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Engineering the Profession Tutorial Materials Checklist (since 421)

Name Group Number Team Number Member Number

1. Work Evaluated by Assessment Symbol/Color Date _________

2. Work Evaluated by Assessment Symbol/Color Date _________
3. Work Evaluated by Assessment Symbol/Color Date _________

Yes No Self Regulation Issues

A. The tutorial materials were assessed as at least NI
B. The top sheet of the submitted assignment was this checklist with the top row completed
Enter a 1 (one) in the cell to left if any of the items listed above are marked as No

Yes No Expected Features

1. It is clear which engineering discipline is being discussed
2. The material is primarily related to information about the profession (and not about a QU program).
3. The assignment is Word processed
Discuss any No’s for Expected Features

Wow Ok Weak Revealed Features

Rate the quality of the Presentation Sandwich structure of the tutorial materials

Rate the quality of the tutorial (breadth and depth of material content, evidence of any benefit from
the expert table, use of graphics, organization, etc.). The assessment is based on the submitted
materials and not on what was actually said during the tutorial

Yes Exciting Features

Results of Tutorial Assessment

M, no No’s and (number of Weak’s is less than the number of Wow’s + Exciting
M NI SR-Lapse NI, maximum one No
NCE NCE, any No and/or two Weaks
NS, no tutorial materials were submitted

If the assignment was assessed as either NI, NCE or NS you may resubmit this work one week from the day this work is
returned in class. Successful completion of this resubmission (i.e., a Meets) will change your tutorial grade to Meets.

Assignment C-1_chkl 422.doc

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