Hand 7

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Ma. Oliva Ross T.

MSAE 1 - 2
Exercises_Handout 7
AE 713

1. Write a program that will output the characters ‘A’ to ‘Z’ (one character per line)
onto a text file whose filename is specified by the user. Use fputc() for character

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)
FILE *inputf;
char filename[40];
int c;

printf("Input name of text file:");

scanf("%s", filename);

if ( (inputf = fopen(filename, "r") )== NULL)

printf("ERROR: %s cannot be opened.\n", filename);

while ( (c = fgetc(inputf)) != EOF )

fputc(c, stdout);


2. Write a program that will read the text stored in the file generated by the program in the
previous exercise. User fgetc() for character input.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)
FILE *inputf;
int c;
char filename[40];

printf("Input name of text file:");

scanf("%s", filename);

if ( (inputf = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)

printf("ERROR: %s cannot be opened.\n", filename);
Ma. Oliva Ross T. Fulgado
MSAE 1 - 2
Exercises_Handout 7
AE 713

while ( (c = fgetc(inputf)) != EOF )

printf("%c", c);


3. Write a program that will ask the user to input two integers, say n1 and n2. The second
integer should be greater than the second integer, i.e., n1 < n2. Thereafter, the program
should output to a text file the integers from n1 to n2 (i.e., n1, n1 + 1, …, n2-1, n2).
Output one integer per line.


void main(void)
FILE *inputf;
char inputfilename[40];
int num1 = 0, num2 = 0;
char ch, c;
int i;
printf("Enter first number: ");
printf("\nEnter Second number: ");
printf("\nEnter Filename: ");
scanf("%s", inputfilename);
inputf = fopen(inputfilename, "w");
for(i = num1; i <= num2; i++){
fprintf(inputf,"%d \n", i);

4. Write a program that will read the integers from the file generated in the previous
exercise. The program should also print the integers onto the standard output device.


void main(void)
FILE *inputf;
char inputfilename[40];
char ch, c;
Ma. Oliva Ross T. Fulgado
MSAE 1 - 2
Exercises_Handout 7
AE 713
int i;
// ask for filename, open text file for input
printf("Input name of output text file: ");
scanf("%s", inputfilename);
inputf = fopen(inputfilename, "r");
int d;
if (inputf) {
while ((d = getc(inputf)) != EOF)

5. Write a program that will count the number of upper case letters in a text file.


int main(void)
FILE *inputf;
char inputfilename[40];
char ch, c;
int i, upper = 0;
// ask for filename, open text file for input
printf("Input name of output text file: ");
scanf("%s", inputfilename);
inputf = fopen(inputfilename, "r");
int d;
if (inputf) {
while ((d = getc(inputf)) != EOF)
if (d >= 'A' && d <= 'Z')

printf("\nuppercase letter(s): %d", upper);

return 0;

6. Assume that there are two text files. Write a program that will determine whether these
two text files are identical or not (i.e., the contents are the same).


int main(void)
Ma. Oliva Ross T. Fulgado
MSAE 1 - 2
Exercises_Handout 7
AE 713
FILE *inputf, *f1, *f2;
char inputfilename[40], file1[40], file2[40];
char ch, c;
char c1[1000], c2[1000];
int i, upper = 0,ctr = 0;
// ask for filename, open text file for input
printf("Input name of first file: ");
scanf("%s", file1);
f1 = fopen(file1, "r");
printf("Input name of second file: ");
scanf("%s", file2);
f2 = fopen(file2, "r");

while((fgets(c1,1000,f1)!= NULL) && (fgets(c2,1000,f2)!= NULL))

if(strcmp(c1, c2) != 0){


if(ctr>0) printf("Not the same content");
else printf("The same content");

EXERCISES - Binary File

1. Write a program that will output the characters ‘A’ to ‘Z’ (one character per line)
onto a binary file whose filename is specified by the user.


void main(void)
FILE *outputf;
char i;
char outputfilename[40];

printf("Input filename: ");

scanf("%s", outputfilename);
Ma. Oliva Ross T. Fulgado
MSAE 1 - 2
Exercises_Handout 7
AE 713
outputf = fopen(outputfilename, "wb");

for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++)

fwrite(&i, sizeof(char), 1, outputf);


2. Write a program that will read the characters stored in the binary file generated by the
program in the previous exercise.

