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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

Category 8-2 Word Problems

1. George is one of 500 people standing in line. If there are 345 people in front of George, how
many people are behind him?
(A) 153
(B) 154
(C) 155
(D) 254
(E) 255

2. Each of the 750 students at a certain school is taking history or mathematics or both. If 489
students are taking history and 606 students are taking mathematics, how many students are
taking both?
(A) 117
(B) 144
(C) 261
(D) 345
(E) 489


First Place: 6 points Team A Team C

Second Place: 3 points Team C Team B

Third Place: 1 point Team B Team A

3. The table above shown the results of the first two events in a competition that involved three
teams and three events. If there are no disqualifications, what is the greatest possible
difference in points between the total scores of any two teams after the third event?
(A) 15
(B) 10
(C) 8
(D) 7
(E) 5

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

4. The map above shows the eight locations where an agent must collect the amounts indicated.
If the agent wants to start and stop at the same point and not retrace any part of the trip, what
is the greatest amount that the agent can collect on one trip?
(A) $300
(B) $650
(C) $700
(D) $750
(E) $900

5. If 0.497 mark has the value of one dollar, what is the value to the nearest dollar of 350 marks?
(A) $174
(B) $176
(C) $524
(D) $696
(E) $704

6. If the number n of calculators sold per week varies with the price p in dollars according to
the equation n = 300 − 20 p , what would be the total weekly revenue from the sale of $10
(A) $100
(B) $300
(C) $1,000
(D) $2,800
(E) $3,000

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

7. Starting from Town S , Fred rode his bicycle 8 miles due east, 3 miles due south, 2 miles due
west, and 11 miles due north, finally stopping at Town T . If the entire region is flat, what is
the straight-line distance, in miles, between Towns S and T ?
(A) 10
(B) 8 2
(C) 157
(D) 14
(E) 24

8. A dress shop is having a sale in which for every dress purchased at the full price a second dress
that has the same price or a lower price may be purchased for $1. If during the sale a
customer buys six dresses priced at $40, $42, $48, $50, $52, and $60, what is the least amount
the customer can expect to pay for the dresses?
(A) $134
(B) $143
(C) $146
(D) $152
(E) $155

9. Kim put d dollars into a new savings account in 1966. The account doubled in value during
the next 8 years, and doubled again in the 10 years that followed. If the increase in the value
of the account over those last 10 years was $1,230, then d =
(A) 246
(B) 308
(C) 615
(D) 984
(E) 1,230

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

*8 9

6 *7

4 5
*2 3

−9 * −8

10. In a certain game 4 disks are tossed onto numbered spaces. The figure above shows the
location of the disks after such a toss. The score is determined by adding 2 times the sum of
the numbers in left-hand spaces, containing disks to 3 times the sum of the numbers in right-
hand spaces containing disks. What is the score for this toss?
(A) 9 (B) 17 (C) 23 (D) 27 (E) 28

11. If a, b , and m are integers, then a and b are said to be m -related if m is a factor of
a − b . If 15 and –3 are m -related, which of the following could NOT be a value of m ?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 6
(E) 9

x 27 z
29 31 33

30 y 28

12. In the figure above, the sum of the numbers in any row is equal to the sum of the numbers in
any column. What is the sum of x, y, and z ?
(A) 101
(B) 97
(C) 93
(D) 89
(E) 85

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

13. On the first day of her vacation, Louisa traveled 216 miles. On the second day, traveling at
the same average speed, she traveled 378 miles. If the 216-mile trip took 3 hours less than the
378-mile trip, what was the average speed, in miles per hour?
(A) 31
(B) 38
(C) 50
(D) 54
(E) 56

14. An express train traveled between two stations at a constant rate of 50 miles per hour. If it
traveled the distance between the two stations in 15 minutes, which of the following is
closest to the number of miles between the two stations?
(A) 13
(B) 38
(C) 45
(D) 67
(E) 88

15. How many minutes does it take a car traveling at 80 kilometers per hour to travel 100 answer
(A) 65
(B) 70
(C) 75
(D) 80
(E) 85

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

16. Juan and Carla each drove their motorbike up a logging road. Juan reached the top 3 hours
after starting but Carla took 1 additional hour. If the distance along the logging road to the
top was 15 miles, how many more miles per hour did Juan a average than?
(A) 1
(C) 2
(E) 5

17. If a hiker walks at a constant speed of 2 miles per hour, how many miles can the hiker
2 answer

walk in 4 hours and 12 minutes?

(A) 10.0
(B) 10.3
(C) 10.4
(D) 10.5
(E) 10.8

18. The number of bacteria in a certain culture doubles once every minute. If there were p answer
bacteria in the culture at 8:55 a.m., how many bacteria were there at 9:00 a.m. the same
(A) 10 p
(B) 32 p
(C) 5 p2
(D) 2 p5
(E) 32 p 5

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

19. How many liters of pure alcohol must be added to a 100-liter solution that is 20 percent
alcohol in order to produce a solution that is 25 percent alcohol?
(B) 5
(D) 8

20. A lunar month, the time between two successive new moon, is approximately 29 days, 12 hours,
and 44 minutes long. What is the approximate length of two lunar months?
(A) 29 days 1 hour 28 min.
(B) 49 days 0 hour 18 min,.
(C) 58 days 1 hour 18 min.
(D) 59 days 0 hour 28 min.
(E) 59 days 1 hour 28 min.

21. One glass bulb can be manufactured in 10 seconds. At that rate, approximately how many
minutes will it take to manufacture 100 glass bulbs?
(A) 0.6
(B) 6.0
(C) 15.0
(D) 16.7
(E) 36.0

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

22. If every 31 weeks an electric clock uses an amount of energy equivalent to that released in
burning 1 liter of gasoline, then in 1 year the clock would use an amount of energy equivalent
to that released in burning approximately how many liters of gasoline?
(A) 0.6 (B) 1.4 (C) 1.5 (D) 1.7 (E) 2.0

23. If a certain data entry operator types characters at the rate of 10,000 per hour, how many
characters will the operator type in 12 minutes?
(A) 50,000
(B) 2,500
(C) 2,000
(D) 1,200
(E) 120

Annual Salaries of Acme Tool Corporation Officers

Salary Number of Employees

$80,000 1
70,000 2

60,000 1

50,000 3
40,000 1
30,000 1
20,000 1

24. According to the table above, what is the average (arithmetic mean) annual salary of the 10
officers of the Acme Tool Corporation?
(A) $34,820
(B) $35,000
(C) $47,500
(D) $52,000
(E) $53,600

