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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 8, 250-261

Role Of Mobile Application In Enhancing English Speaking


Kewin Anten Raj 1, Dr Anu Baisel 2

« Department of English, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu » .
« Department of English, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu » .


The market for educational mobile applications, particularly for second/foreign language learning,
has been fast rising as mobile technologies are being incorporated into learning and smartphones
evolve. There is, however, a dearth of study on the role of mobile apps for English language
learning. As part of Mobile Learning, technologies such as smartphones and iPads are used to help
students learn a new language. Learning English as a second language has never been easier thanks
to the plethora of applications available today. In this study, mobile applications are categorised
based on primary, secondary, and tertiary-level students. The articles that were reviewed focused
on the installation, analysis, and assessment of mobile applications for language edu cation. Mobile
app design, technique, theory and pedagogical elements were also examined in these research. It
is important to remember that these applications are designed to help students improve their
language abilities, thus the focus should be on the learning of these skills using mobile technology.
Apps seem to be more effective in teaching listener skills than other language skills.

Keywords: Mobile Learning, mobile applications,etc.

1 Introduction continuing. As the most often used non-literal

words and phrases and the building blocks of
The advent of new technologies has been one of every day communication in a language, an
the most important shifts in the teaching and inability to employ idiomatic expressions
learning processes. Numerous research have proficiently may create communication
been conducted to determine how mobile challenges for the language learner such as
phones may be used in the classroom. Research appearing unnatural and inauthentic. These
and practises in language teaching have also words and phrases are absolutely necessary if
been affected by this upheaval [2]. Because it you want to become fluent in your target
offers students a variety of options for use both language. It is also widely accepted that fluency
within and outside of the classroom, mobile in idiomatic terms is an indicator of fluency in
learning poses a significant challenge to the target language [4-7].
traditional teaching methods [3]. It's easier than
ever to study on the move, especially with Language has a very essential item in the world,
smartphones that have sophisticated technology and it is a tool of communication used by
and software, making them as capable as a human to engage one each other. In the globe,
computer. there are various languages used for
communication. Every nation has a distinct
According to [2], smartphones' large and touch- language that makes it harder to have
sensitive screens provide significant benefits communication with other individuals who
over pre-smartphone mobile devices used in does not share the same language. Therefore,
several studies . The basis for achieving fluency English may be a terrific approach to quickly
and mastery of the target language lies in the interact with people all over the globe since it is
teaching of vocabulary. The search for the best the second language in the world after local
method of teaching languages has been language or mother tongue. There are four
251 Journal of Positive School Psychology

talents in language, including speaking, the tasks are done by machines to save time.
listening, reading and writing. But to master The mobile phone may be utilised specifically
these abilities individuals need to learn for remote education. Mobile phone may assist
vocabulary first to create their English. individuals to connect with each other and that
Vocabulary becomes the most fundamental can make it simpler for conversation. They
factor in acquiring these talents. So, vocabulary merely have to simply send a message or make
is the essential prerequisite in utilising a call to anybody.
language. In studying a language we must
acquire and mastering vocabulary to Mobile phone may assist the user to speak with
communicate successfully particularly in each other or to acquire information in another
English. But most people are not interested in area even from a great distance. However, some
increasing their vocabulary, especially in individuals refuse to use cell phone for
memorising it. So it makes people are difficult youngsters. The use of cell phones in school or
to converse or interact utilise English during class, for example, is strictly prohibited
particularly Indonesian people. by certain professors. In truth, students may
benefit from using their mobile phones to assist
Nowadays, there are many students majoring in them study. When pupils don't know the
English department who have trouble in definition of a term, they may use their cell
learning English language skills. and one of the phones to look it up. Students may also use their
reasons influencing pupils is the absence of mobile phones and the internet to look for
vocabulary learned by them. There are stories or books in English. Students'
numerous aspects that impact students in the vocabularies could benefit from this. In order to
process of learning English, notably in help pupils retain the meaning of a term, they
acquiring vocabulary wherein generally may set the language of their mobile phones to
students must master English language abilities English.
by expanding the amount of vocabulary they
have. Level of schooling should effect to 2. Role of Speaking Skills
mastering vocabulary. The greater degree of
education, the larger the area of language Speaking ability has had a crucial role in the
knowledge. This may be accepted since the history of English language training. According
topics taught at each level of education are to [8] “only in the past two decades has it started
different; particularly students majoring in to develop as an area of education, learning and
English, many new terminology are introduce assessment in its own right, seldom focused on
at a higher level. many of the references the creation of spoken discourse”. Today,
studied, also impact the grasp of vocabulary English is utilised in numerous nations as an
official language or as the principal method of
To learn English is not simple, particularly international communication than any other
Indian people since Indian have different language. English speaking has become a
dialects. They tend to have issues with English doorway in the current world, via which, one
speaking or pronunciation. Besides that, they would create a profession.
also have challenges with language and writing.
In writing, they have many issues in the Access to English speaking or spoken English,
grammatical phrase or structure because helps the learners to convey their opinions,
English structure is so much different from ideas, feelings and thoughts to others, receive
Indonesian language structure. Vocabulary is information and solve issues. The expansion of
the essential element in learning English. To spoken English institutions reflects the rising
study English, pupils have to grasp the need of English speaking abilities in the nation.
definition of the term. Therefore, pupils have to In the nations where English is recognised as
make sure to increase their vocabulary in order the second language, one is seen as highly
to comprehend the meaning of the term. educated if the individual can speak English
correctly since it is important for further studies
The globe has advanced so much from day to and technical studies. One will be offered with
day and individuals have more talents to make a variety of professional alternatives and will
anything easier. Nowadays, technology have the choice of setting up a career at their
extremely beneficial to get things done. Most of own nation or elsewhere. Undoubtedly,
Kewin Anten Raj1 252

