Looking For A Job Vocab and Formatting Basics

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intro: "we are looking for / we are seeking /we have a 'vacancy in..."
1. 'duties and responsa'bilities
2. re'quirements ("the ideal 'applicant will / should / must..") / to be an 'asset / to be a must-have ...
3. work conditions will / may include:
location / type of 'contract ('permanent or 'temporary) / work hours (full-time / part-time / a 9-to-5 job / shift work etc) incl. 'overtime / extra hours
'salary or wage (£35k p.a. = per annum)/ 'bonus / 'benefits ('company car / meal vouchers [au] / 'discounts [au] / health in'surance / 'pension scheme
/ days off / pay rise / 'teleworking...) / fi'nancial in'centive / paid (maternity) leave...


to re'cruit / to hire / to take on
V. to lay off / to dis'miss (<em'ployer) / or : to fire or to sack (fam)
(expected job title + short description of yourself)
to quit (<emplo'yee)
1. or 3. education (and qualifications) / de'gree or di'ploma / Bachelor's (degree) or Master's or PhD
un stage : (in-company) 'training (=> a trai'nee) / (in studies) work 'placement /
2. or 1. work / students' job... ex'perience
'internship (=> an 'intern and a 'tutor)
ex : 2021-present : Montbéliard IUT
Was in charge of / res'ponsible for teaching English to a total of 100 students; took part in meetings.
être en apprentissage : to be on a work-study training programme /
3. or 1. skills : 'technical / 'language / 'human...
to be on block release training / to be on a co-op training course /
4. 'hobbies / volun'teer work...
to be an apprentice (?) / to do studying while working / to be at work every other month
5. misc(ellaneous) : (holder of a valid) driving 'license /
(be careful: to be on a sandwich course = on a year-long placement) 2 5. refe'rees
= seeking a job / hunting for a job
a jobseeker / to ap'ply for a po'sition / an 'applicant
to be 'unemployed / to fill in an application form
I want to be AN engi'neer / A technician... A 'COVER(ING) LETTER / AN APPLI'CATION LETTER

5 4 'CONTENTS / useful phrases:

Dear Sir, Dear 'Madam, / Dear Ms Evrard,
I am writing to you to apply for.. / I wish to ap'ply for...
1. why I would be suited to the job (job and 'company description)
A JOB INTERVIEW 2. my studies ('relevant to / con'sistent with the job) / ex'perience /
skills...(past simple / present perfect if in progress)
PEOPLE : 'interviewer / intervie'wee / 'Human Re'ssource 'manager incl: past work history and con'crete a'chievements
to grow pro'fessionally ("évoluer dans ma carrière") / to get pro'moted don't forget technical and human skills etc...
CONTENTS : knock knock - come in! Ccl : I'm looking forward to hearING from you / to meetING you,
I'm X, nice to meet you - Nice to meet you too / please have a seat... I remain at your disposal / for any further (or: a'dditional) information
(small talk...) Yours sincerely, / Yours truly, / Best regards,
1. job and company description
2. could you please introduce yourself briefly?
3. more specific questions about: education / work experience (incl: a gap year / a year off / a sabbatical year)
/ skills / hobbies
+ Trick questions :
what do you think are your weak and strong points?
I'm dy'namic / moti'vated / de'termined / au'tonomous / 'organised / hard-working / loyal / 'sociable
or 'outgoing / 'disciplined
what do you see yourself in 5 years?
what do you think you can bring us? why did you choose us?
4. we'll let you know within a week / thanks for coming - thanks for having me
(it was) nice meeting you - Nice meeting you too.
Have a safe journey home.

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