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Received: 17 August 2020 | Revised: 21 November 2020 | Accepted: 27 November 2020

DOI: 10.1002/ppul.25194


Comparison of the OI and PaO2/FiO2 score in evaluating

PARDS requiring mechanical ventilation

Huili Shen MD | Dong Qu MD | Weilan Na MD | Shuang Liu MD |

Siyuan Huang MD | Yi Hui MD

Department of Critical Medicine, Children's

Hospital Affiliated to the Capital Institute of Abstract
Pediatrics, Beijing, China
Aim: To examine the differences between oxygenation index (OI) and arterial partial
Correspondence pressure of oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2, [P/F]) in evalu-
Dong Qu, MD, Department of Critical ating the severity of pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS).
Medicine, Children's Hospital Affiliated to the
Capital Institute of Pediatrics, NO. 2 Yabao Methods: The severity of PARDS was graded by using the OI score and P/F ratio,
Rd, Chaoyang, 100020 Beijing, China. respectively. The data including clinical indexes and prognosis indicators were
recorded and analyzed.

Funding information Results: During the 3‐year study period, there were significant differences between
The Special Fund of the Pediatric Medical OI and P/F scores in the severity grading of PARDS patients (p < .05). However, in
Coordinated Development Center of Beijing
severe diseases, both the scorings of OI and P/F were consistent (24.6% vs. 25.6%).
Hospitals Authority, Grant/Award Number:
XTCX201820 The OI scores appeared more accurate when compared with P/F in the correlation
between them and the pediatric critical illness score, multiple organ dysfunction
syndromes (MODS), pressure indexes of ventilators and patients' prognosis. In the
receiver operating characteristic curve, the critical values of OI and P/F were 8.42
and 144.71. Area under the curve of them were 0.839 and 0.853. The sensitivity
values were both 0.854. The specificity values were 0.584 and 0.602.
Conclusions: The OI and P/F were consistent in designating patients with severe
PARDS. Among patients with mild to moderate diseases, the P/F could still be used
for rapid determination given its simple calculation. Combined with the prognostic
factors, the OI score was more accurate.

arterial partial pressure of oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2, oxygenation
index (OI), P/F), pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS)

1 | INTRODUCTION factors. It is typically characterized by alveolar capillary endothelial

injury, alveolar hyperpermeability edema, and inflammatory re-
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) refers to acute sponses.2 In the intensive care unit (ICU), the incidence of ARDS is
progressive respiratory failure caused by various noncardiogenic approximately 10% with associated 40% mortality rate.3 While in the
pathogenic factors regardless of intrapulmonary or extrapulmonary pediatric ICU (PICU), the morbidity rate of pediatric ARDS (PARDS)

Abbreviations: AECC, American‐European Consensus Conference; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ICU, intensive care unit; MAP, mean airway pressure; MODS, multiple organ
dysfunction syndrome; OI, oxygenation index; PaCO2, arterial blood carbon dioxide partial pressure; PALICC, Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference; PaO2, arterial partial
pressure of oxygen; PaO2/FiO2, P/F, arterial partial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen; PARDS, pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome; PCIS, pediatric critical illness
score; PEEP, positive end‐expiratory pressure; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PIP, peak inspiratory pressure; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; VT, tidal volume.

Pediatric Pulmonology. 2020;1–7. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC | 1


is 1%–3%4 and the mortality rate is 26.9%–60%.5–7 The diagnostic Medical Association's Children's Severe Physicians Branch. (4) The
criteria for PARDS have not been defined previously in both The pediatric critical illness score (PCIS)12 as stipulated by the First Aid
American–European Consensus Conference on ARDS (1994) and Group of the Chinese Academy of Pediatrics, included heart rate,
the Berlin definition (2012),9 but the PaO2/FiO2 (P/F) ratio has been blood pressure, respiratory rate, arterial partial pressure of blood
applied to the diagnosis, classification and treatments. In 2015, oxygen, pH value, blood sodium, blood potassium, urea nitrogen/
PARDS was first defined by the pediatric acute lung injury consensus blood creatinine, hemoglobin, gastrointestinal system symptoms
conference (PALICC). Considering the airway pressure in the (bleeding from stress ulcer or intestinal paralysis). The lower the
diagnosis and severity grading, OI has been used as a basis for di- score, the worse would be the disease condition. A score of greater
agnosis for the first time. However, the differences between the OI than 80 was noncritical, 71–80 was classified as critical, and ≤70 is
score and the P/F ratio in determining the severity of PARDS and defined as extremely critical. The previous studies12 had confirmed
other clinical parameters and outcomes remain unclear. This study that PCIS could accurately determine the condition and predict the
aimed to examine and compare the application of the P/F ratio and risk of death. Also, the PCIS score is better at appeared superior in
OI score in evaluating the severity of PARDS in a cohort of pediatric evaluating children's conditions and prognosis than the Acute
patients and correlating the scorings with ventilation, blood gases Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score at
and prognosis. The findings of this study would shed light on the the PICU.13
optimal method for determining PARDS severity and guiding Patients who met any of the following exclusion criteria were
management. excluded: (1) age ≤28 days old or age greater than 18 years old; (2)
noninvasive mechanical ventilation; (3) patients with incomplete
clinical data; (4) length of admission less than 24 h.