possibilities are unlimited for people who can form of communication among people who
speak English. speak another language as their mother tongue),
according to him, in second language
Speaking is crucial to an individual‟s life acquisition. An essential component of learning
process and experiences. It is the most natural to speak a second language is learning to
approach to communicate. Mostly, the capacity interact with others in the language you are
to speak a language is related to understanding learning[12].The importance of being able to
a language as speaking is the most fundamental communicate effectively in English has
form of human communication. It is “the act of skyrocketed in recent years. In today's work
constructing and communicating meaning via market, command of a certain topic without the
the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a ability to communicate well in English is a
range of contexts” [9] . As noted previously it barrier to obtaining a high-paying position.
is the most natural manner of expressing With the rise in international commerce,
oneself to the community. For many tourism, travel, and the interchange of
individuals, the speaking skill is more professionals in numerous sectors and
significant than that of reading and writing. It's professions, there has been a substantial growth
important to remember that speaking is more in the need for English spoken form. Today's
than simply producing noises. English isn't only for academics or desk jobs;
it's a communication tool that may be used
The ability to speak is a vital part of the whole effectively even if no words are spoken. To
communication process. Hence, no specific meet the challenges of the present and future, it
definition can be given for the act of speaking. is imperative that students learn to speak
Authors and academics from all around the English in a style that is understandable and
world have contributed their own acceptable to people in other countries.
interpretations and definitions to the field of However, as predicted, the growth of many
linguistics. From a variety of sources, here are English-medium schools and spoken English
some definitions and perspectives on speaking. institutions around the nation demonstrates the
As defined by the Oxford Advanced Learners increasing popularity of learning English as a
Dictionary, "speaking" refers to the act of second language. The age of communication
conveying or expressing one's thoughts and and the development of relevant abilities is
feelings via speaking. Creative problem solving upon us, particularly at a time when the ability
is a difficult ability to master. Instead than only to communicate effectively in English is
reacting to the other party, the speaker should becoming more important in almost every field.
come up with a topic of discussion of their own. In today's world, being able to converse fluently
An important part of the exercise is to learn in English is one of the most valuable assets a
about the language's grammatical, lexical, and one may have in both their professional and
socio-cultural norms. personal lives.

Penny Ur [10] describes speaking as "the 3 Mobile-Assisted Language Learning

faculty that comprises all other forms of (MALL)
knowledge. It is the aural mode's producing Speaking classes and programmes have been
talent. It's also a multi-step process that more popular among students throughout the
includes generating, receiving, and analysing globe in recent years. By speaking the
data in real time [11]. The environment in language, students may measure their progress.
which communication happens, including the
As a result, students who want to demonstrate
individuals, their collective experiences, the
that they are fluent in the English language
physical backdrop, and the purpose for should really use it. Developing oral skills
speaking, determines the shape and meaning of enables a student to communicate effectively
this activity. and without hesitation. Many methods exist to
To further understand why speaking is so help students improve their speaking abilities.
important in learning a second language, check Learning how to talk may be done in a variety
out Second Language Learning. Languages of ways, thus there is no one strategy that is the
have an institutional and social significance in best for everyone. [13] Teachers utilise a
communities (i.e., they operate as a recognised
253 Journal of Positive School Psychology

