand it.”' [6:89]

From al-cAbbas b. Hilal, from al-Rida c^! 八that
. : a man came to *Abd Allah b. 用匚Jlj 』乂制:嗥!1时芋 乂2. bW苛 .00

al-Hasan' when —- was at al-Sabala8 and asked him about the Hajj. So he said
to him, * There is Ja'far b. Muhammad who has appointed himself for that, so ".剧㈤ ,岸3关亏Jut :』J底苛』Li
ask him? So the man approached Ja'far 嗥 and asked him, so he said to him,
'I saw you standing with 'Abd Allah b. al-Hasan - what did he say to you ?' .dl! JlSli <*^1 I W :A J l2i M Lj 嗥!) /
He replied, 'I asked him so he told me to come to you saying, “There is
ja*farb. Muhammad, who has appointed himself for that.” .1㈤ j3〈弟 3 J^r 或心:J号 :JIS
So Ja'fhr 嗥 said, “Yes, lam one of those about whom God has said in
His Book: 4 Those were the people that God guided, [Prophet], so follow their 6化6&^,四项» :包览j J,1«j mi JB 也产嗥J
guidance.) Ask whatever you want.” So the man asked, and he informed
him about everything that he asked him? [6:90] oUU(J>JI a) Li cC^ l/J-S o 却
56. From Ibn Sinan, from Sulayman b. Harun who said,,By God, even if all
the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth were to come together to turn Jp JaI <宅《;么 D苫Q J S 苛 ・ °、
this authority away from the rightful place that God has appropriated it,
they would never be able to. If all the people were to reject faith altogeth- ji u ajji 用i i* s
er such that
er that not < * ' one remained, He would bring forth a people who
not aa single
would be worthy of this authority? Then he continued/Have you not heard LI : J15.〈4&1 £ JaI / W叫[4)1]薄只,参
s statement: < You who believe, ifany ofyou go back on yourfaith, God
Wills00n 恤eyou withpeopleHe loves and w订lo扁m,;。扁慕
> are :虾i aJJ 《$浴贷YIf,特国3 :以刷
7 啊川 Sn as 瞰祝(the pureblooded). Shaykh al-

because his al-Hasan b. al-Hasan,

mother was Fatima bt 如,the grandson of the Prophet, while his .可 dllrjjbl $ 矽I 山 J、
the chieftain of the Banu Hish^d V Resemble the Messenger of God. He was
father, al-Hasan. Accordine to the h,t0 be ln charge of the alms of *Ali after his
andnoblcyandhelda薰:嚣笋Pm"Portsabouthmhewasavery reputable
血 The Caliph al-Man?ur, however keo^屁 Umayyad Caliph 'Umar b. 'Abd al-
two sons Muhammad (al-nafs al *•' \ imprisone^ for several years because ofhis
8 “'-■一 or Sibal is .
AbSabSla * See Zirikli, 4:78
2:688. P ace between Basra and Medina; see Baghdadi, Marasid al-itld1,

6. Livestock

,hard onthe disbelievers, and who strive in Godfs 匕辨匕务歹:4)・Rjg也国i j&:皈混4项邪曲苛 .ov
humble towards the believers,
;reproach. Such is God^favour. He grants it to
way without fearing anyones reproauu.。笠]-;*xs.54) [
uLgHewilLGodhasendlessbgtwndknwledg* ,
^salso %5 棉仲项沁核A钧我SS血技初
嚣:需 e妙*膈gms,叶*?,We have
saic -------
entrusted them to others
、ho do not disbelieve. K He then said, ‘Indeed the 闩W b KI房"那舫爰砂少A《的5
the same ones meant in that one
vei!ry people whom this verse applies to are G义 Jk洪 3^’ :山^ <dA^I a> X^C)!:4)l Xj^)b
too.’ [6:89]

From al-ThumaK, from AbuJaTar 嗥 who said, ‘God, Blessed and most 处i 3 cf尖如~J cf圳火y任挤为向为.必簇*气dtL-j
High, has said in His Book: ^asWehadguided Nuh before, and among his
descendants were Ddwud, Sulaymdn, Ayyub, Yusuf, Musa, and Harun - in 明 占 J^Li**#l ^JaIj <』kj C,^JJ <dll«l (11 Jju
this way We reward those who do good - Zakariyyd, Yahya, Isa, and Ilyas -
every one ofthem was righteous - Ismail, Elisha, Yunus, andLut. Wefavoured
each one ofthem over otherpeople, and also some oftheirforefathers, their off­
spring, and their brothers: We chose them and guided them on a straight path.
Such is God's guidance, with which He guides whichever ofHis servants He will. 夕:站山'Jy :f^!J aIIxp II dJL:JG qL 芦 •
If they had associated other gods with Him, all their deeds would have come
to nothing. Those are the ones to whom We gave the Scripture, wisdom, and 良勇 匕泌以(J*匕^(5土淄by j,& 0物Jj3l
prophethood. Even if these people now disbelieve in them, We have entrusted
them to others who do not disbelieve^ [...] ,(6:84-89)g0 He is the one who has .Ijj-Li U JjXjj L : 毛
entrusted this favour unto the people of his household, the brothers, and
the progeny. This is God's statement. If your community rejects it, He says:
I have indeed entrusted the faith that I have sent you with to the people of
your household, and they will never reject it. I will never let the faith that
I sent you with get lost, even after the passing of the people of your house-
hold who will come after you, the scholars of your religion, the executors of
,::uth;H? afteryou, and the extractors of the knowledge of the religion
-[this religion] which contains no lie therein, no sin, no burden,
, , -> no sin, no burden, no arro-
gance and no dissemblance? [6:84-89]

vZe:4MhK Sin'nt0 虬<l3Sked 'I asked人而
Abu‘Abd Allah 混
cAbdAllah aboutGods
滨 about God's
as a light and a UT """; sent down the Scripture, which Musa brought
some吧也仲but hiding^ people, which you made into
de to常;需策谅 i:o s?Meets, showing
and sf only that which they wished.-嚣:]

6. Livestock

In another narration on his authority 嗥 he said, 'They used to hide some in

u ,是顷e疚归瑚凛g M项曷.。1
their separate sheets, then show only whatever they wished and hide what
they wished? And he said, 'Every scripture that has been revealed is with
the People of Knowledge? [6:91]

6o. From al-Husayn b. Said9, from one of the two [al-Sadiq or al-Baqir]. He
said, ‘I asked him about God's verse: < or claims, fA revelation has come to me:
when no revelation has been sent to him. > He replied, “It was revealed about
Ibn Abi Sarh whom cUthman b. cAffan had dispatched to work in Egypt. He
was one ofthose whose life the Messenger of God 崔;had spared on the day j尸j iLX 急七公 落川 1 由
of the Conquest of Mecca, and he used to be a scribe for the Messenger of
God 敖.Once, when God revealed to him: or verily God is the Mighty, the .户/ a1)13?:拱》呼 mi jji 159,嘴 航
Wise 夕,he wrote: ^for verily God is the all~Knowing, the Wise.夕 Ibn Abi Sarh
used to tell the hypocrites, ‘I say the exact thing that he brings [afterwards], 皆卷。〈J*尖字L乒号1芳勺j[:许心以己A项功
and he does not differ from me? So God revealed what He did about him:"
[6:93] 财血J圳
61. From Abu Basir, from AbuJ^farr^ regarding: < Who could be more wicked
山皿 someone who invents a lie against God, or claims, A revelation has come
切 me> when no revelation has been sent to him, or says, (I too can reveal some-
J国宓」4^片原 > 嗥 R 苴cZ(^i』w .1'

也观 equal to God's revelation^ 夕 He said, 'One who claims the Imamate for
himself aside from the rightful Imam? [6:93]
凝航i H 匕仁J必无列七& M 盘
62. From Sallam, ffrom Aba Ja’far 嗥 who said regarding the verse: 4 Today you ・隰"以s认y廿"〃
如〃 be repaid with a humiliating punishment^ } ‘Thirst on the Day of Resur-
rection? [6:93]
:婀叫I成匕3强迎*蛎少嘿 Rr项苛牛北芦 k
63・ From al-Fudayl who said, ‘I heard Abu 二二二;。
'Abd Allah comment on His verse: .<4LaJI 0 jijaAJi
iGiue up your souls. Today you will be repaid wiit
. i a humiliating punishment
[..・]》he said,’Thirst.'[6:93]

9 This is most likely a reference 顼I 夕q 侦少,:(J盘 Aly (J 武瘪 4jjlxp II :J& (上崩 W

manumitted slave of Imam •Ali^ ayn b. faid b. Hammad b. Mihran al-Ahwazi, the
of ShH tradiU"抵黑看who"?hggardedcompanionandnar-
Bom in Kufa, he travelled with h,h . met ve the Imams from the Ahl al-Bayt.
Qom where he 福盟% 摆h广怦迎 b. Sa.d t0 Ahw^z and then finally to
3424). 邮'枷如林2泗"4(此278);而网彻,2265-思


6. Livestock

二二二,sahl who, without mentioning his source, cited Abu lAbd
From Salih b.
4撰佥令必 W ”魏南*。曲& *苛
Allah 隰 as having stated regarding God's verse: ^Itts God who splits open
^seedandtheJetstone》fie seed represents that which loves Him and • 4^1 卢展"I 苛 /E L: cpJ U: JLl
< . from the truth and does not accept
the fruit stone that which turns away ~
Him? [6:95]
65, From al-Mufaddal who said, ‘I heard Abu cAbd Allah 混 say about His
verse: ^Itis God who splits open the seed and the fruit stone^, "The seed is )龄"pRv 曲乙芸:』顶 dAJSj,力I : JU
the believer, as per His statement: showered you with My 而〃。>;(2。:39)
and the fruit stone is the disbeliever who turns away from the truth and does
not accept it.”' [6:95]

66. From 'Abd Allah b. al-Fadl al-Nawfali10, from whoever referenced Abu Jacfar
as having said, *When you go out to seek your livelihoods, do so during
the daytime, fbr God has placed demureness in the eyes. When you consort
with your wives, however, do so at night, fbr God has said:〈压 makes the

67. From al-Hasan b. cAli b. Bint Ilyas11 who said, 'I heard Abu al-Hasan al-
Ri由嗥 say, “Indeed, God has made the night fbr rest and He has made
women for rest; and it is a prophetic practice to consort with them at night
and to serve food.,n [6:96]
68. From^i b. cUqba, on his
1 father^ authority from Abu 'Abd Allah r貌 who
said, 'Consort with your wives in the night for indeed God has made
您mgddonotgttof 阮丽慕克盘慕京; 奴^ aJJI 睫 <JJUl 以:J15 杏S
dark.' [6:96]

69. From Abu Basir, -

E:吁人员 Ja& 嗥・ He said/I asked about: ^ItisHe who
first produced you from
"F " sing ie soul,
single th^n gave you a place to settle and a rest-
soul> then
q 、 q,,・
•Abd Allah b-al-Fa^lb/Abd Allah I -
a trustworthy narrator of Im; al Harith b. Nawfal b. *Abd al-Muttalib al-Nawfali,
皿虱 202 (nr. 633). ,am Mubammad al-B^qir's traditions. See Hilli, Khulasat al-
11 According 2 KhiH,亦眦曲"Alibr- Bint 1豚 is the same individual as al-Hasan b. *Ali b.
,省W%二句共:心:JB W J £却皿膈g L出
颈何 al-Washsha
Wag;,.See KfeM场 6:3赢.
,cJlZa)' j


6. Livestock

He said, “What do the people of the town where you live say about it?”' .si ■部以顷j窗"瑚4出〉:尤如'3 :J国
He said, *1 replied, "They say that the settling place is in the womb and the
resting place in the loins.”
* ・件*成' 并岛f 火〉己定:
So he said, “They are wrong, The settling place is when faith settles in
the heart and can never again leave, and the resting place is when faith rests
there for some time then vacates it. Zubayr was one of those.”' [6:98] 0功,:Jib 嘴 crV 代 J( 上声方1 d'6; Cf. >0-芋 ,v・

70. From JaS b. Marwan12 who said, 'Zubayr unsheathed his sword on the day 鼻QKY麟汶皿嗥块pUi J 切存嗥肥项参
that the Prophet 禅 passed away saying, aI will not sheathe it again until
I have sworn allegiance to cAli.w Subsequently he unsheathed his sword to
fight 'Ali; so he was one of those who was stripped of faith. So first he walked
in the glow of its light then God snatched it away from him? [6:98]
矣J / JU) g嗥3|妃bl上始:c"勺I』白 .V\

71. From Sa'id b. Abi al-Asbagh13 who said, ‘I heard Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥! say
when he was asked about the settling place and the resting place, "The set­ F JkY (J (J关二:JS c
tlingplace is in the womb whereas the resting place is in the loins. It may also
be the settling place of faith before it is snatched away. Zubayr had walked in 好*参*,陶 川4>七皓 勾列bky j 丁5 朗9心 窗
the glow and light of faith until the Messenger of God 嘴 passed away to the
extent that he used to walk with a drawn sword saying, 'We will not swear
allegiance to any person or individual save <Ali.,w, [6:98]
W , /
Fmm Muhammad b. al-Fudayl, from Abu al-Hasan .
桨 who said regarding
or --------—
his verse: ^It is He who first produced you from a single soul, then gave you
皓W灸盹jljA* :嗥另顼苛,好此店/ M
a place to settle and a resting place》, 'Whatever faith is settled is settled [in
the heart] until the Day of Resurrection [or forever], and whatever is resting 顷I代J|心 关11贝丫 〃湄":出点泣彳容;
[temporarily] will be snatched away by God before death? [6:98]
41)1 <-!**< <ltbl
73. From Safwan who said, 'Abb
al-Hasan 惭 was talking to me whilst
Muhammad b. al-Khalaf r ::
died." So he said, "Ja'far
was seated there, and he asked me, “Has %hya
al-Qasim,the shoemaker, died?” So 1 n
桨 used to
“Ja’far 嗥
.. b.
,eplied to him, “Yes, and Zurea has also
- say:《then gave you a place to settle and
芬:j仙山虹壶&.如隰'W项甘匚5 w
a restingplaced - the settling refers
to people who have been granted faith
:以嗅 K 有:仙 &顶oUj亍:AJ a 广
12 There is no individual with this name in either HillVs Khulasat al-aqwal or Khu^,s Mujam.
It is possible that this is a transcription error for Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Marwan.
13 There is no record of this individual in either HillVs Khulasat al-aqwal or KhGTs Mu'jan、


.nd the resting place to people who have been

and it settles in their hearts, ai :hed away from them.”' [6:98]
:J6感缶M芹寡新Jy苛的L 5,嗥' 垃I 』苛
granted faith, but it is then snatcl
,ji2i :Q拦b〈 火〉:或I
[i.e. al-Kazim]. He said, (I asked him about
From the first Abu al-Hasan 少"
He said,
74- ,,一place.
a place to settle and a 1resting ': 二
God's verse:〈then gave you ,
fkith whereas the resting place is the provisional
“The settling place is firm 1―
K a j困,如j & #嗥(>^1项*项?:je〈岸侦苛 vo

one.”' [6:98]

From rxiimaki
Ahmad b. 5 .Muhammad
—甘_---- who said,* <fIhe second Abu al-Hasan [i.e. al-
75, Rida] was5expressinghis
Iviuaj .尸▲ j〜一— -
stance to me regardingthe doubts he had about the
A 1------ -m” T f
ex' 嗥(jy顷(嗥茂弘W如/菁5 V网q'面券
Banu Zurayq, so he said to me, raising ••
, •
his voice, UO Ahmad AA
!M I replied, «“At
your service." He 二said,
“When the Messenger
the Messenger ofGod 艘格
of God waswas taken
taken fromfrom
thisthis •勾/#预 (4)1 另夕此!由攵3» g* qI
work •. did their utmost to extinguish God's light, but God would
•Id the people
accept nothing other than the extension of His light through the Command­
er of the Faithful. When Abu al-Hasan [i.e. Imam al-Kazim] passed away, Ibn
Abi Hamza14 and his companions did their utmost to extinguish God's light,
but God would accept nothing other than the extension of His light.
The people of truth are such that when someone enters in their midst :g A^\ dj.^1 买&"i以方,少件*廿也他
A they rejoice, but if someone leaves their midst they do not grieve over him
because they have conviction in their stance. The people of falsehood, how­ , J⑶:或I:「短赤 ly项 J 阡:J15 >
ever, are such that when someone joins them they rejoice, but when he
leaves their fold they grieve on his account, and that is because they doubt .jCil
in their own stance. God says: <( then gave you a place to settle and a resting
place.He continued, <fIhen Abu {Abd Allah 喋} said, "The settling place
is firm, whereas the resting place is provisional?} [6:98]

76. From Muhammad b. Muslim who said, CI heard him say, "God created peo-
pie with unwavering belief, and—Hej created people with unwavering dis-
* &浏&巳施cjtcyi阡辿己只&以5 M隹m JbJ

belief; and between them both He created people in whom He deposited

14 This refers to Abu al-Hasan 'Ali b. Abi Hamza [=Salim] al-Bat^ini, who narrated from
Imam -« p=j! - and
iee al-Sadiq - Imam al-Kazim, but terafti
his death refused to acknowledge the Imam-
ate of Imam al-Rida due to his nefarious greed for the wealth that had been in his care
whilst he had been one u of Imam al-Kazim^ treasurers. He is variously described in the
---- ---of rijal
books ryui as nar and
as aa liar and a cursed individual. See Hilli, Khuldsat al-aqwal, 362-3(n「
132?); Modarressi, Tradition and Survival, 183-7 (nr. 32); Tustari, Qanius al-rijdl (Qum:
Mu assasat al-nashr al-islami al-tabfa li-jam^at al-mudarrisin, 1995), 7:268 (no. 498。

196 W
6. Livestock

belief; and if He so wills He completes it.

for them, and if He wills, he takes 夕嗥 5匚苛・
it away from them.”' [6:98]
From Sadir who said, 7 heard Humran asking Abu Ja'far 痛? about the
From Sadir who said, ‘I heard Humran
77- words of God, Mighty and Exalted: < The Creator ofthe heavensi and earth.»
“He * *'
_ originated all i-hina-Q with His knowledge
things wirh
So Abd Ja'fkr 溥、replied him,
originated the heavens and the earth with-
without any prototype, and He ( e
out any prior heavens and earths. Have you not heard His statement: ^And
His Rule extends over the waters too.夕⑴⑺”,[6:101]
Abu Hamza al-Thumali, from 'Ali b. al-Husayn r瘪. He said, 'I heard
78. From
him say, aGod is not(described in His decisive
- ' revealed'' scripture - our Lord 少双 cliZall U>j(JaPc4->j
is far above description. How can one? who is indefinable be described when
He apprehends the sights whilst no:sights can perceive Him, and He is the
all-Subtle, the all-Aware.w, [6:103]

From al-Ash'ath b. Hatim who said, *Dhu al-Riyasatayn15 said, “I said to Abu 心只:嗥? UJI 另Q勺CJ5 J15 :J& f J & 芸上勺I ・ VI
al-Hasan al-Rida 樵!!: 'May I be your ransom - can you tell me about what
the people differ on as regards seeing [God]. Some people say that He can­ ・ :J旧,寸。I" 说J另*』成
not be seen?
So he replied, *0 Abu al-'Abbas, whoever describes God contrary to
how He describes Himself commits a great slander against God. God has
said: # The sights cannot apprehend Him, yet He apprehends the sights. He is
the all-Subtle, the all-Aware.歹 These sights are not the eyes. Rather they are
上顼旗 /匕痢 务:匕W 命少:& 啬1小
the sights of the heart, such that even the imaginations cannot perceive Him
nor apprehend how He is."' [6:103]

IS The editors of the Arabic edition

c- *
a close companion " of the Abbasid name him as Abu al-*Abbas al-Fadl b. Sahl al-Sarkhasi,
Caliph al-Ma'mdn.
--------- When al-Ma*mun assumed the
caliphate, he appointed al-SarkhasiJ
■* . ■ *
as prime

1hence the tide Dhu al-Riyasatayn, the one i ' minister as well as commander of the army,
7 — J'
in charge of
• in ~Sarkhas, and he was killed
Both his birth and death were both the ministry and the army.
whilst in the bath by a group 0
people commissioned by al-Ma*mun who could not tolerate his command. He was, Dy
accounts, an intelligent, decisive and eloquent man. See Zirikli, al-A'ldtn, 5:149・

6. livestock

80. From
♦Umar 亦Tayalisi,from AbU
• 1 <Abd Allah 嗥.He said, 'I asked hiim : 麟1成i方夕奇顽苛的」出凛加y顼虾顷A均/苛 .A •
一 ^[Believersl do not revile those they call on beside
about God's command: \ 托血God
.…,revile God.— 少
God in case l,一 . reviling God?”' He said,
he replied, “0 'Umar, have you seen anyone
‘I replied, KMay God make me your ransomi - how do you mean?” He said, 功I :1丛1 jb Ja(I:Jli :J15
of God has indeed reviled God.”' [6:108]
u Whoever reviles L_ vicegerent

. aII Aii 4jjl 寓 : JIS
From zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abujafe and Abu
'Abd Allah, peace be upon them both, about God s statement:《We would
make theirhearts and their eyes turn awayjust as they did not believe thefirst :Jbu 4)1 J/惭命y 感 侦 /,卜4 <J.如。顷》«j'jj 苛 ・A\

顷,and leave them to flounder in their obstinacy. > 'As for His words: ^just
as they did not believe thefirst time >, they refer to when He took the pledge & a获>婷亦可户。侦允成4盘羽
from them.' [6:110]

From Yunus b. Zibyan who said, T heard Abu 'Abd Allah say, “When
God wills for an Imam to have an Imam born unto him, he is granted seven
leaves from Paradise, so he eats them before consorting [with his wife]." He JI 4)12/现户丫 \t\ :心厘Cx .AX

continued, “When he is conceived in the womb he hears speech from with­

in his mother's belly. When she gives birth to him, He raises a pillar of light
fbr him from the heavens to the earth, and he sees all that is between them.
On his forearm is written: 4 The word ofyour Lord is complete in its truth and
justice, y
cAbd Allah16 said, “When this narration came up, al-Washsha, said,
‘I wUl not narrate this for you so do not transmit it [to others] on my author-
ity* [6:115] 7 '

83. From YOnus b・?»byan, from Abu (Abd Allah 府

’M who said, 'When God
wontc y 4—1一
wants to take the soul
— of an I
Imam and create an Imam after him, He sends
down a droplet from beneath the Throne dow】
• • _____如
勤知血!:J4嗥南白崟芦• NX

a fruit orvegetable/ He continued, % Imam to the earth, directing it at

from which God the: eats that fruit or vegetable,
—in creates the seed for the Imam that will take his place?
威:如疝项#由皿K’l A必履〃 3项叫。坷
•。询 共 if出 *叩赤蠢侦川汽丫狼'遍崩费
Which God creates a seed in the loins, 〉-
'5 。皿 to
thenmoveson t。the womb and
而 womb andstaysthereforfbrty days. Afterforty
y dX?,户1 J,l d话瞬I 国& 如夹S: J&
16 Abu *Abd Allah hen•e is not the Imam but
Mu'jam, 2:282. rather Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Sayarl; see KhuX

6. Livestock

days have passed,2 -he -begins
- ;to hear. Then after four months have passed, it
is written on his right forearm: < The word ofyourLord is complete in its truth
is written(-------- - .
andjustice. No one can change His words: He is the all-Heanng> the all-Know-
侦1国"即9半 弟'■俱-yj弟勺占寸妙
源 J when he comes out into the world, he is granted wisdom, adorned .>L«)I 成/ 气 D次 (j* 己号』
with judiciousness and a dignified bearing, clothed with reverence, and a
lamp of guidance is designated for him, through which he knows people's
conscience and sees their deeds? [6:115]

84, From {Umarb. Hanzala regarding the verse of God, Blessed and most High:
4 So [believers'] eat any [animal] over which God's name has been pronounced >
,质 G'lA 夬 底 困小]Cr* 况成
- 'As for the Magians, it is not allowed for they are not from among the Peo­
ple ofthe Book. There is no problem with the Jews and the Christians if they
pronounce God's name? [6:118]
,也妃["成?移圳仑或kJ'苛公,:J5 (卜4 cx^c^ ・A0

85. From Muhammad b. Muslim: He said, 'I asked him whether the man could
slaughter the animal whilst reciting either la ilaha ilia Llah (There is no god
but God), gt subhan Allah (Glory be to God), or al-hamdu li-Lldh (All praise
is due to God) or Allahu akbar (God is greater)? He replied, “All of that 携3 T蝴? 衿3苛的L:J6 ”貌顽苛小蝴功w . z
counts as names of God.”' [6:118]
&或城J印汕,g: cX 4)I尸ojl愆^弘履利产J&
86. From Ibn Sinan, from Ab矽Abd Allah 藻He said, ‘I asked him whether
one could eat meat slaughtered by a woman or a slave? He replied, uYes, if 顾贝■方顷Ai 顼闹必〈华5 d>那r顷j微,
the woman is Muslim and she pronounces God's name over it, the meat
slaughtered by her is permissible. If the slave is strong enough to carry out
the slaughter and pronounces God's name, then the meat slaughtered by
him is permissible.
■ Ifa Muslim1 man forgets to pronounce God's name, there
is no problem with eating it, as long as you do not have doubts about him
[i.e. his being a Muslim].”' [6:118]
' 出修*b ―成裕5 '以嗥! 2jIxp § :JS QlAz .AV

87. From Hu&M who said, ‘I heard Abu 'Abd Allah 混 say about the meat 好K溪分&另二*^访成时灸—^参岑,潸
slaughtered by an enemy [of the ShPa] and a Jew -he said, “D。not eat the
mea: he slaughters until you hear him pronouncing God's name. Have you $ # S-以 舟
詈 heard God s words: < do not eat anything over which God's name has not
been pronounced.歹”'[6:121]

6. Livestock

The?t after four months have passed, it

days have passed, he begins to hear. -
篇旗赢赢f慕"伽妃*s”时施〃血以 ,盘9 U映9产l心J '娉yj cA)勺E!寸I明
ing, > when he comes out into the world, he is granted wisdom, adorned
with judiciousness and a dignified bearing, clothed with reverence, and a
lamp of guidance is designated for him, through which he knows people's
conscience and sees their deeds. [6:115] 成或娅二&匕上质夕:如切少b制Jy j (昵a白/苛.At
From 'Umar b. Hanzala regarding the verse of God, Blessed and most High:
《So [believers] eat any [animal] overwhich God's name has been pronounced^
版域 e/l 叉 X cr3>3.' 成
-As for the Magians, it is not allowed for they are not from among the Peo­
ple of the Book. There is no problem with the Jews and the Christians if they
pronounce God's name.' [6:118]

85. From Muhammad b. Muslim: He said, 'I asked him whether the man could
slaughter the animal whilst reciting either la ildha ilia Llah (There is no god
but God), orsubhan Allah (Glory be to God), or al-hamdu li-Lldh (All praise
is due to God) or Alldhu akbar (God is greater)? He replied, "All of that 毛/b 3侦/EL:J15,嗥扇 ly』/ Qp 功苛• z
counts as names of God.”' [6:118]
& 缶心 I 4JJI 尸 金L J 心灯斗产 JG
86. From Ibn Sinan, from Abu <Abd Allah 嗥!. He said, 'I asked him whether
one could eat meat slaughtered by a woman ora slave? He replied, aYes, if (飒 bE * 搭刀 5 JrJI(3印 5 顷出1 尸夕j
the woman is Muslim and she pronounces God's name over it, the meat
slaughtered by her is permissible. If the slave is strong enough to carry out
the slaughter and pronounces God's name, then the meat slaughtered by
him is permissible. If a Muslim man forgets to pronounce God's name, there
is no problem with eating it, as long as you do not have doubts about him
[i.e. his being a Muslim].”' [6:118]
,决修银b —w《堀以溟 My U 与 5 Q侦/ q
87. ,om Humran who said, 'I heard Abu (Abd Allah 隧 say about the meat
slaug忏:d by an enemy [of the Sh&] and a Jew - he said, “D。not eat the
mea; heW「s until you hear him pronouncing God's name. Have you
?ot heard God s words:《do not eat anythingover which God's name has not
been pronounced. [6:121]

6. Livestock 、
Dawud b. Farqad who said, 'I said• to> AbU 'Abd Allah f貌,“May I be -' r»
M 阳与心E :嗥 21妃 o勺 4 :出,遂 D,芦 .AA

88. From I waspraying at the graveside when a man from behind me

your ransom JL VYao I- 3
want to guide those God has left to stray*,《when God Him-
为X匆o' 6J/ > :以 产上项为
said: ^Doyou\
because ofwhatthey havedone?^ 4188^
selfhas rejected them
I turned around, for he had reversed the order of this verse, using jt 匕,
against me; and not knowing who it was, I said: . 《一The evil ones incite their
followers to argue with you: ifyou listenn to them, you too will become idola­ j5 夕:#I 灿j 沪 b 3, %,矽,。人为 Jjlr 以(4 :J5
ters^} and it■一turned
Zu. u y , y —
out to be Harun b. Sa d. «
He continued, *So Abu cAbd Allah 混 laughed and said, “So you gave ,角>4笋为必9瘪 T项应豹 灯顷
the right answer, then” - or he said, M[Correct] speech by God's permis-
sion.M, [6:121]

89. From Burayd al^Ijli, from Abd Ja'far <貌 who said: ^Isa deadperson brought 京1出项一 y昇 冬电 5《,隰血炉项 Q 出
back to life by Us, andgiven light with which to walk among people [...] > He
said, 'The dead person is one who does not recognise this lofty position? He
said, *Do you know what the meaning of'dead person, is?'
He said, T replied: May I be your ransom - no?
He said, 'The dead person is the one who does not know anything, so we ^» : JI5 : J6 cf^JJ 』芋奶苛 ,A\
bring him back to life through this authority and give him a light with which
to walk among people? He said, 'An Imam whom he can follow? .dElHJub J瘁,*圳 cZlI: J6 戒力匕5 @ J*顶卓
He continued the verse: # comparable to someone trapped in deep dark-
ness who cannot escape?》He said, "Comparable to these people who do not
know their Imam.' [6:122]
瞄』匕虬^5»I @匕Da圳 :J&
90. In another narration from Burayd
about God's verse:「
he said, 'I asked Abu Ja'far 潺■'
厂 一
< back to life
4^ a dead person brought 一,and o
by Us,
light with which to walk among people [...] He replied, “The dead person
given 匕做岐必夕 > 出.岬[匕取&心色。况
is one who does
' not recognise this lofty position, meaning this authority;
_____ o'Ali
4 and given light》is an!Imam whom he can follow,, meaning —
b・ Abi--Talib
说・" I said, “What about His words: 4 comparable to someone trapped in deep
darkness who l --- ------ 、:“歹一 So-___ r., aWhereas this is how these
cannot escape? he replied,
people who do not know anything are:” [6:122]
' W dAi: J5心臼是T类微虫匕邳& “
17 Harun b. Sa'd al-'Ijli al-Kufi was the leadi, vCukc
ler of the 'Ijliyya sect of the ghulat extremists. There
are various reports that condemn him and allude t "
-'一::二。to his corrupt beliefs. See Khu*i, Mu'jam,
19:226 and Tustari, Qamus al-rijal, 10:471 (nr. 8136).

6. Livestock

s r E Thn Sinan who said, ‘I heard him say, KYbu are the J >由亨i峭1叫《 \jy "匕髭矽力I*史心顷lb办
:需薰嬴 when it to piety. You visit the sickand attend

硕讪.。蛔 peop%。her、there whilst y。勇严;God Himself .嗥

goes-GodknowsbestwhereHeplacesHismessage. [6:124].
火d旧&匕^只9匕熠I Q足:顿:dJ5
From Abu Basir, from Abu Xfar 隰 who said, ‘God does5 not grant victo-
oppressor except by means of another oppressor, and that is the
ry over an < 丫尸 « •» r 1 .
•白孙由供%K X

purport ofHis verse: ^Inthis way, We make some evildoers havepower'over

others through their misdeeds.夕'[6:129]

From Abu Jamlla, from 'Abd Allah b. Abi Ja'far r说,from his brother who
said, 'Deep inside the heart there is a quivering that seeks the truth, and
when it finds it, it feels content as a result of it? Then he recited: < When God
wishes to guide someone, He opens their breast to Islam, and when He wishes to
lead them astray, He closes and constricts their breast as ifthey were climbing
up to the skies.力[6:125]
川西以以’归 Y.杪/» 功1 I•: JK c JL^>- cj^2i
94. From Sulayman b. Khalid who said, ‘I have heard Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥? say,
“When God wishes goodness for a servant, He places a white spot inside
his heart and opens up the heart to be receptive, and he places an angel in
charge of him who remedies his shortcomings. However, when God wish-
es bad for a servant, He places a black spot inside his heart, and causes the
receptivity in his heart to close up, and He places a devil in charge of him
astray.;” Then he recited this verse: < When God wishes to
who leads him astray
gUlde 岫。把,He opens their breast to Islam, and when He wishes to lead
也空匕^短3 & 洪少施他J岳|用麋,博(3
them 戚㈣
astray, He 吴
closes and constricts their breast as ifthey were climbing up to
the skies. J
”的'"so narrated it on his authority with the wording: ‘a
spot ofhght instead of‘a white spot? [6:125]

I*啊顼沏"可知A)原危仁4 S少屋钗瑚S M
。疝3 F死血盘尖,瑚仁L呼以山尸牧寸8 *

6. Livestock

who said, ‘I heard Abuja(far 澳 say, “The
From Abu Basir, from Khaythama
)to the throat so long as it has not yet
heart fluctuates from its position up
found the truth, and when it does find the truth it rests. Then he closed his
fingers together and recited this verse:《When God wishes to guide someone,
二 ^their breast to Islam, and when He wishes to lead them astray, He
He opens l…-
,:购伊另 b 祝:4 S' Cx ©bJJ
Zd constricts their breast as ifthey were climbing up to the skies.
closes ai
He said,
j cAbu 'Abd Allah also said to Musa b. Ashyam, “Do you know
whatconstriction is?” He replied, “No.” So he showed him with his hand by 的xgi/ •誓
closing up his fingers into a fist such that nothing could penetrate nor exit
from it? [6:125] \j "补场 V 衬■& 疗I } L aT^J>- D! jjj

9& From Abu Basir, from Abu 'Abd Allah who said regarding His verse: "啊 j UW $ ① ,可 0 Aa
^That is how God makes the foulness of those who do not believe rebound
againstthem^y is doubt.* [6:125] .心定父匕巨心
97. From al-Hasan b. ^1, from al-Rida He said, ‘I asked him about God's Jlii. N :J&:甘t・ ,部 jjI JBj :JIS
verse: ^pay what is due on the day ofharvest.夕 He replied, UA bundle or two
of dry and green herbs that you can give to whoever comes to you.”' [6:141] .<u-« 双 Y(^*i)I ^4-^11 oju

9& He also said, 'The Messenger of God 嘴 prohibited harvesting at night?


99- From Hashim b. al-Muthanna18 who said, ‘I asked Abu 'Abd Allah about: .2111屏:JL# E•会?汝
ipay what is due on the day ofharvest.歹 He said, “Give to whoever comes to
you [even a polytheist].”' [6:141]

.』孩1 '齿为3川嗥出'翎匕上
.上叽,w榭功'心。盘:J耳 ・M

18 l
Hashim b. al-Muthanna al-H;
Ja'faral-闵diq.SeeKh^-^annatal-Kufi, 3「"able and trustworthy companion of Imam
G Mu'jam, 20*269-71
: (nr. 13298).

6. Livestock

二,from AbU 'Abd Allah 潺?. He said, ‘I asked him
;2^桃夕:妙苛*L:J&〈嗥如妃项其心岫白.*y/ ・'•・
100. From *Abd Allah b. Sinan,
what is due on the day ofharvest. > He replied, "Give
about His verse: ^payi▼….
… — i to you] the Muslims, and if no one but a polytheist

zJ乙> b JLpI : jg 二上
to [whoever comes 'z /
comes, then give it to him.”' [6:141]

From Mucawiya b. Maysara巴 He said, 'I heard Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 say,
样小功'4 ,貌 miy 0 :JK 白加」/ . \ ・、
aVegetation has two dues::one that is due to be taken from it, and one due
due that is taken is the tithe [one-tenth] or half of it, 碇 dajo 0 圳 《W项4> Ji-jJ (4J2JU <4)
to be given away.The
whereas regarding the-due• > to be given away, He says: ^pay what is due on
the day ofharvest. >So you should give away bundle by bundle until it runs
out.”' [6:141]

102. In a narration of‘Abd Allah b. Sinan, on his authority, he said, ‘Give out 力,4力^ 3)'项小土 :r瘪 9心y。义1中> 可为窟 ・E
from it to the paupers who come to you, even if none but a polytheist comes?
[6:141] ・岫心珥
103. From Zurara b. A'yan and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abujacfar and Abu
,Abd Allah, peace be upon them both, about His verse: ^pay what is due on (乂』W 也d /‘卜* 白.如 CX^lr^J °j'j5
the day of harvest.》They said, 'Give out bundles from the ears of corn [a
handful or two from them]? [6:141] 演1)0 M2舟c <1逐1以JaJ : W电?匕我卷说少婷3
1。4. From Zurara, Muhammad b. Muslim, and Abu Basir from Abu Ja’far 嗥?
regarding God's statement: ^pay what is due on the day ofharvest.夕
He said, This is different to charity. He should give out of it to each pau-
Per, bunch after bunch, and also from the surplus pieces of dates by the
handfuls until they run(out, ,keeping aside a specific share for the one who
weighs and values the dates. He should leavej :一二
------- aside the mu'afara and the ,知?匕Q•卷,七徂
ummj^rur^ not value them.20 He should leave aside a cluster, two or
eVen 血 ee cluster
three clusters of dates for 4 g_ who stands watch by the wall, for
the guard
his supervision and guarding? [6:141]
g〈以孙项如项I妥以亦14 土 应京盘〃山出 ■

邪| b丹>>•' 了见 场 卷 > 宓?雄心甲

jLjl Mm G序刀顼'务心或方必fb孙W
常兽?•譬ara b. Sharib b.岫输h L
胃adiq.SeeKh^Mu'jamt 13:239-4。& U49^
These are dates of the low—-- 钉3)・

6. Livestock

From Muhammad b. Muslim, from
-i Abu Jaffer who said, ‘Harvesting and 知卅成& EC J&〈嚓J^r侦/ q白.据w .\ *o
105 Would not be undertaken in the night. God says:籍 what is due
on the day of harvest but do not be wasteful: God does not like wasteful peo­ 偈:j&. < co-b*^' ,槌,LlP * 的匕2>"互^2£场少-.jji
ple y He continued, •xson ofJ al-Ansari - he named him - had crops, and
Whenever he reaped them, he would give them away such that he and his
waste/ [6:141]
family would be left with nothing, so God designated that as a waste?
• &广 dAJ 3 <UJ \ jMU J Lpj

106. From Ahmad b. Muhammad, from Abu al-Hasan al-Rida who said,
Wastefulness in harvesting and reaping is when someone gives away in
charity with both hands full. When my father would visit any of these [plan­ J项广My眼M噢孑有]惭句I另」瑚凶店&.M芋•'•'
tations] and he saw any of his servants giving away with both palms full, he
would shout at him, saying, “Give with one hand, one handful, after anoth­ IJjb b 13't^J 侦 <1*^ (jl 3 均b
er handful; one bunch followed by another bunch of ears of corn?, [6:141]

107. From SamTa, from Abu cAbd Allah who said regarding His verse: ^pay
what is due on the day ofharvest^, ^ts due on the day of harvest is obligato­ .b cA>2JI Jju
ry upon you. A handful taken from it or a bunch from the ears of corn given
away to one who comes to you as a beggar does not count as the alms-tax.
Harvesting and reaping must not be undertaken at night, for God says:《the :JI5 .■五 ^2^ 访)J < aSIq 顼苛 .\・v
"创 ofharvesty 少 for when you harvest it in the night, no one is going to come
to your door to beg nor is it bright enough [to do so] in the night? [6:141]

108. From Sam^a, from Abu ‘Abd Allah r^, on his fathers authority, on the
Prophet s authority that he used to detest for date-palms to be cut at night,
and for crops to be reaped at night, for God says: ^pay what is due on the day
^ harvesL *> He was asked, ‘0 Prophet of God, what is its due?1 He replied,
. JJJ b为 c J成 。Cjl I北专
Give out ofit to the pauper and the beggar/ [6:141]

成上卬也十七既司y顼/‘Mw •'顼
・/1电Kid山E :J必上4岳任I :也起?3 G

6, Livestock

二:,from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥? who said regarding
From al-Jarrah al-Mada^ni,
讷砒 is due on the day ofharuest^, ‘Give out of it to
God's statement: ipay u .…
the paupers who come to your
door, taking bunch after bunch in your hand , (J5** 心和如痘2削 A 七j Jal:JIS
until it runs out? [6:141]

From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abh Ja新嗥 who said, 'Crops must not M 小廿I:J&(,建 j^r 小卫 W
be harvested at night for God says: ipay what is due on the day ofharvest^
and its due is a bundle of ears of corn? [6:141]

in. From Muhammad al-Halabi, from Abu ‘Abd Allah t貌 from Abu Ja’far 嘿
from •Ali b. al-Husayn, may God's blessings be upon him, that he said to his \\\
treasurer when he found him having cut one ofhis date-palms in the middle
of the night, *Do not do that. Do you not know that the Messenger of God
嘴 forbade harvesting and reaping at night?'
He would also say: 'Give a bundle ofit to one who comes to beg from you,
for that is his due on the day of harvest? [6:141]
,a'I/a y a2>- dA) Ad JLj " )0
112. From Abu Basir, from Abu cAbd Allah 嗥 regarding His verse: ^pay what
is due on the day ofharvest^ - how should it be given? He replied, "Take a
bundle in your hand and pronounce the name of God on it in truth? He said, E
*1 asked, “And what is due on the day of harvest ?M
He replied, A bundle that you can give to whoever comes to you from
among the khassa [i.e. the Shi司[6:141]

113,;,「Rm al-HaIabi,from AbrAbd Allah 隙 He said, fI asked him about God's

〃 4孩1 』北心时:件亳上:dJ5:
statement: ^pay what is due on f ' -
血 day ofharvest^ - how should it be giv-
:::霎刊;e?诚。' bundle in your hand and give it away to pauper after
», rruntil】 it runs out. With dates,> give handful after handful until it runs
out.•”' [6:1411
16:141] \'Y


6. Livestock 、
From Abu al-Jarud Ziyad b. al-Mundhirwho said,柯吧a噂 said:啊
,#夕匕•访 > :唳项J& : J4血白少小少』/
114. what is due on the day ofharvest^ 'A bundle from each plot that you must
give away to the paupers? [6:141]

•)said, asked the third Abu al-Hasan [i.e.

From Ayyub b. Nuh b. Darraj who
1】5・ ・\'o
^al-NaqA about the buffalo, informing him that the people of Iraq
considered it to be a mutant, So he replied, “aHave you not heard God's
夕i jaIji
verse: ^And apair ofcamels and apair ofcattle.夕
I wrote to Abd al-Hasan 熊after my return from Khurasan asking him
about what Ayyub had narrated to me regarding the buffalo, and he wrote
back saying the same thing that he told you. [6:143]
(3 俣 du 顷 询 「部 5 D!
116. From Dawud al-Raqqi who said, 'One of the Kharijites asked me about
this verse from God's Book:《a pair ofsheep and a pair ofgoats - ask them
[Prophet, (Has Heforbidden the two males, the two females, or the young in
the wombs ofthe twofemales? Tell me based on knowledge ifyou are telling 所 e
truth.1 And a pair ofcamels and a pair ofcattle [...]夕-“What is it exactly that ^匕^&» All yRj 衣I 芦曰户 cr^J :W
God has made permissible and what is it that God has forbidden?w I did not
know anything about it, so I went to Abu 'Abd Allah
told him about what had transpired.
whilst on Hajj, and 由…耕” ..•浴 枳n践度料\诲切 捋
So he replied, “God, Blessed and most High, has made the meat of de­ 43 6 心区 k? <以3〃 朋 Ay"
sert camels permissible for consumption and has forbidden the meat ofthe
wild Bactrian camels. He has permitted the meat of domestic cattle and has
forbidden mountain cattle.”
.j瓦;勺疝成嗥M由 次£漆由
So I went back to the man and informed him of this answer. So he said
to me. So this thing has been brought on camelback all the way from Hijaz
from a man from among the Basran peddlers21 [i.e. Kharijites].”' [6:143-144]

117- From Sagn al-Jammal who

§afwan al-Jammal
Kha?j】te friend who came to
said, 'On
who said,
visit me
'On my
as I was
trade route to Egypt, I had a
my trade
leaving for
■J came to visit me as I was leaving Hajj, and
for Hajj, and he
he asked
:a:;y;u heard anything from Jaffar b. Muhammad 混'about the verse
J " 一 一 __ ___一..3OMV/UXL y

of God,半hty and Exalted: ^[God gave you] eight animals, in [four] pairs: ・''V

apUir 时皓曲 apair ofgoats - ask them [Prophet], 'Has Heforbidden the 国外招板蛔通2 a 3 :JB &叫奸其
2】Shariya, peddlers or salesmen,二
This was a nickname given to a group ofKharijites because
of their saying, *We have sold our
—souls to God's obedience?
k必"咆罗' ;匕岖况匕勤而》成'芳&
6. Livestock 、
tu,0 males,
two males, the
the two females, or theyoung in the wombs ofthe twofemales? Tell
twofemales, ・y心心n顿*「上麻
me based on knowledge ifyou are telling the truth: And apair ofcamels and a
pair ofcattle [...])> - which of them has He permitted and which of them has 板'AW 4够&^也
He prohibited?” I replied, aI have not heard anything from him about this.”
So he said to me, “Since you are travelling there, I would like it if you could
ask him about that.M,
He said, 'So I completed my Hajj and went to visit Abu 'Abd Allah .JJ3
and asked him about the Kharijite's query. So he said to me, “He has prohib­
ited the mountainous sheep and the goats and permitted the domestic ones, J虚侦荐I戒4项搭“灌亮2 侦Jp白心 W^:d&
meaning their meat fbr consumption. He has also permitted the meat of
desert camels and domestic cattle, and prohibited mountainous cattle and 一项藁 y , - Cfj oUJ' 〃 B :4 隰
Bactrian camels from consumption.”'
He said, 'So when I returned, I informed him of this, so he said, MWere &心RY火,孩出兴〃〈矽占用z W pL
it not fbr the bloodshed caused by his grandfather, I would not follow any
other Imam save him.”' [6:143-144] 〃三5 IU为苞侦:J国,勺」白帝I墨:J5-顷&参一

118. From Hariz, from Abu 'Abd Allah 喋.He said, 'He was asked about birds .0y£> 1*1«!口 U 孑t•圳
ofprey and wild beasts, whereupon I mentioned porcupines, bats, donkeys,
mules and horses.
So he said, “Nothing is prohibited except for that which God Himselfhas 见囱夕撬—jL刁板项』嗥朋 &^折苛 .、'*
prohibited in His Book. The Messenger of God 嘴 had forbidden the con­
sumption of donkey-meat on the day ofKhaybar, but he did that because of
their disregard and overconsumption of it to extinction, but donkey-meat ■
is not prohibited in itself.” And he recited this verse:〈 [Prophet], say, 'In all 4jjI 41)I cAjK任 a!) I Q" Y (I5^1:嚓!•'
that has been revealed to me, Ifind nothingforbidden forpeople to eat, except
for carrion,flowing blood, pig's meat - it is loathsome - ora sinful offering over coyju ji「4^ *1 〃 §0 % (必^「话 好件H而
which any name other than God's has been invoked.^ [6:145]

X 4 3!盘匕G J宙 J为qN。益其所岫
•砌云^ J—J'

6. Livestock 、
From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Kfar r^. He said, ^I-Mughira^s 心j'织质微' 瑚曜' K 0眼尸皿芋 .\\1
119- me to ask him about catfish, eel,
companions used to write to me 1requesting
knife hsh and scale Jess fish and
:d whether th:y we
they 冀吧
were /1竺。or:not.
prohibited not? ,,
…He said, 'S。T asked him about that and he said, “Muhammad, read this
七J '卜5夕(盘MoAaIJII :Jl2i:JI5
verse that is in the Chapter ofthe Livestock:«([Prophet], say, 'In all that has
been repealed to me, Ifind nothingforbiddenforpeople to eat, exceptfor carri­
on, flowing blood, pig's meat.》
匕女匕挤初趺6 SrV#”*与& g
He said, 'So I read it until the end and he said, "The prohibited things are
only that which God has prohibited in His Book, but they used to seek out 我功I自~ J( 3 0 J应以顷:网以我Mj
exceptions, and so we dispense them. [6:145]
. Ipbu 孑拱(j^bu 侦岭
120. From Zurara who said, 'I asked AbuJ^farr^.1 about the catfish. So he asked,
“What is a catfish?M So I described it to him, so he said: < [Prophet], say, 'In
all that has been revealed to me, Ifind noth ingforbidden for people to eat, ex­ :JISQi 勺茶^ 4 : 寸矛苛嗥! \j\ cJL:J6 <b'jj W • \Y・

ceptfor carrion, flowing blood, pig's meat - it is loathsome -ora sinful offer­
ing over which any name other than God's has been invoked.3 But ifsomeone
is forced by hunger, rather than desire or excess, then God is most forgiving
and most merciful. J Then he said, “God has not prohibited any animal from 技(X亮 ® p•略”样 * 出 f
consumption in the Qufan apart from the pig itself and anything from the
ocean that contains no scales is disapproved of for consumption."
I asked, “What are scales?w He said, wThey are like leaves. And this is not
prohibited - only disapproved of.”' [6:145] .芬)修!‘I :尹以砂枝:心5:d&
121. From Muhammad al-Halabi, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥J who said, 'He
forbade the Children of Israel from eating every animal with claws, and the
fat [of cattle] except what is on their backs and in their intestines, or that
which is intermingled with bones? [6:146] .产以q ij。印j/i混Y
122. ,om al Husayn who said, I heard Abu Talib al-Qummi narrate from Sadir,
Gom Abu *Abd Allah 嗥! who said, “We are God's conclusive argument
against everyone under the sky and on the face ofthe earth.'” [6:149]
疽出凛/ 2项/ iz乡」尹K,3"出‘心上

6. Livestock 、
From Abu Basirwho said, 'I was sitting with Abu Ja'fa」貌 while heJ was
访!心0小^^由”黎^*^项心3卜<^ J&c’xJcZ
reclining on of…the Chapter of
on his bed when he recited the decisive verses(
Livestock, which have not been abrogated by any other verses. He said, %
山 JI U*c^ 5 c*' & '或淀二^ * ^\ C)q>il C>lSl
has been proliferated
] by seventy thousand angels: ^Say, 'Come! I will tell
y0U what your Lord has really forbidden you. Do not ascribe anything as a .《空—都孑案球5 ';d匕号此0»
partner to Him.歹[6:151]

124. From 'Amr b. Abi al-Miqdam, on his fathers authority, from 01i b. al- *^城*: LX. 时芋《蝴,寸CX .\Y£

Husayn, may God's blessings be upon him. He said: ^committing obsceni­

ties, whether openly or in secret, - The open obscenity refers to marrying the 蚓山LvyM,顷・:J&网缪匕茅平匕
wife of one's father, and the secret obscenity is fornication? [6:151]

125. From Burayd al-cIjli, from Abu Ja'far f魏 who said: « This is My path, lead-
ing straight, sofollow it, and do notfaHow other ways: they will leadyou away
from it.» He asked, 'Do you know what the meaning of ^My straight path 少
is? ,
I replied, 'No.' .qUI件虹5%由也出N:芽嵌
He said, 'The sacred authority ofcAli and his successors/ Then he asked,
'And do you know what《sofollow refers to?' <《巧
I said, 'No.'
So he said, It refers to 'Ali b. Abi lalib, may God's blessings be upon
him; He then asked me, 'And do you know what # do notfollow other ways:
they will lead you awayfrom it* means?'
I replied, 'No?
He said* and j/'s authority, by God!' Then he asked, 'And do you know
what < they will lead you awayfromit^ refers to?'
I said,,No: Y3
He said, cIt refers to the way ofcAli 混.'[6:153]

* 夕字川⑤心英.凯j刈必


6. livestock 、
126 From Sad from Abujalarc^ regarding:伽s:竺欧气肥了枷,
a ji:焚族痍e孕勺以u跆嗥丰项w ・Z

, 鞋 is the path that leads
so follow itY he said, *The family of Muhammad <
to Him.' [6:153]

From Masada b・ Sadaqa, from Abu Jaffar Muhammad b/Ali, on his father^
his grandfather's authority, peace be upon them both. He said,
北JI砂* 土苛七'苛* 3洛拱寸寸Cf扇篇® L二/ ,\YV
authority, on 1 .
'The Commander of the Faithful said, ^People are on the verge of giving
th^ir striving and the door of repentance will be blocked for them, and
up 1
倾0 soulwillp顾顷。mfaithifit hndnonebefg orithadnot already earned
some good through itsfaith.冷” [6:158]

128. From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abuja'farand Abu
'Abd Allah, peace be upon them both, regarding His verse: ^ButontheDay 如y 感 顼 W 卜 CX 如 5j'jj W .'YA

that some ofyour Lord }s signs come, no soul willprofitfromfuith [•••] ^ He said,
'The rising of the sun from the west, the emergence of the Animal22 and .«《R!匕^ gX,英i为上".五方
Dajjal, while man will persist [in wrongdoing] and not strive upon his faith,
then the signs will come and his faith will not profit him? [6:158] “〈1强k Ij Q『兴圳&力W贝if cT*^'渺出
129. From Hafs b. Ghiyath, fromja{far b. Muhammad f瘪 who said, “A man asked ・W!通 火VMg
my father about the Commander of the Faithfufs battles, and this man
was one of our devotees?
He said, 'So Abu Jaffar said, “God sent Muhammad 嘴 with five swords:
three of these have been drawn and will not be sheathed until the war has
ended. And the war will not end until the sun rises from the west. But when .y父JUI通 < 嘿的弘顷
the sun does rise from the west, all the people will have faith on that day;
#8以 on the Day that some ofyour Lord's signs come, no soul will profitfrom
faith if it had none before, or has not already earned some good through its
faith. >,n [6:158]
/任也加成/1衣5 N心敬心口

22 One of the fsigns of the reappearance of the 〜, - •-

Twelfth Imam narrated in Imam! hadith
literaturenris the emer^nce of the Animal' {al-ddbbd)
Marwa from the region between Safa and
SZda r COrner °f the Ka'ba and Maqam lb丽*…―.…二….
:orn:r of the Ka*ba and Maqam Ibrahim, as mentioned in al-
telltheinfidelthats/heisLisMM :‘心’—Cver mat s/ne is a believer, while 】eitwill
it will

6. Livestock

of the two Imams regarding His verse: <( or

130. From {Amrb. Shimr, from one
由 through its faith.夕 He said, "The believer
has not already earned some gooi
between him and his faith as a result of his many
-wrongdoings will come 1------
sins and his lack of good deeds, so he will not have earned much good from
his faith? [6:158]

From Kulayb al-Saydawi23 who
al-Saydawi23 said, 'I asked Abu 'Abd Allah
who said, about
3诲s statement: ^Asfor those who have divided their religion and broken up 以#跄:。成/心w嗥'赤2侦白L出次云.\r\
intofactions. > Then he said, “Ali used to recite it as “those who have depart-
ed from their religion.”' Then he said, 'By God, the masses have departed ":F , (声2侦箝京允嗥&防:」阡网匕9施>~奥
from their religion? [6:159]
132. From al-Sakuni, from Jacfar b. Muhammad, on his father's authority, peace
be upon them both, who said, 'Ihe Messenger of God 嘴 said, “Whoever
fasts three days in a month and then is subsequently asked if he is fasting :镌 4)1 JI5:t 乂JI 守芋出 Cx W •e
the whole month, ifhe replies, 'Yes; he would be telling the truth, because
God says: < Whoever has done a good deed will have it ten times to his cred-
133- From Zurara and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Jacfar and Abu 'Abd
Allah, peace be upon them both. They said, cWe asked them about His verse:
4 Whoever has done a good deed will have it ten times to his credit^ - is that for
Muslims who are weak? They replied, “No, rather it is for the believers. God
has a right to be compassionate towards them.”' [6:160] 早冬贮J妲 已习 匕r廿为:a!? /如匚
134. From al-Husayn b. Sacld who, without mentioning his source, cited the
Commander of the Faithful 混 as having said, Tasting in the month of per-
severance |[i・e. Ramadan] and three days in each month removes anxieties
from the hearts,,and fasting for three days every month equates to fasting
fbr a lifetime: Whoever has done a good deed will have it ten times to his
credit. [6:160]

23 Kulayb b. Mu'awiya al-§aydawi, about whom there {二一

are differing opinions as to his reliabil-


From one ofour associates, from Ahmad b. Muhammad who said,,I asked
135. about fasting for the whole year?' So he replied, 'By fasting
him how to g。 — w b k£ ^A^Cx4 cr^ 「Q 片:典
for three days in each month: one Thursday in ten days, one Wednesday
in ten ♦…,another
t!_u days, ^,0^ Thursday in ten days, and the Wednesday should be
between tw。Thursdays. God says: < Whoever has done a good deed will have
Whoeverhas #纳侦匕/冷:4>n搭亦同
社 ten times to his credit. > Three fasts per month equate to fasting for a life­
• 乂罚 ci「刊舄*
time? [6:160]

From <A]ib.,Ammar who said, KAbu 'Abd Allah「貌 said:# Whoeverhas done
agood deed willhave it ten times to his credit. > This includes fasting for three 蜡 歹/乳’夕:嗥好项JG:J&,贝勺.好苛."
days each month? [6:160]
•瓦/ : M冲P必海联
137. Muhammad b. Isa said in Sudayf's report from Muhammad b. All - and I
have never seen a Muhammadan quite like him before - saying 'The good
deed that God meant here is the adherence to our sacred authority as the 依 jL 4一由3段户皿匚可为J:exS J& .\rv
Family of the Prophet's Household (ahi al-bayf)\ and the bad deed is enmity
towards us, the Family of the Prophefs Household? [6:160] JI 01 山处L)b〈Up 典M 浏 :-长止*
138. From Muhammad b. Hakim24, from Abu Ja'far who said, "Whoever in­
tends to fast then goes to visit his brother who offers him something to eat a)ij 少 瑚”灌 侦/,声 D Jv
that will break his fast, then let him break his fast and give him that pleasure,
for that day ofhis will be counted as ten days' worth, as per God's statement:
4 Whoever has done a good deed will have it ten times to his credit.夕'[6:i6o]

139. From Zurara, from Abu 'Abd Allah 隰'who said, 'God, Blessed and most
High, has designated three favours for Adam's children: He has decreed that
whoever intends to do a good deed but does not actually do it gets [the
reward of] a good deed written for him. And whoever intends to do a good
deed and does it, gets it written ten times to his credit. Whoever intends a
bad deed but does not commit it, it is not recorded against him, and whoev-
er intends a bad deed and commits it,. it is recorded1 against him as a single
----------- Al 项独 “ 十/佞 g "K :吵 4
24 AbQ 如海 Muhammad b. Hakim was an expert dialectician in the field of dogmatic dispu-
ration (kaldm). He was, according
ig to some reports, ordered by Imam *Ali b. Musa al-Rida
t0 川 in the Prophet's mosque at Medina and dispute the followers of other schools of
thought. See Hilli, Khulasat al-aqu/dl,
M。如域,m如•。血跖威•打瞟•黔 嘛蛔泌,17: 36-9 (nr.皿47); ・M矣次世参奇VI山9#计顼饵

6. Livestock

.飞 keeps the door of repentance open for him until his very .』乒© Q2己冲盘 31: W・! J扇
bad deed and He
last breath. G搭 〈止4 iiO 顼 a! ,dll C-Jjo- Ji : Jlxi
mthis, Iblis said, “My Lord, You have given Adam three favours,,so
"So He said, “I will. For every child born unto
give me the same as him too.
him, you will have one too.I〕 wiH let you course in them like the blood in
淇T &W “妇山y J 4山F 83,冲心阡*
±eirvehis/and l will let you take up their hearts as your abodes and your
・Cg*A 旧
h嘉es; So Iblis said, MThat will suffice me, my Lord.”' [6:160]

From Zurara, on his authority: < Whoever has done a good deed will have
it ten times to his credit. > He said, 'The one who curses these two every
morning whenever he remembers them, God will write down seventy good
El a! 4jjl
deeds for him, wipe out ten bad deeds, and raise him ten degrees in rank?

141- From lAbd Allah al-Halabi, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥!,from the Command­
er of the Faithful 滨? who said, Tasting in the month of perseverance [i.e.
Ramadan] and three days in each month removes anxieties from the hearts, 心fU 出凛茂胡顷(Z 棉札廿湖/ 河蚌苛
and fasting fbr three days every month equates to fasting for a lifetime: ■&

《Whoever has done a good deed will have it ten times to his credit.[6:160]

142. From 'All b. al-Hasan who said, ‘I found written in the book of Ishaq b. .#切®爻"。V匕r#,:」兄制。!/仙
*Umar or in my father's book - and I do not know, but he might have heard
it from Ibn Yasar on his father's authority, from Abu 'Abd Allah r瘪 that he
said, Yasar, do you have any idea what three days of fasting signifies?^, ⑥小上一®[项]1,(?.口七3瑚。老• '日
He said, I replied, “May I be your ransom, I do not know.” He said, “They
\:ere given to the Messenger of God 嘴 as he was passing away - [They are]:
竺?:st yiursday from the beginning of the month, a Wednesday in the
3)出(嗥i项苛七i峪仙功w 尸—
middle of the month,,and _」a Thursday at the end of it. That is God's state-
ment: <《Whoever has done a good deed will have it ten times to his credit. >So
he would be fasting for a lifetim.
〜 ------ le without breaking it.”
en he said, There is no one I envy more than the fasting person con-
:愣3W God's obedience, walking about whilst hungry for food
hcd";N°:"低 mdeed, the fast maintains, protects and nurtures the
4如L 为〃 K晚翼廿#小Jk 43目•出 <■


6. Livestock 0J尸 b

From zurara, from Abu Ja<far 嗥,Fie upright religion has not disregard­ 勺3圮山1 面座if 英毕ujy心垮1 l : j阡
ed anything such that even guidelines
L for clipping nails, trimming the
moustache and circumcision are included therein? [6:161]

From Jabir from Muhammad b. 'AH 嗥 who said, 'There is no> one
from among the community ofMuhammad who still adheres to the religion .\tr
of Ibrahim other than us and our ShFa? [6:161]
.< jjUJI 〃 幺'b
145. From Talha b. Zayd25, from Ja'far b. Muhammad, on his father's authori­
ty, on his forefathers, authority, from cAli who said, 'The Messenger of
God 嘴 said, “God, Mighty and Exalted, sent His friend with the upright re­
ligion, and He commanded him to trim the moustache, clip his nails, shave
the armpits and the pubic region, and to circumcise.”' [6:161]

146. From cImran b. Maytham who said, ‘I heard al-Husayn b. 'All 嘤 say, “No
one is on the creed of Ibrahim apart from ourselves and our Shica, and the :J6(冲1件^由苛觇'苛七'苛山&.苛2 ex"
rest of people have disassociated themselves from it."' [6:161]
免尹JI 侦碇只些3鬲]朋01:# 妇J&
147. From Abu Basir, from Abii'Abd Allah 隰)who said, 'We do not say that
there is only one rank, for God says: < and raises some ofyou above others in .dti-lj总以也M w。曲\|
rank-》Rather, people outdo each other through their good deeds? [6:165]


4jj| B gp M \ :JI5〈嗥顼苛W

25 Ab° 亦KhazrajTalhab.Zaydal-NahdMlm ・ e ,一
blenarrator oflmamJaTar al-Sad- ,」• . " Sunni transmitter but nonetheless relia-
Modarressi, Tradition and Survit^l^ :黑’See 驯瓦 Khulasat al-aqwal^6\ (nr. 1424);
Ul> 375-6 (nr. 199).

The Heights
7. The Heights

From Abu Basir, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 who said/Whoever reads the
A A •■〜■- — —- - /

Chapter of the Heights (surat al-a(rqf) every month will be included among
those who will have nothing to fear nor grieve about on the Day of Resur­
rection. If one recites it every Friday, he will be among those who will not
be made to account on the Day of Resurrection? Then Abu 'Abd Allah r^.* 了场N y 5顷yx,应诬心汪%也却心顷
said, * Indeed in it are decisive verses, so never stop reading it, reciting it and
putting it into practice, for it will be a witness in front of God on the Day of
Resurrection in favour of whoever recited it?
2. From Abujum^a Rahma b. Sadaqa who said, 'A man from the Banu Umayya
.Aj 心 \jb\j # (曳 ¥§ S
who was a heretic came to Jacfar b. Muhammad 嗥•' and asked him about
God's word in His Book: ^AlifLamMim Sdd^ and what He means by that,
what mention there is in that of the permissible and prohibited things, and
what benefit people can derive thereof? 白丰一So阀一也&&胃顶出应乙白援)供顼/,Y
He said, 'That man was speaking rudely toja'far b. Muhammad 博 so he
said, "Are you done with your wretchedness? The Alif represents the num­ U* 2 *瑚&侦心 也I名任夕4)1 :』JUi(黎富
ber one, the Lam ±irty, the Mim forty, and the Sad ninety - how many is
that in total?" S^UI 4)IS(J ‘I b
So the man replied, “One hundred and sixty-one.”
So Ja'far b. Muhammad 嗥} said to him, "As soon as the
soon as year 161
the year 161 comes
:岭 @1:J 底.瘪店 & m 以5 攻L:JB
to an end the reign of your companions [i.e. the Umayyad rulers] shall fin­
ish with it.'» , 说4: JI Jlii nUq 项裆9 乂
He said, *So we waited and no jsooner had the year 161 finished than on
the day of*Ashura, the black-robed
,J ones1 entered Kufa and their kingdom
collapsed? [7:1]
,电?3l代 ajLj 场(E: J&

1 Referring t。the Abbasid Caliphs, wh<

10 were reputed fortheir black clothing and flags.