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

<High Level Questions>

25. In 1985 a company sold a brand of shoes to retailers for a fixed price per pair. In 1986 the
number of pairs of the shoes that the company sold to retailers decreased by 20 percent, while
the price per pair increased by 20 percent. If the company’s revenue from the sale of the
shoes in 1986 was $3.0 million, what was the approximate revenue from the sale of the shoes in
(A) $2.4 million
(B) $2.9 million
(C) $3.0 million
(D) $3.1 million
(E) $3.6 million

26. A hiker walked for two days. On the second day the hiker walked 2 hours longer and at an
average speed 1 mile per hour faster than he walked on the first day. If during the two days
he walked a total of 64 miles and spent a total of 18 hours walking, what was his average speed
on the first day?
(A) 2 mph
(B) 3 mph
(C) 4 mph
(D) 5 mph
(E) 6 mph

27. An optometrist charges $150 per pair for soft contact lenses and $85 per pair for hard contact
lenses. Last week she sold 5 more pairs of soft lenses than hard lenses. If her total sales for
pairs of contact lenses last week were $1,690, what was the total number of pairs of contact
lenses that she sold?
(A) 11
(B) 13
(C) 15
(D) 17
(E) 19

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

28. On a certain trip, a cyclist averaged 20 miles per hour for the first 10 miles and 16 miles per
hour for the remaining 20 miles. If the cyclist returned immediately via the same route and
took a total of 4 hours for the round trip, what was the average speed, in miles per hour, for
the return trip?
(A) 24
(B) 18
(C) 17
(D) 15
(E) 13

29. The cost of chartering a plane was shared equally among 30 passengers. If there had been 35
passengers sharing that cost, the cost per passenger would have been $30 less. What was the
cost of chartering the plane?
(A) $5,400
(B) $6,125
(C) $6,300
(D) $6,800
(E) $7,350

30. In traveling a certain distance, car R averaged x miles per gallon of gasoline. Car S
traveled 300 miles and averaged 25 miles per gallon of gasoline. If car R used the same
amount of gasoline as car S , how many miles, in terms of x , did car R travel?
(A) 12x
(B) x
(C) x + 12

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

31. Under a certain company’s medical insurance plan, the amount an employee must pay for
medical expenses consists of payment of the first $450 of expenses plus 20 percent of additional
expenses, up to a maximum total payment of $1,350 per year. All remaining expenses are
paid by the plan. Last year, if an employee paid the maximum amount for medical expenses,
what is the least amount that the plan could have paid?
(A) $720
(B) $1,080
(C) $3,600
(D) $4,500
(E) $4,950

32. A delivery truck starts on its route with a load of goods weighing T tons. At each of its
first 4 stops, of the weight of the goods still on the truck is unloaded. After the 4th stop,
what is the weight, in tons, of the goods still on the truck?
15 1 1 1 1
(A) T (B) T (C) T (D) T (E) T
16 4 6 8 16

33. Analysts of the automobile industry say that the total number of domestic suppliers of
automobile parts was reduced by from 1980 to 1985 and that the number was again
reduced by from 1985 to 1988. According to these analysts, if there were 2,520 domestic
suppliers in 1985, how many fewer were there in 1988 than there were in 1980?
(A) 1,260
(B) 1,400
(C) 1,680
(D) 2,100
(E) 2,940

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

34. A subway train made eleven stops on its route. If an average (arithmetic mean) of 30
passengers boarded at each of the first nine stops and at each stop, beginning with the second,
5 fewer passengers boarded than at the previous stop, how many passengers boarded the train
at its first stop?
(A) 60
(B) 50
(C) 30
(D) 20
(E) 10

35. Fox jeans regularly sell for $15 a pair and Pony jeans regularly, sell for $18 a pair. During a
sale these regular unit prices are discounted at different rates so that a total of $9 is saved by
purchasing 5 pairs of jeans: 3 pairs of Fox jeans and 2 pairs of Pony jeans. If the sum of the
two discount rates is 22 percent, what is the discount rate on Pony jeans?
(A) 9%
(B) 10%
(C) 11%
(D) 12%
(E) 15%

36. A mixture of nuts is to contain 3 parts cashews to 6 parts almonds to 7 parts walnuts by
weight. How many pounds of almonds will be needed to make 5 pounds of the mixture?
(C) 1
(D) 1
(E) 1

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

37. The time it took car A to travel 400 miles was 2 hours less than the time it took car B to
travel the same distance. If car A ’s average speed was 10 miles per hour greater than that
of car B , what was car B ’s average speed, in miles per hour?
(A) 20
(B) 30
(C) 40
(D) 50
(E) 80

38. Ms. Jiminez plans an automobile trip of 7,000 to 9,000 miles. The cost of gasoline will be 85 answer
to 95 cents per gallon, and her automobile will average 20 to 30 miles per gallon. What is the
maximum possible cost of the gasoline for the trip?
(A) $485.00 (B) $427.50 (C) $382.50 (D) $297.50 (E) $256.00

39. A group of 12 people plan to rent a van and agree to share equally the total cost of the rental,
which is E dollars. If n of the people decide not to participate at the last minute, by how
many dollars will each remaining person’s share of the total cost increase?
12 − n
12 − n
12(12 − n)
12(12 − n)
(12 − n) E

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

40. The concentration of a certain chemical in a full water tank depends on the depth of the water.
At a depth that is x feet below the top of the tank, the concentration is 3 + parts
5− x
per million, where 0 < x < 4. To the nearest 0.1 foot, at what depth is the concentration
equal to 6 parts per million?
(A) 2.4 ft
(B) 2.5 ft
(C) 2.8 ft
(D) 3.0 ft
(E) 3.2 ft

41. A breakfast that consists of 1 ounce of corn puffs and 8 ounces of fruit X provides 257 answer
calories. When 8 ounces of fruit Y is substituted for the 8 ounces of fruit X , the total
number of calories is reduced to 185. If fruit X provides 1.8 times as many calories as fruit
Y , how many calories does 8 ounces of fruit Y alone provide?
(A) 11.25
(B) 72
(C) 90
(D) 95
(E) 129.6

