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Lesson Plan template – please use bullet points

Student teacher Bechan Davies Date: 10.01.23 Class: Y7 Size 23
Scheme: JAGS SoLA Topic: Geographies of Crime

Target(s) focus for this lesson – refer to targets set in weekly mentor meeting. Include this whether being observed formally or not. Your Core Content Framework theme focus
progress towards this target will be the focus of your post-lesson discussion/evaluation. Maximum of 3 targets. for development in this lesson
Target 1: Manage workload effectively as teaching increases, including protecting time for rest to support good mental Professional Behaviours (S8)

Target 2: Familiarise myself with the SoLA for this particular topic and plan sequenced lessons. Start with the general, Curriculum (S3)
without assuming knowledge, and then move to the specific and more complex.

Target 3: Choose an item.

Specific Focus on Pupil Progress: - Definition misconceptions i.e. what is burglary vs what is robbery, highlighting the
How does it address any issues identified with pupil progress? Are there any difference between the two acts.
misconceptions you need to address? - Progress may be slow as it is pupils first day back, make sure to engage learners and be
Lesson Purpose & Resourcing:
What do you want them to know or be able to do by the end of the lesson (what is - Be able to define what crime is
new?) What resources are required? - Be able to explain the difference between burglary and robbery
- Be able to categorise different types of crime and their relative severity

Inclusive Practice: - Follow NASEN guidelines on font, font size, colours etc. for dyslexic learners and
What are your strategies for inclusive teaching? learners with processing difficulties
How are you planning to include all pupils? - Plan activities which suit learners with SEND
Are there any pupils that you specifically need to plan to support or extend? How will - Extensions for learners who may finish work early, or who typically like to complete the
you do this? work before/while instructions are given. Pay close attention to these learners and check
to see if their work is of a high standard before moving on to the extension.
Behaviour Management Strategies to be used and Health & Safety Implications: - Behaviour could be more chatty as it is the first day back after Christmas. Follow school
How can you plan for good behaviour for learning? What strategies will you use? What guidelines on giving a verbal warning, warning mark, then lunchtime supervision.
support will you use? What (if any) H&S implications are there to be considered? - Use of silence as a behaviour management strategy.

*Please attach a seating plan and relevant class data to this plan when being observed.

Timing What is the teacher doing? What are students doing? How does this progress Assessment strategies
s learning? used to assess progress?

5 mins Having discussions with pupils while Completing the Do Now task Engaging way to start the
they are doing the Do Now task lesson, introduces familiar
characters to their learning

2-5 Discuss what pupils thought and why Students to justify their rankings
mins for the Do Now task verbally

5 mins Introduce the topic of crime and why Writing definition of crime on Understanding why they are Assessing PKU,
we learn about crime in geography worksheet learning something and why it is questioning and answering
Asking what types of crime they are Students answer questions verbally relevant to what we teach and
familiar with already on what different types of crime study in geography
they already know

5 mins Explain the difference between Students can write down the
robbery and burglary difference on worksheet

5 mins Explain how crime is recorded, run Question and answering about
through different crimes before asking different crimes, their thoughts on
pupils to complete the table task crime recording etc.
10-15 Circulating the room while pupils Complete table task and move on Categorising and critically
mins complete table task to extension if needed assessing which crimes they
think are the most severe, Verbal discussion with
justifying their opinions with question and answering to
5 mins Plenary Pupils justify why they think evidence allow pupils to state their
certain crimes are more severe than opinions and justify them

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