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The Lion and Tiger

- By Ian Lancelot James

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Once upon a time, in the Jungle, there was a Lion who was the king of all
animals. One day,
Guard: “Master,
Lion:"What do you want?!!?”
Guard: “T-T-T-There is s-s-someone w-who wants to talk t-t-to you."He
Lion:"Bring him in."
It was the Tiger, the Lion’s least favorite person, and he said to him,
Tiger:"Hey, Lion!
The Lion groaned. He said,”Guards, take him out!”
As the guards took him, he said,”Wait! If you win, I will leave the Jungle!
As soon as the Lion heard the phrase ‘leave the Jungle’ and the words ‘I’ and
‘forever’ coming from the Tiger, he instructed his guards to put him down.
“Oof!” said the tiger, as he fell down stiff on the floor.”Anyways, what I was
saying is that we can have a race around the Jungle.Two laps.If I win, I become
the new king. But if I lose, I will leave the Jungle. Forever.”
The Lion thought that giving up his place as king won’t be worth it. But making
the tiger lose wasn’t. So, he agreed. He said to the Tiger to keep the race in five
days. The Tiger agreed.
Every day, the Tiger ran around the Jungle five times. He also ate a little less
meat every day. He got good sleep too.
But the Lion was overconfident. He thought that since he was so great, he
would win, so he didn’t practice at all. He kept on eating and kept on
Soon, it was the day of the race. All the animals were cheering on their
favorite. When they both arrived at the starting point, then 3…..2…..1…..Blast
off! They ran off, as fast as they could. When the lion ran, he saw that the Tiger
was in the lead. The Lion was right behind the tiger, so the lion did everything
he could to win. He threw a rock, leaves, a stick, and he even threw a squirrel
at the Tiger!
But the Tiger did not get distracted by anything (well, maybe by the squirrel).
He ran, and ran, and ran, until he won!
“Guess you feel bad about not practicing and eating too much, right Lion?” said
the Tiger.
The Lion said, “How did you know I didn’t practice and ate too much?”
“Uh…….doesn’t matter! What matters is that I am the new king!"
And thus, the Tiger became the new king.

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