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HSA aw SB MECHANICS 3 STUDENT BOOK PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVEL GOSS Student Book Series Editors: Joe Skrakowski and Harry Smith Authors: Dave Berry, Keith Gallick, Susan Hooker, Michael Jennings, Jean Littlewood, Lee McKelvey, Bronwen Moran, Su Nicholson, Laurence Pateman, Keith Pledger, Joe Skrakowski, Harry Smith, Jack Williams ‘tshes by Posen Edveation Line, 80 Star, Landon, WO2R ORL. wwipearsongboaechoolcom ‘Copies ofialspeciteaon rat Pearson qualifications ay be found on the ‘webate: hipe//quatteatons “ext © PoaroonEavoaton Lites 2019 ted ay Lint Basco “ype! by Tach StL, Gateshead UK (rial tuations © Pasron Edueaton Linea 2019 ‘mista by © Tect-Se Li, Gateead, UK ‘Cover design by © Pearson Eaucatin Lite 2078, “horas of Dave Bry Keith Gack Susan Hooke, Michael Jrnings Jean Littowood, Loe Mekal, Bronvon Moran Su Nioson, Lance Palm. Ket Peer, de Srakowsh Hay Sh, Jack Wome abe aeiiiel the autor fs werk Rave boon eset by them in accordance win the Copy ‘Designs an Pater At 1988, Fst plished 2018 21201918 ‘rsh Library Cataloguing in Pubcon Data ‘Nostlogue recor forthe book aval fom th teh Ubrary ssaNova | 22244 a8 ‘copyright notice ‘Anighia reser. No part ofthis may be epreduce nay etm by any means fcucng photocepyng or tring hin any rau by eacrnic man anc ‘sheer cena tansy or nentaly to some ater se of hs potion ‘uitrout he ween permisslon ofthe copy une, except accordance with ‘ho rons of he Copy. Design and Poors Act T8BS oF under the tom of aloorce seve by the Copyright Uoenong Agony, st lar, Shackeion House 4 Balebridge Lane, Lancor. SE" 21 ne. co.) Appleton or ‘he cooyiat ema’ wt pormisio shou be aderestod toe publeher. Pretedin Soran by Neoarasa Ploture Crete ‘Th ators and pubsher would keto thank he folowing nds anc crgrisaons fr parmssion to repreduce petearaans: ‘ Vas 1, Vial Neterohuk 20; Gt Images: Arty Frlscheyéin Alay Slack Photo: 8 tages 88 tro Gavo 120, YOR: se. 48 ‘Cove mages: Fron: Getty mages: ome an teen Insts nt come Sttaratockcom: Oniy Labonoe Allother images © Pearson Educate Limited 2018 Alertwork © Pesrson Edveston Lined 202 Endorsement Statement rower a enaur hah retcuce fe highly sippodt forthe atocited Pearson auton, thas boon trou ave process by the awaring body “Ths proces covfme al thosoure fly comes the teaching a earn contnt ofthe sposteaton or prof a section at which tis aed also Confima hat emanavates sn appropiate balance betweon the devaonent fai st ride an nceandig ano panton [Ensocstmant a nt cover any gusance on atotementactitas or proceenea {@9-procice uestons or advice on how to wsewer assessment questions) Ircuted mtn eoute, rer does t pesca parc appa 10h teaching oF dalvery ofa elated course. il tbe pubiars have made erry arp! to ensure that advicw onthe (qualfleaton ands assessments accuats,the oficial epecfeaten ahd ‘icorited assesment gute mater re the any eave sere Irtomaton ana stout away be refs to for dette guidance, Pearson examiners have nt contributed o any actions inthis resource elvan to ‘ramnaton papers er whies hey have responsbiy. ascecoment st by Poaron. Endorsmant of arovoute dees mean that he resource i rogue to schave ts Pearson quailtin, px dows rea that Is tre ery eutabe matora aval to support the qualeaton and any rsource 1s produced by te warding body shal ieudo hand ther appropte Cay COURSE STRUCTURE ABOUT THIS BOOK vi QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW viii EXTRA ONLINE CONTENT x 1 KINEMATICS 1 2 ELASTIC STRINGS AND SPRINGS 20 3 DYNAMICS 4 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 77 4 CIRCULAR MOTION 85 5 FURTHER CENTRES OF MASS 120 6 STATICS OF RIGID BODIES 147 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 164 EXAM PRACTICE 174 GLOSSARY 176 ANSWERS 178 INDEX 195 PCat CHAPTER 1 KINEMATICS 1 CHAPTER 3 DYNAMICS Al 1.1 ACCELERATION VARYING 3.1 MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE WITH WITH TIME 2 VARIABLE FORCE 42 1.2 ACCELERATION VARYING 3.2 NEWTON'S LAW OF GRAVITATION 46 WITH DISPLACEMENT 10 3.3 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION 50 CHAPTER REVIEW 1 16 3.4 HORIZONTAL OSCILLATION 59 3.5 VERTICAL OSCILLATION 64 CHAPTER 2 ELASTIC STRINGS ees a AND SPRINGS 20 2.1 HOOKE’S LAW AND EQUILIBRIUM REVIEW EXERCISE 1 77 PROBLEMS 21 2.2 HOOKE’S LAW AND DYNAMICS CHAPTER 4 CIRCULAR PROBLEMS 28 2.3 ELASTIC ENERGY a “MOTION 85 4.1 ANGULAR SPEED 86 2.4 PROBLEMS INVOLVING ELASTIC 42 ACCELERATION OF AN OBJECT ae = MOVING ON A HORIZONTAL CHAPTER REVIEW 2 38 CIRCULAR PATH 89 4.3 THREE-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS WITH OBJECTS MOVING IN HORIZONTAL CIRCLES: 95 4.4 OBJECTS MOVING IN VERTICAL CIRCLES 103 4.5 OBJECTS NOT CONSTRAINED ON A CIRCULAR PATH 110 CHAPTER REVIEW 4 115 CUTS an 0 CHAPTER 5 FURTHER CENTRES REVIEW EXERCISE 2 164 OF MASS 120 5.1 USING CALCULUS TO FIND THE EXAM PRACTICE 174 CENTRE OF MASS OF ALAMINA 121 5.2 CENTRE OF MASS OF A UNIFORM. ee 139 GLOSSARY 176 5.3 NON-UNIFORM BODIES 141 CHAPTER REVIEW 5 144 ANSWERS 178 CHAPTER 6 STATICS OF RIGID —|NDEX 195 BODIES 147 6.1 RIGID BODIES IN EQUILIBRIUM 148 6.2 TOPPLING AND SLIDING 152 CHAPTER REVIEW 6 159 ABOUT THIS BOOK The following three themes have been fully integrated throughout the Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level in Mathematics series, so they can be applied alongside your learning, 1. Mathematical argument, language and proof + Rigorous and consistent approach throughout. + Notation boxes explain key mathematical language and symbols 2. Mathematical problem-solving ‘The Mathematical Problem-Solving Cycle * Hundreds of problem-solving questions, fully integrated cr “specify the problem i into the main exercises * Problem-solving boxes provide tips and strategies interpret results a arene * Challenge questions provide extra stretch Cnn J 3. Transferable skills ‘represent information + Transferable skills are embedded throughout this book: in the exercises and in some examples + These skills are signposted to show students which skills they are using and developing Finding your way around the book Sea ETS Secuieti cra y relerenc Each chapter starts with Ist of Laaming objectives ‘Te Pra krowleage check helps make Sure you ae read to start the chapter “The oa! world applications of the maths you are about lea ‘aro highightod at the stat of to chapter Glossary torms wil be dentited by bald lu text on ta first appearance ach section bagine ‘ith explanation and key earning pons ‘Taweabe bas sgrpostod whore ‘they naturally ooour Inthe exersses ana examples Exam-style questions are flagged with © Problem-solving ‘questions are flagged with © CUCL Siemby-siep worked | FrobieraoWr bows prove his, fexampies focusonthe| tips and statagies, and Watch ut key types of quesions | boxas highigh areas where students yourlneed te tackie™ | often ose marks in ther exams {Eich chaptor onde with a Ghaptor review ‘and a Summay of key points Altar every few chapters, a Reviow exercise ots of exam-stylo questions Review exercise real thing ieeaos ae pasted wih oxam-style questions i ensure you are ready tor he exams [Fecse questions we cacy graded so they ineease sifeuity and gradually bring you up to exam standard Felps you consolte your learing Exam practice Mathematics International Advanced Subsiiary/ Advanced Level Mechanics 3 [Atul practice paper at the back of ‘ie book hips you prepare forthe vil PUNE ssa a) QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Qualification and content overview Mechanics 3 (M3) is an optional unit in the following qualifications: International Advanced Subsidiary in Further Mathematics International Advanced Level in Further Mathematics Assessment overview The following table gives an overview of the assessment for this unit. We recommend that you study this information closely to help ensure that you are fully prepared for this course and know exactly what to expect in the assessment, SSS OE Ss IY M3: Mechanics 3 sBiwoflAs | 75 ‘hour 30mins | January and june Paper code WMEO3/01 162 96 of IAL First assessment june 2020 AS: International Advanced Subsidiary, IAL: International Advanced A Level. Assessment objectives and weightings Mirmum ae cei Recall, select and use their knowledge of mathematical facts, concepts and techniques ina AO | variety of contexts. 3% Construct rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs through use of precise statements, logical deduction and inference and by the manipulation of mathematical expressions, including the construction of extended arguments for handling substantial problems presented in unstructured form, Recall, select and use their knowledge of standard mathematical models to represent ‘a03_| situations in the real world; recognise and understand given representations involving standard models; present and interpret results from such models in terms of the orginal situation, including discussion of the assumptions made and refinement of such models. Comprehend translations of common realistic contexts into mathematics; use the results of ‘804 | calculations to make predictions, or comment on the context; and, where appropriate, read 5% _ritically and comprehend longer mathematical arguments or examples of applications. Use contemporary calculator technology and other permitted resources (such as formulae 805 | booklets or statistical tables) accurately and efficiently; understand when not to use such 5% ‘technology, and its limitations, Give answers to appropriate accuracy. 