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Cloudy 39/32 " Tomorrow: Snow 35/20 B6 Democracy Dies in Darkness thursday, january 18 , 2024
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. $3

Fine print Israel

is letting blamed
the house
off hook for aid
Sportsbooks rely on
8insurance plan9
to get out of big payouts aGencies warn
of famine in Gaza
Netanyahu government
There9s a common marketing faults U.N. and Hamas
slogan in sports betting: <sweat
the game, not the payout.= in
other words, when dealing with BY C LAIRE P ARKER
legitimate sportsbooks and not
some shady neighborhood book- CAIRO 4 describing the humani-
ie, gamblers shouldn9t have to tarian situation in the Gaza strip
worry about getting stiffed. in increasingly apocalyptic terms,
Yet bettors say gaming opera- aid agencies are urging israel to
tors aren9t always living up to ease the difficult and often dan-
that promise, and some industry gerous process of delivering sup-
officials agree. Bookmakers plies to desperate Palestinians.
sometimes use a clause in their israel has embarked on a public
Carolyn Van houTen/The WashinGTon PosT
fine print as an <insurance plan,= campaign to defend its humani-
as one top regulator put it, to get tarian record, blaming the united
out of paying big winners 4 and nations and Hamas for the crisis.
multiple industry observers say
the practice is increasing.
That caveat nearly cost chris-
topher Kozak $127,420 recently,
Drug tra>ckers have made the Famine is looming in Gaza, the
united nations warns. The World
Food Program estimates that
93 percent of the population faces
after Hard rock Bet voided three
successful long shot hockey wa-
gers 4 involving bets on a host of
nHL players being held scoreless
Galápagos Islands their gas station crisis levels of hunger. disease is
spreading rapidly. The World
Health organization predicts that
the death toll from sickness and
in the same game 4 that he starvation in coming months
placed in Tennessee. The sports- could eclipse the number of peo-
book, operated by the seminole harles darwin described it as the and rushed to the police station. But by ple killed in the war so far 4 more
Tribe, notified him several days
after the games in question that
his payouts were an <obvious
C most desolate of the Galápagos
islands, an almost extraterrestrial
outpost crawling with giant tortoises and
The beloved World Heritage
site is being pulled into the
booming cocaine trade that9s
the time the authorities reached the
scene, the cessna conquest ii had been
abandoned. Whoever had flown it had
than 24,000, according to the lat-
est count from the Gaza Health
Ministry, with the majority wom-
error,= and therefore he wasn9t marine iguanas found nowhere else in fled, leaving behind eight fuel contain- en and children.
owed anything beyond a refund. the world, where smoke curled out of fueling Ecuador9s violence ers, five of them full. aid agencies say the chief fac-
When he pushed back, Hard volcanic craters and lava flowed black. From the outset, authorities suspected tors hampering the delivery of
rock sought to renegotiate the Today, more than 100,000 tourists visit drug traffickers. lifesaving assistance to Gazans
odds 4 <a slap in the face,= said the white sand beaches of isabela. Those The mystery offers a glimpse into the fall almost entirely under israel9s
Kozak, who shared screenshots who come by air land at the José de BY S AMANTHA S CHMIDT growing criminal threat to the Galápagos control 4 the israeli inspection
of his bets, as well as his exten- Villamil airport, a lone airstrip surround- AND A RTURO T ORRES islands, the beloved unEsco World process for aid remains lengthy
sive correspondence with Hard ed by brush. By day, the modest facility is in isaBELa, Ecuador Heritage site that9s being pulled into the and inefficient; there aren9t
rock, with The Washington Post. manned by a single employee. at night, it booming drug trade consuming much of enough trucks or fuel inside Gaza
The messages show company goes dark. There are no security cameras, Latin america. to distribute the aid; mechanisms
officials repeatedly declining to no lights, no one keeping watch at the an Ecuadorian Coast Guard crew, in mainland Ecuador, 600 miles away, to protect humanitarian workers
explain the nature of the <error= entrance to one of the most carefully tasked with intercepting drug Mexican and albanian drug traffickers are unreliable; and commercial
or what made it <obvious.= protected reserves on earth. traffickers around the Galápagos have fueled a surge in gang violence goods have only just begun to
The company declined to an- it was here, just after dusk one evening Islands, escorts a vessel to port last unlike any in the country9s history. trickle in.
swer questions from The Post. in early 2021, that the 53-year-old airport year. International criminal groups on Tuesday, armed men terrorized the Large swaths of Gaza remain
Then, last week 4 nearly two employee was surprised by a noise: the are working with local gangs to move country in a series of apparently coordi- off-limits to aid workers. Frequent
months after voiding Kozak9s whir of a small airplane touching down cocaine from south america to the nated attacks: car bombings, prison ri- telecommunications blackouts
bets and following questions unannounced on the runway. United states and Europe. to make the ots, police kidnappings. one group took complicate their work. and the
from a reporter 4 it agreed to Panicked, he jumped on his motorbike journey, smugglers need gasoline. sEE GalapaGos on a8 war still rages.
pay him in full. He had recently sEE aId on a11
brought his complaint to the
Tennessee sports Wagering Qatar-France aid deal: Medicine
sEE bEttING on a18 for hostages enters Gaza. A11

Insights into aging well ELECTION 2024

from a nonagenarian Haley steps up her attacks, but some want more
Trump critics say she needs to be more aggressive to win N.H., which she portrays as two-person race
Study explores 93-year-old Richard Morgan, who
has the physiology of someone decades younger BYC OLBY I TKOWITZ,
BY G RETCHEN R EYNOLDS almost 10 times around the globe
and has won four world champi- MANCHESTER, N.H. 4 nikki Ha-
For lessons on how to age well, onships. so what, the researchers ley, treating the primary as a one-
we could do worse than turn to wondered, did his late-life exer- on-one race with donald Trump,
richard Morgan. cise do for his aging body? has stepped up her criticism of the
at 93, the irishman is a four- former president, lobbing pointed
time world champion in indoor lessons on aging from active attacks on his age in a one-two
rowing, with the aerobic engine older people punch against him and President
of a healthy 30- or 40-year-old <We need to look at very active Biden, yet still holding back on the
and the body-fat percentage of a older people if we want to under- full offensive many Trump critics
whippet. He9s also the subject of stand aging,= said Bas Van Hoo- wish she9d launch.
a new case study, published last ren, a doctoral researcher at at town halls, in television ads
month in the Journal of applied Maastricht university in the and during media interviews in
Physiology, that looked at his netherlands and one of the recent days, Haley has repeatedly
training, diet and physiology. study9s authors. pointed to Trump9s age, 77, as an
its results suggest that, in Many questions remain unan- attack line. <The majority of amer-
many ways, he9s an exemplar of swered about the biology of ag- icans think that having two 80-
fit, healthy aging 4 a nonagenar- ing, and whether the physical year-olds running for president is
ian with the heart, muscles and slowing and declines in muscle not what they want,= she said at a
lungs of someone less than half mass that typically occur as we campaign stop Tuesday in Bretton
his age. But in other ways, he9s grow older are normal and inevi- Woods. The comments mark a
ordinary: a onetime baker and table or perhaps due, at least in rhetorical sharpening for a candi-
battery maker with creaky knees part, to a lack of exercise. date who mostly stuck to more
who didn9t take up regular exer- if some people stay strong and implicit contrasts involving com-
cise until he was in his 70s and fit deep into their golden years, petency tests and calls for a new
who still trains mostly in his the implication is that many of generation of leadership before
backyard shed. the rest of us might be able to as sEE HalEy on a6
Even though his fitness rou- well, he said. Melina Mara/The WashinGTon PosT

tine began later in life, he has Helpfully, his colleague Lorcan lisa Easler waits with daughters Emily, 9, and Josefine, 6, for Republican presidential candidate Ballot: Maine judge delays Trump
now rowed the equivalent of sEE aGING on a18 Nikki Haley at a rally Wednesday in Rochester, N.H. Haley is polling second in the state. decision until high court rules. A6

in the news ThE ECONOmy

a crop of children9s
Maryland Gov. Wes
sT yLE
the new owner of the
BusINEss NEws.........................A13
OpINION pAgEs..........................A15
camps and other educa- Moore (D) released a Baltimore Sun, David D. OBITuArIEs..................................B4
Defamation trial A judge threatened to throw ThE NATION ThE wOrLd tional outlets is rising to budget plan <rebasing= Smith, clashed with the TELEvIsION .................................. C3

former president Donald Trump out of court president biden and Catherine, Princess of meet the pull of You- how the government in- newspaper9s staff during wOrLd NEws.............................A10

top lawmakers are mak- Wales, underwent sur- Tube stardom. A13 vests in core priorities. B1 a tense meeting. C1
after he defied an order to stay quiet during ing a bid for a deal on the gery; the king is set for a Red sea attacks by a high school senior CONTENT © 2024
E. Jean Carroll9s testimony. a4 border and Ukraine. A2 prostate procedure. A10 Iranian-backed Houthi hoped her speech on LOCAL LIvINg The Washington Post

a federal report found a scientist mapped the militants are leading to national unity would be Making your garden Year 147, No. 53734
random killings A former MS-13 member declines in policing and coronavirus9s genetic higher costs and alter- enough to win a contest more eco-friendly can
mental health services at sequence weeks before start with adopting
testified about how the gang chose its targets native routes for ship- honoring the Rev. Mar-
small habits throughout
schools in 2021-2022. A3 Beijing released it. A12 ping companies. A14 tin Luther King Jr. B1
in four homicides in Northern Virginia. B1 the year.
A2 eZ re the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

For home delivery comments
Biden in late push for deal on Ukraine, border
or concerns contact us at or
send us an email at or call
President9s goal of aiding
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 Kyiv still in peril without
TO SUBSCRIBe immigration agreement
Classified: 202-334-6200
Display: 202-334-7642 AND A BIGAIL H AUSLOHNER <I told the president
President Biden met with con- what I have been saying
gressional leaders Wednesday in
TO ReACH THe NeWSROOM an 11th-hour attempt to break a for many months, and
Metro: 202-334-7300; long-running logjam over his funding request for Ukraine, but that is that we must
national: 202-334-7410; there was little sign of a break- through on Biden9s top foreign have change at the
Business: 202-334-7320; policy goal in the hours after the White House meeting. border 4 substantive
sports: 202-334-7350; The bipartisan confab, which aides said was designed to focus policy change.=
investigative: 202-334-6179; specifically on Ukraine, came as
House Speaker the president has struggled to
Mike Johnson (R-La.)
style: 202-334-7535; convince congressional leaders of the urgent need to provide addi-
tional support for Kyiv9s fight
against Russia9s nearly two-year-
letters to the editor: or call old invasion, arguing that it is a
202-334-6215 critical front in the global fight
salwan georges/the washington Post
opinion: between democracy and autocra- cy. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) prepares to address reporters at the White House on Wednesday.
Published daily (issn 0190-8286). As Biden urges lawmakers to He said Republicans would focus on immigration changes before discussing more aid for Ukraine.
PostMaster: send address changes to back another $60 billion for
the washington Post, 1301 K st. nw, washington,
D.C. 20071. Ukraine, he faces fresh questions was growing short. mer said. of the meeting. <Every single aid sion of support for the idea that
Periodicals postage paid in washington, D.C., and from Republicans over the man- Even before the meeting, John- <Just about every person in package that we provided we9ll deal with this in a way, and
additional mailing office.
agement of billions in U.S. funds son was critical of negotiations in that room 4 Democrat, Republi- Ukraine, we have done consulta- that may involve a shutdown. I
already spent, the contributions the Senate over a border deal, can, House, Senate 4 talked tions with Congress.= He added wouldn9t be reticent about that to
of other allies to the effort and the suggesting that the Republican- about the importance of aiding that Ukraine9s troops are running make them solve this problem.=
Ukrainians9 plan for achieving led House would insist on even Ukraine. And everyone in the low on several critical munitions. Schumer took issue with GOP
e D ITO R 9S NO T e victory after an underwhelming tougher immigration changes. room also talked about that we In late December, the Biden demands that a border deal must
military counteroffensive. Re- <Before we even talk about had to do something about the administration announced a precede any talk of more aid for
publicans have said for months Ukraine, I am going to tell the border,= Schumer told reporters $250 million weapons package Ukraine. <Anyone who says we
Last year, The Washington Post that Ukraine will not receive president what I9m telling all of after returning to the Capitol. for Ukraine, marking what offi- have to do one first before we do
published a series of articles additional funds until the crisis you and we9ve told the American <It9s broken. President Biden said cials said could be a final consign- the other means we won9t get any
about misconduct allegations at the U.S. southern border is people: border, border, border,= he knows that and wants to really ment from U.S. stockpiles unless of it done,= he said.
that had been leveled against a addressed with new limits on Johnson told reporters. make significant change on the Congress acts. Biden9s current As Russian President Vladimir
principal in the Montgomery migration. The negotiations carry high border.= request would give the adminis- Putin insists publicly that he is
County school district, as well as <I told the president what I stakes on several fronts. Aid to Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Tex.), tration an additional $7 billion in not prepared to back down in the
the district9s handling of the have been saying for many Ukraine, one of Biden9s top for- who attended the meeting as authority to make arms dona- ongoing war, European nations
allegations and the steps it took months, and that is that we must eign policy priorities, is in danger chairman of the House Foreign tions to the beleaguered country. are also experiencing divisions
in response to The Post9s have change at the border 4 of lapsing for the first time since Relations Committee, noted that It would also provide $18 bil- over funding for Ukraine. The
reporting. Those articles were substantive policy change,= Russia9s invasion. Border security Biden said he is ready to change lion for replenishing U.S. weap- leaders of Hungary and Slovakia
co-written by a freelance House Speaker Mike Johnson is a volatile issue whose lack of a border policy and that leaders of ons stockpiles; $12 billion for have voiced doubts over a Euro-
reporter. At the time that six of (R-La.) told reporters after the resolution could damage Biden both parties voiced support for longer-term arms contracts for pean Union plan to finance an aid
the articles were published, The meeting. politically. And the talks accom- Ukraine. <There was a consensus Ukraine; funding for U.S. mili- package for Ukraine worth more
Post was aware that the freelance Biden has said he is prepared pany wrangling over a long-term on the fact that we can9t abandon tary operations in Europe; and than $50 billion. Some European
reporter was substitute-teaching to make concessions on border spending bill, whose outcome our allies,= he said, because if investments in manufacturing officials, including Hungarian
for the school district. Editors issues, but the negotiations have will determine whether the gov- Russia takes over Ukraine it missiles. President Viktor Orban, have
later determined that her stretched on for weeks without ernment shuts down within would likely attack NATO coun- Also hanging in the balance is a suggested they are skeptical of
subbing for the district created a resolution of key sticking points. weeks. tries and require a much larger potential shutdown of major Ukraine9s ability to prevail mili-
potential conflict of interest While the White House has sug- Democrats afterward por- U.S. response. parts of the U.S. government, tarily against Russia, calling for
according to The Post9s gested it is willing to accept some trayed the meeting in a relatively But a significant faction of which some GOP lawmakers see the two sides to negotiate.
standards that The Post should restrictions on the use of asylum, positive light, with House Minori- conservative House Republicans as another form of leverage for The domestic politics of the
have avoided. This potential for example, the talks have hit a ty Leader Hakeem Jeffries has expressed doubt about the negotiating tough border restric- U.S. southern border have also
conflict of interest is unrelated to snag over Republicans9 insistence (D-N.Y.) calling it a <very positive, need to continue spending mon- tions. On Tuesday, Congress took been heating up, as Biden ramps
the accuracy of her reporting, that Biden accept new limits on forward-looking, candid discus- ey on a war that is so distant from an initial step toward avoiding a up his reelection campaign
which The Post stands behind. his power to allow migrants into sion.= American shores. And border se- government shutdown that against the backdrop of record
An editor9s note has been the country using an authority Senate Majority Leader curity has proven a powerful would otherwise start at the end surges in illegal migration. In
appended to the online versions known as parole. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) told issue for the GOP, leaving it of the week, extending the dead- several recent polls, Biden9s han-
of the following articles, which Biden sought to make his case reporters he was optimistic that unclear whether party leaders line to early March. dling of immigration and border
appeared in the print edition: directly to the key lawmakers the two sides would ultimately will ultimately see an advantage Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.), a issues have received low marks
during Wednesday9s meeting, avert a government shutdown in reaching an agreement with member of the House Freedom from voters.
lA Metro article on Sept. 12 which featured the Democratic and pass a major package with Biden on the issue. Caucus, suggested that Johnson Biden9s leading Republican ri-
about a report being filed on the and Republican leaders of the funding for Ukraine, Israel, the The White House tried to use and other Republicans should val, former president Donald
alleged misconduct. House and Senate, as well as the Indo-Pacific and the border. Wednesday9s meeting to both in- not be afraid of a government Trump, won a landslide victory in
chairs and ranking members of <I am more optimistic than voke the seriousness of Ukraine9s shutdown if it means getting a the Iowa caucuses on Monday,
l A Page One article on Sept. 16 the Appropriations, Armed Ser- ever before that we can come to predicament and address Repub- win on the border, although that building momentum for a cam-
that said investigators found vices, Foreign Relations and In- an agreement,= he said. <I put the lican concerns that funding for opinion is not widely shared paign that has made immigration
<significant and troubling telligence committees. It gave chances at a little bit greater than Kyiv has been accompanied by among House Republicans. a central attack point against the
failures= when the district Biden an opportunity to under- half now. And that9s the first time too little accountability. <I9m not in favor of willy-nilly president.
promoted the principal. line his message amid a feeling on I can say that.= <This whole idea of a blank or just on a whim shutting down
both sides that, with the election Leaders of the two parties check . . . is not true,= National government,= Bishop said. <But Marianna sotomayor, Missy ryan
lA Metro article on Sept. 22 that approaching and Ukraine run- agreed that both Ukraine and the Security Council spokesman the American people 4 I9ve seen a and leigh ann Caldwell contributed
said the county9s inspector ning out of funds, time for a deal border must be addressed, Schu- John Kirby told reporters ahead tremendous upswell of expres- to this report.
general would investigate the
school system9s handling of the
misconduct complaints.

l A Metro article on Sept. 29

about County Council members
Prosecutors deride Hunter Biden9s claims of political revenge
reprimanding school system
leaders. drugs in the past year 4 a period
when he was addicted to and
l A Metro article on Oct. 9 about
They say there9s no taking such drugs, according to
the school district moving the evidence of 8selective and his memoir. He has pleaded not
investigator who closed an guilty.
inquiry into the allegations into
vindictive prosecution9 Biden was separately charged
two new jobs. in Los Angles with nine counts of
failing to pay at least $1.4 million
l A Metro article on Oct. 14 that BY P ERRY S TEIN in federal taxes from 2016
said a law firm9s report on the AND D EVLIN B ARRETT through 2019. He also pleaded
situation found systemic failures not guilty to those charges 4
in the school system. Federal prosecutors pushed setting up the extraordinary pos-
back Tuesday against Hunter sibility that he could go to trial
Biden9s claim that federal gun twice while his father runs for
the washington Post is committed to charges against him were filed reelection. The tax case is sched-
correcting errors that appear in the because of political pressure and uled for trial in June.
newspaper. those interested in should be dismissed, writing in a The investigation into Hunter
contacting the paper for that purpose court filing that the president9s Biden began during the Trump
son did not offer sufficient evi- administration, with charges
Call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be dence that the Justice Depart- filed last year. Republicans, in-
connected to the desk involved 4 ment was unfairly out to get him. cluding former president Donald
national, Foreign, Metro, style, sports, The government9s 52-page fil- Trump, have seized on Hunter
Business or any of the weekly sections. ing relied on excerpts from Hunt- Biden9s legal troubles, accusing
Comments can be directed to the er Biden9s 2021 memoir about his the Justice Department of not
Post9s reader advocate, who can be life and struggles with drug ad- pursuing the case aggressively
reached at 202-334-7582 or diction. In the book, he says that and claiming President Biden he decided to purchase a firearm was involved in his son9s finances
after a drug dealer pointed a gun 4 an allegation that is not in the
at him during a transaction. indictment and of which no con-
Jose luis Magana/aP
<The charges in this case are clusive evidence has been public-
Download The not trumped up or because of ly surfaced. President Biden has Hunter Biden and attorney Abbe Lowell, left, face reporters on Jan. 10 as they leave a House Oversight
Washington Post app former President Trump 4 they denied any involvement in his Committee hearing to determine whether to hold him in contempt of Congress.
are instead a result of the defen- son9s business.
stay informed with award-winning
dant9s own choices and were The probe has been led by U.S. said they will file a similar motion discussed buying thousands of by which prosecutors sometimes
national and international news,
brought in spite of, not because Attorney David Weiss of Dela- in the tax case in Los Angeles. dollars9 worth of crack while also dismiss charges on the condition
Plus complete local news coverage of, any outside noise made by ware, who was named a special Prosecutors, in turn, said Tues- taking videos of himself weighing that a person gets drug treatment.
of the D.C. metro area. Create politicians,= the government9s fil- counsel in August, which gave day that such a belief is a con- crack and smoking,= the filing Biden and prosecutors had
customized news alerts, save ing reads. <The defendant cannot him clear authority to file charges spiracy theory and that Hunter reads. <Furthermore, a chemist reached such an agreement on
articles for offline reading in My prevail on his selective prosecu- outside of the state. Biden9s <theory is a fiction de- was able to confirm the presence the gun charges and had negotiat-
Post, browse the daily print edition tion claim because he does not Attorney General Merrick Gar- signed for a Hollywood script.= of cocaine residue on the brown ed a plea deal on the tax charges
and scroll through our the Discover identify any individual who chose land, who was appointed by the They said there is no evidence to leather pouch in which defendant in June.
tab to find stories that interest you. to make similar choices as him president, has said throughout suggest that the Justice Depart- stored his firearm.= But the deal fell apart a month
Free to download on the app store who was not prosecuted, and he the investigation that he has giv- ment, led by an attorney general Prosecutors also pushed back later under scrutiny from a feder-
and Play store, subscribers enjoy cannot establish any link be- en Weiss complete independence appointed by his father, brought in a separate filing against Biden9s al judge, who doubted the two
unlimited access. tween statements of politicians to pursue the probe. charges against him as retribu- demands for an evidentiary hear- separately framed agreements
and a discriminatory purpose by Hunter Biden9s attorneys tion. ing to explore the question of followed federal rules.
current DOJ officials.= sought to dismiss the gun case for In the filing, they cited evi- whether he was being prosecuted In urging the judge to reject
A three-count federal indict- what is known as <selective and dence they have collected to sup- unfairly. And they rejected Biden9s claim that the diversion
ment in Delaware alleges that vindictive prosecution,= arguing port the gun-purchase charges. Biden9s claims that a diversion agreement should remain in ef-
Biden made false statements on a that he was charged as punish- <Investigators also obtained agreement put in place last year fect, prosecutors wrote that the
gun-purchase form in 2018 when ment for his father beating Trump messages from his Apple iCloud was still in effect. language in the agreement <is
he said he had not used illegal in the 2020 election. They have account in which [Hunter Biden] A diversion agreement is a tool unambiguous.=
thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A3

Politics & the Nation

High court split on curtailing power of federal agencies
eight years when a new adminis-
tration comes in, whether it9s com-
Whether to overturn munications law or securities law
40-year precedent could or competition law or environ-
mental law,= he told Prelogar.
hinge on Roberts, Barrett Gorsuch, who has previously
called for overturning the prec-
edent, suggested judges should
BY A NN E . M ARIMOW not abdicate their responsibility
to interpret the law and <say auto-
A divided Supreme Court de- matically whatever the agency
bated whether and how to curtail says, wins.=
the power of federal agencies The court9s three liberal justices
Wednesday, with liberals urging 4 Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan
the court to defer to the judgment and Ketanji Brown Jackson 4 ex-
of government experts, and con- pressed concern about shifting
servatives saying judges should power to unelected judges to
not systematically favor govern- make technical and scientific pol-
ment regulators over private com- icy decisions when laws passed by
panies, industry or individuals in Congress are not crystal clear.
litigation. Jackson said she is worried
After more than three hours of about <courts becoming uber-leg-
argument, it was unclear whether islators.=
the court9s conservative majority <My concern is that if we take
would overturn or simply scale away something like Chevron, the
back the 40-year-old precedent court will then suddenly become a
that is under review in a pair of policymaker by majority rule or
cases brought by herring fisher- not, making policy determina-
men from New Jersey and Rhode tions,= she said.
Island. Whether the court ultimately
The high court was considering decides to toss one of the most-cit-
challenges to federal rules requir- ed legal precedents seemed likely
ing commercial fishermen to pay turn on Chief Justice John G. Rob-
for at-sea monitors. But the court9s erts Jr. and Justice Amy Coney
decision has the potential to sig- Barrett, whose questions Wednes-
nificantly limit the flexibility of day did not clearly telegraph their
federal agencies to regulate vast positions.
swaths of American life, including While many lower courts rely
the environment, financial mar- on Chevron, the Supreme Court Joe lamberTi for The waShinGTon PoST

kets, public health and the work- has been less likely to do so as it Patrick Quinn works aboard the Retriever while docked at a Norpel facility with a boat full of herring in New Bedford, Mass., on Jan. 3.
place. moved to the right in recent years,
Conservatives have long target- with the addition of three justices some regulations. They say it is eral rules and orders. gun, then that job is for the courts.= general representing the New Jer-
ed the framework set in 1984 in nominated by Trump. unconstitutional to require judges Prelogar, representing the The fishermen are challenging sey fishermen, said the framework
Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Re- Roberts alluded to that reality to systematically defer to one pow- Biden administration, urged the a Trump administration program Chevron set for courts to evaluate
sources Defense Council because it on Wednesday, suggesting the erful party 4 government agen- justices to clarify the limits of requiring them to pay for moni- agency action is unworkable.
requires judges to defer to the court had already overruled Chev- cies 4 over any other. Chevron rather than overturn the tors aboard their vessels to inspect Agencies have no authority, he
reasonable interpretation by fed- ron in practice. But he has also Attorney Roman Martinez, rep- decision altogether. operations and track fishing lim- said, beyond what Congress has
eral agency officials charged with said justices should be con- resenting the Rhode Island fisher- <Congress, agencies, states, reg- its during certain trips. The Na- specified. Clement disputed the
administering ambiguous federal strained by stare decisis, the doc- men, said that courts should not ulated parties and the American tional Marine Fisheries Service in- premise that when a statute is
laws. trine of abiding by past decisions. be forced to adopt <inferior agency public have all relied on Chevron terpreted a statute passed in 1976 ambiguous or silent, Congress
On Wednesday, Justices Brett Barrett asked whether over- constructions that are issued for and the regulations upheld under as giving the government the pow- wants agencies to fill in the gaps.
M. Kavanaugh and Neil M. Gor- turning a foundational decision political or policy reasons= and it to make important decisions er to pass on the cost of the moni- In an echo of her past dissents
such, both nominees of President such as Chevron would open the that directing courts to do so pre- that could be upended by overrul- tors to the fishermen. when the court has overturned
Donald Trump, took turns pepper- door to undoing past rulings. vents judges from applying their ing that framework,= she said. Fishermen from New Jersey precedent, Kagan warned
ing the Biden administration with <Isn9t it inviting a flood of litiga- best independent judgment. Through hypothetical ques- and Rhode Island filed nearly Wednesday about the implica-
skeptical questions as Solicitor tion even if for the moment those Supporters of Chevron, includ- tions, Kagan asked whether identical lawsuits asserting that tions for the court9s legitimacy if it
General Elizabeth B. Prelogar de- holdings stay intact?= she asked a ing environmental groups and la- courts or agency officials with ex- the Magnuson-Stevens Act does tears up Chevron and shifts more
fended the Trump administration lawyer for the fishermen. bor and civil rights organizations, perience and expertise should de- not directly authorize the govern- power to the courts.
initiative 4 and the long-standing The cases brought by Atlantic say Congress often writes broad termine, for instance, whether a ment to force them to pay for the <You9re saying blow up one doc-
Chevron precedent. herring fishermen are backed by statutes to give government ex- new product promoting healthy $700-a-day monitors. trine of humility, blow up another
Kavanaugh said Chevron has conservative legal organizations perts leeway to address emerging cholesterol is a dietary supple- In both cases, federal courts of doctrine of humility, and then ex-
allowed federal agencies to flip- 4 the Cause of Action Institute complex problems. Overturning ment or a drug, or how best to appeal applied Chevron and de- pect anybody to think that the
flop and impose different rules and the New Civil Liberties Alli- or scaling back one of the nation9s regulate artificial intelligence. ferred to the government9s inter- courts are acting like courts,= Ka-
each time a new administration ance 4 that have received millions most cited legal precedents, they <Does the Congress want this pretation of the statute. The fish- gan said in an exchange with
takes over, leaving judges with of dollars from the Koch network, say, will hamstring federal agen- Court to decide those questions, ermen then appealed to the Su- Clement.
little choice but defer to the chang- founded by billionaire industrial- cies and shift power to the courts policy-laden questions, of artifi- preme Court. <One lesson of humility,= Gor-
ing interpretations of officials. ist Charles Koch and his late and Congress. cial intelligence?= Kagan asked. The industry-funded monitor- such said a few moments later, <is
<You say don9t overrule Chevron brother, David Koch. While the Supreme Court jus- In response, Martinez said Con- ing program was short-lived, end- admit when you9re wrong.=
because it would be a shock to the Opponents of Chevron say the tices have not invoked Chevron gress can delegate some policy- ing last year because of lack of The cases are Loper Bright En-
system, but the reality of how this framework unfairly tips the scales since 2016, lower courts have re- making discretion to agencies, sufficient funding. The fishermen terprises v. Raimondo and Relent-
works is Chevron itself ushers in in favor of government agencies in lied on the framework in tens of <but once the law is written and were reimbursed for all costs. less, Inc. v. Department of Com-
shocks to the system every four or litigation challenging burden- thousands of cases evaluating fed- the interpretive function has be- Paul Clement, a former solicitor merce.

Federal report ûnds drops in policing and mental health services in schools
BY L AURA M ECKLER adviser at the statistics agency. lack of staff and money. Thirty-
AND H ANNAH N ATANSON <By the time they have gotten out nine percent of public schools
of middle school and into high reported <inadequate access= to
In the year following George school, they have found their both licensed mental health
Floyd9s murder in 2020, the num- path forward.= workers and funding in 2021-
ber of school resource officers The report also found a drop 2022, according to the survey.
fell as districts responded to calls in the portion of high schools Still, with federal covid relief
for limits on police, according to reporting incidents involving money available, the portion of
data released Wednesday by the distribution, possession or use of schools citing inadequate fund-
U.S. Education Department. The illegal drugs, alcohol and pre- ing fell from 54 percent in the
number of law enforcement offi- scription drugs. The portion re- year just before the pandemic.
cers carrying firearms dropped, porting incidents involving inap- But money doesn9t help if
as well. propriate use of prescription employees aren9t available to
The report from the National drugs fell sharply, from 34 per- hire. Hoover noted that there
Center for Education Statistics cent in 2017-2018 to 18 percent in was <huge workforce attrition=
examines the state of safety and 2021-2022. following the onset of the pan-
security on campuses in 2021- The survey, conducted every demic, with thousands quitting
2022, a tumultuous year for edu- two years, gathered data from school mental health jobs. Many
cation as school leaders strug- February to July 2022 about the of the nation9s schools are now
gled to return to normalcy fol- 2021-2022 school year from a facing a shortage of counselors,
lowing pandemic shutdowns and representative sample of 2,687 psychologists, social workers
confronted social justice de- public schools. and therapists, The Post report-
mands after Floyd9s murder at Confronted with violence in ed.
the hands of Minneapolis police. their buildings and fearful of <These numbers more likely
The report found that the mass shootings, schools have reflect diminished workforce ca-
overwhelming majority of deployed law enforcement per- pacity and disrupted in-person
schools increased social and sonnel for many years. In 2017- services than they reflect actual
emotional supports for students 2018, 45 percent reported host- student need,= Hoover said.
STan GodlewSki for The waShinGTon PoST
affected by the coronavirus, but ing school resource officers in Hoover said it9s also possible
that fewer schools provided their buildings at least once a As schools returned to in-person learning following the onset of the pandemic, they were less likely to that school officials, grappling
treatment and diagnosis of men- week. That rose to 49 percent in provide mental health treatment or to deploy law enforcement, according to federal data. with the vagaries of distance
tal health disorders. 2019-2020, but in 2021-2022, it learning, were unable to reach
And it found that 43 percent of fell back to 44 percent. tions for the National Associa- 55 percent of schools did so. And One explanation is that students who needed help or
high schools prohibited non- Civil rights activists had long tion of School Resource Officers, 38 percent of schools treated schools did not have the capacity even to identify students who
academic uses of cellphones in worked to remove police from said that since 2021-2022, some students for mental health disor- to provide what they knew was might be in trouble, as children
school. Not surprisingly, elemen- schools, arguing that they pose schools have reversed their pol- ders in 2021-2022, down from 42 needed. The survey found hid behind blacked-out Zoom
tary and middle schools were unacceptable risks to students of icies. Denver9s school board, for percent in 2019-2020. schools nationwide reporting a screens or didn9t log in at all.
more likely than high schools to color and contribute to what instance, voted 4 to 3 in June to At first blush, the findings
bar their use. critics call a <school to prison reinstate school resource officers seem counterintuitive because
Overall, the report found that pipeline.= after pulling them in 2020. the nation is still in the throes of
2 in 3 public schools recorded at Following Floyd9s murder, sev- <We did see schools that a pandemic-induced student
least one violent incident in that
school year, a figure statistically
unchanged since 2017-2018. The
eral major school systems can-
celed their contracts with police,
including Minneapolis, Denver
dropped their SRO units com-
pletely. We did see schools go to
unarmed security officers,= Har-
mental health crisis, said Sharon
Hoover, a professor of child psy-
chiatry at the University of Mary-
highest rates were at middle
schools, with 90 percent seeing
at least one violent incident,
and Portland, Ore.
At the same time, the number
of officers carrying firearms also
dy said. <We have seen a lot of
those come back.= He said his
group has seen increased de-
land School of Medicine and
co-director of the National Cen-
ter for School Mental Health.
compared with 85 percent of
high schools and 55 percent of
fell. In 2021-2022, 45 percent of
sworn law enforcement officers
mand for trainings.
The report also found a de-
Seventy percent of schools
have seen an uptick in students
elementary schools. in schools, including school re- cline in the number of schools seeking mental health help since Blu Ray, DVD, CDs and more " CASH PAID
Incidents of bullying were also source officers, routinely carried that diagnosed and treated stu- the pandemic started, according Brought to our stores 10am-6pm every day " No appointment needed
highest at middle schools, with a firearm. That was down from 51 dents for mental health disor- to a 2022 survey from the Na-
House calls possible for large collections of 1000+ items
28 percent reporting general bul- percent in 2019-2020 and a bit ders. Forty-nine percent of pub- tional Center for Education Sta-
lying at least once a week and 37 lower than the 47 percent record- lic schools held diagnostic as- tistics.
percent recording weekly cyber- ed in 2017-2018. Officers in sessments to check whether stu- Meanwhile, in 2021, nearly 1 in WONDER BOOK
bullying. towns, rural areas and suburbs dents were suffering from 3 teenage girls reported seriously
<Kids [in middle school] are were more likely to be armed mental health disorders in 2021- considering suicide, per federal Frederick GAITHERSBURG Hagerstown
trying to figure out & who they than those in cities, the survey 2022, the survey found 4 a drop data 4 and the rate of suicide 301-977-9166
are, where they belong,= said found. from 2019-2020, the last school among male 15-to-24-year-olds
Deanne Swan, senior technical Mac Hardy, director of opera- year before the pandemic, when rose from 2020 to 2021.
A4 eZ SU the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

Judge clashes with Trump over disruptive conduct in trial

in New Hampshire. We just got a
poll, and that shows me leading by
Despite earlier order, a lot,= he said.
loud comments continue Carroll, a writer and advice col-
umnist, told a federal jury on
during Carroll testimony Wednesday that Trump9s attacks
on her credibility beginning in
2019, after she publicly accused
BY S HAYNA J ACOBS him of a long-ago sexual assault,
continue to harm her profession-
NEW YORK 4 A federal judge ally and put her in fear for her
threatened to throw Donald safety.
Trump out of court Wednesday A jury in a separate civil case
after the former president defied last year found that Trump sexu-
an order to keep quiet during ally abused and defamed Carroll
writer E. Jean Carroll9s testimony and owed her $5 million in dam-
at his defamation trial, which re- ages. The trial that started Tues-
sulted in Trump becoming com- day is focused on whether the
bative with the jurist. former president owes Carroll ad-
U. S. District Judge Lewis A. ditional damages for separate
Kaplan addressed the former comments he made about her.
president after being told for the Kaplan found in a summary
second time by Carroll9s lawyers judgment motion in September
that Trump, seated at the defense that Trump is liable in the remain-
table, was denigrating Carroll ing case, sharply narrowing what
loudly enough for the nine-mem- the jury in the pending case can
ber jury to have heard it. Trump consider.
had already received one warning Kaplan 4 who also repeatedly
from Kaplan, an official court or- admonished Trump lawyer Alina
der. Habba for not following court-
<Mr. Trump, I hope I don9t have room rules and basic trial pro-
to consider excluding you from cedure 4 first told the former
the trial,= Kaplan said before a president to exhibit appropriate
midday break. While Trump has a trial decorum during late morn-
right to be there, the judge said, ing.
<that right can be forfeited & if he <I9m just going to ask that Mr.
is disruptive.= Trump take special care to keep
Trump threw his hands up in his voice down when he9s confer-
an animated show of disapproval. ring with counsel so that the jury
<I would love it! I would love it!= does not overhear it,= Kaplan, who
he said. has senior status in the Southern
Kaplan said Trump appeared District of New York and has been
unable to control himself. on the bench about three decades,
<You can9t either!= Trump said. said outside the presence of ju-
Ted ShAffrey/AP
The exchange Wednesday rors.
came during one of several recent After Trump9s blowup later E. Jean Carroll, a writer and advice columnist, arrives at Manhattan federal court on Wednesday. Testifying for the second time in a year
New York and D.C. court appear- with Kaplan, there were no fur- against Donald Trump, Carroll said the former president9s disparaging comments about her have damaged her life.
ances by Trump, who has also ther admonishments, but the for-
participated in political cam- mer president continued to look saying are false= and that <she sailed Carroll as a liar who is dict.
paign events in places such as visibly irritated as objection rul- seems to have now gotten her seeking fame and money. Since the second trial began,
Iowa and New Hampshire. The ings went against Habba during <I9m just going to ask memory back,= Crowley told the Carroll said her reputation to Kaplan has scolded Habba for
court dates at times have seemed the lawyer9s cross-examination of judge. readers and as a reliable source issues involving courtroom deco-
like part of Trump9s reelection Carroll. that Mr. Trump take Interruptions of that nature for relationship and life advice rum, including when he admon-
campaign, as he has spoken of Testifying for the second time could be seen as poisonous to the has been changed because of ished her repeatedly on Wednes-
himself as someone coping with in a year against Trump, Carroll special care to keep his jury, which is only supposed to Trump9s flurry of insults, which day for improperly trying to intro-
politically motivated criminal said disparaging comments the consider evidence and testimony generated thousands of harassing duce exhibits and suggested she
and civil cases designed to keep former president made about her voice down when he9s in reaching its verdict. social media messages and emails use a break in the action to <re-
him from becoming president have damaged her life. Trump, the Republican front- from Trump supporters as well as fresh your memory= about the
again. <I9m here because Donald conferring with counsel runner in this year9s presidential hundreds of violent threats. trial procedure.
Minutes after court proceed- Trump assaulted me and when I election, also attended part of the <Previously I was known sim- He also chided her for not
ings ended for the day Wednes- wrote about it, he said it never so that the jury does not court proceedings Tuesday, before ply as a journalist and had a standing up to voice an objection
day, Trump held a news confer- happened,= Carroll said. <He lied, leaving midday to attend a cam- column and now I9m known as the and for inappropriately making a
ence at his nearby commercial and he shattered my reputation.= overhear it.= paign event in New Hampshire. 8liar,9 the 8fraud9 and the 8whack third request to postpone the trial
property, 40 Wall Street. He criti- Trump appeared agitated U. S. District Judge Lewis A. Carroll has said Trump forced job,9= Carroll said, citing common for a Trump family funeral.
cized Kaplan and then transi- throughout her testimony and he Kaplan, who threatened to remove himself on her in a dressing room Trump refrains relating to her. <It9s denied. Sit down!= Kaplan
tioned into comments about the made remarks that could have former president donald Trump from in the high-end Bergdorf Good- Trump is expected to testify said.
upcoming Republican primary in been heard by the jury, according the courtroom during testimony in man department store in Manhat- Monday. He did not give testimo-
New Hampshire. to Carroll attorney Shawn Crow- his defamation trial tan in 1996. He denies that any ny at the first trial involving Car- Wesley Parnell contributed to this
<We9re making a big speech up ley. He said that <things that she is encounter occurred and has as- roll, and he is appealing that ver- report.

Trump lawyers say document shows client kept 8Q9-level security clearance
legal proceedings. Trump attorney Todd Blanche gest that they believed the clear- doesn9t give someone unfettered properly retaining national de-
In the 65-page filing, Trump9s first publicly referred to the <Q= ance would allow Trump to store access to it, however. fense information, with each
Defense seeks more lawyers disclosed some of the clearance at a November court highly classified material at Mar- <A clearance alone is not suffi- count representing a different
details in Fla. classified defenses they plan to use in the hearing in Florida, saying he had a-Lago, his Florida home and cient for access to classified ma- document that was allegedly in
case, one of four criminal trials learned Trump <continued to private club. Rather, they said it terials,= said Steve Aftergood, a Trump9s possession at Mar-a-La-
documents case Trump is facing. have an active clearance= when speaks to his state of mind and security expert. <You need a clear- go.
They asked for communication prosecutors turned over the De- shows that he was acting in good ance, and you need a need to According to court filings, one
between prosecutors and the partment of Energy documenta- faith when he stored the materi- know. As a former president, Mr. of those documents related to
BY P ERRY S TEIN Biden administration, which they tion as part of what is known as als at his personal residence. Trump9s need to know 4 unlike nuclear weapons and would have
said could show that the indict- Brady material 4 evidence that Their filing accuses the Energy his security clearance 4 would been off-limits to anyone without
Former president Donald ment against Trump is politically prosecutors must share with de- Department of trying to modify have expired.= a <Q= clearance.
Trump9s lawyers say they may use motivated, and they argued that fense lawyers that could be help- an <inconvenient truth= by re- Presidents do not go through That document is marked as
evidence suggesting that Trump prosecutors must show more evi- ful to the defense. moving Trump9s name from the the same security-clearance proc- <Formerly Restricted Data,= ac-
had a high-level security clear- dence that Trump damaged na- In the latest filing, Trump9s clearance list weeks after his in- ess as other government officials. cording to a previous court filing,
ance as recently as last year to tional security by possessing the attorneys suggested they still do dictment. Instead, they automatically gain which means that it contains in-
bolster their defense that the for- documents. not know the entirety of what the <In order to permit President access to restricted material upon formation related to the work-
mer president was acting in Among the more specific possi- Department of Energy filing en- Trump to prepare his defenses taking office. ings, location or procedures for
<good-faith and non-criminal ble defenses: Lawyers for Trump tails and asked the judge to force and present them to the jury, the Former presidents retain some securing nuclear weapons.
states of mind= when he took say he had an active security prosecutors to provide more in- Office must produce documents level of access to classified ma- While the bureaucratic label
sensitive documents from the clearance years after leaving the formation about the <Q= clear- and communications relating to terials because they can be in- has the word <formerly= in it,
White House to his Florida resi- White House, based on a govern- ance. The term refers to a type of that decision,= the filing says. cluded on some sensitive discus- security experts say it is a misno-
dence after leaving office. ment document from June 2023 security clearance handled by the So why would Trump be on a sions to offer their expertise, said mer because such information is
The revelation came in a legal that still listed him with a <Q= agency, whose classified informa- <Q=-level security clearance list Mark S. Zaid, a lawyer who has still classified and restricted.
filing late Tuesday night in which clearance from the Department tion focuses largely on nuclear even after he left the White handled espionage cases. But he Other documents that Trump
Trump9s attorneys urged Judge of Energy. secrets. House? agreed with Aftergood that such is accused of retaining require
Aileen M. Cannon 4 who is over- The document was dated a few It became popular in right- Security experts 4 who have access is only granted when there different types of clearance.
seeing Trump9s federal trial in weeks after prosecutors indicted wing conspiracy circles because not seen the list and do not know is a specific need. Trump9s lawyers said in their fil-
Florida for allegedly mishandling Trump in the case. of the movement known as if Trump is on it 4 said that every <The reality is that [Trump] ing that they may use the Depart-
classified documents 4 to force He faces 40 counts related to QAnon, which originated during agency has different protocols to wouldn9t necessarily still have ac- ment of Energy documentation
prosecutors to produce more in- willful retention of national de- Trump9s presidency and centers track who is eligible to access cess because no one would have as a basis to at least dismiss the
formation about the evidence fense information; obstruction, on made-up claims circulated by certain information. The Depart- given him access,= Zaid said. <But charge for retaining the nuclear
they have about the former presi- withholding or altering of docu- a person known as <Q,= who sup- ment of Energy, they said, main- he would have had eligibility re- document.
dent. ments; and making false state- porters claimed had that level of tains a list that is not always gardless as a former president.=
A <motion to compel discov- ments, and has pleaded not clearance. updated regularly. Being eligible The charges Trump faces in devlin Barrett contributed to this
ery= is a standard part of pretrial guilty. Trump9s attorneys did not sug- to view the sensitive material Florida include 32 counts of im- report.

Court rejects X9s claim it had right to alert ex-president to search warrant
BY R ACHEL W EINER the disagreeing group. The ruling the search became public. <So to the court record. country. A different panel of the D.C.
comes as the same court consid- these issues are not properly be- X continued to fight the ruling The full U.S. Court of Appeals Circuit ruled in 2021 against
A federal appeals court has ers another question of executive fore the en banc court,= she wrote. in court, saying the warrant for the D.C. Circuit left that ruling Trump when he claimed execu-
rejected Twitter9s claim that Don- power 4 Trump9s claim to total But she and the other Republican should have been put on hold in place without comment. tive privilege over documents
ald Trump should have been immunity from prosecution. One appointees said the court never- until its First Amendments Rao, a Trump appointee, con- sought by the House committee
alerted to the existence of a of the four judges who joined the theless <should not have en- claims and any executive privi- tended that the D.C. Circuit has a investigating the Jan. 6, 2021,
search warrant for his data by statement in the Twitter decision, dorsed this gambit.= No court has lege claims from Trump played record of <failing to recognize attack on the U.S. Capitol. The
prosecutors investigating inter- Karen L. Henderson, is on the ruled on whether a former presi- out in court. The Electronic Fron- serious separation of powers con- Supreme Court declined to recon-
ference in the 2020 election, leav- panel considering that argument. dent can block a business from tier Foundation, a civil liberties cerns implicated by novel intru- sider that ruling, although Rao
ing in place a $350,000 fine im- The ruling that X appealed was responding to a court order, or group, supported X with a brief sions on the presidency.= emphasizes that in doing so, the
posed on the social media compa- of a court order barring the com- whether that right would out- calling the ruling a <drastic re- Rao highlighted her own dis- justices said there were <unprec-
ny for not complying on time. pany from telling Trump or his weigh a compelling need for se- writing of First Amendment law.= sent from a case in which the D.C. edented= and <serious= questions
Twitter, now known as X, can attorneys about the existence of a crecy during a criminal investiga- Three judges on the D.C. Cir- Circuit ruled lawmakers could raised by the case.
still take its case to the U.S. January 2023 search warrant for tion. cuit, all Democratic appointees, seek Trump9s tax records from his <It9s a remarkable shot across
Supreme Court. The case split the his data and a subsequent sanc- X did ultimately turn over the ruled in July that the nondisclo- accounting firm, a move the for- the bench, but I think it also
D.C. Circuit along partisan lines, tion for not handing over the information, two days after the sure order was a justifiable re- mer president fought as a viola- overreads what the Supreme
with four Republican appointees information on time. X argued Feb. 7 deadline imposed by the straint on X9s speech because tion of the balance of power Court actually said in both of the
saying Trump should have been that it had a First Amendment court. When Trump was indicted there was <reason to believe that between Congress and the White cases she cites,= Steve Vladeck, an
able to argue some of the infor- right to alert Trump, who might by special counsel Jack Smith in disclosure of the warrant would House. In that case, the Supreme expert in national security law at
mation from X be withheld from then fight the disclosure himself. August on charges of obstructing jeopardize= a criminal investiga- Court took neither side, sending the University of Texas, said of
the government. But X acknowledged that it did Congress and thwarting people9s tion that had <national security the case back to the D.C. Circuit Rao9s statement. The case law on
<Judicial disregard of executive not have standing to make any right to vote, several of the former implications.= In particular, the for more consideration <of the executive privilege is not so clear,
privilege undermines the Presi- claims on Trump9s behalf, and president9s tweets were quoted as court said, Trump might destroy significant separation of powers he said: <As is so often the case
dency, not just the former Presi- Rao likewise said the court9s <op- evidence. The special counsel evidence, alert possible co-defen- issues raised.= After several more with Trump, that9s because there
dent being investigated in this tions= were <limited= because also obtained 32 direct messages dants to the existence of the legal battles, the records were haven9t been other cases like
case,= Judge Neomi Rao wrote for Trump has not intervened since from Trump9s account, according investigation or even flee the turned over. this.=

Traveling Back to the

Dawn of Civilization
There are so many historical tales to unravel in Türkiye, a country sitting at the crossroads of civilizations, filled with the remnants of human
history, in all the significant stages of its fascinating evolution. Next time you are making travel plans, make sure that one of the country’s
UNESCO World Heritage Sites is on your shortlist.

Mount Nemrut, Adıyaman The Library of Celsus in Ephesus, İzmir Dark Church, Nevşehir

Every corner of Türkiye has its famous site providing insights into the Phrygian logical site in the eastern Mediterrane- This serial property comprises five
historical remnants, quietly telling tales civilization and its accomplishments. an. The remnants of Temple of Artemis, hypostyle mosques built in Anatolia
of powerful civilizations that once The structures within its Early Phrygian which was recognized as one of the between the late 13th and mid-14th
spread their influence and 21 of these citadel, along with the burial mounds of Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, centuries, each located in a different
hotspots have been listed as UNESCO the city's rulers, serve as exceptional the Library of Celsus, the Great Theatre province of present-day Türkiye. The
World Heritage Sites. examples of monumental architecture and the Basilica of St. John are some of mosques' distinctive structural system
in the Iron Age of Near East. The cita- the main sights that have been gazed at integrates an outer masonry building
The Land of Great Transformation del's entrance showcases the most in wonder by visitors from all over the envelope with several rows of interior
The historical journey through Anatolia well-preserved fortified gate complex world for so long. Apart from the wooden columns (referred to as
begins in the Neolithic period with from the Iron Age (10th-8th centuries ancient spa city of Hierapolis in Pamuk- "hypostyle"). These columns support a
Göbeklitepe, the world’s first known BCE) that has been unearthed to date. kale, which was founded as a thermal spa flat wooden ceiling and the roof. These
sacred site, going back to around 9600 Of course, no act of time travel throu- on hot springs in classical Phrygia and mosques are renowned for their expert
BCE. At the foot of the majestic gh Anatolia would be complete without Xanthos-Letoon, the capital city of woodcarving and craftsmanship evident
Taurus Mountains, looking out over the ahike up to Mount Nemrut, soaring up Lycian Civilization, Anatolia is also home in their structures, architectural com-
slopes of the Harran Plain, this is one of to 2,400 meters above the sea level, to the legendary Troy, mentioned in ponents, and furnishings.
the most important sites of the Neolit- which is utterly rewarded with the Homer’s epic Iliad, where a symbolic
hic Age, predating both Stonehenge monumental tomb sanctuary of King wooden Trojan horse commemorates The Seats of the Ottoman Throne
and the Egyptian pyramids. The collec- Antiochus I Theos of Commagene the legendary war at the waterfront of A historical journey through Türkiye is
tion of circles formed by T-shaped (69-34 BCE), the most famous ruler Çanakkale. never complete without seeing the
stone pillars with intricate carvings exp- of the Kingdom of Commagene. The splendor of the Ottoman Empire. Bursa
resses the mystic power of a site of colossal statues of this sanctuary, Anatolia in the Medieval Times and Cumalıkızık are in the list as they
worship older than history itself. At the unmatched in the ancient world, are Like a fairy tale world that rises out of showcase the heritage from the Birth of
heartland of Türkiye, Çatalhöyük is likebeing present in another realm enti- the natural landscape, Göreme National the Ottoman Empire. Bursa was the
another famous Neolithic excavation rely, on top of a mountain, away from Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia first capital of the Empire between 1335
site where the world’s first urban sett- everything else, alone with history. and its Christian monasteries dating and 1363 and, nearby Cumalıkızık is also
lement was unearthed. It is here that back to the 8th through the 11th centu- a showcase of Ottoman civic architec-
visitors can travel back in time to the ture, a village of colorful wooden houses,
beginnings of human history through more of which can be found in the City
the remnants of rooms believed to have of Safranbolu, one of the best-preser-
been temples, elegantly decorated ved Ottoman cities.
houses and elaborate artifacts that
clearly signal the sophistication of this Yet, the Ottoman era cannot be discus-
ancient society. Even though objects sed without mentioning the chief Otto-
such as statues of the Anatolian man architect and civil engineer Mimar
Mother Goddess and fragments of Sinan, one of the most important repre-
elaborate wall paintings can be found at sentatives of the classical period of
the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations Ottoman architecture, who built more
in Ankara, it is the excavation site itself than 300 significant structures. The
that is so enthralling because of its Selimiye Mosque and its Social Comp-
immediacy, the act of walking through lex are among his most notable achieve-
spaces where such early signs of human ments, a true masterwork that leaves its
Göbeklitepe, Şanlıurfa
life once thrived. visitors in awe in Edirne, the second
capital of the Ottoman Empire. The true
Ancient Kingdoms of Anatolia Cultural Blossoming of the Classical ries are a site of pilgrimage and wonder. beauty and influence of the Ottoman
The Arslantepe Mound is another Period Another important archaeological site, era begins when İstanbul became the
UNESCO World Heritage Site with North of İzmir, the remnants of the Ani, was a great metropolis that was seat of the Ottoman rulers. One of the
ties to the Mesopotamian world and, Hellenistic period unveil themselves in once known as the city of a thousand world’s richest open-air museums, the
later, the Hittite civilization, with an the form of Pergamum, once a political and one churches. A true Muslim stron- Historic Areas of İstanbul (Historical
unearthed king’s palace that acts as an and intellectual center, a city of learning ghold, the Great Mosque and Hospital Peninsula) is not only home to exquisite
open-air museum today. One of Ana- and culture, and the home of The Library of Divriği, is one of Anatolia’s most Ottoman monuments like Topkapı
tolia’s greatest civilizations, the ancient of Pergamum, which contained almost important works of architecture, espe- Palace, Sultanahmet Mosque (the Blue
capital city of the Hittites, is yet anot- 200,000 volumes of books. The city’s cially the three-dimensional ornamen- Mosque), and Süleymaniye Mosque,
her discovery that’s essential for any Asklepium (Sanctuary of Asclepius) was tation of the two entrances, which take a but also to the Eastern Roman marvels
history enthusiast. Hattusha is a also one of the oldest and the largest permanent place in the memory of like the Hagia Sophia, Hagia Irene, Little
UNESCO World Heritage Site filled healing centers in the ancient world. everyone who sets eyes upon them. Hagia Sophia, Zeyrek Mosque (Pantok-
with the beautiful ruins of temples, More beauty from antiquity can be Much like the city of Diyarbakır, a trea- rator Monastery) and Walls of Constan-
palaces, monumental sculptures and found at Aphrodisias, once famous for sure of history, including the Diyarbakır tinople. So much history dating back to
enormous fortification walls with cere- its Temple of Aphrodite and with its Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Cultural the beginning of humanity, scattered
monial gates and tunnels. Stunning outstanding high-quality production Landscape, a fertile landscape near the around the country, waiting to be disco-
pieces of visual evidence that this was centre for marble sculpture. Aphrodisias Tigris River, also unforgettable due to vered and never forgotten.
the center of a mighty empire. Another Stadium is the best-preserved ancient their exceedingly well-preserved state.
new participant of the UNESCO WHL stadium of the Aegean in antiquity. Of SCAN THE QR CODE
to discover more about
is Gordion, in Ankara, the ancient capi- course, most notable in the list is the city Recently, Wooden Hypostyle Mosques UNESCO World
tal of the Phrygian civilization. Gordion of Ephesus, certainly the most of Medieval Anatolia are the new additi- Heritage Sites in Türkiye
stands as a remarkable archaeological well-preserved and the largest archaeo- on from Türkiye to the UNESCO WHL.
A6 eZ Re the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024


Haley sharpens attacks in N.H.; some say that9s not enough

HAlEy from A1 In taking on Trump more ag-
gressively, Haley joins a long list of
the race moved to a state with republicans who over the years
many anti-Trump republican pri- have struggled to find the right
mary voters. time and tone for attacking Trump
But some Trump critics are frus- in a party where he has many loyal
trated that Haley hasn9t hit Trump supporters. But Haley9s campaign
harder and complain that she isn9t is betting on her performing well
barnstorming the state aggres- with the less-ideological, more-in-
sively enough in the final days dependent-minded voters in New
before the first-in-the-nation pri- Hampshire, especially those des-
mary next week. perate for an alternative to Trump.
<It9s part of why I9m still strug- Her aim this week is to convince
gling with the Haley campaign those voters that she9s the best
and why I just don9t see any evi- positioned to stall Trump9s march
dence that she9s connecting, espe- to the presidential nomination.
cially with the unaffiliated voters mike Dennehy, a GoP strategist
who she needs to turn out in in New Hampshire who helped
droves,= said fergus Cullen, a for- lead republican John mcCain to
mer New Hampshire GoP chair- victory in the state in 2000 and
man who is vehemently opposed 2008, said he doesn9t understand
to Trump and wishes his rivals the Haley campaign9s strategy to
would have called him out far ear- win the state, calling her attacks
lier on issues such as his first crim- on Trump <weak= and her one-
inal indictment. <I just don9t see event-a-day schedule inadequate.
any evidence that that9s going to <man oh man,= he said, with a
happen.= deep sigh. <It9s frustrating. I just
This week, Haley is scheduled do not see her doing what it takes
to have one public event per day in right now to pull independents
New Hampshire. Her first official out to vote for her.= for the first
event here after coming in third in time in his adult life, he said, he
the Iowa caucuses was held Tues- does not know how he9s going to
day night at a luxury hotel in the vote next week.
northern part of the state during a At her event Tuesday night, Ha-
snowstorm 4 a move that puzzled ley focused mainly on fiscal re-
Cullen. sponsibility and foreign policy, but
Haley flew home to South Caro- received applause and laughter
lina late Tuesday night to see her from the audience when she nod-
sPenCeR PlaTT/GeTTy imaGes
father, who had been hospitalized. ded to Trump9s and Biden9s ages.
She did media interviews and Voters are concerned about Former U.N. ambassador and South Carolina governor Nikki Haley speaks at a campaign event in Manchester, N.H., on Jan. 16.
unannounced retail stops in the both candidates9 ages, but it9s
state on Tuesday, snapping photos more of an issue for Biden, who is tried to engineer a campaign backing from Americans for Pros- gration to Biden9s. The ad states
with voters at a diner and a candy 81. overall, 74 percent of adults say squarely around attacking Trump perity Action, the political arm of that Haley did not support
store. Biden would be too old to serve as unfit for the job of president and the Koch network. Trump9s efforts to build a wall on
After his decisive win in Iowa, another term, while 50 percent say it wasn9t effective. Christie Haley9s team has dismissed the border with mexico. Haley9s
Trump has also refocused his at- that of Trump, according to a dropped out before the Iowa cau- Trump9s attacks as a sign that his campaign has described the ad as
tention on Haley, who poses the Washington Post-ABC News poll cuses. campaign is worried about her in false and pointed out she did sup-
biggest threat to his sizable lead in from September. <People have made up their New Hampshire and said she port the wall, but only as part of a
New Hampshire. He is portraying A new television ad running in mind on January 6 and election signed one of the country9s tough- solution to addressing the coun-
her disparagingly as a globalist New Hampshire from the Haley denialism and all that. Trump is est immigration laws in 2011 when try9s immigration problems.
who would get the United States campaign attacks Trump and not some unknown commodity. she was governor of South Caro- The Trump campaign has
into wars overseas and has noted Biden as <the two most disliked <It9s part of why I9m still Everyone has an opinion on it,= he lina. pointed to news articles that quote
she is backed by corporate inter- politicians in America= and de- said. <Chris9s approach was one SfA fund, the super PAC back- Haley as saying that Trump9s pro-
ests such as the political network scribes them as <consumed by cha- struggling with the message, one state, nuclear op- ing Haley, has focused on contrast posal to ban muslims from enter-
of the industrialist billionaire os, negativity and grievances of tion. It doesn9t work.= ads in New Hampshire. To date, ing the United States was <un-
Charles Koch. He has also accused the past.= Haley campaign and Trump told a crowd at an event the group has spent the most in American= and <unconstitution-
her of being insufficiently con- Cullen, the former state GoP here on Tuesday night that it was a New Hampshire 4 more than $18 al.= Haley9s campaign has said that
servative on border security and chairman, doesn9t know how he why I just don9t see any waste of his time to talk about million, according to data from she opposes bans on travelers to
immigration. will vote next week. <I9ve seen her DeSantis but that he did <want to AdImpact. one commercial says the United States based on reli-
In many ways, the New Hamp- on the stump three times,= he said. evidence that she9s talk about Nikki.= that <Trump is lying about Haley= gion, but highlighted that she de-
shire primary has effectively be- <I felt like, 8Hey, I9m available. <If you want a nominee who is and paints the race as just between fended the revised ban when she
come a head-to-head race. Two Close the sale for me.9 Please, Ha- connecting, especially endorsed by all the rINos, global- Haley and the former president. was U.N. ambassador.
debates planned for this week ley, give me a reason to actually ists, and demented Never That ad also suggests that a vote former senator Judd Gregg of
were canceled because Haley said vote for you as opposed to just with the unaffiliated Trumpers 4 the Never Trumpers for Trump is a vote for <chaos.= New Hampshire, who has en-
she would only attend if Trump, voting for you tactically because are a dying breed . . . then Nikki Another describes Trump as <an dorsed Haley, said voters in the
who has refused to debate at all, you9re our last remaining hope.= voters who she needs to Haley is your candidate,= Trump 80-year-old name from the past.= state are turned off by Trump, who
also showed up. meanwhile, flori- New Hampshire republican said, using a term for <republican mAGA Inc., the super PAC sup- he said is <wrapped around re-
da Gov. ron DeSantis has a much Gov. Chris Sununu, who is escort- turn out in droves.= in Name only.= porting Trump, which has spent venge and actual revenge and an-
smaller footprint and much lower ing Haley around the state this DeSantis, in ramping up attacks more than $6 million on ads in the ger, but the majority of the party
Fergus Cullen,
poll numbers here as he looks week, rejected the idea that Haley on Haley ahead of the Iowa cau- state, released an anti-Haley ad are not of that ilk.=
a former new hampshire
ahead to next month9s contest in needed to sharpen her tone on cuses, accused her of angling to be about immigration that says she9s <more importantly, she has de-
GOP chairman
South Carolina, Haley9s home Trump in New Hampshire. Trump9s vice president. <too liberal to fix the border.= fact- livered a very strong and positive
state. <I think she9s struck a wonder- Trump has said Haley wasn9t checkers found that the ad took message. It9s upbeat, it9s optimis-
A Boston Globe/Suffolk Univer- ful balance on it. She doesn9t <tough enough= when she served Haley9s words about immigrants tic. It9s what I think people like.
sity/NBC-10 Boston poll released change her tack; she doesn9t as his United Nations ambassador. out of context and that she was New Hampshire9s never been a
Wednesday found Trump with change who she is. That9s one He often says the people backing talking broadly about improving state attracted to negative cam-
50 percent support among likely thing I really respect about her. her are <pro-amnesty, they9re pro- the tone around the debate over paigns,= Gregg said. <So I think
New Hampshire republican pri- She doesn9t tell you what you want China, they9re pro-open borders, immigration. she9s got a shot at it.=
mary voters, followed by Haley to hear,= Sununu said. these are the people that are back- A Trump campaign ad also at-
with 34 percent and DeSantis a Sununu noted that former New ing her, they9re pro-war,= Trump tacks Haley over the border and Dylan Wells in new hampshire
distant third with 5 percent. Jersey governor Chris Christie said, referring mostly to Haley9s compares her position on immi- contributed to this report.

