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HIST 2112 Exam 5 Study Guide

1. 1 m.c. on tragic events in 1968

MLK’s Assassination
Tet Offensive
2. 1 m.c. on Nixon’s election in 1968 and his platform

3. 1 m.c. on events during the Nixon administration

Nixon Doctrine
Pentagon Papers
Oil Crisis
4. 1 m.c. on MLK
Didn’t believe in:
Civil (dis)obedience,
Muslim (Christian)
Assassinated in 1969 (1968)
5. 1 m.c. Malcolm X
Didn’t believe in:

black opposition (empowerment)

Black Power

De segregation

Christian (Muslim)

Assassinated in 1968 (1969)

6. 1 T/F on the Pentagon Papers

1. showed the war could be won and American’s were told of true objectives

7. 1 m.c. on de-industrialization
A. moved to suburbs and eventually overseas
1. disproportionately fell upon African Americans
a. left with slum housing, inferior schools, unemployment
B. decline in unions
1. labor demands not as aggressive, = cooperation over agitation
2. corporations began offering health care benefits and pensions
3. internal racism
C. postwar prosperity began to decline by the mid-1970s
1. recession, international competition, corporations relocated to business-friendly states
2. the Midwest became the Rust Belt
D. the rise of the Sun Belt
1. some industry moved South due to labor laws
a. some Northern workers followed
2. military installations
3. politics became increasingly conservative

8. 1 m.c. on homosexuality in the 1960s

9. 1 matching on problems during the Carter administration
10. 1 T/F on the Iranian hostage crisis
11. 1 T/F on the Moral Majority
former republicans became Dixiecrats (Switch Around)

12. 1 m.c. on Reganomics

a. supply-side, trickle-down economics
1. cutting taxes to discourage investment
2. should trickle-down by eliminating jobs with worse pay

13. 1 m.c. on Reagan’s policies while president

The Reagan Doctrine: ↑ military spending at home and for allies, federal deficit
c. ↓ social services spending
d. mass incarceration
e. delayed response to AIDS
f. promoted anti-communist stance in Latin America

14. 1 matching on arms race-related terms during the Regan administration

15. 1 matching on Russian terms used during Gorbachev’s administration

(perestroika, glastnost)

16. 1 m.c. on Desert Storm

1. Iraq invaded Kuwait
a. Iraq and Iran had been at war through most of the 1980s
1. the U.S. had supported Saddam Hussein against Iran
a. had simultaneously armed Iran during Iran-Contra

17. 1 m.c. on Iran-Contra

3. Created START talks, Star Wars

18. 1 m.c. on Gorbachev

A. came to power in the S.U. in 1985
1. perestroika, glastnost
2. worked “well” with Reagan
B. saw the fall of the S.U. in 1991
1. U.S. remained world’s only superpower

19. 1 m.c. on the 2000 election

20. 1 T/F on the Shah of Iran
21. 1 m.c. on President Clinton
22. 1 T/F on the reasons for the war in Iraq
23. 1 T/F on the U.S. – Afghanistan relations during the Soviet invasion
24. 1 T/F on weapons of mass destruction
25. 1 m.c. on President Obama
A. elected in 2008 and 2012
1. began presidency during the Great Recession
2. created the ACA – Obamacare
3. found and assassinated Osama bin Laden
4. won the popular and electoral college votes both elections

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