variety of tactics that emphasise oral environment because of their immense power,
communication and classroom language. accessibility, portability, and wireless
GPS navigation, wireless monitoring systems,
and language learning are just a few examples 3.1 English-learning-apps
of the various uses of wireless communication
technology today. Learning on the go may take Mobile-learning apps have been found to assist
place both inside and outside of the traditional in a variety of learning trends, including
classroom. Smart phones with appropriate vocabulary [16], pronunciation practise [17],
software may be quite helpful in small-group listening skills [18], English reading with
interactive learning situations, as seen in the personalised intelligent[19], and many other
previous example. The fact that mobile phones topics related to mobile learning activities that
can be used for educational purposes has improve contextual language experiences.
nothing to do with the fact that they can be used Mobile technology for language learning was
to study. Learners are able to communicate, also studied by MALL researchers. Personal,
participate and make decisions directly with spontaneous, casual, genuine, and constant
their community groups because of the unique access are all benefits of mobile phones. M-
nature of the learning experience on smart learning is also supported by a variety of
phones. learning theories and methodologies. Apps for
vocabulary and grammar instruction have
This kind of face-to-face interaction and shown their suitability for mobile use in
physical expressiveness amongst students can teacher-centered and behaviourist methods.
never be achieved via the use of a laptop or a
mobile device. When it comes to completing 3.2 Criteria for English-learning
extracurricular activities, mobile learning applications
technology outperforms traditional classroom
methods. Research may be more directly linked Students are increasingly turning to the internet
to real-world studies with the use of these tasks. for educational purposes. Because of this,
Studying outside of the classroom on a mobile gadgets are particularly advised for
smartphone has the advantage of helping these individuals. Encourage the learner to
students to make better use of their free time adopt this method of studying and to take use of
and, in the long term, improve their academic the wide range of mobile applications available.
skills[14]. Additionally, it is best to foster students' critical
thinking and evaluation of many sources[20].
Using SMS-based learning, students may study Consider the benefits of using apps to assist
outside of the classroom by receiving students in comparing and revising the many
personalised text messages from their teachers, sources they use for assignments and projects.
which is a new development in the use of digital
technology in education[14]. Interacting with 4. MALL in Learning Speaking
one's environment is an important part of game- Most of application that assisted in language
based learning, another interactive approach to learning always had a common bunch of lesson
education. Using mobile technology as a link as foundation in learning second language.
between the real-world information and the Learning second language is needed a lot of
game's visual universe, these environments practice especially in term speaking, a lot of
promote learning experiences. It is a game on people rate success full in second language
climate change and its effects, for example, learning in speaking skill ability. Off course
TimeLab. Throughout the course of the game, grammar and tenses are important, but for
players are presented with information on the practice of having a dialog and carrying on
prospective implementation of new conversation.
environmental laws through their smartphones.
They should afterwards investigate the Learners must actively recall and practise the
classroom implications of the game's outcomes. target language so that they can comprehend
Second language skills might also benefit from and talk in the language fluently without relying
the m-learning games. Mobile phones, on visual inputs, as well (mouth, body
according to Canny[15], offer the ideal learning language, written text or images). Rather of
Kewin Anten Raj1 254

relying just on visual cues, a learner must be management teams and their use of technology
exposed to oral speech and the interface of the in their day-to-day work[22].
process from automatically regulated in
speaking competence. 4.1 Categories of Mobile Learning
In the mid-1990s, educators began to widely
experiment with mobile devices for educational More and more people across the world are
purposes. There is a lot of attention paid to what using smartphones and tablets to download
technologies, such as PDAs, laptops, tablets mobile apps, according to statistics. There are a
and cell phones, may be utilised for training and multitude of English-learning apps available in
education. Mobile gadgets and technologies the app stores, and picking the right one is no
including e-books, classroom response easy task. How do you know which app is most
systems, portable computers in classrooms, suited to your student's level of
data recording devices, and reusable learning comprehension? The following categories of
objects are all being used productively in this educational apps may be useful to students:
initial phase. Priority was given to top