Maine judge delays Trump ballot decision until ruling by Supreme Court
BY P ATRICK M ARLEY invalidated Bellows9s initial find-
ings that Trump is an insurrec-
A maine judge on Wednesday tionist. Trump campaign spokes-
put off deciding whether Donald man Steven Cheung said that the
Trump9s name can appear on judge was right to delay a deci-
that state9s primary ballot, say- sion and that Trump is confident
ing the Supreme Court needs to he will win the challenges to his
rule on the issue first in a similar candidacy.
case out of Colorado. Trump has maintained that
The ruling sent the case back Jan. 6 was not an insurrection
to maine9s secretary of state and and has argued that he did not
put it on hold. A nationwide engage in the attack. He has also
push from Trump9s critics is contended that Section 3 applies
aiming to prevent the former to other offices but not to the
president from running for of- presidency.
fice again. Legal scholars say a final reso-
Section 3 of the 14th Amend- lution of the issue is needed
ment of the Constitution bars quickly now that presidential
from office those who engaged in nominating contests are under-
insurrection after swearing an way. Iowa held its caucuses on
oath to uphold the Constitution. monday, and New Hampshire
The amendment was ratified in will hold its primary next week.
1868, and the clause was initially Colorado and maine are among
used to keep former Confeder- several states to hold their pri-
ates from returning to power maries on march 5, which is also
after the Civil War. known as Super Tuesday.
Trump9s critics have cited the Courts have allowed Trump9s
measure in lawsuits arguing name to appear on the ballots in
Trump is banned from office Colorado and maine while he
because of his behavior before pursues appeals.
and during the attack on the U.S. The two cases are part of a
Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Colora- wave of litigation over the issue
do9s top court last month ruled around the country. The efforts
Trump should be taken off the have been unsuccessful else-
primary ballot there, and a week where, with the top courts in
later maine Secretary of State michigan, minnesota and or-
Shenna Bellows (D) reached the egon allowing Trump to remain
same conclusion. on the ballot. Challenges in Illi-
The U.S. Supreme Court nois, massachusetts and other
RiCky CaRiOTi/The WashinGTOn POsT
agreed to hear the Colorado case states are pending.
and will hear arguments on feb. A volunteer holds a pad of ballots as caucusing begins at Grant Ragan Elementary School in Waukee, Iowa, on Monday. The U.S. Supreme The lawsuits have sparked a
8. Its ruling on the issue is likely Court has agreed to hear a case from Colorado about former president Donald Trump9s eligibility to be on that state9s primary ballot. countermove from Trump9s sup-
to apply to all states. porters, who contend President
Trump separately appealed new decision until after the it is impossible to know what the Amendment to the United States the primary election.= Biden should not be allowed to
the maine case to state court, Supreme Court issues its ruling. Supreme Court will decide, Constitution.= After Bellows issues a deci- run if the decisions against
and Superior Court Justice mi- <Put simply, the United States hopefully it will at least clarify The judge did not weigh in on sion, the losing side can take the Trump stand. Last week, four
chaela murphy on Wednesday Supreme Court9s acceptance of what role, if any, state decision- the merits of the arguments for matter back to state court. voters in Illinois asked the state
ruled the challenge should go the Colorado case changes every- makers, including secretaries of and against Trump, but she em- Ethan Strimling, a former elections board to prevent Biden
back to Bellows in light of the thing about the order in which state and state judicial officers, phasized the need to wait for the mayor of Portland, maine, and from running because they
Supreme Court9s decision to take these issues should be decided, play in adjudicating claims of Supreme Court to act to <pro- one of those who challenged maintain he has given aid to
the Colorado case. She ordered and by which court,= murphy disqualification brought under mote consistency and avoid vot- Trump9s ability to run, said he foreign enemies with his border
Bellows to hold off on issuing a wrote in her decision. <And while Section Three of the fourteenth er confusion in the weeks before was pleased the court had not policies.
thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A7

Climate & Environment

In 40 million complicated. Some show
American homes, reductions in NO2, while others
the <click= of a gas show little difference. A lot has to
stove igniting is do with what equipment is in
the sound of your kitchen. <Not all ventilation
dinner. is created equal,= said Heather
Climate But millions of Miller, a research associate with
Coach people are Berkeley Air Monitoring Group.
MiChael J. questioning A study by Lawrence Berkeley
Coren whether they National Laboratory showed
should keep this hoods could remove anywhere
classic American between 15 percent to 98 percent
appliance in their kitchen. For of pollutants based on the model
decades, a steady drumbeat of and the burner that was used 4
studies has pointed to the risks of the machines captured more
burning methane in our homes, pollutants from rear burners.
from asthma to chronic The most effective hoods were
respiratory diseases, especially in open, scoop-like hoods that vent
children and the elderly. to the outside, like the one we
Does that mean you should used in our study. Much less
ditch your gas stove? effective 4 and far more
Scientists9 best answer, at the common 4 are overhead flat-
moment, is: We9re not sure yet. bottomed microwave hoods and
There9s no doubt pollutants <ductless= hoods that recirculate
produced by gas stoves, fumes through activated
including nitrogen dioxide charcoal filters.
(NO2), formaldehyde and What worked best to reduce
benzene, harm your health. What pollutants in our experiment?
we don9t know is whether the Opening the windows, and
amounts spewed by gas stoves circulating fresh air with a fan
into your home can make you and an air purifier. Particulate
sick. and NO2 readings fell close to
So we launched an experiment near zero within three to four
to help shed some light on the minutes after doing that.
dilemma. We tested how But that9s asking a lot. Even in
images by aLice Li and daron tayLor/the Washington Post
pollutants from cooking households that have hoods,
infiltrate a typical American fewer than half turn them on
kitchen equipped with a gas because of their noise and

Are induction stoves that much

stove, and the steps Americans annoyance. And it9s not always
can take to protect their health. practical to open windows and
To do this, we teamed up with doors when you cook.
RoundhouseOne, an
environmental monitoring and What can you do?
analytics lab, to measure gas
stove pollutants in a kitchen in
Oakland, Calif. We deployed 12
commercial sensors for four
weeks. To gauge what the average
safer than gas? We tested them. First, don9t panic.
Cooking once in a smoky
kitchen isn9t particularly
dangerous. It9s the cumulative
exposure that matters. The daily,
American might be breathing in weekly and monthly cadence of
each evening, we monitored gas stoves emit harmful RoundhouseOne could not elevated pollutants increases the
what was in the air each day, pollutants but asserts there are identify it but said it might have risk of disease down the line.
particularly NO2 and particulate <no documented risks to been the stove9s always-on pilot This elevated risk may even be
matter. Then we cooked burgers respiratory health from natural light leaking methane or other nominal for a healthy person.
and pasta on a gas stove, and gas stoves from the regulatory combustion sources such as But for the most vulnerable 4
prepared the same meals on an and advisory agencies and heaters or furnaces. the elderly, children, and those
electric induction burner to organizations responsible for with respiratory or heart
compare indoor air pollution protecting residential consumer The burger experiment conditions, or predispositions to
levels. health and safety.= Next, we cooked burgers. them 4 the risk can9t be easily
<You want to track this data The issue quickly became Unlike boiling, frying or sauteing dismissed. New studies are now
over time because chronic another front in the U.S. culture can send plumes of tiny oil underway to pinpoint the precise
exposure is how these pollutants wars as those on the left and droplets or charred food risk posed by gas stoves.
affect you,= said RoundhouseOne right picked sides in the debate. particles into the air. Searing The message Johnson of the
director Archana Yet none of this could tell ground beef illustrates a typical Berkeley Air Monitoring Group
Ramachandran, an engineer who Americans much about how household9s exposure when wants to send boils down to this:
designed the experiment. <These these emissions might affect cooking at home, given the Avoid gas if possible, but you
things are silent killers.= them in their kitchen. The We tested by boiling fusilli pasta for 10 minutes for each average American eats the don9t need to rush out and
Our findings suggest that sensors we installed gave us experiment. Pollutant sensors recorded nitrogen dioxide levels ground beef equivalent of two remodel your kitchen.
some people 4 particularly those some insight. during the gas and induction stove experiments. burgers per week. <If you are a healthy person
with respiratory or heart As before, NO2 levels spiked without kids, it9s probably not
conditions, the elderly and The pasta experiment over the 10-minute test when going to matter that much,= he
children 4 may have reason to For our first test, we chose cooking on gas but stayed said. <But if you have underlying
worry. Based on several safety pasta. Because boiling water relatively low during induction health conditions or young kids
standards, levels of pollution releases only water vapor, not cooking. But particulates, or older people at home, you
detected by the sensors regularly particulates, we could largely especially the smallest hazardous might want to think about ways
rose to hazardous levels. But the isolate the effects of burning microscopic particles known as to transition to a clean source for
exercise also revealed some fairly methane, compared with PM 2.5, jumped compared with cooking.=
easy and effective ways to electricity, on air quality. Most when we were boiling water. Open a window and turn on
minimize those risks. particulates are released from Within minutes of searing the hood: The good news is that
It also changed the way we the food we cook, not the fuel patties over the induction plate many of the same health benefits
cook. source. and the gas stove, levels of from ditching gas can be
Boiling water doesn9t seem particulates spiked to achieved for very little money
What we know about gas like it would worsen air quality, undesirable levels as measured with more airflow.
stoves but the results were on the Environmental Protection For starters, open a door or
Millions of Americans have unambiguous. Concentrations of Agency9s Air Quality Index (AQI) crack the window, and turn on
been cooking on gas ranges with NO2 soared after lighting the gas scale, a composite index any available ventilation. This
dubious ventilation since the stove, while hardly budging estimating major pollutants brings fresh air indoors, vents
early 20th century even as when boiling water with Two hamburgers were pan-fried on the induction and gas stove for including PM2.5, which is cooking fumes outdoors and can
concerns about gas stoves have induction. Overall, the maximum each experiment. Nitrogen dioxide and Air Quality Index levels implicated in respiratory and significantly reduce health risks
been simmering for most of that NO2 level when we used gas was were measured during each burger experiment. heart disease. for sensitive populations 4
time. more than twice as high as when During our burger although not everyone has that
As far back as 1907, minutes we used the induction plate. experiment, AQI levels quickly option, especially in lower-
from a meeting of the Natural How dangerous were the rose past 100, the threshold income housing.
Gas Association of America levels coming out of the stove? considered <unhealthy= for Use a cheap induction burner
suggested <no gas of any kind= There9s no definitive standard to sensitive groups such as children or convection toaster oven: For
should be burned on a stove judge safety. Despite millions of and the elderly. Eventually, AQI renters or homeowners, these are
without venting outdoors. Yet Americans being exposed to NO2 measurements peaked above some quick fixes.
stoves are the only major gas- from stoves daily, government 250, considered <very unhealthy= You can go electric without
burning appliance permitted to agencies have not agreed on a for everyone. replacing your gas stove. For this
vent their exhaust into the home. safe level of exposure to stove By comparison, last year9s experiment, we bought a
Building codes and state chemicals indoors. The United Canadian wildfires sent D.C. near countertop induction burner
regulations specify water heaters States still has no federal the top of the list of major cities ($112 new, $50 used). The
and furnaces, which also burn guidelines for safe indoor on Earth with the worst air induction plate, which sits atop
methane, must vent outdoors to exposure. quality when AQI readings hit any surface, delivered plenty of
prevent the buildup of dangerous But among the scientific 155 in July. power to cook our meals while
pollutants and gases. standards that do exist, which To take care of particulates, we plugging into a standard
This cocktail of emissions focus on air quality outdoors, the would need to clear the air. electrical outlet. A high-quality
includes formaldehyde, carbon levels in our kitchen were too toaster oven ($169) can tackle
monoxide, NO2, an irritant high for comfort. Sensors in our Did ventilation help? most daily cooking without the
implicated in asthma and other kitchen registered an average of Yes. For each experiment we need to ever turn on the gas.
respiratory problems, and 0.07 ppm over about 20 minutes cooked with the vent hood off Break up with your gas stove
particulate matter, which while cooking with a gas stove, and on. We found the hood over time: Breaking up isn9t easy.
scientists have linked to heart and peaked at 0.16 ppm. helped 4 just not nearly as much But switching to induction
and lung disease, asthma attacks According to California9s as expected. comes with benefits. Boiling
and emergency room visits. standards for outdoor air, Our hood, a small model water takes less than a minute.
<We know that being exposed exposure to NO2 shouldn9t be which sucked up the air above You can saute anything with
to those pollutants is not more than 0.18 ppm over one our stove and vented it outside, perfect precision. And there will
beneficial to your health,= said hour. Federal hourly standards seemed to make a difference for be no more methane leaks or
Michael Johnson, technical are even more stringent: They NO2. When we cooked with gas NO2 emissions inside your home.
director at the Berkeley Air consider exposures above 0.10 and turned it on, levels of the Equally important, it can get
Monitoring Group, a consultancy ppm to have the potential to pollutants reached much lower American homes closer to
researching household air harm human health. levels. cutting their gas line completely.
pollution. <We also have a fair Because indoor air pollution But the hood didn9t make that The fossil fuel industry has
degree of certainty that standards are typically more a big of a difference for treated gas stoves as a gateway
concentrations [of pollutants stringent than those for the Nitrogen dioxide and Air Quality Index levels for the burger particulates. In our case, appliance that keeps a gas line
from gas stoves] often exceed outdoors, where air movement experiment were measured with the ventilation hood on and off. pollutant levels crept up, often to running to your house, enabling
what9s deemed healthy.= and humidity is greater, the hazardous levels, despite gas-powered space and water
But proving gas stoves make levels in our kitchen suggest running our kitchen hood at full heating, the two main consumers
people sick has been trickier. In health risks comparable to or blast. The concentration of of residential gas. Stoves make a
2022, the question over gas stove perhaps higher than similar About the experiment: the san Francisco-based environmental monitoring and spatial particulates was so high, it would minimal direct contribution to
intelligence firm roundhouseone installed 12 professional-grade commercial air angel indoor
safety exploded into public view outdoor concentrations, said have taken much longer than the U.S. greenhouse gas emissions:
air quality and environmental sensors in a roughly 100-square-foot kitchen in oakland, calif.
after a 2022 peer-reviewed study, Ramachandran. time we spent cooking for the just 0.1 percent, according to
during a four-week period between Feb. 23, 2023, and march 25, 2023, we measured nitrogen
drawing on decades of data from The air quality in our test dioxide, carbon dioxide, particulate matter (Pm 2.5), air Quality index (aQi) readings and volatile
hood to clear the air on its own, Daniel Cohan, an associate
the U.S. Census Bureau and kitchen wasn9t great even before organic compounds on an ongoing basis using the indoor air quality and environmental said RoundhouseOne9s professor of environmental
hundreds of other studies, turning on the gas stove. During sensors, which provide more accurate readings than consumer-grade sensors. these included a Ramachandran. engineering at Rice University.
estimated 13 percent of cases of the four weeks before the test, handheld no2 sensor manufactured by aeroqual, four integrated environmental sensors Good ventilation is probably But even one gas appliance needs
childhood asthma in the United ambient levels of NO2 measuring temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide, and four sensors estimating the only effective measure you to be plugged into the massive 4
States could be blamed on gas concentrations averaged particulate matter (Pm2.5) by gauging aQi measurements, as well as four volatile organic have to protect yourself from and leaky 4 infrastructure that
compound sensors.
stoves. Critics pointed out lots of 0.033 ppm. That9s above what the emissions that come directly pipes methane across the
the kitchen was outfitted with a Wedgewood gas stove and duxtop Portable induction cooktop
other factors, from car exhaust to California Air Resources Board from the food, especially if you country, which is as bad for the
burner, as well as a ventilation hood with an outdoor exhaust.
allergens, could be at fault. believes is harmful to human have a hood that vents outside. climate as coal by some
We conducted a series of four 10-minute trials for boiling water (gas/ventilation, gas/no
The American Gas health among vulnerable ventilation, induction/ventilation, induction/no ventilation) and for pan-frying hamburgers (gas/
But millions of people do not estimates.
Association, a powerful trade populations over the course of a ventilation, gas/no ventilation, induction/ventilation, induction/no ventilation). after each trial, have them. Even if they do, the By making the switch to
group representing the U.S. year. we allowed air quality measurements to return to baseline by opening windows and running effectiveness of the appliance electric, the only thing you9ll be
natural gas industry, admits that What was the source of NO2? exhaust fans for approximately 10 minutes. varies. Studies on hoods are burning inside are dinners.
A8 eZ re the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

Photos By Carolyn Van houten/the Washington Post


over a television station during a

live broadcast and held the staff
Fishermen grow wealthy by selling one of the few shipping lines
that carried food and supplies to
the galápagos asked authorities
in march 2022 to provide a per-
at gunpoint. president daniel no-
boa took the extraordinary step of
declaring an armed internal con-
flict in the country: <We are in a
their subsidized fuel to smugglers manent police presence in the
freight reception yard. the gov-
ernment did not fulfill the re-
quest. the business ceased opera-
state of war.= tions in december.
fueling this deluge of violence a team of intelligence officials
is the rising global demand for that traveled to the galápagos in
cocaine. international criminal october 2022 to investigate alle-
organizations are working with gations of corruption in the navy
local gangs to move the drug from reported evidence that sailors
South america to the United were accepting bribes to allow
States and europe. to make the unauthorized boats to come and
journey, smugglers need gaso- go from the ports.
line. So they9ve made the galápa- islanders have for years found
gos their covert refueling point. a packages of cocaine that washed
secret gas station of the pacific. onto the beaches. But on isabela,
on isabela, the lone airport an island of around 3,000 inhab-
employee feared the cartels had itants, many are afraid to report
arrived. the Cessna was towed to their discoveries. Some say
the side of the runway and left they9ve heard unauthorized
there. planes flying overhead. the navy
one morning two months lat- intelligence service is investigat-
er, the employee pulled up to the ing rumors of clandestine run-
airport to begin work 4 and was ways hidden in uninhabited cor-
treated to another surprise. ners of the island.
<i went to wash my face to see if <Here on the islands, everyone
it was true, what i saw,= he would is family,= rivas said. <there are
tell authorities. lots of things people keep covered
the ghost plane was gone. up. they might know who is
involved, but they won9t say any-
The lucrative business of gas thing.=
smuggling Hilda moscoso espinoza was
ecuador9s location 4 the coun- born and raised on isabela. dur-
try lies wedged between Colom- ing the 1940s and 950s, the island
bia and peru, the world9s two was home to a penal colony. Her
largest cocaine producers 4 has father was one of the last war-
long made it a transit point for dens.
traffickers moving drugs north She remembers the time be-
toward Central america. fore tourists, when only about
But authorities began to step 100 people lived in the town.
up military patrols. they seized a they ate meals communally.
record 176 tons of cocaine in 2021, now, the 58-year-old says, she
up from 92 a year earlier. sees how the flow of drugs has
now, to avoid authorities, affected the community. a family
many traffickers are blazing a member has struggled for years
more circuitous trail 4 one that TOP: The José de Villamil airport on Isabela Island, where a still-unexplained ghost plane landed and subsequently disappeared. with addiction to cocaine and
loops just south and west of the ABOVE: Victor John Coronado and two Coast Guard comrades board and inspect a boat they suspect of smuggling gas off San Cristóbal. other drugs.
galápagos. they call this path In 2023, the navy seized nearly 25 tons of cocaine around the Galápagos 4 nine tons in November alone 4 a 150 percent surge from 2022. moscoso has pleaded with lo-
through empty, open ocean the cal officials to establish a rehabil-
<desert route.= With go-fast boats he said, he met four masked men two dozen top security officials square miles of ocean 4 five then-president rafael Correa itation or psychiatric center to
or submersibles, traffickers can on a go-fast boat. two were driv- and judges arrested in december times the country9s land area. the ousted U.S. forces from a military address rising drug use on the
travel up to 14 days without ing, he said; two were keeping for alleged criminal activity to more than 24,000 boats regis- base in the port city of manta. island.
docking, ecuadorian navy offi- armed watch over the cocaine. benefit an imprisoned drug traf- tered for artisanal fishing embark Capt. patricio rivas, the com- <Little by little, the drugs are
cials say, scratching their skin as <Lots of people have become ficker. He denies the allegations; from more than 120 ports and mander of the navy in the galápa- taking over the island,= she said.
needed to stay awake. millionaires off of this,= the man he has not yet been formally many more beaches that are gos, said the islands have become <and there is no help.=
in 2023, the navy seized nearly said. navy officials say gas smug- charged. mostly unwatched by authorities. an important source of gasoline
25 tons of cocaine around the glers can earn up to $30,000 per ecuador is responsible for the U.S. presence on this coast- for smugglers. He said authori- 8Here, it9s an open secret9
galápagos 4 nine tons in novem- job. monitoring more than 490,000 line is minimal; in 2009, leftist ties are working to track and the airport administrator was
ber alone 4 a 150 percent surge Cocaine seizures around the restrict the use of fuel by artisan- terrified to go back to work.
from 2022. in 2019, the navy galápagos have picked up in re- al fisherman. He had asked police to watch
captured only 1 ton. cent months. But it9s no longer interviews with dozens of local the plane overnight, he said, or to
for years, artisanal fishermen only gasoline and drugs being leaders, intelligence officials, at least install a security camera
here have received government smuggled through the islands: in residents, activists and fishermen and point it at the runway. But
fuel subsidies to safeguard their late november, the navy found reveal an archipelago increasing- isabela9s 20-member police de-
precarious livelihoods. many are 112 rifles and 48 pistols on a ly captured by drug trafficking. partment told him they didn9t
now taking advantage of govern- go-fast boat about 150 miles they describe a place where ev- have the capacity, he said, and the
ment-subsidized fuel to engage in south of San Cristóbal island. eryone knows everyone, where case was now in the hands of
the lucrative business of gas investigators suspect the weap- fishermen get rich seemingly prosecutors based on a different
smuggling. instead of using their ons were on their way to arm overnight, and where a dollarized island.
discounted, legally purchased gas ecuadorian gangs fighting for and cash-based local economy the administrator, now 56,
to fish their daily catch, navy control of drug routes. creates ideal conditions for mon- feared for his safety. He spoke to
officials say, scores are saving pablo ramírez, who until no- ey laundering. the Washington post on the con-
their supply for traffickers. vember led the national police airports and docks, particular- dition of anonymity.
<i9ve been offered $6,000 to force9s anti-narcotics efforts, said ly on isabela, have little to no His fears were warranted. mili-
$7,000 for a trip,= one fisherman the pacific smuggling route is the security. there are no security tary intelligence officials would
said. the man, in his early 40s, most challenging for authorities cameras, no navy officials moni- conclude the plane had come
spoke on the condition of ano- to control 4 and the waters toring who is leaving or arriving from mexico. a year earlier, they
nymity to discuss what he says around the galápagos islands are at night. port employees on main- said, it had traveled from ecua-
was his experience gas smuggling particularly vulnerable. ramírez, <Little by little, the drugs are taking over the island,= said Hilda land ecuador say containers that dor to mexico with a different
years ago. Using a satellite phone who previously led the country9s Moscoso Espinoza, 58, who was born and raised on Isabela and has are headed for the islands are registration number, a flight now
and following gpS coordinates, prison system, was one of about a family member struggling with addiction. <And there is no help.= rarely checked for contraband. ContinUed on next page
thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A9

from previous page

under investigation for alleged

drug trafficking.
The administrator wasn9t the
only person to sound the alarm.
shortly after the plane arrived
in January 2021, the head of
isabela9s police force told pros-
ecutors he had reason to believe
people on the island wanted to
steal the plane, according to a
memo cited in court filings. maj.
William albán Durán requested
more officers to monitor it. He
also asked them to move the gas
cans that had been left next to the
airplane, because they made it
too easy to take it.
But authorities never moved
the cans, and police rarely
checked on the plane, the airport
administrator said.
Then, in march 2021, two
months after the Cessna arrived,
the police force gathered at a
waterside restaurant in puerto
villamil to celebrate albán9s
birthday. photos in court docu-
ments show around 15 men at the
Cuna del sol raising glasses of
wine. a resident nearby told The
post of seeing the officers drink-
ing into the night.
at some point that day, author-
ities believe, the plane disap-
months later, prosecutors
charged albán and five other
police officers with <illicit associ-
ation= for their alleged connec-
tion to the disappearance of the
plane and an alleged attempt to
cover it up. Judge ramón abad
gallardo accused them of remov-
ing evidence and reports on the
case and of failing to remove the
gas tanks from the airport. <if the
fuel had not been in the plane or
Carolyn Van houTen/The WashinGTon PosT
nearby, they would not have
taken the plane out,= gallardo People enjoy Puerto Villamil on Isabela Island last year. More than 100,000 tourists a year visit the island, which has a lone airstrip manned by a single employee.
The officers are awaiting trial. months after the plane9s disap- rivas confirmed that a former sponded.
albán did not respond to a re- pearance, the airport administra- aviation authority employee was so how much do you want? the
quest for comment by The post. tor said, a man stopped by with under investigation on suspicion man asked.
The investigation into the an offer. <Here on the islands, everyone is of involvement in a <drug traffick- my life doesn9t have a price, the
plane9s mysterious arrival and The man, whom the adminis- ing network.= administrator responded.
equally perplexing departure re- trator recognized as an island family. There are lots of things The former employee did not He reported the offers to an
mains open. resident, offered $100,000 in ex- respond to texts or calls for com- intelligence officer, he said.
intelligence investigators re- change for access to the runway. people keep covered up. They might ment. The administrator had seen
ported in october 2022 that the He didn9t say how it would be The next day, the administra- neighbors suddenly find the
lack of security at isabela airport used, the administrator said, but know who is involved, but they tor said, another man came by the money to open a new hotel, buy a
made it an ideal hub for <narco- he implied he had cut other such airport. This time, he said, it was new boat, build a new house. The
planes.= deals. won9t say anything.= a stranger, a man who had what men and their offers confirmed
in an intelligence report ob- The administrator had suspi- sounded to him to be a Colombi- for him what he had long suspect-
tained by The Washington post, cions about a former colleague at an accent. The man stepped up ed: isabela was awash in drug
Capt. Patricio Rivas, commander of the navy in the Galápagos,
investigators said they suspect a the airport. When the adminis- the offer: $250,000. more than he money, he said, and the authori-
who said that authorities are working to track and restrict the use of
local airline company and a pow- trator refused the man9s offer, he could earn in 10 years working at ties weren9t doing anything about
fuel by artisanal fisherman to curb the flow to smugglers
erful businessman in the galápa- said, the man replied: Your col- the airport. it.
gos have links to drug and wild- league, he was willing to take i don9t want it, i don9t want it, <everyone already knows,= he
life trafficking. these kinds of risks. the administrator said he re- said. <Here, it9s an open secret.=

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Tex.)

|ursday, Jan. 18 at 1:00 p.m.

|e Texas Democrat addresses the unprecedented

number of migrants crossing into the united states
illegally, the status of border negotiations and the
possibility of a government shutdown.

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A10 eZ Re the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

The World
From British royals, two health announcements in one day
Catherine, Princess of Wales, to remain hospitalized for up to 2 weeks after 8successful9 abdominal surgery; King Charles III scheduled for prostate procedure
BY W ILLIAM B OOTH his public engagements <for a
short period of recuperation.=
LONDON 4 Catherine, Princess The palaces are typically
of Wales, the wife of the future tight-lipped about the health of
British king, underwent <suc- the royal family, and the state-
cessful= abdominal surgery at a ment from Kensington Palace
private London hospital, and was largely in keeping with that
King Charles III is scheduled for custom. The Princess of Wales
a prostate procedure next week, <appreciates the interest this
the British royal palaces re- statement will generate. She
vealed Wednesday in unusual hopes that the public will under-
back-to-back health announce- stand her desire to maintain as
ments that took the country by much normality for her children
surprise. as possible; and her wish that
Catherine, 42, who has posed her personal medical informa-
for photo ops looking flawless tion remains private,= Kensing-
hours after giving birth, will ton Palace said, adding that it
remain hospitalized for up to will provide updates on her
two weeks, Kensington Palace progress only <when there is
said, and probably won9t resume significant new information to
her official duties before April. share.=
The palace did not offer addi- Buckingham Palace, however,
tional details about what pro- seemed aware that two health
cedure was performed, other announcements in one day was
than to say it was <planned= and extraordinary. A spokesman,
the issue was <noncancerous.= speaking on the condition of
Soon afterward, Buckingham anonymity in accordance with
Palace announced that Charles, protocol, said the king9s pro-
75, will undergo a <corrective cedure was being disclosed in
procedure= next week for an anticipation of questions about
enlarged prostate and postpone why he was canceling events
with foreign dignitaries and gov-
ernment officials that had been
scheduled for later this week at
his Dumfries House estate in
The spokesman noted, too,
that the king wanted to use the
moment to encourage other men
who may be experiencing symp-
toms to get checked.
The palace referred reporters Joe gIDDens/Pa IMages/aP

to information from Britain9s Catherine, then 41, heads to church in Sandringham on Christmas Day with Prince William, their three children and a young relative.
National Health Service about
benign prostate enlargement, relies on physical exams and, if The queen9s husband, Prince tested positive for the coronavi- 2022, while length of stay for
which notes that it is common in indicated, an MRI. Philip, also died of <old age,= at rus in 2020, the palace issued a elective admissions was 5.1 days.
men over 50, is not usually a Royal correspondents rarely 99. The palace did report on statement while he was in isola- But in the public imagination,
serious threat to health and can get many details about health several of the prince9s earlier tion. However, the public did not Catherine has never been seen as
affect urination. conditions. hospital visits 4 a bladder infec- learn that his son William had average when it comes to medi-
In Britain, men over 50 do not When Queen Elizabeth II died tion in 2012; exploratory abdom- also suffered from covid until six cal issues. She is known to treat
routinely undergo prostate- in September 2022 at 96, the inal surgery in 2013; and hip months after the fact 4 and then giving birth as an outpatient
specific antigen (PSA) tests to official cause was <old age,= ac- replacement surgery in 2018. only because royal reporters procedure and leave the hospital
aDRIan DennIs/aFP/getty IMages screen for prostate cancer, as is cording to her death certificate. A month before he died in found out. perfectly coifed.
King Charles, 75, and Queen common in the United States. Before her death, the palace April 2021, Philip underwent <a The length of Catherine9s Catherine was last seen in
Camilla in Sandringham. A The NHS has concluded that the noted that the monarch was successful procedure for his ex- planned hospital stay raised public on Christmas Day with
spokesman said the king wants tests produce too many false suffering from <mobility= issues isting heart condition,= the pal- questions Wednesday. The over- her family, attending church ser-
to encourage other men to get positives and unneeded biopsies to explain her use of a cane and ace said at the time. all average length of stay in an vices near the royal estate in
checked for prostate problems. and surgery. Instead, the NHS her scaled-back schedule. When then-Prince Charles NHS hospital was 8.3 days in Sandringham.

Biden administration to put the Houthis back onto its global terrorism list
BY M ICHAEL B IRNBAUM Jake Sullivan, the White House against the group would risk mak- designated global terrorist listing weaponry provided by Iran.
AND V ICTORIA B ISSET national security adviser, said in a ing it more difficult to help people 4 as a foreign terrorist organiza- Yemen is facing unprecedented
Pressure campaign statement that the move is intend- in need. The administration de- tion in January 2021, despite hu- levels of hunger, the World Food
The Biden administration an- escalates after military ed to impede the group9s funding cided not to re-add the Houthis to manitarian concerns over the im- Program has said, with more than
nounced plans Wednesday to put and <hold them accountable= for its list of foreign terrorist organi- pact that decision would have on 21 million people requiring hu-
the Houthi militant group back on
attacks against the group targeting merchant and military zations, which would have pre- the ability to deliver aid to areas in manitarian assistance.
a global terrorism list, after vessels. sented a larger impediment to get- Yemen controlled by the group. <This designation would add
launching military attacks against The listing will go into effect on ting humanitarian aid into the That designation raised ques- another level of uncertainty and
the Yemen-based group in retalia- global terrorists, Secretary of Feb. 16, giving a window for the country, officials said. tions about whether arranging or threat for Yemenis still caught in
tion for its disruption of global State Antony Blinken said in a decision to be reversed if the <The ultimate goal of sanctions attending meetings with Houthi one of the world9s largest humani-
trade in the Red Sea. statement. Houthis halt attacks. is to convince the Houthis to de- officials would be legal, and how tarian crises,= said Scott Paul, the
The decision is an escalation of <Since November, the Houthis The group gave no immediate escalate and bring about a positive aid agencies would continue coor- associate director of peace and
the administration9s pressure have launched unprecedented at- indication it would do so, with U.S. change in behavior,= a senior ad- dination with the group to orga- security at Oxfam America. <The
campaign against the Iran- tacks against international mari- Central Command reporting later ministration official said, speak- nize essential deliveries. Biden administration is playing
aligned group, which functions as time vessels in the Red Sea and Wednesday that a U.S.-owned and ing on the condition of anonymity Less than a month later, the with fire, and we call on them to
the de facto government in parts Gulf of Aden, as well as military -operated ship had been struck by to explain calculations behind the Biden administration removed avoid this designation immedi-
of Yemen. The Houthis have fired forces positioned in the area to a drone launched from Houthi- decision. the Houthis from both terrorism ately and prioritize the lives of
dozens of missiles and drones at defend the safety and security of controlled areas in Yemen. There The listing will take effect in 30 lists, with an official saying at the Yemenis now.=
commercial ships transiting the commercial shipping,= Blinken were no injuries, officials said, and days <to ensure robust humanitar- time that the <decision has noth- U.S. and coalition forces have
Red Sea since Israel declared war said in the announcement. <This despite taking some damage, the ian carveouts are in place,= the ing to do with our view of the launched three attacks on what
against Hamas in Gaza, and the designation seeks to promote ac- ship continued its journey. official said. <We9re taking many Houthis and their reprehensible they said were Houthi sites in
group has pledged to continue hit- countability for the group9s terror- U.S. policymakers face a chal- steps to ensure these sanctions do conduct,= but was instead because Yemen in the past week after the
ting ships there as long as Israel9s ist activities. If the Houthis cease lenge as they seek to blunt the the least harm to Yemeni people.= of humanitarian concerns. The group ignored repeated warnings
military campaign continues. their attacks in the Red Sea and Houthi attacks and spare Yemeni The Trump administration de- Houthis had been hitting civilian to stop its attacks in the Red Sea.
Washington will relist the Gulf of Aden, the United States civilians in the grips of a grievous clared the group 4 which had at targets in Saudi Arabia for years
Houthis as specially designated will reevaluate this designation.= famine. Imposing other sanctions the time already had a specially with increasingly sophisticated Missy Ryan contributed to this report.


CHiNA together with people living chief Torsak Sukvimol Baluchistan province imperiled
longer because of better health confirmed. He said police would diplomatic relations between the
Covid, low birthrate care, means China is slowly pursue legal action for any two neighbors, but both sides
cut population by 2M growing older, which could slow wrongdoing involved in the appeared wary of provoking the
economic growth over time and latest disaster. other. The attack raised the
China9s population fell by challenge the government9s 4 Associated Press threat of violence spreading in a
2 million people in 2023 in its finances and its ability to provide Middle East unsettled by Israel's
second straight annual decrease, for a larger elderly population MeXiCO war with Hamas in the Gaza
as births dropped for the seventh with fewer workers. Strip. Iran also staged airstrikes
straight year and deaths jumped 4 Associated Press Activist abducted; late Monday in Iraq and Syria
following the end of covid husband, son killed over an Islamic State-claimed
restrictions, the government said tHAiLAND suicide bombing that killed over
Wednesday. A woman who had spent the 90 people earlier this month.
The number of deaths rose by Fireworks factory past five years searching for her Iraq recalled its ambassador
690,000 to 11.1 million. explosion kills 20 brother 4 one of Mexico9s from Iran for consultations.
Demographers said the rise 4 114,000 missing people 4 was
which was more than double the An explosion at a fireworks abducted by gunmen who burst Zambia shuts down schools
previous year9s increase 4 was factory in central Thailand killed into her home in central Mexico amid deadly cholera outbreak:
driven by the aging of the about 20 people Wednesday, and killed her husband and son, Authorities in Zambia, reeling
VIncent West/ReuteRs
population and the widespread according to provincial officials, authorities said Wednesday. from a major cholera outbreak
covid outbreaks that started in though the devastation at the Search activist Lorenza Cano, Perico the donkey, carrying Flay the dog and Fifi the cat, climbs the that has killed more than 400
December 2022 and continued scene has made the death toll whose brother José Cano Flores steps of the Sanctuary of Saint Anthony the Abbot and Saint Anthony people and infected more than
into February 2023. uncertain. disappeared in 2018, was of Padua to receive a blessing in Urkiola, Spain, on Wednesday. Saint 10,000, have ordered schools
The total population stood at Photos posted online by abducted Monday from her Anthony is Spain9s patron saint of animals. across the country to remain
1.4 billion, the statistics bureau rescue workers in the Suphan home in the city of Salamanca. shut after the end-of-year
said. China, long the most Buri province showed the factory That9s in Guanajuato state, holidays. A large soccer stadium
populated country in the world, site virtually leveled flat. Rescue which has the highest number of been killing the searchers. Pakistan recalls ambassador to in the capital city has been
dropped into second place workers at the scene said there homicides in Mexico amid Cartels have tried to intimidate Iran over airstrikes: Pakistan converted into a treatment
behind India in 2023, according were no survivors. bloody gang-cartel turf battles. them in the past, especially if recalled its ambassador to facility. The Zambian
to U.N. estimates. The blast came less than a At least seven volunteer they went to gravesites that were Tehran on Wednesday, a day government is embarking on a
The falling births reflect a month before Lunar New Year, searchers have been killed in still being used. after Iran conducted airstrikes mass vaccination program and
decline in the fertility rate that is when demand for fireworks is Mexico since 2021. The searchers Searchers have long sought to inside Pakistan that it claimed says it9s providing clean water 4
a long-term economic and strong. The national disaster conduct their own investigations avoid the cartels9 wrath by targeted bases for a militant 2.4 million liters a day 4 to
societal challenge for China. agency said the cause of the 4 often relying on tips from publicly pledging they are not Sunni separatist group. affected communities. Cholera is
Women are having fewer babies explosion is under investigation. former criminals to find looking for evidence to bring the Islamabad denounced the attack an acute diarrhea infection
despite government incentives An explosion at the same potential body-dumping sites 4 killers to justice, that they simply as a <blatant violation= of its caused by a bacteria that is
and the easing of its one-child factory in November 2022 killed because the government has want their relatives9 bodies back. airspace and said it killed two typically spread via
policy in recent years. one worker and seriously injured been unable to help. 4 Associated Press children. Tuesday9s airstrikes in contaminated food or water.
The lower fertility rate, three others, national police It is not entirely clear who has Pakistan9s restive southwestern 4 From news reports
thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A11

israel-gaza war

Qatar, France strike deal to supply medicine to hostages

BY S HIRA R UBIN, illnesses and need constant medi-
A NNABELLE T IMSIT cation,= including for cancer and
AND N IHA M ASIH asthma, while others are <suffer-
ing from harsh captivity condi-
TEL AVIV 4 Qatar9s air force on tions,= the Hostage families fo-
Wednesday began moving lifesav- rum, an umbrella organization for
ing medicine toward Israeli hos- hostages and their relatives, re-
tages in Gaza, a mission made ported last week.
possible by a rare diplomatic Hagai Levine, a doctor who
breakthrough, mediated by Qatar heads the forum9s medical team,
and france, in Israel9s war on said physicians have sought the
Hamas. transfer of medical supplies to the
Critical aid is also to be deliv- hostages since shortly after oct. 7,
ered to civilians in the enclave as when Hamas-led forces streamed
part of the deal. out of Gaza, killing 1,200 people in
The Qatari foreign ministry Israel and taking more than 240
said two air force planes had land- hostage, Israeli authorities say.
ed in the Egyptian city of Arish 4 Levine described the shipment
some 30 miles from the rafah Wednesday as a <light in hell.= The
crossing into Gaza 4 and later list of medicines was incomplete,
that aid was being delivered to he said, and would still leave many
Israeli hostages and Gazan civil- hostages vulnerable.
ians. An Israeli official, speaking It wasn9t clear how much aid
on the condition of anonymity was intended for civilians in Gaza,
under terms set by the govern- where doctors are scrambling to
ment, confirmed the deal was be- tend to an ongoing stream of se-
ing executed. vere illnesses and injuries and in-
The agreement was reached ternational health officials have
with the participation of David said parts of the population are
Barnea, chief of the Israeli intelli- nearing a state of famine.
gence service mossad, who has <Some people have not eaten in
been in Qatar to discuss <the issue days,= olga Cherevko of the U.N.
of supplying medicines to the Is- office for the Coordination of Hu-
raeli hostages,= the office of Israeli manitarian Affairs said in a video
Prime minister Benjamin Netan- from southern Gaza on Tuesday.
yahu said Tuesday night. The med- <The extent of needs is enormous.=
icines were purchased in france With a quarter of the popula-
according to a list prepared by tion starving and famine <immi-
LoAy Ayyoub for the WAShington PoSt
Israel, the office said, and Qatar nent,= independent rights experts
would be responsible for the deliv- An aid truck bound for Gaza enter the Rafah crossing Wednesday. Civilians also will receive critical aid as part of the France-Qatar deal. advising the United Nations said
ery to their <final destination.= Tuesday that the crisis in Gaza is
<Israel insists that all the medi- they entered Gaza and that <for were approached months ago by painful flare-ups, Grichener said. Israeli military spokesman <unparalleled.= Some 335,000
cines reach their destination,= the every box of medicine= for hostag- families of the hostages, who pro- He said Wenkert9s family is <really Daniel Hagari called the claim a children under 5 are at risk of
office said. es, the shipments would include vided a list of 85 who needed worried= that his condition has <Hamas lie.= He said the building severe malnutrition, they said in a
The deal is to include the trans- <another thousand for our peo- medication. Some on the list were worsened because of his lack of in which the two men were kept statement, and <a whole genera-
fer of medicines to the most vul- ple.= released during a pause in fight- access to medication. was not considered a target and tion is now in danger of suffering
nerable areas for civilians in Gaza, Abu marzouk said that france ing in late November or have since If the delivery succeeds, was not hit by the Israel Defense from stunting.=
where 15 hospitals are partially had asked to deliver the aid but died in captivity. Grichener said, he is <optimistic= forces. michel-olivier Lacharité, head
functioning and the health system that Hamas refused, <due to our Lalliot said the mission, under that a deal to release the hostages Brett mcGurk, the White House of emergency operations for Doc-
is collapsing as the fighting rages lack of confidence in the french macron9s direction, did not in- might be possible. coordinator for the middle East tors Without Borders, told The
on. government, its position in sup- volve direct contact between Hamas released more than 100 and North Africa, was in Doha, the Post last week that as Israel moved
A spokesman for the Interna- port of the Israeli occupation, and french officials and Hamas. hostages in late November in ex- Qatari capital, to discuss a possi- ground operations and shelling
tional Committee of the red Cross its hindering of our people9s aspi- Israel for months has demand- change for more than 200 Pales- ble deal for the release of captives, south, <we are running out of hos-
called the deal <a much-needed rations for freedom and return.= ed that medications be delivered tinians held in Israeli prisons. National Security Council spokes- pitals.=
moment of relief for the families of According to the office of to the more than 100 hostages Hostage accounts and video re- man John Kirby said Tuesday. Six His organization, along with
the hostages and the health facili- french President Emmanuel ma- believed to still be in Hamas cap- cordings indicated the hostages Americans are believed to be the International rescue Commit-
ties in Gaza.= The organization, cron, the medicine was to be deliv- tivity. They include many who were verbally and physically ha- among the remaining hostages. tee and medical Aid for Palestin-
which is to help transfer the aid ered to rafah and turned over to were wounded in the Hamas-led rassed during the exchange. But it was france and Qatar, the ians, this month pulled out of
inside Gaza, said it had <been the red Cross, french media re- assault on Israeli communities on Amid rising urgency over the tiny Persian Gulf country that has al-Aqsa Hospital, the only func-
urging the parties and those who ported. There was no mention of it oct. 7 and others with severe med- hostages9 fate during the conflict, functioned as an intermediary be- tioning hospital in central Gaza at
have influence to ensure that med- going to hospitals first. The pack- ical conditions. family members have pleaded tween the world and Hamas, that the time, after the IDf warned
icines get into the hands of all ages contain enough medicine for Israel has not confirmed with Israeli, Qatari and interna- came out publicly with the agree- residents of surrounding areas to
those who need them.= three months, according to the whether Kfir Bibas, the youngest tional officials that everything ment. evacuate and began to attack.
The precise mechanism for get- reports, which said french au- hostage 4 his 1st birthday is possible be done to secure their Qatar brokered the release of <Technically, it9s true that the
ting the medicines to the hostages thorities hoped to facilitate future Thursday 4 is alive. Hamas has release. two American hostages in october hospitals per se are not targeted,=
was not immediately clear. Senior deliveries. claimed he was killed by an Israeli on Tuesday, Itay Svirsky and and oversaw the pause in fighting Lacharité said. <However, what
Hamas official mousa Abu mar- Philippe Lalliot, director of the airstrike. Yossi Sharabi, who were abducted between Israel and Hamas in No- we can see is that the opposite side
zouk said the delivery included french foreign ministry Crisis omer Wenkert, a 22-year-old on oct. 7 from Kibbutz Beeri , were vember that allowed the exchange of the street or the neighboring
140 types of medicine that would and Support Center, said that Israeli romanian national who declared dead by their kibbutz. of captives and the delivery of premises of these hospitals are
be taken by the red Cross to four france transferred the medicines suffers from ulcerative colitis, a The news came a day after some aid to Gaza. targeted; leaflets are sent. This
hospitals in the Gaza Strip and to Qatar on Saturday in diplomat- chronic inflammatory condition Hamas released a video it said The latest deal, if successfully provokes some panic.=
then distributed onward, includ- ic suitcases. He told france Inter of the bowel, is supposed to take a showed the bodies of the two men. implemented, could provide life-
ing to hostages. radio Tuesday that they would be daily dose of the medicine rafas- The militant group said the men saving treatment to hostages who Masih reported from Seoul and timsit
Among the terms of the deal, he taken to 45 hostages, none of sal, his uncle ricardo Grichener were killed when Israeli airstrikes have been held in Gaza for more from London. Karen Deyoung and
said on X, were that Israel would whom are french nationals. told The Washington Post. hit the buildings in which they than 100 days. <At least one third Sammy Westfall in Washington
not inspect the packages before Lalliot said french authorities Stress and a poor diet can cause were being held. of these hostages have chronic contributed to this report.

Israel urged to ease process of delivering aid to Gaza9s desperate residents

Aid from A1 who use dogs and a scanning posed to be a safe house, the group
machine. said.
<The humanitarian situation in Items including scalpels for de- Asked about the incident, the
Gaza is beyond words. Nowhere livering babies, water desalina- Israel Defense forces told The
and no one is safe,= U.N. Secretary tion equipment, generators, oxy- Post: <In stark contrast to Hamas9s
General António Guterres told re- gen tanks, and tents with metal intentional attacks on Israeli
porters monday. <Lifesaving relief poles have been rejected, aid men, women and children, the
is not getting to people who have workers say, sometimes without IDf follows international law and
endured months of relentless as- explanation from Israeli authori- takes feasible precautions to miti-
sault at anywhere near the scale ties. When one item on a truck is gate civilian harm.=
needed.= rejected, the whole truckload Allegations that Israel is
Israel insists it is doing every- must repeat the process, which deliberately hampering the flow
thing it can to ease the suffering of can take weeks. of food and basic supplies into
civilians. Government spokes- Approved loads return to the Gaza lie at the heart of South
man Eylon Levy said last week rafah crossing, where it can take Africa9s high-profile genocide
that Israel had facilitated the de- days for the cargo to be trans- case against Israel at the Interna-
livery <of over 130,000 tons of ferred to Palestinian trucks, two tional Court of Justice. Israel has
humanitarian aid.= Egyptian drivers told The Wash- fiercely denied what it calls <false
<Israel has excess capacity to ington Post. and baseless claims.=
inspect and process trucks,= he Aid workers attribute the de- But in the face of growing inter-
added. <There is no backlog and lays to a lack of Palestinian vehi- national outrage, the Israeli agen-
no limitation on our end.= cles 4 some have been damaged cy in charge of liaising with aid
on average, 100 to 200 trucks by Israeli strikes 4 and there9s not organizations 4 known as Coor-
get through to Gaza each day. enough fuel to go around, accord- dination of Government Activi-
Before the war, that number was ing to Shameza Abdulla, senior ties in the Territories, or CoGAT
about 500, many carrying com- emergency coordinator with 4 unveiled a new website in Eng-
mercial goods. After the Hamas UNICEf. lish and Arabic this week detail-
attacks on oct. 7, Israel blocked Israel has restricted deliveries ing the humanitarian assistance
the entry of commercial trucks to of fuel, alleging it will be stolen by and field hospitals it has enabled
LoAy Ayyoub for the WAShington PoSt
Gaza. The flow resumed in mid- Hamas to power its rockets, and to enter Gaza.
December but has been <limited has defended the inspection proc- Palestinians wait for bags of flour on Jan. 1 outside U.N. warehouses east of Rafah, in southern Gaza. CoGAT has also stepped up its
and sporadic,= said Shiraz Chak- ess as necessary to prevent the On average, 100 to 200 trucks a day deliver goods to Gaza. Before the war, the number was about 500. criticism of U.N. agencies, which
era of UNICEf Egypt. smuggling of illicit goods. Israeli Israel blames for the slow pace of
Aid flowing into Gaza has pri- officials have also accused the it9s important to recognize that it9s nation of Humanitarian Affairs. and have hastened the collapse of aid distribution.
marily transited the rafah border United Nations, without evi- not a permanent solution,= said Videos posted on social media Gaza9s medical system. <We9re not perfect or infallible,=
crossing with Egypt. While the dence, of turning a blind eye to Steve Taravella, a senior WfP in recent days show crowds in <We are running out of hospi- said Anderson, of UNrWA. <But
gates there are operated by Egyp- large-scale diversion of aid by spokesman. <We need the open- Gaza City rushing toward aid tals,= said michel-olivier Lachari- the crossings only open so many
tian and Palestinian officials, Hamas. U.N. officials have denied ing of all border crossings for trucks, then fleeing as shots ring té, head of emergency operations hours a day. & And on days when
nothing can enter without an in- the claims. faster aid delivery.= out. The Post verified the location at Doctors Without Borders. <If [Israeli officials] promise to send
spection by Israeli officials. Aid A senior U.S. official, speaking Nine in 10 Gazans are eating of the videos but could not con- you want to save lives, patients more trucks, they don9t.=
groups describe this as a convolut- on the condition of anonymity to less than one meal a day, the U.N. firm when they were filmed. need to have access to the hospi- U.N. agencies are calling on
ed and time-consuming process. discuss sensitive matters, told The agency says. And winter cold is <People are hungry and quite tal. Supplies need to reach the Israel to open the Erez crossing
After an initial Egyptian Post: <The Israeli government has setting in. desperate, so we have to have hospital.= and other routes into Gaza and to
screening, Egyptian truck drivers not brought to the attention of the more than a million people dis- police escorts for all our convoys, Channels to deconflict with Is- speed inspections. But if the war
take their cargo down a <rough U.S. government & any specific placed by Israel9s offensive are which limits when we can move, raeli forces are unreliable, aid continues, humanitarian aid
desert road= to the Nitzana cross- evidence of Hamas theft or diver- crammed into a tiny strip of land how many [vehicles] we can put in workers told The Post, adding alone will not be enough to stave
ing between Egypt and Israel, a sion of assistance provided via the along the southern border with a convoy,= said Scott Anderson, that they cannot guarantee the off starvation, officials warn.
journey of about two hours, said U.N. and its agencies. full stop.= Egypt, most without adequate deputy director for Gaza at the safety of staff or their families. To <most of all,= said Lucia Elmi, a
Amir Abdallah, who supervises Under U.S. pressure, Israel shelter. Hundreds of thousands of U.N. relief and Works Agency date, 152 U.N. staff members have UNICEf special representative,
convoys for the Egyptian red opened a second crossing in De- people are estimated to be stuck (UNrWA). been killed in Gaza, according to <what is really needed is a cease-
Crescent. cember, at Kerem Shalom, where in the north. In the first two weeks Humanitarian officials empha- Guterres, <the largest single loss fire.=
The inspection point is open the inspection process moves fast- of January, humanitarian agen- size that the war itself remains the of life in the history of our organi-
only during the day and is closed er. The World food Program has cies were able to carry out only greatest obstacle to aid deliveries. zation.= heba farouk Mahfouz in Cairo,
on friday afternoons and Satur- also begun sending convoys from seven of 29 planned missions to Israeli airstrikes and street battles This month, an Israeli muni- imogen Piper in London, Karen
days. Drivers wait in a long line of Jordan to Gaza via the West Bank the north; permissions for the rest make it impossible for workers to tion killed the 5-year-old daugh- Deyoung in Washington and John
trucks for their turn to have their and Israel. were denied by Israeli authorities, safely provide supplies to the peo- ter of an employee of Doctors hudson in tel Aviv contributed to this
load inspected by Israeli agents, <That is some good news, but said the U.N. office for the Coordi- ple who most need them, they say, Without Borders at what was sup- report.
A12 eZ re the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

Report: Scientist mapped covid before China went public

merce Committee leaders and
that was made public Wednes-
Lag involving Beijing day.
virologist may have hurt Ren did not immediately re-
spond to an email Wednesday
coronavirus research requesting comment. Her sub-
mission and emailed replies from
GenBank were released by con-
BY D AN D IAMOND gressional Republicans who have
been investigating the origins of
A Chinese scientist sought to the coronavirus pandemic.
publish the genetic profile of the Public health experts who re-
coronavirus two weeks before viewed the documents said the
Beijing formally released the se- episode illustrated a missed op-
quence, according to federal doc- portunity to learn more about the
uments shared with a congres- virus at the beginning of the
sional committee and released global health emergency.
Wednesday. The delay may have The failure to publish the ge-
slowed researchers9 work on netic sequence submitted by Ren
tests, treatments and vaccines to is <retroactively painful,= said
combat the virus. Jesse Bloom, a virologist at the
The report raises new ques- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
tions about how Chinese officials in Seattle. Bloom noted that re-
and scientists shared informa- searchers were depending on ge-
tion in the earliest days of the netic sequences to begin develop-
pandemic as the virus quickly ing medical interventions to
spread through their country, combat the coronavirus and ar-
although experts cautioned that gued that earlier access to the
it does not offer substantive in- information would have expedit-
sight into the pandemic9s origins. ed new tests and vaccines.
On Dec. 28, 2019, Lili Ren, a <That two weeks would have
virologist at the Institute of made a tangible difference in
Pathogen Biology of the Chinese quite a few people9s lives,= Bloom
Academy of Medical Sciences in said.
Beijing, submitted a genetic se- The genetic sequence of SARS-
quence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus CoV-2 that Ren tried to publish in
to GenBank, a publicly accessible December 2019 4 days before
database of genetic sequences Bloom and other experts said
aLy soNG/reuters
overseen by the U.S. National they started closely tracking the
Institutes of Health. GenBank9s outbreak of a novel respiratory People wear protective suits in April 2020 at a cemetery in Wuhan, China, then the epicenter of the country9s covid-19 cases.
review process flagged the sub- virus in China 4 was never
mission three days later, alerting publicly accessible for the re- <The American people deserve share information before govern- entists trying to investigate an
Ren in an email that her submis- searchers and laboratory staff to know the truth about the ment officials clamped down on unusual pathogen got squelched
sion was incomplete and request- who browse GenBank, which fed- origins of SARS-CoV-2, and our those efforts. by government authorities,=
ing that she provide additional eral officials said contains more investigation has uncovered nu- <There9s clear evidence now Gottlieb said.
annotations. Ren9s submission than 3.8 billion published rec- merous causes for concern, in- that there were many efforts Several experts said that a
was deleted from GenBank9s pro- ords. <That two weeks would cluding how taxpayers9 dollars underway to sequence this virus Chinese scientist9s efforts to
cessing queue on Jan. 16, 2020, The Wall Street Journal first are spent, how our government9s much earlier than first reported share information early about
after Ren did not resubmit the reported on Ren9s submission to have made a tangible public health agencies operate, & and those are just the efforts the virus did not influence their
information with the requested GenBank. and the need for more oversight we know about,= Gottlieb said in views on whether the pandemic
annotations. In a statement, House Energy difference in quite a few into research grants to foreign an interview Wednesday. He add- began with a laboratory leak in
A separate team of Chinese and Commerce Chair Cathy scientists,= the Republicans said. ed that he was more concerned China, as some scientists and
researchers submitted a <nearly McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), people9s lives.= Former Food and Drug Admin- by Chinese leaders9 reaction in politicians have theorized.
identical= genetic sequence of health subcommittee chair Brett istration commissioner Scott early January 2020 to instruct <I don9t think this submission
Jesse Bloom, virologist at the
SARS-CoV-2 to GenBank that Guthrie (R-Ky.) and oversight Gottlieb, who has written about local laboratories not to publish tells us anything about the origin
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
was published on Jan. 12, 2020. subcommittee chair Morgan Chinese scientists9 efforts to se- genomic information related to of SARS-CoV-2,= Bloom said.
That was according to a letter Griffith (R-Va.) said the finding quence the virus in mid-Decem- the virus, stifling communica- <What I think this shows & [is]
that Melanie Anne Egorin, a raises further questions about ber 2019, said the documents tion. the Chinese government wasn9t
senior official at the Department whether Chinese officials have bolster experts9 understanding of <That is what we need to get to immediately transparent about
of Health and Human Services, been forthcoming about the how some Chinese physicians the bottom of 4 why the normal how quickly they learned about
sent to House Energy and Com- virus. and researchers were trying to activity you9d expect among sci- the cause of this outbreak.=

Russian air passengers face peril as planes show strain of Western sanctions
BY R OBYN D IXON More than a year ago, in Sep-
tember 2022, the International
MOSCOW 4 Over the first eight Civil Aviation Organization red-
days of December, civilian Rus- flagged Russian aviation, citing
sian airplanes experienced at significant concerns about the
least eight serious mechanical country9s ability to maintain the
failures, terrifying many passen- safety of its aircraft.
gers as pilots were forced to make Russian aviation officials, how-
emergency landings in cities ever, have adopted an <everything
across the country. is fine= mantra, insisting that
The incidents did not kill any- sanctions do not affect safety and,
one, but they illustrate the rising in some cases, denying media
peril of air travel in Russia. Nearly reports about increased air inci-
two years of sanctions over the dents.
war in Ukraine have left airlines <Logistic chains are available
struggling to obtain vital spare to domestic airlines, thanks to
parts and, as a result, shortcut- which they receive the required
ting safety standards 4 in some spare parts and components for
cases with government approval. the normal operation of aircraft,=
On Dec. 8, S7 Airlines passen- Mikhail Vasilenkovf the Federal
gers heard loud bangs when their Air Transport Agency said in a
Boeing 737 took off from Novosi- December statement.
birsk for Moscow, as both of the The agency reported 400 civil
plane9s engines surged and spat aviation incidents due to serious
flames, Russian media reported. equipment malfunctions from
The same day, a Rossiya Air- January to November last year,
lines Airbus A319 flying to St. claiming this as good news be-
Petersburg lost cabin pressure cause it was a 2 percent decrease
and began to fall from the sky from the same period in 2022, the
shortly after takeoff from Miner- first year of sanctions.
alnye Vody. The pilots made an But in a December opinion
emergency landing, Russian Tele- article in Kommersant, a leading
gram channels reported, and vid- newspaper, Oleg Panteleyev, di-
eo from inside the cabin showed rector of Aviaport, a Russian avia-
passengers screaming and crying tion think tank, said the risks had
as oxygen masks deployed from <increased exponentially,= adding
the ceiling. that there had been a sharp re-
On Dec. 11, a Utair flight made duction in technical inspections.
vLadImIr NIkoLayev/aFP/Getty ImaGes
an emergency landing because of Some Russian aviation ana-
a wing flap failure while carrying lysts have joined the government A Ural Airlines Airbus A320 passenger plane after it made an emergency landing in a field in Russia9s Novosibirsk region in September.
104 passengers and 42 pounds of in seeking to minimize the grow-
a radioactive substance, Russian ing danger, while others say it is Patrakov said he fears reprisals Superjet stalled while taxiing to tions to three Boeings, including bled Russian-made Sukhoi Su-
media reported. A Utair plane only a matter of time before there from Russian authorities for dis- the runway, according to eyewit- alterations to the traffic collision perjet, with a largely French-
flying from Moscow to Kogalym is a major catastrophe. cussing the dangers but felt nesses quoted in news reports. avoidance system, according to manufactured engine and 70 per-
in the Khanty-Mansi region of <Of course sanctions affect obliged to speak out. They said the captain told passen- pro-Kremlin Izvestia newspaper. cent foreign parts, accounted for
Siberia signaled an emergency flight safety,= said Russian avia- <I am independent and my gers he had rebooted and every- Last May, Russian investigative dozens of serious air incidents.
because of engine failure on tion analyst Andrei Menshenin in motivation is to provide safety, thing was fine. outlet Proekt reported sources But such incidents spiked after
Dec. 29. an interview. <They can9t not af- and when I talk about all the In September, the pilots of Ural stating that airlines were discour- sanctions hit, according to ana-
Also in December, Russia9s fect it.= But he said Russian air- problems, my idea is not to make Airlines Flight 1383, an Airbus aging crews from logging mal- lysts, because accessing Sukhoi
main carrier, Aeroflot, experi- lines had softened the impact by people nervous, it is for the sake 320 traveling to Omsk in Siberia functions. parts is much more difficult than
enced a string of emergencies: an importing spare parts and even of safety,= he said. <Sometimes from Sochi in southern Russia, Patrakov, the analyst fearful of for Boeing or Airbus planes.
Airbus A321 with left engine fail- fully reconditioned engines Russian government organiza- diverted to an airport with a reprisal, said that <Russian air In November, Andrey Bogin-
ure; another Airbus 321 with an through Central Asia, Turkey, Sin- tions or state-owned companies longer runaway because of a hy- safety was a total disaster= even sky, head of Yakovlev, the Super-
air conditioning problem; two gapore, Iran and other countries. don9t even think about these draulic failure. When the plane before sanctions hit. Now, he said, jet9s manufacturer, told jet opera-
Boeing 737s with landing gear <The question is, what does it problems. But sometimes it9s a ran low on fuel, the pilots landed many planes are due for neces- tors at a meeting in St. Petersburg
failures; a Boeing 737 with a wing cost? It costs a lot.= very big issue with air safety and in a field. sary maintenance, <but it9s not that Russia could repair only 178
flap failure; and a Boeing 777 with <The situation with flight safe- some people may finally die. And There were no medals. Instead, done because the parts are not of the plane9s 903 imported parts.
smoke in the cabin due to a short ty in Russian aviation is much my mission is to save these peo- the pilots were attacked by ex- available because of sanctions.= A Superjet flight from Vladi-
circuit. Multiple other failures led better than was expected and ple.= perts and colleagues for endan- Planes are continuing to fly vostok to Chita in October was a
to long delays and stranded pas- much better than what was pre- Despite the harrowing inci- gering passengers9 lives by flying with faulty parts 4 for example, prime case: On takeoff, passen-
sengers. dicted at the beginning of 2022,= dents portrayed in news accounts farther to get to the longer run- with cracks 4 long after they gers felt a thud, and the plane had
Other airlines have experi- Menshenin added. Still, he con- and in real-time cellphone videos way, because too many other fail- should be replaced, he said, warn- to circle, burn fuel and make an
enced severe engine vibrations, ceded that Russian pilots in some and photos posted by passengers ures could have occurred while ing that <you can extend whatever emergency landing because of a
sudden engine shutdowns, and cases have come under intense on social media, Russians contin- they were in the air. The 20-year- you want, but you cannot extend problem with the left engine.
failures with hydraulic systems, pressure, as they face life-or- ue to fly. And despite tough sanc- old plane will be cannibalized for the laws of physics.= The next day, a replacement
wing flaps, steering systems, death decisions when equipment tions, Russian aviation has not parts and sawed up. <If you have a component with Superjet stalled while taxiing to
autopilot and oil filters, among fails. collapsed 4 even though Western In 2022, Russian authorities a crack inside, you have some the runway, leading the 10 angry
other problems. Andrei Patrakov, an independ- planes account for 95 percent of issued developer certificates al- reserve time to replace it, say 10 passengers to bail. The plane took
After President Vladimir Putin ent Russian aviation safety expert passenger flights and new Rus- lowing 100 companies, including days, but not three to four times off 4 after the pilot announced he
invaded Ukraine in 2022, West- and head of RunAvia, a company sian planes use mainly Western seven airlines, to modify parts that, because it has a physical had rebooted it 4 but never made
ern nations put sanctions on Rus- specializing in drone and aircraft components. and perform nonstandard main- limit,= Patrakov continued. <And it to Chita. The flight was forced
sian aviation, banning the trans- safety, said in an interview that The December incidents were tenance to keep planes flying. the question is, when will it reach to land in Khabarovsk because of
fer of technology and spare parts, Russian authorities are letting hardly unusual. But in November, Russian air- a critical limit when this part is a hydraulic failure.
as well as servicing, insurance or airlines use parts well beyond In October, 10 fearful passen- line Pobeda had its developer totally broken, and this part can
software updates for Russia9s their serviceable life, leading to gers insisted on disembarking af- certificate suspended because of trigger a catastrophic event?= Natalia abbakumova in riga, Latvia,
large fleet of Western planes. midair failures. ter a Russian-made Sukhoi serious violations in modifica- Even before the war, the trou- contributed to this report.
thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A13

Economy & Business

tHe CReAtoR eConoMY

Kids seeking YouTube fame? There9s a camp for that.

A bustling industry is seen in a Texas-based program that teaches editing, storyboarding and safety to youths who crave social and financial success


KATY, Tex. 4 Graham, 10, has

dreamed of being a YouTuber
since he began watching videos
on the platform when he was just
3 or 4. <I think of myself being
happy doing YouTube,= he said. <I
feel like it would be a great
experience for me.=
In a church building in this
small town on the outskirts of
Houston, Graham spent a recent
Tuesday morning sketching out
ideas for funny videos. This is
Creator Camp, a summer pro-
gram that teaches children ages 6
to 13 how to chart a path to
success in the digital age.
Founded two years ago by a
group of young creators who met
through the film program at their
high school, Creator Camp ex-
ploded last summer, attracting as
many as 1,300 campers to 11
locations across Texas. This year,
they expect to have 18 locations 4
testament to a booming interest
in the online creator industry.
Becoming a full-time creator
has emerged as one of the most
popular career goals among
schoolchildren in America and
around the globe. Nearly 30 per-
cent of kids ages 8 to 12 listed
<YouTuber= as their top career
choice in a global survey conduct-
ed in 2019 by the Harris Poll and
toymaker Lego 4 more than
three times those who picked
The same year, a Morning Con-
sult survey of Gen Z and millenni-
als in the United States found that
more than half of 13-to-38-year-
olds 4 54 percent 4 wanted to
become social media influencers.
To meet the growing demand,
after-school programs and sum- Photos By Danielle Villasana For the Washington Post

mer camps like Creator Camp YouTuber students and instructors last August at the Katy, Tex., location of Creator Camp, which last fall had 11 Texas sites but this year is expected to grow to 18.
have cropped up from coast to
coast to teach relevant filmmak- see it as a tool to create,= Morrison parents must decide whether to er, AirPods and a Barbie Dream- make a video 3D-printing houses said YouTube could help her meet
ing skills. More traditional camps said. allow their kids to maintain their house. A real Barbie Dreamhouse, for everyone in Mexico. It9s a and befriend like-minded people.
that offer programs in the arts The camp costs $230 per week own public social media pres- that9s big and has walls. It would stunt that would be right at home <If I have more fans [online], then
and sciences also have added and runs three days out of the ence. be in Paris because of the Eiffel on the YouTube channel created I actually feel better,= Aliyah said,
YouTube tracks or classes. Even week. Children in the program The camp also emphasizes the Tower. I would go see the Eiffel by MrBeast 4 real name, Jimmy <because I know they don9t hate
institutions of higher learning have varying skills and access to importance of creating videos for Tower every day, and I9d have my Donaldson 4 a North Carolina me for who I am.=
are catching up: Cornell, the Uni- technology. While some kids fun and creative expression, not room in front of the Eiffel Tower creator known for his outrageous Fifth-grader Sophia, 10, said
versity of California at Los Ange- spoke of having their own iPhone for money. But many kids said every morning and make videos and often philanthropic exploits. that becoming successful on You-
les, the University of Southern 13 or professional-grade cameras, they were keenly interested in the about that.= Nearly every camper inter- Tube would lead to being bullied
California and East Carolina Uni- others said they created videos economic opportunities of being Colin, the fourth-grader, said viewed said they watched Don- less and treated better at school.
versity have added programs and mostly using a family iPad or a YouTuber. he knows that growing a YouTube aldson and another YouTuber <Being a YouTuber would make
courses on social media market- their parents9 devices. <I love YouTube, and I want to channel is hard work. But as long known as Unspeakable, whose me more confident,= Sophia said.
ing and content creation. The program stresses digital be famous on YouTube, because I as you create enough content, real name is Nathan Johnson <Because if I had a hater, I would
Many kids have especially posi- safety: Staff members encourage want a lot of money,= said camper you9ll be successful, he said: <You- Graham. Graham, who was born not care. My fans will say how I9m
tive views of YouTube, and Cre- kids not to use their real names Chloe, a second-grader who said Tube is a good path to getting rich in Houston, creates content about awesome.=
ator Camp co-founder Cazden online. At the beginning of camp, she has dreamed of being a You- because once you upload a ton of the video game <Minecraft= and Whatever the emotional ben-
Morrison said the YouTube camp they come up with a pseudonym Tuber since age 4. videos, that9s when you start get- posts videos of impossible, over- efits of creating content and
in Katy is the organization9s most channel name under which they As a YouTube star, <I could buy ting likes and money.= the-top stunts and challenges. building an audience online,
popular. (Other offerings include create all their videos, which are whatever I want,= she added, in- One of Colin9s ideas is to buy Their dreams of wealth aside, Morrison noted that the camp
<Minecraft Modding,= <Creative not posted publicly. Ultimately, cluding <an iPhone and a comput- the world9s biggest 3D printer and many campers said they see You- provides its charges with highly
AI= and <3D Game Develop- Tube as a way to gain confidence marketable skills.
ment.=) In interviews, Creative and social status. <If we can provide a space
Camp campers said they see the <YouTube gets you to do things where we can guide them in a safe
video platform as a path to self- that you were never able to do way on how to make videos, that9s
expression and social success 4 before,= said Graham, the fourth- a good thing,= he said. <It9s much
as well as fame and fabulous grader. <Let9s say you wanted to better, if a kid is spending multi-
wealth. get over your fear of heights. If ple hours a day on an iPad playing
<YouTubers make a lot, a lot of you have YouTube, that might games or watching videos, if that
money,= said camper Colin, who is give you more views, more sub- kid actually learns to make videos
in the fourth grade. (The Wash- scribers, to do something high up. and be creative themselves.=
ington Post agreed to refer to all So it9s pushing yourself out of Sarah Brown, a mother of two
underage Creator Camp campers your comfort zone to do some- campers, said she enrolled her
by their first names.) thing you9d never want to do kids because she wants them to
Each day, the kids arrive at before.= learn digital skills that typically
8:30 a.m. to learn technical skills Sixth-grader Aliyah said she are not taught in school. Brown,
such as video editing on CapCut, a grew up watching family chan- who has a podcast, said her family
mobile-first video editing plat- nels on YouTube. She aspires to be is <really into the creator econo-
form created by TikTok parent a YouTuber because she thinks my.=
ByteDance. that her life will be more exciting <We believe in entrepreneur-
They also learn about story- and that she will be braver. ship and creating something of
boarding, how to script videos For now, she privately films value and putting it into the
and the basics of shooting a com- herself with friends doing cook- world, whether they do it for
pelling video blog, or <vlog.= ing challenges in her family9s work or a creative outlet,= she
Morrison said the kids find a kitchen. But when she starts her added.
place to explore their film and channel <for real,= she said, she Some campers are already
video passions in classrooms clut- plans to film herself on adven- making plans to return next sum-
tered with props, green screens, tures such as ice skating and mer. By then, said Chloe, the
costumes, lighting equipment, swimming deep in the ocean. second-grader, she hopes her fa-
whiteboards and iPads for shoot- Many kids said they see You- ther will let her have social media
ing and editing videos. Tube fame as a way to escape accounts of her own.
<We want to change their rela- social isolation. Aliyah, who said <I want to launch my channel
tionship with technology, to not An instructor films an animation student during Creator Camp. In a global survey conducted in 2019, she has a hard time finding now,= she said. <I want to see
just see it as entertainment, but to nearly 30 percent of kids ages 8 to 12 listed <YouTuber= as their top career choice. friends with similar interests, myself. It makes me happy.=


RetAil Among last month9s overall Housing builders cutting prices in going slow on smartphone Administration. Natural gas
retail purchases, sales at stores January fell to 31 percent, the upgrades and choosing cheaper output was expected to be down
Consumer spending that sell general merchandise Home builders more lowest portion since August, handsets due to inflation and by 1.7 billion cubic feet per day to
rose in December rose 1.3 percent. Sellers of confident this month from 36 percent the month prior. economic uncertainties. A 1.9 bcfpd due to the freezing
clothing and accessories 4 Reuters slower-than-expected recovery weather.
Americans stepped up their reported a 1.5 percent increase, U.S. home builder confidence in China, the world9s largest
spending at retailers in as did online sellers. By contrast, spiked in January by the most Also in Business smartphone market, also was a U.S. import prices were
December, closing out the furniture and home furnishings since February 2023 as declining factor. unchanged in December after
holiday shopping season and the businesses declined 1 percent, interest rates for mortgages Apple ended Samsung9s 12-year two straight monthly decreases,
year on an upbeat tone and reflecting a struggling housing enhanced affordability for many run as the largest seller of Oil production in North Dakota but the trend in imported
signaling that people remain market. Sales at restaurants buyers priced out of the market smartphones in the world, after was estimated to have dropped inflation remained subdued. The
confident enough to keep were unchanged in December. last year. commanding a 20 percent by more than half its typical unchanged reading in import
spending freely. Economists had expected The National Association of market share in 2023, according output because of extreme cold prices last month followed a
Retail sales rose 0.6 percent in consumers to pull back on Homebuilders/Wells Fargo index to a report from International and related operations revised 0.5 percent decline in
December from November9s 0.3 spending in the final three of builder confidence rose this Data Corp. Samsung ended the challenges, the state9s pipeline November, the Labor
percent increase, the Commerce months of the year under the month to 44, the highest since year with a 19.4 percent share, authority said Wednesday. Oil Department9s Bureau of Labor
Department said Wednesday. weight of credit card debt and September, from an unrevised 37 followed by China9s Xiaomi, output fell by 650,000 to 700,000 Statistics said Wednesday.
Because spending by consumers delinquencies, lower savings, in December. Oppo and Transsion, barrels per day, the North Imported fuel prices slipped
accounts for nearly 70 percent of higher borrowing costs and price Despite brightening traffic, a preliminary data from IDC9s Dakota Pipeline Authority said. 0.3 percent. The cost of imported
the U.S. economy, the report increases. Spending is being significant proportion of Worldwide Quarterly Mobile In October, overall production food dipped 0.1 percent after
suggested shoppers will be able fueled by a strong job market builders continue to slash prices, Phone Tracker showed. The stood at about 1.27 million bpd, rebounding 1 percent in
to keep fueling economic growth and rising wages. though the share is ebbing, change in ranking comes after a based on the latest available data November.
this year. 4 Associated Press NAHB said. The share of tough year that saw consumers from the Energy Information 4 From wire reports
A14 eZ Re the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

Houthi attacks mean shipping companies face higher costs, longer routes
done little to quell the threat to
global trade.
Experts see little effect The Greek bulk carrier Zogra-
on U.S. consumer prices, fia was struck by a missile one
day after a U.S.-owned vessel, the
unless violence escalates Gibraltar Eagle, was hit in a
similar strike. In a separate inci-
dent that occurred around the
BY D AVID J . L YNCH same time Tuesday, four small
AND E VAN H ALPER boats came within about 400
yards of a ship in the Red Sea
Just as global supply chains north of Eritrea but were driven
finally returned to normal, a off by small-arms fire, according
rebel group in Yemen began at- to a report from United Kingdom
tacking container ships and oil Maritime Trade Operations.
tankers passing through the Red No one claimed responsibility
Sea. for the latest raids, which fol-
The continuing attacks by the lowed a third round of U.S. mili-
Houthis, militants backed by tary action against Houthi tar-
Iran, have increased global ship- gets in Yemen.
ping costs, caused cargo carriers The attacks are beginning to
or their clients to opt for longer spread beyond the Red Sea to the
alternate routes from Asia to Gulf of Aden, which leads to the
Europe and the United States, Arabian Sea and the Indian
and raised alarms about the eco- Ocean. That threatens the sea
nomic costs of a wider conflict. approach to Djibouti, the trade
Almost one-fifth of U.S. freight gateway to Ethiopia9s 120 million
arrives at East Coast ports after people, and complicates the task
transiting the Red Sea and the facing U.S. and allied military
Suez Canal, according to planners.
Moody9s. Solar panels, electric- The Houthis began attacking
vehicle batteries, toys and vacu- ships in the Red Sea after the
um cleaners are among the goods outbreak of war between Israel
making that trip. For now, econo- and the terrorist group Hamas in
mists do not expect a major early October.
impact on the prices that U.S. Three months after the start of
consumers pay 4 unless the vio- the war, the maritime danger
lence worsens. zone extends hundreds of miles
Amid uncertainty over how from its original Red Sea loca-
long the attacks will last, manu- tion, said Ami Daniel, CEO of
facturers and retailers already Windward, a maritime intelli-
amR abDallah Dalsh/ReuTeRs
are feeling the economic fallout. gence company based in London.
Automakers Tesla and Volvo said The naval forces protecting glob- A container ship travels near the Suez Canal in 2017. Carriers are starting to divert cargo ships away from the canal and the Red Sea.
in recent days that they would al trade are now stretched dan-
idle plants in Germany because of gerously thin. its U.S. and British allies. Asian disruption by reassigning vessels For now, the Red Sea fighting is the Chinese economy struggling
a parts shortage linked to the He expects that the Suez Canal, shippers bound for local ports are to the longer sea routes around considered unlikely to have an and U.S. oil production at a rec-
disruption. British oil major Shell which handles 10 to 15 percent of delivering their cargoes unmo- the Cape of Good Hope. immediate impact on the U.S. ord high, the impact of the
halted all of its shipments the world9s oil trade, will effec- lested, Jensen said. <It9s costly and it takes longer. economy. Higher shipping costs Houthi attacks is limited.
through the Red Sea, the Wall tively be closed to international In December, BP said it would But physically, it can be done,= will probably filter through to A barrel of Brent crude cost
Street Journal reported Tuesday. shipping as a result. Sending a pause oil tanker shipments Jensen said. higher prices, especially in Eu- $78 Tuesday, down from $85 the
<This is a sign that the situa- ship through the canal will now through the contested waterway. While soaring freight charges rope. But Gregory Daco, chief day before Hamas attacked Isra-
tion is getting worse, not better,= cost $3 million to $5 million, Shell chief executive Wael Sawan, are bad news for companies mov- economist for EY-Parthenon, said el.
said Lars Jensen, chief executive including higher insurance speaking at the World Economic ing goods from Asia to Europe or the current situation is unlikely A similar pattern is playing out
of Vespucci Maritime in Copen- charges, security and danger pay Forum in Davos on Tuesday, con- the United States, they are good to increase the 3.4 percent annual with liquefied natural gas, de-
hagen. <It shows that military for the crew. Diverting around firmed that his company had news for cargo carriers that have U.S. inflation rate by more than spite the Red Sea being a major
intervention has done nothing to southern Africa9s Cape of Good suspended Red Sea shipments. been feeling the financial pinch 0.1 percentage points. shipping route for the product,
alleviate the situation.= Hope 4 which adds seven to nine Oil markets have taken the news of heavy investment spending <It would take either a pro- which is exported in large vol-
Over the past four years, global days to the trip from Asia 4 could in stride. amid sluggish demand. longed or escalated situation for umes from Qatar.
supply chains have weathered cost $2 million for the same type Since the outbreak of fighting Maersk9s profits in its most the disruptions to filter through Europe has plenty of LNG in
the coronavirus pandemic, shift- of ship, he said. in the Middle East, the cost of recent quarter slumped to to inflation in a visible manner,= storage, so the loss of some ship-
ing consumer buying patterns, Monday9s attack on the Gibral- shipping a standard container $521 million from $8.9 billion he said. ments is far less disruptive than it
record-high inflation and an un- tar Eagle <renders the Suez Canal from China to Europe has soared during the same period a year Companies that have been was two years ago.
expected war in Europe. In recent irrelevant,= Daniel said. to more than $4,700 from less earlier. Quarterly revenue fell by whittling down bloated invento- <Energy prices are just not
months, a severe drought has If the Red Sea attacks contin- than $1,000, according to the nearly half. In November, Maersk ries could reverse course and doing what they did after Russia
limited access to the Panama ue, some U.S. East Coast shippers Freightos index. That9s a dramat- said it had trimmed its workforce begin ordering more goods to invaded Ukraine,= said Margaret
Canal and forced some cargo to could opt to bring their goods in ic increase, but it falls short of the last year by 7,000 people and protect themselves against sup- Kidd, program director and an
be transported across the isth- via West Coast ports before load- pandemic-era peak of around planned an additional 3,500 job ply disruptions, according to Phil instructional associate professor
mus by rail instead of ship. ing them aboard freight trains for $15,000 two years ago. cuts this year. Levy, chief economist for Flex- of supply chain and logistics tech-
Now, a worsening conflict in the journey east, analysts said. Shipping costs have not risen When Maersk and other con- port, a logistics provider. Such a nology at the University of Hous-
the Middle East threatens rou- The Houthis say the strikes are further because the industry has tainer shipping lines report their shift could make it harder for the ton. <If our economy was going
tine commerce. in retaliation for Israel9s military plenty of spare capacity. next batch of financial results in a Federal Reserve to complete its crazy and the Chinese economy
Another cargo carrier was at- offensive in the Gaza Strip, which In response to supply chain couple of weeks, the numbers victory over inflation. was going crazy, this would be
tacked in the Red Sea on Tuesday, has killed almost 24,000 civil- snags during the pandemic, car- should look much better, said Under different circum- different. But that is not what is
while a second major oil compa- ians, according to the Gaza go carriers such as Maersk and Jensen. Thanks to strong de- stances, the decision by large oil happening.=
ny began steering its tankers Health Ministry, which is run by Hapag-Lloyd ordered dozens of mand, they have been able to companies such as Shell to halt Yet if the attacks continue in-
away from the waterway, indica- Hamas. new container ships. That addi- raise rates above any increase in shipping through the Red Sea definitely, they could eventually
tions that U.S. military strikes on The Houthis say they are tar- tional capacity is allowing the their own costs for insurance and would have a major impact. But push oil and gas prices up and
the Houthi rebels in Yemen have geting vessels linked to Israel or industry to absorb the current fuel. energy supplies are ample. With push the global economy down.