42. A 2-year certificate of deposit is purchased for k dollars. If the certificate earns interest at
an annual rate of 6 percent compounded quarterly, which of the following represents the value,
in dollars, of the certificate at the end of the 2 year?
(A) (1.06) 2 k
(B) (1.06) 8 k
(C) (1.015) 2 k
(D) (1.015) 8 k
(E) (1.04) 4 k

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

43. On a Saturday night, each of the rooms at a certain motel was rented for either $40 or $60.
If 10 of the rooms that were rented for $60 had instead been rented for $40, then the total rent
the motel charged for that night would have been reduced by 25 percent. What was the total
rent to motel actually charged for that night?
(A) $600
(B) $800
(C) $1,000
(D) $1,600
(E) $2,400

44. On level farmland, two runners leave at the same time from the intersection of two country
roads. One runner jogs due north at a constant rate of 8 miles per hour while the second
runner jogs due east at a constant rate that is 4 miles per hour faster than the first runner’s
rate. How far apart, to the nearest mile, will they be after hour?
(A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 8
(D) 12
(E) 14

45. The rear wheels of a car crossed a certain line 0.5 second after the front wheels crossed the
same line. If the centers of the front and rear wheels are 20 feet apart and the car traveled in
a straight line at a constant speed, which of the following gives the speed of the car in miles per
hour? (5,280 feet = 1 mile)

 20  60 2 
(A)   
 5,280  0.5 

 20  60 
(B)   
 5,280  0.5 
 20  0.5 
(C)   2 
 5,280  60 
(60 2 )(0.5)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

46. A cashier mentally reversed the digits of one customer’s correct amount of change and thus
gave the customer an incorrect amount of change. If the cash register contained 45 cents
more than it should have as a result of this error, which of the following could have been the
correct amount of change in cents?
(A) 14 (B) 45 (C) 54 (D) 65 (E) 83

47. A shipment of 1,500 heads of cabbage, each of which was approximately the same size, was
purchased for $600. The day the shipment arrived, of the heads were sold, each at 25
percent above the cost per head. The following day the rest were sold at a price per head
equal to 10 percent less than the price each head sold for on the day before. What was the
gross profit on this shipment?
(A) $100
(B) $115
(C) $125
(D) $130
(E) $135

48. If Sam were twice as old as he is, he would be 40 years older than Jim. If Jim is 10 years
younger than Sam, how old is Sam?
(A) 20
(B) 30
(C) 40
(D) 50
(E) 60

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

49. A store currently charges the same price for each towel that it sells. If the current price of answer
each towel were to be increased by $1, 10 fewer of the towels could be bought for $120,
excluding sales tax. What is the current price of each towel?
(A) $1 (B) $2 (C) $3 (D) $4 (E) $12

50. A ruby and a diamond have insured values of $1,800 and $1,200, respectively, and the annual
premium rate for each gem is $1.50 per $100 of insured value. If the rate and insured values
of the two gems remain constant over the years, after how many years will the total of the
insurance premiums on both gems for those years first exceed the insured value of the
(A) 8 (B) 12 (C) 20 (D) 27 (E) 40

51. A furnace service contract costs $48 per year and covers payment of 80 percent of all repair
costs. The total amount paid by the owner, including the cost of the contract, will equal the
payment covered by the contract when the total repair costs for the year are
(A) $48 (B) $60 (C) $72 (D) $80 (E) $92

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

수학해설 Word Problems

1. George is one of 500 people standing in line. If there are 345 people in front of George, how
many people are behind him?
(A) 153
(B) 154
(C) 155
(D) 254
(E) 255

500명의 사람의 줄을 서고 있는데 George 앞에 345명이 서있으니까 그의 뒤로는 154명이 서

. 답은 (B)입니다.

2. Each of the 750 students at a certain school is taking history or mathematics or both. If 489
students are taking history and 606 students are taking mathematics, how many students are
taking both?
(A) 117
(B) 144
(C) 261
(D) 345
(E) 489

750명의 학생이 역사 또는 수학 과목 중 한 과목을 또는 두 과목 모두를 수강하고 있습니

다. 489명이 역사를 606명이 수학을 수강하고 있습니다. 두 과목을 모두 수강하고 있는 학생
의 수( n( A ∩ B ) 을 알려면 역사를 수강하는 학생의 수(489명)와 수학을 수강하고 있는 학생
(606명)을 더한 값에서 총 학생수 750명을 빼면 알 수 있겠네요.
일반적으로 n( A ∪ B ) = n( A) + n( B ) − n( A ∩ B )
. 답은 (D)입니다.

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

Event 1 Event 2 Event 3

First Place Team A Team C

6 points

Second Place Team C Team B

3 points

Third Place Team B Team A

1 point

3. The table above shown the results of the first two events in a competition that involved three
teams and three events. If there are no disqualifications, what is the greatest possible
difference in points between the total scores of any two teams after the third event?
(A) 15
(B) 10
(C) 8
(D) 7
(E) 5

세 팀이 세 가지의 event에서 경쟁을 하여 얻은 총점이 차가 가장 커질 수 있는 경우에 그

점수의 차이를 물어 보고 있습니다.

이미 event1,2의 점수를 알고 있기 때문에 event3후에 가장 높은 점수를 올릴 수 있는 경우

와 가장 낮은 점수를 얻을 수 있는 경우를 생각하여 그 결과를 답하면 되겠습니다.

Event1,2가 끝난 결과 team C의 점수가 9점으로 총점에서1위를 기록하고 있고 team B가 4점

으로 꼴찌네요. 그러면 team C가 event 3에서 1위를 하고 team B가 event3에서 3위를 하면 총
점의 차이가 가장 커질 수 있겠네요.

Team C가 event 3에서 1위를 차지하면 총점은 15점, Team B가 event 3에서 3위를 차지하면 총
점은 5점으로 최고의 점수 차이는 10점이 되겠네요…

. 정답은 (B)입니다.