30% 10% CEE Wass a Ld Relationship of assessment objectives to units Marks out of 75 20-25 25-30 10415 5-10 5-10 * 268.335 Bbw a0 eat eat Calculators Students may use a calculator in assessments for these qualifications, Centres are responsible for making sure that calculators used by their students meet the requirements given in the table below. Students are expected to have available a calculator with at least the following keys: +,-, x, +, 7.3%, i "ln x,€, x1 sine, cosine and tangent and their inverses in degrees and decimals of a degree, and in radians; memory. Prohibitions Calculators with any of the following facilities are prohibited in all examinations: + databanks + retrieval of text or formulae + built-in symbolic algebra manipulations + symbolic differentiation and/or integration + language translators + communication with other machines or the internet ix un Oy @ Extra online content Whenever you see an Online box, it means that there is extra online content available to support you. SolutionBank ‘SolutionBank provides worked solutions for questions in the book. Download the solutions as a PDF or quickly find the solution you need online, Use of technology problems and consolidate your understanding, graphically using technology. Use pre-made GeoGebra activities or Casio resources for a graphic calculator. GeeGebra CASIO. GeoGebra-powered interactives Graphic calculator interactives Interact with the maths you are learning Explore the maths you are learning and gain using GeoGebra’s easy-to-use tools confidence in using a graphic calculator Calculator tutorials Our helpful video tutorials will guide you through how to use your calculator in the exams. They cover both Casio's scientific and colour graphic calculators. Finding the value of the first derivative to aces the function press Gav) © CED isa cake caeeeRe GC LaRGE sept sep gute wh autoinsrctons m oon exactly which buttons to press and what the "C;.and power functions on your calculator. should appear on your caleulator’s screen After completing this chapter you should be able to © Use calculus with a particle moving in a straight line and with acceleration © Use calculus with a particle moving in a straight line and with acceleration varying with displacement » pages 10-19 arying with time > pages1-10 ae kad 1 Integrate with respect tox aa DME e sins «Pure 3 Section 6.1 2 vy dx @+2e Find y in terms of x given y= 3 when oa Dena sesmnae When an object moves under a force field, the force acting might chan; 2 as the object changes position. You 3. Given that [°—1—dv=Ink, find & j ae i h Wax can use differential equations to where kis @ rational constant to be found, solve problems where acceleration Pare & Section 6 5 is a function of position. Pe a pore} €¥) Acceleration varying with time You can use calculus for a particle moving in a straight line with acceleration that varies with time, * To find the velocity from the displacement, you differentiate with respect to time. To find the acceleration from the velocity, you differentiate with respect to time. de dy _ dex dt de * To obtain the velocity from the acceleration, you integrate with respect to time. ‘To obtain the displacement from the velocity, you integrate with respect to time, v= 9 and dt fade and x= [ve ‘These relationships are summarised in the ca following diagram. Displacement Differentiate A integrate Wetec Deets Aeote IFyou are given a=f(0 you can se ret integration to find expressions for vor xin terms off ‘€ Mechanics 2 Section 22 Receleration EEE ED 010m A particle P starts from rest at a point O and moves along a straight line. At time rt seconds the acceleration, ams~, of Pis given by _6 GP a Find the velocity of P at time ¢ seconds. b Show that the displacement of P from O when r a 10 6is (18 - 121n2)m. a a= G+ oy? laainaas COU Cra The velocity of P at time # seconds is (S-rea)m" b Let the deplacement of P trom O at tine 1 seconds be s metres, brat Il3-réa)er = 31-Gint + 2)4B When f=0,5=0 ° ~Gin2 + B> B= Ging ——___ B= Gin(t + 2)-+GIn2 When t= 6 6-66 + GIn2 =18-12In2 The displacement of P from O when is (18 - 12 In2)m, a5 required, SEEN 2) EID vvesesouns A particle P is moving along the x-axis, At time 1 = 0, the particle is at the origin O and is moving with speed 2ms~ in the direction Ox. At time ¢ seconds, where = 0, the acceleration of P is 4e-05'ms- directed away from O. a Find the velocity of P at time f seconds. b Show that the speed of P cannot exceed 10ms, € Sketch a velocity-time graph to illustrate the motion of P. ci a a=4e Let the velocity of P at time 1 seconds be vmsr! fact = fae*ar Be-O5' + C When t=O, v= 2 ~8+C5 C210 = 10 - Be The velocity of P at time # seconds is (10 ~ B25) ms" ———_——_ bb For all x, €% > O and so for all , 8°?" > 0 It follows that 10 ~ Be-©>" < 10 for all Hence, the speed of P cannot exceed 10m aa) Pore ULes} locity 10m sis the terminal or ing velocity of P. Example @) EOE rnoouen-souvme A particle Pis moving along the positive x-axis. 1 seconds, the velocity of P is yms-" in the ditection of x increasing, = 4sin Qn). When ¢=0, Pis at O. Find a the magnitude of the acceleration of P when t= y b the greatest distance from 0 attained by P during the motion. he acceleration of P at time 1 seconds be 1 c05 (2a) The magnitude of the acceleration of P when 25 ams he displacement of P at time 1 seconds be x metres, = hae x= 20 ~ cos(2x0) Tne greatest value of x occurs when 05 (2at) = ~1 fie esos ewe tei a The greatest distance from O attained by P tee ica ey cae a A particle P is moving along the x-axis, Initially P is at the or At time t seconds (where 1 > 0) the velocity, vms“!, of P is given by Find the distance of P from O when the acceleration of P is zero. ~ Har 16) O,x=0 ~165A=16 6 - ear + 16) 1G = eA x 4 + 16) = 16(1 - 2e") ——F When the acceleration of P is 2670, OP = 16{1 ~ 2") m EO ©) TED vron cr sous A particle is moving along the x-axis. AL time # seconds the velocity of P is yms" easing, where 4 osre2 aed i> in the direction When 1 =0, Pis at the origin 0. a Sketch a velocity-time graph to illustrate the motion of Pin the interval 0 t= 5 b Find the distance of P from O when r= 5 aa) b The distance moved in the first two seconds ts represented by the area labelled © Let this area be A. ate ai A= 5x2x4a4 The distance travelled in the next three seconds is represented by the ares labelled @ Let this area be A, re 4 [(e+4)a (2t + Aina = (10 #415) =(4 4 4in2) The ctance of P hon O when = is 44644005 =(044h3)m IO ©) ESTED veo soume A particle P moves on the positive x-axis, Pore ULes} The velocity of Pat time f seconds is 22 — 71+ 3)ms, 1 = 0 When 1 = 0, P is 10m from the origin 0. Find a the values of ¢ when P is instantaneously at rest b the displacement of P from O whens = 5 € the total distance travelled by P in the interval 0 < 1-5 5 (20= Nir - 3) rest when ¢ COU Cra 2083m 2451) s@xo40 © Velocity-time graph for the motion of the particle v(ns") Gets ‘The particle changes direction twice in the interval 0 r= 5 Ifyou were to find tt di you would be working out the displacement of the particle at time 1 = 5 fromits position at time r= To work out the distance travelled you need to ind the total area enclosed (Ge, surrounded) by the veloity-time old ite) s+ fier - 74321 1 Between =O and = 4 graph and the x-axis. Sketch the graph ie: to show the crtca points, and work Be -Ze+s4 out three separate integrals. 17 Distance travelled Gt) ‘The negative term arises (ie. starts to exist) because the definite integral bbe negative for an area below the xa, Total distance travelled by Pin the interval O<1< 5 ive Habe AG gest Spt B= 2i25 Pai aie ros 1 A particle Pis moving in a straight line. Initially P is moving through a point O with speed 4ms-!. Attime r seconds after passing through O the acceleration of P is 3“ ms in the direction OP. Find the velocity of the particle at time t seconds, 2A particle P is moving along the x-axis in the direction of x increasing, At time seconds, the velocity of P is ¢sin ¢ms-!, When f= 0, P's at the origin. = Show that when ¢ =%, Pis 1 metre from 0. 3 At time f seconds the velocity, yms~, of a particle moving in a straight line is given by _4 YS 34 When f= 0, the particle is at a point 4. When 1 distance between A and B. 120 3, the particle is at the point B, Find the 4A particle Pis moving along the x-axis in the positive direction. At time s seconds the acceleration of P is 4e‘m s- in the positive direction. When = 0, P is at rest. Find the distance P moves in the interval 0 = 1 <2. Give your answer to 3 significant figures (Sf). 5 A particle Pis moving along the x-axis. At time seconds the displacement of P from 0 is xm and the velocity of P is 4cos 3¢ms~, both measured in the direction Ox. When 1 = 0 the particle P is at the origin O. Find the magnitude of the acceleration when 5 b win terms of 1 € the smallest positive value of ¢ for which P is at O. 6 A particle P is moving along a straight line, Initially Pis at rest, At time f seconds P has velocity yms~! and acceleration ams-? where 6 angi 10 Find v in terms of #. © 7 A particle Pis moving along the x-axis. At time r seconds the velocity of P is ys“ in the direction of x increasing, where 4 0srs3 "5-3 scree When 1 =0, Ps at the origin 0. a Sketch a velocity-time graph to illustrate the motion of P in the interval 0 = 1 = 6 b Find the displacement of P from O when f= 6 COU Cra 8 A particle Pis moving ina straight line with acceleration sin-$1m s? at time r seconds, 1 = 0, The particle is initially at rest ata point 0. Find a thespeed of P when 1 = 2x b the displacement of P from O when Nia 9 A particle P is moving along the -v-axis, At time ¢ seconds P has velocity yms~! in the direction x increasing and an acceleration of magnitude 42! ms~ in the direction x decreasing. When # = 0, P is moving through the origin with velocity 20ms~ in the direction x increasing. Find avin terms of 1 (3marks) b the maximum value of x attained by P during its motion. (Bmarks) ©® 10 Acar is travelling along a straight road. As it passes a sign S, the driver applies the brakes. ‘The car is modelled as a particle. At time f seconds the car is xm from S and its velocity, pms is modeled bythe equation = 22%. where cand are constants find Given that when f= 0, the speed of the car is 40m“! and its deceleration is 0.5m a the value of ¢ and the value of k b xin termsof & © 11 A particle P is moving along a straight line. When f= 0. P is passing through a point 4. At time seconds after passing through 4 the velocity, vms“, of Pis given by = He! + 151 Find a the values of ¢ for which the acceleration is zero b the displacement of P from A when f= In3 @® 12 A particle P moves along a straight line. At time r seconds (where ¢ > 0) the velocity of P is (2c In (+2) ms“! Find a the value of for which the acceleration has magnitude 2.2m s-* b the distance moved by P in the interval |< ¢< 4 G®) 13 A particle P moves on the positive x-axis. The velocity of P at time seconds is (3 — 5¢ + 2)ms-!, r= 0 When 1 = 0, Pis at the origin 0. Find a the values of ¢ when P is inst jeously at rest marks) b the acceleration of P when ¢ Gmarks) € the total distance travelled by P in the interval 0 = 1= 5 (S marks) When 1 =0, Ps atthe origin O. Show that P never returns to O, explaining your reasoning, (3 marks) In part, form an expression forthe displacement and show that d #0 forany value of rexcept -=0 10 CHAPTER 1 pore} 14 A particle moving in a straight line starts from rest at the point Oat time r= 0 he velocity vm s~ of the particle is given by 0s o x = 100 410 The values of x for which P is instantaneously at rest are 10 and ~10 IO 2) TIED rroscen- scorns the velocity of P is yms~! and the acceleration, Given that v= 6 at x = 1, find vin terms of x. Pore ULes} A particle P is moving along the positive x-axis in the direction of x increasing. When OP = xm, of Pis (54-18) ms? where x= 1 Example @) COPED) wreneacrarion A particle P is moving along the x-axis Initially P is at the origin O and is moving with velocity I ms"! in the direction of » increasing. At time ¢ seconds, P is xm from O, has velocity yms-! and acceleration of magnitude bem" directed towards O. Pind a vin terms of x b xin terms of 1 COU Cra 2et=r4B When t= 0,¥=0 2=04+B4B=2 Example QQ) sxus women A particle P is moving along the positive x-axis. At OP = xm, the velocity of P is yms“! and the acceleration of P is s, where & is a constant, directed away from 0. At x= 1, y= 10 Qx+3P and at x = 6,» = /120 a Find the value of k. b Show that the speed of P cannot exceed yI30 ms} k 2 4* Grea) A(t). —& dela") = ese ines Exe 3 k B- aes eat) pore} b Substituting k 100 = # - 150 a 150 emp ers As x's moving along the postive x-axis 5 Brea tinge cit. x > O,and 20 both 2x + 3 and 590, are positive, Hence 30 - 150 < 43 30 = 50 < 130 The speed of P camot exceed 130 ms” EEE roncrsooms 1 A particle P moves along the x-axis. At time ¢=0, P passes through the origin O with velocity Sms“ in the direction of x increasing. At time f seconds, the velocity of P is vm“! and OP =xm. The acecleration of Pis (2+ 4x) m Find ¥*in terms of x. ", measured the positive x direction. 