U.S. unveils plan to cap overdraft fees, setting ob ûght with banking industry
would be capped, either to the Bank of America reduced the
amount necessary for a bank to amount it charges for an over-
Officials say proposal cover its losses, or to a federal draft to $10 from $35. Wells
could save consumers maximum, which may be set Fargo similarly overhauled its
between $3 and $14. policies in 2022, joining some
$3.5 billion annually The exact amount is not decid- banks in instituting a grace peri-
ed, nor are the rest of the bu- od in which a customer can make
reau9s rules, as the agency plans their account whole before any
BY T ONY R OMM to solicit public feedback in the fee is incurred. And Capital One
hopes of enacting its proposal by eliminated overdraft penalties
The U.S. government on October 2025. entirely, provided customers
Wednesday proposed to limit <For many of those charged make regular deposits.
bank overdraft fees, which com- overdraft fees, the market is not But the changes still have not
panies can charge customers working for them, even if they9re satisfied the CFPB, which report-
who spend more money than happy a bank processes a trans- ed in December that more than a
they have available in their ac- action instead of declining it,= quarter of surveyed Americans
counts, touching off a fierce fight said Rohit Chopra, the director said they faced overdraft fees or
with financial giants eager to of the CFPB, describing the other similar charges in the past
preserve their profits from feder- charges as a <junk fee harvesting year. Of those affected custom-
al regulation. machine.= ers, roughly 4 in 10 said they
The new draft rules, unveiled Top CFPB officials say the were surprised they were
by the Consumer Financial Pro- regulations, which would apply charged a fee, prompting Chopra
tection Bureau, could cap some only to the largest banks, can still to conclude at the time that
of the charges as low as $3, part save consumers about $3.5 bil- <American families are paying
of a suite of potential changes lion annually in fees. Already, fees they do not expect, even
meant to aid low-income Ameri- though, major banks have sig- when they have access to cheaper
cans who are most at risk of naled sharp opposition to any forms of credit.=
racking up substantial debts. new regulation, even though Foreshadowing the industry9s
Generally, overdraft payment Bank of America, Wells Fargo stiff opposition, the release of the
DemeTRius FReeman/The WashingTon PosT
programs function as a kind of and others have lowered their CFPB analysis sparked sharp re-
loan: If a customer spends more fees in response to political pres- Rohit Chopra, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, with President Biden at the bukes from the banking industry
money than they have, they can sure in recent years. Some indus- White House in 2023. In a new proposal, the bureau aims to cap some overdraft charges as low as $3. last month. Rob Nichols, the
elect for the bank to process the try lobbyists are expected to sue president of the American Bank-
transaction anyway. If they do, the agency if it issues any final blasted airlines, credit card gi- banks and other financial insti- its enforcement in response. The ers Association, faulted the U.S.
consumers must pay back the rules, potentially denying relief ants, concert venues, hotels, in- tutions have regularly sued in a CFPB, in particular, recently has government and argued that
remainder they owe, plus a fee, to Americans who have clamored ternet providers and landlords bid to weaken its authority or penalized TCF Bank, TD Bank overdraft charges are <clearly
which averages about $26 per for the CFPB to act. for their profiteering, as the eliminate the agency altogether. and Regions Bank for various disclosed, highly regulated, and
overage nationally, according to <We don9t believe it is some- White House looks for ways to When banks first offered over- charges related to the way they provide a service that an over-
Bankrate, a publication that thing that needs to be regulated lower prices in a tough election draft services widely roughly 30 processed transactions, market- whelming majority of consumers
tracks the industry. or legislated= beyond current year. years ago, they pitched them to ed overdraft services or imposed find valuable.=
The exact mechanics vary by law, said Lindsey Johnson, the <When companies sneak hid- customers as a way to avoid the fees. <Next time we hope the CFPB
bank and program, but the fees president of the Consumer Bank- den junk fees into families9 bills, embarrassment and hassle of As part of a roughly $4 billion recognizes the value Americans
historically have fallen the hard- ers Association, a group whose it can take hundreds of dollars a bounced checks. By 2019, settlement with Wells Fargo in say they receive from overdraft
est on poor Americans while board of directors includes exec- month out of their pockets and though, banks had heavily mone- 2022, the bureau found the com- programs rather than demoniz-
enriching major banks. In 2022, utives from Capital One, JPMor- make it harder to make ends tized the practice, taking advan- pany9s overdraft practices to be ing a financial product consum-
overdraft charges generated gan Chase and Wells Fargo. In an meet,= Biden said Wednesday in tage of lax federal rules to rake in illegal, alleging that the bank ers clearly appreciate,= he said in
nearly $9 billion in revenue for interview last week, she said the a statement. <This is about the nearly $12 billion that year in charged customers even in cases a statement.
the industry, according to data group would <take a look at= the companies that rip off hardwork- fees, according to the CFPB. when consumers had enough In a statement this week, the
furnished this week by the CFPB, proposal before deciding its next ing Americans simply because <There are families struggling, money in their accounts. The ABA 4 the largest lobbying
which has repeatedly punished steps. they can.= paycheck to paycheck, [that] are Treasury Department, mean- group for the banking industry
banks for imposing excessive The CFPB proposal reflects a The heightened attention has getting hammered, and it is a while, fined Bank of America last 4 said it had not yet reviewed
penalties to boost their profits. broader campaign across the touched off a lobbying barrage, real tax on access to their deposit July for imposing overdraft fees the details of the CFPB9s new
Under the agency9s new draft Biden administration to crack as companies scramble to ward funds,= said Michael Calhoun, multiple times on a single trans- proposal. But, a spokesman add-
proposal, banks would be subject down on what it describes as off even the most basic rules that the president of the Center for action. ed, <we do know that the Bu-
to tough credit card-like regula- <junk fees,= or the charges levied might require them to be more Responsible Lending, which has The heightened scrutiny ulti- reau9s efforts to demonize a fi-
tions on their overdraft pro- on consumers for services they transparent about their practic- advocated for such rules. mately prompted some banks to nancial product that many
grams, unless they agree to lower once received free. For more than es. The pushback has been espe- Flooded with horror stories, rethink their overdraft policies Americans value and rely upon is
fees on customers. The charges a year, the president has publicly cially acute at the CFPB, which the U.S. government ramped up entirely. Before its federal fine, misguided.=
thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE A15


D.C., 1968. All photos from Ernest Cole: The True America (From the Ernest Cole Family Trust, Aperture, 2023).

Ernest Cole left South Africa to photograph

America. This is what he saw.
BY R AOUL P ECK Mississippi, South Carolina and more. Someone
generously thought that you, a young Black man

he Ernest Cole story never ceases to who had just escaped the hell of apartheid, would
intrigue and fascinate. In his images, I see be the perfect candidate for a photographic
a stinging tension, the same tension that project with the academic titles: <A Study of the
has hounded me my entire life: the Negro Family in the Rural South= and <A Study of
feeling of not quite belonging anywhere, the Negro Family in the Urban Ghetto.= You
and yet simultaneously feeling free and embold- embodied the unfulfillable desire of liberal intel-
ened to reclaim a place in that foreign space. lectuals who saw you as an instrument of meaning,
Settling in a country other than where you were or worse, an appeaser of guilt.
born, on a different continent from where you grew You didn9t want that.
up and in a place where you9re not a citizen, shapes You were young, flamboyant and eager to
your core and who you will grow to be. measure yourself against the greatest in your field.
Born in South Africa in 1940, Cole barely had any You had already done the heavy lifting. You
rights but the one to die. Apartheid was a reckless started photographing at 16 and were already at the
and dehumanizing regime, which caused the entire top. You had a recognizable name and brand,
southern part of the African continent to ache for <House of Bondage,= a photobook that remains
better days. unequaled today.
Exile, for its part, gnaws at the flesh, stripping it Cole was no longer at home but found himself
to the bone. You stare at those dents on your body, under a gaze as destructive as the one he had fled, a
puzzled that nothing can heal them. grimacing skeleton hiding under seductive flesh.
This world is new, and it is not yours. You can9t Over a career that spanned three and a half
afford negligence, inattention or sloppiness. decades, Cole shot more than 40,000 photos that
You hide from the beast, desperately trying to we are now poised to discover. The world will at last
keep your sanity and critical mind alive with your understand an artist who, at the end of his life,
sense of humor, kindness and explorer9s gaze in this became homeless, with his plastic bags, sleeping on
new jungle, which, despite its airs, is just as a bench at Penn Station in New York City, where
dangerous as downtown Johannesburg. fellow photographer Shawn Walker barely recog-
You take it one day at a time, one shot at a time. nized him. <Living here at the station is no way as
You photograph even more. Until you can9t. bad as living in the shantytowns in South Africa,=
The social isolation and breakdown of Cole 4 he said. When Walker returned the next day with
who landed in New York City in 1966 at age 26, Lowndes County, Ala., 1968-1971. Harlem, New York City, 1968-1971. more friends to get Cole off the street, he was
having already lived through, witnessed and docu- already gone. It was 1975, and he had 15 more years
mented a nightmare back home 4 cannot be to live.
construed as a clash of civilizations, as some of his world, there was misery, racism, ignorance and hopeful and some joy to do. However, what I have No one can know the struggle it took to leave us
contemporaries have claimed. solitude, regardless of one9s success or fame. seen in this country over the past two years has these masterpieces, what will now become a
On the contrary, it seems that most damaging for Cole resisted becoming a <chronicler of misery,= proved me wrong.= magnum opus in the history of photography.
him was the discovery that even in the most but as if a trap were closing in on him, he felt How do you fit in without losing sight of where
cosmopolitan city in the world, in a country that cornered. In a 1968 letter, he wrote: <When I left you came from? How do you leave behind what you Raoul Peck is a Haitian filmmaker. This essay is adapted
prides itself on being the bedrock of democracy and home I thought I would focus my talents on other know best: your own country and its struggles? from <The True America,= a collection of Ernest Cole9s
does not shy away from lecturing the rest of the aspects of life which I assumed would be more You went to California, Ohio, Alabama, photography published by Aperture.

Harlem, New York City, 1968-1971. Chicago, 1968-1971.

a16 eZ re the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024


This Congress might ûnally do some good for kids

ONTHS OF negotiations among Con- And yet there isn9t much time to act on the this latest compromise would help about

M gress9s top tax writers have finally pro-

duced a roughly $80 billion bipartisan
deal that could improve the lives of
16 million low-income children. Passing it would
mark a modest but real achievement for a Congress
$80 billion deal: The bill9s tax benefits are
supposed to apply to tax years 2023, 2024 and 2025.
Tax-filing season begins Jan. 29. Waiting too long to
pass this legislation would make it confusing at
best and useless at worst for 2023 tax-filers because
400,000 kids out of poverty, the budget center
The price of this aid for poor children is business
tax benefits. The bill would allow immediate
deduction of any U.S.-based research and develop-
that has been one of the least productive in recent too many will have already submitted their returns. ment spending. (Under current law, the deduction
history. That might help build momentum and The best parts of the deal, hammered out has to be spread over five years.) It also restores
trust among House and Senate leaders 4 and even between House Ways and Means Chairman Jason companies9 ability to deduct the entire cost of
rank-and-file lawmakers 4 as they T. Smith (R-Mo.) and Senate Finance Chairman certain equipment or capital expenditures and
EdiTOriaL struggle to complete basic legisla- Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), are its provisions increasing makes it easier to deduct interest expenses. These
tive business this election year. the value of, and expanding eligibility for, the child tax breaks were in the 2017 GOP tax bill, but they
The bill9s authors tout it as offering something tax credit. Nearly 16 million children would had largely ended by a quirk of the 2017 bill9s
for both sides, and they9re right: It would boost benefit, according to an analysis by the left-leaning design. Their extension in this measure confirms
many U.S. companies9 bottom lines by restoring Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. that there is nothing so permanent in Washington
several tax breaks that would otherwise have The current credit is $2,000 per child, but many as a temporary tax cut. Republicans are already
expired, a Republican goal; and it would deliver lower-income families do not receive the full talking about extending them beyond 2025.
significant new assistance for millions of low- amount because they owe little to no federal That9s reason to doubt the ultimate price tag will
income families, via an increased child tax credit, as income tax. A household must earn at least be <just= $80 billion. The Committee for a
Democrats wanted. Even so, the bill received a $2,500 a year to qualify for any credit. A maximum Responsible Federal Budget estimated the true
tepid reception from Republican and Democratic of $1,600 is refundable 4 meaning families that figure would be more like $500 billion over 10 years
lawmakers and the White House, based on the fact don9t owe income tax can receive money back from if the policies are made permanent without further
that it did not do even more for their respective the government. The new legislation would lift the offsetting spending cuts or revenue increases. Still,
policy priorities. refundable amount to $1,800 per child for 2023 the cost through 2025 is fully offset, mostly by
Congress is already struggling to work through a ShaWn TheW/ePa-eFe/ShuTTerSTock and $2,000 (or more, depending on inflation) by curtailing the employee retention credit, a
lengthy to-do list. To avoid a partial government Joggers run through the snow on the National 2025. This would be a substantial financial boost to pandemic-era small business subsidy whose cost
shutdown, lawmakers must pass a short-term Mall on Tuesday. larger families of modest means. Families still have has quadrupled from the $55 billion originally
funding bill by this weekend. There9s still no to earn at least some income from work to qualify, estimated, largely because of abuse and fraud.
agreement on aid for Ukraine or measures to secure budget for this year. (Congress keeps extending but that work could be from the year for which they As Washington compromises go, this is a typical-
the southern border. The federal government is 2023 funding levels in stopgap deals.) While leaders are filing or the previous one. Overall, it9s not as ly unlovely one, but it9s redeemed by a tangible
nearly one-third of the way through the fiscal year from both parties recently agreed on 2024 top-line generous as the 2021 child tax credit expansion improvement in life circumstances for the working
ending in September, but there9s still no actual spending figures, the details aren9t finalized. that lifted nearly 3 million kids out of poverty. But poor.

LETTErs TO ThE EdiTOr draWing bOard from these experts to unelected federal judges would
not be an act of congressional empowerment; it
D.C. needs to step up on road safety would be an act of congressional defiance. Neither
the Constitution nor the Administrative Procedure
Behind the deaths of the 52 people 4 Act demands this rebellion.
pedestrians, bicyclists and others 4 in in traffic Let9s recognize the battle cry to overrule Chevron
incidents last year are stories of heartbreak and for what it is: a move in the conservative project to
trauma, of failed efforts to make D.C.9s streets safer hamstring government by making it more difficult
and, most glaring, of the Bowser administration9s for agencies to implement the laws that Congress has
indifference to tackling the carnage on our streets. passed, not a thoughtful reconsideration of a
Small fixes, such as getting a crosswalk painted precedent on the basis of binding law.
or a speed hump installed, can take years of emails, Miriam Becker-Cohen, Washington
calls and in-person meetings. Advisory The writer is appellate counsel at the Constitutional
neighborhood commissioners and residents must Accountability Center and a drafter of an amicus
act as safety advocates 4 a role that the experts at brief in support of the respondents in
the D.C. Department of Transportation should be Loper Bright v. Raimondo.
playing. Meanwhile, people 4 walking, bicycling
and driving 4 continue to get hurt on those very George F. Will said the Supreme Court should
streets that have been long identified as dangerous. overturn the Chevron deference doctrine, which
In response to the dozens of deaths, hundreds of would limit the ability of Congress to delegate
crashes and uncounted number of people suffering decisions on the specifics of economic regulations to
as a result of being hit by a driver, DDOT deploys professional administrators with technical
hollow metaphors, comparing Vision Zero to expertise. He said he looks forward to the day when
running a marathon. A marathon requires will, <Congress would . . . have to be more involved in
effort and the desire to move forward. Instead, last writing, and therefore accountable for, regulations.=
year alone, the administration of Mayor Muriel Perhaps Mr. Will is happy to restrict the ability of
E. Bowser (D) stymied efforts to make Connecticut agencies to make regulations that conservatives
Avenue NW safer and slow-rolled much-needed don9t like in the first place, such as environmental
dreW Sheneman/neWark STar-ledger
safety improvements throughout the District. The protection. But consider the effect of eliminating
Vision Zero goal slips further away, demonstrated Chevron deference on the Federal Reserve. After all,
by the fact that traffic deaths were at a 16-year high the Fed is just another administrative agency created
in 2023. by Congress, staffed by experts and given broad
This glacial pace contrasts sharply with the discretion to make major decisions that affect the
unique momentum for cycling in D.C. Last year saw economy. Does Mr. Will think the Fed should have to
another record of Capital Bikeshare trips with more ask Congress for permission every time it wants to
than 4 million and 358,601 rides in November, a raise interest rates to fight inflation? Does Mr. Will
38.1 percent increase over the prior November. 2023 think that financial institutions or borrowers should
also saw the inception of two family biking groups, be able to sue the Fed every time one of its decisions
Ward 5 Family Biking and Hill Family Biking, each costs them money?
drawing hundreds of bikers at every monthly ride. John Shea, Ellicott City
Micromobility continues to accelerate. Government
agencies fail to keep pace with the progress. The two-step analytic framework set forth in
In 2024, D.C. residents are not asking to reinvent 19849s Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Resources Defense
the wheel. Ms. Bowser9s administration has a long Councilis a reasonable approach to construing the
list of safety measures on its desk. We are asking for legitimacy of a regulation.
them to be implemented, and for DDOT to run the At Chevron9s first step, a court looks to the <plain
marathon forward. meaning= of the statute to determine whether the
Brooke Bernold, Washington regulation responds to it. If it does, that is the end of
the inquiry and the regulation stands. However, if
the statute is susceptible to multiple interpretations,
Really, just feed hungry children the court then moves to Chevron9s second step and
defers to the agency9s interpretation, as long as it is
My first reaction to reading the Jan. 12 front-page based on a permissible construction of the statute.
article <15 GOP-led states reject summer food aid for As a practical matter, agencies flesh out legislation
kids= was <Aaarrrggghhh, not again!!!,= and my to achieve objectives because, unlike our politicians
second was <How inhumane, self-serving and and judges, agency personnel have the expertise
impudent of them.= necessary to do so. They do so under the guidance of
Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen (R) and Iowa Gov. Kim the executive branch, which has the authority to
liam Simonelli
Reynolds (R) said, respectively, <I don9t believe in carry out and enforce congressional legislation. And
welfare= and the lie <childhood obesity has become the judiciary has the authority and opportunity to
an epidemic.= The latter is certainly a serious review the legitimacy of agency regulations. Chevron
problem but not an <epidemic,= which too often is deference complies, not conflicts, with the
used as a scare tactic. challenged former president: Ludacris! will vote someday, and they will remember who separation of powers doctrine.
These governors don9t have to walk daily in the Richard Stack, Silver Spring stood up for them when they were hungry. Without agency expertise to flesh out legislation
children9s shoes nor eat at their summer table. The The writer is founding executive director of the Les Greenberg, Marriottsville through the regulatory process, the United States
gall and audacity of using children as political Capital Area Food Bank. would sink to a level of gross incompetence.
pawns disgust me. These 15 governors should be If a regulation is overly burdensome, it does not
ashamed. The Preamble to our Constitution provides Why Chevron is needed mean it9s illegitimate. The judiciary could simply rule
Edward J. Pastula, New Carrollton parameters for determining how to govern. <We the that an overly burdensome regulation amounts to a
People of the United States, in Order to form a more In his Jan. 14 op-ed, <8Chevron9 could be the catch <regulatory taking= under the eminent domain clause
I was stunned to read the front-page article on perfect Union= and <promote the general Welfare, of the day,= George F. Will claimed that ending of our Constitution and justly compensate those who
Republican governors9 resistance to a new, federally do ordain and establish this Constitution.= Chevron deference would rein in what he calls the must comply with the regulation to relieve them of
funded summer program that provides food Apparently, the governors of Iowa, Nebraska, <sprawling administrative state= by transferring the financial burden the regulation imposes.
assistance to hungry children. Two of the governors, Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, power from agencies to the legislative and judicial Maurice F. Baggiano, Jamestown, N.Y.
Kim Reynolds of Iowa and Jim Pillen of Nebraska, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, branches of government. Mr. Will is wrong about the
lead major agriculture-producing states whose South Dakota, Texas, Vermont and Wyoming do not former but right about the latter.
farmers benefit from such government programs. consider promoting the general welfare of Ending the Chevron deference would not return guest opinion submissions
In addition to the governors9 obliviousness to the food-insecure youths part of their sworn duties. any power to Congress. Instead, it would effect a The Washington Post accepts opinion articles on any
interests of their constituents, the sheer cruelty of Perhaps these governors are strict massive transfer of policymaking authority from the topic. We welcome submissions on local, national and
the governors9 thinking should be called out. constructionists of the Constitution and do not see people9s representatives in Congress to unelected international issues. We publish work that varies in length
Mr. Pillen9s pretzel logic proclaims the program is the word <youths= or <children= in the Preamble, federal judges. and format, including multimedia. Submit a guest opinion
<unnecessary and is not adequate to meeting the thereby concluding that our founders meant welfare Chevron, since 1984, has directed courts to defer at or read our guide to writing an
needs of children. . . . They need much more.= So the only for generals. After all, George Washington did to agency interpretations of ambiguous questions of opinion article at
solution is to eliminate support? Huh? become a general, and perhaps this was his reward. law. Congress legislates against its backdrop. When
Not to be outdone, Ms. Reynolds9s reasoning is Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen (R) said, <I don9t believe it encounters areas of law that require technical Letter submissions
equally coldhearted. She sees no point in giving in welfare.= Then perhaps he should take a course in expertise, it writes statutes in capacious terms to letters can be sent to
grocery assistance to kids <when childhood obesity civics. The founders made it clear. Whether a leave policy choices open to the scientists, doctors Submissions must be exclusive to The Post and should
has become an epidemic.= Ah, so making it harder to governor believes in welfare or not, he or she is and economists who staff government agencies and include the writer9s address and telephone numbers.
obtain nutritious food is a benevolent weight- duty-bound to promote the welfare of hungry kids have dedicated their lives to the study of particular letters are subject to editing and abridgment. Please do
reduction discipline? in his or her state. Perhaps if they could vote, substantive issue areas. not send attachments. Writers whose letters are under
To borrow an adjective from our spelling- Mr. Pillen would have a different mind-set. But they Thus, transferring technical policy choices away consideration for publication will be contacted.

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thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re a17

JiM geRaghty

Was that
the ûnal 2024
here9s a good chance we9ve seen

T the last presidential primary de-

bate of the 2024 cycle, now that
Thursday9s debate in New
Hampshire has been canceled after Nik-
ki Haley announced that she wouldn9t
participate if Donald Trump wasn9t
If Haley maintains that stance for
CNN9s debate on Sunday at New England
College in New Hampshire, expect that
one to go down as well. Trump is
extremely unlikely to alter his practice of
skipping the GOP debates 4 the strategy
has worked too well for him, even if it
hasn9t been great for democracy or the
candidate selection process.
Oh, I guess CNN could make a state-
ment by having Ron DeSantis alone
onstage with two empty chairs. (Not
even Vivek Ramaswamy and Asa
Hutchinson are active candidates any-
more. Hey, is that guy Ryan Binkley still
around? What9s he doing next weekend?)
Performing well in a debate is hard,
which is why debates are necessary. It9s a
lot easier to read a script off a tele-
prompter or shake hands and make
MaTT MCClain/THe WasHingTon PosT small talk at diners in Iowa and New
Kids and adults take advantage of the snow Tuesday at Alexandria9s Windmill Hill Park. Hampshire.
The GOP primary debates haven9t
alyssa RosenbeRg been perfect 4 it9s a lot harder for
candidates when there are more than,

Global warming is putting snow days on ice. say, four of them onstage. You can argue
that the time limits are too strict to get
into any detail when discussing serious
topics such as entitlement reform, cli-

So, we have to let loose when they happen. mate change or the U.S. relationship
with China. You can argue, fairly, that too
many candidates come armed with
canned zingers, opposition research,
hackneyed slogans or campaign websites
ast week, as my 5-year-old peered out our suspension of the rules 4 one that is more welcome to shoehorn into every answer.

L front windows and pined for snow, I realized

her 2-year-old brother had never seen the
ground blanketed in white.
That9s not so unusual for children in many parts
of the world, of course. But I grew up in New
to children sprung from school than parents
struggling to clear sidewalks and line up alternative
care. Snow itself is an opportunity for children to
shape the world, rather than bending to the world9s
But this is one of the few times when
American voters get to see candidates
thinking on their feet 4 or, in some
cases, failing to think on their feet.
Almost everything else on the campaign
England, where winter could be counted on to That might mean leaving playful footprints and trail is heavily choreographed by their
deliver wonderlands. For the first few years of my gentle snow angels, as Peter, Ezra Jack Keats9s staff. The debate stage is where the
daughter9s life in D.C., she donned her snowsuit at protagonist, does in the groundbreaking 1962 pic- contrasts between the candidates are
least once a season. The idea that my little boy had ture book <The Snowy Day.= Or snow could be a sharpest.
gone so long without encountering snow felt like a hilariously morbid canvas for the fantasies of a kid Assuming that Trump cruises to the
generational dividing line: between snow as a like Calvin, the 6-year-old scamp with a proclivity nomination 4 and the Iowa caucuses
guarantee and snow as a rarity, between a child- for snow monsters that Bill Watterson introduced were a smooth start 4 the lesson for all
hood lightly marked by climate change and one to newspaper comic pages in 1985. <The world looks future front-runners, at least within the
defined by it. brand-new! It9s like having a big white sheet of Republican Party, is that you can skip
The climate9s increasing warmth and unpredict- paper to draw on,= Calvin9s tiger, Hobbes, told him debates with no consequence. GOP pri-
ability make themselves felt in many ways. in the final strip of the acclaimed series. <A day full mary voters don9t seem to mind.
Gardeners see the impact in the Department of of possibilities,= Calvin agreed. <It9s a magical world, Who is going to chew out Trump for
Agriculture9s shifting Plant Hardiness Zone Map, Hobbes, ol9 buddy. Let9s go exploring!= skipping debates? The Republican Na-
which shows average low winter temperatures and It was with Calvin9s directive in mind that when tional Committee? Trump put Chair-
provides guidance about which plants will thrive in last week9s forecast began to promise our first real woman Ronna McDaniel in the top RNC
which regions. For coastal homeowners, the new snow in two years, I splurged on snow pants and job; she9s never going to give Trump grief
reality arrived in 2021 via soaring insurance heavy socks that we might not have cause to use over anything. (If you9re wondering why
premiums intended to provide a more realistic again before my children grow out of them. On President Biden isn9t debating long-shot
accounting of more frequent and severe storms. Monday evening, we watched the snow thicken in challengers Dean Phillips and Marianne
Carolyn Van HouTen/THe WasHingTon PosT
Californians are finding their air-conditioner-free the glow of the streetlights. My daughter made Williamson, that9s just not something
architecture rendered obsolete by summer heat Rayn Ali, 2, and his grandmother Rafiqa Ibrahim snow angels in our backyard. We all built a incumbent presidents do. No doubt
waves. sled on the snow outside the Capitol in 2022. snowman, whose body was repurposed for a snow much to the relief of a White House staff
Like these other changes, the loss of snowpack fight with the neighbors. I towed my son around that lives in terror of Biden ad-libbing in
poses a real threat to the billions of people who live surprise delights of a January-blooming cherry the yard on our little plastic sled. And both kids did public.)
in communities where snow is an important part of tree or a dahlia tuber that survives a mild winter their best to help their father shovel the front There9s some irony in the fact that
the regional water cycle. As my colleagues in the can9t begin to compensate. Nowhere is that clearer walk. Haley is now the one turning down a
newsroom reported last week, a study in the journal than in the way children react to snow 4 and in the This storm didn9t match the biggest snows of my debate opportunity; her debate perform-
Nature suggests that once regions start experienc- children9s literature that chronicles their age-old youth, when my family slept in front of our fireplace ances are what elevated her to the top
ing winter temperatures that don9t fall below an response to it. and slid through quiet streets on cross-country skis. tier, or at least to the theoretically-has-a-
average of 17.6 degrees Fahrenheit, snow accumula- In <The Giver,= Lois Lowry9s dystopian young But if it turns out to be the last snow of my son9s shot tier.
tion declines precipitously. Areas that rely on that adult novel about a child named Jonas who is childhood, there9s a chance he might remember it. And with Trump refusing to partici-
snow to replenish rivers and reservoirs could find chosen to carry the memories of a world before <Why don9t we have snow, and sleds, and hills?= pate in primary debates, it9s fair to
themselves in real trouble. society eliminated all difference and variability, the Jonas asks in <The Giver.= His mentor responds that wonder whether the general election
In climates where the winters are milder, snow first glimpse of the past he9s given is a sled ride on a society eliminated these things in a quest to free debates later this year are going to
might not stick, if it falls at all. New York City9s snowy day. The experience isn9t merely weather. For itself from inconvenience and unpredictability. happen. Last November, the Commission
701-day snow drought ended on Tuesday; the Jonas, it9s his first experience of <the breathless glee As terrible as that decision seems, at least it was a on Presidential Debates announced three
District had gone even longer, a whole 729 days that overwhelmed him: the speed, the clear cold air, choice. I hope I don9t have to tell my children and presidential debates: Sept. 16 at Texas
without snow. the total silence, the feeling of balance and grandchildren that we simply gave up on snow as State University in San Marcos, Oct. 1 at
The disappearance of snow is bittersweet as excitement and peace.= we let temperatures rise, rendering sleds obsolete Virginia State University in Petersburg
well as consequential. It9s a loss for which the Snow also offers a disruption of routine and a without noticing what we9d end up missing. and Oct. 9 at the University of Utah in
Salt Lake City. A vice-presidential debate
is scheduled for Sept. 25 at Lafayette
College in Easton, Pa.
But in 2022, the RNC voted unani-
Megan McaRdle mously to withdraw from the commis-
sion, and the committee now requires

The rich parables of the SEC9s hacked X account candidates to agree in writing to appear
only at party-sanctioned primary and
general election debates. Meanwhile,
Biden and the Democrats are unlikely to
ast week9s hack of the Securities and Exchange were finally a reality. we want and need, read <Recoding America,= by Jennifer participate in any debate not organized

L Commission9s X account is a real-life metaphor so

deliciously apt, so perfectly on the nose, it tells
you almost all you need to know about the
conundrums besetting modern regulators.
The hack involved the SEC9s then-pending decision
The parables here are rich enough to mine forever:
These events seemed to vindicate some wariness about
moving our entire lives into the digital realm where they
can so easily be hacked. But, then again, why should the
bitcoin decision have been made by people who had
Pahlka, who founded the U.S. Digital Service during the
Obama administration.
Americans are obsessed with making sure that no
government employee, anywhere, ever gets away with
anything on the taxpayer dime. So we9ve stripped away
by the commission.
Earlier this month, two Democratic
senators close to Biden, Dick Durbin of
Illinois and Chris Coons of Delaware,
speculated to the Hill that perhaps Biden
on whether to approve exchange-traded funds that apparently not 4 according to the safety team at X 4 their discretion, laying out extraordinarily detailed pro- should not participate in a general elec-
hold bitcoin. Fund managers have been trying to bring bothered to enable a common security feature known as cedures for every single thing they do 4 which many tion debate with Trump, which could
such funds to market, but the SEC has been dragging its <two-factor authentication= on the SEC9s official ac- then hew to exactly, no matter how outdated the guide- give the former president a platform he
feet for a decade 4 and not entirely without reason: As count? For IT folks, this kind of basic precaution is, as lines or absurd the results because they know that when doesn9t deserve.
cryptocurrency markets evolved, they garnered an security technologist Bruce Schneier put it, <kindergar- anything does go wrong, they will be called to account by Durbin said, <I would think twice
astonishing number of scams. Also, the main use for ten stuff.= politicians who understand very little about their jobs. about it. . . . I9ve been physically present
bitcoin seemed to be speculating on the future price of This looked particularly bad given that the SEC claims Their safest response when this happens is, <Look, I was at one of [Trump9s] debates with Hillary
bitcoin. oversight of cybersecurity incidents in the private sector, following the letter of the law you guys wrote.= Clinton, and I watched him do outra-
A few years back, the SEC did allow ETFs based on and will probably not accept <I forgot= as an excuse if a Thus, procurement is a glacial process. Much of the geous things and say outrageous things.
bitcoin futures products; unlike crypto, futures markets company9s poor security results in market-moving technology we do buy doesn9t work as well as it should It9s just an opportunity for him to display
are already highly regulated. But while the fuddy- hacks. (Further delicious detail: they had to reopen because it was selected to fit guidelines written years ago his extremism.=
duddies at the SEC might have thought this made the comment on one of those proposed rules because, uh, the 4 often by well-meaning people who were mainly Coons said, <I was in the room for one
ETFs entirely different from just holding crypto, the internet comment form broke.) Also, it turns out that the thinking about making politicians happy and keeping of the debates in 2020 4 Chris Wallace
U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit disagreed, government has been working for years on switching the inspector general at bay. Even when they9re trying was the moderator. The former president
issuing a ruling that made it hard for the agency to over to two-factor authentication. In September, the SEC hard, government technologists have to contend with in no way at all respected the rules or the
continue denying Americans our right to pointlessly issued an impressive-sounding progress memo that the decades of accumulated bureaucratic cruft. tradition or decorum= of presidential
speculate on high-tech monopoly money. After all, not included a lot of meeting, establishing and implement- This system is fine for an agency that doesn9t want to debates. <It was a disaster.=
everyone lives within walking distance of a casino. ing but not yet clicking the two-factor authentication do anything 4 which I guess describes the SEC in this Neither senator was speaking on be-
All this set the stage for what happened last Tuesday, checkbox in their social media security settings. case. But even the most hard-nosed libertarian some- half of Biden9s campaign, but this sounds
when the SEC9s account on X (formerly Twitter) said Which makes this not just a funny mini-scandal but times wants the government to change with the times like the floating of a trial balloon. Appar-
bitcoin ETFs had been approved. The price of bitcoin also a story about how much worse the government is at and make something happen, like, say, approve a bitcoin ently, Biden9s allies aren9t so eager to see
rose, only to recede minutes later when SEC Chair Gary technical things than the private sector it purports to ETF. This can9t happen if every agency is mummified in him onstage with Trump again.
Gensler hastily sent a message from his own account, oversee. red tape. America has had a presidential debate
saying that no, no, the SEC9s account had been compro- We9ve already heard many reasons the government So though it9s fair to heap scorn on the SEC for its every cycle since 1976. Democracy is
mised and bitcoin ETFs hadn9t yet been approved. struggles to do technology well: Salaries aren9t high missteps 4 and yes, have some fun at its expense 4 don9t better with debates than without de-
In an apparently unrelated incident the following day, enough to compete for top tech talent, and dedicated assume the best way to get things done is to have the bates. But in this case, a presidential
some users reported seeing an approval go briefly live on civil servants (yes, there are many) have to navigate Senate breathing down its neck. Just as likely, this will contest with no debates might be relief:
the SEC site, before disappearing, presumably because around unfireable incompetents. But if you want to fully result in new guidelines that further ensure nothing ever Maybe we9ve reached the point where
someone had accidentally posted it too early. After the understand the perverse incentives that the political happens again 4 at least, nothing we want. And that9s no nobody wants to see these two old men
market closed, the approval went up again. Bitcoin ETFs system creates for people trying their best to give us what laughing matter. onstage shouting at each other anymore.
A18 eZ Re the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

He hit three big bets, but the sportsbook wouldn9t pay him
BETTing from a1 up as a result of sportsbooks In the United Kingdom, where
offering vastly more wagering online sports betting has been
Council, though a company opportunities than ever, mainly legal since 2005, sportsbooks
spokesperson said Hard rock through prop bets 4 involving reserve the right to void what
hadn9t been ordered to pay up. team and player statistics 4 and they call palpable errors, or
The Tennessee Sports Wager- in-game <microbets,= such as <palps.= Luke Paton, a longtime
ing Council declined to answer whether a football possession bettor who previously worked for
questions from The Post regard- will end in a score. Sportsbooks British betting exchange Betfair,
ing Kozak9s case, how often are also pushing same-game par- said sportsbooks should be
sportsbooks are citing <obvious lays, allowing customers to bun- spared massive payouts resulting
errors= to avoid paying custom- dle props for the chance at a from blatant palps. If a TV typi-
ers and how the state determines substantial payout if each leg of cally sells for 1,000 pounds but is
what errors are and aren9t obvi- their bet hits. accidentally listed for 10 pounds,
ous. The house has a bigger edge on he said, it wouldn9t be reasonable
Virtually every U.S. sports- parlays, in some cases collecting to insist on holding the store to
book has similarly open-ended roughly $20 for every $100 wa- that price.
language in its terms and condi- gered, compared with about $5 But sportsbooks <can9t have it
tions. There9s consensus that for every $100 in conventional both ways,= he added 4 sloppily
bookmakers shouldn9t have to <straight= bets. But generating setting odds, then collecting
honor bets that take advantage of accurate, real-time odds for when bets lose while voiding
a <fat finger= input screw-up, thousands of hypothetical com- those that win.
such as listing the <over/under= binations every second of every rebuck said he saw Europe9s
point total of a football game as day is <essentially impossible,= lax standard for palps and decid-
500 instead of 50. (In such a case, said Ed miller, a former execu- ed to impose much stiffer criteria
any bettor would bet on fewer tive at odds provider Huddle 4 in New Jersey. Soon after his
than 500 points being scored for mainly because the legs of most state legalized sports betting, in
a guaranteed win.) But increas- same-game parlays are correlat- 2018, an operator mistakenly list-
ingly, according to a half-dozen ed. That ranges from outcomes ed the Kentucky men9s basketball
people who work with sports- that are nearly 100 percent team as a double-digit underdog
iLLUsTRaTion bY MichaeL DoMine/The washingTon PosT
books, operators are canceling linked 4 if one team9s wide instead of a heavy favorite. After
winning bets that result from receiver makes a touchdown investigating, New Jersey or-
murkier types of bookmaking catch, for example, that probably three of them. In one $300 impossible, however, to deter- had a $50 bet on the Baltimore dered the operator to pay up
blunders, raising a philosophical means the starting quarterback wager, he bet that eight players mine a market average for same- ravens to defeat the Detroit because Kentucky9s overmatched
debate that9s dividing regulators threw for a TD 4 to more subtle wouldn9t score in a game be- game parlay payouts because Lions in the Super Bowl 4 placed opponent still had a theoretical
across the country. connections, such as what a tween the Anaheim Ducks and operators calculate correlations at generous 500-1 odds 4 voided chance of winning. on another
many states give sportsbooks quarterback attempting a lot of florida Panthers, and that Ana- differently. Kozak estimates that by Hard rock Bet. The company, occasion, an operator was al-
considerable leeway to void win- passes implies about the total heim would score fewer than his 200-1 bet had about a 1 per- he said, made no attempt to lowed to void bets on a field goal
ning bets after the fact simply score. three goals. (florida won, 2-1.) cent chance of succeeding 4 reach him to explain its decision. in a football game being longer
because their odds or lines were Bookmaking software can9t ac- Hard rock initially graded the more favorable than the payout <No one would ever get away than two yards because a field
markedly out of sync with those count for every correlation. 200-1 parlay a winner and credit- implied, but not wildly so. with this on Wall Street,= he said. goal must be longer than 10 yards
offered by competitors. Some <They9re going to make mis- ed Kozak9s account with After all, Kozak said, he handi- <If you meant to buy 100,000 and is almost always at least 18.
regulators, however, insist that, takes,= miller said. <There9s no $60,000, only to revoke the caps all of his bets and places a shares instead of a million, guess When an operator tries to void
with few exceptions, a bet is a way around it.= But as he sees it, funds five days later. Two similar- wager only after determining what? You eat it. Why? Because a bet because of a pricing error,
bet, no matter how badly an there9s a fundamental difference ly constructed parlays involving there9s value in his favor. In a it9s a regulated business, the SEC New Jersey demands to know
operator wishes to take it back. between overt technical failures, a game between the minnesota sense, the entire objective of and [the financial Industry reg- what software or supervisory
<We9re taking a hard line,= said such as listing a favorite as the Wild and ottawa Senators sports betting is to spot and ulatory Authority] watch it, and failures allowed the mistake to
David rebuck, director of New underdog, and analytical over- should have earned him about exploit mispriced odds and lines. you9re responsible for your own happen and how it will be cor-
Jersey9s Division of Gaming En- sights, whether by a human or a $36,000 each, but those were In the eyes of many gamblers, mistakes. If sports gambling rected going forward, he said.
forcement. <These types of [pric- program. Too many sportsbooks, never graded. voiding those wins betrays the wants to be a regulated business, Some operators in his state
ing] errors should not be hap- miller said, are using the <obvi- Hard rock9s house rules say a spirit of the game. operators have to own their mis- still publish terms that cite a
pening.= ous error= rule as a <get out of jail bet can be voided if odds or lines Eventually Kozak sent a mes- takes.= blanket right to void obvious
There9s no way of knowing free= card, letting them clean up <caused by human or system sage on X to matt Primeaux, Even more <mind-boggling,= errors. His agency doesn9t have
precisely how often customers on props and parlays against error . . . significantly differ from Hard rock Digital9s executive moses added, was the fact that the capacity to vet every opera-
are seeing their winning bets casual bettors while voiding big the general market or are clearly managing director and presi- Hard rock voided his wager but tor9s fine print, rebuck said, but
canceled, but rex Beyers, who winners <repeatedly, indefinite- erroneous.= In New Jersey, the dent, who proposed paying Ko- hasn9t canceled an identical bet as for voiding bets without the
has worked for Caesars and sev- ly,= instead of being required to company goes a step further, zak <based on correct correlation from a friend who lives in New agency9s approval, <You9re not
eral other sportsbooks, estimates take down flawed products and defining an obvious error as <a values=: $25,200 for the three Jersey. The company told The going to do it, and if you did, it9s a
that every day across the indus- address their weaknesses. deviation of more than one hun- winners combined. Kozak reject- Post that it has sought permis- consumer violation and we9re
try at least one operator attempts Kozak, a Chicago-based finan- dred percent (100%) in the pay- ed the offer and brought his sion from New Jersey9s gaming going to sue your a-- off.=
to void a bet. Some protection is cial derivatives trader and an out compared to the market dispute to state regulators. authority to void that bet. But With stricter regulatory en-
only fair, Beyers said: If a cus- experienced sports bettor, tried average or intended odds.= Even the voiding of bets on would the company still have forcement, rebuck said, fights
tomer tries to cash in on a blatant to capitalize on this type of The odds for each leg of Ko- obviously incorrect lines can be asked to refund the bet had the over odds errors wouldn9t break
fat finger, <you9re basically steal- vulnerability. on a trip to Nash- zak9s parlays were comparable to galling to customers. Danny mo- Lions lost their first playoff out so frequently. <This is not
ing money from someone who ville in November, he placed 10 those offered at other sports- ses, one of the mortgage bond game, or simply graded it a loser? good for the industry,= he said,
made a mistake.= NHL same-game parlays through books, based on data archived on traders depicted in the book and (The company did not respond to <and it9s certainly not good for
mistakes appear to be piling Hard rock9s sportsbook and won bet tracking site Betstamp. It9s movie <The Big Short,= recently that question.) patrons.=

Ultraût 93-year-old
obers insights into the
biology of aging well
aging from a1 His heart rate also headed
toward this peak very quickly,
Daly, an assistant lecturer in exer- meaning his heart was able to
cise science at the Technological rapidly supply his working mus-
University of the Shannon in Ire- cles with oxygen and fuel. These
land, was quite familiar with an <oxygen uptake kinetics,= a key
example of successful aging. His indicator of cardiovascular
grandfather is morgan, the 2022 health, proved comparable to
indoor-rowing world champion in those of a typical, healthy 30- or
the lightweight, 90-to-94 age 40-year-old, Daly said.
What made morgan especially Exercising 40 minutes a day
interesting to the researchers Perhaps most impressive, he
was that he hadn9t begun sports developed this fitness with a
or exercise training until he was simple, relatively abbreviated ex-
73. retired and somewhat at ercise routine, the researchers
loose ends then, he9d attended a noted.
rowing practice with one of his Consistency: Every week, he
other grandsons, a competitive rows about 30 kilometers (about
collegiate rower. The coach 18.5 miles), averaging around 40
invited him to use one of the minutes a day.
machines. a mix of easy, moderate and
<He never looked back,= Daly intense training: About 70 per-
said. cent of these workouts are easy,
with morgan hardly laboring.
Highest heart rate on record Another 20 percent are at a
They invited morgan, who difficult but tolerable pace, and
was 92 at the time, to the the final 10 at an all-out, barely
physiology lab at the University sustainable intensity.
of Limerick in Ireland to learn Weight training: Two or three
more, measuring his height, times a week, he also weight- amounts of muscle and aerobic
weight and body composition trains, using adjustable dumb- capacity as we grow older, Jake-
and gathering details about his bells to complete about three man said. Exercise could help us
diet. They also checked his sets of lunges and curls, repeat- build and maintain a strong,
metabolism and heart and lung ing each move until his muscles capable body, whatever our age,
function. are too tired to continue. he said.
They then asked him to get on a high-protein diet: He eats of course, morgan probably
a rowing machine and race a plenty of protein, his daily con- had some genetic advantages,
simulated 2,000-meter time trial sumption regularly exceeding the scientists point out. rowing
while they monitored his heart, the usual dietary recommenda- prowess seems to run in the
lungs and muscles. tion of about 60 grams of protein family.
<It was one of the most inspir- for someone of his weight. And his race performances in
ing days I9ve ever spent in the
lab,= said Philip Jakeman, a pro- How exercise changes how <It was one of the most recent years have been slower
than they were 15, 10 or even five
we age
fessor of healthy aging, physical
performance and nutrition at the <This is an interesting case
inspiring days I9ve ever years ago. Exercise won9t erase
the effects of aging. But it may
University of Limerick and the
study9s senior author.
study that sheds light on our
understanding of exercise adap-
spent in the lab.= slow our bodies9 losses, morgan9s
example seems to tell us. It may
morgan proved to be a nona- tation across the life span,= said Philip Jakeman, flatten the decline.
genarian powerhouse, his sinewy Scott Trappe, director of the a professor at the University It also offers other, less-corpo-
165 pounds composed of about Human Performance Laboratory of Limerick and the study9s senior real rewards. <There is a certain
80 percent muscle and barely 15 at Ball State University in Indi- author, on the day Richard Morgan pleasure in achieving a world
percent fat, a body composition ana. He has studied many older was observed championship,= morgan told me
that would be considered healthy athletes but was not involved in through his grandson, with
for a man decades younger. the new study. almost comic self-effacement.
During the time trial, his heart <We are still learning about <I started from nowhere,= he
rate peaked at 153 beats per starting a late-life exercise pro- said, <and I suddenly realized
minute, well above the expected gram,= he added, <but the evi- there was a lot of pleasure in
maximum heart rate for his age dence is pretty clear that the doing this.=
and among the highest peaks human body maintains the abili- FaMiLY PhoTo

ever recorded for someone in ty to adapt to exercise at any age.= TOP: Richard Morgan competes in an indoor rowing competition Do you have a fitness question?
their 90s, the researchers be- In fact, morgan9s fitness and in 2018. Morgan, now 93, began his exercise training at 73. email and
lieve, signaling a very strong physical power at 93 suggest that aBOVE: Morgan with his wife. a study released last month says we may answer your question in a
heart. <we don9t have to lose= large Morgan has the physiology of a healthy person in their 30s or 40s. future column.

METRO thursday, january 18 , 2024 eZ re b

High today at the regiOn MaryLand Obituaries
approx. 3 p.m.
a blast of frigid air leads to the case of a 72-year-old Peter magubane, 91,
8 a.m. noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
39° slick spots on roads, air man charged in the 1971 documented unrest and
Precip: 20% travel issues, and school killing of a sheriff9s deputy repression in south africa
22 33 38 34 ° ° ° Wind: s
4-8 mph delays or cancellations. b2 results in a mistrial. b3 as a photojournalist. b4

Moore calls MS-13

for budget
cuts but no member
tax hikes details
Budget proposal shifts
priorities to child care,
housing and job training TESTIFIES AGAINST
Gang killed at random,
After warning for months that prosecutors say
Maryland needed to rein in its
costs and boost its economy, Gov.
Wes Moore (D) on Wednesday re- BY S ALVADOR R IZZO
leased a $63.1 billion budget pro-
posal that aims to do that without The Ms-13 members had been
raising taxes. cruising all night in a gray Mer-
His budget, the first one created cedes, searching for rival gang
exclusively by his administration, members to kill in Maryland or
significantly trims spending on Virginia so they could bolster
transportation, private univer- their street cred and expand their
sities and community colleges, turf. They were coming up empty
among many other smaller cuts, as dawn approached on sept. 24,
while plowing hundreds of mil- 2019.
lions of dollars into his other Then they spotted Antonio
priorities. smith, 37, leaving a 7-eleven in
Moore called the spending plan Dumfries, Va. He was a stranger
the first step in <rebasing= how the carrying a plastic bag filled with a
government invests in core priori- PHotos By craIg Hudson for tHe WasHIngton Post frozen pizza and a gallon of or-
ties and lives within its means. ange juice, but the Ms-13 mem-
<I9m new to politics, but I9m not bers were desperate for a kill,
new to budgets,= Moore, a former CapitaL Letters according to federal prosecutors.
investment banker, said. <If you <I shot him in the back. That
are the Ceo of a company and
your business is not growing, then
maybe it is time to rethink your
business model. It will not be
A student dreamed of winning a notable was the first shot, and with the
second one, he fell to the ground,=
Mario Guevara, 28, testified last
week in the first of two back-to-
enough to simply rebuild the state
government. We need to refocus.=
Moore said his administration
speech contest. She had one last chance. back trials taking place in U.s.
District Court in Alexandria. <He
started screaming at us not to do
went line by line through the it,= recalled Guevara, now a gov-
state9s budget, looking for ways to The 17-year-old from Va. strove for victory in a competition honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. ernment witness. <He was saying
align state spending with what in english, 8oh, my God,9 and in
works and looking for places pan- spanish, 8Amigo.9 He also said,
demic aid inflated state spending. BY C LARENCE W ILLIAMS 8stop, stop.9 =
Among the examples his adminis- In the two trials, six alleged

tration offered: cutting aid for rooklynn saunders whispered her speech into a micro- members of La Mara salvatrucha,
private colleges such as Johns phone backstage, trying to calm her nerves. Weeks of or Ms-13, a violent street gang run
Hopkins University back to pre- writing, editing and practicing aloud had led to this from Central America and with a
pandemic levels. moment: a chance to win an oratorical contest sponsored by heavy presence in the United
Maryland faced budget gaps the Delta sigma Theta sorority. This was her last shot at states, are charged with murder
projected to widen from $761 mil- victory before she graduated high school. and racketeering in northern Vir-
lion next fiscal year to $2.7 billion Last year, she9d lost. When this year9s contest theme 4 ginia. Prosecutors say the defen-
four years later. The cuts shrink what does it take to remain a great nation? 4 was an- dants were members of an Ms-13
those gaps but did not close them, nounced, she put together a draft that night. now, the cell called sitios Locos salvatru-
and Moore said the state cannot 17-year-old faced an audience at a Prince William County cha, or sTLs, that terrorized
pursue bigger ambitions unless high school that included a U.s. senator and congresswom- Prince William County by carry-
Maryland9s economy grows to an, as well as members of the historically Black fraternity ing out four murders from June to
support them. At a time when omega Psi Phi, dressed in purple blazers; men from Alpha september 2019, ending with
other states9 economies grew by Phi Alpha in black and gold; and members of the historically smith9s.
7.5 percent on average over the Black sorority Delta sigma Theta, dressed in crimson and Guevara pleaded guilty last
past five years, he noted Mary- cream. year to three counts of murder,
land9s grew by merely 0.2 percent. It was Brooklynn9s turn to speak. she took a breath and tampering with a witness by kill-
Among his spending priorities began. ing and a racketeering conspira-
to boost the economy, Moore pro- every January, students across the country craft speeches cy. He received five life terms and
posed another $100 million to for poetry and prose contests to honor the Rev. Martin agreed to testify against his for-
build a new FBI headquarters, Luther King Jr.9s legacy. They recite King9s speeches. They tOP: High school senior Brooklynn saunders competes in an mer associates, hoping prosecu-
money to bolster a new technol- imagine what King would say if he were alive today. And they oratorical contest inspired by the Rev. martin Luther King Jr. in tors will recommend a revised
ogy hub in Baltimore and incen- remind listeners of the stalled progress on racial equity as the manassas on monday. ABOVE: Brooklynn holds the medal she sentence of less than life in prison
tives to increase affordable hous- see sPEECH on B2 received as a representative of gar-Field High school. if he provides <substantial assis-
ing. tance= in the investigation. An-
<It9s not just about cuts. We9ve other witness, Abner Molina, 26,
got to get this economy going,= see ms-13 on B3
Moore said during a Wednesday
morning news conference in An-
napolis where he set out four goals
for the next year: to make Mary-
land safer, more economically
competitive and more affordable,
Man sentenced to 5 years after attacking 6 o>cers on Jan. 6
and to have a higher share of
residents doing public service. To with chemical spray. Prosecutors
that last point, he included cash to called him <one of the most vio-
expand his signature service Year
One injured in assault by lent Jan. 6 rioters= and said his
option program, alongside the Proud Boy was forced to attacks <were barbaric and left
Maryland Corps program, to al- his victims with lasting physical,
low for 500 participants, up from
retire from Capitol Police emotional and psychological in-
the inaugural year9s 280. juries.=
He9s also proposed expanding a Prosecutors asked U.s. District
pilot program to rehabilitate juve- BY T OM J ACKMAN Judge Jia M. Cobb to sentence
nile offenders along with other Bonawitz, a member of the Proud
investments into the Department At 6 feet 6 inches and nearly Boys, a far-right group with a
of Juvenile services, saying, <I be- 300 pounds, the force of Kenneth history of violence, to nearly six
lieve in accountability and I be- J. Bonawitz launching himself years in prison, above the average
lieve in consequences for people through the air and slamming his sentence of slightly less than four
that break the law. But if we put forearms into the throats of two years for assaulting police on
children into a system that makes police officers standing below Jan. 6.
them more likely to commit crime, him during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot Cobb imposed a sentence of
we9re doing it wrong.= must have been enormous. one five years, calling Bonawitz9s ac-
The budget proposal is subject officer suffered back injuries such tions <really inexplicable to me.=
to General Assembly approval and that he was forced to retire in she addressed the view held by
is 2 percent smaller than the cur- permanent pain. some that defendants such as
rent fiscal year, which was swollen Bonawitz, 58, wasn9t done. As Bonawitz are political prisoners.
by the last of federal pandemic other officers rushed in, they <I don9t care about your political
see mARyLAnD on B6 spotted an eight-inch hunting beliefs,= the judge said. <It9s your
knife on Bonawitz9s hip and actions that you9re facing sen-
seized it from him. But the police tencing for.=
were too overwhelmed to arrest Two officers assaulted by
Theresa Bonawitz and returned him to the Bonawitz said his actions
crowd on the Capitol9s West Ter- changed their lives.
Vargas race, where he proceeded to fight <As a direct result of Bonawitz9s
with more officers, including put- actions, I have been sentenced to
ting one officer in a chokehold a lifetime of medical issues that
and lifting her off the ground. He include physical pain and mental from an affIdavIt/statement of facts fIle By tHe fBI
She is away. Her column will resume ultimately assaulted six officers and emotional distress,= said sgt. Kenneth J. Bonawitz, in the red circle added by Justice Department investigators, is seen in a video
when she returns.
before retreating after being hit see sEntEnCing on B3 still from a body camera launching himself at two Capitol Police officers during the Capitol riot.
B2 eZ re the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

A high-schooler speaks on nation in MLK oratorical contest

SPeeCh from B1

nation becomes more polarized.

At Brooklynn9s final practice
with her oratory coach, Anthony
Amoruso, she fidgeted uncomfort-
ably in a classroom chair. The Gar-
field High School senior bristled
with displeasure as she listened to
phrases from the speech she made
last year. She9d been a finalist, but
it wasn9t gold-medal-worthy.
Amoruso, a language-arts
teacher, scribbled reminders on a
touch screen: poise, voice, life, eye
contact, gestures, speed.
Then they turned to YouTube,
listening to Barack obama9s key-
note speech at the 2004 Demo-
cratic National Convention.
Brooklynn9s eyes widened. She
sighed involuntarily and placed
her hand on her heart as she lis-
tened to him say there were no red
states or blue states 4 just the
United States. The theme echoed
her own essay.
Then she practiced her speech
aloud. Her smile dazzled. She radi-
ated poise. But she spoke too fast,
Amoruso said. She started again,
more slowly.
<I9m so proud of you,= Amoruso
said. <You put in the work. Just
have fun with this. This is the last
<That it is,= Brooklynn replied.
<It9s out of our hands,= Amoruso
said. <really focus on the positive
legacy this man left behind. Try to
embrace that history for a second
and enjoy it.=
Brooklynn took a breath,
smiled and rose from the desk.
<Thank you so much, mr. A.=
At the contest, Brooklynn9s fel-
low competitors challenged
Americans to take on the issues of
air quality, homelessness, poverty
and water quality. The emcee had craig hudson for The WashingTon PosT

introduced her as a young lady Brooklynn Saunders with sister in-law Kianna Waters and nephew Tafari Pettis-Dancy III after the MLK Youth Oratorical Contest in Manassas on Monday. She had lost last
who planned to study internation- year and was determined to win this time around 4 spending weeks writing, editing and practicing her speech, which discussed the U.S. Constitution and unity in the nation.
al business and international rela-
tions before launching a career in form a more perfect union by es- towards the mission statement of brought the crowd to their feet as ment of the winner, Brooklynn won.=
real estate and running for politi- tablishing justice, ensuring do- unity? . . . Sadly, the answer to that she urged them to learn to dis- posed for photos and accepted Ahead lay decisions about col-
cal office. mestic tranquility, and securing question is still subjective and in- agree more respectfully and to congratulations from her family lege selection, career paths and
She strode to the front of the the blessings of liberty to our- conclusive.= choose political leaders who do and strangers. She hugged her perhaps a stint in elected office to
stage, dressed in red, microphone selves and our posterity. Brooklynn9s smile sparkled. She the same. mom, Virginia Pettis, a single help change the world.
in hand. <A key statement to me within slowed for applause lines and in- But it wasn9t enough. mother and member of Delta Sig- A woman yelled, <Sis! I would
<I like to see our U.S. Constitu- the Constitution that stands out is flected emotion with the flair of a Another competitor won. ma Theta who smiled with pride. vote for you!=
tion as a mission statement,= she 8to form a more perfect union9 4 Southern pastor. She stumbled on Brooklynn9s smile never fal- She held Brooklynn9s 6-year-old Brooklynn dashed across the
said. <The people of the U.S., which leads to my question for a few phrases but never broke tered. nephew, Tafari, who was con- aisle and extended her arm:
through our government, seek to you: Are we effectively working rhythm, and she eventually moments after the announce- vinced that <Auntie Brooklynn <Here9s my card.=


Cold blast on top of winter storm adds to airport delays and road issues
BY J USTIN J OUVENAL overnight. Slushy spots hard-
ened into ice, and some streets
A blast of frigid air on were still waiting for plows to
Wednesday froze the remnants remove the snow that fell mon-
of the area9s first major winter day and Tuesday; major roads
storm in two years, stranding appeared to be in better shape. A
travelers at airports, causing few accidents were reported.
slick spots on some roads, and <freezing temps + moisture
forcing most school districts to on pavement = possible icy con-
delay or cancel classes 4 and ditions,= the Virginia Depart-
more snow might be on the way. ment of Transportation posted
It was sunny Wednesday, but on X, formerly Twitter. <Use cau-
temperatures did not climb out tion when driving this morning
of the upper 20s to low 30s, & be prepared for slick spots,
limiting the melting of ice and especially on bridges, ramps &
snow on sidewalks and roads. overpasses that freeze first. If it
The Capital Weather Gang was looks wet, it could be ice.=
predicting another frigid night VDoT said it had more than
that could bring a new round of 80 trucks treating Interstate 95,
freezing. and more than 250 trucks salt-
It also forecast the possibility ing and sanding primary and
of fresh snow Thursday night or secondary roads across the state.
friday morning that could cause A stretch of northern George
additional problems. Washington Parkway was re-
Early Wednesday, travelers opened after being closed earlier
faced delays and cancellations as this week because of icy condi-
the nation9s air system reeled tions, and metrobus announced
from the storm, with about that its fleet had mostly resumed
40 percent of departures from normal service Wednesday
Dulles International Airport de- morning. metrorail also ap-
layed, while roughly 30 percent peared to be operating normally.
were backed up at reagan Na- Some school districts, includ-
tional Airport, according to the ing in Loudoun and montgom-
website flightView. Nearly half ery counties, decided to cancel
of departures at Baltimore- classes Wednesday morning af-
Washington International mar- ter previously announcing that
shall Airport were delayed. school would be delayed. School
Some of those delays had im- officials cited the icy conditions.
proved by Wednesday after- D.C. officials declared a <Cold
noon. Emergency Alert,= meaning they
Authorities warned drivers opened more warming centers
Wednesday morning to take for the city9s homeless and con-
MaTT Mcclain/The WashingTon PosT
streets slowly after tempera- ducted additional outreach be-
tures plummeted into the teens cause of the extreme weather, A wintry scene Tuesday along the Alexandria waterfront. After the region9s first major snowstorm in two years, frigid air on Wednesday
and single digits across the area the coldest of the winter so far. made some slushy spots icy while inhibiting any melting. Forecasters said more snow could arrive Thursday night or Friday morning.

