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helOG VU KOya ce An Introductory Text Book rae s be F Social Work An Introductory Text Book Pu pws ie EMS AD | ao cet Sse Ig a ah LF NA M0 000 a ok. nf " ‘4 1 Snr SOCIAL WORK: An Into Te Bole ISBN 978.91.9484-252-4 Pefce a sr of Conribuoes pant FOUNDATION COMPONENT Insroduton to Soil Work 3 Y Roald Al sigh esd with dhe Pals, incladig she ight wo ada Soc Science Cancepes fo Socal Work 2 {erotic ds bak pr threat exc for bet guctns im ‘til ais or ews, a a Tee Ls 6 THe LASER PRINTERS 8/15, Sed Fer Sb Naga, New Delhi 10027 Prine nia MUVUR ENTERDRISES, WZ Plt No.3, Gajar Mae, iar Vig New Deli-11018 © Pablied by REGAL PUBLICATIONS 159% Rojas Garden, New Deli110027 + Phone 4546296 ema: 36 Chapter 2 Social Science Concepts for Social Work J Praneas ‘Community and its Characteristics Comune are the building Boks thr allow ust make sease of ‘he mol. prone aes of tens an purpore, ene of being 2 putt of and belonging. Often peop belong to wo oF mare ommuntes. Fy acaron. buns work por ligne Ml vole communis dat we ke fo ented sa noel par of ‘ues "The characte ofa communi incl scer—the member ‘musth abe wo acs the community: communication embers mast beable communsate with ch other presence member mt ive tee ext of ratreip with toa: cabery td pericpaie— ‘mene aust hae oe sof invlvnene within te cotouny. ‘Those communities that do not have all there or where 8 carne is sree lucking, could be considered a pfanetonl ccmmuaigy Social Group and Social Institution The ithe mx eer erm ed in scaly for combinations of penons Hk 2 amy 2 mob, a pcnic paca ale union or = cy etic The ange soil group wth hia person fa elainshipe vec “The conduc ofthe individu in x social rou i esc by spain of thei sociales The stad ales wich te ed in Sse of sil eapecaions ar called sca intiatons OF the ‘nto forms of bum secston the following higs may be iat + adh insiaton canbe acted in sil rangement sei Sil ir B + Each inion provides fora minimum ofthe bilgi andl ‘oe ppchologi neds, + Ih Sih intnson the iteration of individual produces + ith iceason provide wel-dfined and soilysnctoned toler forme Social Structure and Social Change “The tex scr as be ad wih reece to hams soci sce dhe 19 cena Bere hat was ed common conocion sod Wala lds tn grea sca srctr ould dfn 8 oe farts of toil ay (ec or 2 poup whiney) at te cela pemancne ve tne ate need, sod deseo onion os ge exe both the anctoningaf the ety ara whole nd the ace of nda member. Rade Brown, rth isp, pe bc crt cena lice ni eppoach and conned seo concep a anon, He ded pated or moral aaltepet soil aves ta confor aed sil ls or norms Pasonn 4 US slg: Rabe dabored 0 fm» theny ha was vai for lange ed comple sxe He sid socal acu Is enetlly normative; i consis of iiionalized pacers of normative care Soil Behavior secre ino fa = Kconforns {Stas aging om ees of igh and wrong yeti bhai pei santans His wok has been cicaed fom “ous ge on hie een the compare manger serine id {ines of power wea and other ol reve Srl change oe rade see any hang och lain kis er prea phenomenon in ay ie The ested defion could be Change of te mci ste A inion nt be made concen proces within she soil scr, which sve, a let ‘ercally oman the str cl dam) and procs hat ‘lif he suc Gal une Sociol Stratificetion “The concee of claritin ame into evince in 1940 eat borrowed fom the cath science. Similar co sauctute of eth, ‘oct son thik tat but socky i vided ino layers, one lcd upon the othe, Soil sratendon, therfore, maybe dened {the dvson of wey ino st uw Sie Wr A dart Fs Bs “The lifercce beeen eno sta hin et cece, thee om gto foe Ege re i eh, een oon tesa on of priest ‘The layes of ose at raed and thos occupying higher pons arcs erieged amit wh ectipy ee pan: Population [A population 3 pup of individual fhe sae pce ta ve toptirin here plc