2 A particle P moves along a straight line. When its displacement from a fixed point O on the line is xm and its velocity is yms~), the deceleration of Pis 4xms®. At x= 2, v=8, Find vin terms of x. 3. A particle P is moving along the x-axis in the direction of x increasing. At OP = xm (x > 0), the velocity of P is ys“ and its acceleration is of magnitude 4m" in the direction of x increasing. Given that at x = 2, v = 6, find the value of x for which P is instantaneously at rest. ©® 4 A particle P moves along a straight line, When its displacement from a fixed point O on the line is x m and its velocity is yms~ in the direction of x increasing, the acceleration of Pis of magnitude 25x ms~ and is directed towards O. At x = 0, y = 40. In its motion P is instantaneously at rest at two points, A and B. Find the distance between A and B. COU ®s5 Cra ‘A particle P is moving along the x-axis, At OP = xm, the velocity of P is yms~! in the direction of x increasing and its acceleration is of magnitude kx?ms~, where k is a positive constant in the direction of x decreasing. At x= 0, v= 16. The particle is instantaneously at rest at x= 20 Find a the value of k the velocity of P when x= 10 A particle P is moving along the x-axis in the direction of » increasing. At OP = xm, the velocity of P is yms~ in the direction of x increasing and its acceleration is of magnitude 8x'ms~ in the direction PO, At x= 2, v= 32, Find the value of x for which vy =8 ‘A particle P is moving along the x-axis. When the displacement of P from the origin Os xm, the velocity of P is yms~! in the ditection of x increasing and its acceleration is 6 sin m Atx=0,1=4, Find a in terms of x b the greatest possible speed of P. A particle P is moving along the x-axis, At x = 0, the velocity of P is 2ms~'in the direction of x increasing. At OP =.xm, the velocity of P is yms~! and its acceleration is 2 + 3%) ms Find the velocity of P at x = 3. Give your answer to 3 significant figures. (Gmarks) A particle P moves away from the origin O along the positive x-axis. The acceleration of P is of magnitude 5-4-5 ms~, where OP =.xm, direeted towards O. Given that the speed of P at Ois4ms", find a the speed of Pat x= 10 (4marks) b the value of at which P is instantaneously at rest. (6 marks) Give your answers to 3 significant figures. ‘A particle P is moving along the positive x-axis, At OP =m, the velocity of P is ym“! and its acceleration is (x -4) ms The particle starts from the position where x= I with velocity 3ms~ in the direction of x increasing, Find avin terms of x (4marks) the least speed of P during its motion. (6 marks) A particle P is moving along the x-axis, Initially P is at the origin O moving with velocity 15m“ in the direction of x increasing. When the displacement of P from Os xm, its acceleration is of magnitude (10 + jx) ms before first coming to instantaneous rest (7 marks) directed towards O. Find the distance P moves A particle Pis moving along the x-axis, At time 1 sect and acceleration of magnitude 6x ms“ v= 12. Find avin terms of x (4marks) b xin terms of t. (4marks) nds, P ism from O, has velocity ym st in the direction of «x inereasing. When 1 = 0, x = 8 and Cae aca pore} A particle P moves along the x-axis. At time r= 0, P passes through the origin moving in the positive x direction. At time s seconds, the velocity, of Pis vms~! and OP = x metres, The acceleration of Pis 2L(25 — x) Given that the maximum speed of P is 12ms in terms of x: | find an expression for ¥2 Ee 2) ELE vroncen-sourne © 1 A particle Pis moving along the x-axis. At time 1 seconds, the displacement of P from the origin O is xm and the velocity of P is 4e"*'ms~!in the direction Ox. When (= 0, Pis at O. Find a xin terms of ¢ (marks) the acceleration of P when t = Ind (3 marks) © 2 A particle P moves along the x-axis in the direction of x increasing. At time 1 seconds, the velocity of Pis ys"! and its acceleration is 201e~ ms, When = 0 the speed of P is 8ms“!, Find a vinterms of 1 (3 marks) b the limiting velocity of P. (2 marks) © _ 3 A particle P moves along a straight line. Initially P is at rest at a point O on the line. At time 18 G+F Find the value of ¢ for which the speed of P is 0.48ms“, (4 marks) seconds, where ¢ > 0, the acceleration of P is ms7 directed away from O. © 4 Acar moves along a horizontal straight road. At time 1 seconds the acceleration of the car is, ras ms and the velocity is yms~'in the direction of motion of the car, When t = 0, the car is at rest. Find a an expression for vin terms of ¢ (3 marks) b the distance moved by the car in the first 10 seconds of its motion. marks) © 5 A particle P is moving in a straight line with acceleration cos? rms-* at time 1 seconds. ‘The particle is initially at rest ata point O. a Find the speed of P when 1= 7 (4 marks) (4 marks) b_ Show that the distance of P from O when COU @ «6 Cra A particle P is moving along the x-axis, At time f seconds, the velocity of P is yms~! in the direction of x increasing, where ft oxi<4 Be > When 1 = 0, Pis at the origin O. Find a the acceleration of P when (= 2.5 (2 marks) b the acceleration of Pwhen t= 5 (marks) 6 (3 marks) © the distance of P from O when = A particle Pis moving along the x-axis. At time f seconds, P has velocity ym sin the . - 243 direction of x increasing and an acceleration of magnitude 71+ ms-*in the direction of x increasing. When ¢ = 0, Ps at rest at the origin O. Find a vin terms of 1 (Smarks) b the distance of P from O when 1 =2 (Bmarks) A particle moving in a straight line starts from rest at the point O at time 1 = 0. At time seconds, the velocity vms~ of the particle is given by 3P- 1448 OS 155 2 18-5 where 7 is the first time the particle comes to momentary (i.e, instantaneous) rest when a Find the value of 7 (2 marks) b Sketch a velocity-time graph for the particle for 0 << T. (Smarks) ¢ Find the set of values of 1 for which the acceleration of the particle is positive. (2 marks) Find the total distance travelled by the particle in the interval 0 << 7 (S marks) ‘A particle P moves on the x-axis. At time seconds the velocity of P is yms-!in the direction of x increasing, where v = (f~ 431-8), 1> 0 When 1 =0, P is at the origin 0. a Find the acceleration of P at time seconds (2 marks) b Find the total distance travelled by P in the first 3 seconds of its motion, (Smarks) € Show that P never returns to O, explaining your reasoning (3 marks) ce aca pore} 10 A particle P moves on the positive x-axis with an acceleration at time f seconds of (37 ~ 4) ms", ‘The particle starts from O with a velocity of 2ms“! Find a the values of ¢ when P is instantaneously at rest (marks) b the total distance travelled by P in the interval << 4 (4 marks) ILA particle P moves along a straight line. When the displacement of P from a fixed point on then i mits loi is rms and its aceseration of magnitude msi the direction of x increasing, At x Find vin terms of (4 marks) © 12 A particle is moving along the x-axis. At time / = 0, P is passing through the origin O with velocity 8ms~! in the direction of x increasing. When P is.x"m from O. its acceleration is 1) vet nor (3 +) ms in the direction of x decreasing. Find the positive value of x for which P is instantaneously at rest. (Smarks) © 13 A particle P is moving on the x-axis. When P is a distance x metres from the origin O, its acceleration is of magnitude msn the direction OP. Initially Pis atthe point where x= Sand is moving toward O with speed 6 ms" Find the value of x where P first comes to rest, (6 marks) © 14 A particle Pis moving along the x-axis, At time r seconds, the velocity of Pis ms! and the acceleration of P is (3 ~ x) ms~ in the direction of x increasing, Initially P is at the origin O and is moving with speed 4m s~! in the direction of ~ increasing. Find a yin terms of x (3marks) b the maximum value of ¥. (3 marks) © 15 A particle P is moving along the x-axis. At time ¢ = 0, P passes through the origin 0, After ¢ seconds the speed of P is vms“!, OP = x metres and the acceleration of Pis 25 > 2°) ms~ in the direction of increasing, At x'= 10, Pis instantaneously at rest. Find a. an expression for vin terms of x (4 marks) b the speed of P when r= 0 (2 marks) © 16 A particle P moves away from the origin along the positive x-axis. At time # seconds, the acceleration of Pis 570 ms-?, where OP = xm, directed away from 0. Given that the speed of P is 3ms-! at x=0, find, giving your answers to 3 significant figures, a the speed of P at x= 12 (Amarks) the value of x when the speed of Pis Sms! (3 marks) COU Cra @®)17 A particle P is moving along the x-axis. When r= 0, Pis passing through O with velocity 3ms-! in the direction of x increasing. When 0 < x <4 the acceleration is of magnitude 1.) (4+ }x)m ‘the For x > 4, the magnitude of the acceleration remains (4 + 5 x) ‘ms but it is now in the direction of x decreasing. > in the direction of x increasing. At x =4, the acceleration of P changes. a Find the speed of Pat x =4 (4marks) b Find the positive value of x for which P is instantaneously at rest Give your answer to 2 significant figures. (Smarks) © 18 A particle P is moving along the x-axis. At time f seconds P is xm from O , has velocity ym s“* and acceleration of magnitude (4x + 6) m sin the direction of + increasing. When 1 = 0, Pi passing