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thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re B3

MS-13 terrorized Northern Virginia by killing at random, witnesses say

Ms-13 from B1 tran to a wooded area, ostensibly Canales is charged with order- 139s main rival, the 18th Street C. Blanchard disputed that the going to find out how to get
to offer him drugs. When Bel- ing killings as second-in-com- gang. They all received manda- physical evidence from the ahold of my son, and if I didn9t
struck a similar deal with pros- tran arrived with another man, mand of the STLS crew operat- tory terms of life imprisonment. scene of Tate9s shooting lined up pay up, my son was going to pay
ecutors and took the stand last Jairo mayorga, 39, the mS-13 ing in Northern Virginia. Also on In the ongoing trial, Hoff told with Andrade9s version of the consequences,= according to
week after pleading guilty to two crew decided to kill both, Gue- trial are manilester Andrade the jury that Smith and another events. <This was cold, calculat- molina9s testimony.
murders and a racketeering con- vara testified. and Jairo Aguilera, who were victim, Eric Tate, 25, likewise ed, premeditated murder,= molina went back to police,
spiracy. He is also serving multi- <Armed with a 9-millimeter both implicated in murders by were selected at random before Blanchard said during closing corrected his story, began impli-
ple life sentences. handgun, they shot milton in the the two cooperating witnesses. being ambushed and killed. arguments. <It wasn9t self-de- cating the others in the double
After molina finished testify- face,= Justice Department pros- Arevalo, Turcios and the al- molina testified that on fense.= homicide, and revealed that
ing, Judge Leonie m. Brinkema ecutor matthew K. Hoff said in leged ringleader of the STLS cell, Aug. 29, 2019, he was with An- This week, defense attorneys STLS members had also killed
granted a defense motion this his opening statement. <Jairo marvin menjivar, are facing drade, Arevalo and another mS- argued that the judge should Smith and Tate, he said.
week to strike his testimony. ran, but he didn9t get far, be- murder and racketeering charg- 13 member when they spotted strike molina9s testimony be- But there was more to the
Defense attorneys argued that cause they shot him as well.= es in the next trial. All the Tate walking near an apartment cause prosecutors failed to dis- story, defense attorneys argued,
prosecutors had failed to share According to Guevara, who is defendants face mandatory sen- complex on Bel Air road in close key information about him accusing prosecutors of violat-
key evidence about molina9s role slated to reprise his role as one of tences of life in prison if convict- Woodbridge. until the trial was underway. ing the Brady rule.
in the homicides before the trial the prosecution9s star witnesses ed. Prosecutors in the Eastern According to molina, Arevalo They argued it was a violation of <molina confessed his in-
began. at the second trial, an mS-13 District of Virginia declined to <had an instinct= that Tate was a Brady v. Maryland, a Supreme volvement in the double murder
Jurors began deliberating in member named Carlos Turcios seek the death penalty. rival gang member. Arevalo shot Court decision that requires au- to another person 4 A.r.,= ac-
the trial of the first three defen- was the first to shoot Beltran. Although mS-139s code re- him from behind, and then An- thorities to disclose any evi- cording to a motion filed by
dants Wednesday afternoon. mayorga <screamed when he quires members to kill rival gang drade took more shots at Tate, dence they uncover that could be Turcios9s attorneys, Elizabeth
The second trial, for the other heard the gunshot and began to members, or <chavalas,= to be molina said. Tate <drew a gun helpful to a defendant. Van Pelt and Chris Amolsch.
three accused, is expected to run away,= but Turcios shot him promoted within the organiza- and started firing toward the air Brinkema granted the mo- <This is the first we9ve heard that
begin this week or next. and he collapsed, Guevara said. tion, prosecutors, fBI agents, as he was agonizing,= molina tion, ruling molina9s testimony molina confessed to this per-
The gang members stocked Then Guevara recounted his witnesses and Virginia police testified. inadmissible. son.=
up on firearms by selling cocaine own role in the nighttime slay- officials have narrated in pains- An attorney for Andrade, molina had testified that They added that, <among oth-
at nightclubs, restaurants and ings. Showing little emotion, he taking detail over the course of frank Salvato, called molina9s when he was arrested in Novem- er things, the government has
clients9 homes in the area and testified that he shot Beltran several recent investigations story unbelievable and said Tate ber 2019, he lied to law enforce- allowed the destruction of jail
kept a list of suspected rival gang three times, and when mayorga how mS-13 members often get had been the first to open fire. ment and took sole blame for the calls in which molina is attempt-
members they had marked for got up and started running desperate for promotions and Arevalo then shot back in self- double homicide of Beltran and ing to concoct an alibi, together
death, according to a 20-count again, Guevara shot him twice decide to target random people defense, Salvato said in his open- mayorga. He was still <loyal= to with all notes and translations of
indictment backed by handwrit- until he fell. Another gang mem- with no known gang ties, pass- ing statement. He urged the jury the gang at that point and want- them.=
ten notes, witness testimony, ber, Cristian Arevalo, next ing the victims off as rivals to to give more weight to <the ed to cover for other members, Brinkema said that Guevara,
and text and voice messages the stabbed and shot Beltran, Gue- dupe their superiors in El Salva- forensics, the ballistics, the com- molina testified. who admitted his role in three of
gang exchanged. vara said. The crew then sped dor into granting them higher mon sense, pictures of the scene= Then he started feeling the the slayings, had been <a very
Guevara said the gang hunted away in a car and started throw- ranks. than to the testimony of an pressure and decided to become strong witness, corroborated by
the first victim, milton Beltran, ing gang signs to celebrate, Gue- In 2022, a jury convicted five admitted murderer trying to get a government witness, he said. the evidence.= Although he testi-
40, who was suspected of being a vara recalled. mS-13 members in Northern Vir- a lighter prison sentence. Aguilera told him he had to fied that he wasn9t present for
member of the rival Sureños The judge granted a motion ginia of killing a 14-year-old who referring to Andrade, Salvato pay the gang back for the fire- Tate9s killing, Guevara recounted
gang, for about a month before from defense attorneys to split was falsely suspected of being a said: <manny says he didn9t arms police seized from him in the shooting for the jury, based
spotting him at a gas station in the six trial defendants into two police informant, and of killing a shoot anyone. He was there, but the arrest, molina testified. Gue- on what he said Andrade and
Woodbridge, on June 22, 2019. groups over prosecutors9 objec- 17-year-old who was wrongly he didn9t shoot anyone.= vara, the other cooperating wit- Arevalo told him about that
The mS-13 members lured Bel- tions. In the first trial, melvin thought to be a member of mS- Assistant U.S. Attorney John ness, told molina that <he was night.

MaRYlaND files, had it digitally converted by

the fBI, and heard the voice of

Jury at impasse in case Smith, which in their minds put

him at the scene of the crime. They
tracked him down in Upstate New

involving 1971 killing York and persuaded him to sit

down for a nearly four-hour inter-
view on Sept. 1, 2022.

of Montgomery deputy Several times, according to a re-

cording of questioning played dur-
ing trial, Smith admitted to shoot-
ing Hall. <I knew I hit him,= he said.
recently coaxed into admitting to <I didn9t think it was a death hit.=
the crime. Jurors informed Circuit But in closing arguments, Col-
Judge sets new trial date Judge Cheryl A. mcCally on lins told jurors that his client9s ad-
for Larry David Smith, Wednesday afternoon they had missions were meaningless be-
reached an impasse and couldn9t cause seasoned officers coaxed
who is still behind bars reach a unanimous verdict. them from a man with a confused
Smith remains held in the mont- An attorney for Larry David memory and an IQ of 83.
gomery County jail on no bond. smith, 72, said he9ll seek the <mr. Smith was just parroting
BY D AN M ORSE mcCally scheduled a new trial date, dismissal of a murder charge. back what somebody filled his
with jury selection set to begin empty recollections with,= he said.
The trial of a 72-year-old man June 17, according to attorneys in oct. 23, 1971, when James Hall was Prosecutors had urged jurors to
charged with murder in the de- the case. working a night security detail out- re-watch the interview during the
cades-old killing of a maryland <We are absolutely, 100 percent side the manor Country Club. He deliberations, saying they would
sheriff9s deputy ended in a mistrial going to retry this case,= montgom- came upon at least two men who understand Smith was hardly
Wednesday, the latest turn in a case ery County State9s Attorney John had just broken into a nearby duped and was instead getting
that had gone dormant until detec- mcCarthy said after court. home, police say, and one of them something off his chest he9d kept
tives recently revisited the investi- An attorney for Smith, Kevin shot him in the head. Hall died buried for five decades.
gation. Collins, said he intends to ask that three days later. <The confession given by the
A jury in montgomery County at least one count against his client montgomery County Cold Case defendant is reliable,= Assistant
pHotoS By montgomery county police Department
began deliberating friday after a 4 first-degree premeditated mur- detectives reopened the case in State9s Attorney Donna fenton said
week-long trial that turned on der 4 be dismissed. Montgomery County sheriff 9s Deputy James Hall was fatally shot 2021. They found an old reel-to-reel in court. <It is a core memory that
whether Larry David Smith was The trial took jurors back to in October 1971 while working a security detail at a country club. recording of an interview in case you will never forget.=

Judge gives man 5 years for his 8really inexplicable9 actions during Capitol riot
sentenCing from B1 who are traitors to this country.= long after that, Bonawitz ap- walking to the Capitol. once the police line disintegrate before tackle people. I know how to use
ruiz was one of the two officers peared on a poster for a Proud there, he joined the front lines of our eyes.= my body and my weight. I
federico A. ruiz of the Capitol whom Bonawitz charged as they Boys meeting in South florida, battle against the police, and after Bonawitz pleaded guilty in Au- bounced for years.=
Police in a letter to Cobb. <The stood at the foot of a short stair- and prosecutors said he had pre- barricades fell on the lower West gust to two counts of assaulting Prosecutors asked Cobb to not
simple act of sitting or walking case on the West Terrace. But viously been photographed with Terrace, Bonawitz was one of the police officers and one count of reduce Bonawitz9s sentence for
has become a painful ordeal that investigators pieced together Henry <Enrique= Tarrio, the for- first rioters to enter the upper civil disorder. But after that, he <acceptance of responsibility,= a
has diminished my quality of life.= more of Bonawitz9s assaults mer leader of the Proud Boys who West Terrace, prosecutors said. It said in an october interview from standard reduction in most guilty
The officer suffered injuries to his through police body-camera foot- was sentenced last year to was there he made his flying leap jail on the rumble website that as pleas, because Bonawitz had been
neck, shoulders, back and legs age. He placed one officer in a 22 years in prison for his role in onto ruiz and another officer. he approached the Capitol, <peo- untruthful even after he pleaded
that ultimately forced him to re- chokehold, hit another in the organizing the group9s actions on mcCauley played the video of ple are starting to yell from the guilty and admitted to assaulting
tire last month. face, which caused him to fall, Jan. 6. Bonawitz9s flying tackle for the top of the stairs that 8they9re six officers.
<Bonawitz has ended my career jammed his left hand behind one Bonawitz told the fBI he had judge. When it was done, mcCau- shooting people 4 they shot a Cobb seemed troubled by the
long before I was ready,= ruiz officer9s face shield and into his taken a bus from South florida on ley said, <What we just saw was a woman 4 someone shot dead.9 = interview, raised it repeatedly
wrote. ear, and tried to swing a flagpole Jan. 5, 2021, and arrived in D.C. on man9s life change forever.= The shooting of Ashli Babbitt, and did not give Bonawitz what
ruiz appeared at the sentenc- at a sixth officer. Prosecutors said Jan. 6. He did not enter the Detective Erika magnuson of however, occurred after Bonawitz would have been a reduction of
ing hearing, but he told the judge Bonawitz repeatedly questioned Ellipse for the <Stop the Steal= the D.C. police was victimized fought with police. his sentencing range by 16 to 20
he couldn9t stand for long. Cobb why the police were defending rally headlined by President Don- after ruiz. In a letter to Cobb, she <I got into a little bit of a rugby months.
invited him to sit down. <It9s the Capitol, yelling, <What are ald Trump, and Assistant U.S. wrote, <I was attacked from be- match with a couple officers and, Bonawitz provided a lengthy
worse when I sit down,= ruiz said. you guys doing?= Attorney Sean P. mcCauley said in hind by mr. Bonawitz. mr. um, that was about all,= Bonawitz account of his actions before
The former officer told Cobb fBI agents were tipped to his sentencing memo that Bonawitz shoved me, wrapped told the interviewer. He said he reaching the Capitol, again claim-
that he had served in the Army Bonawitz9s identity in march Bonawitz probably knew he could his arms around me, and lifted was at the Capitol for less than ing he had heard about the shoot-
and was part of a rescue unit from 2022 and interviewed him at his not pass through the metal detec- me off the ground before I was two minutes. <And they portray ing of Babbitt before it happened.
fort Belvoir that searched the home in Pompano Beach, fla., tors there with his eight-inch able to break free from his grip. that I was trying to hurt people He then turned to face ruiz and
Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. He where he lied about his actions at knife and a second folding knife Soon after, an mPD official told and stuff like that,= he said. said: <I am so sorry for my ac-
said he considered Bonawitz <in the Capitol, denying any physical in his pants. me and those around me to re- <I9m a football coach for tions. I am disgusted by my ac-
the same category as the people confrontations with police, ac- When the rally ended, treat up a flight of stairs. from the 30-plus years,= he said. <I know tions. I hope you can forgive me
who attacked us on 9/11. People cording to his arrest warrant. Not Bonawitz was photographed top, we watched what was left of how to hit people. I know how to someday.=

local Digest

tHe DistRict No information about a motive apartment houses. custody monday in the incident. Chhetri. <Pets are members of the The license plate number
or suspect was immediately 4 Martin Weil The dog was stabbed about family, and we grieve along with proved critically important,
Man is fatally shot available. Police identified the 9:15 p.m. Sunday, near West them.= according to police.
inside residence victim as Javonni Anthony ViRgiNia Broad Street and South maple After the attack, witnesses took They said the man was being
Coleman, 23, of Southeast Avenue, police said. The site is in down a license plate number and taken to the detention center in
A man was shot to death Washington. Dog is fatally stabbed a commercial area near the heart gave it to authorities, police said. Loudoun County, where Dulles is
Tuesday evening in Southeast The site appeared to be a in Falls Church of falls Church. on monday, police said, a located. falls Church police said
Washington, D.C. police said. residential neighborhood west of As a result of its wounds, the member of the metropolitan they expected the man to be
The shooting occurred about Naylor road in the fairlawn/ A dog was fatally stabbed dog was euthanized, police said. Washington Airports Authority extradited to their jurisdiction.
5:15 p.m. inside a residence in the randle Highlands area. It Sunday while out on a walk with <our hearts go out to the Police took a man into custody No motive was given for the
2400 block of S Street SE, a police includes single-family houses its owner in falls Church, police family of this dog,= said acting after making a traffic stop near attack on the dog.
statement said. and two- and three-story said. A man was taken into falls Church police chief Jiwan Dulles Airport. 4 Martin Weil

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peter magubane, 91

South African photojournalist kept his lens on everyday injustices of apartheid


Peter Magubane, a South Afri-

can photojournalist who docu-
mented apartheid9s unrest and re-
pression and was also caught in its
grip, once jailed in solitary con-
finement for 586 days and banned
from work for five years by the
White-rule regime, died Jan. 1 at
The death was announced by
his daughter, Fikile Magubane. No
other details were given. Mr.
Magubane had been treated for
prostate cancer.
As a Black photographer, Mr.
Magubane often faced far greater
risks than White colleagues but
sometimes devised ingenious
workarounds in places where au-
thorities banned the media 4 in-
cluding hiding his camera in a
hollowed-out Bible and, another
time, in a loaf of bread. When he
nibbled too much of the bread
away, he stashed his Leica 3G in an
empty carton of milk.
<You had to think very fast,= he
told Mother Jones. <You had to be
one up on apartheid.=
His Zulu roots, however, also
Siphiwe Sibeko/ReuteRS peteR Magubane
gave him some advantages in cov-
erage. Mr. Magubane (pro- Photojournalist Peter Magubane during the funeral of Albertina A youth-led protest on June 16, 1976. Mr. Magubane9s body of work was one of the most comprehensive
nounced mah-goo-BAHN-eh) Sisulu, an anti-apartheid figure, in Johannesburg in June 2011. archives of South Africa from the 1950s through the end of apartheid.
could move through Black town-
ships and other areas without health inspection. In 1956, he saw beatings while on assignments.
drawing much attention. During a Black woman, presumably a do- Once, he said, he returned to the
riots in Soweto in 1976, protesters mestic worker, with a young girl. office so bloodied and bandaged
were worried that police would The girl was on the side of the that his editor didn9t recognize
identify them through news pho- bench labeled <Europeans only.= him.
tos. Mr. Magubane persuaded The woman was on the other side, Mr. Magubane moved to the
them to allow him and other pho- <Coloureds only.= The photo Rand Daily Mail in 1967; he be-
tojournalists to do their jobs. gained worldwide attention and came a freelance photographer for
<I said to them, 8A struggle with- became one of Mr. Magubane9s Time magazine in 1978 and later
out documentation is no strug- best-known images. He never for groups including the United
gle,9= Mr. Magubane recounted in knew their names. Nations. He published 17 books,
2001. <When I saw 8Europeans Only,9 I with his most recent focusing on
His body of work offered one of knew I would have to approach African culture and landscapes.
the most comprehensive archives with caution,= Mr. Magubane told <I9m tired of dealing with dead
of South Africa from the 1950s the Guardian in 2015. <But I didn9t people,= he told the New York
through the end of apartheid and have a long lens, so I had to get Times in 2012. <I now deal with
the 1994 election of Nelson Man- close. I did not interact with the sunsets.=
dela as the country9s first Black woman or the child, though. I His first two marriages ended in
president. Much of Mr. never ask for permission when divorce. He married Lenora Taitt,
Magubane9s coverage 4 first taking photos.= an American civil rights activist,
working with South African me- In 1969, he was assigned by the in the early 1980s. In 1992, the
dia and later with international Rand Daily Mail newspaper to body of his son Charles Magubane,
outlets including Time 4 chroni- cover a demonstration outside the also a photographer, was found in
cled some of the worse bloodshed Pretoria jail holding Mandela9s Soweto. No suspects were
of the apartheid era. wife, Winnie Madikizela-Mande- charged. The body was found near
At the Sharpeville massacre in la, and 21 other anti-apartheid ac- a hostel used by members of the
1960, after police killed at least 69 tivists. Mr. Magubane was arrest- Inkatha Freedom Party, a Zulu fac-
unarmed demonstrators, Mr. ed on security-related charges and tion and ANC rival led by Mango-
peteR Magubane
Magubane photographed a group spent 586 consecutive days in soli- suthu Buthelezi.
of police with their backs turned tary. <The only person you saw was A Black woman, presumably a domestic worker, with a young girl in 1956. Mr. Magubane never knew Survivors include Mr.
to the camera, apparently indiffer- the guard, who would say: 8Don9t their names, but his photo garnered worldwide attention and became one of his best-known images. Magubane9s wife and daughter,
ent to the body of a Black man talk to me,9= he recounted. Fikile Magubane. Complete infor-
behind them. During riots in Alex- He was released without any called. <But it was uphill, because I apartheid.= Mr. Magubane took a job as a mation on survivors was not im-
andra Township in 1976, a cadre of formal prosecution but was put had lost my photographer9s eye.= tea boy at the magazine Drum, one mediately available.
rock-throwing protesters fill the under a <banning= order that ef- By 1976, he was back to form and Mandela9s photographer of the rare media outlets that Two days after Mandela was
frame. In the center, one young fectively blocked him from work- covered the Soweto uprising with Peter Sexford Magubane was hired Black staff. Mr. Magubane released from prison in 1990, he
man holds a trash can lid as a ing and limited his public interac- <a vengeance,= he said. And again, born in Vrededorp, a suburb of eventually became a driver and and Mr. Magubane shared a din-
shield. tions to only one other person. He the authorities came for him. Johannesburg, on Jan. 18, 1932, studied photojournalists in ac- ner of chicken curry at Mandela9s
<It is only after I complete my was rearrested in March 1971 for Mr. Magubane and other Black and raised in nearby Sophiatown, tion. After work, he took his own home. Mr. Magubane accepted an
assignment that I think of the allegedly violating the banning journalists were detained for an area that was later razed and photos around Johannesburg and offer to become Mandela9s official
dangers that surrounded me, the rules and spent more than six nearly five months in apparent rebuilt as a Whites-only enclave. used the Drum darkroom. He had photographer, a position he held
tragedies that befell my people,= months in prison, including an- retribution for the Soweto cover- His father operated a vegetable to sleep at the office because pub- until the presidential election of
he once said. <I was demonstrat- other stint in solitary of 98 days. age. While in prison, Mr. cart, Mr. Magubane wrote in an lic transportation back to Sophia- 1994.
ing with my camera. I had to use it <A bird would come and sit on Magubane9s house burned down. essay. His mother was a home- town was closed for the night. Fresh from prison, Mandela re-
to show the South African people the windowsill. When I stood up, it No suspects were charged. maker. Drum gave him his first real alized he did not have a passport
and the world what was going on would fly away,= he said in the He never considered leaving His interest in photography assignment, covering a conven- and might need to travel to the
in our country.= Guardian interview. <All I could the country. The battle against started with a Kodak Box Brownie, tion of the anti-apartheid African ANC headquarters in Zambia. Mr.
That also meant to think about was how much I want- apartheid, he explained, needed to a gift from his father. There were National Congress in 1955. The Magubane made some headshots
Mr. Magubane showing the daily ed to be that bird.= be told by the people who had the few options, however, to learn the ANC was soon banned by South of Mandela, the first solo portraits
indignities of apartheid. At a When the banning order ex- most at stake. <I was going to stay craft as a profession. Apartheid Africa, and Mandela was jailed in of Mandela since his release from
mine, he photographed a line of pired in 1975, he returned to work and fight with my camera as my rules forbade Black photogra- 1962 and sentenced to life in pris- prison. The next morning, Mande-
Black male job seekers, stripped at the Rand Daily Mail. <It was like gun,= he said. <I did not want to kill phers from using the same dark- on in 1964. la9s lawyer took the photos to the
naked, standing in a line during a being back from the dead,= he re- anyone, though. I wanted to kill rooms as White colleagues. Mr. Magubane endured police passport office in Johannesburg.

Charles o. Jones, 92

Eminent scholar analyzed U.S. presidency, Congress for C-SPAN crowd

BY E MILY L ANGER His hallmark, Ornstein said, find work. His mother was a Republican Party in American
was <careful, reasoned and in- homemaker. Politics= (1965).
Charles O. Jones, a dean of sightful theses built on his exper- Dr. Jones recalled being physi- Dr. Jones taught at Wellesley
American political scientists who tise and on data.= He cited Dr. cally abused by both his parents College in Massachusetts, the
was known for the expertise and Jones9s 1970 book <The Minority and by age 12 saved up enough University of Arizona and the
insight he brought to the study of Party in Congress= as <seminal.= money from his paper route to University of Pittsburgh before
Congress and the presidency, Dr. Jones was equally known run away from home, which at he joined the University of Vir-
died Jan. 3 at a hospice center in as a scholar of the presidency, the time was in rural Iowa. ginia faculty in 1981. He returned
Fishersville, Va. He was 92. with books including <The Presi- In a self-published memoir, Dr. to the University of Wisconsin in
The cause was complications dency in a Separated System= Jones recounted that he stuffed 1988, became chairman of the
from a stroke, said his son Daniel (1994), <Separate but Equal his <few belongings in a pillow- political science department, and
Jones. Branches: Congress and the Pres- case= and traveled by bus as far as took emeritus status in 1997.
Dr. Jones, an emeritus profes- idency= (1995) and <Passages to Dallas, where he was arrested as a He was a scholar at the Brook-
sor at the University of Wisconsin the Presidency: From Campaign- runaway. ings Institution and the presiden-
at Madison, devoted decades to ing to Governing= (1998). He also When his parents declined to tial oral history program at the
explaining the American demo- wrote book-length studies of the send the funds necessary to bring Miller Center, an affiliate of U-Va.
cratic process 4 why citizens vote White House tenures of Jimmy him home, his paternal grand- centered on presidential scholar-
as they do, how politicians wield Carter, Ronald Reagan and Bill parents provided for him to make ship and public policy.
or fail to wield their power while Clinton. his way to Canton, S.D., where Survivors include his wife of 64
in office and how the branches of Reporters on deadline often they lived, and where he spent years, the former Vera Mire of
government interact. came to Dr. Jones for analysis of the rest of his adolescence. Wintergreen, Va.; two sons, Joe B.
He was sought after far beyond contemporary events as well as The details of his odyssey es- Jones of Rapid City, S.D., and
academic circles, becoming a go- for historical context. He once caped his memory, Dr. Jones Daniel Jones of New York City
to source for political reporters observed that part of the legacy of wrote in his memoir. But what and Accord, N.Y.; two brothers; a
and a familiar face to C-SPAN the Watergate affair, which drove remained <crystal clear= in his sister; and three grandchildren.
junkies. Norman J. Ornstein, an President Richard M. Nixon from mind was the <feeling of security= Dr. Jones served as president
emeritus scholar at the American office in 1974, was the erasure of when he reached his grandpar- of the American Political Science
Enterprise Institute in Washing- the belief among many Ameri- ents. Association and editor of the
ton, described Dr. Jones as <one of cans that such a scandal was not <I was safe and secure with American Political Science Re-
the premier scholars of his gener- possible in the White House. family who loved me,= he remem- view. In contrast with other sea-
ation.= <Post-Watergate,= he told a bered. soned academics who jealously
Dr. Jones9s career coincided New York Times reporter in 2002, Dr. Jones received a bachelor9s guarded their own status, Orn-
with the Democratic majority in <we come to believe that it could degree in political science from stein said, Dr. Jones was known
the U.S. House of Representatives be as bad as we think.= the University of South Dakota in for <bringing in the younger
that lasted four decades, from Charles Oscar Jones was born 1953. After Army service, he con- scholars and making them feel
1955 to 1995. in Worthing, S.D., close to the tinued his studies at the Univer- wanted, worthy and at home.=
phoebe JoneS
As a Republican 4 but never a Iowa border, on Oct. 28, 1931, one sity of Wisconsin at Madison, As for the political reporters 4
partisan 4 he was <more sensi- of six children. The family moved Charles O. Jones fondly remembered living with his grandparents where he received a master9s as one of them recalled after his
tive= to the role of the minority frequently as his father, a Congre- after running away at age 12 to escape an abusive home life. <I was degree in 1956 and a PhD in 1960. death 4 he <always had time for
party, Ornstein said. gationalist minister, struggled to safe and secure with family who loved me,= he recalled. His early books included <The scribes.=
thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE B5


On Sunday, January, 14 2024
Shirley Katz Kaufman of Poto- Eileen married again in 1979 to Chicago-na-
mac, Maryland passed away. tive William F Doyle (deceased 1988) and
Daughter of the late Charles moved to Vienna, Virginia in 1983. In 1985,
and Betty Katz; beloved wife she began teaching at Our Lady of Good
of Stuart Kaufman; devoted Counsel Elementary School (Archdiocese of
mother of Jay Kaufman (Bernice), Paula Arlington), where she continued for nearly
Mates (Alexander) and the late Arlene two decades, before retiring in 2003.
Kaufman Marlowe; loving sister of Fran- In 1991 Eileen married her present hus-
ces Kiejdan-Lott (Dennis Lott); cherished band. Captain Robert S Fitch USN (Ret.),
grandmother of Jesse Mates (Haley), Ty- and gained two stepsons, John (Andrea) and
ler Mates, Nicholas Kaufman and Joshua Kevin, who she loved as her own. Within this
Kaufman; great grandmother of Charlie union the pair witnessed the marriages of
Mates; also survived by many nieces, their children and the welcoming of their
nephews and cousins. Funeral service will grandchildren. Together, they loved to trav-
be held on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, el the world, often cruising with groups of
2:30 p.m. at Garden of Remembrance Me- Bob9s classmates. Eileen was an avid reader
morial Chapel, 14321 Comus Road, Clarks- and could often be found with a book near-
burg, MD 20871 with interment to follow at by. She enjoyed music and loved to play the
Garden of Remembrance Memorial Park. piano.
JEROME WESLEY CARTER <Rome= JASON C. SCHWENZ Family will be observing Shiva on Wednes- Eileen had a vast variety of stories to tell.
February 7, 1978 - January 18, 1999 DEPUTY FIRST CLASS day from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. with Minyan at EILEEN MARIE FITCH Her favorites always involved her family.
Today makes 25 years living without you 7 p.m. at the home of Stuart Kaufman. In On the evening of Saturday, January 13 of She could recall the smallest details and
My forever Jerome QUEEN ANNE COUNTY SHERIFF lieu of ûowers, family requests donations 2024, Eileen Marie Fitch (née Best) joined keep the listener engaged as she shared the
I love you my precious one January 18, 1973 - February 13, 2001 our Heavenly Father9s Kingdom. She passed stories of her life. She is left behind by her
Killed in the line of duty. be made to the United States Holocaust
Mom, Tonica and Apache Memorial Museum ( to hon- peacefully while surrounded by her loving devoted husband Bob and children James
Hold us tight in your arms. husband and children after a long and cou- Gill (Lana), Timothy Gill (Cynthia), Mary Gill
Love, Mom and Mike or her as a Holocaust survivor. Services
entrusted to Sagel Bloomûeld Danzansky rageous battle with Parkinson9s disease. She Pierson (Paul), and Julie Gill Krupa (Jack) and
Goldberg Funeral Care. will always be remembered as a kind, intelli- John (Andrea) Fitch. She was blessed with
www.sagelbloomû gent woman who was devoted to her family. 12 grandchildren: James, Caroline, Derek,
Eileen was born an only child to Howard Christopher, and John Robert; Jonathan
EDGERTON and Catherine Best on September 25, 1942
in Chicago, Illinois. She attended Lindblom
(Jen), Faith, Andrew and Ben; Eileen; Rea-
gan and Maezy all of whom she treasured
High School, graduating in 1960 before ob- deeply.
taining her Bachelors of Science in 1964 Eileen9s life was a great one and will be re-
DEATH NOTICE from the Chicago Teachers College, where membered as such. Her love and generosity
she found a passion for educating children. inspired the lives of those around her. The
BETHEA After graduating, Eileen taught for four years
in the Chicago school system.
world was left a better place because of her
MITCHELL One of her favorite stories was how she met
her ûrst husband, John A Gill while waiting
Visitation will be at the Pierce Funeral Home
in Manassas, VA on Friday, January 19 at the
at a bus stop on their way to their jobs at Piece Funeral Home in Manassas from 5 to
(Life Member)
The ofûcers and members
the VA hospital. The two wed in 1963 and
had four children together, who were their
entire world. They were married almost 14
8 p.m. followed by a Mass at Holy Trinity
Catholic Church in Gainesville, VA on Satur-
day, January 20 at 1:30 p.m. Burial will be in
of Plumbers Local No. 5 are wonderful years before John9s tragic pass- Chicago at a later date.
Have you discovered our regretfully notiûed of the
death of Brother Raymond E.
newsletters yet? Mitchell, of Rockville, MD, who
passed away on January 7, 2024.
Terriea L. Smalls Business Manager
#1347 GREEN
AMY ELISABETH EDGERTON After practicing law at Venable LLP, Merritt
JANUARY 18, 1970 - JULY 3, 1987 founded General Counsel, P.C. in 2004, a
Look at the stars, full-service law ûrm in McLean, VA. As Man-
how they shine and glow. aging Partner, he led the ûrm9s development
Some of the stars died and growth over nearly 20 years to where
a long time ago. the ûrm now represents a broad variety of
WILLIAM DALLAS BETHEA III individuals, nonproût organizations, and
Still they shine for-proût businesses, from start-ups to bil-
in the evening skies
For you see starlight,
It is with deep sorrow that we announce
NOIA lion-dollar organizations.
like love, never dies. the passing of Captain William Dallas Bet- Merritt loved being a lawyer, but just as
hea III, a dedicated member of the Unit- JOHANNA LOUISA NOIA
Johanna Louisa Noia, 62, of Leesburg, VA, much he enjoyed interaction with clients
ed States Navy for 32 years. Dallas died and community involvement. Merritt also
peacefully at his home in Vienna, Virginia, passed away on Sunday, January 14, 2024,
peacefully at her home. thrived on the business side of the practice.
at the age of 78 on January 10, 2024. His commitment to the ûrm and to the local
Beyond his military achievements, Dallas Johanna was born in 1961 in Winchester,
VA, the daughter of the late Fiore James community was marked by his leadership
was a loving husband, father, and grand- roles in numerous charitable and communi-
<Jim= Noia and Anneliese (Gossler) Noia.
KEATING daddy. He shared nearly 55 years of mar-
riage with his beloved wife, Gayle (Garside) Johanna was a graduate of John Handley
High School and earned her bachelor9s
ty organizations, including as Board Member
and Board Chair of the McLean Chamber of
Bethea. His family was his anchor, and his Commerce and Co-Founder of the Wash-
legacy lives on through the bonds of love degree in ûnance from the University of
Virginia. Her career as a Financial Ser- ington Executives Association. Merritt, who
and strength he instilled in them. MERRITT JAMES GREEN earned the Boy Scout Eagle Scout rank in
In remembrance of Dallas, a memorial vices Analyst started at Marriott Hotels
and then followed her to KPMG where Merritt James Green of Arlington, VA, a 9th grade, also was Co-Founder and Chair
service will be held on Friday, January 19, lawyer and the founder of the McLean, of NOVA Eagle Business Networking, a net-
2024. Information can be found here about she made lifelong friends. Johanna9s last
employment before motherhood was with VA-based law ûrm, General Counsel, P.C., working forum for DC-area Eagle Scouts. In
his life, memorial service, and donations: passed away with family at his side on Janu- 2016, Merritt was a National Eagle Scout the American Red Cross. In addition to her
work and being a mother, Johanna very ary 9, 2024. He was 53 years old. Assn. Outstanding Eagle Scout Award Re-
william-dallas-bethea-capt-usn-ret/. cipient.
much enjoyed going on family vacations
hiking in National Parks. She loved going In 2011, Merritt married the love of his life,
to the beach, especially Corolla, NC, where Sarah Devine, and together, they built a Merritt was fun and adventurous and loved
N0302 1x7

she and her husband had a second home. family and a life ûlled with love and laugh- the outdoors, especially if it involved skiing,
Johanna volunteered at her children9s ter. Merritt was a devoted father to Sasha, golf, or boating. But Merritt loved nothing
schools, was an avid UVA sports fan, and Quinn, and Dillon. more than spending time with Sarah, Sasha,
made many friendships with the women Quinn, and Dillon, and his extended family,
in her neighborhood. More than anything Born in Greenwich, CT in 1970, Merritt was whether sharing meals together, watching
BRIGHT else, her family was her number one focus
in life.
the son of Carol F. Green of Annapolis, MD,
and the late Barton C. Green, was brother
the sunset over the Patuxent River, or walk-
ing on the beach. We will continue the love,
Johanna is survived by her husband, Ste- to Victoria <Torrey= Janssen (Matthew) and dedication, and living life to the fullest that
CHARLES R. BRIGHT SR. <Charlie= Lauson Green (Christine Lehman), and was Merritt so exempliûed throughout his life.
Peacefully departed on Saturday, Decem- phen Craig Mace, whom she married on
May 27, 1989; her daughter Eliza Marie uncle to numerous nieces and nephews.
ber 23, 2023. Resident of College Park, Relatives and friends may call at Holy Trinity
PHILIP M. KEATING MD. Formerly of North Brentwood. Devot- Mace (Bryan Walther); son Michael Ste-
phen Mace; sister Diana Noia Haines (Phil- Merritt attended Holy Trinity School, and he Catholic Church, 3513 N St. NW, Washington,
October 25, 1959 ~ January 18, 2011 ed husband to the late Mary Ann Bright. graduated from Walt Whitman High School. DC on Friday, January 19, at 1 p.m., where
Loved. Missed. Remembered. Always. Beloved father of Charles R., Jr., Ronald ip); brother Alan J. Noia (Cynthia) and many
loving nieces, nephews, cousins, and dear Merritt was a standout football player 3 a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated.
Erin and Kathleen, A., and James D. Bright. Also survived by sport he continued as a student at Middle- Merritt will be inurned at the Columbarium
Patrick and Caroline, two stepdaughters Renee Hodge and friends.
Relatives and friends are invited to her bury College, from which he graduated in of The Holy Trinity at Holy Rood Cemetery
Family and Friends Karen Harris; three sisters Myrtle Bryant, 1992. Merritt attended law school at Syr- in Georgetown directly thereafter. In lieu
Lucielle Thomas and Mary Buck, seven visitation Monday, January 22, 2024, at 10
a.m., followed by her Funeral Service at acuse University, where he was Associate of ûowers, a donation may be made to the
grandchildren, three great grandchildren. Editor of the Syracuse Law Review and Edi- Calvert Marine Museum in Solomons, MD.
Predeceased by one son William M. Bright, 11 a.m., both held at Omps Funeral Home,
Amherst Chapel (1600 Amherst St., Win- tor-in-Chief of The Labor Lawyer.
one stepdaughter Beverly Queen, four
When the brothers and four sisters. Services will be
held on Saturday, January 20, 2024; Family
gathering 9:30 a.m.; Memorial service 10
chester, VA). Interment at Shenandoah Me-
morial Park will follow the service.
In lieu of ûowers, memorial contributions
need arises, a.m. at J.B. Jenkins Worship Center at Ket-
tering, 1 Kettering Drive, Upper Marlboro,
in memory of Johanna may be sent to: Ino-
va Schar Cancer Institute, 8095 Innovation
Park Drive, Fairfax, VA 22031 or www.foun-
let families MD 20774.
Please visit obituaries and tribute wall at POTTER
ond you in the
ington, DC for 25 years, after retirement en-
tering private practice for 30 years.
Funeral Services Upon entering private practice he became
passionate about his clients9 needs and
worked tirelessly to ensure that the veter-
Directory. EDWARDS ans he represented received the beneûts
they deserved for serving our country. Mar-
shall wrote the landmark argument that led
JUANITA MARTHA PLEASANT to the decision enabling veterans to receive
To be seen in the
Funeral Services
Juanita Martha Pleasant Edwards, daugh- SELIS beneûts for PTSD. This was subsequentially
made into policy.
ter of the late James Hunter Pleasant Marshall volunteered throughout his life in
Directory, please call and Margaret Pleasant departed this life RUTH SELIS many capacities: as a youth sports coach,
on December 30, 2023. Juanita was born On Wednesday, January 17, a Town of Vienna, VA planning commission-
er and zoning board member. He was a life
paid Death Notices at and raised in Washington, DC. She was a
graduate of McKinley Tech High School,
2024, Ruth Selis (Davis) of
Rockville, MD and Highland member of the Vienna volunteer ûre depart-
ment, volunteering in an administrative sup-
202-334-4122. class of 1959. Juanita was preceded in
death by her parents; one sister, Carleen
Beach, FL. Beloved wife of
the late Bensel Selis; devoted port role. He received numerous awards for
Wheeler and one brother, James Pleasant, mother of Lewis Selis (Lynn), his commitment to volunteer services.
Jr. She is survived by her three children, Michael (Rennie) Selis and the late Stanley Marshall is survived by his wife of 66 years,
Robin Bates, Rickey Edwards (Tomiko), and Selis; cherished grandmother of Dawn Se- Ann Eberle Potter; his son Edward M. Potter,
Renaldo; one sister, Jean S. Powell (Ernest); lis (Brian Seligman), Stuart Selis (Spencer MARSHALL O. POTTER JR. Sr. (Liz); his daughter Melissa Potter Gleason
seven grandchildren and one great-grand- Versteeg), Jacob (Erina) Selis and Shira Marshall O. Potter, Jr. passed away on De- (Phil) and his grandchildren, Bryan Gleason,
child; one nephew, Erek Powell and one (Kevin) Bradford; Great Grandmother of cember 19, 2023, in Mt. Pleasant, SC. Edward M. Potter, Jr., Samantha Gleason
great-niece, Ereka and other family and Dylan and Jackson Jessel, Nathan, Chava, Marshall was born on December 29, 1927, in Schray (Kurt Schray), Michael Potter, Oliv-
friends. The Memorial Service will be held Tiferes, Hadassah and Ariella Selis, Evie Adams, Mass. to US Army Colonel Marshall ia Potter, Morgan Dowling, Maggie Potter;
at J.B. Jenkins Worship Center, 1 Kettering Bradford. Devoted sister of Elaine Hur- O. Potter, Sr. and Hazel Shaw. He graduated great grandson Lincoln Schray; brother John
DEATH NOTICES Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD on January 19, witz. Also survived by many nieces and from Adams High School in 1946 and later Potter and his sister Irene Potter Rosevear
MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 2024, Visitation 12:30 p.m., Service 1:30 nephews. A graveside service will be held went on to earn a degree in Business Ad- (Bill Rosevear.) He was preceded in death by
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. p.m. Services Entrusted to J.B. Jenkins Fu- Friday January 19 at 11 a.m. at King David ministration in 1953 from Boston University. his sister Gloria Potter Mickelsen.
neral Home. Memorial Garden, Falls Church VA. He completed his formal education with a A memorial service will be held Saturday,
To place a notice, call: Juris Doctor degree from Loyola University January 20, 2024, 11 a.m. at Vienna Bap-
202-334-4122 in New Orleans, LA in 1972. tist Church, 541 Marshall Road, Vienna, VA
800-627-1150 ext 4-4122 He enlisted in the army in 1946 and contin- 22180. Lunch reception to follow.
EMAIL: FINNERAN ued to serve in the reserves through 1954.
He worked as a claims adjustor and manag-
In lieu of ûowers, donations may be made to
Vienna Baptist Church (Vienna, VA), WETA.
er for Liberty Mutual while obtaining his law org (Public TV in Washington, DC), Doctors
Email and faxes MUST include WILLIAM FINNERAN Federation and of the <Kim Igoe Endow- degree. He was employed as an attorney for without borders or Native American Veter-
name, home address & home phone # ment= in support of Hampton9s Throne, one
of the responsible billing party. Bill Finneran, of Friendship Heights, Mary- the Department of Veteran9s Affairs in Wash- an9s Assistance.
Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily land, passed away on Wednesday, January of America9s greatest works of visionary art
Phone-In deadline 10, 2024, after a long illness. Bill grew up in on display at the Smithsonian American Art
4 p.m. M-F a variety of places but mainly in Falls Church Museum in Washington, DC. (<SAAM=).
3 p.m. Sa-Su and Norfolk, VA. Most of his adult life was
spent in the DC area living in Falls Church, He is survived by his four siblings, Pat
CURRENT 2023 RATES: Arlington and Chevy Chase. Bill had a long Diepold, John Finneran, Sharon Manto, and
(PER DAY) career as a cost analyst for EG&G on Navy
Submarine electronics programs. His work
Katie Avsec, along with his granddaughter
Veda, eight nieces and nephews; and seven
MONDAY-SATURDAY was integral for the ûnancial health of sub- (so far) grand nieces and nephews, as well as
Cadet Nurse Corps was established by the
Retropolis Black & White
1" - $160 (text only)
marines constructed from the 1980s until
the current Virginia Class platforms. Prior to
a former spouse, Sherrian. He is preceded in
death by daughter, Laura Ann, his Life Part- U.S. Public Health Service in 1943 to train
nurses during World War II.
|e past, rediscovered 2" - $370 (text only) EG&G, Bill spent six years on active duty as ner Kim Igoe, as well as his parents, Jack and
3" - $525 a Navy Electronics technician. He held a B.S. Lillian (nee McNamara) Finneran.
4" - $575 degree in Statistics from Virginia Tech as well She and Mr. Pratt were active in Glenmont 5" - $725 as a Certiûed Financial Planning certiûcate A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, United Methodist Church from its nascent
------ from Texas A&M and previously held a 1st January 20, 2024 from 12 p.m. until 2 p.m. beginning in June 1957 and subsequently
SUNDAY at Joseph Gawler9s Sons Funeral Home, 5130 served as longtime charter members; she
Black & White Class FCC license. Bill traveled to almost all
the states and to all seven continents (eight Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016. volunteered for many church committees
1"- $191 (text only) and support positions. She forever lived
2" - $405 (text only) for any Kiwi9s). He was an avid golfer and a
skilled tournament backgammon player. Bill In lieu of ûowers, donations can be made to by the tenets of the church as she always
3" - $580 thought of others before herself. Her strong
4" - $610 was active in the community performing vol- the Kim Igoe Endowment at SAAM.
5" - $790 unteer work for years with St George9s Epis- faith, family, and friends helped sustain her
copal Church in Arlington, the AARP Tax Aide after her beloved husband, Edwin, suc-
6"+ for ALL Black & White notices program, the Northern Virginia Backgammon cumbed to cancer on September 20, 1977.
$160 each additional inch Mon - Sat Club and the DC chapter of the American
$191 each additional inch Sunday Singles Golf association. Bill was one of the Naturally gracious and digniûed, she was
-------------------- founding sponsors of the US Backgammon strong, determined, and, even with ûve
MONDAY-SATURDAY children, unûappable. She had a subtle,
Color yet keen, sense of humor and brought joy
3" - $670 and good tidings to all who met her. In ad-
4" - $725 MIRIAM B. PRATT dition to serving as both a Girl Scout and
5" - $885 Miriam Bernice Pratt, nee Weeks, passed Cub Scout leader, she was proud to serve
3" - $710
POST YOUR away peacefully from natural causes on Jan-
uary 11, 2024 in Woodstock, VA at the age
of 98. She was a nurse, a cherished mem-
ber of her community, and beloved friend,
for many years as a volunteer election poll
She is survived by: children William (wife
4" - $810
5" - $985

6"+ for ALL color notices

CONDOLENCES wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grand-
mother. Born on November 4,1925, she was
the daughter of Ellis and Pauline Weeks of
Anna) Pratt of Virginia Beach, VA; Laurel
(husband Bill) Vaughan of Woodstock, VA;
Edwin Pratt of Silver Spring, MD; Susan Fi-
Cleveland, OH. erro of Edinburgh, VA; and James (wife Sally)
$268 each additional inch Mon - Sat
$299 each additional inch Sunday Now death notices on Pratt of Annandale, VA; sisters Doris Bar-
Notices with photos begin at 3" allow you She attended Cleveland Heights High School
where she met the love of her life, Edwin
on and Lois Krajcovic of Cleveland, OH; 11
grandchildren and ûve great-grandchildren.
(All photos add 2" to your notice.) to express your sympathy with greater ease. K. Pratt. She entered the Cadet Nurse Corps
Program following graduation from high A funeral service will be held on Saturday,
ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID Visit today. school. She received her nursing diploma February 3, 2024 at 1 p.m. at Glenmont Unit-
MEMORIAL PLAQUES: from the Cleveland Training School of Nurs- ed Methodist Church in Wheaton, MD.
ing in Cleveland on February 2, 1947. The
All notices over 2" include
complimentary memorial plaque

Additional plaques start at $26 each

and may be ordered.
All Paid Death Notices
appear on our website through

Included in all death notices
When the need arises, POST YOUR
Optional for In Memoriams
let families ond you in the CONDOLENCES
Notices must be placed via phone or
Funeral Services Directory. Now death notices on
email. Photos must be emailed. You can
no longer place notices, drop off photos allow you
and make payment in person. To be seen in the Funeral Services Directory, to express your sympathy with greater ease.
Payment must be made via phone with
debit/credit card. please call paid Death Notices at 202-334-4122. Visit today.

S0364 1x12
B6 ez re The washingTon posT . Thursday, january 18 , 2024

The Weather . TwiTTer: @capiTalweaTher .

Highs a hair above freezing Today Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday OFFICIAL REC ORD
Cloudy snow very cold, sunny, breezy Partly sunny Partly sunny
Any sunshine is mainly in the windy Temperatures average reCorD aCtUal foreCast

morning. Cloud cover increases

throughout the day, and skies are
largely cloudy by late afternoon.
Highs make a run at the mid-30s or
so. Winds blow from the south around 5 to
10 mph.
39° 32 ° 35° 20 ° 30° 20 ° 33° 18 ° 40° 29 ° 48° 36 °

feels*: 37° feels: 31° feels: 13° feels: 22° feels: 42° feels: 53°
ChnCe PreCiP: 20% P: 95% P: 10% P: 5% P: 5% P: 15%
WinD: S 438 mph W: NNW 6312 mph W: NW 12325 mph W: NW 10320 mph W: SSW 438 mph W: SSW 336 mph
hUMiDitY: Moderate h: High h: Moderate h: Moderate h: Moderate h: Moderate
sa su M tu W | f sa su M tu W | f sa
statistics through 5 p.m. Wednesday

REGIO N NATION Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
high 30° 3:47 p.m. 30° 3:00 p.m. 28° 4:00 p.m.
low 16° 7:00 a.m. 8° 7:26 a.m. 12° 7:22 a.m.
harrisburg Philadelphia
36/29 normal 44°/30° 42°/25° 43°/25°
34/26 record high 72° 1943 70° 1990 68° 1913
hagerstown record low 35° 1982 37° 1982 37° 1982
38/31 Dover Diference from 303yr. avg. (National): this month: +1.5° yr. to date: +1.5°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PrevioUs Year norMal latest
Washington annapolis
31/22 39/32 42/35
40/33 oCean: 41°

Charlottesville ocean City

42/31 43/36
oCean: 45°
47/34 virginia beach
49/37 National Dulles BWI
norfolk oCean: 46°
47/36 Past 24 hours 0.00" 0.00" 0.00"
total this month 3.98" 3.96" 4.81"
Kitty hawk
normal 1.59" 1.61" 1.70"
oCean: 49° total this year 3.98" 3.96" 4.81"
normal 1.59" 1.61" 1.70"
Pollen: Low Air Quality: Moderate snow, past 24 hours 0.0" 0.0" 0.0"
grass low Dominant cause: ozone snow, season total 4.2" 4.9" 4.9"
trees low
Weeds low UV: Low Moon Phases Solar system
Mold low 1 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 7:24 a.m. 5:13 p.m.
Blue Ridge: today, a thick cloud cover. high 28 to 32. Moon 11:39 a.m. 12:42 a.m.
t-storms rain showers snow flurries ice Cold front Warm front stationary front Jan 25 Feb 2 Feb 9 Feb 16
Winds southwest 7314 mph. tonight, cloudy, a little snow, Yesterday's National World
full last new first
Venus 5:06 a.m. 2:40 p.m.
accumulating up to an inch. low 23 to 27. Winds west3 High: Pompano beach, fl 76° High: Paraburdoo, australia 112° Mars 6:23 a.m. 3:44 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<310 30s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Woodrow, Co 331° Low: Delyankir, russia 369° Jupiter 11:49 a.m. 1:18 a.m.
southwest 6312 mph. friday, a little snow, accumulating for the 48 contiguous states excludes antarctica Saturn 9:20 a.m. 8:13 p.m.
132 inches. high 24 to 28.
NATIONAL today tomorrow Des Moines 14/35/sn 5/315/s Oklahoma City 46/14/pc 26/12/pc WORLD today tomorrow Islamabad 67/41/s 66/43/c Rio de Janeiro 90/78/pc 89/79/r
Atlantic beaches: today, partly sunny in central parts; Detroit 25/18/sn 20/2/sn Omaha 14/34/sn 6/324/s Addis Ababa 77/52/pc 76/53/s Istanbul 58/56/c 62/51/sh Riyadh 70/49/pc 73/49/pc
cloudy in the north. increasing cloudiness in the south. Albany, NY 30/21/sf 25/9/sn El Paso 72/41/s 58/35/c Orlando 72/57/pc 73/44/t Amsterdam 40/31/pc 41/35/pc Jerusalem 61/42/c 63/44/s Rome 64/55/s 63/43/sh
high 41 to 47. Winds southwest 7314 mph. tonight, cloudy; Albuquerque 55/29/s 51/32/pc Fairbanks, AK 36/314/s 310/323/s Philadelphia 36/29/c 32/18/sn Athens 67/51/pc 67/53/pc Johannesburg 76/50/c 77/51/s San Salvador 91/67/s 91/67/s
a snow shower in the north. low 34 to 38. Winds west 438 Anchorage 21/8/s 20/12/s Fargo, ND 5/31/c 6/38/c Phoenix 75/49/s 76/52/pc Auckland 81/69/sh 80/71/r Kabul 53/30/s 52/30/pc Santiago 93/57/s 96/57/s
mph. Atlanta 49/36/pc 42/18/pc Hartford, CT 30/23/sf 28/12/sn Pittsburgh 29/23/sn 27/12/sn Baghdad 70/48/s 70/47/c Kingston, Jam. 87/77/r 87/77/r Sarajevo 59/41/c 45/25/r
Austin 71/31/s 46/22/s Honolulu 81/65/s 83/69/sh Portland, ME 28/16/c 24/10/sn Bangkok 93/75/pc 95/76/s Kolkata 71/60/sh 75/57/pc Seoul 45/33/pc 47/34/c
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: today, cloudy. Wind south 438 Baltimore 38/31/c 34/20/sn Houston 68/37/c 51/26/s Portland, OR 40/30/r 39/35/c Beijing 41/21/s 33/22/c Kyiv 38/34/r 35/23/sn Shanghai 51/45/pc 50/40/r
knots. Waves less than a foot. visibility unrestricted. " Lower Billings, MT 7/310/sn 10/4/c Indianapolis 31/16/sn 20/4/sn Providence, RI 31/24/pc 30/13/sn Berlin 32/22/c 34/27/s Lagos 92/76/s 92/78/s Singapore 84/76/r 85/74/t
Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: today, cloudy. Wind south 7314 knots. Birmingham 43/31/r 37/14/c Jackson, MS 57/29/r 37/19/s Raleigh, NC 52/36/pc 49/23/r Bogota 72/46/c 73/46/sh Lima 80/71/pc 79/71/c Stockholm 22/31/pc 5/34/pc
Waves 031 foot on the lower Potomac; 133 feet on the Chesapeake Bismarck, ND 4/34/c 6/39/pc Jacksonville, FL 64/50/c 66/31/t Reno, NV 52/33/pc 52/36/c Brussels 36/27/pc 36/25/s Lisbon 61/52/sh 56/45/sh Sydney 88/66/s 82/69/pc
Boise 44/37/pc 42/35/c Kansas City, MO 33/2/c 9/38/pc Richmond 47/34/c 43/23/sn Buenos Aires 82/73/pc 84/67/s London 38/26/s 41/31/s Taipei City 83/60/s 83/62/s
bay." River Stages: |e stage at little falls will be around 4.90 feet
Boston 32/25/pc 30/16/sn Las Vegas 62/46/s 62/46/c Sacramento 58/46/c 60/53/r Cairo 71/54/pc 74/55/s Madrid 57/47/c 50/34/r Tehran 55/42/c 56/42/s
today, falling to 4.70 friday. flood stage at little falls is 10 feet. Buffalo 25/19/sn 22/9/sn Little Rock 43/23/i 35/17/s St. Louis 40/9/sn 16/2/c Manila 88/76/pc 90/76/c Tokyo 55/47/pc 54/43/r
Caracas 79/64/pc 80/66/s
Burlington, VT 24/11/c 15/7/c Los Angeles 69/51/s 66/51/pc St. Thomas, VI 85/76/pc 86/75/s Copenhagen 34/28/s 36/32/pc Mexico City 76/51/c 74/47/c Toronto 25/12/sn 15/5/sf
Charleston, SC 62/45/pc 62/27/c Louisville 35/24/sn 27/8/sn Salt Lake City 46/32/c 46/35/c Dakar 83/70/pc 81/68/pc Montreal 19/31/pc 9/0/pc Vienna 43/32/sh 36/26/c
Charleston, WV 38/27/pc 28/13/sn Memphis 37/23/i 27/11/s San Diego 66/50/pc 66/51/pc Dublin 37/28/s 41/38/pc Moscow 19/16/sn 32/13/sf Warsaw 36/21/sn 30/26/pc
Today9s tides (high tides in Bold)
Charlotte 49/37/pc 49/21/c Miami 81/70/sh 81/59/c San Francisco 61/52/pc 60/55/r Edinburgh 36/27/s 42/38/pc Mumbai 84/69/pc 85/70/pc
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 1:13 a.m. 8:04 a.m. 1:37 p.m. 8:56 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 38/0/sn 24/12/pc Milwaukee 19/10/c 15/5/c San Juan, PR 86/74/s 88/73/s Frankfurt 33/20/sn 33/18/pc Nairobi 76/60/t 78/61/t sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow ûurries,
Chicago 23/9/c 12/1/sn Minneapolis 10/31/c 5/35/c Seattle 37/32/r 46/37/r New Delhi 63/48/pc 64/47/pc sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 4:36 a.m. 11:18 a.m. 5:26 p.m. 11:01 p.m. Geneva 51/31/r 37/25/s
Cincinnati 33/22/sn 24/6/sn Nashville 38/24/i 29/7/sn Spokane, WA 22/18/c 28/27/sn Oslo 17/32/pc 11/32/s sources:; Us army Centralized
Ocean City 12:46 a.m. 7:11 a.m. 1:04 p.m. 7:24 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 64/58/pc 73/65/r allergen extract lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 27/23/sn 25/10/sn New Orleans 67/46/r 52/30/s Syracuse 27/20/sn 21/8/sn Helsinki 25/14/sn 18/314/pc Ottawa 19/33/c 6/32/c quality data); national Weather service
Norfolk 2:46 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 3:03 p.m. 9:20 p.m. Dallas 56/24/s 36/19/s New York City 35/29/sf 31/17/sn Tampa 67/58/c 71/42/t Ho Chi Minh City 92/74/pc 93/74/pc Paris 38/26/sn 37/24/s * accuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 12:41 a.m. 7:06 a.m. 1:52 p.m. 7:07 p.m. Denver 47/3/pc 28/11/pc Norfolk 47/36/pc 44/26/sn Wichita 36/7/pc 18/3/pc Hong Kong 78/67/s 77/67/c Prague 37/22/sn 32/22/s measure of how the conditions really <feel.=

Moore says proposal is ûrst step in 8rebasing9 how state invests in priorities
MarylanD from B1 instead implement a co-pay, ask- nor9s plan.
ing families to pay up to 7 percent moore has been warning mary-
aid. of their income toward the cost of land leaders about needing <disci-
The budget continues to pour care. pline= ahead since August, and in
billions into a growing public edu- moore emphasized record in- December proposed $3.3 billion
cation plan meant to boost teach- vestment in a child-care subsidy in transportation cuts over the
er pay, provide universal pre-K next six years, eliminating proj-
and flood high-poverty schools ects across the state and curtailing
with resources, among many oth- transit service and litter pickup to
er goals. It also includes raises for <If you are the CEO deal with a lack of cash generated
state workers, which were negoti- by the state9s gas tax. on Tuesday,
ated in advance with the state9s of a company and your he announced he could stave off
unions. $250 million worth of near-term
He9s also proposed investments business is not growing, cuts this year using some of the
in job training and <cutting red $2.5 billion in the state9s rainy day
tape= for certain industries, such then maybe it is time fund.
as datacenters. The move heads off what local
State lawmakers have consider- to rethink your business and state leaders viewed as the
able power in shaping the state9s worst of the $312 million in cuts
spending plan and offered mixed model. It will not be expected to take effect this year.
initial reviews on Wednesday, Some Democrats have floated
with republicans concerned enough to simply ideas to raise taxes to help close
about undisclosed fee increases the budget gap, though there is no
hitting maryland residents. rebuild the state consensus on a plan.
<While it is a relief that the Senate Budget and Taxation
Governor9s budget spends less government. Chair Guy Guzzone (D-Howard)
than last year and does not raise called moore9s budget <a great
taxes, the number of fee increases We need to refocus.= foundation= and said he thought
proposed by his Administration Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) an important step is to <take the
through legislation and the regu- time to review very carefully all
latory process is concerning,= Sen- MiChael robinson Chávez for the Washington Post segments of the budget to make
ate minority Leader Stephen S. program during his remarks. It Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) on Wednesday released the first budget proposal created exclusively by sure those are right-sized.= But he
Hershey Jr. (r-Queen Anne9s) said has seen dramatic growth since a his administration. If approved, funding would be cut for transportation and private universities. also said the legislature is looking
in a statement. <Taxes aren9t the 2022 reform increased eligibility closely at how to implement a
only way to raise revenue, and requirements from $40,000 to high. It changes the trajectory of He said he was concerned about the session we will find some.= long-term plan that pays for the
state government should not be in $90,000 for a family of four, and our state9s fiscal health,= he said. ways the governor moved around maryland9s budget woes mirror education program, known as the
the business of nickel and diming forbid the state from creating a But his budget also saves money to fund new programs states across the country. A Pew Blueprint for maryland9s future,
maryland9s families and small waiting list for the program. $24 million by requiring new fam- without fully addressing the long- report earlier this month that that is a primary driver of future
businesses.= moore highlighted both the rec- ilies to pay a co-pay, based on a term shortfalls ahead. Within four found <roughly half of Americans budget shortfalls.
one of those fee increases drew ord amount going to the program sliding scale. years, the annual gap between rev- live in states that report short- <This is an opportunity to do
raised eyebrows from Democrats, and a recent report from the state <That9s problematic,= said enue and expenses is expected to term budget gaps, potential long- something very important for the
who hold supermajorities in both comptroller that showed women House Appropriations Chair Ben balloon to $2.7 billion within four term deficits, or both.= future of our kids,= he said. <We
chambers. Under his budget, a dropping out of the workforce Barnes (D-Prince George9s) who years. <The current budget doesn9t Budget analysts were poring want to live up to that commit-
program that gives free child care amid high child-care expenses. described the budget overall as reflect long-term solutions,= he over the details Wednesday to un- ment, so we will take that role very
to everyone that qualifies would <The cost of child care is too having <some good things.= said. <I9m confident by the end of derstand the impacts of the gover- seriously.=

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s0108 6x3

thursday, january 18, 2024

Style ez re c


the art of
the rebound
arco Midnight is approaching front estate to sort out his life and plan a

M and the country-club piano

man is playing an abba song.
at the corner table, across an expanse
of pleasantly sedating swirls of seafoam-
When it comes to
indictments, prison,
reelections and ûnding
Collins, he of the insider trading scan-
dal and chagrined 2019 resignation from
Congress, became a national figure be-
cause of Donald Trump. In happier days,
green carpeting, the talk is of that Collins was the first sitting member of
mansion down the road, someone else9s forgiveness in Florida, Congress to endorse Trump9s 2016 presi-
trophy wife and, oh, the usual financial dential campaign. He found the cable
fraud 4 on a multimillionaire9s scale.
former congressman news exposure he9d desired by backing
Diamond rings sparkle at tables around Chris Collins has been Trump in almost all things.
the room. skilled surgeons have provid- there, done that. Can he Trump9s thank-you gift to Collins
ed all the tweaks and enhancements. would come four years later, a few days
It is here 4 in a place so aptly named show Trump the way? before Christmas 2020: a pardon for the
Hideaway Beach, on an island where former congressman, who9d by then be-
midnight means 8 o9clock, in a state that come an unhappy resident of a federal
embraces those with complicated pasts BY M ANUEL R OIG- F RANZIA prison camp on the Florida Panhandle.
4 that Chris Collins, a New York con- ON MaRCO IslaND, Fla. Collins got to walk out of a mini-
gressman turned defiant ex-con, retreat- mum-security lockup where he9d spent
ed to a princely spanish Revival water- sEE CoLLINs ON C2

Former congressman Chris Collins poses at his home on marco Island in Florida. Collins was one of more than
200 people donald trump freed or formally forgave for crimes using his clemency power as president.

