3 Reading and Speaking Idioms: Prepared by Dr. Karrar Altaie Retrieved From

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Reading and Speaking

Prepared by
Dr. Karrar Altaie
Retrieved from IELTS podcast
What is the Idiom?
• An idiom is a group of words that creates a specific meaning about a subject. If
that group is separated, the meaning is lost.
• Fresh as a daisy
• Someone who is lively and attractive, in a clean, fresh way.
• My sister has been travelling for almost 24 hours, and she’s still as fresh as a daisy.

• Couch potato
• Spending too much time on the internet or watching TV.
• My uncle is such a couch potato! He often spends his Saturdays watching American football on TV.
• Full of beans

• A person who is lively, active and healthy.

• My 6 year old nephew is full of beans! He has more energy than three adults.

• A bad egg

• Someone who is untrustworthy.

• Hey, Sue, I think your neighbor is a bad egg.

• Down to earth

• Someone who is practical and realistic.

• My aunt Karen is so down to earth. She can figure out any difficult situation, and offer a good solution.
• Party pooper

• A person who is gloomy, and having no fun at a social gathering.

• Listen, my friend, I’m so sorry to be a party pooper, but I have to study for my IELTS speaking exam


• Eager beaver

• A person who is hardworking and enthusiastic.

• My colleague drives me crazy! She is such an eager beaver that she always volunteers for overtime.

• Ball in your court

• It’s your decision or responsibility to do something now.

• Well, my friend, the ball’s in your court. I’ll wait for your decision.
• Throw in the towel

• Give up.

• I’ve spent too much time on this project to throw in the towel now.

• Get a head start

• Start before all others.

• Let’s get up early tomorrow to get a head start on our drive to Toronto.

• Get a second wind

• Have a burst of energy after tiring.

• After having a coffee and a sandwich, he got his second wind, and finished painting the kitchen.
• Jump the gun

• Start too early.

• I think I jumped the gun by buying my friends James and Susan a wedding gift. They just called off their


• Give it my best shot

• Try your hardest.

• This test question is really tough! I’ll give it my best shot, and I’ll get some marks for doing my best.

• On the ball

• Ready and able.

• Our department receptionist is really on the ball when it comes to fielding calls from annoyed students.

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