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

4. The map above shows the eight locations where an agent must collect the amounts indicated.
If the agent wants to start and stop at the same point and not retrace any part of the trip, what
is the greatest amount that the agent can collect on one trip?
(A) $300
(B) $650
(C) $700
(D) $750
(E) $900

상기의 지도에서 8개의 위치가 표시 되어 있으며 각 위치에서 표기 되어진 만큼의 돈을 수

금할 경우 , 시작점과 끝점이 같으며 한 번 지나간 길을 되돌아 가지 않는다는 조건하에서
최고로 많은 금액을 수금할 수 경우의 금액을 물어 보고 있습니다.
중앙을 통과하고 있는 선을 중심으로 생각을 해야겠습니다. 외곽으로만 돌 것인지 아니면
중앙을 통과하데 오른쪽으로 돌아야 할지 아니면 왼쪽으로 돌아야 할지…
외곽으로만 돌 경우 수금할 수 있는 금액 : $500
중앙을 중심으로 왼쪽만을 돌 경우 : $700
중앙을 중심으로 오른쪽만을 돌 경우 : $650
. 정답은 (C)입니다.

5. If 0.497 mark has the value of one dollar, what is the value to the nearest dollar of 350 marks?
(A) $174
(B) $176
(C) $524
(D) $696
(E) $704

$1= 0.497 mark일 때 350 marks는 몇 Dollar인가?

$ 1 : X = 0.497 mark : 350 marks
. 정답은 (E)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

6. If the number n of calculators sold per week varies with the price p in dollars according to
the equation n = 300 − 20 p , what would be the total weekly revenue from the sale of $10
(A) $100
(B) $300
(C) $1,000
(D) $2,800
(E) $3,000

판매 개수 : n = 300 – 20p에서 p에 $10을 대입하면 문제가 해결됩니다.

. 정답은 (C)

7. Starting from Town S , Fred rode his bicycle 8 miles due east, 3 miles due south, 2 miles due
west, and 11 miles due north, finally stopping at Town T . If the entire region is flat, what is
the straight-line distance, in miles, between Towns S and T ?
(A) 10
(B) 8 2
(C) 157
(D) 14
(E) 24

11 miles 8 miles

3 miles
2 miles

S에서 T의 직선 거리는 8 (11 − 3) + 6 (8 − 2) = 10

2 2 2

. 정답은 (A)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

8. A dress shop is having a sale in which for every dress purchased at the full price a second dress
that has the same price or a lower price may be purchased for $1. If during the sale a
customer buys si x dresses priced at $40, $42, $48, $50, $52, and $60, what is the least amount
the customer can expect to pay for the dresses?
(A) $134
(B) $143
(C) $146
(D) $152
(E) $155

드레스 하나를 원래의 가격대로 구입하면 두 번째로 구입하는 드레스가 첫번째 구입하는 드
레스와 가격이 같거나 또는 낮을 경우 그 드레스를 $1에 구입할 수 있는 경우에 6가지 드레
스를 가장 싸게 구입할 때 지불해야 하는 금액을 물어 보고 있습니다. 제일 비싼 옷인 $60
을 구입하면 그 다음으로 비싼 $52을 $1의 가격으로 살수 있는 경우네요.
($ 60 + $1 ($52)) + ( $ 50 + $1( $48)) + ($42 + $1($40)) = $155

. 정답은 (E)

9. Kim put d dollars into a new savings account in 1966. The account doubled in value during
the next 8 years, and doubled again in the 10 years that followed. If the increase in the value
of the account over those last 10 years was $1,230, then d =
(A) 246
(B) 308
(C) 615
(D) 984
(E) 1,230

8년간 2배가 증가하면 2d가 되고 , 다음 십년 간 2d가 4d가 될 때 십년 간 증가한 금액 즉

2d가 $1,230라는 말이네요.
2d = $1,230 ⇒ d = $615

. 답은 (C)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

*8 9

6 *7

4 5

*2 3

−9 * −8

10. In a certain game 4 disks are tossed onto numbered spaces. The figure above shows the
location of the disks after such a toss. The score is determined by adding 2 times the sum of
the numbers in left-hand spaces, containing disks to 3 times the sum of the numbers in right-
hand spaces containing disks. What is the score for this toss?
(A) 9 (B) 17 (C) 23 (D) 27 (E) 28

4개의 디스크가 던져지고 디스크 떨어진 숫자를 보여 주는 판이 그려져 있습니다. 디스크가

떨어져 있는 왼편의 숫자에 대하여는 합을 하여 두 배를, 디스크가 떨어져 있는 오른편의
숫자에 대하여는 합을 하여 3배를 해준 후 스코어를 결정한다고 합니다.
2(8 + 2) + 3(7- 8) = 17

. 정답은 (B)

11. If a, b , and m are integers, then a and b are said to be m -related if m is a factor of
a − b . If 15 and –3 are m -related, which of the following could NOT be a value of m ?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 6
(E) 9

만약 (a-b)의 인수( factor )가 m이면 a , b가 m-related라고 합니다.

( 15 - (-3) ) =18이며 18의 factors로는 1,2,3,6,9,18이 있으며 이 모든 숫자는 m-related 되었다고
할 수 있습니다.

. 정답은 (C)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

x 27 z
29 31 33

30 y 28

12. In the figure above, the sum of the numbers in any row is equal to the sum of the numbers in
any column. What is the sum of x, y, and z ?
(A) 101
(B) 97
(C) 93
(D) 89
(E) 85

각 행과 열에 속한 숫자들의 합이 일치한다는 조건이 있습니다.

29+31+33 = x+29+30 = 27+31+y = z+33+28
. 정답은 (A)

13. On the first day of her vacation, Louisa traveled 216 miles. On the second day, traveling at
the same average speed, she traveled 378 miles. If the 216-mile trip took 3 hours less than the
378-mile trip, what was the average speed, in miles per hour?
(A) 31
(B) 38
(C) 50
(D) 54
(E) 56

여행의 첫 날에는 216miles를 이동했고 두 번째 날에는 첫 날과 같은 속도를 유지하며

378miles를 이동했고 첫 날 보다 3시간을 더 여행 했을 때 시간당 속도를 구하라는 문제입
첫째 날과 둘째 날의 이동거리의 차이378 − 216= 162를 3시간으로 나누어 주면 54를 구할 수

. 정답은 (D)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

14. An express train traveled between two stations at a constant rate of 50 miles per hour. If it
traveled the distance between the two stations in 15 minutes, which of the following is
closest to the number of miles between the two stations?
(A) 13
(B) 38
(C) 45
(D) 67
(E) 88

여기서 두 정거장 사이의 거리를 D 라 가정하고 시간의 단위를 minutes에서 hours로 변환하
면 15 minutes은 15/60 hours로 바꿔야 합니다. 1/3의 거리를 가는데 15/60 hours 걸릴 때:

= 50 × , 이 식을 정리하면 D ≈ 38
D 15
3 60

Distance(거리) = Rate(속도) × Time(시간)

. 정답은 (B)

15. How many minutes does it take a car traveling at 80 kilometers per hour to travel 100
(A) 65
(B) 70
(C) 75
(D) 80
(E) 85

주의할 점은 hours의 단위를 minutes로 바꿔야 한다는 것입니다. 60을 곱해주면 되죠!
(100 kilometers ÷80) × 60 = 75

. 정답은 (C)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

16. Juan and Carla each drove their motorbike up a logging road. Juan reached the top 3 hours
after starting but Carla took 1 additional hour. If the distance along the logging road to the
top was 15 miles, how many more miles per hour did Juan average than Carla?
5 15
(A) 1 (B) (C) 2 (D) (E) 5
4 4

15/3 –15/4 = 5/4

. 정답은 (B)

17. If a hiker walks at a constant speed of 2 miles per hour, how many miles can the hiker
walk in 4 hours and 12 minutes?
(A) 10.0
(B) 10.3
(C) 10.4
(D) 10.5
(E) 10.8

문제에서walk in 4 hours and 12 minutes 는 4 hours 입니다. 다음 공식에 대입하면

Distance(거리) = Rate(속도) × Time(시간) = 21 × 5 = 105 = 10.5

5 2 10

. 정답은 (D)

18. The number of bacteria in a certain culture doubles once every minute. If there were p
bacteria in the culture at 8:55 a.m., how many bacteria were there at 9:00 a.m. the same

(A) 10 p (B) 32 p (C) 5 p2 (D) 2 p5 (E) 32 p 5

박테리아의 수가 매 분마다 두 배가 될 경우 오전 8:55에 수가 P였던 박테리아는 오전9:00

시에 박테리아 수를 물어 보는 문제입니다.
1분이 지나면 2P, 2분이 지나면 4P, 3분이 지나면 8P, 5분이 지나면 32P가 되겠죠..

. 답은 (B)입니다.

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

19. How many liters of pure alcohol must be added to a 100-liter solution that is 20 percent
alcohol in order to produce a solution that is 25 percent alcohol?
(B) 5
(D) 8

If N1 units of an item having a unit value of U1 are mixed with

N2 units of an item having a unit value of U2, then

The Value of the Mixture( 혼합후의 값) = N1× U1 + N2× U2

기존의 20% 알코올100-liter 용액에 x 양의 pure alcohol을 부어서 25% 알코올로 만들 때 x

양을 구하는 문제입니다. 위의 공식에 적용해 보면:
(100 + x )0.25 = 100 × 0.2 + x ⇒ x =
. 정답은 (C)

20. A lunar month, the time between two successive new moon, is approximately 29 days, 12 hours,
and 44 minutes long. What is the approximate length of two lunar months?
(A) 29 days 1 hour 28 min.
(B) 49 days 0 hour 18 min,.
(C) 58 days 1 hour 18 min.
(D) 59 days 0 hour 28 min.
(E) 59 days 1 hour 28 min.

. 정답은 (E)

참고: 해 설 이 필요하 신 분 은 언제든지로 메일을 주 시 면 해설을 첨부해 드


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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

21. One glass bulb can be manufactured in 10 seconds. At that rate, approximately how many
minutes will it take to manufacture 100 glass bulbs?
(A) 0.6
(B) 6.0
(C) 15.0
(D) 16.7
(E) 36.0

100×(10/60) ≈ 16.7

. 정답은 (D)

22. If every 31 weeks an electric clock uses an amount of energy equivalent to that released in
burning 1 liter of gasoline, then in 1 year the clock would use an amount of energy equivalent
to that released in burning approximately how many liters of gasoline?
(A) 0.6 (B) 1.4 (C) 1.5 (D) 1.7 (E) 2.0

52 weeks ÷ 31 weeks ≈ 1.7

. 정답은 (D)

23. If a certain data entry operator types characters at the rate of 10,000 per hour, how many
characters will the operator type in 12 minutes?
(A) 50,000
(B) 2,500
(C) 2,000
(D) 1,200
(E) 120

12분은 12/ 60이므로 1/5 hour입니다.

10,000 × (1/5) = 2,000

. 정답은 (C)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

Annual Salaries of Acme Tool Corporation Officers

Salary Number of Employees
$80,000 1
70,000 2
60,000 1
50,000 3
40,000 1
30,000 1
20,000 1

24. According to the table above, what is the average (arithmetic mean) annual salary of the 10
officers of the Acme Tool Corporation?
(A) $34,820
(B) $35,000
(C) $47,500
(D) $52,000
(E) $53,600

변량 xi 가 도수분포표로 주어졌을 때의 변량의 평균 m 은

x f + x f + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + xn f n 1 n
m= 1 1 2 2
f1 + f 2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + f n
∑x f
i =1
i i

위의 공식에 대입해서 풀면: 80,000 + 140,000 + 60,000 + 150,000 + 40,000 + 30,000 + 20,000 = 52,000

. 정답은 (D)

<High Level Questions>

25. In 1985 a company sold a brand of shoes to retailers for a fixed price per pair. In 1986 the
number of pai rs of the shoes that the company sold to retailers decreased by 20 percent, while
the price per pair increased by 20 percent. If the company’s revenue from the sale of the
shoes in 1986 was $3.0 million, what was the approximate revenue from the sale of the shoes in
(A) $2.4 million (B) $2.9 million (C) $3.0 million
(D) $3.1 million (E) $3.6 million

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

’85년도 신발의 가격 : P , ’85년도 판매된 신발의 수 : Q

1.2 P × 0.8Q = 3,000,000 ⇒ PQ ≈ 3,100,000

ÿ 정답은 (D)

26. A hiker walked for two days. On the second day the hiker walked 2 hours longer and at an
average speed 1 mile per hour faster than he walked on the first day. If during the two days
he walked a total of 64 miles and spent a total of 18 hours walking, what was his average speed
on the first day?
(A) 2 mph (B) 3 mph (C) 4 mph (D) 5 mph (E) 6 mph

이틀에 걸쳐 18시간 동안 64 miles을 걸었고, 둘째 날에는 첫번째 날보다 2시간을 더 걸었다

고 했습니다.결국 첫째 날에는 8시간 둘째 날에는 10시간을 걸었습니다.
첫번째 날의 평균속도를 s라고 하며 8s+ 10(s+1) =64 ⇒ s = 3

ÿ 정답은 (B)

27. An optometrist charges $150 per pair for soft contact lenses and $85 per pair for hard contact
lenses. Last week she sold 5 more pairs of soft lenses than hard lenses. If her total sales for
pairs of contact lenses last week were $1,690, what was the total number of pairs of contact
lenses that she sold?
(A) 11
(B) 13
(C) 15
(D) 17
(E) 19

Hard contact lenses의 판매 수를 Q라 가정하면 다음의 식을 구할 수 있습니다:

$ 150(5+Q) + $85Q = $1,690 ⇒ Q = 4. 따라서 soft contact lenses의 수는 9개가 되고 둘의 합
은 13이 되죠.