Figure 1: Types of mobile learning Apps

Primary Learners Pre-school children lack the ability to discern

between what is beneficial and dangerous,
Early learners are getting their hands on mobile especially when it comes to using mobile
devices as they become more commonplace. devices. The responsibility for advising parents
Early learners include children who use mobile and teachers in the selection of appropriate or
devices to communicate and play games at a relevant content that does not harm children but
very young age. Teachers and reviewers have rather enhances their learning lies with both
experimented using mobile devices in the parties. The author based their programme on
classroom with the goal of improving student the idea of child development to design a
learning [24]. Learning was improved as a humanoid robot and smartphone app for pre-
consequence of the inclusion of technology school children to learn English. They chose
with learning [25]. four children between the ages of 3 and 5 and
observed them twice or three times over the
Using educational apps for children may benefit course of two weeks, each time investing an
them. Many educational apps are available in hour with each child. The robot was seen as a
the app store, and choosing the right one for friend by the children, who naturally picked up
children might have a significant impact on the language as they played with him [26].
how they see the process of education.
As stated by [27], "Children use not just
The use of mobile gadgets by young children is traditional, normal toys and materials such as
on the rise, according to recent research. blocks and dolls but also interact on a daily
Because they receive so much joy out of using basis with technology such as digital media". In
these devices, they grow enthused about them. the United States, Lee conducted a case study
255 Journal of Positive School Psychology

on the use of iPads in schools to improve young learning the English alphabet, then go on to
children's social skills. Children's education letter recognition, alphabet sound identification
should be enhanced by the use of digital and letter tracing for writing. They like listening
technologies, he said. Children's social to tales and songs with dynamic rhyming
interactions have improved as a result of this verses. Vocabulary building may be aided by
study. Using an iPad keeps kids engaged and teaching children the names of common foods,
attention for the most part. The use of a such as fruits and vegetables, as well as the
technology tool has increased the motivation of colours and forms of such foods. To suit the
the students. demands of children in this age range, mobile
applications are created specifically for their
This age group includes youngsters between the use. The following table lists some of the best
ages of 3 and 10. In this age range, kids begin apps for elementary school students.

Table 1 :Examples of Primary M-Learning Apps

Secondary Learner in teaching and assessment, [28] proposed

MOBILE, a mobile learning environment for
Secondary school pupils are those who are elementary school children They demonstrated
between the ages of 12 and 17 at the start of the mobile learning system (m-System) and
their academic career. Because of their mobile learning materials to primary school
familiarity with mobile devices, it is much students both inside and outside of the
simpler to get in touch with students nowadays. classroom (m-Tools). Experiments showed that
"It gives them control over the decision-making MOBILE has an impact on students' interest
process" that "the groundwork for kids' future and motivation to learn.
success" is built in the elementary classroom
Students may learn a broad variety of skills via The usage of an app to assist high school pupils
the use of educational apps, from creative enhance their vocabulary was shown beneficial
writing to memorising basic math facts. To aid in an experiment by [29]. To assist these
Kewin Anten Raj1 256

students expand their vocabulary over a three- motivation to learn. Between elementary and
week period, author utilised iPod software. The secondary students, there will be a development
HELLO sensor and portable augmented reality in language acquisition. As a result of this
system were created by [30] in order to improve programme, students will be able to
the hearing and speaking abilities of high communicate fluently in many languages.
school students. The youngsters were able to Grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation and
learn the skills they required to succeed because spelling as well as other language acquisition
to this gizmo. As a consequence, the adoption skills are learned by pupils as they grow in their
of educational apps may boost students' language learning abilities.

Table 2 :Examples of Secondary M-Learning Apps

Tertiary Learners primary school students both inside and outside

of the classroom (m-Tools). Experiments
Secondary school pupils are those who are showed that MOBILE has an impact on
between the ages of 12 and 17 at the start of students' interest and motivation to learn.
their academic career. Because of their
familiarity with mobile devices, it is much The usage of an app to assist high school pupils
simpler to get in touch with students nowadays. enhance their vocabulary was shown beneficial
"It gives them control over the decision-making in an experiment by [28]. To assist these
process" that "the groundwork for kids' future students expand their vocabulary over a three-
success" is built in the elementary classroom week period, author utilised iPod software. The
Students may learn a broad variety of skills via HELLO sensor and portable augmented reality
the use of educational apps, from creative system were created by [30] in order to improve
writing to memorising basic math facts. To aid the hearing and speaking abilities of high
in teaching and assessment, Tan and Liu school students. The youngsters were able to
proposed MOBILE, a mobile learning learn the skills they required to succeed because
environment for elementary school children to this gizmo. As a consequence, the adoption
They demonstrated the mobile learning system of educational apps may boost students'
(m-System) and mobile learning materials to motivation to learn. Between elementary and
257 Journal of Positive School Psychology

secondary students, there will be a development Grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation and
in language acquisition. As a result of this spelling as well as other language acquisition
programme, students will be able to skills are learned by pupils as they grow in their
communicate fluently in many languages. language learning abilities.

