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The effectiveness of advertisements on youth aged 16-20 can vary. Factors such as the content,
platform, and relevance to the target audience play crucial roles. Engaging and relatable ads on
social media may resonate more with this demographic, while traditional media might have a
different impact. Understanding the preferences and behaviors of the specific age group is key
for advertisers aiming to be effective.Here are some key findings from the search results
regarding the effectiveness of advertising on youth aged 16-29:
Food marketing: Research shows that food marketing increases children’s immediate and future
consumption, and food brand preferences are influenced by product advertising. Exposure to
food advertising can influence poor food choices and negatively impact health.
Alcohol advertising: Alcohol advertisements may influence behavior by shifting alcohol
expectancies, norms regarding alcohol use, and positive attitudes.
Cognitive development: Young children, younger than 8 years, are cognitively and
psychologically defenseless against advertising. They do not understand the notion of intent to
sell and frequently accept advertising claims at face value.
Media education: Media education has been shown to be effective in mitigating some of the
negative effects of advertising on children and adolescents.
Marketing strategies: Advertisers target younger audiences through many different mediums,
and teens process approximately 3,000 advertising messages every day, most of them discreet
and a good portion of them related to junk food and beverage consumption.

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