Air Transport Exam Exercises-1

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Master in Aeronautical Engineering

Air Transport

Ex. 3; 3 pt. UC3M-fly Airlines is a well stablished Argentinian Low Cost Company
based in Buenos Aires. It currently covers 10 destinations , connecting
point to point some of the major cities in South America (Lima, Santiago
de Chile, Buenos Aires, Panama and Rio de Janeiro). UC3M-fly Airlines
chose a Boeing 737-900 to operate all its routes due to its low turnaround
time, higher capacity and low cost per passenger - kilometre. The charac-
teristics and costs associated can be found in Table 1. Under its current
operations, UC3M-fly Airlines were able to produce a revenue of 200M$
annually. The new elected CEO wants to change the current strategy of
point to point to a hub and spoke network based on Buenos Aires (EZE).
As a first assessment of her strategy, she proposes the study of the Rio
de Janeiro (GIG) - Santiago de Chile (SCL) route. For this, UC3M-fly
Airlines will close the direct routes GIG-SCL, GIG-EZE and EZE-SCL
and cover them with the indirect route GIG-SCL via EZE. These
routes are currently generating 38M$ annually in profit with 4 frequen-
cies1 per day in each route. With the new hub & spoke strategy, UC3M-fly
Airlines would operate only the indirect route GIG-SCL via EZE with 4
frequencies and prices for the tickets GIG-SCL, GIG-EZE and EZE-SCL
of 600$, 300$ and 400$ respectively. Analyse whether the CEO is right in
her decision of transforming the network to a hub & spoke.
• Table 3 summarises the profitability analysis of the GIG- SCL O-D
market when operated as direct route (four frequencies and 600$ as
ticket price).
• Table 2 contains annual demand data for each market, the number
of airlines operating those routes (not including UC3M-fly) and the
daily frequency and current average ticket price of the competitors,
as well as other useful information such as the distance or flight time
• The market share in any market can be approximated by the formula:

100 f reqUC3M−f ly av.priceOT HERS

MSHARE = (1)
nAIRLIN ES av.f reqOT HERS priceUC3M−f ly

being the maximum attainable market share 90% and the minimum
5%. nAIRLIN ES represents the total number of airlines operating
that market.
• Calculate the market share of UC3M-fly Airlines in each market.
1 A frequency of 4 flights per day for the point to point route GIG-SCL means 2 departures

from GIG and 2 from SCL

Master in Aeronautical Engineering

• Calculate the cost associated to operate each leg (GIG - EZE and
EZE - SCL) and the complete route (GIG - SCL via EZE). Assume
can capture all people willing to fly. (0.5pts)
• Calculate the revenue associated to operate each leg (GIG - EZE and
EZE - SCL) and the complete route (GIG - SCL via EZE). Assume
can capture all people willing to fly. (0.5pts)
• Calculate the profit of each leg and the route. (0.25pts)
• Calculate other useful KPIs for each leg (GIG - EZE and EZE -
SCL) and the complete route (GIG - SCL via EZE): RPK, ASK,
Load Factor, Seat Factor, CASK, RASK, Yield, BELF. (0.5pts)
• Compare the results of operating point to point or hub and spoke
based on the KPIs and the other indicators calculated. Which conclu-
sions can you obtain? Can UC3M-fly Airlines operates the indirect
route with profit? (0.5pts)
• Propose different alternatives to improve the profitability obtained
for this indirect route and the implications of those changes. (0.5pts)

Cost per Block-Hour ($ )

Crew Cost 2000
Fuel/Oil 4000
Ownership 2000
Maintenance 2000
Indirect Operating Costs ($ )
Passenger Service 0.010 $ per RPK
Traffic Servicing 10$ per Enplanement2
Aircraft Servicing 3000 $ per Departure
Promotion and Sales 15% of Total Operating Cost
plus General and Admin
Range 5915 Km
Seats Economy 225 SEATS
Seats Business 0 SEATS
Turn Around Time 2 HOURS
Table 1 – 737-900 Operating Costs


DEMAND ECON (PAX) 700000 600000 400000
DEMAND BUS (PAX) 15000 8000 12000
AV. PRICE ECON 650 400 325
AV. PRICE BUS 1200 1100 1300
DISTANCE (KM) 3000 2250 1250

Table 2 – Demand and competitors information

Master in Aeronautical Engineering

RPK 433,333,333
ASK 985,500,000
Seat Factor(%) 44.0
Load Factor(%) 44.0
YIELD ($) 0.200
RASK($) 0.088
CASK($) 0.080
BELF($) 40.0
PROFIT($) 7,825,222
TOTAL COST ($) 78,841,444
Table 3 – Rio de Janeiro - Santiago (Direct route) profitability analysis

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