through O with velocity 3 ms~ in the direction of « increasing. Find avin terms of x (3 marks) b vin terms of 1 (4marks) rs ‘A rocket is launched straight upwards from the Earth's surface with an initial velocity of 32500 kmh’. The flight of the rocket can be modelled a @ particle with an acceleration of —Skm s~ where c= 4 x 10° and.xkm i the distance from the centre of the Earth. The radius of the Earth is 6370 km. Work out the maximum height above the surface of the Earth that the rocket will reach. ‘Summary of key points 1 To find the velocity from the displacement, you differentiate with respect to time. To find the acceleration from the velocity, you differentiate with respect to time. 8 aydg =f = ar ae de 2 To obtain the velocity from the acceleration, you integrate with respect to time. To obtain the displacement from the velocity, you integrate with respect to time. fadtand.x= fdr 3. When the acceleration is a function of the displacement you can use amare”) AND SPRINGS te After completing this chapter you should be able to: © Use Hooke'slavr to solve equilibrium problems involving elastic strings or springs > pages 20-28 © Use Hooke's aw to solve dynamics problems involving elastic strings or springs > pages 28-30 Find the energy stored in an elastic string or spring Solve problems involving elastic energy using the principle of conservation of mechanical energy and the work-energy principle > pages 33-40 > pages31-33 idee eed 1 Three forces act on a particle Given that the particle is in equilibrium, calculate the exact values of F and tan @ 6N ‘€ Mechanics 1 Section 7.1 2 Aparticle of mass 4 kg is pulled along a rough horizontal table by a horizontal force of magnitude 12 N. Given that the mass moves with constant velocity, work out the coefficient of friction between the particle and the table. + Mechanics 1 Section 5.3 3. Asmooth plane is inclined at 30° to the horizontal. A particle of mass 0.4 kg slides down a line of greatest slope of the plane. The particle starts from rest at point P and passes point Q with a speed 5 ms-! Use the principle of conservation of mechanical energy to find the distance PQ, + Mechanics 2 Section 4.2 PAN ERTS) Bungee jumping is an activity that involves jumping from a high point whilst attached toa long elastic cord. When the person jumps, their gravitational potential energy is converted (ie. changed) into kinetic energy. As the bungee cord extends, this kinetic energy (KE) is converted into elastic potential energy. Cee UU ea Crate BD Hooke’s taw and equilibrium problems You can use Hooke's law to solve equilibrium problems involving elastic strings or springs. ‘The tension (7) produced when an elastic string or spring is stretched is proportional to the extension (x). Tox ‘= kx, where k is a constant. The constant k depends on the unstretched length of the string or spring, J, and the ‘modulus of elasticity of the string or spring, 4. (es = T= 1 This relationship is called Hooke's law. isa force measured in newtons, and.x and [ Paiiedey Secleectiteser are both lengths, so the units of 4 are also piicasaremadelicdiss sive leceerh eae newtons. The value of A depends on the material they have negligible mass and do not stretch from which the elastic string or spring is made, under their own weight and is a measure of the 'stretchiness’ (i, how far something can stretch) of the string or spring. In this chapter you may assume that Hooke's lav applies for the values given in a question. In reality, Hooke's law only applies for values of x up toa ‘maximum value, known as the elastic limit of the spring or string, SILO 2) IED erence suns An elastic string of natural length 2m and modulus of elasticity 29.4N has one end fixed. A particle of mass 4 kg is attached to the other end and hangs at rest. Find the extension of the string, Tr ches by 2m. a 2 ee aie ELASTIC STRINGS AND SPRINGS Gx) rose An elastic spring of natural length 1.5m has one end attached to a fixed point. A horizontal force of magnitude 6 N is applied to the other end and compresses the spring to a length of Im, Find the modulus of elasticity of the spring. a=18N The modulus of elasticity is 18 N. GEA) BED verre The elastic springs PO and OR are joined together at Q to form one long spring. The spring PO has natural length 1.6m and modulus of elasticity 20 N. The spring QR has natural length 1.4m and modulus of elasticity 28 N. The ends, P and R, of the long spring are attached to two fixed points which are 4m apart, as shown in the diagram. 4m P R Find the tension in the combined spring, Problem-sol ‘Since Q is at rest the tension in each spring must be the same, Let the extension in spring PQ be x pension in QR = 1 - x PASE eee td Cala p 2S 20-9 \25"2 20-20% sesx= 20 The tension in the combined spring Is 269N @ si) EEE +) EE oss An elastic string of natural length 2/ and modulus of elasticity 4mg is stretched between two points, A and B. The points 4 and B are on the same horizontal level and 4B =2/. A particle P is attached to the midpoint of the string and hangs in equilibrium with both parts of the string making an angle of 30° with the line 4B. Find, in terms of m, the mass of the particle. 21 A B Ge Drave a large clear diagram showing the forces ‘acting on the particle. It is useful to label the midpoint of 4 and Bas well, P Me Let the mass of the particle be M. cv gt ee = cae a & ——\__ ii enenionostng (AL at AP ame (a Hence, 01 Pe) me ai ELASTIC STRINGS AND SPRINGS CENA) Ea wes An elastic string has natural length 2m and modulus of elasticity 98 N. One end of the string is attached to a fixed point O and the other end is attached to a particle P of mass 4 kg. The particle is held in equilibrium by a horizontal force of magnitude 28, with OP making an angle 0 with the vertical, as shown, Find a the value of @ b he length OP, CDE arse problems involving one elastic spring using co) GeoGebra. 7 P Gta 26N = ‘Since the particle isin equilibrium, you can resolve horizontally and vertically to find 6, You 4s ould also use these two equations to find an ‘exact value for T, but itis easier to use your calculator and an unrounded value for to find x. 28N 2 (9) Tin 0.983. OP = 2 +0983. = 2983. Length of OP is 298m (3 sf) SMI) ELD wreeseney ‘Two identical elastic springs PQ and QR each have natural length / and modulus of elasticity 2mg. The springs are joined together at Q. Their other ends, P and R, are attached to fixed points, with P being 4/ vertically above R. A particle of mass m is attached at Q and hangs at rest in equilibrium. Find the distance of the particle below P. ES es GSU a Crate 25 cae 2 : Draw a diagram showing the forces acting on the particle. Note that we have assumed that mo the lower spring is stretched and is therefore in tension. I the extension of the lower spring EA 4 ‘turns out to be negative, then it means the lower Tr 1 spring isin compression. R yealnx () Te - mg - 7, ox =l44l~ 2x SEO 7) ELD caren mn One end, A, of a light elastic string 4B, of natural length 0.6m and modulus of elasticity 10N, is attached to a point on a fixed rough plane. The plane is inclined at an angle @ to the horizontal, 4.4 ball of mass 3 kgis attached to the end, B, of the string, The coefficient of friction, between the ball and the plane i 4. The ball rest in limiting equilibrium, on the point where sind of sliding down the plane, with 4B along the line of greatest slope. a Find i the tension in the string fi the Iength of the string. b If »>4, without doing any further calculation, state how your answer to part a fl would change. > ers Draw a clear diagram showing all the forces. ‘The ball is on the point of sliding down the plane, 0 the frictional force acts up the plane. Mee atti ELASTIC STRINGS AND SPRINGS Let extension of string be xm. sind = 4 so cos! 5 (\) R= 3g Penna 2t 123 sn0-F T= (5¢x 8) - == enon a r=4k r 10x os sox = 106m (3s Length of string = 0.6 + 106 GEm Bot) Watch out ma b fe >t then eee ‘The coefficient of friction is greater, which = 3g sind - F means that there i a greater force due to x friction acting up the plane. The string has to i produce less force to keep the ballin equi 50 answer to part a fi would be less than so less extension is required. 166m EBD roves 1 One end of a light clastie string is attached to a fixed point, A force of 4N is applied to the other end of the string so as to stretch it. The natural length of the string is 3m and the ‘modulus of elasticity is 4N. Find the total length of the string when a A=30 band © 4=16 F would be gres ao F=pR T would be less a5 x would be less as T= 2 The length of an elastic spring is reduced to 0.8m when a force of 20 N compresses it. Given that the modulus of elasticity of the spring is 25, find its natural length. ©® 3 Anelastic spring of modulus of elasticity 20'N has one end fixed. When a particle of mass 1 kg is attached to the other end and hangs at rest, the total length of the spring is 1.4m. The particle of mass 1 kg is removed and replaced by a particle of mass 0.8 kg. Find the new length of the spring. ® 4 Aight elastic spring, of natural length a and modulus of elasticity 4, has one end fixed. A scale pan of mass M is attached to its other end and hangs in equilibrium. A mass nis gently placed in the scale pan, Find the distance of the new equilibrium position below the old one, Dee UU Ea cy Crate @®s5 © «6 @7 ‘An elastic string has length a, when supporting a mass nm and length a when supporting a ‘mass m. Find the natural length and modulus of elasticity of the string. When a weight, IN, is attached to a light elastic string of natural length /m the extension of the string is 10cm, When WV is increased by SON, the extension of the string is increased by 15em, Find W. ‘An elastic spring has natural length 2a and modulus of elasticity 2mg. A particle of mass m is attached to the midpoint of the spring. One end of the spring, A, is attached to the floor of a room of height Sa and the other end is attached to the ceiling of the room at a point B vertically above 4. The spring is modelled as light. a Find the distance of the particle below the ceiling when it is in equilibrium. (8 marks) b In reality the spring may not be light, What effect will the model have had on the calculation of the distance of the particle below the ceiling? (1imark) A uniform rod PQ, of mass 5kg and length 3m, has one end, P, smoothly hinged to a fixed point, The other end, Q, is attached to one end of a light elastic string of modulus of elasticity 30N. The other end of the string is attached to a fixed point R which is on the same horizontal level as P with RP = Sm, The system is in equilibrium and 2POR = 90°. Find a the tension in the string (Smarks) the natural length of the string. (3 marks) eas First take moments about P. «Mechanics 1 Section 8.1 A light elastic string 4B has natural length /and modulus of elasticity 2mg. Another light clastic string CD has natural length J and modulus of elasticity 4mg. The strings are joined at their ends Band Cand the end 4 is attached to a fixed point, A particle of mass m is hung. from the end D and is at rest in equilibrium, Find the length AD. (7 marks) ‘An clastic string PA has natural length 0.5m and modulus of elasticity 9.8 N. The string PB is inextensible, The end of the elastic string and the end of the inextensible string are attached to two fixed points which are on the same horizontal level. The end P of each string is attached to a 2kg particle, The particle hangs in equilibrium below AB, with PA making an angle of 30° with 4B and P4 perpendicular to PB. Find a the length of PA (7 marks) b the length of PB (2 marks) © the tension in PB. (marks) ‘A particle of mass 2kg is attached to one end P of a light elastic string PQ of modulus of lasticity 20N and natural length 0.8m. The end Q of the string is attached to a point on a 3 rough plane which is inclined at an angle a to the horizontal, where tana of friction between the particle and the plane is 3 ‘The particle rests in li The coetflicient 4 iting equilibrium, on the point of sliding down the plane, with PQ along a line of greatest slope. Find athe tension in the string (Smarks) b the length of the string (2 marks) Pd PM aie ELASTIC STRINGS AND SPRINGS (2.2) Hooke’s law and dynamics problems You can use Hooke's law to solve dynamics problems involving elastic strings or springs. GON ®) EE} owe rnc One end of a light elastic string, of natural length 0.5m and modulus of elasticity 20.N, is attached to a fixed point 4. The other end of the string is attached to a particle of mass 2ke. ‘The particle is held at a point which is 1.5m below A and released from rest. Find: the initial acceleration of the particle bb the length of the string when the particle reaches its maximum speed, ees 2 7 Joss Draw a diagram showing all the forces and the acceleration ofthe particle, Note that, although ji the particle is (instantaneously) at rest it has an : ud upward acceleration, 30,40 196 1022 The initial acceleration is 10.2ms-? b Particle reaches its maximum speed when it stops accelerating, that is wher celeration is zero. ts ac- (ae So the length of the 05 +049 = 099m pea Sea leh Pata A particle of mass 0.5 kg is attached to one end of a light elastic spring of natural length 1.5m and modulus of elasticity 19.6N. The other end of the spring is attached to a fixed point O on a rough plane which is inclined to the horizontal at an angle a, where tan = 4. The coeflicient of friction between the particle and the plane is 0.2. The particle is held at rest on the plane at a point which is I'm from 0 down a line of greatest slope of the plane. The particle is released from rest and moves down the slope. Find its initial acceleration. Draw a diagram showing al four forces acting on the particle and the aceleration. Note that, since the spring is compressed, it produces a thrust, Trwhich acts down the plane You can still apply Hooke's aw in ths situation. (A OSgsina + T- F=05a 3 EXD wercom 1A particle of mass 4kg is attached to one end P of a light elastic spring PQ, of natural length 0.5 mand modulus of elasticity 40.N. The spring rests on a smooth horizontal plane with the end Q fixed. The particle is held at rest and then released. Find the initial acceleration of the particle a if PQ=0.8minitially b if PQ= 04m initially EM aie Pee} © 2 A particle of mass 0.4 kg is fixed to one end A of a light elastic spring 4B, of natural length 0.8m and modulus of elasticity 20 N. The other end B of the spring is attached to a fixed point ‘The particle hangs in equilibrium. It is then pulled vertically downwards through a distance 2m and released from rest. Find the initial acceleration of the particle (4 marks) A particle P of mass 2 kg is attached to the midpoint of a light elastic string, of natural length 0.4m and modulus of elasticity 20 N. The ends of the elastic string are attached to two fixed points 4 and B which are on the same horizontal level, with 4B = 0.6m. The particle is held in the position shown, with AP = BP = 0.5m, and released from rest. Find the initial acceleration of the particle and state its direction. (Smarks) 4 A particle of mass 2 kg is attached to one end P of a light elastic spring. The other end Q of the spring is attached to a fixed point O. The spring has natural length 1.5m and modulus of elasticity 40N. The particle is held at a point which is 1m vertically above O and released from rest. Find the initial acceleration of the particle, stating its magnitude and direction. (S marks) 5 A particle of mass I kg is attached to one end of a light elastic spring of natural length 1.6m and modulus of elasticity 21.5NN. The other end of the spring is attached to a fixed point O on a rough plane which is inclined to the horizontal at an angle a where tan a = 4 The coefficient of friction between the particle and the plane is +. The particle is held at rest on the plane at a point which is 1.2m from O down a line of greatest slope of the plane. The particle is released from rest and moves down the slope. a Find its initial acceleration. (6 marks) b Without doing any further calculation, state how your answer to part a would change if the coeflicient of friction between the particle and the plane was greater than (1 mark) Challenge Two ight els stings ach ave tual rgth ond mocks of est 2 Apart Pot mess 3 lsatached to one end of enchsing The ther eds ofthe stings re etached to fed pln and where AB shorzontal and A= 2xm. The particle is held at a point xm below the midpoint of 4B and released from rest. Then alert of the parte ms 2 > Show that ven th pre led habe, Tech stig KE b Given that at the point the particle is released, each string has extended by fof its natural length, find the modulus of elasticity foreach string. Dee UU Ea cy Crate ©) Elastic energy You can find the energy stored in an elastic string or spring. You can draw a force-distance diagram to show the extension x in an elastic string as a gradually increasing force is applied. The area under the force-distance graph is the work done in stretching the elastic st is the modulus of elasticity of the —— string and J's its natural length, Applied force, T Extension, 5 The applied force is always equal and opposite to the tension in the elastic string, 7. This value increases as the string stretches. Using the formula for the area of atriangle: Using integration: Area =3a(4%) Area = { Tas * The work done in stretching an elastic string or spring QUEEN of modulus of elasticity 2 from its natural length eee aeeteere Ttoa length (1+ x) ede limit of the string or spring. When A is measured in newtons and x and / are measured in metres, the work done is in joules ()). When a stretched string is released it will ‘ping’ back (ie. return) to its natural length. In its stretched position it has the potential to do work, or elastic potential energy (this is also called elastic energy). = The elastic potential energy (E.P-E,) stored ina “tetied thgorspintoaciyenatc ie Lae amount of work done to stretch the string or spring. ice aera # The EPE. stored in an elastic string or spring of modulus dat of elasticity A which has been stretched from its natural length [ toa length (/-+.x) is 7 _ You can apply the same formulae for work done and elastic potential energy when an elastic string or spring is compressed, Krea aied Pam UE tc cz An elastic string has natural length 1.4m and modulus of elasticity 6N. Find the energy stored in the string when its length is 1.6m. 5 stored = EK O2 tmeray ore = 2 ——__ = 008574 (3 si) C2) LTE rocsn- scorns A light elastic spring has natural length 0.6m and modulus of elasticity 10'N. Find the work done in compressing the spring from a length of 0.5m to a length of 0.3m. Work done in _ Energy stored when _ Energy stored wher compression ~ length is 03m length is 05m 10x03? 10x01 2x06 2x06 19 (0.3? - 01) (0.3 + 0.1103 - 01) x04 x02 PROBLEM-SOLVING exis = 1 An elastic spring has natural length 0.6m and modulus of elasticity 8 N, Find the work done when the spring is stretched from its natural length to a length of Im, 2 Anelastic spring, of natural length 0.8m and modulus of elasticity 4 N, is compressed toa length of 0.6m. Find the elastic potential energy stored in the spring. 3 Anelastic string has natural length 1.2m and modulus of elasticity 10N, Find the work done when the string is stretched from a length of 1.5m toa length 1.8m. 4 Anclastic spring has natural length 0.7m and modulus of elasticity 20N. Find the work done when the spring is stretched from a length a 0.7mto0.9m b 08mtol.0m GBD ote that your answers toa, band care all different. ¢ 1.2mtol4m Dee UU Ea cy Crate © 5 A light elastic spring has natural length 1.2m and modulus of elasticity 10N. One end of the spring is attached to a fixed point, A particle of mass 2kg is attached to the other end and hangs in equilibrium. Find the energy stored in the spring. (3 marks) (7P) 6 An elastic string has natural length a. One end is fixed. A particle of mass 2m is attached to the free end and hangs in equilibrium, with the length of the string 3a, Find the elastic potential ‘energy stored in the string. (3marks) A particle P of mass mis attached to one end of a light elastic string, of natural length a and modulus of elasticity 2mg. The other end of the string is attached to a fixed point 0, ‘The particle P is held in equilibrium by a horizontal force of magnitude Ging applied to P. ‘This force acts in the vertical plane containing the string, as shown in the diagram, Find a the tension in the string (Smarks) b the elastic energy stored in the string, (4marks) XJ Problems involving elastic energy You can solve problems involving elastic energy using the principle of conservation of mechanical energy and the work-energy principle. = When no external forces (other than gravity) act ED thisis an application of on a particle, then the sum of its kinetic energy, the principle of conservation of gravitational potential energy and elastic potential ‘mechanical energy. energy remains constant. See een Ifa particle which is attached to an elastic spring or string is subject to a resistance as it moves, you will need to apply the work-energy principle. fl Example resrereron A light clastic string, of natural length 1.6m and modulus of elasticity 10N, has