2.1 | Study design 2.3 | Data collection

This was a single‐center retrospective observational study approved Following the confirmation of diagnosis based on the PALICC cri-
by the ethics committee of the Capital Institute of Pediatrics (Ethics teria, the mechanical ventilation parameters and blood gas indexes
number: SHERLLM2020003). From June 1st, 2016 to May 31st, were recorded. The OI scores and P/F ratios were calculated and
2019, all children admitted to the department of PICU at the used for severity stratification of PARDS. While P/F was simple to
Children's Hospital Affiliated to the Capital Institute of Pediatrics calculate, the formula used for the calculation of OI was FiO2 ×
were considered for our study, and were determined whether they MAP × 100/PaO210 and MAP = (PIP × Ti PEEP × [Ttot‐Ti])/Ttot.10
met the PALICC diagnostic criteria. Patients’ data were collected and compared as follows: (1) general
demographics, such as age, gender, etiology of ARDS, and blood
gases parameters including arterial partial pressure of oxygen
2.2 | Inclusion and exclusion criteria (PaO2), arterial blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PaCO2), etc;
(2) prognosis: the PCIS, survival or death at 28‐day after discharged
Inclusion criteria were: (1) children admitted to PICU with PARDS from PICU numbers and types of organ failure, etc; (3) parameters of
and met the PALICC diagnostic criteria.10 The PALICC criteria in- mechanical ventilation: peak inspiratory pressure (PIP); positive end‐
cluded: (a) excluded patients with peri‐natal related disease; (b) expiratory pressure (PEEP), mean airway pressure (MAP), and tidal
within 7 days of known clinical insults; (c) pulmonary edema not fully volume; (4) PARDS severity grade. If the patient had multiple values,
explained by heart failure or fluid overload; (d) imaging findings were the worst value was recorded. For instance, if the patients had two
consistent with the pulmonary parenchymal disease; (e) invasive PCISs, the worst PCIS could be collected for data analysis.
mechanical ventilation with severity stratification as follows: mild
4 ≤ OI < 8 or 5 ≤ OSI < 7.5, moderate 8 ≤ OI < 16 or 7.5 ≤ OSI < 12.3,
severe OI ≥ 16 or OSI ≥ 12; (f) other patients with chronic lung/heart 2.4 | Statistical methods
diseases, such as cyanotic heart disease, chronic lung disease, and
left ventricular dysfunction could still fulfill the criteria of PALICC. SPSS (version25.0) was used for statistical analysis. Continuous
(2) The P/F ratio was based on the Berlin definition (2012)9 issued by variables with normal distribution or approximately normal dis-
the European Society of Critical Care Medicine to grade severity as tribution were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. Quantitative
follows: mild 200 < P/F ≤ 300; moderate 100 < P/F ≤ 200; severe data were tested by the independent sample t test while qualitative
P/F < 100. (3) The diagnostic code for the multiple organ dysfunction data were compared with a chi‐square test. If the data had a non‐
syndrome (MODS) was in accordance with the expert consensus on normal distribution trend, mean (interquartile range) was used
the diagnosis and treatment of septic shock in children (version for describing the central tendency and Mann–Whitney (U test)
2015)11 developed by the Chinese Society of Pediatrics, the Chinese was used for data comparison. p < .05 was considered statistically
Medical Association's Emergency Medical Branch, and the Chinese significant.
| 3

TABLE 1 The etiologies of PARDS Of 358 patients who met the PALICC diagnostic criteria,

Number (%) of 51 patients could not be evaluated further by OI given that non-
Position Etiology 207 patients invasive mechanical ventilator was used to treat those patients,
while 100 patients were excluded according to the other exclusion
Intrapulmonary Infection 152 (73.43)
Virus 94 (45.41) criteria. Eventually, 207 patients managed with invasive mechan-

Bacteria 52 (25.12) ical ventilation were included in our analyses.