Table 3 :Examples of Teritiary M-Learning Apps

5. Advantages and Disadvantages at they allow people to communicate with one

MALL other in a variety of ways. Text messages or
documents in file format were utilised to
There are key approaches to increase students' convey the material, which was then transferred
knowledge using ICTs incorporated into the through smartphone or other device[35].
teaching/learning process. A lesson without the
use of technology would be extremely boring to In the context of mobile learning, a mobile or
youngsters, according to Kenney in Maria wireless device is used to study at any time,
magazine. To put it simply, Kenney's key point anywhere. Mobile learning is the concept that
is that students who live in the digital age are students may learn at any time and from any
heavily reliant on their mobile phones, location with the use of mobile devices. Mobile
therefore why don't teachers utilise the common learning has several benefits, according to
technology that everyone has to educate Santosh Kumar, including the following:[36]
1. Increased mobility: learning is no
Of course, teaching English using a mobile longer limited to a certain area. In
phone may be challenging at first, but at least industries, museums, hospitals,
the students will know that there is an app they shopping malls, cafés and outdoor
can use to assist them better their settings learners may access learning
comprehension of the material. content and learning interactions
through mobile devices.. M-learning
Smartphones and other mobile devices have a makes learning more flexible by
profound impact on human connection because emphasising the learner's ability to
Kewin Anten Raj1 258

move about while they are doing their interactively. Listeners obtain the gist and
work. Anywhere and at any time, important points of the listening passage in the
mobile devices are accessible. top-down processing. In bottom-up processing,
2. People may now learn while they are each and every word and phrase is devoted to a
commuting or travelling, which saves single thought. "Interactive methods strive to
them time. establish a pedagogical listening paradigm that
3. In today's world, it's simple to utilise a incorporates individual, cultural, social,
mobile device. As a personal and user- context-specific and strategic and critical
friendly gadget, the mobile phone elements," according to [37].
allows us to access information, snap
photos, and record our thoughts, all of Communication relies heavily on the ability to
which can be shared with our friends. listen. When it comes to learning a new
4. Multi-utility mobile devices, such as language, listening is regarded as the most
smartphones and tablets, provide important ability to learn early on, particularly
students with a wealth of multimedia for youngsters who are excellent listeners who
material, including music, video, learn the language before they can talk. In order
games, and a wide range of educational to improve listening abilities in a second
resources, making them the ideal language, students must concurrently process
multimedia gadgets. both their subject knowledge and their
5. It's possible that students may be linguistic knowledge as they listen. It is
encouraged to return to the content possible to describe listening as "identifying
again and again since it is so visually speech sounds and transforming these sounds
appealing. into words and sentences." Listening lessons
are designed to help students prepare for real-
M-learning, although its many benefits, world communication scenarios. [40] came up
also has a few drawbacks that are stated with a way to listen to music on a mobile
below: device. Several videos and listening exercises
were published on a website they created to
1. The storage capacity of a PDA can't be help students study. According to researchers,
denied. the use of mobile technologies in an English
2. As technology evolves, students have listening exercise system helped pupils improve
to stay up with the pace of change. their listening comprehension abilities. The use
3. Some gadgets have tiny keypad buttons of podcasts in educational settings is on the rise.
that might be difficult for some users to By incorporating CALL into an English
handle. classroom, [41] aimed to design a way to
4. The screen is too tiny. improve listening comprehension. Both
5. Only compatible with certain models. students and teachers were pleased with the
6. Inability to connect to the network. results of this research. Researchers' previous
7. Expenses/costs. study confirms that listening abilities are more
easily learned than any other talent. These
With the advancement of information and research may be focusing on increasing
communication technology, m-learning will listening abilities since these sub-skills
continue to rise in popularity. m-learning is a connected to listening are often overlooked in
brand-new technology that has been enhanced the language classroom. There is a greater
by rapid technological advancement and the emphasis on reading, writing, and speaking
advancement of educational practise. abilities. Live streaming, English music, radio,
6. Findings and Conclusion and English news may all be found on mobile
devices, allowing learners to increase their
If you're a student in a certain subject area, listening comprehension. In order to make it
you'll want to use a mobile app that's easier for English language learners to choose
specifically tailored to your needs. Studies the best mobile app, this review article
based on mobile applications have shown that organised the applications according to many
the ability to listen is more easily learned than criteria. Apps may now be divided into
other talents. Teaching listening skills may be categories that make it easier to utilise mobile
done in three ways: top-down, bottom-up, or
259 Journal of Positive School Psychology

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