Sun stab, new

Book WorlD

A look at King Charles and his nascent reign owner clash in


In september 2022, hours after Queen

tense meeting
Elizabeth II was photographed at her
scottish castle saying goodbye to one BY E LAHE I ZADI
prime minister and welcoming another, AND L AURA W AGNER
Britain9s longest-reigning monarch was
<quite buzzy= chatting with houseguests If the employees of the Baltimore sun
over drinks. although her health was were expecting a charm offensive from its
known to be declining, few realized how out-of-the-blue new owner, they sure
close the 96-year-old was to the end of didn9t get one.
her life. <Full disclosure, I haven9t read the
When the queen remained in bed the newspaper in 40 years,= David D. smith, a
arNolD ScHWarzeNegger next morning and 4 citing <medical television executive and lifelong resident
advice= 4 canceled plans to remotely join of the Baltimore area, told the 60 staffers
Former governor faces German a meeting of cabinet officials, her eldest who crowded into a conference room at
tax case over luxury watch. c4 son quietly changed his schedule and lunchtime Tuesday.
traveled to her side. <literally have not read the newspaper.
No DouBt But misperceptions over Elizabeth9s & I read the paper maybe four times since
condition would lead then-Prince I started working on trying to buy this
The popular 990s band will Charles to leave Balmoral Castle. (<at place,= smith said, according to an audio
return at Coachella. c8 that stage,= a staffer later said, <people recording of the meeting obtained by The
were still thinking in terms of days rather Washington Post.
carolyN Hax than hours.=) He was collecting mush- Regardless, smith seemed to have
rooms, and his thoughts, at his nearby LeON NeAL/POOL/AFP/GeTTy ImAGes strong opinions 4 negative ones 4 about
Niece9s wedding plan isn9t home when he was summoned back, a King Charles III at the houses of Parliament in London in November. An insidery the sun and the fleet of suburban papers
considerate to older guests. c8 sEE booK worLd ON C8 new book details his mother9s final days and Charles9s ascent to the throne. sEE smIth ON C4
C2 ez re the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

For Collins, criminal charges are no obstacle to a comeback

CollIns from C1

time (and was doomed to molder

at least another 14 months even
with time off for good behavior)
among convicted drug dealers,
hurricane-repair scammers and a
guy who once posed as the co-
lombian kingpin Pablo escobar
to dupe the russians into selling
him cut-rate, Soviet-era military
helicopters and parts.
collins was one of 238 people
trump freed or formally forgave
for crimes using his clemency
power. But among them, he is the
most uniquely paired with the
former president, a mirror-like
figure whose trajectory offers a
road map for trump, previewing
one possible version of the for-
mer president9s future 4 and
showing him the way.
<He experienced the highs of
trump before trump and the
lows of trump before trump,=
says chris Grant, an adviser to
republican Vivek ramaswamy9s
presidential campaign, which
was suspended this week. <the
ironic thing is i think trump will
come back and i think chris will
come back.=
as collins lays the groundwork
for a campaign to return to con-
gress, perhaps as soon as this
year, he foreshadows a world in
which federal convictions and
prison stints might not be career-
killers or even pesky annoyances.
instead, they9re badges of pride.
the collins route to political
l First stop: Get indicted while
running for reelection, as collins
did in 2018 4 just as trump was
last year after launching his cur-
rent presidential campaign.
l second stop: Win an elec-
tion, as collins did in 2018 while PhoToS by Saul MarTinez for The WaShingTon PoST

under indictment 4 and trump Chris Collins poses with his wife, Mary sue, at their home in Florida. Collins was the first sitting member of Congress to endorse Donald Trump9s 2016 presidential
is trying to do now while wres- campaign, back in February of that year. <What Trump9s going through has changed the perception of me,= Collins says now, pausing a beat. <In a very positive way.=
tling four indictments.
l Third stop: Go to prison 4 a
fate that could await trump in <We9re driving around and he9s when Vacco spotted him at a collins once compared a Jewish the company, which was develop- ed to cheating regular investors
any of four criminal cases in counting, i don9t know, license Buffalo Sabres game, he decided new York politico to Hitler and ing a potentially blockbuster as if they were <dupes at a rigged
Washington, new York and flori- plates from other states. He9ll say, to convince him to run for erie the anti-christ (a bad attempt at a multiple-sclerosis drug, were at card game,= and he thought vot-
da. 8You didn9t notice that?9 i9m like, 8i county executive. joke, he says) and was overheard least six members of congress. ers deserved to know about it.
l Fourth stop: Get out of pris- don9t know, i was listening to <that9s what relaunched his saying to a female friend at a another person caught up in collins wasn9t just saddled
on and run for office again pro- <Here comes the Sun.=9= political career,= Vacco says in an crowded political gathering that collins9s enthusiasm was chris with a federal indictment; he was
claiming persecution by the feds! Well, collins jabs back, <You interview. she should give a <lap dance= to Graham, a partner in a large also the subject of a congres-
<they came after me like they don9t even know what your mas- Vacco was pleased when col- someone to get a seat. (He says Buffalo industrial equipment- sional ethics investigation relat-
came after trump,= collins says tercard bill is.= lins won, crediting him with they were both joking about it.) servicing company of which col- ed to stock transactions, which 4
one recent afternoon at home in <Why would i want to know?= straightening out the county9s unlike trump, though, collins lins still owns nearly 50 percent. in fluent trumpese 4 he now
marco. He is a picture of restless mary Sue parries. dismal finances. in office, collins wasn9t born into a great ameri- collins persuaded Graham to buy calls a <witch hunt.= (the investi-
energy, even here in his retire- collins had met trump only imposed a business-improve- can fortune. His father was an shares during an unexpected gation was later closed after col-
ment-haven, golden-years shorts fleetingly, in 2014, when trump ment model called Lean Six Sig- upper-middle-class electrical new Year9s eve phone call. lins resigned.)
and golf shirt. He is a lean 73- briefly toyed with the idea of ma, which has a devout following company and railroad executive Graham calls collins <mini-me during the campaign, collins
year-old with angular features, a running for governor of new York among the <run government like who ping-ponged his seven chil- trump.= He means it as a compli- attacked his democratic oppo-
floridian perma-tan and short- and collins was serving his first a business= crowd and awards dren and stay-at-home wife from ment. nent, nate mcmurray, with a
cropped hair several shades dark- term in congress. collins remem- martial-arts-inspired certifica- upstate new York to connecticut in June 2017, collins was factually challenged ad. collins9s
er than it was when he was bers trump saying he wanted the tions to employees who complete to north carolina as he rose up traipsing the White House campaign team ran chyrons be-
tangling with federal prosecu- gubernatorial race <locked in= training. the corporate ladder. When col- grounds at trump9s annual picnic neath video of mcmurray speak-
tors. (<i use that touch of Gray,= without a primary opponent. the man who loves to count lins was a senior in high school, for members of congress and ing Korean with a false transla-
he confides.) collins felt the need to explain delighted in tallying up the star his father announced that they9d their guests as he waited for the tion of what he was saying.
collins and trump have simi- new York politics, telling trump pupils: 12 black belts, more than be moving again 4 this time to crucial results of the trial to <totally made up,= collins says
lar aesthetic leanings: in collins9s 4 then best known as a self-pro- 100 green belts and several hun- new Hampshire. collins refused determine whether innate9s drug one afternoon over lunch in mar-
5,000-plus-square-foot, $6 mil- moting developer and host of dred yellow belts. But the pro- to go, staying behind in Hender- actually worked. He was shocked co. <that9s how politics can be
lion pad, the living room is thick <the apprentice= on nBc 4 that gram also had the unpopular sonville, n.c., in a rented apart- to get an email saying it had when you take the gloves off.=
with gilt furniture, statuary, crys- he couldn9t dictate who ran in a effect of leading to cuts in the ment he called <Party central.= failed. critics called him xenophobic,
tal and onyx. Light streams in primary. trump eventually decid- county9s workforce through lay- When he wanted to skip class, collins immediately called his he says matter-of-factly. again, he
from five massive floor-to-ceiling ed against running. offs. the job losses, combined he9d write a note to the school 24-year-old son, cameron, who didn9t care: <nice people finish
arched windows steps from ti- collins, too, had once teased a with collins9s <brusque manner= excusing himself, he says. also owned a large chunk of stock last.=
gertail Lagoon. fox news blares gubernatorial run. and <ceo style,= turned people collins earned a mechanical in the company. collins claims he <i thought nobody would vote
all day, every day, from a wall- <remember that?= he says to off, Vacco says. collins lost his engineering degree at north has no memory of what was said for a criminal,= says chris Ben-
mounted television in the next mary Sue. 2011 reelection bid. carolina State university, but his on the call, suggesting he was nem, a volunteer for mcmurray9s
room. on the sand below, a go- <oh, yeah,= she says with an the next year, he parlayed a greatest talent might have been suffering <dissociative amnesia= campaign who was floored by
pher tortoise nicknamed olivia exaggerated eye roll. She sticks new congressional map that ben- the science of persuasion. He because of the shock. what he considered collins9s ar-
meanders among the dunes. col- out her tongue as if she9s just efited republicans in his area paid tuition by selling shoes, the next day, his son started rogance. (<it9s the perverse arc of
lins shares the showpiece home tasted something gross. into a victory over an incumbent boasting that he amassed more dumping innate shares before the trump era,= Bennem adds.)
with his wife of more than three congresswoman, Kathy Hochul, commissions working part time the public announcement of the collins won, but just barely.
decades, mary Sue, a slender and ollins was set on a path to now new York9s governor and a than the full-time sales staff. af- test results, staving off more than <i think the indictment helped
effervescent 63-year-old ball-
room-dancing champion with an
electric smile, expensively coifed
C congress by dennis Vacco,
who had once been new
York9s top law enforcement offi-
rising star in the democratic
collins and trump, for all their
ter graduating, he made his mark
in the business world as a <sales
engineer= at Westinghouse.
$570,000 in losses when the stock
predictably tanked, according to
federal prosecutors.
him,= mcmurray says.
collins felt as if he9d given a
middle finger to his critics. <How
blond hair and an affinity for cial, the state attorney general. differences in political experi- ironically 4 or perhaps not 4 collins says he didn9t know his many people can win with . . .
leopard-print skirts and designer collins had lost a congressional ence at the time, share a pen- it was an inside tip of sorts that son could even sell stock; the felony counts hanging over their
shoes. (<i never met a designer i bid about a decade before, but chant for outrageous remarks: launched him as an entrepre- company9s shares were listed on head?= he asks. <Well, i did.=
didn9t like; i like them all.=) neur. in the early 1980s, his men- the australian stock market, mary Sue jumps in: <You were
<What trump9s going through tor at Westinghouse told him on where trading had been halted. a trendsetter.=
has changed the perception of the q.t. that Westinghouse was But his son had transferred his
me,= collins says, pausing a beat. going to sell off one of its divi- shares to the united States over- ollins may have been back
<in a very positive way.=
mary Sue interjects, leaning
into the conversation from the
sions, a Buffalo-based unit that
made gears for industrial motors,
according to an unpublished 402-
the-counter securities market,
which hadn9t halted trading.
months would pass before
C at the capitol, but he wasn9t
back in power. He was
stripped of committee assign-
kitchen pass-through: <You9re a page memoir he shared with the there was a knock at the door of ments and shunned by some fel-
regular guy now.= Washington Post, details from collins9s Washington apartment. low members. one of the few who
which he confirmed in inter- it was the fBi, which was also stood by him, collins says, was
n January 2017, chris collins9s views. With some help from a knocking on the doors of many new York republican elise Ste-

I status as Special Person of

trumpworld was affirmed
when he was invited to the new
country-club buddy who intro-
duced him to investors, he
scooped it up.
others connected to collins. col-
lins says that, in a moment of
rage, he told the agents that he
fanik, whom he calls his political
<soulmate= in his unpublished
president9s inauguration day over the next four decades, hadn9t contacted anyone about collins had weightier prob-
luncheon. trump, he says, came collins became a venture capital- the test results. they had him. lems than palace politics. He was
up to his table, tapped him on the ist who hunted for wounded com- mary Sue, who was at their about to get outmaneuvered by
shoulder, took one look at mary panies, swooping in to buy strug- home in the Buffalo area at the federal prosecutors. in his book,
Sue and declared, <She9s beauti- gling firms that he9d either fold time, says she was never in- Berman wrote that his colleague
ful!= mary Sue posed with the into existing businesses or recon- formed she was a target of the damian Williams 4 now the u.S.
newly minted president for a figure and sell. He9s owned or investigation and she was not attorney for the Southern district
picture 4 surely one of the first held major stakes in at least 22 charged in the case. When the of new York 4 came up with a
brag-wall shots he9d taken as companies by his count 4 a mix fBi contacted her, she didn9t say brilliant strategy to put heat on
commander in chief. that has included biotech firms, a word. collins. they decided to try his
not so long before, collins9s an industrial gear company and a <i spent my whole month,= she son separately.
staff had struggled to meet a goal ceramics manufacturer. says, <wondering why everyone <collins had to make a choice:
he9d set for them of getting him though collins has retained else did.= confront the evidence against
on national tV twice in a single some lowbrow tastes 4 cheap him in court or bide his time on
year. Producers had been saying, cigars and costco wine 4 he at ollins was indicted in au- the sidelines while his son faced
<Your boss is a nobody.=
collins became a somebody
with a call to the trump cam-
one point ranked as the fifth-
wealthiest member of congress,
with a net worth between $80
C gust 2018 for securities
fraud and making false
statements to law enforcement
the music alone for a crime initi-
ated by his father,= Berman wrote.
an oddity of the case was that
paign staffers in late february million and $228 million, accord- agents. it was a particularly in- collins hadn9t sold a single share.
2016 to give them a heads-up that ing to government transparency convenient moment: He was on He was the inside trader who did
he was about to issue an endorse- group openSecrets. the ballot in november seeking no trading. He figured he9d have a
ment. He asked whether they in 2017, collins stood to make a his fourth term in congress. great chance of an acquittal, but
wanted him to do it quietly, given bundle. He9d previously made a the timing of the indictment his son was sure to be convicted.
trump9s drain-the-swamp cam- multimillion-dollar investment was intentional, Geoffrey Ber- collins decided to cut a deal: He9d
paign vibe. they wanted him to in an australian biotech compa- man, then the u.S. attorney for plead guilty to one count of secu-
go big. ny, innate immunotherapeutics, the Southern district of new rities fraud and one count of lying
Suddenly, his appearances and joined its board. York, wrote in his book, <Holding to the fBi in hopes that his son
swelled into the hundreds. this <there was no investment i the Line: inside the nation9s Pre- would get off easy. it worked. His
he knows 4 precisely. He keeps a was more proud of. i talked about eminent uS attorney9s office and son pleaded guilty and agreed to
log. it all the time,= collins says. <it its Battle with the trump Justice a $600,000 settlement, which
<You don9t know how much he Collins, at top, on Marco Island in Florida, and above in was going to be my legacy in life.= department.= in the book, Ber- included interest on his illegal
loves to count,= mary Sue says. a photo with Trump, with whom Collins sometimes speaks. among those who9d invested in man says collins9s crime amount- continued on next PaGe
thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re C3

from preVious paGe front place where they now live. plugged in to local politics. That
it came with seven signed Dalí little thing about the conviction?
trades, with the securities and prints, a picasso sketch, a picasso No prob in southwest florida,
exchange Commission. But he mixed-media work and what is she says.
didn9t have to do prison time. purported to be an original ma- <We have a lot of criminals and
But Collins got smacked: a tisse sketch (according to records nuts down here,= stephenson says
26-month federal prison sen- provided to them by the seller) one night over dinner at the
tence, though he9d have a chance that hangs over the toilet in one Hideaway country club as the
to reduce that with good behavior of the bathrooms. piano player runs through <The
and other legal reprieves. Collins calls the property <our Winner Takes it all.=
Nailing a member of Congress little piece of heaven.= Collins has taken steps to start
is one of the more brag-worthy from that place of refuge, Col- building a base of support, in-
feats for a prosecutor. The Collins lins 4 who has mostly gotten out cluding joining the Collier Coun-
guilty plea is one of only two cases of the mega-dealmaking business ty republican executive Commit-
specifically named in Williams9s 4 couldn9t sit still. so he invested tee and making the scene at
official bio. not long ago in a beauty salon run Trumpy events. He9s had business
<The DoJ leverages your fam- by the wife of one of his fellow cards printed. The top line pro-
ily,= Collins says. <These are very federal inmates. claims, <first member of Con-
vindictive soBs. . . . Who for a brief time, Collins pro- gress to endorse Donald J. Trump
wouldn9t protect their son? it9s moted himself as a business for president 2/24/16.= He spoke
like taking down the animals. coach on Twitter, but his family at a Trump boat rally last sum-
Big-game hunters.= told him to knock it off because mer. There, he hung out a bit with
<Yeah,= says mary sue. they didn9t want him attracting Christopher Worrell, a proud Boy
<people like my son,= Collins attention after his prison release. who9d earlier been convicted of
adds. He now tools around town in a his role in the Jan. 6, 2021,
<They were like little rabbits,= street-legal golf cart that peaks insurrection. (Worrell later
mary sue says. out at 28 mph. Bouncing around would become a fugitive for
Jose Luis MAgAnA/AP
<is that,= Collins says, looking his spacious house, often bored, about a month after not showing
over at mary sue, <a good anal- Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) in 2016. Now a former congressman and released from prison, Collins Collins is still counting 4 every- up for a sentencing hearing. He
ogy?= is planning a comeback, such as by joining the Collier County Republican Executive Committee. thing: his Beanie Babies and rare was captured in late september.)
coins collections, more than 320 <i got to know him,= Collins
s the pandemic raged, Col- mickey mantle baseball cards, says. <Nice guy.=

A lins spent 10 months pedal-

ing around marco on his
bicycle or staring numbly at the
drug cartel.
Their roomies included a con-
struction-company owner con-
used in testing.
at home in marco, mary sue
was working on a different deal:
<there9s a possibility this can hap-
pen,= mary sue recalls.
But he warned her to keep it
which he says gives him a top
ranking in a sports memorabilia
organization. He also has a top
Collins says he believes Trump
did not play a <direct role= in
spurring the Jan. 6 assault to
water, his dock and his 16-foot victed of defrauding hurricane talking on the phone with then- quiet: <We can9t discuss this with ranking, he says, for his collec- block certification of the 2020
boat, smoking cigars and solving victims whom they9d nicknamed White House Chief of staff mark anybody. Don9t go telling your tions of other Yankees cards: Joe election and doesn9t think the
sudoku and Kakuro puzzles. 5-20 4 their inside joke that he meadows about getting Trump to girlfriends,= she says meadows Dimaggio, Yogi Berra, Bobby former president will be convict-
unable to make a case that was 5 feet 20 inches tall. Collins pardon Collins. (meadows has his told her. richardson. He almost never ed in that federal case or any
medical conditions, including calls them <our circle of friends= own legal problems now, having He didn9t even want her to tell looks at them, he says. it9s the other case.
asthma, should allow him to stay in his unpublished memoir. been indicted with Trump in a her husband. mary sue feared amassing that appeals. But he departs from Trump on
out of prison because of in- almeida says he addressed Col- Georgia state case for allegedly someone might be listening to in a safe, he keeps the ithaca the former president9s false claim
creased risk from covid-19, Col- lins as <Congressman.= The conspiring to overturn 2020 their phone calls. 1911 pistol his dad brought back that the 2020 election was stolen.
lins finally entered the federal guards hated that, says almeida, presidential election results.) <The unique situation of me after serving in patton9s army Collins says he doesn9t think fake
corrections system in october who has remained friends with <You think it was your idea that and Trump, and me and mark, during World War ii and a .380 voters or manipulated vote
2020. Collins since they were both re- i communicate with him,= mary and mary and mark was key,= Walther ppK. another more mod- counts gave Joe Biden a victory 4
<everybody made a big ruckus leased. sue says to her husband one Collins says. <it9s not like we were ern handgun, a smith & Wesson a claim repeated ad nauseam by
about his arrival,= says Juan Collins found himself chop- recent afternoon. <i think it was bribing him or anything. rela- .380, is stashed in a more accessi- Trump. instead, Collins blames
almeida, a flamboyant figure ping onions, slopping lasagna my idea. i said: 8You know what? tionships matter.= ble spot in the house. a friend the mainstream media for
who sold exotic cars and souped- onto cafeteria trays and washing i9m going to call him and see <A lot,= says mary sue. safeguarded them for Collins Trump9s loss because of the copi-
up speedboats favored by drug dishes. He was given that assign- what9s going.9= <A lot,= says Collins. while he was in prison. Thanks to ous reporting of special counsel
traffickers during miami9s 1980s ment, he says, because a kitchen The Collinses had been good Trump9s pardon, he got them all robert s. mueller iii9s investiga-
<Cocaine Cowboys= era. guard was a <political junkie= and friends with meadows, a republi- ollins left federal prison back. tion into possible russian inter-
almeida 4 who had been in
prison for 21/2 years on drug traf-
ficking charges that he continues
wanted to spend time with a
former congressman.
Collins had a hefty commissary
can who9d represented North
Carolina in the House of repre-
sentatives at the same time Col-
C Camp pensacola on Dec. 22,
2020, having served a total
of 71 days.
He9s also counting votes, imag-
ining how he could go back to
Congress in a cakewalk should
ference in the 2020 election on
Trump9s behalf and the scant
coverage of business deals with
to deny 4 arranged for the for- account and made friends shar- lins was the congressman from While he9d been waiting for a Byron Donalds (the republican foreign firms involving Biden9s
mer congressman to move into ing Hershey bars and chips. (<i Western New York. (meadows did pardon, Collins had vowed to member of the House represent- son Hunter. Collins and Trump
his seven-person cell, which he9d had good snack,= he says.) until not respond to interview re- himself that he9d buy mary sue a ing the region where Collins now talk from time to time, he says.
dubbed the <power Cubicle.= this interview with The post, quests.) fancy car to try to make up for lives in florida) run for another The calls always come in as <un-
<i was kind of a celebrity in- Collins has not spoken at length <i said: 8mark, what should i what he9d put her and their fam- office 4 say governor, or even as known.=
mate. i had a certain control and in public about his prison days. do? This is terrible,9= says mary ily through. she got a supple, Trump9s running mate, as has on the way to lunch one after-
power in the unit. i set him up,= When he wasn9t toiling in the sue. <8How long is he going to be $300,000 Bentley GT. He treated already been speculated. noon, Collins9s phone rings. mary
says almeida, who is featured in kitchen, Collins did his favorite in there?9= himself to an aston martin DBX. <i didn9t go out on my own sue, at the wheel of her Bentley,
the 2018 showtime documentary thing: make money. He negotiat- When she raised the possibility on Dec. 31 4 nine days after terms,= Collins says. <i was forced says, <He always answers his
<operation odessa,= about an at- ed the nine-figure sale of Zeptom- of a pardon, mary sue says mead- becoming a free man again 4 he out. it9s my way to say they didn9t phone.=
tempt by his friend, a miami etrix, a biotechnology firm in- ows told her that he would put it closed his megadeal for Zeptome- win.= The phone9s display says, <un-
strip-club owner nicknamed Tar- volved in infectious-disease before the president. trix. That same day, they went it9s eminently doable, says Liz known caller.=
zan, to sell a soviet-era nu- work, which includes preparing she kept calling. house shopping. on the spot, stephenson, a neighbor on marco <maybe,= Collins says, <it9s you-
clear submarine to a Colombian samples of HiV and covid-19 to be eventually, meadows said that they decided to buy the water- island9s Hideaway Beach who is know-who.=

lA tiMes CRossWoRD By Michael B. Berg tel evis ion

ACRoss 1/ 18/24 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00
1 <General 4.1 WRC (NBC) + NBCNe.. + Hollywo.. + Law & Order (SP) + Law-SVU (SP) + Law & Order (SP) + News
Hospital,= 4.2 WRC (IND) Bones Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne
for one 5.1 WTTG (Fox) + Fox 5 + TMZ + Hell's Kitchen + Gordon Ramsay's + Fox 5 News at 10 + Fox 5 ..
5 Care 7.1 WJLA (ABC) + Wheel + Jeopard.. + Press Your Luck + The New Hampshire Primary Debate (Live) + News
9 Bogus offer 9.1 WUSA (CBS) + InsideEd. + ET + Sheldon + Ghosts + SEAL Team + SEAL Team + 9 News
13 Wheel shaft 14.1 WFDC (UNI) + Vencer la culpa + Tu vida es mi vida + Mujer + Minas de pasión + Noticias

14 Admit 20.1 WDCA (MNTV) + FamFeud + FamFeud + Fox 5 News + FamFeud + FamFe.. + FamFe.. + Puzzler + Dateline

15 Latin bear 22.1 WMPT (PBS) + Context + History + Hope Street + Doc Martin + The Seaside Hotel + Farm

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C4 eZ Re the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

Sun9s new owner tious competitor.=

Smith9s price for the Sun and its
affiliated suburban papers 4
which include the Capital Gazette
when you let Democrats run your
city: It goes to hell.9=
Smith has personally involved
himself in local politics. He and

critical of paper of Annapolis, the Carroll County

Times and several weekly papers
4 has not been made public. He
mentioned in passing in Tuesday9s
his family bankrolled a successful
effort to impose term limits on the
mayor and city council, as well as a
failed effort to allow citizens to
staff meeting that he paid <nine recall officials 4 one that received
SMiTh from C1 In their meeting 4 some details figures.= It was unclear whether extensive coverage on fox45.
of which were previously reported that sum includes the fees he told During his newsroom meeting,
he purchased alongside it, which by the Baltimore Banner and NPr the Sun he will pay to Alden9s Smith argued with one writer who
he laid out in a tense, 21/2-hour 4 Smith professed to know little mediaNews Group for business suggested fox459s coverage of
meeting that left many staffers about the newspaper business services. whether to recall Baltimore may-
baffled about the multimillion- other than that it9s a business. In a statement about the sale, or Brandon Scott (D) 4 including
aire9s intentions for the city9s 186- <Your job is to manufacture con- mediaNews Group9s chief operat- the station9s promotion of a self-
year-old newspaper. tent,= he said, according to the ing officer, Guy Gilmore, said: <We proclaimed <unscientific poll= 4
He suggested that the Sun over- audio recording, <a product that are always open to discussions was biased.
looks the stories readers crave people want.= about local ownership and <This guy bought the Sun, he9s
about crime and government dys- LeA Skene/AP
one former top Sun editor said pleased that our preeminent got enough money to wield that
function. (retorted one journal- that the drama around Smith9s The Baltimore Sun front page Tuesday details the paper9s purchase. newspaper operating and tech- kind of power,= said another staff-
ist: <We9re a Pulitzer Prize-win- purchase will make this <one of nology platform will continue to er, who also spoke on the condi-
ning newsroom,= most recently in the most fascinating local news campaign contributions in 2018, after rebuffing an effort from an- provide services for The Balti- tion of anonymity to preserve
2020, for a fraud investigation acquisitions in the country to when he donated to a few Demo- other deep-pocketed maryland more Sun.= newsroom confidences. <But how
that forced the mayor to resign.) watch= in coming months. crats along with a mostly republi- businessman. Smith repeatedly bashed the easy will it be for him to bend a
He stood by a 2018 interview in <Generally, research has shown can slate. In 2021, when the Tribune was Banner in his meeting with Sun newsroom?=
which he called print media that local ownership is good for But tax forms show that his in the process of selling its news- staff. <It9s just a matter of time one area on which they did get
<meaningless dribble.= And, when regional news organizations,= family9s foundation has contribut- paper holdings to Alden, Stewart before they9re gone,= he said. a specific answer was whether
pressed, he said he mostly ushering in greater investment ed generously to conservative and Bainum Jr. 4 executive chairman <They won9t survive. In fact, if Smith was committed to main-
thought the same of the Sun. and renewed local coverage, said right-wing advocacy groups that of Choice Hotels and a former anybody thinks they9ll survive, taining a print edition.
<Just look at the data,= he said, Tim franklin, a former Sun execu- have inserted themselves into Democratic state senator 4 at- I9m happy to give you odds and <No,= he said bluntly. Smith
citing declining print circulation, tive editor and now a senior asso- some of the nation9s most polariz- tempted to buy the Sun for $65 take your money.= added that he was, in fact, <com-
though newspapers nationwide ciate dean at the medill School of ing discussions. The David D. million. (Bainum, in a note to Banner mitted to getting out of the paper
have been affected by the same Journalism at Northwestern Uni- Smith family foundation gave But that deal fell apart over the staff monday, said, <We welcome business. I9m a right-wing radical
decades-long shift in the public9s versity. <The concern here is $275,000 in 2021 and $261,000 in multimillion-dollar fees Alden more and better coverage in the who loves trees,= he said, with a
reading habits. whether he will use the Sun to 2019 to Project Veritas, a right- would have demanded from a de- Sun, and wish the new, local own- small chuckle. <reconcile that for
In recent years, many journal- advance his ideological agenda.= wing organization known for un- tached Sun to keep providing the ership the best of luck= 4 and me.=
ists have waxed nostalgic for the Smith turned down a request dercover sting operations on jour- business and administrative ser- assured them that <it doesn9t Toward the end of the meeting,
era of family newspaper dynas- for an interview Tuesday, but his nalists, government officials and vices that had been consolidated change our mission, our commit- Smith went on a tangent about
ties, when owners with deep local spokesman said that the new political activists. It also contrib- under the Tribune chain. ment, and our plans in any way at how he believes Baltimore police
roots and deep emotional invest- owner <looks forward to having uted $121,000 in 2018 to moms for Bainum instead launched the all.=) officers are scared to do their jobs
ments in local news made execu- the Baltimore Sun cover impor- America, a conservative activist Banner, a local news nonprofit Smith held up one of Sinclair9s because <they9re terrified of what
tive decisions 4 instead of distant tant, impactful stories to make a group that says it <empowers that now employs more than 100 Baltimore TV stations, fox45, as state government is going to do to
corporations responding to the difference in the community= and moms to raise patriots and pro- people, about 15 percent of whom what he sees as an exemplar of them,= noting that the state9s at-
whims of Wall Street and global that he <believes one of the pri- mote liberty= and has joined cam- came from the Sun. successful local news coverage, torney tried to prosecute six offi-
economic pressures. mary purposes of the newspaper paigns to remove books it finds rick Edmonds, a media analyst <despite the fact that people might cers. <It ruined those people9s
That has certainly been the case is to serve the public interest.= controversial from public schools. for the Poynter Institute, said that say it9s a crazy, right-wing [sta- lives.=
in Baltimore, where the Sun suf- Sinclair has drawn criticism for The Baltimore Sun Guild, the competition from the Banner may tion],= he said. <I9ve been called <I9m sorry, are you talking
fered years of cutbacks after it was integrating conservative and union representing Sun staffers, have dissuaded Alden from many that by everybody, Democrats and about the ones who killed freddie
consolidated into the Tribune right-wing commentary, fre- said in a statement Wednesday of its usual cost-cutting regimens republicans.= Gray?= a staffer asked, referring to
newspaper chain, even before it quently on hot-button national that the editorial direction de- at the Sun, which still employs franklin, the former Sun execu- the 2015 death of 25-year-old Gray
was purchased almost three years topics, into its local TV news cov- scribed by Smith <focused on around 150 people. tive editor, said that any changes while in police custody, a galvaniz-
ago by a financial-management erage 4 a deviation in an industry clicks rather than journalistic val- Under Alden, the Sun shuttered in the paper9s editorial pages will ing event that led to widespread
firm with a reputation for slashing that has usually aspired to strike a ue,= which <concerned many of its printing press and laid off its suggest the future Smith has in protests across the city, some
jobs and shuttering newsrooms. nonpartisan tone. In 2018, it re- our members.= 100 workers. But the newsroom mind for it. If the newspaper veers turning violent. Three of the offi-
But while many Sun reporters quired anchors nationwide to <We don9t know how to reason hasn9t been subjected to the same into <a rigid, ideological, con- cers involved were acquitted,
yearned to break away from that read a script condemning <fake with him,= one Sun staffer told The kind of slashing Alden has done at servative direction,= he warned, while charges against the others
firm, Alden Global Capital, mon- news,= invoking President Donald Post after the meeting, speaking other newspapers, Edmonds said that could hurt the newspaper9s were dropped.
day9s unexpected news that their Trump9s derogatory term for news on the condition of anonymity to 4 which may also explain Alden9s bottom line, given that the Balti- A tense exchange followed.
paper had been sold to an inde- media. preserve working relationships. reasons for offloading the Sun. more area is heavily Democratic. <You may believe that they
pendent local buyer has triggered Smith insisted in his meeting <Because he is so uninformed Usually, he said, Alden <can former Baltimore Sun media killed somebody,= Smith said. <I9m
more concern than joy 4 especial- with staffers that he doesn9t care about print media standards and take the paper down in quality, critic David Zurawik, now a pro- not here to tell you they did or
ly after meeting with Smith, exec- about politics. <I don9t trust any journalism ethics as a whole.= and people who still really want to fessor at Goucher College, said didn9t.=
utive chairman of the Sinclair politicians under any circum- While Smith9s plans for the Sun have a newspaper won9t like it 4 that fox459s coverage of Baltimore The Sun was a Pulitzer finalist
Broadcast Group, whose nearly stances,= he said. <I don9t trust remained murky, many in Balti- but they can still make some mon- schools and city hall is considered for its coverage of Gray9s death.
200 local TV stations have shown government under any circum- more also puzzled over the rea- ey and have some customers.= aggressive but said that it takes a
a marked conservative bent in stance.= sons Alden decided to sell it 4 However, <all those numbers get partisan tone. <It fits into a larger Monika Mathur and Sarah ellison
recent years. records show that he last made especially just a couple of years worse when you have an ambi- pattern of, 8This is what happens contributed to this report.

Schwarzenegger faces criminal tax case in Germany over a luxury watch

BY K ATE B RADY was held for three hours after out a declaration form, including Thomas meister said tax should buehel, Austria, on Thursday. It9s unclear what legal conse-
disembarking a flight from Los Arnold. He got to customs, and have been paid on the watch A photo published by German quences, if any, the Terminator
BERLIN 4 Germany has Angeles, Schwarzenegger9s they told him he was 8randomly9 because Schwarzenegger was in- daily Bild showed Schwarzeneg- star could face, but it9s possible
launched criminal tax proceed- spokesman Daniel Ketchell, who selected to be searched,= Ketchell tending to sell it in the European ger holding the watch box as that the investigation could re-
ings against Arnold was on the flight, told The Wash- said. <During the search, he an- Union. The watch, custom-made customs officers sat in the back- sult in a fine or court appear-
Schwarzenegger, who is accused ington Post. swered every single question the for Schwarzenegger by Swiss lux- ground at a computer. ance.
of failing to declare a luxury <He was detained for three customs officer asked, so to say ury brand Audemars Piguet, will <All is well now, and we look <Lawyers are dealing with it,=
watch upon landing in munich. hours. He owns the watch. None he didn9t declare anything is 100 probably be auctioned at a fund- forward to a successful charity Ketchell said. <We don9t expect
The Hollywood star and for- of the people I know and sat next percent false.= raising dinner for Schwarzeneg- event for the Schwarzenegger any issues because Arnold al-
mer governor of California, 76, to on our commercial flight filled munich customs spokesman ger9s climate initiative in Kitz- Climate Initiative,= Ketchell said. ways pays his taxes.=

Spread over 3 rows, chatty airline passengers ignore and talk over seatmate
Dear Miss ahead of us, and two more listened to but could not be a separation of the gabby party about five hours away from playing video games. I9m kind
Miss Manners: Are ladies were in the row behind. part of. Was this dysfunctional would have provided a natural where they grew up. my 21- of at a loss with what to do. Do
Manners there any rules of The six of them were behavior on anyone9s part? point of introduction. They year-old had moved across the you have any suggestions?
JudIth etiquette for conversing off and on Should one of them at least could have asked if you were country, and my 17-year-old
MartIN, speaking to throughout the flight, but have said <How do you do?= to willing to exchange seats so decided to stay with his dad. Board games?
JacobINa strangers sitting for the entire time, I was me? that they could speak Well, within two weeks, both of
MartIN aNd beside you on a treated as if I were not even without disturbing you. or them ended up moving in with new Miss Manners columns are
NIcholas plane? I was on a there. Most people, Miss manners you could have offered. This me, and my home is very posted Monday through Saturday
Ivor MartIN long flight, I sensed that trying to start a dares say, would have been would have given you the small. my husband and I on You
surrounded by conversation with one of them grateful to be left out of such opportunity either to agree decided to rent an apartment can send questions to Miss
six people from the same party, would have resulted in polite conversations 4 but not to be or to introduce yourself to the for them. Manners at her website,
but I was never even addressed rejection. After the flight talked over, which is the point group. Neither one of them have a You can also
by any of them. I was seated in landed, I could not help but where your fellow passengers job, and when I go over to their follow her @RealMissManners.
between two gentlemen. Two feel a little let down because of failed to meet the standards of Dear Miss Manners: I have apartment, they9re lazily lying
ladies were seated in the row all the conversation I had civility. This inconvenient two sons, 17 and 21. I moved around a messy house and © 2024 Judith Martin

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thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C5

Years after our last child left, is it time to give up on reconciling with my wife?
Dear Amy: I was we9ve halfheartedly attempted how to approach this. loving companionship at this insecure, and her emotions are parent9s highest calling.
Ask Amy married to a numerous reconciliations, but it 4 Dazed and Confused stage of your life, you should try on edge.
Amy wonderful woman has never worked out. There has this, too. So, in short, yes, I do I9ve decided to limit any family Dear Amy: Thank you for your
Dickinson for 30 years. We never been any abuse or Dazed: At this point, you and believe it is time for you to give visits and to deny visits to people snappy reply to <Wondering,= the
raised five infidelity. I9ve always felt we got your ex-wife have been living up on this marriage in order to who so far don9t seem able to 29-year-old still living at home
children together along way too well to give up. The apart for many years. My take on give yourself a fresh start. keep their parenting critiques to who was worried that graduate
and had our ups and downs, but past few years she has been living her behavior after the youngest themselves. I just want to give us school would make vacations
overall I felt that we had a solid with her elderly mother. We are moved out is that she was Dear Amy: My wife and I just another month or so to get our unaffordable. I laughed when I
marriage. in touch multiple times daily and experiencing less <empty nest welcomed our first child into the sea legs, but my parents are very read your line, <Vacations? What
After our youngest left the nest spend time together. She syndrome= (depression and world. My wife has anxiety and upset. What do you think? are they, again? Why are you
my wife, almost immediately, continually says that when she is searching for new ways to feel depression. She went off her 4 Protective Dad worried about vacations?=
became a different person. I no longer required to aid her useful and worthy) and more a meds during her pregnancy and 4 Still Working
know she had a case of Empty mother that we will spend more sense of liberation on her part. If struggled. Dad: I agree with your protective
Nest Syndrome. She befriended time working on reconciliation. she was a stay-at-home mother, Just after the birth of our son, choice. These early days are Still Working: That response
single women and started going That has all been fine with me. she may have wanted to start this my folks were visiting at the tough, but can also be vital and was the most polite of several
out frequently. She lost interest Recently I ran into a friend, next phase of her life without the hospital and started pressuring/ beautiful bonding times for your drafts.
in saving the marriage. This went and she told me that she saw my pressure of repairing a marriage correcting her about little family. Furthermore, make
on for four or five years, and then ex at a social club with an elderly she might have been holding breastfeeding and on how she sure your wife is screened Amy9s column appears seven days a
she decided that she didn9t want gentleman, which naturally got together mainly <for the sake of was holding the baby. He was less immediately for postpartum week at
to be married anymore and got my attention. She said that they the kids.= I think it9s now time for than a day old. After seeing depression, and to have her Write to or
her own apartment, but we were clearly on a date and that you to ponder building a quality photos, other of my relatives mental health medication Amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194,
stayed friendly. I tried to make my ex <was really dressed up and life for yourself without have commented/critiqued in a restored or adjusted. After a Freeville, N.Y. 13068. ù You can also
the transition as smooth as looked great.= My question for reconciliation being at the center. way that might seem benign, but month or so, you all will be follow her @askingamy.
possible, but I9ll admit that I had you is, is it time to give up? I9ve You and your ex are now for my wife, these comments are feeling more robust and secure,
an ulterior motive to reconcile. been avoiding her these past few friends. She is meeting and causing her to doubt her every but even then, you should be © 2024 by Amy Dickinson. Distributed by
During the eight years since, days, and I9m struggling with dating others, and if you want move. She is feeling very careful and protective. It9s a Tribune Content Agency.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket
All Of Us Strangers (R) 12:15- I.S.S. (R) CC: 4:15-7:00-9:45 Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) Regal Germantown Regal Westview & IMAX Freud's Last Session (PG-13) Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - I.S.S. (R) 4:00-6:45-9:20 The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
DISTRICT 2:25-7:00-9:30 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:00- 12:40-3:40-6:40-9:40 20000 Century Boulevard 5243 Buckeystown Pike CC: 7:00-9:45 One Loudoun Mean Girls (PG-13) 11:55-1:00- 12:35-3:50-7:15
AMC Georgetown 14 3:00-6:00-9:00 Merry Christmas (Hindi) 11:40- Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:00- 20575 East Hampton Plaza 2:45-3:50-5:40-6:40-8:40-9:30 Anyone But You (R) 12:10-2:30-
AMC Academy 8
3111 K Street N.W. Freud's Last Session (PG-13) 3:05-6:45-10:10 (PG-13) 11:40AM (PG-13) 12:30-3:30-7:10 3:50-6:45-9:45 Indiana Jones and the Raiders The Beekeeper (R) XD: 2:10- 5:20-8:10
6198 Greenbelt Road
The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom CC: 7:00-9:45 American Fiction (R) 12:20-1:40- Wonka (PG) 11:20-2:20-5:20-8:20 Wonka (PG) 12:45-6:45-9:35 Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé of the Lost Ark (PG) 7:00 4:55-7:40-10:25 The Beekeeper (R) 12:50-3:35-
1:00-10:15 (PG-13) CC: 1:10-4:00-7:00 The Beekeeper: The IMAX Expe- 3:50-4:35-7:30-7:35-10:25-10:30 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Migration (PG) 11:50-2:20-4:50- CC: 4:15 Wonka (PG) 1:15 Mean Girls (PG-13) XD: 12:50- 6:20-9:05
Wonka (PG) CC: 1:05-4:30-7:15- The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: rience (R) CC: 12:30-3:15 The Iron Claw (R) 12:30-3:40 4:40-5:30-8:10 6:40-9:10 Founders Day (R) 8:00-9:30 Night Swim (PG-13) 12:30 3:50-7:00-10:00 The Iron Claw (R) 12:05
10:00 1:30-4:30-7:10 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special I.S.S. (R) 7:00-9:35 Migration (PG) 11:30-2:00-4:30 Night Swim (PG-13) 12:05-2:40- Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 1:15 The Beekeeper (R) 11:45-2:45- Medal of Honor Theater - I.S.S. (R) 4:10-6:45-9:20
Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 10:10 Migration (PG) CC: 1:40-4:10 Theatrical Engagement (PG) Origin (PG-13) 7:10-10:30 Dunki 7:20 5:20-7:50 Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX 4:45-8:00 NMMC Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:00-2:00-
The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Night Swim (PG-13) CC: CC: 12:45 Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 11:15- Night Swim (PG-13) 12:20-3:10- The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Experience CC: 6:00-8:30 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:30-3:45 18900 Jefferson Davis Highway 3:00-5:00-6:00-9:00
CC: 1:15-4:10-7:20 2:10-6:45 Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX 3:00-6:45-10:30 5:50-8:25 12:15-3:20-7:30 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Migration (PG) 12:15 We, the Marines (NR) 9:30- Founders Day (R) 7:10-8:00
Ferrari (R) CC: 1:10-4:05 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Experience CC: 6:00-8:30 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Saindhav (Telugu) 11:55-3:20- Anyone But You (R) 11:45-2:30- Theatrical Engagement 3D (PG) Poor Things (R) 1:15 10:30-11:30-1:00-2:00-3:00- Guntur Kaaram (Telugu)
Poor Things (R) CC: 1:35-7:05 CC: 1:20-4:20-7:30 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 3D (PG-13) 4:35 6:40 5:30-8:10 CC: 5:15 American Fiction (R) 1:00-4:15 4:00 4:30-8:15
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) The Beekeeper (R) CC: 2:00- OC: 6:45 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Hindi) The Beekeeper (R) 12:00-2:50- If You Are the One 3 (Fei cheng I.S.S. (R) 6:00 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special
CC: 1:20-4:25-7:20-10:15 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:00- Theatrical Engagement (PG) wu rao III) 1:30 Regal Ballston Quarter
4:40-7:40 12:50 5:40-8:30 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:00- 671 North Glebe Road
Theatrical Engagement (PG)
Anyone But You (R) CC: 2:05- Origin (PG-13) CC: 5:00 3:00-6:00-9:00 11:30-2:15-5:00 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:25-1:00- The Color Purple (PG-13) 2:45- 1:30-7:30 1:30-4:50-7:50
4:40-7:10-9:40 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Soccer Soul (Elijo creer) 12:30-3:40-7:10 3:30-4:00-6:30-7:00-9:40 6:00-9:15 Wonka (PG) 12:50-4:15-7:10 Wonka (PG) 3:10
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:50- Angelika Film Center Mosaic Migration (PG) 1:20-3:50-6:20
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 4:30-7:20 Theatrical Engagement (PG) 7:00-9:40 Anyone But You (R) 12:40-2:50 The Beekeeper: The IMAX Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 3:15- 2911 District Ave The Beekeeper (R) 1:50-4:35-
7:00-9:45 OC: 3:30 The Beekeeper (R) 11:25-2:10- Experience (R) 1:50 6:10-9:00 Night Swim (PG-13) 2:50-5:20- 7:20
AMC Annapolis Mall 11 Cinépolis Gaithersburg Poor Things (R) 10:30-1:25- 7:50
The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:55- AMC Magic Johnson 629 Center Point Way 4:50-7:40 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special AMC Potomac Mills 18 Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-
5:00-7:05-10:20 1020 Annapolis Mall Road 7:30-9:50 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13)
Capital Center 12 Wonka (PG) 3:45-6:45 I.S.S. (R) 4:00-6:30 Theatrical Engagement (PG) 2700 Potomac Mills Circle The Teachers' Lounge 10:20- 7:00
American Fiction (R) CC: 2:00- Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 800 Shoppers Way Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:00-3:00- 12:20-3:00-5:40-8:20 1:25-4:35-7:45
4:15-7:35-10:00 (PG-13) CC: 10:20-4:15 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Aquaman and The Lost 2:55-7:35-10:15 Poor Things (R) 6:50 Regal Manassas & IMAX
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 2:45-7:15 4:00-6:00-7:00 Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX Kingdom (PG-13) CC: 2:20- The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 11380 Bulloch Drive
All Of Us Strangers (R) CC: The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: CC: 7:00 Founders Day (R) 7:30 Experience 6:30-9:20 The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
12:20-3:40-6:50 Anyone But You (R) 2:00-4:45- 5:15-8:15 7:00-9:30 1:10-4:20-7:30 Aquaman and The Lost King-
2:10-4:35-8:05 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 5:30-8:10 Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 11:15- Wonka (PG) 3:50
Wonka (PG) CC: 10:15-12:45- 6:15 The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: Anatomy of a Fall (R) 10:15- Anyone But You (R) 2:10-4:50- dom (PG-13) 4:40-7:50
I.S.S. (R) CC: 4:45-7:10-9:35 I.S.S. (R) CC: 4:00-6:30-9:00 12:25-3:30-4:20-6:10-8:00 The Beekeeper (R) 12:50-3:40- 7:40
Origin (PG-13) CC: 5:00-7:05- 3:30-6:25 The Beekeeper (R) 2:15-5:00- 1:30-4:25 7:40 Wonka (PG) 1:00-3:50-6:50
Soul (2020) - Pixar Special 6:30-9:30
10:10 Migration (PG) CC: 10:00-11:30- Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 5:45-8:30 8:00
Theatrical Engagement (PG)
Wonka (PG) CC: 2:40-5:40-8:40 The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) The Beekeeper (R) 1:50-4:30- Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu)
2:00-4:20-6:40 Freud's Last Session (PG-13) I.S.S. (R) 4:00-7:00 Xscape Theatres Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) 10:35-4:00 7:20 4:30-8:05
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:35- 11:35-2:20
4:20-7:35-10:20 Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 12:00- CC: 7:00 Mean Girls (PG-13) 3:15-4:30-
Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00
Brandywine 14 2:30 American Fiction (R) 11:45-2:30- The Iron Claw (R) 3:45 Migration (PG) 1:40
The Beekeeper: The IMAX 7:00-7:45 7710 Matapeake Business Drive Migration (PG) CC: 5:10-6:00- 5:05-7:45-10:20 Night Swim (PG-13) 1:25-4:50-
Memory (R) CC: 1:10-4:45-10:25 2:30-5:00-7:40 Experience (R) CC: 3:15
Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:40-1:00-
The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Regal Hyattsville Royale Aquaman and The Lost 8:20 Origin (PG-13) 5:00-8:00 2:00-3:40-5:00-8:00 7:40
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:25- Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX
4:40-7:25-10:30 CC: 1:00 Theatrical Engagement (PG) 6505 America Blvd. Kingdom (PG-13) 12:10-4:05- The Hunger Games: The Ballad Ferrari (R) 11:00-1:50-4:35-7:25 I.S.S. (R) 4:00-6:40 Poor Things (R) 12:45-4:00-7:20
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Experience CC: 6:00-8:30 4:15-6:00 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 7:00-10:00 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) Founders Day (R) 7:00 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Hindi)
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom (PG-13) 12:45-4:10-7:20 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special 13) CC: 3:25 1:20-6:45-9:30 12:55
CC: 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00 AMC Montgomery 16 Wonka (PG) 1:30
DC Bryant Street (PG-13) 3:00-7:30 The Color Purple (PG-13) 11:50- Theatrical Engagement (PG) Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 3:45- All Of Us Strangers (R) 12:35-
630 Rhode Island Ave NE Anyone But You (R) CC: 11:30- 7101 Democracy Boulevard Saindhav (Telugu) 1:50-5:10-
3:20-6:50 12:45 6:15-8:45 5:10-10:30 Regal Dulles Town Center
2:20-5:10-7:50-9:15 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Greenbelt Cinema 8:20
Indiana Jones and the Raiders Wonka (PG) 12:40-3:40-6:30 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Mean Girls (PG-13) 11:10- 21100 Dulles Town Circle
The Beekeeper (R) CC: 10:10- (PG-13) CC: 3:00 129 Centerway The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
of the Lost Ark (PG) 7:30 Migration (PG) 12:30-3:30-5:50 der-Verse (PG) 4:30 CC: 2:45-5:45 12:10-1:45-2:45-4:25-5:25- Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 1:10-4:10-7:10
12:10-2:45-5:20-8:15-9:10 The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: American Grafûti (PG) 8:00
American Fiction (R) 1:00 Wish (PG) 12:15 The Color Purple (PG-13) The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 8:00-10:35 (PG-13) 1:20-4:25-7:30 The Beekeeper (R) 1:30-4:20-
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 11:00- 2:40 Ferrari (R) 7:45
Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 1:50-4:40-7:30 Night Swim (PG-13) 12:20-2:50- 12:00-12:40-3:00-4:40-6:10- CC: 2:00-4:15-7:30 CMX Village 14 Wonka (PG) 1:10-4:15-8:00 7:05
(PG-13) 11:15AM Wonka (PG) CC: 2:45-5:45-8:45 Fallen Leaves (Kuolleet lehdet)
I.S.S. (R) CC: 4:00-6:35-9:05 5:30-8:00 8:30-9:00 Anyone But You (R) CC: 3:40- 1600 Village Market Boulevard Migration (PG) 12:45-3:05- Anyone But You (R) 3:55
The Color Purple (PG-13) Migration (PG) CC: 2:00-5:45- 5:15 5:35-8:00
Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 8:30 The Iron Claw (R) 5:00 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Trolls Band Together (PG) 1:35- 6:10-8:50 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom The Hunger Games: The Ballad The Iron Claw (R) 12:50
11:00AM 12:00-3:00-6:10 4:00-6:35-8:55 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 2:15-
Poor Things (R) 11:45AM 3D (PG-13) 1:20-7:20 The Hunger Games: The Ballad (PG-13) 3:10-6:10 I.S.S. (R) 4:00-6:50
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 10:00- of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- Landmark Napoleon (R) 11:45AM Wonka (PG) 1:25-4:15-6:55- 5:00-7:45 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG-
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Bethesda Row Cinema Wonka (PG) 1:45-4:30-7:10 13) 7:45 Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:35-4:30-
12:50-3:40-6:30-9:00 13) CC: 6:00 Anyone But You (R) 12:50-3:50 9:35 Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) Migration (PG) 12:00-3:55-6:20 Night Swim (PG-13) 12:50-3:15- 7:30
11:00-2:30 7235 Woodmont Avenue
AMC Center Park 8 Night Swim (PG-13) CC: The Beekeeper (R) 11:40-2:20- Migration (PG) 12:05-2:25-4:45- 2:00-5:00-8:45 Night Swim (PG-13) 12:00- Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 1:30-
All Of Us Strangers (R) 1:15-4:30 Wonka (PG) 3:45-6:30 5:00-7:40 7:05-9:25 American Fiction (R) CC: 5:55-8:40
4001 Powder Mill Rd. 2:20-4:30 2:35-5:10 5:00-8:30
Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:00-3:30 Ferrari (R) 4:05 Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) Night Swim (PG-13) 1:15-3:45- 5:30-8:20 The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
Migration (PG) 12:45 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Poor Things (R) 6:35 2:40-6:00 7:25-9:45 The Iron Claw (R) CC: 2:45-
The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) 12:40-3:45-7:00 The Beekeeper: The IMAX
(PG-13) CC: 1:40-4:30-7:30 CC: 2:30-5:30-8:30 1:15-4:15-7:05 Anyone But You (R) 12:50-3:30- Experience (R) 12:45-3:20
Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:30-4:45- Ferrari (R) CC: 4:45-7:45 The Zone of Interest (PG-13) I.S.S. (R) 4:00-6:50 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 5:45-8:50
6:00-9:15 The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: Ferrari (R) 1:30-4:35-7:45 6:10-8:50 Founders Day (R) 7:00
7:05 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:10-1:00- 12:20-3:20-6:20-9:40 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 2:00-
Origin (PG-13) 7:00-10:45 12:50-4:40-6:40 Poor Things (R) CC: 2:10-8:25 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) The Beekeeper (R) 12:35-3:25- Queen Rock Montreal: The
May December (R) 5:15 3:10-4:00-6:00-7:10 The Beekeeper (R) 2:00-7:20- 5:00-8:00 IMAX Experience 6:00-8:40
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) Wonka (PG) CC: 1:20-4:10-6:50 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) American Fiction (R) 7:15 Founders Day (R) 7:00 9:50 I.S.S. (R) CC: 4:00-6:30-9:00
12:00-3:25-7:40 6:00-8:45
8:00-10:45 Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 1:50 CC: 5:50-8:50 Anyone But You (R) 12:05-2:40- Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) Regal Springûeld Town Center
Anyone But You (R) CC: 2:15- Maestro (R) 2:30-7:45 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:50-3:40- Freud's Last Session (PG-13) 5:15-7:50
Angelika The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Origin (PG-13) 5:00-7:45 Theatrical Engagement (PG) 6:30-9:20 CC: 7:00 1:00-7:15 6859 Springûeld Mall
CC: 1:00-4:20-7:20 5:20-8:00 The Beekeeper (R) 1:00-3:50- The Iron Claw (R) 4:00 Aquaman and The Lost King-
Pop-Up at Union Market The Beekeeper (R) CC: 2:30- Mean Girls (PG-13) 7:00 11:30-2:10-5:10-7:50 The Beekeeper (R) 1:20-3:50- The Beekeeper: The IMAX 6:40
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E Anyone But You (R) CC: 2:00- Poor Things (R) 3:35 6:40-9:10 Experience (R) CC: 3:15 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:30-3:20- dom (PG-13) 12:50-4:10-7:20
4:00-7:50 5:15-7:45 Regal Laurel Towne Centre The Iron Claw (R) 12:10-3:40- 5:00-6:15-9:00; 2:00 The Color Purple (PG-13) 1:10-
Mean Girls (PG-13) 6:45 Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) 5:30 American Fiction (R) 4:30 14716 Baltimore Avenue I.S.S. (R) 4:05-6:50-9:30 Founders Day (R) 8:00 6:50
Poor Things (R) 7:15 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:30- Mean Girls (PG-13) 4:00 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Regal Fairfax Towne Center 4:30-7:50
4:30-7:15 American Fiction (R) CC: 2:15- Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:30-4:20- Theatrical Engagement (PG) CC:
I.S.S. (R) 4:00-7:10 Wonka (PG) 12:40-3:50-6:50
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 5:15-8:15 Landmark at (PG-13) 1:15-4:15-7:20 7:10-10:00 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special 4110 West Ox Road
1:15-4:15-7:00 I.S.S. (R) CC: 4:00-6:30 2:30-5:20-8:10 Migration (PG) 11:50-2:40-5:20
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:15- The Iron Claw (R) CC: 2:25 Annapolis Harbour Center The Color Purple (PG-13) 12:00- iPic Pike & Rose Theatrical Engagement (PG) Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom
The Iron Claw (R) 1:30-4:20 2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX 12:50-7:20 (PG-13) 7:30 The Hunger Games: The Ballad
4:15-7:20 All Of Us Strangers (R) CC: 1:35-3:15-4:55-6:45-8:15-10:00 11830 Grand Park Avenue Experience CC: 6:00-8:30 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG-
Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00-4:00 5:00-7:35 Wonka (PG) 1:00-4:20-7:20 Wonka (PG) 12:30-3:30-6:30-9:30 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: The Beekeeper (R) 1:00-2:25- Wonka (PG) 12:50-6:30
AMC Columbia 14 3:50-4:55-6:40-7:30 Migration (PG) 1:10-3:30-6:00 13) 11:55-7:10
Avalon Theatre Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 2:00- Migration (PG) 1:20-3:45-7:25 Migration (PG) 12:50-3:40- (PG-13) 2:45-6:15-9:45 4:00-7:00 Night Swim (PG-13) 1:20-4:20-
10300 Little Patuxent Parkway 3:30-5:00-6:30-8:00 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:40-1:20- The Hunger Games: The Ballad
5612 Connecticut Avenue The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) 6:15-9:00 The Color Purple (PG-13) 2:15- 7:30
Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom I.S.S. (R) CC: 4:00-6:30-9:00 1:40-4:25-7:00 Night Swim (PG-13) 11:50-1:45- 6:00-10:00 AMC Shirlington 7 2:15-4:10-5:05-7:00-8:00 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG-
The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) (PG-13) CC: 3:05-6:05-9:05 The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
11:00-1:45-4:30-7:20 Origin (PG-13) CC: 5:05-8:20 Poor Things (R) 12:50-3:50-6:50 4:45-7:45 2772 South Randolph St. Cinema Arts Theatre 13) 1:30-6:40
The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: Wonka (PG) 3:00-4:30-6:15-9:30 1:30-4:50-8:10
Night Swim (PG-13) 1:40-4:10-
American Fiction (R) 11:15-2:00- 2:45-6:00-9:10 Freud's Last Session (PG-13) The Book of Clarence (PG-13) The Book of Clarence (PG-13) The Book of Clarence (PG-13) (!) Migration (PG) CC: 2:40-5:00- 9650 Unit 14 Main St.
6:50 Anyone But You (R) 12:30-3:30-
4:45-7:30 CC: 7:00 1:10-4:10-7:05 12:40-3:50-7:10 3:30-7:00-10:30 7:20 The Holdovers (R) 1:00-7:10
Wonka (PG) CC: 1:00-3:45- The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 6:20-9:20
Landmark Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Anyone But You (R) 2:00-4:30- Anyone But You (R) 11:40-2:20- The Beekeeper (R) (!) 4:15-7:15- Night Swim (PG-13) CC: The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) The Boy and the Heron (PG-13)
6:30-9:15 Theatrical Engagement (PG) 6:55 5:15-8:00 2:00-4:30 12:40-3:50
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema Migration (PG) CC: 1:25 10:45 9:40-12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30 8:00
CC: 3:00 American Fiction (R) 1:15- The Beekeeper (R) 1:30-4:30- Poor Things (R) CC: 1:30-4:40 Abo Nassab 5:10-7:50
807 V Street Northwest The Hunger Games: The Ballad If You Are the One 3 (Fei cheng I.S.S. (R) (!) 7:45-11:00 Ferrari (R) 5:05 The Beekeeper (R) 12:20-3:20-
4:40-7:30 7:15-10:00 Anyone But You (R) CC: 2:10- The Beekeeper (R) 1:50-4:30-
Wonka (PG) 4:20-7:20 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- wu rao III) 2:05 Origin (PG-13) (!) 6:30-10:15 Poor Things (R) 10:05-1:05- 7:20 6:10-9:05
Night Swim (PG-13) 4:40-7:10 13) CC: 7:10
Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:30-1:30- Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) Mean Girls (PG-13) (!) 2:30-3:15- 4:50-7:30 4:10-7:00
I.S.S. (R) 4:00-7:10 American Fiction (R) 12:10-
AMC St. Charles Town Ctr 9 3:30-4:30-7:10 3:00-6:00-9:10 6:45-10:15 American Fiction (R) CC: 1:35- Maestro (R) 10:00-4:00 3:10-6:15-9:10
Anyone But You (R) 5:00-7:50 Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D 4:20-7:10 Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-
11115 Mall Circle All Of Us Strangers (R) 7:15 The Iron Claw (R) 11:45AM American Fiction (R) 9:45-12:05- 7:00 The Iron Claw (R) 3:40
The Iron Claw (R) 4:10-7:00 Experience (R) CC: 2:00 All Of Us Strangers (R) CC:
Mean Girls (PG-13) 4:50-6:30- Night Swim (PG-13) CC: Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00-2:30-
VIRGINIA 2:50-5:30-8:05
All Of Us Strangers (R) 9:50- 12.12: The Day (Seoul Spring) Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:00-1:00-
7:30 1:10-4:15 (PG-13) CC: 1:45-4:45-7:45 3899 Branch Avenue
1:20-4:20 3:00-4:00-6:00-7:00-9:00
The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: Regal Rockville Center
AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 Origin (PG-13) CC: 7:00-7:50 12:10-2:35-4:55-7:15
Landmark E Street Cinema Poor Things (R) CC: 1:00 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 2150 Clarendon Blvd. Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 2:30- Wonka (PG) 3:40 Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 1:00-4:15-7:30 (PG-13) 5:00-8:00 199 East Montgomery Avenue Freud's Last Session (PG-13) 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
555 11th Street Northwest The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: 5:20-8:10 Regal Fox & IMAX
CC: 2:00-4:10-6:10-9:10 Wonka (PG) 1:15-4:15-7:15 The Color Purple (PG-13) Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 1:20 9:55-12:15-2:40-7:40
Poor Things (R) 3:45-7:25 AMC Tysons Corner 16 22875 Brambleton Plaza Aquaman and The Lost
Migration (PG) CC: 1:45-4:15- 4:35-7:45 (PG-13) 12:55
The Teachers' Lounge 4:00-6:45 Anyone But You (R) CC: 1:15- 6:45 Night Swim (PG-13) 5:30-8:30 Wonka (PG) CC: 12:30-5:30-8:15 7850e Tysons Corner Center
Cinemark Centreville 12
Wonka (PG) 11:00-1:50-4:40- Kingdom (PG-13) 11:30-2:35-
3:50-6:35-9:10 Wonka (PG) 2:00-5:00-8:00 6201 Multiplex Drive 5:50-9:05
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 12:10-
7:00 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:45- Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 12:45- The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Migration (PG) 2:40-5:10-7:50
Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 7:30-9:50 The Color Purple (PG-13) 12:40
3:15-5:45-8:15 4:00-7:00 Night Swim (PG-13) 2:50-5:40- (PG-13) CC: 1:25-4:30-7:30 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu)
American Fiction (R) 3:15-7:15 4:30-7:15 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Wonka (PG) CC: 12:15-3:05-
(PG-13) 7:30
11:50-1:00-3:10-4:30-6:40-8:00- Wonka (PG) 12:15-3:15-6:15-
The Beekeeper (R) 4:45-7:35 8:10
All Of Us Strangers (R) 3:00-7:45 American Fiction (R) CC: 1:25- CC: 1:30-4:45-8:00 CC: 1:30-4:30-7:20 5:50-8:40
Ayalaan (Tamil) 1:20-8:20
10:10 9:15
3:40-6:25-9:15 Mean Girls (PG-13) 4:30-7:30 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Migration (PG) 1:50-4:15-6:40-
Origin (PG-13) 5:00-8:00 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 2:15- 1:20-4:20 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Migration (PG) CC: 1:35-6:15 Migration (PG) 11:50AM
Mean Girls (PG-13) 3:30-7:30 Migration 3D (PG) CC: 3:50 Regal Cinemas Majestic CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00 1:40-4:55-8:10 9:10
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 2:00- 5:00-7:45 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) The Hunger Games: The Ballad Captain Miller (Tamil) 5:00 Dunki 4:05
Memory (R) 4:30 Stadium 20 & IMAX Anyone But You (R) CC: 12:00- Night Swim (PG-13) 1:30-4:10-
5:00-8:00 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 2:15- 900 Ellsworth Drive 2:10-5:30-8:30
of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- Night Swim (PG-13) 1:15-5:15- Night Swim (PG-13) 2:20-4:50- 6:50-9:25
Regal Gallery Place I.S.S. (R) CC: 4:00-6:30-9:00 5:15-8:15 Anyone But You (R) 1:50-4:30- 13) CC: 12:20 7:50-10:25 7:20-10:20
Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom The Beekeeper (R) CC: 12:20- Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Hindi) The Boys in the Boat (PG-13)
701 Seventh Street Northwest Origin (PG-13) CC: 5:00-8:15 I.S.S. (R) 4:00-6:30 (PG-13) 12:00-3:00-6:00-9:10 7:20 Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Saindhav (Telugu) 2:15-5:05- 12:00-3:00-6:00-9:00
Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Freud's Last Session (PG-13) Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:15 The Color Purple (PG-13) 12:00- The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) 2:55-5:10-7:50 Experience (R) CC: 2:10 8:00 11:40-7:10
The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:00- Night Swim (PG-13) CC:
(PG-13) 12:50-3:50 CC: 7:00 Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD 3:20-6:40-10:00 1:00-4:00-7:10 Anyone But You (R) 4:45-10:30 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 11:40-2:40-5:40-8:40
Wonka (PG) 12:40-3:30-6:20-9:10 Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX 7000 Arundel Mills Circle Wonka (PG) 12:25-3:30-6:25- The Beekeeper (R) 12:50-3:30- 2:50-5:40-8:30 1:00-3:40 The Beekeeper (R) 1:50-4:35-
Anyone But You (R) 11:55-2:50-
Night Swim (PG-13) 12:20- Experience CC: 6:00-8:30 6:20 I.S.S. (R) CC: 4:40-7:10 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) The Beekeeper (R) 1:20-4:10-
The Beekeeper (R) XD: 11:00- 9:25 7:20-10:05 5:30-8:20
6:50-9:30 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 3:00- American Fiction (R) 2:30- AMC Hoffman Center 22 CC: 1:50-4:50-8:00 7:00-9:20
1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 Migration (PG) 1:05-3:45-6:15- Anyone But You (R) 2:25-7:40 The Beekeeper (R) 11:45-2:30-
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 6:00-9:00 5:50-8:40 206 Swamp Fox Rd. Ferrari (R) CC: 8:35 The Iron Claw (R) 1:00-4:30- The Beekeeper: The IMAX
Mean Girls (PG-13) XD: 1:00- 9:05 Experience (R) 1:00-3:50 5:20-8:10
4:20-7:30 AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 4:00-7:00-10:00; 1:30-1:55-4:30- Captain Miller (Tamil) 12:20 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:45-2:20- Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Poor Things (R) CC: 9:00 7:00-9:10 Godzilla Minus One (PG-13)
Anyone But You (R) 1:30-4:10- 3:40-5:20-6:50-8:20 (PG-13) CC: 3:00-6:00-9:00 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 1:55- Naa Saami Ranga 3:30-9:55
9811 Washingtonian Center 4:45-7:30-7:35-10:25-10:30 Night Swim (PG-13) 12:40-3:20- Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:50-3:50- 8:50
6:50-9:40 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 6:10-9:10 Founders Day (R) 7:30 Wonka (PG) CC: 1:15-4:00- CC: 1:55-5:10-8:15 5:10-8:30 I.S.S. (R) 4:00-6:40-9:30
The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom (PG-13) 11:30-1:35-7:35-10:35 Saindhav (Telugu) 4:40-8:05 I Did It My Way 4:10-7:00 7:00-9:45 Anyone But You (R) CC: 12:10- Wonka (PG) 2:05-4:05-6:50- 6:50-7:40-9:50-10:35
(PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:10-10:15 Migration (PG) 12:00-2:35-5:05 Mean Girls (PG-13) 11:50-2:50-
The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: The Color Purple (PG-13) 11:45- Poor Things (R) 1:25-5:00-8:30 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) 3:00-5:40-8:25 10:20 4:20-5:50-7:20
The Beekeeper (R) 1:00-3:40-
12:00-3:10-6:20-9:30 3:15-6:40-10:00 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Theatrical Engagement (PG) 9:00 The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) Migration (PG) 2:00-4:10-6:40- Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX Founders Day (R) 7:00-9:40
6:30-9:10 1:10-3:50-6:40 Migration (PG) CC: 2:00-4:30- 12:45-6:10 10:10 Experience 6:40-9:30
Wonka (PG) 11:00-1:55-4:50- 12:00-3:15-6:30-9:45 Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 12:10
Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) 7:50 Wonka (PG) CC: 12:30-3:20- 7:45-10:40 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Hindi) Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX 7:00-9:30 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 12:05- Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom
6:15-9:15 (PG-13) 12:45-7:45 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special
American Fiction (R) 1:50-
Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Ayalaan (Tamil) 11:35-6:55 12:25 1419 South Main Chapel Way The Hunger Games: The Ballad 2:45-5:25-8:05 (PG-13) 1:05-3:50-9:45 Theatrical Engagement (PG)
4:40-7:40 Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) Ayalaan (Tamil) 11:05-2:40-
7:05-9:10 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Anyone But You (R) 12:30 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- 1:40-4:40-7:45 Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:30-4:20-
6:20-9:00 12:30-3:30
The Iron Claw (R) 12:10-3:20 (PG-13) 12:15-3:20-6:20-9:20 13) CC: 1:00-9:30 7:10-10:00
I.S.S. (R) 4:00-6:30-9:10 Migration (PG) CC: 12:00-2:30- 3:15-10:35 The End We Start From (R) American Fiction (R) CC: 12:25- Captain Miller (Tamil) 12:00 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:20-3:20-
4:55-7:20-9:45 Trolls Band Together (PG) 4:00-6:50-9:45 The Color Purple (PG-13) 12:10- Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 3:15-6:05-8:55 Cinemark Saindhav (Telugu) 12:10-6:35 6:20-9:20
Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:00-1:00- The Hunger Games: The Ballad 11:00-11:25 The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) 3:40-7:10 4:30-7:00 Fairfax Corner and XD
3:00-4:00-6:00-7:10-9:00 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) The Iron Claw (R) CC: 3:50 Anyone But You (R) 11:35-2:15- Smithsonian -
of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- Migration (PG) 11:50-2:20-4:50- 12:10-6:25 Wonka (PG) 12:00-3:00-6:10-
Migration 3D (PG) CC: 3:55
11900 Palace Way
4:55-7:35-10:15 Airbus IMAX Theater
Soul (2020) - Pixar Special 13) CC: 3:35 7:20-9:50 Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) 9:10 CC: 3:00-6:00-9:00
Theatrical Engagement (PG) I.S.S. (R) CC: 4:00-6:30-9:00 Aquaman and The Lost The Beekeeper (R) 3:20-6:10 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
Night Swim (PG-13) CC: The Hunger Games: The Ballad 3:10-9:35 Migration (PG) 12:20-2:50-5:30 Ferrari (R) CC: 3:45 Kingdom (PG-13) 12:30-3:30- I.S.S. (R) 4:00-6:30-9:00 Journey to Space (NR) 10:20-
1:20-4:00-6:40-9:20 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:00-
1:45-4:25 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- The Iron Claw (R) 1:20 Night Swim (PG-13) 12:05-2:40- Poor Things (R) CC: 3:00-6:15 6:35-9:35 Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 11:00- 3:00-5:05
Founders Day (R) 7:00-9:40 13) 11:30-3:05 5:15-8:00 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 2:55-5:55-8:50
The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) I.S.S. (R) 4:00-6:45-9:30 Wonka (PG) 1:00-4:00-7:10- 2:30-3:40-6:00-9:30-9:55 Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) CC: 12:15-3:15-6:15-9:15 Captain Miller (Tamil) 11:25AM The Book of Clarence (PG-13) CC: 3:30-6:30-9:30 Origin (PG-13) CC: 5:00-8:20 10:10
1:10 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:30-1:00- The Beekeeper (R) 12:30-10:35 the Seas 12:40
Poor Things (R) CC: 12:20-10:25 Wish (PG) 11:05-12:20 2:05-3:40-4:10-5:15-6:50-7:30- 12:40-3:50-7:20 Anyone But You (R) CC: 1:15- Freud's Last Session (PG-13) Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu)
The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) CC: 7:00 To Fly! (1976) (NR) 4:30
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Saindhav (Telugu) 3:20 8:35-10:00 Anyone But You (R) 12:20-2:55- 4:15-7:00-9:45 2:20-5:55-9:30 Regal Kingstowne & RPX
1:40 5:45-8:35 The End We Start From (R) CC: Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center Deep Sky: The IMAX 2D Experi-
CC: 12:30-3:30-6:30 Night Swim (PG-13) 11:00-2:30- The Beekeeper: The IMAX Migration (PG) 11:50-1:15-2:45- ence 10:55-1:20-3:40
The Beekeeper (R) 12:30-3:10- Experience (R) 12:15-3:10 The Beekeeper (R) 12:40-3:30- 4:00-6:45-9:30 Experience CC: 6:00-8:30 5:15-7:45-10:15 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom
8:40; 5:50 Anyone But You (R) CC: 1:30- 5:05-7:40-10:15
Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
4:15-7:00-9:45 Poor Things (R) 12:35-3:55- Founders Day (R) 4:00-7:00- 6:10-9:00 The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Night Swim (PG-13) 12:10 (PG-13) 8:55
The Iron Claw (R) 7:50 2:15-8:00 Theatrical Engagement (PG) The Color Purple (PG-13) (NR) 11:45AM
The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) 7:15-10:35 10:00 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13)
MARYLAND 1:15-9:30 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 12:50- I.S.S. (R) 4:30-7:00-9:40 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:00- CC: 2:15 12:45-3:45-6:55-9:55 1:20-2:55 The Dream is Alive (NR) 2:10
AFI Silver Theatre The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:30- 12:15-2:55-3:30-6:10-6:45-9:30- 4:40-8:30 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:30-3:30- 3:30-6:15-9:00 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:15- The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Wonka (PG) 12:20-6:05 University Mall Theatres
Cultural Center 4:15-7:00-9:45 10:10 6:30-9:30 Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) 4:15-7:15 Migration (PG) 12:45 10659-A Braddock Road
Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX 12:20-3:35-6:50-10:05
8633 Colesville Road Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) Anyone But You (R) 11:05-1:45- Experience 6:00-8:45 The Beekeeper: The IMAX 3:30-6:30-9:30 AMC Worldgate 9 Anyone But You (R) 11:50-2:30- Captain Miller (Tamil) 3:20-7:05 Wonka (PG) 12:20-2:40-5:00-
Poor Things (R) 2:45 1:15-4:15-7:15-10:15 4:35-7:25-10:05 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Experience (R) 1:50-4:40 American Fiction (R) CC: 3:15- 13025 Worldgate Drive 5:10-7:50-10:30 Night Swim (PG-13) 1:45-4:40- 7:15
The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) American Fiction (R) CC: 12:45- The End We Start From (R) Theatrical Engagement (PG) Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX 6:15-9:15 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 3:45- The Beekeeper (R) 12:55-3:40- 7:30 Migration (PG) 12:00-2:00-4:00-
12:00 3:45-6:15-9:50 7:45-10:25 12:50-3:50-6:40-9:40 Experience 7:20-9:50 The Iron Claw (R) CC: 2:45-6:00 6:15-8:45 6:30-9:15 Saindhav (Telugu) 2:20-5:35-8:50 6:00-8:00
American Fiction (R) OC: 1:30; The Iron Claw (R) CC: 12:15- The Beekeeper (R) 11:20-2:05- The Beekeeper (R) 12:45-1:15- Soul (2020) - Pixar Special The- I.S.S. (R) CC: 4:00-6:30-9:00 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 2:30- American Fiction (R) 12:00-2:55- The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) The Beekeeper (R) 12:30-2:50-
11:00-4:00-5:30-8:00 3:20-6:30-9:45 4:50-7:35-10:20 3:40-4:00-6:30-7:00-9:30-10:00 atrical Engagement (PG) 12:10 Origin (PG-13) CC: 5:00-8:15 5:15-8:00 5:50-8:45 1:10-4:25-7:40 5:05-7:30

Retropolis Stories of the past, rediscovered.
C6 EZ RE the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024




f Q J 10 9 5 2
g Q64
f AQ
g Q7
f K874 f 63
g 5 g J 10 9
g J964 g K8
f A
g AK8732
f K
g A 10 5 3 2

The bidding:
1g Pass 1f Pass
3g Pass 3g Pass
4g Pass 5f Pass
Opening lead 4 f J

<G oing to church on

Super Bowl Sunday?= I
asked Unlucky Louie. His fam-
ily attends a nearby house of
<The Vestry has some
plans,= Louie said. <If our
pastor preaches an espe-
cially inspiring sermon,
we9re dumping a cooler of
At six hearts, South took
the king of diamonds and
led a club to the queen. East
won and led a trump. South
won with the ace, took the
ace of clubs and ruffed a
club low in dummy. Alas, East
overruffed and led his last
trump, and South went down
If a partner of mine made
the slam, he would earn my
bath. South can take the A-Q
of diamonds, pitching the
ace of spades. He leads the
queen of spades and dis-
cards a club.
West does best to duck,
and South leads the jack,
throwing another club. West
ducks again. On the next
spade, East discards; if he
ruffs, South can make an
overtrick. South discards CHRIS BROWNE
another club and will finish
with 12 tricks, losing only a
spade to the king.
You hold:
f Q J 10 9 5 2 g Q 6 4
You open one spade, your
partner bids two diamonds,
you rebid two spades and he
tries three hearts. What do
you say?
be right if partner9s clubs are
A-x-x. Since your spade suit
can play opposite no sup-
port, a rebid of three spades
might be right. I would bid
four diamonds. The A-Q look
like good support. Picture
partner with 4, A K 10 5 3, K
J 9 6 5 4, A.
4 Frank Stewart





thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C7



You9re a dreamer. You
have excellent powers
of imagination, plus
a quick wit and a
flippant style. This is the final
year of a nine-year cycle for
you, which means it9s time to
let go of people, places and
things that have held you
back. Commune with nature.