Others (e.g. mycoplasma, 6 (2.90) In our study, included patients were aged 9.50 (3.87, 30.30)
fungi, et al) months while the youngest was 30 days old and the oldest was
Pneumorrhagia 3 (1.45) 17 years and 3 months old. The majority were infants and toddlers.
Others 2 (0.97) Males accounted for 65.7% (136/207) and the ratio of boys to

Extrapulmonary Shock 21 (10.14) girls was 1.92:1. The average body weight of patients was 9.00
Septic shock 15 (7.25) (5.5, 13.28) KG. The mean length of hospitalization was 13.00
Hemorrhagic shock 3 (1.45) (8.00, 19.00) days. The most common intrapulmonary etiology was
Tumor 4 (1.93) infection while shock was the major extrapulmonary factor. See
Epilepsy 2 (0.97) Table 1 for more etiologies details.
Apnea 1 (0.48)
Others 25 (12.08)

Abbreviation: PARDS, pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome.

3.2 | Comparisons of severity grade of PARDS by
OI and P/F

TABLE 2 Grouping situation of 207 patients In the P/F evaluation, patients with mild, moderate, and severe
PARDS were 16.91%, 57.49%, and 25.60%, respectively. On the
Mild Moderate Severe
Project (number [%]) (number [%]) (number [%]) p Value other hand, the frequencies were 47.83%, 27.54%, and 24.64%,
respectively in the evaluation using the OI score (Table 2).
OI group 99 (47.83) 57 (27.54) 51 (24.64) <.001
A total of 65.22% (135/207) patients were at the same OI severity
P/F group 35 (16.91) 119 (57.49) 53 (25.60)
grade as for P/F. Only 1.45% (3/207) patients were graded higher in OI
Abbreviations: OI, oxygenation index; P/F, arterial partial pressure of than in P/F with one patient graded as moderate severity by OI score
oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen.
(mild ARDS by P/F ratio) and two other patients graded as severe
(moderate ARDS by P/F ratio). However, there were 33.33% (69/207)
patients in OI score at lower severity grade than those in the P/F score.
3 | RESULTS Of these, 4 patients were determined as moderate by OI score (severe
by P/F score) and 65 were graded as mild by OI score (moderate by
3.1 | General demographics and characteristics of P/F ratio), as demonstrated in Figure 1.

A total of 2675 patients were admitted to our hospital during the 3.3 | Differences in mechanical ventilatory
study period. Of these, 358 patients met the PALICC diagnostic parameters and clinical outcomes between P/F
criteria, and thus, the incidence rate of PARDS in our center was and OI scores
13.38% (358/2675). There were 83 patients that died on the 28th
of discharge from PICU, with a mortality rate of 23.18% (83/358). All patients were treated with a lung‐protection ventilation strategy.
The direct cause of death for 26 patients was progressive hy- The PaO2 (Table 3) and PCIS (Figure 2A) decreased with the in-
poxemia. hence the mortality rate of PARDS was 7.26% (26/358). creased disease severity, while the PIP (Figure 2D), PEEP (Figure 2E),

F I G U R E 1 The specific rating of oxygenation index (OI) and arterial partial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen (P/F)
group This figure shows how the patients were rated by these two methods exactly. The largest difference is there were 65 patients graded as
mild by OI score (moderate by P/F ratio)

Note: ”*”means the p value between P/F group and OI group is less than .05. There are statistical differences between P/F group and OI group in PaO2 at mild PARDS and coagulation failure at moderate
MAP (Figure 2C), MODS (Figure 2B), and 28‐day mortality (Table 3)

37.00 (25.10, 46.90)

55.70 (43.50, 78.00)

increased when the disease condition worsened. In patients with

OI group (n = 51)
mild disease, the PaO2 (Table 3) of OI scoring was lower than that in