236 xrv
7. The Heights

From Khaythama alju'f! from Abu Lubayd al-Makhzumi who said, cAbu
圈 said, ttAbu Lubayd, twelve people from the progeny of aPAbbas
Ja'far,不,---. -
will rule, and four of them after ' 土土 one will be killed. One of them
the eighth
? 以如祠项件4 k? W b W 5J
will be afflicted with a blood-filled
富 w - -------lump him
, in his throat which will cause ----
t0 况 This group will have short lives, with a short-lived rein and impudent
Amen仁 them will be the debaucher known as aI-Hadi? as well as
characters. Among
al-Natiq and al-GhawL • 项
Abd Lubayd, the disconnected letters of the Qufan contain a compre­
hensive knowledge - God, Blessed and most High, revealed ^AlifLam J』QWj 侦 B ct LW &L刖 Da/-(3 o\ UI
砂 and Muhammad 镂 rose until His light was manifest and His words
established. He was bom on that particular day when one hundred and 件或 输孔二q/蚤 嘴S户.Q匕珈我翳无
three years had passed since the seventh millennium.”
Then he continued, "This has been elucidated in God's book through the
disconnected letters if you count them without repetition. There is not a
single letter of these disconnected letters that does not count the passage of 〃川少项夕 Cr*以》k .朋y %参顷:JB g
days until the Qa^m from the Banu Hashim [comes] when they have come
to pass.” Then he said, "The 4修represents the number one, the Lam thirty, 项V : J & F .4j以251心好曲巨广招11* —力
the Mim forty, and the Sad ninety. That makes one hundred and sixty-one.
The beginning of al-Husayn b. 'Ali's uprising was marked by: ^AlifLam Mim 决^〈茸七C泰EL dAl玉<&六5歹说/杪切乂目)项妇j
[...]> ,、

When the time for it comes, the insurgent from the progeny of al-^bbas
will rise to power upon ^Alif Lam Mim Sad.夕 Our Qa^m will rise when
those days pass, with ^AlifLdm 2?a^10:1)so grasp this well, be alert to it
and conceal it.w, [7:1]
4,阮111 Mas'ada b. Sadaqa, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥J? who said, "The
Commander of the Faithful 混 said in his sermon that God said: ^Follow
- your Lord; do notfollow other masters
what has been sent de'own t。加 from
。竺TT “V seldom you take heed! J So there is great victory in follow-
ing what has been sent down to
abandoning it? [7:3]
you from your Lord, and manifest error in 匕m yj牛;勘诗%‘有侦务V匕垸块扇成

7. The Heights

From D^vudb.Farqad, from Abu -■ TAbd Allah r貌 who said, 'The angels used
of them, but in God's knowledge he was not one
to consider Iblis to be one(----- 夕:Jldi j I* aSjI Sj! Ail 创产(J
of them, and God drew out the bigotry that. : was in his heart when he said,
4 You created mefromfire and himfrom clay.^ [7:12]

FromAbu Baslr, from Abu 'Abd Allah 惭 who said, 'The path that Iblis
referred to when he said: I will lie in waitfor them all on Your straight path.
referred to
I wiU corne at them-from theirfront and their back.from their right and their :mi J& 0圳,山| :J& 凛' 〔
left - and You willfind that most ofthem are ungrateful > is'AK 隰[7:16-17]
・淀伊"方应歧―项伊er?二^ £ @浴n曲」二)
7- From Zurara who said, 'lasked AbUJa'far 混 about God's words: H will lie
inwaitfarthemallon Your straightpath. I will come at them -from theirfront
and their back, from their right and their left - and You willfind that most of g鬲1制E苛嗥A U白L出小3 /・v
them are ungrateful. > He replied, aZurara, indeed it is you and your com­
panions that he will target since he has already got the better of the others.”'
•件• 0必版/•孑也
8. From Musa b. Muhammad b. 'Ali, from his brother, the third Abu al-Hasan
[i.e. Imam cAli al-Naqi] who said, 'The tree that God forbade Adam and his
wife from eating from was the tree of jealousy. He required of them not to
look enviously at those of His creatures whom He had favoured over him.
However, God did not find that firm resolve in him/ [7:19]

9. From Jamil b. Darraj, from one of our associates, from one of the two [al- .0』世;cX^'询 福火
Baqir or al-Sadiq], He said, 'I asked him how God could take Adam to task
for forgetting. So he replied, "He did not forget though - how could he fbr- 6 夕

get when he was reminded ofit when Iblis said伐 YourLord

Your Lord onlyforbadeyou
onlyforbadeyou : J6 ‘Ml IaJ / MB 乒 w a 好 V •'
this tree to prevent you becoming angels or immortals.片[7:20] -t 6

;rom Mas'ada b. Sadaqa, from Abu 'Abd Allah 况
'Abd Allah 嗥? referring
referring it to the
it to the .八 》二九一 3 ・,,一,乞I彳"/ \
:?啰that once when Musa had ascended to the heavens on business
Ofthe daily prayer (舛妞),he asked his Lord to let hi:m meet his father Adam,
„ 只. -~ ~ ■* AW J &xl
so Hee did.
1 . Musa said to
usa said him, '0
to him, Adj you are the one that God created
‘0 Adam,
with His own Hand, into whom He blev 土二了
!W His Spirit, before whom His angels
f whom He opened His Garden:
prostrated, for JL 嗥1 蜀蟠妙如
\ 5隰国呻侦苛应Z静4苛・'•
> whom He made to reside in
His vicinity, and who He spoke
“七to before that. Then He forbade you from J岛顼少u A泛8隰"疽如理廿5彩


7, The Heights

.ffle tree butyou could not be patient with it until you were made to
“京9 2;)〃蓦率2七。圳cJ ‘迎:嗥! g 4
one S1 & the'emh as a result ofit. So could you not control yourself from
descend to
it that Ibliswas3 able to entice you and you obeyed him? For then surely you
户W 此均诙北
嘉。caused us to be expelled from the Garden through your
are the one '… m 与/ jl 卢 cA>y (J!心K *
disobedience?' . -.
said to him, *Be gentle with your father, my son, for the tribula­
力P b G圳 CUU &5^!』I
tion that he faced with regard to this tree. [My son], my enemy approached
me with cunning and deception, swearing by God that in his counselling me
he was naught but a sincere adviser, and he said to me pretending to advise: z e 9/’J ® l 一 m 己火嗥尸”j 虚
• • • *♦ « /, I • ii
“By your status, 0 Adam, I am so upset.
I asked, “Why?” 切川V由皿户4 j冻砚<4项^衲盘七仙y 〃 3也*
He said, “I have grown attached to you and your closeness to me, and
now you are going to leave this place to somewhere that you are going to
hate.” •竺L» DL cul C?
So I asked him, “What is the solution then?w
He replied, "Well, the solution is right here with you. Shall I show you SaLLI Uj :4)
the tree of immortality and a kingdom that will never perish? You and your
wife can eat from it and you will both become immortal and live in the Gar­
den with me forever.”
疾〈上 '城 也13松 以;1出LjUu尹13分死尹
He swore by God, lying to me that he was a sincere adviser. I did not # Ail b占 (3 IOil l^v4
imagine, Musa, that anyone could swear by God dishonestly, so I trusted in
his oath. This is my excuse. So tell me, my son, can you find anything in that
which God has revealed to you that suggests that my mistake already existed I叫£■密 应国)l皂为Ll jl — I—9皆 切如I
before I was created?*
So Musa said to him, A long time before that?
The Messenger of God 常 said, ‘So Adam convinced Musa? He said that
three times. [7:21]

n. From ‘Abd Allah b. Sinan who said, cAbu ‘Abd Allah 嘿 .疽 was asked while I f*以3 由卜〔矛:敖血妇J&
was " 右 1how many years Adam and his wife lived in the Garden before
their mistake caused them 1t0 *be expelled from it. So he replied, “God, Bless-
ed and most r*High, blew His Spirit
- into Ad:am after noon on Friday, then He
brought his wife ilnt0 being from his lowest rib. Then He made his angels 4知无顼成一嘤赤
prostrate before him and made him
live in His Garden from that same day. 4没 勺侦 w 3、:j底 B 耳y
By God, he did not stay there for 1c
onger than six hours of that day before
he disobeyed God. So God expelled the.
—em from it after sunset. They did not 』呻i F山冲i其^ 〃 e项希〃广出J'jj地卜力

7- The Heights

even Spend the night therein and were made to go out into the threshold of
the Garden until they awoke in the morning and their nakedness became
exposed to them, and their Lord called out to them: ^Did I notforbid you
from approaching that tree?沁 0 Adam felt ashamedin front of hisLord and
^basedhimself, laying, *Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves and admit to
our sins, so please forgive us? God said to them both, cGet down from My
heavens unto My earth, for a disobedient one cannot remain in My vicinity:
neither in My Garden nor My heavens.
Then Abu 'Abd Allah f魏 said, aAs soon as Adam ate from the tree he .gi* 3为寸0 a刀也'板④边y?岭| : *
remembered that this was the one that God had forbidden him from, and
he regretted it so he went to move away from the tree, but it grabbed him *邺 〃 JgVlL「J 如现项 J15《
by the head and pulled him towards itself saying, did not [think you
could] escape before you had eaten from me, did you?'” [7:20-22] 知:』cJUj ‘早! 〃(j^iJ

12. From one of our associates, from Abu 'Abd Allah (貌 regarding God's verse:
4 Their nakedness became exposed to them.夕 He said, "Their nakedness was
not exposed to them before, and now it was - meaning that it used to be
within? [7:22]

13・ From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Jacfar and Abu •c洛 、J!项 口":
Abd Allah, peace be upon them both, who said regarding His words: « Chil-
dren ofAdam [...])> 'It is a general address? [7:26]
够/ 毛乂』I 七Qb J^r O’ W,卜* 食》"/'J bbj W ・w
14- From Mas'ada b. Sadaqa, from Abu 'Abd Allah 唳:'Whoever claims that
God commands wrongdoing and disgraceful deeds has indeed lied about
God. -
God. TWhoever claims that good and evil are independent of His Will have
?ken God out of His authority. And whoever claims that transgressions can
be carried has indeed 福
out without His Power hashideld
earned outwithoutHis lied about God, and whoever
heS about God, God will make Him enter the Fire.' [7:28]

也,利& —彳仲由=了疝4)1砂必匕■顷 0 "


7. The Heights

ld the night therein and were made to go out into the threshold of
even spem
awoke in the morning and their nakedness became
the Garden until they
*■ * out: to them:《Did I notforbid you
exposed to them, and their Lord called
夕块I焰①y d技地血奶dU 3
讯奇pL;ch£g that tree?》So Adam felt ashamed in front ofhis Lord and
abased himself, saying, ^Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves and admit to w 点 F :叫> 3心 心项 OXi J>. aLLI
our sins,
sins, so please forgive
so please forgive us?
us.' God said to them both, 'Get down from, My
heavens unto My earth, for a disobedient one cannot remain in My vicinity: jg . (J土 拈关b (LLajI & b「盘1>^&
• yn
neither in My Garden nor My heavens.
Then AbG 'Abd Allah 嗥 said, “As soon as Adam ate from the tree he ,glA(J 为寸匕j gw W '(J! : J 411
remembered that this was the one that God had forbidden him from, and
he regretted it so he went to move away from the tree, but it grabbed him ,涉 口 411 邺 L j M:峰血y 项 JIS F
by the head and pulled him towards itself saying, 'You did not [think you
could] escape before you had eaten from me, did you?'" [7:20-22]

12. From one of our associates, from Abu ‘Abd Allah(魏 regarding God's verse:
《Their nakedness became exposed to them.夕 He said, * Their nakedness was
not exposed to them before, and now it was - meaning that it used to be
within? [7:22] 珀匕匕少:W”藻南土◎ 苛尬或好疗 .'Y
13- From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from AbuJ^far and Abu
'Abd Allah, peace be upon them both, who said regarding His words: < C/w7-
dren of.Adam [...] )> 'It is a general address? [7:26]

From Mas ada b. Sadaqa, from Abu 'Abd Allah r潺?: cWhoever claims that
God commands wrongdoing and disgraceful deeds has indeed lied about
God. Whoever claims that good and evil are independent of His Will have
taken God out ofHis authority. And whoever claims that transgressions can
be carried out without His Power has indeed lied about God, and whoever
lies about God, God will make Him enter the Fire? [7:28] qljLyJb /Wl 5 : JG「灌。'苛应侦白・'奴*^ W ,

近,应—彳b 4)1砂说心t*i启|中贝

7. THE Heights

d b. Mansur, from al-’Abd al-Salih [i・e. Imam al-Kazim],

15- He^lXd him about God^s verse: < Yet when [these people] do some^
赢mcefiil, (We伽
acefiil, theysayft 'We foundd ourforefathers doing 折 and} :^Godhas
is; md,
this God h. 3方心jL〔:J血,匕矶乒•功:』顶占4匕y
landed us to do this: Say [Prophet], {God does not command disgraceful
de* How can you say about God things that you do notknow[to
ZZ'^w^nyousay notknow [to be true]?y
So he replied, “Have you ever seen anyone claiming that God has command-
_______... ■

ed Us to fornicate, drink wine, and other such prohibited acts?” .曲刀产'aJJ I:cJlaI ." ^*1 4Jj I jl oAa [a : Jlii

So I replied, “No."
He asked, KSo what are these disgraceful acts which they claim God has <件1^ dA! 3朋身俨当义白W' J块*,oA'泅"足g J旧
I said, “God and His vicegerent know best.” ^^4^ dAJ S y 龄 十 yis j5 神IE &
So he said, “This comes from despotic leaders -they claim that God has
commanded them to be leaders over people, and this is God's response to
them. He is informing us that they have lied about Him, and this is what He
c^lis ^disgracefuldeeds'^' [7:28]
扁i * 0*^ 妲!哭b以1 o' &贝 硕小
16. From Abu Basir, from Abu £Abd Allah t魏.He said, ‘I heard him say, "Who­
ever claims that God commands disgraceful deeds has indeed lied about
God. And whoever claims that good and evil can be attributed to Him has
indeed lied about God? [7:28]

17. From Abu Basir, from one of the two [Imams al-Baqir or al-Sadiq] who said
regarding God's verse: ^Direct your worship straight to Him wherever you
pray^t cIt is towards the qibla" [7:29] 所央勾侦顼分:核寄嗥顽■、人
18. From al-Husayn b. Mihran, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥 who said about His .法M 史:
iDirectyour worship straight to Him wherever you pray^, ‘It means
verse: ^Directyour
the Imams? [7:29]

T 乂』Ajjl (jlj qi 苛 ‘13 必3。侦? 5j'jj / •''
From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Ja'far and Abu ^ , ;
‘Abd Allah who said about His verse
Hirnwhereveryoupray^ 'Mosquesare】
:^Directyour worship straight to y JI有U 七L : J IM * :妙
recent; they have actually been com-
manded to direct their worship towards the Sacred Mosque; [7:;9] #1 JxSj^rj

7. The Heights

- 3 of the two [Imams al-Baqir or al-Sadiq] who

From Abu Basir, from one
白孩],史 财艮岬E!分:J& 独>1 W 项.\・
:;首三•嘉福;wards the qibla which is absolutely and thoroughly free of

idol-worship/ [7:29]

Muhammad b. al-Fudayl, from Abu al-Hasan al-Rida 混 who said

21. From
regarding the verSe: {put on your adornment on every occasion
~ ofprayer^}
'This refers to clothing? [7:31]
From al-Husaynb. Mihran,from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 who said regarding the
verse:《put on your adornment on every occasion ofprayer^, 'It means the
Imams? [7:31] 京&心盘同'Jj脂4貌miy项苛心1光&/•・ XX
23・ From Aban b. Taghlib who said, 'Abd 'Abd Allah 嗥J said, “Do you really •的1加出戒盘
think that the one to whom God has given [more], He has simply done so
out of His high esteem fbr him, and likewise withheld from the one to whom
He has given less simply out ofHis contempt for him? No! Rather all wealth 心侦^ 展 危 I 6项:嘿 My 项 :JS 庭U W - *
belongs to God, and He entrusts it to man as a deposit. He allows them to
eat and drink from it purposefully, to clothe themselves, marry and travel 心4^如JU J心饱 X〈呼,屏父(2?心C?少心
around by means of it purposefully. Then they are to remit the rest of it to
the poor believers to help them get on their two feet. Whoever does this has 侦奶坷r? <1*^5 " J矣J
indeed eaten, drunk, travelled and married in a permissible manner. Who­
ever exceeds that, however, it becomes prohibited for him." 尖弟关以I仙成由小沁尹罚项
Then he said: ^but do not be extravagant: God does not like extrava­ 4
gant people, 》Do you think God has entrusted wealth to a man for him to .匕小 <Jic- 5 Ikx? X* ,,北 〈'出•顶^
have it entirely at his disposal and buy a horse for ten thousand dirhams
when a twenty-dirham horse would have sufficed him? Or for him to buy a
mai? servant for one thousand dinars when a maid-servant of twenty dinars
j知g雄血占永g.'N◎妒S: J阡
「we been fine? He then said:《but do not be extravagant: God does
notlike extravagant people. [7:31]
顼勿虹wT舟 g (ZA*? 必W衫q瓦3。切3血
24. "m Zurara,from Ab顽fa国.He said, ‘I asked him about God's verse: •《Mb土 44,炬!妲彳少也MB护如易方
枷。"every occasion ofprayer. > He said, “On the night
of W// [7:31]

7. The Heights

From AbuBasir,from Abu^Abd Allah He said/I asked him about:侦t 奇与 1A二:aL :J&〈喉! 项苛. xo
on your adornment on every occasion ofprayer.' He said, "It is to comb your .胡也JT心以yy*:J6戒
hair for every obligatory and supererogatory prayer."' [7:31]

26. From ^Ammar al-Nawfili, on his father's authority who said, 'I heard Abu
al-Hasan say, Tombing the hair takes away disease." He said, ^Abu {lAbd JIS,电 v 些':以嗥 Q' § : JG 七i /,#»心 .N
All:h used to keep a comb in the mosque with which he would comb
his hair whenever he finished praying. [7:3i]

27・ From al-Muhamili, from one of our associates, from Abu 'Abd Allah t琴
who said regarding God's verse 伽t on your adornment on every occasion of 见二):W赤顽,凛国¥侦苛他成乒/寸*苛・XV
prayer*: 'The garments on the two 'ids and on Fridays? [7:31]
.心 b aJUl j勺力出戒方$4 衣与
28. From Harun b. Kharija who said, 'Abu 'Abd Allah 豚? said, aWhoever asks
people for something when he has enough provision for that day is consid­
ered among those who are extravagant.[7:31] 联la oJCLPj Q e/UI jL / :隰血1 卒项 : J& <妇日 W ・ '人
29・ From Khaythama b. Abi Khaythama who said, 'When al-Hasan b. *Ali
used to stand for prayer he would wear the best of his clothes. So he was
once asked, 0 son of God's Messenger, why do you wear your best clothes?w
Imam Hasan replied, "God, most High, is beautiful and loves beauty, so I
beautify myself for my Lord, for He says: ^put on your adornment on every
occasion ofprayer\ so I love wearing the best of my clothes.”' [7:31] 4)1 j[:嗥i J旧S A侦。户1搭if .息I 31 :』我?况’以
From al-Hakam b. Utayba who said, 'I saw
saw Abu Ja'far 混
Abu Ja'far wearing aa red
混 wearing red
oth once so I was staring at him, whereupon he said [to me], aAbu
眼血叩 wrong with wearing this." Then he recited:
忏e 1S nothing
!竺呼?}皿腿加思如 the adornmentmd then。蛔iment God
hasprovidedfor His servants^ [7:32]
剧| ha:jg以凶嘿—寸&G出疽白・料芋
3成& 1£七3鸟:为f M尖另> 队列应UI卬翊

7. The Heights 顼

al.Rida 潍 who said, “Ali b. al-Husayn used 阳盘i LX 《嗥 / /月]芋.丫\

31. From al-Washsha1 from
towear a long robe, aa printed
long rooe, p: silkshawl and a cap,and he soldtheshawl
and save its value to charity saying: ^Say [Prophet Who hasforbidden the
-----the nourishment God has providedfor His servants?y [7:32]
adornmentltand . i劾& P卬5纣勺4'^'
From Yusuf b. Ibrahim who said, 'I visited Abu 'Abd Allah 嘿 wearing;a
long silk robe and a green silken cape, and he looked at me, so I asked, “May
cape - what is your
I be your ransom -1I am wearing a silk robe and a silk cape- rx
opinion on that?"
So he replied, "There is nothing wrong with silk." 勺 4-j I* <罗(jLuLl>J j>- 3"沙1:cJ瓦
I asked, “And the silken tassels?”
He said, “There is no problem with it. Al-Husayn b. cAli 嗥? was wearing uA*:J国
a silken robe when he was struck.” Then he continued, “When the Com­
mander of the Faithful 隰 dispatched 'Abd Allah b. cAbbas to the Kharijites,
he wore the best clothing, perfumed himself with the best fragrance, and
rode on his finest horse. So he went out to them and was met favourably by ,关 瀑! & J*. wUi 他 cr1 V : J虎
them saying: 'Ibn 'Abbas, you are the best person among us all for you have
come to us dressed and equipped with clothing and a ride fit for mighty rul­
ers? So he recited this verse: ^Say [Prophet], rWho hasforbidden the adorn­
ment and the nourishment God has providedfor His servants?^ Wear good
clothes and beautify yourself for God is beautiful and loves beauty, so long
ex 1 :脾‘时5顶点! d,虱4小药T nl旗易戒
as it is permissible.”' [7:32] ajjb刘'•件织J ;:乌V4圳**』以
33. From al-{Abbas b. Hilal al-Shami [who said, AbU al-Hasan said] on the au­
thority Abu al-Hasan al-Rida c^J. He said, ‘I said: "May I be your ransom -
提"砌& 昨a &>1由' 与;工与5■务寸
is itit not
is not more admirable for people to eat coarse unwholesome food, wear
螺 a" abase themselves.0 He replied, uDo you not know that
Y?;!”老勺而混,a prophet and the son of a prophet, used to wear cloaks
:si en brocade embroidered with gold when he was sitting in the assem-
L 妙ai djJ-:CJ5:JI5 c 嗅以 』w 寸以 d* 3 (Z •rr
ieS of况 Pharaoh's household? He ruled over the people, and although they
7er!not n°tln 叔 ofhis clothing,
in need clothin^ what th they did need was his fairness, Similar-
0 C^UJIS !疹咨 I 再
he speaks, he speaks the truth;
when he makes
iiwtirp r
a premise, he fulfils it; and when he rules, he does so with
记蜘 any permissible (娅/) food or drink. He has
外方—财云;邳项顼盘,我切* 皿好
岫州den what gohibited 伽湖牌 it a lit" a lot, having said:
/占虹3 ® {^u ji如1涝f仔匆”提y,

7. The Heights

iSay [Prophet], 'Wh。hasforbidden the adornment and 血 3必shment God

£仲|如* M地质以如出“侦&户丫 #溶
, .,、....-,/? - - ••---
has providedfor His servantsVyf> [7:32】

From Ahmad b. Muhammad, from Abu al-Hasan 嗥 who said, “Ali b. al-
Husayn, peace be upon them both, used to wear a robe of five hundred di­
“ ,〈功& m卬5&顷
nars and a shawl of fifty dinars that he would wear throughout the winter.
Then when winter was over, he would sell it and give the money away in
charity? [7:32]
我「心斗皓她.老倨曲嗥Q|或光砧扇/ .代
35. In a report ofcUmar b. cAli from his father 'Ali b. al-Husayn that he used .芯据莒皿'顷1 — 51浊孑产瑚瞄犯|山如谿一
to buy a silken cloak of fifty dinars then give it away to charity when summer
came, and saw no problem with doing that saying: < Say [Prophet], "Who
has forbidden the adornment and the nourishment God has providedfor His 萨—头I夬<jd<嗥! gM 3专七b寸白.工企(3j -
servants?^ [7:32]
J—5:Cl 他 c3U> Eg
36. From Muhammad b. Mansur who said, ‘I asked al-'Abd al-Salih [i.e. Imam
Musa al-Kazim] about God's statement: <^Say [Prophet], eMy Lord only for­
bids disgraceful deeds - whether they be open or hidden;,He said, "The
・4功导?卬5 2匕^色° ®
Qufan has a manifest and a hidden aspect, so everything that He has for­
bidden therein is manifest, the hidden aspect of them being the oppressive
leaders. Everything that He has made permissible in the Book is manifest,
and the hidden aspect of these are the rightful leaders.w, [7:33] 奸 a) .#关匕5 巳 凫顷
37- From 'Ali b. Hamza who said, T heard Abu 'Abd Allah 瀑! say, “The Mes­ y 却 (J cjjA-l lei 1 /Wl(J Q*
senger of God 镭 said: * There is no one more fervently protective than God,
Blessed and most High. Who can be more protective than the One who h as .曲4)5 〃沙虬</也)1 j尹
forbidden all disgraceful deeds - whether they be open or hidden?'” [7:33]

小危IA加山七JG:Mi嗥扇y寸上并町沪丁&•由w g

7. The Heights

FronVAli b. Yaqtin who said, 'Al-Mahdr asked Abu al-Hasan 嗥[i.e. Imam
al-Kazim] about alcohol and whether it was actually prohibited (haram) in
嘉云since the people knew of its disallowance but not of its prohibi­
God s L—-一 .一
tion se. So
perse. al-Hasan replied to him, a0f course it is prohibited? He
Abu al-Hasan
So Abu
tion per
asked, "Where exactly in God's Book is it prohibited, Abu al-Hasan ?w < U 盘(长寻[fl j:J&
So he replied, “The statement of God, Blessed and most High:
[Prophet], (My Lord onlyforbids disgraceful .... ',
deeds - whether they be openi or 步以们上却Qj方&!龄以捞9以E :出
hidden - land - sin and unjustified aggression. > As for His words < whether
they be open^ it refers to overt fornication and the raising of banners that 心洪罗孝队亶A畛•.妙氐戳划
the corrupt people of pagan pre-Islamic times used to do. His words < or
hidden 夕 refer to marrying their fathers, widows, for in the times before the 专L申i <说匕5 :板匚侦矽a田J 4列"V5侦
Prophet 辖 was sent down, if a man died leaving his wife behind his son
would inherit her and marry her if she was not his mother; and God prohib­ 3 火*义嘴逞I日d 3再b W薄叭V 〃
ited that. The《s址) is alcohol itself; for God has said elsewhere:《They ask
you [Prophet] about intoxicants and gambling: say, 'There is great sin in both, jSj 侦§ 此占盘 I 子 & * * 。如 Cf 叫 ”5)
and some benefitfor people: the sin is greater than the ben才it.'*(2:219)g0 the
'sin' in God's Book is alcohol and gambling is backgammon [and chess], and
their sin is great as God has said. His word < aggression 夕 is fornication in
private? Ulj(4jjl JI5 顷盘4用
So al-Mahdi said, "By God, this is a Hashimite juristic verdict."' [7:33]
•力明必耕* :婷
39. From AbU 'Abd Allah 嗅 who said regarding His verse 4 There is a time set
for every people: they cannot hasten it, nor, when it comes, will they be able to ,整草4)lj oJjb :&叫IJ旧:
dd。) ^for a single moment^'. 'This is what has been assigned to the Angel
of Death 隰y [7:34]

40. From Mansur b. Yunus, from a man, from Abu 'Abd Allah 瀑
瀑!? who said re­
garding God s verse《The gates ofHeaven will not be open to those who reject-
ed Ou revelations and arrogantly spumed them; even、if" a thick
^ Nations … rope were to
through the eye of a ••-
• ” ' needle they would not enter the Garden^. 'It was re-
vealed about Talha and Zubayr, and the camel [7:4o]

This refers to Muhammad b. •Abd Allah I 一 _
b・ Muhammad b. *Ali b. *Abd Allah b. •Abbas, bet-
ter known as al-Mahdi,,the third Abbasid Caliph.

7. The Heights

Muhamma<u b. al-Fudayl, from Abu al-Hasan al-Rida 嗥! regarding His

From --
^^lerwillproclaimfrom their midst, 'God's rejection [hangs] overthe
verse < ,
evildoers^. 'The caller is the Commander of the Faithful 嚓!」[7:44]

From Mas'ada b. Sadaqa, from Ja'far b. Muhammad, on his father's author­

ity, on his grandfather's authority, from 'Ali 混 that he said, 'I am the chief eLj拔唳苫苛心户岸白.羌中苛扇隽/・
of the believers, the pioneer of the foremost ones, and the successor of the
Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds. I am the denominator [of people] be­
tween the Garden and the Fire, and I am in charge of the heights. [7:46]
.顼 M也
43. From Hilqam, from AbuJ^far「掠.He said, 'I asked him about God's verse:
《men on its heights recognizing each group by their marks > - what does He
mean when saying on its heights*? He replied, “Do you not know of ir
any cognizant men who oversee your tribes and know exactly about any
good or bad man there is among them?” I replied, aYes.M He said, aWell then, :j5 s Jc>j > :烦荫 队 a始馈获 JGy
we are those men who know each group by their marks.”' [7:46]
•出寸:4 %也项沙? 〃 3 〃成人 由弟/阡^冲
44. From Zadhan, from Salman who said, 'I heard the Messenger of God 蝠
say to 'Ali 辞! more than ten times, “0 'AH, you and the successors after ・—j 板或J卜J出项
y°u are the heights between the Garden and the Fire, and none shall enter
the Garden except those who recognize you and you recognize them. None
shall enter the Fire except those who reject you and are in turn rejected by
you.”' [7:46]
cjUIj牡IB Jl/〃。如弘顷*侦心以
45-「. mm Sacdb. Tarif, from Ab顽far 嗥 „ who said about this verse: \ men on
,”;蜜 recogni^ each ggp 如 their marks >, 'O Sa'd, they are the fami-
lyofMubammad 嘴;nonesshall •* enter the Garden save one who recognizes
.暮务"〃 g回g兴2朗斧〃
them and they recognize him,, and
-」]none shall
• _::enter
__ the Fire except one who
rejected them and is, in turn, rejected by them? [7:46] J 。L寮嘤A』W£出&—V &

・成L桥i U!狎E或为 &由


7. the Heights

46. . 一 . from Abu

From al-Tayyar, aM Allah
aw <{Abd 笔 He said, ‘I asked him, “What is
Allah 陛.
;1;;慕篇5忑 people ofthe heights?” He replied/When someone has
equal ^Junt of good deeds and misdeeds. IfHe [i.e・ God] admits them
..件 k g站,侦迎 Q心 & oLJ-l oyL-l
into the Garden, then it is by His mercy; and ifHe chastises them, then He
would not be wronging them.”' [7:46]
A"心W fji阳斗J共嗥顽半hi:JB AV
.From Karram who said, ‘I heard Abu 'Abd Allah 嗅 say, On the Day of
Resurrection seven domes of light will come forth made of white and green 参 岭如 ^5.Ji 户!为 JQ
nibies, in each dome the Imam of that time, who will be surrounded by the
people ofhis time, both the good and the bad, until they stop at the gate of
the Garden. The first to emerge forth from it will be the master of that dome,
who will distinguish between his loyal adherents and his enemies. Then he
will approach his enemies and say, 'Ybu are the ones who swore that God
would never bless these people? 'Now enter the Garden fearlessly today; 歹:成务杪'也臭窿以 cpJI
he will say to his companions, at which moment the wrongdoers' faces will
darken, and he will separate his companions towards the Garden saying:
4 Our Lord, do not let usjoin the evildoers!^
When the people ofthe second dome see the small number ofpeople en­ di弗卬b CS 3 &三〃枣A 响N专妙
tering the Garden and the large numbers entering the Fire, they will fear lest
they are made to enter it too, and that is the meaning of the phrase: ^they
will not have entered, but they will be hoping, y [7:46-47]

48, From al-Thumall who said, cAbu Ja'far was asked about God's verse: ^men
on its heights recognizing each group by their marks. >So Abu Ja'far said, “We
- and God is only acknowledged by means of recognizing us;
arefthe *heights,
we '把 the heights whereby none can enter the Garden save one who recog-
nizes us and we recognize him, and whereby none will enter the Fire except
the °氓:who rejects us and is in turn rejected by us. That is because God
could have willed for people to 1acknowledge
made us His means, His path and—
' Him by Himself, but He has
HisJ gate to be entered through.”' [7:46]
g 瓦,J & 血 EJ 血 ol 必V M务 gV


7. The Heights

族 jW' >' M Q cZ ‘3、y a 俨U 廿-s

49- From Ibrahim b. 'Abd al-Hamid, from one of the two [al-Baqir or al-Sadiq]
who said, 'The people ofHell will die thirsty and shall go into their graves
thirsty, they
thirsty, they shall [be raised thirsty] and will enter the Fire thirsty, So they
shall [be
,质展商和^ &兴博心板MM*/ b蛆Q京廿瞄
will lo;k up towards their relatives in the Garden and say: < Give us some wa-
t", or any ofthe sustenance God has granted
you!^' [7:50]

From al-Zuhri, from Abu 'Abd Allah who said, < The day ofdistress calls
betiveenpeopley4O:32} is the day when the inmates of the Fire will call out to 顶:叫* NW **斜?囱y 嗥顷y廿
the people in the Garden to pour some water down on them. [7:50]

51- From Muyassar, from Abu Ja'far 隰 who said about His verse # do not cor­
rupt the earth after it has been set right^. 'The earth used to be corrupt so he
set it right through His Prophet 袍 and said:《do not corrupt the earth after
it has been set right.[7:56]
廿,4)1^4?矽j <d)l 也*!^& 9 d[*J6 ・《07火^!
From Ahmad b. Muhammad, from Abu al-Hasan al-Rida 嗥.He said, ‘I
heard him say, “How excellent is patience and waiting fbr relief! Have you
not heard al-'Abd al-Salih [i.e. Imam Musa al-Kazim] say:《Just wait; I too
am waiting.[7:71]

S3. From Yahya b. al-Musawir al-Hamadani3, on his father's authority, that a

man fr°m among the people of Sham came to cAli b. al-Husayn 嗥! and 好初鼻技云二®膨己知*1 /13 3宙!J顷以j
asked, 'Are you cAli b. al-Husayn?*
He replied, 'Yes:
He asked, So your father is the one who killed the believers?'
So’Alib! -
3去占,fB明i j4b令农:J _Z心I心IQW3疽W "Y
al-Husayn wept, then wiped his eyes and said, 'Woe unto you!
How can you assert so confidently that my father killed the believers?,
fe replied, By his own words: "Our brothers oppressed us indeed, so
<51傻*圳 W:J& .产JG3由」:j旧,嗥另上
we fought them
= \ on account of their oppression;" Jp OxlaS v—: 3由
He retorted, ‘Woe unto you - do you notread the Qufan?'
He replied, CI do?

3 艾岩盘黑al-Tamimi, an acquaintance of the fifth, sixth, sev-

源 and eighth faboutwhomthgisscantinfbmatig
Imams about whom there i; See Kh叽岫同:96 -7

7, The Heights

He said, 'So God says: < To the people ofMidian We sent their brother,
X AW WW —— .
• —•» »• •T • 1 •1 — ■ K

Shu^ayb >and:<7b the people of Thamud We sent their brother, Salih > _• so
--- ■ , I — - -------- 」・1二_与, S/ 传夕 独G :4)l JG xii :JI5
were they their brothers in faith or their brothers by kin?
The man replied 'Iheir brothers by kin, of course?
■plied to him, 'Their
He said, 'So these were their brothers by kin too and not their brothers
勺4脂"州侦& <(仁4L
in faith? -"LA J ck " 」出
He said, *Ybu have given me solace, may God give you solace too? [7:73]

54- From Abu Hamza al-Thumali, from Abu Ja^far Muhammad b. 'Ali 混 who
said, 'The Messenger of God 镯 asked JibraU “How did the destruction of
the community of Salih come about?"
He replied, u0 Muhammad, Salih began his mission amongst his people
when he was sixteen years old and stayed with them until the age of one
hundred and twenty without a positive response from them.” 4)1 J" Y 乂cX 寸 if d哪少』W ,
He continued, “They used to worship seventy idols instead of God, and
when he saw them doing that, he said: 'My people, I was sent to you when I l: J旧行俨&氐:(潺!!炭冷4)1
was sixteen years old, and now I have reached a hundred and twenty years. I
propose two solutions to you if you agree: I will ask your idols to fulfil some­ Y "j 4jUj 巴 z?匕§,也^ 二-*4 功光 营J;
thing for me that I usually ask my God to fulfil, and if they manage to do so,
then He will fulfil whatever you ask of Him,氏 when I ask your gods, they
respond to me and fulfil whatever I ask of them, I will leave you to be, for
now I have grown weary of you and you of me? 疗i:圳十di沁Le忑归3块3“豳:出
So they said, "Ybu have been fair, Salih? They then agreed on the day that L < *

they would all go out to do this.”

He continued, “So they set out with their idols on their backs, then laid
out their food and drink and ate and drank. After they had finished they 衫jij cQjiu虾盘! J顷参 曷"产*口顶
called him out and said, ^alih, now ask?ask; So Salih called out to their biggest
idol, asking〜 them what
-----itsj name
name was, they informed
so they
was, so him of
informed him its name.
of its He
name. He ・ jytj5j pLi Xai W*>- &朔孑"'
called it by its name, but it did not reply.
So Salih asked, * Why does it not reply?*
They suggested for him to call another one, so he called each one of them
. 3 g全例卜盈'& 13’节岬
by name in turn, but not one of them replied.
J*T_ -
He said, My people, you saw how II called your idols
called your but none of them
idols but
奴户曾拱^ z•艮妙f "!"以I出
responded to me, r—
so now you may ask me something that I can request from
my God, and He will respond1 to you immediately: 国J*心展,*叫必产待"

7, The Heights

So。they to their idols saying, 'What is wrongwith you? Why did
up to
went up
they went J*

you not respond to Salihr They ofcourse did not reply, so they said,'汕h,
leave us for a little while with our idols.”'
He continued, "They threw the picnic blanket that they had spread out
previously as well as their containers, and rolled around in the dirt. Then
they said to them, 'If you do not respond to Salih today, we will really be ,』 k, ...... . “

put to shame."'
He said, “Then they called him saying, 'Come, Salih, and ask them now?
So he asked them but they still did not respond. 加担湖kJl业侦J 5 心在* b :归
He said to them, 'My people, this is the way it is. The day is almost over,
and I do not think your gods are going to answer me, so why do you not ask .衫i山)'次叩荧》yw坡务蕙孑
me instead that I may supplicate to my God and He will answer you imme­
So seventy men were appointed to do that from among their elders, their
chieftains as well as their trainees. They said, 'We are now ready to ask you, 项冲—5苏必JBjAc"虹衬J旧:J&痣
He asked, ^Are all these people satisfied with you [as their representa­ -论顷I ,盘!B 2项q <再凹
They replied, 'Yes. If these people follow you, then so will the rest of us? 忙 j 2 心&:Jg
They said, ^alih, we will now ask you, and if your Lord answers you we will
follow you, and respond to you, and all the people of our village will follow 夕为6成虹I JU〈产臾,我出出L3法七履或旧
you too?
So Salih said to them, 'Ask me whatever you wish."'
He continued, "So Salih set off with them until they ended up at the
甘心也戋曲波,*叫& •业J
mountain, where they said, "Salih, ask your Lord to immediately bring out .产jIa .买:*衬J屈,叫M
for us a bright red, shaggy, fully-pregnant she-camel・'(In
she-camel.'(In a narration by1,
Muhammad b. Nusayr, it was a red, shaggy she-camel coming out of a slope
between the two sides [of the mountain]).
,。心JJLS质一位匕J以心垃一 H'S占L酒13旧
something that
He replied, You have asked me something that would
would be impossible for
be impossible for
me t0 d0> is easy for my Lord? So he asked God for just that, and the
mountain cracked open with a: crack , so loud that it could drive people al­
most mad upon hearing it “ 四
it. Then the mountain groaned like a woman in 明u展可l &—a e,灵』凯论顷
childbirth, then it was inot *long before her head emerged from that crack.
Then her neck straightened up and c二
I came out, and then the rest of her body.
•士 辱*3
Then she stood straight on the ground.

7. The Heights

When they saw that they said, ‘0 Salih, how quickly your Lord an­
好产&出盘I d" 0小城津互臼寡L Ji :
swered ! Now ask him to bring her young out for us?
So he asked God for that, and she gave birth, and her young one started
办1刀券瓦中,A y &顶I上任3氏匕
crawling around her.
He said to them, 'My people, is there anything left after this?
, \i 以5〃 5侦 Y样注顷心
They said, 'No. Come back with us to our people to inform them of what
we have seen and they will believe in you.
He continued, uSo they returned, but the seventy men had not even
reached them and sixty-fbur of them changed their minds and said that it
had been magic. Only six of them remained saying, 'What we have seen is
N :萸食衬 Jlxi 7&纣己4 dAliAjjl JL3:JI5
the truth?
He continued, 'The people discussed at length and they went back be­
lying what they had seen, except for the six? Then one of those six started , 4 以如 Lb L 3 DM 6^'
doubting too, and he was one of the ones who hamstrung her in the end.”'
Muhammad b. Nusayr4 added in his narration saying, 'Ibn Mahbub said
that when narrating this report to a man from among our associates named
Said b. Vazid, “He informed me that he had seen the mountain from which M i^c>-)3 (^53^: J&. LjIj u
it had come out in Sham, and he saw that there was a split in the side of
.Lb cJolj AlxJI b ujlijl "&(4L*JI
the mountain and a mark left there and that there was a slope between this
mountain and the next.”' [7:73-79]
# j jdl I :&J] JI5 (J 上9 Cx 卫。顷
55- From 也zid b. Thabit5 who said, 'A man asked the Commander of the
Faithful 嚓:“Can women be entered from behind?w He replied, KMay ?顷心A jJJI 孙(^小必也(J. [:』MB
God's damnation descend upon you! Have you not heard God says: Do you
commit an outrage none in the world ever committed before you? !^ni [7:80]

争顷 1 d项隰泌iJjl :jb
】U * 4jjl 三此


4Muhammad b. Nu§ayr was one ofAyyashi^ teachers and sources.
5 Yazid b. Thabit, on whom there is hardly any biographical information. See KhuT, Mu!jam
21:116 (nr. 13669).

7. The Heights

From 'Abd al-Rahmanb. al-Hajjajwho said, *1 heard Abu ^Abd Allah 嘿 ® j心P顷
“应占金!夕,奶M必 心y l : jtsi 虹

…旗二? mentioned entering women from their backsides in

mark when someone
«I not know of any verse in the Qur'an that has permitted
his presence:
this apart from one:《You lust after men rather than women! You transgress
all bounds!^9 [7:81]

al-Husayn b.曲 from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥.He said, ‘I heard him say,
From al-Husayn
ttDamn these Qadariyya - they read this verse: < apartfrom his wife whom We 血矽湖
• ••
。L 超l :以: <嘿也妃』W世白.皓U W・ov
• l - who else could decree that for
decreed to stay behind. ><27:S7) Damn them
her apart from God, Blessed and most High? [7.83]

58. From Safwan al-Jammal who said, lI was praying behind Abu cAbd Allah 混 q、少以川Y如件h
when he bowed his head and said, KO God do not let me feel secure against
Your plan, Then he said audibly, {Only the losers feel secure against God's
plan, y [7:99]

59- From Abu Dharr who said, 'He said: wBy God, from among all those who .#登^匕^刃&仲关旋汇^: J国夕西
made the covenant with God, none of them honoured their commitment
to Him apart from the Household of His Prophet and a small group of their
followers. This is the meaning of the verse: # Wefound that most ofthem did JaIji 旗顶 aS4Jjl ::
not honour their commitments; Wefound that most ofthem were defiant^ and:
< though most people do not believe. »(】3:i)” [7:102]

60. He said, Al-Husayn b. al-Hakam ai-Wasiti said, UI wrote to one of the right-
eous ones complaining of doubt, so he said, 'Doubt can only pertain to un-
known things. Once conviction has come, however, then there is no more
room 防 doubt, for God says:《Wefound that most of them did not honour
their commitments; Wefound that most ofthem were defiant.夕 It was revealed
about those who persisted in their doubts.”” [7:102]
区5匕5)新I以 <虫*艮I心39 YQ 可
61. From Asim al-Misri who, without mentioning his source, cited one of the
Ima?s as having said, Pharaoh had built seven cities to protect him from 心j w弘•邳^身匕^''闻J; a快
Musa and had placed thickets and jungles between each of them filled

6 This is most likely a transcription error for 'Asim b. Sulayman al-Ba§ri, who is better known
as al-Kuzi.


7. The Heights

… …:him from Musa. When God dispatched Musa to Phar-

with lions to protect
aoh: he entered one ofthe cities, and as soon as the lions saw him they began
to wag their tails and ret.treated , Every single city he
------ tamely. , entered thereaf-
,竣v砰'必玖』盘3'站‘同,Y 片:J&以*
ter opened its doors to him until he ended up at Pharaoh's palace, wherein
he was present. He stood at the gate wearing a woolen cloak and had his 』J5 J枫I寸场通3 J 如十凶,也 & 溢:JI5
staff with him. When the doorman came out, Musa said to him, “Tell Phar­
aoh that I would like to see him; but he did not pay any attention to him. So 出翊孑J知I:嗥的
Musa said to him, “I am the messenger of the Lord ofthe Universe/ but he
again paid no attention to him.
Thus Musa remained, continuing to seek permission to enter, and after
he had insisted fora while the man said to him, “Could the Lord of the Uni­ d :』JI5〈以^项^冷:J& M JSIlj 浏 a)Lj aa)I &匕 U il)-L 己$3:JG
verse find no one else to send besides you?
So Musa lost his temper and struck the door with his staff such that every 勺* 也〃.〃心心11 Co启
single door between him and Pharaoh opened until Pharaoh himself could
see him from his assembly.
He said, wAdmit him in.”
So he entered into a large domed hall with a dome higher than eighty •供侦:Jlii <id子j 』声参
cubits in height, and said, “I am indeed the messenger .of the Lord of the
Universe sent to you.” jkjlii:JIS 3 Jylc〈QiSjy 0a! <3jAj玉:JIS
He retorted, "Then show me a sign if you are telling the truth."
So he threw down his staffs which split into two forks. Suddenly it turned .瑟nUJI s 柬匕&:J旧:J& .diJ^
into a python, one half of its mouth on the ground and the other at the top
ofthe dome. JCjuJI(^以! jH 4<I>-廿 lit?: JB . jt-jul :J&
So Pharaoh looked inside it and saw it blazing with fire as it lunged to-
wards him. Pharaoh lost control of his bowels and screamed: aMusa! Take
it away!”' [7:103-107]
4A豹序-声:J&,瑜如J qY冼。4
I :疽七己房& : J& *成
From Yunus b. Zibyan who said, 'He said that when Musa and Harun en-
tered Pharaoh s assembly none of his courtiers on that particular
on that particular day
day were
ofillegitimate birth; they were all born in wedlock. Were there to have been
….Were there to have been
a single illegitimate person present there, he would have commanded for 寸战}心元&北agM?电的卬嗥心以&e
the*捋。to be killed. But instead they said
istead they '^Delay him
said:: \Delay and his
him and his brotherfor
a T竺V they told him to take his time and think about it/Then he [i.e.
the 血am] placed his hand on his chu…二
.- -----lest and said, 'It is the same thing with us
-it is only the ones of illegitimate birth th«
------ :are intent on [killing] us? [7-Hi]
"jWl 4 :匕*5 岬
・&冲W•菸W! /苗以瓦也

7. The Heights

From Musa b. Bakr, from Abu 'Abd Allah 隰'who said, 'I bear witness that :抄J』S圮:J&〈嗥顷ly寸苛a bT s・V
the Murjfa are on1 the creed of those who said: ^Delay him and his brother
md send messengers to all the cities. * [7:111]
for awhile, and .

From Muhammad b. cAli 嗥 who said, •Musa^ staff originally belonged to

』5W q心I •如S必: :JG ’c嗥i由D岸苛.u
cj" J6
Adam, and was passed down to Shifayb and then to Musa, the son of^ran.
It frightened them all and devoured their fakery, doing exactly as it was com­
inded to do. It had a mouth of two forks: one on the ground and the other
on the ceiling with forty cubits between them, devouring with its tongue all
that they had conjured up? [7:117]

65. From 'Ammar al-Sabati who said, CI heard Abu cAbd Allah 混 say, “The
earth belongs to God, He gives it as their own to whichever of His servants
He chooses.” He continued, “And whatever belongs to God belongs to His
Messenger, and whatever belongs to His Messenger belongs to the Imam af­
ter the Messenger of God 镂・"'[7:129]
.&宵 4)1 Juu 汽义 4jjl J。肮M尸 功 : JIS
66. From Abu Khalid al-Kabuli, from Abu Ja'far 瀑! who said, "We found writ­
ten in the book of 'Ali 嗥 that the earth belongs to God, and He will give
it to whichever of His servants He chooses, and that the outcome will be in
favour of those who are God-conscious, and that my Household and I are
the ones to whom God has given the earth as theirs. We are the God-con­
scious ones, and the whole earth belongs to us. So whoever from among
血心侦I段3必"jA近朗2J 演3#电网
the Muslims revives a land and makes it flourish should remit its due to the
Imam from among my Household, and he can have whatever he needs to
部a U招足氐"烬弟注*
consume from it. If, however, he abandons it after having cultivated it, and h* Ujju $ 曲虹 £ I* 心侄 N Cr4 A
subsequently another Muslim takes it up, c_ :_
cultivates it and revives it again
after him, then he is more entitled to it than-th<
-Je one who had abandoned it. ,屋。圳 b 竺质 I 并 Aa Ab \aok? "幺'
He too should remit what is due from it to the Imam from my Household,
and keep whatever he consumes thereof until the QTim of my Household
reappears with the sword. He will roccupy it and guard it, expelling them
from it just as the Messenger of God 鞍
、.;used to possess it exclusively, apart
from that which the Shi'a own. IL
He will disassociate from them [the wrong-
doers] and leave the earth in their hand
stead.' [7:129]
—」s [i.e. the God-conscious ones] in-
.k! 4此M A免件必*3


7. The Heights

Muhammad b. Qays, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥.He said, 1 asked: 夕心J&J" :脂岬]L :,嗥义七项/D立/.W
67. From
"What was the flood?” He replied, “It was a flood of water along with the
plague.”' [7:i33]

From Muhammad b. 'Ali, from Abu £Abd Allah who informed me from
Sulayman'from al-Ridac^.' who said regarding His verse < ifyou relieve us of 渺:W板顷湿以?/*^芋母曲呻项/寸-
the plague, we will believe you^ €It was a plague of ice? He added, 'Khurasan
is a land of plague? [7:】34] .沙为W>: J阡涵屏:习出,皿淳三V
From Muhammad al-Halabi, from Abu 'Abd Allah who said regarding
His verse We appointed thirty nightsfor Musa, then added ten more^. 'With 心茶5◎龄*^翊矽:婷3峰南妃o"职顷苛・"
ten more from the month ofDhu al-Hijja, which is an incomplete month [i.e.
of 29 days]? [Then he listed them] until he ended up at the month of Shacban,
and said, *That too is incomplete, not a full [thirty days].' [7:142]

70. From al-Fudayl b. ^sarwho said, 'I asked Abuja'far 豚?,“May I be your ran­
som -can you give us an exact time frame for these peopleSo he replied,
"God's knowledge contradicts the knowledge of those who fix exact timings. 岳瑚务夕:以由T 产成项匕小瓦:J底
Have you not heard God say: < We appointed thirty nights for Musa, then
added ten more: the term set by his Lord was completed inforty nights * ? Musa 夕%,拱项项^ # £ .
himself did not know about those extra ten nights and nor the Children of
Israel. When he told them thus, they said, cMusa lied and Musa broke his j-iC?:% s乒睫y K & 代晶顷
promise. So when you speak to them, say: 'God and His Messenger speak
the truth, and you will be rewarded twice.'" [7:142] •院4 b第Mjo抽
71. From al-Fudayl b. Yasar,from Abd JaTar 嗥 who said, 'When Musa left to
go and meet his Lord and promised them thirty days, and when afterwards .V\
God "creased the term beyond thirty days, his people said, "Musa broke his
promise to us,B and hence they did what they did(,
From Muhammad b. CA1I b. al-Hanafiyya that he said the same thing.
L \yCai履:营JIS成阳wi。少5庇荷*严卜

7. THE Heights

From Abu Basir,

:from Abuja{far 隰 and Abu ‘Abd Allah 嘿 that he said, $嗥"儿&: 』
g 值妙3肥处!璀
72. :k;d his Lord, Blessed and most High: < (My Lord, show Your-
'When Musa asl.~
, ? You!, He said, 'You will never see Me, but look at that
务! jJ 盘 :jUj 灿
self to me: let me see
fountain: % it remains standingfirm, you will see Me; [...]> He continued,
iowhenMusa climbed to the top of the mountain, the gates of the heav-
enS opened
ens Opened up and the angels came forth in their throngs with poles in their
hands and halos of light on their heads, passing by him, throng after throng
saying, “"0
saying, 0 son
son of'Imran, stand firm for you have asked fbr a gargantuan
cMusa was sun
thing indeed.,n He continued, 'Musa standing when
still sianaing Lord - ex-
wnen our JLora 制 嗥 的 & 杪出dL w 3 Q顷板询
aked be His might - manifested Himself and caused the mountain to crum­
ble, and Musa fell unconscious. When God returned his soul back to him he 硕由,J顷g分庭J4M北A 0佟参
came to his senses, and ^he said, 'Glory be to You! To You I turn in repent­
ance! I am thefirst to believe!',' [7"43] ・ < 京块筋由她以MWje》W
73、 Ibn Abi cUmayr said, A number of our associates narrated to me: "Fire sur­
rounded him such that he could not escape from the terror of what he saw.” U 包 jUI jl:0 :功 J& ・ VY
This man narrated from one of his proteges saying, “He must have either
been suspended in that state of unconsciousness three times, or it may have r*Ji I 2 :J & g项e/w?&力:J5 .
been manifest to him before that point since his soul would have returned
to him by then.”,[7:143] ・JI十;[心为以以项
74- From Abu Basir who said, ‘I heard Abu 'Abd Allah f灌 say, “When Musa
b. cImran asked his Lord to let him see Him, God made him promise to Ajj JL> (1cX 4jjl II : JB <Q* 芋 ・%
stay in one spot. Then He commanded the angels to pass by him, horde after
horde, with lightning, thunder, wind and thunderbolts. Every time a horde Jl〈旋火I ja\ F (j jl 41)1 oJcj 硕
of angels passed, he would shake violently, lift his head up and ask: 'Is my
Lord among you?' And the reply would come: 'He is coining, but you have —b 4> / 目b
asked a gargantuan thing indeed, 0 son of <Imran.,w, [7:143]
• &. I cJL :y :JLad
75- From Hafs b. Ghiyathwho said, ‘I heard Abu *Abd Allah 嘿 say about His
*竺 ivhen
:erse ^and When his Lord revealed
reuealed Himself to the mountain, He made it crum-
/e. Musa fell down unconscious*: "The mountain sunk into the sea and it
will remain submerged until the Hour?” [7:143]

•J15 已备匕砧@4

7. The Heights

“ion, fire surrounded Musa so that he would not escape
. narration,
In another
fromtheterrorofwhat he would see. He said/When Musa fell unconscious
So when God returned his soul to him, he came to his sens-
tually died. Sowhen
he acgaily .歹夕jj成少!顼5 舟1 %待0 j血S
es and said: < Glory be to You! To You I turn in repentance! 1 am the first to
believe!y [7: 143〕
From Abu Hamza, from Abu ‘Abd Allah r^J who said, It is written in [the
book] al-Jafr that when God, Blessed and most High, revealed the tablets W (4pUI砂5网矣S启辱芨片以屈 十UN嗥
unt0 Musa f^1, He expounded to him therein every single thing that has ever
been and ever will be until the Hour.7 When the end of Musa^ appointed (0 ] 或J馈产^ 制:』嗥
days approached, God revealed to him to hide the tablets away fbr safe keep­
ing inside a mountain called Zina, fbr they were an adornment from the Gar­ 割3奔小勺寿仙Qi叼』J厄多
den. So Musa came to the mountain, which split open fbr him. He placed the
wrapped-up tablets therein and as soon as he did, the mountain encapsulat­
ed them. They remained thus in the mountain until God sent His Prophet
Muhammad 悬 down. 6A?皿’ #1H•以! y|顷河落j尸/出七t 〃
A caravan of people once set out from Yemen, headed towards the
Messenger 嘴 when they ended up at this mountain and it opened up, and (J m 1 侦ji 仔•或 ci 场 i 嗥? ey 板M
the wrapped-up tablets came out from it as intact as Musa had placed them
therein. So the people took them, and as soon as their hands held them God 由嗥y^Jfr川Jjb湎衡川山七切」贝B奶加也UaA耘J
cast a deep fear into their hearts making them unable to look at them, and
they were terrified of them until they brought them to the Messenger of 心,例|久,嘴峪
God 格.God sent Jibra^l down to His Prophet to inform him of the matter
of these people and what had afflicted them. 晚思:yii 1^4.5 i>^u 0七1少 侦L 禅萨 &项项e
When they approached the Prophet &衡 he initiated the conversation
and asked them about that which they had found. They said, “How do you
know what we fbund?w
MR^qi山刁应y3:ys .小勺豹Q号曷饵:亦我启«
He replied, “My Lord informed me about it - they are the tablets.”
7 According to narrations, al-Jafr is
Ah-m n c - 311 esoteric book compiled (according to ShFi belief) by
*Ali b. 2----------
a「6 St mention of the book is associated with the sixth Imam Ja*far al-
$怦. Sing toal-Hasan 收慕;◎蓦
whim 诂々 onJ “X,a r . , 〃咛""u^arajat there are two types ofjafr\ the
Torah and Iniil an笋 t * 眼近 contains the previous scriptures; namely the Psalms, >
2 巴 and
熠滞XM;搞0fbfng Injil and even the scro 篇f Abr 慕^ 外gmckcont血岫e
iese 观 said to have been inherited by Imam •Ali and passed
down to the Imams after him.

7. The Heights

They exclaimed, "We bear witness that you are indeed the Messenger of
God,” and they took them out and gave them to him. He looked at them and
0象X& A 两言乂 叫/J j5j
read them, and they were written in Hebrew. ,
Then he called the Commander of the Faithful(貌 saying, “Take these,
for they contain the knowledge of the first and the last ones. They are MusaJs 甘9 口>刖 庭勺平 A,矣 S 处4 (4^嘴
tablets, and my Lord has commanded me to give them to you."
He replied, “O Messenger of God, I am not able to read them."
如''电5 <E 土p j 心1
He said, “Jibra'il has commanded me to tell you to place them under
your head tonight and when you awake in the morning, you will know how 出d很泰《项心冬身豚』顼*:嘿J&:JG
to read them.”
So he placed them under his head, and when he woke up God had taught ,顷出
him all that they contained. Then the Messenger of God 嘴 commanded
him to transcribe it all, which he did on sheep hide, and this is what [the & - <* ■

book of] al项折 is. It contains the knowledge of the first and last people, and ♦圈 身也危 : J&&L(y 岸 w ・"
we have it with us along with the tablets and the staff of Musa. We have in­ . >
herited from the prophets, peace be upon them all? (项圳 0 Jjb I*
He continued, *Abu Jalfar 唉 then said, “That rock which safeguarded
Musabs tablets is to be found under a tree in the valley known as such and .寡思 I jb dJiA : J15
such.”' [7:145]

78. From Muhammad b. Sabiq b. Talha al-Ansari8 who said, "One of the things
55・•普*.辰M J &技匙# 3井&顶/房瑚
that Harun [al-Rashid] asked Abu al-Hasan Musa [al-Kazim]when he bl g <也 1户曳 N aJ Jsljjt g 寸
was brought before him was: "What is this abode?M
He replied, “This is the abode of the corrupt ones.” .奸oj废'必』巨
He [the narrator] said, 'Then he [the Imam] read: * will keep distracted
frotn My signs those who behave arrogantly on Earth without any right, and
诚0, even ifthey see every sign, will not believe in them; they will not take the
y °fr^^ guidance if they see it, but will take the way of error if they see
that^ meaning that even if they see every sign, they will not believe in it
and refuse to take the path of guidance when they see it?
So Harun asked him, “So who does the abode belong to then?”
He replied:% is a joy for our ShPa and atrial for others."
He asE “So why does the proprietor of the abode not take it back?"

8 We were unable to identify this individual.

7. The Heights

He replied, “It was taken from them whilst it was still thriving, and he
take it back until it has been fully restored.” [7:146]
will nott---------- * 6 h :印JIM 莎』1匕4
From Muhammad b. Abi Hamza, from whoever mentioned it from Abu
,Abd Allah 混'about God's verse: {In his absence, Musa's people took to
相成 德或,块:低・钧疽色》项:a J必声典[
that made sounds like a cow - a i
worshipping a mere shape thflt made frovn
theirjewellery.冷 ^usa i said, “My Lord, who caused the statue to make the
sound?" So God replied, “I did, Musa." So Musa said, <( This is only a trial
j^om you - through it, You cause ivhoever You will to stray and guide whoever
You will.夕(7:i55)‘ [7:148]

80. From Ibn Muskan, from al-Wassa£ from Abu Jaefar「貌 who said, 'One of E :目小 :客顷廿 Aa cCjjI :J6 jl
the conversations that Musa had with God was that he asked, “My Lord,
this Samiri made the calf; but who made the sound that came from it?” He .成。决 顼*
said, 'So God revealed to him, KMusa, that is My test so do not probe into
it.'” [7:148]

81. From Ismael b. 'Abd al-'Aziz, from AbrAbd Allah「彰 who added, "Where­
by Musa said: "Ybu are the chief of all wise ones.”' [7:148]

82. From Muhammad b. Abi Hamza, from whoever mentioned it from Abu
'Abd Allah 嗥J who said, "When God, Blessed and most High, informed R JUSj 勺侦 4jjl 旻:J& ”紫! <疚"〈沪 0’ Cx 必W •
Musa that his people had taken to worshipping a mooing cal£ he had not
yet witnessed it with his own eyes. However, when he saw them his anger in­ 由fl H Q或& j占# a!推b以一顶3隰由"
tensified and he threw the tablets down from his hand? Then Abu 'Abd Allah
said, 'Seeing something is better than hearing about it.' [7:150] •务殄晃:嗥1如呻项J旧溜应# 01® E也
83・ From Dawud b. Farqad who said, cAbu 'Abd Allah said, "I petitioned my
for a ineed I had so I went to the mosque [to supplicate] for it at high-
Lord fbr AV
noon,1, since this is what Ido
:窘 I do when I have something that needs to be granted.
While I waspraying in the garden
〜 i aa man stood by
man stood by my
my head?
He saQ “I asked him: him:c£ Which people does your good self come from?'
He replied: Trom the people ofKufa.,w

7, The Heights

He said, “I asked: 'From which people exactly?'

replied: 'From Aslam.
He replied:'From
He said, KSo I asked: 'From which people, to be precise?'
-"少 :*:Jg
He replied, Trom the Zaydis.
勺J折<3 曲 I: cJ5:J15
l----- ‘0 brother from Aslam, whom do you know from
He said, “I asked:
among them?'
He replied: CI know the best of them,1, their chiefs their guide and the
.Lx (^ry> D I :JG
most virtuous one from among them: Harun b. Sa d.
I said: ‘0 brother from Aslam, that one is the head of the Ijliyya as you 0上父&血 S“少 : 41)1 CaA-C* L"矽bb 1>-I I :cJ5
have heard God say: < Those who took to worshipping the calf will be afflict­
ed by their Lord's wrath, and by disgrace in this life. >9 The true Zaydi is 您列i M匕知虹m。彗 T也兽心冬皿
Muhammad b. Salim, the cane-seller.”" [7:152]

84. From al-Harith b. al-Mughlra, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嘿.He said, *1 said to
him, “'Abd AJlah b. ^jalan when he was suffering from his terminal illness
stated that he would not die but he died." He replied, “May God not give .At
him insight into any of his sins - where else can he go? Musa chose seventy
men from his community, and when they were seized by the trembling he <4$ 〃 白*对'“萨,:J扇史兜、电妃 oU 0圳心r j
exclaimed, {My Lord! My companions!' He said, ‘I will substitute them for
you with people who are better for you than them/ So he said, 'Indeed, I al­
ready know them and have sensed their aura.'” He said, "So God sent proph­
ets down for him.'" [7:155]

85. A similar narration has been quoted from Aban b. ^thman, from al-Harith, .4)4)1 :
save that it mentions them as having been seized by thunderbolts rather
than the trembling. [7:155]

86. From Abu Basir, from AbuJ^far 嗥 who said, *When Musa conversed with
A务,砺3冷项/ Y必:勺即苛庭U / - a。
His Lord, God revealed to Him: "0 Musa, I have indeed tested your people.”
He asked, “Through what, my Lord?”
He replied, Through the Samiri ~ he has made a calf for them out of
their jewellery.M

9 The 'Ijliyya were a sect belonging to t,the ghuldt extremists. There may also be a play on 出樨总七衬&5.出* 或.奶W步
words here
蜘 as 削 also means calf, and refere to those
-e who worshipped the golden calf.


7. The Heights

He said, “My Lord, but their jewellery cannot possibly be made into a 仅阴:印
; or calf; so how have You tested them?”
.. or statue
He repiied, “He made a calf with a mooing sound for them.”
He said, “My Lord, but who made it moo?"
He replied, “I did.”
Thereupon Musa said,《This is only a trialfrom You- through it, You cause
whoever You will to stray and guide whoever You will.)'[7:155]
87. From 'Ali b. Asbat who said, ‘I asked Abujalfar 瀑y Why was the Prophet
魅 called 奶ml (unlettered)?” He replied, "It relates to Mecca, going back .dUJJ
to God's statement:《andforyou to warn the Mother ofCities (umm al-qurd)
and all around f^(42:7). And umm al-qurd is Mecca; so that is why he has
been called ummL,> [7:157] 蜂》 :妙:芋・ AA
88. From al-Thumali, from Abu Ja'far「缨 who said regarding His words
^theyfind described^. 'It means that the Jews and the Christians can find
Muhammad's name and attributes written in the Torah and the Gospel, com­
manding them to do right and forbidding them from wrongdoing? [7:157]

89. From Abu Baslr regarding God's verse: <( So it is those who believe him, hon-
our help him, and whofollow the light which has been sent down with him,
碰 K\

讷。will succeed. > Abd Ja'far 混'said,〈The light is 'Ali 嚓\' [7:157]

90. From Abd Allah b. Sinan, from Abu 'Abd Allah who said about God's
verse: # There is a group among the people ofMusa who guide with truth, and
w ^justly according to 妗;he said, 'The
^°justly <fIhe people of Musa are the people
of submission 伽秫):[7:159]

9i. From al-Mufaddal b. cUmar, from Abu cAbd Allah 嘿 who said, 'When the
QMmim from the family of Muhammad rises, he will draw out twenty-seven
me: from behind rhp 心牛 《■». «<+__ c.___ 八 . ---- .,
the Kafba: fifteen from the people of Musa who judged 6-1岸顶[服&风:,隰1W项白日1
with truth and acted justly according to it, seven from the companions of the

7, The Heights

(MUsA's successor), the believer

cave, Joshua (Mg's from Pharaoh's
Deiieverirum 厂灯^就心心皿只为 family, Salmai
由c/b 「貌 ¥也 / &.苫 -JB <成同 /
;£rsi (the Persian), Abu Dujana al-Ansari10 and Malik al-AshtarZ [7:159]
"L b g修出 E 包产诚 / cZ :gWJI MJj
92. From Abu al-Sahba* al-Bakri who said, ‘1I heard
neara czAli b. idiiu 嘿
u. Abi Talib 济 whei
he was inviting the Jewish exilarch and the Christian archbishop. He said, “I
关13『p从也cA' 由机说如。巩习田
am going to ask you about something that I know better than you both, so
do not conceal from me, 0 Exilarch, by the One who revealed the Torah
unto Musa and how he fed you manna and quails, made a dry path for you
in the sea, made twelve springs gush forth from the rock of Mount Sinai - .db砂:J施勺由*坷E小!夕心顶Rk w京 心!
one spring for each tribe of the Children of Israel. Rather inform me - how
many group;is did the Children of Israel split into after Musa?w He replied, “A
该与} (Jp 心J ,J,:JUi
single group.”
He retorted, aYbu are lying, by the One apart from Whom there is no
god but He. They split up into seventy-one groups, all of which are in the
Fire except for one, for God says: < There is a group among the people ofMusa .弈成。场
who guide with truth, and who actjustly according to it.夕 Ihis is the saved
one.' [7:159]

93. From al-Asbagh b. Nubata, from CA11 b. Abi Talib 嗥! who said, "There was
a town by the sea, so [the inhabitants of the town] said to their prophet: “If
He is real, then let our Lord transform us into eels. Now this town was in
the middle of the sea and it sank in the night, and every single man from
among them was [transformed into] a black eel whose mouth could engulf
也j ^9" A% "k寸顶,加
a boat.”' [7:163]

94. From Abu lUbayda, from Abu Ja*far 嚓? who said, 'We found written in the
Commander of the FaithfuFs book that a community from among the inhab-
itants of Ayla11 were descended from the people of Thamud and that the fish
产也副盘互<6^1 y 用!心L A 2项f?b呼H
〈书Av Q辱1 (J廿项F瓦出辑
10 ms is Simak b. Kharasha al-Khazraji al-Bayadi al-An§ari, better known as Abu Dujana,
who was a companion of the Prophet. He is remembered in the sources as a brave warrior
who was present at Badrand stood firm in the Battle of Uhud. He was inflicted with many
wounds and was martyred in Yamama in the year 11/632. See Zirikli, Kitab al-a'lam (Bei-
rut: Dar li-l-malaym, 1986), 3:138.
11 A* :as a town on the banks ofthe Red Sea near Sham, or between Sham and Hijaz, and it
thetownofjews who transgressed with the Sabbath. See «Abd al-Mu’min al-Baghdadi,
arastdal-ttla-ala asmd> al-amkina 妍岫(Beirut: Dar al-ma’rifa, 1953), 1:138.

7. The Heights

would race to them on the Sabbath so that God might test their obedience.
So they would surface for them on the Sabbath while they were in their , (N J*4以5 虾姒务代靠以匕
meeting houses in front oftheir doors, in ±eir rivers and their marketplaces.
So they rushed towards them and began to catch them and eat them. They
continued to do this for a time that only God knows how long, and neither
.他 口 13 Wjlib 心。、}爵I :阡< 法也 cJlii
their rabbis nor their scholars forbade them from fishing.
“5寸铭E CJ乒b 2项D刈坨^ d' 料洪! *1的
Then Shaytan insinuated to a faction from among them, wYbu have only
been prohibited from eating themion the Sabbath, not from catching them?
So they would catch them on the 1 Sabbath and eat them on the other days. 小匕^ [目描Ml心<神标卢cXj cjUl
One faction from among them said, “Now we can freely catch them? An­
other faction broke away from them towards the right and said, “God, God!
Indeed, we forbid you from eliciting God's consequences ifyou persist in go­
ing against His command.” Another faction broke away from them towards :M JIS 戒6^. j4^5 cJGj
the left and remained silent, not admonishing them. This faction which did
not admonish them said to the other, < fWhy do you botherpreaching to peo­ 顼(AlJai-l 成边气臾^ 口 R加W J场匕A S*
ple God will destroy, or at least punish severely?'^
And the faction which had admonished them replied, 4 (In order to befree 件孑顶 d Jut £ 上111 目心 % y aIj b、:"dipj 01 犹圈 I
from your Lord's blame, and so that they may perhaps take Heed.'》God said:
4 When they ignored [the warning they were given 隽 meaning that when they . ^□1泰顶"^讪〃以以而出11卜哄(3膈比4前
disregarded what they had been admonished about and persisted in their
wrongdoing, the faction that had admonished them said, “No, by God. We 项& Jjbl J,U Ij-kp <4jjl41)1 言或
cannot have you living amongst us, and we will not let you stay the night in
this town of yours in which you have disobeyed God, fbr fear that He will 项■'扮(卜"I 项.■」卜奴M 卢展出处皿 ylj
descend an affliction upon you." So they stayed close to the town and slept
under the open sky. 洲。卯邛Ja3 QjJJ & DjL仔s父TJ S(知虬尸由 财
When God's friends, the ones who had obeyed his command, woke up,
they went to check on the condition of the disobedient lot. They went to
the gate of the town and found it to be silent. So they knocked on it, but re­
好出Uj :yili JI J旧
ceived no answer and nor did they hear a whisper from anyone. They pro-
:eeded to place a ladder against the town wall, then made
ceeded madea: man climb and
:J& .t :d& HQ刃Ki,立(W
look over it beyond the town. He He looked and there were
looked and there were the people, like
apes, screeching. The man said to his companions, aMy people! By God, I 云川洲IJ国:J15 b也3拱y D折伊温y b早小撰
see something strange!M
They asked,uWhat can you see?”
He said, “I can see 1'the people as apes, screeching, and they have tails.”'
He yinued, ^Then they '•
broke the 一gate and entereZthe
___________ c town. The apes

7. The Heights

昂点 J 勺 0 涕 3b :混 JUi:J5
recognized their human relatives, but the humans could not recognize them
from among the apes?
He said, 'Then the people said to the apes, “Did we not forbid yog
G > :W 由 均西 L? L 安J &又y内 djub 〃
Then the Commander of the Faithfbl said, 'By the One Who splits the
-11I know their relatives from this very
seed and originates people, indeed
community. They neither denounce wrongdoing nor are they protective
[over those who•)commit it], rather they have ignored what they have been ■茎质屁Mr
commai 」nded to do, and have hence become divided in themselves. God has
saic.、 , those evildoingpeopleiy2^. And God says: < When they
ignored [the warning they were given, We saved those whoforbade evil, and
punished the wrongdoers severely because oftheir disobedience.夕[7: 163-166]

From cAli b. ^qba12, from a man, from Abu 'Abd Allah 唉 who said, 'The
jews were commanded to abstain [from fishing] on Friday, but they disre­ 人 &
garded Friday and abstained on Saturday instead? [7:163] 引2招 jii :&• 〃 S'7 j相:J& c 隰申/ w‘3 .
96. From al-Asbagh, from 'Ali f潺! who said, 'There were two communities who .盘 K心过(ji'也 @康i择
were transformed from the Children of Israel. The one that took to the sea
were [transformed into] catfish, and the one that lived on land were [trans­
formed into] lizards? [7:163-166]

97- From Harun b. ’Ubayd" who, without mentioning his source, cited one of
them as having said, 'Some people came to the Commander of the Faithful
混 in Kufa and said to him, ttO Commander of the Faithful. These catfish are
being sold in our markets.”
So the Commander of the Faithful f猊'laughed and said, “Stand up so
1 can show you something strange, and do not speak anything but positive
捉b移林&成 再Au;财庐S项困房Y
about your vicegerent? So they got up and went with him until they came 温心0 3列jj出)i ":隰 j旧恤s sL
to the seashore. There he spat into it and said a few words, and suddenly
there was a catfish lifting its head out of the water with its mouth open. The
Commander of the Faithful said to it, “Who are you? Woe unto you and your
二^静;珍:疝冠血 以斗关1睥j彼^豚 3〃
*?an A、b. Uqba b. Khalid, a reliable and trustworthy companion of Imam Ja'far
SSee ::严
193-4 (nr. 37).
商蛔 al-aqwal, 购 189 ((nr. 570)-; Mfssi, Tmd岫 and SunM
13 We were unable to identify this individual. .寥>1?


7. The Heights

community!" So it replied, “We are from the inhabitants of the town which
was by the sea, about which God says in His Book: < how its people broke the
SMath “....... / */
when theirfish surfaced ”
for them 」.一
only on that day ….s …
never on weekdays
............. oftheir disobedience.
in this way: because ..................... ......... > God suggested
us to adhere to your guardianship (walaya) but we desisted - from it,,
so 一God
transformed us. Some of us are on land and some of us are in the sea. As for
the ones in the sea, it is us, the catfish; and the ones on land are the lizards
and the jerboas.”,
He Said, 'Then the Commander of the Faithful turned to us and said,
“Did you hear what it said?” We said, "Yes, By God.” He said, “By the One
Who sent Muhammad with prophethood, they menstruate just like your
women do.M, [7:163-166]

98. From Talha b. Zayd, from Jacfar b. Muhammad, on his father^ authority re­
garding God's verse: ^And when Our command carne^,《We saved those
whoforbade evil. > He said, 'The community was divided into three groups:
a group who forbade evil and distanced themselves from it; a group who
remained impartial though they did not commit the sins themselves; and
a group who committed the sins. So none was saved from chastisement ex­
cept for those who forbade evil?
Ja'far 隰 said, ‘I asked Abd Ja'far 嗥,“What happened to those who re­ j匕占第淳:施(顶侦,K 项火板农、侦mW/
mained impartial and did not commit the sins?” Abuja'far replied, "I heard
that they became tiny particles.”' [7:165-166] A商* /或I 了亳 J'> :d'MS 田*
99- From Ishaq b. cAbd al^Aziz14, from the first Abu al-Hasan [i.e. al-Kazim] .伊财1
who said, 'God specifically addresses His servants in two verses of His Book
to not deny that which they do not know about, and to not speak about that
which they have no knowledge? Then he read: <^But they deny that which
they do not comprehends^ and: {Was a pledge not taken from them,
written "he Scripture, to say nothing but the truth about God? [7:169]

14 Abu OS吁ij Ishaq b.lAbd al^Aziz, a reporter of the fifth and sixth Imams* traditions con-
ZX (nn Sr miXed * 皿宜曜明 authors. See Hilli, Kh5

7. The Heights

From Ishaq: 'Abii 'Abd Allah 嗥 said, “God specifically commands humans
-1 抽1或氏/萨’4决^血I :嗥! 项梧判芦
in verses in His Book to refrain from speaking about God unless it is
with knowledge, and to not reject without knowledge. Was a pledge not tak-
的处艾竣"夕[:鬲灵5]七丸"或坤国普 \ C * *
en from them, written in the Scripture, to say nothing but the truth about
God? He has said, ^But they deny that which they do not comprehend, and .麟J冶&虫"以我贝5第?夕西网步机必*质。
whose explanation has not yet come to them. >(10:39)w,[7:169]

101. From Ishaq b. 'AmmM, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗅.He said, ‘I asked him, “Can 妙坨小
one place his hand on his arm during the prayer?” He replied,MThere is no
problem with that. When the Children of Israel would enter the state of 淑?开艾出项3折,风板忠?"! &・B圳.、:J&我霖y
prayer, they would stand limp and languid as if they were dead, so God re­
vealed to His Prophet 翱:'Hold on to what I have given you with strength, ;乂』I3§ £^J 弟:可醪 Jp 4i)l JjU c(Jj*祥r
and when you enter the state of prayer, do so with strength and determina­
tion? Then he repeated it for seeking livelihood, so when you seek your live­ .疝 &(3刃1 jAL>透GJjl ci葛另亍莎v城:9
lihood, do so with strength.”' [7:171]

102. In a narration of Ishaq b. ^mmar, on his authority regarding God's words 豕利乙qi E寄嗥2 c特&jj・ '・t
〈Hold on with strength to what We have given youY- 'Is it a strength in the
body or strength in the heart?' He replied, 'In both of them, together? [7:171] : JS 虺3多(1(。1卅下
103. From Muhammad b. Hamza15, from whoever informed him from Abu 'Abd
Allah 嘤 regarding God's verse: ^Holdon with strength to what We have giv­ 逐〔匕刘 JR 旭武瘪 ajjIxp j,\ co(j.^(y ,',y
en you. 知 He said, *[It refers to] the prostration, and to placing the hands on
the knees in the prayer? [7:171] 3 乂』j温)l由3叫冬力gJI :JG《诙
104. From Rifa(a who said, ‘I asked Abu 'Abd Allah about God's verse:
,([Prophet], when your Lord took out the offspringfrom the loins of the Chil-
^ren °f^am [—] K He said, “God took the proof against all of His creatures
on the day of the covenant like this" - and he gripped his hand; [7:172] 6UI ¥ 住藁]血jj产JG成允务初狗
105,:.From Abu Basir who said, 'I asked Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥:“How did they re- .oJb
• •…” He said, “He put in them such a thing
ply Him whilst they were ]particles?
whereby when He asked them, theyJ were able to answer Him, meaning re-
garding the covenant.”' [7:172]

15 here are multiple individuals with this name iiin books ofShFa rijal.

7. The Heights

From ‘Ubayd Allah al-Halabl, from AbuJ^far and Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be
乞jjF色:W、心妙血好- /沪职南—
io6. I''-、
upon them both, who said, "Umar went for Hajj the very first year that he
was caliph; and the muhdjirun (migrants from Mecca) and the ansar (Medi-
心3 土8气苏嘤*'顷火"
北 “成^早’心'顼•沙呼相
nan helpers) also went for Hajj that same year, as did lAli along with al-
Hasan and al-Husayn, peace be upon them both, and cAbd Allah b.J^far? He
麟相以"场•出-R &」舶w「项』斗皓均只\
said, 'So when ‘Abd Allah entered into the state of ihram he wore a loincloth
and shawl made ofhemp and dyed with hemp clay. Then he came and ‘Umar
"由?M 用D" -声|见?使事一茂皿 >刀倒
was staring at him while he was reciting the talbiya, clad in the loincloth and
shawl and walking next to cAli t^i!.
^jji山u :或丛旧,隰* 占-H w?力y
So *Umar said from behind them, “What is this innovation in the Holy
Sanctuary ?w
cAii •魏 turned to him and said, “‘Umar, it is not appropriate for anyone
to teach us the prophetic practice." .djii^J上勺另I / W J或嗥老硕勇&
So ‘Umar said to him, wYou are right, Abu al-Hasan. By God, I did not ,S U i£v^l« 4jjlj^ C^J-I blbcix^ :/J底
know that you all include them.”'
He continued, And that was just one incident on that journey of theirs.
When they entered Mecca, they circumambulated the House and 'Umar ^uii c.dl 质b 顷 cdJir jA^>(J,bX>b dUr :JB
greeted the [Black] Stone with peace, and said, wIndeed, by God, I know
that you are a mere stone that can neither harm nor benefit. Were it not for 晰血妇3, *少炒名泊、身应产勺浏如心:询,会顷
the fact that the Messenger of God 嘴 greeted you, I would not greet you.”
So 'Ali 嗥 said to him, “No need, 0 Abu Hafs, do not do it then, for .上上^1U dA上^1
the Messenger of God only greeted it because of a specific feature that he
knew. If you were to read the Qufan and knew what others know of its in­ &/'Y 户^ &帽 4)1 j^j 妙*^,YE :嗥作 J 国
ner meaning, you too would have known that indeed it can harm as well as
benefit. It has two eyes, two lips, and an eloquent tongue that bears witness J以14,程当 产u奶侦&* 瓦疝oijjij(喊p
to whoever fulfils his pledge to it.”
So 'Umar said to him, "Then find that for me in God's Book, 0 Abu al- Cr4 45 j 町j& :J Ila:JIS .;&以 l。虬 , ,J 4
So <Ali said, uHis words, Blessed and most High: < When your Lord took ,^JJ U板朋w冒
加血 offspringfrom the loins of the Children ofAdam and made them bear
witness about themselves, He said, (Am I notyour Lord?f and they replied, fYes,
阮好 witness
webear :}' When they attested obediently to the fact that He was
^itness.y Tr岸初i孑说w幽 * 粉Wj现婷:嗥省如
the? Lord and that they were His servants, He took the pledge from them to
go for pilgrimage to His Sacred House,
------- - Then God created a parchment more
顷邙邨平]史加上5>_撰A A妈与
Ui ,, " …
* Pen: 'Write down My creatures, pledge
delicate than water and said ito the
to My Sacred House? So the-----Pen1 wrote down the pledges of the Children 加半*心』邳职P *司必IQ刁云叫

7, The Heights

of Adam on the parchment. Then the Stone was told to open its mouth, so g .,板尸'‘V 亨• 施项顼'尸他顾(yejl
it opened it and swallowed up the parchment. Then He said to the Stone,
'Guard it and bear witness to the pledge of My servants/ So the Stone de­
甲b : Jr顼 J& 亍 戒I:《<0)\
scended in obedience to God. 0 'Umar, is it not the case that when we greet
the Stone, we say: 'This is my trust that I am fulfilling and my covenant that
I had pledged, so that you may bear witness that I have fulfilled it'?”' 侦, ^ K
So 'Umar replied, wYes, by God.”
So 'Alif潺said to him, ttWell that is where it comes from.'” [7:172]
From al-Halabi who said, 'I asked him why He has designated the greeting
of the Stone? He replied, “When God took the covenant from the Children
of Adam, He called the Stone from the Garden and commanded it to swal­
low the covenant. So it bears witness for whoever fulfils it faithfully.”' [7:172]
108. From Salih b. Sahl, from Abu cAbd Allah 用 who said, 'One of the Quraysh
asked the Messenger of God 镭:“What did you precede the rest of the
prophets in if you were sent after them and as the seal to them all?” He re­
plied, aIndeed I was the first one to attest to my Lord, and the first one to
respond when God took the pledge from the prophets and made them bear
witness over their own souls asking: Am I not your Lord?' And they said,
'Yes, of course: Well, I was the firstone to say,'Yes, of course' and I preceded
them in attesting to God:" [7:172]
a项a-*)项苴龟!: j旧 <・"奶"化w ,项’’匕卜苴a
争乂 jji :件顼jp举九况必&骸冰过y顶b占'
109. From Zurara who said, asked Abu 'Abd Allah 锥! about God's verse:
《When your Lord took out the offspringfrom the loins ofthe Children ofAdam ・/1力y (^3,j :出〃 J31空以映
an^ mode them bear witness about themselves, He said, fAm I not your Lord?'
"d they replied. Yes, we bear witness.^ He said, ^Muhammad, peace be
jipon him and his family, was the first one to say: 'Yes, of course.'" I asked,
Was it a physical witnessing?” He replied, “Yds, and that recognition was
- • ;分:制西芦瀑%七^白
& I:」吨质廿
established in their hearts and they forgot that covenant, but they will re-
member it afterwards. Were it not for that no one would ever know who his
Creator is nor who sustains him.'” [7:172]

no. From Zurara,that a man Abu 'Abd

asked Abu
man asked Allah 隰
{Abd Allah 混 about God's verse
about God's verse <
< When
乎 took out the offspring
-… from the loins ofthe Children ofAdam [...]夕:>:
—'ins of the Children ofAdam [...]

He s"d,withm earshot of his father, 'My father narrated to me that God,

7. The Heights

,,m既匕•[盼应心/嗥'U兀Su.j亦彼/ ,、,
most High, took a handful ofthe same earth that He created Adam from and
poured some sweet freshwater on it. Then he left it for forty mornings. Then
some sweet
He poured some briny seawater onto it and left it for forty mornings. When
the clay had fermented, He - Blessed and most High - took it and kneaded it ,舟仙"瘪'「侦3 3^甘,可顶7侦bJbu
thoroughly. Then - this is as he narrated it- He opened His Palms and they 1 .
all emerged like tiny ants from His Right and His Left. So He commanded
them all to plunge into the Fire. The people of the right went in and it cooled
KJ Jyuj哆 <汁"仙一F加项听Q顷
down and became safe for them, but the people of the left refused to go into
心 一I (如Q 冬 勺以加妇 oj^\ 场
it? [7:172]

From Abu Basir, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 潺? regarding God's verse:《( AmInot
7皿 A a〈 jUi J J M3 y
your Lord?'* - 'Did they reply verbally?' He said, '¥es, and they also said
it with their hearts? I asked, 'So how exactly were they able to do that on jl JgJI y <'乂耕 ** 产应 Oc*^l
that day?' He replied, *He made them into whatever was necessary for that.'