Moon Alert: Avoid shopping

3 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. today.
After that, the Moon moves
from Aries into Taurus.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
This is an excellent day for
financial planning or drawing
up a budget. Research will pay
off. A discussion with someone
older or more experienced
could be helpful to you.
Meanwhile, you might earn
praise from bosses, parents
and VIPs for your practical
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
This will be a productive day
for you because the Moon is in
your sign dancing beautifully
with Saturn, which in turn is
lined up with Mercury. It9s an
excellent day to make travel
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Any kind of behind-the-scenes
research will pay off today and
ultimately benefit your partner,
shared property or discussions
about inheritances, insurance
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Important discussions
might take place today. They
might initiate with a female
colleague, either a friend
or a member of a group. It
could involve travel plans or
something to do with higher
education or legal matters that
involve your partner or spouse.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
People notice you today. One
STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER DAN SCHKADE of the things they might notice
DUSTIN FLASH GORDON is your practical suggestions
that relate to work, your health
or a pet. These suggestions
might involve reducing costs or
getting the best bang for your
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
You will be productive today
because you want to explore
new ideas and go beyond your
comfort zone or your daily
habits. As a result, discussions
with your kids or your partner
might result in fabulous travel
plans or something to do with
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
This is an excellent day for
discussions about taxes, debt,
shared property, inheritances
and all that red-tape stuff that
we like to avoid. Practical ideas
about how to make home
repairs or improve a family
situation could be a result that
benefits everyone. Bravo!
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Be receptive to suggestions
from others, especially
because they might have some
practical ideas that will benefit
you or your kids. Sit down and
learn something new.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Your efficiency and
effectiveness at work (or in any
job that you set for yourself
today) will result in solidifying
or improving your home base
in some way. You might see
ways to boost your earnings,
which will bring this about.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
This is a solid, practical and
productive day! Listen to the
advice of others. Likewise,
share your own wise words
about how to do things, how to
cut costs, how to save money
and how to reduce waste.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Research plus the advice
of someone older or more
experienced might help you
in matters related to real
estate or a family situation.
It9s possible for you to get
improving your home this year.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
Make an effort to share
ideas with others, especially
someone younger, because
the result will be a practical
advantage. Or perhaps the
advantage is important
information that you need to
4 Georgia Nicols



More online: Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071;; 202-334-4775.
C8 eZ Re the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

Details on Charles9s ascent, with a pro-establishment bent

book woRld from C1 in the House of Windsor. It9s also mention of Elizabeth9s remarks to Jeffrey Epstein <make any pros-
decidedly pro-establishment. Commonwealth leaders days ear- pect of public rehabilitation im-
new book reports 4 and learned Consider how Hardman de- lier that it was her <sincere wish= possible for the Duke in the
en route that the queen had died. fends longtime lady-in-waiting that her son would eventually foreseeable future.= As for An-
Journalist robert Hardman Susan Hussey (<among the most hold the role. The BBC9s diplo- drew9s sizable home near Wind-
details Elizabeth9s final hours and trusted of the trusted=) when she matic correspondent called her sor Castle, <there will be no evic-
her son9s nascent reign in <The made global headlines in 2022 speech <the culmination of a con- tion order from the King,= though
making of a King: King Charles after a guest at a Buckingham certed operation by the British Charles does expect his brother to
III and the modern monarchy.= Palace reception tweeted that a government and royal establish- cover security costs.
Among the bits that royal watch- royal aide 4 later revealed to be Ultimately, ment to present this decision as a on race and reparations, Hard-
ers will gobble like chocolates: Hussey 4 had approached the fait accompli against which it man presents Charles as carefully
l In her final red box of state woman, moved her hair to read Hardman writes not would be almost impossible to studying past events 4 and ar-
papers, Elizabeth left sealed let- her name tag and asked repeated- argue.= gues that there is peril in attempt-
ters for her oldest son and princi- ly, <Where are you from?= <There another biography Yet Hardman credits the ing, centuries later, to assign lia-
pal private secretary. <We will was no recording and, thus, no queen9s 2022 announcement of bility for past atrocities. The king
probably never know what they transcript,= Hardman writes, <but of Charles but about her <sincere wish= that Charles9s <could find himself in constitu-
said,= Hardman writes. Ngozi fulani9s version had been second wife, Camilla, be known tional trouble= were he to make
l After Prince Harry and his endorsed by two witnesses and factors shaping as queen consort with smoothing decisions or statements that <cut
wife, meghan, Duchess of Sussex, was not challenged by the Palace.= the way to that title. across British government policy,
announced in 2021 that the Though he notes palace sensitivi- his early reign. Hardman, whose previous be it regarding slavery, repara-
queen had blessed the couple9s ty to claims of institutional rac- works include biographies of tions or ownership of museum
decision to call their daughter DaIly MaIl UK ism and its need to be seen acting Elizabeth, wrote and co-pro- artifacts.= As one adviser put it:
Lilibet, the monarch9s childhood Author Robert Hardman. fast, Hardman also writes: <Just duced the recent BBC documen- <It9s all very well people constant-
nickname, the queen was <as as she9d always done for more tary <Charles III: The Coronation ly demanding historic apologies
angry as I9d ever seen her,= a ingham Palace refuses to com- than sixty years, Sue Hussey had Year.= Interviews for that pro- from the King, but it is not always
staffer later said. ment on claims that she had bone been trying to strike up conversa- gram inform this book, which is clear who should be apologizing
l Contradicting Harry9s ac- cancer, Hardman notes.) tion with nervous guests at a liberally laced with quotes from for what.=
count that he learned of his l The queen9s private secretary daunting reception. It had been a the king9s sister, Anne, Princess Ultimately, Hardman writes
grandmother9s death from the summarized her final minutes for well-intentioned attempt to seek royal, as well as from Camilla9s not another biography of Charles
BBC, a palace staffer claims that posterity. <Slipped away. old age,= some sort of common ground. sister, Annabel Elliot. Hardman but about factors shaping his
there were repeated attempts to reads part of a short memo stored one of those guests, however, had also draws on conversations he early reign and predicts he will
inform him, <but no calls were in the royal Archives. <She clearly felt marginalized and un- had with Charles for earlier proj- happily carry on <as long as he
going through because Harry was wouldn9t have been aware of any- welcome as a result.= ects. has Queen Camilla at his side.=
airborne.= thing. No pain.= In multiple references to The book includes historical Easy as Hardman makes this
l Some at the palace worried <This is not an authorized por- Charles9s position as head of the information on Elizabeth9s 1953 story to read, the tale evokes an
less about what Harry9s memoir, trait of Charles III,= Hardman Commonwealth, Hardman lauds coronation and touches on vari- element of the criticism he levels
<Spare,= said than its <relative writes. <It is, however, an authori- the king9s work over time: <Since The MaKIng ous issues facing the monarchy at Harry and meghan9s Netflix
lack of detail= about recent life tative one since I have been able the role is not hereditary, it was of a KIng today. Will it be <slimmed down=? program: <not so much a docu-
events, which they thought <sug- to hear from those who have not always clear whether Prince King Charles III <The idea has been shelved= now mentary series as a curated self-
gested either a sequel or, perhaps, played a key role in this pivotal Charles would indeed take over. and the Modern that fewer relatives are <working= portrait.=
a memoir by meghan in due period in royal history.= Put an- Ultimately, his dedication to both Monarchy (read: funded) royals. Could
course.= other way: Hardman, who had the organization and to the envi- By Robert Prince Andrew be rehabbed? The autumn Brewington, a journalist in
l The queen had <multiple= access to royal records, friends ronment resulted in a unanimous Hardman headlines 4 and acrimony 4 Washington, wrote The Washington
health conditions and knew she and staff, has assembled an im- endorsement, in 2018.= Pegasus. revived by legal documents Post9s newsletter on the British royal
would not live to age 100. (Buck- pressive account of recent events oddly, Hardman makes no 464 pp. $35 linked to convicted sex offender family.

After nearly a decade, 990s hitmaker No Doubt to reunite at Coachella festival

fans haven9t seen the group
Band helped create wave onstage together since 2015, when
of mainstream visibility the bandmates performed at sev-
eral music festivals, such as rock
for ska punk music in rio in Las Vegas and riot fest in
Chicago. No Doubt9s last album,
<Push and Shove,= was released in
No Doubt was established in
No Doubt, the pop rock band Anaheim, Calif, in 1986. While the
popular in the 1990s and early group9s self-titled debut album
2000s for hits such as <Don9t didn9t gain much popularity, the
Speak= and <Just a Girl,= will be band9s third album, <Tragic King-
reuniting onstage after nearly 10 dom= 4 which featured <Excuse
years to perform at this year9s me mr.= and <Spiderwebs= 4 was a
Coachella music festival. chart-topping success, ushering in
The four-member ska punk a wave of mainstream visibility for
group, which consists of lead sing- ska punk music in the mid-1990s.
er Gwen Stefani, bassist Tony Ka- In the late 990s and early 2000s,
nal, drummer Adrian Young and No Doubt9s accolades rolled in.
guitarist Tom Dumont, hinted at a The band garnered two Grammy
comeback in a video sketch posted wins, for <Underneath It All= and
to No Doubt9s social media ac- <Hey Baby,= along with five mTV
counts Tuesday. Video music Awards and a Bill-
<Just a Girl= played in the back- board music Video Award.
ground of the clip as Stefani Since then, Stefani has crafted
showed off artwork she made for her own career as a solo artist in
<The Beacon Street Collection,= the electropop and r&B genres,
the band9s second album, which releasing songs such as <Holla-
helped them soar to commercial back Girl= and <The Sweet Es-
success. After the trip down mem- cape,= and has served as a judge on
ory lane, she texted Kanal, and <The Voice.= Kanal, Young and Du-
they coordinated a virtual No mont have formed a new wave
Doubt meetup. group called Dreamcar with AfI
<We should do a show!= Kanal lead singer Davey Havok.
said to his bandmates on the call. Coachella announced Lana Del
They all happily agreed. rey, Doja Cat and Tyler, the Cre-
Shortly after the teaser video ator as headliners for the music
was posted, the reunion venue festival this year, which runs April
was revealed: <We9ll see you in the 12-14 and April 19-21. other artists
desert this April!!!= the band post- noaM galaI/geTTy IMages set to take the stage are Peso Plu-
ed on social media, along with No doubt performs on the National Mall in washington in 2015. known for hits such as <don9t Speak= and <Just a Girl,= the band won ma, Ice Spice, Jhené Aiko and the
Coachella9s signature poster of two Grammys, along with five MTV Video Music Awards and a billboard Music Video Award. The group9s last album came out in 2012. British rock band Blur.

Niece may not realize that her wedding plan is inconsiderate to older guests
Adapted from an themselves at this wedding, and I you are using concern for older
online discussion. do not think they will without relatives as a way to talk about
more accommodation. How do I that. Take a deep breath and let
dear Carolyn: my bring this up to my niece in a way your niece plan a wedding you
niece is getting that preserves our relationship? don9t particularly like. This is not
married soon. I or do I just attend and try to help your problem to solve.
Carolyn feel she is out as I see people needing it? l I think the letter writer has a
Hax inconsiderate to 4 Anonymous fair point. We, with a bunch of
some of her older other tourists, ran into a wedding
guests, and I don9t Anonymous: <Inconsiderate= at Jamestown, Va. An obviously
know how to, or whether I may be technically correct 4 she distressed grandmother and
should, bring this up to her. The is not considering the needs of several other elderly relatives
shower was a few weeks ago at a this cohort 4 but it packs an were struggling to walk on the
brewery. It was loud and accusation that won9t necessarily stony and uneven paths. It was a
outdoors, and the food was all help. typical humid Virginia day, and it
snacky bar food. older guests I also wonder at your standing was about a mile back to the
seemed uncomfortable. The here as her aunt or uncle and not parking lot and bathrooms in the
wedding sounds like it will be a parent or wedding party visitor center from the wedding
similar: It is at a state park, and member. site. The bride and groom were
the meal is food trucks. Trekking If you are close to your niece just prancing around posing for
around a state park, waiting in and if she has been asking for photos, oblivious to it all. I really
line for food, an outdoor venue, your input, then by all means felt for the older folks whose
public bathrooms: All of these mention that you have some comfort had not been considered
nIcK galIfIanaKIs foR THe WasHIngTon PosT
things are difficult to do when ideas for older guests if she9s in the interests of a picturesque
you are older or have mobility interested in hearing them. make venue.
issues. your affection for the couple problems. They want to hear couple9s choices. suggest someone help take orders
my niece and her future clear, as well as your solutions. If that, too, would be an for the older guests and wait in Write to carolyn Hax at
husband are really great people. I understanding that people who If you are not already in the overreach given your relationship line for them at the food trucks. If get her column
think they might not even realize don9t need to think this way (yet) position of advising your niece, with them, then your best option you just don9t like the party being delivered to your inbox each morning
this is an issue, because young often don9t. then talk to your niece9s parent(s). is, yes, to let it play out and be planned, then no one is forcing at
people often don9t think about Then have actual ideas ready. Volunteer yourself to help with X, watchful for people who might you to go.
things like this. Think like an employee: Busy Y and Z accommodations if that need your help. l my impression reading your õ Join the discussion live at noon
I want my mother and some of supervisors 4 couples planning a lightens the family9s workload, readers9 thoughts: post is that your niece9s choices fridays at
the other older guests to enjoy wedding 4 don9t want to hear without saying boo about the l Perhaps you can volunteer or make you uncomfortable, and chats.

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SPORTS thursday, january 18 , 2024 Su D

At season9s
Caps stay
8in the mix9
Winning tight games
helps Capitals remain
a postseason contender


When the Washington Capi-

tals opened training camp in
september, Coach spencer Car-
bery had a distinct vision for how
his team was going to play. The
Capitals9 identity, in Carbery9s
view, rested on two elements:
hard work and attention to de-
<If you had to ask someone
that came to our game, 8What are
the Washington Capitals?9 I
would hope that there9s a com-
mon theme there,= Carbery said
sept. 23. <What I9m hoping for is
some of the things that I9ve
talked about from a competitive-
ness standpoint. How hard we
work. How difficult we are to
play against. 8Gosh, that team
backchecks so hard. Gosh, that
team closes your time and space.9
A hard, competitive team is num-
ber one.
<And then the second thing
that I would hope they say is:
greg FIuMe/geTTY IMAgeS 8That team is very, very orga-
<it's very draining,= Maryland guard Bri Mcdaniel, center, said of the terps9 inability to finish defensive possessions during Wednesday night9s loss in college park. nized. In all three zones, it seems
like everybody knows where they
should be. It seems like they all

Scramble drill
are on the same page with where
the puck9s going. It seems like
they9re never really out of posi-
tion. That9s a really, really orga-
nized and detailed team.9 =
Carbery9s overall vision for
hockey rests heavily on the con-
BY K AREEM C OPELAND was just very tiring. We9ve got to be better cepts of pace and connectedness,
ohio state 84, on that.= which in some ways created the
ohio state9s Cotie McMahon drove maryland 76 ohio state9s Jacy sheldon (10 points, impression that his inaugural
strong to the rim, withstood a foul, then five assists) and McMahon (14 points, team in Washington would be a
flipped the ball up and through the nine rebounds) are typically atop most run-and-gun, high-tempo, high-
basket before landing on the Xfinity Terps surrender too many opponents9 scouting reports, and the octane group. But there are
Center floor. she immediately popped second chances in home defeat Terps did a commendable job of keeping signs, even in Carbery9s first
up, let out a shout and stomped toward the duo from running wild. But 6-foot-4 discussion of what he wanted to
center court, her Kobe Bryant sneakers 4 forward Rebeka Mikulasikova (20 be the team9s identity, that he
one pink, one lime green 4 standing out but was doomed by its inability to collect points) and 6-1 guard Taylor Thierry (17 knew these Capitals would have
amid all the red and white. key rebounds in an 84-76 loss to the points) were a problem. to work hard to win games.
The ensuing free throw careened off No. 18 Buckeyes. The Terrapins (11-6, 3-3 Also a problem for the Terrapins: ohio At just over the halfway point
the rim, but the Buckeyes tracked it down Big Ten) squandered another opportu- state9s 19 offensive rebounds and 15 of the season, 42 games into the
to extend the possession. They got off nity to beat a ranked foe, falling to 0-3 second-chance points, 52 points in the 82-game slate, Washington is
another shot, then another and another. against teams in the top 25. paint and 18 points off turnovers. It was 21-15-6 and in a three-way tie for
The ball finally went in on the fourth <It9s very draining,= Maryland guard too much for the home team to overcome. fourth place in the Metropolitan
attempt, a McMahon layup, which ex- Bri McDaniel said. <We were doing good ohio state (14-3, 5-1) wasn9t dominant Division with 48 points. The
tended the visitors9 lead to nine points. on defense and then they get a rebound. offensively; it shot 4 for 26 (15.4 percent) Capitals are only one point out of
It was that kind of Wednesday night Then we9ve got to scramble again. They from beyond the arc, but it gave itself a wild-card spot; Toronto (21-
for Maryland, which played stout defense put up a shot, and [we] scramble again. It sEE MArylANd oN d4 13-8) and Tampa Bay (22-17-5)
occupy the two Eastern
sEE cApitAlS oN d3
Illinois at Maryland: Saturday, 1 p.m., Big Ten Network Plus | Maryland men: Jahmir Young9s 36 points aren9t enough at Northwestern. D2
Blues at Capitals
7 p.m., Monumental

NFL9s only absolute truth: Nothing is absolutely true Opportunities abound

This week, Nick
sirianni is looking
for Wizards9 newcomers
over his shoulder
for attempted recognition.=
assaults by Unseld is employing all the
Bagley, Livers join team tricks of his trade to get his new
Candace fans and avoiding needing extra options players acclimated because the
Buckner eye contact from Wizards are short on time.
amid rebuilding season They9re down a starting center,
Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie. He9s with Daniel Gafford in the con-
the coach who can hear the cussion protocol after hitting his
foreboding tick-tock, tick-tock of BY A VA W ALLACE head during Monday9s loss to the
a timer, the bumbling fool who Pistons, and have a daunting slate
lost his locker room and then lost For Marvin Bagley III and Isa- of opposing big men lurking on
in the first round of the NFC iah Livers9s first practice with the the schedule. After Thursday9s
playoffs, the stooge soon to be Washington Wizards on Wednes- game at the New York Knicks,
stressing over his fantasy football day, Coach Wes Unseld Jr. drew Victor Wembanyama and the san
lineup rather than a real one. not only from his playbook but Antonio spurs visit Capital one
For sure, his days are from Detroit Pistons Coach Mon- Arena on saturday, Nikola Jokic
numbered in Philadelphia. ty Williams9s as well. and the Denver Nuggets play
Also this week, Jared Goff is Unseld drilled his team on there sunday, and Karl-Anthony
what Lazarus would have been plays that share DNA with things Towns and Rudy Gobert of the
had he had a mean right arm. Detroit runs in an effort to get Minnesota Timberwolves visit
He9s the quarterback who Bagley and Livers, the big men next Wednesday.
resurrected his career with the the Wizards acquired sunday in a Gafford will not play Thursday
Detroit Lions and, in doing so, trade that sent Mike Muscala and at Madison square Garden, but as
has given new life to a long- Danilo Gallinari to the Pistons, of Wednesday afternoon Unseld
suffering fan base that hadn9t comfortable with Washington9s said the team had not decided
seen a playoff win in more than terminology as quickly as possi- whether Bagley will start in his
three decades. That is, until Dan ble. place. The Wizards generally
Campbell9s <stud= quarterback <I9m using [Detroit9s] play- view Bagley as an anchor for their
JulIo AguIlAr/geTTY IMAgeS
led sunday9s triumph at Ford book, things that they run that second unit, but moreover, hand-
Field. A year after guiding the Eagles to the Super Bowl, Nick Sirianni is facing criticism after a late collapse. are similar to us, so I9m able to ing a new player starting duties in
Certainly, Goff is the kind of yell out when we call his debut game in the middle of
screaming, conquering, that sprints and spreads basketball and hockey 4 along doesn9t deserve criticism for the something,= Unseld said. <And sEE WizArdS oN d3
victorious face of the Lions. everywhere after the final horn, with the outsize passion from its Eagles9 late-season collapse. It9s I9m like, 8Hey, that9s their whatev-
Carve them in stone. sirianni9s these are the absolute and final congregants that compel and the unstable narrative during his er.9 That helps facilitate that Wizards at Knicks
incompetence in Philly and Goff9s declarations. Maybe this time amplify overwrought responses. brief time in Philadelphia memory or even that 7:30 p.m., Monumental 2
legendary status in Motown are they9ll hold up through the Prudence has no home in the seemingly changing from week to
conclusive truths. And while lifetime of an entire NFL news NFL, and that9s why, after just week. If we9re keeping count,
we9re at it, so is the fact that Bryce cycle 4 all of six fleeting days. one round of the postseason, sirianni is the walking word
sports gAMBlIng pro FootBAll
Young is definitely a bust, This league, and especially manic obituaries and love letters salad who train-wrecked his way
Campbell is unquestionably a those who build their lives have been penned about the through his introductory news It9s not true that the house Despite another playoff
genius, and surely not even the around it, does not celebrate self- careers of so many players and conference. As well as the trash- always wins. And when it letdown, Jerry Jones and
Lusitania sank more dramatically restraint. Maybe it9s the coaches. talking idiot who can9t help
than the 2023 Dallas Cowboys. truncated season 4 in It9s not that sirianni, the young himself from going after doesn9t, books have found the Cowboys are sticking
Judging by the overreaction comparison with baseball, and brash third-year coach, sEE BuckNEr oN d3 ways to not pay out bets. A1 with Mike McCarthy. D3
d2 eZ su the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024


pro basketball spotligHt: m en9 s college basketba ll heard about the plan and would
need to review it.
Pacers acquire Siakam Diamond Sports filed for
in trade with Raptors bankruptcy early last year,
throwing the regional sports
The Toronto Raptors took network ecosystem into a state of
another major step in their uncertainty 4 and with it the
retooling efforts by agreeing to financial fortunes of a number of
trade Pascal Siakam to the teams. The company owns the
Indiana Pacers for a package that rights to broadcast games for
includes Bruce Brown, Jordan 11 MLB teams, 15 NBA teams and
Nwora and three first-round 11 NHL teams on its Bally Sports
draft picks, people with networks.
knowledge of the agreement Last season, Diamond Sports
confirmed Wednesday. rejected the TV contracts of the
Indiana will send a pair of San Diego Padres and Arizona
2024 first-round picks and its Diamondbacks, causing MLB to
2026 first-round pick to Toronto step in and assume control of
in the agreement, which was first broadcasts.
reported by ESPN. Local TV rights have long been
Siakam, 29, is a two-time all- a leading revenue source for
star forward who has spent his teams, especially in MLB, and
entire eight-year career with the contributed to increased player
Raptors. The 2016 first-round salaries and climbing team
pick was a major developmental valuations.
success story for Toronto, where Under the proposed
he emerged as a starter on the arrangement, Prime Video would
Raptors9 2019 championship become Diamond Sports9
team. primary partner through which
With Indiana, Siakam will join viewers would be able to
all-star guard Tyrese Haliburton purchase direct-to-consumer
in an up-tempo offense that access to stream local games. It is
ranks first in efficiency. Siakam, unclear whether those games
a native of Cameroon, also will would be available through a
give the Pacers a long and Prime Video subscription or if
versatile frontcourt defender to Amazon would charge an
pair with center Myles Turner. additional fee.
Toronto9s decision to part with Jeff Bezos, Amazon9s founder,
Siakam, who is seeking a long- owns The Washington Post.
term contract extension this 4 Ben Strauss and Chelsea Janes
summer, comes less than three
weeks after the Raptors traded soccer
forward OG Anunoby to the New
York Knicks for guards RJ Nottingham Forest,
Barrett and Immanuel Everton win in FA Cup
4 Ben Golliver Everton and Nottingham
Golden State Warriors Forest put aside their off-field
assistant coach Dejan Milojevic difficulties by winning FA Cup
died of a heart attack at 46, the replays to advance to the fourth
team announced Wednesday round.
afternoon, hours after the NBA They were playing two days
postponed Wednesday9s NAM Y. huh/AssoCIATed Press after being charged by the
scheduled game between the Maryland9s Jahmir Young, who poured in 36 points, drives against Northwestern9s Ty Berry in the Terps9 loss Wednesday. Premier League with breaches of
Warriors and Utah Jazz in Salt English soccer9s financial rules,
Lake City because of what had which could lead to points
been described as a medical
Milojevic was hospitalized
Young9s heroics are not enough for Terps deductions for two clubs who are
just above the EPL9s relegation
Tuesday night after suffering the A deep run would offer a
emergency during a <private F ROMNEWS SERVICES with 20 points, scored to give North- welcome distraction, and
team dinner,= according to an AND STAFF REPORTS NORTHWESTERN 72, western the lead back with 20.2 seconds Everton, which scored its most
initial brief statement from the MARYLAND 69 remaining. Young launched his final recent major trophy when it won
Warriors on Wednesday Jahmir Young delivered all the hero- jumper, which clanked off the left side of this competition in 1995, eked
morning. A subsequent ics Maryland could have asked for the rim, with less than 10 seconds to go. out a 1-0 victory over Crystal
statement said Milojevic died Wednesday night at Northwestern 4 After biggest win of season, Maryland returns to action at noon Palace thanks to Andre Gomes9s
Wednesday <despite life-saving except the finishing touch. Young9s final Maryland falls on road Sunday against Michigan State at Xfini- curling free kick from 25 meters
efforts.= field goal attempt, a contested jumper ty Center (CBS). at Goodison Park.
<We are absolutely devastated near the top of the key, was off-target, l NAVY 71, LEHIGH 69: Austin Be- Forest needed extra time
by Dejan9s sudden passing,= allowing host Northwestern to escape In a tightly contested game in which nigni scored 32 points, including two before seeing off third-tier
Warriors Coach Steve Kerr said with a 72-69 win at Welsh-Ryan Arena in no team led by more than six, North- free throws with two seconds left, as the Blackpool 3-2, with Chris Wood
in the statement. <This is a Evanston, Ill. western (13-4, 4-2) sealed a win by Midshipmen (7-9, 3-2 Patriot League) scoring the winner in the 110th
shocking and tragic blow for The Terrapins, coming off their big- making its free throws down the stretch edged the Mountain Hawks (4-12, 1-4) in minute after his team
everyone associated with the gest win of the season 4 a 76-67 victory (18 for 22 for the game). Annapolis. squandered a two-goal lead. . . .
Warriors and an incredibly at No. 10 Illinois, rode another outstand- Young took control after halftime for l KENTUCKY 90, MISSISSIPPI Girona is making a run for the
difficult time for his family, ing performance from Young (36 points, the Terps (11-7, 3-4), giving Maryland its STATE 77: In Lexington, Ky., Antonio Copa del Rey title in Spain. The
friends, and all of us who had the including 28 in the second half ). The first lead of the second half with a Reeves scored 27 points as the No. 8 Catalan club defeated Rayo
incredible pleasure to work with fifth-year senior made 12 of 19 shots three-pointer with 29.8 seconds remain- Wildcats (13-3, 3-1 SEC) gave Coach John Vallecano, 3-1, to reach the
him. In addition to being a from the field. ing. But Boo Buie, who led the Wildcats Calipari his 400th win at the school. quarterfinals for the first time in
terrific basketball coach, Dejan five years. . . .
was one of the most positive and Morocco earned a 3-0 win over
beautiful human beings I have Tanzania in its opening Africa
ever known.= t e l eVi sion a n d r ad i o Cup of Nations game in Abidjan,
Milojevic, a native of Serbia, Ivory Coast. The Atlas Lions are
played professionally for 15 nHl golF one of the pretournament
seasons in several European 7 p.m. st. louis at washington » Monumental sports Network, 1 p.m. lpga tour: tournament of champions, first round » Golf Channel
favorites after reaching the
countries, including Spain and WJFK (106.7 FM) 2 p.m. latin america amateur championship, first round » esPN2
World Cup semifinals in Qatar.
Turkey. Following his 2009 4 p.m. pga tour: american express, first round » Golf Channel Two-time champion Congo
retirement as a player, Milojevic nba 7 p.m. pga tour champions: mitsubishi electric championship, had 25 efforts at the goal as it was
began coaching in Serbia and 7:30 p.m. washington at new York » Monumental sports Network 2, first round » Golf Channel held, 1-1, by Zambia in the other
eventually joined Kerr9s staff in WTeM (980 AM) 2:30 a.m. dp world tour: dubai desert classic, second round » Golf Channel Group F game in San Pedro.
2021. 7:30 p.m. chicago at toronto » TNT (Friday)
10 p.m. memphis at minnesota » TNT, WsBN (630 AM)
Because of his experience as a soccer misc.
post player, the 6-foot-7 Milojevic men9s college basketball
was hired to help coach Golden 6:30 p.m. minnesota at michigan state » Fox sports 1
9 a.m. africa cup of nations, group a: guinea-bissau vs.
equatorial guinea » beIN sports
Gooden, Strawberry
State9s big men, including 2020 7 p.m. south Florida at memphis » esPN Noon africa cup of nations, group a: ivory coast vs. nigeria » to be honored by Mets
lottery pick James Wiseman and 7 p.m. wichita state at Florida atlantic » esPN2 beIN sports
center Kevon Looney. 7 p.m. Unc asheville at winthrop » esPNu 2 p.m. italian super cup, semifinal: napoli vs. Fiorentina » For most of their baseball
4 Ben Golliver 7 p.m. monmouth at drexel » CBs sports Network CBs sports Network lives, Dwight Gooden and
Oklahoma City9s Josh Giddey 8:30 p.m. illinois at michigan » Fox sports 1 3 p.m. africa cup of nations, group b: egypt vs. ghana » beIN sports Darryl Strawberry have been
9 p.m. oregon state at Utah » esPN2
will not face charges related to tennis linked, and this year is no
9 p.m. middle tennessee at Utep » CBs sports Network
an accusation that he had an 10:30 p.m. oregon at colorado » Fox sports 1 9 p.m. australian open, third round » esPN
different. After 2024, no player in
improper relationship with an 11 p.m. loyola marymount at san Francisco » CBs sports Network 3 a.m. australian open, third round » esPN2 the Mets organization will wear
underage girl, police in Newport (Friday) their Nos. 16 and 18; they will be
Beach, Calif., said when women9s college basketball retired at Citi Field in honor of
announcing they had closed 6 p.m. north carolina at georgia tech » ACC Network women9s Field HockeY Gooden and Strawberry,
their probe of the Thunder 7 p.m. purdue at penn state » Big Ten Network 6 a.m. olympic qualifying, semifinal: United states vs. Japan » respectively.
guard. 7 p.m. tennessee at mississippi state » seC Network CBs sports Network Gooden9s ceremony will take
8 p.m. Virginia tech at duke » ACC Network
In a statement, the place April 14, when the Mets
9 p.m. lsU at alabama » seC Network
department said its investigation play the Kansas City Royals,
was complete and detectives while Strawberry9s day will come
were <unable to corroborate any June 1, before New York faces the
criminal activity.= . . . Arizona Diamondbacks. . . .
Jayson Tatum scored 24 The Seattle Mariners added to
points, and Jaylen Brown record 24 Grand Slam titles. to fruition for the No. 17 seed and of <injuries within the program Barnett-Gay in an 81-65 loss to their bullpen by agreeing to a
returned from a one-game He then went on a roll, Maryland native, who was and in the interest of the health Lehigh (10-6, 2-3) in Bethlehem, one-year, $1.25 million contract
absence to score 21 and lead winning three straight games simply outplayed on the day. and safety of our student- Pa. with right-hander Austin Voth.
Boston to a 117-98 victory over from 2-2 in the fourth set before Tomas Machac delivered a athletes.= Voth, 31, made 25 relief
San Antonio in Spurs phenom finishing off Alexei Popyrin, 6-3, superb performance to eliminate The program announced it on tHe air appearances last season for the
Victor Wembanyama9s first 4-6, 7-6 (7-4), 6-3. Tiafoe, 6-4, 6-4, 7-6 (7-5). The would hold open tryouts Baltimore Orioles. . . .
game on the Celtics9 parquet The 36-year-old Serb then effort sends the 23-year-old Thursday and Friday for women Amazon will invest The NHL postponed
floor. Boston is 20-0 at home, a turned to the crowd again and through to the third round of a interested in joining the team for in Diamond Sports Wednesday night9s game
franchise record. yelled, pumping his fist to Grand Slam event for the first the rest of the season. . . . between the Chicago Blackhawks
The 7-foot-3 French rookie celebrate the victory. time in seven-main draw Kelsey Ransom scored 25 Retail giant Amazon is and Buffalo Sabres because of
finished with 27 points and five Asked later what triggered his appearances. points as Georgetown (13-4, 3-3 furthering its push into sports travel restrictions in western
rebounds in 27 minutes as the rage, Djokovic responded: <I Big East) posted a 73-71 win over programming with a proposed New York for extreme winter
Spurs lost their third straight mean, you don9t want to know.= college basketball Providence (8-11, 2-4) in Rhode investment in the struggling weather.
game. Last year9s losing finalist, Islander. . . . owner of regional sports The league announced the
Stefanos Tsitsipas, also had a Lacking players, TCU George Mason improved to networks. game would be played Thursday
tennis tough time against an Aussie cancels two games 13-3 overall and 4-1 in the Diamond Sports, which owns night instead. . . .
with the crowd behind him on an Atlantic 10 by cruising past Saint the rights to dozens of MLB, NBA The ACC accused Florida State
Djokovic has words adjacent court in Melbourne. Two TCU women9s basketball Louis (7-12, 2-4) at EagleBank and NHL teams and has been of breach of contract, saying the
with heckler in win Tsitsipas wasted match points in games were canceled because the Arena. . . . mired in bankruptcy Seminoles broke promises when
the 10th game of the fourth set team does not have enough American (6-10, 4-1 Patriot proceedings, announced the deal they legally challenged an
Already sick and tired in and then had to save four set available players, the Big 12 League) got 26 points from Ivy Wednesday. Amazon9s agreement that binds the school
another early-round slog, Novak points to force a tiebreaker, announced. Bales in a 59-55 loss to Loyola investment of $115 million is part to the league for the next dozen
Djokovic unloaded on a heckler which he clinched for a 4-6, 7-6 The Horned Frogs (14-4, 1-4 (7-9, 2-3) at Bender Arena. . . . of a restructuring plan that will years. . . .
at the Australian Open. (8-6), 6-2, 7-6 (7-4) win over Big 12) were scheduled to host Despite 22 points from Nya make a number of games Harvard football9s Tim
The defending champion Jordan Thompson. No. 7 Kansas State on Wednesday Robertson, George Washington available to stream on Prime Murphy, the winningest coach in
angrily challenged the spectator Meanwhile, Frances Tiafoe and visit No. 24 Iowa State on (8-9, 1-4 Atlantic 10) suffered a Video. Ivy League history, announced
to <say that to my face= and hoped to join U.S. countrymen Saturday. 71-53 loss to Dayton (8-9, 2-4) in The deal must be approved by his retirement after 30 years at
gestured to the man to come and fellow top-20 competitors In a post on social media, the Ohio. . . . a bankruptcy court. At a hearing the school.
down onto the Rod Laver Arena Taylor Fritz and Ben Shelton in TCU athletic department said Navy (5-11, 1-4 Patriot League) Wednesday, lawyers for MLB and 4 From news services
court, the venue for 10 of his the third round. It did not come the games were canceled because got 18 points from Zanai the NBA said they had only just and staff reports
thursday, january 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ Su d3


Cowboys will keep McCarthy in place after their disastrous playoff meltdown
F ROM NEWS SERVICES to six Super Bowl victories over 24 dacted records. mayo is not shying away from
AND STAFF REPORTS seasons, and mike Vrabel, the Asked for comment Wednes- what it means to him to be the
2021 NfL coach of the year who day, a Colts spokesman said: Patriots9 first Black head coach in
The Dallas Cowboys are keep- was fired last week by the Tennes- <mr. Irsay continues to recover a league that had just three at the
ing mike mcCarthy as their coach, see Titans. from his respiratory illness. We start of the 2023 season: mike
even after their latest postseason <Specifically, there are many will have no further comment on Tomlin (Pittsburgh), Todd Bowles
disappointment. layers of success that have oc- his personal health, and we con- (Tampa Bay) and Demeco ryans
Cowboys owner Jerry Jones de- curred this season as a result of tinue to ask that Jim and his (Houston).
cided to retain mcCarthy for next mike9s approach to leading the family9s privacy be respected.= <You9d better believe being the
season, he said in a statement team, both with individual play- 4 Rick Maese first Black coach here in New
released by the team Wednesday ers and with our team collective- l PAtRIOtS: Jerod mayo will England means a lot to me,= mayo
night. ly,= Jones said in the statement. be a first-time head coach 4 and said, adding later, <I do see color
<I believe this team is very close <mike has the highest regular sea- the youngest in the NfL. because I believe if you don9t see
and capable of achieving our ulti- son winning percentage of any He also will be following one of color, you can9t see racism.=
mate goals and the best step for- head coach in Cowboys history the winningest coaches in NfL l BROWNS: for the second
ward for us will be with mike and we will dedicate ourselves, in history in Bill Belichick, who built straight year, Cleveland Coach
mcCarthy as our head coach,= partnership with him, to translat- the New England Patriots into one Kevin Stefanski made a major
Jones said. <There is great benefit ing that into reaching our post of the league9s preeminent fran- offseason change to his staff.
to continuing the team9s progress season goals.= Mike McCarthy9s future as coach of the Cowboys was in doubt after chises. offensive coordinator Alex Van
under mike9s leadership as our 4 Mark Maske their 48-32 loss to the Packers in the opening round of the playoffs. And the former Patriots player Pelt parted ways with the team,
head coach.= l COLtS: When police arrived and Belichick assistant is embrac- leaving just days after Cleveland
Jones9s decision comes in the at Jim Irsay9s home last month in he was unresponsive with con- following the incident and was ing all of it, promising first and was blown out in the first round of
aftermath of Sunday9s 48-32 loss response to an emergency call, stricted pupils, a weak pulse and active on social media for the next foremost that the Patriots9 new the playoffs by Houston and fol-
to the Green Bay Packers in Ar- they found the Indianapolis own- abnormal breathing. on the re- several weeks. The team an- era would be led by someone who lowing a season in which the
lington, Tex., in the opening er unconscious with his skin turn- port, obtained Wednesday by The nounced Jan. 9 that Irsay was is very much his own man. Browns were ravaged by injuries.
round of the NfC playoffs. Jones ing blue and cold to the touch Washington Post in response to a dealing with a <severe respiratory <I9m not trying to be Bill,= mayo A team spokesman confirmed
called it the <most painful= playoff before they administered Narcan, public records request, the inci- illness= and would be unable to said during his introductory news Van Pelt is no longer with the
defeat of his Cowboys ownership a nasal spray used to treat opioid dent is classified as an overdose. make a scheduled appearance conference. <I think that Bill is his Browns. Also, Stefanski fired run-
tenure. overdoses, according to records Irsay was transported by ambu- with his rock band in Los Angeles. own man. If you can9t tell by now, ning backs coach Stump mitchell,
But that did not prompt him to released Wednesday. lance to a hospital, and his condi- It is not clear whether the emer- I9m a little bit different even up and tight ends coach T.C. mcCart-
fire mcCarthy even at a time when According to an incident re- tion and health status have been gency response from last month is here. But what I will say is the ney was not retained after his
Jones9s options for a replacement port, Carmel (Ind.) police arrived unclear in recent weeks. related to the illness. The suspect- more I think about lessons I9ve contract expired. The shake-up
include Bill Belichick, who parted at Irsay9s home at 4:30 a.m. Dec. 8 Irsay attended at least one ed overdose was undisclosed until taken from Bill, hard work works. might not be over; the Browns
ways with the New England Patri- and were told that Irsay, 64, had game 4 the Colts9 win over the a TmZ report Wednesday. Carmel Hard work works, and that9s what continue to hold staff evaluations.
ots last week after coaching them fallen in the bathroom. Police said Pittsburgh Steelers on Dec. 16 4 police subsequently released re- we9re all about.= 4 Associated Press

cANdAce BucKNer

If there9s a lesson to be found in these playoffs, it9s this: Truth isn9t etched in stone
BuCkNeR from d1 2021, the rams traded Goff to the rival in the NfC playoffs, Baker
Lions, where he went winless mayfield, needed more
opposing fans. But just less than through his first 10 games 4 continuity and less upheaval
a year ago, as the Eagles prepared adding to the lore that he was a during his years in Cleveland 4
to play in the Super Bowl, he also loser. just like Young, the most recent
was Philly9s finest, whose Around that time, TmZ mined top draft pick, may need time
swagger had won the support of former ohio State quarterback after enduring a brutal first
his players and the hearts of a Terrelle Pryor9s Instagram for season instead of being labeled a
hardscrabble fan base. content (Pryor called Goff bust.
Perhaps Sirianni is a fine <terrible= and claimed he and or maybe one day a year from
coach, perfectly capturing the Colin Kaepernick could do now, we9ll laugh again at the idea
ethos of his city. or perhaps all of better), and one Detroit that Goff was thought to be the
last year his headset was turned columnist explained how the <stud= of Detroit. maybe
off as his very smart coordinators Lions would9ve been better off mayfield9s simply having one
(Shane Steichen and Jonathan with then-rookie quarterbacks solid season and he9s still a
Gannon) did all the talking and mac Jones or Justin fields. mediocre quarterback. And
made the winning calls. Without In hindsight, of course, it9s maybe we just need the benefit of
fully knowing the thoughts hard to suppress a chuckle when time to sort all that out.
within the locker room and front reading those statements. But time moves too quickly in
office, who really can tell? But Campbell, Goff9s coach, once the NfL, just like the sweeping
that absence of certainty hasn9t seemed like a brute while talking narratives. Still, there has to be a
stopped fans and pundits from about biting kneecaps, but he better way to celebrate a winner,
writing and rewriting, also never stopped giving tender or evaluate someone9s failure,
concluding and then changing support to Goff as his than making declarative
the story to fit Sirianni9s most quarterback. In fact, Campbell, statements 4 with outright
recent results. not too long ago viewed as the conviction 4 the moment a game
Goff has lived with the same Gaston of the NfL9s coaching or a season ends. Instead of
blinking cursor next to his career ranks, knows a thing or two rushing toward an etched-in-
while revisionist historians have about being written off. stone, absolute, definitive truth,
scurried to rework his narrative. maybe Goff just needed more there should be grace given to
There was no shortage of time to develop because not every anyone who dares to say the three
material used to pile on Goff9s quarterback possesses the same words never uttered by fans,
struggles as a No. 1 pick who had insta-success gene as Patrick media and pundits during the
lost his way in Los Angeles. In Jared Goff went winless in his first 10 games with detroit. two seasons later, he9s leading a playoff run. mahomes. And maybe Goff9s next NfL season: I don9t know.

Capitals continue to forge an identity as season enters make-or-break stretch

CAPItALS from d1 ly? Yeah, maybe. But I also came minus-24 goal differential that c ApitA L S 9 N e x t t hree
to realize, 8Wow, we are really ranks 27th in the league.
Conference spots with 50 and 49 good in this area, this area, this The underlying analytics sug- vs. St. Louis Blues
points. area, and we can thrive and this gest the Capitals are an offen-
<We9re in the mix,= winger Tom is how we9re going to win sively deficient team being car- thursday 7 monumental
Wilson said. <obviously, the met- games,9 = Carbery said last week. ried by a stingy defense and
ro is tight. You don9t want to <This is how we could potentially strong goaltending, particularly at St. Louis Blues
worry too much about what9s be a playoff team, if we do these from Charlie Lindgren. And at Saturday 8 monumental 2
going on around you. You want things really well. I think that9s this point, the offensive outburst
to control what you can. At where you sort of evolve as a they have been waiting for since at Minnesota Wild
times, we can probably be a little coach and figure out, this is the the season began may not be
better, create a little bit more identity of our team and this is coming; captain Alex ovechkin tuesday 8 monumental
[offensively]. But for the most why we9re able to win a lot of has just eight goals, on pace for
part, we9re in every game. That9s games in this league.= the lowest full-season total of his Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM)
kind of all you can ask for.= The Capitals are viewing Janu- career.
In games decided by a one ary as a make-or-break stretch. Wilson, though, made sure to ing out games. We9re staying in
goal, Washington is 13-2-6; it is With five games remaining be- point out that the narrow, tight- the fight. our guys deserve a lot
5-1-0 in two-goal games. The fore the all-star break, Washing- checking games the Capitals are of credit for that. It hasn9t always
trouble comes in games decided ton is 4-4-0 this month, with winning right now are the kinds been flashy. . . . We9ve had to
by three or more goals, in which three one-goal wins 4 and one of games that become ubiquitous really grind these first 42 games
the Capitals are 3-12-0. The mes- that was made a two-goal margin in the playoffs 4 giving the to sit where we are and still be
sage is clear: When they9re able by a late empty-netter 4 and Capitals hope that if they9re able right there at the record that we
to keep games tight, which is the losses by a combined 11 goals. to get there, which is far from a have and where we9re sitting in
majority of the time, they have the Capitals, who have struggled to score, are 13-2-6 in games In many ways, the month has guarantee, they might be able to the standings.
the ability to win. But when decided by one goal but 3-12-0 in contests decided by three or more. been a microcosm of the Capi- hang around, just as they have <There9s a long way to go, but I
games get out of hand, they have tals9 season as a whole, in which throughout the regular season so think our guys should be proud
a tendency to get run out of the against at 2.88. In that sense, the from a realization that they have the highs have often been tenu- far. of where we are right now and
building. Capitals9 recent trend of low- to keep the margins tight to give ous and the lows have tended to <We9re fighting and we9re bat- then understand the work and
Washington ranks 30th in the event games is by design 4 themselves a chance. be ugly. But through it all, Wash- tling,= Carbery said. <It hasn9t the task and the mountain 4
NHL in scoring at 2.33 goals per perhaps not as intended at the <Did I think maybe we could ington remains, as Wilson said, always been a Picasso, but we9ve challenge 4 that9s ahead of us
game, but it is also 11th in goals beginning of the season but born do some other things offensive- in the mix 4 despite holding a found ways to win. We9re grind- isn9t going to get any easier.=

Bagley and Livers won9t have to wait long to prove themselves to the Wizards
WIzARdS from d1 or one single individual.= 18.4 minutes. With Washington, player 4 not with his enthusiasm want to reach not just for myself Wiz ArdS9 Nex t three
That challenge is exactly the which rotated between muscala but with his goals for the rest of but for the team. I9m happy to be
the season doesn9t exactly set the opportunity that made Bagley and Gallinari as its second-unit the season. here, man. I9m excited to get this at New York Knicks
team up for success. excited to come to Washington. big, he should be able to spread Asked what this refresh means journey going.=
Should Bagley come off the A 24-year-old who was drafted his wings. to him, he said he felt excited to Unseld is excited to watch thursday 7:30 monumental 2
bench, Unseld could start Patrick second in 2018 and then traded to <All you ever want as a player is be wanted 4 <When people trade Bagley and Livers expand their
Baldwin Jr., a backup small for- Detroit in 2022, the 6-foot-10 an opportunity to just go play. my for you, it9s a blessing,= he said 4 games. Bagley is a dependable vs. San Antonio Spurs
ward who has performed well in Bagley has yet to live up to his whole life I9ve worked hard, so but he bypassed any grand state- shooter whom Unseld thinks can Saturday 7 monumental
the past two games. He could also billing. But the third team of his being in a position where finally ments about revitalizing his ca- push his range and help the
bring rookie Bilal Coulibaly up career is offering something the . . . if the opportunity is there, just reer. Wizards9 abhorrent rebounding vs. denver Nuggets
from the second unit and start Pistons didn9t, given their over- go out there and make the most of <I9m just going to make the with his court awareness and
small against New York, as he has flow of big men: a real need for it,= Bagley said. <That9s my mind- most of it. It9s hard for me to sit keen positioning. Unseld is excit- Sunday 6 monumental
done one other time this season, his presence, and scoring ability, set. Do the best that I can do, play here and say what9s going to ed to see Livers, a solid small
in october against Boston. (That under the basket. as hard as I can possibly play, and happen. Nobody knows. All I can forward, develop more at power Radio: WTEM (980 AM)
didn9t go well in a 19-point loss.) Bagley played behind Jalen I can live with that result. I9m do is control what I can control,= forward.
No matter the makeup of the Duren and Isaiah Stewart in De- excited, man. It9s another new Bagley said. <That9s making sure Livers, 25, is looking forward to Wizards guard Jordan Poole.
starting group, the upcoming troit and shared court time with start for me.= I9m in here every day getting having the ball in his hands and <Just try to fit in, but not just to
schedule demands <all hands on James Wiseman, averaging 10.2 Bagley was reserved Wednes- better, learning the system, learn- being able to play-make more in float around,= Livers said, stating
deck,= Unseld said. <That9s not points on 59.1 percent shooting day in his first appearance in ing the plays and just working D.C., where he joins his best his goals with his new team. <Try
just going to be on marvin or PBJ and a career-low 4.5 rebounds in front of reporters as a Wizards every day to reach the goals I friend from college at michigan, to make a difference over here.=
D4 eZ Su the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

Cavaliers prevail in Commonwealth Clash, extend home winning streak to 20

65-57 win at John Paul Jones few too many open looks. But <I thought he was good 4 he9s 25-18, although Virginia Tech the painted area to Jake Groves,
Virginia 65, Arena. when we needed to, we came up always good,= Hokies Coach mike went to the locker room on the who sank a three-pointer.
Virginia Tech 57 In extending the country9s with big stops, and it certainly Young said. <He was evaluated by heels of Cattoor9s three-pointer Harris, who transferred last
second longest home winning wasn9t for a lack of effort.= our medical staff on monday. He released an instant before the season from Georgetown, fin-
streak to 20, Virginia (12-5, 3-3 minor9s emergence 4 he was cleared. He practiced on halftime buzzer. It was a rare ished with five points and five
BY G ENE W ANG ACC) got 16 points each from matched his season high and monday 4 no contact. He was full make to that point for the Hokies, assists without a turnover in 17
Beekman and Jordan minor, a scored 11 of his points in the contact on Tuesday, and we knew who shot 27.2 percent in the minutes. He also was part of a
CHARLOTTESVILLE 4 In the final graduate transfer forward who second half 4 also featured sti- on monday that if everything opening 20 minutes while failing bench that contributed 19 points,
minutes of the second half added five rebounds, two assists fling defense against Lynn Kidd, went well on Tuesday that he to score 20 points in a first half for including eight by freshman for-
Wednesday night, with Virginia and two steals. Virginia Tech9s top post presence. would play, and here he was.= the first time since 2020. ward Blake Buchanan and six
protecting a lead, guard reece The Cavaliers ended a two- The transfer from Clemson fin- The Cavaliers wobbled Vir- <We9ve still got some things to from Groves.
Beekman delivered an arcing lob game slide and dealt Virginia ished with two points, more than ginia Tech during several stretch- figure out as a team,= minor said. <It9s a little sore 4 definitely
intended for ryan Dunn, who Tech (10-7, 2-4) a fifth consecutive a dozen below his season average, es in the second half, forging a <We were more disciplined today going to get some treatment after
had gotten behind Virginia Tech9s defeat in Charlottesville. The and went just 1 for 3 from the field 36-23 lead with 15:35 to play than we have been in the past, but this,= Harris said of his ankle. <But
Hunter Cattoor and was floating Hokies committed 15 turnovers with two rebounds. before finally sealing the out- we9ve still got some steps to go, so when I9m playing basketball I
toward the basket to complete (10 in the first half ) and were held Junior guard Sean Pedulla led come with five points in the final I think it9s definitely a step in the don9t really feel it. It9s just my
the fast break. to 38.9 percent shooting in the the Hokies with 18 points but shot 47 seconds while limiting Vir- right direction, for sure.= adrenaline running, just deter-
Cattoor tipped the pass, which latest installment of the Com- 6 for 16. The reigning ACC player ginia Tech to two. A transition The first half included an ova- mined to go out there and just
nonetheless found a path to the monwealth Clash. of the week was coming off games basket in that time featured tion for Virginia9s Dante Harris, hoop, so I9ll definitely get some
rim, rattling several times before <The first half, we were pretty with 32 and 33 points but Dunn blocking Pedulla9s layup who played his first game since treatment but just happy we
dropping through the net. The connected,= Virginia Coach Tony matched a season high with seven and scoring on the other end injuring his ankle Nov. 22 against came out with a win.=
fortuitous sequence allowed the Bennett said. <They missed some turnovers. Cattoor added 12 courtesy of a pass from Andrew West Virginia. The reserve point
Cavaliers to reclaim a double-dig- open shots. We got lost in transi- points after sitting out Virginia rohde. guard missed the previous 10 Virginia at Georgia Tech
it lead and underscored a night in tion. If you look at the stat sheet, Tech9s previous game, a 75-71 loss Wayward shooting by both games; he entered with 13:46 to Saturday, 6 p.m., ACC network
which the lion9s share of the they got 17 fast-break points, but to visiting miami on Saturday, teams yielded a first half that play and quickly logged an assist, Virginia Tech at N.C. State
bounces went Virginia9s way in a again, [the Hokies] probably got a while in the concussion protocol. ended with the Cavaliers ahead, sending a one-handed pass from Saturday, noon, CW network

Maryland finds key stops and rebounds to be elusive in loss to No. 18 Ohio State
MarylanD from D1 <I just feel like hustle plays,= There was a conscious effort to Walking wounded improve her shot selection. stone.
mcmahon said. <After getting play fast and attack the basket as The Terrapins9 depth took an- <It is what it is,= frese said. She entered the game averag-
extra chances and used its size beat on the board so many times the Terps shot 50 percent in the other hit when freshman riley <These guys are going to play ing a career-high 16.7 points, tops
advantage inside. in a row, I would be worn out, first half, but they couldn9t estab- Nelson was lost for the season heavy minutes. Conditioning will on the team, but two early fouls
<Everybody really just focused too.= lish a cushion 4 and it came back with a torn right ACL in Sunday9s get greater. The roster, it9s not put her on the bench, and she
[on] effort,= ohio State Coach Jakia Brown-Turner (eight re- to haunt them. win against Purdue. The team changing. They9re going to have didn9t take a single shot in the
Kevin mcGuff said, <because we bounds), Lavender Briggs and <Defensively, what worked had already lost Emma Chardon to play through fatigue. They9re first half.
didn9t have our best shooting mcDaniel scored 16 points apiece well is when we were communi- to a torn left ACL. going to have to push through
night. The way to kind of over- for maryland, and Shyanne Sell- cating and bouncing around, Nelson and Chardon weren9t the wall. They9re going to have to Pros in the house
come that is to get second- ers finished with 12 points and talking to each other,= Briggs logging major minutes, but get in better shape to play 40 The entire Washington mys-
chance opportunities.= nine rebounds. mcDaniel has said. <As far as rebounding, they depth is running thin, especially minutes.= tics coaching staff was in attend-
The zone defense that the scored in double digits in three got a lot of weakside rebounds. on a night in which starter Allie ance, including Coach Eric
Terrapins deployed held up well consecutive games for the first We need to shift over and just be Kubek played six minutes, faith 1,000-point club Thibault and assistant general
for most of the night, but they time. disciplined with that. All five of masonius played 20 minutes, Sellers was honored before the manager maria Giovannetti.
struggled to finish defensive pos- maryland went into halftime us have to hit 4 not just four, not and Sellers was dealing with foul game for surpassing 1,000 career Connecticut Sun Coach Steph-
sessions against a team that with a 39-37 advantage after just three. All five of us have to trouble. points against Purdue, the 83rd anie White was also in the build-
entered ranked 13th in the Big holding the Buckeyes to two hit people and get that ball.= Coach Brenda frese said game of her career. ing scouting. Sun forward Brion-
Ten in rebounds and ninth in three-pointers on 16 attempts Here9s what else to know about Kubek struggles with zone de- The junior is the fourth player na Jones is an assistant for
offensive rebounds. from behind the arc. the Terps9 loss: fense and masonius needs to on the roster to reach the mile- maryland.

hiGh SChool NoTeS

Bullis boys9 sprint relay

rewrites the record book
F ROM STAFF REPORTS (120) and Joni Chuka (126). Three
more landed in the top five.
Bullis9s Colin Abrams wasn9t While Blair finished atop the
done running after leaning standings as one of 22 participat-
across the finish line in an at- ing maryland- or Virginia-based
tempt to break the 1,600-meter schools, the event had a focus on
sprint medley relay national showcasing and encouraging the
record. growth of girls9 wrestling in the
After waiting for confirmation District. Ten D.C. schools partici-
of the Bulldogs9 time, Abrams pated, with Jackson-reed9s 12th-
jogged to the opposite side of the place finish the best of the bunch.
track to embrace teammates mat- The Tigers were powered by
thew Goines, Cameron Homer Zoe Lewis, who took home the
and Quincy Wilson after they 132-pound crown and the invita-
beat a nearly eight-year-old rec- tional9s mVP award.
ord with a time of 3 minutes 23.86 The organization Wrestling to
seconds. Beat the Streets helped bring
<[A national record] teaches wrestling back to D.C. public
the kids that you can accomplish schools, but the approximately 40
anything that you put your mind girls wrestling for schools in the
to and there are no limits to your District don9t have their own
achievement,= Coach Joe Lee state championship because it is
JuliA nikhinSon for the WAShington PoSt said. <When kids do things that currently a coed sport. The
Evan Mackesy had a full cranial reconstruction as a boy. He is soon headed to Purdue, but first he wants to break all of Magruder9s records. have never been done before, it group9s goal is to bring that num-
really sets them off into a place ber to 75 female wrestlers, which
where they say, 8Well, what else would be adequate to create a

Finding his passion in the pool can I do?9 It sets them up for the
sport, but more importantly it
sets them up for life.=
The Bulldogs9 record showing
separate division at the DCSAA9s
end-of-season title competition.

Girls9 hockey
4 Emmett Siegel

was one of several elite perform-

ances from local athletes at the Excelling in one sport is a
A birth defect kept Magruder9s Mackesy from contact sports, so he became a star swimmer VA Showcase in Virginia Beach challenge many athletes strive to
this past weekend. achieve.
BY S AM J ANE mackesy toward the pool, the backstroke (1:48.18) and the 200 he said. <We9re trying to get me in Archbishop Carroll recorded Excelling in two? That9s an
team and club environment butterfly (1:49.13). every event that we can just to nation-best times in the boys9 and entirely different beast.
Evan mackesy had surgery hooked him. following surgery, mackesy9s junior season at break every single record on that girls9 4x200 relays at 1:25.79 and Though her primary sport is
when he was just 3 months old mackesy embraced his condition. magruder was similarly success- board.= 1:36.89, respectively. South Lakes soccer, Stone ridge senior Addie
for craniosynostosis, a birth de- Eventually, he would have been ful. He was the maryland Class Thirteen years after a life- recorded a nation-best time of Shannon has been just as domi-
fect in which the bones in a able to reengage in contact sports 4A/3A state champion in the changing surgery, mackesy is 9:05.09 in the girls9 4x800 relay. nant on the ice.
baby9s skull join too early. But after his skull healed, but he had 200-yard individual medley now planning to move more than Bishop mcNamara narrowly While the sports have stark
when his mother, Joni, took him fallen in love with swimming. (1:49.70) and was the runner-up 600 miles away. When mackesy edged out Dematha in the boys9 differences, Shannon has found
back to Children9s National Hos- Joni explained that when her in the 500 freestyle (4:28.08). told his mom that he was strong- 4x800 relay, finishing 0.66 sec- that the skills needed to play
pital in Washington five years son was in elementary school, he Now, in his final season before he ly considering Purdue, she grew onds ahead of the Stags with a hockey and soccer can be inter-
later, doctors determined an- bumped heads with another heads to West Lafayette, Ind., nervous. nation-best time of 7:49. changeable.
other operation was necessary. child at recess. A teacher came mackesy is trying to leave an But Joni flashed back to when Wilson was just two-hun- <I play center for hockey, and
A full cranial reconstruction over to check on the youngsters, imprint on magruder. Evan was a little boy, running dredths of a second away from then for soccer I play a center
was the best option, they said. worried about an injury. <He absolutely can break every around with a massive scar on his grabbing another national rec- position as well,= she said.
Doctors removed Evan9s skull <Hey, are you okay?= the teach- single one of our records,= head. She was nervous, obviously, ord. The Bullis sophomore ran <They9re somewhat similar in the
from his head, reconfigured it er asked. magruder Coach Jeremy Snyder but still needed to let Evan be a the 500 meters in 1:01.27. way that they9re both a defensive
and then put it back in place with <Yeah, I think I9m okay 4 I just said. kid. Junior Sydney Sutton and the and offensive position.=
titanium and wires. hit my titanium plates,= mackesy mackesy doesn9t have a long Another memory always Bulldogs9 boys9 and girls9 4x400 Shannon is committed to play
mackesy, now a senior at responded. way to go. He already holds the comes to Joni9s mind: When she relay teams also notched impres- soccer at Trinity College next fall,
magruder High, has not needed That answer drew a rapid trip school records in the 100 back- and 5-year-old Evan sat in the sive performances. but she hopes to walk on to the
another surgery since, but his to the nurse9s office. stroke, 200 Im, 200 freestyle and waiting room, awaiting surgery, 4 Nicky Wolcott school9s hockey team, too.
condition prevented him from mackesy swam at rockville- 500 freestyle. hours trickled by before it was Through four games this sea-
playing contact sports for several montgomery Swim Club as a mackesy does not practice of- just the mackesys and another Wrestling son, Shannon is first in the mid-
years 4 his skull would not have child but consistently placed ten with magruder, devoting family. Blair dominated the second Atlantic Girls Hockey League9s
been able to protect his brain near the back half of the group. most of his time to his club team, Joni was anxious, but when annual D.C. State Athletic Associ- upper division with 13 goals and
from contact. His first love, soc- only in recent years has he begun like most elite high school swim- she overheard a nurse saying ation girls9 wrestling invitational is on pace to lead the league for a
cer, was not an option, so he to take his personal training seri- mers. Still, Snyder said mackesy words such as <bypass= to the Saturday at the University of the second consecutive year.
turned to the pool. ously, working with the National is receptive to coaching and stays other family, it changed the way District of Columbia, running <She reads the play, reads the
mackesy started swimming Development Group at rmSC. grounded. magruder lost a lot of she and Evan looked at life. away with a first-place finish by field and reads the eyes very well,=
competitively at 7 and is now He fully bloomed last year. At experience from last season9s <You overhear those kinds of posting a score of 138.0 4 72.5 Stone ridge Coach mary Carpen-
committed to Purdue. the 2023 spring national club senior-laden squad, so mackesy words, and you think my prob- points ahead of second-place ter said.
<As soon as he learned he could association championships in knows team wins won9t be as lem is so small compared to oakton. <And that IQ is just something
put his face in the water, he loved orlando, he set personal bests in frequent. theirs,= Joni said. Three Blazers placed first in that translates between soccer
it,= Joni said. five heats, including the 1,000- <Just being blunt: We9re going A scar on Evan9s head serves as their weight classes: Ezra Lewis and hockey.=
While his birth defect pushed yard freestyle (9:14.69), the 200 to lose a lot of matches this year,= a reminder 4 and proof. (107 pounds), mckinley Jovanovic 4 Jakob Bowen

