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In every corner of the main areas in our country, we cannot deny that any person,
whether Filipino or foreigner, sees the hardship of life in the Philippines. From the
doors of churches to the windows of automobiles, ordinary citizens will see people
knocking on the hearts of seemingly well-to-do people to ask for alms. Who are
they? There are many controversies associated with "child labor" in the country. In
there are many old people who don't work, why do they employ children? That these
children should be in school to learn. In school to achieve their dreams in life. Let's
know who they are. They are the parents who have children but do not know the
responsibilities of parenthood. Children who should be in school and studying are
growing up outside their homes.

It would be nice if someone else had sheltered under a roof? Maybe sleeping on the
street? It's good to be able to eat three times a day. But why are there such issues
among young people aged 5-15? These children are innocent enough to work like
this for the families. Usually, child labor occurs because parents are lazy. Or it's not
sane they are mental and it is because of drugs. Because of the hardships of life,
they can't think of anything else but to do things where they can forget what is
happening in their lives. Child labor also occurs because the child feels sorry for his
parents, so he thought to stop studying first so that his family would be able to help
him. Once again these children are forced to work early because if not, their parents
will scold them, or they will do something their parent to the child who is bad.
Another reason is the irresponsibility of their parents,

that they can't handle the family they have built and because of the unemployment of
their parents. Based on the study of the (WHO) World Health Organization, there are
approximately four million child workers in the Philippines. And an estimated 2.8
million of them risk their lives on the job. This attitude is widespread in different -
other parts of the world, where 246 million children (internet), aged five to CHILD

In every corner of the main areas in our country, we cannot deny that any person,
whether Filipino or foreigner, sees the hardship of life in the Philippines. From the
doors of churches to the windows of automobiles, ordinary citizens will see people
knocking on the hearts of seemingly well-to-do people to ask for alms. Who are
they? There are many controversies associated with "child labor" in the country. In

there are many old people who don't work, why do they employ children? That these
children should be in school to learn. In school to achieve their dreams in life. Let's
know who they are. They are the parents who have children but do not know the
responsibilities of parenthood. Children who should be in school and studying are
growing up outside their homes. It would be nice if someone else had sheltered
under a roof? Maybe sleeping on the street? It's good to be able to eat three times a
day. But why are there such issues among young people aged 5-15? These children
are innocent enough to work like this for the families. Usually, child labor occurs
because parents are lazy. Or it's not sane

they are mental and it is because of drugs. Because of the hardships of life, they
can't think of anything else but to do things where they can forget what is happening
in their lives. Child labor also occurs because the child feels sorry for his parents, so
he thought to stop studying first so that his family would be able to help him. Once
again these children are forced to work early because if not, their parents will scold
them, or they will do something

their parent to the child who is bad. Another reason is the irresponsibility of their
parents, that they can't handle the family they have built and because of the
unemployment of their parents. Based on the study of the (WHO) World Health
Organization, there are approximately four million child workers in the Philippines.
And an estimated 2.8 million of them risk their lives on the job. This attitude is
widespread in different

-other parts of the world, where 246 million children (internet), aged five to seven,
are all earning a living. one hundred and seventy-one (171) of these have dangerous
work that includes mining and quarrying, deep-sea fishing, making fireworks,
prostitution and pornography. It is also believed that the involvement of children in
agricultural activities where the use of pesticides is frequent is dangerous. They can
cause illness, especially cancer

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