112. From Zurara who said, CI asked Abuja'far 混 about God's verse[Prophet],
when your Lord took out the ojfspringfrom the loins of the Children ofAdam :J&〈乒戈侦尽"Zb :心^ <『:j&,仔u。ys
and made them bear witness about themselves.夕 He replied, “God took out
from Adam's loins all his offspring until the Day of Judgement, so they all ,<u
came out in a particle-like state. He introduced Himself and showed Himself
to them; and were it not for that, not a single person would know his Lord.
This is as per His statement: Ifyou ask them who created the heavens and \\Y
earth, they are sure to say, 'GoQ.3(3i:25)”,[7:172]

113・ From Zurara, from Abu Ja'far 混.He said, 'I asked him about the verse
灯穴顷I「戈 双 Cr4 川 :J*—4*^'^
4 [Prophet], when your Lord took out the ojfspringfrom the loins of the Chil- 4^ 匕腭成:板 di! 3j cZj &伊 U ( jAj—bb <
^ren ofAdam and made them bear witness about themselves, He said, eAm I
not your Lord?* and they replied, 'Yes, we bear witness/^ He continued, 'So
he said, That inner cognizance [of God] was established but they have for-
gotten the incident [though they will remember it]. Were it not for that, not
a single person would know who his Creator is nor who his Sustainer is.w,

他危9芸少孩j应ydl 3:出S:J5感

7. The Heights

From Jabir who said, ‘I asked Abuja'far 嗥::“When was the Commander
of the Faithful given the appellation of the Commander of the Faithful?” He
replied, “By God, this verse came down to Muhammad 镂:^and <^and made
them bear witness about themselves, He said, cAm I notyour Lord, and is
Muhammad} the Messenger of God, not your prophet, and is 'Alt not the
.歹少寸I—aJi " “3义刑 3 A 顾
Commander of the Faithful^ So by God, God Himself called Him 'the
Commander of the Faithful."' [7:172*]
招烦'展J4 J*' M)nE -'嗥 八%・'4 共芦
From Jabir who said, ^AbuJ^far 嗥 said to me, aJabir, if the ignorant peo­
ple were to know when the Commander of the Faithful {AIi was called thus, 命妙a典守&:白5出G,混专
they would not deny his right.”' He said, CI asked, "May I be your ransom
-when was he called that?” He said to me, “His verse: [Prophet], when j血勿顶' J 岳A #炙r工夕a W才&;韵可史=
your Lord took out the ojfspringfrom the loins of the Children ofAdam and
made them bear witness about themselves, He said, 'Am I not your Lord, and ・4■店3。虹功顼奴,:J .妙少
is Muhammad, the Messenger of God, notyour prophet, and is (Ali not the
Commander ofthe Faithful? He said, cHe then said to me, MJabir, by God,
this is exactly as Muhammad 椭 brought it;" [7:172] 嘴 以J :JB ,混 项苛他皿声 , \'l
116. From Ibn Muskan, from one of his associates, from Abu Jacfar f瘪 who said, g 寸津 o板 m3以W 好
'The Messenger of God 嘴 said, “My community was shown to me during
the covenant. The first to believe in me was 'All, and he was the first to have
faith in me when my mission started, and he is the most uprightly honest
(al-siddlq) and the distinguisher {al-faru(f) who separates truth from false-
hood.”' [7:172] jm! l : Jlid 功叫:JI5「岬沙 W〈码 cX , ''V
117. From al-Asbagh b. Nubata, from 'Ali 嗥!. He said, 'Ibn al-KawwaJ came to
him and said, “0 Commander of the Faithful, tell us about whether God,
勺嗥' 「J知b心占?5 MW少以m w
Blessed and most High, has ever spoken to any human before Musa?M 我舞y共I寸b心花成:嗥由JW
So Ali said, God spoke to all His creatures, both good and bad, and they
even replied Him.”
Ibn al-K:ww* was taken aback by this and did not know about it, so he
asked him, uHow was that, Commander of the Faithful?"
_ So he said to him, “Do we not read God's Book when he says to His
Prophet. * When your Lord took out the offspringfrom the loins of the Chib
dren of Adam
°fAdar ^牍 mode them bear witness about themselves, He said,
andmade said, 'Am
(AmInot 是3防―粉:世时以收质/项』卬
your Lord? and they replied, "Yes, we bear witness.^ So He made them hear


7. The Heights

His speech and they replied to Him too, as you can hear in God's statement: e C. CM a

、 .replied,
they - (Yes:y He said to them: 'Indeed, I am God. There is5 no
god but Me, the most Beneficent, most Merciful? So they professed obedi­ 仍如 相 呻』拱 由成”皈!对心 引i Jlii
ence to Him and to His Lordship. He singled out the messengers, proph­
ets and successors, and commanded the creatures to obey them, and they
&^心w思以y出土 I须归决-i顼j勺b。侦勺b
pledged to do so in the covenant. When they attested to all that, the angels
said, "We have borne witness over you, 0 Children of Adam, lest you say on 莎e cZ狗:l W v妍5’ f无故阡,峥以土 Q顷心
the Day ofjudgement: 'Indeed we were oblivious of this.'”' [7:172]

118. Abu Basir said, 4I said to Abu 'Abd Allah 嗅,"Tell me about the particles
when He made them bear witness about themselves, saying: "Am I not your
Lord?* and they replied: "Yes? Some of them concealed contrary to what 字1策z辿兑a城〈所J,
they manifested, however?51 continued, "How did they know what speech
was when they were asked: Am I not your Lord?'” He replied, "God placed 母农 Imi b:J& o-ji:衬 x
in them that which enabled them to respond to Him when they were asked.”'

119. From Sulayman al-Labban (the milkman) who said, "Abu Ja'far r貌 said, MDo
you know what the similitude of al-Mughira b. Sa'id is?” I replied, “No.” He :顷 > 姑应由0圳卢*1广y思W圳*庐舷:. Y:cJ
said, “It is as the similitude of BaFam who was given the Greatest Name,
regarding which God says〈 the man to whom We gave Our messages: he
sloughed them off, so Satan took him as hisfollower and he became one ofthe
perverse. [7:175]

120. From Muhammad b. Abi Zayd al-Razi16, from whoever mentioned it from
al-Rida who said, 'When a hardship befalls you, use us to seek out God's
aid, and this is Gocfs statement:《The Most Excellent Names belong to God:
J J&:JS感电品3己 也内务少u搭血由岳匕
必e them to call on Him.》Abu 'Abd Allah said, “By God, we are the Most
Excellent Names, which will not be accepted from anyone save when ac­
companied with acknowledgement of us.”' He said, 'So use them to call on
Him.' [7:180] j

16 Muhammad b. Abi Zaydal-Razi, a companion of the ninth and tenth Imams about whom
there is scant information. See KhtH, MWjam 15:255 (nr. 10010).

7, The Heights

Abujalarr^ who said regarding

泼3心匕篓W 3 W 凛』了心I户廿 ・'Y\
121. From Humranfrom
1 . GodJs verse ^Among
those We created are a group ofpeople who guide with truth and actjustlyde­
cording to 妗:Wey are the Imams? [7:181]

Muhammad b. ^jalan also said on his authority, 'We are those [people]/
混■:隰心心字白蒸J奶 .E

From Abu al-SahbaJ al-Bakri who said, ‘I heard the Commander of the
Faithful say, "By the One Who holds my life in His Hand, this communi­ 芸想地:以,貌 茂早顷 Jr或 修55 苛 .\xr
ty will most certainly split into seventy-three groups, and every one of those
will end up in the Fire except for one. ^Among those We created are a group ,研可少y/,砂 乙*& M oJub 沆归
ofpeople who guide with truth and actjustly according to it. > So this is the
one that will be saved from this community.”' [7:181]

124. From Ya(qub b. Zayd17 who said, 'The Commander of the Faithful 嗥? said,
Among those We created are a group ofpeople who guide with truth and act .相MC匕金:嗥'冲公顷j & :j & *白 • '性
justly according to it.少 He said, "This refers to Muhammad's community.M,
[7:181] ・可衡* Vl : 网显卜觊^5
125. From Khalaf b. Hammad18, from a man, from Abu *Abd Allah 唳 who
said, 'God says in His Book: ^iflhad knowledge ofwhat is hidden, I would
have abundant good things and no harm could touch me), meaning poverty?
项辱的JI 匕3芥^15? 另『户‘ #
126. From Zurara, from Abu Ja£far 嗥!. He said, *1 heard him say, # and yet when
He gives them a good child they ascribe partners to Him in what He had grant-
ed them* - This was Adam and Hawwa\ but their ascription of anything to
」大劣J匕匕^ :方J&〈嗥声r却苛西顷/ • \n

God did not occur in their worship but rather in their obedience.”'
Another narration says: 'It was not an ascription of partnership to God
牧妙〈处』穴 击 如卜项:J6点匕涂[匕b维
in His worship? [7:190] .3^1^

17 We were unable to identify this individual

18 IKhalaf
b. Hammad b. Nashir b. al-Musayyab, generally regarded a reliable transmitter of
the narrations of the sixth and seventh Imams. See Hilli, Khulasat al-aqwal, 139 (nr. 38。

7. The Heights

127. b・ 'Ali
_From1 al-Hasan b. All b. niaib on his
ai-iNu cman,
D. al-Nu 1110 father's
iauixvx 0 authority, “
from who.
um wnoever 寸 •'日
heard Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 say, 'God trained His Messenger 勰 saying, «0
Muhammad, {Adopt [a policy of] excusing [people], bid what is right and
4虾访方虹一 " »宗侦J旧敖心o顼
turn away from those who are ignorant. >w, He said, 'Accept from them at
face value, and what has been simplified; and a policy of moderate toler­
.:物项为 &才 I.呻 jl:JU
ance? [7:i99]
128. From 'Abd al-Acla, from Ab。'Abd Allah 嘿:^Adopt [a policy of] excus­
ing [people], bid what is right^ - he said: 'Through guardianship < and turn
awayfrom those who are ignorant^ [ofit], meaning the guardianship? [7:199]

129. From Zayd b. Abi Usama, from Abu 'Abd Allah 隰)He said, ‘I asked him
about God's verse:《When those who are God-wary are touched by an in­ 町访&』':4jjl Jy:芋由顷qI七/ .
sinuation from Satan, they remember [God] and immediately they can see
[straight].夕 He said, "It is when the servant thinks of committing a sin but 顷1)1歹:JG渣板二该己 。仁成羊二
he remembers [God] and abandons it.”' [7:201]

130. From cAli b. Abi Hamza, from Abu 'Abd Allah ■貌.He said, ‘I asked him
about God's verse: * When those who are God-wary are touched by an in­
sinuation from Satan, they remember [God\ and immediately they can see
[straight]》-what is that insinuationSo he replied, 'It is the misdeed that
the servant intends to commit, but then he remembers God and can per­ 〈湿LUI dA! 5 leg
ceive, and so he desists? [7:201]

131. Abu Basir, on his authority that he said, 'It is the man who intends to com-
.W 夕if < 攵 :
mit a sin but then remembers and abandons it? [7:201]

132. From Zurara, *Abu Ja'fai■嗥 said,«( When the Qur'an is recited}? in the ob-
亨虹F 衬l kJ": 项 \r\
ligatory prayer behind the imam ^pay attention and listen quietly so thatyou
may be given mercy, y [7:204]
133,;・ From Zurara who said, ‘I heard Abu <Abd Allah 唉 say, “It is obligatory to
list, quietly to the Qur'an, both during the prayer as well as other times;
fand when the Qufan is recited you must pay attention and listen quietly.”'

知震14方! /:J共凛血必UW•出司成芦’"
7. The Heights

j *。抑功G •出凛制y项苛,撰甘了 、YX

From Abu Kahmas, from Abu 'Abd Allah 隰' who said, Ibn al-Kawwa' re­
cited the following behind the Commander of the Faithful 嗥J: Ifyou 必_
- any partner to God, allyour work will come to nothing: you will be'one ,泌顷"
o’血 losers. ><39:65) So the Commander of the Faithful listened to him qui­
etly? [7:204] /通 Q 项I 顷。5 T心 lAul 芋/ .\ro

135. From Zurara, from one of the two [al-Baqir or al-Sadiq] who said, <r[he an­
gel can only write down that which he hears himself; and God says: ^re­
产扬ji顼3中世v :其< 匕七)匕哭乱为可乌酸
member your Lord inwardly, in all humility and awe. He said, 'He does
not know the reward for that remembrance within the servant's soul due to
its great esteem with God? He also said, 'When you are praying behind an
imam and he is continuing the recitation, listen quietly and glorify [God]
inwardly? [7:205]

136. From Ibrahim b. 'Abd al-Hamid who, without mentioning his source, said,
4 The Messenger of God 嘴 said, Remember your Lord inwardly^ mean­
ing abasedly, # in all humility and awe^ meaning in fear of His chastisement,
《without raisingyour voiced meaning without using a loud voice in the reci­
tation, # in the morning and in the evenings , meaning during the day as well
as in the evening.5 [7:205] 寸区:。萨川 &5虺"戒 4)1 • \YV
137. From al-Husayn b. al-Mukhtar19, from Abu ‘Abd Allah who said with
regard to God's verse: 4 Remember your Lord inwardly, in all humility and
without raising your voice, in the mornings and in the evenings'^, 'In the
evening, say:wThere is not god but God, He alone and without a partner. To
Him belongs the kingdom and to Him belongs all Praise. He gives life and .《k必国
causes to die, [and He causes to die and revives], and He has power over all
K dJ J项魅涕 员 c说IOJU JI :J(5 口 ’
I asked, 'What about: ^allgood in His Hand^T He replied, cOf course
all good is in His Hand, but say exactly as I say it, ten times, 'And I seek ref-
uge in God, the all-Hearing, the Omniscient, from the goading of the devils, dl«3jd\ 匕 W。4 户瑚 s'功 b 8她
and I seek refuge in you, my Lord, lest they shouldI come near me. Indeed,
,去皓 〈—JI酉 号《尸11屏赤启!
. al-Husayn b. al-Mukhtar al-Qalanisi,
. Abd Allah 、 -a Waqifi
.. compani of Imam Musa al-
Kaqim. rr,- •-
Hi Hi, Khuldsat al-aqwdl, 337-8 (nr. 1332); Modarressi, Tradition and Survival,
277 (nr. 97). ■一 ’

7. THE Heights


God is the all-Hearing, the Omniscient” - ten times at sunrise and ten tim
)|y> 赤 1 jl 浏 *、・b ^i\
at sunset? [7:205]

From Muhammad b. Marwan, from -l one of his associates who said, Ja'far b. ' X,萨,必1也顼•'』M瞄义妇,趴!岬》:,
Muhammad 嗥! said,a' Seek 一 refuge in God, the all-Hearing, the Omniscient,
" .« k LZ** i

from the outcast Shaytan, -,and I seek refuge in God lest they should come
indeed God is the all-Hearing, the Omniscient. And say: 'There is
no god but God, He alone and— — •: a partner. To Him belongs the king-
without QI沙*项巧必尹注炉产J& b B炉:晶』血
dom andtol_„ belongs 一" all 一Praise.
’ He TT" gives life and causes to die, [and He
causes to die and revives], and He has power over all things.'
・. .・ <
23侦3^»旧&心寸贝诬心!> 以
So a man asked him, “Is this obligatory?” He replied, “Yes, it is obliga-
tory, and defined. Say it before sunrise and before sunset ten times. If you
WA “ —■•一 ■

fail to do it fbr some reason, then make up for it -by saying it in the night and
during the day instead.”' [7:205-206]

316 T\V
The Battle Gains
8. The Battle Gains1

1. From Abu Baslr, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 潺J・ He said, ‘I heard him say, "Hy-
pocrisy will never infect one who recites the Chapter of the Impunity (surat
al-bardfa) and the Chapter of the Battle Gains (surat al-anfaV) every month,
and he will be among the followers (sKFci) of the Commander of the Faith­
ful 隰? in truth. On the Day ofJudgement, he will be eating from the feasts m件农隰'关母顷砂1 〃湄皿侦"心外*,
of the Garden with his followers until people finish giving their account.,n

2. In another narration on his authority: "Every month, hypocrisy will never

infect him, and he will be among the followers of the Commander of the
Faithful 嚓 in truth.” j^\ J3豳侦山丛成¥ iX(J ***心芬-'祉力新
3- From Muhammad b. Muslim who said, ‘I heard Abu Ja'far r瘪 say, “In the .蜃A t涅萨?'
Chapter of the Battle Gains is the cutting off of noses.”'

4. From Hariz, from Abu cAbd Allah He said, 'I asked him (or he was
asked) about the batde gains, so he said, "Any village whose inhabitants had
been annihilated or displaced from it, whereupon it became war booty, half
of it would be divided among the people and the other half was for the Mes-
senger.M, [8:1]
皿逐b,其 项国4i

1 r《ugh?ut this section there are three different words that feature in the hadiths about
:tt e gains, namely anfal,
anjal, ghanima, and fay*. Although they are sometimes used inter-
c ajngeably, and fay'J are usually taken to denote property that has been confiscated
angeably, anfal andya^
vit《ut fighting or violence, i.e. through raids of abandoned villages or when the enemy
would surrender without military action; whereas refers specifically to the booty
or spoils gained during or after the battle from the enemy camp.

8. The Battle Gains

From Zurara, from Abd Ja'fa"瘪 who said, 'The battle gains are those pla)
________ . . . . ic­
es that have not been raided by horses or riders [i.e. uncharted territory]?

[8:i] 泌1 侦:JS:V 招巳:J& c嗥顷 @ &.

From 'Abd Allah b. Sinan, from Abu 'Abd Allah 混. He said, ‘I asked him
about the battle gains. He said, “These are the villages that have been desert­
-心顼9亦 杼 J,项、为 节甘1
ed by their inhabitants who have perished, and have consequently become
dilapidated, so they belong to God and the Messenger."' [8:1]

From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abujacfar 嗥・ He said, ‘I heard him say,

“The booty and the battle gains are those that are taken from a land in which 易Cr* J血'砰Di典1 "项「列Lp站以B
there has been no bloodshed, nor that in which good people reside, nor
people who have signed treaties. It also includes those that are captured 顿J第思&成Q火必赤心*印b孟1通电习勺1妙^项殊
from desolate places and the depths of the valleys. This all constitutes booty
.乂 jAj coUL)
and belongs to God and the Messenger. And whatever belongs to God be­
longs to His Messenger, and He places it at his disposal; and it belongs to the
Imam after the Messenger.”' [8:i]
北浦冒(J 心帼:
♦ _
嗥!!朋¥ U 上* : / .A
8. From Bashir al-Dahhan [the tanner] who said, 'I heard Abu 'Abd Allah r淳
say, "God has obligated our obedience in His Book, so people cannot allow .挤成—J wJ JUb^l UJ Jlkl* U顼
themselves to remain ignorant ofus. The surplus from the profits is due unto
us, the battle gains belong to us, and to us refer the contexts of the Qur’an.”'

9- From Abu Ibrahim who said, ‘I asked him about the battle gains, so he said, .bJ开
Whichever place has been abandoned by its inhabitants - those are the bat-
tle gains and they belong to us.”' [8:i]

io. From Abu Usama Zayd, from Abu 'Abd Allah 博. He said, ‘I asked him
: J或J必I苛划L: J &(嗥顷 y顽芋<Jy乙 』cZ •' ,
j ' so he said, “It is any dilapidated place and any place
about the battle gains
that has not been trampled on by horses and camels.'”
甘心可l a、易y峪为¥目
Another narration on his authority adds: "The Messenger of God 嫩 has
authority overit.w [8:i]
n. Abu Basir who said, 1 heard Abu Ja'far 嗥 say, “The battle gains
belong to us.” I asked,'And
. -一 what
—t are the battle gains?' He replied, 'They

8. The Battle Gains

include the mines and the thickets, any piece of land that has no proprietor,
事为叫O、户沮*地s或S出脂房勺I Lj:cJS
and any whose inhabitants have deserted it; so it belongs to us.n [8:1]

12. In another narration from one of the two [al-Baqir or al-Sadiq] from Aban
b. Taghlib from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 who said, 'Whoever dies leaving behind
neither protege nor heir is referred to by this verse: < They askyou [Prophet]
z 4 八 L. 命
about [distributing the battle gains. Say, (rIhe battle gains belong to God and
His Messenger.3' [8:1]

In a narration by Ibn Sinan, he said, 'This refers to the village that has be­
come dilapidated, its inhabitants having deserted it and perished, and it be­
longs to God and the Messenger? [8:i]
»盘CJ》顶L 3*1必与目或:隰曷, \r
In a narration by Ibn Sinan and Muhammad al-Halabi, on his authority 嘿
he said, 'Whoever dies without leaving a next of kin, then whatever be­ .MA?
longed to him is considered part of the anfal" [8:i]

15- In a narration by Zurara on his authority, that he said, Any place that has
been deserted by its inhabitants without having been attacked by horses,
foot soldiers or riders is considered battle gains for God and the Messenger? ,瞄

16. From al-Thumali, from Abu Jalfar「魏.He said, *1 heard him talking about
the kings that persecute people [confiscating their chattel], that these are
part of war booty, battle gains and the like? [8:i] ・JxAlj如另盘y峪为J勺E
17. In another narration from al-Thumall. He said, ‘I asked Abu Ja'fart缨 about
God s verse:《They ask you [Prophet] about [distributing the battle gains.
He said, Whatever belonged to the kings now belongs to the Imam.”' [8:i]
寸。四 : JG t 嗥决y Qi /,买3 •


8. The Battle Gains

From Samala b. Mihran. He said, ‘I asked him about the battle gains. He said, 泌逐何/"必涉:我勺苛成匚:心关好&/ . \人
“Any desolate place and things that used to belong to kings. That is specifical­
ly for the Imam and people “And also among
'iave no share in that.” He said, "And
, have f- 上戈.(女兀'): #力国川以五』jUJ
these are islands that have not been trampled by horses or camels [i.e. un­
charted territory].w, [8:i]
From Bashir al-Dahhan who said, 'We were at Abd 'Abd Allah's house once
when it was full of people, and he said to us, aYbu love us, but they despise
us. Ybu maintain relations with us whilst they cut us。任 Ybu acquaint your­
selves with us whilst they reject [us], and this is the truth. God adopted g <第屏9〈er*"顷b衿R寸四占^时03 "圳地
Muhammad as a servant before he took him as a messenger, just as lAli was
a servant who sincerely advised fbr the sake of God, so God made him an 血,4)1 4)芒q 以>。顷方。以 JI
advisor, and he loved God, so God loved him; and love for us is evident
in God's Book. The surplus of the profits is due unto us; the battle gains 族V)爬9 4)1(j^j 祯(jAj ‘JEV U <4)1 y 览i 虽
belong to us, and we are the people whose obedience God has made in­
cumbent. However, you follow someone whom even the people can find no 曲fl据9 口・〃》:卷aJI心<;J15巧 心旧此以
excuse fbr his ignorance, whilst the Messenger of God 镯 had said, 'Who­
ever dies without following an Imam, then his death is one of pagan igno­ .嗥J! 衬〈七 ( «iJaI>. cxj
rance? So obedience is incumbent upon you fbr surely you have seen 'Ali's
companions.”' [8:i]
弈加成:j匕汐b*瀑1 ・、•
20. From al-Thumali, from Abuja'far f瘪 about: < They ask you [Prophet] about
[distributing^ the battle gains. * He said, 'Whatever belonged to the kings
now belongs to the Imam.'
I said, ,But they distribute away whatever they own to their children,
their women, their relatives and noblemen, to the extent that even eunuchs
have been mentioned [as their recipients]?
Then I did not say anything further about that until he said, 'He is given X «✓

anything between a single dirham and one hundred and one thousand dir-
hams.' Then he said,《This is our giving, so bestow or withhold without ac-
杉乱项&峪I匕 > 出f侦如那ID! Q圳b l山
count. y33-39\ [8:i]

8. The Battle Gains

From Dawud b. Farqad who said, 、‘I said to Abu 'Abd Allah 混,“We havi‘e
j甦;舶。尸指囱{:隰岗好寸'白呵白切/ ,丫\
heard that the Messenger of God •格 assigned all that the Euphrates irrigat-
ed to 'Ali 嗥?” He replied, “Yes. And what is it that the Euphrates irrigated?
『% J 中 阻泌?:JBSolyJI* I•瀑 3
Most of what the Euphrates irrigated was battle gains.” I asked, “What are
the battle gains?” He replied, “The depths of the valleys, the mountains tops,
the thickets, the mines, any uncharted territory that has not been trampled
by horses or riders, any barren land whose inhabitants have deserted it, and
the chattel usurped by the kings.”' [8:1] §踞L4沁妙cZ嗥血2寸白匚:』芦
22. From Abu Maryam al-Ansari who said, ‘I asked Abu 'Abd Allah 混 about .jU舄刁面: jg感少皂is如J匕&1
His verse: < They ask you [Prophet] about [distributing the battle gains. Say,
% battle gains belong to God and His Messenger!He replied, “One share
belongs to God and one to the Messenger.”'
He said, 'I asked him, “So who does God's share go to?” He replied, “To
the Muslims.”' [8:1] glx抑夕必坊以盘会直嗥顽蚌寸的寸实届白岸/ •*
23- From Muhammad b. Yahya al-Khath'ami, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥? who said 命JI :隰1J W W 5(3^ 5 &境'皂乒如 I
regarding His verse: ^Remember how God promised you [believers] that one
of the two enemy groups wouldfall to you: you wanted the unarmed group to
be yours [...]如'The armed group would be the one fighting? [8:7]
24- From Jabir who said, CI asked Abu Ja'far about the exegesis of this verse :朋 寸I 察M白匚:J&.伉
of God's: ^but God desires to confirm the Truth with His words, and to root
加 the disbelievers. * Abujacfar 嗥 said, "Its exegesis in its inward meaning j卜3 :嗥j^r项J& • #以务 顼也耕修J
is that《God desires'^ means there is something He desires but that He has
not done it yet. As for His words @0 confirm the Truth with His words^)it 破#孕'泓孩Ulj cJm ° °*/专奇§刖出人
means for him to confirm the truth of Muhammad^ household. And His
statement《with His words 夕 refers to 'Ali; he is God's words as regards the
As for His statement《and to root out the disbelievers )>, they are the Banu
Umayya. They are the disbelievers---------
whom God----- will
--- I root out. His words
^toprove the Truth to be true^ mean to confirm the truth of Muhammad's
Household when the Q^im rises; and His words ^and [to prove] the
仕L曲I cjj境f " 4以曰'J' 少:妙也
false^, to be ifalse^, means that when the Qa'im rises he will prove the
falsehood of the Banu Ui'mmaya, and that is [the meaning of] His statement: 岫岛娘冲陋g店顶》其!芽4 妙认

8. the Battle Gains
《to prove the Truth to be true, and thefalse to befalse, much as the guilty might
dislike it.[8:7-8]

From Jabir, from Abu 'Abd Allah, Ja*far b. Muhammad r席!. He said, *1 asked
him about the inner meaning of this verse:《and sent down waterfrom the
s妙 to cleanse you, to remove Sutans pollution from you, to make your hearts ,/| oJub苫:J&仃灌忌。4)1好项沪小芦 . xo
strotig and yourfeetfirm.夕穴 He replied, The inner meaning of the sky is the
Messenger of God, the water is cAli f湿- God designated All through the 心顼竞上乌挝'&号匕,心»件> 坞>
Messenger of God 嘴,so that is [the meaning of] His statement: ^water
from the sky to cleanse you* that being cAli, through whom God cleanses 妇5 .妇 尊kF
the heart of whoever adheres to him. As for His words < to remove Satan's
pollution from youj>} whoever adheres to cAli, he removes filth away from L* :妙dll加&密对I山七Cr*嗥由阳顷镂血I
him and strengthens his heart, and •( make your hearts strong and yourfeet
firmly and indeed, it refers to 'Ali. Whoever adheres to 'All's guardianship, » :会底透遇*.亦'患2i老以$《幺西
God strengthens his heart through 'Ali and makes his feet firm on his guard-
ianship.”' [8:11]

26. From Muhammad b. Yusuf who said, 'My father informed me saying, UI
asked Abu Ja'far t席 about: # Your Lord revealed to the angels: 7 am with
you.y He replied, 'Inspiration严[8:12] .我为由匕担也硕
27・ From a man, from Abu 'Abd Allah t瘪'who said regarding God's verse
□ remove Satan's pollution fromyou^: 'Ihe doubt that enters into people does
Q not enter us.1 [8:11]
Q .倒炎妇以!
a 28- From Abu Baslr, from Abu 'Abd Allah r貌 on his father's authority, on
his grandfather's authority, on his forefathers, authority who said, 'The
Commander of the Faithful 嗥 said, "Drink the water from the sky as it
cleanses the body and repels illnesses. God says: < and sent down water
from the sky to cleanseyou, to remove Satan's pollutionfrom you, to makeyour
hearts strong and yourfeetfirm. >,n [8:11]

JUiM 3j尸〃
8. the Battle Gains

From Zurara, from one of the two [al-Baqir or al-Sadiq]. He said, ‘I asked:
Was al-Zubayr present at the [Battle of] Badr? He replied, Yes, but he fled
on the day of [the Battle of] the Camel, for ifhe
if he had fought the believers,
then he would have surely perished by fighting them; and if he had fought
the disbelievers then he has already incurred God s wrath for previously
turning his back on them.”' [8:15〕

30. From Abu Ja'far 嚓:'What was the matter with the Commander of the
j厌9时:d&也刀①:心5 :J& “程层心/• w
Faithful that he did not fight in the face of all that was perpetrated against
him?' So he replied, 'Due to that which God already knew would happen to
the Commander of the Faithful 喋J in that he would fight whilst having no
more than three bands of men with him; so could he fight? Have you not
heard the words of God, Mighty and Exalted: ^Believers, when you meet
the disbelievers in battle, never turn your backs on them [...] until a wretched
destination!^ so how could the Commander of the Faithful fight after that? :土 4^ 嗥茂以•项'必 嗥 -gl W ,r*
On that day, there were indeed no more than three bands of believers with
him? [8:15]

31. From Abu Usama Zayd al-Shahham who said, ‘I said to Abu al-Hasan 嗥?,
"May I be your ransom - they are asking what prevented cAli from standing
仙钏0拱j顷国¥》:>j Jr舶3 F <我,晃
up for his right if the right was indeed his?” He replied, "God has not tasked
□ anyone with this save His Prophet 镂.He said to him: ^So [Prophet] fight
0 in God's way. You are accountable onlyforyourself^^4:34\ whereas to others .****上)■* 3川头戈
3 He said:《unless maneuvering to fight or tojoin afighting group ),so 'All did
not find such a group, and ifhe had found one he would have fdught.” Then
he said, Were Jacfar and Hamza alive, not even two men would have re­ :另夹与o1a>- :「灌舟 白5: J& 了 Jjl也乙顷”
mained. He said,unless maneuvering to fight or to join a fighting group 夕
-he said, He pushes them back incessantly, wishing to charge against them, I jjt UJ$3 ; 4jjl 3"J旧 「共 3(3^』'
or to join [a fitting group] meaning to join his companions later with-
out experiencing any defeat. So whoever flees in such a manner and allows
his companions to go forward [to fight], then he has indeed incurred God's
W 吗顺心丸突 W孙专 Q J;G> :J& 而呼
wrath.' [8:16]

JUsM 5j尸〃
8. The Battle Gains

二3 Muhammad b. Kulayb al-Asadi, on his father's auithoritywho

From 「 said, 丫
asked Abu{Abd Allah 嗥 about God's statement < and when you [Prophef\
threw [sand
L at them] it was not your throw [that defeated them] but God维: s &炭亲w双'沙8 b好'遂-处芽一灯j
He replied, <cAli 嗥 handed the Messenger of God the handful [ofsand]
that he threw? [8:17]

In another narration on his authority, "Ali gave him the handful of sand, so
he used that to throw? [8:17]

34- From 'Amr b. Abi al-Miqdam, from cAli b. al-Husayn who said, "AU b.
Abi T^lib, may God honour him, handed the Messenger of God 禳 a hand­
ful ofsand which he threw in the faces of the polytheists, so God said:《and
when you [Prophet threw [sand at them] it was notyour throw [that defeated
them] but God's.[8:17]
35- From Hamza b. al-Tayyar2, from Abd'Abd Allah 嘿 about God's statement:
< God intervenes between a man and his heart.歹 He said, 'It is fbr someone
to desire something with his hearing, his sight, his tongue and his hand, but 白伊供川。_>七山,:,缨房*—1 LX & W(『山*' 0’ LX,力A尹•代
when he comes face to face with the object of his desire, no sooner does he
approach it than his heart is repulsed and does not allow him to approach it, :4)l Jli心(4也g湖顷项I &A相I七次对'也寸
knowing that what it contains is not right? [8:24]

36. In a narration of Hisham^ on his authority, that he said, 'He intervenes be-
tween him and between his acknowledgement of falsehood as the truth?
疽;庇庭夕奇[另;嗥奇•沪芋 *
37. From Hamza b. al-Tayyar, from Abu 'Abd Allah 隰[about]: ^Know that ,顷盘* )!见 2也J AjImJj 版1^,(^$小湿”^。屏,
God Bruenes between a manmcm and his heart.
heart.》> He said, 'Itisfor
Yt is for someone to
desire something with his hearing, his sight, his tongue and his hand, but
no sooner does he comes 1face to face with any part of it than he does not
approach it without his he;art
; being repulsed by it, even though he used to

2 Hamza b. al-Tayyar, on whom there are differing accounts, was a narrator of the seventh
Imam's traditions. There is 1some disagreement about whether Hamza ever met
al-钮diq and if, therefore, he
! was ever praised by him as reported in some traditions. See
圳i, Khulasatal-aqwal, 120((nr. 305 and fn. 1).

8. The Battle Gains

desire it. He does not accept it, knowing that that is not where the truth
#必¥张修1血3’许弁隰制岫』沪炬白. .rv
lies? [8:24]

38. From Jabir, from Abu Jacfar who said, 'Whatever man desires with his
heart, his hearing and his sight whereby his soul does not yearn for anything
else besides that, then indeed that thing has intervened between himself
and his heart? [8:24]

39- In Yunus b. 'Abd al-Rahma^s narration from Abu 'Abd Allah 混 he said,
'The heart can never be convinced that the truth is false, and nor can it ever
be convinced that falsehood is true? [8:24]

40. From 'Abd al-Rahman b. Salim, on his authority r潺! that he said regarding 国独尹^出隰由妃侦/j*&以戈产也•
His verse ^Beware of discord that does not exclusively harm the wrongdoers
amongyou'll "After God took His Prophet up unto Himself the people were
afflicted with such discord that they abandoned 'All and swore allegiance
to someone else. This is the discord that they were afflicted with whilst the
Messenger of God f魏 had previously commanded them to follow 'All and £
the successors from Muhammad's Household, peace be upon them.' [8:25]
砺 M I* JjU 4J3 b"' : 匕

41- From Ismail al-Suddi, from al-Bahl: ^Beware ofdiscord that does not exclu­
sively harm the wrongdoers among you.少 He said, ‘I was informed that they
are the people [who instigated the Battle] of the Camel? [8:25]

42. From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from one of the two
[al-Baqir or al-Sadiq] that the Quraysh gathered together, and members of
each clan came out. Then they set off for Dar al-Nadwa to consult each oth-
er on what they should do about the Messenger of God, peace be upon him
and his family. There they found an old man standing by the door, so they
approached it to enter and he said, *Let me come in with you?
. 涸侦i心拱出
They asked, 'Who are you, old man?'
He replied, I am an elder from the tribe of Banu Mudarr, and I have an ・£'

opinion that I would like to express to you?

So they entered, sat down and started discussing while he too sat
with them. They decided all together that they would expel him [in­
Muhammad 槽].
心:就・出I>jJ JI戾5诩y硕事

8. The Battle Gains
£§ * , > 1 &

He said, ‘This is not an idea in your favour, for if you expel him he can
attract more people to fight against you.
So they said, 'Ybu are right. This is not a good idea? Then they discussed
R尹>1 目凡泰山,减o' &履s’,其内
again and decided to imprison him. •瑚项 I* cJ
He said, 'This is not the solution. If you do that, [remember that]
Muhammad is a soft-spoken man; he has already corrupted your children
and your servants against you, and what will any of you gain by having your B修项么4出,吗"J?心城莅f
brother, your son and your wife leave you?' Then they discussed further and
concluded that they would kill him, and that a swordsman from each clan
履砂同在’岩 J乒笈斤履阡 xJ _ JU!I乂此如
would come out and strike him with their swords all together by the Ka'ba.
Then he recited the verse:《Remember [Prophet] when the disbelievers
plotted to takeyou captive, kill, or expelyou. They schemed and so did God: He "lx** ■ > ,

is the best ofschemers, y [8:30]

43- From Zurara and Humran, from Abuja'far「潺! and Abu 'Abd Allah t戒 about
His statement: ^And God is the best ofschemers.》He said,4 The Messenger
of God used to face enormous hardship from his people, such that they even •寸顷j侦4a兰
came to him one day when he was in prostration and threw sheep entrails on
him. So his daughter came up to him while he was still prostrating and had
not yet lifted his head up. She removed them from him and wiped him clean. 匕u血幼蛎j武灌制y $嗥R顼苛Q以g (/ AT
Thereafter, God showed him something that he loved; he was at Badr whilst
[previously] he had had no more than a single horseman with him, then on us 侦 乂 街 4jji j项日'
the Day of the Conquest [of Mecca] there were twelve thousand of them,
去 0 6 > _
causing Abu Sufyan and the polytheists to appeal to him for aid. Then the 分? 疚 &(oLi> j 4*1^ (以.歹?叩
Commander of the Faithful faced hardship, tribulation, and rallying against
him whilst he had no one ofhis calibre to help him - Hamza had been killed
on the day ofUhud, and Ja'far had been killed on the day of the Battle of the
Trench? [8:30]
寻关^ Jjo- ?齿1 户p lil 顼)1 伴 3 J阡 少b
, A 6

第枳十/虹》尖必必心嘿泌顷母F 6


8. The Battle Gains

, )* :d兄嗥出,必^顷u,息y w .U
44- From 'Abd Allah b. Muhammad al-Ju{fi3 who said, ‘I heard AbuJaTar 混 say,
“The Messenger of God &酣 and the seeking of forgiveness are two fortress­
es for you from chastisement. Hie greater of the fortresses has passed away
and only seeking forgiveness is left, so do it abundantly for indeed it saves
one from sins. And if you want, read ^But God would not send them punish­
岳荐均加箔匕分以共度 可〈3刘硬(AUljJSU
ment while you [Prophet] are in their midst, nor would Hepunish them ifthey
.W 山J—>*-4! *

From Hanan, on his father's authority, on Abu Ja,阻r's authority who said,
'The Messenger of God - may God's blessings be on him and his family 一 J&: :嗥' J^r』/ 瑚
而矽点 12 g .to
said once when he was with a few of his companions, “My staying in your
midst is good for you as is my departing from you." So Jabir b, 'Abd Allah 产g*陶成加*时公讨i b火M:归i j力
al-Ansari stood up and said, "0 Messenger of God, regarding your staying in
our midst being good for us, we understand that. But how is your departing
商9公1 I <41)1 j I : Jlii 4jjl (jt jL
good for us?”
He replied,aRegarding my stay in your midst, God says: < But God would 汩I关观认为仁抵琴拈/
not send them punishment while you [Prophet] are in their midst, nor would
He punish them 寸they soughtforgiveness 如 punishing them by the sword. As 三5 卜信田旬心成二5 夕:4110^ I Ul : Jlii
for my departing from you, it is good for you because your deeds will be ex­
posed to me every Monday and Thursday. Whatever good befalls you, praise 面土 底 <巨瑚 二A 加J匕55匕5
God for it, and whatever evil befalls you, seek God's forgiveness.”' [8:33]

46. From Ibrahim b, 'Umar al-Yamani, citing whoever narrated it from Abu cAbd
Allah 嗥! regarding God's verse: « When they debar people from the Sacred
Mosque, although they are not its [rightful] guardians?歹 meaning that the
polytheists were not the guardians of the [Sacred] House, < Only th ose mind­
fl of God are its rightful guardians )>, where they had more right to it than
the polytheists. < Theirprayers before the House are nothing but whistling and
clapping^ - he said, 'Wolf-whistles and clapping; [8:34-35]

3 Abd Allah b. Muhammad al-Ju冷,a weak narrator according Flilli. See HiUi, Khulasat al-
aqwal, 373 (nr. 1483).


8. The Battle Gains

From 'Ali b. Darraj al-Asadi who said, 'I entered in the presence of Abu 勿z 1,貌jUsr 顼& *,J& 修Dl沙&老了 .
Ja'fai•隰 and said to him, “I used to work for the Banu Umayya and acquired
much wealth [as a result] and presumed that this was not lawful for me. He 〈• 尊 ••
said, 'Have you asked anyone else about this besides me?
.「I广 iU。肮务以* 顼bl 饥:4 冒 <cJL Ji: cJS:J6
He said, ll replied, "Yes, I have, and I was told: cYbur family, your wealth
and everything is prohibited for you. [Is that right?]
He said, “It is not as they said to you." •以荧知出
He said, 'I asked, “May I be your ransom - am I eligible for pardonHe
replied, KYes, your pardon is in God's Book: < [Prophet], tell the disbelievers 成矣溯强,如亍瑚阿沙』以:白5
that ifthey desist theirpast will beforgiven.夕”'[8:38]
48. From Zurara who said, 'Abu 'Abd Allah f貌 said, “My father was asked about
God^ statements: ^Fight all the polytheists as they fight you all until there is
no more persecution, and all worship is devoted to God alone.。He said, 'The
interpretation of this verse has not been fulfilled yet. And if our Q^'im were
to rise after it, then those who meet him will surely see that it is the actualis-
ation of the interpretation of th is verse; and the religion of Muhammad 镭
will most surely materialise, just as nightfall draws in [eventually] until there
will be no polytheism left on the face of the earth as God has said.”" [8:39]

49- From 'Abd al-A'la al-Halabi who said, 'Abu Ja'far f淳! said, “The master of
this authority [i.e. the Twelfth Imam] will have an occultation in one of
these mountain passes,n pointing in the direction ofDhi Tuwa. aUntil there IAa :J&Jp" y 芋
are oMy two nights remaining before his emergence, the special servant at
his disposal will come out to meet some of his companions, and he will ask:
'How many of you are here?*
如义弟一J芥A * LJ《—呻1 '心山
They will reply: Approximately forty men?
He will then ask: cHow would you feel if you were to see your master?*
And they will say: 'By God, if only the mountains would take us in, we
would reside therein with him.'
Then he will come to them from the opposite side and say to them, ^Indi-
cate to(our
--------- ■ and--the good people from amongst your clans.' J! b非1:卜 Jy?而Ml Cr* 仲1" 富0勺J*也#1/
So they will point them out to him,> and he will set off with them until they
come to their master, and he will imeet them the following night.” d!彤方件-・愤参E *,用!队4 .户所卜心
…0en Abu Ja far said, By God, it is as if I can see him leaning against theI
[Black] Stone beseeching God for his right, then saying: (O people, whoever

JWl 3b
8. The Battle Gains

with me about God, then know that I am the worthiest of people

disputes with
disputes J!。#心场翊瓶凯••嗥8J J阡
with respect to God; and whoever disputes with me about Adam, then I am
the worthiest of all people [to claim proximity] to Adam. O people, whoever
参 g W职 u*1"'此 & W # <bUI e l:j共" ,上制
disputes with me about Nuh, I am the worthiest of people to Nuh. 0 people,
whoever disputes with me about Ibrahim, then lam the worthiest of people
i/圳J-?'此uM亨七"5“顷ltWI dJ bli村‘
to Ibrahim. 0 people, whoever disputes with me about Musa, I am the wor­
thiest of people with respect to Musa. 0 people, whoever disputes with me 优4 〃 w w成,矿以・" jJ此沙!孑必亿〃(网|血
regarding cIsa, then I am the worthiest ofpeople to ‘IsH. O people, whoever
disputes with me about Muhammad, then I am the worthiest of all people ui jJ曲仃4萨K 〃 口"曲n力圳曲此四寸
with respect to Muhammad 嘴.0 people, whoever disputes with me about
God's Book, then I am the worthiest ofpeople to God's Book? Then he will Y ^Ul也也〃/b日'ci项k&卫寸亨七Cf立凹以1板顷竺
end up at the Station [of Ibrahim] and perform two units of prayer there,
then beseech God fbr his right.” "J^2?(国 D!顷面 pH。w jji t& 创 y 歹y
Abu Ja{far continued, “By God, he is the distressed one in God's Book,
as per God's words:〈 Who is it that answers the distressed when he calls upon
.4o- 4)1 JJLif
Him and removes his suffering, who makes you successors in the earth ?岁(27:62)
Jibra*fl will be on the spout [on the roof of the Ka*ba] in the form of a white 4^“ 中切:朋 J/jAj qi yK旭久活11 4A)Ij jA :嗥! j&
bird and will be the first one to pay allegiance to him; and three hundred and
ten odd men will pledge allegiance to him too."' & M妇 # 庐F盘 6^ 匕 W
He continued, cAbu Ja'far said,KWhoever will have embarked on the
journey [to him] will arrive at that moment, and whoever has not yet set off Xk*JI 场、< J 叫'(3^* J# <u^’」也 (J y W
on the journey will be missing from his bed.” Then he said, “By God, this is
as per *Ali b. Abi Talib^ statement: "The ones missing from their beds,M and .项^j 版也)b
as per God's statement: race to do good deeds and wherever you are, God
诚7 bring you together. )>(2:148) The companions of the Qa^m will number 4>ti成.凶志LH项•少心,/y苫3 :混'A项亦
some three hundred and ten odd men."
He then said, “By God, they are the determined group that God has men-
tioned in His Book: ^IfWe defer theirpunishmentfor a determined time [..・]夕
:嗥' yJb寸lX由4?成板尹:J& f心质芋以
(ii.i8)They will gather together at one particular time like scattered clouds
gathering in autumn. Then in the morning he will invite all people to God's
匕白囱女ot快 匕jj我攵 荏匕夕:由以代
Book and the Sunna of His Prophet 镭・ A simple man will respond to him,
and he will place him in charge of Mecca. Then he will march ahead and re-
ceive 压 news that his agent has been killed. He will then go back to them
exceeding the
and 1611 the murderers, not exceeding limits at
the limits at all, i.e. by
all, i.e. by taking
taking captives.
He willset off again calling people to God's Book, the Sunna ofHis Prophet,
peace be upon him and his family, adherem
adherence to the guardianship of 'All b.
而 Z ^UbjLl囱矽S妇9乒L 4站f出 电危芸只’

8. The Battle Gains

Abi 典lib 嚓 and disassociation from his enemies. He will not appoint any­ KcKkT少,嘴玲J?丸!共|
one else until he reaches the desert.
Thereafter Sufyan^s army will come out towards him, and God will com­ 汲孕 陌 必ck炒、cP?件H w拾母玉ji <4?
mand the earth which will grab them from under their feet. This is as per
God's statement: ^[Prophetl tfyou could only see their terror! There will
be no escape when they are seizedfrom a nearby place; they will say, rNow
we believe in [...] >(34:51"S2) meaning [they believe] in the Qa^m from 必i泳1叫JI uPi蚤〃 El』?,混5也叫
Muhammad's family; ^when they had rejected it all in the past* meaning
they had denied the Q^im from Muhammad's family, until the end of the
chapter. None but two men from among them will remain alive, known as
Watr and Wutayr from Murad. Their faces will be inverted back to front,
and they will be walking backwards. They will inform people of what hap­
pened to their companions. Then he will enter Medina causing the Quraysh 反4 & 顷亳!卫顶&国必#况bj须看穿卫顶雄
to hide from him at that moment, as per CA1T b. Abi Talib^ words: "By God,
the Quraysh are blood-thirsty” 一 meaning that they only have one stance, (以浏OB,L『顶 J <心切 心 臾 Q炬)乂
which is to slaughter and massacre whomsoever they rule and whomsoever
the sun shines or does not shine on. Then he will do something, and when
he does it the Quraysh will say, "Take us to these rebels. By God, if he were
a Muhammadan he would not have done that, and if he were an 'Alawi he :隰瑚帼音坦知<3顶以3心件4^冯讪乒峭
would not have done that, and if he were a Fatiml he would not have done
that.” 力关顶 115^ Iajlp jl 刖
God will allow him to fight them, and he will kill the combatants and
capture their progeny. After that he will set off again until he reaches 七处招:jbj cJfii\iJ^ 己槎F • 广二JI 小
al-Shaqara, and he will receive news that they have killed his agent. He will
go back to them and kill them in such a manner that the Battle of al-Harra
will look like nothing in comparison. He will then set off inviting people to
Gods Book, the Sunnah of His Prophet, adherence to the guardianship of
Ali b. Abi I^lib f瘪 and disassociation from his enemies, until he will reach
al-Ihalabiyya. A descendant of his own father will come to him. He will be
the strongest of people physically and the most courageous of them, besides •矽电W J5川四专花!部,艮庐‘ T
the master of this authority himself. He will say,
say, “aYbu over there! What are
you doing? By God, you are driving people away like cattle. Can this truly be
嗥Ulb』&菖)可为b心盘1 y KJ: c/顷即i讹疗
by the commission of ththe Messenger
Messenger of God 整
of God 嘴 or or something
something else?
So the agent in charge of allegiance will say, “By God, either you calm
且卜尧七i工b必硕卜小以! &视参,砂山〃
down, or I will strike you between the eyes.”
‘ Uljjtl I lb —* 卜口以丑 b Ul

8. The Battle Gains

The QMim 嗥 will say to him, “Be quiet.” wYes, by God. I have Gods 切(佻小褶*妇b好项尸JS小w 珥跪
Messenger's commissioning with me. Hand me the casket, O man," and he
will give it to him. He will then read out to him the Messenger of God's mis­ .』8圳白尸w 盘刖:ay夕
sion statement.
He [the man] will say, “May God sacrifice me for you - give me your
〈褶& Jr-j Cr4 顷4可赤b 驰\ cXJ :嗥即I也
head that I may kiss it.” So he will give him his head and he will kiss him
benveen the eyes, saying, “May God sacrifice me for you - renew our alle- 妇(/ W 勺命屈 用一标奶成杪I项一 。义b 4心葛
giance.” Then their allegiance will be renewed.”'
Abu Ja*far continued, “It is as if I can see them advancing from Najaf 哆<顾 渗成4)1:也,敖血
to Kufa, three hundred and ten men or so, with hearts as hard as iron blocks,
with Jibrall to his right and Mikael to his left. Their awe precedes them by
the span of a month and follows in their wake by a month. God will rein­
force them with five thousand swooping angels until they ascend into Najaf. T?杰义砂件为瓶:嗥
He will say to his companions, 'Spend this night of yours in worship? Thus,
they will spend the night, bowing and prostrating, making entreaties to God 皂勇供,勇P必(呻我)招
submissively until morning.
He will say, 'Let us take the path of al-Nukhayla for Kufa has a fortified 同 -二 旋乂J 〃 j项L—JyQ Ail* c\
I asked: “A fortified army?”
He replied, “Yes, by God. Then he will reach the mosque of Ibrahim 隰'
□ in al-Nukhayla, where he will perform two units of prayer. The Murji'ites
o and others from the Sufyani camp from the people of Kufa will come out
a towards him, and will tell his companions: 'Move away from him? Then he 屯JE t程!芦I』』cjPi,参间9 cfL,玲 * :甘
a will say: 'Attack them!'”
Abii Ja'far continued, “By God, not even a ditch on their side will
live to tell the tale. Then he will enter Kufa and every single believer will
Q心牛〃推? 3二〃砂^或/硕才小海财靠
either be present there or will rush there, as per Commander of the Faith-
ful Ali s words. Then he will say to his companions, 'March towards these
诚% •.嗥 伞项如斗次:J共舂衬心内灰
tyrants.' Then he will invite him to the Book of God and the Sunnah of His
Prophet 德,and Sufyani will offer an entreaty of peace to him. So the tribe
ofKalb, being their uncles, will say,cWhat is this you are doing? By God, we
will never pledge allegia:
-ince to you upon this?
He will retort, 'What am I doing?,
And they will say, Go and approach him,' so he will approach him.
Then the Qa im 混 will say to him,had better be on your guard, for
I have fulfilled my duty to you and I will fight you.'
L m杓,顼4)切J 7 〃 d心M蜓号

8. The Battle Gains

The next morning he will fight them and God will permit him to kill ,皿盘姑顼:必关认:炽足&四外如
them. He will take Sufyan! captive, then proceed to slaughter him with his
own hands. Then he will send a contingent of horsemen to the Roman
伊临甘卫・顼场如内! 侦加勺七4 嗥即14晶f
pire to draw out the remaining Banu Umayya. When they arrive at the Ro­
man Empire, they will say, 'Bring out our fellow countrymen that you are
价&4.。七 < 七竺 3^?jixji xXj 伊廿 ajji
harbouring/ They will refuse, saying, 'We will not?
Then the horsemen will say, 'By God, we would fight you if only we were 庄》海u尤m荧A y网&硬&乒>«瑚牛办&
commanded to do so?
Then they will set off; back to their master and recount everything for
him, upon which he will say, 'Go forth and make them bring out their asso­
ciates, for indeed they have already been brought a mighty proof;' which is W以泊(件,料til "J鬼:;顼1 J尹i
God's statement:《D。not try to escape. Go back to your homes and thepleas-
ureyou revelled in so thatyou may be questionedy21'13^ referring to the treas­
ures that you used to hoard. < They said, 'Woe to us! We were wrong!' and that
cry oftheirs did not cease until We made them bumt-offstubble.夕(21: 14-15)n° jl灸劣质Y ®瀛宏心A 'SIM摆以* :血西
one will live to tell the tale. Then he will return to Kufa and dispatch the
three hundred and ten or so men to all regions far and wide, and he will J够海必瑚戒就二i艮少^5 口海匕
swipe his hand between their shoulders and over their chests so that they
are never incapacitated out in the open; and no land will remain without the
announcement of the testimony that there is no god but God, the One and
丁炽多#必 砚心匕麝 弘骅 商!顷c成分
Only and without partner, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God,
and this is His statement: ^Everyone in the heavens and earth submits to Him,
willingly or unwillingly; they will all be returned to Him. ,(3:83) master of 厦,总的心!妃乒 3b加刈I s & gj*
this authority will not accept thejizya poll tax like the Messenger of God
had accepted, and this is God's statement: [Believers], fight them until there
代 no more persecution, and all worship is devoted to God alone.夕"
Then Abu Ja'far 嘿 said, “By God, they will fight until the oneness of
God is established and nothing is associated with him, and until a frail old
9舁E •岛》:时刃 顽^尹项海A M见刖板!
woman can come out from the East and travel to the West without anyone
stopping her, and God can draw the seedlings out from the earth and send
岬典孔孙山wypi* 欢^妲§些5做由机
the railns down
' "
from the sky, and the people [willingly] take out the land tax
incumbent upon them to the Mahdi 淀,, and God gives ampleness to our
followers (shi a) - and were it not for him,,whatever
come their way they would squander it.
good fortune
whatever good were to
fortune were 萨参)也竺加为血三I参凯以监:嗥项JB
While the master ofthis authority will pass some rulings and speak about
some prophetic practices, a group ofdissenters will come out of the mosque 3命 5 制品 土my / y W J户 〃

8. The Battle Gains

wanting to rebel against him, so he will say to his companions: 'Go fOrth
and overcome them with your military prowess? So they will bring them to
him as captives that he might sentence them, and then they will slaughter
them. This will be the last group of dissenters ever to rise against the ①血
必 |Jjb 尸略,舆 3。心1 # 诙£ ・明 4)1

of Muhammad's family.”' [8:39] 以/ W b ■尹 6乒斗*! k 户k §

50. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from one of the two [al-Baqir or al-Sadiq], 无心J z与"在测4件史仙侦以枚3勺Jyi斗m少
He said, 'I asked him about God's verse: ^Know that one-fifth ofyour battle
gains belongs to God and the Messenger, to close relatives, He replied, “They
are the close relatives of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his
family.” Sol asked him, "Are the orphans, the needy and the travelers from
among them too?M He replied, “宜s.”' [8:41] J协笋国宾分:(J盘孙另苛出匚瑚,嗥层曲凶*&食.。・
From Ibn Sinan, from Abu *Abd Allah 瀑k He said, fl heard him say, “Of the
battle gains, he takes out one-fifth thereof and divides the rest among those
who fought in it and was commanding it. As for the war booty and the spoils,
then that is exclusively for the Messenger of God 舞[8:41]

52. From 'Abd Allah b. Sinan, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥! who said, "I heard that
Najda, the Harun wrote to Ibn 'Abbas asking him about the recipient of the
one-fifth (Jchums) - to whom does it belong? So he wrote to him: "As for the
khumSi we claim that it belongs to us, although our community claims that
it does not belong to us; so we have been patient.”' [8:41]

53. From Zurara, Muhammad b. Muslim and Abu Bask, that they asked him,
What is the Imam's right over people's property?* He replied, 'War booty, □:硕孩牧 ja Cx' J!顼*
battle gains, and khums, and all that falls within [the category of] war booty,
battle gains, khums, and spoils - they are entitled to a fifth of it, for God says:
iKnow 侦 one-fifth ofyour battle gains belongs to God and the Messenger, to
close relatives and orphans, to the needy.夕 They have a share in everything in
this world, and the one who gives them something [should remember that]
that which they leave for him is greater than that which they take from him?

J tai'll
8. The Battle Gains

54- From Sarnala, from Abu 'Abd Allah and Abu al-Hasan [al-Kazim], peace
be upon them. He said, 'I asked one of them about the khums, so he said,
ttKhums only applies to [battle] gains."' [8:41]

55. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Jacfar r^.1 who said regarding God's
verse: {Know that one-fifth ofyour battle gains belongs to God and the Mes­
senger, to close relatives [...] >, 'They are the close relatives of God's Prophet
帽[8:4i] 顷创!广山川
56. From Muhammad b. al-Fudayl, from Abu al-Hasan al-Rida 嗥!, He said, ‘I
asked him about God's verse: ^Know that one-fifth ofyour battle gains be­ M淫if匕^巽分:。盘*E窘嘿・ 00

longs to God and the Messenger, to close relatives [...]少 He replied, aThe one-
fifth (khums) belongs to God and the Messenger, and it belongs to us.”' [8:41] ,她出I /祉)M 6 :d& 多少*粪处
57- From Sadir, from Abu Ja'far r^'. He said, 'He said: 'Abu al-Fadl, we have a
right to the khums in God's Book, so whether they deny it and say, 'It is not
from God' or claim that they do not know about it, it is the same thing.”'
[8:41] / :J6 <目熟以匕g 5匕忌韵点 C
0 58. From Ibn al-Tayyar, from Abu lAbd Allah who said, 'One-fifth of the bat-
tle gains is taken out, then the remaining four fifths are divided up amongst

0 those who fought and commanded [in it]/ [8:41]

8 4 4)1 J>U li l:JI5:JG ・°v
59・ From Fayd b. Abi Shayba, from a man who cited Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥! as hav-
kig said, The worst state that people will face on the Day ofjudgement will .c4>侦栅杪:侦旧A■尹
be when the rightful ownerof (“ the --
• khums will stand up and say, “My Lord,
[what about] my khumsV Our followers {shVa) will be safe from that, how­
ever? [8:41]
〈卢i3j润必出原如蚌—功tz •仆

8. The Battle Gains

60. From Ishaq b.cAmmar who said, ‘I heard him say, “A man cannot excuse
himself from having bought something from the khums by saying, 'But my
Lord, I bought it with my own money/ unless the rightful owners of the
khums have allowed him to do so.”' [8:41] "

61. From Ibrahim b. Muhammad who said, ‘I wrote to the third Abu al-Hasan
[al-Hadi] asking him about what is obligatory in times of loss. So he
wrote back: aKhums comes after one's provisions.” So I debated this with
,壮血勇> M矽3 :"成匕皿:JI5 ,砌坷Qi :撰
our associates, and they said, "Provisions come after the government has
taken its taxes, and after individual expenditures.,> 够
So I wrote back to him, saying, “You had written that khums comes after
provisions but our associates differ regarding the provisions? So he wrote, .顷溥y毙u匕皿取珈坷出:苴应翊K
uKhutns comes after the government has taken its taxes and after a man's pro­
visions fbr himself and his dependents have been taken out.”' [8:41]

62. From Ishaq, from a man who cited Abu 'Abd Allah 嚓.He said, ‘I asked him
about the cream of the crop? So he replied, <cIt belonged to the Messenger :j臭.o^i七苛忌L : jg凛i独v项苛,妇w .V
of God 禅 while the remaining four-fifths were reserved fbr the fighters and
the commander. The one-fifth (khums) is divided among God's Messenger's 阡• B尸J /s t顷"心/ b点侦£两邕如有
allotment. We say that it belongs to us whereas the people say, "It does not
belong to you? The share of the relatives is also ours, and the three remain­ 由#13 时艮仞兄庭顷% :切匏两者* Ju
ing fifths are for the orphans, the needy and the travelers, which the Imam
distributes between them. If after they have received equal amounts, dir- E胡冲,户汽丫二'W '认项电3顷G瘀心
ham by dirham, the Imam sees any remainder, he puts it aside fbr the rela-
tives.” He said, “They refer it back to us.M, [8:41] •以山匕瑚3 &足f 齿 寸矽S O Q?
63. From al-Minhal b. cAmr, from cAli b. al-Husayn 嘿 who said, 'It belongs to
our orphans, our needy ones and our travelers? [8:41] 也L,琏J ctmjs :jb,嗥Qi 3由w u尹&・J妙/ e

64. From Zakariyya b. Malik al-Ju'fl from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥!. He said: 'I .心
asked him about God's verse: /^Know that one-fifth ofyour battle ' '
gains be-
如gs " God and the Messenger, to close relatives and orphans, to the needyf
g" "muelers. )> He replied, wAs for God's share of the khums, it goes to His
Messenger for him to spend in the way,of God, and the khums belonging
宾分g M E苛出禅小半侦共心"・巧*
............... .............................. ........... D Jt0
the Messenger belongs to us and his relatives, and the khums of 'the close
relative is for his relatives, (the orphans* are the orphans of his Ahl al-Bayt.

356 rov
8. The Battle Gains

So he designated these four-fifths to be for them. As for the needy and the JrJ'/或&好"3J尹如出I口:JG ,《卜兴
travelers - you know that since alms donations {sadaqd) can neither be con-
sumed by us nor are they permissible for us to take, they are kept for the
needy and the travelers."' [8:41]
u注方应顶^ y m二必 <山叫。捻9 件n
65. From cIsa b・'Abd Allah al-cAlawi, on his father's authority, from Jacfar b.
Muhammad 嗥He said, 'He said, “God - besides whom there is no god but .岳爪扇项qi杼
He - when He forbade us alms donations, He revealed about the khums for
us. Alms donations are prohibited for us whereas the khums is an obligation
due unto us, and the generous gift is permissible for us [to accept].'” [8:41]

66. From al-Halabi, from Abu 'Abd Allah r潺! about a man from among our com­
panions who is under their banner and lives with them - does he receive the
battle gains? He replied, 4He remits the one-fifth due to us, and it is good for
him? [8:41]

67. From Ishaq b. cAmmar, from Abu 'Abd Allah「潺? who said, 'The two forces
met in battle on the nineteenth of the month of Ramadan? I asked, 'What 2 ■ J ■
is the [inner] meaning of His words:《the twoforces met*?' He replied, 'On
that day, all that He wishes to advance and to delay comes together, as do
His Will and His Decree? [8:41]

68. From *Amr b. Sa'id who said, 'A man from Medina was debating with me
about the Night of Distinction when the two forces met, and this Medinan
man was saying that it was the seventeenth night of Ramadan. I went to Abu
Abd Allah 嗥 and informed him of this. So he said to me, “The Medinan
man denies it. What you mean is the day the Commander of the Faithful was
struck, and he was struck on the nineteenth of Ramadan, which is also the
night on which lIsa b. Maryam 嗥 was raised up.”' [8:41]

:嗥向y项&: JI5 Q5 〃件厦珂成。讪卬

.嗥白s好3卤目姒® 户/犯

8, the Battle Gains

69. From Muhammad b. Yahya, from Abu 'Abd Allah 桨 regarding His words:
^and the caravan was below you.» He said, 'Abd Sufyan and his associates.*

From cAnir b. Abi al-Miqdam, on his father's authority, from {Ali b. al-
Husayn 隰'who said, 'When the troops were thirsty on the day ofBadr, 件伊f隰' 妇*'白.省苛七](ZJ u. .v・
went out with a water-bag to fetch some water. He was at the edge of the
well when a powerful wind came upon him then passed on. He remained
there as he saw fit, then another wind came and passed, and another one
after that, which almost shook him off the edge of the well. So he sat down
由 济卜 f 包心令卜F d Ijb L
until it had passed. When he returned to the Messenger of God 姓 he in­
formed him of that. So the Messenger of God said, 'The first wind encom­ Jlli 出 X 嚏;JI ? W,好 J>-盘JI
passed Jibrall with one thousand angels; the second contained Mikael with
one thousand angels, and the third had Israfil with one thousand angels. 岸妃W顷旋刘〃 T上cM论牧成敖4)1
They greeted you with peace, and they are our reinforcements. They are the
ones whom upon seeing them, Iblis has turned on his heels in retreat saying, $3 侦L *^3 《JI 仁招央I b qil
4 This is where I leave you: I see whatyou do not, and Ifear God - God is severe
in His punishment.铲[8:48]

71. From Abu 'Ali al-Mahmudi, on his father's authority who, without mention­
ing his source, cited him [i.e. an infallible] regarding this verse: ^how they
strike theirfaces and backs.夕 He said, 'Rather He meant their backsides. In­
deed, God is noble and He alludes? [8:50] 感 少:4JJI (J 少项 .v\
72. From Jabir, from Abu Ja'fai•嗥.He said, 'I asked about this verse: 〈The
^orst creatures in the sight of God are those who reject Him and will not be-
Heue.》He said, “It was revealed about the Banu Umayya. They are the worst
of God's creatures; according to the inner meaning of the Qufan they are
the ones who rejected and they are the ones who do not believe.M, [8:55〕
以 1 ? <4)1 S 专i & d cJj:JG 诚易1 一 6恣火*必翊顷
73. From Muhammad b. Isa, from whoever cited it from Abu cAbd Allah 隰're­
garding God s statement: ^Prepare whateverforces you [believers] can mus- 心3山W挤
ten > He said, 'Swords and shields; [8:60]

360 r\、
JUj'l 0
8. The Battle Gains

From 'Abd Allah b. al-Mughira who, without mentioning his source, cited W
the Messenger of God 销 as having said, ^Prepare whateverforces you [be­
lievers] can muster》-he said, "Arrows. [8:60]
. dV:磕韵工1»\匕
75- From Muhammad al-Halabi> from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗅 regarding God's state­
ment: < But if they incline towards peace, you [Prophet] must also incline to­ .VI
wards it. > He was asked what peace was. He replied, 'To enter within your
jurisdiction? [8:61]
.so,在初 nsi
76. From 'Amr b. Abi al-Miqdam, on his father's authority, on his grandfather's
authority: 'Never have I experienced a day worse than the two days that'All
experienced. Ihe first one was the day in which the Messenger of God 镂
was taken from this world. As for the second day, by God, I was sitting in
Saqifa Bani Sacida to the right of Abu Bakr whilst the people were pledging
allegiance to him, when 'Umar said to him, aY6u! You do not actually have
anything in hand as long as 'Ali has not pledged allegiance to you. Why do
you not send for him so that he can come to you and pledge allegiance to
you, for the people here are only laypeople? 炒d 占仙质&倒衫I办嘴小Jja-j卷齿M冲氐
So he sent Qunfudh to him, and told him to go and say to 'All: "Respond
Wi, Z J疝I:JI5 *晚上,冬项我.&・
to God's Messenger's caliph? So Qunfudh went, and it was not long before
he came back, and said to Abu Bakr, MHe said to tell you: 'The Messenger of
God has not appointed anyone after him besides me,'” 硕分事IcUcdbuL.洛淳迎-* /
He said, "Go back to him and say: "You had better respond, for the people
have all gathered to pledge allegiance to him, the muhajirun and the ansdr dJ G (遍—玉两卷;4)1 码& yL/普。施,也
all pledge allegiance as do the Quraysh, and you are a man from among the
Muslims whose gain and loss is the same as theirs.5
So Qunfudh went back to him, and it was not long before he returned
saying, "He says to tell you: 'The Messenger. of God 褶 toldI me and made 。寿j 同! 苏 c/印曲 -
bequest to me that once I have entered him in his grave, not to come out
of my house until I have compiled God's Book, for it is still on palm leaves
and camel hides.'”
义奶 y 〃必」Iclj 与我
'Umar said, "Let us all go to him.” So Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthmm Khalid
b; "-Walid, al-Mughira b. Shifba, Abu 幻bayda b. al-Jarrah, Salim the pro-
4 镂蜀Ju 3、出JI5 :扇顶U
t辍 of Abu Hudhayfa, and Qunfudh all stood up, and I stood up with them.
When we reached his door, Fatima, may God's blessings be upon her, saw
them and she closed the door to them. She did not think that they would

J Wl s
8. The Battle Gains

enter upon her except with her permission. So Umar kicked the door down 白#b,以』J 5 §•项3翊&必:yje
with his foot and broke it, it being made of rattan. Then they entered and
dragged ‘All out by the collar. So Fatima, peace be upon her, came out ji \^\场叱上b,务 葩妃项(JW? g分 质七项 砂
saying, KAbu Bakr, do you want to make me a widow? By God, if you do not
leave him alone I will untie my hair, tear my clothes, go to my fathers grave j独 '或少"Lg § T川CJg 提&祥t} y侦
and cry out to my Lord.”
Then she took al-Hasan and al-Husayn, peace be upon them, and went 嗥印 岳上必•逐*,顼^焰).顷 彳客耶明,
out towards the grave of the Prophet 辖・ So cAli 隰 said to Salman, “Go
and fetch Muhammad's daughter, for I must ensure that both sides of Medi- 如侦R(/ J 项& 典:提^ sA 以
na are protected. By God, if she unties her hair, tears her clothes, goes to her
father's grave and cries out to her Lord, there will be nothing to stop Medina 由A脚了也,项嫁瑟%,学尹板借*心有3 &3. j3
from collapsing to the ground [with its inhabitants]?
So Salman - may God be pleased with him - fetched her. He said, .&衡湿掠 步 <「Cr**^史 d
“0 daughter of Muhammad, God sent your father as a mercy, so come back?
She replied, KSalman, they want to kill 'Ali, and 'All has no patience. Let jlailj <jU5c 311旻板扉思司少侦:JUJ隰1由J应
me go to my father^ grave so that I may untie my hair, tear my clothes and
cry out to my Lord? ^jai 少C,{^j A j-L uLCL,;句 iLbyci
So Salman said, “I fear that Medina will collapse into the ground, and it
is 'Ali who has sent me to you and commands you to go back to your house 或i 3向/1 &〈涂*・i :J或嘿34厨立峭J
and abstain [from doing this]."
So she responded, KVery well then, I will go back and be patient, and I
will listen to him and obey.”'
云浏参廿知"古ck」古cP J把工Q4虹心"产”s
X ♦• X

He [the narrator] said, 'So they dragged him out of his house by the col-
lar and made him walk past the Prophet's grave, peace be upon him and his
.加a b' u参侦if光梦瑚
family: He said, 'I heard him say, ^Son ofmy mother, these people over-pow- ji jo-jJ jji * 担冯出. <xi. J' D 曲 Q!心 4 J 旧
99 ― x
eredme!}> until the end ofthe verse.4 Abu Bakr sat in Saqifa Bani S^ida, and
as <A1T approached 'Umar said to him: "Pledge allegiance? .昔% aJ /L gj向:D旧,步巧四
So 'Ali said to him, KAnd what ifl do not?"
Umar replied, “Then I will behead you, by God." 上芸:J&v 乂』如史^(>*岐汕”&
So said to him, “In that case, by God, I will be God's murdered serv­
ant and the Prophet's brother.”
So 'Umar retorted, “God's murdered servant -yes. But the Prophet's
&.将*冬项4 寸卢亦崩必^项初北粉:屈
brother - no.M And he said that three times. J奶1部杪皿娘由』d W .应.:不兴:嗥沙必祢)
4 i^onofmymother, thesepeopleover-;powered …•-二
me with
m'es reason to rejoice! Do not include -----
me! They almost killed me! Do not give my 叩-
------ J evildoers!^ (Q. 7:150)

8. The Battle Gains

<Abbas b. 'Abd al-Muttalib heard about all this and came running hur­ 一*小履而,户山知如妃栏,J底,熟血
riedly, and I heard him say, “Be gentle with my nephew; lean make him
pledge allegiance to you." Al-^bbas came and took All s hand and stroked
it upon Abu Bakr's hand. Then they left him there, angered, and I heard him
say, lifting his head up to the sky, “0 God! You know what the Prophet 嘴 :加山九少厂另'v ex ,5善
had said to me: 'When there are twenty of you in total, fight them. This is
Your statement in Ybur Book: ^if there are twenty ofyou who are steadfast, ja, jp ,嗥由七从5摊jA网上顶由a图姑
they will overcome two hundred.夕'He [the narrator] said, ‘I also heard him
say, “0 God! They have not even reached a total of twenty,> until he had said jb> : J Ji弊;地*1 :以太少项咔
that three times. Then he left? [8:65]

From Furat b. Ahnaf5, from one of his associates, from cAli e灌 that he said,
'Whenever a tribulation befalls people, my followers {slu'd) maintain the .工编中& 瑚参到「砂制:屈&5^ :
best state during it, and this is God's statement: ^But God has lightened your
burdenfor now, knowing that there is weakness in you.[8:66]

78. From Husayn b. Salih who said, *1 heard Abu 'Abd Allah 瀑]say, "Ali - may
God's blessings be upon him, used to say, "Whoever flees from two men dur­
ing the battle has indeed fled from the battle itself and whoever flees from
three men during the battle has not fled from the battle."" [8:66]

79- From Mu(awiya b. 'Ammar, from Abu 'Abd Allah (魏.He said, 'I heard
him say about this verse: ^Prophet, tell those you have taken captive, If God
如。ws ofany good in your hearts, He will give you something better than what
"好 been taken from you^ [i.e. as ransom]. He said, “It was revealed about
alJAbbas, "Aqil and Nawfal.” He also said, “The Messenger of God 嘴 for-
bade anyone from among the Banu Hashim or Abu al-Bakhtari to be killed .象卢ji颈〃
on the day ofBadr, so they were taken captive, and he dispatched 'Ali saying,
'Go and see who is here from the Banu Hashim.,M
He said, “So cAli came across 'Aqil b. Abi Talib but paid no attention to
L:一 »
him? •
1 - ~ , z
5 b. Ahnaf al^Abdi, a narrator of the fourth, fifth and sixth Imams who was accused
ofghuluww and criticised heavily for fabricating hadlths. See Hilli, KJiulasat al-aqwdl, 387
(nr. 1555). …' ' '
6 This is Nawfal b. al-yarith b. *Abd al-Muttalib, a captive from the Battle ofBadr.