#include <stdio.h>
void main(void)
FILE *inputf;
int i;
char n;
char inputfilename[40];

printf("Input filename: ");

scanf("%s", inputfilename);

if ( (inputf = fopen(inputfilename, "rb")) == NULL)

fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s does not exists.\n",

printf("the file contains:\n");
while ( 1 )
if ( fread(&n, sizeof(char), 1, inputf) < 1 )
printf("%c", n);


3. Write a program that will ask the user to input two floating points, say f1 and f2. The
second value should be greater than the second integer, i.e., n1 < n2. Thereafter, the
program should output to a binary file the integers from n1 to n2 (i.e., n1, n1 + 1, …,
n2-1, n2).
Ma. Oliva Ross T. Fulgado
MSAE 1 - 2
Exercises_Handout 7
AE 713

void main(void)
FILE *outputf;
int i;
float f1,f2;

outputf = fopen("ex3file.txt", "wb");

printf("enter first value:");

scanf("%f", &f1);
printf("enter second value:");
scanf("%f", &f2);
if (f1>f2)
printf("The second value shoud be greater than the first value");
for (i = (int) f1; i <= (int) f2; i++)
fwrite(&i, sizeof(int), 1, outputf);

4. Write a program that will read the integers from the binary file generated in the previous
exercise. The program should also print the integers onto the standard output device.

#include <stdio.h>
void main(void)
FILE *inputf;
int n;
int A[1000];
int count;

if ( (inputf = fopen("ex3file.txt", "rb")) == NULL)

fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s does not exists.\n",

printf("the file contains:\n");
printf("%d", n);

count = fread(A, sizeof(int), 1000, inputf);

for (n = 0; n < count; n++)

Ma. Oliva Ross T. Fulgado
MSAE 1 - 2
Exercises_Handout 7
AE 713
printf("%d ", A[n]);


5. Write a program that will input 10 student records onto an array of struct studType.
Thereafter, output these student records onto a binary file named by the user.

#include <stdio.h>

struct studentType
char name[40];
int idnumber;
char course[10];

void main(void)
FILE *outputf;
int i;
char outputfilename[40];

struct studentType student[10];

printf("Input 10 student record\n");

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
printf("student no.%d\n", i+1);
printf("Input name: ");
scanf("%s", &student[i].name);

printf("Input ID number: ");

scanf("%d", &student[i].idnumber);

printf("Input course: ");

scanf("%s", &student[i].course);


printf("Input filename: ");

scanf("%s", outputfilename);
Ma. Oliva Ross T. Fulgado
MSAE 1 - 2
Exercises_Handout 7
AE 713
outputf = fopen(outputfilename, "wb");

fwrite(student, sizeof(struct studentType), 10, outputf);


6. Write a program that will read the student records from a binary file created in the
previous exercise.

#include <stdio.h>

struct studentType // student structure template

char name[40];
int idnumber;
char course[10];

void main(void)
FILE *inputf;
char inputfilename[40];
int count, i;

struct studentType student[10];

printf("Input filename: ");

scanf("%s", inputfilename);

inputf = fopen(inputfilename, "rb");

count = fread(&student, sizeof(struct studentType), 10, inputf);

for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)

printf("student %d:\n", i+1);
printf("Name: %s\n", student[i].name);
printf("ID number: %d\n", student[i].idnumber);
printf("Course: %s\n\n", student[i].course);

Ma. Oliva Ross T. Fulgado
MSAE 1 - 2
Exercises_Handout 7
AE 713

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