Oliver Twist Part 1 Characters

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- AGNES (Vianca) - SURGEON (Escobedo) NURSE (Mariela)

- MR. BUMBLE (Cerna) - GENTLEMEN (4) (Limo, Zegarra, Quispe Piero, Quispe De la
Cruz) – PRESIDENT (Rua)

- COOK (Sandoval) - COOK’S ASSISTANT (Altamirano) - ARTFUL DODGER (Arroyo)

- FAGIN (Andrade) - MR. BROWNLOW (Pizarro) POLICEMAN (Alejos)


- OLIVER (Castillo)

Narrator 1 (De las casas): Somewhere in England there was a small town, which was much like
all the other small towns around the year 1830. (showing an old British town)

Narrator 2 (Gallo): In the middle of this town was a building called the “workhouse”. (spooky
voice) (effects) It was a plain brick building for very poor people.
Narrator 3 (Hernandez): Here they could find shelter or food if they were starving, but only the
hungriest and most desperate went there.

Narrator 4 (Nakahodo): In the workhouse, a baby had just been born. After struggling with his
own birth, the baby breathed, sneezed, and started to cry as loud as he could. (effects)


AGNES: Let me see the child before I die

SURGEON: You must not talk of dying yet. (show the baby to his mother)

NURSE: Oh god bless you, little heart. You don’t know what it’s like to give birth to thirteen
children, and just 2 are still alive, living here.

SURGEON: It’s useless, Mrs. Thingumy. I’ll go for some medicine. (The surgeon leaves the

AGNES: This is the only thing I own. You must give it to my son when he is older. (Agnes took a
gold locket and gave it to the nurse, she shivers and feel back, dead)

NURSE: Hmm “Agnes” (looking at the locket)

SURGEON: It is all over. She was a good looking woman. Who was she? Where did she come

NURSE: She was found lying in the street last night. Her shoes were worn out from walking.
But we don’t know her name, or where she came from, or where she was going. (not a single
word of the locket)

Narrator 5 (Palacios): The beadle of the workhouse, Mr. Bumble, announces that the president
and his board was about to visit the workhouse.
Narrator 6 (Alza): Oliver didn’t know why these important people had to visit a place like that.

Narrator 7 (Navarro): Mr. Bumble sent Oliver to a room where a group of important men were
waiting for him.

Narrator 8 (Diaz): There were the president, two other men, Mr. Bumble and Oliver, who was
not sure if he had to laugh or cry.


Mr. Bumble: Lean over to these gentlemen! (furious)

Gentleman 1: What is your name, child? (Oliver was frightened, so he couldn’t reply anything)

President: Listen to me, child. You know you’re an orphan.

Oliver: What does it mean?

Gentleman 2: This boy is foolish. I was quite certain of that.

Gentleman 1: Shhhh (to the gentleman 2) That you have no father or mother, and that you
have been brought up by us here.

Oliver: Yes, sir.

Gentleman 3: I guess you pray every night. As a good Christian, you pray for those who feed
you and take care of yourself.

Oliver: Yes, sir.

President: Very well, then. You must be a useful trade. Tomorrow morning, you will begin
picking oakum.

Oliver. Thank you very much. You are very kind.

President: Now, go to the dining room. You look so starving. (Oliver goes to the dining room)

Oliver: Please sir, I want some more.

Cook: What? (furious) Nobody had ever dared ask for more.

Oliver: Please sir, I want some more.

Cook: Ungrateful child. (he hit Oliver)

Cook’s assistant: That boy will be hanged one day. Lock him up in the basement. (Mr. Bumble
locked him in the basement)

Narrator 9: (Lopez) After several poor treatments at the workhouse, Oliver decided to run
away to London.