8. The Battle Gains

He said, KSo he said to him, '0 son of my mother, cAli, by God, you have :典福Sk由&顶顷1广加&〃技度&必伴
seen what situation I am in!
He said, “So he went back to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him 心外撰蛔亳好汶由西即&&顷寸舟
and his family, and said to him, There is Abu al-Fadl [i.e. al-'Abb豆s> the
Prophet*s uncle] held captive by so and so, 'Aqil held by so and so, and Naw-
• 皿 4) I? LL&「I & t :a! Jlii:JI5
fal held by so and so [i.e. Nawfal b. al-Harith]/
So the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family, stood up
好I加Q次也j 顷Aa :a) Jlli (嘴4)I心9 &愚瑚
and went to 'Aqil and said to him, cAbu Yazid, Abujahl has been killed?
So he said, 'In that case, you will no longer fight in Tihama [Mecca]? ・凸;4阳婴q决也寸应山"*也a
He said, 'If you had already vanquished the people, [then you could re­
lease them]. Otherwise, keep them bound up in your control."' 典,*?顼J? «顶虹』J困■舞Jr巨
He said, “Then 'Abbas was brought and was told, 'Pay ransom for your­
self and your two nephews? So he replied, ‘0 Muhammad, are you going to .时踞£;&叫(尹件^声电g方3匕w\
make me have to ask the Quraysh for my release?'
He replied, 'Pay out of what you had left behind with Umm Fadi, when 心宓出虹卬•公i寻刿,以危4'小怦叱M乡&出
you said to her, "If anything happens to me, spend this on your son and
yourself."' 顷衫字芨齐i B叫心顼*zjj甲灯上瓦些L J&〈声j电?
He asked, "My nephew! Who told you about this?*
He replied, 'Jibra'il brought it to me from God.' 炒"展出勺幻岭〃妒如出・3弘姑侦瓜
So he exclaimed, 'By the object ofhis oath, no one knows about this apart
from her and myself I bear witness that you are indeed God's Messenger?n .孙心^应 SL或顶 敏攻户时为:兴
He said, "The prisoners all went back as polytheists apart from alJAb-
b豆s, 'Aqil and Nawfal b. al-Harith, and this verse was revealed about them: 昭 3心U,以皿 b知Y 占儿'松出
《Prophet, tell those you have taken captive [..,] [8:70]

80. From 'Ali b. Asbat who heard Abu al-Hasan al-Rida say that Abu 'Abd
Allah 嚓 said, 'The Prophet &炫 brought some money and said to al-lAbbas,
Spread out your cloak and take a portion of this money.'" 顶:嗥项JB :以隰JI IIS侦:蚓]电芦 &
He said, So he spread out his cloak and took a portion of that wealth?
He said, 'Ihen the Messenger of God 嘴 said, “This is what God has said: “尾虹效共Kj; JUJ % 〃立司电心I:C/M J屈星嘴渺
^Prophet, tell those you have taken captive, If God knows of any good in
your grts, He will give you something better than what has been taken from 馈 3 应 JI5 U IJub :世 4)1 J>*-j JB F :J& D心顼 5 "
you". )>M, [8:70]


8. The Battle Gains

8i. From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Ja'far and Abu w iz应:yl .貌顷牛 感决汗@1苛<q &.如®jijj / . A\
<Abd Allah, peace be 叩on them. They said, 'We asked them about His verse:
^Asfor those who believed but did not emigrate, you are not responsible for
their protection until they have done so. > They said, 'Because the people of
*必J Wa宣*左夕匕必K为洗险蛎
Mecca do not inherit from the people of Medina? [8:72] .Slljj峋"丈膈瓦溯
From 'Abd Allah b. Sinan, from Abu *Abd Allah 嗥! on his forefathers, au­
thority who said, “All f貌 visited the Messenger of God 嘴 during his sick­ 炉淳曾 A" 以成苛户混制妃』午 …

ness when he had fainted with his head in Jibra'il's lap when Jibrall was
in the form of Dihya al-Kalbi. When 'Ali f^.1 entered, Jibra'il said to him, bk 4月上,此尸另云^c/'电,时 事陶加)
“Take your cousin's head as you have greater right to it than me, for indeed
God says in His Book:《but relatives still have prior claim over one another in A,另]CUli cS^(j)(z'j 』d& 嗅由户,或,套,Q?
God's Scripture.夕”
So *Ali 惭 sat down and took God's Messenger's head and placed it on . < 义1 Q 。击歹 wE Jyj 功启勺&
his lap. The head of God's Messenger 舞 was st山 on his lap when the sun
set, and the Messenger of God regained consciousness and lifted his head, c/b 以卢 2月(4 3^顶两鬻 mi J>^j c/'j 以?嗥 ^U*4-
looking at CA1I and said, a<Ali, where is JibraTl?” He replied, "O Messenger
of God, I only saw Dihya al-Kalbi who handed me your head. He said, “Ali, a 芟v <&衡 mi gjD (j>- °j^(J 面
take your cousin's head for you have greater right to it than me, for God says
in His Book:《but relatives still have prior claim over one another in God's A?顼jL」如妇i:jy4以皆E:典,隰*
Scripture.夕'So I sat down and took your head, and you were still on my lap
when the sun set.” ,j共制育 & & £旗 a>s u-b 1:〕奶,土L &
The Messenger of God 格 then asked him, "Have you prayed the after-
noon (Jasr) prayer?” He replied, “No.” He asked,a What prevented you from 3幺L上足^血jJj'^jU2^.,匕汩步5少妒
,. *v
praying?” So he replied, KYbu had fainted, and your head was on my lap, and
I could not bear to disturb you, O Messenger of God, and nor could I stand ・cr*^' J匕参# 8也•户山L
up and pray whilst putting your head down.”
So the Messenger of God 舞 said, MO God, he was only engaged in ser- : jiiis用1^4^:嘴由妇』
vitude to You and Your Messenger when he missed the afternoon prayer. 0
God, reverse the sun back for him that he may pray the afternoon prayer on ® J^-jb 其以<£jbj3〈想方(J dL-b。&<四^® 加臾
He said, So the sun rose again until it became afternoon, bright and .Jl-1j 顶9 如L f?' J 6$
clear, and the people of Medina saw it. cAli stood up and prayed, and as
soon as he had finished, the sun set and they prayed the evening (maghrib)
prayer.' [8:75]
:J5 . 硬 参—乂

370 rv\
8, the Battle Gains

83・ From Abu Baslr, from Abii Ja'far al-B^qir 嗥 who said, 'The maternal uncle 豚 坎3加亿讪展 凫 矽5 J c»jU,5盘|
and aunt can inherit if there is no one else besides them. God says:《but rel­
atives still have prior claim over one another in God's Scripture. > If relations
• 顷七 jB D/il &
overlap, then the foremost relationship takes precedence when inheriting
from relatives? [8:75]
From Ibn Sinan, from Abu 'Abd Allah 混 who said, 'When cAli b. Abi
Talib ■貌 and ^thman b. cAffan differed in the case of a man who dies with
n0 immediate family to inherit from him, but he does have relatives who do
not have a designated share stipulated through which they would inherit -〃 己(>2心& qUR 31 妙疝1
from him, cAli said, ttHis inheritance goes to his relatives, because God most
High says: < but relatives still have prior claim over one another in God's Scrip­
ture. lUthman, however, said, MPut his inheritance in the public treasury 湿! y)也 gl(J,苫 d :武混!朋gl 芋 了 .At
of the Muslims, and none of his relatives inherit from him.”' [8:75]
川 砂』,祉)」5 奶 a) e,kjy a b加
85. From Sulayman b. Khalid, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥J who said, “Ali「貌 did
not grant [inheritance] to proteges so long as there was an existing relative, 必匕夕:麟i站副(Cj\j dg :喋!由J鼠力^出aI
whether he had a designated share or not. He used to say:《but relatives still
have prior claim over one another in God's Scripture: God hasfull knowledge (J 奴 4 心◎ J&j cWM 4 {匕
ofall things.,He knew their position, so he did not place them with the rel­
atives since He says: < but relatives still have prior claim over one another in .JI*
God's Scripture.[8:75]

氏妙1 乂,嗥老出棉赤3侦/ M W - a。
必分a! (I 』CaIc*
,z ,

E■冗 允篇2^. j 匕即5»: 4?仁

8. The Battle Gains

86. From Zurara, from Abu Ja*far t潺! regarding God's verse: ibutrelativi'es Still
have prior claim over one another in God's Scripture.夕'Some ofthem ha 一”
顶盘^ '匕孙闻Ei j*雌如如,或其
greater claim to the inheritance over others because the closest to hinf.jj a"
kinship] has a greater claim
claim?? Then Abu Jacfar said, 'They have a greater claim
住)4! E项<L^ 〃己项b Jj'阡辿顼3<|异二
to the deceased. Ihe closest ones to them are his mother, and his sibli 右心L温妇!商,UU jJ皿:混>t>.J J*. & jj
from both parents. Is the mother not closer to the deceased than his brodi
ers and sisters?, [8:75]

87. From Abu 'Amr al-Zubayri, from Abu 'Abd Allah 噢. He said, ‘I said to him:
uTe\\ me about the transferal of the Imamate to the progeny of al-Husayn
rather than the progeny of al-Hasan - how does that work and what is the
proof for it?w He replied, “When al-Husayn was faced with God's authority Lt瘪*)拱顿出 3二^" J)j
that came to him, he was not allowed to pass it back to his brother's chil­
dren nor leave it to them as a bequest. God says:〈 but relatives still havepri-
or claim over one another in God's Scripture.少 So his son was closer to him
in kin than his brother's son, and they had a greater right over the Imamate.
This verse precluded the progeny of al-Hasan from it, so the Imamate passed
on to al-Husayn. The verse ruled this in their favour, and it pertains to them OJ 1^5 <1^* 5**^"’ “9 如V (Jjl 』j
until the Day ofJudgement.M, [8:75]
•乙项,代J4(*4?盘,衬 寸' 也仃程 Q(J!心

The Impunity
9. The Impunity1 芯陶i—
— 舟・

i. From Abu Basir, from Abu £Abd Allah 嗥.He said, ‘I heard him say, ttOne
who recites the Chapter of the Impunity (surat al-bara'a) and the Chapter
of the Battle Gains (surat al-anfal) every month shall never be infected by
hypocrisy, and he will be one of the followers {shTa) of the Commander of
the Faithful「貌 in truth. On the Day of Judgement, he will already be en­ v应,也嗥' •顷3(/通皿亚丛t :芹y
joying the feasts of the Garden with his followers whilst others finish giving
their account.”'

2. From Dawud b. Sirhan, from Abu cAbd Allah 瀑! who said, ‘The conquest
[of Mecca] took place in the eighth year [after Tzyra], the bard'a (declaration
of impunity to the idolaters) in the ninth year, and the farewell pilgrimage
in the tenth? [9:1] ・l 4自』宙"j
3・ From Abu al-cAbbas, from one of the two [al-Baqir or al-Sadiq] who said,
‘The Chapter of the Battle Gains and the Chapter of the Impunity are one

From Hariz, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥 who said, "The Messenger of God 供
仁£ II d-uu 嚏;aJJI <嗥朋半 / 苛,"V ,七
dispatched Abu Bakr to perform the Hajj with the declaration of impuni­
ty (%衍。)so that he may read it to the people. Jibra^l subsequently came 皿,嗥& M * &、: J 或隰 点况 P1'
down and said, "No one should proclaim on your behalf apart fromSo
the Messenger of God 嘴 called cAli and commanded him to take his camel 典U艮.diojj花31E项项。/匕 < 嘤成敖独Jt
al- Adba\ catch up with Abu Bakr, seize the declaration of impunity from
him and read it out to the people in Mecca. M Jy'侦 A :典,应:夕.项J旧成小成由虬矽同
When this happened, Abu Bakr asked, "Is it out of displeasure?”

1 ne Chapter of Impunity {surat al-barafa) is also known as the Chapter of Repentance

(surat al-lawbd).

9. The Impunity

(Ali replied, “No, but this is what has been revealed to him: none but a
man of your own should proclaim it.
When cAli arrived at Mecca in the afternoon of the Day of Sacrifice, the 心皿拙少n小痍淳务:*曲矣:R国I妇队
day of the Great Pilgrimage, he stood up and said, “I am God's messenger
t0 you all? Then he read it out to them: ^An impunity by God and His Mes-
sengerfrom the treaty you [believers] made with the idolaters [fs announced]
- you [idolaters] may move freely about the land forfour months^ - twenty
days from the month of Dhu al-Hijja, Muharram, Safar and Rabi' I, and ten
days of RabF II."
灯廿』。山阻山卢为两A为仍/ OJl〕夬 ':他
And he said, “No naked man or woman shall circumambulate the House,
nor any idolater except one who has a treaty with God's Messenger, whose .#勺1裕*1 o乙山戚展嘴息
term is during these four months.”' [9:1]

5. In Muhammad b. Muslim's report, he [i.e. Abu Bakr] said, ‘0 'Ali, has an­ X:JUSaJjI 乡圳上4头或§ 皆侦J鼠卜* 度好曷 ・。
ything been revealed about me since I left the Messenger of God?, He re­
plied, 'No, but God has refused anyone save a man of his own to proclaim
on Muhammad's behalf? So he performed the Hajj and proclaimed on the
behalf of God and His Messenger at 'Arafk, Muzdalifa, by the pillars on the 小拱;q*寸业.宙&』& oM-'心 夕1螺徂以b苟方
day of the Great Pilgrimage, and on all the days of tashriq^ calling out: (^An
impunity by God and His Messengerfrom the treaty you [believers] made with ' G兔?4翰径狎M “以&仲Ji虹必
the idolaters [zs announced] - you [idolaters] may movefreely about the land
forfour months^, and no one shall circumambulate the House naked? [9:1] •讷/白见务切
6. From Zurara who said, "I heard AbU Ja'far•嗥 say, “Nay, I swear by God, the
Messenger of God 整 did not dispatch Abu Bakr with the declaration of im­ 夕顶嗥曲妇3、如':说嗥乒剥加项膈 •'
punity. Does it make sense that he would have dispatched him,with it only to
then take it away from him? Rather he deployed him fbr the rites of Hajj and S CJC^LI Jp SaU lb ,3 圣 以顶
sent cAli with it after Abu Bakr had been relieved of the Hajj duties. When
he dispatched 'Ali [with the Chapter of Impunity] he said to him:cIndeed, 寻馈;曳支Lg嗅沙JJ或仁芋3项a L加嚓比
none shall fulfil [any task] on my behalf apart from you and I? [9:1]

7- From Abu Basir, from Abu Ja'fai•混' who said, “Ali addressed the people
and drew his sword saying, "No one shall circumambulate the house naked,
:吗< J L 顷b 5嗥' 杏顼益:J膈累好0质, v
Jhe days of tashriq are the ii-g of Dhu al-Hijja. They immediately follow the stipulated
days of Hajj,,1
and are a time when people are free to eat the meat they had sacrificed. 〈成* &并我4)上

380 YA、
9. The Impunity ;.侦打尸D*

nor will an idolater or idolatress perform the pilgrimage to the House. Who­
ever has an agreed term will adhere to his term, and whoever does not have
an agreed term then his term is four months:" - he was addressing them on
the Day ofSacrifice - "they were twenty days from Dhu al-Hijja, Muharram,
Safar, RabVI and ten days of Rabi' II.” He also said, “The day of Sacrifice is
the day of the Great Pilgrimage.M, [9:1]

In Abu al-Sabbah^ report on his authority, 'He proclaimed on behalfof God .A

and His Messenger at cArafa, Muzdalifa and by the pillars throughout all the
days of the Hajj season, calling out: ^An impunity by God and His Messen­
ger [...]如 and no one shall circumambulate naked nor will the idolater ap­
proach the Sacred Mosque after this year of ours? [9:1]

9- From Hanash3, on cAlfs authority「貌 that the Prophet, peace be upon him
and his family, when he dispatched {Ali with the declaration of impunity, he
said, '0 Prophet of God, I am neither eloquent nor articulate?
He said, *It is imperative that either I take it or you?
He replied, cIf it is imperative then, in that case, I will take it myself?
He said, 'Set 0氏 for indeed God will strengthen your tongue and guide : J&j Jp项共身蚓:d'b点由oji曰化2 "3
your heart?
Then he placed his hand upon his mouth and said, 'Go and read it out to 砂T 参乒"如独*而心’’ E如少!3 皿丁四
the people? Then he said, 'People will come to you to settle their disputes,
so if two opposing parties come to you do not judge in favour of one with-
out hearing the other one out; fbr it is better for you that you should know
the whole truth? [9:1]

10. From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abuja^r and Abu
Abd Allah 嗥? regarding His statement: ^you [idolaters] may move free­ (JG / 凶M : J捞
ly about the land for four months.夕 He said, c Twenty days of Dhu al-Hijja,
Muharram, Safar, Rabi' I and ten days of Rab? II? [9:2] .罗好〃Q,J*罗妇,必

3 Hanash^tabar, a companion of'Ali b. Abi TSlib. See KhuX Mu'jam, 7:32i (nr. 4»5)-

382 TAT
9. The Impunity

From Ja'far b・ Ahmad, from {Ali b. Muhammad b. Shuja4 who said, ^Our as- a ,嗥点必©勺以匕皿: j& '沙d卫3去/ “i ・\、

.rrated that Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥

sociates narrated 噤? was once asked, K“Why is no sin
recorded down against the pilgrim for four months?" He replied, “God 质粉顼猝鼻如&出 < 异由6十顼?巾
exalted be His remembrance - commanded the idolaters saying: ^you may
movefreely about the landforfour months^ without defining His threat [of
chastisement] against that.”' [9:2]

12. From Hakim b.Jubayr,4 from {A1I b. al-Husayn 嘿 who said, 'By God, Ali jG黎ZH &以0瑚,嗥。小峪如白.户苛・\丫
has such an appellation in the Qufan that people do not know about? He
said, 'I asked, “May I be your ransom - what are you referring to?” So he said
to me, < On the Day ofthe Great Pilgrimage [there will be] a proclamationfrom
God and His Messenger to all people.少 He continued, "So the Messenger of
God 整 dispatched the Commander of the Faithful, and cAli was the herald
who proclaimed. So he proclaimed God and His Messenger's announce­ 板力4jjl 333" Q**,4^9 喋!苫决3 (瀑!茂从万食此期
ment on the day of the Great Pilgrimage at all the stations. He called out
that after this particular year, no one was to circumambulate naked and nor
could an idolater approach the Sacred Mosque after this year:” [9:3]
.拱J( Ul Ik JuuyA%
13・ From Hariz, from Abu 'Abd Allah 隰 who said about the proclamation,
'This is a name in God's Book that no one knows save me? [9:3]

From Hakim b. Jubayr, from 'Ali b. al-Husayn 嗥! who said regarding God's
statement: proclamation from God and His Messenger*: "The proclama­
tion is the Commander of the Faithful: 'Ali 瀑[9:3]

15. From Jabir, from [Jacfar b. Muhammad or] Abii Ja'far 嗥!! who said regarding
God's statement <( On the Day ofthe Great Pilgrimage [there will be] a procla-
Tnationfrom God and His Messenger to allpeople*: 'It is the emergence of the .嗥由泌切*"5
Q^im and the proclamation of his invitation to himself? [9:3]

& 必由岛$曲》:W血另顷黎 »W ,
4 'Ayyashi narrates this tradition on the authority of Hakim b. al-Husayn, but this is a distor-
____ r»v_t • ■ ■・ ' • ■/ -.
don of Hakim b.Jubayr; see I^askani, ShawahidaUtanzil, 1:231 (no. 307); Kufi, TafslrFurat,

16。; Mazzi, Tahdhib al-kamdl,
al-kamal, 7:165 ; Khu*i, Mu r
j am, 7 :
MWjam, 7:194;94 (no. 3900). Shaykh 亦典应 in
al-典si :,
eludes Hakim b.Jubayr among the companions of*Ali b. al-Husayn; see ^.RijalaUTusb
112 (no. 1105).

384 r\o
9. The Impunity

16. From ‘Abd al-Rahman, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥! who said: <r[he day of 均
Great Pilgrimage is the Day of Sacrifice, and the Minor Pilgrimage is th
"umra! [9:3]

— ,
In Ibn Sirhan^ report on his authority 混,he said, ‘The Great Pilgrimage
is the Day ofcArafa, the gathering together5 and the stoning of the pillars at
韵、才、:JG(嗥!! 3 QJ了 S早刀窟・w
Mina whilst the Minor Pilgrimage is the {umra! [9:3]

18. In Ibn Udhayna's report from Zurara, on his authority he said, ‘The Greater
Pilgrimage is the staying at ‘Arafia, at the gathering place and stoning the pil­
lars at Mina, whilst the Minor Pilgrimage is the 'umra! [9:3] 3 :贷^| 砂1 :jk 潺! s砂bj尹31 u.'窟*

19・ In ‘Abd al-Rahma^s report on his authority, he said, ‘The day of the Great
Pilgrimage is the Day of Sacrifice, and the day of the Minor Pilgrimage is the
day QVumra! [9:3]
:泸屈9,盘ji 伊:£^廿旧:。曲瘪 •”
20. In Fudayl b.^yad^ narration on his authority r潺?. He said, 1 asked him
about the Great Pilgrimage. He replied, wIbn cAbbas used to say that it was
[the Day of] cArafa.
The Commander of the Faithful 嘿 said, trThe Great Pilgrimage is the
Day of Sacrifice*, evidencing it with God's statement: ^you may move free­ c/B cX1功,艄I矛I苛E1L : : ■灌心切a 口 山 ・Y •
ly about the land for four months'^ which are twenty days of Dhu al-Hijja,
Muharram, Safar, RabF I and ten days ofRabF II. Had the Great Pilgrimage .砂:<4^有
been the Day of cArafa then it would have been four months and a day."”
[9:2] 芦七9 <厂阳*艾j^\衬^ :嗥1房J弘止*4, [: J&]
21. From Ja^rb.MuhammadJromAbuJa^arf^1 that ^odsentMuhammad^
with four swords: a sword with which he was to fight the Arab idolaters.
God - exalted be His Countenance - said:《wherever you encounter the idol-
a^ers, kill them, seize them, besiege them, waitfor them at every lookout post;

5 The gathering together refers to the Sacred Place (al-mash'ar al-harani), which is the clos-
°f the two stations to Mecca. It is said to have been named thus because people would
est of
gather together here and seek the proximity of God altogether through worship, good-
deeds and obedience. Another possibility is that it is called the place of gathering because
〈项盘ji;禳I食3金I # ••唉”』芋足 > 广芋
Adamis said to have reunited with Hawwa1 here. See Yaqut al-Hamawi, Mu'jam al-bulddn
(Beirut: par §adir, 1993), 2:189.

386 vav
9. The Impunity 3烦叱b

but ifthey turn [to God] > - meaning if they believe < then they are your broth­
ers in faith. The acceptablething
Theonly thingisisfor themto
forthem toeither
or to convert to Islam. Their children are not to be held captive [and nor do 疽心?力y 4 J尹如项坤瑚户cph电洲快邳分
they receive battle gains]? [9:5]

From Zurara, from Abu Ja'far 瀑? who said regarding God's verse 4 When
血 \four\forbidden months are over, whereveryou encounter the idolaters, kill
themy. 'This is the Day of Sacrifice until ten days past the start of the month

23. From Hanan b. Sadir, from Abu cAbd Allah 嗥He said, ‘I heard him say,
"A group of people from Basra came to me and asked me about Talha and
Zubayr, so I said to them, 'They were two of the leaders at the forefront of
disbelief. On the Day of Basra6 when the troops were lined up, All - may
God's blessings be upon him and his family - said to his companions, “Do 崩〃仆螺逐 成"灌赤3』5奴庭匚芋 • *
not rush upon the enemy until I have absolved myself of what is between
me and God and them.”
Then he said, ttO people of Basra. Have you found any tyranny in my
rule?" 参伊JI小块漏,役3勺出 顶I二房卫旧心M二火
They replied, "No.”
He asked, “How about any unfairness in my distribution?w
They replied, "No.”
He asked, “How about any desire for this material world that I have
grabbed for myself or my family instead of you that you need to avenge due
to which you have broken your allegiance to me?” 出务勺以IR Db :JG钏:就〈尹老警涉/
They replied, €No.M
He asked, “Then have I executed legal punishments against you whilst
failing to do so against others?”
They replied, “No.”
He asked, “Then why is my allegiance being violated and not others'? I
have done my utmost in this authority but have only found rebellion and 馈畛0札j克亮I jijii他比i ji & f夕
mutiny therein. Then he turned to his companions and said, "God says in
His Book: But ifthey break their oath after having made an agreement with

6 A reference to the Battle of the Camel.

9. The Impunity

you, if they revile your religion, thenfight the leaders ofdisbelief- oaths mean
X -" -
nothing to them - so that they may stop.夕”
Then the Commander of the Faithfill f/ continued, “By the One wh q;丈诚*寸d y 阡制嘴| W*也'心I
split the seed, originated life and selected Muhammad 例 for prophethood
indeed, you are the ones that this verse refers to," and they have not bee;
fought since it has been revealed.”'”' [9:12] ・T£

24. From Abu al-Tufayl who said, 'On the day of [the Battle of] the Camel, I 心典分/0吨衣oAa >' S "如:J形
heard ‘AH 嗥! motivating people to fight them saying, MBy God, the address­
ees ofthis verse whom this verse refers have never even thrown a kinaya be­
fore this day. Fight the leaders of disbelief that they may stop, for oaths truly
mean nothing to them.”' So I asked Abu al-Tufayl, ‘What is a kinayaT He
replied, cIt is an arrow whose point is made of bone and which some Arabs
.4)lSl UJ \
term kinaya' [9:12]

25・ From al-Hasan al-Basri who said, “Ali b. Abl Talib - may God's blessings
be upon him 一 addressed us on this pulpit, and that was after he had dealt
with the matter of Talha, Zubayr and Wish a [at the Battle of the Camel].
He climbed the pulpit, praised and glorified God, invoked blessings on His .』少^J 仙1 丁 。b /I"
Messenger 槽 then said, "O people, by God I did not fight these people
yesterday for anything other than a verse in God's Book from which I had 也4)13修i * 启缶必! 洪。为白札如,尹场出
abstained. God says: ^But ifthey break their oath after having made an agree­
ment with you, if they revile your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief-
oaths mean nothing to them - so that they may stop.歹 By God, the Messenger
of God, peace be upon him and his family, had made an oath to me and said 瓦寸血妇 &好也赤出"说 撰农#此分*4!
to me, ‘0 cAli, you will most definitely fight the rebellious faction, the fac­

tion violating [oaths] and the renegade faction.,w, [9:12] .Sjiki挫b,竣1强b专硕和| 世侦。他
26,FromcAmmar, from Abu 'Abd Allah 混'who said, ^Whoever reviles this re­
ligion ofyours has indeed disbelieved. God says:《ifthey revile your religion. 血其%彼辑—心做,溟d芦如V
then fight the leaders of disbelief - oaths mean nothing to them - so that they ' Az .. >八・.、

may stop. [9:12]

9. The Impunity

27. From al-Shucbi who said, "Abu 'Abd Allah read:〈 But ifthey break their oath
after having made an agreement with you}> until the end of the verse, then
said,KThese people have not been fought yet, for when the Battle of the
Camel took place {A11 recited it and said, 'The people to whom it refers
have not been fought from the day it was revealed until today.”” [9:12] .冲而*心j「戈妇小i
28. From Abu cUthman, the protege ofBanu Qusayy, who said, ‘I was watching
'Ali this whole year and I never heard him express either adherence to or dis­ li 必冰&? W :供&•心4 Q’W
association [from anyone], whilst I heard him say, "God has given me a pre­
text against Talha and Zubayr who willingly pledged allegiance to me with­ 邳插他J屈5%么也b如曷五:。列舟为用土
out any compulsion, then violated their allegiance without prior cause on my
part. By God, the ones to whom this verse refers have not been fought since cJj么寸' 山 H 以刖心刘宁晶8 f 3夕
it was revealed, until I fought them, <( But ifthey break their oath after having
made an agreement with you, ifthey revile your religion, thenfight the leaders of .应歧会 &事场 二?赂 J2*5. *入-攵 *
disbelief-oaths mean nothing to them - so that they may stop.铲"[9:12]

29・ From cAli b. cUqba, on his father's authority who said, "Mu'alla and I went :J或嗥项"白小:刁尹砂3由了 •"
to Abu lAbd Allah 嗥\ so he said, "Rejoice for you are upon one of the
two beautiful things: God will heal your feelings and remove rage from 切匚?如芥冬切b/寻格为:亦H《峋/科
your hearts, and make you triumphant over your enemy, and this is as per
God's statement:攵 He will heal the believers' feelings.夕 If you pass away be­
fore you see that happen, then you will have died upon God's religion which
He has favoured for His Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, and for 。圳 4JI Jo Jp 裆土 出5 'jJ d' J? g《区/•夕
'Ali 嗥.”'[9:14】

30. From Abu al-Agharr al-Tamimi who said, 'On the day of the Battle of Siffin,
I was standing when I noticed al^Abbas b. RabFa b. al-Harith b. 'Abd
al-Muttalib armed to the teeth. He had a helmet on his head and a wide CX J*, b捉以!OJi 5、「男 :,孑次)V。廿 *r
%meni sword in his hand, mounted on a roan stallion of his. His eyes were
like a viper s. While he was spurring his horse and getting ready for com- 冽允,允,己心&妙或ii y白己叫
,at, someone known as cIrar b. Ad-ham called out from the Sham camp:
atAbbas! Come and fight a duel!"
He replied, w“Dismount then; otherwise it will be impossible to engage.5”'
He said, So the Shami, who was enraged, dismounted saying: "If you 岫& :JB j 以唔"a b :g Cx j'z』J 应 Twl""炒
come on 1horseback, then know that being mounted is our habit. And if you
dismount,, then-J we are a troop well accustomed to being on foot.,n :以凫妇总凹罗•出 Q舞V
Wji j关:如淡 川硬向

392 w
9, The Impunity 如侦初尸b

He said,
J *So 'Abbas flaunted his own might, saying: "This bold man will…
wrest your arrogance away from you, showing off greatness, using the blade
of your own sword and your own tongue, and a deep gash like the most fas­ :g豹心? c/0夜:JG
cinating of words.”'
He said, 'Then he tightened the strings of his armour and tucked thei 卢I 勇挪E/" *盘
into his belt, then passed his horse on to a servant of his saying, "Take him.
I Can almost see the exquisite poetry [i.e. the wounds that I shall inflict on
Then each one rushed towards his adversary, and I remembered the {^| a) 4)c旋 A 4 齿七责寸站
words of Abu Dhu'ayb: "So they dismounted while their horses stood still,
both men veteran heroes at clashing duels.”'
He said, 'They then combated with their swords for a long time since
morning, neither one being able to vanquish the other due to their flawless
armour, until al-cAbbas noticed a chink in the ShamVs armour. So he lunged
towards him with his hand and ripped it from his chest. Then he resumed
his pursuit of him, for now, he could clearly see the tear in his armour. So
al-'Abbas struck him with his sword and pierced his chest muscles.
The Shami fell dead to the ground on his cheek. [Al-cAbbas] then roamed
around amidst the people and made them shout out "God is great!' until the 〈包么出爪夺2七妲! 6分*访"J g场
ground shook with them, and I heard a man say from behind me: Fight
them: God willpunish them atyour hands, He will disgrace them, He will help
you to conquer them, He will heal the believers' feelings and remove the rage
from their hearts. God turns to whoever He will in His mercy.夕, 认项^5孟5 [ h W]柠b 2以0国*心妇
I turned around, and there was the Commander of the Faithful {Ali 横!,
and he said, "O Abu al-Agharr, who fought the duel with our enemy ?w
I replied, “This one - the son of your chie£ al-cAbbas b. RabFa.M
He called out, atAbbas!>,
He replied, “Atyour service?
He asked, "Did I not forbid you, al-Hasan, al-Husayn, and 'Abd Allah b.
Ja far to go into the battlefield alone lest something happens to you?”
He replied, “That is right.” u-u'防 功氏:as 4g力W展,必U w旧,嗥由亦少
He asked, “Then what is left unclear about that?w
He replied, “May I be your ransom, 0 Commander of the Faithful. So
even if I am challenged to a duel, I should not respond?"
He replied, aYes. Obedience to your Imam is better than responding to
your enemy. Mu awiya desires that not a single soul from among the Banu

9. The Impunity

Hashim be left alive without killing them all to extinguish God's light, but J :Jli .dU :J5
God refuses for His light to be but brought to fullness, even if the disbeliev-
ers should abhor it. By God, the men on our side will overcome them, and :d&勺火出侦以3 力^项§谚
others will humiliate them into oblivion until they are forced to beg for their
lives and dig wells, should ±ey come and combat you. So come back with 』也时*•却•成成3』心!
He said, 'The news reached Mu^wiya, so he said, “By God, blood!
Is there any man who will avenge 'Irafs blood?'”
He said, 'So two men from Lakhm volunteered saying, “We will.” 机修。M如uV〈虬拱'四迫*疽义仃'廿即
So he said, "Go both of you, and whichever of you manages to kill al-
cAbbas in a duel will receive such and such reward?
So they came to him and challenged him to a duel. > 一 ,♦ ,

He said, “I have a commander whose orders I obey.”' .D dA) b'L 乂V 官泌J 也

He said, 'So he went to the Commander of the Faithful 嗥!,and in­
formed him of that.
He said, “Exchange your weapons for mine." So he did?
He said, 'The Commander of the Faithful c貌 mounted al-'Abb豆s's horse IK小为叱 W J5质 "31出汕温N困J妁417心
and gave his horse to al-cAbbas, and rode out towards the two Shamis. They
did not doubt that he was cAbbas and said to him, "So your commander gave .o Ijl Ijuw- Q 虚项』I 0块 J 瓦
you permission then?”
He replied, KYes,w then recited: Those who have been attacked are per­ :J6 应Li <顷乂^ 渺5E:J应 e*■&「湿 系砂顷':
mitted to take up arms because they have been wronged - God has the power
to help them.片(22:39) 〈诉因心序少b W另由隰呼》撷。少
He said, 'The first one lunged towards him and it was as if he wrestled
him down, then the second one made for him, and he did the same to him. 鼠W沁『以J决< 3 A以硕:』*叱w,定产
Then he left, saying: 4 sacred month for a sacred month: violation ofsane­
ly [callsfor] fair retribution. So ifanyone commits aggression against you, at­
tack him as he attacked you. *2:194)”
Then he said, K<Abbas, take your weapons and give me back mine.”'
He said, 'The news reached Mu顷wiya, and he said, “May God disfig-
ure that relentless man that he is still standing. Every time I attempt to sur-
mount him, I fail.”
弟匕4 3匕务 痒盘^以
So Amrb. alJAs said, "By God, the failures are the two men from Lakhm,
not you.”
Be quiet, old man!” he retorted, aThis is not your time [to speak].M

396 YAV
9, The Impunity 5烦叶b

He said, “And if God had not taken the two men from Lakhm to His 项壕引酸矶.g-UJII血和迥J| 0金.出
cy [i.e. if they had not been killed] - which I do not think possible! - by
that would be detrimental to your position and a deal-breaker?
He replied, "True. And were it not for [the promise of the governorship
of] Egypt, then it would have been our saving grace."
So he said, “By God, this is what has blinded you, and were it not forthat
[i.e. Egypt] then you would at least be perceptive.'” [9:14-15] 专奇b顼5:出g a|J % 度廖出
31. From Abu al-cAbbas, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥'who said, 'A man came to the 如或业3 心二3万割小心.心工,
Prophet 嘴 and said, "Take my oath, O Messenger of God.”
He replied, “That you may kill your own father?”
So the man took his hand and said, "Take my oath, O Messenger of God.”
He replied, <cThat you may kill your own father?”
The man replied, "Yes, so that I may kill my father.”
So the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family, said, wTo
whom does one who takes a supporter besides God, His Messenger and the .4)1 (yol: :J6 . Jll jljc :Jlii .411
believers incline? We do not command you to kill your parents, but rather
we command you to honour them both.”' [9:14-15] 招I瘩血妇典.项点J小产底刖顶耘普出
32. From Aban who said, *1 heard Abu 'Abd Allah t潺? say, "O young men, be
God-conscious and do not go to the chieftains. Leave them be until they
become followers of others. Do not take fellow men as your supporters be-
sides God. By God, we are better for you than them/ tapping his hand on
his chest? [9:16]
侦T % <创项;I <曰4勺1 I: 4)1 II :JI5 cjll JP E
33. From Abu al-Sabbah al-Kinani who said, 'Abd JaTar 噤 said, "Abu al-Sab-
bab, beware of supporters, for every supporter besides us is an adversary."'

庭§ '四b我,出' 虱:嘿 JI5 :JI5 .rr

9. The Impunity

From Abu Baslr, from Abu cAbd Allah。瘪 who said, "The Commander of
the Faithful, may God's blessings be upon him, was asked, "0 Commander
of the Faithful, inform us of the best of your virtues?"
He replied, “Very well. 'Abbas, cUthman b. Abi Shayba and I were in
the Sacred Mosque when ^thman b. Abi Shayba said, 'The Messenger of 庭 A jiii《d 3 J 丽 灿 〈产
God 嘶 has given me the treasure; meaning the keys to the Ka'ba. And
al^Abbas said, 'And the Messenger of God 律 has given me the job of giving 寸房:c/W J号建& 凰囹 黎 M Jjo jlkpi:qi
water [to pilgrims], which is [charge of] Zamzam, whilst he has not given
you charge of anything, tAli.,w
He said, uSo God revealed: Do you considergivingwater to pilgrims and
tending the Sacred Mosque to be equal to the deeds ofthose who believe in God 寸匕以处顼项密疗说。3化专沙2a
and the Last Day and who strive in God's path? They are not equal in God's

From Abu Basir, from one of the two [al-Baqir or al-Sadiq], regarding God's
verse:《Do you consider giving water to pilgrims and tending the Sacred 於公匕J注M沁血3少嗥施J Wcjl芋
Mosque [...] He said, 'It was revealed about 'Ali, Hamza, Ja'far, 'Abbas and
Shayba, when they were boasting about giving water to the pilgrims and bWb乒刁 小?混'由孑3: 4 3匕^
being gatekeepers [of the Kacba], so God revealed: ^Do you consider^ving
water to pilgrims and tending the Sacred Mosque to be equal to the deeds of :a)y吟:对1 出&ilLJI(J 时!
those who believe in God and the Last Day and who strive in God's path? They
are not equal in God's eyes. God does not guide such benightedpeople.夕 So 'All, 血.A白』斗5由京寸#10京抄
Hamza, andja'far, peace be upon them, were the ones who believed in God
and the Last Day, and they are the ones who were striving in God's path. .舶心
They are not equal in God's eyes? [9:19]

36. From Jabir, from Abu Jacfar 嗥.He said, ‘I asked him about this verse in
God s words: ^Believers, do not take yourfathers and brothers as allies 歹 until
His words: # those who break away.夕[He said,] "As for the phrase < do not
take yourfathers and brothers as allies if they prefer disbelief to faith )>, disbe­
liefaccording to the inner meaning of this verse is the adherence to the au-
thority of the first and the second, and this is disbelief. And His words: < to
faith^ -商th here is the adherence to the authority of'Ali b・ AbiTalib 嗥、 伊码火并<。jyA»岫,加。地坑’档寸心
He said, V those ofyou who do so are doing wrong. [9:23]
.《敏印工电b J人源方矽曲嗥好血

4oo 匕・'
9. The Impunity

From Yusuf b. al-Sukht who said, Al-Mutawakkil was suffering from a se­
malady, so
vere malady, so he pledged an oath to God that if He cured him he would
he pledged 盘纨出5孕山4心艳.・’.,此’
donate much wealth to charity. He was then cured of his illness, so he asked
his companions what to do. They inforined him that his father had donat­
ed eight million dirhams and that he had been seen to donate five million
澎项猊.必M牝项项J &堀她1 r
dirhams, so he should give more than that. So Abu Yahya b. Abl Mansur
al-Munjim said, “What if you write to your cousin ?M meaning Abu al-Hasan
』顼?<j鼻嗥 QI U好-心功JI屯):尸待.
[i.e. Imam al-Hadl]. So he ordered for a letter to be written on his behalf that
he may ask [about what he ought to do], and he wrote to him. So Abu al-
Hasan wrote back: wDonate eighty dirhams.” They replied, “That is wrong.
Ask him where did he get that from?w He replied, “This is from God's Book.
God said to His Messenger: < God has helped you [believers] on many battle­
fields. 夕 And there were eighty such places were God helped His Messenger, 4 做,叫妙如冲札卜岫
peace be upon him and his family. So eighty dirhams in its place is a large
amount of money.”' [9:25]

38. From lAjalan, from Abu 'Abd Allah who said regarding God's statement
《even on the day ofthe Battle ofHunayn. You were wellpleased with your large 七点ng拿,:8曲办e京隰.
numbers, but they were ofno use to you: the earth seemed to close in on you
despite its spaciousness, and you turned tail andfled* '[This referred to] so-
and-so^ father? [9:25]
39. From al-Hasan b, ‘Ali b. Faddal7 who said, {Abu al-Hasan cAli al-Rida r^? 事:M 3 另盘1 嘴 古项
J6:J& cx^J.
asked al-Hasan b. Ahmad, aWhat do you people consider the saklna (calm)
as having been?” He replied, “I do not know - may I be your ransom - what
He replied, "It is a breeze from God whence a fragrance emanates. It has 内,仁 QL3〉I 4^j 3j* I4J (马 渗孙〃应:臾
a form like the form of a human face and it accompanied the prophets. This
is what came down to Ibrahim, the friend of the all-Beneficent when he built
the Kacba. So it made him pick up such and such, and the foundation was
Kjit 心念 JS3l &・ 上^ 尸』
built according to it:” [9:26] ,炽y须
7 Abu Muhammad al-Hasan b. *Ali b. Fatjdal al-Taylami b. Rabi*a b. Bakr (d. 224/838-9),a
pious ascetic and notable companion of the eighth Imam 'All b. Musa al-Rida. See 班出,
Khulasat al-aqwal, 98-9 (nr. 223).

9. The Impunity

From 'Abd al-Malik b. *Utba al-Hashimi8, from Abu * Abd Allah 嘿 on his 汽尹 £
40. d A ya ——-

father's authority. He narrated, (He 嗥 said, "Whoever kills people with his
, 1 to himself when there is someone more knowl-
sword whilst calling them
L_ among the Muslims, is a misleading charlatan.” He said
edgeable than him
this about 'Umar b. cUbayd when he asked him to pledge allegiance to
[Muhammad b.] *Abd Allah b. al-耳asan. [9:29〕

From Zurara, from Abu 'Abd Allah 混.He said, ‘I asked him, “What is the .i\
maximum rate ofpoll tax (jizya) to be taken from the People ofthe Book, and
is there a minimum amount payable by them that cannot be relinquished?”' ,赫 A 必 J 5 ,二^* 腭 di) 5 © 件U
He said, 'So he replied, “No. That is up to the Imam. He can take whatev­
er he wants from each person according to his wealth and what he can afford. 以』3 由 北 U 仔:Jli:J6
Indeed, they are a community who have ransomed themselves instead ofbe-
ing subjugated or killed, so the poll tax (jizya) is taken from them according
to what they can afford to pay towards it until they embrace Islam; for God
says:《until theypay the tax and agree to submit.夕 How can they be made to 川 J?〈项3 -" jl <)切壮;L [jjJ
submit when they are indifferent to what is taken from them? Not until they
experience disgrace as a result of what has been taken away from them and 、心均i Ik己至》9 国泌匕我■逆加1
suffer as a result will they then embrace Islam.”' [9:29]

42. From Hafs b. Ghiyath, from Ja'far b. Muhammad, on his father's authority,
peace be upon them both, who said, 'God sent Muhammad 嘴 with five
swords, of which one was against the ahi al-dhimma? God said:攵 speak
good words to all people. *(2:83)nis was revealed about the ahi al-dhimma,
and was later abrogated by the verse: ^Fight those of the People ofthe Book
who do not [truly] believe in God and the Last Day, who do notforbid what
God and His Messenger have forbidden, who do not obey the rule ofjustice,
until they pay the tax and agree to submit.夕 So whoever from among them
lives in Muslim lands, it is only acceptable for them to either pay the poll

8 'Abd al-Malik b. *Utba al-Hashimi, a companion of the fifth and sixth Imams. He is often
' 闵1烬 U A Ajjll I5§ Lv 村' 处v 茁"磅
confused with his namesake 'Abd al-Malik b. *Utba al-Nakha气 the latter of whom is a re-
liable narrator. As for cAbd al-Malik b. *Utba al-Hashimi, his reliability as a narrator is, ac­
cording to most, undetermined. See Kh^Mu^am, 12:257 (nr. 7314).
91 ne ahi al-dhimma were the non-Muslim subjects living freely in Muslim countries who in
return for paying the capital poll tax (jizya) enjoyed the protection and safety of the Mus­
lim state.

404 £・0
The Impunity

tax (jizya) or be killed, with their property confiscated and their child-Iren tr
(jizya) or be
made captive. If however they agre<;e to pay the poll tax (jizya), then we are
allowed to marry them but not to consume
<- what they have slaughtered. As
嘉hose ofthemin lands at war with Islam, we are allowed to capture them
fbr those ol - -------
but not to marry them. The only option for them is to either pay the poll tax , .财寸或吼汹小典…勺虹
(jizya) or be killed? [9:29]

From ^tiyya al-lAwfi10, from Abu Sa^d al-Khudrl who said, 'The Messen-
Kl/ 4i 土16)4 :jis,混&炒顼了硕好白叫芦 .U
gerofGod,密 said,“'God's * was vehement against the Jews when 孔
------ wrath , … 『
. soni of God; and His wrath was vehement against
said that {Uzayr was the
:*>i 5获,游加妇b沙院**1虹孔质
^Christians when they said that the Messiah was the son ofGod; and His
wrath is vehement against those who will spill my blood and,,hurt:me with
:gUJ心"i W c^Zi\膈J再』心知 W 心洵女
respect to my progeny.'” [9:30] 山 <&lnin 7 廿 施f 扇白| 言Ji
From Yazid b. 'Abd al-Malik11, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥? who said, 'Nothing
will ever express more anger for God's sake than the anger of the cactus and & # :J阡Fj技&陋&好我祝审 .jJ-i
the lotus tree. The cactus used to be like the lemon tree and the lotus-tree
like the watermelon, but when the Jews said "God's Hands are tied,” they
•国〃易^(^后白<0jJu」| Jjb
dropped their load of fruit. Then they shrank and started growing bumps.
Ihen the bumps became larger. When the Christians said, “The Messiah is
the son of God,” they were alarmed, and these thorns started growing from 4i)l J/ j原血炒J芋g J芋. to
them, and they shed their loads again and the spikes became their yield.
The cactus lost all its fruit and will never again bear any until our Qaim re­ .项2当衬项ML凯对5 .硒I*/倾=法口
appears? He said, "Whoever waters a cactus or lotus-tree, it is as if he has
quenched a believer ofhis thirst? [9:30] .仁择&,北 顷” Ar衫
45- From Abu Baslr, from Abu cAbd Allah r瘪 regarding the verse of God, most
High:《They take their rabbis and their monks as lords besides God.夕 He said,
'By God, it is not that they fasted for them or offered their prayers to them,
but rather that they made permissible that which was prohibited, and for-
bade that which was allowed, so they followed them? [9:31]

10 'Agyya al-'Awfi, on whom there is scant information, was a companion ofcAlib. Abi . a' •
See KhtH, Mu'jam, 12:164 (nr. 7721).
11 说zid b. 'Abd al-Malik, about whom there is scant information, was a companion 0 a
Ja'far al-Sadiq. See Khu5, Mu'jam, 21:125 (nr. 13696).

9, The Impunity

In another report on his authority, he said, "But they obeyed them in acts f
46. -&'字3 0罚户侦点9 :心>1声'J如・S
disobedience to God? [9:31]

47. From Jabir, from Abu 'Abd Allah r潺?,He said, ‘I asked him about God's
verse: < They take their rabbis and their monks as lords besides God. > He re­
二^。i提d或 盅jjj苛的L瑚 理国y 苛川
plied, “In fact, it is not that they took them as their gods but rather that
when they made the prohibited things permissible, they accepted it; and
匕1 h史'2瑚匈形垮)仲临j&.«天0&顿 如
when they forbade the permissible things they accepted it. So these were
•舶S 〃 侦总可最勺* !r>j我b色k
their lords besides God.M, [9:31]

Abu Basir also said, *Abu 'Abd Allah said, “They did not call them towards
worshipping them, for if they had done so they would not have respond­
D! S产JJ〈阡孟' A D!漕:L:喉!副y项 J6J® ・£A

ed. However, they made the prohibited things permissible and forbade the
permissible things, so in effect they were worshipping them without even
侦总N冬H 归打侦L ••I

realizing.'" [9:31]

49. From Hudhayfa, *He was asked about God's verse: 4 They take their rabbis
and their monks as lords besides God^, so he said, “They did not worship ex?争‘允/垸允勺Q 我&•吟项I Jy 辿匕
them, but when they used to permit them to do certain things they took
them to be permissible, and when they forbade them certain things they 项A I3lj —J 侦乩夕9 jLu 以炙卜Jli # 用
took them to be forbidden.”' [9:31]

50. From Abu al-Miqdam, from Abu Ja*far t紫! regarding God's statement:《to
show that it is above all [other] religions, however much the idolaters may hate
this*, 'To be such that there will be no one left who has not testified to
Muhammad 建[9:33]

And he said in another report on his authority. 'He said, ^for God to show^
during the raj'a: [9:33]
.4^1 j41lo^:Jl5:^4LP>l> JJ6j .。\

408 3
9. The Impunity 3烦* b

52. From Sama% from Abu cAbd Allah 噢:iltisHe who has sent His Messenger
, ■ ? and the religion of truth, to show that it is above all [other] reli-
with guidance
gions} much the idolaters may hate this, > He said, 'When the Qa^im
emerges there will not be a single idolater who associates with God, the
Great, nor a single disbeliever who will not despise his emergence? [9:33] .顶理杪ji di
From Sa‘dan'2, from Abd JaTar 嗥 regarding God's verse: ^thosewho hoard
gold and silver^. 'This actually refers to that which exceeds two thousand .or
dirhams in value? [9:34]

54. From Mu’adh b. Kathir, the clothes-vendor, who said, ‘I heard Abu 'Abd
Allah c^' say,aOur followers (shfa) are encouraged to spend whatever they
possess in a goodly way, for when our Qa^m reappears it will be prohibited
for anyone who has hoards of treasure to keep it for himself so that he [the
Imam] may come to him and seek assistance from him over his enemies.
And this is the purport of God's statement: # tell those who hoard gold and
silver instead ofgiving in God's cause that they will have a grievous punish­ 京知顼^ &躬夕盘川E贝以淄乙&炎茂项项参
ment. [9:34]

55. From al-Husayn b. cUlwan13, from whoever mentioned it citing Abu 'Abd
Allah as having said: 'The believer can have as much as he possesses to
spend on his family however he wants. But when the Qa^m reappears he 〃 °心<瀑顷o'苛,疚 A心*白皓”・°° 1
should take to him whatever he possesses [and make it available to him to
use however he pleases]. Whatever is left over from that he will use to as­ 心u硕 「灌 l必 g# AJ5
sist him in his mission, and he will have fulfilled the duty that is incumbent
upon him? [9:34]

12 Sa'd如 b. Muslim, whose full name is Abu al-Hasan *Abd al-Rahman b. Muslim al-'Amiri,
was the client of Abu 'Al¥ Karaz b. Ju'ayd and a companion of the fifth, sixth and seventh
Imams. He is the author of one of the 400 pre-canonical books (asl) of Imami traditions.
Mu'jam, 9:104-7 (nr. 5099).
See Khul, MtTjam,
13 Ab。Muhammad al-Husayn b. *Ulwan al-Kalbi, was a Sunni narrator of Imam Ja'far aP
$adiq's traditions. See Flilli, Khulasat al-aqwdl, 338 (nr. 1337).

410 E
9. The Impunity

------ .-14 who said, 'I came to Abu Jacfar on a day of

From Abu Khalid al-Wasiti
doubt as
doubt as to \-------- it was -[the start of] Ramadan and when food had been
to whether
laid out on a table and he was eating, whilst we wanted to askhim about that. }冲心乒湄斗。曲侦I曲,心J勺为内3,
So he said, MHave some food. If it is a day like today, then it cannot be ruled
[as Ramadan] because you can see it [i.e. the moon], so do not fast.” •项冲《勺J 心密;
Then he continued, “My father narrated to me, from,A1' b. al-Husayn,
from the Commander of the Faithful that when the Messenger of God 嘴 R嘴川山七J:隰茂步】苛ex皆0是k:JGF
had succumbed to his illness, he said, ‘0 people, the year consists of twelve
months, of which four are sacred' - then counting on his hands he said, cRa- J&F 3)早4,隽枝 MJ] 0^ 1^,1 b :JI5 4^4 j jjj
jab by itself; then Dhu al-Qa*da, Dhu al-Hijja and Muharram, three consec­
utive months; then this mandatory month of Ramadan - so fast upon seeing IJlAj占乂,私必
it and resume eating upon seeing it. If the moon is hidden, then complete
the prescribed number of days, so Shacban will have thirty days, then fast on
the thirty-first?
Then counting on his fingers, he said, 'One, two, three.' Then he closed
his thumb and said,'。people, then this month and that month.'”
'Ali 惭 said, 'We fasted twenty-nine days with the Messenger of God 嘴 J虬3寸叶曲瑚f憩扇!& f 齿*卜明:吧他
and did not complete it [i.e. to thirty days] and he considered it complete.””

57- From Zurara, from Abd Ja'far 海?. He said, ‘I was with him sitting behind .l*lc oljj 4Ajl "裟'吝 J&V
the Station [of Ibrahim] while he was sat with his legs drawn up to his chest
and wrapped in his cloak facing the Qibla. He said, “Looking at it is indeed
an act of worship, and God has not created any place on earth more be­ 31^ 金& oxp cJT :(嗥'-』W '力J / ,
loved to Him than it,” pointing to the Ka'ba with his hand, “nor anything
more honoured by Him than it since God has ordained the sanctity of the 呵 (J 咒W 山' * 而B 口:J旧,倾'JrJ*
sacred months in His Book: « on the Day when He created the heavens and
earth - three consecutive months and the single month of Rajab for "um-
次'AbrAbd Allah 嗥 said, aShawwal, Dhu al-Qa'da, Dhu al-Hijja and Ra­
jab?" [9:36]

14 AbU Khalid al-Wasiti, on whom there is scant information. See Khu*!, Mu'jam, 22:154-5
(nr. 14245).

412 i\r
9, The Impunity

58. 二一
From_i ‘Abd Allah b. Muhammad al-Hajjal15 who said, ‘I was with the second *A
Abu al-Hasan[i.e. Imam 'Ali al-Rida f^] and al-Hasan b^al-Jahm was there
. said to him, "They dispute with us using God's words, Bless- 件I : 勺K 由 g 顷 场劣花:QI aJ Jli ((Hli
ed and most High: < when the two ofthem were in the cave. >M He said, “And
what benefit is there forthem in that? For, by God, He has indeed said: < and 小以分应其也太顶泗辑N)L.J :JB幻匕^ J 4 SI
GodsentHis calm down upon His Messenger^6 did not mentioned him
[i.e. Abu Bakr] in a positive light there.,n He said, 'I said to him, “May I be
your ransom, this is exactly as they read it.” He said, uAnd that is exactly how
I read it.,n [9:40*]
,申成 安:J&叫芬声jg

59- Zurara said, 'Abii JaTarr瘪 said,的 and GodsentHis calm down up on His Mes­
senger}' (48:26) do you not see that the calm was sent down upon His Mes­
senger -^and brought down the disbelievers,plan.夕'Then he said, "This is
the statement made by 'Atiq, and Halabi narrated on his authority.”' [9:40] 户或匕版匕沁心七&心瓜!峪^
• oljj
60. From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Ja'far and Abu
'Abd Allah r集 regarding His verse: 4 They would certainly havefollowed you
[Prophet] ifthe benefit was within sight and thejourney short but the distance
seemed too greatfor them. They will swear by God, (Ifwe could, we certainly
would go out [to battle] with you/ but they ruin themselves, for God knows that
they are lying*: 'They were able to, but God knew that they would only do it (寸I #鸟指‘ —板比匕J匕亨J电歹:川
if the benefit were within sight and the journey short? [9:42]
.I jfej! Ail 朋户
61. From al-Mughira who said, CI heard him say regarding God's verse ^Ifthey
had, really wanted to go out [to battle] with you, they would have made prepa­
rations^: "By preparations, He means the intention. He is saying, 'If they 声心彳典顼,履g拍由蚣盅芳®兄很心・、'
had the intention to do so they would have gone out [to fight].w, [9:46]
.疡L忍“ j句:Ei顼必I *乖

15 Abu Muhammad Abd Allah b. Muhammad al-Hajjal ai-Mazkhuf, considered very reliable
by Hilli. See Hilli, Khulasat al-aqwal, 193 (nr. 603).
16 The words i His Messenger^ are substituted with (g in the ,Uthmanic codex of the
Qur an. In this verse the object upon whom God’s tranquility descended is indicated by
the Pronoun •him; which the majority of exegetes take as a reference to Abu Bakr, the first
Caliph. However in two instances the Qufan specifies Muhammad as the one upon whom
God's tranquility descends, namely Q. 48:26 and Q. 9:26.

414 £'。
9. The Impunity

From Yusufb. Thabit17, from Abu cAbd Allah 嘿.He said, 'When we went to 2也:出凛小妃a / jg—w ・V
visit him, he was told, “We love you because ofyour closeness to God's Mes­
senger 嘴 and because ofyour right that God has made incumbent upon us. 户必2b 土料履」阡b赤' yj烦敖制Ju 〃所损
It is not because of any share in this world s life that we seek from you that
we love you, only for God's sake and the abode of the Hereafter, and that ,心以3v*'秒亍I 时</Y
each of us may secure his faith.”
So Abu 'Abd Allah said, aYbu have spoken the truth, you have spo­
ken the truth. And whoever loves us will accompany us on the Day ofjudge-
ment like this; holding up his two forefingers stuck together. Then he said, 2 % 弱旬:西一茂 3 b 甘 f
“By God, if a man was to fast during the day and pray the whole night, then
meet God without having adhered to our authority, He will meet him dis­ :aI)I dA!• JS f .一 jl 一j <0% jjo
pleased and disappointed with him.” Ihen he said, “That is the purport of
God's statement:《The only thing that prevents what they give from being ac­
cepted is the fact that they defy God and His Messenger, perform the prayer
only lazily, and give only grudgingly. So [Prophet] do not let their possessions
or their children impress you: through these God intends to punish them in this
world andfor their souls to depart while they disbelieve.夕" .c dJJ :<J& "&
Then he continued, "And such is faith - it cannot be spoiled by deeds;
and the same with faithlessness, which cannot be remedied by mere good
deeds.”' [9:54-55]
.:瀑!期蚌项JG出<午)匕白&3! . v
63. From Ishaq b. Ghalib18 who said, "Abu 0bd Allah 噢 said, wIshaq, how
many people do you think this verse applies to: < they are content ifthey are
given a share, but angry ifnot^n He continued, “More than two-thirds of
people are thus.”' [9:58] 血JB白项或:J上次$切W此瑚w *
64. From Sama'a who said, ‘I asked him about the alms (zakat) - who is al­ 了创第 逾5些新皿钏5:应
lowed to take it? He replied, KIt is for those whom God has mentioned in
His Book:好or the poor, the needy, those who administer them, those whose
hearts need winning over, to free slaves and help those in debt, for God's cause,
子"峋展巧#由0 3/怫由W ①I既
andfor travelers in need. This is ordained by God.少 Alms may be permissible .3)?(犯秒戒*
17 AbU Umayya Yusuf b.Ihabit b. Abi Said, a reliable companion and narrator of Imamja'far
al-5函我diq. See Hilli, Khuldsat
al- Khulasat al-aqwal, 296 (nr. 1101).
18 b. Ghalib al-Asadi who, along with his brother 'Abd Allah b. Ghalib, two relia-

9. The Impunity

for one who has three hundred dirhams and yet prohibited for one who has
fifty dirhams,"'
I asked him, “How can that be?” He replied, “If the one who has three
hundred dirhams has many dependents, and were he to share them out be­
tween them, it would not suffice them; then he should refrain from it [i.e.
the alms] himself but should take it for his family. As for the man with fifty
dirhams, alms are prohibited for him ifhe is single and has a skill that he can
USe to work. Through that he will earn enough to suffice him, God-willing?

65. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥'who said regard­
ing the poor and the needy, 'The poor man is the one who begs, whilst the
needy one is even worse off than him who does not beg? [9:6。] 京盘3匕源匕^夕:黎血妃0勺上出5。J
From Abu Basir who said, 'I asked Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥! about: ^Alms are .c4j> tJLv) ^圳 :(J&
meant only for the poor, the needy […]夕 He said, “The poor man is the one
who begs, the needy one is even worse off than him, and the wretched one
worse off than them both.”' [9:60]

67. From Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abi Nasr, from Abu al-Hasan [i.e. al- 4)1 ill :J耶分 0 ⑥由 <奶〃
Rida]「魏.He said, 'I asked him about a man who bequeaths a portion ofhis
wealth but it is not known how much a portion is exactly. He replied, "Por- ui:js《©1 jS 0! W额禽必宝3匕互I匕块* f凛
tions are eighths. This is why the Messenger of God 建 divided them into § ✓

eight.” Then he recited: ^Alms are meant onlyfor the poor [.•・]» Then he said,
KAportion is one-eighth.”' [9:60]

68. From Abu Maryam, from Abu 'Abd Allah f貌 regarding God's statement:
《Alms are meant only for the poor [...] > Then he said, 'Whether you desig-
nate it for all categories of them or whether you designate it for one group •心如堪侦叫皿*早吁&,'即&
from among them, it has been fulfilled on your part? [9:60]

69. From Zurara, from Abu cAbd Allah. He said, ‘I asked, “You know His verse: :4)y jij :匀:J6 原丁 W 而馈 V
〈应ms are meant onlyfor the poor [...]» -are all of those people to be given
even if one does not know them?" 皿为乒杵河WL露砌屋为参寸归!
He replied, The Imam gives to all of them because they all attest to his
obedience? .4pUJb』页

9. The Impunity

He said, 'I asked him, “And what if they do not know [him]?” W以b霆。,可顶l皿对必Y侦破:4 CJS :J6
He replied, <cZurara, if it were the case that only those who knew [us]
would be given over those who did not know [us], then they would not find
any beneficiaries for it; rather he would purposely give to those who did
not know him in order to attract them to the faith, so that they may remain ・》〃 V叫3, cJ 0义祝|泰小
steadfast on it. These days, however, you and your companions should only
give to those who know [us].,n [9:60〕

From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Ja'far「瘪 who said regarding His
words: < those who administer them*: 'They are the couriers? [9:60]
71. From Zurara who said, ‘I asked Abu Ja’far about His words: ^those
whose hearts need winning over. * He replied, "They are people who have M矶,浏G虫勺侦川&。〃 项农^应I
attested to God's oneness and have left the practices of those who worship
anything besides God, Blessed and most High. They testify that there is no / 朋/& 共气。卜 I* <xmdAis(3 c4jji 山***项食 A 面I
god but God and that Muhammad is God's Messenger, but beyond that they Z

still doubt in what Muhammad 嘴 has brought. So God commanded their 圳阡^ &戾^〈"乂处匚4 §5,馈b J叫砂^亦镂谿晶
Prophet to win them over with wealth and donations so that it may improve
their submission and make them steadfast on the faith they have entered ,4 b项b (孑9^*,节
into and attested to.
On the Day of Hunayn, the Messenger of God 嘴 brought their chief­ )5 J^JCy c/JJJ Cr*项G A件嘴 m 4tj g
tains together with the chieftains of the Arabs from the tribe of Quraysh 命 > > 8 >

and the rest ofMudarr. Among them were Abu Sufyan b. Harb, 'Uyayna b. <y 件 ⑤顷 1 ,七 & 项 十,沙
Husayn al-Fazari and the likes of them from among the people. So the ansar
were enraged, and all of them went to Sa'd b. cUbada [their chief] and set off 敖41)1妇 & z 叫5&而侦白・*"』项* 心点
with him to go and meet the Messenger of God 嘴 atjfirrana.
He said, '0 Messenger of God, do you permit me to speak?' 力队况6:兴.产小*娘& 0揶点IJ尸我J困闵/A
He replied, 'Yes!
So he said, 'If this matter of the wealth that you have distributed among 2 誓<%3项咛 盘U顼皿心顶"心〃
your people is something that God has commanded you to do, then we are
satisfied. But if that is not the case then we are not happy.""
Zurara said, 'I have heard Abuja* far say, “The Messenger of God said,
° assembly of ansdrl Are you all of the same opinion as Sa'd [your chief]?' "盘刈41 •.销 4)1 J^jJG: J兄嗥 U 可力
They replied, God is our chief, and His Messenger too?
So he repeated it to them three times, and each time they said, 'God is
己义件Jgq .板京A * :臾年A — EP 声
our chief and His Messenger too.'

9. The Impunity

Then after the third time they said, Yes, we hold the same opinion and 妙乒由强:现'知就《.必小t J *:dj!^. JJSjf ,勺
statement as him.""
Zurara said, ‘I heard Abu Jacfar say, So God diminished their light and
made a share of the alms obligatory in the Qufan for those whose hearts
needed winning over.”' [9:60] 侦抑可V仲了赤1 *■•【共隰 R U 3 :油)JI5
72. From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from AbuJ^far and Abu
<Abd Allah c^' about < those whose hearts need winning over. > He said, <r[hey
were people whom the Messenger of God won over and to whom he distrib­
uted some wealth?
Zurara said, 'AbO Ja'fhi■嚓 said, "The next time, they came with double
the number of people who had been captured, and many people embraced •七机 L?,糟对"二^5
He continued, uSo the Messenger of God 嘴 stood up to address them 心认I 以卜 心&(J :隰 JG JG
saying, 'Is this better or that which you proposed? They have come with
camel-loads with multitudes more than what I had given them, and so many j5 S衬 (I掠** 1 Aa :cL1x> 4)1 j:J&〈贷
people have embraced Islam. By the One who holds my soul in His Hand, I
wished to have that which I could give as a ransom for every person having 。 圳9 < / 均 U IjSj 力丫 〃 b山
submitted to God, Lord of the worlds.””
There is a similar narration from Zurara, from Abu Ja'far. [9:60]

73- Al-Hasan b. Musa mentioned another angle to this too, that he - without
mentioning a source - quoted a man from among them who said, 'When
the Prophet 例 distributed the spoils from Hunayn - [someone asked]:
aWhat does God want to do with this particular share ?w One of them said to 渺尸g V必J& :电'础叩冬。・ .W

him, “0 enemy of God! How dare you say that about the Messenger of God?”
Then he came to the Prophet 嘴 and informed him of what he had said. So
he 嘴 replied, “My brother Musa was harassed much more than this, and
he was patient.”' S成W孑J5 :曜J或心凶。乂 #创』7蝉3心』心
He said, He was giving away one hundred horses to each man from
among those whose hearts needed winning over.' [9:60] .")乩E尹曲3乱把湄""'"X•蔡

9. The Impunity

From Sama乳 from A"Abd Allah 嘿。r Abu al-Hasan 嘿.He said, ^One 汐Ji 瑚镭创出麟少")孔
of them mentioned that a man went to visit the Messenger of God 毯 On
the day of the spoils ofHunayn while he was distributing wealth to those U dJJjj :可街功' 山J㊂乙 L :a! Jlii jljj c<d5
whose hearts needed winning over, giving each man one hundred horses
and the like. The Messenger of God 嘶 was distributing in the manner he
had been commanded. So that man came to him, and God had let his heart
叫 亲其户'*扑w iM参。顷 却心1
stray and become encrusted, so he said to him, "Ybu have not been fair in
your distribution.” Ihe Messenger of God 禅 said to him, “Woe unto you
”冷顷4 &,参MF,U &妇j
fbr what you are saying! Have you not seen that I have distributed the ewes (心步山3*^巳心心P 的:』尖31Jlii
such that I have no ewes left myself? Have I not distributed the cows until
I have no cow left? Have I not distributed the camels to the extent that not
a single camel remains with me?” So some of his companions said, “O Mes­
senger of God, let us behead this vile man!” So he said, “No. He considers
himself among the people who read the Qufan, therefore he must not be :Jlxi <舛al廿如:以孙t蜩 户于由。顷必I心七:共苛.vo
killed. Someone else will inevitably fight them.”' [9:60]
0 氐.崩上2®^券项 怎大' Cr*L? <3孙:用S
75- From Zurara who narrated the following:'耳umiin and I went to visit Abu .券见贝
Ja'far 嗥 and said, aIndeed we are upon this purifier.” So he asked, “And
what is this purifier?" We replied, "The religion. Whoever is in harmony :4jjl JIS 3却 (以9 if* 3*^' I :出
with us, be they a descendent of cAli or not, we endear ourselves to them;
and whoever opposes us, we disassociate from them, be they a descendent 』好4,沁』歧寸型匕踮此7导>
ofcAli or not? He said, “God's Word is truer than your word - what about
the one about whom God says: # but not so the truly helpless men, women,
and children who have no means in theirpower nor any way to leave*? (4:98)
What about the ones who can only hope for God's mercy? What about those 就^亦项菸’早曲亦&
who have mixed up righteous deeds with bad deeds? What about the people
of the heights? What about those whose hearts need to be won over?”' So 5.占〃—J后庭刁嗥K*』廿邑' 祯:卬
Zurara said, 'Both Abu Ja'far's voice and my own were raised to the extent
that someone standing at the front door of the house would have been able .叫农罚赤I &也硒,列J6吧品(汶知顼出
to hear. After much talk betwppn
between him 《月 tI, he
him 。and ko s ;" t0 me> aZurara, God
would be right to admit you into the Garden;” [9:60]

9. The Impunity

From al-ls b. al-Qasim19, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 who said, 'Some indi­
viduals from the Ban! Hashim tribe came to the Messenger of God 概 and
asked him to employ them in administering the alms for livestock and cattle, jjtim U dX:臾目9瑚侦'站隽小汕7d'砂或嘴*
saying, "This share that God has designated for those who administer the
alms and those whose hearts need winning over should belong to us, for we ,竺Dj 0>&厂^ 近见? 3 妙3)血 g馈』I
are more deserving of it."
So the Messenger of God said, “0 sons of'Abd al-Muttalib, alms are nei­ 时 为 4 再,范ceJLII y &・1:禅珈 Jy-j JIas
ther for you nor me, but I have been promised intercession.” Then he [i.e.
Abu 'Abd Allah] said, KI bear witness that He has indeed promised it” - for 一 y 阡 U—Ia 殖节 X yiti :J阡一 焰
what do you think, 0 sons of'Abd al-Muttalib, that when I take the chain
of the gate of the Garden - do you think I would favour others over you?”, 曷》砰I顷3*115、

77. From Abu Ishaq, from one of our associates, from al-Sadiq 嗥.He said, 'He 芋罗成尽.嗥芦尬洞萨凶&网』芦.VV
asked about the slave who is unable to complete payment of his emancipa­
tion [contract] after having paid some of it? He said, 'It can be paid from the
alms, for God says in His Book: # tofree slaves.[9:60]

78. From Zurara who said, ‘I asked Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥!,“What about a slave
who fornicates?”
He replied, "He is to be lashed half of the prescribed punishment.”’
He said, "I then asked, “What if he repeats it?”
He replied, “He is to be beaten in the same way.勃5 ,
He said, *1 then asked, “What if he does it again ?w
He replied, aIt is not increased from half of the prescribed [number of sbjy 回 gj 旧 廿§ 刀’小 / * :4:JB
He said, 'So I asked, "Does it ever become incumbent to stone him [to
death] for anything that he may do?”
So he replied, uYes, he is killed after the eighth time. So ifhe does it eight J g火a : J邮z盘4同9 w处u :加
I asked, Then what is the difference between him and the free man 心& J m艮出《5 4'向矽四十己
when the deed is one and the same?”

A%'乎s讪 al-b. al-Qasim b. Thabit, a reliable and praiseworthy companion of the

sixthjnd seventh Imams. See Hilli, Khulasat al-aqwal, 227 (nr. 761); Modarressi, Tradition
and Survival, 293 (nr. 108).

9. The Impunity

He replied, “God, most High, has mercy on him from having to bear 号I广! 。撰4 cX 如心・卜3庇应顷白建篇|芋
both the shackles of slavery as well as the prescribed punishment of the free
Then he said, "The leader of the Muslims must pay the price for his free­
dom to his master from the share of the alms kept for freeing slaves.w [go] 人#匕鱼 3斑匕^巍禽匕皿 £匕昌1
From al-Sabbahb. Sayaba20. He said, 'Any Muslim who dies leaving behind a
debt that did not ensue from corruption or extravagance, it is incumbent for
the leader [of is community] to settle it; and if he does not settle it, then he
bears the sin forthat. God says: <(Almsare meant onlyfor the poor, the needy, :JIS苛 利y M jL S A 3 立 5 Cx. Q芋.A •
those who administer them, those whose hearts need winning over, tofree slaves
and help those in debt*; so this is someone who is in debt, and he has a share ,斗薄I 」弓C)A J 3圳 件》〃 Jxju E qi 出决 1^51
due upon the imam. If he withholds it, then he bears its sin.' [9:6。]
JxaJI Q叉 & Ji>JI:JG,矽a田夕y Uj :
80. From 'Abd al-Rahman b. al-Hajjaj that Muhammad b. Khalid asked Abu cAbd
Allah 混 about alms. He said, 'It is to be shared out among those whom God 为:J5.gUilb* 〃 3出顷立少成以心*义;儿明
has designated. The share of those who are in debt is not to be given to those
who make claims like those of pre-Islamic pagan times? J顷成系% :出邮&
I asked, 'What is the claim of pre-Islamic times?' He replied, "When a
man would call out: “0 tribe of so and so,” then cause bloodshed and mur­
der among them. So that [blood money owed] is not counted as the share of 小项,产j旧遂总n苛<c)L: ,唳息呻』户"^必w .AS

those in debt [i.e. when blood money is exacted wrongfully through corrupt
means] nor those who still owe their wives' bridal gifts (mahr)!
He said, 'I would not have known that, except that he said, aNor those
who are careless as to how they appropriate other people's money.”' [9:60]
81. From Muhammad al-Qasri21, from Abu cAbd Allah r瘪,He said, ‘I asked ,坤 K C?治大&J顿典园':邯砂田出上:a :出
him about the alms, so he said, "It is to be shared out among those whom
God has designated. The share of those who are in debt is not to be given to
those who still owe their wives' bridal ffifts
gifts nor to those who make claims
like those of pre-Islamic pagan times."'
20 Al-Sabbah b. Sayaba, brother of*Abd al-Rahman b. Sayaba, was a companion of Imam Ja -
f:r al-§adiq who according to some is an unknown (rnajhul) personality, whose reliability 虹g湖
t?,er%e cannot be verified. See Khul, Mu'jam, 10:98-100 (nr. 5886).
21 We did not find any individual by this name in either Hillfs Khulasdt al-aqwdl or KhWs
Mu'jam. * , -

9. The Impunity

He said, 'I asked, “What is the claim of pre-Islamic times?" He replied, JIS,好JI 4 ?!易壮M:嗥赤2 0勺琴出& a / .Ar
“When a man would call out: ‘0 tribe of so and so, then cause bloodshed
and murder among them. So that [blood money owed] is not to be settled .砂y。尸知j国
from the share of those in debt; nor those who are careless as to how they
appropriate other people's money.”' [9:60]

From al-Hasan b. Rashid who said, 'I asked al^Askarl in Medina about a man
who bequeathed some wealth in the way of God. So he replied, “The way of
God refers to our followers (shVa)!*9 [9:60]

83・ From al-Hasan b. Muhammad who said, ‘I said to Abu 'Abd Allah 混,“A
man has made a bequest of wealth to me [to be used] in the path of God,'
He said, 'So he said to me, “Spend it on Hajj.”' He said, *1 said, “But he be­
queathed it for the path [of God].” He said, “Spend it on Hajj, for I do not 腌 :J 职以 共"罗!&么
know of any of His paths to be better than Hajj.”' [9:60]
<萨引(3 J以 &*i :」困戒庭理诚* :山血
84. From Hammad b. Tthman, from Abu 'Abd Allah t貌,He said, 'I wanted to
entrust someone with some goods to be taken to Yemen fbr trade, so I came .茂弘.@>j &芬J 打
to Abujacfar and said, "I want to entrust so and so with some goods fbr
trade.” So he said to me, “Do you not know that he drinks alcohol?” I replied,
“I have heard some of the believers say the same thing.” So he said, “Believe 整乂配济少寸山CJ;:混久项出出,履 .ao

them, for indeed God says: < he believes in God and trusts the believers.少” He
said, “It means that he [i.e. the Prophet] believes in God and believes the :嗥华@勺白5:。吸匕菲0必*婷J侦炳以匕矣企
believers because he was kind and compassionate to the believers.”' [9:61]

85. From Jabir al-Xfi who said, Abu Jacfar said, “This verse was revealed:
任j典y我g心上产J阡苔 9 ¥以瓯二 :J&
以可3Jj 顷"5
好"ifyou were to question them, they would be sure to say, (We were just
chatting, just amusing ourselves.' Say,fWere you makingjokes about God, His
Revelations, and His Messenger? Do not try tojustify yourselves; you have gone ,瘁 书 顷b,典y嘴舶妇 宓,a四 尹'厘小
frorn belief to disbelief! We may forgive some ofyou, but We will punish oth-
ers・ V He said, 'I asked Abu 'Abd Allah “[What is] the exegesis of this J贝英.必,顼5以 MB :K ” J旧
verse? He said, Its exegesis - by God - no verse has ever been revealed
except with an exegesis? Tien he said, “It was revealed about the two ene­ 尊制j叭必彭摸隽I粉础*
mies of God and ten others with them, making twelve in total. They plotted
against the Messenger of God 嘶 at 'Aqaba and convened in secret amongst
themselves to kill him. One of them said to the other, cIf he comes to realize,

9, The Impunity

we will simply say that we were just chatting and amusing ourselves, and if 少灌块亨i #郊 上瑚沙W \矣旬匕顼sd
he is none the wiser, we will certainly kill him. So God revealed this verse:
^yet ifyou were to question them, they would be sure to say, We were just o\ » :D侦以玉 <哽^ Btw j•叫小 *4, jl j
chatting, just amusing ourselves.^ So God said to His Prophet: ^Say, 'Were
you makingjokes about God, His Revelations, und His Messenger? - meaning
Muhammad 嘴-《d。not try tojustify yourselves; you have gonefrom belief
to disbelief" We mayforgive some ofyou 专 referring to 'Ali if he were to forgive
them two instead of cursing them both from the pulpits, and cursing others
instead. That is the purport ofHis verse, most High: < We mayforgive some
ofyou but We willpunish others.夕”'[9:65-66]

86. From Jabir, from Abujacfar 瀑! [about]: < They have ignored God [...] > He
said, 'They have disregarded God's obedience, so He has ignored them, y 财拱夕:时Ej:嗥由JG:JG修启] .AV
He said, *So he has disregarded them? [9:67]
j枳论妇I』Ai卢iUaiijb 0浏 A N>i芽
87. From Abu Ma*mar al-Sa'di who said, "Ali「瘪 said, "Regarding God's state-
ment:《They have ignored God, so He has ignored them.少 He means that .芸LI b上43〈3 心,衬cM [插号,
they have ignored God in this worldly life and have not acted in obedience
to Him, nor believed in Him and His Messenger, so He will ignore them in
the Hereafter, i.e. He has not set aside a share ofHis reward for them, so they uj.1 &侦苛 春潍南¥淄4 •出Q叫罗寸 .AA

will be disregarded from all goodness.”' [9:67]

88. From Safwan al-Jammal who said, ‘I said to Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥!,“May my
.移3妙 时层加阳以可春罗*心
father and mother be your ransom - what if a Muslim woman comes to me 成I 0Aa % ,呼& JI心山虹I歪出
who knows me fbr my good work and I know her for her devotion to Islam,
her love fbr you and adherence to your authority, but she does not have a
male custodian (mahram)^
He said, "If such a Muslim woman comes to you, then take her along for
the believing man is the mahram of the believing woman," and he recited 山A习起y叫心心5 Z :如隰 Qt.省堂刁v方
this verse:《The believers, both men and women, support each other.夕'[9:7i]
丕j & 土尹虹如,瓦^陌J!
89. From Thuwayr22, from CA11 b. al-Husayn 嗥 who said,4When the people of
the Garden enter into it, and the friend of God enters into his gardens and 灿5 4)cjJj w。。京,心 41尸 口购'塑
22 Thuwayr b. Abi Fakhita [=Sa,id b. *Alaqa], whose reliability is uncertain. Hilli suspends
judgment on him. See Hilli, Khulasat al-aqwal, 87 (nr. 182】

432 trv
9. The Impunity

his houses, and when every believer from among them reclines on his com­
fortable couch, with his servants at his disposal, fruits hanging down within
reach, springs gushing forth around him, rivers flowing underfoot, carpets
spread out beneath him, cushions scattered for his comfort, and servants
bringing him all that his heart desires before he can even beckon them...' He
continued,cWide-eyed maidens will come out to them from the gardens,
and they will stay there for as long as God wills. Then the Almighty will look
down upon them and say to them, "My friends, obedient ones, dwellers of
My Garden in My vicinity, shall I tell you about something even better than :况夹出.财衬“卢风好”腴衬j关
the state that you are in right now?”
So they will say, MOur Lord! What can be better than what we are enjoy­ . LJuSf & JUj灼 b f
ing right now, of whatever our souls desire, whatever bounties our eyes can
enjoy looking at in the vicinity of the Kind One?”
He said, "Then He will repeat the question, and they will say, ^Yes, our
必乡?匕块房顼两切。其嘿 如,f
Lord. Grant us better than what we are enjoying right now." (j 3 渺匕巽 W ⑭韵
So He, Blessed and most High, will say to them, "My pleasure with you
and My love for you is better than and supersedes the state you are in right
He said, 'So they will say, aYes, our Lord, Ybur pleasure with us and Ybur
love for us is better and more pleasurable fbr our souls?
Ihen 'Ali b. al-Husayn 嚓! recited this verse: <( God has promised the be­
lievers, both men and women, Gardens graced withflowing streams where they Juj bl: Joj J lai 叩项 3 3 :J 旧 心
will remain; good, peaceful homes in Gardens oflasting bliss; and - greatest of
a" - God's good pleasure. That is the supreme triumph.[9:72] (: 〃舟扑山)1 J 职勺
9。. From Jabir b. Arqam23 who said, "Whilst we were seated in one of our ses- 出4:也妃应・&落&妇/捻心罗以
sions with my brother Zayd b. Arqam narrating to us, a man approached
on horseback who looked as though he were a traveler. He greeted us with .嗥b帼』白由砺8时■好上八
peace, then stood and said, "Is there a Zayd b. Arqam among you?w
So Zayd said, “I am Zayd b. Arqam. What do you want?" Jj嗥茂明顼WMh出U L事好济3疗|呈•典
The man said, “Do you know where I have come from?"
He said, "No.”