and he pos an ergo of prope mith yi as fd deh at This dno ope ta epson ae made ap of advil patos bar dex ot equre {hut we know which individual ev ito di where cy 8 local in pce Intend the option carci by aves ih snd death ad ably a tee sveages betel ors a rope of the populin Poverty Povey ean be dfn ia many ifien ways, Some yt in mur sik oes age tha relate dion mas wT the ens “Combination of both methods br Pesryepiclsteperatyie « bek of ene! ema —ach = fod, clothing water and ster, ceded fr proper ving, Ar dhe UN ‘Werld Summit on Social Deslopent. the Copenhagen Desa Aescrbed povery at condition carted by vere deprivation of bse harman nes, ncuding food, safe drinking water sanetion ‘ee, dy sblet,edvation and infos, “Thee re vatous numerically defined mcs co measure and tual povery- To sch ditions fend die poner. Samely. relive poverty measuremene and abtolate poverty Ta elie pve mess, the ene population ian in oder ‘of income per exis, the botom 10% f Then considered pot ot “impoverished Teas some majot dec in abl ae. Absa peeyecsies a povery ine a cen nceme ot consumption Smoune per jar based onthe einated yale oa bes of goods essary or proper ivng. ‘Unemployment Unemployment i an economic indicator, where the number of proportion of people an economy who ae wing and able o work Bote analer peta jb. Silat people who ae not wiling oF Sei Si Sei rk 15 he wot, for whatever eon economic icv and oot ant oars unemplnmen gre ‘Unemlayet also cas spine sci coss. People who are unable to find work mow quent ely om bent of oes for income. The station becomes one, fey hae franca and faiiy ‘Goemients: There ate sts repeatedly Tiking unemployment co thing cme tod side rater andthe deriion of bee Planning Commission Jp March 1950, he Pansing Commision of India was sep afer tealton bythe Goverment of Indi. The objectives mere opomane ‘rapid rise i the eandard of living ofthe people by ecient ‘ploacon of th sources ofthe county inresing production sd ‘fering oppor 0 all or employment inal he sevice ofthe "The revolution outined functions such at making extensive scsment ofthe material, opel and human reas f the county, nd fouls pon fr the most ec and blac laton of ‘runs resurrs The rine Mines the chaiman ofthe planning ‘Sommision and the commsionFucioa though seer vont Suc agar nds, instr and mies Tao hee te 30 divisors Five Year Plans “The linning commision nce the fs fie yar pan in the yar 1951 They hd formulated wo five yea plans seu i 965 nd ae cha there ws rk wo yea cing tress ke Ldo> Paka cons, drought, devon ofthe cency gece {in pric and cron of cures. Fe Panning Comino fmulaed deanna plans bowen 1966 sn 1969. Then the our ve year plan period seed is 196. Siar othe above sion, the Highth Pan was unable wo ke of {190 duo gli reon and for 1990 to 1992 noua pans Seep eigen lcd i aeige "The ver in pubis pial sc nd hear indies et mani inthe ft igh eyes plan. Homers, he aver i pion rang uth Nh Pn in 97 The 10 and 1 ve year plane gave importance for ince rw Balancing the concern for economic prowth and incunon of ‘args’ in he ono 6 See rk a aredac T Bok Problems of Developing Economies ‘Thos cm in noel ma cnn of ite le eveopingecnoni,. They ae arc ‘uso deepennedominane of rbsicncs production, we of indigenous ol td tig poplion got Cnc ach {5 Vietnam, Yemen, Alghnian, Uganda. Valenaca, Chie, Pestine note hed world couse se cle ‘Devopng enor fe prblens ke ck of prope economic policy to cont iaftion and unemployment, poor eduction ye, Sable pli imate, poverty, unemployment. por eechnology fraducton methods, high ies te, high popladon growth {pendency on the dewlopel worl igh lvl of df anc. and poor em often he wodd markt Welfare state “The wel eae i gorenment dha completely provides fo he ‘els othe ig es. The Ste aot ined “lcing rand petng i and propery fom teal and exe ‘hn