one end fixed ata point 4 on a smooth horizontal table. A particle of mass 2kg is attached to the other end of the string, The particle is held at the point 4 and projected horizontally along the table with speed Find how far it travels before first coming to instantaneous rest. Te airs ELASTIC STRINGS AND SPRINGS Suppose that the extension of the string when the particle comes to rest fs x KE lost ERE. gained by th ons Se 1 x ar onze IO al Bil zee 1.28 113, Total distance teveled 273m (S sf) | Addon thenaturallengthofthesting, It is important to realise that in the example above, the particle is not in equilibrium when it comes to instantaneous rest. Therefore you cannot use forces to solve this type of problem. The particle has an acceleration and will immediately ‘spring’ back towards A. C2) ETE} rroncv-soune A particle of mass 0.5 kg is attached to one end of an elastie string, of natural length 2m and modulus of elasticity 19.6N. The other end of the elastic string is attached to a point O. In fact, the particle is released from the point O. Find the greatest distance it will reach below 0. fons PE, last by parti ERE. gained by string x=2or-t -vis the extension in the string so it must be positive. Ignore the negative solution, and remember to add the natural length of the string. Hence greatest distance Greta 4m. | Cee UU ea Crate SEO 24) EEE wrevrrersnon A light clastic spring, of natural length I m and modulus of elasticity 10.N, has one end attached toa fixed point 4. A particle of mass 2kg is attached to the other end of the spring and is held at a point B which is 0.8 m vertically below 4. The particle is projected vertically downwards from B with speed 2ms~, Find the distance it travels before first coming to rest. You wil need to use the principle of conservation ‘of mechanical energy with kinetic energy, tension of the spring be x when the ‘gravitational potential energy and elastic particle comes to res potential energy. KE loss + RE. loss = ERE. gain ween : = ~—ESNEee 0 = 126 423.37... 10 x= 4.226... oF -0:376. Distance travelled = 4.298... +0. EO 5) GED cores mane A light elastic spring, of natural length 0.5 m and modulus of elasticity 10'N, has one end attached toa point 4 on a rough horizontal plane. The other end is attached to a particle P of mass 0.8kg. ‘The coefficient of friction between the particle and the plane is 0.4. Initially the particle lies on the plane with AP = 0.5m, It is then projected with speed 2ms~! away ftom A along the plane. Find the distance moved by P before it first comes to rest. one Let the & airs ELASTIC STRINGS AND SPRINGS —05m—=P OTT ems R Geter As it slides, P will be moving against friction, 1, Ax 08g workdone _ KE.loss ERE. gain Friction = work done again against friction ~ of P of sp 1 108 ZOE Rhea aos eens Mitte ehescsstste aie 0.32¢ +(O32gF + 64 : E —L 032¢x 2728... or -OS86.., EXD vcore ® 1 Anelastic string, of natural length Jand modulus of elasticity mg, has one end fixed to a point A ona smooth horizontal table. The other end is attached to a particle P of mass m. The particle is, held at a point on the table with 4P = 3/ and is released. Find the speed of the particle when the string reaches its natural length. @® 2 A particle of mass mis suspended from a fixed point O by a light clastic string, of natural length ‘aand modulus of elasticity 4mg. The particle is pulled vertically downwards a distance d from its ‘equilibrium position and released from rest. If the particle just reaches 0, find d. GB) 3 A light elastic spring of natural length 2/has its ends attached to two points P and Q which are at the same horizontal level. ‘The length PQ is 2/. A particle of mass mr is fastened to the midpoint of the spring and is held at the midpoint of PQ. The particle is released from rest and first comes to instantaneous rest when both parts of the spring make an angle of 60° with the line PQ. Dee UU Ea cy Crate a Find the modulus of elasticity of the spring, (marks) b Suggest one way in which the model could be refined to make it more realistic. (mark) 4 A light clastic string, of natural length | m and modulus of elasticity 21.6N, has one end attached to a fixed point O. A particle of mass 2kg is attached to the other end. The particle is held at a point which is 3m vertically below O and released from rest. Find, 4 the speed of the particle when the string first becomes slack (S marks) b the distance from O when the particle first comes to rest. (marks) GP) 5 A particle P is attached to one end of a light elastic string of natural length a. The other end of the string is attached to a fixed point O. When P hangs at rest in equilibrium, the distance oP is *#. The pantiele is now projected vertically downwards from O with speed U and frst 104 below O. Find Uin terms of a and g. — (Tmarks) comes to instantaneous rest at a distance 6 A particle P of mass | kg is attached to the midpoint of a light clastic string, of natural length 3mand modulus aN. The ends of the string are attached to two points A and Bon the same horizontal level with AB = 3m, The particle is held at the midpoint of AB and released from rest. The particle falls vertically and comes to instantaneous rest at @ point which is 1 m below the midpoint of 4B. Find a the value of 4 (S marks) b the speed of P when itis 0.5m below the initial position. (S marks) @®7 A light clastic string of natural length 2m and modulus of elasticity 117.6N has one end attached to a fixed point O. A particle P of mass 3kg is attached to the other end. The particle is held at O and released from rest. a Find the distance fallen by P before it first comes to rest. (marks) b Find the greatest speed of P during the fall (4marks) Problem-solving Puillbe travelling at its greatest speed when the acceleration is 2er0. particle P of mass 2 kg is attached to one end of a light elastic string of natural length 1 m 8 A particle P of mass 2k; hed id of a light el f natural length and modulus of elasticity 40 N. The other end of the string is fixed to a point O on a rough blane which sinned at an angle here tanc-=3 The prt held at and esd from rest. Given that P comes to rest after moving 2m down the plane, find the coefficient of friction between the particle and the plane. (4marks) An laste sting fal lngth in suspended oma ed poi ‘When a mass of MM kg is attached to the other end of the string, its extension eames ates rattat eee Sere Si htt wrk doe pred wal eon 2 Ca aid Pam UE tc EXD ene ® 1 A particle of mass m is supported by two light elastic strings, each of natural length a and modulus of elasticity “7, The other ends of the strings are attached to two fixed points A and B where A and B are in the same horizontal line with AB = 2a. When the particle hangs at rest in equilibrium below AB, each string makes an angle 0 with the vertical a Verily that cos = 4 b How much work must be done to raise the particle to the midpoint of 4B? 2 A light elastic spring is such that a weight of magnitude H resting on the spring produces a compression a. The weight 1's allowed to fall onto the spring from a height of 24 above it. Find the maximum compression of the spring in the subsequent motion. 3 A light elastic string of natural length 0.5m is stretched between two points P and Q on a smooth horizontal table, The distance PQ is 0.75 m and the tension in the string is 15 N. a Find the modulus of elasticity of the string. A particle of mass 0.5 kg is attached to the midpoint of the string. The particle is pulled 0.1 m towards Q and released from rest. b Find the speed of the particle as it passes through the midpoint of PQ. © 4 A particle of mass m is attached to two strings 4P and BP. The points A and Bare on the same horizontal level and 4B = 5t ‘The string AP is inextensible and AP = 3 ‘The string BP is elastic and BP =a Sha ‘The modulus of elasticity of BP is 2. Show that the natural length of BP is sy ® 5 A light elastic string, of natural length « and modulus of elasticity Smg, has one end attached to the base of a vertical wall. The other end of the string is attached to a small ball of mass m. ‘The ball i held at a distance *! from the wall, on a rough horizontal plane, and released from rest. ‘The coefiient of frietion between the ball and the plane is Find, in terms of a and g, the speed V of the ball as it hits the wall The ball rebounds (ie, bounces back) from the wall with speed, The string stays slack. b Find the distance from the wall at which the ball comes to rest, Dee UU Ea cy Crate @e A light elastic string has natural length / and modulus 2mg. One end of the string is attached toa particle P of mass m. The other end is attached to a fixed point C on a rough horizontal plane. ul Initially P is at rest at a point D on the plane where CD a Given that P is in limiting equilibrium, find the coefficient of friction between P and the plane. (marks) ‘The particle P is now moved away from C to a point E on the plane where CE = 2! b Find the speed of P when the string returns to its natural length, (Smarks) © Find the total distance moved by P before it comes to rest (A marks) A light elastic string of natural length 0.2m has its ends attached to two fixed points 4 and B which are on the same horizontal level with 4B = 0.2m, A particle of mass Skg is attached to the string at the point P where AP = 0.5m. The system is released and P hangs in equilibrium below AB with ZAPB = 90°, a If ZBAP= 0, show that the ratio of the extension of AP and BP is Acos f= 3 ‘sind oI (4 marks) b Hence show that cos (A cos # — 3) = 3 sin (4 sin — 1) (4 marks) A particle of mass 3 kg is attached to one end of a light elastic string, of natural length Im and modulus of elasticity 14.7 N. The other end of the string is attached to a fixed point. ‘The particle is held in equilibrium by a horizontal force of magnitude 9.8 N with the string inclined to the vertical at an angle 0. a Find the value of 6. (3 marks) b Find the extension of the string. (Gmarks) ¢ If the horizontal force is removed, find the magnitude of the least force that will keep the string inclined at the same angle. (marks) ‘Two points A and Bare on the same horizontal level with AB= 3a. A particle P of mass mis, joined to A by a light inextensible string of length 4a and is joined to B by a light elastic string, of natural length a and modulus of elasticity “8, The particle P is held at a point C, such that BC'= a and both strings are taut. The particle Pis released from rest. 4 Show that when AP is vertical the speed of P is 2J/g@ (marks) b Find the tension in the elastie string in this position, (4 marks) Cm aie Pee} ‘A bungee jumper attaches one