Narrator 10 (Asheshov): One cold morning Oliver got up very early and left the workhouse.
Looking back from time to time, he walked quickly and did not stop for five miles. (effects)

Narrator 11 (Rodriguez): He had only a penny and a piece of bread, but he didn’t care.
Narrator 12 (Villamonte): The next few days were the same. Oliver’s penny bought him one
small loaf, but soon he was hungry again.
Narrator 13 (Valdez): On the seventh day, Oliver came to a little town. His feet were bleeding
and they were covered in dust.

Narrator 14 (De las casas): Exhausted, he looked up and saw a rather strange boy standing in
front of him. He seems to a be a bit older than him.


ARTFUL DODGER : Hello my covey! What’s the row?

OLIVER: I’m very hungry and tired. I have been walking for seven days. (tears come down his

ARTFUL DODGER: Walking for seven days! Well, you need to eat. I haven’t got much money,
but it’s enough for some food, my friend. As for my name, they call me the Artful Dodger.

OLIVER: Thank you (receiving food and eating very fast)

ARTFUL DODGER: Are you going to London?

OLIVER: Yes, I am.

ARTFUL DODGER: Do you have any house over there, or some money, perhaps?

OLIVER: Nobody and nothing at all.

ARTFUL DODGER: I know a respectable old gentleman there who will give you a place to live,
and food to eat, and not ask for any money at all. (They went together to London)

OLIVER: Are you sure this is the right place?

ARTFUL DODGER: Don’t worry. (he whistles) Plummy and slam!

FAGIN: Come in. Who’s this?

ARTFUL DODGER: Fagin, this is my new friend, Oliver Twist.

FAGIN: We are very glad to see you, Oliver, very.

OLIVER: Do you make purses for a living?

FAGIN: Hmmm yep, you can say that.

OLIVER: Could you teach me how to make purses?

FAGIN: Certainly, my dear Oliver. The Dodger will show you how, won’t you, the Artful

THE ARTFUL DODGER: You will also see why they call me the Artful Dodger. Why don’t we go
to the rich part of London now?

FAGIN: Yes, children. Go and have fun with your new friend Oliver. (They go to the downtown)

ARTFUL DODGER: Do you see that old man by the bookstall?

OLIVER: The one who is reading a book?


OLIVER: What? I can’t follow you. (Oliver saw how Dodger pull out a purse and understood

MR. BROWNLOW: Where is my purse? Someone has stolen my purse! Stop thief. (They caught

GENTLEMAN 4: The boy is hurt.

POLICEMAN: Hurt or not, I will take him to the police magistrate. You must come with us, sir.

GENTLEMAN 4: Poor boy.

Narrator 15 (Valdez): They took Oliver to the nearest police station. The crowd was furious to
know what was going to happen to the young thief.

Narrator 16 (Zapana): The Artful Dodger could run away. However, his new friend wasn’t as
lucky as him. He was treated badly by the people and the police officers.


POLICE MAGISTRATE: So this is the young thief.

OLIVER: It was not me, sir. It was someone else.

POLICE MAGISTRATE: Are you the person who was robbed?

MR. BROWNLOW: Yes, I am. But I am not sure that this is the boy who took the purse. Where
have I seen this face before? (looking at Oliver)

OWNER: You have the wrong boy. I saw the thief.

MR. BROWNLOW: Then this child did not commit the crime. He is ill! He needs a doctor! Why
don’t you bring a doctor right now?
OWNER: MR. BROWNLOW, I suggest you take this innocent boy to your house. There, he will
be safer. This is not a place for a child.

MR. BROWNLOW. Can I take care of myself in my beloved house, police magistrate?

POLICE MAGISTRATE: Yes, you can do it right now, if you want.

MR. BROWNLOW: Thank you very much. I really appreciate your kind gesture. Sir, can you help
me out carrying this boy to my carriage?

OWNER: That’s why I came here. I’d love to. (They went to Mr. Brownlow’s house)

Narrator 17 (Navarro): The last part of this first chapter was when Oliver started to live a new
happy life in Mr. Brownlow’s house. This plain change was apparently unbreakable, until what
is going to happen in the next chapter.

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