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Pr o F o o TBAL L Pro B A Ske T B A L L ho ck ey c o L LeG e B ASkeTBALL

nFL playoffs nBA cavaliers 135, Bucks 95 nhL ncAA men ncAA women
SATURDAY9S RESULTS cLEVELAND ....................... 32 34 42 27 4 135 Boston ........................ 43 26 8 9 61 144 114 EAST EAST
at Houston 45, Cleveland 14 ATLANTIc W L Pct Gb Florida......................... 44 27 13 4 58 138 114 Bucknell 73, Boston 57 Army 52, Colgate 49
at Kansas City 26, Miami 7 Boston ........................................ 32 9 .780 4 mILWAUKEE: Jackson Jr. 3-4 0-0 6, Middleton 1-10 0-0 Detroit ........................ 44 23 16 5 51 158 146 Colgate 64, Army 56 Bucknell 61, Boston 52
Philadelphia................................ 26 13 .667 5 2, B.Lopez 5-7 0-0 11, Beasley 1-6 0-0 2, Lillard 7-20 2-3 Toronto ....................... 42 21 13 8 50 150 138 Connecticut 62, Creighton 48 Connecticut 83, Seton Hall 59
SUNDAY9S RESULTS New York .................................... 24 17 .585 8 17, Beauchamp 0-3 0-0 0, Crowder 5-13 1-2 15, Living- Tampa Bay.................. 44 22 17 5 49 146 149 Davidson 79, Fordham 69 Duquesne 76, St. Bonaventure 67
Green Bay 48, at Dallas 32 Brooklyn ..................................... 16 23 .410 15 ston 0-1 0-0 0, Portis 6-11 3-4 16, T.Antetokounmpo 0-0 Montreal..................... 44 19 18 7 45 123 150 Lafayette 72, Holy Cross 68 Georgetown 73, Providence 71
at Detroit 24, L.A. Rams 23 Toronto....................................... 16 25 .390 16 0-0 0, R.Lopez 1-2 0-0 2, Connaughton 3-4 0-0 8, Green Buffalo........................ 44 19 21 4 42 130 143 Navy 71, Lehigh 69 Holy Cross 80, Lafayette 57
mONDAY9S RESULTS 1-5 0-0 3, Payne 5-9 1-1 13. Totals 38-95 7-10 95. Ottawa........................ 39 15 24 0 30 131 147 Robert Morris 102, Detroit 99 (2OT) Lehigh 81, Navy 65
at Buffalo 31, Pittsburgh 17 SOUTHEAST W L Pct Gb cLEVELAND: Okoro 5-7 0-1 10, Wade 2-5 0-1 5, Allen Rutgers 87, Nebraska 82 (OT) Loyola (Md.) 59, American 55
at Tampa Bay 32, Philadelphia 9 Miami ......................................... 24 17 .585 4 9-15 3-3 21, Mitchell 12-19 3-4 31, Strus 2-4 2-2 6, Niang mETROPOLITAN GP W L OT Pts Gf GA St. Bonaventure 99, Rhode Island 64 Loyola Chicago 79, Massachusetts 66
Orlando....................................... 22 19 .537 2 13-14 2-3 33, Thompson 3-4 0-0 6, Jones 0-3 0-0 0, N.Y. Rangers............... 43 28 13 2 58 143 123 SOUTH Ohio State 84, Maryland 76
DIVISIONAL ROUND Atlanta ....................................... 17 23 .425 61/2 LeVert 1-7 2-3 4, Merrill 4-8 0-0 10, Porter Jr. 4-7 1-2 9. Rhode Island 55, Fordham 44
Philadelphia................ 44 24 14 6 54 130 120 Alabama Birmingham 83, Tulane 69
SATURDAY9S GAmES Charlotte ...................................... 8 30 .211 141/2 Totals 55-93 13-19 135. Carolina....................... 43 24 14 5 53 148 132 St. John9s 60, Butler 42
Houston at Baltimore (-91/2), 4:30 (ESPN, ABC) Appalachian State 76, Georgia State 68
Washington.................................. 7 32 .179 16 Pittsburgh .................. 42 21 15 6 48 129 113 Villanova 66, Marquette 63
Green Bay at San Francisco (-91/2), 8 (Fox) Three-point Goals: Milwaukee 12-42 (Crowder 4-10, Auburn 80, Vanderbilt 65
Washington ................ 42 21 15 6 48 101 125 West Virginia 80, Houston 39
Connaughton 2-3, Payne 2-5, B.Lopez 1-3, Green 1-4, Chattanooga 74, Mercer 60
SUNDAY9S GAmES cENTRAL W L Pct Gb Portis 1-4, Lillard 1-5, Jackson Jr. 0-1, R.Lopez 0-1, N.Y. Islanders ............. 44 19 15 10 48 130 150 Florida State 84, Miami 75 SOUTH
Tampa Bay at Detroit (-61/2), 3 (NBC) Milwaukee.................................. 28 13 .683 4 Beasley 0-3, Middleton 0-3), Cleveland 12-28 (Niang 5-6, New Jersey ................. 42 22 17 3 47 144 147 Furman 100, VMI 60 Arkansas State 78, South Alabama 69
Kansas City at Buffalo (-21/2), 6:30 (CBS) Cleveland.................................... 24 15 .615 3 Mitchell 4-8, Merrill 2-6, Wade 1-4, Jones 0-1, Strus 0-1, Columbus.................... 44 14 21 9 37 134 165 Gardner Webb 74, Radford 68 Charlotte 66, Tulane 64
Indiana........................................ 23 17 .575 41/2 LeVert 0-2). fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Milwaukee 36 High Point 86, Presbyterian 83 George Mason 91, Saint Louis 61
cONfERENcE cHAmPIONSHIPS Chicago ....................................... 19 23 .452 91/2 (Jackson Jr. 8), Cleveland 55 (Allen 13). Assists: cENTRAL GP W L OT Pts Gf GA Kentucky 90, Mississippi State 77 High Point 76, Presbyterian 55
SUNDAY, jAN. 28 Detroit .......................................... 4 37 .098 24 Milwaukee 19 (Lillard 5), Cleveland 36 (Mitchell, Okoro Winnipeg .................... 43 29 10 4 62 143 99 LSU 89, Mississippi 80 Longwood 66, SC-Upstate 58
Afc 7). Total fouls: Milwaukee 18, Cleveland 9. A: 19,432 Colorado...................... 45 29 13 3 61 170 141 North Carolina 86, Louisville 70 Northern Kentucky 83, Robert Morris 51
WESTERN cONfERENcE North Carolina Greensboro 73, The Citadel 67 Radford 80, Gardner Webb 71
AFC lower remaining seed at AFC higher remaining seed, (19,432) Dallas.......................... 43 26 12 5 57 160 130
3 (CBS) SOUTHWEST W L Pct Gb Nashville..................... 44 24 19 1 49 139 138 North Texas 60, East Carolina 59 Rice 80, East Carolina 67
New Orleans............................... 25 17 .595 4 Arizona ....................... 42 21 18 3 45 128 126 South Carolina Upstate 73, Longwood 71 Richmond 59, Davidson 54
Nfc St. Louis...................... 42 21 19 2 44 120 135 Southern Mississippi 69, Arkansas State 66 Winthrop 70, North Carolina Asheville 64 (OT)
Dallas.......................................... 24 18 .571 1 hawks 106, Magic 104
NFC lower remaining seed at NFC higher remaining seed, Houston...................................... 19 21 .475 5 Minnesota .................. 43 18 20 5 41 126 144 Virginia 65, Virginia Tech 57 mIDWEST
6:30 (Fox) Memphis..................................... 15 25 .375 9 Chicago ....................... 44 13 29 2 28 99 159 Wofford 75, ETSU 73
ORLANDO ........................... 26 25 25 28 4 104 Ball State 79, Central Michigan 47
SUPER bOWL LVIII San Antonio.................................. 7 33 .175 17 ATLANTA ........................... 26 23 29 28 4 106 mIDWEST Bowling Green 70, Akron 59
SUNDAY, fEb. 11 PAcIfIc GP W L OT Pts Gf GA Bradley 70, Southern Illinois 69 Buffalo 65, Northern Illinois 58
ORLANDO: Banchero 8-25 9-11 26, Houstan 1-7 0-1 3, Vancouver................... 44 29 11 4 62 168 114 Drake 77, Illinois State 56 Dayton 71, George Washington 53
Bitadze 5-8 0-0 10, Okeke 3-9 0-0 6, Suggs 6-7 1-2 16,
Teams TBD, 6:30 (CBS) Minnesota .................................. 29 11 .725 4 Vegas .......................... 44 25 14 5 55 140 120 Evansville 78, Valparaiso 75 Eastern Michigan 53, Miami (Ohio) 48
Isaac 1-2 0-0 2, Carter Jr. 6-7 3-4 18, Ingles 1-5 0-0 3, Los Angeles ................ 41 21 12 8 50 135 109 Loyola Chicago 79, Massachusetts 78 Illinois 96, Rutgers 68
Oklahoma City............................ 27 13 .675 2
Anthony 3-10 3-4 10, Black 0-0 0-0 0, Fultz 5-8 0-0 10. Edmonton ................... 40 24 15 1 49 142 119 Murray State 73, Illinois Chicago 58 Indiana 85, Minnesota 62
Denver ........................................ 28 14 .667 2
Totals 39-88 16-22 104. Calgary........................ 44 21 18 5 47 139 139 Northwestern 72, Maryland 69 Michigan State 91, Northwestern 72
x-Utah......................................... 22 20 .524 8
INjURY REPORT Portland...................................... 10 29 .256 18 2
ATLANTA: Bey 1-7 4-4 7, Johnson 3-9 3-5 10, Capela 6-6 Seattle ........................ 44 19 16 9 47 124 130 Oakland 70, Youngstown State 67 Nebraska 62, Michigan 43
HOUSTON TEXANS AT bALTImORE RAVENS 0-0 12, Murray 11-18 3-3 26, Young 5-14 7-7 18, Anaheim ..................... 44 15 28 1 31 111 150 Providence 100, DePaul 62 Toledo 87, Kent State 76
HOUSTON: DNP: FB Andrew Beck (back), DE Jerry Okongwu 7-12 1-1 15, Bogdanovic 4-7 2-2 12, Mathews San Jose ..................... 45 10 31 4 24 89 183 SOUTHWEST Western Michigan 73, Ohio 55
PAcIfIc W L Pct Gb
Hughes (ankle), DT Sheldon Rankins (ribs/shoulder), DE 2-3 0-0 6. Totals 39-76 20-22 106. Wichita State 71, Memphis 66
L.A. Clippers ............................... 26 14 .650 4 TUESDAY9S RESULTS Central Florida 77, Texas 71
Will Anderson Jr. (ankle), DE Jonathan Greenard (an- Sacramento ................................ 23 17 .575 3 Three-point Goals: Orlando 10-35 (Suggs 3-3, Carter Jr. Houston 77, Texas Tech 54 SOUTHWEST
kle). LIMITED: LB Blake Cashman (knee), DT Maliek Phoenix....................................... 22 18 .550 4 at Washington 2, Anaheim 0
3-4, Banchero 1-5, Ingles 1-5, Anthony 1-6, Houstan 1-7, Louisiana Lafayette 86, Texas State 68 Kansas State 2, TCU 0 (forfeit)
Collins (hip), WR John Metchie III (foot), MLB Denzel L.A. Lakers.................................. 21 21 .500 6 at N.Y. Rangers 5, Seattle 2 Oklahoma 77, West Virginia 63 North Texas 76, SMU 61
Bitadze 0-1, Okeke 0-4), Atlanta 8-25 (Mathews 2-3,
Perryman (ribs), WR Robert Woods (hip), LB Christian x-Golden State ........................... 18 22 .450 8 Bogdanovic 2-4, Johnson 1-2, Murray 1-4, Bey 1-5, Young Colorado 7, at Ottawa 4 Tulsa 107, Texas San Antonio 78 Oklahoma State 82, BYU 50
Harris (calf), CB Kris Boyd (hamstring). FULL: G Dieter 1-6, Okongwu 0-1). fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Orlan- at Dallas 5, Los Angeles 1 Texas Tech 71, Iowa State 63
Eiselen (illness). bALTImORE: DNP: OLB Jadaveon x-Late game WEST
do 40 (Bitadze 10), Atlanta 41 (Johnson, Okongwu 9). at Winnipeg 4, N.Y. Islanders 2 WEST
Clowney (illness), CB Marlon Humphrey (calf), LB UCLA 68, Arizona State 66
TUESDAY9S RESULTS Assists: Orlando 18 (Banchero 4), Atlanta 21 (Young 12). at Chicago 2, San Jose 1 (SO) Colorado State 81, Air Force 67
Del9Shawn Phillips (shoulder), WR Tylan Wallace Total fouls: Orlando 22, Atlanta 17. A: 14,541 (18,118) at Edmonton 4, Toronto 2 TUESDAY9S RESULTS
(knee). FULL: TE Mark Andrews (ankle), WR Devin at Philadelphia 126, Denver 121 Nevada 89, Utah State 44
at Calgary 3, Arizona 2 (OT) EAST New Mexico 68, Wyoming 61
Duvernay (back), WR Zay Flowers (calf), LB Milik at Phoenix 119, Sacramento 117
Harrison (groin), LB Odafe Oweh (ankle). Penn State 87, Wisconsin 83 UNLV 67, San Diego State 60
at L.A. Clippers 128, Oklahoma City 117 WEDNESDAY9S RESULTS Richmond 63, Duquesne 61
GREEN bAY PAcKERS AT SAN fRANcIScO 49ERS WEDNESDAY9S RESULTS Lakers 127, Mavericks 110 Montreal 3, at New Jersey 2 Seton Hall 80, St. John9s 65 TUESDAY9S RESULTS
GREEN bAY: DNP: CB Jaire Alexander (shoulder, ankle), Detroit 3, at Florida 2 (OT) Syracuse 69, Pittsburgh 58 SOUTH
Minnesota 124, at Detroit 117 DALLAS .............................. 26 27 27 30 4 110
RB A.J. Dillon (thumb, neck), DT Kingsley Enagbare Chicago at Buffalo, ppd. to Thursday SOUTH North Carolina Central 110, North Carolina Wesleyan 42
at Boston 117, San Antonio 98 L.A. LAKERS ....................... 32 23 42 30 4 127
(knee). LIMITED: DE Kenny Clark (back), LB Rashan Gary Alabama 93, Missouri 75 mIDWEST
at Toronto 121, Miami 97 THURSDAY9S GAmES
(knee), G Elgton Jenkins (knee, ankle), RB Aaron Jones DALLAS: Hardaway Jr. 5-17 2-2 12, Jones Jr. 3-3 0-0 8, Georgia 74, South Carolina 69 DePaul 79, Xavier 47
(knee, finger), LB Isaiah McDuffie (neck), CB Keisean at Cleveland 135, Milwaukee 95 St. Louis at Washington, 7
Lively II 8-9 0-0 16, Doncic 12-24 7-9 33, Irving 4-16 3-3 Georgia Tech 93, Clemson 90 (2OT) Iowa 96, Wisconsin 50
Nixon (toe), S Jonathan Owens (knee), WR Jayden Reed at Atlanta 106, Orlando 104 Chicago at Buffalo, 7
12, G.Williams 2-6 2-2 8, Kleber 2-3 0-0 6, Powell 0-0 1-2 North Carolina State 83, Wake Forest 76 SOUTHWEST
(chest), S Darnell Savage (shoulder, calf), LB Preston at New York 109, Houston 94 1, B.Williams 2-3 0-0 5, Curry 0-2 0-0 0, Hardy 3-7 0-0 7, Colorado at Boston, 7 Tennessee 85, Florida 66
Smith (ankle), WR Christian Watson (hamstring). FULL: at New Orleans 132, Charlotte 112 Lawson 1-1 0-0 2. Totals 42-91 15-18 110. Texas 91, Kansas 56
Dallas at Philadelphia, 7 mIDWEST
LB Quay Walker (shoulder). SAN fRANcIScO: Nothing at L.A. Lakers 127, Dallas 110 Texas San Antonio 65, South Florida 42
L.A. LAKERS: James 10-19 2-2 25, Prince 3-8 3-5 9, Davis Minnesota at Tampa Bay, 7 Akron 77, Western Michigan 66
reported. Brooklyn at Portland, late 12-17 4-5 28, Reaves 6-8 0-0 14, Russell 11-20 2-2 29, Montreal at Ottawa, 7 Ball State 76, Eastern Michigan 62
TAmPA bAY bUccANEERS AT DETROIT LIONS Golden State at Utah, ppd. Hachimura 2-6 1-2 6, Vanderbilt 1-3 5-8 7, Wood 1-5 0-0 Seattle at Edmonton, 9 Bowling Green 78, Miami (Ohio) 73
TAmPA bAY: DNP: LB Sahquil Barrett (ankle), LB YaYa THURSDAY9S GAmES 2, Hayes 0-1 0-0 0, Christie 2-2 0-0 5, Mays 1-2 0-0 2. Toronto at Calgary, 9 Cincinnati 81, TCU 77 (OT) no. 18 ohio State 84,
Diaby (shoulder), WR Chris Godwin (knee), RB Chase Totals 49-91 17-24 127. Arizona at Vancouver, 10 Dayton 70, Saint Louis 65 Maryland 76
Edmonds (toe). FULL: QB Baker Mayfield (ankle/ribs). Washington at New York, 7:30 Indiana State 88, Missouri State 66
Chicago at Toronto, 7:30 Three-point Goals: Dallas 11-40 (Jones Jr. 2-2, Kleber N.Y. Rangers at Vegas, 10
TAmPA bAY: DNP: C Frank Ragnow (NIR-resting player/ 2-3, G.Williams 2-6, Doncic 2-9, B.Williams 1-2, Hardy Nashville at Los Angeles, 10 Kansas State 68, Baylor 64 (OT) OHIO STATE ....................... 16 21 19 28 4 84
knee/back/toe), WR Kalif Reymond (knee). LIMITED: Oklahoma City at Utah, 9 Kent State 83, Northern Illinois 76 mARYLAND ........................ 17 22 16 21 4 76
1-5, Irving 1-5, Curry 0-1, Hardaway Jr. 0-7), L.A. Lakers
MLB Alex Anzaloe (shoulder). FULL: CB Brian Branch Indiana at Sacramento, 10 12-28 (Russell 5-7, James 3-7, Reaves 2-2, Christie 1-1, fRIDAY9S GAmES Ohio 73, Central Michigan 61
Ohio State (14-3)
(knee), LB James Houston (ankle), FS Kerby Joseph Memphis at Minnesota, 10 Hachimura 1-4, Vanderbilt 0-1, Prince 0-3, Wood 0-3). Detroit at Carolina, 7 Purdue 87, Indiana 66
McMahon 5-12 4-7 14, Mikulasikova 7-13 3-4 20, Sheldon
(knee), TE Sam LaPorta (knee), TE Brock Wright (hip). fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Dallas 43 (Doncic 13), L.A. Toledo 77, Buffalo 66
fRIDAY9S GAmES Minnesota at Florida, 7 3-10 4-4 10, Taylor 4-11 2-4 11, Thierry 6-7 5-6 17, Parks
Lakers 45 (Davis 12). Assists: Dallas 26 (Doncic 10), L.A. Xavier 85, Butler 71
KANSAS cITY cHIEfS AT bUffALO bILLS New Jersey at Columbus, 7 2-2 0-1 4, Walker 1-1 0-0 2, Greene 1-2 0-0 2, Harris 0-5
Philadelphia at Orlando, 7 Lakers 33 (Davis 9). Total fouls: Dallas 19, L.A. Lakers SOUTHWEST 2-4 2, Shumate 1-2 0-0 2, Totals 30-65 20-30 84
KANSAS cITY: DNP: DT Derrick Nnadi (triceps). LIMIT- San Antonio at Charlotte, 7 N.Y. Islanders at Chicago, 8:30
ED: WR Skyy Moore (knee), WR Justyn Ross (ham- 15. A: 18,338 (18,997) Arkansas 78, Texas A&M 77 maryland (11-6)
Denver at Boston, 7:30 Charlotte 81, Rice 79 (OT) Alexander 3-9 0-0 8, Kubek 0-0 0-0 0, Brown-Turner 8-18
string), CB L9Jarius Sneed (calf), WR Kadarius Toney
(hip, ankle). FULL: LB Nick Bolton (wrist), S Deon Bush Atlanta at Miami, 8 Kansas 90, Oklahoma State 66 0-0 16, McDaniel 7-14 2-3 16, Sellers 1-8 10-10 12,
(elbow), TE Noah Gray (rib), T Wanya Morris (concus- Phoenix at New Orleans, 8 SMU 77, Temple 64 Masonius 3-6 0-0 6, Briggs 6-12 2-2 16, Fisher 0-0 2-4 2,
sion), DE Charles Omenihu (hamstring), WR Rashee Rice Dallas at Golden State, 10
Suns 119, kings 117 WEST Totals 28-67 16-19 76
canadiens 3, Devils 2 Three-point goals: Ohio State 4-26 (McMahon 0-2,
(hamstring), T Donovan Smith (neck), WR Marquez Indiana at Portland, 10 Late Tuesday BYU 87, Iowa State 72 Mikulasikova 3-6, Sheldon 0-6, Taylor 1-5, Thierry 0-1,
Valdes-Scantling (oblique). bUffALO (no practice; esti- Brooklyn at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 mONTREAL .............................. 1 1 1 4 3 Colorado State 78, Air Force 69 (OT)
mation): DNP: CB Christian Benford (knee), LB Terrel SAcRAmENTO ................... 39 29 28 21 4 117 NEW jERSEY ........................... 0 0 2 4 2 Greene 0-1, Harris 0-4, Shumate 0-1), Maryland 4-15
Fresno State 85, San Jose State 82 (Alexander 2-6, Brown-Turner 0-2, McDaniel 0-1, Sellers
Bernard (ankle), WR Gabe Davis (knee), DE Leonard PHOENIX ............................ 27 24 33 35 4 119 New Mexico 99, Utah State 86
Floyd (NIR-resting player), P Sam Martin (left ham-
fIRST PERIOD 0-2, Briggs 2-4). Assists: Ohio State 17 (Sheldon 5),
UNLV 68, Boise State 64 Maryland 15 (Sellers 7). fouled out: Maryland Bro-
string), OLB Von Miller (NIR-resting player), S Taylor Timberwolves 124, Pistons 117 SAcRAmENTO: Barnes 3-9 0-0 8, Murray 7-12 1-2 18, Scoring: 1, Montreal, Slafkovsky 6 (Caufield), 12:48.
Rapp (calf), LB Baylon Spector (back). LIMITED: LB Tyrel Sabonis 9-11 2-4 21, Fox 12-24 3-5 33, Huerter 4-9 0-0 wn-Turner. Rebounds: Ohio State 42 (McMahon 9,
Dodson (shoulder), CB Taron Johnson (concussion). mINNESOTA ...................... 39 31 28 26 4 124 10, Lyles 0-2 0-0 0, Vezenkov 6-9 0-0 14, Len 0-0 0-0 0, SEcOND PERIOD Thierry 9), Maryland 39 (Sellers 9). Total fouls: Ohio
FULL: QB Josh Allen (neck), S Micah Hyde (neck). DETROIT ............................. 40 22 28 27 4 117 Monk 5-16 1-1 13. Totals 46-92 7-12 117. northwestern 72, Maryland 69 State 18, Maryland 23. Technical Fouls_None. A: 5,112.
Scoring: 2, Montreal, Roy 1 (Monahan, Armia), 14:45.
mINNESOTA: McDaniels 8-11 4-4 23, Towns 10-17 2-2 PHOENIX: Allen 10-17 0-0 29, Durant 7-16 9-9 27, Nurkic
4-5 2-2 10, Beal 6-14 1-2 13, Booker 5-14 5-6 16, Eubanks THIRD PERIOD maryland (11-7)
27, Gobert 8-11 3-4 19, Conley 3-8 0-1 8, Edwards 10-24 Geronimo 5-6 0-0 12, Reese 4-8 2-5 10, Scott 4-9 0-0 11,
Te nnIS 4-4 27, Anderson 2-6 0-0 4, Brown Jr. 0-0 0-0 0, Reid 3-9 1-1 1-1 3, Metu 3-5 0-0 6, Gordon 5-10 0-0 13, Okogie 1-3 Scoring: 3, New Jersey, L.Hughes 8 (Meier, Hischier), Harris-Smith 0-2 0-0 0, Young 12-19 11-11 36, Long 0-2 no. 9 connecticut 83,
2-4 9, Alexander-Walker 3-6 0-0 7, McLaughlin 0-1 0-2 0, 0-0 2. Totals 42-85 18-20 119. 0:47 (pp). 4, New Jersey, Holtz 11 (Mercer, Nemec), 1:38 0-2 0, Batchelor 0-1 0-0 0, Kaiser 0-1 0-0 0, Swanton- Seton hall 59
Milton 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 47-93 15-21 124. Three-point Goals: Sacramento 18-40 (Fox 6-10, Murray (pp). 5, Montreal, Caufield 14 (Monahan, Harris), 15:29. Rodger 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 25-48 13-18 69.
Australian open DETROIT: Bogdanovic 7-13 3-4 20, Stewart 4-9 2-2 12, 3-5, Vezenkov 2-3, Barnes 2-6, Huerter 2-6, Monk 2-7, SHOTS ON GOAL Northwestern (13-4) cONNEcTIcUT .................... 21 30 10 22 4 83
Duren 8-14 0-1 16, Hayes 4-4 0-0 8, Ivey 13-22 2-2 32, Sabonis 1-1, Lyles 0-2), Phoenix 17-37 (Allen 9-14, Hunger 1-1 1-2 3, Barnhizer 5-8 4-4 15, Berry 2-8 6-6 11, SETON HALL ...................... 23 10 18 8 4 59
At Melbourne Park mONTREAL ............................ 10 7 8 4 25
Knox II 2-3 0-0 5, Muscala 0-4 0-0 0, Thompson 3-6 1-5 7, Durant 4-8, Gordon 3-7, Booker 1-3, Metu 0-1, Beal 0-4). Buie 7-14 4-4 20, Langborg 3-10 0-0 8, Nicholson 5-9 0-2 connecticut (15-3)
Purse: $26,029,890 NEW jERSEY ......................... 11 11 8 4 30
Burks 3-10 5-5 12, Sasser 2-4 0-0 5. Totals 46-89 13-19 fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Sacramento 31 (Sabonis 10, Martinelli 1-5 3-4 5. Totals 24-55 18-22 72. Edwards 5-9 7-8 17, Arnold 4-7 3-4 15, Bueckers 12-17
Surface: Hardcourt outdoor Power-play opportunities: Montreal 0 of 1; New Jersey 2
117. 12), Phoenix 46 (Nurkic 15). Assists: Sacramento 34 Halftime: Northwestern 32-28. Three-point goals: Mary- 4-7 32, Muhl 2-6 1-1 5, Shade 2-5 0-0 5, Brady 1-2 0-0 2,
mEN9S SINGLES 4 SEcOND ROUND (Sabonis 11), Phoenix 32 (Booker 11). Total fouls: of 4. Goalies: Montreal, Montembeault 10-6-4 (30 land 6-17 (Scott 3-6, Geronimo 2-3, Young 1-4, Batchelor
Three-point Goals: Minnesota 15-30 (Towns 5-5, Mc- DeBerry 0-0 0-0 0, Bettencourt 1-1 0-0 2, Samuels 2-2
Jannik Sinner (4), Italy, def. Jesper De Jong, Nether- Sacramento 20, Phoenix 15. A: 17,071 (18,422) shots-28 saves). New Jersey, Daws 3-3-0 (25-22). A: 0-1, Harris-Smith 0-1, Kaiser 0-1, Long 0-1), Northwest-
Daniels 3-4, Edwards 3-8, Conley 2-6, Alexander-Walker 0-1 5, Totals 29-49 15-21 83
16,022 (16,514). T: 2:20. ern 6-21 (Buie 2-5, Langborg 2-7, Barnhizer 1-2, Berry
lands, 6-2, 6-2, 6-2; Alex de Minaur (10), Australia, def. 1-3, Reid 1-4), Detroit 12-31 (Ivey 4-6, Bogdanovic 3-7, Seton Hall (11-7)
Matteo Arnaldi, Italy, 6-3, 6-0, 6-3; Sebastian Baez (26), 1-5, Martinelli 0-2). fouled out: Harris-Smith. Rebounds: Baines 6-13 3-4 17, Davis 2-4 0-0 4, Lops 2-8 1-2 7, Gray
Stewart 2-5, Knox II 1-2, Sasser 1-2, Burks 1-4, Maryland 26 (Reese 9), Northwestern 29 (Berry, Nichol-
Argentina, def. Daniel Elahi Galan, Colombia, 7-5, 2-6, Thompson 0-2, Muscala 0-3). fouled Out: None. Re- clippers 128, Thunder 117 son 7). Assists: Maryland 12 (Young 5), Northwestern
2-8 1-2 7, Wright 1-3 0-0 2, Harvey-Carr 4-7 1-2 13,
6-2, 6-4; Flavio Cobolli, Italy, def. Pavel Kotov, Russia, bounds: Minnesota 41 (Gobert 16), Detroit 40 (Duren Satterfield 2-3 0-0 4, White 1-3 0-0 2, Catalon 1-5 0-0 3,
7-5, 6-3, 5-7, 6-2; Taylor Fritz (12), United States, def. Late Tuesday red Wings 3, Panthers 2 (oT) 15 (Buie 7). Total fouls: Maryland 21, Northwestern 18. Hagans 0-0 0-0 0, Mulroy 0-1 0-0 0, Pinkney 0-0 0-0 0,
11). Assists: Minnesota 32 (Anderson 9), Detroit 30
Hugo Gaston, France, 6-0, 6-3, 6-1; Fabian Marozsan, (Hayes 8). Total fouls: Minnesota 14, Detroit 18. A: Totals 21-55 6-10 59
Hungary, def. Francisco Cerundolo (22), Argentina, 7-6 OKLAHOmA cITY ............... 30 31 28 28 4 117 DETROIT ............................ 0 1 1 1 4 3 Three-point goals: Connecticut 10-22 (Edwards 0-1,
16,022 (20,491) L.A. cLIPPERS .................... 35 30 34 29 4 128 fLORIDA ............................ 0 2 0 0 4 2
(7-5), 6-4, 6-2; Karen Khachanov (15), Russia, def. Virginia 65, Virginia Tech 57 Arnold 4-6, Bueckers 4-8, Muhl 0-3, Shade 1-2, Brady 0-1,
Aleksandar Kovacevic, United States, 6-4, 6-3, 4-6, 6-3; SEcOND PERIOD Samuels 1-1), Seton Hall 11-26 (Baines 2-4, Lops 2-4,
OKLAHOmA cITY: Dort 6-10 2-2 19, Jal.Williams 10-14 Virginia Tech (10-7)
Luca van Assche, France, def. Lorenzo Musetti (25), Gray 2-4, Wright 0-1, Harvey-Carr 4-7, Satterfield 0-1,
3-3 25, Holmgren 2-10 4-6 8, Giddey 4-9 0-0 9, Scoring: 1, Florida, Reinhart 33 (Lundell, Kulikov), 5:38 Beran 4-7 0-0 10, Kidd 1-3 0-0 2, Cattoor 5-10 0-0 12,
Italy, 6-3, 3-6, 6-7 (7-5), 6-3, 6-0; Ben Shelton (16), celtics 117, Spurs 98 Catalon 1-4, Mulroy 0-1). Assists: Connecticut 24 (Muhl
Gilgeous-Alexander 6-16 7-8 19, Dieng 0-1 0-0 0, (sh). 2, Detroit, Rasmussen 10 (Maatta, Copp), 11:40. 3, Collins 1-3 0-0 3, Pedulla 6-16 2-2 18, Nickel 2-8 2-2 8,
United States, def. Christopher O9Connell, Australia, 10), Seton Hall 15 (Wright 8). fouled out: None.
SAN ANTONIO ................... 25 20 33 20 4 98 K.Williams 1-4 0-0 3, Sarr 0-0 0-0 0, Joe 5-7 0-0 15, Micic Florida, Forsling 6 (Bennett), 11:56. Poteat 1-3 0-0 2, Ward 0-0 0-0 0, Long 1-3 0-0 2,
6-4, 6-1, 3-6, 7-6 (7-5); Adrian Mannarino (20), France, Rebounds: Connecticut 37 (Edwards 9), Seton Hall 20
bOSTON ............................. 30 40 24 23 4 117 3-4 1-1 7, Wallace 2-4 0-0 5, Wiggins 3-4 0-0 7. Totals Rechsteiner 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 21-54 4-4 57.
def. Jaume Munar, Spain, 6-3, 6-3, 1-6, 2-6, 6-3; Tomas THIRD PERIOD (Baines 6). Total fouls: Connecticut 15, Seton Hall 19.
42-83 17-20 117. Virginia (12-5)
Machac, Czech Republic, def. Frances Tiafoe (17), United Technical Fouls_None. A: 1,296.
States, 6-4, 6-4, 7-6 (7-5); Tomas Martin Etcheverry SAN ANTONIO: Champagnie 4-8 0-0 9, Sochan 2-9 0-0 5, L.A. cLIPPERS: George 15-24 2-4 38, Leonard 6-10 1-2 Scoring: 4, Detroit, Fabbri 13 (Maatta, Rasmussen), Minor 5-8 6-8 16, Beekman 6-13 2-3 16, Dunn 3-4 0-0 6,
(30), Argentina, def. Gael Monfils, France, 6-4, 6-4, 6-4; Wembanyama 10-19 5-6 27, Jones 4-9 0-0 9, Vassell 16, Plumlee 5-5 4-7 14, Harden 5-14 2-2 16, Te.Mann 3-6 6:15. McKneely 3-8 2-2 8, Rohde 0-4 0-0 0, Harris 2-5 1-3 5,
Sebastian Korda (29), United States, def. Quentin Halys, 7-15 7-8 21, Barlow 2-6 0-0 5, Diakite 1-2 1-2 3, 0-0 7, Theis 4-6 0-0 9, Coffey 3-4 0-0 9, Powell 2-10 2-4 8, Groves 2-5 0-0 6, Buchanan 4-5 0-0 8, Bond 0-1 0-0 0,
France, 6-4, 6-4, 6-4; Andrey Rublev (5), Russia, def. Mamukelashvili 1-2 0-0 2, McDermott 1-4 0-0 2, Osman Westbrook 4-8 3-4 11. Totals 47-87 14-23 128. OVERTImE Murray 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 25-54 11-16 65.
Christopher Eubanks, United States, 6-4, 6-4, 6-4; Novak 1-2 0-0 2, Johnson 2-4 0-0 5, Branham 4-9 0-0 8, Graham Halftime: Virginia 25-18. Three-point goals: Virginia no. 16 Indiana 85,
Three-point Goals: Oklahoma City 16-34 (Joe 5-6, Dort Scoring: 5, Detroit, Larkin 18 (Perron, Gostisbehere),
Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. Alexei Popyrin, Australia, 6-3, 0-2 0-0 0, Wesley 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 39-93 13-16 98. 1:09 (pp). Tech 11-30 (Pedulla 4-9, Beran 2-4, Cattoor 2-5, Nickel Minnesota 62
5-8, Jal.Williams 2-3, Wiggins 1-1, Wallace 1-2, Giddey 2-7, Collins 1-3, Long 0-1, Rechsteiner 0-1), Virginia 4-14
4-6, 7-6 (7-4), 6-3; Stefanos Tsitsipas (7), Greece, def. bOSTON: Horford 3-4 0-0 9, Tatum 9-21 3-5 24, Kornet 1-3, K.Williams 1-4, Dieng 0-1, Micic 0-1, Holmgren 0-2,
Jordan Thompson, Australia, 4-6, 7-6 (8-6), 6-2, 7-6 SHOTS ON GOAL (Beekman 2-3, Groves 2-4, Harris 0-2, McKneely 0-2, mINNESOTA ...................... 18 11 18 15 4 62
3-5 0-0 6, Brown 8-16 2-2 21, Holiday 8-14 0-0 22, Banton Gilgeous-Alexander 0-3), L.A. Clippers 20-43 (George
(7-4). Rohde 0-3). Rebounds: Virginia Tech 32 (Beran, Pedulla INDIANA ............................. 23 24 17 21 4 85
0-2 1-2 1, Hauser 3-6 0-0 7, Stevens 0-0 0-0 0, Walsh 0-1 6-12, Harden 4-10, Coffey 3-3, Leonard 3-4, Powell 2-7, DETROIT ............................ 9 10 9 1 4 29
6), Virginia 29 (Dunn 7). Assists: Virginia Tech 14 minnesota (13-4)
0-0 0, Mykhailiuk 0-2 0-0 0, Brissett 2-5 3-4 7, Queta 2-4 Te.Mann 1-2, Theis 1-2, Westbrook 0-3). fouled Out: fLORIDA .......................... 10 13 11 0 4 34
WOmEN9S SINGLES 4 SEcOND ROUND (Pedulla 5), Virginia 18 (Harris 5). Total fouls: Virginia Grocholski 8-9 0-0 19, Heyer 1-7 0-0 3, Hart 3-5 0-2 6,
2-2 6, Davison 0-0 2-2 2, Pritchard 4-10 2-2 12. Totals None. Rebounds: Oklahoma City 35 (Joe, K.Williams 6), Power-play opportunities: Detroit 1 of 3; Florida 0 of 2. Tech 14, Virginia 11. A: 14,547 (14,593). Battle 4-15 4-4 13, Braun 6-15 2-2 14, Holloway 1-3 0-0 3,
Anna Kalinskaya, Russia, def. Arantxa Rus, Netherlands, 42-90 15-19 117. L.A. Clippers 39 (Theis 8). Assists: Oklahoma City 30 Goalies: Detroit, Lyon 10-4-1 (34 shots-32 saves).
6-1, 7-5; Linda Noskova, Czech Republic, def. McCartney (Jal.Williams 7), L.A. Clippers 30 (Harden 8). Total fouls: Florida, Bobrovsky 21-10-2 (29-26). A: 17,958 (19,250). Johnson 0-1 0-0 0, Czinano 0-0 0-0 0, Sanders 1-2 2-5 4,
Three-point Goals: San Antonio 7-34 (Wembanyama Totals 24-57 8-13 62
Kessler, United States, 6-3, 1-6, 6-4; Mirra Andreeva, Oklahoma City 19, L.A. Clippers 18. A: 19,370 (18,997) T: 2:32.
2-6, Barlow 1-2, Champagnie 1-2, Johnson 1-2, Sochan Indiana (15-2)
Russia, def. Ons Jabeur (6), Tunisia, 6-0, 6-2; Maria navy 71, Lehigh 69
1-4, Jones 1-5, Mamukelashvili 0-1, Graham 0-2, McDer- Holmes 15-17 2-2 32, Garzon 3-7 0-0 7, Moore-McNeil
Timofeeva, Russia, def. Caroline Wozniacki, Denmark,
mott 0-2, Branham 0-3, Vassell 0-5), Boston 18-38 Lehigh (4-12) 1-3 2-2 4, Parrish 5-8 0-0 15, Scalia 8-17 1-2 22, Meister
1-6, 6-4, 6-1; Amanda Anisimova, United States, def.
(Holiday 6-7, Horford 3-4, Brown 3-6, Tatum 3-8, Chebuhar 0-1 0-1 0, Momah 4-5 1-1 9, Ingram 0-3 0-0 0, 1-3 1-2 3, Bargesser 0-0 2-4 2, Beaumont 0-1 0-0 0,
Nadia Podoroska, Argentina, 6-2, 6-3; Barbora Krejciko- Blackhawks 2, Sharks 1 (So)
Pritchard 2-4, Hauser 1-4, Banton 0-1, Brissett 0-1, hIGh SchooLS Sinclair 5-7 3-3 13, Whitney-Sidney 5-11 2-3 14, Parolin LaMendola 0-0 0-0 0, Sandvik 0-0 0-0 0, Totals 33-56
va (9), Czech Republic, def. Tamara Korpatsch, Germany,
Walsh 0-1, Mykhailiuk 0-2). fouled Out: None. Re- 5-8 10-12 20, Knostman 0-2 0-0 0, Whitlock 2-6 3-4 7,
6-2, 6-2; Alycia Parks, United States, def. Leylah Annie
bounds: San Antonio 41 (Sochan 7), Boston 54 (Kornet
Late Tuesday 8-12 85
Fernandez (32), Canada, 7-5, 6-4; Coco Gauff (4), United Gillus 0-3 0-0 0, Tan 3-4 0-0 6. Totals 24-50 19-24 69. Three-point goals: Minnesota 6-15 (Grocholski 3-4,
9). Assists: San Antonio 26 (Jones 10), Boston 22 WEDNESDAY9S RESULTS SAN jOSE .......................... 0 0 1 0 4 1 Navy (7-9) Heyer 1-5, Battle 1-2, Braun 0-3, Holloway 1-1), Indiana
States, def. Caroline Dolehide, United States, 7-6 (7-2),
(Brown 5). Total fouls: San Antonio 15, Boston 15. A: cHIcAGO ............................ 1 0 0 1 4 2 Draper 5-9 3-11 14, Fischer 2-4 1-1 5, Benigni 11-18 8-10 11-24 (Garzon 1-4, Moore-McNeil 0-1, Parrish 5-8, Scalia
6-2; Storm Hunter, Australia, def. Laura Siegemund,
19,156 (18,624)
Germany, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3; Anastasia Zakharova, Russia, D.c. cHIcAGO WON SHOOTOUT 2-1 32, Inge 0-5 2-2 2, Summers 0-3 0-0 0, Howard 1-4 0-0 2, 5-11). Assists: Minnesota 8 (Battle 3), Indiana 23
def. Kaja Juvan, Slovenia, 6-1, 6-1; Beatriz Haddad Maia Woods 6-10 4-4 16, Pennick 0-2 0-0 0, Rehnstrom 0-1 0-0 (Moore-McNeil 5, Parrish 5). fouled out: None. Re-
Coolidge 98, Bell 52 fIRST PERIOD 0, Cole 0-0 0-0 0, Kehoe 0-0 0-1 0. Totals 25-56 18-29 71.
(10), Brazil, def. Alina Korneeva, Russia, 6-1, 6-2; Diane Jackson-Reed 81, Banneker 61 bounds: Minnesota 29 (Heyer 6), Indiana 32 (Garzon 9).
Parry, France, def. Kamilla Rakhimova, Russia, 7-5, 6-2; raptors 121, heat 97 Scoring: 1, Chicago, Guttman 4 (Donato, Korchinski), Halftime: 35-35. Three-point goals: Lehigh 2-14 (Whit- Total fouls: Minnesota 14, Indiana 14. Technical
Paula Badosa, Spain, def. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, mARYLAND 10:41 (pp). ney-Sidney 2-5, Knostman 0-1, Parolin 0-1, Sinclair 0-1, Fouls_None. A: 7,977.
Russia, 6-2, 6-3; Magdalena Frech, Poland, def. Caroline mIAmI ................................ 18 25 30 24 4 97 St. Charles 53, Great Mills 48 Ingram 0-3, Whitlock 0-3), Navy 3-18 (Benigni 2-4,
TORONTO ........................... 41 37 16 27 4 121 Thomas Stone 60, Huntingtown 56 THIRD PERIOD Draper 1-3, Rehnstrom 0-1, Howard 0-2, Pennick 0-2,
Garcia (16), France, 6-4, 7-6 (7-2); Aryna Sabalenka (2),
Belarus, def. Brenda Fruhvirtova, Czech Republic, 6-3, Westlake 69, Patuxent 41 Scoring: 2, San Jose, Carpenter 2 (Hoffman, Bailey), Inge 0-3, Summers 0-3). fouled out: Momah, Knostman,
mIAmI: Butler 6-11 4-5 16, Jovic 4-9 1-2 10, Adebayo Fischer, Woods. Rebounds: Lehigh 30 (Whitlock 7), Navy Villanova 66,
6-2; Lesia Tsurenko (28), Ukraine, def. Rebeka Masaro- 7-13 2-3 16, Herro 7-20 0-0 16, Lowry 2-9 0-0 4, VIRGINIA 5:13.
va, Spain, 6-3, 6-4; Marta Kostyuk, Ukraine, def. Elise 31 (Draper 12). Assists: Lehigh 13 (Knostman 4), Navy no. 22 Marquette 63
D.Robinson 6-11 0-0 14, Highsmith 1-2 0-0 2, Martin 4-5 Chantilly 63, Centreville 61 SHOOTOUT
Mertens (25), Belgium, 5-7, 6-1, 7-6 (8-6); Elina Avane- 10 (Benigni 3). Total fouls: Lehigh 24, Navy 18. A: 943
2-2 10, Swider 1-2 0-0 2, Bryant 1-1 0-0 2, O.Robinson 0-0 Edison 76, Lewis 42
syan, Russia, def. Maria Sakkari (8), Greece, 6-4, 6-4. Chicago 2 (Kurashev NG, Donato NG, Pitlick G, Reichel (5,710). mARqUETTE ...................... 19 16 20 8 4 63
0-0 0, Richardson 2-7 0-0 5. Totals 41-90 9-12 97. Hayfield 72, Justice 26
Madison 64, Oakton 51 NG, Dickinson NG, Guttman NG, Raddysh NG, Sanford VILLANOVA ........................ 16 18 17 15 4 66
mEN9S DOUbLES 4 fIRST ROUND TORONTO: Barnes 9-16 1-1 20, Barrett 9-14 7-13 26, NG, Katchouk G), San Jose 1 (Zetterlund NG, Labanc G,
Meridian 79, Osbourn Park 60 marquette (15-3)
Marcel Granollers, Spain, and Horacio Zeballos (4), Porter 2-7 0-0 6, Quickley 6-16 2-2 17, Trent Jr. 10-13 0-0 Mount Vernon 53, Annandale 53 Hertl NG, Hoffman NG, Kunin NG, Eklund NG, Thrun NG, no. 1 connecticut 62, Forbes 4-7 0-0 9, Karlen 7-19 2-2 16, Hare 8-15 0-0 21,
Argentina, def. Evan King and Reese Stalder, United 28, Boucher 1-3 0-0 2, McDaniels 0-1 0-0 0, Young 2-6 1-2 Patriot 79, Osbourn 49 Barabanov NG, Zadina NG).
no. 18 creighton 48 King 5-10 2-2 13, Nkumu 0-3 0-0 0, Hottinger 1-2 2-2 4,
States, 6-3, 7-6 (7-3); Jack Withrow and Nathaniel 5, Dick 2-2 0-0 6, Temple 0-1 0-0 0, Freeman-Liberty 1-3 South Lakes 85, Westfield 31 Kaifes 0-0 0-0 0, Volker 0-0 0-0 0, Totals 25-56 6-6 63
Lammons (12), United States, def. Petr Nouza and Jiri 0-0 2, Schroder 3-6 0-0 9. Totals 45-88 11-18 121. W.T. Woodson 50, South County 48
SHOTS ON GOAL creighton (13-5) Villanova (12-5)
Lehecka, Czech Republic, 3-6, 7-5, 6-4; Ivan Dodig, Three-point Goals: Miami 6-28 (D.Robinson 2-5, Herro Wakefield 52, Marshall 50 SAN jOSE .......................... 9 15 12 2 4 38 Miller 0-3 0-0 0, Kalkbrenner 4-5 2-2 11, Alexander 3-12 Dalce 4-10 2-2 10, Burke 0-0 0-0 0, Jones 0-1 0-0 0, Olsen
Croatia, and Austin Krajicek (1), United States, def. 2-9, Jovic 1-2, Richardson 1-4, Highsmith 0-1, Swider cHIcAGO ............................ 5 9 8 3 4 25 0-0 6, Ashworth 5-15 2-2 14, Scheierman 4-11 2-2 12, 12-19 11-13 37, Runyan 4-12 0-0 11, McCurry 0-0 0-0 0,
Roman Safiullin, Russia, and Miomir Kecmanovic, Ser- PRIVATE
0-1, Lowry 0-6), Toronto 20-38 (Trent Jr. 8-9, Schroder Power-play opportunities: San Jose 0 of 2; Chicago 1 of 4. Farabello 2-2 0-0 5, Green 0-1 0-0 0, Traudt 0-1 0-0 0, Jegede 0-0 0-0 0, Orihel 0-1 0-0 0, Webber 3-10 1-2 8,
bia, 3-6, 6-1, 6-2; Jean-Julien Rojer, Netherlands, and Bullis 65, Episcopal 36 Goalies: San Jose, Blackwood 5-17-3 (25 shots-24 King 0-2 0-0 0, Dotzler 0-0 0-0 0, Lawson 0-0 0-0 0. Totals
3-5, Quickley 3-6, Dick 2-2, Porter 2-4, Barrett 1-3, Totals 23-53 14-17 66
Lloyd Glasspool (11), Britain, def. Tallon Griekspoor and Georgetown Prep 94, St. Albans 61 saves). Chicago, Mrazek 11-16-1 (38-37). A: 16,401
Barnes 1-6, Boucher 0-1, McDaniels 0-1, Temple 0-1). 18-52 6-6 48. Three-point goals: Marquette 7-17 (Forbes 1-1, Karlen
Bart Stevens, Netherlands, 7-6 (7-2), 6-2; Hugo Nys, Potomac School 74, St. James 52 (19,717). T: 2:46.
fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Miami 37 (Herro, Jovic 7), connecticut (16-2) 0-2, Hare 5-10, King 1-2, Nkumu 0-2), Villanova 6-18
Monaco, and Jan Zielinski (7), Poland, def. Dane Sweeny Severn 72, St. John9s Catholic Prep 51 S.Johnson 2-4 0-0 4, Karaban 5-11 2-2 13, Castle 2-12 0-1
Toronto 45 (Barrett, Quickley, Young 8). Assists: Miami (Olsen 2-3, Runyan 3-8, Orihel 0-1, Webber 1-6). Assists:
and James McCabe, Australia, 6-7 (7-5), 7-5, 6-2; Sidwell Friends 68, Georgetown Day 34 5, Newton 6-15 2-3 16, Spencer 5-13 2-3 13, Diarra 2-6
24 (Butler, Martin 5), Toronto 34 (Quickley 9). Total Marquette 16 (Nkumu 6), Villanova 12 (Olsen 5). fouled
Santiago Gonzalez, Mexico, and Neal Skupski (5), St. Mary9s (Annapolis) 61. St. Paul9s 50 1-1 5, Clingan 3-8 0-0 6, Stewart 0-0 0-0 0, Ball 0-1 0-0 0,
fouls: Miami 13, Toronto 14. A: 19,631 (19,800) out: None. Rebounds: Marquette 32 (Karlen 7), Villanova
Britain, def. Mackenzie McDonald, United States, and St. Stephen9s/St. Agnes 79, Landon 62 Ross 0-0 0-0 0, Roumoglou 0-0 0-0 0, Singare 0-0 0-0 0.
Flames 3, coyotes 2 (oT) 28 (Dalce 14). Total fouls: Marquette 16, Villanova 11.
Botic Van de Zandschulp, Netherlands, 7-6 (8-6), 6-1; Totals 25-70 7-10 62. Technical Fouls_None. A: 1,643.
Kevin Krawietz and Tim Puetz (8), Germany, def. Marcos GIRLS9 bASKETbALL
Giron, United States, and Kwon Soon Woo, South Korea, D.c. Late Tuesday Halftime: Connecticut 32-21. Three-point goals: Creigh-
6-2, 6-0; Rajeev Ram, United States, and Joe Salisbury
Pelicans 132, hornets 112 Anacostia 53, Cardozo 5 ARIzONA ........................... 0 1 1 0 4 2
ton 6-26 (Scheierman 2-6, Ashworth 2-8, Farabello 1-1,
Kalkbrenner 1-2, Green 0-1, Traudt 0-1, Miller 0-3,
(3), Britain, def. Matwe Middelkoop, Netherlands, and cHARLOTTE ....................... 36 25 21 30 4 112 Coolidge 62, Bell 7 cALGARY ........................... 0 0 2 1 4 3
Alexander 0-4), Connecticut 5-19 (Newton 2-4, Spencer
Texas Tech 71,
Marcelo Melo, Brazil, 7-6 (7-4), 7-5. NEW ORLEANS .................. 43 23 30 36 4 132 D.C. International, Model 12
SEcOND PERIOD 1-2, Castle 1-5, Karaban 1-5, Ball 0-1, Diarra 0-1, no. 24 Iowa State 63
S.Johnson 0-1). Rebounds: Creighton 26 (Kalkbrenner
WOmEN9S DOUbLES 4 fIRST ROUND cHARLOTTE: Bridges 8-20 0-0 19, Martin 2-9 2-2 7, Scoring: 1, Arizona, Durzi 7 (Schmaltz, Moser), 8:22 (sh).
St. Charles 60, Great Mills 28 8), Connecticut 45 (Castle, Newton 8). Assists: Creigh- IOWA STATE ...................... 11 18 13 21 4 63
Alexandra Panova, Russia, and Cristina Bucsa, Spain, Richards 4-5 2-2 10, Ball 8-19 9-10 29, Rozier 9-15 0-0 25, TEXAS TEcH ....................... 16 18 17 20 4 71
VIRGINIA THIRD PERIOD ton 8 (Alexander 3), Connecticut 13 (Newton 5). Total
def. Sara Sorribes Tormo, Spain, and Marie Bouzkova Black 0-0 0-2 0, Thor 0-1 0-0 0, Washington 3-9 0-0 7,
fouls: Creighton 14, Connecticut 12. A: 10,299 (10,167). Iowa State (12-5)
(12), Czech Republic, 6-2, 2-6, 6-4; Sara Errani and Mensah 1-2 2-2 4, Bouknight 2-3 0-0 6, Ntilikina 0-1 0-0 Centreville 53, Chantilly 42 Scoring: 2, Arizona, Cooley 4 (Keller, Durzi), 6:36. 3,
0, Smith 1-1 0-0 2, Smith Jr. 1-5 0-0 3. Totals 39-90 15-18 Edison 61, Lewis 18 Brown 0-4 2-2 2, Diew 1-7 0-0 2, Crooks 5-12 4-5 14,
Jasmine Paolini, Italy, def. Monica Niculescu, Romania, Calgary, Coleman 20 (Andersson), 8:54. 4, Calgary, Kadri Belanger 4-10 0-0 11, Jackson 0-4 0-0 0, Bristow 4-4 0-0
and Ingrid Martins (15), Brazil, 6-3, 6-1; Wang Xiyu, 112. Gainesville 75, Battlefield 44 15 (Pospisil), 9:57.
Hayfield 57, Justice 23 10, Natabou 2-5 0-0 4, Joens 0-2 2-2 2, Ryan 8-13 0-0 18,
China, and Linda Noskova, Czech Republic, def. Priscilla NEW ORLEANS: Ingram 8-19 5-5 28, Williamson 5-12 no. 4 north carolina 86, Totals 24-61 8-9 63
Hon and Talia Gibson, Australia, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4; Maddison 3-4 13, Valanciunas 1-3 2-2 4, Jones 3-5 1-2 9, McCollum Madison 44, Oakton 43 OVERTImE
Mount Vernon 64, Annandale 26 Texas Tech (14-5)
Inglis and Destanee Aiava, Australia, def. Martina 8-15 2-2 22, Marshall 3-5 2-2 8, Nance Jr. 3-3 0-0 7, Scoring: 5, Calgary, Sharangovich 18 (Lindholm, Kadri), Louisville 70 Freelon 4-6 0-0 8, Merritt 3-9 1-2 8, Maupin 5-10 3-3 16,
Trevisan and Elisabetta Cocciaretto, Italy, 1-6, 6-1, 6-2; Murphy III 6-13 1-2 18, Zeller 0-0 0-0 0, Alvarado 0-0 2-2 Patriot 59, Osbourn 54
4:43 (pp). Louisville (6-11) McKinney 5-6 0-0 15, Wynn 2-5 0-0 5, Arike 0-5 0-0 0,
Kimberly Birrell and Olivia Gadecki, Australia, def. 2, Daniels 0-2 0-0 0, Hawkins 7-12 1-2 21. Totals 44-89 South County 42, W.T. Woodson 20
Westfield 41, South Lakes 30 Huntley-Hatfield 7-10 1-4 15, Jovanovich 1-2 0-0 2, Clark Lewis 1-2 2-2 4, Chevalier 0-2 0-0 0, Johnson 0-0 0-0 0,
Sabrina Santamaria, United States, and Varvara Grache- 19-23 132. SHOTS ON GOAL 6-12 0-1 16, Miller 0-0 0-0 0, James 3-10 2-2 9, White 5-8 Shavers 4-10 4-4 15, Ukkonen 0-1 0-0 0, Totals 24-56
va, Russia, 6-0, 6-3; Emma Navarro, United States, and PRIVATE ARIzONA ........................... 3 10 12 2 4 27 1-2 12, Williams 3-5 0-0 8, Glenn 1-2 0-0 2, Johnson 1-7 10-11 71
Diana Shnaider, Russia, def. Anna-Karolina Schmiedlo- Three-point Goals: Charlotte 19-45 (Rozier 7-11, Ball
4-12, Bridges 3-7, Bouknight 2-2, Smith Jr. 1-2, Wash- Georgetown Day 43, Stone Ridge 39 cALGARY ........................... 7 10 9 7 4 33 2-4 4, Payne 1-1 0-0 2. Totals 28-57 6-13 70. Three-point goals: Iowa State 7-26 (Brown 0-3, Diew
va, Slovakia, and Anhelina Kalinina, Ukraine, 7-5, 6-0; Maret 58, Flint Hill 26 Power-play opportunities: Arizona 0 of 3; Calgary 1 of 5. North carolina (14-3) 0-5, Belanger 3-6, Jackson 0-3, Bristow 2-2, Joens 0-2,
Aliaksandra Sasnovich, Belarus, and Anna Blinkova, ington 1-4, Martin 1-5, Ntilikina 0-1, Thor 0-1), New
Orleans 25-47 (Ingram 7-11, Hawkins 6-9, Murphy III Goalies: Arizona, Ingram 15-8-0 (33 shots-30 saves). Ingram 4-11 0-2 10, Bacot 7-11 5-6 19, Cadeau 2-4 1-2 5, Ryan 2-5), Texas Tech 13-29 (Freelon 0-2, Merritt 1-2,
Russia, def. Viktoriya Tomova, Bulgaria, and Mirra Calgary, Vladar 6-5-2 (27-25). A: 17,407 (19,289). T: R.Davis 6-12 5-5 21, Ryan 5-10 0-0 14, Withers 5-6 5-7 Maupin 3-4, McKinney 5-6, Wynn 1-4, Arike 0-2,
Andreeva, Russia, 6-4, 6-0; Lyudmyla Kichenok, Ukraine, 5-12, McCollum 4-9, Jones 2-3, Nance Jr. 1-1, Daniels
0-1, Marshall 0-1). fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Char- Go L F 2:34. 15, Trimble 0-3 0-0 0, Washington 0-1 0-0 0, Wojcik 0-2 Chevalier 0-1, Shavers 3-7, Ukkonen 0-1). Assists: Iowa
and Jelena Ostapenko (11), Latvia, def. Emina Bektas 2-2 2, High 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 29-60 18-24 86. State 14 (Ryan 5), Texas Tech 18 (Wynn 6). fouled out:
and Kayla Day, United States, 6-4, 7-6 (7-3); Yuan Yue lotte 41 (Richards 12), New Orleans 51 (Ingram 10).
Assists: Charlotte 29 (Ball 7), New Orleans 32 (Ingram Halftime: North Carolina 46-29. Three-point goals: Iowa State Brown. Rebounds: Iowa State 40 (Crooks 12),
and Wang Yafan, China, def. Heather Watson, Britain, Louisville 8-18 (Clark 4-5, Williams 2-4, James 1-1, Texas Tech 30 (Merritt 10). Total fouls: Iowa State 15,
and Lucia Bronzetti, Italy, 6-3, 6-3; Ajla Tomljanovic and 10). Total fouls: Charlotte 19, New Orleans 14. A: 16,093 World Golf ranking
(16,867) White 1-4, Huntley-Hatfield 0-1, Jovanovich 0-1, John- Texas Tech 19. Technical Fouls_None. A: 4,410.
Daria Saville, Australia, def. Oksana Kalashnikova,
Georgia, and Maia Lumsden, Britain, 6-4, 6-3. Through Monday. oilers 4, Maple Leafs 2 son 0-2), North Carolina 10-22 (R.Davis 4-7, Ryan 4-7,
Ingram 2-4, Cadeau 0-1, Trimble 0-1, Wojcik 0-2). fouled
1. ............................. Scottie Scheffler 9.59 Late Tuesday out: Glenn. Rebounds: Louisville 24 (Huntley-Hatfield
knicks 109, rockets 94 2. .................................... Rory McIlroy 8.31 TORONTO ................................ 1 1 0 4 2 6), North Carolina 35 (Withers 10). Assists: Louisville 10 no. 25 UnLV 67,
3. .........................................Jon Rahm 7.55 EDmONTON ............................. 0 1 3 4 4 (Clark, Johnson 4), North Carolina 19 (R.Davis 6). Total
Tr AnSAc TIo nS HOUSTON ........................... 25 21 23 25 4 94 4. ................................ Viktor Hovland 6.41 fouls: Louisville 19, North Carolina 13. San Diego State 60
NEW YORK ......................... 23 25 29 32 4 109 5. ...........................Xander Schauffele 5.32 fIRST PERIOD
6. ................................Patrick Cantlay 5.29 UNLV .................................. 15 5 23 24 4 67
Scoring: 1, Toronto, Matthews 34 (Marner, Holmberg), SAN DIEGO STATE ............. 10 13 14 23 4 60
NfL HOUSTON: Brooks 4-13 2-2 11, Smith Jr. 5-9 0-0 11, 7. ....................................... Max Homa 4.55 no. 5 houston 77,
Sengun 7-16 4-7 18, Ja.Green 6-15 3-3 15, VanVleet 8-19 8. .............................. Matt Fitzpatrick 4.33 UNLV (15-1)
baltimore Ravens: Signed WR Laquon Treadwell to the 3-3 24, Je.Green 2-4 4-4 9, Tate 1-2 0-0 2, Whitmore 0-3 9. .................................. Brian Harman 4.24 SEcOND PERIOD no. 25 Texas Tech 54 Brown 1-5 1-1 3, Young 7-11 3-3 17, Durazo-Frescas 0-1
practice squad. Released WR Tarik Black from the 0-0 0, Thompson 2-3 0-0 4, Holiday 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 10. .............................Wyndham Clark 3.93 0-0 0, Jackson 3-10 1-2 7, Scoggin 0-4 1-2 1, Brackens 0-1
practice squad. Waived RB Melvin Gordon. Scoring: 2, Toronto, Rielly 7 (Holmberg, Matthews), Texas Tech (14-3)
35-84 16-19 94. 11. ........................ Tommy Fleetwood 3.86 0-0 0, Obiazor 7-12 0-0 18, Kimpson 3-6 4-7 10, Lott 2-8
buffalo bills: Signed P Matt Haack to the practice squad. 10:52. 3, Edmonton, Draisaitl 21 (Bouchard, Ekholm), W.Washington 2-5 2-6 6, Isaacs 4-15 1-2 12, Toussaint
NEW YORK: Anunoby 5-10 3-3 15, Randle 11-19 5-6 31, 12. ............................ Collin Morikawa 3.81 2-4 4-7 9, Walton 6-11 0-0 18, Da.Williams 2-9 0-0 5, 7-7 11, Totals 23-58 17-22 67
cleveland browns: Signed LB Caleb Johnson to a futures 13. ................................ Jordan Spieth 3.76 15:41. San Diego State (11-8)
contract for 2024. Hartenstein 3-5 1-1 7, Brunson 11-21 4-7 30, DiVincenzo McMillian 1-4 0-0 2, L.Washington 0-0 0-0 0, Jennings
2-7 0-0 5, Achiuwa 0-2 0-0 0, Arcidiacono 0-0 0-0 0, Flynn 14. ........................................ Tom Kim 3.69 THIRD PERIOD 1-1 0-0 2. Totals 18-49 7-15 54. Quezada 6-13 6-6 18, Villalobos 6-17 3-4 15, Barcello 1-2
Dallas cowboys: Signed WR Martavis Bryant and RBs 15. ................................Tyrrell Hatton 3.68 0-0 3, Lewis 2-9 4-4 9, Prohaska 2-9 1-1 5, Davis 0-1 0-0 0,
Snoop Conner and Malik Davis to futures contracts for 0-0 0-0 0, Grimes 2-8 5-5 11, Hart 5-11 0-0 10, McBride Scoring: 4, Edmonton, Ryan 4 (McLeod, Janmark), 2:27. Houston (15-2)
0-4 0-0 0. Totals 39-87 18-22 109. 16. ............................. Keegan Bradley 3.67 Ja.Francis 3-7 0-0 6, Roberts 6-9 0-0 12, Cryer 3-8 0-0 8, Fiso 2-4 0-0 5, Jackson 0-1 0-0 0, Pepe 1-5 3-4 5, Totals
2024. 17. ................................... Sepp Straka 3.17 5, Edmonton, McLeod 8 (McDavid, Ceci), 16:55. 6, 20-61 17-19 60
Detroit Lions: Signed DT Chris Smith to the practice Edmonton, Bouchard 11, 18:27 (en). Sharp 3-8 0-0 8, Shead 12-16 3-3 29, Dunn 2-6 0-0 5,
Three-point Goals: Houston 8-30 (VanVleet 5-12, 18. ...................................... Jason Day 3.14 Three-point goals: UNLV 4-16 (Brown 0-3, Young 0-1,
squad. Tugler 1-2 0-0 2, Walker 1-4 0-0 3, Wilson 1-2 0-0 2, Elvin
Je.Green 1-2, Smith Jr. 1-2, Brooks 1-6, Sengun 0-1, Tate 19. ...............................Brooks Koepka 3.11 Durazo-Frescas 0-1, Jackson 0-2, Scoggin 0-2, Obiazor
Houston Texans: Signed WR Damiere Byrd to the SHOTS ON GOAL 0-0 0-0 0, Lath 1-1 0-0 2. Totals 33-63 3-3 77.
0-1, Whitmore 0-1, Ja.Green 0-5), New York 13-37 20. ............................ Sahith Theegala 3.11 4-7), San Diego State 3-17 (Quezada 0-2, Barcello 1-2,
practice squad. Released NT Rashard Lawrence from the Halftime: Houston 38-29. Three-point goals: Texas Tech
(Randle 4-8, Brunson 4-9, Anunoby 2-5, Grimes 2-6, 21. ..................................... Tony Finau 2.96 TORONTO ................................ 7 14 7 4 28 Lewis 1-6, Prohaska 0-2, Davis 0-1, Fiso 1-2, Pepe 0-2).
practice squad. 11-27 (Walton 6-9, Isaacs 3-10, Toussaint 1-2, Da.Wil-
DiVincenzo 1-4, Hart 0-2, McBride 0-3). fouled Out: 22. ...............................Russell Henley 2.95 EDmONTON ........................... 12 12 8 4 32 Assists: UNLV 9 (Jackson 6), San Diego State 9
Indianapolis colts: Signed WR Terrell Bynum to a liams 1-4, McMillian 0-2), Houston 8-17 (Shead 2-3,
None. Rebounds: Houston 38 (Sengun 10), New York 51 23. ....................................... Chris Kirk 2.94 Power-play opportunities: Toronto 0 of 1; Edmonton 0 of (Prohaska 3, Villalobos 3). fouled out: UNLV Brown,
futures contract for 2024. Cryer 2-4, Sharp 2-5, Dunn 1-2, Walker 1-3). Rebounds:
(Hart 14). Assists: Houston 23 (VanVleet 12), New York 24. ..................................... Sam Burns 2.94 1. Goalies: Toronto, Jones 8-5-1 (31 shots-28 saves). Jackson, Young. Rebounds: UNLV 38 (Young 11), San
miami Dolphins: Signed WR Mathew Sexton to a futures Texas Tech 26 (W.Washington 9), Houston 36 (Roberts
24 (Brunson 7). Total fouls: Houston 18, New York 20. A: 25. ............................. Cameron Young 2.87 Edmonton, Skinner 19-9-1 (28-26). A: 18,347 (18,641). Diego State 38 (Villalobos 13). Total fouls: UNLV 21, San
contract for 2024. 7). Assists: Texas Tech 13 (Isaacs 5), Houston 14 (Shead
19,439 (19,812) 26. .................................Rickie Fowler 2.85 T: 2:26. Diego State 20. Technical Fouls_None. A: 2,908.
10). Total fouls: Texas Tech 9, Houston 15.


the local expert homes for sale, merchandise, garage Trustee Sales
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For Recruitment advertisements, go to To place an ad, go to Legal Notices: 202-334-7007 or call or call 202-334-6200 Auctions, Estate Sales, Furniture: 202-334-7029
202-334-4100 (toll free 1-800-765-3675) Non-commercial advertisers can now place ads 24/7 by calling 202-334-6200 Biz Ops/Services: 202-334-5787
815 815 820 820 825 825 850 850 878
1447 Autos Wanted Legal Notices Legal Notices Official Notices Official Notices Bids & Proposals Bids & Proposals Montgomery County Montgomery County Stafford County
Compassion Place ministries NOTICE OF TENTATIVE DETERMINATION Solicitation GAGA-2024-R-0064 (Open Market) Stafford, VA 22554
help local families with food, The Planning Commission of the City of Gaithersburg, Maryland, will Wide Area Network (WAN) and Internet Services 9002 Sudbury Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20901 Stafford County
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. conduct a public hearing on Amendment to Schematic Development Montgomery County
Plan Application ASDP-9706-2023 on Application for State Discharge Permit 22DP3295: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS In execution of a Deed of Trust in
MVA licensed #W1044.
410-228-8437 Ted Goodenow, 4804 Whiskey Court, Ijamsville, Maryland 21754, sub-
The District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), Ofûce of Fiscal Strat-
Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by the original principal amount of
$1,783,000.00, dated September
WEDNESDAY, mitted an application for a permit to discharge a maximum of 5,000 FEBRUARY 7, 2024 gallons per day of treated domestic wastewater from the Blue Mash egy and Contracts and Acquisitions division, on behalf of the Ofûce of premises known as 9002 Sudbury Rd, Silver Spring, MD 17, 2021 recorded in the Clerk9s
815 AT 7:30 P.M. Golf Course, located at 5821 Olney-Laytonsville Road, Laytonsville, the Data and Technology (ODT) is a contractor to provide a Wide Area 20901. By virtue of the power and authority contained in Ofûce of the Circuit Court of
Legal Notices Maryland, 20882, to groundwater via a spray irrigation system. Network (WAN) and Internet connectivity to its two data centers, and
between the schools, other District facilities, and Datacenters. a Deed of Trust, dated November 23, 2011, and recorded the Stafford County, Virginia,
in Document No. 210032471, at
or as soon thereafter as this matter can be heard in the Council Cham- A tentative determination has been made by the Department to issue
bers at 31 South Summit Avenue, Gaithersburg, Maryland. the permit with the following discharge limitations:
This solicitation will be available for download from the DCPS website
in Liber 42952 at Page 410 among the land records of the the request of the holder of the
Note, the undersigned Substitute
(1) BOD5: 70 mg/l monthly average; (2) suspended solids: 90 mg/l
The applicant requests approval of the Amendment to Schematic De- monthly average;(3) pH 6.5-9.5; (4) fecal coliform < 3 MPN/100ml;(5) under <Current Solicita- County of Montgomery, in the original principal amount Trustee will offer for sale at pub-
velopment Plan, ASDP-9706-2023, for a new 1,056 square-foot dining ûow: 5000 gal/day (daily maximum). The following conditions are also tions= on Thursday, January 18, 2024, beginning at 10:00 am EST. of $421,101.00. Upon default and request for sale, the lic auction at the entrance to the
pier in the Rio Washingtonian Lake Parcel adjacent to 9811 Washing- a part of this permit : 1) Irrigation of treated sewage efûuent onto the Judicial Center, 1300 Courthouse
IN THE UNITED STATES tonian Boulevard, Suite L13. The subject property is bounded by Inter- golf course is to meet vegetative uptake needs only. Any inûltration to Proposals will be accepted at DCPS/OCA on Wednesday, February 14, undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction Road, Stafford, on February 20,
state 270 to the north and Washingtonian Boulevard to the South and groundwater or surface runoff resulting from excessive irrigation is 2024, no later than 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time at dcpsoca.
at the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, at 50 2024 at 10:00 AM the property
is zoned MXD (Mixed Use Development). prohibited; and 2) Operation of the spray irrigation system shall be in described in said deed, located
VIRGINIA the driving range area and shall be managed so that contact of golfers Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland, on February 7, 2024 at the above address and brieûy
ALEXANDRIA DIVISION Further information may be obtained from the Planning and Code with sewage efûuent is avoided. 851 851 at 1:00 PM, all that property described in said Deed of Trust described as:
Case No. 1:23-cv-01752-
Administration Department at City Hall, 31 South Summit Avenue, be- This facility is located on a census tract with a total Environmental Jus- Prince Georges County Prince Georges County including but not limited to: Lot 132, Section Two, Port Aquia,
with any improvements thereon
tween the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. tice (EJ) Score of 25.41% which indicates that the facility is not located
in a disadvantaged or overburdened community. This EJ score has IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
DELTA DEFENSE, LLC, Samuel Copelan, Planner I been calculated considering a combination of the following factors: PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, FOR Subject to any and all covenants,
Plaintiff, pollution burden exposure, pollution burden environmental effects, MARYLAND PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, Tax ID# 13-01009791 conditions, restrictions, ease-
Planning and Code Administration #1194 sensitive populations, and socioeconomic indicators (https://mdew- MARYLAND ments, and all other matters of
v. CARRIE M. WARD, et al. record taking priority over the
If a written request is received by January 31, 2024, a public hearing 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 ERIC D. VANDELINDE Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling Deed of Trust, if any, affecting the
Defendant. NOTICE OF WILLINGNESS on the tentative determination for this application can be scheduled. Rockville, MD 20852
Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs,
Substitute Trustee
and is sold in <as is condition= and subject to all superior aforesaid property.