ÿ 정답은 (B)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

28. On a certain trip, a cyclist averaged 20 miles per hour for the first 10 miles and 16 miles per
hour for the remaining 20 miles. If the cyclist returned immediately via the same route and
took a total of 4 hours for the round trip, what was the average speed, in miles per hour, for
the return trip?
(A) 24
(B) 18
(C) 17
(D) 15
(E) 13

10miles ÷ 20miles per hour = 1/2 hour,

20miles ÷ 16miles per hour = 1(1/4) hour
돌아 오는데 소비된 시간 : 4 hours(전체 걸린 시간) – (1/2 +1(1/4)) = 9/4
30miles ÷ (9/4) = 13
ÿ 정답은 (E)

29. The cost of chartering a plane was shared equally among 30 passengers. If there had been 35
passengers sharing that cost, the cost per passenger would have been $30 less. What was the
cost of chartering the plane?
(A) $5,400
(B) $6,125
(C) $6,300
(D) $6,800
(E) $7,350

30명일 때 1명당 분담해야 하는 금액 C라 하면: 30 × C = 35 × (C - 30)

또는 5 × (C - 30) = $ 900 , 5명이 늘어남에 따라 1명당 분담하여야 하는 금액 $30씩 줄어 들기

ÿ 정답은 (C)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

30. In traveling a certain distance, car R averaged x miles per gallon of gasoline. Car S
traveled 300 miles and averaged 25 miles per gallon of gasoline. If car R used the same
amount of gasoline as car S , how many miles, in terms of x , did car R travel?
(A) 12x
(B) x
(C) x + 12

Car S가 소비한 gasoline의 양 : 300miles ÷ 25miles per gallon of gasoline = 12gallons

Car R이 12 gallons 을 소비하며 이동하는 거리는:
x miles per gallon of gasoline × 12 gallons of gasoline

ÿ 정답은 (A)

31. Under a certain company’s medical insurance plan, the amount an employee must pay for
medical expenses consists of payment of the first $450 of expenses plus 20 percent of additional
expenses, up to a maximum total payment of $1,350 per year. All remaining expenses are
paid by the plan. Last year, if an employee paid the maximum amount for medical expenses,
what is the least amount that the plan could have paid?
(A) $720
(B) $1,080
(C) $3,600
(D) $4,500
(E) $4,950

$450는 처음에 개인이 부담하며 그 이상 발생하는 비용에 대해서는 20%만을 지급하며 개인

이 최고로 지불하는 의료비용의 합계는 $1,350이라는 조건입니다.
$450 + ( x − $450)×0.2 = $1,350 ⇒ x = $4,950, 여기에 처음에 지불하는 $450을 뺀 후 80%을
곱해주면 $4,500×0.8 = $3,600, the plan이 지불하는 액수를 구할 수 있습니다.

ÿ 정답은 (C)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

32. A delivery truck starts on its route with a load of goods weighing T tons. At each of its
first 4 stops, of the weight of the goods still on the truck is unloaded. After the 4th stop,
what is the weight, in tons, of the goods still on the truck?
15 1 1 1 1
(A) T (B) T (C) T (D) T (E) T
16 4 6 8 16

4번 정지하면서 매번 정지할 때 마다 실려 있는 짐의 1/2씩을 내렸다는 조건이 주어져 있습

T – (1/2T) =(1/2)T, (1/2)T−(1/4)T=(1/4)T, (1/4)T−(1/8)T=(1/8)T, (1/8)T−(1/16)T=(1/16)T
T- (1/2T+1/4+1/8T+1/16T) = T
ÿ 정답은 (E)

33. Analysts of the automobile industry say that the total number of domestic suppliers of
automobile parts was reduced by from 1980 to 1985 and that the number was again
reduced by from 1985 to 1988. According to these analysts, if there were 2,520 domestic
suppliers in 1985, how many fewer were there in 1988 than there were in 1980?
(A) 1,260
(B) 1,400
(C) 1,680
(D) 2,100
(E) 2,940

2 1
The total number of domestic suppliers in 1985(2,520) = (1 − ) (the total number of domestic
3 3
suppliers in 1980) ⇒ 1980년의 domestic suppliers의 총 수는 = 3,780이 됩니다.
2 1
The total number of domestic suppliers in 1988 = (1 − ) (the total number of domestic suppliers in
3 3
1985) ⇒ 1988년 domestic suppliers의 총수는 1,680이 됩니다.
따라서 두 수의 차이 3,780 − 1,680 = 2,100이 우리가 찾는 답이네요!

ÿ 정답은 (D)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

34. A subway train made eleven stops on its route. If an average (arithmetic mean) of 30
passengers boarded at each of the first nine stops and at each stop, beginning with the second,
5 fewer passengers boarded than at the previous stop, how many passengers boarded the train
at its first stop?
(A) 60 (B) 50 (C) 30 (D) 20 (E) 10

지하철이 11차례 정차하면서 처음 9번의 정차에서 탑승한 승객의 평균이 30명이며, 이 아홉

정거장 중 두 번째 정차에서부터 바로 앞 정차에서 승차한 승객보다 5명씩 승차인원이 줄어
들 때, B(첫번째 정차에서 탑승한 승객의 수) − 5, B − 10, … ., B − 40), 첫번째 정차에서 탑승한
승객의 수를 물어 보고 있습니다.
9B − (5 + 10 + 15 + ⋅⋅⋅ + 40) = 270 ⇒ B = 50

ÿ 정답은 (B)

Tips : 문제에서 5부터 40까지의 합을 등차수열 공식으로 구하면 좀 더 빠르겠죠!