34 (66.67%)

24 (47.06)

22 (43.14)

23 (45.10)
the P/F group (p < .05). In moderate disease, PCIS (Figure 2A) of OI

8 (15.69)

Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; OI, oxygenation index; PARDS, pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome; P/F, arterial partial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen.
scoring was also significantly lower (p < .05), but the proportion of
MODS (Figure 2B) involvement was higher (p < .05), with the re-
quirement of higher ventilator pressure support (p < .05,
Figure 2C–E)] when compared with P/F group.
35.60 (24.70, 44.50)

55.70 (43.35, 77.90)

P/F group (n = 53)

The OI score showed significant consistency in PCIS, MODS, and

ventilator pressure index (p > .05, Figure 2) in the group of patients
38 (71.70)

26 (49.06)

10 (18.87)

22 (41.51)

24 (45.28)
with the mild disease and severe disease group compared with P/F

score. The P/F score showed no difference in the all the mechanical
ventilation and prognosis indexes (p > .05, Table 3 and Figure 2),
suggesting that this scoring was as accurate as the OI score in the
assessments of severe diseases.
58.10 (50.60, 61.10)

44.30 (36.85, 53.55)

OI group (n = 57)

19 (33.33)*

3.4 | Receiver operating characteristic curve

25 (43.86)

13 (22.81)
7 (12.28)
4 (7.02)

curves of the two evaluation methods in PARDS

The mortality was used to construct the receiver operating char-

acteristic curve (ROC) separately for the OI score and P/F ratio. Both
58.50 (54.20, 61.80)

44.50 (39.40, 59.90)

P/F group (n = 119)

the evaluation methods were highly similar at ROC sensitivity and

specificity, as demonstrated in Figure 3 and Table 4.
22 (18.49)

39 (32.77)

22 (18.49)

10 (8.40)
5 (4.20)


In our study, pneumonia was the main pulmonary cause of PARDS,

61.60 (56.80, 66.10)*

45.00 (39.70, 49.50)

and septic shock was the major non‐pulmonary factor. The majority
OI group (n = 99)

of PARDS were among infants and toddlers. These findings were

consistent with previous studies.14–16 The overall morbidity of
15 (15.15)

25 (43.86)

17 (17.17)
7 (7.07)

8 (8.08)

PARDS was 13.38%, and the mortality rate was 23.8% that was also
consistent with previous studies.17,18 However, the incidence rate of
The difference of mechanical ventilation and prognosis

PARDS in our study was higher than a previous report,19 though the
patients with PARDS in this study comprised of both the adult and
63.80 (61.70, 74.10)

43.80 (38.00, 49.20)

pediatric ARDS.20 The following were considered to account for this

P/F group (n = 35)

disparity observed. First, patients who were evaluated as having mild

disease severity had less than 80 scores at PCIS, which indicated a
20 (20.20)
8 (22.86)

4 (11.43)

5 (14.29)

7 (20.00)

critical condition.12 The study by the Chinese Medical Association21


that involved the application of PCIS in the PICU of 14 hospitals

found that the PCIS could accurately determine the severity of the
disease. The study demonstrated that the lower the score, the more
Gastrointestinal failure (number [%])

severe the condition, which involved organ failures and higher

Coagulation failure (number [%])

mortality. Furthermore, the incidence of PARDS using PALICC

28‐Day mortality (number [%])
Hepatic failure (number [%])

criteria appeared higher than that using Berlin criteria.14,15

Renal failure (number [%])
PaCO2 (M [IQR], mmHg)

In a study consisted of a smaller sample size of 65 patients by

PaO2 (M [IQR], mmHg)

Gupta et al.,20 a consistent rate of 85% between the PALICC

criterion and Berlin definition was identified. In our study, approxi-
mately two‐thirds of patients were assigned in the same disease se-

verity group by both OI score and the P/F ratio. Particularly, for

patients with severe disease, the consistency rate between the

2 scoring systems was 96.22%. As demonstrated in Table 3 and
| 5

F I G U R E 2 The differences about pressure parameters of ventilator and prognosis in OI and P/F group. (A) PCIS, pediatric critical illness
score. (B) MODS, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. (C) MAP, mean airway pressure. (D) PIP, peak inspiratory pressure. (E) PEEP, positive
end‐expiratory pressure. (F) Vt, tidal volume. OI, oxygenation index; P/F, arterial partial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen

Figure 1, several differences existed between the OI and P/F scores in patients in the moderate disease category by the P/F score than the
the grading of mild and moderate disease severities. With the OI OI score method,4 while the PCIS in patients graded by the OI method
scoring, the proportion of patients decreased gradually with the was lower than that of P/F method, but the MODS and ventilator
increase of disease severity, while the proportion of patients with a pressure support appeared higher. In our study, a similar trend was
moderate disease was the largest and the proportion with a mild observed in the PCIS, MODS and ventilator pressure supported by the
disease was the smallest by the P/F method. This was consistent with OI method but no difference was observed in these clinical para-
the study by Dowell et al.15 using the Berlin definition that included a meters by the P/F score. These observations also suggested that the
total of 798 patients. Furthermore, when comparing with the fre- OI score was more accurate in the assessments of mild and moderate
quencies in the mild disease group, the P/F method revealed only disease severity than the P/F score, which was consistent with the
about one‐third (16.91%) of patients while the OI method indicated a findings by Khemani et al.4 In their study, 1833 PARDS children were
total of 47.83%, suggesting that the P/F evaluation method tends to included and showed that OI score is superior to that of P/F in di-
upstage the disease from mild to moderate. In reality, the number agnostic significance. Besides severe ARDS accounted for 45% of
of patients should decrease with the increase of disease severity.22 deaths in our study, approximately 2–3 times higher than that of mild
Interesting, other studies have also shown that in patients graded as or moderate disease, which was also found in the previous studies.5
mild‐to‐moderate disease severity, there were higher proportions of Therefore, patients classified in this category would warrant a tailored

F I G U R E 3 The receiver characteristic

operator (ROC) curve in ARDS prognosis
using OI and P/F value separately OI and P/F
group have the similar sensitivity and secifity
as seen from the image. ARDS, acute
respiratory distress syndrome; OI,
oxygenation index; P/F, arterial partial
pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired

TABLE 4 The situation of receiver characteristic operator (ROC) curve

95% CI (confidence interval)

Group AUC Standard error p Value Lower boundary Upper boundary Critical value Sensitivity Specificity
OI group 0.839 0.038 .000 0.764 0.914 8.42 0.854 0.584

P/F group 0.853 0.035 .000 0.784 0.924 144.71 0.854 0.602

Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; CI, confidence interval; OI, oxygenation index; P/F, arterial partial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired

and aggressive approach in the clinical management given the high this was a single‐center study. And the sample size was rather
risk of dismal outcomes.23 limited. Therefore, future studies should consider multi‐center
As demonstrated in the ROC curve by the OI method, the ratio collaboration to allow more patient recruitment.
of the cut‐off value of the mortality of severe ARDS to ARDS in In conclusion, the OI is consistent with the P/F score in grading
moderate severity was about 2. On the other hand, the critical value severe PARDS. In mild to moderate disease, OI score is more accu-
of the P/F method was attributed to the moderate disease grade, rate but the P/F remains valuable with simpler calculation and easier
with the mortality ratio in severe to moderate diseases of 2.5. This to apply clinically for rapid assessment. When patients progress from
suggested that the OI scoring method would be more suitable in the moderate to severe ARDS, the risk of mortality increases. These
clinical application for determining the prognosis of PARDS, which patients, therefore, demand early and aggressive management to
was consistent with the studies by Bellani et al that the OI improve clinical outcomes.
was superior to P/F in predicting mortality. However, there were still
approximately 20% of mortality contributed by the group of patients ACKNOWLEDGEM ENT
with moderate disease severity, and hence, the potential risk of The Special Fund of the Pediatric Medical Coordinated Development
mortality in these patients should not be underestimated. Given its Center of Beijing Hospitals Authority. NO. XTCX201820.
simple calculation the P/F score would still be clinically value in rapid
assessment and diagnosis of PARDS. CO N FLI CT O F I N TER E S TS
There were limitations to this study. First, this was a retro- All authors have completed the article and declared that: (i) no
spective study. Second, given that OI numerical calculation could not support, financial or otherwise, has been received from any organi-
be performed in patients not requiring invasive ventilatory supports, zation that may have an interest in the submitted work; and (ii) there
patients with milder disease were not included in this study. Also, are no other relationships or activities that could appear to have
| 7

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