23 We were unable to find any individual by this name in either Hillfs Khulasat al-aqwal or
Mu'jarn. \岫顶b琴心序务好菸:奶必的'
9. The Impunity Rl/B尸〃

He said, “From Fustat in Egypt, to ask you about a narration (hadith)

that I have heard on your authority that you quote from the Messenger of
So Zayd said to him, "Which one is it?"
匕涂一.当寿成公沁矽」丁和上?冶 心己帝& P知
He replied, “The narration of Ghadir Khumm about the sacred authority
So he said, “Son of my brother, let me narrate to you from before Ghadir
Khumm - thatjibra^l, the trustworthy spirit, may God's blessings be upon
him, descended upon God's Messenger 销 with the sacred authority of^I
b. Abi Talib 深!. He called a group of people, and I was among them, to con­
sult with them about it in order to implement it at the right time, but we did 姑》:切>&於0衡血妇心可以瓦* 噂/匕■或
not know what to say to him. He 嘴 wept, and Jibra'il asked him, * What is
wrong, Muhammad? Are you upset with God's command?' /b & Jli 虺 oLjjU ・ «4jjl 山sJ c朋 寸侦?'
He replied, 'Absolutely not, Jibrall, but my Lord knows what I faced
from the Quraysh when they did not attest to my prophethood until He
commanded me to fight them and had to send down an army from the heav­
ens to help me. So how will they ever attest to CA1I after me?' A; J 劣/ 豹(并: J应〈诀el""
So Jibra'il left him and this verse descended unto him:〈S。[Prophet]
are you going to abandon some part of what is revealed to you, and let your
heart be oppressed by it?^>(i】:】2) Then, when we stopped at al-Juhfa on the
way back [from Hajj], and pitched our canopies, Jibra^l brought down this 以2 1/北DJ J曜;义1山七/岬〃蛇
verse:攵 Messenger, proclaim everything that has been sent down to you from
your Lord - ifyou do not, then you will not have Communicated His message -
and God will protect youfrom people. *(5: 67)
So while we were there, we heard the Messenger of God 镂 calling out: j皿s &5 4>心力。]矽胃£> JJ邛共岫》:J阡心演
"0 people! Answer the one who calls to God. I am God's Messenger.” We
came to him hurriedly in the intense heat and there he was, pulling part of K t①寸崩} b &心Vs沙1 外参用3
his garment over his head and part of it under his feet to protect himself
from the heat. He requested for the area under some large trees to be swept;
so any thorns and stones were swept away from under them.
Then a man said, "He has only called for this place to be cleared just as
he is getting ready to leave this world so that he can bring a calamity down
on you today."
尸刀W :圳
When they had finished cleariing, the Messenger of God 律 requested
for the saddles of our horses, and the pillions and saddlebags of our cam-
els to be brought, and we piled them on top of each other. Then we threw

9, The Impunity

a cloth over them, and the Messenger of God 敖 climbed on top of it. He 。由大遢f 必参《S&羔垢I cjIj *1初》:jg
praised God and glorified Him, then said, “0 people, on the eve of<Arafaa
command was revealed to me that I found very difficult to bear for fear of
being disbelieved by the liars, until a warning came to me from my Lord
矣b削2* ZH。为 登H初》:J&《翊)混Ulb』
in this very place if I do not act upon it. Indeed, [know that] I am neither »》:〕阡<抄 必・《』正〃 jmj,顼/项;成〃妫《处
scared of people nor biased in favour of my own relatives.
0 people, who has more authority over you than your own selves?" 也#1)1》:J&. .^^l:yi5«S(ojii» :JB ・ J 汕岬《勺际
They replied, “God and His Messenger.
He said, “0 God, bear witness, and you too Jibra'il bear witness.” He said
these three times, then he took {Ali b. Abi Talib 嘿 by the hand and hoist­
ed him up to himself. Then he said, “0 God, for whomsoever I am master w*杪 3)bU,乏 q—或虹(J2& "J, J]心哉
lAli is his master. 0 God, support whoever supports him, oppose whoever
opposes him, help whoever helps him and disgrace whoever disgraces him.” (3成活(1)!功1? jAj 白硬妃
He said this three times, then asked, “Did you all hear?”
So they replied, "0 God, of course.” jfi 4)l :,•地,ja /V(jl
He asked, “So do you attest to it?”
They replied, “0 God, yes.” A d/vJ' M B y。:心 M Jib 勺 3 ®l^\ 心ji *
Then he said, "0 God, bear witness and you too, Jibra'il, bear witness.”
Then he descended, and we went back to our horses. 七」卜 t gillZq d»« 舄u«j^ ajj 项修子 令匕
Next to my canopy was the canopy of a few individuals from the Quraysh
一 three of them. Hudhayfa b. al-Yaman was with me, and we heard one of the <^4^1 Cx0 aJIj a^Ip 41)\Ia^xL*5 :J奶 (3^*小
three say, "By God, Muhammad is a fool if he thinks that the authority will
last with <Ali after him.M ,CiJlic 3宇,&声,朋必见'顷力
Others said,“ Ydu make him out to be a fool, but do you not know that he
is actually mad, and almost had a fit near Ibn Abi Kabsha's wife?" U a^Jij La U dUlj〈成ly U I :4 9旧
The third said, “He can be whatever he wants; fool or madman but by
God, what he says is never going to happen.” B JJ 4JJI U &l»y以〃 IL L:" J0
So Hudhayfa became enraged at their words, lifted the side of the tent
and stuck his head inside it saying to them, “How can you say that when the
Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family, is right here among
you, and God's revelation is descending upon you? By God, I am going to
匕 很7亮外为网^&点必业:』胚
inform him about your words tomorrow.”
lhey said to him, “"0 *Abd Allah, you were nearby and happened to
0 Abu 'Abd
hear what we said - keep this secret for every neighbour has a trust to keep.

9. The Impunity

So he replied to them, “This is neither a neighbourly trust and nor do [ 符U妒N” &抽 A以〜写早JU、III称神J国
want to be complicit in it, and unless I convey this talk to him I will not hav(re
been true to God and His Messenger. 」j)艾J
So they said to him, “Do what you want then, Abu 'Abd Allah, for by
God, we will swear oaths that we never said any such thing and that you are
falsely accusing us. Do you think he will believe you and disbelieve us when
there are three of us?” 凯岬泸乩:H J旧硕嘴4)1妇件)! 3伊I顺
So he said to them, “I do not care as long as I have fulfilled my sincere ob­
ligation to God and His Messenger, so you can say whatever you want to say.” :寸。叫为据心.以W M才诩
Then he went off until he came to the Messenger of God 嘴 whilst
1Ali was next to him, sitting with the sheath of his sword across his &孩与右笊\匕监匕匕如»
crossed legs. So he informed him of the people's words and the Messenger
of God 嘴 sent for them. 3!由9辱匕L坤出5心博由他虽须竺j J口
They came to him and he asked them, “What did you say?w
They replied, “By God, we have not said anything. If you have heard any­
thing about us then we are being falsely accused.M
Sojibra*!! brought down this verse: < They swear by God that they did not, 潺!块# /成它,决>。如萨西成州
but they certainly did speak words of defiance and became defiant after hav­
ing submitted; they tried to do something, though they did not achieve it [...]}>
Upon hearing this cAli f瘪 said, wLet them say whatever they want, for by
God, my heart is still between my ribs and my sword hanging from my neck. JJub以FL侦B《的廿贝〃鬲 N :嗥a# y\ JB
And if they attempt anything then certainly so will I.M
So Jibra'il said to the Prophet 嘴,“Be patient with what is yet to come.”
Cr•麟 Ji :a^ :J& 如
So the Prophet 嘶 informed 'All 嗥 of what Jibra^l had just told him.
He replied, MThen I will be patient over what has been decreed.””'
Abd 'Abd Allah said, *An old man from among the chiefs said, “If we
were to behave with our people the way that he speaks, we would be worse
than donkeys."' He said, Another young man next to him then said, “If you
were right, then we would be worse off than donkeys:" [9:74]

9 ?。二 Ja far b. Muhammad al-Khuza% on his father's authority who said, 'I
heard AblAbd Allah 嗥 say, “When the Messenger of God 嘴 said what
he said at Ghadir Khumm, and people had gone into their tents, Miqdad was
passing by a group of them who were saying, 'By God, if we were with the
Caesar we would be clad in silk and embroidery and brocade and fine w°
cloths, but
ven cloths, we have
but we been with
have been ----------—
;e in the coarsest
with x of— -c ^nfmo-marse
times, eating coarse

9. The Impunity

food, and wearing coarse clothing until now when his death is approaching, 或也 b i/5?"(5^ b。加 S 也I bLj j5 :'底:JB
his days are coming to an end and his time is up, and he wants to appoint <A1I
after him! By God, wait till he comes to know!'” 顷 L c很4*顶(^上顷卬萍A 山*?。顶 b,面,j b
He said, “So Miqdad went and told the Prophet 律 about that, so he said,
4The prayer will be prayed in congregation.n,
He said, 'So they said, "Miqdad is falsely accusing us, so let us stand up
and swear oaths against him:" 以顶乙匕如割巍 用1血代:嘴④Jlai:J6
So they came and sat directly in front ofhim saying, cMay our fathers and
mothers be your ransom, 0 Messenger of God 禅-No, by the One who Jb 0匕J匕,二^必乡妃^心与Jr-^'匕蹈G
sent you with the truth and by the One who honoured you with prophet­
hood, we did not say what you have heard; no, by the One who chose you 并* # W 心;;3>»J 心' J 匕^多矽JI aU t
over all people.'”
He said, “So the Prophet 嘴 said,'〈血 the Name of God, the all-Benefi- 7〈嘴aJg. * s疝它.必R以v四|罗si?罗冲
cent, all-Merciful. They swear by God that they did not, but they certainly did
speak, words ofdefiance and became defiant after having submitted; they tried .4zi^ *X>j ^bu>-

to do something, though they did not achieve it>* - with you on the eve of'Aqa-
ba, Muhammad, ^beingspiteful was their only response to God and His Mes­
senger enriching them out ofHis bounty.少 One of them used to sell heads [of 好「戈隰贤嘴赤I JjO顼i R :嗥5书庭U出・7
cattle], another their trotters, and another used to twist hair-twines so God
enriched them through his Prophet, then they set their sharp tongues and
iron [i.e. swords] upon him."" [9:74]

Aban b. Taghlib said on his 嗥 authority, ‘When the Messenger of God ap­
pointed "All on the day of Ghadir Khumm, he said, "For whomsoever I am 项J6寸匕*糖食#寻小嗥坛妒
master, ‘Ali is his master.” Thereupon two men from among the Quraysh put
their heads together to plot saying, “By God, we will never submit to what
he has said.”
So the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, was informed about
that, so he asked them what they had been saying. But they lied and swore :< 3 js算赤同最嗥,ay"炀白.v
by God that they had not said anything. So Jibra!! descended to the Messen­
ger of God, peace be upon him and his family, with the verse: < They swear
奶 God that they did not [...]铲'Abu cAbd Allah 嚓J said, “They both turned
away but did not repent.”' [9:74]

93. From al^Abbas b. Hilal, from Abu al-Hasan al-Rida 惭 who said, 'God,
most High, said to Muhammad 潺:《God will notforgive them even ifyou

9, The Impunity

ask seventy times. >. So he sought forgiveness for them one hundred times
that He may forgive them, so God revealed:钮 makes no difference [Proph-
w y 3匕二^ n'H如忌*》‘西戒心*侦瑚日
et] whether you ask forgiveness for them or not: God will not forgive them^
(63:6)and He said: < Do not holdprayersfor any ofthem ifthey die, and do not
stand by their graves^, so he neither sought forgiveness for them after that,
nor stood by any of their graves. [9:80, 84]

94. From Abu al-Jarud, from Abu 'Abd Allah (灌 who said regarding God's .R匕易
words:〈those who criticize the believers who give freely^, All, the Com­
mander of the Faithful, volunteered to go and fill every bucket with dates 妁比?*尹反S 〈嚓! *从井任『5:J6
that he would pick himself. He gathered the dates and brought them to the
Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, and cAbd al-Rahman b. 'Awfwas —U 瑚一痈i <l>UI Jp <3尹(J. u^9' 两碧伊41(J& 侦寥^
standing at the door. He criticized him, as in he scorned him, so this verse
was revealed: ^It is they who criticize the believers who give freely and those J笑g[导屈>我剑夕寸«Aa cJyb
who can only give a little with great effort: they scoffat such people, but it is God
who scoffs at them - a painful punishment awaits them. It makes no difference U也T■盘人二母一^**3讥^―,项>_彼乒冷:』y
[Prophet] whether you ask forgiveness for them or not: God will not forgive
them even ifyou ask seventy times [...]夕'[9:79-80]
95- From Zurara who said, 'I heard Abu Ja'farsay, “The Prophet 嘴 said
to 'Abd Allah b. Ubayy^24 son, “When you are bereaved of your father then
0 句成芋
come and inform me.” No sooner had he died than he came to him and in­
如 4JJI c成& ofli c(jyJi 丹I 〃
formed him, so the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family,
took off his sandals to stand for prayer. So 'Umar said to him, “Has God not
said:《Do not holdprayersfor any ofthem ifthey die, and do not stand by their 己匕盘。切矽:&小我』'W或(W小
graves*?” So he replied him, “Woe unto you, I am only saying: 'O God, fill
his grave with fire, his corpse with fire and burn him in the Fire on the Day
su仲I :如向_建j _见*电旎a* * y
ofjudgement.,,n [9:84]
.Ijt X•顷I .戈心b晚北b,项3
96. From Hanan b. Sadlr, on his father's authority, from Abu Ja'far (潺5, 'A man
firom among the hypocrites died, so the Messenger of God sent a message to
his son: When you are ready to leave [for the burial] inform me." When his
request arrived, they sent for the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family,
J ,潺 went up to them and held the son by the hand during the funeral,.
so he
f <A 5,羽小阳/I七招存供牛*电
24 Abd Allah b. Ubayy b. Abi Salul was one of the chief hypocrites of Medina.

9, The Impunity 如

then walked? He said, 'So 'Umar turned to him and said, “O Messenger of
God, has your Lord not prohibited
,• you
from praying

— over
一虬 any
… of them Whoh
dies and from standing by their grave?" So the Prophet 褶 did not respond
to him? He continued, 'Just as they were about to put him into the grave,,U-
mar again said to the Messenger of God 榭"Has your Lord not prohibited 4)1 j切:域街对I 4>刁,戚心兴心小i我:J£
0U from praying over any of them who dies and from standing by their grave
《because they disbelieved in God and His Messenger and died as disbelievers > ?”
So there upon the Messenger of God、密J said to Umar, Can you not see
that we have neither prayed funeral prayers over him nor stood by his grave? ,板为a如?
Then he said, “His son is indeed one of the believers, and it is his right over us
that we must fulfilL” So 'Umar said to him, “I seek refuge in God from God's "& < ji & a) Li 为歹4由』' :以,/旬常 ^j3l Jlsi
displeasure and your displeasure, O Messenger of God.'” [9:84]
•必■加 I 滨;Je*J K
97. From Muhammad b. al-Muhaji?5, from his mother Umm Salama who said,
‘I went to Abu *Abd Allah 瀑! and said to him, “May God make you prosper .4JJI Jt 4JI (2x* -
-a woman from the Murjfites accompanied me [on Hajj]. When we entered
al-Rabadha, the people (i.e. the Sunnis) all entered the state of ihram and
she did too along with them, but I delayed my ihram until al-'Aqiq. So she
said, '*u ShFa! You oppose the [majority of] people in everything: the
people enter the state of ihram in al-Rabadha and you enter into it at al-
'Aqiq. Similarly you differ from the people in the funeral prayer: they say
uAllahu akbaf four times whereas you do it five times'; and she was calling
upon God as a witness that the funeral prayer has four takblr!1 So AbrAbd
Allah 喔)said, aWhen the Messenger of God 盛;used to pray over the de­
ceased person, he would say lAlldhu akbar^ then recite the shahdda [decla-
ration of God's oneness and Muhammad's prophethood], then say lAlldhu
.住)l <1411 由jl 4jil> 廿j <L^ <8项
akbaf and invoke blessings and supplications on the Prophet 镯,then say
Allahu akbaf and seek forgiveness for the believers, then say ^llahu akbaf F •茶页"口| & A现嘴加也j .嗥义9项。国
and supplicate for the deceased person, then finally say lAlldhu akbaf and
finish. So when God prohibited him from praying over the hypocrites, he
would instead recite1Allahu akbaf and the shahada, then say "Allahu akbaf
and the invocation of blessings on the Prophet, then lAllahu akbaf and the

25 Muhammad b. Muhajir [sic.] b. 'Abid al-Azdi, about whom there is scant information, is 岩
garded by Hilli to have been a reliable narrator. See Hilli, Khulasat akaqwdl, 25。(nr・ 84 •

9, The Impunity 如

supplication fbrthe believers, then 'Allahu akbaf at the end without suppli,
eating for the deceased person, [9:84]

From Jabir, from Abu Jacfar who said regarding His verse: < they prefer to
be with those who s列础泌如'With the women.' [9:87]
:(JUi(<或伊 项检。七侦习,:板苫以),展"*'罗芋
99- From 'Abd Allah al-Halabi. He said, ‘I asked him about His verse: < they pre­
fer to be with those who stay behind. > So he said, “[With] the women. They 寸四 疔土厂 项》:J "力Cj'SjcdjjP迎 叫:臾"“LiH
would say, 'Our houses are exposed; whilst their houses would be towards
the end of the other houses where people would go to detach themselves.
So God called their bluff saying: < They only desired to run away^(33:13)for
they were tall and safe houses in reality.”' [9:87]

100. From cAbd al-Rahman b. Harb26 who said, 'When the people went forth
with the Commander of the Faithful 瀑! on the way back from Siffin, we
went forth with him, and he took a different route to the one that we had
taken on the way there. When we reached al-Nukhayla and could see the 电02寸成?顽晚早参好成。却吵氏Q以g
houses of Kufa in the distance, there was an old man sitting under the shade
of a house with signs of illness on his face. So the Commander of the Faithful 匏,嗥#9项硕,W侦g 艮只我8也卜W风
approached him, and we went along with him. He greeted him with peace,
and so did we. He replied so courteously that we assumed that he had rec­
.4?/ j5 对 Lki中A*
ognized him. So the Commander of the Faithful said to him, MWhy is it that
I see your face looking feeble and pale? How did that happen? Is it from 麟新p《j 《J :嘿"危"J旧
He replied, "Yes.”
Then he asked, “You probably find it unbearable
So he said, MI do not like it to affect me so much.” 峪找如]:jis .次】T少质:JUi
He said, "Consider it a goodness that has befallen you." He continued,
Rejoice in God's mercy and His forgiveness of your sins. Who are you, 0
.[如:JG] &•乩胡
servant of God?”
So he replied, al am Salih b. Sulaym.” 奇牛2】J 3: 5走知彼*:换
He asked, wFrom who [i.e. which family] ?w

26 We could not find any individual by this name in either of Hillfs Khulasat al-aqwal or
KhuTs Mu'jam.

9, The Impunity

He said, “I am originally from Salaman b. Tayyi\ but my affiliati

conversion was through BanI Sulaym b. Mansur.w ° 引汁 尸&疽3 b毋'岛寥嚣见J艮勺惊出守:JUi
So the Commander of the Faithful「貌 said, “What beautiful nam ernes you,
your father, your grandfathers, and forefathers have! Have you been present
in these conquests of ours?" # 广b <小土1 <山1 尸j j—>•' l* :隰 的孕切i J lai
He replied, “No. Despite wanting to, the agitation of this fever has pre­
vented me from them.” j*即L 页 叫。j 可 N:J/ &心Lu匕争网岫己乒1
So the Commander of the Faithful recited: ^there is no blame attached
to the weak, the sick, and those who have no means to spend, provided they are ci
true to God and His Messenger - there is no reason to reproach those who do
good: God is mostforgiving and merciful^ - "What is the people's opinion
about all that is going on between us and the people of Sham?”
伊方哉?A W勺匕企以:部河顷J国
He replied, There are those who are secretly pleased and malicious
about what is going on between you and them, and they are the most de­
ceptive of people towards you.”
So he responded to him, aYbu are right.”
He continued, “And there are those who are dejected and enraged be­ .di) b" <dA! 3 :J5
cause of all that, and they are the sincerest advisors towards you."
So he 嗥 said to him, wYbu are right. May God make your ailment a j*-!,〃 JfeT* Jjl :4 J Ini
cause of reduction in your mistakes, fbr although there is no reward to be
gained from illness, it does not leave the servant with any sin without reduc­ jji出b juii字 y万勺1 %,必 M伤 W &苴,说j心
ing it. Indeed, reward lies in speaking with the tongue and acting with our
arms and legs, fbr God will admit throngs of people into the Garden as a re­ .aLLI L [lit]以展I & \j 矽(3心^ mi jli
sult of their sincere intention and upright conscience? * [9:91]

101. From al-Halabi from Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu
Jacfar and Abu cAbd Allah, peace be upon them both, who said, 'God holds
people to task with only that which He has given them and with which He 笆* 顶f 5 用! 4项f颅衣“3小Aii
has acquainted them. Then He sent a messenger to them. Then He sent
down a scripture and gave them instructions and prohibitions therein. He
idklifljl 虬 tl:Jldi * 3乂狄 嘴 4)1 j刀 <盘9 V
commanded the Messenger of God to pray, but he fell asleep. So He said,
“lam the One who makes you sleep, and lam the One who wakes you up. 心 *5"成典如,为y 支应
Perform the prayer when you wake up so that they may know what to do if
the same thing happens to them. It is not;as they , think,. that one is ruined if .硕Z dlLii见(拓i成 克顼"择I,拓
one jfalls asleep. Similarly with the fasting person: I am the One who makes
him fall ill,,and21am
I the One who restores him to health. He should repay

9. The Impunity

[the fast] whenever I cure him.” This is the case if you look at all situations -
you should not find anyone to be constrained, and you should only find that th;
[to be true] when God has proof against him, and He does as He wills?
He continued, 4So do not say that they can do as they please and refuse >
to do what does not please them/ He said广God causes whoever He wills to
stray and guides whoever He wills. He has only charged His servants to be
observant of their efforts. Every single thing that He has commanded peo-
pie to do and that they take on, their capacity fbr it is increased. And they
are exem]ipted from all that they are prevented from doing, but people have * 夕:1 Y顷 沮
no goodness in them?
Then he recited this verse: ^there is no blame attached to the weak, the
sick, and those who have no means to spend* - he said, 'He has exempted
them from that which the good-doers have to do, and God is all-Forgiv-
ing, all-Merciful. ^And there is no blame attached to those who came to you
匕耳侦' 方® 土我奏她快危快竺•匕少
[Prophet] for riding animals and to whom you said, 7 cannotfind a mountfor!: they turned away with their eyes overflowing with tears ofgriefthat they
步.撰击场心幺【匕必•村 山顼奄i
had nothing they could contribute.夕'He said, 'He exempted them since they ・方£"核g*!仔。曰:匕火竖顶砂■l如
could not find anything to contribute.《The ones open to blame are those
who asked youfor exemption despite their wealth and who preferred to be with :妙0!《岩,淄我抽二&现匕!*:J标
those who stay behind. God has sealed their hearts: they do not understand'^
i He said, 'He has imposed it on them because they can afford it. < The ones 摄史前匕块时勺件出戊以^
open to blame are those who asked youfor exemption despite their wealth and

who preferred to be with those who stay behind* 一 He makes them open to 舟jcH1,;簇足以旧
reproach because they can afford it, and not《those who came to you [Proph­
et] for riding animals and to whom you said, 7 cannotfind a mountfor you": 也&.上£ s如y出寸颈匕机抽* **
they turned away with their eyes overflowing with tears ofgrief that they had
nothing they could contribute.夕'
He said, “Abd Allah b. Budayl b. Warqa* al-Khuza4!27 was one of them?
102. From cAbd al-Rahman b. Kathirwho said, 'Abd 'Abd Allah 嘤 said, ‘0 'Abd
al-Rahman, by God, our followers (s康a) are not prone to committing sins
A匕少向Jy光gjj ©心白顼如a 6 A心9 W*

27 sources cite 'Abd Allah b. Yazid as the narrator but this is a transcription error. See
'Abd Allah b. BudayFs biographical entry inlbn al-Athir, Usdal-ghabafim^rifat al-saliaba
(Beirut: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2012), 642 (no. 2835).

9, The Impunity

and mistakes; they are God's chosen ones whom He has selected for His re­
ligion,,and this is the purport of God's statement: *< there is no reason to re­
tch those who do good.夕'
proach 夕[9:9i9i]〕
.「:j&s计小' Qe m顼笑匕匚苏质必以y,成
From Dawud b. al-Husayn, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嘿.He said, ‘I asked him
about His verse: < But there are also some desertArabs who believe in God and .产:呼成匕心 ©-14jijj .、y
血 Last Day and consider their contributions as bringing them nearer to God\
-will He reward them for it?' He replied, %s・' [9:99]
魅泌IB务鬲〉制M: ,瀑制好』/修叫b/』w
In another narration on his authority, €Will they be rewarded for it?' He re­
plied, ^es! [9:99] 七呻代以心.务
105.;,From Abu 'Amr al-Zubayri, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗅 who said, 'God, E :嗥 .出y』jam 〃 用1 * d函:h
Mighty and Exalted, races the believers just as one races horses on the day
of a horse-racing competition? y斜归镑和4)金臾二夕膈> *
I asked, 'Rll me about how God commissions the believers to compete
in faith? He replied,〈God's verse:《So race far your Lord's forgiveness and @最匕SI明匕J分:询却菸皿 项项 亦5
a Garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for those who believe
in God and His messengers.歹⑸⑵)And He has said: ^And those in front - 煎g匕独危卬初瑟M晶匕项:询慢堀硕
i ahead indeed! For these will be the ones brought nearest to God夕(56:io-】i) and
《God will be well pleased with the first emigrants and helpers and those who
followed them in good deeds, and they will be well pleased with Him.夕 So He
/应M 专心■痣j 和於。匕
犬小状瓦分QL^}・衬询顷.出& f ,产^ 5、
begins with the first emigrants (muhajirun) based on their precedence, then
secondly the helpers (ansar), then third, those who followed them in good
deeds. He places each group according to their levels and positions in prox­
.。心"jS 衬&"
imity to Him? [9:100]

106. From Muhammad b. Khalid b. al-Hajjaj al-Karkhi, from one ofhis associates, 项或乒峪的传3京电决w .'六
which he referred to Khaythama, who said, ^bu Ja'far 嚓! said about God's
verse: ^who have done some righteous deeds and some bad ones: God Tnuy 京拙、必 刍nik^sA为 :相成甘淳'伞
well accept their repentance aThe way well^ here from God is obligatory,
and it has actually been revealed about our ShVa who commit sins.”' [9:】°2]

9. The Impunity

From Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abi Nasr who without mentioning his
source cited the Shaykh [Musa al-Kazim] as haying having said regarding God's
verse:、 have done some righteous deeds and some bud ones.》He said
c[It refers to] the group of people who committed sins such as killing Hamza
加匕F〈丈成>*如3/P H 3以知由-js <4竺云^5
andJ^faral-Tayyar, and repented thereafter/
Then he said, "But whoever kills a believer is not granted the opportunity
化£少财必'*杪'如顶毒伊必.凶:J6 F
。 I ' I * *
t0 repent. It is only that God does not want to thwart His servants, expec­ 州券.0
tations of Him, so He gives them hope in it.' Either he or someone else said,
'The ^tnay wcll^ from God is binding. [9*102]
赫b土 3茅曲瘪 施疽苛,卜u.如b'jj wW .\*A
108. From al-Halabi, from Zurara, Humran, and Muhammad b. Muslim, from one
ofthe two [al-Baqiror al-Sadiq ]that he said, ‘The phrase < one who confesses . 质
to his wrongdoing^ refers to people who have confessed to their wrongdo­
ings, having done some righteous deeds and some bad ones? [9:102]
“始 4jjljLP U (J顷宗 J6 :JIS /W •'
109. From Abu Bakr al-Hadrami who said, 'Muhammad b. Sa'id said, “Ask Abu
'Abd Allah 瀑! [on my behalf] and convey my statement to him. Tell him: T SdAJy Jyj < jjjJb Jylj 〃 Ub 字项进』Jb y 板
adhere to your authority and disassociate myself from your enemies. I be­
:J6 补。也 以武灌 :JG
lieve in the Divine decree, and is my opinion on it the same as yours?'”
He said, 'So I conveyed his statement to Abu cAbd Allah 嗥? and he
shook his hand saying,《they have done some righteous deeds and some bad 〃 Q顶l*::J6戒兀铛公微如巨^二^5匕
ones: God may well accept their repentance.夕'He said, "Then he said, “I do
not know him to have been among the adherents of the Commander of the .嗥(>?少项4项
I said, “He claims that Hish我m's authority is not endorsed by God.” So he
Jju>. 4)11)\ UHa) U : JUi 顼心更 f 也。虬* J 在甘
replied, “Woe unto him! What is wrong with him? Does he not know that
God made a government for Adam and a separate government for Iblis?”'
饱 >八3初平可

110. From Zurara, from Abu Ja’far 混 who said regarding God's verse: <^And 房si *心曲赤I另寄隰i 』7小,w
there are others who have confessed their wrongdoing, who have done some
righteous deeds and some bad ones* 4They are sinning people who make
mischief despite their faith - sins that the believers would consider shame-
ful and abhorrent; and those are the ones whose repentance God may well
accept? [9:102]

9. The Impunity

From Zurara, from Abu Ja’far 混.He said, 'We said to him, “Whoever is
in harmony with us, be they a descendent from £AlIor not, we endear our­
selves to them; and whoever opposes us, we disassociate from them, be they 京)I : w 〃 &妇i由e 1 .顼项怎* 〃心板函匕
a descendent ofcAll or not.M He said, aZurara, God s Word is truer than your
word - what about the ones who have done some righteous deeds and some
bad ones?”' [9:102]

112. From cAli b. Hassan al-V^sip28, from one of our associates, from Abu ‘Abd 、'Y
Allah 隰.He said, ‘I asked him about God's verse: # 血 order to cleanse and
purify them [Prophet], accept a gift out oftheirproperty > - Does this apply to
“ - - 一 1 _________ 11^ TT_________ l! J r ■
the Imam after the Messenger of God 袒 as well? He replied, “卷s.”‘ [9:103]
113. From Zurara, from Abu 'Abd Allah 澳• He said, ‘I asked him about the
verse: < In order to cleanse andpurify them [Prophet], accept a gift out oftheir
property^ - is this the same as ^Pay 血prescribedalms^V He said广He said, /站T项;^妃乒夕:核:aJ cJ5 :JIS<嗥!制孑寸W小:W *
“Alms (sadaqd) is from crops and cattle, whereas the prescribed alms (zakdf)
is from gold, silver, and the alms of fasting.”' [9:103] 匕顷J 3冒I :J&:JK〈尚盼5,:妙顼#电1^
114. From Jabir al-Jucfi, from Abu Ja*far who said, 'The Commander of the
Faithful 嗥 said, “I was donating a dinar to charity one day, when the Mes­
senger of God 锥 told me, 'Do you know that no sooner does the believ­
er^ charity leave his hand than it breaks the jaws of seventy devils, and no 匾白以:瀑! 仲顶JG :J& c隰U•十』芋,®
sooner does it land in the beggar's hand than it lands in the Hand of the Lord
Himself, Blessed and most High? Does He not say:〈Do they not know that 参〃彦、范只u' cjf 镂* Ju a典小*
it is God Himselfwho accepts repentancefrom His servants and receives what
is givenfinelyfor His sake? He is always ready to accept repentance, most mer- 勺烦顷危#矛蚤/I』双,矛》血『(/芦"%
必•匕纣匕^ >小株项打炒:可。众窟帛W
115. From Mucalla b. Khunays29 who said, cAbu 'Abd Allah 隰'went out on a night
when it was drizzling, heading for the Bani Sacida shelter. So I followed him

28 Ab。al-Hasan *Ali b. Hassan al-Wasiti al-Qasir, who lived to over a hundred years of age.
was a very reliable and trustworthy companion of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq. See BiWi, Khulasat
cJij jS 4JJ(3 f瘪朋y项寸出白・A
al-aqwdl, 182 (nr. 541).
29 Ab。‘Abd Allah Mu*alla b. Khunays (d. 133/750), the protege of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq, is
considered by Najashi and Ibn al-Ghada^ri to have been extremely weak and someone
t0 whom the heterodox ghuldt inclined heavily. However, there are differing opinions

9, The Impunity

and found that he had dropped something, and was saying, "In the Name of 3论夕』七:其白尸,产h :Jlii £Uc
God. 0 God, return it to us.” I approached him and greeted him with peace.
He asked, “Mu’alia?”
I replied, aYes- may I be your ransom."
He said, ttFeel around [on the ground] with your hand please, and hand
me whatever you find there."
外(山忽山膈方应,必1:公.垢其预,* —
I found many scattered loaves of bread, and began passing him a loaf or .孑舟I
two at a time. He also had a sack that he was struggling to carry, so I said,
“May I be your ransom - let me carry it for you. He said, “I should be the one JI参,坟圳3^? 应出所倒卬&・血琳
to carry it, not you, but you can walk with me."
So we came to the Bani Safida shelter and found some people asleep 如克"出勺/M d夕寿3界:』A 131参2户&
there. He began to slip a loaf or two under their coverings until he had given
to the last of them. Then we left, and I said to him, “Are these people aware 4% jjU- a!j V、W*(5^z .如启!一 涉1屏9—X 巩 也优顷
of this?"
He replied, “No. If they came to know, it would be incumbent upon us to JW?(3以电项湄 <皿占奶灿;刁曲应土)N
give them salt as well. God has not created anything without an owner who
treasures it, apart from charity. That is kept by the Lord Himself Blessed 制也§ ,顷以以/顷应4勺“&〈处岬板&项f /Li域
and most High. When my father used to donate anything, he would place it
in the beggar's hand, then take it back momentarily, kiss it, smell it, then re­ JJJI 3、胰见刃朋闿5、曲应己璀丁顷戒0程顶(P
turn it back to the beggar's hand. And that is because it lands in God's Hand
before it even lands in the beggar's hand. And I too wanted to kiss it because jui 为以9 胃圳 cA5
it had touched God's Hand as well as my father's. Charity given in the night­
time extinguishes the Lord's wrath, wipes away great sins, and facilitates the
Reckoning [on the Day of Judgement]; whilst charity given in the daytime
causes an increase in one's wealth and lifespan.”' [9:104]
应瑚成气岳顼孑房/ u :J6・隰 .''1

116. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from AbrAbd Allah who said, 'Every sin-
gle thing has an angel in charge of it except for charity, for that lands directly
into God's Hand? [9:104]

concerning him due to the fact that there are traditions in which he is both praised and
blamed. According to Shaykh. al-Tusi,
.-.2 he was not only praised by Imam al-§adiq but was
also one(of his most loyal supporters. He was killed by the Abbasid governor of Medina,
DawUd b,AH. See Hilli, Khuldsat al-aqwdl, 408-9 (nr. 1652); Modarressi, Tradition and
Survival, 326 (nr. 142).

9, The Impunity

妇小•出,嗥"苛履W&白.K/K%Jy ,
From Abu Bakr, from al-Sakuni, from Ja'far b. Muhammad on his father's \'y
authority, on his forefathers, authority who said, 'The Messenger of God 嘴
said,aThere are two actions that I do not like for anyone to assist me in: my
j 〃 晒 a* " 9 、。及:嚏;加
minor ablution {wudu3} for it is for my own prayer, and my charity from my
own hand into the beggar's hand, for it lands directly into the Hand of the
all-Beneficent.w, [9:104]

118. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from one of the two [al-Baqir or al-Sadiq]
131 义2 s ck 有:,嗥 .\\A

who said, 'When cAli b. al-Husayn, may God's blessings be upon him, used
to give to a beggar, he would kiss the beggar's hand. He was once asked,
归 3栓 出 SdAJS J-Ad (浏JI 也
“Why do you do that?” He replied,aBecause it lands in God's Hand before
even His servant's.” He also said, “Every single thing has an angel in charge jis赤危§ /侦9施顼]M或*•膏Y瑚/川:询也
of it except for charity forthat lands directly in God's Hand.” Al-Fadl said, “I
think he even kissed the bread and the dirham.”' [9:104] ・8项土叫痼也
119・ From Malik b. cAtiyya30, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 who said, “Ali b. al-
Husayn f貌 said, “I have been guaranteed by my Lord that charity does not :呼义2" 3 *出:J4嗥南[凶由化皿W ・N

land in the servant's hand before it lands in His Hand first; and this is as per
His words:《it is God Himself who accepts repentance from His servants and :JLuAlyjAj心①双京心山由
receives what is givenfreelyfor His sake.»' [9:104]

120. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from one of the two [al-Baqir or al-Sadiq]. He
said, 'He was asked about the deeds and whether they are exposed to the
Messenger of God? So he replied, "Without a doubt.” He was asked, “Have
you considered God's verse: ^Say [Prophet], 'Take action! God will see your
actions - as will His Messenger and the believers*?” He said, “God has wit­
nesses on His earth.”' [9:105]

121. From Zurara who said, ‘I asked Abu Ja'far about God's verse: < Take ac­
家招页匕& 条心农为卜命:小西白侦:』也
tion! God will see your actions - as will His Messenger and the believers.夕 He 如叫3:J&巽履利
said, “Do you want to see 'Ali - he is the one in your soul.”' [9:105]

30 Abd al-Husayn Malik b. *A|iyya al-Ahmasi al-Bajali, a reliable companion and narrator of
Imam Ja far al-臆diq. See Hilli, Khuldsat al-aqwal, 277 (nr. 1009); Modarressi, Tradition
and Survival, 316-7 (nr. 133).

9. The Impunity

From Yahya b. Musawir, from Abu 'Abd Allah 澳.I said, 'Narrate a hadith <^1 以-R :仙 &4雄由 J :白bjU 白•芟/ ・'N
to me about 'All'
He said, 'Would you like the detailed version or the summary?' .1;郁& 项火 女弟"P心早眼此心出山
I said, <rIhe summary?
So he said, “Ali is the gate of guidance. Whoever goes ahead ofhim is a 丸3 财'苛上 T么顷'5佻瑚:出.羽
disbeliever and whoever lags behind him is a disbeliever.
I said, 'Tell me more? 砖| 砂■汶 芒N £ & 灿嗥去(jli决;
He said, 'On the Day ofjudgement, a pulpit will be raised up on the right
ofthe Throne with a staircase of twenty-four steps. Then4All will come with
the flag in his hand, which he will hoist up and then climb up onto it [i.e. the
pulpit], and all people will be presented before him. Whoever acknowledg­
es him will enter the Garden and whoever rejects him will enter the Fire/
I said to him, 'Find it for me in God's Book? ,嗅。音凯尹《匹码 品招翻必二4
He replied, cVery well. It is what this verse speaks about. He, Blessed and
most High, says: < God will see your actions - as will His Messenger and the
believers^, and by God, this is lAli b. Abi Talib? [9:105] 朋d尸j 决。以"I V 5 :黎时寸户 .\仃

123. From Abu Basir, from Abu lAbd Allah 嗥 that Abu al-Khattab used to say, J尸[尹以:嗥' 血岫项wi心弟1
‘His community's actions are displayed to the Messenger of God 嘴 every
Thursday? So Abu cAbd Allah 嗥? said, "That is not how it is, rather the com­ 4)1 Jy Itjll-j Iaj\j\《p?,以 心芒X 敖厢
munity^ actions are displayed to the Messenger of God 袍 every morning,
both the good people's as well as the bad, so be careful; and this is as per 牧』巾
God's statement: # God will see your actions - as will His Messenger and the
believers, y [9:105]
:勺以4)1 Jy苛:JI5,唉甘苫<2七・互V .\H

124. From Muhammad b. al-Fudayl, from Abu al-Hasan 帐?. He said, 'I asked
him about the verse of God, Blessed and most High: # God will see your ac- 瓦小制.<母禹强招夕心知必少
tiow - e will His Messenger and the believers.* He replied, “His communi­
ty8 actions are displayed to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and
his family, every morning, both the good people's as well as the bad, so be
careful.M, [9:105] \”

125. [From Zurara], from Burayd who said, ‘I asked Abu cAbd Allah 惭
about God s words:《Take action! God will see your actions - as will His Mes­
senger and the believers so he said, “Not a single believer or disbeliever dies
and is put in his grave without his actions being displayed to the Messenger

9. The Impunity

of God 嘴 and 'AH 混,so carryron [working hard] until the last one whose 奶制可dr4卢如》'杪混3嘴如尸讪临窈*
obedience God has made obligatory for His servants.〔9:1。5〕
126. Abu <Abd Allah 嗥'said, <and the believers^ - they are the Imams? [9:105]

127. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥 who said regarding: ・由况^有:嗥义旧项询 .\n
<(Take action! God will see your actions - as will His Messenger and the believ­
ers^, 'God has a witness on His earth, and people's actions are displayed to
the Messenger of God, peace be upon hirn and his family. [9:105] 夕彖了业*'夕以1s顶&嗥点2 e芋卜顶 ZY

128. From Muhammad b. Hassan al-Kufi, from Muhammad b. Jacfar, on his fa­
ther J^far^ 嘿 authority, on his father's authority who said, 'On the Day
of Judgement, a pulpit will be raised up to the right of the Throne with a
staircase of twenty-four steps. Then cAli will come with the flag in his hand,
which he will hoist up and then climb up onto it [i.e. the pulpit], and all
people will be presented before him. Whoever acknowledges him will enter
Paradise and whoever rejects him will enter the Fire. The explanation of that
is in God's Book:《Take action! God will see your actions - as will His Mes­
senger and the believers.歹 He said, 'By God, this is the Commander of the
Faithful cAli b. Abi Talib, may God's blessings be upon him? [9:105]

129. From Hisham b. Salim, from Abu lAbd Allah 喋? who said regarding the
verse: ^And there are others who are waitingfor God's decree "These are a
group of people from the polytheists who shed the blood of Muslims then ・嗥也项3省J如户. J&发品码Si夕匕用
embraced Islam thereafter; so they are waiting for God's decree.' [9:106]

130. From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from AbU Ja'far and Abu 法点必会岳以盘血嗥国¥项州"队也
'Abd Allah 部 who said, 'The ones waiting for God's decree are a group of
people who fought [the Muslims] in the battles ofBadr, Uhud, and Hunayn;
they sided with the polytheists then embraced Islam later on. So He may ei­
ther chastise them or pardon them? [9:106] \r
"S NG < 嘤 ajj I y 边 <J. 0 "力芦
. 2 1化

3侦* b
9, The Impunity

From Zurara, from Abuja^far 惭 who said regarding God's verse: ^And
ps" &匕切决411其4,混'圭a芦哦其 \r\
there are others who are waitingfor God's decree*, They are a group of pol­
ytheists who killed the likes of Hamza, J^far, and other believers. Then they
j &泌 1 〃 y pLkj 坤,雄 &:ji;"
embraced Islam afterwards and professed God's Oneness and abandoned
polytheism. They did not believe seriously enough to be considered believ­
ers and be mandatorily admitted into the Garden, but nor did they disbe­
lieve to the extent that they should necessarily enter the Fire. So they re­
main in that state awaiting God's decree? [9:106]

132. Humran said, ‘I asked Abu ‘Abd Allah about the truly helpless people. % 歹共 g 5 :/ 嗥血y 2 白L / J& .m
He said, “They are neither believers nor disbelievers, and they await the de­
cree of God.”' [9:106]

133. From Ibn al-Tayyar who said, 'Abu {Abd Allah 嗥 said, “People fall into six
categories - three of them are classed according to belief disbelief and mis­ .\rr
guidance, fbrwhom God's promise holds true in that He has promised them
either the Garden or the Hellfire. [Altogether] they are the believers, the
disbelievers, the truly helpless ones, the ones awaiting God's decree, those
who have confessed their sins but have mixed righteous deeds with wrong­
doings, and the people of the heights.”'

134- From Zurara, from Abuja'far who said,those who are waitingfor God's
decree^ were some polytheists who killed the likes of Hamza, Ja'far, and
people of their like. Then they entered into Islam, professed God's Oneness 坤<£上孑埠如次/勺 海I:出,嗥'k J苫而质, \Xt
and left polytheism. They did not truly recognise faith with their hearts so
as to be [classified as] believers whereupon the Garden would be mandatory
fbr them, but nor were they persistent in their rebellion that they be disbe­
』I疝机&件y q m毋"y顷g洗P
lievers and necessarily enter the Fire. So they remain in that state - He may
either chastise them or pardon them?
f盘Jp灰&耳衬4 冷少dr* '灰「以 以必"
AbrAbd Allah 嗥 said, 'He will consider them with His judgement? He
said, I asked him, “May I be your ransom - how are they sustained?w He re­
. * 或印Z•拿口,g我> K,舟衬* '山
plied, “However God may wish.”' •海南火邵
Abu Ibrahim [i.e. Imam Musa al~Kazim] said, 'These are people whom
He has stalled until He will consider them with His judgement? [9:106]
.知』b瑚对K原 小 琴部

9. The Impunity

From al-Harith, from Abu (Abd Allah 瀑!. He said, ‘I asked him whether
亍:典〈奶U孩%火『B・&L 凛&项/电出/ \ro
there was a state between belief and disbelief? So he replied, {Yes, various
states. If he rebels in any of them, then God will throw him face down into “9啬| /勺皈应况y屈顷心心y J出匕?
the Fire; whereas there are others among them who await the decree of
God, and others who are truly helpless, others who have mixed up right­ 粉菸:』y 1*4岂咚/G上)冲⑶户
eous deeds with wrongdoings, and yet others about whom God says:〈 men
on the heights. [9:106]

From Dawud b. Farqad who said, ‘I said to Abu cAbd Allah ^Al-Marqum
cited the virtues of‘AH to them, so they said, ‘We do not know if that is true 隰由务出以少:嗥%y小山:皈旧却寸- \r\
or not? He responded, "Give respite.” He said,〈 there are others who are
waitingfor God's decree either to punish them or to show them mercy. God is
:J6 :JIS. dll 上 cdA!
all knowing and wise, y [9:106]

From al-Halabi, from Abu *Abd Allah 嚓.He said, ‘I asked him about the
mosque ^foundedfrom itsfirst day on consciousness ofGod. )> He replied, “[It
is] the Mosque of Quba.w, [9:108]

138. From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Jac£ar and Abu .15年3 : J困#小,占丘
‘Abd Allah (貌 who said regarding His verse: < a mosquefoundedfrom itsfirst
day on consciousness ofGod^, lit is] the Mosque of Quba. As for His words: \ , t 1 \XK
£ You should ratherpray in it* it means rather than in the mosque [founded 板 / ? MJ I仍 寸 WL
on] hypocrisy, which was on the way when he went to the Mosque of Quba. >
He would stand and spray it with water infused with fragrant berry leaves.
Then he would lift his clothing away from his legs and walk flush towards the
side of the path hurriedly, and disliked his clothing from getting wet? 砂&决5 8蝴4* b孕:J咨3罗年“尹'
S。I asked him, 'Did the Prophet 残 used to pray in the Mosque of
Quba?' He replied, %s. He was staying at Sa'd b. Khaythama al-AnsarFs
Then I asked him, 'Did the Prophefs Mosque have a roof?' So he replied, ,q o 史 6 *
No. Some of the companions would ask him, “Will you not roof our mosque,
O Messenger of God?" He replied, “It is a shack like Mus^s shack.”' [9:108] 少 :JG SIS (J

470 tv\
9. The Impunity

From al-HalabI,from Abu cAbd Allah who said, CI asked him about God's 4)测 N: J国可街则 &2
verse: # in this mosque there are men who desire to grow in purity.夕 He said,
"They were those who love to purify themselves by cleansing themselves be­
fore the ablution (wudu1) by washing themselves with water after using the
lavatory? He said, “This verse was revealed about the people of [the mosque
of] Qpb瓦”'[9:108] 。匕^ :ci荷由E /由匚出凛血好』/,尹/ .\YA

140. In a narration oflbn Sinams, on his authority he said, ‘I asked him, “What ,顷W如 / 31^心以o' b洪 顶:出.包,^ 5宴
kind of purification is that?” He replied, “Cleansing oneself before wudu*
when any of them used the lavatory, so God commended them for their de­ ,侦W秘。* 3 :隰J6 :询.以
sire to purify themselves.”' [9:108]

141. From Zurara who said, 'I did not like to ask AbuJ^far f瘪 directly about the 131 :JBS 次以 以孔:』dJ5:JG(嗥!! 9 <jL- j\ 社9 也
raj'a, so I broached the subject through a subtle question by which I would 2 、 . «-
get my answer. So I said, “May I be your ransom - tell me about someone
who is killed: can he [be said to] have died?” He replied, “No. [Natural]
death is death, and killing is murder.”
He said/So I asked him, “Can anyone be killed and be said to have died?” ll JLI 5 勺孑:JG/
So he said, ttZurara, God's words are truer than yours, for He has distin­
guished between them in the Qur^an saying: # Whether you are killed for 匀1N : J&〈匕如滚』岳以
God's cause or die,(3:157) and < Whether you die or are killed, it is to God
that you will be gathered. )>(3:ls8) It is not as you are saying, Zurara. Death
is death, and killing is murder. And God has said: < God has purchased the
persons and possessions ofthe believers in returnfor the Garden - theyfight in
God's way: they kill and are killed - this is a true promise given by Him in the
Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur'an. Who could be more faithful to his promise 他网玄j 3匕5。>出,归是 y 节‘
than God? So be happy with the bargain you have made: that is the supreme
triumph.尹 有,cP乒b 史少孟Ijjb <1*15魅患网成/夕1少"宠项
He said, 'So I said to him, “But God says: Every soul will taste death
(3.185)一 so are you saying that the one who is killed does not taste death?"'
He said, 'He replied, “The one who is killed by the sword is not like the
•础《旺心耳)破 眼我 Q如,词做
one who dies in his sleep. The one who is killed must be returned to life so
that he may taste death.”' [9:111]
浏 b £、cp b心 11 古 J? Cr4 川•典
・Ojtl Jji参邸』夕

472 tvr
9, The Impunity

142. From Abu Basir>from Abujacfar 混,He said, ‘I asked him about God’s verse: . '钉
攵 God has purchased the persons and possessions of the believers in return for
the Garden -they fight in God's way: they kill and are killed - this is a true .J略她鼻:J5寸W 撰&心房盘氧
promise given by Him in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur an.. Who could be
morefaithful to his promise than God? So be happy with the bargain you have 孙N :嗥项仙探必—01叫匕盼:十ilj f:J6
made: that is the supreme triumph.夕'He replied, aIt refers to the covenant,
He said, <rThen I read to him: ul~tuyibuTi ul^ubidun,: those who turn to God &户&寿以5皿。寿 jL吨他:寸顷』(&“顼 宓白将顶
in repentance; who worship and praise Him...夕 So Abuja'far said, “No, read
it as < al-td^ibin al-rabidin > He also said, "When you see these people, then •短邳寸芽仲项L件&田
you will understand that these are the ones whose souls and possessions
have been purchased from them, i.e. during the rajfa. [9:111]
U :J6《—土妙"基 0 — 3项’ / "序 u*. 芋 £cr*^' u. S .MX
From Muhammad b. al-Hasan, from al-Husayn b. Khurrazad, from al-Barqi
regarding this particular narration, after which he said, 'Every single believ­ •由参顶心质质宜项^,竭&确!抄
er experiences both a death and a killing. Whoever dies is resurrected that
he may be killed, and whoever is killed is resurrected that he may experi­
ence death? [9:111]

144. From Sabbah b. Sayaba regarding God's verse: <( God has purchased the per­ f: J6寸« &七舟 法四* : J也时*f :。阡出
sons andpossessions ofthe believers. / He said, "He said, "Then He goes on to
describe them saying: < those who turn to God in repentance; who worship .put* 据
and praise Him; who bow down and prostrate themselves; who order what is
good andforbid what is wrong and who observe God's limits. Give glad news to
such believers.He continued, "They are the Imams, peace be upon them."' JhJI顼斗说老有 5 棉血y侦苛w位次挪妇/ , \£。
军雅⑶# 土,冬七灯勇顼,孑'»口*圳小JG
145- From cAbd Allah b. Maymun al-Qaddah31, from Abu 'Abd Allah t瘪 who
said, When 'Ali would set out into the battlefield he would call out with 岫成少! ■为、'顶成心项破
these supplications: “0 God, You have shown me one of Ybur paths where-
in you have placed Your pleasure and have urged "Your friends towards it. 好4洲;砰3 a衬此gw 3孑咛加
Ydu have designated it to be the noblest of Your paths in Your regard, the
worthiest reward and the most beloved course to You. Then Ybu purchased 国崭心虫财3旧齐&也' 心陌'凋凋m
31 'Abd Allah b. Maymun al-Aswad al-Qaddah, client of the Banu Makhzum, was a reliable
transmitter of Imam Ja'far al-$adiq's traditions. See Hilli, Khulasat al-aqtual, 197 (nr. 614);
Modarressi, Tradition and Survival, 145-50 (nr. 12).

474 tvo
9, The Impunity

from the believers thereupon their souls and possessions in return for the 弘顼垸彖习小M>可山J ,嗥丰用Iy了 .
Garden, that they may fight in God's way, to either kill or be killed-this is
a true promise. So make me one whose soul you have purchased, and who
then fulfills to You his pledge that he has made with Ybu, never turning back
on it, breaking it or altering it in any way." [9:111〕

146. From <Abd al-Rahlm, from Abu Ja'far 嗥?• He said, cHe recited the verse:
可,心<>• j 芦i & S关祺心工康乳\出
《God has purchased the persons and possessions of the believers in return for
the Garden^ and then said, “Do you know what it means?” So I replied, 决与也I
KThat the believers should fight, then kill and be killed:” He continued, "No,
it is that whoever from among the believers dies, he will be returned to life
that he may be killed, and whoever is killed will be returned that he may ex­ q 成^ &jl**1 (j4 :&嚓!! 4)1^^ qI 罗 cX , \tv
perience death. This is the Divine decree so do not spurn it.'” [9:111]
E以 占 占J*时 *短给SM!项颊心均
From Yunus b. 'Abd al-Rahman, from Abu 'Abd Allah 既? that he said, 'If
someone arrests a thief then pardons him [then that is up to him], but when .藐5乒勺HNYD!辿项洲9林少以演成分••血
it [i.e. the case] is taken to the imam, he can amputate him. A grant of par­
don can only be given before he is referred to the imam? This is what God's
words:顿ho observe God's limits* mean. So if the case goes as far as the b 5说l•:嗥! My项其:他诚户苛2对』白矿U芦
imam to penalize, then no one has the right to let him go? [9:111]
. < <筮氐如 秘济W撰'涉!分瑚启殉歹决缺E 4
148. From Ibrahim b. Abi al-Bilad, from some of his associates who said, 'Abd
'Abd Allah 嚓 asked, "What is the opinion of the majority on God's verse:
^Ibrahim only asked forgiveness for his father because he had made a prom-
ise to I said, “They say that Ibrahim had promised his father that he
would seek forgiveness for him.”
He said, “That is not the case. Ibrahim made him promise that he would
submit [to God] then sought forgiveness for him, but when he realized that
he was an enemy of God, he renounced him.”' [9:114] 如:剑出
149- From Zurara, from Abuja* far He said, ‘I asked about His verse: ^Ibrahim
was t^der-hearted andforbearing. > He replied, “The tender-hearted is one ・、°・
who supplicates a lot.”' [9:114] 版旻声3会a A :其,*疗Q2奶狎
150. From Abu Ishaq al-Hamadanl, from a man who said, 'A man was praying KJ ji:J应〈砂W成两城菸产:为.吵田3儿
next t0 me and he sought forgiveness for his parents who had died in the

9. the Impunity &侦,〃 A
, l So I said to him, ttYbu are seeking forgive、
state of pre-Islamic paganism,
parents whilst they died in the state of paganism?” So here-
ness foryour
\ .
plied, albrahimi too sought forgiveness for his father.” I did not know how
, 匕芸匕^ :板匕闻七5^斗―丫 ―侦! 丁匕了[
respond to him, so I mentioned it to the Prophet 禅;then God revealed:
《Ibrahim only askedforgivenessfor hisfather because he had made a promise ,4)^1*1**^ (4) J Jc-《I oU U.: 七小
t0 him, but once he realized that hisfather was an enemy ofGod, he washed his
hands ofhim. > He said,K When he died, he realized that he was an enemy of
God, so he stopped seeking forgiveness for him.”' [9:114] 尹。加b顼以出J B:嗥' 另心:白•由w . \o\

151. From <Ali b. Abi Hamza who said, 'I said to Abu al-Hasan [al-Kazim], 匕^卜“4加照G》:。阡旭*舟^疝:其孔邕
u Your father had informed us of his descendant after him, so why do you not
also tell us?” So he took my hand and shook it, then said: < God would not 心书、s dm ,3: 《彼d第郭工以
allow to stray those He has already guided [to thefaith] before making entirely
clear to them what they should avoid, y He said,4Then I dropped my head
drowsily, so he said to me, ttNo, do not accustom your eyes to much sleep
for they are the most ungrateful part of the body.”' [9:115]
京箔匕夕奇IE芦隰制岫U 应顶y芦.w
152. From 'Abd al-A'la who said, ‘I asked Abu 'Abd Allah r潺? about God's verse:
4 God would not allow to stray those He has already guided\to thefaith\ before 彼匕芸第雾空斌U匕项
making entirely clear to them what they should avoid.少 He said, “Until He
makes known to them what pleases Him and what displeases Him.” Then he
said,wHowever we would censure a believer for committing something in
ignorance that God Himself does not excuse from [lay] people. Stopping in W心D知顷心旧b W 火国顷:J阡
= the face of ambiguity is better than rushing headlong into destruction, and
= desisting from narrating a report that you have not memorised is better for 〈心.初cr以弘也j 初)'力4 (基"b
= you than transmitting a report you have not accounted for. Every truth has a
= reality above it and every correct course a light. Take whatever corresponds
with God's Book, and whatever contradicts it cast it aside. Many people in
this world, however, will not cast it aside.”' [9:115] 肿队夕搭我£也板细
153. From lAli b. Abi Hamza, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嘿.He said, ‘I asked him
about God s verse: ^And to the three men who stayed behind.夕 He said,
, ..A / > Ml
“Ka'b, Murara b. al-RabF and Hilal b. Umayya.'” [9:118]
。 :奶务测

9. The Impunity 、
From Fayd b. al-Mukhtar who said, 'Ab矽Abd Allah 嘿 asked, “How do 戒土如 W :喋! JIS:J& ..<
id this verse from the Chapter of the Impunity: jAnd
y0U read ^And to the three men
who were i “ behind^? He said, 'I said, Fey were left behind." He said, “if .《典« :cJS出转宾插灯观皿;
they were left behind, then that would mean that they were in a prior state
of obedience."' 屏.卜早 心火顽<J. - &也J,d质i宾《/:JG
Al-Husayn b. al-Mukhtar added to this on his authority, And if they had
been left behind then there would be no blame against them. Rather they
opposed {Uthman and his two companions. However, by God, no sooner
did they hear the sound ofhooves and the clanging of weapons than they ex-
claimed: 'We are coming., So God let fear encompass them until they came
to their senses? [9:118]
必 J二以* 孑 cl ,产心 qQ 项 J”: JU: JI5 . \oo
155. Safwan said, Abd 'Abd Allah r^S? said, wAbu Lubaba was one of them, mean­
ing one of ^the three men who were left behind^ [9:118]

156. From Sallam, from Abd Ja'fai•嗥 regarding His verse:〈He turned to them
in mercy in orderfor them to return [to Him].少 He said, 'He acquitted them,
but they did not repent? [9:118]

157. From Abu Hamza al-Thumali who said, "Abu Jacfar \ said, “0 Abu Hamza,
only those who truly know God worship him. As fbr those who do not know
God, it is as if they worship other than Him; that is how they stray.” 成岳心4JJIJ修k讣业:黎Ar项出。倾" .\ov

I said, “May God make you prosper - what is true knowledge of God?”
He replied, “It is to believe God and believe Muhammad, the Messenger
of God 格 about the adherence to 'AH and taking him as the Imam, as well
as the Imams of guidance after him, and to disassociate from their enemies
unto God. This is true knowledge of God:"
He said, *1 asked, “May God make you prosper - what one thing can I do
产4)1^1小项b,。俱b 6办钩仲为嗥J州4
to perfect the reality of my faith ?w
He replied, “Take God's friends as allies and His enemies as enemies.
Then you will indeed stand with those who are true as God has commanded
you to be.”' :喋J ' 妨崩lewJ:纣乖
火y耳a cJQl .招现必七
He said, I asked, "So who are God's friends and who are His enemies?
He replied, “God's friends are Muhammad, the Messenger of God, 'All 坎用必9命项新
・4)1 21 I氐声。璀I/J
al-Hasan, al-Husayn, 'Ali b. al-Husayn, then the authority passed on to us,
then to my son Jacfer>M pointing to Jacfar, who was sitting there, "Whoever

480 is\
9, The Impunity

adheres to these has indeed adhered to God and stands with those wh【,0 are
true as God has commanded him to do.”
I asked, “May God make you prosper - and who are God's enemies?” 』顷一伞?,以力s ? 3白西
He said, "The four idols.'"
He said, 'I asked, “Who are they?”
:4 :JI»祠*地勺I :J& <4)|皿侦血|曲务.芬'
▲ AW W*» • 7 — --------- r

.. Ruma’,Na’thal, and' Mu^wiya,"

He replied, *KAbu al-Fasil, 32 and those
・ ' • ・,.
who follow their creed. So whoever takes them as enemies are indeed ene­
mies of God's enemies.”' [9:119]

Al-Mu^lla b. Khunays narrated that AbiTAbd Allah (潺? said regarding His
158. .4)1。1山|
verse:,^standwith those who aretrue)> in their obedience/ [9:119]

From Hisham b. cAja!an who said, 'I said to Abu cAbd Allah 嗥?,UI want to
ask you about something that I would not need to ask anyone else after you. 4么琪Ji E簇* '核寮嗥%岭项芹白.艮0刀 .\0A

I want to ask you about the extent of faith that people cannot afford to be
ignorant of.”
So he replied, “To bear witness that there is no deity but God, and that
Muhammad is God's messenger; to attest to what he brought from God, to
establish the prayer, pay the alms, go for Hajj, fast in the month ofRamadan,
1顼以> JLJ 出&孜 L4 :喉! a!) I 0,山5 :J&心乂R(&> 芦 ・'g

adhere to us and disassociate from our enemies, and that you be with the
veracious ones;" [9:119]
<命t/M占\ °圳此y芋以11』地
160. From Yalqub b. Shu'ayb, from Abu 'Abd Allah(潺? who said, ‘I asked him,
扃I心b 土 k力兆奇I妇I食也岳内⑷冲:JUi
K If something were to happen to the Imam, what should the people do?” He
replied, "They should be as God has commanded: ^out of each communi­ # 3 侦! b cbJ 如羽 b
ty> a group should go out to gain understanding of the religion, so that they
can teach their people when they return and so that they can guard themselves
.伫b务 布山
against evil. )>”'
He said, ‘I asked, uWhat will their state [i.e. the people waiting] be?” He
replied, “They will be absolved.”' [9:122]

32 The first of these three names refer to Abu Bakr, *Umar and ,Uthman respectively. Abu
al-Fasil;; both bakr andfasil share similar meanings:
Bakr was sometimes referred to as Abu al-Fasil
namely a young weaned camel. Others have claimed that Abu Bakr's agnomen before his
sil, and that the agnomen Abu Bakr was assigned to hi?
conversion to Islam was Abu al-Fasil,
after his conversion.
:ion. As for Ruma', it is simply an anagram of the name *Umar. Na t a :
said to have been the name of a rash and short-tempered man, i.and since *Uthman shared
these attributes he was covertly referred to by this name.

9, The Impunity

161. Also on his authority in another narration, What is your opinion about 'out aa
community whose Imam has died - what should they do?' So he said to me
4 Have you not read God's Book: < out of each community, a group should go
out to gain understanding of the religion, so that they can teach their people
遂、定» & J哭妙.舞e注
when they return and so that they can guard themselves against evil.铲 I said, ,愈乂工》:婷山绍亳盈!乏也
'May I be your ransom - what about the people who are waiting for the
group who have gone to gain an understanding of religion to return •巽,广出〈裨或:山出
He said, 'So he said to me, “May God have mercy on you - did you
know that there were two hundred and fifty years33 between Muhammad
and ^sa 溟.So the people who died on the creed of Isa whilst waiting for ・'V
Muhammad's creed will be rewarded twice by God.”' [9:122]

162. From Ahmad b. Muhammad, from Abu al-Hasan al-Rida r^1. He said, cHe
wrote to me saying, “Our followers (shi'd) are those who follow us and do :D J w : J & 勺如制^ gx J*- JJ 反』g (Lui:
not oppose us. When we are in a state of fear, so are they. And when we feel
secure, they do too." God has said: ^ask those who have knowledge [of the 二>li 勺奴"0^*4*^ 辰七上 功 I J*。心 B \a\ c4jjl
Reminder] ifyou do not know^ (16:43> 21:7> and ^out of each community, a
group should go out to gain understanding ofthe religion, so that they can teach •以1 q氏,嘴妄么E蚓〈妍 *&
theirpeople when they return and so that they can guard themselves against
即让.夕 Ybu have been obligated to question and to refer to us, but we are not
obliged to respond.”' [9:122] but :嗥)句1另心』芋&白京/・
163. From ‘Abd aI-AcIa who said, ‘I said to Abu ‘Abd Allah 喋?,“What [do we do] ,筑!冬n 顼》:冰椅甘地心匕蜡卬国垸
when we hear about the Imam's passing away?”
He replied, wYbu must hasten out.”
I asked, "All of us together?”
He replied, KGod says: < Out ofeach community, a group should go out to
^ain understanding ofthe religion, so that they can teach theirpeople when they
return and so they can guard themselves against evil.夕”
I asked, “What if we leave and some of us die on the way?”'
_ He said, 'So he replied: #. and if
< f 一

leaves homej as a migrant towards

“ anyone
“ _______
God and His Messenger and is then overtaken by death, his rewardfrom God
is sure.少(4:10°)
形隐 a W> 血 JI w" :4 项件:JS
33 The number ofyears which elapsed betw
een *Isa and Muhammad is clearly false in this tra-

484 即
9, The Impunity

I said, “What if we were to go to Medina and find the rightful 0,

this authority under house arrest, and have no access to him?"
He replied, "This authority can only be established by a manifest diirec-
tive> whereby when you enter Medina and ask: To who did so and so be-

queath [the authority] after him? They would say: To so and so.”' [9:122] &夕呼 £ 攻I 廿 m —u? 匕疝:eg
164. From Abu Basir who said, CI heard Abu Ja'far f灌 say, "Gain understanding ling 〃 J!:心^心人'邑人现想圳尹,B外乂妙强/勺1山ohJS
of the religion, for one who does not do so from among you is like a desert
Bedouin. God says in His Book: ^they should go out to gain understanding
ofthe religion, so that they can teach their people when they return and so that
they can guard themselves against evil.[9:122]
165. From 'Imran b. 'Abd Allah al-Qumml34, from Jacfar b. Muhammad 嗥! who
said regarding God's verse:《Fight the disbelievers near you^>, 'The Day- .#芮弓入J*,:4/ J!(眼' 8房:包SQ j共mi j她顷
lamis.,3S [9:123]

166. From Zurara b. A'yan, from Abu Jacfar 嚓 who said regarding: ^But, as :小我勺侦赤I Jy d武貌队3人w,歹奇2白2顷W・e
for the perverse at heart, each new Sura addsfurther to theirperversity^y *[It
adds] further doubt to their existing doubt? [9:125] ,#如:4 例谜分
167. From Thalaba, from Abu 'Abd Allah who said, 'God, Blessed and most
High said: Messenger has come to you from among yourselves )> This is 心或义插匕电嗥丁掘的质v *
about us. He said: < Your suffering distresses him^ - this is also about us. He

B said: 0e is deeply concerned.for you 少-also about us. And: ^Jull ofkindness
an^ mercy towards the believers.歹 He said, "This fourth phrase is shared be-
tween us and the believers, but the previous three phrases are exclusively
about us? [9:128]

" “/
碍出W套匕心史冼:JB ##

34 Inirin b. Abd Allah al-Qummi, about whom there is considerable difference of opinion, .g板3侦。乙®户弘织:其4 @ 4乡星项球顷亦
was a narrator(of-_Imam al-$adiq's traditions. He is praised in traditions which he himself
::L* 坚 Imam and cannot thus be relied
------------ ggjon onasasaawitness hisown
witnesstotohis ownreliability.
Mini suspends judgment on him, but the fact is that his reliability is unknown (majhul) and
undetermined. See Whulasat al-a^al, 2^ (nr. 721).
籍e Dayla^ites resided in what is modern-day Gilan and were a people
were a
oeoole who
who resisted all
efforts made at converting them to Islam.

486 £AV
9. The Impunity

From1Abd Allah b.Sulayman, an, from AbuJ^far 黎He said, 'He recited this
Verse:{A Messenger has
.;cometo youfrom among yourselves^, saying, “From 专 I* : Jg 够匕 》:英-3’ S: £J如
distresses him* - saying, aOur suf-
among ourselves? Then: < Your suffering . "[concerned] for us.” ^full of
fering.”伽 is
deeply concerned for you^-
\owards the believers. > - "Full of mercy and kindness
kindness and mercy 、3o three of the four phrases apply to us, and ,Lxjjj ,3/ 掀皿
towards ourfollowers
' (s牌'n)・ S<
followers (s/ifa).,n [冲8]
the last one applies to ourL …


io. Yunus ---------------

1. From Aban b. cUthman, from Muhammad who said, 'Abu Jacfar 嚓J said,
I asked, “What shall I recite from?”
.顶:嘤 JS: 白M/ ・\
He said, w[Recite] from the Seventh Chapter.5
He said, “So I began to look for it.”
Then he said, “Recite the Chapter ofJonah?
Sol recited it until I reached:《Those who did well will have the best reward
and more besides. Neither darkness nor shame will cover their月ces J(1°汶6).
宓*么必£-^顼石显为A 戈"顶
He said, “That is enough. Gocfs Messenger 嘶 said, 'It amazes me how my 奖!》:例赤1以9如比一:)阡褪 方如二
hair does not turn white whenever I recite the Qur>an.,>, [10:26]

2・ From Fudayl al-Rassan1, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗅 who said, Whoever re­
cites the Chapter of Jonah {sura Yunus) once every two or three months
need not fear about being categorised among the ignorant ones. On the Day J cAi,叱I? c/ •出,喋国¥寸芋成』A芦
ofjudgement, he will be among those who are in the proximity of God?

3・ From Yunus, from whoever mentioned it regarding God's verse < and give
news to those who believe, that they are on a surefooting with theirLord 歹:
'[This refers to] authority (waldya): [10:2] :嗥P& 户0!#鼻3事疽汾:* E A夕V .Y

From 如nus b.,Abd al-Rahman, from Abu 'Abd Allah 唳 who said regard-
ing His verse《and give glad news to those who believe, that they are on a sure
footing with their Lord^ : '[This refers to] authority (walaya)! [10:2]
允说祐&项*粉:妙&嗥点必或*刃* ・£

1 mdayl b. al-Zubayr al-Rassan, a companion of the fifth and sixth Imams. See Khu*b
Mujam, 14:346-7 (nr. 9430).

io. Yunus 初尸"

5- From Ibrahim b, 'Umar, from whoever mentioned it from Abu 'Abd Allah
深? who said regarding God's verse < and give glad news to those who believe,
that they are on a sure footing with their Lord* : This is the Messenger of
God 嘴[io:2]

6. From Abujacfar, from a man from Abu 'Abd Allah r犁 who said, <( Your Lord
is God who created the heavens and earth in six Days^> 一 so six days are miss­
ing from the year? [10:3] ・ * 己■** ^\)\ 已! j

7- From al-Sabbah b. Sayaba, from Abu Ja'far who said, 'God created the
months to be twelve, equaling three hundred and sixty days in total. Then J*户方㈡'决•川嗥顶十』芦应口白.《槌3 .v
He subtracted six of those days within which He created the heavens and the
earth, so some months were shorter than others? [10:3] 《双(3^ 己1* 3 她 就*也
8. From Jabir, from Abu Ja{far r潺? who said, "The Commander of the Faithful
,瘪 said, “God - exalted be His mention and sanctified His Names 一 created
the earth before the sky, then He established Himself on the Throne to gov­
ern everything.”' [10:3]

9- From Zayd al-Shahham, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嚓?. He said, 'I asked him
about the glorification, so he replied, “It is one of the Names of God and the
imploration of the people of the Garden.”' [10:3]
b 广顷:Jini w <ciL:jis :隰' 制炉 a /?Jyj芦.%
io. From al-Thumall, from Abu Ja'far 嗥J regarding God's verse《When Our
clear revelations are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet with Us
1 *
= say> Bring [ws] a different Qur'an, or change it: [Prophet], say, fIt is notfor me
= % -一follow what is revealed to me* :,They
to change it ofmy own taccord' ; 'I only
said, “Change 'Alfs position for-----------
Abu Bakr* or 'Umar so that we may follow 早竺匕板《_成择6抄:弘;血切,嗥珍瑚#
= them instead.”' [10:15]
项省必j以臾微m匕丸y a京匕以3

494 W
10. Yunus

11. From Abu al-Safatij, from Abu cAbd Allah 混'regarding God's verse:《Bring
[us] a different Qur'an, or change //>, It means the Commander of the Faith­
土匕庐。芸9项利J网嗥国格0眼咨I』/ .\\
ful 嚓[10:15]

12. From Mansur b. Hazim, from Abu {Abd Allah 澳 who said/Ihe Messenger
of God 禅 continuously used to say fear the torment ofan awesome Day, 夕:)兄 嘴*'山七力,卜J &,嗥顽妃寸廿?北ex j
iff were to disobey my Lord > until the Chapter of the Victory (surat al-fath)
was revealed, after which he never again repeated those words? [10:15]
加 Ji 孙尸心J参《上^夕顼匕齿占Uj。]
13・ From Mansur b. Yunus, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥七"Three things backfire 沁!
against their perpetrators: treachery, rebellion and deception. God says:
《Your outrageous behaviour only works against yourselves, y [10:23]

14. From al-Fudayl b. ^sar who said, ‘I said to Abu Jacfar 嘿,“May I be your
ransom - we talk about the family ofjacfar having a flag [of governorship]
and the family ofso-and-so having a flag, so does that have any significance?”
So he replied, Ws for the family of Ja'far having a flag, no. The flag of
Banu so-and-so, however, they have a lagging kingdom, where what once 胸5白彩町』电二日:嗥 光泌勺山曲人2.上劝◎ &
seemed far-off is now slowly approaching; and they are only delaying what
is imminent. Their government is full ofhardship not ease, and they have no &专J抒起。叉J易辿乒r
markers of goodness in their authority at all. They are gripped by deep anx­
ieties, all of which are manifest. And even though they may consider them- 或^ (皈^如衬洒Q必&・叫底场乒-村山:J旧
selves safe from God's plot and secure from His chastisement, they will soon
come to know that they are as bad as the disbelievers. There will only be a
single blast to smite them after which not even a street-caller will remain to
listen to them or join them.
This is the purport of God's words: ^But when the earth has taken on its
"est appearance, and adorns itself, and its people think they have power over
诂 then thefate We commanded comes to it, by night or by day, and We reduce
%件撬2匕小H第)• :# 书责"神"*
it to stubble, as ifit had notflourishedjust the day before. This is the way We
explain the rev^tionsfor those who reflect. > Usually, tyrannical rulers have l
痹》』§隼朝禹勺云心A A夕&西蚪,产
some 1remnants .--
have no remnant.”
left after them, but not the family of, so-and-so: they will

村必W g J内侦K M响〃 口点苞N何处
He ‘aid,'May I be your ransom - they will not have any remnants?' 件屿:如IL» gM §:小,以衬川' , • \:J6

H ♦

496 4AV
10. Yunus

He replied, “No. They will instead be killed off and obliterated by us, and Ay L* :嘴京 Ju J & : J共嗥 jA^r U 皿)I / ・\o

whomever we and our followers (s/zz d) obliterate have no remnants left.”,

卢b加—&如gw 3心盘七> q灿心o刀顶
15. From al-Fudayl b. Yasar who said, 'I heard Abu Ja'far 嘿 say, "The Messen­
ger of God 灌,said, Any servant of God whose eyes overflow with tears,
God will prohibit the Fire from touching his body; and no sooner does an
eye well up with tears from the awe of God than neither darkness nor shame ・\1

will ever cover that face.w, [10:27]

y 匕饥拚廿圳 W 芟®加J,诬&」网
16. From Muhammad b. Marwan2, from a man from Abu Ja'far r灌 who said,
'Every single thing has a [proportionate] weight and reward except for tears,
for a single tear drop can extinguish seas of Fire; and when one's eyes over­
flow with tears, God, Mighty and Exalted, will prohibit the Fire from touch­ ,&以矽稿ci
Z •• , 3侦j
ing even the rest of his body. If the tears flow onto his cheeks, his face will
never be covered with darkness nor shame. And if a servant were to cry for
an entire community, God would have mercy on it? [10:27] ,上、己1扩' 匕^»顽Jy(3,隰'副呻』芹• 、Y
17. From Abu Basir, from Abu ‘Abd Allah (瘪 who said regarding God's verse: M尹由板W海!刃*宙出炎匕说盘由3
< as though their faces were covered with veils cut from the darkness of the
night^i 'Have you not seen how at night, it is darker inside the house than
outside? Similarly, their faces will be intensely dark.' [10:27]
18. From <Amr b. al-Qasim3 who said, ‘I heard Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥? while men­
tioning the companions of the Prophet 嘴 reciting:《Is someone who shows
血 way to the Truth more worthy to befollowed, or someone who cannotfind 的步&奴与户
泌A :皈《淡顶on W3修母' &核』盘丹,
the way unless he himselfis shown? What is the matter with you? How do you
judge?》So we asked, 'May God grant you the best - who is it referring to?*
,潺号以5 8项.:兴前山"
He replied, aWe have heard that it is 'All [b. Abi Talib].w, [10:35]

2 Muhammad b. Marwan al-Hannat of Medina was a reliable but infrequent narrator of

TV ^?r,S traditions.
Imam algqir's editions. See yilli, Khulasat al-aqwdl,
al-aqwal, 262 (nr. 920).
3 :ere are at least three individuals by this name in KhuTsAfuyaw: *Amr b. al-Qasim, *Amr
'Amr b. al-Qasim al-Najashi -all of whom were companions
b. al-Qasim al-MajashVi and •Amr
0 血皿珀'血 al-$adiq. See Kh^MuJam, 14:133 (nr. 8980,8981,8982).