bat ala nt kg at fr he rom of be people by way of fea cdcaton she, Dol nda be revise nan tat the sae aes fr thre wh ae maple Sad deprived nda rae Sa Its mentored inthe Conmuson of Ta as one ofthe Direve Pinel Most advanced nao a ot ve wel was, ahough many provide at es some scl series or program. In some cou, ie terrae gency saben to people who met eran tligbilty requirements A welfare sate is acai in atae fe ‘edie wel by hey ing the per ae to provi onde nd vec forthe aed. Een cou ta dork pate ii, troweverpiely wil ever some sey nee Constitution of india Contato the supreme law of nd ays he mead iin fandamenal pola! princi, governance rots, posure: ‘ower ad dite of rere nao and se ot fname [gh dee pncplo, and he de of cesT the ong ‘ten contton af ny svg county i the wo conning {Bo arch in 24 par and [2 hele, “The contin dcr nda tbs soveig, soca scl denn pubie sing cet, quay an bry: The ‘onan ws dae by the Cone Asem whic wa elected See Sic Comp fir Sas rb 2 by de membes ofthe provincial. The Conse provider {or dstbution of powers ennesn the Union snd the Ser Ie enunetats the power of he Pasamen and Saxe Legare, in cess munely Unio se, Seis and Concuret it Sbjct lke rao dese, frig pice of curency ae Paced ‘he Union is, Pbk onder al gverance apd certain ta De bf he examples of Sate ist Eduaon, earporaoncimial ks 1H subject af the Cope i, hte oth the Sx Legolre 15 wel as he Pulm as powers nat av. Fondamental Rights Fndnenal sigh embodied nh nda cnn ade at apne aca nan cen con and wl lend tia poe {sng ey lve ta nia Th del Hrs he pens Sirol of be nn a Fe unde igs ining common mos bal doce uh ei fete i eo of pec ‘nd expene, fiom of scion and peel enya ‘edge ad eg coun Sends fre Peon Gd ig ch a hab ore Directive Principles ‘The Pa IV ofthe Indian Coowinion otic the drain principles ‘ha the lndian sat shuld member we fuming ane The sive (elec al fr the prorbion of ol jut nd elie ore ‘he preven social co ao acts aa chek on the goverment od aly oniary xen meu the govements performance. The tle fhe Stein providing employment, dacaton and protection ate ‘lined isthe dice pep Secil Probleme end Sete Intervention Scape eds cnt al raped judged ‘isin tys cho qo a eb teal Graded chai ingens gh cy acs Seeekeh emer rey eo em oat poet je uscd poms ance fy len oh nc ce lg Thy ‘forse ean opto NCOs sn brent el olen ler celine tow draft ve Gh dna swe of is aor sal poem ad greene ‘wn dl wih et oe 8 Sal Wik A Toth (@ Prosiaion Prosacon the le and purchase of eal elatons Tn ode card ‘ou fom of ponton, goverment a ber noducing rout Folland sc ie Spin of fron Tees Ween rd ‘Gi Ac, 1956 ar amended in 1978 the ensment ofthe Indien Penal (Code of 860 The scons 372 and 373 ofthe code preven indscion ‘of women under certain a, gtns ther wish or proton. (© Dowry Downy i defied a any propery or valuable secu given raed to be gien ether deco indirect by one purty tthe okt party te by paren fer pry ns marage or by anyother enon before ‘tafe the mutge a consderaton fr dhe marrage To probit this ‘genment pad the Dowty Poibion 1) Ae, 1984, (2) Unouchaiiy ‘Unochiliyexed in Inia since the Vedic Age and this hase > ‘the exploaon ofthe ode and the AS y the Bei, the Kehatys and the VasyascTeeligous and social reformers ike Bada, Raman, Kab, Viveanands, Gandhi and Ambedlar made ‘grea fos wo erat eas far as posible The Bho Sara and Eng Sams ad cher socal onions al ple x maj ele to sea soi sligous, pt snd carl equality 9 them. The UUnvochany Oflene) Act, 1955 was psd eo enforce the law spin untouchable, Chck your Leaning Esecie 1. Whaisa communi? What ais chance 2. Whats soy? What ae some of thts in the soe? 15 Indian consent ane ofthe bo cnatioa a he wo? Engen 4. Gon you ink fs saci problem in which sue inerene in the pe Tye wi PART 1 METHODS COMponENT

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