end of an elastic rope to both ankles, The other end is attached to the platform on which he stands, ‘The bungee jumper is modelled as a particle of mass mkg attached to an elasti string of natural length £m with modulus of elasticity 4 N. ‘a Show that the maximum distance the jumper descends after jumping off the platform is [+--+ VERT where k nel b Suggest a refinement to this model that would result in @ greater maximum descent a smaller maximum descent. Teed 1. When an elastic string or spring is stretched, the tension, 7, produced is proportional to the extension, x. + Tex + T= kx, where kis a constant The constant k depends on the unstretched length of the spring or string, /,and the modulus of elasticity of the string or spring, 2 a This relationship is called Hooke’s taw. T 2. The area under a force-distance graph is the work done in stretching an elastic string or spring. The work done in stretching or compressing an elastic string or spring with modulus of elasticity natural length, [toa length (J+ x) is. ES When A is measured in newtons and x and /are measured in metres, the work done isin joules (). A from 3. The elastic potential energy (E PE) stored in a stretched string or spring is exactly equal to the amount of work done to stretch the string or spring. The EE. stored in a string or spring of modulus of elasticity 4 which has been stretched from its natural length 4,to a length (1+ x) ise ‘4 When no external forces (other than gravity) act on a particle, then the sum of its kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy remains constant. After completing this chapter you should be able to: © Use calculus to apply Newton's laws to a particle moving in a straight line > pages 41-46 ‘@ Use Newton's law of gravitation to solve problems involving a particle moving away from (or towards) the Earth's surface > pages 46-49 ‘© Solve problems involving a particle moving in a straight line with simple harmonic motion > pages 50-59 ‘© Investigate the motion of a particle attached to an elastic spring or string and oscillating, ina horizontal line > pages 59-64 | ‘© Investigate the motion of a particle attached to an elastic spring or string and oscillating ina vertical line > pages 64-76 A car of mass 1500 kg moves in a straight line. The total resistance to motion of the car is modelled as a constant force of magnitude 80N. The car brakes with a constant force, bringing it to rest from a speed of 30m "in a distance of 60m. a Find the magnitude of the braking force. b Find the total work done in bringing the car to rest. ‘+ Mechanics 2 Section 4.1 A particle travels along the positive x-axis oe with acceleration a = © attimers. The particle starts from rest at the origin, O. Find pressing be mages as particles hanging vertically a the velocity of the particle when ERE suing Wren b the displacement from Owhen = 2s stretched then released + Mechanics 2 Section 2.3 they will experience simple An elastic string of natural length 2.5 m is fixed at one end and is, harmonic motion, and their stretched to a length of 3.4m by a force of 5N. Find the modulus displacement-time graphs will of elasticity of the string, ‘+ Mechanics 3 Section 2.1 be in the shape ofa sine curve 1 Ti.) w Ca ata Te) You can use calculus to apply Newton's second law re esaa F=ma toa particle moving in a straight line when a er etrsier eae eer em the applied force is variable. aries as rE or FE ‘The applied force F can be a function of the displacement x, ar dx de . or time t. ‘Mechanics 3 Sections 1.1, 1.2 Suppose Fis a function of time, then using a = 9° ft mer a Tot prs eta n= [Pa nee a sees asia be constant Now suppose Fis a function of displacement, then using a = v s Separate the variables, Integrate both sides. 1 Sos mv = [Fax When you work out [de or |F'dx you must remember to add a constant of integration. You will often be given boundary conditions that allow you to work out the value of this constant. EEE) ED osc A particle P of mass 0.5 kg is moving along the x-axis. At time / seconds the forve acting on P has magnitude (5? +e!) N and acts in the direction OP. When 1 = 0, P is at rest at O. Calculate athe speed of P when = 2 b the distance OP when Dye ai 04 10 = 31.58, When t = 2 the speed of Pis 316ms~ (3 si) 10 vale Deen torex — 50 and x= $e + 2242210150 1h ersae 10, 12 02 When t = 3, OP is 786m (3 si) A rock of mass 0.2 kg is moving on a smooth horizontal sheet of ice, At time 1 seconds (where = 0) a horizontal force of magnitude 2? N and constant direction acts on the rock. When / = 0 the rock is moving in the same direction as the force and has speed 6m“! When 1 = 7 the rock has speed 36m"!. Calculate the value of 7. te3ox= 10x 3-50 = 78.60. act r= 3x6 T = 2.080. T= 206 3 sf) dja dy Suppose Fis a function of displacement, x, then using a=-(3 2) = vot 3 axl2") "Yay mv =F Jmvdv = [Fax separate the variables. where C'is the constant of integration mis constant so Jmvdy=4mvt oe Ce aie} Te) CEI) ED sme A particle P of mass 1.5 kg is moving in a straight line, The force acting on P has magnitude (8 ~ 2cos.x)N, where x metres is the distance OP, and acts in the direction OP. When P passes through 0 its speed is 4ms"". Calculate the speed of P when x =2 8- 2cosx= 15a v2 = Bx - 2sinn + C 1 x42=0-0+G 3 0-0 When x = 2 the speed of Pis 5:91ms~'(3 sf), CEI) aD ore me A stone S of mass 0.5 kg is moving in a straight line on a smooth horizontal floor. When Sis a distance x metres from a fixed point on the line, A, a force of magnitude (5 + 7.cos x) N acts on S in the direction AS. Given that § passes through A with speed 2m“, calculate athe speed of Sasi passes through the point B, where x = 3 b the work done by the force in moving S from A to B. i Ji5 + 7cossax Sr +7six+C oe Sx+7sinx+1 (15 +7503 +1) 4 95 - The work done is 160J (3 Dye Craik} * In forming an equation of motion, forces that tend to decrease the displacement are negative and forces that tend to increase the displacement are positive. XIE corn roe 1A particle P of mass 0.2kg is moving on the x-axis, At time ¢ seconds P is x metres from the origin O. The force acting on P has magnitude 2cos¢N and acts in the direction OP. When 1 =0, Pis at rest at 0. Calculate a the speed of P when 1 =2 b the speed of P when ¢=3 € the time when P first comes to instantaneous rest @ the distance OP when t= 2 € the distance OP when P first comes to instantaneous rest 2. A van of mass 1200kg moves along a horizontal straight road. At time seconds, the resultant 60.000 esp When 1 = 0, the van is at rest. The speed of the van approaches a limiting value Vms"!, Find a the value of V force acting on the car has magnitude and acts in the direction of motion of the van. b the distance moved by the van in the first 4 seconds of it motion 3A particle P of mass 0.8kg is moving along the x-axis. At time 1 = 0, P passes through the origin O, moving in the positive x direction. At time # seconds, OP = x metres and the velocity of Pis ms“, The resultant force acting on P has magnitude £(15 ~.x)N, and aets in the positive x direction. The maximum speed of P is 12ms"! a Explain why the maximum speed of P occurs when x = 15 b Find the speed of P when r= 0 4 A particle P of mass 0.75kg is moving in a straight line. At time r seconds after it passes through a fixed point on the line, O, the distance OP is x metres and the force acting on P has ‘magnitude 2e-* + 2)N and acts in the direction OP. Given that P passes through O with speed Sms" calculate the speed of P when © Caleul point where x= 7 late the work done by the force in moving the particle from the point where x = 3 to the 5 A particle P of mass 0.5kg moves away from the origin O along the positive x-axis, When OP = x metres the force acting on P has magnitude —;N and is directed away from 0. xa When = 0 the speed of P is 1.5ms"!, Find the value of x when the speed of P is 2ms"!, cy Ce asi} YET} 6 A particle P of mass 250g moves along the x-axis in the positive direction. At time ¢ = 0, P passes through the origin with speed 10ms~, At time r seconds, the distance OP is x metres and the speed of Pis ym“, The resultant force acting on P is directed towards the origin and has agnitude N ne ry? a Show that v= (46-11) (S marks) b Find the value of x when (S marks) and has magnitude ‘N where k (4+ 2P OP = x metres and k is a constant, A particle P of mass 0.6 kg moves along the x-axis in the positive direction. A single force acting on P is directed towards the origin, O, Gece The boundary conditions give the velocity for two different displacements. You need to set up and solve two simultaneous equations. At time ¢= 0, P passes through the origin, When x = 3 the speed of Pis Sms“!, when x =8 the speed of Pis / ms“, Find the value of k. (6 marks) A particle P of mass mkg is acted on by a single force, FN, and moves in a straight line, passing a fixed point O at time r =0. At the point when the displacement of the particle from 0 is xm, the force acts in the direction OP and has magnitude Fa3x? iN ‘a. Show that the work done by the force between times 1 =a and f= bis independent of the velocity of the particle at the point when it passes 0, Find the work done by the force in the frst 6 seconds of the motion of the particle, ©) Newton's taw of gravitation You can use Newton's law of gravitation to solve problems involving a particle moving away from (or towards) the Earth's surface. Newton's law of gravitation states = The force of attraction between two bodies of masses M, and M, is ctly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This law is sometimes referred to as the inverse square law. It can be expressed mathematically by the following equation oMM, a where G is a constant known as the constant of gravitation. F= CEE sewers aw of gravitation should bbe used when modelling large changes in distance relative to the sizes of the bodies, such as a rocket being launched into orbit. For small changes in height (such as when a balls thrown into the at), gravity can be modelled as a constant force, Dye Craik} This force causes particles (and bodies) to fall to ‘The numerical value of Gwas First the Earth and the Moon to orbit the Earth. ‘determined by Henry Cavendish in 1798. In S.. Relationship between Gand ¢ as cha ee ; , Example 5 demonstrates the extremely small When a particle of mass mis resting on the surface gravitational attraction between two everyday of the Earth, the force with which the Earth attracts objects. You can ignore the gravitational force the particle has magnitude mg and is directed between small objects in your calculations. towards the centre of the Earth By modelling the Earth as a sphere of mass M and radius and using Newton's law of gravitation This relationship means you can answer questions involving gravity without using G explicitly. When a particle is moving away from or towards the Earth, the distance d between the two particles is GMM, z is a function of displacement. Therefore, the methods of Section 3.1 must be used to solve problems. Two particles of masses 0.5kg and 2.5kg are 4em apart. Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational force between them. changing. As the force of attraction between them is given by F it follows that the force TEED rronten-sowvns GMM: @ = SGT 10° x O04 = 5.210... x 10% 5x25 The magnitude of the gravitational force 5.21 x 1-8 (3 sf. between the particies IO ©) EE corer rimns Above the Earth’s surface, the magnitude of the force on a particle due to the Earth’s gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the particle from the centre of the Earth, The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the Earth is g and the Earth can be modelled as a sphere of radius R. A particle P of mass m is a distance (x ~ R), (where x > R), above the surface of the Earth. mgR? 4 Prove that the magnitude of the gravitational force acting on P is A spacecraft Sis fired vertically upwards from the surface of the Earth. When it is at a height 28 above the surface of the Earth its speed is +R. Assuming that air resistance ean be ignored and that the rocket’s engine is turned off immediately after the rocket is fired, b find, in terms of g and R, the speed with which S was fired. a7 Co asi} Te) b Ca ®1 k R On the surface of the Earth the magritude of the mgR? So on the surface of the Earth F = force the magnitude of the gravitational force is Fema mg? ‘av _gR? Vas = xe < Dy us eee Above the Earth’s surface, the magnitude of the force on a particle due to the Earth’s gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the particle from the centre of the Earth, The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the Earth is g and the Earth can be modelled as a sphere of radius R. A particle P of mass nr isa distance (x — R) (where x > R) above the surface of the Earth. Prove that the magnitude of the gravitational mgR? force acting on Pis ‘The Earth can be modelled as a sphere of radius R. Ata distance x (where x > R) from the centre of the Earth the magnitude of the acceleration due to the Earth’s gravitational force is On the surface of the Earth, the magnitude of the acceleration due to the Earth's gravitational force is g. Prove that 4 = & Dye Craik} GB) 3 A spacecraft Sis fired vertically upwards from the surface RPT of the Earth. When itis at a height R where Ris the radius CED Sst 2 Jou may assume either ofthe esults of the Earth, above the surface of the Earth its speed is prcterinctiesicnec sree) \&R. Model the spaceeraft as a particle and the Earth as a sphere of radius R and find, in terms of g and R, the speed with which S was fired. (You may assume that air resistance can be ignored and that the rocket’s engine is tuned off immediately after the rocket is fired.) (7 marks) ® 4 Arocket of mass is fired vertically upwards from the surface of the Earth with initial speed U. The Earth is modelled as a sphere of radius R and the rocket asa particle. Find an expression for the speed of the rocket when it has travelled a distance X metres. (You may ‘assume that air resistance can be ignored and that the rocket’s engine is turned off immediately after the rocket is fired.) ©® 5 A particle is fired vertically upwards from the Earth’s surface. The initial speed of the particle is u where 1? = 3gR and Ris the radius of the Earth. Find, in terms of g and R, the speed of the particle when it is at a height 4R above the Earth’s surface. (You may assume that air resistance can be ignored.) ® 6 A particle is moving in a straight line towards the centre of the Earth, which is assumed to be a sphere of radius R. The particle starts from rest when its distance from the centre of the Earth is 3X. Find the speed of the particle as it hits the surface of the Earth. (You may assume that air resistance can be ignored.) © 7 A space shuttle $ of mass m moves ina straight line towards the centre of the Earth. The Earth is modelled as a sphere of radius R and S is modelled as a particle, When Sis at a distance x (x > R) from the centre of the Earth, the gravitational force exerted by the Earth on Sis directed towards the centre of the Earth. The magnitude of this force is inversely proportional to x? a Prove that the magnitude of the gravitational force on Sis ing? x When Sis at a height of 3R above the surface of the Earth, the speed of Sis \2¢R Assuming that air resistance can be ignored, b find, in terms of g and R, the speed of it hits the surface of the Earth. (7 marks) Challenge Given that G= 6.67 x 10 kg-tm's-, ¢= 9.81 ms~and that the radius of the Earth is 63781 x 10m, estimate athe mass ofthe Earth bb the average density of the Earth, Ce aie YET} 3.3) Simple harmonic motion You can solve problems about a particle which is moving in a straight line with simple harmonic motion. = Simple harmonic motion (5.H.M,) is motion CED the point 0 is called the centre in which the acceleration of a particle P is of oscillation always towards a fixed point 0 on the line of motion of Pand has magnitude proportional AP ior simple harmonic ee to the displacement of P from 0. Eee The minus sign means that the acceleration is always directed towards 0, We write = —u%x This can be shown on a diagram. to derive an expression for the velocity of P. waabeec The speed of P is the modulus of v or the modulus of as This speed is zero when x has its maximum or minimum value. Let the maximum displacement of P from 0 be a. This gives You can derive an expression for the displacement of P at time 1 by considering v é ofa Using the substitution x = a sind with dx-= a cos d# leads to [att ao wfar Yat si First consider that, 2, then then fava Dye Craik} Integrating gives 0 = wt + a, then sin @ = sinwor + 0) Since % = sin@ this leads to.x=asinwr + a) So the motion of the particle is a sine function with maximum and minimum values +a and period 2. The value a is called the amplitude of the motion, and ~a 0) for which P's speed is 4ms-! (3 marks) © Calculate the least value of ¢ (1 > 0) for which x (2 marks) Dye @® @ Craik} 14 A particle P is moving along the x-axis. At time r seconds the displacement, x metres, of P from the origin Os given by x= 3sin( 4+ 4) a Prove that P is moving with simple harmonic motion, (marks) b Write down the amplitude and period of the motion (2 marks) € Calculate the value of x when ¢= 0 (2 marks) 4 Calculate the value of 1 (r > 0) the first time P passes through O. (Smarks) 15 On a certain day, low tide in a harbour is at 10 a.m, and the depth of the water is Sm, High tide on the same day is at 4.15 p.m, and the water is then 15m deep. A ship which needs a depth of water of 7m needs to enter the harbour, Assuming that the water can be modelled as rising and falling with simple harmonic motion, calculate a the earliest time, to the nearest minute, after 10 a.m. at which the ship can enter the harbour (4 marks) b the time by which the ship must leave, (3 marks) 16 Points 4, O and B lie in that order in a straight line. A particle P is moving on the line with imple harmonic motion with centre O. The period of the motion is 4s and the amplitude is 0.75m. The distance OA is 0.4m and ABis 0.9m, Calculate the time taken by P to move directly from Bto A (Smarks) ‘Apparticle Pis moving along the x-axis with simple harmonic motion. The origin iis the centre of oscillation. When the displacements from O are x, and x, the particle has speeds of », and respectively (Le. in the same order as things already mentioned). Find the period of the motion in terms of x, v; and vp © Horizontal oscillation You can investigate the motion of a particle which is attached to an elastic spring or string and is oscillating in a horizontal line. if an elastic spring has one end attached to a fixed point 4 ona smooth horizontal surface a particle P can be attached to the free end. When Pis pulled away from 4 and released P will move towards 4 x re4 EDD ice modulus feat ofthe sping and is ts natural ength (-Mechanis3 Section 2.4 Hooke's law: 4, mand fare all positive constants, so the equation is of the form = —u2x 59 Ce arse} YET} So P is moving with SHM. The initial extension is the maximum value of x, 50 is the same as the amplitude. When the particle is attached to an elastic spring, the particle will perform complete oscillations. This is because there will always be a force acting - a tension when the spring is stretched and a thrust when the spring is compressed, The centre of the oscillation is where the tension is zero; that is the point when the spring has returned to its natural length. When the particle is attached to an elastic string, the particle will move with SH.M. only while the string is taut. Once the string becomes slack there is no tension and the particle continues to move with constant speed until the string becomes taut again. For a particle moving on a smooth horizontal surface attached to one end of an elastic spring + the particle will move with S.H.M. + the particle will perform complete oscillations. For a particle moving on a smooth horizontal surface attached to one end of an elastic string + the particle will move with S.H.M. while the string is taut + the particle will move with constant speed while the string is slack. To solve problems involving elastic springs and strings + use Hooke’s law to find the tension + use F= mato obtain + use information given in the question to obtain the amplitude. Sometimes the particle is attached to two springs or strings which are stretched between two fixed points. When this happens you will need to find the tensions in both the springs or strings. EO 2) ED wrevrncraron A particle P of mass 0.6kg rests on a smooth horizontal floor attached to one end of a light elastic string of natural length 0.8m and modulus of elasticity 16N. The other end of the string is fixed to a point A on the floor. The particle is pulled away from A until AP measures 1.2m and released. a Show that, while the string remains taut, P moves with simple harmonic motion. b Calculate the speed of P when the string returns to its natural length: © Calculate the time that elapses between the point where the string becomes slack and the point where it next becomes taut Calculate the time taken by the particle to return to its starting point for the first time,

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