Endozo - Ivann Rhenae - Climate Change

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Endozo, Ivann Rhenae R.

Reaction Paper
Natural Resources and Environmental Law-1A

Before the Flood

Produced and narrated by actor Leonardo DiCaprio, "Before the Flood" is a stunning
documentary directed by Fisher Stevens. The film, which debuted in 2016, examines the
pressing problem of climate change and its disastrous effects on the environment. With
interviews with scientists, activists, international leaders, and local communities impacted by
environmental changes, the documentary transports viewers on a global trip. The movie is
remarkable for its ability to convey intricate scientific concepts in an understandable and
captivating way. The filmmakers skilfully illustrate the gravity of the environmental catastrophe
we confront through images, animations, and interviews. By bridging the gap between popular
awareness and scientific understanding, this method helps make the film accessible to a wider
range of viewers.

The documentary gains a deeply personal and impassioned dimension from Leonardo
DiCaprio's involvement. As the UN Messenger of Peace on Climate Change, DiCaprio lends
authority to the story by utilizing his position to promote immediate action. His devotion to the
subject and sincerity are demonstrated throughout the movie, demonstrating that this isn't just
another celebrity-endorsed endeavour but rather a sincere attempt to raise awareness. The
impact of human activity on the world and the interdependence of environmental crises are
both highlighted in the documentary. It explores issues like deforestation, the energy sector,
carbon emissions, and how climate change affects vulnerable populations and wildlife. The
necessity for a comprehensive approach to handle the intricate web of environmental concerns
is well highlighted by "Before the Flood" through its thorough exposition.

The movie also offers a critical analysis of the economic and political aspects that
influence governments' and businesses' unwillingness to take significant action. It clarifies the
impact of lobbying, special interests, and the difficulty of making long-term decisions in a
society where profit and immediate gratification rule the day. This portion of the video makes
viewers consider the larger structural adjustments needed to effectively tackle climate change.
Furthermore, "Before the Flood" highlights the part that individuals play in bringing about
change. Viewers are urged by the documentary to think about their own carbon footprint,
embrace sustainable lifestyles, and take an active role in the worldwide struggle to slow down
climate change. The movie is a call to action, asking viewers to make responsible decisions and
hold companies and politicians responsible for their effects on the environment.

In summary, the visually striking and thought-provoking documentary "Before the

Flood" successfully conveys the urgency of addressing climate change. The film effectively
engages audiences and motivates them to become advocates for a more sustainable and
resilient future by fusing scientific insights, personal narratives, and a call to action. This
Endozo, Ivann Rhenae R. Reaction Paper
Natural Resources and Environmental Law-1A

documentary is a potent stimulant for discussions and group initiatives to protect the
environment for coming generations as we face the difficulties posed by a changing climate.

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