10. Yunus

From Mas'ada b・ Sadaqa, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥!. He said, 'He was asked 小以国勺廿澳序出'嗥加皓侦芋海品必加心.、、
about significant events in the future that have not yet taken place so
said, “It is not yet time to disclose them, as per God's words: <( But they ar « ' 4匕分“必9俱也氏舔B \皿机诉顶
them.ywhat they cannot comprehend - its prophecy has yet to be fulfill© ,加
9 [10:39] f

20. From Humran who said, *1 asked Abuja'far「貌 about significant events such
as the return (al-raj'd) and the like, so he said, "Now is not the time to dis
close such matters. God says: <^But they are denying what they cannot com
prehend - its prophecy has yet to befulfilledfor them.夕[10:39] ,t cX .心 a叩n乙 3、
21. From Abu al-Safatij who said, Abu 'Abd Allah 噢 said, KThere are two
verses in the Qufan wherein God restrains people from speaking about that
which they do not know; God's verse: <( Was a pledge not taken from them,
written in the Scripture, to say nothing but the truth about God?护7:i69)an^ M c/Ul 4)1 ySj。项:嗥 y\ JB:Jg ,咨)1 寸芦.H
His verse: But they are denying what they cannot comprehend - its prophecy
has yet to befulfilledfor them.夕” [10:39] Jrl以i,J 7匕5' JJ 妇或项歹顽齿(以^北I娅
22. From Ishaq b. 'Abd al-'Aziz [=Abu al-Safatij] who said, ‘I heard Abu 'Abd •饱E 也宾妇匕占靛>:A)yj ◎凯湖
Allah 唉 say, “God has specifically addressed this community with two
verses from His Book: (1) that they should not speak about that which they
do not know (2) nor reject what they have no knowledge thereof.” Then he
recited: 4 Was a pledge not taken from them, written in the Scripture, to say
nothing but the truth about God?» and His verse:《But they are denying what
they cannot comprehend - its prophecy has yet to be fulfilledfor them. In the
same way, those before them refused to believe - see what was the end ofthose 9 »

- evildoers!^ [10:39]
- 23・ From Jabir, from Abu J^far 嗥?. He said, 'I asked him about the interpre-
- tation of this verse: Every community is sent a messenger, and when their ・vr
messenger comes, they will be judged justly; they will not be wronged.)'He
said, 'Its inward meaning is that every generation from this community has
a messenger from the family of Muhammad, who comes to the specific gen­
ntion for
eration fbr whom he is [designated as] a messenger; they are the vicegerents
{awliyd*) and they are the messengers.

10. Yunus

As for His words:《and when their messenger comes, he willjudge equita 笋涔雄内。姑"归S j『出
bly between them ) - it means that the messengers judge equitably and never
wrong anyone as God said? [10:47]

From Humran who said, ‘£I asked Abu 'Abd Allah r唳
cAbd Allan 济 aDout God'ss verse:
about tioa < u?也•展,顼物匕西"§
《There is an appointed termfor every community, and when it is reached they
moment. 少
can neither delay nor hasten it, even for a moment. This is what is
> He said, 'This
dictated to the Angel of Death on the Night of Decree.
Decree."M [10:49]

From Yahya b. Sa'id, from Abu 'Abd Allah 瀑? on his father's authority re­
Q允找W匕r E块mi Jy /嗥!玉311白L :J& J人^ m
God's verse: < They ask you [Prophet], 'Is it true?' Say, 'Yes, by my
garding God's
Lord, it is true. > He said, 'The people of Mecca ask you, O Muhammad,
about cAli b. Abi Talib - is he really the Imam? Say, # Yes, by my Lord, it is
true, y [10:53]

26. From Hammad b. !sa, from whoever narrated it from Abu 'Abd Allah 喋!.
He said, 'He was asked about God's verse:《When they see the punishment,
they will repent in secret.少 He said, cHe was asked, “What use will a secret
repentance be if they are already being punished ?w He replied, “To avoid the ® 3^沁分网潺心蛆电伊些7湖.
malicious gloating of their enemies."' [10:54]

27・ From al-Sakuni, from Abu 'Abd Allah 涟? on his father's authority 嗥! who
said, A man complained to the Prophet 袱 of a pain in his chest [heart] so
he said, cSeek a cure with the Qufan; for God says: <( a healingfor what is in
[your] hearts.衫[10:57]

v瓶伊。! M心:成嗥泰此嗥曲y qMaKv
•< J或匕疡> :d兄M #应'A' ••兴刃项

10. Yunus

From al-Asbagh b. Nubata, from the Commander of the Faithful 混 who
said regarding God's verse: <^Say [Prophet], 'In God's grace and mercy let
them rejoice: these are better than all they accumulate^, 'Let our followers /畛z 将分巳/己玷 顽-W!?孙 我侦小
(s*) rejoice; this is better than the gold and silver that our enemies have
been given? [10:58] Jbjjl

From Abu Hamza, from Abu Ja'far 咪?, He said, ‘I asked about: ^Say
[Prophet 'In God's grace and mercy let them rejoice: these are better than 威顼治W为虬二J少山 曲混 八顽尹?
all they accumulate, y So he replied, “Attesting to the prophethood of
Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, and taking the Commander ,归|而心忌说力V: jy #珍4 &久*^质苏
of the Faithful 睬? as an Imam is better than all that these people can accu­
mulate in their worldly existence.” [10:58] .° 0少事法J公孑嗥'的夕顼!仲刘
30. From cAbd al-Rahman b. Salim al-Ashall4, from one of the jurists who said,
'The Commander of the Faithful said, ^Butfor those who are on God's side 顶> :嗥另仲顶出:山 W出勺卜& 屿芦・丫•
there is nofear, nor shall theygrieve.歹 Then he said, “Do you know who the
ones on God's side are?”
They retorted, “Who are they, 0 the Commander of the Faithful ?M
He replied, “They are us and our followers. So whoever follows us even 少如心eJ山询〃 3招虹感泊产J邮*^摄虻#:抄
after our passing then it is a pleasure for us, a joy indeed! And a joy for them
too, though their joy will be greater than ours."
He was asked, "Why would their joy exceed the joy we experience now?
Are we not on the same footing as them?” s ‘旅白很ui汨少亳衬。少,w*很
He replied, “No, because they will have to bear burdens that you have
not been made to bear, and they will master what you have not mastered.” .埃麟诉质也侦少成4心公冲”"&

31. From Burayd al-ljli, from Abuja^ar 嗥5 who said, *We found written in 'Ali 寸》:混gJJSpy览py出凛邪身岫m
b・ al-Husayn^ book: ^Butfor those who are on God's side there is nofear, nor
shall theygrieve. y He said, “When they fulfill what God has made obligato- mL为印)国唯密 二*揖■ W“
ry, adopt the practices of God's Messenger, remain aloof from God's prohi­
bitions and abstain from the fleeting embellishments of this world, desiring
@ 项M a, 岳 1 jjj 二A瓦啬I a Q
4 Abd al-Rahman b. Salim b. cAbd al-Rahman al-Ashall, a frequent narrator of the fifth and
sixth Imams and from Abu Ba$ir, is deemed weak and unreliable in his narrations. See HiHi,
Khulasat al-aqwal, 375 (nr. 1394).

10. Yunus

only what is with God while earning a wholesome livelihood &om qq(^ lyj5L.Jp »・勺衬赤' 项・3圳山成gb必〃件
-V 3
sustenance, wanting to neither compete for excess nor vainglory and spend
ing on the dues incumbent upon them - then those are people whom God
blesses in whatever they earn, and who are rewarded for whatever they send
forth fbr their life hereafter.” [10:62]
, 乙古*寐?:混K项出:小""e
32. From 'Abd al-Rahim who said, Abu Ja'far said, “Indeed, when the An­
gel of Death descends upon any of you and your soul reaches right here s eXu Ji jsL ui :Aj
[pointing to his throat], he will say to him, “I am going to give you all that
you are hoping for, and keep you safe from all that you fear.” Then he will
open a door to his house in the Garden, and he will be told, "Behold your
dwelling place in the Garden! See - there's the Messenger of God, there are 质奇拱插夕扇J顶豹隰I Qb另均西4)1虹
'Ali, al-Hasan, and al-Husayn, peace be upon them, your comrades.” This is
God's statement:《For those who believe and are conscious of God, for them
there is good news in this life and in the Hereafter.[10:63-64]

33- From cUqba b. Khalid5 who said, "Mu^lla and I went in to visit Abu ‘Abd 辰乂驻I :J或嗥曲g讣JZ1待白^出 M白以 .rr
Allah 嚓!,so he said, ttlUqba, on the Day of Resurrection, God will accept
naught from His servants except this creed which you adhere to; and the by 衬iaa 件 >ui 创
only thing keeping you from actually seeing that which will delight your
eyes is for your soul to reach here/ pointing to his jugular vein. .1^1 Ujlj <0 jjs d' a, ^oj
Then he leant back, and Mu'alla squeezed my arm and urged me to ask
him further. So I said, "0 son of God’s Messenger! So when his soul does #顷6& 疝 占 Jujj ISLaJJI J b (妲 J3*^1
reach this point, what will he see exactly?w
So he said, "He will see...w and I persisted asking some ten or twelve 兮总心也d:J町6】
times, "What will he see?”
Finally he said, “cUqba!” :& s萨J Y jLj底站y 4? :*.拣必户3典
I replied, “At your service!”
He continued,u Will you not give up until you know?" 4&上6 冬 占5况容—51圳侦仁®盘闵也兄彳
I replied, “Yes, 0 sonof( " God's
* - My creed is my. life, and if I
were to lose my creed, I might as well be dead, so how must it be fbr you, ° :扇S/ .如"么的 4 3)登舟
son of God's Messenger.”
• 质可‘叫次3 J,说侦嗥由J嘴仙妇
$ *Uqba b. Khalid, jabout
* whom there...........
is scant ......... 5“心uumus
information. See Hilli, Khulasat al-aqwal, 221
(nr. 732); Modarressi, Tradition and Survival, 388-9 (nr. 212).

10. Yunus

Then I began weeping, so he had pity on me, and said, “By God, he will
知4 0 野Y:勺加占3•项&弘5去段:山
see the two of them.”
I asked, “I would give up my father and mother for you 一 who are these
So he said, “The Messenger of God 翱 and cAli 黎.cUqba, no believing
soul shall die without seeing them both.”
I asked, “And when the believer sees them both, does he return to life 碟^妇 必 X <4 心 混 函-L心嘴血内
in this world?"
He replied, “No. It will flash before him. When he sees them both, it will
* <Uall W心庆也亦妇昆引应瓦屈
flash before him.”
I asked him, “May I be your ransom - will they say anything to him?”
So he replied, KYes they will both come to see the believer. Ihe Messen­
ger of God 精 will sit by his head and 'Ali 喋? at his feet and the Messenger
ofGod 斯 will come very close to his face and say, *0 friend of God, rejoice
at the fact that I am God's Messenger. I am better fbr you than everything 籍寥;削珂顷夕:很*: 曲或裁X.也
that you are leaving behind in the world? Then the Messenger of God, peace
be upon him and his family, will get up and cAli will stand and move in
closer to his face saying, ‘0 friend of God, rejoice at the fact that I am 'Ali b.
Abi Talib whom you used to love. Indeed, I will be of benefit to you?
Then he said, “This is actually in God's Book.”
LI:JI5 心以注『:隰j^r Q勺山出瑚I讣,代
I said, "May I be your ransom - where in God's Book?”
He replied, "In the Chapter of Jonah (sura Yunus): ^For those who be­ 3 古J 如
lieve and are conscious ofGod, for them there is good news in this life and in the
Hereafter - there is no changing the promises ofGod 一 that is truly the supreme
辿艮 -@ § t 勺3 4\_。9 出* >《一也
』J鼠且)灯1M g混S敖赤*尸点以3 驱
34- From Abu Hamza al-Thumali who said, 'I asked Abu Ja'far 隰,“What will
happen to a person at the time of death ?M 仪公dLU Li ,以毕岳I Ja M将"心蟾相妇*州
He replied, "By God, Abu Hamza, the only thing keeping any of you
from seeing his status with God and his relationship with us, which will de-
light his eyes, is for his soul to reach here" - pointing to his throat. "Shall 1
give you glad tidings, Abu Hamza?>, 侦屿唯4)1妇 嗥由』蜘叱"渺:
I replied, a0f course! May I be your ransom.
So he said, “When that is the case, the Messenger of God〈楮 will come 寸《厦簇况如:贝财瀚X/四岫
to him along with (Ali 嗥.He will sit by his head and when it happens [ie
death] the Messenger of God §胡 will say to him, 'Do you not recognise me?

10. Yunus

I am God's Messenger. Come to us. What lies ahead ofyou is better than all
时仲供切如3\版瀑南呻3>日/必川晶 ro
that you are leaving behind. You are now safe from all that you feared, and
you about to
are? about to be immersed into
be immersed all that
into all you had
thatyou anticipated. O
had anticipated. O soul,
soul, come
come 成M 件43 他 $,嘴奂加)
(ut to God's Spirit and His good pleasure? Then 'Ali
out will say the same as
what the Messenger of God 禅 had said.
Then he said, cAbu Hamza, shall I tell you where that is in God's Book?'
His words: < For those who believe and are conscious of God, for them there is
good news in this life and in the Hereafter- there is no changing thepromises of
God - that is truly the supreme triumph.夕'[10:63-64]
&妃%汐m 囱.1* 原危旧侦/3寸芦
From Zurara and Humran, from Abd Ja’fa"貌 and Abu cAbd Allah 混 who
said, ‘God originated all creatures and sent to them His Messenger, Muham­ (6出、a 尿3出网Jr t馈匕3亦
mad 镂,while they were still shadows. Some of them believed in him and
some rejected him. Then He sent him to the final phase of creation; so those
who had believed in him previously as shadows believed in him, and those
who had rejected him then rejected him now? Then he said: ^But they would
出5 坷
not believe in anything they had already rejected, y [10:74]
36. From Abu Basir, from Abu (Abd Allah 嗥! who said with respect to His
verse:《Then, after him, We sent messengers to their peoples bringing them
clear signs. But they would not believe in anything they had already rejected*, ,产的找b英斗&泮〃曲$顼"岛A"—'
'God sent messengers to His creatures when they were still in the loins of
men and in the wombs of women. So whoever believed in them at that time
believed in them after that too; and whoever rejected them at that time, re­
jected them after that? [10:74] 专诲澹窈。也脂观'特3 a
37. From cAbd Allah b. Muhammad al-Ju'fl, from Abu 'Abd Allah 踞? who said,
'God originated all creation, creating those whom He loved from that which
He loved, which was the clay of the Garden. And He created those whom G欢分小豹亦声i b哲L囱aV凯切・阴』
He despised from that which He despised, namely the clay of Hellfire. Then
he sent them to the shadows?
So I asked, 'What are the shadows?*
He replied, Do you not see your shadow in the sunlight, how it is some-
thing yet nothing at the same time? So He sent prophets to them, calling
them to attest to God. Some attested and others refused. Then the prophets
called them towards adherence to our authority, and by God, those whom

10. Yunus

God loved attested to it, and those whom He despised rejected it. This is :双 板4棉 如炉感八 q] /卜以"侦必屈 (/ .TA
[the purport of] His words: < But they would not believe in anything they had
already rejected.^ ,也炒■神织 ' :据网寿岬顷&匕垃\乓乃
Then Abujacfar 惭 said, rejection had already occurred from be­
fore? [10:74]
项抓3\寸顷成卬川3 #制Ju g我* J
38. From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Jalfar and
Abu 'Abd Allah, peace be upon them both, who said regarding His verse:
《Lord! Do not make us an object ofpersecution for the oppressors^. 'Do not
allow them to dominate us, thereby using us as objects of their persecution? 〈sc/ —务B川粉;& W际咛凫聂屋Y心y 淳%

From Abu Rafi1 who said, 'The Messenger of God addressed the people, . <•
39- .(1x)1 jli项La也 45
saying, «0 people, God commanded Musa and Harun to house their peo­
ple in Egypt and not to spend the night in a state of ritual impurity in their
mosque, nor go near their women therein, with the exception ofHarun and
his progeny. Similarly, ^11 is to me as Harun and his progeny were to Musa. •■ > **

No one, therefore, is allowed to go near their women in my mosque nor

spend the night in a state of impurity therein, apart from 'All and his proge­
.4 jyoj by}点 如
ny. Those who violate that will end up right there/ pointing towards Sham.'”
J可 gl J jU? R:"工尬皿好JdW •,'
40. From Hisham b. Salim, from Abu 'Abd Allah who said, 'Between the
time of God's saying: 4 Your prayers are answered^ and the time of Phar- 顷心&隰 4 aS声用#项列济旧:加竣
aoh's downfall there was a span of forty years? [10:89]

41. From Ibn Abi cUmayr, from one of our associates who, without mentioning
his source, cited an infallible 锥? as having said, 'When Musa went into the ,日
sea, Pharaoh and his army followed him, but Pharaoh's horse was too fright-
ened to go into the sea. So JibraJIl appeared mounted on a mare, and when
Pharaoh's horse saw the mare it followed it into the sea along with its fellow
horses, and they all drowned? [10:90]
42. From Muhammad b. Sa'id al-Az击 that Musa b. Muhammad b. al-Rida (&
informed him that ^hya b. Aktham wrote to him, asking him about some
issues saying: Tell me about God's verse: #So ifyou [Prophet] are in doubt

10. Yunus

about what We have revealed to you, ask those who have been reading the 切3. d心&创岳成3弘施g)i遂即“或顷传认
scriptures before you}> - who is the addressee of the verse? If it is bei 瞻 □
dressed to the Prophet, then he would surely not have doubted in what God
revealed. If it addresses someone else, then how can it be that the Book was
,> , 3琉!独
revealed to someone other than him? 沁妙血:贝出5苛混由白.由双白L :由J5
Musa said, 'I asked my brother about that. He said, 'As for His verse:《So
ifyou [Prophet] are in doubt about what We have revealed to you, ask those 3g 1匕到 微1 史^ G 美寸
who have been reading the scriptures beforeyou^ - the addressee is the Mes­
senger of God 榭 However it was not that he doubted in what God had re­ :聪J 5网岳W Ce & g,镯4)|妇我3蜡1
vealed to him. The ignorant pagans were saying: 'Why did He not send us
one ofthe angels as a prophet. He should have distinguished him as a proph­ “gy谿b密理您刈〃辱以! 革"
et by making him needless of food, drink and transacting in the markets? So
God revealed to his Prophet:«( ask those who have been reading the scriptures
撷J & b匕.必M寸尹j 血1
before you^ in the presence of these ignorant pagans, as if to say: 'Has God
ever sent a messenger before you who did not eat, drink and transact in the 「廊豹M见5父抽3 »:噂关《■夭0
markets, so that you could take him as a role model?' He only said:〈So 矿
you [Prophet] are in doubt* so that they would follow him and not because "奖,沁J&咯,摄z d)j演必1 d兴
he was actually [in doubt].
Similarly, He says elsewhere: ^Say, (Come} let us gather our sons and

your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, and let us
pray earnestly and invoke God's rejection on those of us who are lying.》(3:6i)
Had he merely said, “Come let us pray earnestly and invoke God's rejection
on you,” they would never have come for the contest. He knew that your 汐电83>宜少山贝1握疚"阡涂山k妙如
Prophet had conveyed His Message and was definitely not one of the liars,
and so did the Prophet 锁 know that he was truthful in everything he said; 问:以Q 侦嘴 剑或> iU jSj也痢以4
but he wanted to be equitable in his own self [by proposing that].”' [10:94]

43. From cAbd al-Samadb. Bashir, from Abu ^bd Allah 嘤 who said regarding
God s verse. < So ifyou [Prophet] are in doubt about what We have revealed
Prophet 楼
those who have been reading the scriptures beforeyou^. 'When the
弩 was taken on the Night Journey
Joumev and he "hadhad finished convers-
ing with his Lord, he returned to the Oft-visited House (bayt、 " al-ma'mur),
which is a house directly above the Ka'ba in the fourth heaven. God gat?
ered all the prophets, messengers and angels together and requested Jibra ?
{adhari) and announce its commencement W
to sound the call for prayer (adhdn)
Cdu 光,-必n W M " 丁咨移渺*",

io. Yunus

Ihenhe [i.e. the Prophet] stepped forwardand led them all in prayer. When 匕^路Ji J额好:J旧硕*'枝邙向
he had completed it, he turned towards him and said: «So ask those who
-~ you..The Truth has come to you from
have been reading the scriptures before
x___ so be in no doubt and do not deny God's signs.参[10:94]
your Lord,

From Abu 'Ubayda al-Hadhdha\ from Abu Ja'far r缨.He said, £I heard him 加4 e顼:以跳'嗥』芦,仙讪j J芦u
say, MWe found written in one of the Commander of the FaithfuFs books that
he said,,The Messenger of God 嘴 narrated to me that Jibra^l narrated to J* a温戈J 嗥J嘴血L:(嗥*弘很
him that Yunus b. Mutta 澳 was sent to his people when he was thirty years
old. He was a short-tempered man, of little patience and affability with his
出^ (j成Li
people. Unable to shoulder the weights of the great burdens and banners ■/ - •

of prophethood, he buckled under them just as a trunk buckles under the 曲,。出L碇顷项必另〃 A讣必少g祉叫〃顶&
weight of its load of fruit. He stayed and preached among them for thirty-
three years, calling them to have faith in God, to believe in him and to fol­ &以疆航火> D! O双T 河&也04检I号我/
low him, but no one from his community believed in him nor followed him 命 ■ X C . .

save two people. The first one was called Ruwaybil and the second Tanukha. fl Q义r Y Q 户( 任地 IK 4)
Ruwaybil hailed from a household that valued knowledge, prophet­
hood and wisdom, and was an old friend of Yunus b. MuttaJs from before
God had sent him as a prophet. Tanukha was a meek, abstemious man com­
pletely devoted to worship but devoid ofknowledge and wisdom. Ruwaybil J* <J. cAW 卜扑砰而,忒虬如也杪 W H if )盼
owned some sheep, which he herded and lived off, whereas Tanukha was a
wood-gatherer who would carry the firewood on his head for a living. Ru-
IjiaIj 向L 妇 & J顷粉项IJ
waybifs position with respect to Yunus was different to Tanukh^s position
in his eyes, due to RuwaybiKs knowledge and wisdom, and because of his
old friendship with him.
So when Yunus found that his people were neither responding to him *嗥cP男J* 」湄〈卜J 页 0)小*
nor believing in him, he became exasperated and felt himself losing patience
with them. He, therefore, complained to his Lord saying, “My Lord, Vbu
sent me to my people when I was thirty years old. I have stayed with them
for the last thirty-three years, calling them to have faith in you and to believe 成g :务,盘切成为鼻3嗥m戈岛场
in my message, threatening them with Your punishment and vengeance. But
they have belied me and have not believed me. They rejected my prophet- SN山9用!旻浏 M:d&顶心U而0出必臼
hood, and made a mockery of my message and have even threatened me to
the extent that I fear for my life. So send Your punishment down unto them 圳%j &厦板 it 北y』
for they are indeed people who will not believe.'”

io. Yunus

He continued, 'So God informed Yunus that, “There are pregnant wom­ 身mk小&另板T ©以b窘馈,妇 妙
en, foetuses, children, old men, weak women, helpless and disabled people
among them, and I am the all-Wise, the Just. My compassion precedes My .Q必牌顶*9心也* ,曷顷屈旦心峋奶
wrath, and I would never chastise the youth for the sins of the elders of your
community. Yunus, they are My servants after all, My creatures, beings be­ 京I ,均b亦鸟Ql T亦混crW*l裁:J5
longing to me that subsist in My lands and on My sustenance. I love to give
them time and be gentle with them and to await their repentance. I have y学吼汗招顼 户虬,凶I diuj3,如ji加j
only sent you to your people that you may be a protector over them, show­
ing compassion to them liberally and munificently, and giving them time 仲斗4靛 产9。必一北I 一曲 <勺"闷心|
by virtue of the gentleness of prophethood. So have patience with them
with the clemency that comes with the message. Let your comportment 妙3必占* B 方成代jU f疝J jJ(由&
among them be as a knowledgeable doctor who administers medicine to
his patients. You have instead breached their trust; you have not treated 〈犯|招/ f £电,仔徂s玲/ 件^二kij〈产由板上
their hearts gently nor dealt with them with the diplomacy befitting mes­
sengers. Then you ask Me to punish them due to your own low opinion of 砰只耕9』刖思伊I @3 4±^'暮初坎4 Z刘件*
them, resulting from your lack of patience with them. My servant Nuh en­
dured much more than you from his people and was more affable and affec­
tionately patient in My consideration. He had more of an excuse [than you] . J 0 > ♦ s € .

so I displayed My wrath when he became angry with Me, and I answered Qb dlu jv^l (土瑚灯H

n him when he called Me.”

So Yunus replied, “My Lord, I only became angry with them on Your ac­ ・ Qlc 心 L—^ygp (j^* a! cjAaJI e 巴b <6*^

I s
count, and only invoked Ybur wrath on them when they disobeyed Ybu. So
by Ybur Honour, I will never be affectionate towards them nor treat them (*4c^ «i\j(t»4^ U[ yj l :嗥J临

m kindly nor regard them with good counsel and favour after their rebellion,
their disbelief in me and their rejection of my prophethood. So send Ybur 仁衣崟安上虹K 件2顶^ M列J. 项技 '我咳〈加'
punishment down on them for they are certainly never going to believe."
So God said, aYunus, there are more than a hundred thousand of My .电1为蝴,4化件^ *&出妙!博阮
creatures who inhabit My lands and who give birth to My servants. I love to
let them take their time to come towards that which I already know about
them and you. My decree and My plan are different to your knowledge and
your estimation of things. You are a messenger whereas I am the Wise Lord, 顶6诺优舁rC必她
and My knowledge about them, Yunus, is hidden in the non-manifest whose
limits are unbeknownst, whereas your knowledge about them is superficial 卷,阡J}\ 须』四场熟云
with no inward aspect. Yunus, I will respond to your request of Me to send
j--------" -1
punishment down 1 ■
onto them, but know that this will neither increase in
your lot with Me nor enhance your position in My regard. The punishment
•岫皿妃审电 - ->.I -/l.

518 o\\
10. Yunus

will befall them on Wednesday in the middle ofthe month ofShawwal after
sunrise, so inform them of that.
This gladdened Yunus and did not upset him, as he had no clue what his
own consequence would be, be. So Yunus set off to Tanukha, the worshipper,
and informed him about what God had revealed to him about the descent of
punishment :on the appointed day. He said to him, "Go and inform them of
£hat God has revealed to me about the descent of the punishment? W』嗥cAi妙明b,犹&切小殊:je
So Tanukha said, Just leave them immersed in their disobedience until
God punishes them.”
灼 ,pJI 3 j VJ? 山” <JI JLJ 4)1 日 皿吨或
So Yunus said to him, “Let us go and meet Ruwaybil first and consult
him, for he is a knowledgeable and wise man descended from a household y心1山j.a脚ujk.件^参眼』
So they set off to meet Ruwaybil, and Yunus informed him about what
God had revealed to him about the descent of the punishment on his people
on a Wednesday in the middle of Shawwal after sunrise. s W 〃咎料必(。刀顷溪R :喉疽戈』J0
So he said to him, “What do you think about coming with us so we can
tell them about that?w 由Jj^Cr4硕川顷项S嚓伊
So Ruwaybil said to him, "Go back to your Lord as a wise prophet and a > > 1

noble messenger, and request him to avert the punishment away from them, S (JIa5也也 (J
for surely He has no need to punish them; for He is One who loves to be kind
to His servants. Furthermore, this will not harm your position or stance


with Him. Moreover, your people might just believe one day, even after all
the rejection and rebellion that you have experienced from them. So be pa­
§ tient with them and give them time.”
So Tanukha said to him, “Woe betide you, Ruwaybil, for what you are
2 以 dJJ dA! 5 *。,顷4^ 光 V雀册b 叫
advising and telling Yunus to do even after their disbelief in God, their re­
jection of His prophet, their belying him, their expelling him from his home, 叫s搭 a d 成…心况,相出
and their threats to stone him to death."
So Ruwaybil said to Tanukha, “Be quiet for you are a mere worshipper
who does not know anything.” Then he approached Yunus and said,Yunus,
when God descends His punishment on your people, do you know whether
it is going to destroy them all or whether some will be destroyed and others
left alone?”
g b心》瓦3硕广外向E角'型
Yunus replied, “It will destroy them all since that is what I asked Him f。:
I felt no compassion for them at the time, so I had better go back to God a
1 ■

ask Him to avert it from them.”

io. Yunus

So Ruwaybil said to him, <cYunus, do you know that if God does indeed ,嗥cA C> Jr5"出峪址此我:勺知J眉
send down punishment upon them and… they,「sense it coming they may 典.
pent to Him
1 and seek His forgiveness, upon which He wil! have mercy. ,… 霆项3小彳州如现!据、侦曲
them for He is indeed the most Compassionate of all. He will avert the pUn.
ishment from them even after you have told
■ ■
** them about
- ・
, 一 1g
God descending u心,以瓦利垣ck :隰』J椭sCaju —
His punishment upon them on Wednesday. In that case, you will be consid­
ered a liar by them.” ."p粉如(H?制质上关杯W尹,
Tanukha then said to him, “Woe betide you, Ruwaybil! How dare you
say such a grave thing? The emissary and prophet himself is telling you what 亦4.项顷 DI 」项 15国 I J*1 'i ⑤ 4 J板
God has revealed to him about the punishment that is to descend and you
are disputing God's Word and doubting Him as well as His messenger's 地(/ 顷 UI产p 3^侦 广j强,件券 勺必明姒 %
statement? Go away for your deeds are null and void!”
So Ruwaybil said to Tanukha, ttYbur opinion is invalid." Then he went to ,[|町心《 iU A。急勺代yidi 职』创/裨声]u
Yunus and said, “When God's revelation and His command about them de­
scends just as news of the descent ofHis punishment on them came down to
b项 4)1 J朗{J^jj t dl4j 4 Jl2i
you 一 and His Word is true - have you considered the consequences ofwhat Add 51!勺4)^*^j (J^(3j 孑 <A1)\ 3Ji Jja) 7IAxH jl aJ]
might happen if all your people are destroyed and their village ruined? Will
God not efface your name from prophethood and nullify your bearing ofHis
message, and you will simply be another weak human being? More than one

hundred thousand people will perish because of you."
Yunus refused to take his advice, however, and left with Tanukha, and *i j; I3"J w 嘤亢小。F 必L 前:叫 J0
they withdrew themselves away to a place not too far. Then Yunus returned
to his people to inform them what God had revealed to him: that He was
(第1』务,件k wlji jij: b jy由尸?朋处
going to punish them on Wednesday in the middle of the month of Shawwal b d^\ 4) lj>d: gl J务 顶^ 以 3 J界!白y
after sunrise; but they rejected his words, belied him and forcefully drove
him out of their village. &七L J AjL* dJbJb & dJl^j 〈出A
So Yunus, accompanied by Tanukha, left the village and retreated to a
place not too far from there, and sat waiting for the punishment.
Meanwhile, Ruwaybil stayed with his people in their village until the
month of Shawwal set in, when he shouted out from the top of the moun- jlLuli JA 5 弗"
tain to his people: “I am Ruwaybil. I feel for you and I care about you. This 务 TR U4 W h
month of Shawwal has now set in> and Yunus, your prophet and the mes-
;enge: sent to you from your Lord has informed you of God's revelation 项1V阡彳3 j> 2\ JI N曲衣冷"云上井#
&浏& ”
档 the descent ^punishment 慕慕慕扁e on Wednesday
In 也 middle of Shawwal. God will never break his promise to his prophets, k/L ”虱妗5舛七11酒坷 _ jj心网兴
一― —_ what
think about ..:【you are going to do.”

10. Yunus

His words alarmed them and the reality of the descent of this punish-
ment penetrated into their hearts, so they urgently rushed to Ruwaybil and
said to him, “What is it that you are trying to indicate to us, Ruwaybil? Ybu •5项如技L
are indeed a knowledgeable and wise man whom we have always known to
be kind and compassionate to us. We did indeed hear what you were saying <^小〔& dH "! &代兄•处以问
about Yunus regarding us. So tell us what you think now and show us what
to do."
件乒苏I就相初'阡队山^,伊JI以I bL J
So Ruwaybil said to them, “I will tell you what I think and will show you
what to do - you must wait and plan for when the sun rises on Wednesday in j眩J 哄彳丑| &呵a 将由伊奶
the middle ofthe month. Ybu must separate the children from their mothers
and take them to the foot ofthe mountain down in the valleys. Let the moth­
L #;& 0如 a! I 3^ J少b^JI*j| 马 J
ers stand on the flat plateau of the mountain. Separate all the cattle from
their young too. All this must be done before sunrise. When you see a yellow 仙刀Z以i痂 W心 切&^V z>15 j己w—冲时k明岫
wind emerging from the east, both young and old from among you should
wail and cry loudly, screaming and crying and beseeching God, repenting to
以 a5JI dl^i d"轿/代*也遨 <• J^jjbLU 4)上J 顶 51』yi5j
Him and seeking His forgiveness. Lift your heads up to the sky and say, ‘Our
Lord, we have indeed wronged ourselves and rejected Your prophet. We re­
• sjx以/侦&*l M烬cr^i小气心顶L项奶川Wb
pent to Ybu of our sins. If Ybu do not forgive us and have mercy on us, then
we will surely be punished losers. So accept our repentance and have mer­ 伴j>^'^句板个讪Ju d' Rc对L " /J :&刀衫J原
cy on us, 0 most compassionate of all: Do not stop crying, wailing and be­
seeching God and repenting to Him until God averts the punishment away e少 4 jrl*' (J 苛 ji j 顿V
_ from you before the sun comes out fully.M
初 I5§〈b盘I 囱 Aa (JJ-1 (J ^Li)l 吵 初V
_ His whole community unanimously agreed to do as Ruwaybil had ad­
I vised them.
+向好』Z$0l J^r^以点&卢0心如夕些
So when the Wednesday on which they were expecting the punishment

came, Ruwaybil retreated to a place away from the village from where he
would still be able to hear their wails and see the punishment if it descended. :/务a芬^ 宾川M 件处戏裕b忘』芝巩
So when dawn broke on Wednesday, YUnus's people did as they had been
told to do by Ruwaybil. When the sun rose, a dark, gusty, yellow wind rose 存心ru声勺d叫!成冬顷,山啡顷〉
up, howling, whistling and roaring, When they saw it approaching they all
began to wail and scream and cry, beseeching God in repentance and seek- 定I 〃寅、F. «财侦广」s劣第混她边丁
ing His forgiveness, The children cried with loud voices for their mothers,
the lambs bleated insistently searching for their mothers* udders, and the 制
创MC 妲!赫1 Ji 容JG
3■甄项al y 1^只广出1 &;侦参姒!巡
cattle mooed looking for pasture. Meanwhile, Yunus and Tanukha could
hear their moans and screams, and invoked God's curse on them, praying
for the punishment on them to be intensified; whilst Ruwaybil could hear

524 0X0
10. Yunus

■ 0

their screams and wailing from where he was and he could see what Was
coming, and supplicated God to remove the punishment from them.
When the sun was high in the sky, the doors of the heavens were wide 1.波秋*山特5心邙,出伺心伊|二
open, and the Lord's wrath had subsided, the most Compassionate One had
mercy on them and responded to their pleas. He accepted their repentance
and dismissed their offences. God revealed to Israfil saying, “Go down to
YUnus's people, for they are wailing and crying, beseeching Me. They have 凹产J以侦也京以!夺况b也JI. “屏晚成:如
repented to Me and sought My forgiveness, so I have turned to them merci­
fully, for I am God, the Oft-pardoning and the all-Merciful. I rush to accept 隽攻 】说 芸^叫UJ曲v c>户,
My servanfs repentance when he is remorseful. My messenger and servant,
Yunus, had asked Me to send punishment down on his people so I did send it ,质I②声好j以土见卢也尹户勺
down upon them, fbr lam God, the Truest One to His promise; I did indeed
send it down upon them. However, when Yunus asked Me to send punish­ l 4为刀5^1以坨 斗 M为茨)j
ment down on them, he did not specify that I should destroy them. So go
down and avert from them My punishment that has befallen them.” ,厂户、^丑I m顷■遇yj Jj (Jjj,件务
So Israfil said, "My Lord, Your punishment is already touching their
backs and may almost ruin them. From what I can see, it has already de­ 件^ *V (广■^心5 5 场
scended in their midst, so where can I avert it to?”
So God said, “No! I have commanded My angels to halt it and to pre­ :嗥h、7充衬&L,件yg矿焰&,刃
vent it to descend upon them until My resolve and command to do so is
issued to them. So go down, Israfil, and avert it from them. Move it away to 。决5 2!垃也,么冽定1»・&母枝渺初叫虾"
the mountains, onto the waterfalls and gushing streams on the side of the
tall, overbearing and high mountains that tower over all the others, so crush # Ky y v履W顷判丽',*鸟冉
them and soften them thereby until they can be moulded into hard iron.”
S。Israfil went down to them, spread his wings over them and drove the 以』均憩顶由 顷丑' Jjj /L山小U曳‘“知
punishment away from them until he struck it against the mountains that
God had told him to move it away to? 凫心成b,斗 国如。地面J- A嶂:廿
Abu JaTar 嗥 continued, 'Ihese are the mountains that lie near Mo- . e 一 !? . . H I 一 t-l W」L
sul today, and they have been turned into iron until the Day ofJudgement. J;典 (J/它 ,点\ jlaIs 祯'**
When YUnus's people saw that the punishment had moved away from them,
they climbed down from the mountaintops to their homes and embraced
their women and children, and their possessions. They praised God for hav-
ing averted it from them. 两"i成吵J烬H廿巴$的"我"'典
YOnus and Tanukha woke up on Thursday morning in the same place
where they were staying, with no doubt in their
doubt in minds that
their minds that the
the punishment
had indeed befallen them and destroyed them all when the sound of their

526 oYV
io. Yunus

voices had subsided. So they made their way towards the village on Thurs-
day at sunrise to see what had become of the people. When they neared the
▲ * .
however, and were met by the sight of the woodcutters, the doi)n- J舟4 "板肝-也顷卜切修角书
key-drivers and the shepherds herding their sheep, and saw the villagers
safe and sound, Yunus said to Tanukha, uTanukha, the revelation proved
safe 仍b JU-'小峥顼JjJI *加 gl萨也UlL
me wrong, and my promise to my community has turned out to be false!
No, by My Lord's Honour! I can never again face them after the revelation •山卜m丛:点& 3m
has proved me wrong.”
So Yunus turned on his heels and ran away towards the sea of Ayla, an­ s宓参侦顼织3 “ (必、i卢:*归灵心
gry on account of his Lord, disguised and fleeing from there before any of
his people could see him and call him a liar. That is why God says: ^And re­ Ji jup小:嗥'决寸项J&—3仲罗脚弱J'妙dte
member the man with the whale, when he went ojfangrily, thinking We could
not restrict him, butthen he cried out in the deep darkness, 'There is no God but b 割3凑戈仲db顷 兀顷I俨 叫虾> 曲必―伊
You, glory be to You, I was wrong!
Tanukha returned to the village and met Ruwaybil. He said to him, 尸两 户顷 辱勺QU*' i/jjj 〃衬北 出,件%5玉
KTanukha, so which suggestion turned out to be the correct and worthier . \ ✓ €

one of being followed? Mine or yours?” ・件夕(J2 L & 席 bs

So Tanukha replied, MYbur suggestion was correct of course, and you
were indeed pointing out the opinion of intelligent and wise people.” b 顼善 N <5J 圳 J 件上列 b,
Tanukha continued, “I used to consider myself better than you for my

i abstemiousness and by virtue of my worship, until your superiority became

evident due to the virtue of your knowledge and the wisdom that God, your
Lord, has bestowed upon you; along with the fact that God-consciousness
is better than abstemiousness and worship without knowledge.”
So they remained friends and continued to live with their people, while &另侦y亢出A ・"顷・为皿
Yunus had turned his face away from them in anger on account of his Lord.
That is what God informs us about in His Book saying:《and when they be-
lievedy We relieved them of the punishment ofdisgrace in the life of this world,
&窥如侦妁4,侦' 窟必,,必u的由孩
an^ them enjoy lifefor a time » and it is all part ofhis story?
Abd 'Ubayda said, CI asked Abu Ja(far 混,“How long had Yunus been
away from his people until he returned to them as a prophet and a messen-
ger and they finally believed in him and attested to him?w
He replied, “Four lots of seven, of which it took him seven to get to the
sea, and seven to come back again to his people.”
So I asked him, “So these four lots of seven - are they months, days or

io. Yunus

He replied, “Abd 'Ubayda, the punishment descended

Wednesday in the middle of Shawwal and was averted on the sa
on them on 以。姐跳只仙由刀梦泌d心松
me day, at
which Yunus became angry and left. So seven days passed from '
until he reached the sea; then seven days in the belly of the whale ••* ( ♦ M U

days under the gourd tree exposed to the elements, and seven days maki
his way back to his people. So a total of twenty-eights days passed be •^UjIj gQi
- —'itvveen
his having left and his return. Then he came to:「hem and they believed in
him, attested to his prophethood and followed him. That is why God];“
参& 蝴山 质.(jl U^y』J&J
^If only a single town had believed and benefited from its belief! Only
said: ^Ifonly Onl
V好1 w 皈曲顷拜均■»•财皿I
Yunus'speople did so, and when they believed, We relieved them ofthepunish
ment ofdisgrace [.•・]>' [10:98]
嗥乒9 ‘5s《奸匕处卢*为的b询
拱分:』顶』山5& 4)功1引U 4^15 〃洗•矽

& 丁启
0 * 4 WcA^ :嚓J^r。勺山拾皓项J5
』&魅》ci S-4」《•>* (仁jLI 4jujI : J& So^x^j <)lyulj aJLajSIj 3^Jl ^Jl

•营 & J心 N
以,件^ b J招安〃 3^jy 如M ‘硕过

f- CJ^I cij.g*^ (j「早 件 c$^ p成温戈沸

泻砂(J!4l 4如i JM>1 & I也£ JQ少山8
d无:g^b °y3^j & 广” F (奴 ClA^j 项l* 船k力 3
s购匕撰1方M成L 由 写M阵:由乖

10. Yunus

From Abu Basir, from Abu cAbd Allah 嗥'who said, 'When the punish
loomed over YUnus's people, they beseeched God so He averted it
them? I asked, 'How can that be?> He replied, 'He already knew that "

would avert it from them." [10:98]

46. From al-Ihumali, from Abu Jacfar who said, 'When YUnus's people h; ar- 讪s y应U嗥' 亢濂k J芦顾芦,
assed him, he invoked God's curse upon them, so they woke up on the first
day with pale faces and on the second day with blackened faces? 湄:J6 #任E点5冲Wj 件俨心W
He continued, 'God had threatened to punish them, so the punishment
came to them which they tried to avert with their spears. Then they sepa­ 心决」办任总5 & b"' g七心出械甲J血
rated the women from their children and the cows from their calves; they
wore fur and wool, tied ropes around their necks, poured dirt on their heads, 衫侦4 d*\ S初,j>热 寸^'撬9旭N,月b o*3
and all pleaded in unison with their Lord. They said, aWe believe in YUnus's
He continued, 'So God averted the punishment away from them to the
Amid mountain range. Yunus woke up assuming that they had been de­
stroyed but found them to be alive and well, so he became angry and left 4 in
i 夕:J,Lu 朋 J6 $ 处L j <I^1a 神
a rage* as God has stated, until he boarded a boat in which were two men.
The boat was capsizing so the captain said,aThere must be a wanted man
on my boat.” i^5 h:U乂11J吨 cILa^JI &(J^>j
So Yunus said, ^Yes, it is L” So he stood up to throw himself overboard,
but he saw a fish with its mouth wide open. Terrified of it, he held on to the
〈“y Ia& <s*?x3 -a5j (与:孑 0 :r弑 J国
two men. So they said to him,aThere is only one of you and two of us.w
So he requested them to draw lots, which they did, and the lots were not
弟』知cJ :』构Q闻I力・醐
in his favour. The custom at the time was that is lots were drawn three times
[with the same result], there was no mistake about it. So he threw himself g 渤i〈孚i、顷Ol>上*次向(£)1 &以 瑟呼
overboard, and the fish swallowed him up, swimming around the seven seas
until it ended up in the ever-filled sea, which was the same one being used
6疝 y 迪徵,搭JJkM!
<-Jwbu A)j
> cU-JljM A, D或W
to chastise Qarun. Qarun heard an echoing sound and asked the angel about
it, so he informed him that it was Yunus and that God had imprisoned him (j<ua^ aS 川 J 顷瀑J 。 & 以5 苛 lilUI JU 导如&
in the belly of the fish.
its』JLii 心p>l出
So Qarun asked him,MWould you permit me to speak to him?” 混的苛J堀:京
So he gave him permission, and he asked him about Musa.
So he told him that he had died, at which he wept. 以冬 & <Ol* Ail gE(… 混&火W儿f函3』
Then he asked him about Harun, and again he informed him of his death,
so the latter wept and became very grieved.

532 OVT
10. Yunus

Then he asked about his sister Kakham who had been betrothed to him
so he informed him
he informed of her
him of her death too. So
death too. exclaimed, ““How
he exclaimed,
So he intense my'
How intense .成"31宾4心&成浦顷占J
grief over the family of’Imiin!”
He said, 'So God revealed to the angel in charge ofhim to absolve him of
his punishment for the remainder of his days on earth because of his affec
tion for his relatives? [10:98]

47. From Ma'mar who said, 'AbU al-Hasan al-Rida 噤 said, “When the com­ f屁吼SO N fN如田办y财闷
mand ofGod came to Yunus and he informed his people about it and the pun­
.J必L ^4^ —S UJiJI 4)1 &
ishment loomed over them, they separated themselves from their children,
and separated the cattle from their young, then beseeched and pleaded to
God. God removed the punishment from them, after which Yunus left them . (j
in his rage, and the fish subsequently swallowed him up and swam around
3: Jij 屈J《T” 时EG 勺5^1 山 d 决]:A)clii
in the sea for seven days.”
I asked him, “How long did he stay in the belly of the fish?”
He replied, KThree days, then the fish spat him out. His skin and hair had J 2心I 歹顷,山& 〃 豚十 4)1 (o舟
dissolved, so God made a gourd tree grow which shaded him [from the sun].
When he became stronger, it began to wither, so he said, “My Lord, the tree
that shaded me is withering away!”
So God revealed to him, saying, KYunus, you are upset about a tree that
p割# )把二J®如渗
shaded you but were not upset about punishment befalling more than one
hundred thousand people?”' [10:98]
" %岳\^\\^r\: JR粱如5] 8或勺眼诙妙 .iA

% 48. From <Ali b, 'Uqba, on his father's authority who said, ‘I heard Abu cAbd
% Allah 嗥 say,aEntrust this matter of yours [i,e. the Imamate] to God and 待也为为』J驰川河9岳第/削硬庭
_l % not to the people, for what is dedicated to God is truly God's and what is
k done for people does not reach God. Do not dispute with the people about
your creed, for dispute makes the heart fall sick. God said to His Prophet:
Muhammad, < You cannot guide everyone you love to the truth; it is God who 专三匕'块j碗匕^ /。茶导加二
guides whoever He wills^28-56') and:〈So can you [Prophet] compelpeople to
believe?' Leave the people, for the people have learned but from other peo­
ple, whereas you have learned from none other than God's Messenger 嘴
&袂饱<u-t» #仙户"即跑好歹成“
and <A1T 泓1 have heard my father 隰 say, 'When God decrees for a serv-
to enter under the banner of this authority, then it materialises for him
faster than a bird can fly to its nest;” [10:99]

534 0V0
io. Yunus

From ‘Abd Allah b. Yahya al-Kahili, from Abu Abd Allah 混.He said, cj
heard him say, “When the Messenger of God - peace be upon him and his
family 一 was taken on the Night Journey, JibraR 嗥? brought al-Buraq to
寸声3 /,尊5就嘿虹虬心旬W血
him which he mounted and went to the Holy Sanctuary (al-bayt al-muqa-
ddas). There he met with [his brothers from among] the previous prophets. 力b具g甘耳次洞或 b'6¥硕火w t?
Then he returned, and when he awoke he told his companions, ‘I went to the
Holy Sanctuary last night and met my brothers from among the prophets? <^1状毋5登U点I垢八:胚内勺心寸归颁
So they said, ‘0 Messenger of God, how can you have gone to the Holy
Sanctuary last night?' 奸成0勺移&/瑚4 3还,的5项I.嗥蚓j^:JUi
So he replied, 'Jibra'il 博 brought me al-Buraq which I rode. The evi­
dence of it is that I passed by one of Abu Sufyan^ caravans at the oasis of so- . j豹仲骏史以灼Q买&山
and-so, and they were looking fbr a camel of theirs that they had lost?
He continued, “So people began saying to each other, 'He could have 奶初(顷国E目冬心广电。顷!:#*?砂J原:J&
ridden extremely fast. However, you people who have just come from Sham
and know it well, ask him about its marketplaces, its gates and its traders [to 酬必八:8困可山5如总早顷¥AJ 3
test him thereby]."'
He said, “So they quizzed him, saying, 'O Messenger of God, what is c二参少其崛、年1 wU耳嗥制4tj。穿也口 &
Sham like? What are its marketplaces like?'
The Messenger of God 辖 was such that whenever he was asked about .洋兄w
something that he did not know, he became anxious and it would show on
his face.” 3:她©。乙加」尸共:J岛黎W盘而!以瓦"廿出
B He continued, aHe was barely in that state when Jibra气 澳 came to him
saying, ‘0 Messenger of God, behold Sham that has been raised up here for ^jui J :典hjUj <Wj t刖尹妙隰相妇崩&出
i you?
The Messenger of God - peace be upon him and his family - looked up 心°项或ya z® %*航邳* s d岬*田

and there he was in Sham with its gates and its traders. So he asked, 'Where
is the man who asked about Sham?,
They, in turn, asked him, 'Where is so-and-so's house?' and 'Where is
土铤3回1U匕^易E由山6 Y廿她衫出
such and such a place?' 如5蜘片太I割M尸力航・〃护d航沪《够•?“
He answered every single thing that they asked him about, but very few
ofthem believed. This is the purport of God's words: < But what use are signs
and namings to people who will not believe? > We seek refuge in God from
disbelieving in God and His Messenger. We believe in God and His Messen-
ger, we believe in God and His Messenger.”' [10:101]

536 oYV

-i Abu al-Hasan al-Rida c^l. He said, ‘I
FromMuMmmadb •呻籍
the Mahdi reappears], so he re-
so- asked him somethingaboutthe,relief [when
;or that reliefis reliefin itself? God says:
know that waiting L-
plied, “Don't you,
waiting too.y^0-10^
^Wait then, I

From Ma§q:
-i Abd ‘Abd Allah 嗥 who said, 4What stops
亦 alW^;X^ever dies from amongst you having ad-
that whosoever <—
51- you from bearing witness th • j of the Garden? God Himself says:
, r is indeed deserving *" W我颂*A・J兄"饥,邳*s』舟\心&
hered to this authority」 Y [10:103]
Ourselfto save the believers.
^We take it upon (-.

- -' -:ant information, is listed by Barqi as acompm-

6 Masqala al-Tahhan, about whom there is sc
罗荔京慕尽diq・ See Kh沔如所,外94 (nr. S9)・
ion(------ “ -



ii. Hud

From Ibn Sinan from Jabir, from Abu Ja%"瘪 who said, ‘Whoever re­
cites the Chapter of Hud every Friday, God will resurrect him on the Day
ofJudgement in the company of the believers and the prophets. He will be
given an easy account and there will be no record ofhim having committed
[ a) ] 。痍 j ^顷 v 4)|
any sins?
.4*01 V 早f
From Sadir, from Abu Ja’far (紫} who said, Jabir b. ‘Abd Allah informed me
that the polytheists used to pass by the Messenger of God 嘴 and that one
of them would push his head and his back forward like this, and then cover
his head up with his cloak so that the Messenger of God 嘶 could not see |乂能&^心如y■&・川〈嗥a
who it was. So God revealed:《See how they [the disbelievers] wrap them­
selves up, to hide theirfeelingsfrom Him. But even when they cover themselves 也、弟应祐J安。jij *i K农嘴妇扳
with their clothes, He knows what they conceal and what they reveal. *' [11:5]
•/亏以匕〈於1>匕 dpi,入力! 丫夕:4jji J>*-j
3. From Muhammad b. Fudayl from Jabir, from Abu Ja'far 既? who said, 'A
Bedouin came to the Messenger of God 嘴 and said, “O Messenger of God,
I have sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, nieces and nephews
"E # 4)1妇JI:JI5曜K新队.2皿叫(/
to support, and our livelihood is meagre. Please, O Messenger of God, could
you supplicate to God to grant us ample livelihood?w
织茅* Qg侦砂4 Q0 J JI &妇侦兴,时崩
He continued, 'And he was crying, so the Muslims were sympathetic to-
J 由I I Jib 函(独LJp AJLudlj 罗! ©9 Q&
wards him, so the Messenger of God said:〈 There is not a creature that
moves on earth whoseprovision is not His concern.:.He knows where it lives and
街resting place: it is all [there] in a clear record.夕 Whoever takes re­
k 磐 4)1J虚 <bLll a) fjJ〈色 JIS 赋出 抽
-. … -Z
sponsibility for feeding these mouths whom God has promised to feed, God 屈6
will pour provision down unto him like a downpour of rain, however little


or much it may be.” Then the Messenger of God 嘴 supplicated for him, and
the Muslims all said Amen?

ii. Hud

He continued, ^Abu Jacfar 溟 said, "Someone who met the man again at
the time of'Umar and asked him about his situation narrated to me that he
replied, “I am among the best to have been granted a permissible livelihood
and the wealthiest.”' [ii:6]
:曜』卜站 c成必J *5痢b侦/隰处项其出
From 'Abd Allah b. Sinan, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗅 who said, 'God created ,第 n* 岭& ①
good on Sunday, and He would never create evil before good. On Sunday
and Monday, He created the land masses, and on Tuesday their means of
subsistence. On Wednesday, He created the heavens, and on Thursday and
Friday their means of subsistence. This is as per His statement:钮 is He who
created the heavens and the earth in six Days 鼠 and this is why the Jews are
abstinent on Saturday [the Sabbath]? [11:7]
侦项贰知恰6^? 齿为代央?网亦稗兴
5- From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Jacfar who said, 'God, Blessed
and most High, is as He describes Himself; and <His rule extends over the
waters too.夕 The water is in the air, and the air does not move? [11:7] .孑伴晃I以刘W项爻我国,5 9噬^顷》:舞
6. Muhammad b. {Imran al-'Ijli1 said, 'I asked Abu cAbd Allah t缨,"Where was
the location of the place where the water was in God's statement: ^His rule 应彳魅小妫少以孙商5,嗥mJ沪卜白义芹・°
extends over the waters too^n He replied, “It was a white abyss, meaning a
pearl.”' [11:7]

7- From Aban b. [Abi] Musafir,2 from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗅 who said regarding
God's verse ^IfWe defer theirpunishmentfor a determined time 少-meaning
as much as the number [of people] at Badr 一 <( they are sure to say, 'What is
holding it back?"But on the Day it comes upon them, nothing will divert itjrom 9史0 以&成: jg嵌A七家&*
them.夕 He said, "The punishment? [11:8]

0边妃袂戏粉必w凛如呻甘网y ,v
1 Muhammad b. ,Imran al-'Ijli, on whom there is scant information. See Khu*!, Mujam,
18:87-8 (nr. 11510).
2 Aban b. Abi Musafir, companion of Imam Ja’far al-$adiq. See Khu?, Mu^am, 1:130
(nr. 23).

ii. Hud

8. 二 —i ‘Abd al-Acla al-Halabi who said, "Abu Ja’far 嘿 said, “The companions
E•嗥R项出:出职面0 .A
of the Qa De some three
im will be 中〜〜一 -and a few men. By
imcc “ God,, they
f juu mey are 乙一 ..A. \
the determined number that God mentions in His Book: ^IfWe defer their
punishmentfor a determined time. Y/ He continued, 'They will gather togeth-
er for him all at the same time as「the gathering of the autumn rain clouds?

From al-Husayn from al-Kharraz, from Abu cAbd Allah 嘿 regarding the
verse: < IfWe defer theirpunishmentfor a determined time, > he said, {This is
referring to the Qa^m and his companions? [11:8]
10. From Jabir b. Arqam, from his brother Zayd b. Arqam who said, ‘Jibra孔 the
trustworthy spirit, descended upon God's Messenger 4炫 with the authori­
ty of'Ali b. Abi Talib 嗥! on the eve of'arafa, at which time the Messenger
of God 嘶 became anxious out of fear ofbeing rejected by the skeptics and 仙哮;制以土(5 W应/矽^嗥i彳*寸a源码嚏独
hypocrites. So he called a group of people, I being one of them, to consult
them about that, so that he could implement it at the right time. However, 杪13包陡必m t海 心思研 用国
we did not know what to say to him; so he 镂 wept and Jibra'il asked him,
'What is wrong, Muhammad? Are you upset with God's command?' So he 前顼b 套aS J国点色M坍尸卢
said, Absolutely not, Jibra孔 but my Lord knows what I faced from the
Quraysh when they did not attest to my prophethood until finally, He com­
manded me to fight them, and had to send down an army from the heavens
to help me. So how will they ever attest to <Ali after me?' Sojibrall left him
and this verse descended unto him:《So [Prophet] are you going to abandon
some part of what is revealed to you, and let your heart be oppressed by it?歹' &匕6 &匕/灵曳,:呼。关,威a

11. From {Ammar b. Suwayd3 who said, CI heard Abu 'Abd Allah say regard­
ing this verse: <( So [Prophet] are you going to abandon some part of what is
revealed to you, and let your heart be oppressed by it, because they say, (Why 务时°y j共嗥球si & :J&切白站
is no treasure sent down to him? Why has no angel come with him?夕 He said,
When the Messenger of God 嘴 stopped at Qudayd,4 he said to cAli 潺【 .《纭匕允匕项»:板。侦与灯我匕^园! &;・航
3 ,Ammar b・ Suwayd, a companion of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq. See Khu^i, Mn加L 以切
(nr. 8648). .
4 Qudayd, a region near Mecca.

546 0£V
ii. Hud

asked my Lord to make a strong bond of patronage between you and me, So 诙J身白d 3 *丽侦J备乩嗥善
He did. I asked my Lord to make us brothers, and He did. Then I asked my
Lord to make you my successor, and He has done so." So two men from the :巨b)刈"旧,网 那 4 o' 5 aLj齿 他&
Quraysh said, “By God, we would much rather have a bunch of dates in a
cool, wet water-skin than what Muhammad has asked his Lord for. He could /知g <4j象JLle以3 5.内初X胡
have asked for an angel to assist him against his enemies or treasure that he
can use in his time ofneed. By God, and no sooner did he supplicate to Him 计血JjE <aJ硬M尹3!&"如小,好^务i再化
for the wrong thing than He gave it to him.
So God revealed unto him: # So [Prophet] are you going to abandon some •应顷眼细3匕成妇i,
part ofwhat is revealed to you, and let your heart be oppressed by it, because
they say, (Why is no treasure sent down to him? Why has no angel come with A嘿茂必#勺嘴舟Ju电:J6
him?' You are only there to warn; it is God who is in charge of everything. ✓
The Messenger of God - peace be upon him and his family - supplicated for 刀r j撰如ib玲为刀J &冲$—伊》:场尹I
the Commander of the Faithful at the end of his prayer in a loud voice that
people could hear, saying, “0 God, grant 'Ali the love that is in the believers, 挤匕JI 诉拦5 AG/'"线:朋
hearts, and place fear and awe of him in the hypocrites' hearts.”
So God revealed: <{But the Lord ofMercy will give love to those who be­ .矽1 & #血*;卜名区孙歹迎匕+密&
lieve and do righteous deeds: We have made it easy, in your own language
[Prophet], so that you may bring glad news to the righteous and warnings to a a)l 闵 宗 Ju gm'项 踮杪。原

stubborn people ^>(19:96-97)meaning the Banu Umayya. So Ruma" said, “By
God, I would much rather prefer a bunch of dates in a cool, wet water-skin
CjU 4-i 4)1 勺券&& & 务成
than what Muhammad wants from his Lord. He could have asked fbr an an­
gel to assist him against his enemies or treasure that he can fall back on to
support him in his time of need.”
So God revealed ten verses from the Chapter of Hud, beginning with:
4 [Prophet] are you going to abandon some part ofwhat is revealed to you...
if they say3 (He has invented it himself,夕 一 referring to <Ali's authority; <5秋
Then produce ten invented surahs like it... if they do not answer you^ regard-
ing cAlis authority; < then you will all know that it is sent down containing I!另沁狗仪#饱j匕须 沁为
knowledgefrom God, and that there is no god but Him. Then willyou submit to
his appointment of If any desire [only] the life ofthis world , ii夕《电
以也血 its finery - referring to [Abu Bakr] and ['Umar b. al-Khattab]-
4 We shall repay them infull in this lifefor their deeds... their work here will be
龙球/ess and their deeds futile. Can they be compared to those who have clear
«匕拓匕句片j 一 ^匕以瑚必为嗥妁^很他。匕
bi 2.4■长列与立成,想 br y嗥伊4%逐•部
5 An anagram of the name *Umar.

11. Hud

their Lord^ ,
- i.e. the Messenger ofGod^^-^ /
recited by.} fl wit­
ness from Him》- ie the Commander of the Faithful - ^and before it
\heB00k ofMusa, as
the Book ofMusa, guide and
as aa guide mercy^ -- He
and mercy^ said, 'The
He said, 'The authority of{Aliiss
authority of<Alii
mentioned in MW's Book- < Thesepeople believe in it, whereas thosegroups
洗砒 deny its truth arepromised the Fire. So have no doubt about it > -i.e,如诛
authority - < it is the Truthfrom your Lord though mostpeople do not believe
,n… the--witnesses will say.:)> - they
' 一Imams, peace be upon them -
are the
(These are the ones that lied about their Lord... can these two groups be alike? 砂〃只•由*如其'隰 R』凶cH'板岫・*;芦
How can you not take heed? )>(11:18-24), [11:12-17]

12. From Burayd b. Mucawiya al-cIjli, from Abu Ja'far who said, 'The one
who has clear proof from his Lord is the Messenger of God 舞;,and the one
who recited it after him as a witness from himself is the Commander of the
Faithful 唳 and then his successors one after the other? [11:17]
b夕cA :以由嗥块W白加毕邪川芦
13. From Jabir, from ‘Abd Allah b. Yahya who said, ‘I heard {Ali 喋? say,aThere \ T- -£ 4 — * •

; is not a single man from among the Quraysh who has not had a verse or two
・ apg" jUj'VajcJj!两 Y
revealed about him in God's Book."
A man from the community asked him, “So what has been revealed J•• i时i另U :隰J y 顷k为伊。见』/J用
about you, the Commander of the Faithful ?w He replied, “Have you not read
the verse in [the chapter of] Hud: < Can they be compared to those who have
clearprooffrom their Lord, recited by a witnessfrom Him 少 一 Muhammad 镭
is the one with a clear proof from His Lord, and I am the witness.”' [11:17]
.jubWi u 项q 3 衿

14. From Abu 'Ubayda who said, ‘I asked Abu Jacfar 嚓1’ about God's verse:
《Who could do more wrong than someone who invents lies about God? Such
people will be brought before their Lord, and the witnesses will say, 'These are
J卜项历,以盘舶另苛嗥? >Z*r V -

the ones that lied about their Loid: God's rejection is the due of those who do
such wrong, who hinder othersfrom God'spath, trying to make it crooked [—]^
So he replied,KThese are four kings from the Quraysh, who will follow one 愚相用外#:驱
another? [11:18-19]
I ;
15・ From Aba Usama who said, 'I said to Abu 'Abd Allah 诳!,"There is a man
among us called Kulayb who no sooner does he hear of anything that has
been issued by you than he says: 'I submit? So we have named him Kulayb &点•出7斗m :J6 C 孑 A 营
of Submission." He replied, “Then be extra kind to him." Then he said, “Do

550 oo\
11. Hud

quiet so he said, “By

you know what.submission actually is?” We remained quiet,
" ui nnpqelf God says: 《 But those who believed, did good
1------ oncbcu.
God, it is to humble
deeds, and humbled themselves before their Lord 沪” [11:23]

16. From Ibn Abi Nasr al-Bizanti6, from Abu al-Hasan al-Ri曲嗥 who said,
'God said regarding Nu^s community: ^My advice will be ofno use toyOu
ifGod wishes to leave you to your delusions. > He said, “The decision is up to
God whether He guides or leaves them to stray.”' [11:34]

From Abu al-Tufayl, from Abu Ja'far, on his father's authority, peace be •您或坨加
upon them both, who said regarding God's verse: #物 advice will be no use
to you if God wishes to leave you to your delusions^, 'It was revealed about
al-'Abbas.' [11:34]

18. From Ismacil [b. Jabir] al-Jucfi, from Abu JaTar 嗥! who said, 'Nuh^ legal
code was simply that God is worshipped exclusively and sincerely with no
rivals; and it was the innate nature that people have been predisposed to.
So He made the covenant with Nuh and the other prophets to worship God 4)1 攻 切择 cu" : 〈嗥 j^r 寸 if异卜! v
and to not associate anything with Him. He commanded him to pray, to en­

B join the good, forbid the evil, and observe the prohibited and permissible.
He did not impose laws of prescribed punishments on him nor laws of in­
heritance, and this was his code of law. So he remained with them for nine
hundred and fifty years, propagating to them in private as well as in public.
aSLj 以9小北为岫外

Cm0 Ng 习 4(“ cJf

When they refused and rebelled, he said, ^My Lord, I am defeated so help
■ s
me.Ws4:io)So God revealed:〈None ofyour people will believe, other than
those who have already done so, so do not be distressed by what they do,少 This
is why Nuh said: ^ifyou leave them they will lead Your servants astray and
beget only sinners and disbelievers. >(71:27> Then God revealed to him: ^Build
theArk[...]y [11:36]

19. From al-Mufaddal b. 'Umar who said, T was with Abu 'Abd Allah 摩! in Kufa
when he went to visit Abu al-*Abbas. When we reached a pile of rubbish, he
looked to his left and said, ttMufaddal, my uncle Zayd, may God have mercy
on him, was crucified right here." Then he went on until he came to the arch

6 A reference to Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abi Na$r al-Bizanti.

11. Hud

ofolive trees at the end ofthe saddlers' [market]. He dismounted and said to wjw两,矽板隰顷用
me, "Get down for this is the original place ofthe very first Mosque of Kufa
that Adam had founded, and I would hate for us to enter it on horseback." 卒J *摘a奴J&F 芋月近灯出w场
So i asked him, "Who moved it from its original place?” He replied, “The
first t0 do that was the flood at the time ofNuh, then some of the compan­ 队睫酒U J成心岳小顷小她快顶参奸《,血
ions ofthe Caesar and Nucman b. Mundhir changed it after that. Then Ziyad
b. Abl Sufyan.,>
.务也抽挤布 '嗥"了焰 卯 垃I w卜《
So I said to him, “May I be your ransom - did Kufa and its mosque exist
at the time ofNuh?w He replied, wYes, Mufaddal. Nuh and his people lived
瑚W S 4 &岬&以5 J项爪J奶戒1光*招:』*
in a village towards the side of the Euphrates that lies to the west of Kufa?
He continued, aNuh was a carpenter, so God chose him and sent him .(jLi-x gl 3心必F」讪况『9 6提^国M
as a messenger. Nuh was the first to build a boat that could float on the sur­
face ofthe water; and he remained among his people for nine hundred and y : J国勺祛绪C/J .榛'■^■t 砂*么甘:』H
fifty years, calling them to guidance, but they would pass him by and mock
him. When he experienced that from them he cursed them, saying: ^Lord, .矽3i场甘"Q很'萨& y "务z?顷*宙山靛
do not leave any of the disbelievers on the earth - ifyou leave them they will
lead Your servants astray and beget only sinners and disbelievers. )>(71:27) He R(4^上如 jAy 成心& 4)。出j 潟® 两:J&
continued, “So God revealed: 0 Nuh, Build the Ark^ wide and hurry in
completing it funder Our [watchful] Eyes and with Our inspiration. *(23:27) &兑/企A V'L项1板顶j BA》0部成
So Nuh worked on the Ark in the Mosque of Kufa with his hands, bringing
the wood from afar until he had completed it.” 4、史凌=与曰) :」岛斗必寸』沁L皈3上品
Mufaddal said, 'Then Abu 'Abd Allah's narration stopped there as it was
noon, so he got up and prayed the zuhr prayer and then the 'asr. Then he 踮寸侦4⑷u* •出延项占^坡:列破渺S
went out of the mosque and turned to his left, pointing with his hand to
one of the two safe houses, being the location of Ibn Hakim's house. This j. Q 3;只妲
is where the Euphrates is today. Then he said to me, aMufaddal, this is the
place where the idols of Nuh^ community - ^ghuth, Ya'uq, and Nasr - 3枝修七
were stood up.” A

Then he went ahead and mounted his horse. Jljj X^cdJJS 心>「景 4JJ1-UP
cjl J丛(2^1 F J6
So I asked him, "May I be your ransom - how long did it take Nuh to 命
complete his building of the Ark?” 吧火 b <。j"苛 3J& <义11 〃 q
He replied, KTwo cycles of time."
I asked, "How long are two cycles exactly?" 购临T提I七侦以以,声功火少j由履
He replied, “Eighty years?
$ PL^l La Ia
I said, The majority [i.e. the Sunnis] say that it took him five hundred '$? B </"卅9 "f
sc ”

554 000
ii. Hud

He said, “Never. How can that be when God says: ^and with Ourinspi,
j :J&半•仓&
ration.»' [ii:37-49〕 0应J芟g睫n・l城:jg啊新&& .&页
From ^sa b. cAbd Allah al-cAlawi, on his father's authority who said, 'The
Ark measured forty in length by forty in height, and had a also
• :one letting sunlight in during the day and one letting in
had two portholes:
moonlight at ni_ and [by these] they used to be able to identify the tim-
ings for the prayers. He had Adam's bones with him in the Ark, and when 打任询匕"•出曷芋欢南罗白踌芹Z
he disembarked from it he made a grave for him under the minaret of the
Mosque of Mina? [ii:37〕
,广AA 心峪>• s J&户
21. From al-Mufaddal who said, 'I asked Abu cAbd Allah 嗥,“You know God's \ \ z ' -
verse:《When Our command came, and water gushed up out of the earthy -
What is this furnace? Where was it located and how was it?" J)'初独二Z 撩 A 板』#甘-场 狷岫
He replied, “The furnace was just as I have previously described to you.”
I asked, “So the water first started to gush out from that furnace?w
He replied, “Yes. God wanted Nuh^ community to witness the phenom­
匕^ A雾^ 旦侦:嗥义"小4:JG/
enon. Then after that, God sent downpours of rain that caused a flood. The
Euphrates flooded too as did all its springs. God drowned them and saved 顶)启子:J施对成决&"剽火词撰5国
Nuh and those who were with him aboard the Ark.”
Then I asked him, “How long did Nuh and his fellow companions stay
aboard the Ark until the water receded and they disembarked?”
B8 He replied, “They stayed on it for seven days and seven nights. It cir­
cumambulated the House then settled on the Judi, which is the Euphrates
[near] Kufa.” 掘3* K山uM多* W询骸
Then I asked him, “The old Mosque of Kufa?”
He replied, MYes, the one which was the place where several prophets
prayed, and where the Messenger of God 嘴 had prayed when Jibra^l jour-
neyed with him on al-Buraq. When he brought him to Dar al-Salam [the * 4 3归
Abode of Peace] first, which is behind Kufa, on the way to the Holy Sanctu­
ary [in Jerusalem], he said to him, "Muhammad, this is the mosque of your iiyW:典
father Adam, and the place of prayer of many prophets. So dismount and .3夕|
pray in it?
The Messenger of God s榭 dismounted and prayed, then set off again to-
wards the Holy Sanctuary, where he prayed too. Then Jib 函1 ascended with
him to the heavens.”' [11:40]

556 oov
n. Hud

22. From al-Hasan b.,Ali, from one of his associates, from Abu 'Abd Al崩
薄 纣一/剑H刃•产血徊砂3j踊三
who said, 'NUb's wife came to him while he was working on the Ark and
said to him,w There is water coming out ofthe furnace !w So he rushed to it
quickly and covered it with the lid, sealing it shut with its seal. So the water
stopped, but as soon as Nuh had completed the Ark he came to the seal and 隰'g'人点I :』jis …,
broke it, opened the lid and the water gushed forth? [11:40]
S必冲F X <向4心,中岐项£
23・ From Abu Pbayda al-Hadhdha\ from AbuJ^far^1 who said, 'The Mosque
of Kufa is where the water gushed forth from, where the Ark was construct­
ed; it is the centre ofBabylon and the gathering place ofthe prophets? [n:40]

24, From Salman al-Farisi, from the Commander ofthe Faithful 瀑J in a narra­
◎ . -
tion ofhis about the virtues of the Mosque of Kufa, that Nuh constructed his
Ark therein, and that is whence the water gushed forth as well as the place 参 硕(旧〈儿 j 2?"苏力yi &!:』心原k "3硕
where Nuh^ house and mosque were located; and that the water gushed
forth from the right-hand corner of the Mosque of Kufa. [11:40]

25. From al-Acmash7 who, without mentioning his source, cited 'Ali t瘪 regard­
ing His verse:《When Our command came, and water gushed out of the 'fur-
nace.y He said, 'By God, it was not a bread oven!' Then he pointed to the
sun with his hand saying, '[It refers to] its rising? [11:40] O:9亲I 我 号如:JE〈嗥 V 5讪 y\

.。项 V JjI ".9

:-砂jijwU上卜寸一嗅泌侦芦侦狎阳V 也
页W吵色,。/ 5.成%少£ '斗M V

7 Muhammad Sulayman b. Mihran al-A'mash, a notable companion of Imam Ja'far 亦

$adiq who is known for his trustworthiness and reliability as a narrator but is surprisingly
not mentioned by Hilli in his Khuldsat al-aqwdl. See Khu,i, Mu'jam, 9:294-5 (nr- 55】8)・
,: J1。七讨《顷^1 ■

ii. Hud

el 3 ,嗥'* y 项/ ex 辱 w 芦
From Ismail b. Jabir al-Juf, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗅 who said, ‘It took him y'r
冲而之&浏J汕W顽妇j Ey岸以d
one hundred years to build it, then He commanded him to carry aboard it
two of each species of animal (permissible to consume) from the eight ani­
mals in pairs that came out of the Garden with Adam in order that there be
provision for NuhJs progeny on the earth after him, just as Adam's progeny 球就禅¥ • ・ ALXuJl (J S jlSX# M L b j
had subsisted; for the earth and everything on it would be flooded except
for what Nuh carried with him in his Ark.
He continued, 'So Nuh carried the eight animals in pairs, which God
mentions: gave you eight ani?nuls, in \fout\ pairs * a pair of sheep and a /或 J I J15 浏专印
i j
pair ofgoats... andapair ofcamels and apair ofcattle... >(6:143-144) So there
were two pairs of sheep: one pair to be raised and looked after by humans,
and another pair of wild sheep that would live in the mountains, which He
made permissible for them to hunt. Similarly, there were two pairs of goat:
one pair raised by humans and one pair of deer [known as the second pair];
and two pairs of cattle: one raised by humans and the other being wild buf­ 夕函如a h >' a』成剧)割(/ <m
falo; and two pairs of camels: one Bactrian and one desert. [There was] also
every species of bird: wild and domestic. Then the earth flooded? [11:40] 屏刃贝讲'&少寸8成〃 &E '网'W 宓坎次
27. From Ibrahim, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 that Nuh carried dogs on the Ark 孑项小:妇j 〃少罗9顷b 3,寸咄3
too but did not carry anyone born out of wedlock. [11:40]
28. From 'Abd Allah [or 'Ubayd Allah] al-Halabi, on his authority. He said,
'The person born out of wedlock must not be allowed to give testimony nor
lead people in prayer. Nuh did not carry such a person on board his Ark, 好b,或jy *嗥Q o\:隰制妇时』v • 3
while he carried dogs and pigs therein? [11:40]
29. From Humran, from Abu Ja'far t灌 regarding God's verse:《though only a
few believed with him. * He said, 'There were eight of them? [11:40]
& %嚣L』孩W呀询瑚牌s罪奇罗W ”
•罗成1导 * 翊'3*3嗥u1瑚"^坝

ii. Hud 沪打尸I?