첫째 항 a, 공차 d인 등차수열의 일반항을 a n 이라 하면
a n = a + (n-1)d, a n+1 − a n = d (공차)

끝 항이 주어질 때의 합은 : S n = n ( a + l )

공차가 주어질 때의 합은 : n(2a + (n − 1)d )

Sn =

35. Fox jeans regularly sell for $15 a pair and Pony jeans regularly, sell for $18 a pair. Duri ng a
sale these regular unit prices are discounted at different rates so that a total of $9 is saved by
purchasing 5 pairs of jeans: 3 pairs of Fox jeans and 2 pairs of Pony jeans. If the sum of the
two discount rates is 22 percent, what is the discount rate on Pony jeans?
(A) 9% (B) 10% (C) 11% (D) 12% (E) 15%

Fox jeans, Pony jeans에 대한 인하율을 각각 f , p라 하면,

j f + p = 0.22 k$15 × 3 × f + $18 × 2 × p = $ 9, 이 두식을 정리하면 f와 p 값을 구할 수 있죠.

ÿ 정답은 (B)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

36. A mixture of nuts is to contain 3 parts cashews to 6 parts almonds to 7 parts walnuts by
weight. How many pounds of almonds will be needed to make 5 pounds of the mixture?
3 8 1 2 7
(A) (B) (C) 1 (D) 1 (E) 1
8 15 5 3 8
cashews : almonds : walnuts = 3 : 6 : 7 ⇒ 5 pounds ×( 6/16) = 1
ÿ 정답은 (E)

37. The time it took car A to travel 400 miles was 2 hours less than the time it took car B to
travel the same distance. If car A ’s average speed was 10 miles per hour greater than that
of car B , what was car B ’s average speed, in miles per hour?
(A) 20 (B) 30 (C) 40 (D) 50 (E) 80

car A가 400 miles를 가는데 소요된 시간을 H라 하고 B의 시간을 H+2이며 , A의 속도와 B의

속도의 차이가 10 miles이라 했으니 다음과 같이 식을 만들 수 있습니다: (400 / H) – 10 miles =
400/ H+2 ⇒ H = 8, 따라서 B의 걸린 시간은 10이고 평균속도는 400 ÷ 10 = 40

ÿ 정답은 (C)

38. Ms. Jiminez plans an automobile trip of 7,000 to 9,000 miles. The cost of gasoline will be 85
to 95 cents per gallon, and her automobile will average 20 to 30 miles per gallon. What is the
maximum possible cost of the gasoline for the trip?
(A) $485.00
(B) $427.50
(C) $382.50
(D) $297.50
(E) $256.00

가장 먼 거리,가장 비싼 gasoline비용,가장 낮은 average miles per gallon의 조건으로 여행하면

정답을 구할 수 있습니다. .
(9,000miles ÷ 20miles) × $0.95 = $427.5

ÿ 정답은 (B)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

39. A group of 12 people plan to rent a van and agree to share equally the total cost of the rental,
which is E dollars. If n of the people decide not to participate at the last minute, by how
many dollars will each remaining person’s share of the total cost increase?
12 − n
12 − n
12(12 − n)
12(12 − n)
(12 − n) E

당초에 개인별 부담금은 $E/12이었으나, 이제 n명이 참가하지 않으므로 남은 사람들(12 − n )

이 부담해야 하는 총금액은: −
12 − n 12
ÿ 정답은 (D)

40. The concentration of a certain chemical in a full water tank depends on the depth of the water.
At a depth that is x feet below the top of the tank, the concentration is 3 + parts
5− x
per million, where 0 < x < 4. To the nearest 0.1 foot, at what depth is the concentration
equal to 6 parts per million?
(A) 2.4 ft
(B) 2.5 ft
(C) 2.8 ft
(D) 3.0 ft
(E) 3.2 ft

화학물의 농도가 tank의 제일 위쪽에서 x feet 깊어지면 농도는 (공식)일 때 농도가 6 parts
per million일 때의 깊이를 구하는 문제: 3 + =6
5− x
ÿ 정답은 (E)

윤태화영어연구실,,, 02-538-5999, Page 36

GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

41. A breakfast that consists of 1 ounce of corn puffs and 8 ounces of fruit X provides 257
calories. When 8 ounces of fruit Y is substituted for the 8 ounces of fruit X , the total
number of calories is reduced to 185. If fruit X provides 1.8 times as many calories as fruit
Y , how many calories does 8 ounces of fruit Y alone provide?
(A) 11.25
(B) 72
(C) 90
(D) 95
(E) 129.6

1 ounce of corn + 8 ounces of fruit X = 257 calories

1 ounce of corn + 8 ounces of fruit Y = 185 calories
j위의 두 조건에서 다음의 식을 유도할 수 있죠: 8X − 8Y = 72
k fruit X = 1.8Y
k을 j에 대입하면 Y 값 11.25을 구할 수 있고 이것을 8을 곱하면 90이 나오네요.
ÿ 정답은 (C)

42. A 2-year certificate of deposit is purchased for k dollars. If the certificate earns interest at
an annual rate of 6 percent compounded quarterly, which of the following represents the value,
in dollars, of the certificate at the end of the 2 year?
(A) (1.06) 2 k
(B) (1.06) 8 k
(C) (1.015) 2 k

(D) (1.015) 8 k

(E) (1.04) 4 k

Compounded Annual Interest (복리 이자)

< principle(원금) × (1 + interest rate) , (time = 이자 지급 횟수)>
an annual rate of 6% compounded quarterly는 연간 6%의 이자율로 분기별(1년에 4번)로 이자를
지급한다는 의미입니다. 곧, 매 분기별로 예금총액에 대해 1.15%씩 이자가 지급되는 것 입
2년 동안 분기마다 이자가 지급되면 8번이 지급되는 것이므로 위의 공식에 time = 8이라고
대입하면 k (1 + 0.015)

ÿ 정답은 (D)

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GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

43. On a Saturday night, each of the rooms at a certain motel was rented for either $40 or $60.
If 10 of the rooms that were rented for $60 had instead been rented for $40, then the total rent
the motel charged for that night would have been reduced by 25 percent. What was the total
rent to motel actually charged for that night?
(A) $600
(B) $800
(C) $1,000
(D) $1,600
(E) $2,400