0 >.

From Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abd Ja'far 噢.He said:〈 andNuh called 妙展!•.uMQp她*:免嗥加必,卜&裕,
out to hisson^ -he said, 'It is a shortened vernacular word '湖沂 with an
vowel, meaning 'his wife's son? [11:42]

From Musa, from aPAlab. Sayabafrom AbrAbd Allah 嗥} regarding God's

verse: < and Nuh called out to his son 夕-he said, 'It was not his own son but
rather his wife's son, which they would have shortened to the word ibanha
[instead of ibniha]. Then Nuh said, ^My Lord, I take refuge with You from 加
askingfor things Iknow nothing about. IfYou do notforgive me, and have mer­
cy on me> I shall be one ofthe losers,夕[11:42—47] •好广匕收亦凶寸Q!聂••&
From Zurara, from Abu Jalfar 嗥? who said regarding Nuh^ statement:
< (Come aboard with us, my son'知'It is not his son? He said, ‘I asked, “But :次网匕二薮》:嘿寸嗥如M芦・H
didn't Nuh say: 'My son'?” He replied, aNuh only said that because he did
not know any better.”' [11:42] .&必 出心物瑚摄虹圳海⑶3:公航心
33- From Ibrahim b. Abi al-'Ala8, on someone else*s authority, from one of the
two [al-Baqir or al-Sadiq] who said, 'When God said: <( 'Earth, swallow up
your water, and sky, hold back^, the earth said, "I have only been com­
manded to swallow up my own water, not the water from the sky.”' He said, m ti a岫j,项由:a* 5 <麟#斜吒"
'So the earth swallowed up its own water, and the water from the sky re­
mained and became a sea around the earth? [11:44] ・3!I孑技役AJI儿急虺儿加。岫H
From cAbd al-Rahman b. al-Hajjaj, from Abu 'Abd Allah 隰 who said re­
garding His statement: # "Earth, swallow up your water'^, 'It was revealed 妙匕圳岗少.妙蛋瀑南呻3峪3心用W •”
in an Indian language, meaning “drink up”.' [11:44]

35- In a narration from lAbbad [b. Suhayb], on his f潺! authority, < # "Earth, swal-
low upyourwater^ - was in Ethiopian/ [11:44]
:陞3必如* ,

8 We were unable to find an individual by this name in either Hillfs Khulasat al-aqwalo^

S62 o-xr
ii. Hud

From al-Hasanb. Salih9, from Abu ?bd AllahjJ?. He said, *1 heard Abuja<. & ■展隰—U为5,隰加芹.,、
far 混 talking to cAtaJ saying, “The length ofNu^s Ark measured one hum
dred and twenty cubits, its width was eight hundred cubits and its height 0网出旗30出界也2&馁贵述
eighty cubits. It circumambulated the House seven times, sailed between
Safa and Marwa seven times, then settled on thejudi.,,> [11:44] 《少顶J打务购'B二方卜3。S以勤5城
37. From al-Mufaddal b. {Umar, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥?: 'It settled on thejudi,
which is the Euphrates of Kufa? [11:44]

38. From Abu Basir, from Abu al-Hasan 瀑He narrated, ‘He said, “AbU .砂2房吨决'小口嗥知呻寸如,白彪序.rv
Muhammad, God inspired the mountains that I will settle Nufs Ark upon
one ofyou during the storm. So they all tried to tower and exalt themselves
over each other, but a particular mountain in Mosul called al-Judi humbled J :J W以! 如6唐虱:J必g嗥』芹g g芦・n
itself so in the storm the Ark encircled all the mountains until it finally set­
tled on thejudi, and stayed there. Nuh called out: 'Barat qani, barat qanT? 阡P E厨为心航■少J灸宾由寸标7注
He said, ‘I asked him, "May I be your ransom - what do these words
mean?” He replied, “0 God, settle it right! 0 God, settle it right.”' [11:44]

39・ From Abu Basir, from Abu al-Hasan Musa「灌 who said, "Nuh remained on . g心顷.c? 口1)板嗥S 心 w少&决&
the Ark for a long time, as much as God willed; and it was controlled [by
God] so Nuh let it take its course. God then inspired the mountains that I

B am going to settle the Ark of My servant Nuh upon one of you. So they tried
to tower and exalt themselves over each other, except for the Judi, which
is a mountain in Mosul. So the bow of the Ark struck against it, and at that
moment Nuh exclaimed, <( Rabbi atqin which in Arabic means "My Lord,

settle it right." [11:44] [r粱 J J”:嗥 瑚W奶硕苻

T 快膈吗心缺M s 3S扳w浏心u

:咨JI. 嗥澎
,顽5 :必心嗥 M 3
•' S 疗Q
9 A^Abd Allah al-Hasan b. §alihb, Hayy al-Hamdani al-Thawri (d. 168/784), a companion
of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir and eponymous founder of the $alihiyya sect of the Zaydi
school of thought. See Hilli, Mujam, 337 (nr. 1330); Modarressi, Tradition and S"姗,
256-7 (nr. 84).

564 0"
9 5吹"
ii. Hud

Kathir al-Nawwa* narrated from Abu Ja'far who said, 'Nuh heard th
0 >顼叫力曜u cf 央嗥8 g印以|占灿
grinding against the Ju di, so he became scared. He stuck his head out of the
lOrthole that it had and raised his hand pointing
pc . up with his finger, saying :块出 k川G%g
林QD 阳以函廿
Urub(amdn atqi^ which means, 'My Lord, fix it. [11:44] A

From fAbd al-Hamid b. Abi al-Daylam10, from Abu cAbd Allah 辱 who said,
'When Nuh boarded the Ark, it was said: < # 'Gone
"Gone are those evildoing
evildoini peo­
ple!'Y [n:44] 38嗥廿。上州程南呻甘芦仰爵,3旧芹
42. From al-Hasan b. cAli al-WashshM who said, CI heard al-Rida say, aAbu 岫/! ry :归
'Abd Allah 嗥 said, 'God said to Nuh: ^he was not one ofyourfamily^ be-
cause he opposed him, and He designated those who followed him to be
part of his family?w 航!:嗥' ' y项出:以嗥0’或巾奸省& Cr^'芦
He said, cAnd he asked me how they read this verse about Nuh? I replied,
'The people read it in two ways: either innahu 'amalun ghayru sdlihin [it is ,山[〃 y1 〃 M 字S J R & 匚!》漂次 J &
not a righteous act] or innahu (amila ghayra sdlihin [what he did was not
right].' So he said, 'They are wrong. He was indeed his son, but God disas­ :#3加岫矣:J应]山&以耳虬:J6
sociated him from him when he opposed him in his faith? [11:46]
4)1汉,以垃彳而,(杪^关修管J 项》
43. From Abu Ma'mar al-Sa'di who said, “Ali b. Abi Talib r灌 said regarding His
verse ^MyLord is on a straightpath,: “It means that He is on what is right -
He recompenses goodness with good and evil with bad, and He pardons and
forgives whomever He wills - glorified and exalted is He.”' [11:56]
A J;路:畛0康Ulb』a由出:J&修心.帅•任
44. From Mufaddal b. ^mar, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥? who said, "Ali b. al-
Husayn, may God's blessings be upon him, was sitting in the Sacred Mosque
when a man from Kufa said to him, "Did 'Ali r貌'actually say that our broth-
ers have oppressed us?” So 'Ali b. al-Husayn 邃? said to him, ‘0 Abu 'Abd
Allah, have you not read God's book: < To the people of1Ad, We sent their
brother, Hud^> and God destroyed the people of'Ad but saved Hud, and:
< To the Thamud, We sent their brother, Salih 夕,where He destroyed Thamud 十志心必妇雄省如嗥/2 J顶丁
and saved Salih? [11:50,61]
切以!初:混Jjp js时展〃上八兴心『炉7 '”
:挡巴色空迅 * Abi al-Daylam, on whom there is scant information, is considered by 】bn 9匕曷》制\JZ I•赫呻I:隰*^白.糜典,'兄
al-Ghadahi 2 have been a weak narrator. See Hilli, Khuldsat al-aqwal, 384-5 (nr. 】546)・

566 0*\V
n. Hud

From Abu Hamza al-Thumall, from Abu Ja'far「起 who said, 'When God
,L #己心畚曲》为到以应珈编缶J心
Blessed and
Blessed and most High, decided
most High, to punish
decided to Lut's people
punish Lufs and decreed
people and decreed it thus'
it thi
He wished to turn Ibrahim's attention away from their punishment by grant­
ing him a knowledgeable son who would console him for the destruction
of Liig's people: He continued, 'So God sent messengers to Ibrahim to give ;R 少M M出,嗥 K』/。色5 J芦 .£o
him the glad tidings of Ismael?
He continued, 'So they went to visit him at night, and he was startled
fearing that they were thieves. When the messengers saw him startled
* [必均"顷* b溟矿"'J『'幻务妁&
. ・I ». ♦ tl«« t ? •• L ■ 1 >
and frightened, < They said, 'Peace; He answered, 'Peace... We are afraid of
卯“3(15:52)^ut they said, 'Do not be afraid,,. fWe bring you good news of
,,i •乃•: • I* . 一.<(I1. i一( i・ti-
a son who will have great knowledge.夕'(任:53) Abu Ja'far said, 'The son with
great knowledge was Ismael, the son of Hajar.
So Ibrahim said to the messengers:《He said, (How can you give me such
news when old age has come to me? What sort ofnews is this?' They said, 'We 少跆邪!由可把麝独 5^如轮仁归肥B
have told you the truth, so do not despair.,y^is, ,s4~ss^
Ibrahim asked the messengers, <{And what is your business after these ・三-危(J. 另少’:嗥乒y项网夕k
glad tidings?' * They replied, fWe have been sent to a people who are guilty^
(15:58)# ]ye have been sent against the people ofLut... they are a shameless peo- @葛其o'Ji网龄:4项嗥汕! J国
^>(21:74)t0 warn them of their Lord's punishment.
Abu Jacfar 瀑! said: ^Ibrahim said, fBut Lut lives among them! They an­
swered, rWe know who lives there better than you do. We shall save him and his
household, exceptfor his wife: she will be one ofthose who stay behind" ^29'32^
When God had punished them, He sent messengers to Ibrahim giving him
glad tidings of Ishaq and consoling him for the destruction of the people ・冲』3 y也仁)目Cy原服封中 时#区#夕
of Lut - as per His statement: # To Ibrahim Our messengers brought good
news> 加7 said, "Peace." He answered, "Peace, and without delay he brought
a roasted caljy - fresh, juicy and well-roasted - < When he saw that their
泾伊修胚匀巳3打&夕:瀑"••隰 乒"项4JB
h"ds did not reach towards the meal, hefound this strange and became afraid
of them. But they said, {Do not be afraid. We have been sent against the peo-
P’e ofLut. His wife was standing^ - Abu Jacfar said, 4It means that Sara was
standing when they gave her the good newsof ( Ishaq* - # and after him, of
说* :倾以方勺杖a刈划为插3。勤应"矿侦
& 4讷>so she laughed* - i.e. she was surprised at their words?
< In a narration of Abu cAbd All 我h's regarding〈so she laughed he said:
She menstruated and was,surprised at their words:〈 She said, Alasfor me!*
How am I to bear a child when lamj an old woman, and my husband here is
。"。讯 man- Nat would be a strange thing!' They said, 'Are you astonished at ©
以方乩京勺项3 3 义网匕顼顼
11. Hud

what God ordains? The grace of God and His blessings be upon you, people of C/ "
域*做" &:混' 4项
this houselForHe is worthy ofallpraise and glory:*
After Ibrahim had been given the good news of Ishaq and he was no
longer afraid, he began to plead with his Lord about Lut s people, asking
Him to remove the affliction away from them, but God said, ^Ibrahim, cease
your pleading: what your Lord has ordained has come about. > My punish­
ment is definitely and irrevocably befalling them this morning after sunrise?
)成切jA卷5 3 一玉娜 晚W嗥尸侦2必邙
46. From Abu Yazid al-Hammar, from AbU 'Abd Allah「魏 who said, 'God sent
down four angels to destroy the people ofLut: Jibra孔 Mik", Israfil, and '&风必茨蝉帑以抄盘'J或产。冷uX』顷L加
Karrubil. They called in on Ibrahim wearing turbans and greeted him with
peace, though he did not recognize them, but he could see that they were ,钧决筹夕匕尹 *1 b尸甘 决 如。也< 丹
handsome. He said, “None shall serve them, but I myself as he loved host­
ing guests. So he roasted a fat calf for them until it was well-cooked, then
placed it before them. When he placed it in front of them, # he saw that 』见切〕3刘13"出t项』心川岫o廿勺项芦,以
their hands did not reach towards it; hefound this strange and became afraid
of them. / When Jibra^l saw that he removed the turban away from his face, Q隰矿以菸山拐 由»>山'如 应# '•如时'观
and Ibrahim recognized him and said, “Is that you?” He replied, a¥es.,>
Then his wife, Sara came in so # we gave her good news ofIshaq and, after li W 零(乒,:d旧 Ma 幻疽刀 卢呼臭3 为瑟
him, of Ya'qub.力
She said, “What has God said exactly?w
So they replied her with what was in the Book.
协化时小7,参簸荚衬妒 心成〜,圈侦
Then Ibrahim asked, “What have you come fbr?w
They replied, ftFor the destruction ofLufs people.”
扁场<标 n 修』必、zd疽刀产顼b 7
Jf So he said to them, "What if there are one hundred believers among
them, will you still destroy them?w
So Jibrail said to him, “No.” 油I J&l•心& tl
He asked, “What about fifty?”
He replied, “No.”
• ••
He replied, "What if there are thirty of them?”
He replied, “No."
He asked, “What if there are twenty?” .以杖J :9&勺产k?:瀑'矿侦!兴
He replied, “No.”
He asked, “And if they are ten of them?"
He replied, "No.”

ii. Hud

.、:J& S 侦%§ :JG

He asked, "What about five?”
He replied, “No.”
------ £- ,
He asked, uSo what if there is only one?”
He replied, "No.” .,出 <・Q臾寿JG
He said, MBut Lut lives among them.”
4 They answered, fWe know who lives there better than you do. We sh
\ /
save him and his household, exceptfor his wife: she will be one ofthose who st
behind・'》(29:32)Then they left?
Al-Hasan b. cAli [i.e. Ibn Faddal] said, "This discussion of his can only
. Y顽仙"醐J&
have been in an attempt to stall them, as per God's statement: ^hepleaded
with Usfor Lui'speople, y [11:69-74]

47. There is a similar narration from 'Abd Allah b. Abl al-Hilal11, from Abu 'Abd .饥,匕^逐㈤凯3学@法方慎城
Allah 嗥 with the following addition:
He said to them, "Eat.”
W/1d务於方!以11 ,:Jc]他出
They replied, “We will not eat until you tell us what its value is.”
So he said, “When you eat, say, 'In the Name of God/ and when you fin­
ish, say, 'Praise be to God.'
He said, cSo Jibra'il turned to his companions 一 and there were four of
them all together with JibraJil heading them - and said, “God is right to take $ ,姐武灌如y』w q* a白相题芹&
this man as His Friend." [11:70] -- 、 为匕..t L .t 三 S

48. From 'Abd Allah b. Sinan who said, ‘I asked Abu 'Abd Allah about: &he
brought in a roasted calf.歹 He said,aWell-roasted and juicy.”' [11:69] 妥M:仙-好 娅项通一归i出按 w&
K 49- From [al-]Fadl b. Abi Qurra who said, "I heard Abu cAbd Allah say,' God
: revealed to Ibrahim that you will have a son. So he informed Sara, and she
said, 'How can I give birth when I am an old woman?' So God revealed to .iA
him: "She will indeed give birth, and her offspring will suffer for four hun- 出谜埒匕e :混部y Q白Lm史"'¥3
dred years because she answered back at Me.”'
He said, “When the suffering of the Children of Israel was prolonged,
they cried and pleaded to God for forty mornings, so God revealed to Musa

峋俨加顶\ 3 :J兄嗥' 制51 &15 ' 丁' w '

11 There are several entries for the name *Abd Allah b. Hilal in KhuTs Mu'jam al-rijal, bu
none as far as we know for *Abd Allah b. Abi Hilal. 4方人侦翊制M〈泌岛血如耳盘典修

572 ovt
ii. Hud

w秘/ &• Jp J也 M: J& *加*L 头j

and Harun to deliver them from Pharaoh, and He absolved them of one
hundred and seventy years [of that suffering].
He said, {Abu 'Abd Allah continued, "Similarly, if you do that then
iA ,归' "悠' b* ''P 州,赤1 J!务
God will give us relief too. If you do not, then the situation will ride its
course until the end.”' [11:72]
山(|>由浮社习 F '症9 :.MI十4)1岫项JGj :J&
50. From Abu 'Ubayda, from Abu Jalfar 嗥'who said, "AK b. Abi Talib once
came across a community whom he greeted with peace, so they replied,
“And may the peace, mercy, blessings, forgiveness and pleasure of God be
upon you.” So the Commander of the Faithful said to them, “Do not greet us
with more than that which the messengers greeted our father Ibrahim when
they said: i 'May thegrace ofGod and His blessings be upon you, people ofthis
尸晚)嗥' 侦3苫可出,嗥久』gy qb
house! For He is worthy ofallpraise and glory.少"
Al-Hasan b. Muhammad narrated something similar, except that he said, j 袒 j国,月 ajj 七,出 1 疽方(乂5
aWhat the angels said to our father." [11:73]
4夕:狒H勺心勺心&火' :隰g夕
51. From cAbd al-Rahman, from Abu 'Abd Allah「貌 who said regarding God's
verse ^Ibrahim wasforbearing, tender-hearted, and devout^'- 'He supplicat­
ed persistently?
There is a similar narration from Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. T 乂JI 以、旋火 I U: Ail &力
Muslim, from Abu Ja'far c^i.1 and Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥• [11:75]

52. From Abu Basir, from one of the two [al-Baqir and al-Sadiq] who said, 敏顼;•'阳:W b jy如灌京y』苫y芦M'
"Ibrahim pleaded for Lufs people, saying: <('But Lut lives among them! They
answered, eWe know who lives there better than you 涉o・'» So Ibrahim insist-
ed, and Jibra1!! said: < "Ibrahim, cease your pleading: what your Lord has or­
dained has come about; punishment is coming to them, which cannot be turned '乂JI L4X 制好或‘决h 侦苛,卜4 3 如"力泌'W
back; »' [11:76]

心杖芦山卜黎 切:JIS t 乂JI 以曲户K ®苫

3 '出爪J或嗤) 必饵沃仲孙©泌垸的
n. Hud

From Abu Yazld al-Hammar,from AbrAbd Allah 嗅 whosaid/God, most most

,妙]妞J 3 W由可瑚”灌把岫少了妲I以寸
d "匕,■/ i •I ( ( .tx^ , ♦
High sent down four angels for the destruction of Lufs people: Jibra>il
一 •— — •; 板)侦匕山拐出灵9以臼WJ知:奶「项j火
Mik的, Israfil, and Karrubil. They came to Lut when he was out in the fields
near the1 village. They greeted him with peace and wore turbans. When he
saw them, he saw that they were handsome clad in white clothes and white T况片
turbans. So he offered for them to come to his house. They replied, “Yes.”
So he went ahead of them and they walked behind him, and he regretted
leading them to his house, saying to himself, "What have I done by bringing
them before my people, knowing what they are like?" So he turned to them
and warned, “You are about to come across the worst of God's creatures.”
God said to Jibra'il, KDo not be so quick to judge them until this has been
witnessed from them three times.” Jibra'il said, “This was the first.”
Then they walked for an hour, until he turned to them saying, aYbu are
about to come across the worst of God's creatures/ at which Jibrall said,
“That is the second time:' 板8角:典 g! 好F •山9 d :嗥J原
Then they walked on, and when they came to the city gates, he turned to
them again and said, aYbu are about to come across the worst of God's crea­ 如11皂涉场,坤》:峰羔玉J虚•寻步廿岛i
tures,M so Jibra^l said, MThat is the third time.”
Then he entered the city, and they entered with him until they reached .观心:r貌另套J旧构* 〃 $1/ [威件J原衫!*I
his house. When his wife saw them and noticed how handsome they were,
she climbed to the roof and shouted out, but they did not hear her. So she
let out a smoke signal, and when they saw the smoke they hurried there and
came up to the door. The woman descended and said to them, "With him
are some people -1 have never seen anyone more handsome than them.”
So they tried to come to the door to enter in, and when Lut saw them 村/^ —10寿已b此身灯:心旧饵5刃y硕a成邳
he stood up to them and said: # {Have some fear of God and do not disgrace
me with my guests. Is there not a single right-minded man among you?He
said: 'here are my daughters. They are more wholesome for you^ calling
侦弓* t :N J底 Z嗅以四场,如'叫 W』璀
them towards that which was permissible.《They said, 'You know very well
we have no right to your daughters. You know very well what we want.歹
好 g»:吗嵌 L45 4 劣诲"
He said to them: # eIfonly I had the strength to stop you or could rely on strong
浅转%迎。g心匕* :侦旧J汕A加
He said, So Jibra^l said, “If only he knew what strength he has."
He said, So they outnumbered him and forced entry into the house, so
焰% -尊&或裕知但*村奶"匕尸
JibraF shouted out to him, “Let them enter, Lut!w

ii. Hud

潺! 为次必 兴、方氏:
When they entered, Jibra^l motioned towards them with his finger, and
they lost thei; eyesight, as per God's words: 4so We sealed their
Then Jibra^l called out to him: < (Lut, we are your Lord's messengers.
They will not reach you. Leave with your household in the dead ofnighty And
jibraJil also said to him, 'We have been sent to destroy them,'
So he said, 'Then do it fastJib ra疝'So he replied: < Their appointed time
is the morning: is the morning not near?少
it g纯此场J我3-Aj 出知w f
Then he commanded him to leave with those who were with him except
for his wife. Then Jibra'il uprooted it, i.e. the town, with his wings, from un­ :J临 b:jiis. #4,岫町••嗥 族41询,《卜项
derseven layers of the earth. Then he raised it high up so that the dwellers of
the heavens could hear the dogs barking and the cockerels screeching, and ✓
then turned it upside down, and stones of baked clay rained down on it and z 命
the surrounding areas? [11:77-81] 同 Fb LT*
54- From Abu Basir, from one of the two [al-Baqir or al-Sadiq] who said, 'When 珍四由0^9 W? w心W
Jibrall came to Lut to destroy his people, and they [the angels] had gone
into his house and were rushed upon by his people, he [Lut] placed his hand
on the door and pleaded with them, saying < 'Have somefear of God and do
not disgrace me with my guests.呼
They said, “Have we not managed to have our way with everyone else?” 殴蚓 j & 嗥 B gl w
So he suggested his own daughters to them in marriage, but they said:
< rWe have no right to your daughters. You know very well what we want!^
So he retorted:《cIs there not a single right-minded man among you?
They refused, so he said: If only I had the strength to stop you or could
rely on strong support!" y
He continued, 'JibraT looked at them and said, “If only he were aware
strength So he [Lut] called him in, and he came. They opened
of his own strength!" 丐孑ir?迎匕恐匕J :侦底〈乙低成己^艾若区顼I
the door and came inside too, whereupon Jibra^l motioned with his hand
and they were turned blind, reaching out to touch the walls with their hands,
J® <4成办:仙项:j & < r a :jim U匕3
promising God that they would not spare anyone from Lufs family when
▲____ • • 1 . - I

their sight was restored?

事N ji :仙佯! A :Jg 』或
He continued, So when Jibra^l said: # cLut, we are your Lord,s messen-
一 \

gers...鼠 Lut said to him, “Jibrall do it fast!”

He said, “Yes.”
He again said, “Jibra'il, hurry!” ,与J'b '、侦]^,匕十日4)1 JjJJbbo《件4项均I


n. Hud

一 ..或均4)冬< 多匚我夕嗥其孔孙出
He replied: # Their appointed time is the morning: is the morning not
Then Jibra^l said, Xut, leave the town with your children until you reach
such and such a place?
He replied, 'Jibra孔 my mules are too weak?
He said, 'Then set out right away.' ,A少.吐矛■勺双/土疽蛆心质。侦句以皂:出
So he set out and left.
When it was morning Jibra^l descended upon it [the town], slid his
wings under it and turned it upside down on top of them. Thenjibrall threw
stones of baked clay down upon them. LUfs wife heard the terrible rum­
bling and perished as a result of it?
Regarding《'here are my daughters. They are more wholesome for you:he

said, cAbu 'Abd Allah said, 'He presented his daughters to them in marriage?

56. From Salih b. Sald12, from Abu 'Abd Allah 瀑? who said regarding God's
verse: 4 Ifonly I had the strength to stop you or could rely on strong support!^.
'The strength and strong support of the Qa^m will be his three hundred and
thirteen companions? [11:80]

57- From al-Husayn b. 'Ali b. Yaqtin13 who said, ‘I asked Abu al-Hasan [al-Rida]
■ about a man entering his wife from behind? He replied, 'A verse in the .OV
Qufan makes it permissible, where Lut says: <( (here are my daughters. They
§ are more wholesomeforyou\》knowing full well that they were not interest­
ed in their genitals? [11:78]

58. From Abu Hamza, from Abu Jacfar 混 who said, <rIhe Messenger of God 嘴
asked Jib rail about how the people ofLut were destroyed. So he replied, "0
Muhammad, the people ofLut were the inhabitants of a village who did not
clean themselves after defecating, nor purify themselves after intercourse.

槌lih b. Sa*d al-Ju*fi al-Kufi, about whom there is scant information. See Khu*i, Mujm,
10:71 (nr. 5817).
13 Al-Husayn b. *Ali b. Yaqtin, a reliable companion of Imam *Ali b. Musa al-Rida. See 酒,
Khulasat al-aqwdl, 114 (nr. 277).

ii. Hud

j 为出国W ' V 3我坎.J j|山L :如

They were miserly
i . and greedy
- for food. Lut remained with them for thirtv
years, and had been sent to them [from outside]; he had neither familyrnor
clan among them. He called them to believe in God and to follow him. He
%,航J J药** S 蚓g T或小心L况哄
USed to prohibit them from indecencies and urged them to obey God, but
they neither responded to him nor followed him. M趴火〉心即‘% WT,2"件长枷* 1 a . I "
When God decided to punish them, He first sent messengers to them to
warn them as a proof and a warning. However, when they rebelled against
His command God sent angels down to them to remove any believers that
lived in their village, and they only found one household devoted [to God],
So they took them out from there and said to Lut, 'Leave with your family
b ji 3 。dr* 以犬P 涣乂• U!明匕^
tonight in the dead of night, and none ofyou should turn back; go to where •-
you have been commanded.'
He said, “In the middle of the night, Lut set off with his daughters, and 耕d/*
his wife turned back and went running to her people to tell them that Lut
had left with his daughters. :&匕^ 与■ 芦^>
I was called from the direction of the Throne when dawn broke: ‘0 Ji-
brall, the command of God will be fulfilled in punishing Lufs people to­
day, so descend upon their village and its surroundings. Uproot it from un­
,j Lu Ji 奶)(jl 弋吏,(奶^
der seven layers of earth, then raise it up to the sky. Hold it there until the
All-Conqueror's command comes to you, then turn it upside down. Leave
Lufs house standing as a clear sign and a lesson fbr passers-by?
So I descended upon the wrongdoing people of the village and grabbed
whatever was to the east of it with my right wing and whatever was to the f< 项 if 以! J A 〈Qi 奶移
west of it with my left wing. Then I uprooted it, O Muhammad, from under
seven layers of earth, except for Lufs house, as a sign fbr passers-by. Then I 奶怎预3由J 顼洛响匕*5 尹
took it up to the sky, nestled in my wings, where I held it such that the dwell-
ers of the sky could hear the screeching of its cockerels and the barking of its
dogs. No sooner did the sun rise than I was commanded from the direction
of the Throne: *0 JibraHl, turn the village upside down over the guilty peo-
ple. So I turned it upside down on top of them until its bottom was at the
top, and God rained stones of baked clay down upon them, layer upon layer,
marked by your Lord. This is not that remote from the wrongdoing people
of your community, Muhammad."'
He continued, 'So the Messenger of God,peace . be upon him and his
3响塞 心0项&瑚户,“ W■弁与W顶蚓J间
family, said to him, “JibraF, where was this village of theirs situated with 岫
,略孔或Jjl jjj; J皈S版占成:。戚心
respect to other countries?”

ii. Hud

He replied, “The location of their village at that time was by a lakeside,

which is the lake of al-Tabariyya today, toward« sham"
So the Messenger of God 弗 said to him, Jibra il, when you turned it
upside down on top of them, did you see which place it was that the village
"," 凹mA囱心-
and its people landed?" So he replied, "Muhammad, it landed somewhere
between Sham and Egypt, and became hills in the sea.M, [11:77-83]
X:J&孔冲〃 g J应TcM孟 :嘴小虹
匕 II:啤E朋 庙:.Jg
』a! Jlii JG
From cAli b. Abl Hamza, from Abu 'Abd Allah f瘪 regarding God's verse
4 {We are your Lord's messengers. They will not reach you. Leave with your 产I顷关一衫I麟I睥向曰
household in the dead ofdark night." He said, 'Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥? said,This
is how the Commander of the Faithful recited it? [11:81]
二沙麟0律y jJJ,肉;I :建血妇她椭
60. From Maymun al-Labban14 who said, CI was with Abu 'Abd Allah 混' when 口",尸』冲IB履3思li :庙瞬8
someone was reading verses from the Chapter of Hud in his presence. When
he reached: ^And we rained down stones ofbaked clay on it, layer upon layer, ・关岫敏
marked, from your Lord. It is notfarfrom the evildoers,夕 he said, KWhoever
dies having persisted in sodomy will only die after God pelts him with those
stones, which will cause his death without anyone seeing him.”' [11:82]

1 :嗥*y项Jis:Jis 《卜项哉 土 颂 母!

・口v才a* 土"

14 问 may be a transcription error for Maymun Alban.

ii. Hud

61. Froma al-Sakuni, from Abu Ja'far, on his father's authority who said
Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, said, “When Lufs people d,d
what they did, the earth wept to its Lord so much that its tears reached the
sky, and the sky cried so much that its tears reached the Throne. So God re­
vealed to the sky to rain stones down upon them, and to the earth to swallow 俨尸
them up.”' [11:82]

From Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Isa15, from one of our associates, from Abu :w"& 隰 miy』cA*?其&店&.M芦 ,v
'Abd Allah 嗥1’ regarding God's verse: <1 see you are prospering^, he said,
"Theirprices were low.' [11:84]

63・ From Muhammad b. al-Fudayl, from al-Rida 嚓!. He said, ‘I asked him about
waiting for relief [i.e. the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam]. So he replied,
I 划' :出{fW' 芋<3^^ 白
“Do you not know that waiting for relief is a source of relief in itself?” Then
he said, “God, Blessed and most High, says:《S。be on watch, I too will be
watching along with you'Y [11:93]

64. From Abu Basir, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥! that he read it as :y« minhd Qd'iman
wa-hasldan in the accusative case 一 ^some of them are still standing; some

B have been mown down 知 then he said, ^bu Muhammad, they can only have
been mown down by iron.' [11:100*]

65. In another narration:《Some ofthem are still standing; some have been mown
down^ - 'Can they have been mown down by anything other than iron?' / >

66. From Muhammad b. Muslim, from one of the two [al-Baqir or al-Sadiq]
who said with regard to God's verse: That is a Day in which all people will
be gathered together, a Day for all to see 知'That is the Day of Resurrection,
the promised Day? [11:103]

67. From Mas'ada b. Sadaqa who said, "Abu 'Abd Allah 邸 related to us the ac
counts of the inhabitants of the Garden and the inmates of the Fire when
i嗥赤ly项>5:J6应© u.'土 芦•
15 Ahmad b. Muhammad b. 'Is* if mentioned without the nisba al-Ash'ari, is an unknown
5可膈。individual according to KhuT See Mujam, 3:84 (nr. 899)- 0存2 y赤瑚b仲•母3心队4境W威

11. Hud

they made the Covenant. So in his description of the inhabitants of the Gar-
den he said, "There will be some among them who will meet God, having 慷洞”以,见特普,少E国心,氏M岫:
borne witness to his messengers.”' Then he continued describing them un­ ♦ § 命 '
til he reached God's statement about His exception with respect to both 山3V 奴瓦4’ * 妙oUJ Lp头为以
Someone unacquainted with the meanings of the Qur an may say, This
exception made by God refers specifically to the people of the Garden and
参泌' 也* '诙I?力小匹3田』力南村
the Fire, and that the people of either group can all be taken out of their
respective places such that there be no one left therein. However they are
wrong. What He means by this exception is that for as long as humans (i.e.
Adam's offspring) and the Jinns live on this earth under the shade of the 《伤%为匕目匕,义由b叫3岫明井如成玉
skies, He lets the believers stray away until He lets them go out into the ju­
risdiction of the devils, which is the Fire.
州A 时3砰1山如W 4 :坂
That is what God intends about the people of the Garden and the Fire,
to remain thus in this world for as long as the heavens and the earth en­
dure. God, Blessed and most High, is never going to take the dwellers of
the Garden out from there, nor the inmates of the Fire out from there either.
How could He when He has already said in His Book: ^to remain therein
forever^(18:3) without exception?
That is exactly what Abu Jacfarsaid,K Whoever enters under the authority
ofMuhammad^ family will enter the Garden, and whoever enters under the juij叫〃 /y〃义腴想踊也小呼痢岫%
authority of their enemy will enter the Fire. This is what God intends by His
exception about entrance into the Garden and the Fire, and exit from them
respectively.” [11:107-108]

68. From Zurara who said, ‘I asked Abu Ja’far 嗥! about God's verse: ^As for 成/输匕上,:WW惭A U
those who have been blessed, they will be in the Garden, there to remain as long
” the heavens and earth endure, unless your Lord wills otherwise - an unceas- b囱13 〃 W无0 &必跳・
.必湖&电:点w妇上心 如喝忡心j
ingg诉.少 He said,KThese two verses are talking about blessed and wretched
people who have not been decreed to abide therein for eternity. If He wills,
He can take them out from there. And Zurara, do not assume that I claim
that.”' [11:108]

16 Referring to Q. 11:106-107: < The wretched ones will be in the Fire, sighing and groaning,
防ere to remainfor as long as the heavens and earth endure, unless your Lord wills otherwise:
your Lord carries out whatever He wills. >

n. Hud

69. From Humran who said, 'I asked Abu Jacfar, "May I be your ransom --re-
玳厄么尤:瀑' iSj"八
garding God's **; statement: there to tcTnain for us long us the heavens and
earth endure^ about the people of the Fire. What about the same statement
of His regarding the people of the Garden andand 《
< that they will remain therein
for as long as the. heavens
, ; and the earth endure unless your Lord wills other- :叫
切加泌” He replied,
wise^V replied, '- — If He wills, He can make a lower world for them
and relegate them to it and do whatever He wills.
I asked him about God's verse: < there to remainfor as long as the heavens
and earth endure, unless your Lord wills otherwise.,So he replied, This re­ 匕规为匕斜匕@»•血西芦饱
fers to those who may come out of the Fire.”' [11:107-108]

70. From Abu Basir, from AbuJ^far f貌 regarding His statement: ^andsome
ofthem will be wretched and some happy. > He said, 'When mentioning the
inmates of the Fire, He makes an exception, but does not do so for the in­
habitants of the Garden: ^As for those who have been blessed, they will be in
Paradise, there to remain as long as the heavens and earth endure, unless your 金橙窗己园3殂外*夕3
Lord wills otherwise - an unceasing gift.为[11:105-108]

In Hammad^ narration, from Hariz from Abu 'Abd Allah 嘿:^ata'an ghay-
ra majdhudh - (an unceasing gift) is spelled with the letter dhal! [11:108]

72. From some of our associates - one of them said, "He was asked about God's
verse: ^Do not rely on those who do evil, lest the Fire may touch you.少 He said,
“This refers to any one of our Shica (followers) who holds the same opinion
..包X么瀑场必J#成虾词项& ,V'

as these tyrants!" [11:113]

From 'Uthman b. cIsa, from a man from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥? regarding: ^Do
not rely on those who do evil, lest the Fire may touch you.夕 He said, 'It is ba­
:JIM 她 3
sically that He has not decreed for it to be an eternity [in the Fire], but that
Fire may touch you so do not rely on them/ [11:113] .vr

590 01、
ii. Hud

74- From Hariz, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 who said: X Keep up theprayer at both ,K

ends of the day^ - its ends;are at sunset (maghrib) and morning, ^and dur-
ingparts ofthe night, > which is the Ys时 prayer at the end.' [11:114]

From Abu Hamza al-Thumali who said, 1 heard one of the two [al-Baqir or
al-Sadiq] say, atAli 嗥? approached the people and asked, 'Which verse from
惭块M: J共(心W或痈J .Vo

God's Book do you think holds the most weight?'

So some of them said:《God does notforgive thejoining ofpartners with
bJ制或&砺i :如尹|
Him: anything less than that Heforgives to whoever He wills.夕(4:48)
He said, 'That is a good one, but that is not the one?
So one of them said, ^My servants who have harmed yourselves by your
own excess, do not despair ofGod's mercy *(39:s3)
,葛g巳忌j〈匕4 《匕s
He 黎 said, 'That is a good one, but it is not the one?
So someone said: 4 Those who remember God and imploreforgivenessfor
遇初■ N 史再项@J 3 :吵j板
their sins ifthey do something shameful or wrong themselves.夕(3:】35)
He said, 'That is a good one, but it is not the one?
He said, "Then the people shied away in fear, so he said, *What is wrong
with you, 0 Muslims?' iii族j\匕〉;E业a 0 3事5夕:性网他
They replied, 'By God, there is nothing wrong with us.””
He said, *1 heard the Messenger of God 禅 say, “The weightiest verse in .城I JwJ:JS国73坂二匕
God's Book is《Keep up theprayer at both ends ofthe day, and duringparts of
the night [...]歹 and he read the whole verse.
“或E以L浏9、:侦& S OmU' 41E L :J成立圳普7 :
He said, <CO 'All, by the One who sent me as a harbinger and a warner, no
sooner does any of you stand up to do his ablution than sins start to fall off
his body. When he goes to meet God, facing Him with his heart, he does not
finish the prayer with a single sin left on him, just as his mother gave birth 顷*! *1 t»:j&v . 1
to him. If he was to commit a sin between two prayers, then that state is re­
stored again until he has completed all five prayers.” M好w功,由如必皿侔W匆
Then he said, MO cAli, the status of the prayer for my community is like
a river that flows on each of your doorsteps. Can you imagine if any of you 盘蝴if寸出时〃问f场也夕
were to have any dirt on his body and he bathed in that river five times a
day, would there be any dirt left on his body? By God, that is what the five
prayers are for my community尸[11:114]

592 oVT
ii. Hud

76. From Ibrahim al-Karakhi17 who said, 'I was with Abu 'Abd Allah 溟 when
> :岬
a client ofhis came in, so he asked him, “0 so-and-so, when did you arrive?”
He remained silent. i. ............... \
So Abu 'Abd Allah said, aYbu have come from here and there. Consider &4勺2从项虬di!侦%3 o* j

what your day has consisted of for you have with you an angel charged with
recording everything that you do. So do not disregard a sin, however small
it be, for it will torment you one day. And neither should you underestimate
a good deed, for there is nothing more effective at attracting [good] and re­
I:驱m »心户乂嗥如罗耳以寸顽,盼I汕!芦.
pelling [evil] than the good deed. It repels even the gravest and oldest of sins
and does away with it. God says in His Book: ^good deeds efface misdeeds.
He continued, “The night prayer effaces the sins of the day.”
He also said, “It effaces whatever wrong you have done.”' [11:114]

77. From Ibrahim b. 'Umar who, without mentioning his source, cited Abu 'Abd
Allah as having said with regard to God's verse:〈Keep up the prayer at ✓
both ends of the day, and duringparts of the night, for good deeds efface mis­ 5冷:&K(j J is翊他yA上£也1卢当北顷(
deeds^, 'The prayer performed by the believer in the middle of the night
drives away whatever sin he committed during the day.' [11:114]

78. From Sama'a b. Mihran who said, A man from the mountains asked Abu
'Abd Allah about money that he receives from the sultan which he gives
away in charity, using it to maintain relations with his kin and to go on pil­
grimage so that he might be forgiven for what he has earned [as an unlaw­
ful livelihood], saying: ^good deeds efface misdeeds.,So Abu 'Abd Allah
said, “Two wrongs do not make a right, but a right can certainly redress a
wrong." Then Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥! said, “If the lawful and unlawful earnings
。A S ―士威网弟:典*9匕剑》:出4期苧
have been mixed up together to an extent that it is impossible to distinguish ,山心3
the lawful from the unlawful [earnings], then there is no problem:" [11:114]
▼赫如ju-ijaI 嗥义必Q兀•出费白

. 4必貌京成必北沁。
17 Ibrahim b. Abi Ziyad al-Karakhi, a prominent companion of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq and
Imam Musa al-Kazim. See Khu^, Mujam, 1:177-8 (nr. 83).

n. Hud

,中顷心饱,屯I宾、・g 1. t
79- Also on his authority, in a report by al-Mufaddal b. Mazid18 that he said, cSee
that whatever fortune comes y0Ur way you share it with your brothers, fbr
God says:《good deeds efface misdeeds. Al-Mufa^al said/I was my broth-
er's deputy over the treasury? He continued, 'And I had asked him, “May I
be your ransom - you see the position I hold with these people - what is •加炉b
your opinion of that?” He said, “If only he had not appointed you [to that
position]:" [11:114]
80. From al-Mufaddal b. Mazid, a secretary of the chancellery, who said, cAbu
'Abd Allah「貌 came to visit me whilst I had been commanded to take out
certain monetary dues for the Banu Hashim. I did not know that he was
right behind me when I was recording, so I was startled by him. He asked 为』唐二^":二^电:JG・3侦』I占另4jU> cX :J^aLI jg
me about what had been commanded for them. So I handed him the book.
He said, “I do not see anything for Isma'il here.” So I said, “This is what ・*2^ V : 畚J上砂0为廿芥费
has been issued to us.”
Then I asked him, “May I be your ransom - what do you think of my po­
sition here among these people?w He replied, "See that whatever fortune S J』以仃蜩川妃■项*户,出<『&|岫芦,A.
comes your way, you share it with your brothers, for God says: ^good deeds
efface misdeeds.[11:114]

81. From Ibrahim al-Karakhi who said, ‘I was with Abu 'Abd Allah when •以!廿馈圳氏:*,豪顷^以卜沁乳:出嬴必|咖
a man from Medina came in to see him, so Abu 'Abd Allah (貌 asked him,
<cWhere have you come from?,> Then he said to him, “When you amble here
and there, neither working to earn a livelihood nor striving to secure your
Hereafter, then consider carefully how your day and night is divided up. ・< 9匕迎源T%址二小M 露山血板成麟由么
Know that with you is a noble angel charged with recording whatever you
do. He has access to your secrets that you hide from people, so feel embar­ ・A'

rassed [before committing anything]. Do not disregard any misdeed for it “"4 MF"!馈&好 / 心 dT :J5,藐叫
will surely torment you one day, nor underestimate any good deed, however
small you consider it to be and however insignificant it might seem ip your
eyes, fbr it will definitely bring you joy one day. Know that there is nothing
more harmful in the end that you will be quick to regret than sin. [Know 烫14 印成化q &丰见户分侦%&亦顽I
also] that there is nothing that attracts goodness and repels evil faster than 一 …J J儿奶函也竣
18 Al-Mufaddal b. Mazid, about whom there is very little information, was the brother of
Shu'ayb al-Katib. See Hilli, Khulasat al-aqwdl, 274 (nr. 999).

596 oW
11. Hud

the good deed itself. Indeed, it repels even the old, grave sin that has been
forgotten about by its perpetrator — so it revives him by taking it away from
him and effacing it after he has committed it. This is God's statement: ^good 加与U麻
deeds ejface misdeeds - this is a. reminderfor those who are aware.归[11:114]
1%以k/t』〈御& 〃痍A W'A心i*);ig
82. He read from Ibn Khidash from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥5, who said: < Good deeds
efface misdeeds. > He said, ^Ihe night prayer expiates the sins that were com­ 4次I砰JI产5U圳当正寸礼Lei 〃 Usjj敏;U %
mitted during the day; [11:114]

From 'Abd Allah b. Sinan who said, cAbu 'Abd Allah r嫁 was asked about
God's verse: ^Ifyour Lord had pleased, He would have made all people a 诚必蚯必pl
single community, but they continue to have their differences - except those on
whom your Lord has mercy. > He replied, “They were a single community,
then God sent prophets in order to have proof against them.w, [11:118] 国必冬j板tX关工岛!"快嗥血y或/寻吟必如 . At

84. From 'Abd Allah b. Ghalib, on his father's authority, from a man who said, .项冲 7^5 丁 5 乂:J6
‘I asked (Ali b. al-Husayn『瘪 about God's verse: ^Butthey continue to have
their differences.少 He said, “By that He meant those from among the com­
munity who oppose us, and that they all differ with each other in their re­
ligion. As for His statement: ^Except those on whom your Lord has mercy -
for He created them to be this way^, those are our adherents from among the
believers, and He has created them thus from the good clay. Have you not
heard Ibrahim^ supplication: ^My Lord, make this land secure and provide .德《|册晓决浦S
with produce those of its people who believe in God and the Last Day.)(2: 126)
He said, “We are the ones he meant, his adherents, his followers, and the .At
followers ofhis vicegerent.” E苛滨 3由白L出小&曷(/或邠乎廿
He continued: [God said]: <^Asfar those who disbelieve, I will grant them
enjoymentfor a short while and then subject them to the torment ofthe Fire.,
By that He is referring to those ofhis community who rebelled against His
项J 甬心心B函虹风*帅诲扇演'
vicegerent and did not follow him. By God, that is exactly the case with this
community."' [11:118-119]
,! 妙血K以1^产,
旦名九R L?g:
:嗥甘SMl3比盘'聘心叶 物版- ..
.一 L .烦成,加时

ii. Hud

85. From Y^qub b. Shu'ayb, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥・ He said, T asked him 出 3必 J! 宓:
about God's verse: < I createdjinn and mankind only to worship Me.,(5i:s6) :J5
He said, “[It means] He created them to worship."
・X勺i°n j3i边成心]["
I said, “So what about His saying: < but they continue to have their differ­
ences 一 except those on whom your Lord has mercy -for He created them to be
thisway^V So he replied, “This one was revealed after that one.”' [11:118-119] :易7赤0苛的L瑚凛辿气或

86. From Sa'id b. al-Musayyab, from 'All b. al-Husayn t潺? regarding God's verse:
^Butthey continue to have their differences - except those on whom your Lord 匕功
has mercy - for He created them to be this way^x 'So those are our adherents dtj - 专*籍区矣碰分:顷:芸顽
from among the believers, and He created them to be this way from the
good clay. Have you not heard Ibrahim^ supplication: ^MyLord, make this •吵询矽I °心3 :此餐逐
land secure and provide with produce those of its people who believe in God
and the Last Day》(2:i26)? We are the ones he meant by that, as well as his
adherents, his followers, and the followers of his vicegerent. <^As far those ・A3
who disbelieve, I will grant them enjoymentfor a short while and then subject
them to the torment of the Fire.夕 By God, by that He is referring to those of
his community who rebelled against his vicegerent and did not follow him.
By God, that is exactly the case with this community? [11:118-119]

以 土 夕 c W j tSi 171 i

12. Yusuf

1. From Abu Baslr, from Abu 'Abd Allah 博.He said, (I heard him say, "Who­
ever reads the Chapter of Yusuf (sura Yusuf) every day or every night, God
will resurrect him on the Day of Judgement as handsome as Yusuf; and he
will not be gripped by the terror that will grip other people on that day. His
neighbours will be God's righteous servants.” .曳E <嘤』妇IW (戈仆心理瓦j J?此
Then he said, w Yusuf was indeed one of God's righteous servants, and
was protected from being a fornicator or an indecent man in this world."'

2. From Mas'ada b. Sadaqa who said, Ja'fhr b. Muhammad 瀑 said, "My fa­ Qj抵顶UjJI J gL丽旧奇,如隰Uh疝
ther 桨 said, 'By God, I play with any one of my children, sit him on my lap,
show him more affection, as well as express my appreciation for him, even •乱J
though another child of mine may be more entitled to it. I only do this out of
fear that the rest of them may behave with him as YUsuf's brothers did with
him. God revealed the Chapter of Yusuf only as parables lest one of us dis­ JG:(MJIJ&:J&应乙必/ ,v
plays envy towards another, as Yusufs brothers were envious of him when
they bullied him. He made it a proof for those who adhere to us and incline (>ijijcji)u笏c&i"身由』绍山乒可
to us with affection, and fight against our enemies who declare war and an­
imosity against us.""


LT4 :s jJ鬲0电'汕(/小译皿^状列

12. Yusuf

3- From Zurara, from Abu Jacfar C&l who said, 'Prophets are of five types: there 由』〃寸'沙'心Vl :出棺• j ,
are those who hear a sound like a ringing noise and know what that means; " 一. 寻% 力
then there are those who are informed in their dreams such as Yusuf and 杪!9 sJi*
罗如吁 sL 任 ti p *叫g
Ibrahim; then there are those who witness with their own eyes; then there
are some who get inspiration straight into their hearts; and finally there are ,必y如
•应皿姑# "3如阻
those who receive it straight into their ears?

From Abu Khadija1, from a man from Abu 'Abd Allah r貌 who said, 'Ya'q&b
suffered the loss of Yusuf only as a result of a fat sheep that he was slaughter­
ing whilst a man from among his companions belonging to a needy commu­
nity had nothing to break his fast with, and he ignored him and did not feed
him. Therefore he was afflicted with YUsuf's loss. After that, every morn­ 心心顶^#:舁2也*龄)5母防s部
ing a caller would announce on his behalf: "Whoever is not fasting, come
and attend Ya'qub^ lunchAnd every evening, “Whoever has been fasting, ・七如 头寡 *1^也)6^ :6讪sLII器璋蔑
come and attend Y^qUb's dinner?"

From Abu Hamza al-Ihumali who said, ‘I prayed the dawn prayer with fAli 七年列dll 2项9 白&仁 二:J&即"'硕苻.o
b. al-Husayn 惭 in Medina on Friday, and he called in a client of his called
Wushayka and said to her, “No beggar should be turned away from my door 顶』': J底 jq』&少 l 扁•修 g
today without you giving him something, for it is Friday.”
So I said, “But not everyone who begs is deserving - may I be your ran- I:J奶』I与oho-,履JU) 瓦网:eJi . jp冲四〈妃盘
Then he said, KThabit> I would fear for someone deserving to ask from us U oJI Jjbl L JjLi 珞 * 仁 uly 乒
and we do not feed him and turn I " away instead, and consequently that
which afflicted Ya'qub and his family would afflict us, the Ahl al-Bayt. Feed
them all, feed them all
Then he continued, ""Ya'qub used to slaughter a sheep every day, and w 4
&om it he would give in charity as well as feed himself and his family. Once
昭 <』尹d(J
遂 j^2j^ j J 乒I L) ljX<■奶1* 朋-「 ■典AS知
a believing, fasting, righteous man with a lofty position with God who was
•• * t

a stranger passing through the town came to Wqdb's door

to Ya'qub's begging on
door begging on the
eve 泌 Friday at the time of breaking his fast. He called at the door: “Please
s件e some of your leftovers to feed this hungry foreign traveler." He called
皿£ILI 泓』项顼:心 必,姬......必LI’ 4 S
t us several times at the door while they could hear him, but they ignored
IS ng and did not believe his words. When he despaired ofbeing fed by
邙 1^5 材 ca5>- 1^4> <4^**-^ I ,

1 Most likely refeEng to Salim b. Mukarram al-Jammi.


12. Yusuf

飓Gy■瓦 3 心4)3儿乩妃z
them and night had fallen, he said, < We belong to God and to Him we are re­
turning^ and his eyes welled up. He complained to God of his hunger and
fell asleep famished. He woke up fasting and hungry, still persevering and
praising God, whilst Yacqub and his family had slept with satiated stomachs 馈¥ 33葫:土 w皿以制融或
and awoken with food left over."
He continued, “So God revealed to Y^qub the following morning, 'You
have humiliated My servant in such a way that you have beckoned My anger
towards you, and forced Me to discipline you and descend My consequenc­
es and affliction upon you and your offspring, O Wqiib. Do you not know
that the most beloved and dearest of My prophets to Me are the ones who
have compassion on My destitute servants? Those who draw them near to
Me, who feed them, and who are a safe haven and source ofrefuge fbr them.
Ya^ub, why did you not have compassion on Dhimyal, My servant, who
strives hard to worship Me, who is content with the simple things in this
worldly life? Yesterday evening, when he humbled himself at your door at jjJI J顷 :目 以!。侦心 dXL
the fast-breaking time, callingout to you: “Please feed this foreign travelling
man," you did not feed him anything. And he said: # We belong to God and to
Him we are returning^ and cried, complaining to Me about it, and slept on
an empty stomach, still praising Me with patience and awoke fasting whilst
you, Yacqub, and your offspring slept on full stomachs and awoke with food
still left over in your house.
Do you not know, Ya^ub, that I am quicker at disciplining and afflicting
My friends than I am My enemies, and that is only because of My kind re- 寸曲 D!"宣 JUjI A (j' L*
gard fbr My friends and My gradual baiting of My enemies. By My honour,
I will descend an affliction upon you and will make you and your offspring
an object of My tribulation, and I will certainly discipline you with My pun­
疽机A也§ 宙如工勺& 少以心
ishment. So prepare fbr My affliction, accept My decree and bear the tribu­
lations patiently.”'
Ab。Hamza said, ‘Then I asked ‘Ali b. al-Husayn 嗥?,“When did Yusuf
see the dream?”
He replied, “On that same night when Yacqub and his children slept 嗥! A & :「出ji gj-i j. 3s 项
well-satiated and Dhimyal slept hungry and distressed. The next morning,
he awoke and related it to H’qUb, who became worried when he heard
about the dream related to him by Yusuf^ especially given what God had
虬星 瞄 m,织 遇孑屈趴g姒取:兴
just revealed to him about preparing for affliction. So he said to Yusuf, 4Do
not relate this dream of yours to your brothers for I fear that they may plot

12. Yusuf 娜"

against you? However, Yusuf did not conceal his dream and instead related
it to his brothers.w
<Ali b. al-Husayn 痛! then said, “So the first affliction to descend upon
也'qUb and his family was the jealousy towards Yusuf when they heard him
talk about the dream that he had had." He continued,"血'qOb's affection 而E攻J项皈:沙I娉妲在& J」'
for Yusuf grew as he feared that God's revelation to him about preparing for
affliction was specifically about Yusuf; and so his affection for him intensi­ ,上1由 :心G M场I匕以项壮上项
fied, and he feared that the affliction would descend upon Yusuf out of all
his children. ,嗥土戈jdAJSlcU^U! >1心V〃呵血史jb诙顶的
So when YGsuf's brothers saw how kindly WqUb was treating Yusuf
and how much he favoured him over them, they found this unbearable and
began to be affected. They started to discuss amongst themselves saying,
'Yusuf and his brother are dearer to our father than us while we are a hardy
group. Kill Yusuf or banish him to another land, and your father's attention
will be free to turn to you. After that, you can be righteous' - meaning after X。曲如B:关少件Q 。漫I叫少卜止dlb心
that you can repent.
Thereupon they said: < 'Why do you not trust us with Yusuf? Send him
with us tomorrow and he will enjoy himselfandplay.Wqdb replied: < "The
o如〃顷荷乒淑j * X

thought ofyou taking him away with you worries me: I am afraid a wolfmay
eat him when you are not paying attention"夕 He was anxious that God's af­
上以 A 匕*¥义匕%1»城以5心,的/迎"以顶
fliction upon WqUb would touch Yusuf^ and *'qiib was prepared for the
affliction to be specifically directed at Yusuf.M
He continued, "God's power, decree and the execution of His command
prevailed with Ya'qub, Yusuf and his brothers. Since Wqiib was neither
破Ji密出必土匕。#蒿己 尊偷'火^
able to avert the tribulation from himself, nor from Yusuf and his brothers, ,s (J 容即 llbCi•嗥! 顷由
he let him go with them, albeit reluctantly, expecting God's tribulation to af-
feet Yusuf specifically because of the place he occupied in his heart and due
to his intense love for him.
卢,号小 d彤 k a顼 诫为同£ w顼顶
So when they were leaving the house with h_____ im he followed them hast-
ily and grabbed him out of their hands, drew him close to himself and em-
braced him, weeping. Then he reluctantly passed him on to them and they
set( off...................
hurriedly, fearing- that he would take_________
him awayj from them and not let
him come with them. When they were alone with hi -------him to a
lim, they7 took
/ . I 卬
thicket of trees and said, cLet us kill him and leave him under this treej so that
' wolves
the _:____can i eat him tonight?
也,"^^4 o jl-l jl 1.-

12. Yusuf

So the oldest of them said: < 'Do not kill Yusuf, but, ifyou must, throw him
into the hidden depths ofa well where some caravan may pick him up:*
So they took him off to the well and threw him into its depths, thinking 其岬法狎少顶1务土输、:捋血砸5
that he would probably drown. He called out to them from the bottom of
the well, '0 sons ofRumin, greet WqUb with peace from me.' So when they 站】我q n舄侦4城n外.酒&,讪&闻盘
heard his voice, they said to each other, "Let us not disperse away from here
until we know for certain that he has died.'”
He continued, "They stayed with him for a while, and then they gave up;
< and at nightfall they returned to theirfather weeping. They said, 'We went off
racing one another, leaving Yusufbehind with our things, and a wolfate him.少
When he heard their words he said: # We belong to God and to Him we are re­ 尬"械小父:匕占以以参4声.蚯:茹
turning, 夕 His eyes welled up and he remembered what God had revealed to
him about being prepared for affliction. So he remained patient and yielded g :圳4^ “匕
I "^成糜(匕叫坷匕灯 % cjlj LaS III
to the affliction, saying to them: < Your souls havepromptedyou to do wrong!
But patience is graceful [...]夕 God would never have allowed wolves to eat
Yusufs flesh without seeing his dream realized.”'
Abu Hamza then said, 'At this point CA1I b. al-Husayn stopped talking?

6. From Misma' Abu Sayyar, from AbrAbd Allah t灌 who said, 'When Yusuf
was thrown into the well, Jibra^l descended upon him and said to him,
What are you doing here, young man? Who has thrown you into this well?”
So he replied, "My brothers were jealous of me because of my closeness
to my father, so they threw me into this well.”
So Jibrail said to him, "Would you like to come out of this well?” He re-
plied, "That is up to the God of Ibrahim, Ishaq, and Y^qub?
So Jibra 11 said to him, "Well, the God of Ibrahim, Ishaq and Ya'qub says
for you to say: ‘0 God, I ask You - for all praise belongs to You -there is no
god but You, the Bestower and the Originator of the heavens and the earth,
Lord of Might and Honour - to send blessings on Muhammad and the fam-
1Iy of Muhammad, and to give me release and away
ily °f i ~
out from - predica-
汕⑷a必:」旧< n山公顶:海均■'兴
°f mig and to provide for me whence I do not even expect?
ment ofmine, expect.'" ・叱列9外
So Yusuf said it, and God gave him release from the well that very day, a
way out from the plot ofthe woman, and bestowed the kingdom ofEevptto
him whence he did not even expect.'”
ofEgypt &!仲》JS顼以J3》矿W!押3* :典j
蝇勇,见>列习妇g6•网履M处w " & ”


12. Yusuf

7- In another narration on his authority, And to provide for me whence I ex­ V养,以© Q g好A * Jb电展叩剜
pect and whence I do not even expect.1 [12:15]

8. From Zayd al-Shahham, from Abu 'Abd Allah 廉? regarding God's verse:
《You will tell them of all this [at a time] when they do not realize [who you M后父心'埃Z? &见44-' 曲角上戈俄
are]!)> He said, 'He was seven years old [at the time]? [12:15]

9- From Jabir b. 'Abd Allah al-Ansari, regarding God's verse: #1 dreamed of

eleven stars and the sun and the moon: I saw them all bow down before me.夕 曲 船 >

He said, As far as the names of the stars go, they were: al-Tariq, Huban, al- .V
Rayan, Dhu al-Kanafan, Wabis, Waththab, 'Umraw段 n, Faylaq, Fasih, al-Sarh,
and al-Budu4; and the glow and the light, meaning the sun and the moon. All
these stars are contained in the sky? [12:4] 1匕■炎的以捞思2顶&「瘪前皓寸/了崩方芹,A
10. From Abu Jamila, from a man, from Abu 'Abd Allah r潺P who said, 'When
Ydsuf's shirt was brought to Y^qub, he said, “O God, at least he was a kind
wolfwho did not rip the shirt.” He said, 'It had splashes ofblood on it? [12:18]

• 4 j七■匕 J 二$5^5(_^剖
y也j 刀Q技皿以5b Q c&)妇屏〈俨』4出


12. Yusuf

h. From Abu Hamza who said, 'Then at this point 'All b. al-Husayn stopped
I [基均(乂』白.去出L善毕 出酷寸"・、、
talking. The next morning, I went to him and said, "May I be your ransom
yesterday you were narrating the account ofWqub and his children to me
and then you stopped. So what was the story ofYusuf after that?M
So he replied, KWhen they awoke the next morning they said, Xet us go
and see how Yusuf is, and whether he is dead or alive. When they reached
the well, they found a caravan next to the well which had sent someone to
draw water who had let his bucket down. When he drew his bucket back / F >

up, there was a boy hanging on to his bucket. So he said to his companions, 场耳;提1 LrE byyi质
'Good news! Here is a boy!' So when they took him out, YUsuf's brothers
came to him and said, "This is our slave-boy who fell into this well yesterday,
and we have come today to take him out of there? And they snatched him
away from their hands, took him to one side, and said to him, 'Either you
confirm to them that you are indeed our slave-boy and we can sell you to
some people in this caravan or we will kill you? So Yusuf said to them, cDo ,Jjt u 多 S 国:』臾《,件m ..膑
whatever you want but do not kill me?
So they took him to the caravan and said, 'Would any of you like to buy jjfe V :嗥 衬 J ojLJl oAa JaI dUci
this slave-boy from us?' A man bought him off them for twenty dirhams and
they did not show much interest in him. The man who bought him travelled
with him until he arrived in Egypt, and in turn sold him to the king ofEgypt.
That is the purport of God's words: < The Egyptian who bought him said to
脉 wife,〈Look after him well! He may be useful to u$, or we may adopt him as
ason.y [12:21] ,奸另侦olJLil。圳竺jUj心$侦〃顷顶& S? 声
12. From al-Hasan, from a man from Abu 'Abd Allah f嗥 貌? with respect to His
verse::4 and they sold himfor a small price, for afew pieces ofsilver^?. He said,
。火2^0项。白)夕:4)i 丹"。顷y
'They were twenty dirhams? [12:20]

12. Yusuf

晚顼1混忍客4<-^' ••crM站阳也照3 34 J.、

13. There is a similar narration from Abu al-Hasan al-Rida 瘾? with the follow­
ing addition:,The word bakhs meaning 'worthless,' and this is the value of
a hunting dog - when it is killed, the blood money owed is twenty dirhams?
品*项以如加t项』卫cX J^r / 白明岫/ ,展
14. From 'Abd Allah b. Sulayman, from Ja'far b. Muhammad f貌 who said, £

*Yusuf was treated honourably by his parents, then he became a slave sold
for the cheapest and most paltry price. Then God allowed him to attain such 俭山参燧如 囹务0|藏K奴参匕即,顷
a position that he became a king? [12:20-22]
15- From Ibn Husayn, from Abu Ja'far who said regarding God's verse: < and
they sold himfor a smallprice, for afewpieces ofsilver^, 'They were eighteen
dirhams., [12:20]

16. With the same chain of narration from al-Rida t瘪 who said, "They were
twenty dirhams, which is the value of a hunting dog when it is killed. Ihe 必冠小阮,韵圳口§出棉沪'W闻z
word bakhs means ^worthless." [12:20]
17- Abu Hamza said, ‘I asked 'Ali b. al-Husayn, “How old was Yusuf the day that
he was thrown into the well?” He replied, “Seven years old."
I asked, “How far was the distance between 也'qiib's house and Egypt at d 创代喙i1 :f乂JI Scgll J-JJcJij J& ・\V

that time?w He replied, “A distance of eighteen days.”

He continued,a Yusuf was one of the most handsome people ofhis time, • czJ**4 功:
and when he came of age the king's wife tried to seduce him, so he said to
her, cGod forbid! We are the people of a household who do not fornicate.' So
she bolted the doors upon them both and said, 'Do not fear!' throwing her­
self onto him. He slipped away from her and raced to the door and opened <jp dJALl小I g项j尹b顷& k) N 〃嗥 :J&
it, but she got to him and pulled his shirt from behind to remove it from
him. However, Yusuf slipped away from her with his clothes on. [12:21-23]
—&如、5 W " *
* ♦

7 心 y Q以!3 3 3E 斗 3 3一

12. Yusuf

加冷 何上如R:〈嗥顷诺弟j/
18. From one of our associates, from Abu 'Abd Allah 隐!! who said, When she
made advances for him, and he would have succumbed to her, she said, 述I 卢也以)5 xp
“Stay where you are.” He asked, “Why?” So she said, So that I can cover my

idol's face lest he sees us.w So he remembered God at that moment, knowing 角。侦
that God was watching him and rushed to escape from her. [12:24]

19- From Muhammad b. Qays, from Abu 'Abd Allah 混七 He said, "I heard him
say, “When Yusuf undid his trousers, he saw an apparition ofWqub stand­
ing there biting his hand [in deep chagrin] saying to him, ‘0 Yusuf!,w He said,
"So he [Ytisuf ] escaped." .拱 :JI5V :』jAj & lilt 4^1*;(J匕 勤
Then Abu 'Abd Allah 榛? said, “By God, I have never seen my father's
shame nor has my father ever seen my grandfather's shame, and nor did my
芟cb为齿孑3潦jb・刖展:嗥4)旧项JIS f
grandfather ever see his father^ shame.” He continued, "So [he saw] him
biting his hand, and he jumped and the water came out of the big toe of his Ill
fbot.,>, [12:24]

20. From one of our associates, from Abu Jacfar「貌 who asked, 'What do the
people [i.e. the Sunnis] say about God's verse: ^ifhe had not seen the evi­
dence ofhis Lord*?' I replied, "They say that he saw Ya'qub biting his hand?
So he said, 'No, it is not as they say? I said, 'Then what is it that he saw?'
He replied, 'When she made for him and he made fbr her, she stood up to go
to an idol of hers in the house and threw a cloth over it. So Yusuf asked her,
"What are you doing?” She said, “I am throwing a cloth over it for I would
be ashamed fbr him to see us.” So Yusuf said, aYbu are ashamed in front of
瑟S.西w 土 R:共勺乱廿决:口^ •切瑚泰n共
your idol who can neither hear nor see, and I do not feel ashamed in front
of my Lord?”' [12:24]

21. He went back to the narration by Abu Hamza: "So Yusuf slipped away from
: J&.E侦矽计
her fully-clothed, ^and at the door they met her husband. She said, "What,
other than prison orpainfulpunishment, should be the reward ofsomeone who
tried to dishonour your wife?y He said, “So the king went to attack Yusuf
and to punish him, but Yusuf said to him, 'By the God of Ya'qub, I did not
intend any harm to your wife, but she was the one who tried to seduce me.
Ask this child here who tried to seduce whom?


nv \
12. Yusuf

There was a child from her family staying with her as a guest so God
made him speak by Divine decree. So he said to the king, 'Look at the shirt,
your Highness. If it is tom from the front then he is the one who tried to se­
duce her. But if it is torn from behind, then she is the one who tried to se­
duce him and he is telling the truth whilst she is a liar? 典 “31W 舶少”叫为匹&以标心出
So when the king heard the infant's speech and what he had just uttered,
he was gripped by an intense fear. He called fbr the shirt and inspected it,
虹b非以是尹电并炀•岫 片:冬u
and when he saw it rent from behind, he said to her: < 'This is another in­
stance of women's treachery: your treachery is truly great." And He said to
Yusuf: ^Yusuf, overlook this',* lest anyone hears about it, and keep it a se­
M dtbJti 萱贝 3 Uj〈参JI (方瓠I 罗成
But Yusuf did not keep it a secret and announced it in the city, such that
the women of the city were saying: < 'The governor's wife is trying to seduce 叫(JG 迅i" 〃 回0 皈U!
her slave!" )> She heard about this, so she sent fbr them and prepared a ban­
quet for them. Then she served them citrus fruits and gave each of them a .& 切 匕L 板7 * J瘪 juyj
knife. She said to Yusufi 'Come out to them? So when they saw him, they
were stunned by his beauty and cut their hands in the process, and said what 由为^以''’:静^次北贝y si斗〈3^如奖卢
they said, at which she said to them, *This is the one you blamed me fbr be­
ingin love with?1
He ['All b. al-Husayn] continued, “The women left her house, and each
履 G《,皿细甜,汩心危山奸》
one of them sent secret proposals to Yusuf asking him to visit them, but he
refused them all saying: <( "My Lord! [...] If You do not protect me from their
treachery, Ishallyield to them and do wrong."
When talk ofYusufi the governor's wife and the women spread in Egypt,
A D/ ▲ '
• 1 • , . -

the king, despite having heard the infanfs words, decided to imprison Yusuf
So he locked him up in prison, and two young men entered the prison at
the same time as him. God tells us their stories alongside YUsuf's story in
His Book.” 果! M J;:。思,济少 Q& cSjlJI
Abu Hamza said, 'Then 'Ali b. al-耳usayn's narrative cut off there?

& '如心U .斩电狞浦’I/侦貌—项*邙


12. Yusuf

够3如 A、嗥
22. From Muhammad b. Marwan, from a man, from Abu Abd Allah『灌 who g产>, 5,
said, *Yusufwas courting a beautiful woman during his time, but she refused M3 心 f 乂JI .由 j丛声"
him saying, ttHow can a slave of the king court me?
He said, ‘So he asked her father for her hand, but her father said to him,
“The decision is up to her."
He said, ‘So he asked his Lord for her and wept. So God revealed to him, ••
知隰'血2』尹此/心,以了 .xx
“I will make you marry her.” Then he sent her a message saying that he want­
ed to visit them, so she sent one back asking him to come. When he went 典以D!1*皿 出,七也觇顼妃B:。3*伺j切*
inside, the whole house lit up by his light, and she said, <( fHe must be a pre­
cious angel!'》Then he asked for some water, so she got up to raise the bowl ,族耘般1翊如bj" Wj心出旭顼妙项4)
of water to let him drink from it. As he went to drink from the cup in her
hand, he met her mouth there instead. So he said to her, “Wait. Not so fast.,n 心i什务 场? j宣J翊cX<)E。项o'顼项:硕Jo"
He said, "Then he married her? [12:30-31]
)士『项妇以! 甘以U S/pjjb u:心底 2j, cJi
23・ From al^Abbas b. Hilal who said, ‘I heard Abu al-Hasan al-Rida 襟1 say,
i "The prison guard said to Prophet Yusuft CI love you? So Yusuf said to him, : J& %(5 IW J^2j Jjli
‘Please do not say that, for my aunt loved me and made me out to be a thief;
my father loved me and as a result, my brothers were jealous of me and sold z , .
me; and the governor's wife loved me and I ended up incarcerated as a re- 嗥即上i jl :以嗥I \^J\ —u U 出Q北j c/Ul /.xr
sult.'” [12:33]

•, •• • —
(IA27、:4) Jlii ”
jlZuJI a! J&
24・ From Ibn Sinan, from Abu cAbd Allah 低? who said, Jibra'il came to Yusuf
in prison and said, “After every obligatory prayer, say: ‘0 God, give me re-
lease and a way out, and provide forme whence I expect as well as whence
•色予农成3 顷jij
I do not expect."”


12. Yusuf

皆JI d唉dje好贝 :JG 4瘪2
25・ From Tirbal2, from Abu cAbd Allah r潺? who said, 'When the king ordered
for Yusuf to be imprisoned, God inspired him with the interpretation of
dreams, and he used to interpret the dreams of his inmates for them. Two C/^'3
young men were imprisoned on the day that he was incarcerated. After
sleeping the night, they awoke in the morning and said to him, “We had
some dreams, so please interpret them for us.”
He asked, “What did you see?w One of them said: < 7 dreamed that I was 心顶|演队淑云Jr'如& 庙勉上面
carrying bread on my head and that the birds were eating it;》The other said,
“I saw that I was serving the king some wine.”
He interpreted their dreams for them just as is written in the Book. Then
he said to the one that he knew would be saved, KMention me to your mas- j顷瘪 —d疹杖,的心#1:y次Aii少邸jg
He said, 'What Yusuf did not do was turn exclusively to God in that state 也板 关 °匕:4jjl JU
ofhis, and supplicate Him instead? God says: « but Shaytan made himforget
to do this, and so Yusufremained in prisonfor a number ofyears, y 4加
He continued, 'So God revealed to Yusuf at that moment, a Yusuf; who
showed you the dream that you saw?” He replied, KYbu, my Lord.” 瑚 l>£jl jJljl 〃 <3^ l :顼* A^U/ 少貌 4 4jjl :JG
He asked, "Who was the one who made you beloved to your father?w He
replied, aYou> my Lord.”
He then asked, MWho sent the caravan to you?” He said, aYou, my Lord.”
He asked, "Who taught you the supplication that you used to be liberat­ 5IJI & JJK•招:J& .$:J邮山皿叫
ed from the well?” He said, “Y6u, my Lord?
He asked, “Who made the infant speak in your defense?” He replied,
aYbu, my Lord.”
He asked, Who averted the plots of the governor's wife and the women
away from you?” He replied, wYbu, my Lord."
He asked, And who inspired you with the interpretation of dreams?” He % uL^l :J&
said, wYbu, my Lord.”
cu^' c? &顶 dl :JB
He said, Then how could you seek help from other people and not Me
t0 take you out of this prison? How could you
to ; ask:二二 」: and place your
for help 罗机关M史"计D!园切必b 'V顼 ab
hope in a mere servant of mine to mention you to another mere creature of
Mine who himself is in My control? You did not turn to Me instead? Now
・好迎X jjbjb多凿以也勇』4顼‘可
.l 质 gjy 3:"』功 J& 6JB
------b. Raja* about whom there is very little information. See
Most likely referring to -Tirbai
Kh^Mu'jam, 10:175 (nr. 6011).

12. Yusuf
— A,

stay in the prison for a few more years for your sin of having sent a message
with a mere servant to another servant.'”
Ibn Abi 'Umayr said, cIbn Abi Hamza said, "He remained in the prison
for twenty years.w [12:36-42]
.y协M项&匕约"夕'”秘如火炙 .XV

From SamTa regarding God's verse: < 'Mention me to your master.^ He said,
,钟*导它L <3顶拍
"This refers to the governor? [12:42]

27・ From Ibn Abi %'fQr, from Abu cAbd Allah「灌 regarding the verse:《the oth­
er said, 7 dreamed that I was carrying bread on my head [...])> He said, '[It 出I(£1^ 4?'1/"圳 J?化必? J!山9•想圳
means] I was carrying a corpse on my head upon which there was bread that
the birds were eating from/ [12:36]
的见项如 项I,5项,QI C/夹盘w姑也,诚』
28. From Wqub b. Shu'ayb, from Abu *Abd Allah 隰 who said, 'God said to
Yusuf: 'Am I not the one who made you beloved to your father and distin­
guished you above others in your beauty? Am I not the one who drove the
caravan to you, rescued you and took you out of the well? Am I not the one
who averted the women's plot away from you? Then how dare you hold high
expectations of a mere creature and call on him instead of Me? Now stay in
the prison for a few years as a result of what you said.”' [12:42]

29. From 'Abd Allah b. 'Abd al-Rahman3, from whoever narrated it on his au­ 泌将J :J&I5L :」底 <顶匕、膈关口1 :J&此芟I
thority, that he said, 'When he said to the young man: "Mention me to your
master/' Jibra1!! came to him and struck the ground with his foot until the .4)1 J6 SL^jlj ®
seventh layer of the earth was split open, and said to him, “Look inside -
what do you see?” He said, ttI see a small rock with a crack in it.” 必顷舟勺顷寄力II出& 切圳d很牛g 4;施瑚
He asked, "Now what do you see?” He said, “I can see a small worm.”
He asked, “Who sustains it?” He replied, “God.”
He said, "Well, your Lord says: T did not forget this worm in that rock in
the depth ofthe seventh layer of the earth. Did you think that I would forget

N &・6血:J& Q翊W路J;参d 5心嗥4 (P:JB

3 3璧ly referring to 'Abd Al剧 b. <Abd al-Rahman al-Asamm al-Misma'i, a renowned
― - the statu:
Har from Basra accused of exaggerating —
— Js of the Imams. He is condemned in the
harshest terms as a weak narrator who fabricated traditions. See Hilli, Khuldsat al-aqwal,
372 (nr. 1475).