$60하는 방을 만약에 $40의 가격으로 10개 렌트를 줬다면 그 모텔의 전체 수입의 25%가 감
소한다고 했으니 $60과 $40의 차액인 $20에 10 rooms 을 곱한 후 다시 4(25%을 차지하므로)
를 곱하면 문제를 풀 수도 있겠네요:
($ 20 × 10) ×4 = $800

ÿ 정답은 (B)

44. On level farmland, two runners leave at the same time from the intersection of two country
roads. One runner jogs due north at a constant rate of 8 miles per hour while the second
runner jogs due east at a constant rate that is 4 miles per hour faster than the first runner’s
rate. How far apart, to the nearest mile, will they be after hour?
(A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 8
(D) 12
(E) 14

4 2 + 62 = (2 13 ) 2 ⇒ 2 13 ≈ 7

ÿ 정답은 (B)

윤태화영어연구실,,, 02-538-5999, Page 38

GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

45. The rear wheels of a car crossed a certain line 0.5 second after the front wheels crossed the
same line. If the centers of the front and rear wheels are 20 feet apart and the car traveled in
a straight line at a constant speed, which of the following gives the speed of the car in miles per
hour? (5,280 feet = 1 mile)

 20  60 2 
(A)   
 5,280  0.5 

 20  60 
(B)   
 5,280  0.5 
 20  0.5 
(C)   2 
 5,280  60 
(60 2 )(0.5)

앞 바퀴와 뒤 바퀴가 선을 지나가는 데 걸린 시간이 0.5초이고 두 바퀴의 중심간의 거리가

20feet 떨어져 있을 때 속도를 물어 보고 있다. 20 feet의 거리를 0.5 seconds에 지날 때 속도를
물어 보는 문제와 같다. 한 가지 유의할 점은 문제에서는 feet와 second로 주었기 때문에
20 feet
feet를 mile로 second을 hour의 단위로 바꾸어야 합니다. 즉 Speed = 에서 feet는
0.5 sec onds
5,280으로 나누어주고 0.5 seconds은 60×60으로 나누어주면 됩니다.
ÿ 정답은 (A)

46. A cashier mentally reversed the digits of one customer’s correct amount of change and thus
gave the customer an incorrect amount of change. If the cash register contained 45 cents
more than it should have as a result of this error, which of the following could have been the
correct amount of change in cents?
(A) 14 (B) 45 (C) 54 (D) 65 (E) 83

거스름 돈의 자릿수를 실수로 뒤집어 생각하여 주었을 때 45cent을 덜 주었다면 실제로 주

어야 했던 돈은 얼마였는지를 물어 보고 있습니다.
10a + b – ( 10b + a ) = 45 , ⇒ 9(a − b) = 9×5 ⇒ a − b = 5, 실제로 a − b = 5인 쌍을 구하면
( a , b) : (6,1), (7,2), (8,3), (9,4)입니다. 이 중에 ab − ba = 45인 것은 (8, 3)입니다.
ÿ 정답은 (E)

윤태화영어연구실,,, 02-538-5999, Page 39

GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

47. A shipment of 1,500 heads of cabbage, each of which was approximately the same size, was
purchased for $600. The day the shipment arrived, of the heads were sold, each at 25
percent above the cost per head. The following day the rest were sold at a price per head
equal to 10 percent less than the price each head sold for on the day before. What was the
gross profit on this shipment?
(A) $100 (B) $115 (C) $125 (D) $130 (E) $135

2 600 1 600
(1,500 × × 1.25 × ) + (1,500× ×1.25× ×0.9) = $725
3 1,500 3 1,500
따라서 $725 − $600 = $125
ÿ 정답은 (C)

48. If Sam were twice as old as he is, he would be 40 years older than Jim. If Jim is 10 years
younger than Sam, how old is Sam?
(A) 20 (B) 30 (C) 40 (D) 50 (E) 60

<Tips> If Sam were twice as old as he is: “Sam이 지금 나이에서 2배가 된다면”
j2Sam = 40 + Jim, kJim + 10 = Sam
두 식을 정리하면 Sam의 나이는 30이 됩니다.
ÿ 정답은 (B)

49. A store currently charges the same price for each towel that it sells. If the current price of
each towel were to be increased by $1, 10 fewer of the towels could be bought for $120,
excluding sales tax. What is the current price of each towel?
(A) $1 (B) $2 (C) $3 (D) $4 (E) $12

타월의 가격이 $1인상될 경우 $120로 구입할 수 있는 타월의 개수가 10개 감소할 때 현재

타월의 가격을 구하라는 문제입니다. 타월의 개수: n , 타월의 가격 : p라 가정하면
jNP = $ 120, k(N-10)(P+1)=$120이 되고 여기서 120 = 2×3×4×5입니다. 120의 약수를 구하고
문제의 조건을 만족하는 조합을 구하면 됩니다.
즉, 다음과 같이, 만약 애초의 가격이 $2이면 판매되는 타월의 개수는 60개였을 것이고 가격
이 $1 증가되어 $3로 되면 판매되는 타월의 개수는 40개가 되어 구입할 수 있는 타월의 개
수가 20개 감소하게 되어 조건을 만족하지 않습니다. 그러나 애초에 가격이 $3에서 $4로 증
가하면 판매개수는 40개에서 30개로 감소하게 되어 조건이 충족된다.
ÿ 정답은 (C)

윤태화영어연구실,,, 02-538-5999, Page 40

GRE Math 강좌 Set 8-2

50. A ruby and a diamond have insured values of $1,800 and $1,200, respectively, and the annual
premium rate for each gem is $1.50 per $100 of insured value. If the rate and insured values
of the two gems remain constant over the years, after how many years will the total of the
insurance premiums on both gems for those years first exceed the insured value of the
(A) 8
(B) 12
(C) 20
(D) 27
(E) 40

$3,000 × × x years = $1,200⇒ x years ≈ 26.6
따라서 diamond의 가치가 두 보석의 보험료보다 크려면 27년이 필요합니다.

ÿ 정답은 (D)

51. A furnace service contract costs $48 per year and covers payment of 80 percent of all repair
costs. The total amount paid by the owner, including the cost of the contract, will equal the
payment covered by the contract when the total repair costs for the year are
(A) $48
(B) $60
(C) $72
(D) $80
(E) $92

$ 48 + 0.2×all repair costs = 0.8 × all repair costs ⇒ all repair costs = $80

ÿ 정답은 (D)

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