! 628

12. Yusuf

you that you said to the young man:《'Mention me to your master: * You will
remain in this prison for a few years as a result of these words of yours!'
He said, 'So Yusuf cried so much upon hearing this that even the fish
cried with him?
He said, 'The inmates of the prison were irritated by him, so they
心17项〃 5 3〜心豳 却〃 K 皓 房 嗥卜机&
convinced him to cry every other day instead. On the days that he would be 板嗥S吭心心巨/1』顼3 <01 4j航参0
silent, he would be in an even worse state.' [12:42] - -* •

30. From Hisham b. Salim, from Abu 'Abd Allah r貌'who said, 'No one has ever
cried the way these three have cried: Adam, Yusuf and Dawud? So I asked,
'To what extent did they cry?' 沪ji A气c珀4内嘤馈岷—i
He replied, Adam cried when he was expelled from the Garden. His
head was at one of the gates of the heavens and he cried so much that the
inhabitants of the heavens were getting upset by it, so they complained to
God, and he was made to go down from that place. Dawud cried so much
that the grass overgrew as a result of his tears, and he would heave out a sigh 裸 。小嗥 dji M :J做潺曲 y顼烫 .r\
so piercing that it would burn up whatever had grown as a result ofhis tears. x z

As for Yusufi he used to cry so much for his father, %'qtib, when he was in Sa11>- 〃 :D 〈「乂JI 勇奂 g目I I
the prison that the inmates were getting irritated and convinced him to cry
every other day instead? [12:42] .I cJ : J& 由。卫己初《10:J5
From Shu'ayb al-Aqarqufi, from Abu cAbd Allah 隰 who said, Jibra'il came :(JG 勺 :』J&f: JG
to Yusuf and said, ttYusuf, the Lord of the universe sends greetings of peace
unto you and says, 'Who made you the most handsome of all His creatures?'
He said, 'So he cried and placed his cheek on the earth, then said, 'Ybu,
my Lord.”'
He said, 'Then he said to him, “He is asking you: Who made you more
beloved to your father than your brothers?"'
He said, 'He cried and placed his cheek on the ground and said, wYbu,
心八履:J&F 小。上/刃 R
my Lord.”' . Z

He said, 'He is asking you: Who took you out of the well after you were 以灼也山―p疽jj k节也39 5
thrown in there and were convinced you were going to perish?'
He said, 'So he cried and placed his cheek on the ground again and said:
* Ybu, my Lord.”'
__ T---------- 1

He said, 'Your Lord has decreed a(consequence fbryou and your turning
to others for help instead of Him, so stay in the prison fbr a few years/

12. Yusuf

He continued, 'So when some time had passed, He allowed him to sup­ , , “ " I

plicate to Him for relief so he placed his cheek on the ground and said: "0 ,m vyi
,I S务
.ti 6

』心 / 49 名少-
God, if my sins have disfigured my face in Your eyes, then I turn to Ybu with
the faces of my righteous forefathers, Ibrahim, Ismael, Ishaq, and Ya<qub.,>
He said, 'So God released him from it.'
He said, CI asked him, “May I be your ransom - should we use this sup­
plication too?”
目>> 曲G: J/ 圳攻 波产成』厄崩* 瑚
He replied, “Supplicate with a similar one: '0 God, if my sins have disfig­
ured my face in "Your eyes, then I turn to You with the face ofYbur prophet,
血眼时套四f少!必项§9』心(一 -
the Prophet of Compassion, and 'All, Fatima, al-Hasan and al-Husayn, and ・吝 J 小
the Imams, peace be upon them all.'” [12:42]

32. From Ya'qub b. Yazid4 who, without mentioning his source, cited from Abu
'Abd Allah f貌 regarding God's verse: #s。Yusuf remained in prison for a
number ofyears'^ that he said, Tor seven years? [12:42]

33- From Abu Basir, from Abu 'Abd Allah「潺? who said, "Fatima saw in her sleep
as if al-Hasan and al-Husayn were being slaughtered or killed, and it upset
her? 参pJIg (乂31 以大 撰北 3J :JIS (惭 寸 寸 ・YY
He said, 'So she told the Messenger of God 镯 about it, and he said, “0
[true] dream!” and it took form in front ofhim. He asked it, aWere you the & ocdA) 3 辱jl 1^3Oj***^L? ^y***^-'
one to show Fatima this affliction?” It replied, “No.” So he summoned, “0
confused dream, were you the one to show Fatima this affliction?” It replied, :5 火梃& 0.J cul:Jl5曲龙b心*项:l:J旧”整却
“%s, 0 Messenger of God" He asked, "What did you do that for?" It said, “I
wanted to upset her.”
So he said to Fatima, "Hear that? It is nothing.”' [12:44]
妇I『:心15 ojl甘,白国・,
34- From Aban, from Muhammad b. Muslim, from the two [Imams] who said,
琴l:pUI 3 框迪j鼠莎顶&j :心拓以土尹如:出
The Messenger of God 建 said, “Were I to have been in YUsuf's position
when the king sent for him to ask him about his dream, I would not have ・苛山T
told him until I had stipulated that he would release me from prison. I am

却 B NG: ‘Ml L4J1P q 3 必 wW / .ri

4 Abu YusufYa*qub b. Yazid b. Hammad al-Anbari al-Sulami, a member of the Caliph al-Mun-
ta$ir'ss chancellery. Both he and his father Ya*qub b. Yaqtin were
ta$ir 1 reliable and trustworthy
narrators of Imam al-Ri姓 traditions. See HiHi, Khulasat al-aqival, 298 (nr. 1107).

寻理商项兄茂 w 空,K? b 逐 5少
12. Yusuf

surprised at his remaining patient with the matter of the king's wife until
God manifested the proof in his defense."' [12:45]

35- From Ibn Abi Ya'fGr who said, 'I heard Abu {Abd Allah r灌 recite: 'sab'a 冲
sandbila khudrin" (seven green ears of com) [instead of sabca sunbulatin
khudrin]! [12:46]
3:奶顷■8宓<0 *勺+父H茯缸寸咄―侦
项& 柠踊/b &从:JI :yiii
36. From Hafs b. Ghiyath, from Abu 'Abd Allah 隰 who said, 'The years of in­
flation [that preceded] when Yusuf was in charge affected the people like 烦iKjK :臾罕妃I村侦或顶件外
never before? >
He said, 'Some merchants came to him and said, "Sell to us.M 创疝二&声':(3底知<嘿3*^ Jp幽?板:J&
He replied, ttYbu may buy.”
They said, “We will take this much for such and such a price."
So he said,uTake [what you need]” and ordered for it to be weighed for
them, and they carried it away until they came to the city. There, another
group of merchants met them and asked them, “How much did you get it
JKiK :侦困¥*>13^ :侦国 QjjRv-庭b以2&>-项^.
They replied, “This much for this price/ but they inflated the price.
:JS Q 参 L 项心:臾J,。必I JJ5 停:Jis 挪 13L
Those people then went to Yusuf and said, KSell some to us."
He said, “You may buy. How much would you like?” ::lid : Jlsi clju J: Aj
They replied, aSelI it to us as you did previously for that particular price.”
He replied, "It was not as they said, but take it anyway.” .\j U :J lii(II :8&〈二*?
Then they left until they entered the city, and some others met them and
asked, “How much d记 you get it fbr?”
* :件i!虾 夕旧 土Q Jill A JJ 板幺& : J&
They replied, “This much for this price/ again inflating the price. And
people found it too expensive, and said, "Take us there so we can buy it
They went to Yusuf and said, wSell it to us.” 八岫以4)・dXljf :荧勺J :JI5, J 啊心旧出:卬
He replied, K"Ybu may buy.”
They said, “Sell it to us for the same price you sold it before.” .b jX问1灯另i*:J0,占5
He asked, “And how much did I sell it fbr?M
They replied, "This much for that particular [inflated] price."
S。he said, That is not the case, but take it anyway.”
窿崛E沪IP召或bDI廿冯讪JI Wv乒h :出
They took it and returned to the city, and told people about it. They said
to each other, “Let us go and do the same thing and lie to lower the price ,垃皿上卬成
just as we lied to inflate it.” So they went to Yusuf and said to him, “Sell to us.”

12. Yusuf
』3孟,成必寻R :&声Vi j用
He replied, KYdu may buy.”
They said, uSell it to us for the price that you sold it previously*
He asked, "And how much was that?” 3/
They said, “This much for that price;' lowering the figure. 泗!万少y 如卢&也饱,财& L曲
So he said, “That is not what it is, but take it anyway.”
So they went off to the city. Some people met them there and asked
them, ttHow much did you buy it fbr?”
They replied, “This much for this price/ halving the original price. So
those people said, “Let us go and buy some ourselves.” 匕4隰*妃』苛,后苛,聂必迁白.好芋・YV
They went to Yusuf and said, "Sell to us.”
So he said, “Go ahead and buy.”
They said, wSell it to us for what you sold it previously."
必夕:』y已瑚U:JI5矽电共:迎产4葛―L j匕^
So he asked, "And how did I sell it previously?”
They replied, “This much for that price/ halving the original price. *仁自匕
He said, “It is not as they are claiming, but take it anyway.”
So they continued lying to each other thus until the price returned to its
original value as God had willed? [12:55-57] 3或 :4)13寄嗥顷岫硕/妇户尸^。沙/ •仆
37- From Muhammad b. 'All al-Sayrafi5, from a man, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥J
who recited it as: 'amunfihiyugdthu al-nasu wa-fihiya'sirun (< after that will
come a year when the people will have abundant rain and willpress grapes*)
with a 'u' vowel on the 'y' [ofyugdthu] meaning “they will be rained upon.”

Then he said, 'Have you not heard His words:攵 Did We not send waterpour­
ing downfrom the do必》。8:14)?,[12:49]

38. From CA1I b. Ma^ar6, on his father's authority from Abu 'Abd Allah 豚? who
said with regard to God's verse: # after that will come a year when the people
wiH have abundant rain and will press grapes >, 'It is with a vowel? Then
he sM〈Did We not send waterpouring downfrom the c而燧夕?'[12:49]

5 Muhammad b. 'All al-§ayrafi, about whom there is

scant information. See Khu*i, Mu'jam,
18:53 (nr. 11412).
6 *Ali b. Ma'mar, about whom not much is known. See Khu*i, Mu'jam, 13”97 (nr. 8537)


T 3、
12. Yusuf

,相匕顼为& A?* :* J孙公匚出&山

39- From Samaca who said, 'I asked him about God's verse: @ Go back to your
master and ask him about what happened to those women who cut their •以&:
hands., He said, “It refers to the governor.'" [12:50]

40. From al-Hasan b. Musa who said, 'Our associates narrated on al-Ridas au­
thority saying, KA man asked him, 'May God make you prosper - how did
you manage to secure this from Ma'mun when he denied you the same thing .dA) 3 ajISj S 顼 <4)1
So Abu al-Hasan said to him, ‘0 man, which of these two is better: the
prophet or the vicegerent?*
;回侦卸:好I l :嘿J 4)府
He replied, "The Prophet 嘴;of course?
He asked, 'Then which of the two is better: a Muslim or a polytheist?'
谗出-卜^ Ji,瑚 S yjj :J& .勰卸
He replied, A Muslim, of course?
He said, "Well, the governor ofEgypt was a polytheist whereas Yusufwas 既上刀(参j成»山g以嗅豳近q
a prophet. Ma'mhn is a Muslim whilst I am the vicegerent [of the Prophet],
如板样 4^ :J>- & jijjJI JL
Yusufhad asked the governor to let him govern saying: < 'Put me in charge of
the nation's storehouses: I shall manage them prudently and knowledgeably'y 夕
whereas Ma^un forced me up to where I am now.'"
He said, 'He said in His verse:攵prudent and knowledgeable.夕'
He said, 'He was《prudent》with what was in his keep and # knowledge­ * <侦点(J (以上:J&:妙(J Jl5j :JU
able^ of every language? [12:55]
.jU 杓
41. Sulayman said that Sufyan reported, ‘I asked AbrAbd Allah 嘤,“Is a man
not allowed to promote himself?” He replied, uYes, if he is compelled to.
Have you not heard YUsuf's words: <( {Put me in charge of the nation's store­
houses: I shall manage them prudently and knowledgeably*,' and the right- :j&s5k)\j :嘤*炒0勺白5心a"心十次
eous servant's words:〈I am your sincere and honest adviser.夕(7:68),[12:55]

42. From al-Thumall, from Abu Ja'far 嗥? who said,c Yusuf governed Egypt and
its lands, which he did not relinquish
一 i to go anywhere else? [12:56] 勺3
也卜见必—嗥土乂 :J&C 嘿 gw廿

12. Yusuf

以 勇 R :d& 七运嗅 11 :js t €

From Abu Basirwho said, 1 heard Abu Ja'far 喋 narrate, “When Ya^qub
was missing Yusuf, he grieved and wept so much that his eyes turned blind
out of sorrow. He felt an extreme yearning for him and his whole disposi­
水Q :孩呻典〃心二I公弓号Uc g
tion changed.”
He continued, “He used to import wheat from Egypt for his family twice
s板心^烦成> gy〃芒弓比通:jB
a year, for winter and summer. He sent several of his sons to Egypt with a
few simple goods to barter in exchange. When they went into Yusuf's pres­ 源上沽场。场殉仁n AW 仍# U
ence-and this was after the king ofEgypt had placed him in charge - Yusuf
recognized them, but his brothers did not recognize him in his royal garb 切司3" 矽4为i" 嗥 上戈L知出B
and his prestige. He said to them, 'Bring your goods to barter? Then he said
to his servants, 'Weigh up the grain fbr them quickly and give it to them. 砂印柠3 &,羽蜉*典J如理0九国孙T Jlii
When you finish, place these goods of theirs back in their saddle-bags with­
out telling them? 〈di! 土 Nj 衬 L j
So they did that. Then Yusuf asked them, CI have heard that you had two
other paternal brothers. Where are they?' 0 :抄 '炽 li勺 ” ©si 昇® 嗥 j N J阡
They replied, 'The eldest of the two was eaten by a wolf, and we have
left the youngest behind with our father who is possessive and protective 4)(妃1 JJLP 0 Mil好顼而忐成』1葩3 火。
over him?
He said, 'Well I would love for you to bring him with you when you next 。心 N 〈攵 Q顶k, ((1^ 疝产现 ^*** w (jyir ji (j§:J&
come to import,《You will have no more comfrom me ifyou do not bring him
to me, andyou will not bepermitted to approach me." They said, fWe shall do all
u»e can to persuade hisfather to send him with us, indeed we shall."y
・成^筋%2早酒力侦‘:0& •以笋%
When they returned to their father they opened their bags and found
their goods in them. They, said, 'We need 】 more [goods
L - look,
b :侦 15 妇 匕 D! 场
一」no to barter]:
our goods have been returned to us, and more than a camel-load of corn was
weighed up fbr us, so ^send our brother back with us and we shall be given
佝9辰电 a*jU u 苏*想2 了节山
__ ” ------ -
another measure. We shall guard him carefully: He said, 'Am Ito entrust him
to you as I did his brother before?'^
However, when they needed to import more after six months, Wqub
-.1 , ・

sent them back___

with1 a few simple goods [to trade] and Bin for whom 5,嗅皿专*1已坷讪&心
he made them pledge by
swear a pieage Dy God that they would bring him back to
him. Otherwiise : they would all be culpable. So they set off with their goods
unitil they entered
'J in Yusufs
… presence. He asked them, 'Have you brought
Bin 插mil with you?' M R村JUi,溟上 &慎;参珂七玻&,的’ E
They replied, 'Yes, he is with the caravan?
He said, 'Bring him to me then? So they brought him into the palace. "同顷§尹方包项,[妇客们


12. Yusuf

.佰1 :4)J好 姒丫短 3^ ey *

He ‘aid, 'Let him come in alone; so they lethim come to him by himself.
Yusuf hugged him and cried and said to him, ‘I am your brother, Yusuf,> so
do not worry about what you see me doing. Keep what I have told you to 一
•< - .
yourself; and neither be sad nor afraid? Then he sent him back out to them
and commanded his servants to take their trading goods, and to quickly give
"Sp: d J。国 “9,画村 如夏&
them their measure of corn; and when they had finished, to place the meas­
uring cup in the saddle-bag belonging to Bin Wmil. So they did just that.
(aij嗥' djd质尹的I仁俱I说4;财
The group set off with their goods and left. Yusuf and his servants fol­
lowed them and called out: (People of the caravan! You are thieves!" and @湿顼卜务此分.虞^料@宙:件j
they turned and said, 'What have you lost?' They replied, (The king's drink­
ing-cup is missing; and, 'Whoever returns it will get a camel-load [ofgrain}; 竭—M J 氐劣T J,,次』出Q人芟此5
and, 7give you my word! They said, 'By God! You must know that we did not
come to make mischiefin your land: we are no thieves! They asked them, 'And
ifwefind thatyou are lying, whatpenalty shall we apply to you?" and they an­
swered, cThe penalty will be [the enslavement of\ the person in whose bag the (3 (>, 岌@ 龄睁书 项j
cup is found: this is how we punish wrongdoers! [Yusuf] began by searching
their bags, then his brother's, and he pulled it outfrom his brother's bag... [His
• ' - said, 'Ifheisa thiefthen his brother was athiefbefore him.^
So Yusuf said to them, *Get out of our land.'《They said, 'Mighty governor,
he has an elderlyfather,夕 who took a pledge from1 us that we would return
him back to him, < so take one ofus in his place. We can see thatyou are a very 、 也I! 4)侦<I :,I5. E。乂 侦义秒)Jlii
good man,》if you would do that. <He replied, 'God forbid that we should
take anyone other than the person on whom wefound ourproperty,.!^
The oldest of them said, 'I will 1111leave this
__ ____ ___ _ _ j ***〜」
land until— 444my father gives
me leave or God decides for me.' So Yusufs brothers left until they
&qiib・ TT_ —T

He asked »
them, --------
'Where is Bin Wmil?'
“came to .。心匕匕E启〃 YHi d5或J&
They replied, 'Bin Tamil stol<e the king's measuring cup, so the king ar-

r rested him for his theft and has kept him there with him. You can ask in the
town where we haveI been, and the people we travelled with, and they will
te V about it?'"' So he said: < We belong to> God and to Him we are return-
ing.》He cried and becam-
---- le extremely grieved to such an extent that he be-
came hunchbacked.”'
From Abu Hamza, from Abu「
Ba§ir> on his authority that he said Bin
Wmin instead of Bin Yamil, [12:59-79]

12. Yusuf

y 。切V功财务嘤 Sg』/衣项
44. From Aban al-Ahmar, from Abu ‘Abd Allah f貌 who said, "When Yusufs
brothers went to him having brought their brother along with them, he

卜& 口•• 3铲! a盘5(隰剑呻』/ X亦苛

spread out a banquet for them; then he said, Let each one ofyou partake of .££
the food with his maternal brother.0
So they all sat down and his brother was left standing, so he asked him, e 为瑚仁步G功戚决 匕 f a贝衬囱 「v I*件K;
L J ',件>
“Why are you not sitting down with your brothers?,J
••-■ - • • - *• «^L ,-- 上 ♦

He replied, "I do not have a maternal brother among them.”

He said, “Did you not have a maternal brother whom they claim was
eaten by a wolf?” 侦再富g:JG .产:JI5扇或』3
° 事月山
' * b<S 当土:
* JG .JI>
He replied, “Yes.”
块火邱吕用勺&叫& {J^'矽平孩:J&
■ •

He said, “So sit and eat with me instead.”'

He continued, ‘So Yusufs brothers stopped eating saying, “We have only
ever wanted one thing, and God is not only refusing it to us but raising the
son of 划min over us.” 引够场专i F5 j 邑5顼仲略b招顽
When they had finished packing their bags, he commanded for the
drinking cup to be placed in his brother's saddle-bag. After they had left, a 必8 血,:典 g :典《曲心 知 必原,火
caller shouted out:《'People ofthe caravan! You are thieves!'^
He said, # {so they turned and said, 'What have you lost?" They replied, 'The 仓匕■检A■彳&史招#占多9 :』顶A〈次季 沙■宓
king's drinking-cup is missing; and, 'Whoever returns it will get a camel-load
[ofgrain],' and, fIgive you my word! They said, fBy God! You must know that 匕^ 卜?,一* \ I妃孑少 S「4? 浏 Aw
we did not come to make mischiefin your land: we are no thieves' They asked
them, 'And if wefind that you are lying, whatpenalty shall we apply to you?"
and they answered, 'The penalty will be [the enslavement of] the person in
按己水,比%么兰(5坡:9由《 匕^
whose bag the cup isfound;岁-they meant that the custom was such that he
would be arrested. <( [Yusuf] began by searching their bags, then his brother's,
and hepulled it outfrom his brother's bag... [His brothers] said, 'Ifhe is a thief 〃专皈啤I也:说博同I jp 由3 JI5
then his brother was a thiefbefore him.尸
Al-耳asan b. cAli al-Washsha, said, ‘I heard al-Rida say, “They were
referring to the girdle."' 'When he had finished eating, he said, “How much
.- over your brother?M He replied, UI have had ten sons, and I
1?ave you grieved
-jt---------- f

have named each one of them with a derivative of his> name."

*心I 心均 8 少 iJIji U :4)J屈:J6 "
So he said to him, "I do not see that you could have been that upset ifyou
were able to enjoy women after his death." 国% s-U贝蓉j展板如择li 4 成
He said, Mighty king, I have a righteous old father who said to me, 'My
son, get married so that you may beget children who will fill the earth with
.1 • -
the testimony that there is no god but God.5,,,
• 4j(jj 〃 I JUb : 卫项 J&

12. Yusuf

Abu Muhammad 'Abd Allah b. Muhammad said that this was part of al
Riga's narration. [12:69-80]

45- From cAli b. Mahziyar, from one of our associates, on his father's authority
from Abu 'Abd Allah who said, 'He had prepared some food for them. J
When they entered, he said to them, “Each person should sit at the same
table as his maternal brothers.w So they sat down and Bin Yamin remained
standing, so Yusuf asked him, “Why do you not sit down?” y J& @切1功劝J&W&J顼&乩1:混土^山
He replied, KYbu requested for maternal brothers to sit together at one
table, but I do not have a maternal b^other.,, 出,少顷寸邑"顽M方分g :JI5 崩
So Yusuf asked, “Did you not used to have a maternal brother?w
He replied, “Yes, I did."
Yusuf asked, “What happened to him?”
He said, “These people claim that a wolf ate him.”
He said, “To what extent have you grieved over him?” 』J15 SoAju 乂』孑 q)i cjuIp w:嗥上义』j扇
Q Z* 。
He said, “I have had eleven children, and have derived each of their
names from his name.” 祁丫场弓'化* mi & :J& 砂 \»\(J
So Yusuf said to him, "But I see that you have embraced women and
(Jbu :』Jlii
hugged children after his death.” *叶 (JIa5
制A1J:心小 0^^
Bin 距min said to him, “I have a righteous father who said to me, "Get J z f •

married so that God may bring forth offspring from your loins who will fill .ATAL Jc 4a4 bAd dAHI j: cdli-lj
the earth with glorification.'”
S。he said to him, “Come and sit with me at my table.”
So YGsuf's brothers said, “God favoured Yusuf and his brother, and now
even the king has seated him at his own table.”' [12:69-80]
归9项^与 :J& <r绍 ® lX /虹芋•"

46. From Jabir b. Yazid, from Abu JaTar 混.He said, 'I asked him, “May I be
your ransom - why is the Commander of the Faithful called the Command-
:r ofthe Faithful (amir al-mu^minin^r He replied, "Because he brings them
、* Jji, jSL^>- IJ :JG /W • 'V
knowledge thereof. 厂
,?,edge to feed them thereof, , not heard God's words: ^we
Have you
shall bring com tofeed our household^9 [12:65]

47. From Abu Basirwho said, CI heard Abuja*far 嗥 say, “There is no goodness
.B 4 <犹心如Q修》嗥4
in °ne - ?oes
m one J- not have taqiyya [dissimulation of his faith], for Yusuf said,
■ -V h — —f\ZX 111O 1CIAL1AXV/X ▲ 53♦

<如硕。ofthe caravan! You are thieves!'》when they had not really thieved."
一 . >

r , •• LAJf 1ACIU J _
「■ C ・—d

12. Yusuf
48. In a narration of Abu Ba§ir's from Abu {Abd Allah 喋) who said, ^aqiyyci
is part of God's religion, for Yusuf had said: < 'People of the caravan! You
are thieves^ when they had neither stolen anything and nor was he lying? ・顶成 f- * i-
49- In another narration from Abu Basir, from Abu Jacfar He said, 'He was
asked while I was with him, aSaiim b. Abi Hafsa narrates on your authority dAi 队户公 工/1>"寸
that you say things from seventy different angles in order to have a scape­
He replied, “What does Salim want from me? Does he want me to bring
4jjly !涣贝。jl 皿
angels down? By God, none of the prophets ever brought them down.
Ibrahim had said, ^lam sic矽⑴所)and by God he was not really sick, but
I』J& JiSJj ^彳切Q!夕尸Ij\
he was not lying either. Ibrahim also said: &No, it was done by the biggest of
洗em)⑵:8o), but neither had the biggest of them done it and nor was he ly­
ing. Yusuf too said: < "People ofthe caravan! You are thieves!',By God, they
had neither stolen anything and nor was he lying."' [12:70] y彳I,关/ 侦4jjlj 夕!么事
50. From a man from among our associates, from Abu 'Abd Allah (席.He said,
'I asked him about God's words pertaining to Yusuf: «"People ofthe caravan!
You are thieves!'^
He said, “They had stolen Yusuf from his father. Do you not see how
he replied them when they said: < (What have you lost?" They replied, "The
king's drinking-cup is missing\ , and they did not directly say: 'Ybu stole the
king's drinking-cup: What they meant was: You stole Yusuffrom his father.”' |北:衬块g衫5药寸 <履y「貌或小Y:
3^初*沙^衬■:侦共.j <顼h社]:yi5S
5i・ From Abu Hamza al-Ihumali, from Abu Jacfar 涅. He said, ‘I heard him say,
.The 'king's drinking-cup' referred to the vessel that he would drink from;”
W刘硕*:以W :共原 A项峪展I沪项苛• °'


12. Yusuf

52. From Muhammad b. Abi Hamza, from whoever mentioned it from Abu
'Abd Allah 嗥 regarding His words: ^the king's drinking-cup. > He said, 'It
was a goblet made of gold/ He also said, Yusuf s cup was such that when
he used it to measure, it would say in a beautiful voice: God curse the • (j-***^ 京力^词 项芦Y
swindlers - do not swindle with it.少'[12:72]

53・ From Ism" b. Hammam who said, 'Al-RidM瘪 said with regard to God's
verse: < (Ifhe is a thiefthen his brother was a thiefbefore him; but Yusufkept
m匕^4阴必W :混出:其MW. or
his secrets and did not reveal anything to them.']
He said, Trophet Ishaq had a girdle that he had inherited from the
prophets and ancestors, and it was kept by YUsuf's paternal aunt [i.e. Wqiib's
sister]. Yusuf was at her house, and she used to love him very much. Yusufs 沮3心院 £ 心勺寸顷洎必嘿y' &3〉出
A >I
father sent for him saying, “Send him back to me, and then I will return him
to you.” So she sent a message back saying, "Let him stay the night with ]成营户^ S :痍 以土己■必,矽 心垃 旭心隰 通
me so I can get my fill of him, then I will send him back to you tomorrow.”
When she woke up, she took the girdle and tied it around his waist; then 疽1I 叫1
Ji场色至JJi l小"杀 500心
dressed him in a shirt and sent him to him. She then claimed, “The girdle
has been stolen !M and it was found on him. The custom of that time was that W二:cJBj <姒! 4> J

if someone stole something he himself would be sent to the rightful owner,
who would keep him [as ransom]. So she took him and he stayed with her?
,Lb 心。&
54. From al-Hasan b. 'Ali al-Washsha1 who said, CI heard al-Rida r瘪 say, “The
law at the time of the Children of Israel was that if anyone stole something
he himself would be itsj ransom.
----------- Yusuf was
ransom. Yusuf was staying
staying with
with his paternal aunt
his paternal aunt
when he was little, and she loved him very much. Ishaq had a girdle that he / ••
had made Ya qub wear, and that was kept at his sister's house. Ya'qub> re ­
quested for Yusuf to betaken back from his aunt, but she was upset by that 艮由心心f混}上兴j口 &尸isi专项!
. said to him, KLeave him
and —
i me until I send him to you myself” Then
she agreed to send him, but she took the girdle;and tied it around his waist 洪咽心i心心折做]5^ 隰pb y 口坛必
under his clothes.
参 cJISj cdAJJJ

.W匕5 &切也制邳

12. Yusuf

When Yusuf came to his father, she came and asked, “Did you steal the 8"
girdle?” So she searched him and found it on his waist. That is why Yusufs -
brothers said what they did when the cup had been placed in their brother's :
bag, and Yusuf asked them, 'What is the penalty for one in whose saddle-bag
it is found?' They said, 'Its penalty is for the customary law to be applied to
"项Wa®己>1钉刘J dJ!> :就£右J瓜.
him? So he started with their bags before his brother's bag, then pulled it
out from his brother's bag. That is why Yusufs brothers said: < {Ifhe is a thief
then his brother was a thief before Kim.'* They meant the girdle, < but Yusuf 村Ia夫伊oiJj瀑|£ cilkAI
物 b』W 0广
kept his secrets and did not reveal anything to them, /
There is a similar narration from al-Hasan b.,Ali al-Washsha* from al-
Rida? [12:77-79]
55- From al-Husayn b. Abi al-'Ala1 [Khalid], from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥?. He said,
'He mentioned Ya'qiib's sons and said, “When they got angry, their anger
was so intense that their skins would drip with bile, and they were saying,
/ 'Take one of us in his place'* as his ransom. However, he took the one
whose bag the cup was found in.”' [12:78] J
• OtALP 2仙
56. From Hisham b. Salim, from Abu 'Abd Allah〈潺? who said, 'When Yusuf's
brothers were despairing of their brother's release, Yahuda 一 who was the
eldest of them - said: / 7 will not leave this land until myfather gives me leave
or God decidesfor me - He is the best decider:* He said,4 He then went back
to Yusuf to talk to him regarding his brother, so he discussed with him until
the debate between them got heated and ^huda became angry. Whenever
川光d赤1R j。亳典参顶J :熟衬
卜___ • - ------- ----- --------------

he got angry the hair on his shoulders would stand up and they would bleed;
—1 ■ . ■ —_ 一

TT- 一 - -• , ,一 . 、厂_ -
He continued, "One of Yusufs young sons was in front of him playing
- 萨心^・「京1 /jl - &3 c^\' 苫"•泌
with a golden pomegranate. So Yusuf took it from the child and rolled it
towards Yahuda. The child crawled towards Yahuda to go and get it back
Yahuda, ,
from him and touched Yahuda, ’ calmed down. Then he resumed his
」!__ ・

heated and Yahuda 厂’

discussion with Yusuf about his brothi
er until again the discussion became 明,w5 b那J s q』功嗅 4 B豳:JB
got angry, his hair stood on end and blood started flow-
ing out. So Yusuf took the ―
e pomegranate from the child and rolled it towards ~ 出T
-也 ,•/ 圈
.I J* 嗥 榛弟 &: ,扇 h-A
一 child crawled towards Yahuda: __1 —
Yahuda. The
- ----- j and ^huda calmed down, then
said, "There
— J an offspring ofWqub here in this hous«
At that point,' Yusuf
;e with us?
saidI to them: 4 'Do you now realize what you did to
- 己t A业学J*.占搭i*. A旭幺顽况咨亨项
Yusufand his brother wh\enyou were ignorant?
计心(3QI j岛*参♦浪杪参


5 AX

12. Yusuf

;浪| l^j Jg U 必尸R〃 *砂嘿 djj

57. In Hisham b. Salim's narration on his authority he said, When Yusuf arrest­
ed his brother, his other brothers ganged up on him and said to him, < 'Take
... • Ju m wy b “ 以 j 国 j 机
of us m
one oj in nis
his place" with uieu
place, 7 wiin their mu
”。5*^55 vviL11 bile,
dripping with continuously
U11C> <-ununuously
saying: < "Take one of us in his place:,When he refused and they had left,
Yahuda said to them, KYbu know very well what you did to Yusuf^ and / 7
s从坤:! 土己壬耕
will not leave this land until myfather gives me leave or God decidesfor me -
He is the best decider."
He said, 'They returned to their father whilst Yahuda stayed behind? He
continued, 'He went in to see Yusuf and discussed with him about his broth­
er until the discussion between them became heated, and he became angry.
> «■ «■

He had hair on his shoulders, which would stand on end whenever he be­
came angry and which would bleed continuously until touched by one of
也'qiib's children.
He continued, Yusufhad a son of his there with him playing with a gold­
en pomegranate. So when Yusuf saw him getting angry and his hair standing
on end and bleeding, he took the pomegranate from the child's hands and 8k,嗥上戈 & 乒乂 :JI5:
rolled it towards Yahuda. The child followed it to take it back, and his hand
touched ^huda, and his anger vanished.
He continued, 'So Yahuda was puzzled. Then the child went back to
Yusuf with the pomegranate. Then the discussion between them resumed .』V (Jljy
and became heated once more, until he got angry again and his hair stood
on end and started to bleed. When Yusuf saw that, he rolled the pomegran-
ate towards Yahuda, and the child followed it to go and get it back. His hand
四场e乂 旭<券=4)功 uuumjp c?也B:
[gain, touched Yahuda, and his anger subsided. So Yahuda said, “One of
以户¥b Xl*/ J^-\ oyuJl O-4
Ya'qub's offspring is present in this house;"and this happened three times?
—玉:J15 J" & oju cLbJ^U gL Jg U

. J / . =

光。馄-JS& d jg cIa 早功 J 小i

12. Yusuf

58. From Jabir who said, T asked Abu Ja{far 除?,May God have mercy on you
-what is graceful patience'?" 1 ji好 3 '貌初』耶:兴
He replied, "That is the kind of patience that is not accompanied by any
complaint to people. Ibrahim once sent Wqub"Yk qub with an errand to a monk
from among the monks, a fellow worshipper. When he saw Yacqub, he mis­
took him for Ibrahim and leapt on him and embraced him. Then he said, ,,宓 豹,矿以乙J §!:嗥—小(<z9'呼 A 5 f
'Welcome, 0 friend of the all-Beneficent.' Ya'qub replied, 'lam not Ibrahim.
I am Ya'qub, son of Ishaq, son of Ibrahim?
So the monk asked him, 'So what has happened to you that I see such
old age in you?' He replied, 'Griefand sorrow and weakness? No sooner had
he gone out of the side door than God revealed to him,'无'qUb, you com­ 贝li秒温b K 5勺筱b g] m•眇:1侦』
plained to My servants about Me ?' So he fell prostrate at the threshold of the
door saying, 'My Lord, I will never do that again? So God revealed to him, ‘I 孝心少卜W 必a —e J叫⑷bJ蚤
have forgiven you for it, but do not ever do such a thing again? So he never
again complained of a single thing that afflicted him from the tribulations of 坡*出3顼次出场矣苏』翊加自应,盘' 5 :以^侦
this world, such that he even said one day: « 7 only plead my grief and sor­
row before God. I have knowledgefrom God thatyou do not have.'*'" [12:86] 跄法私弥\^块:如J& /叫扣胃孑〃电胡队心。
•V* ••

59- From Hisham b. Salim, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嚓?. He said, 'One of our as­
sociates asked him, "To what extent had Wqiib's grief over Yusuf reached ?M
He said, “The grief of seventy mothers bereaved of their children.,>, [12:86]
心也31 aJ J15 :JIS "灌 杓 Cx其 • oi
60. With the same chain of transmission, on his authority, he was asked, "How
could Ya'qub grieve so much over Yusuf when Jibra^l had told him that he
had not died and that he would return to him in the future?M So he replied,
“He forgot that.” [12:86]

61. Muhammad b. Sahl al-Bahrani7 from one of our associates, from Abu W妈(上乂 & 彦 :aJ * :J&武涅•
'Abd Allah 混 who said,‘ 'There
—-are five people who cried profusely: Adam,
— -4 ,
Ya'qub, Yusuf, Fatima (the daughter of Muhammad), and ^AlT b. al-Husayn,
peace be 叩 on them all. As for Y^qub,
upon Ya'qub, hhe cried so much over Yusuf that he
出5顷3 : E!歹二侦艾M咨
ost his eyesight, and he was told: cYou will
told: ## 'You will ruin your health
ruin your health ifyou do
ifyou do not
not :业
st。》thinking ofYusuf, or even die:*,[12:85] 中如y』苛想皿乒苛卫苛・、'
7】Muhammad b. Sahlal-Bahrani, about whom there is scant information. See KhiH, M啊,
17:180 (nr. 10954),
ex ^pj (心 C-4> 4^Hs»j cL^AAy Y 盘:

12. Yusuf
62. From Ismael b. Jabir, from Abu cAbd Allah 嗥 who said, Ya'qub once
went to a king in their region to ask him for something. The king asked him,
“Are you Ibrahim?” He replied, “No・》He said, “Then are you Ishaq, son of
Ibrahim?” He said, “No.” He asked, “Then who are you?” He replied, KI am
Ya'qub, son oflshaq.w
;弟y祀嗥'由Q项苛BKw e
He said, "Then what has happened to you that I do not see youth in you?”
He replied, "Grief over my son, Yusuf.>, He said, “Ya'qub, this grief has in­ 4 项::J&〈尸』履:顼'』J或《41
deed overtaken you." He said, “Us prophets are the fastest to be struck by
tribulation, then other people after that in order of exemplariness.M So he .侦bl :ScjI 汶:J& ・,:JI5
fulfilled his need.
No sooner had he gone through the inner door than Jibra^l came down
to him and said, w¥alqub, your Lord greets you with peace and says to you:
或:j& j厦虹少瑚,W 方・4出ii :JI5
'Ybu complained to people about Me?' So he rubbed his face in the dirt, and
said, “My Lord, I made a mistake and I will never do it again.”
伺I (如Wi特 5L 户"E: : J虬 汐由I :义占
Then Jibra^l returned to him and said,'如qUb, raise your head up for
your Lord greets you with peace and says: ‘I have pardoned you, so never
again complain about Me to My creatures? And he was never again seen
speaking such words, and even when his sons came to him he turned his
face away towards the wall and said:《7 only plead my grief and sorrow be-
fore God. I have knowledgefrom God that you do not have/y [12:86] ilj ljj I jlj3l 旭 4^>j c^LJI :dA) J^2jj

63. In another narration on his authority, Ya^ub came to Nimrud asking fbr
. I A>l I Aa
something, and when he entered in and resembled Ibrahim the most, he
asked him, “Are you Ibrahim, the friend of the all-Beneficent?” He replied,
“No.” [the rest of the narration continued], [12:86] 顽妫T^J1崛页 ji侦J国,以 硕。呻
:&备 E任 如的:Li A 点* a5
破折•土 j "上工......................................
g(L4由1 Ji配5虞矣i \di5> :英出41』g Dg
出归邙% J .方。丫瘪土:隰Q户上4 jj -寸

12. Yusuf

64. ., b. Yasar who said, ‘I heard Abu 'Abd Allah 博 say: ft[The
verse]《7 only plead my grief and sorrow before God^ is in the accusative
case.” [12:86]
!! 65. From Hanan b. Sadir [on his father's authority] who said, ‘I said to Abu
jaffar 廉?,“Tell me about the time when Yacqub said: <( 'go and seek news of
Yusufand his brother^ - did he know that he was alive despite having been 珈奶寻。灯〈j
separated from him for twenty years and after having lost his eyesight?” He
replied, “Yes, he knew that he was alive.”
He asked, “How did he know?” He replied, “He supplicated at dawn for
•顷 I ,

the angel of death to come down to him, so Tirbal, who is the angel of death, j侦小队l电:jis勺占 :JIS
said to him, 'What do you need, Wqub?* He replied, 'Tell me about the
souls that you seize - do you take them all together or separately?' He re­
plied, 'No separately, one by one? He asked, 'Have you come across Yusufs
4 N 3 〜 .18 (% X . I . •_ 三。
soul yet?' He replied, 'No.' He said, “At that moment, he knew that he was
still alive, and said to his sons: < (go and seek news ofYusufand his brother'.少 q洗J &.必j芝所出J &〈%共^项"
In another report: "'IzrMil, who is the angel of death, and so on." [12:87]
成@5己小韵二#上心夕:。电)J也上4* 顼5 jcjJ : J15
66. From Abu Basir, from AbG Ja'farr辱 going back to the first hadith, he said,
'He [i.e. Yacqub] became extremely grieved to such an extent that he became 心 疽务 <乙叫 项4j
hunchbacked, and the world too detached itself from Yacqub and his sons
until they faced extreme poverty and their provisions of food ran out. At
that point, Ya'qub said to his sons: ^My sons, go and seek news of Yusufand
his brother and do not despair of God's mercy - only disbelievers despair of
God's mercy.»
So a group of them went forth with a few simple goods to trade, and he
胃oaJjj 苛 LjJI OJo'j 2A 一
sent a letter with them addressed to the governor of Egypt to elicit his em-
pathy towards himself and his sons. He told his sons to hand the letter over
心板盼:。心嘿 T加JG X 3 4 3b 3如皿匕J
to him before the goods.
He wrote:
In the Name of God, the all-Beneficent, the all-Compassionate. To the
governor of Egypt - the Manifestation of Equity and theBestower of good
m?s:re on Ya^ub, son of Ishaq, son ofibrahlm. He was the friend of God
and the contemporary of Nimrud, who had gathered firewood and fire to
burn him therein but God madej it cold and safe for him and saved him "^"地斗时〈沁^乒电J件^ 关阡4涉
from it.

12. Yusuf ㈡18W
I write to inform you, 0 mighty governor, that we are the me people ot of a
long-established and venerable household, who have been constantly expe­ 尹昏卬’ "…*

riencing the fast descent of tribulation from God, that He may test us there­
by in both ease and hardship. Afflictions have been continuously striking 功诉崎相四3, W '3沽 H 眼 —
me fbr the past twenty years; the first of which was that I had a son whom . ,0 U 顷 乂*<*»J I *
I called Yusuf, who was my greatest joy out of all my children. He was the
delight of my heart and the apple of my eye. His brothers of another moth­
er requested me to send him with them to have fiin and play. So I sent him
with them in the morning, and in the evening they came to me crying and
护沌尸如对以裆 A , — Lz
S 一方' 曲一

匕jilq o'j招温I?夕3'工p以上
brought his shirt to me with fake blood on it, claiming that a wolf had eaten
him. My grief at his loss was intense, and I have wept so much over my sep­
肺威任卬*加由二^, "
aration from him that my eyes have turned white.
He had a brother born of his mother's sister, whom I also liked very
邳苑,翕B矽W&B&乡叱 5 垃功(3 >
much and was very fond o£ and who kept me company. Whenever I missed
Yusuf^ I would hug him close to my chest and some of the pain I felt therein 叱由&由&氏3&. H
would subside. His brothers mentioned to me, O mighty governor, that you
commanded them to bring him to you, and that if they did not do so you 液己& M/圳3[弟x 用土 鱼。J (0^i
would deny them the provision of wheat from Egypt. So I sent him with
them so that they could bring back some wheat for us, but they came back to
me without him saying that he had stolen the king's measuring-cup. We are
•温 修aQ&&/小
a household who do not steal, but you have arrested him and distressed me G顶 B'S^ cLajl J (1x3j (L>ca^ 4)cJSj〈aJA &« 匕“
as a result. My separation from him is upsetting me so much that my back
has bent over. This has only added to the successive and continuous afflic- 58质 所妙 c(Jj(J 妇 U (jAJO t(5J
tions that I have been suffering from. So please be kind to me as to clear his
way and release him from his arrest. Grant us a measure ofwheat and give us
a good price for it, and quickly send Hqiib's family back to him? 3#”哽汗以w4A声加包步3廿"1?〈心-JS*^扇
When Y^'qnb's sons had left him and were headed towards Egypt with
his letter, Jibrall came down to Yacqub and said, Ya'qub, your Lord says to 虹&尸血务<(H**y>妙&成经bJ I筮砂** ,己b
you: Who afflicted you with these tribulations that you wrote about to the
governor of Egypt?M 财心巧他培& y 均,&J、s jj弟,顼I
Ya qiib replied, You are the One who afflicted me, and Ybu are the One
who punishes me and disciplines me.'
God said: "So can anyone other than Me avert them from you?” " 害义比成必小用好
・**/ I ’ r : "
Ya^ub replied, '0 God, no?

12. Yusuf

b :4)J底
He said: "Then did you not feel ashamed in front of Me to complain of
your afflictions to someone other than Me, when you had neither asked Me
for help nor complained to Me about it?n

出SQ 刘心岫字小
%'qOb said, KI seek Your forgiveness my God, and I turn to You in repent­
ance. I plead my grief and sorrow before You.99
•b w
So God, Blessed and most High, said, UI have completed My discipline
of you and your erring sons, Yacqub. If you had only complained to Me of
your troubles during their descent upon you and sought My forgiveness and
turned to Me penitent for your sin, I would have averted them away from J施
you straight after My decreeing them for you. Shaytan, however, made you
jis 叫! j 矣L 口!盘! k
forget to remember Me, and you ended up despairing of My Mercy, whilst
I am God, the all-Generous and Kind. I love my remorseful servants who b4 4JJI
seek My forgiveness and desire only from Me that which is with Me. ^cqub,
I will return Yusuf and his brother to you. I will also return whatever loss of
wealth [and flesh and blood] you have incurred. I will return your eyesight 微舞丁 &鸟aAb 3 • bXLP

back to you and straighten your back. So let your soul be at ease and your
eyes gladdened, for what I have done to you has only been My way of disci­ 廿项1 J。D妙狗,四岫馈好7切心
plining you 一 so accept My discipline.”'
He continued, 'So WqUb's sons headed towards Egypt with his letter,
until they entered into Yusufs presence at the royal palace, <( They said,
I※日I “六顼4^-' "1 "如思成,卖
Eighty governor, misfortune has afflicted us and ourfamily. We have brought
onfy a "Me merchandise, but give us full measure. Be charitable to us^ and
give us back our brother Bin Wmin. This is a letter for you from our father, . £
WqUb, requesting his release, and for you to give him back to us?
6他4^叩| 角dA) jj

・Q小*& A
J将圈土 Jp (J>- 5: JIS
飙}项蚪f M匕龄谄:如疝
电 iii 、:.
苴 ai **
, - J W.K W演%以或以

12. Yusuf

He continued, 'So Yusuf took Ya'qdb's letter, kissed it, placed it on his
笼 L•捋 A :J旧 f
eyes and cried and wept so much that his tears wet the shirt that he was
wearing. Then he went up to them and said:《'Doyou now realize whatyou 孙 c(^\ El :J&!
did to Yusufs to begin with, < and his brother^ afterwards? ^And they cried,
fCould it be that you are Yusuf?3 He said, 7 am Yusuf. This is my brother. God
has been gracious to us... They said, fBy God! God really didfavouryou over
all ofus.^ Please do not expose us nor punish us; forgive us. & He said, You
will hear no reproaches today. May Godforgive you.夕
There is a similar account in another narration on Abu Ba迎's authority,
from Abu Jalar. [12:88-92] 必r貌
67. From <Amr b. cUthman8, from one of our associates who said, "When YUsuf's
brothers said: < 'Mighty governor, misfortune has afflicted us and our fam­
ily'^ Yusuf said, "The family of ^lqub has no patience over misfortune? ” A

Then he said, ^Doyou now realize whatyou did to Yusufand his brother when
you were ignorant? y [12:88-89]
灯(J困 顶二N : J&〈矣1)1
68. From Ahmad b. Muhammad, from Abu al-Hasan al-Rida 隰.He said, ‘I ・应顷亳
asked him about His verse: <( (We have brought only a little merchandise.^
He said, “Frankincense.”'
Also in this narration:《(We have brought only a little merchandise.^ He
said, *It was frankincense. Their town was known for its frankincense, and
this was the merchandise? [12:88] .jlii :js 2匕^
69. From Ibn Abl 'Umayr, from one of our associates who, without mention­
ing his source, cited, Trophet Ya^ub wrote to Yusuf saying: "From Ya'qub, 顶心r:JIM汇与竺d皂矽初
son of Ishaq, God's sacrifice, son of Ibrahim, God's friend; to the governor
of Egypt.
We are the people of a household who are quick to be afflicted with con­
tinuous tribulations. My grandfather Ibrahim was tried and thrown into the
fire. Then my father Ishaq was tried with the sacrifice. I used to have a son
who was the apple of my eye, and he used to delight me. Then I was afflicted
in that a wolf ate him, and I lost my sight due to grief in weeping over him.

8 'Amr b. *Uthman, who always narrates from other companions of the Imams and never 加
。麟• d 售 t ,ms。冲 * 3 >' 距 f 心
firom the Imams directly. See Khu^i, Mu'jam, 14:49 (nr. 8781).

12. Yusuf

2 31
He had a brother who I was also fond of after him but you have arrested him
for stealing, whereas we are the people of a household who have never sto­ 八 ;d cjj曲据】'd 寄馈妒*归>' 'ijj据二4
len anything, and who have never been known to steal. If you can be so con-
siderate as to give him back to me, then please do so.
He said, 'When Yusuf was given the letter he opened it and read it. Then
he gasped, stood up and entered into his chamber. He read it there, wept,
then washed his face and came out to his brothers. Then he went back again,
如夕乒如吁,牛。iR 4^

read it, cried and wept. Then he got up once more, went back into his cham­
ber, read it and wept. Then he washed his face and came back out to his
心A*(阡,的 3 a'>,呻,矽4。! W孑,色
brothers and said: ^Doyou now realize what you did to Yusufand his broth­
er when you were ignorant?》Then he gave them his shirt, which had been
•i 4 a尤j * a : j旧网沪qp奶& 胰
Ibrahim's shirt. Ya{qub was in Ramla at the time. So when they left Egypt
with the shirt, Ya'qUb said:《(You may think I am senile but I can smell Yusuf.,
But [people] said, fBy God! You are still lost in that old illusion ofyoursry
[12:89-94] :i洲J板攵I '乜 上勺9!:瑚泓严:# 心戡 必
70. From al-Mufaddal b. 'Umar, from Abu 'Abd Allah「淳' who said, 'Not a sin­
gle man from the progeny ofFatima dies or departs from this world without
first attesting to the Imamate of the Imam, just as the sons ofWqub attest­
ed to Yusuf when they said:《eBy God! God really didfavour you over all of
I冲 us.jy [12:91]

71. From Murazim^ brother, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥!? who said with respect
to His verse: 《Later, when the caravan departed, theirfather said, (You may ・镣咖3项源妍臾
think I am senile but I can smell Yusuf %'qiib could smell the scent of
Ibrahim^ shirt when the caravan was leaving Egypt whilst he was still in
Palestine? [12:94]
出W妃』主括 Q 沁会©武貌 如蚌』w行/ 其 ・V\

72.•葺m Mufaddal al-Jucfi, from Abu,Abd Allah 嗥.He said, (I heard him say,
D° y°U ^ow what YUsuf's shirt was?” He said, 'i said, “No:" He said, “When
•度瓦・"划I心乏*>矿口 /?在启
顼伽以 the fire to burn 血皿 JiW亦赢 himdo;h;s;om
- i Par-
adise which he wore, and as a result jno -heat or cold could harm him. When
yf _L_ —■ P • AAV*A AAA -

on 卜弟 deathbed, he made it into an amulet and hung it around 0^ 0皿:J^aj 也安:d& c a!) \

Ishaq^ neck, and Ishaq hung〜it:around Yacqub. When Yusuf was born to
Ya'qub, he hung it on him. It was on his upper arm until the events came to
pass. When Yusuf took the shirt out of the amulet, ^cqub smelled its scent,
12. Yusuf

as per His verse:《fYou xnay think I am senile but I can smell Yusuf.This is
that same shirt which had descended from Paradise. I asked, “May I be your
归场心"4 °y4' if °心J通,心成
ransom - who did the shirt pass on to after that? He replied, “To his family.”
Then he said, “Every prophet has inherited either knowledge or something
else, and it ended up with Muhammad 锥[12:93-94]

73- From Ibrahim b. Abi al-Bilad, from whoever mentioned it to him from Abu
‘Abd Allah 嗥! who said广The shirt was the same one that was brought down
for Ibrahim from Paradise in a casket of silver or iron. When he wore it, it
齿/ ,萄或a处心5儿A丞,岬 工
was loose and wide. When they left Egypt with the shirt, Yacqub was in Ram-
la, and Ya'qub said: < 7 can smell Yusuf.He meant the smell of Paradise as
soon as they left with the shirt because it had been in Paradise? [12:94]

74. From Muhammad b. Isma'Il b. BazF9 who, without mentioning his source, : JIS牌/垢云、冲项白.为。W・VY
cited with his chain of transmission saying, ^Wqub could smell the scent of
YUsuf's shirt from a distance of ten nights' journeying away; WqUb was in Lb I 我& <遇泡J Cr4 4 牡 I cr4 嗥'芦'』小
Jerusalem whereas Yusuf was in Egypt. This was the shirt that had descend­
ed from Paradise for Ibrahim, who had passed it down to Ishaq, and Ishaq in @ 处' JI5 r灌 \^ai 场
turn to Wqub. Ya'qub had then given it to Yusuf[12:93-94]

75- From Nashit b. Salih al-ljli10 who said, 'I asked Abu 'Abd Allah「貌,"Were
the brothers of Yusuf - may God's blessings be upon him - prophets?” He
replied, "No, and neither were they good and pious people, for then how
could they say to their father, Ya{qub: «'By God! You are still lost in that old 由以嗥pj旬:隰匝a上心!。决W・V’
illusion ofyours!1 Y" [12:95]

,斗 撬小潺孑i A
9 Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Isma'il b. Baz“ a client of the Abbasid Caliph Abu Ja'far al-
Mansur. He is regarded as one t'the leading personalities of the Imami school and a reliable
narrator of the Imams* traditions.— He was
..-sa prominent companion of the eighth and ninth
f W诚嗅制W Q勺白5 :jg齐Cx顼• V。
I - 一 -
Imams. See Khu5, 16:103-10 (nr. 10272).
10 Nashit b. ^alih b. Lafafa al-Yjli,i, a companion of the sixth and seventh Imams. See Khu*!,
Mu'jam, 20:145-6 (nr. 13033).
12. Yusuf

76. From Sulayman b. cAbd Allah al-Talhi who said, ‘I asked Abu *Abd Allah 嗥 .产J旧%yy〃必
“What was the state of Wqiib's sons - are they [considered] as having left
[the state of] belief?” He replied, “Yes.” I asked him, "So what do you say
about Adam?w He replied, wLeave aside Adam.'" [12:95] 至…峪弟••质嗥由y项苛*gw m
77. From one of our associates, from Abu *Abd Allah 嗥? who said, “As a result 斜她k ■ “ gig撰
of what Ya’qiib's sons did to Yusuf they sinned, so how can they have been
prophets?” [12:95]

78, From Nashit, from a man from Abu 'Abd Allah f貌He said, ‘I asked him,
aWere g'qUb's sons prophets?" He replied, “No, and neither were they good
(展叱/*i奶&旧冶L :JIS "貌 如格项苛<妇
0国M:隰J 为项;杪 dll 滨顷?I Sjj/ W :JI5

and pious people. How could that be the case while they could say to Ya{qub:
《'By God! You are still lost in that old illusion ofyours!" Y" [12:95]

79- From Muqarran, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥 who said, 'The governor ofEgypt
wrote to Yalqub saying: "This son ofyours, Yusuf; I bought fora paltry price
of a few dirhams and made him my slave; and this son of yours, Bin Yamin, I
arrested for having stolen and have made him my slave.”'
He continued, *Ya'qub had never faced a greater blow than that letter, so
he said to the messenger, “Wait right here while I respond to him:” ‘I com­
prehend the contents of your letter that you adopted my son, YusuC for a
paltry price and took him on as a slave and that you arrested my son, Bin .at正板 苏 catMI
Vamin, and kept him as a slave for having stolen. However, we are the peo­
ple of a household who do not steal, but rather we come from a household
that is tested. Our father Ibrahim was tested in the fire, and God protected 5 J国或M b十”'将瀑'j侦"
him. Our father Ishaq was tested with the threat of slaughter, and God pro­
tected him. And I have been tested with the loss of my eyesight and the loss g应\ 寡如你:嗥。如硕顶'笋'* 4匕
of my son, and God may well restore them both back to me." He said, 'So
when the messenger had departed from him, he raised his hands to the sky
and said,
明&疝8;知妙"心囱乱山如J /• £
"° Best Companion, 0 Generous Provider, O Goodness itself, grant me
energy and relief from Yourself.” So Jibra员 descended unto him and said
总吟沙,硕倒询,皿3 乱据盘"H
to Ya'qub, aShall I teach you supplications through which God will restore
y°ur eyesight and return your son back to you?” So he replied, “Of course,”
湎w诲次板事513 $割。够濒°3硕
M • -

So he said, "Say: '0 He Whom no one knows what He is like, nor where
He 诅皿 the extent of His Power, except for Himself. O He who keeps the

12. Yusuf

次,a *i出F 以!。点占;心 皈次

atmosphere fixed in the sky and the earth on the water, and who has cho­
sen the best Names for Himself. Grant me energy and relief from Yourself.'”
No sooner had the light of dawn broken than he was brought the shirt,
which he threw onto his face; and God restored his eyesight and returned 也妙心W J电嗥危^十以WJI5
his son to him? [12:96]

80. From Abu Baslr, from Abu Ja'far t貌 who returned to the original hadith,
which we split up. # But he said, rYou will hear no reproaches today. May God
forgive you: He is the MostMerciful ofthe merciful. Take my shirt,which has
尸[心少蚌b〈山I占crb勺匹皿山1乙〃 9眉§
been wetted by my tears《and lay it over my father^ face: he will recover
his sight* if he but smells my scent.《Then bring your whole family back to <好圳J' * 言项如?>时 , 寥/ <0
me,y He sent them back to Ya^ub that same day, giving them whatever pro­ r , \ 。 >
.0 4JJ \ Ap
visions they needed. So when their caravan departed from Egypt, Yacqub
smelt Yusufs scent and said to those ofhis sons who were present with him:
《(You may think I am senile but I can smell Yusufs
He said, 'His sons drew nearer, eager to run back with the shirt, happy
and gladdened by the royal state that they had seen Yusuf enjoy that God had
given him as well as by the honour that they had experienced under Yusufs
authority. Their journey from Egypt to Ya'qub^ town took nine days; and
when the forerunner arrived, he threw the shirt onto Wqiib's face and he
recovered his sight. He asked them, “What happened to Bin 也mil?” They
f心典&顶侦衬 苏项〈侦* 奴』%5
- 匕/ .. i..
replied, “We left him behind safe and sound with his brother.”
So Ya^ub praised God upon hearing that and fell prostrate to his Lord
in gratitude. With his eyesight restored and his back straightened, he said to
H;。GCCC "J* -11----
his sons, “Let us all '
go together Yusuf- on this very day.” So they travelled
to -----
/ / - - ~J '
州4为& A父必3 J或—3灌好
to Yusuf along with Ya'qUb, and Yusufs maternal aunt, Wmil, joyfully has-
-------- 2----------- - 1 • ■ •
tening to him, and they reached Egypt in nine days? [12:92-100]

嘿上妃.房二g;心项!狗遂。功夙 瑚
〃 3与 土白心a以身成砰型 念。以"辿“

事 心。成:臾<• 功* u 见'M

12. Yusuf

81. From Muhammad b, AbFUmayr, from one of our associates, from Abu 'Abd XlJjb &戈J :叫电透索』
Allah r瘪 who said with respect to His saying: # CI shall ask my Lord to for­ 顼^』如U
give you 肃,* 'He deferred praying fbr them until dawn, when he said: “O
Lord, their sin is between them and me." So God revealed: aI have indeed ♦
aJ 吗嗥 件^
forgiven them.”' [12:98]
82. From Muhammad b, Muslim, from Abu £Abd Allah f潺? who said regarding
His saying:《7 shall ask my Lord to forgive you all\ 夕'He deferred praying
fbr them until dawn on the eve of Friday? [12:98] 送顼4^夕:妙身嗥盅¥项苛£山3^峪好克年产.A\
From Muhammad b. Sa'id al-Azdi, the companion ofMusa b. Muhammad b.
al-Rida from Musa, who said to his brother, ^hya b. Aktham wrote to
:/| 顷段 Q #3 同
him asking him a few questions. He said, “Tell me about God's verse:
took his parents up to [his] throne. They all bowed down before him 夕 一 did
Wqub and his sons bow down to YQsuf?'" He said, 'So I asked my brother
about that, and he said, “Wqilb and his sons' bowing down before Yusuf
was by way of gratitude to God, for reuniting them. Do you not see that
he says in gratitude at that moment: <My Lord! You have given me author­
ity; You have taught me something about the interpretation of dreams; Crea­ ・具1用尸3以!
tor ofthe heavens and the earth, You are my protector in this world and in the
Hereafter. Let me die in true devotion to You. Join me with the righteous'初”'
的/&・ a epjy a。必苛 .渚
歹矽:a e苛m好Lj旧小l / ajL硕*荼

瑚馅心步搭宙:j旧出5苛侄4 cju :出

12. Yusuf

84. He returned to the original narration from Abu Baslr, from Abu Ja'far 涯J
爵3尹 jdAklljb(J 场 c^4
who said, 'They travelled to Egypt in nine days, and when they entered into
YQsuf's presence in the royal palace, he hugged and kissed his father and
cried. Then he took him and his maternal aunt up onto the royal throne. H Z ,才项见y
Then he went into his chamber, anointed himself and applied kohl to his ,眇 f, JOJ 4)Ojlj
eyes, wore his stately royal garb and came back out to them. When they
:匕J做 :JG 以 3
saw him they all fell prostrate before him, by way of respect for him and
gratitude to God. At that point, he said: # 'Father, this is thefulfilment ofthat . <宣4铮金4?夕:畛』《J5 LG勇
dream I had long ago. My Lord has made it come true and has been gracious
to me 一 He released mefrom prison and He brought you herefrom the desert -
after Shaytdn sowed discord between me and my brothers.^ He said, 'And in
% V? % 孕% l 顼*少貌 “ :其
those twenty years Yusuf had never anointed himself beautified his eyes,
perfumed himself laughed out loud, or enjoyed women, until God had fi­
nally reunited him with Yacqub and his brothers? [12:100]
85. From al-Hasan b. Asbat11 who said, ‘I asked Abu al-Hasan “With how
many of his sons did 丑'qdb go to visit Yusuf ?,? He replied, “With eleven of
them.” He was asked, “[They were] the tribes (al-asbat)?n He replied, “Yes.”
:JI5 S :a) .』盘乒。上>1(J:JG 勺3**^
Then I asked him about Yusuf and his brother, and whether he was his broth­
er from the same mother or his maternal aunt.” So he replied, “He was his .<cJU- fj\:Jlsi S<cJl>. ^y\(I 。心(J灯划
maternal aunt's son.'" [12:99]

86. From Ibn Abi 'Umayr, from one of our associates from Abu cAbd Allah〈瘪
regarding God's verse:攵 He took his parents up to [his] throne 如 He said, 'The
笆* :出弱心寄嗥国岫项苛,妙或户心 W • AA

・, ,
throne was the seat of authority? And regarding: < They all bowed down be­
fore him he said, <rIheir prostration was by way ofworship to God.' [12:100]
.: : JIM
87・ From Muhammad b. Bihruz, fromjacfarb. Muhammad 嗥? who said,4When
they met, Ya'qbb said to Yusuf^ "Tell me what happened to you, my son.” So
Yusuf said to him, "I was taken away, then tied up at the top of the well and .3
told to remove my shirt. I said to them, ‘I beg you for the sake of my honest
—■ •

father, Ya{qub, not to expose my shame and not to wrest my shirt away from
o one ofsthem
me.'» So 一 threatened
,—J me with a knife.” Ya'qiib fainted and when

11 Al-^asan b. Asbat, about whom there is scant informatioi>n. See Khu*!, Mu'jam, 5:273 (nr・
7倒站洛crL Jp 呕况以:博 — 4)JIa5

12. Yusuf

射质剧e ”貌7>如由展3 沙■苞/:J6

he regained consciousness, he said to him, "Tell me what was done to you.”
Yusuf replied him, “My father, I implore you to refrain from asking me, so 顶明 I 口也’域"灌 3^』Jlii SdL
he stopped.” [12:100]

88. From Muhammad b. Muslim who said, ‘I asked Abu Ja'far r潺?,“How long
did Yacqub live with Yusuf in Egypt after God had reunited Y^'qUb's family
切必土戋顼瘪坪'"涅O’* : •从
and showed them the realization of Yusufs true dream?" He replied, “He :J& 奖察上<^ 知出4)IL
lived for two years." I asked, “So who was God's proof on the earth at that
time - Wqub orYusuf?tt He replied, aWqub was the proof; though the king­
dom belonged to Yusuf. When Wqiib died, Yusuf carried Ya'qub's bones in a
:J底勺 勺p 亦 山-1 知j *招:
casket to the land of Sham and buried him in Jerusalem. Then Yusuf; son of
Yacqub, was the proof.” [12:100-101]

89. From Ishaq b. Yasar, from Abu 'Abd Allah 嗥J that he said, 'God revealed 「UJI
to Yusuf while he was in prison, “0 son ofYa^ub, what has made you end
up here with the criminals?” He replied, "My crime? He said, “So he con­ .必I
fessed his crime and was released, having confessed it in an intimate gather­
ing therein like a man would confess before his family.” Then he said to him,
“Now beseech with this supplication: ‘0 He Who is greater than every great J[ ajJ I j H J15 4i I( f4JJI (4' c/5, c .酒
person, 0 He Who has neither partner nor minister, O Creator of the sun
and the illuminating moon, 0 Fortress of the desperate and endangered, 0
Overthrower of every obstinate oppressor, O Enricher of the destitute pau­
思.守& :其・感:J6勺虽u革,卜K功k:
per, 0 Mender of broken bones, 0 One Who can release the shackled pris­ 儿』己' :』caLaI 1^4 4^L>cX D & &
oner -1 beseech Ybu for the sake of Muhammad and the family of Muham­
mad to give me relief and a way out from my situation, and to provide for
me whence I expect and whence I do not expect.'”' When he woke up the ,舟定I JI®场1/5以算*小
next morning the king called him and released him. That is the purport of
His verse:《"He has been gracious to me and He released me from prison!^ ,洪腴i霆/Ki声ii 板卢1 ^ui罗板]?域其

5 9, 05* :aJj5 dA13j <4^ & dill 心言^ 场:JG

12. Yusuf
顷J晃瀑顷 jlp II : AN &. bB ,、.

90. From cAbbas b. Yazid12 who said, *1 heard Abu 'Abd Allah 嘿 say, “When
the Messenger of God was sitting with the people of his household one day, 奇I妇V池:g :JIS浏 - 、
■ 命 “•

he said, "Yusuf wanted reassurance fbr his soul? He said, "So he was asked:
* Through what, 0 Messenger of God?' He replied, 'When the governor of /<
Egypt released him from Egypt he wore two new garments [or two clean
garments] and went out into the barren plain. He prayed two units of prayer, 云节,:J虚801割
and upon completion he raised his hands to the sky and said: ^MyLord! You
have given me authority; You have taught me something about the interpreta­
tion of dreams; Creator of the heavens and the earth, You are my protector in
this world and in the Hereafter, He said, 'So Jibra^l descended unto him •必0
and said, aYusut what do you need?” He said, “My Lord,〈 let me die in true
devotion to You. Join me with the righteous.夕”'Ihen Abu 'Abd Allah c潺!? said, JI:』d施 灌 硕 :
"He feared temptations.”” [12:101]

91. From Zurara who said, 1 asked Abu Ja*far f魏 about God's verse:《Most of
.英JI :「瘪顷 I土J旧.皂或
them will only believe in God while also joining others with Him.夕 He said,
“This includes when someone says: 'By your life.'”' [12:106]

92. From Ya^ub b. Shu'ayb who said, ‘I asked Abu 'Abd Allah f魏 about:《Most
或以敏匕疡应E W嗅R
of them will only believe in God while also joining others with Him.少 He re­
plied, "They used to say: we will foretell such and such a prophecy. This
includes the fact that they would give donations to priests and then believe
whatever they would tell them.”' [12:106] II dJL :(JG〈 j匕. it
93. From Muhammad b. al-Fudayl, from al-Rida who said, 'Associating oth­
ers with God is unsurpassed even by faithlessness? [12:106]

彖顷孑 “ f变 :汕^ 再:jis

•顶W应,头函嗥质;AJr淌匕.妞Z &
12 •Abbas b. Yazid al-Kharazi, on whom there is scant information. He is considered a reliable
narrator of traditions.
一二二—See Khu,i, Mu'jam, 10:273 (nr. 6221).

12. Yusuf

Q洌跪、:*"心,汁:J& "貌 J^r』/ $ IjJ 了

94. From Zurara, from Abu Ja'farc瘪 who said, Associating anyone in God's
obedience is when a man says: 'By God and by so and so'; and "Were it not •板 妇Q叉cJS^I 4)1
for God, I would have appointed so and so' even if the latter be a wrongdo­
er? [12:106]

From Abu Basir, from Abu Ishaq who said/It is when a man says: 'Were it
沥诙心盘1方:kJi场a :J6 6网』了 53L
not for God and for you, such and such would not have happened to me;
and:〈Were it not fbr God and fbr you, such and such would not have been
出3 侦区I -
心二L cJ盘|

averted from me/ and other such things? [12:106]

96. From Zurara, from Abu Jacfar「貌 who said, 'It is association of others in 浏孝>09鬲A勺见: JG〈嗥乒%寸W 芦
God's.obedience and not polytheism as regards His worship. To commit
acts of disobedience that God has obligated to be punishable by the Fire is
to associate [others] in His obedience. They obey Shay tan and associate him
with God's obedience. That is not the same as polytheism where they wor­ .券而切耕
ship others besides God.' [12:106]

97- From Malik b, 'Atiyya, from Abu 'Abd Allah r灌 who said with respect to
His verse:《Most of them will only believe in God while also joining others
with Him*, 'This is when a man says: aWere it not for so and so, I would
have died,” and “Were it not for so and so, this affliction would have struck
me;' and "Were it not fbr so and so, I would have lost my family.” Do you . 土 4JJ Ji d y UA 义为J
not see that he has joined someone else with God in His kingdom to provide
for him and look after him?' He said, 'I asked, "And what if he says: "Were it
not for God's granting me so and so's help, I would have died”?' He replied,
uYes, that is fine.” [12:106]
:(嗥I Ally @1 / C*。钓 Sj'j5 W
98. From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abuja^ar and Abu
'Abd Allah 嗥.They said, cWe asked the two of them about it [i.e. polythe-
ism]. They replied, ^Accrediting others for [God's] blessings.” [12:106]
99. From Zurara, from Abu Ja'far「貌 who said, 'It is association of others in
God s obedience and not polytheism that applies in the case of committing mpg顽必呢gi次也崂:曜拱汁顼苫西质苛川
acts of disobedience - so that is the association of others in God's obedience.
They obey Shaytan therein and associate him with God's obedience. This is
not the polytheism where they worship other than God? [12:106]
12. Yusuf

94. From Zurara, from Abu Ja'far 嗥! who said, 'Associating anyone in God's
・ 火心 41)1
obedience is when a man says: cBy God and by so and so'; and 'Were it not
for God, I would have appointed so and so' even if the latter be a wrongdo­
er? [12:106]
加0电# 川习:kJi芳尹:<(3列侦wq?项9・
95. From Abu Basir, from Abu Ishaq who said, 'It is when a man says: 'Were it
not for God and for you, such and such would not have happened to me,'
and: 'Were it not for God and for you, such and such would not have been
averted from me/ and other such things.' [12:106]

96. From Zurara, from Abu Ja'far 榛! who said, 'It is association of others in
顶两A耕成崂:其"瘪Rw - w
God's obedience and not polytheism as regards His worship. To commit
acts of disobedience that God has obligated to be punishable by the Fire is
心Ubg砚泛为。虬Jjl A如如切A/力圳屯#功I •项”
to associate [others] in His obedience. They obey Shaytan and associate him
with God's obedience. That is not the same as polytheism where they wor­
ship others besides God? [12:106]
97. From Malik b. 'Atiyya, from Abu 'Abd Allah〈灌 who said with respect to
His verse: ^Most of them will only believe in God while also joining others
with Him 鼠'This is when a man says: "Wiere it not fbr so and so, I would 1^3勺汕,另由习:危1山5分:JS探质狎允士
have died," and "Were it not fbr so and so, this affliction would have struck
me,” and "Were it not for so and so, I would have lost my family.” Do you
not see that he has joined someone else with God in His kingdom to provide
,心己*9奶工(J瓦土 4jj 英品gj y q A0
for him and look after him?' He said, ‘I asked, rtAnd what ifhe says: uWere it
not for God's granting me so and so's help, I would have died”?' He replied, ,肉网、『:J&勺 3^ & 乂^苫# m启I %! :JI5
uYes, that is fine.” [12:106]

98. From Zurara, Humran and Muhammad b. Muslim, from Abu Ja{far and Abu
'Abd Allah 嗥?. They said, 'We asked the two of them about it [i.e. polythe­
ism]. They replied, Accrediting others for [God's] blessings.” [12:106] .衬I』/:施
99- From Zurara, from Abu Ja'far r潺J who said, 'It is association of others in
God s obedience and not polytheism that applies in the case of committing
acts of disobedience - so that is the association of others in God's obedience.
They obey Shaytan therein and associate him with God's obedience. This is
not the polytheism where they worship other than God.' [12:106]

,4JJ1 jrjP Jluu Ji illyil

12. Yusuf

100. From Ismail al-Ju{fi who said, "Abu Ja’far said regarding: < 'This is my
way: based on clear evidence, I, and all whofollow me} call [people] to God glo­ ' . <芥*?彤 畛:~卫
ry be to God! -Ido notjoin others with Him.'* 'He said, "[It refers] specifical­
ly to Ali b. Abi Talib r^5, and if that is not the case then may the intercession 戏必4clii &.成读Y少二】嗥j也寸3省:北出
of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, not touch me.”' [12:108]

101. From ‘Ali b. Asbat, from the second Abu al-Hasan [i.e. Imam ‘Ali al-Rida]. ・I务项』1父匚£:心嘿孕盘3小/・\.\
He said, CI said to him, “May I be your ransom - they are debating about
your young age [at the time of Imamate].” He said, “What they are saying is
not worth anything. God, most High says: # 'This is my way: based on clear
evidence, I, and all whofollow me, call [people] to God glory be to God! -1 do
notjoin others with Him'^ By God, it was only ‘Ali who was following him 项/我~『宓盆。少:」共D荷赤启共廿a出
at the time and he was only seven years old. When my father passed away,
I was seven years old. So what they are saying cannot possibly hold water."
He continued,aThere are also signs about it [i.e. the Imamate] and other
0 * b功於5由”!心。"*涉*铲^啊曲j以
people who preceded. Both paths lead to the same conclusion, and it is only
the outer aspect that differs. This is the peak of conviction. God says in His
Book: ^By your Lord, they will not be true believers until they let you decide /以1 4-5bJI(3 Jl2jt顶I oljUl :(J&
between them in all matters ofdispute, andfind no resistance in their souls to
your decisions, accepting them totally. J(4:6s)”,[12:108] J侦 4^9^-吝d ®J 乂3,:包S3 4 )i hb 尹
102. From Sallam b. al-Mustanir, from Abu Ja'far 嗥? with respect to His ・《已4^3》 :婷
verse:《Say, 'This is my way: based on clear evidence, I, and all who follow
me> call [people] to God glory be to God! -Ido notjoin others with Him.'* He
I e
said, {[It refers to],Ali; Then he added, ‘The Messenger of God, ‘Ali, and the
vicegerents succeeding them both? [12:108] :』顶”貌 j^r(4'<j^Cx,',Y

103. From Abu Basir, from Abu Jacfar and Abu lAbd Allah, peace be 叩on them •4 火上勺如函乾冰成嗥* :毋#*也
both, who said regarding His verse, Exalted be He:《When the messengers
lost all hope and realized that they had been dismissed as liars >,4The messen-
gers thought that the devils were appearing before them pretending to be 以)1宾5近A沁贝畛寮嗥奇|罗项苛,好项/ .E
angels? [12:110]
«\>祥后讪瑚ji 4须顼:j5,逢曲均工i Pj

12. Yusuf

104. From Ibn Shu^yb, from Abu ‘Abd Allah 嗥 who said, ‘God left them to /
their own devices for less than the blink of an eye. [12:110]
y 长勇 U 圳 灵:]&/ .\・o
105. From Yacqub, from Abu ‘Abd Allah「貌 who said, It is actually the world­
ly people who are showed up to be liars, whereas these [messengers] were
only among those whom God leaves to their own devices that He may show
them grace? [12:110]

106. From Muhammad b. Harun13, from Abu cAbd Allah 嗥 who said, ‘The Mes­
senger of God only realised thatjibra^l was sent down by God due to Divine
succour? [12:109] 国 1心
107. From Zurara who said, ‘I asked Abu ‘Abd Allah 谜!,“How was it that the
Messenger of God was not anxious about what was coming down to him 〃项世■血山七注勺二^ :嗥*好。勺〈油:了.、・v
from God, in that it might have been contaminated by Shay tan ?w He replied,
"When God appoints a servant as His messenger, then he descends tranquili­ 4)UdAJi dXd'
ty and composure down unto him, such that whatever was being revealed to
him from God was as clear as ifhe was seeing it with his own eyes.”’ [12:111] ,躬板褂由Up J项板支皿词15值血:扇 JI5

13 ge are multiple individuals with thisname in the books of ShFi rijal.



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