Token Forest Drive Sidewalk Project

The request should be sent to the Maryland Department of the En-
vironment, Water and Science Administration, 1800 Washington v. covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights- TERMS OF SALE: CASH: A de-
Blvd., Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1708, Attn.: Mary Dela Onye- vs.
of-way, as may affect same, if any. posit of $20,000.00 or 10% of the
The Prince William County Department of Transportation (PWC DOT), maechi, Chief, Groundwater Discharge Permits Division and must sales price, whichever is lower,
THIS MATTER came before the include the name, address and telephone number (home and work) of NICHOLAOS J. TAHLAMBURIS Defendant cash or certiûed check will be
in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
Court on the motion of Plaintiff
Delta Defense, LLC (<Delta De- and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes the con- the person making the request, the name of any other party whom the SHARON D. TAHLAMBURIS
5032 Mangum Road
Civil No.: CAEF22-02215 TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash required at the time of sale, but
no more than $10,000.00 of cash
fense=) for leave to serve notice struction of a 5- to 6-foot-wide sidewalk along the east side of Token
Forest Drive (Route 751) with up to a 3-foot-wide buffer strip between
person making the request may represent, and the name of the facility
and permit number. Failure to request a hearing by January 31, 2024 College Park, MD 20740 NOTICE OF SALE or certiûed funds shall be required at the time of sale. The will be accepted, with settlement
of this matter by publication.
After considering the arguments the proposed sidewalk and proposed new or relocated curb and gut- will constitute a waiver of the right to a public hearing on the tentative Defendant(s).
14840 Rolling Meadows Rd,
balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per within ûfteen (15) days from the
date of sale. Sale is subject to
of counsel as presented in the ter. The sidewalk will provide pedestrian connectivity by eliminating determination for this permit.
Written comments concerning the tentative determination will be Case No.C-16-CV-23-004155 Upper Marlboro, MARYLAND annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be post sale conûrmation that the
the sidewalk network gap along the eastbound lane of Token Forest
memorandum to this Court, it
is hereby Drive between 6231 Token Forest Drive and the Prince of Peace Unit- considered in the preparation of a ûnal determination if submitted
20772 paid within TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale. borrower did not ûle for protec-
ed Methodist Church Entrance, for a distance of approximately 420 to the Department, to the attention of Mary Dela Onyemaechi at the tion under the U.S. Bankruptcy
ORDERED that: above address, on or before February 12, 2024. Any hearing-im- Notice is hereby issued by Code prior to the sale which af-
feet. The sidewalk construction will require dedication of right of way
1. The Plaintiff9s motion is
GRANTED; and and easements from the properties owned by the GE J Manassas LLC, paired person who requests a hearing may request an interpreter Notice is hereby given this 9 day
of January, 2024, by the Circuit
the Circuit Court of PRINCE
Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or fects the validity of the sale, as
Trustees of the Prince of Peace United Methodist Church and Forest at the hearing by contacting Mrs. Onyemaechi at (410) 537-3783 or regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and well as to post-sale conûrmation
2. A copy of this Order be pub- 1-800-633-6101, or by written request to the above address at least Court for Prince George9s Coun- day of December, 2023 that the of the status of the loan with
Glen Estates HOA INC.
lished in The Washington Post
once within 14 days after entry
ten working days prior to the scheduled hearing date. ty, Maryland, that the sale of the
property mentioned in these pro-
sale of the property mentioned
in these proceedings, made and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. the loan servicer including, but
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Information supporting the tentative determination, including the not limited to, determination of
of this Order, and after publica- draft permit and fact sheet, may be reviewed by contacting Mrs. On- ceedings and described as 5032 reported by Nicole Lipinski, Sub- whether the borrower entered
23 CFR 771, a Programmatic Categorical Exclusion (PCE) has been pre-
tion Delta Defense shall ûle a
declaration of service stating the pared under an agreement between VDOT and FHWA for the project. yemaechi at the above telephone number to make an appointment or Mangum Road, College Park,
MD 20740, made and reported
stitute Trustee, be ratiûed and If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association into any repayment agreement,
conûrmed, unless cause to the
dates on which publication was The project will not impact properties protected by Section 4(f) of the by written request to Mrs. Onyemaechi at the above address. Copies
of documents may be obtained at a cost of $0.36 per page. by the Substitute Trustee, will be contrary thereof be shown on or dues and assessments that may become due after the reinstated or paid off the loan
prior to the sale. In any such
Department of Transportation Act or Section 106 of the National His-
accomplished; and
3. That the Defendant <delta- toric Preservation Act.
less cause to the contrary there-
before the 22nd day of January, time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. event, the sale shall be null and
2024 provided a copy of this No-> domain NOTICE OF ADOPTION/FAIR SUMMARY
of be shown on or before the 9 tice be inserted in The Washing- Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, void, and the Purchaser9s sole
remedy, in law or equity, shall be
Review of the project design exhibit and the environmental document
name is hereby advised:
are available to view online at: CHARTER RESOLUTION 23-CR-02
day of February, 2024, provided
a copy of this NOTICE be inserted
ton Post, a newspaper published transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident the return of his deposit without
a. The Plaintiff has ûled in PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY,
a Complaint charging transportation/current-road-projects in some daily newspaper printed once in each of three successive to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of interest. Additional terms may
be announced at the time of
the Defendant <deltadefen-
Written comments may be submitted within 15 calendar days follow- Charter Resolution Of The Mayor And Council Of The City Of College
in said county, once in each of
three successive weeks before
weeks on or before the 22nd day the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be sale. Pursuant to the Federal Fair> domain name of January, 2024.
with violations of the Anticyber- ing the date of this Notice of Willingness. Comments may be mailed Park, To Delete Article XIII, Urban Renewal, In Its Entirety. the 9 day of February, 2024. The report states the amount of forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of Debt Collection Practices Act,
we advise you that this ûrm is a
to Mary Ankers, Project Manager, at 5 County Complex Court, Suite
squatting Consumer Protection
290, Prince William, VA, 22192, or via email to Charter Resolution 23-CR-02 was introduced on July 14, 2023, and a
The report states the purchase
price at the Foreclosure sale to
sale to be $486,927.41. the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the debt collector attempting to col-
Act of 1999 (<ACPA=). A copy of
the Complaint may be obtained (please include Token Forest Drive Sidewalk Project in the subject Public Hearing was held on September 5, 2023 . The Charter Res- be $134,000.00. Mahasin El Amin #723 Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in lect the indebtedness referred
to herein and any information
line). olution was then adopted on December 12, 2023 and will become
from Plaintiff9s attorney, The effective January 31, 2024 unless petitioned to referendum in accor- Clerk of the Circuit Court accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy we obtain will be used for that
Ofûce of Craig C. Reilly, Esq., Mahasin El Amin for Prince Georges County, MD
209 Madison Street, Suite 501, If there are concerns that cannot be satisûed through this comment dance with §4-304 of the Local Government Article, Annotated Code Clerk, Circuit Court for is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s File No. 19-283313. purpose.
process, Prince William County is willing to hold a public hearing. You of Maryland by January 21, 2024. Prince George9s County, Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012447183
Alexandria, Virginia 22314, (703) SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C.,
549-5354; and may request that a public hearing be held by sending a written re- Maryland 793
b. In the event that Delta quest to Mary Ankers, Project Manager, at 5 County Complex Court, Copies of this Charter Resolution may be obtained from the City William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. Substitute Trustee
Suite 290, Prince William, VA, 22192, or via email to MAnkers@pwcgov. Clerk9s Ofûce, 7401 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 201, College Park, MD BWW#MD-364808
Defense prevails against the 20740, by calling 240-487-3501, or from the City9s website: www. This is a communication from a
Defendant org (please include Token Forest Drive Sidewalk Project in the subject
<> line) within 15 calendar days following the date of this Notice of Will- Jan 11,18,25 2024 0012448609
domain name under the ACPA, ingness. If a request for a public hearing is received, notice of date,
time and place of the hearing will be posted. For additional information please contact the City Clerk, Janeen S. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
FOR PRINCE GEORGE9S 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (85262)
remedies could include the for- COUNTY,
feiture or cancellation of the
Miller, at 240-487-3501. FOR THE MARYLAND Manassas, Virginia 20109 448 Viking Drive Suite 350
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
<> Prince William County ensures nondiscrimination and equal employ-
ment in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI and Title
(410) 769-9797 757-457-1460 - Call Between
domain name or the transfer of 850 851 ERIC D. VANDELINDE 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
the <> VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you need special assistance for
persons with disabilities or limited English proûciency, contact PWC
Montgomery County Prince Georges County MARYLAND Substitute Trustee or visit our website at
domain name to Delta Defense Plaintiff
in this action as well as money DOT at 703-792-6825. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WILLIAM M. SAVAGE, et al.
damages and an award of attor- MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY Trustee(s) v. Jan 11,18,25 2024 0012447971
ney fees; and MARYLAND Plaintiff(s)
4. That the registrant of the De- Federal Project Number
RTAP-5B01(505) CARRIE M. WARD, et al.
fendant <deltadefensecareers. REYNOLDS-NEAL
com> domain name shall be
VDOT Project Number
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852
Substitute Trustee
Quintairos, Prieto Wood & BERNICE E BELL
Defendant Roommates
served, as to all claims asserted
EN22-076-353 Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, Boyer, PA Defendant(s)
in the complaint in this matter,
by the publication of notice as P101, R201, C-501 1966 Greenspring Dr, Ste LL2 Mortgagor(s)
Civil No.: C-16-CV-22-000049 Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012447945
ordered herein; and UPC #121561 vs. Timonium, Maryland 21093 NOTICE OF SALE
5. That any answer or response Plaintiffs CIVIL NO: C-16-CV-23-003008
PWC DOT Project Number MARY CLARE KIMBER BOWIE - M pref, no smoking. Base-
to the Complaint should be ûled 2101 Norlinda Avenue, ment room, cable, internet incl.
with the Clerk of Court, United SPR 2024-00090 AARON LEE KIMBER
v. NOTICE Oxon Hill, MD 20745 TRUSTEE9S SALE Nice area. $850/mo. 301-523-8222
States District Court for the East-
24200 Laytonsville Road The Estate of day of December, 2023 by the 3236 Tapestry Circle, Burtonsville, MD 20866
ern District of Virginia, Alexandria 815 850 Notice is hereby issued by
Division, 401 Courthouse Square, Legal Notices Montgomery County Gaithersburg, MD 20882
William Henry Burton
Serve on:
Circuit Court for the County of
Prince George9s, Maryland and
the Circuit Court of PRINCE
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-5798,
within twenty (20) days from the SUPERIOR COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Thomas J. Kokolis, Esq. by the authority thereof, that the
day of December, 2023 that the
Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by SILVER SPRING - Furnished Room.
date of publication of this Order DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Case No.C-15-CV-23-003121 110 N. Washington St., Ste 500 sale made by William M. Savage, sale of the property mentioned premises known as 3236 Tapestry Circle, Burtonsville, MD Near Metro. No smoking.
MARYLAND Rockville, MD 20850 Gregory N. Britto, Trustees, of No pets. Call 646-956-6098
in The Washington Post. If no ap-
pearance or pleading is ûled as WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001- NOTICE the Real Property designated
in these proceedings, made and
reported by Nicole Lipinski, Sub-
20866. By virtue of the power and authority contained in
required by this Order, this Court 2131
2023 ADM 1411
CARRIE M. WARD, et al. 3450 Toledo Terrace as 2512 Fairlawn St., Temple stitute Trustee, be ratiûed and a Deed of Trust, dated September 6, 2013, and recorded
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 Notice is hereby given this 8th Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 Hills, MD 20748, and reported in
may render a judgment against
Rockville, MD 20852 day of January, 2024 by the Defendant the above entitled cause, will be
conûrmed, unless cause to the in Liber 47721 at Page 121 among the land records of the
the Defendant <deltadefense- contrary thereof be shown on or SILVER SPRING - Room in basement,> domain name Felipe De Jesus Paz Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, Circuit Court for Montgomery ûnally ratiûed and conûrmed, un- before the 22nd day of January, County of Montgomery, in the original principal amount with BA, separate entrance, close
Joseph A. Baldinger, Esquire County, Maryland, that the sale CASE# C-16-CV-23-004062 less cause to the contrary there-
and the registrant which could 4724 Chestnut Street VS. of the property mentioned in of be shown on or before the 22
2024 provided a copy of this No-
tice be inserted in The Washing-
of $76,000.00. Upon default and request for sale, the to Wheaton Metro. 240-264-7482
include the forfeiture or cancel-
lation of the Bethesda, Maryland 20814-3726 these proceedings and described NOTICE day of January 2024 next; provid- ton Post, a newspaper published undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at
ANDREIA VIEIRA (DECEASED) as 24200 Laytonsville Road, ed a copy of this order be insert-
<> do- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, 2809 Sheraton Street Gaithersburg, MD 20882, made ORDERED, by the Circuit Court ed in THE WASHINGTON POST,
in PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, at Judicial
main name, the transfer of the once in each of three successive
<> do- NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Silver Spring, MD 20906 and reported by the Substitute for Prince George9s County this 1150 15th Street, Washington, weeks on or before the 22nd day Center9s Monroe Street Entrance, 50 Maryland Avenue, SUITLAND- Shr SFH. Fully furn room
w/ fridge, microwave, CATV & wire-
NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Defendant(s). Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND 8th day of January, 2024, that DC, MD published in said County
main name to Delta Defense as
CONFIRMED, unless cause to the foreclosure sale of the real of Prince George9s once a week
of January, 2024. Rockville, Maryland, on January 24, 2024 at 1:00 PM, all less internet. $150/wk. 301-310-5663
well as money damages and the The report states the amount of
award of attorney fees. Aner Paz, whose address is 3117 Case No. C-15-CV-22-004157 the contrary thereof be shown property known as 3450 Toledo for three successive weeks be- sale to be $325,000.00. that property described in said Deed of Trust including but 245
ENTERED this 8th day of January South Dakota Ave., NE Washing-
ton, DC 20018 was appointed NOTICE
on or before the 8 day of Feb-
ruary, 2024, provided a copy of
Terrace Hyattsville, Maryland
20782, being the property men-
fore the 22 day of January, 2024.
The report states the amount of not limited to: Electronics
2024. Mahasin El Amin #723
personal representative of the this NOTICE be inserted in some tioned in these proceedings, the sale to be $146,000.00. Clerk of the Circuit Court Tax ID# 05-02504177
estate of Felipe De Jesus Paz, Notice is hereby given this 9 day daily newspaper printed in said made and reported by Mark H.
Alexandria, Virginia who died on February 16, 2023 of January, 2024, by the Circuit County, once in each of three Wittstadt, Justin T. Hoy, Substi- Mahasin El Amin #769
for Prince Georges County, MD Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling
FREE high-speed internet for those
/s/ without a will and will service Court for Montgomery County, successive weeks before the tute Trustees, be RATIFIED AND Clerk of the Circuit Court For Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012447182 and is sold in <as is condition= and subject to all superior that qualify. Government program
without Court supervision. All Maryland, that the sale of the 8 day of February, 2024. The CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
Ivan D. Davis unknown heirs and heirs whose property mentioned in these pro- report states the purchase price contrary thereof be shown on or
County of Prince George9s covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights- for recipients of select programs
United States Magistrate Judge whereabouts are unknown shall ceedings and described as 2809 at the Foreclosure sale to be before the 8th day of February, of-way, as may affect same, if any. incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assis-
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP tance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Sur-
enter their appearance in this Sheraton Street, Silver Spring, $292,000.00. 2024. Provided a copy of this
proceeding. Objections to such MD 20906, made and reported Order is inserted in some daily
10021 Balls Ford Rd, Suite 200
Manassas, Virginia 20109
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash vivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT internet service. Bonus offer:
appointment shall be ûled with by the Substitute Trustee, will be KAREN A. BUSHELL newspaper printed in Prince (703) 449-5800 FOR or certiûed funds shall be required at the time of sale. The Android tablet FREE with one-time
the Register of Wills, D.C., Building RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, un- Clerk, Circuit Court for George9s County, once in each of
A, 515 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, less cause to the contrary there- Montgomery County, Maryland three successive weeks, before
Trustee File #23-293582 PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per $20 copay. Free shipping & handling.
Washington DC 20001, on or be- of be shown on or before the 9 the 8th day of February, 2024.
Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446924
annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be Call Maxsip Telecom today!
fore 7/4/2024. Claims against the day of February, 2024 provided BWW#MD-363520
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA decedent shall be presented to a copy of this NOTICE be inserted
The Report states the amount of
the Foreclosure Sale to be IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
CARRIE M. WARD, et al. paid within TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale.
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101
PROBATE DIVISION the undersigned with a copy to in some daily newspaper printed
Jan 11,18,25 2024 0012448542
$116,000.00. FOR Rockville, MD 20852 Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or
the Register of Wills or ûled with PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY,
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131
2023 ADM 001478 the Register of Wills with a copy
in said county, once in each of
three successive weeks before IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Mahasin El Amin MARYLAND
Substitue Trustees/Plaintiffs, regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and Switch to DISH and get up to a $300
to the undersigned, on or before the 9 day of February, 2024. MONTGOMERY COUNTY,
Clerk of the Circuit Court of vs. thereafter assumed by purchaser. gift card! Plus get the Multisport
Derrick Clifton Hooks 7/4/2024, or be forever barred. The report states the purchase Prince George9s County, CARRIE M. WARD, et al.
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association pack included for a limited time!
Name of Decedent Persons believed to be heirs or price at the Foreclosure sale to Maryland 742 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 CURTIS E. FRANKS JR. Hurry, call for details:
legatees of the decedent who do be $311,000.00. DAVID WILLIAMSON, et al, Rockville, MD 20852 7108 Silverton Court dues and assessments that may become due after the 1-855-407-6870
not receive a copy of this notice Substitute Trustee, Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448664
Substitue Trustees/Plaintiffs,
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND by mail within 25 days of its ûrst KAREN A. BUSHELL Plaintiff, District Heights, MD 20747 time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. 265
NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS publication shall so inform the Clerk, Circuit Court for vs.
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, Home & Garden
Erik A. Hooks, whose address is
Register of Wills, including name,
address and relationship.
Montgomery County, Maryland
Case No. CAEF22-15599 transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
1313 Laneridge Court, Raleigh, BWW#MD-312575 ESTATE OF
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 1827 Ray Leonard Road NOTICE to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
NICOLE G.J. ROBERTS, et al Eliminate gutter cleaning forever!
NC 27603 was appointed person-
al representative of the estate of
Aner Paz
PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Jan 11,18,25 2024 0012448562 Defendants. FOR THE Hyattsville, MD 20785
Notice is hereby given this 20 the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be LeafFilter, the most advanced
COUNTY OF PRINCE day of December, 2023, by the
Derrick Clifton Hooks, who died Nicole D. Stevens GEORGE9S, Circuit Court for Prince George9s forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of debris-blocking gutter protection.
Case No. C-15-CV-23-000074 Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate
on October 12, 2023 without a
will and will serve without Court
REGISTER OF WILLS IN THE CIRCUlT COURT MARYLAND Case No. CAEF18-35973 County, Maryland, that the sale the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the today. 15% off Entire Purchase.
FOR of the property mentioned in
supervision. All unknown heirs MONTGOMERY COUNTY,
WILLIAM M. SAVAGE, et al. NOTICE these proceedings and described Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in 10% Senior & Military Discounts.
and heirs whose whereabouts MARYLAND Trustee(s) Notice is hereby given this 21 day as 7108 Silverton Court, Dis- accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy Call 1-844-566-3227.
are unknown shall enter their Notice is hereby issued this 3rd of December, 2023, by the Circuit
Plaintiff(s) trict Heights, MD 20747, made
is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s File No. 23-293638. 610
appearance in this proceeding.
Objections to such appointment
Richard E. Solomon
day of January, 2024 that the
sale of the property in this case,
Court for Prince George9s Coun-
ty, Maryland, that the sale of the
and reported by the Substitute Dogs for Sale
Richard J. Rogers 5500 FRIENDSHIP BOULEVARD vs. Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND
shall be ûled with the Register property mentioned in these pro- CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
of Wills, D.C., Building A, 515 5th
Michael McKeefery
Christianna Kersey
LLOYD MCPHERSON ceedings and described as 1827 contrary thereof be shown on William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Washing- MD 20815, reported by Jennifer Ray Leonard Road, Hyattsville,
ton DC 20001, on or before July
There is now pending before Kevin Hildebeidel Deardorff, Attorney for the Sub- SHARON P MCPHERSON
MD 20785, made and reported
or before the 22 day of January, AKITAS
the District of Columbia Superi- Kathleen Young stitute Trustee, be ratiûed and Defendant(s) 2024, provided a copy of this LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, 4 Puppies for sale, 3 females, 1 male,
11, 2024. Claims against the or Court a civil action, Case No: 11099 Winterson Road, Mortgagor(s) by the Substitute Trustee, will be NOTICE be inserted in some daily
conûrmed, unless cause to the 9 weeks old, avail now. $300 each.
decedent shall be presented to
the undersigned with a copy to
2020-CA-000679-R(RP), CAR- Suite 301 contrary be shown on or before
less cause to the contrary there-
newspaper printed in said Coun- 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, Call 301-633-7372 Cliff
the Register of Wills or ûled with
Linthicum Heights, MD 21090
Substitute Trustees
the 5th day of February, 2024, CIVIL NO: C-16-CV-23-003451
of be shown on or before the 22
ty, once in each of three succes-
sive weeks before the 22 day of
Manassas, Virginia 20109
provided a copy of this Notice be
the Register of Wills with a copy
to the undersigned, on or be-
to affect title to the property lo- Plaintiffs inserted in Washington Post, a NOTICE day of January, 2024, provided a
copy of this NOTICE be inserted
January, 2024. (410) 769-9797
cated at 742 Brandywine Street newspaper published in MONT- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, this 20 The report states the purchase
fore July 11, 2024, or be forever SE, Unit 103, Washington, DC v. day of December, 2023 by the in some daily newspaper printed price at the Foreclosure sale to LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUPPIES- AKC,
barred. Persons believed to be GOMERY County, Maryland, once in said County, once in each of white & black, male & female, will
20032. A copy of this action is in each of three (3) successive Circuit Court for the County of be $307,000.00.
heirs or legatees of the dece- available in the Superior Court Patricia Devoe Prince George9s, Maryland and three successive weeks before have all age appropriate vaccs &
dent who do not receive a copy weeks on or before the 5th day the 22 day of January, 2024. deworming. Pics avail. $900 w/$200
Civil Clerk9s ofûce. A written 18815 Sparkling Water Drive of February, 2024. The report by the authority thereof, that the Mahasin El Amin #769
of this notice by mail within 25 answer, including any claims or #4-D sale made by William M. Savage, The report states the purchase Clerk, Circuit Court for dep to hold. Ready 2/6. 540-671-9585
days of its ûrst publication shall states the amount of sale to be price at the Foreclosure sale to
defenses, must be ûled with the Germantown, MD 20874 $161,000.00. Gregory N. Britto, Trustees, of Prince George9s County,
so inform the Register of Wills, District of Columbia Superior Defendant the Real Property designated be $178,000.00. Maryland
including name, address and re- Court Civil Branch, 500 Indiana as 10003 Old Franklin Ave,
lationship. KAREN A. BUSHELL Mahasin El Amin #793
Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. Case No. C-15-CV-23-003048 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Seabrook, MD 20706, and PUG - CKC reg adult dogs. Around 6
Clerk, Circuit Court for
Erik A. Hooks
20001, on or before the 9th day
of February 2024. NOTICE Jan 11,18,25 2024 0012448521
reported in the above entitled
cause, will be ûnally ratiûed and Prince George9s County,
BWW#MD-352356 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446724 years old. No longer breeding. $500
or best offer. CALL 540-879-9492
PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Maryland Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446931
Notice is hereby given this 22nd conûrmed, unless cause to the 857 857
Nicole D. Stevens
day of December, 2023, by the 851
Prince Georges County contrary thereof be shown on
856 Howard County Howard County
Official Notices Circuit Court for Montgomery
County, that the sale of the
or before the 22 day of January
2024 next; provided a copy of BWW#MD-362150 Frederick County IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
property mentioned in these IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR this order be inserted in THE Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446936 HOWARD COUNTY, FOR SHICHON TEDDY BEAR
proceedings, made and reported, WASHINGTON POST, 1150 15th
will be ratiûed and conûrmed, Street, Washington, DC, MD pub- Adorable little cuddle bugs. Rdy wkd.
unless cause to the contrary HUNTER C. PIEL, et al. lished in said County of Prince IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Diane S. Rosenberg
Substitute Trustees, Mark D. Meyer SYDNEY E. ROBERSON 10wks old. All colors. M/F. Local
thereof be shown on or before George9s once a week for three FOR CIRCUIT COURT breeder raised in home. 703-362-
the 22nd day of January, 2024, successive weeks before the 22 PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, FOR 4340 East West Highway, Substitute Trustee
provided a copy of this notice day of January, 2024.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ABC LICENSE: AD Partnership, be published in a newspaper of The report states the amount of MARYLAND Bethesda, MD 20814
PROBATE DIVISION LLC trading as Etihad Airways IAD general circulation in Montgom- 6500 8TH AVENUE, LLC, the sale to be $386,750.00. Diane S. Rosenberg, et al. 100 West Patrick Street Substitute Trustee V.
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 Lounge Main Terminal 1 Saarinen ery County, once in each of three Defendant. 4340 East West Highway, Frederick, Maryland 21701 Plaintiff(s)
2023 ADM 001544 Circle, Dulles (Loudoun County) successive weeks before the Mahasin El Amin #769 Suite 600 Clerk of the Court: 301-600-1976 ESTATE OF PATRICIA A. GODEL
Virginia 20166. The above es- 22nd day of January, 2024. Subject Property: Clerk of the Circuit Court For Bethesda, MD 20814 Assignment Ofûce: V. AKA PATRICIA ANN GODEL
Estate of tablishment is applying to the The Report of Sale states the 1204 Raydale Road County of Prince George9s Substitute Trustees 301-600-2015 Defendant
Ann M. Lamar VIRGINIA ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE amount of the foreclosure sale Hyattsville, Maryland 20783 Plaintiff(s) Case Number: Lorie Lonon
Deceased CONTROL (ABC) AUTHORITY for price to be $229,000.00. The LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP C-10-CV-23-000395 8300 Wades Way Civil No.: C-13-CV-23-000361
a Mixed Beverage Carrier license property sold herein is known as Case No.: C-16-CV-23-003822 10021 Balls Ford Rd, Suite 200 v. Other Reference Numbers: Jessup, MD 20794
NOTICE OF to sell or manufacture alcoholic 18815 Sparkling Water Drive Manassas, Virginia 20109 Defendant(s) NOTICE OF SALE
STANDARD PROBATE beverages. Chris Gwilliam, Sec- #4-D, Germantown, MD 20874. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE (703) 449-5800 Christopher Ekhator SYDNEY ROBERSON
retary. NOTE: Objections to SALE Trustee File #23-292870 12107 Deka Road VS. Case No. C-13-CV-23-000213 6919 Buglebrum Way,
Notice is hereby given that a pe- the issuance of this license Clinton, MD 20735 PATRICIA DAVIS Columbia, MARYLAND 21045
tition has been ûled in this Court must be submitted to ABC no KAREN A. BUSHELL NOTICE is hereby given this 8th Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446922
Defendant(s) Date: 12/18/2023 NOTICE
by Dawn Fox on behalf of Selene later than 30 days from the Clerk of the Circuit Court day of January, 2024, by the Notice is hereby issued by the
Finance LP for standard probate,
including the appointment of one
publishing date of the ûrst of
two required newspaper legal
Montgomery County, Maryland
Circuit Court for Prince George9s
County, Maryland, that the sale
Case No. C-16-CV-23-001104 NOTICE OF SALE
Notice is hereby issued by the
Notice is hereby given this 5th
day of January, 2024 by the
Circuit Court of HOWARD COUN-
TY this 22 day of December,
Give a
or more personal representa- notices. Objections should be 50 MARYLAND AVENUE of the property mentioned in the NOTICE Circuit Court for Frederick Coun- Circuit Court for Howard County, 2023 that the sale of the property
tives. Unless a responsive plead- registered at ROCKVILE, MD 20850-2393 above captioned proceeding, de- Notice is hereby given this 21 ty this 18th day of December, Maryland, that the sale of 8300 mentioned in these proceedings,
ing in the form of a complaint or or (800) 552- 3200. scribed as 1204 Raydale Road, day of December, 2023, by the 2023 that the sale made and re- Wades Way, Jessup, MD 20794, made and reported by NICOLE DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians
an objection in accordance with Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012447116 Hyattsville, Maryland 20783 Circuit Court for Prince George9s corded by Nicole Lipinski for the made and reported, will be rati- LIPINSKI, Substitute Trustee, be Mutual Insurance Company. Cover-
Superior Court Probate Division
Rule 407 is ûled in this Court
within 30 days from the date of
(the <Property=), and reported by
Hunter C. Piel, Substitute Trustee,
shall be ratiûed and conûrmed,
giv that County, Maryland, that the sale
of 12107 Deka Road, Clinton,
MD 20735, made and reported,
sale of the property described in
these proceedings
ûed and conûrmed, unless cause
to the contrary thereof be shown
on or before the 23rd day of
ratiûed and conûrmed, unless
cause to the contrary thereof
be shown on or before the 21st
age for 350 plus procedures. Real
dental insurance 3 NOT just a dis-
count plan. Do not wait! Call now!
ûrst publication of this notice, the
Court may take the action here-
inafter set forth.
Give the unless cause to the contrary
thereof be shown on or before
the 8th day of February, 2024 delivers
will be ratiûed and conûrmed,
unless cause to the contrary
thereof be shown on or before
4408 Old National Pike,
Middletown, MD 21769
February, 2024 provided a copy
of this notice be inserted in the
Washington Post a daily news-
day of January, 2024, provided,
a copy of this notice be inserted
in WASHINGTON POST a newspa-
Get your FREE Dental Information Kit
with all the details! 1-855-337-5228
In the absence of a will or proof
satisfactory to the Court of due
execution, enter an order deter-
giv of provided that a copy of this NO-
TICE be published at least once a
week in each of three (3) succes- every day
the 22 day of January, 2024,
provided a copy of this notice
be inserted in a daily newspaper
be ratiûed and conûrmed thir-
ty (30) days from the date of
paper printed in said County,
once in each of three successive
weeks before the 25th, day
per published in HOWARD COUN-
TY, once in each of three succes-
sive weeks, before the 19th day
mining that the decedent died
intestate appoint a supervised
personal representative. discovery
sive weeks in some newspaper
of general circulation published
in Prince George9s County, Mary-
printed in said County, once in
each of three successive weeks
before the 22 day of January,
this Notice, unless cause to the
contrary be shown, provided a
copy of this Notice be inserted
of January 2024. The Report
of Sale states the amount of
the foreclosure sale price to be
of January, 2024. The Report of
Sale states the amount of sale to
be $333,000.00.
Give the giv
Giv subscriptions
Halle Finegold, Esq.
land, before the 8th day of Feb-
ruary, 2024. The Report of Sale
2024. The Report of Sale states
the amount of the foreclosure
in some Newspaper published in
this County, once in each of three
Wayner A. Robey of information
4340 East West Highway, Giv subscriptions states the amount of the sale of
the Property to be $405,000.00. sale price to be $343,240.25. (3) successive weeks. The report Wayne A Robey
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Clerk, Circuit Court for
Howard County Giv subscriptions
Suite 600 states the amount of the sale to
Bethesda, MD 20814 Mahasin El Amin #793 be $340,000.00. Howard County, Maryland
(301) 907-8000 Mahasin El Amin Clerk of the Circuit Court Jan 11,18,25 2024 0012448215
Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012447134
PETITIONER CLERK, CIRCUIT COURT FOR Prince George9s County, Sandra K. Dalton
Nicole D. Stevens PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY Maryland Clerk of the Circuit Court
REGISTER OF WILLS Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448669 S0390-1x2
S0390-1x1.5 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446937 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446545 S0390-1x1
850 850 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851
Montgomery County Montgomery County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County
TRUSTEE9S SALE BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
11402 Soward Drive, Kensington, MD 20895 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by
Liber 34557 at Page 129 among the land records of the
County of Montgomery, in the original principal amount 6901 MUMFORD ST. 3602 PORTAL AVE. 7617 FONTAINEBLEAU DR. UNIT #2141 11923 ST. FRANCIS WAY
of $195,000.00. Upon default and request for sale, the CLINTON, MD 20735 TEMPLE HILLS, MD 20748 NEW CARROLLTON, MD 20784 A/R/T/A 11923 SAINT FRANCIS WAY
undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at BOWIE, MD 20721
the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, at Judicial Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
Center9s Monroe Street Entrance, 50 Maryland Avenue, dated September 15, 2006, recorded in Liber 26239, Folio dated July 14, 2005, recorded in Liber 22931, Folio 547 dated March 14, 2007, recorded in Liber 29106, Folio 417 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
Rockville, Maryland, on February 7, 2024 at 1:00 PM, all 71 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, dated August 21, 2006, recorded in Liber 25972, Folio 750
that property described in said Deed of Trust including but with an original principal balance of $351,000.00, default with an original principal balance of $228,000.00, default with an original principal balance of $106,400.00, default among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD,
not limited to: having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees with an original principal balance of $607,500.00, default
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
Tax ID# 13-01378405 George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
and is sold in <as is condition= and subject to all superior FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 11:00 AM FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 10:54 AM FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 10:52 AM
covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights- FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 10:48 AM
of-way, as may affect same, if any. ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and described as Unit numbered buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
or certiûed funds shall be required at the time of sale. The aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. 2141 in <Frenchmans Creek Condominium= and more fully George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust.
annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
paid within TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or Terms of Sale: A deposit of $29,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $15,000 in the form of certiûed with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $7,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $32,000 in the form of certiûed
thereafter assumed by purchaser. purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
dues and assessments that may become due after the any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit
to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s File No. 23-294160. front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
Manassas, Virginia 20109 or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
(410) 769-9797 by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012447953 shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
851 851 in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
BWW Law Group, LLC liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
Rockville, MD 20852 days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten
(301) 961-6555 by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service
as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
IMPROVEMENTS THEREON improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
7814 HANOVER PKWY., UNIT #101 title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
GREENBELT, MD 20770 of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust deposit without interest. (Matter No. 364076-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 357977-1) Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
dated April 29, 2022, recorded in Liber 48500, Folio 582 deposit without interest. (Matter No. 364218-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 75958-1)
among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
with an original principal balance of $206,196.00, default Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince
George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 11:04 AM
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448580 Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448574
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448573 Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448570
George9s County, MD and described as UNIT NUMBERED
described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #21-
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and Bethesda, MD 20814
with no warranty of any kind. (301) 907-8000
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $23,000 in the form of certiûed
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC 4824 48TH AVE.
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 HYATTSVILLE, MD 20781
within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before from Lillie Sullivan dated May 11, 2016 and recorded in
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY George9s County, MD, default having occurred under the
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private IMPROVEMENTS THEREON IMPROVEMENTS THEREON IMPROVEMENTS THEREON terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public auction at the
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St.,
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and 10103 OLD FORT PL. 1606 COLUMBIA AVE. 2200 BROWNS LN. Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located
front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and FORT WASHINGTON, MD 20744 LANDOVER, MD 20785 FORT WASHINGTON, MD 20744 on Main St.), on
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 10:38 AM
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. dated March 26, 2009, recorded in Liber 30639, Folio 179 dated February 22, 2011, recorded in Liber 33307, Folio dated December 20, 2007, recorded in Liber 29141, Folio
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, 418 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, 766 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ with an original principal balance of $350,073.00, default MD, with an original principal balance of $141,000.00, MD, with an original principal balance of $202,500.00, buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #16-1823418.
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 11:02 AM FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 10:58 AM FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 10:50 AM with no warranty of any kind.
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower Terms of Sale: A deposit of $11,000 in the form of certiûed
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money
ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further Terms of Sale: A deposit of $25,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $8,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $12,000 in the form of certiûed the event additional funds are tendered before settlement
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder
papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser.
days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. There will
by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit.
as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges,
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 366890-1) charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc.
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment.
Substitute Trustees thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes),
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser.
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward.
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale.
Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448583 responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all

Try new foods entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale
price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event
of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s
fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this
sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited
Search our database of tested ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser
recipes by ingredient or name. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such
days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service surplus results from improvements to the property by said
by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall
as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the expressly agrees to accept service of any such document
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the by regular mail directed to the address provided by said
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 343444-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 353550-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 323661-2) purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9
ûle number 23-000355-MD-F-1.
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees

Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448581 Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448578 Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448572 Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448560
851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County
BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC Friedman Vartolo LLP BWW Law Group, LLC McNamee Hosea, P.A.
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 1325 Franklin Avenue Suite 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6404 Ivy Lane, Suite 820
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Garden City, NY 11530 Rockville, MD 20852 Greenbelt, Maryland 20770
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 212-471-5100 (301) 961-6555 301-441-2420
16724 HURON ST. WALDORF, MD 20601
UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20774 UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20774 HYATTSVILLE A/R/T/A ADELPHI, MD 20783 (Case No.: C-16-CV-23-004735 in the Circuit Court for
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Prince George9s County)
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Stripes Investment Group, LLC d/b/a Investment Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated July 14, 2005, recorded in Liber 22972, Folio 761 dated October 14, 2009, recorded in Liber 31099, Folio 379 Solutions Group LLC, dated February 24, 2020 and recorded dated October 31, 2019, recorded in Liber 42756, Folio 123 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in
among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, in Liber 43470, folio 287 among the Land Records of Prince among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, the Deed of Trust (Purchase Money) (hereinafter <Deed
with an original principal balance of $190,000.00, default with an original principal balance of $297,470.00, default George9s County, MD, default having occurred under the with an original principal balance of $291,000.00, default of Trust=) from Blakeney Developments, LLC, a Virginia
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees terms thereof and at the request of the parties secured having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees limited liability company and Andrew G. Levy and Stanley
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince H. Goldstein, as Trustees, dated July 8, 2022 and recorded
George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, sale at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George9s George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, July 21, 2022 among the Land Records of Prince George9s
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on County, Maryland at Book 47949, Pages 279, et seq., and by
Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on virtue of the power of sale contained in said Deed of Trust,
JANUARY 30, 2024 AT 11:12 AM JANUARY 30, 2024 AT 11:10 AM JANUARY 23, 2024 AT 11:12 AM which was given to secure a loan on the real property and
JANUARY 30, 2024 AT 10:50 AM personal property described therein, and default having
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any occurred under the terms and conditions thereof, and the
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND AND THE buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince recordation of a Deed of Appointment of Substitute Trustees
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Prince George9s George9s County, MD and more fully described in the (Substitute Trustees) appointing Kevin M. Tracy and Aaron D.
aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. County, Maryland and more fully described in the aforesaid aforesaid Deed of Trust. Neal, Substitute Trustees in Book 49196, Page 517, who will
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in Deed of Trust. The property is improved by a dwelling. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in sell the property commonly known as 16110 Bealle Hill Road
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions Property Address (for Informational Purposes): 16724 Huron an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions Waldorf, MD 20601 at public auction to be held upon the
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and St., Accokeek MD 20607 and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and steps of the Circuit Courthouse for Prince George9s County,
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. Tax ID Number: 05-0306795 with no warranty of any kind. Maryland located at 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $17,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $24,000 in the form of certiûed The foreclosure sale advertised herein has been docketed in Terms of Sale: A deposit of $28,000 in the form of certiûed 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.) , on:
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the the Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, Maryland, as check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase Case No. CAEF22-26710 purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase JANUARY 23, 2024 AT 11:22 AM
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money The property, will be sold in an <as is= condition and subject price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or to conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or All that parcel or parcels of land situated in Prince George9s
any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date agreements of record affecting the subject property, if any, any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date County, Maryland, and described as follows.
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash and with no warranty of any kind. funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash Lot numbered Thirty-Two (32) in a subdivision made by
within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier9s or certiûed within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit John Michael Rittenhouse of Part of Lot 4, <Cedarlawn=,
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the check, or in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the recorded among the Land Records of Prince George9s County,
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before determine, at their sole discretion, for $20,000 at the time purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Maryland in Plat Book R.E.P. 207, at folio 5.
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. The improvements thereon known as 16110 Bealle Hill
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. Balance of the Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Road, Waldorf, MD 20601
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private purchase price is to be paid within ûfteen (15) days of the taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Parcel Identiûcation Number: 05-3679537
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit Court for Prince charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS IS=
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and George9s County, Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and condition and subject to conditions, restrictions, covenants,
front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and unpaid purchase price at the rate of 7.03500% per annum front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and encumbrances, easements, right of ways, existing building
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible from date of sale to the date the funds are received in the thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible and/or environmental violations, violation notices,
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer ofûce of the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. by an entity other than the noteholder and/or servicer. If taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. no warranty either expressed or implied as to the description
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the payment of the balance does not occur within ûfteen The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the of the condition of the property or improvements.
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ days of ratiûcation, the deposit will be forfeited and the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ Terms of Sale: These Terms of Sale are a pre-condition to
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed bidding at the aforementioned sale of the property, and
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest due from by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is any person submitting a bid at the sale shall be deemed to
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the the purchaser in the event settlement is delayed for any responsible for obtaining physical possession of the have accepted these Terms of Sale. A deposit in the form
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property reason. Taxes, ground rent, water rent, and all other public property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property of cashier9s or certiûed check or in such other form as the
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit charges and assessments payable on an annual basis, from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit Substitute Trustees may determine, at their sole discretion,
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, for $19,000 at the time of sale. If the note holder and/or
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower and front foot beneût charges, if applicable, to be adjusted but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower servicer is the successful bidder, the deposit requirement is
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid for the current year to the date of sale, and assumed entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid waived. The balance of the purchase price is to be paid in
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale thereafter by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale immediately available funds, within twenty (20) days after
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, the ûnal ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without the purchaser from the date of sale. The purchaser shall in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without George9s County. If payment of the balance does not take
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of place within twenty (20) days after ratiûcation, the deposit
ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that if required. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that will be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. (including agricultural transfer taxes, if applicable), and property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. and expense of the defaulting purchaser. The defaulting
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by all settlement charges shall be borne by the purchaser. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further If the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey good and the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further proûts resulting from any resale of the property.
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any marketable title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law or liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any In the event the property is purchased by someone other than
papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten equity shall be limited to the refund of the deposit to the papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten the note holder or an afûliate, interest shall be paid on the
days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service purchaser. Upon refund of the deposit, the sale shall be days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service unpaid purchase money at the rate of 15.50% per annum
by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser void and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have no by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser from date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce
as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted further claim against the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted of the Substitute Trustees. In the event the settlement is
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds shall be responsible for obtaining physical possession of purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds delayed for any reason and the property is purchased by
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from the property. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from someone other than the note holder or an afûliate, there
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. assume the risk of loss for the property immediately after improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. shall be no abatement of interest caused by the delay. Taxes,
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable the sale. Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable agricultural taxes, water, sewer, ground rent, condominium
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation fees, and/or homeowners association dues, if applicable, to
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Adam Friedman, Ralph Vartolo, Catherine Aponte, of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed thereafter by
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Rachel Kiefer, Substitute Trustees Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the the purchaser. All other public charges and assessments
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 352891-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 356787-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 365717-1) payable on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or
metropolitan district charges are to be adjusted for the
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., current year to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees purchaser. Cost of all documentary stamps, recordation
taxes and transfer taxes shall be borne by the purchaser.
The property will be sold in an <AS IS= condition and without
Jan 11,18,25 2024 0012447384 any recourse, representations or warranties, either express
or implied, as to its nature, condition or description.
Potential purchasers are responsible for conducting
their own due diligence regarding the condition, location,
Jan 11,18,25 2024 0012447517 Jan 11,18,25 2024 0012447516 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012447000 permissible uses, and value of the property. Neither the
Substitute Trustees, the secured party, the note holder
nor any other party makes any warranty or representation
of any kind or nature regarding the physical condition of,
the description of, or title to the property. The purchaser
at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of loss for the
property immediately after the sale.
If the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey the property
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC as described above, by reason of any defect in the title or
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 otherwise, the purchaser9s sole remedy at law or in equity
Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 shall be limited to the refund of the aforementioned deposit.
(301) 907-8000 (301) 907-8000 (301) 907-8000 (301) 907-8000 Upon refund of the deposit to purchaser, the sale shall be void and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have no further
claims against the Substitute Trustees or the secured party.
Deed without covenant or warranty.
14925 ASHFORD CT. 4513 BURKES PROMISE 10201 PINE MEADOWS LN. 11824 BROOKEVILLE LANDING CT. The purchaser is responsible for, and the property is sold
LAUREL, MD 20707 BOWIE, MD 20720 UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 BOWIE, MD 20721 subject to, any environmental matter or condition, whether
latent or observable, if any, that may exist at or affect or
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust relate to the property and to any governmental requirements
from Minnie D. Moore dated January 20, 2006 and recorded from Achotto Mazonge and Stephano Mhina dated May from Lumbus T. Burrell and Faitafa C. Burrell dated January from Anna R. Allen dated June 18, 2013 and recorded in affecting the same.
in Liber 24879, folio 9 among the Land Records of Prince 26, 2006 and recorded in Liber 25368, folio 333 among 4, 2007 and recorded in Liber 27093, folio 518 among the Liber 35660, folio 556 among the Land Records of Prince The Memorandum of Purchase between the Substitute
George9s County, MD, default having occurred under the the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, default Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, default having George9s County, MD, default having occurred under the Trustees, as sellers, and the purchaser (the <Memorandum
terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public auction at the having occurred under the terms thereof, the Trustees will occurred under the terms thereof, the Trustees will sell terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public auction at the of Purchase=) shall include, by reference, all the terms
Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George9s at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George9s Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., and conditions contained herein, speciûcally including,
Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located but not limited to, the following provisions: <Purchaser
on Main St.), on Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on on Main St.), on agrees and represents that the purchaser is purchasing
the property subject to all matters known and unknown, in
FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 10:36 AM FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 10:34 AM FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 10:32 AM FEBRUARY 6, 2024 AT 10:30 AM <AS IS, WHERE IS= condition. In executing and delivering the
Memorandum of Purchase, purchaser recognizes purchaser
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the has not relied upon nor been induced by any statements
buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince or representations of any person, including the Substitute
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the Trustees, the secured party, the Deed of Trust holder or an
aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #10-1064906. aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #07-3614401. aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #15-1739945. aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #07-0701888. afûliate or their respective servicers, heirs, personal and
The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in legal representatives, agents, employees, successors and
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions assigns (collectively, <Released Parties=), in respect of
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and the condition of the property, including the environmental
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. condition to the property, unless such representations or
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $35,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $71,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $43,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $23,000 in the form of certiûed statements are speciûcally set forth in the Memorandum
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of of Purchase. Purchaser has not relied on anything in the
the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the foreclosure advertisement, but rather has relied solely on
purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal such investigations, examinations or inspections of the
ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s property as purchaser has made. Purchaser waives and
County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money releases the Released Parties from any and all claims the
at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the purchaser or its successors and assigns may have now or in
date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce the future may have relating to the condition of the property.
of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that this provision
the event additional funds are tendered before settlement the event additional funds are tendered before settlement the event additional funds are tendered before settlement the event additional funds are tendered before settlement was a negotiated part of the Memorandum of Purchase and
or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder serves as an essential component of consideration for the
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. same. The parties speciûcally acknowledge and agree that
be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. Parties, arising from the condition of or releases from the
Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture property pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental
of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other Response, Compensations and Liability Act of 1980,
public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount as amended, and all other actions pursuant to federal,
survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, state or local laws, ordinances or regulations for any
and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at environmental condition of or releases from the property.
execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the Further, purchaser agrees to indemnify the Substitute
purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All Trustees for any liability they may have to any third party for
due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities an environmental condition of the property. Notwithstanding
charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. the parties9 intent that this clause bars all such claims,
assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure should a court of competent jurisdiction deem otherwise,
sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. purchaser agrees that the presence of this clause should
Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured serve as the overwhelming, primary factor in any equitable
taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), apportionment of response costs under applicable federal,
and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. state or local laws, ordinances, or regulations.=
Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Note: The information contained herein was obtained from
possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of sources deemed to be reliable, but is offered for information
loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. purposes only. The Auctioneer, the Substitute Trustees, the
Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. Deed of Trust holder and the secured party do not make any
If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy
title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall of the information contained herein. Prospective purchasers
be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If are urged to make their own inspection.
the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall
be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all Kevin M. Tracy, Esquire
expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale Aaron D. Neal, Esquire
price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event Substitute Trustees
of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s
fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this
sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited
deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the
property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser
or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies
against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the
property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012447510
shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such
surplus results from improvements to the property by said surplus results from improvements to the property by said surplus results from improvements to the property by said surplus results from improvements to the property by said
defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall
be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable
attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with
all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the
resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any
document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/ document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/ document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/ document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/ snow day
herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and
expressly agrees to accept service of any such document expressly agrees to accept service of any such document expressly agrees to accept service of any such document expressly agrees to accept service of any such document or
by regular mail directed to the address provided by said by regular mail directed to the address provided by said by regular mail directed to the address provided by said by regular mail directed to the address provided by said
purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9 purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9 purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9 purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9 school day?
ûle number 21-000162-MD-F-1. ûle number 21-000713-MD-F-1. ûle number 22-002286-MD-F-1. ûle number 23-000718-MD-F-1.
Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees
Stay one step ahead of the weather with the
Capital Weather Gang
Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448559 Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448558 Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448556 Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012448555 S0141 2x2
851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County
BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC Charles F. Gormly, Esquire BWW Law Group, LLC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Rosenthal Gormly, Chtd. 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 10605 Concord Street #307 Rockville, MD 20852 Hunt Valley, MD 21031
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 Kensington, MD 20895 (301) 961-6555 470-321-7112
BELTSVILLE, MARYLAND 20705 Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust April 15, 2015, and recorded in Liber 37153, folio 389, of
dated September 13, 2016, recorded in Liber 38861, Folio dated November 3, 2015, recorded in Liber 37768, Folio Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a dated May 18, 2017, recorded in Liber 39727, Folio 378 the land records of PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY , with an
326 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, 607 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, certain Deed of Trust and Security Agreement from Corey among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, original principal balance of $215,350.00, default having
MD, with an original principal balance of $266,000.00, MD, with an original principal balance of $193,360.00, Maragh and Rajistree Ramsammy to Charles L. Tobias, with an original principal balance of $196,536.00, default occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute
default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustee, dated January 29, 2007, recorded February 1, 2007 having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE
Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for in Liber 27040, folio 66 and Assignment of Leases and will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince GEORGE9S COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF
Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, Rents dated January 29, 2007, recorded February 1, 2007 George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, THE DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735
MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on in Liber 27040, folio 089 both among the Land Records of 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on MAIN ST, UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON,
Prince George9s County, MD, the holder of the indebtedness
JANUARY 23, 2024 AT 11:08 AM JANUARY 23, 2024 AT 11:04 AM secured by the Deed of Trust having appointed Richard L. JANUARY 23, 2024 AT 11:00 AM FEBRUARY 5, 2024 at 2:00 PM
Sugarman, Substitute Trustee by instrument duly executed,
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any acknowledged and recorded among the aforementioned ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince Land Records, default having occurred under the terms buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon situated in PRINCE
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the thereof and at the request of the parties secured thereby, George9s County, MD and more fully described in the GEORGE9S COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and
aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. the undersigned Substitute Trustee will sell at public aforesaid Deed of Trust. more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust.
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, at The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in TAX ID# - 02-0140194
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions the Court House Door, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $23,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $17,000 in the form of certiûed JANUARY 30, 2024 AT 11:00 AM Terms of Sale: A deposit of $19,000 in the form of certiûed record affecting the same, including any condominium or
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase The land referred to herein is located in Prince George9s purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 .
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money County, Maryland and is described as follows: price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or Lot numbered Sixteen (16) in Block numbered Forty-ûve (45) at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or $18,500.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form
any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date in the subdivision known as SECTION 3, BELTSVILLE, as per any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash plat thereof recorded among the Land Records of Prince funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash discretion, required at time of sale except for the party
within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit George9s County, Maryland in Plat Book A at Plat 64, and within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the being in the 1ST Election District of said County. Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Tax ID #01-3018249. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before price together with interest thereon at 4.625% per annum
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. The Property is used for commercial purposes and is settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural believed to have industrial zoning. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private The property will be sold in an <as is= condition and taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and affecting the same, if any and with no warranty as to the foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event
front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and description of the improvements. front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible Terms of Sale: A deposit of $30,000 by cashier9s check thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer or certiûed check or in such other form as the Substitute for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. Trustee may determine in his sole discretion. The deposit taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the must be increased to 10% of the winning bid amount and The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ delivered to the Substitute Trustee within 2 business days ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ association dues and assessments that may become due
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed after the consummation of the sale in the same form of or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility.
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is funds as the initial deposit. Failure to timely tender the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the deposit shall constitute a material default by the purchaser. responsible for obtaining physical possession of the taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults,
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, Prince George9s County. of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower The successful bidder shall be required to execute a but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid Memorandum of Sale immediately upon completion of the entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale sale. A copy of the Memorandum of Sale may be obtained off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, from the Substitute Trustee prior to the foreclosure sale. shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust
ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that to the date funds are received in the ofûce of the Substitute ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that including but not limited to determining whether prior to
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustee. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement within property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by ten days of the ratiûcation, the deposit shall be forfeited to Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the Substitute Trustee and all of the expenses of this sale the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any (including attorney fees and full commission on the gross liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit
papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten sale price of the sale) shall be charged against and paid papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten without interest. File No. (22-059293)
days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service out of the forfeited deposit. Purchaser(s) acknowledge days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service
by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser the obligation to settle within ten days of ratiûcation of by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, BRYSON STEPHEN,
as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted the foreclosure sale. In the event that settlement does not as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted THOMAS GARTNER, Substitute Trustees
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds occur within ten days, the purchaser(s) shall be in default. purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from Upon such default, Substitute Trustee shall ûle a Motion resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. and Order to resell the property at the risk and expense of improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable the defaulting purchaser(s). Purchaser(s) hereby consent Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation to entry of such resale order without further notice. The title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the defaulting purchaser(s) shall not be entitled to any surplus of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the proceeds or proûts resulting from any resale of the property. Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 356296-2) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 360035-1) In the event settlement is delayed for any reason, including, deposit without interest. (Matter No. 365254-2) Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012446943
but not limited to, exceptions to the sale, bankruptcy ûlings
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., by interested parties, court administration of the foreclosure Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees or unknown title defects, there shall be no abatement of Substitute Trustees
interest. Taxes, ground rent, water and all public charges
including, sanitation and/or metropolitan district charges,
if applicable, are to be adjusted for the current year to the
date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Cost
of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement
expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall
Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446997 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446993 be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446990
property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage
to the property immediately from the time and date of sale
forward. If the Substitute Trustee is unable to convey good
and marketable title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and
equity shall be limited to a refund of the deposit without
interest. Any such additional terms may be announced at
the sale.
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC The contract of sale between the Substitute Trustee, as Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 seller, and the purchaser (the <Contract of Sale=) includes, 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 by reference, all the terms and conditions contained herein, Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 907-8000 (301) 907-8000 speciûcally including, but not limited to, the following (301) 907-8000 provisions: <Purchaser agrees and represents that the
Purchaser is purchasing the Premises subject to all matters
recognizes Purchaser has not relied upon nor been induced
10414 GLENMORE DR. 3301 BELLEVIEW AVE. by any statements or representations of any person, BWW Law Group, LLC 2512 VAN BUREN ST.
HYATTSVILLE, MD 20783 CHEVERLY, MD 20785 including the Substitute Trustee, the secured party, the 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 HYATTSVILLE, MD 20782
deed of trust and security agreement holder or an afûliate Rockville, MD 20852
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust or their respective servicers, heirs, personal and legal (301) 961-6555 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
from Alfredo I. Ellis Garcia dated February 8, 2008 and from Arnoldo Chandler dated September 25, 2007 and representatives, counsel, auctioneers, other professionals, from Donald Sawyer dated January 21, 2005 and recorded
recorded in Liber 29370, folio 129 among the Land Records recorded in Liber 31970, folio 222 among the Land Records agents, employees, successors and assigns (collectively, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE in Liber 21989, folio 155 among the Land Records of Prince
of Prince George9s County, MD, default having occurred of Prince George9s County, MD, default having occurred <Released Parties=), in respect of the condition of the OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY George9s County, MD, default having occurred under the
under the terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public under the terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public Premises, including the environmental condition of the IMPROVEMENTS THEREON terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public auction at the
auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, Premises, unless such representations or statements are Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St.,
14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing speciûcally set forth in the Contract of Sale. Purchaser has 5704 JOAN LN. Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located
entrance, located on Main St.), on entrance, located on Main St.), on not relied on anything in the foreclosure advertisement, but TEMPLE HILLS, MD 20748 on Main St.), on
rather has relied solely on such investigations, examinations
JANUARY 30, 2024 AT 10:39 AM JANUARY 30, 2024 AT 10:37 AM or inspections of the Premises as Purchaser has made. Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust JANUARY 23, 2024 AT 10:50 AM
Purchaser waives and releases the Released Parties from dated March 21, 2007, recorded in Liber 27625, Folio 187
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the any and all claims the Purchaser or its successors and among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the
buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince assigns may have now or in the future may have relating with an original principal balance of $473,250.00, default buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the to the condition of the Premises. Purchaser acknowledges having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #21-2346765. aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #02-0117812. and agrees that this provision was a negotiated part of will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #17-1953470.
The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in the Contract of Sale and serves as an essential component George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions of consideration for the same. The parties speciûcally 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and acknowledge and agree that this clause bars all claims and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. by Purchaser against Released Parties, arising from the JANUARY 23, 2024 AT 11:02 AM with no warranty of any kind.
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $31,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $29,000 in the form of certiûed condition of or releases from the Premises pursuant to the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $21,000 in the form of certiûed
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensations ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of
the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, and all other actions buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the
purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal pursuant to federal, state or local laws, ordinances or George9s County, MD and more fully described in the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal
ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s regulations for any environmental condition of or releases aforesaid Deed of Trust. ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s
County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money from the Premises. Further, Purchaser agrees to indemnify The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money
at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the Substitute Trustee for any liability he may have to any third an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the
date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce party for any environmental condition of the Premises. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce
of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in Notwithstanding the parties9 intent that this clause bars all with no warranty of any kind. of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in
the event additional funds are tendered before settlement the event additional funds are tendered before settlement such claims, should a court of competent jurisdiction deem Terms of Sale: A deposit of $19,000 in the form of certiûed the event additional funds are tendered before settlement
or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder otherwise, Purchaser agrees that the presence of this clause check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. should serve as the overwhelming, primary factor in any purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser.
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. There will TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. There will equitable apportionment of response costs under applicable price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. There will
be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. federal, state or local laws, ordinances, or regulations.= at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit.
Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture The information contained herein was obtained from any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture
of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other sources deemed to be reliable, but is offered for information funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other
public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount purposes only. The auctioneer, the party secured by the Deed within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount
survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, of Trust and the Substitute Trustee make no representations Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges,
and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at or warranties with respect to the accuracy of this purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at
execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the information. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the
purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All The property will be sold subject to a 120 day right of Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All
due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities redemption by the Internal Revenue Service. taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities
charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc.
assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure Richard L. Sugarman, Substitute Trustee (Esquire) foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure
sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. (301) 298-9835 front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment.
Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured
taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes),
and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser.
Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical
possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of
loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward.
Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale.
If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable Jan 11,18,25 2024 0012447382 responsible for obtaining physical possession of the If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable
title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall
be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If
the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall
be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all
expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale
price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event
of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s
fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this
sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited
deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the
property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser
or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies
against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the
property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such
surplus results from improvements to the property by said surplus results from improvements to the property by said days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service surplus results from improvements to the property by said
defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall
be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable
attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with
all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the
resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any
document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/ document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/ Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/
herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and
expressly agrees to accept service of any such document expressly agrees to accept service of any such document of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the expressly agrees to accept service of any such document
by regular mail directed to the address provided by said by regular mail directed to the address provided by said Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the by regular mail directed to the address provided by said
purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9 purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9 deposit without interest. (Matter No. 361293-1) purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9
ûle number 23-000859-MD-F-1. ûle number 23-001378-MD-F-1. ûle number 22-000112-MD-F-1.
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees Substitute Trustees Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees

Jan 11,18,25 2024 0012447399 Jan 11,18,25 2024 0012447398 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446991 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446966
851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC
11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302
Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Hunt Valley, MD 21031
470-321-7112 470-321-7112 470-321-7112 470-321-7112 470-321-7112
ACCOKEEK, MD 20607 CAPITOL HEIGHTS, MD 20743 Capitol Heights, MD 20743 UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20774 UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20774
Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated
November 20, 2008, and recorded in Liber 30202, folio 547, April 26, 2010, and recorded in Liber 31633, folio 052, of March 10, 2016, and recorded in Liber 38022, folio 197, of March 9, 2006, and recorded in Liber 24626, folio 171, of December 8, 2009, and recorded in Liber 31281, folio 426,
of the land records of PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY , with an the land records of PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY , with an the land records of PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY , with an the land records of PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY , with an of the land records of PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY , with an
original principal balance of $347,912.00, default having original principal balance of $176,739.00, default having original principal balance of $151,353.00, default having original principal balance of $382,500.00, default having original principal balance of $247,500.00, default having
occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute
Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE
JANUARY 22, 2024 at 2:00 PM JANUARY 22, 2024 at 2:00 PM
FEBRUARY 5, 2024 at 2:00 PM FEBRUARY 5, 2024 at 2:00 PM JANUARY 22, 2024 at 2:00 PM ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any
buildings or improvements thereon situated in PRINCE buildings or improvements thereon situated in PRINCE
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any GEORGE9S COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and GEORGE9S COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and
buildings or improvements thereon situated in PRINCE buildings or improvements thereon situated in PRINCE buildings or improvements thereon situated in PRINCE more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust.
GEORGE9S COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and GEORGE9S COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and GEORGE9S COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and
more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. TAX ID# - 13-1553585 TAX ID# - 13-1470186
TAX ID# - 05-0379941 TAX ID# - 06-0559005
The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS TAX ID# - 06-0415687 The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS
IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and
subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of
record affecting the same, including any condominium or IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and record affecting the same, including any condominium or record affecting the same, including any condominium or record affecting the same, including any condominium or
homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real
Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . record affecting the same, including any condominium or Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 .
TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of
$47,500.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . $10,500.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of
as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole $25,500.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form $19,500.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form
discretion, required at time of sale except for the party TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of discretion, required at time of sale except for the party as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole
secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser $17,500.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser discretion, required at time of sale except for the party discretion, required at time of sale except for the party
from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser
price together with interest thereon at 6.625% per annum discretion, required at time of sale except for the party price together with interest thereon at 3.875% per annum from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase
from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute price together with interest thereon at 6.7600% per annum price together with interest thereon at 5.000% per annum
Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute
after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be price together with interest thereon at 5.250% per annum after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days
obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be
no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be
that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event
settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if
and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes
as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted
If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
association dues and assessments that may become due and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted association dues and assessments that may become due If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners
after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility. as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility. association dues and assessments that may become due association dues and assessments that may become due
Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility. after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility.
taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is association dues and assessments that may become due taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording
responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility. responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is
is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time
deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults,
cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and
deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any
attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and
convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not
of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return
audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale
including but not limited to determining whether prior to convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return including but not limited to determining whether prior to audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust
sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or including but not limited to determining whether prior to including but not limited to determining whether prior to
other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or
or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and including but not limited to determining whether prior to or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated
void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and
without interest. File No. (22-060793) other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated without interest. File No. (21-104554) void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit
or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and without interest. File No. (23-091651) without interest. File No. (22-059965)
KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, BRYSON STEPHEN, void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, BRYSON STEPHEN,
THOMAS GARTNER, Substitute Trustees without interest. File No. (23-120673) THOMAS GARTNER, Substitute Trustees KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON,
KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
Substitute Trustees

Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012446941 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012445245

Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012444888 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012444400
Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012446556

Rosenberg & Associates, LLC

4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Bethesda, MD 20814 Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 (301) 907-8000 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 907-8000 (301) 907-8000 (301) 907-8000 (301) 907-8000 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE
11438 CROOM RD. 2214 WINTERGREEN AVE. 9612 UTICA PL. 9520 48TH AVE.
UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 DISTRICT HEIGHTS, MD 20747 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust SPRINGDALE, MD 20774 COLLEGE PARK, MD 20740
from Barbara A. Lucas dated January 31, 2019 and recorded
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust in Liber 41819, folio 14 among the Land Records of Prince Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
Trust from Rohan L. Pinkney and Ingrid C. Pinkney dated from John H. Lyons, Jr. and Carrie A. Lyons dated July 30, George9s County, MD, default having occurred under the from Mabel A. King and Monica K. King dated August 29, from Chrisanne N. Garrett and Margaret Ann Kane dated
September 25, 2006 and recorded in Liber 26468, folio 2007 and recorded in Liber 28740, folio 439 among the terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public auction at the 2006 and recorded in Liber 26219, folio 532 among the September 27, 1994 and recorded in Liber 9814, folio
609 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, default having Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, default having 448 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County,
MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the occurred under the terms thereof, the Trustees will sell Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located occurred under the terms thereof, the Trustees will sell MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the
Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George9s on Main St.), on at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George9s Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for
Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro,
MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on JANUARY 23, 2024 AT 10:42 AM Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
JANUARY 23, 2024 AT 10:48 AM JANUARY 23, 2024 AT 10:44 AM ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the JANUARY 23, 2024 AT 10:40 AM JANUARY 23, 2024 AT 10:38 AM
buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the George9s County, MD and described as Unit 414, of Land ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the
buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince Unit 3, in a Horizontal Condominium Regime entitled The buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the Fairmont 1009 Condominium and more fully described in George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #04-0260877. aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #06-0524207. the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #17-3755642. aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #20-2188191. aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #21-2350965.
The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $24,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $17,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $11,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $17,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $10,000 in the form of certiûed
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of
the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the
purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal
ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s
County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money
at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the
date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce
of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in
the event additional funds are tendered before settlement the event additional funds are tendered before settlement the event additional funds are tendered before settlement the event additional funds are tendered before settlement the event additional funds are tendered before settlement
or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser.
be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit.
Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture
of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other
public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount
survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges,
and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at
execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the
purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All
due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities
charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc.
assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure
sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment.
Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured
taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes),
and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser.
Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical
possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of
loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward.
Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale.
If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable
title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and equity shall
be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If
the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall
be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all
expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale expenses, attorney9s fees and the full commission on the sale
price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event
of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney9s
fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this
sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited
deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the
property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser
or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies
against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the
property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such
surplus results from improvements to the property by said surplus results from improvements to the property by said surplus results from improvements to the property by said surplus results from improvements to the property by said surplus results from improvements to the property by said
defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall
be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable
attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with attorney9s fees and expenses incurred in connection with
all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the
resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any
document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/ document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/ document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/ document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/ document ûled in connection with such a motion on him/
herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and
expressly agrees to accept service of any such document expressly agrees to accept service of any such document expressly agrees to accept service of any such document expressly agrees to accept service of any such document expressly agrees to accept service of any such document
by regular mail directed to the address provided by said by regular mail directed to the address provided by said by regular mail directed to the address provided by said by regular mail directed to the address provided by said by regular mail directed to the address provided by said
purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9 purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9 purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9 purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9 purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees9
ûle number 22-001224-MD-F-1. ûle number 23-000081-MD-F-1. ûle number 22-001068-MD-F-1. ûle number 22-001696-MD-F-1. ûle number 22-003155-MD-F-1.
Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees

Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446957 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446955 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446954 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446953 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446952
851 851 851 851 852 852 852 852 853 853
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Calvert County Calvert County
Brock and Scott, PLLC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC
5431 Oleander Drive 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302
Wilmington NC, 28403 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Hunt Valley, MD 21031
470-321-7112 470-321-7112 470-321-7112 470-321-7112
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust
certain Deed of Trust to THOMAS DORE, Trustee(s), dated Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated dated May 3, 2016, and recorded in Liber 29583, folio 001, Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated
September 21, 2011, and recorded among the Land April 2, 2007, and recorded in Liber 27634, folio 617, of December 23, 2015, and recorded in Liber 29189, folio 182, of the land records of ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY , with an August 2, 2021, and recorded in Liber 6052, folio 72, of
Records of PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber the land records of PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY , with an of the land records of ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY , with an original principal balance of $222,800.00, default having the land records of CALVERT COUNTY , with an original
33019, folio 161, the holder of the indebtedness secured original principal balance of $182,000.00, default having original principal balance of $342,000.00, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute principal balance of $476,215.00, default having occurred
by this Deed of Trust having appointed the undersigned occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE ANNE under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute Trustees
Substitute Trustees, by instrument duly recorded among Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 8 CHURCH will offer for sale at public auction at THE CALVERT COUNTY
the terms thereof, and at the request of the party secured THE DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 CIR, ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401 ON, JANUARY 22, 2024 at 4:00 PM MD 20678 ON,
thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for MAIN ST, UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, JANUARY 22, 2024 at 4:00 PM ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any JANUARY 22, 2024 at 9:00 AM
sale at public auction at THE PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY JANUARY 22, 2024 at 2:00 PM ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any buildings or improvements thereon situated in ANNE ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any
COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF THE DUVAL WING ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any buildings or improvements thereon situated in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and buildings or improvements thereon situated in CALVERT
OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 MAIN ST, UPPER buildings or improvements thereon situated in PRINCE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more fully
MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, GEORGE9S COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust.
more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. TAX ID# - 03-000-08017846
JANUARY 22, 2024 at 9:45 AM TAX ID# - 03-731-24892333 TAX ID# - 01-205099
TAX ID# - 09-0938423 The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS
thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, MD and The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and
described as follows: IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, including any condominium or subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of
ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, including any condominium or homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real record affecting the same, including any condominium or
TOWNSHIP OF CLINTON, COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE9S, record affecting the same, including any condominium or homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real
STATE OF MARYLAND, BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 .
LOT 23, BLOCK J, SECTION 2, CLINTON VIEW, AS SHOWN Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of
IN PLAT BOOK NLP 122, PAGE 94, AND BEING MORE FULLY TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of $19,500.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of
DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 11594, PAGE 668, DATED TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of $34,000.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole $38,000.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form
08/04/1997, RECORDED 08/13/1997 IN PRINCE GEORGE9S $13,000.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole discretion, required at time of sale except for the party as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole
COUNTY RECORDS. TAX/PARCEL ID: 09-0862169. as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole discretion, required at time of sale except for the party secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser discretion, required at time of sale except for the party
The property will be sold in an <AS IS WHERE IS= discretion, required at time of sale except for the party secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser
condition without either express or implied warranty or secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase price together with interest thereon at 4.500% per annum from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase
representation, including but not limited to the description, from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase price together with interest thereon at 4.250% per annum from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute price together with interest thereon at 3.250% per annum
ûtness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, price together with interest thereon at 6.250% per annum from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute
physical condition, construction, extent of construction, from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days
workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be
environmental condition, merchantability, compliance after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be
with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event
or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if
easements, agreements and restrictions of record which that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes
affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted
all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
affecting same including any condominium and of HOA as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners association dues and assessments that may become due If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners
assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners association dues and assessments that may become due after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility. association dues and assessments that may become due
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $17,500.00 payable in association dues and assessments that may become due after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility. Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility.
certiûed check or by a cashier9s check will be required from after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility. Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording
purchaser at time of sale, balance in immediately available Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is
funds upon ûnal ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court of taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time
PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, MARYLAND interest to be paid responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults,
at the rate of 4.875% on unpaid purchase money from date is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and
of sale to date of settlement. The secured party herein, if a deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any
bidder, shall not be required to post a deposit. Third party cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and
purchaser (excluding the secured party) will be required to deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not
complete full settlement of the purchase of the property attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return
within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS of the ratiûcation of the convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale
sale by the Circuit Court otherwise the purchaser9s deposit of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but not limited to determining whether prior to audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust
shall be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but not limited to determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or including but not limited to determining whether prior to
and expense, of the defaulting purchaser. All other public including but not limited to determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or
charges and private charges or assessments, including sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated
water/sewer charges, ground rent, taxes if any, to be other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and
adjusted to date of sale. Cost of all documentary stamps and or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit without interest. File No. (20-059978) void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit
transfer taxes and all other costs incident to the settlement void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit without interest. File No. (19-251590) without interest. File No. (23-114767)
shall be borne by the purchaser. If applicable, condominium without interest. File No. (22-064840) KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON,
be adjusted to date of sale. If the sale is rescinded or not KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, BRYSON STEPHEN, THOMAS GARTNER, Substitute Trustees BRYSON STEPHEN, THOMAS GARTNER,
ratiûed for any reason, including post sale lender audit, or BRYSON STEPHEN, THOMAS GARTNER, Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey insurable title Substitute Trustees A181, A316, A311, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463, A508
or a resale is to take place for any reason, the purchaser(s) A181, A316, A311, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463, A508
sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of
the aforementioned deposit. The purchaser waives all rights
and claims against the Substitute Trustees whether known
or unknown. These provisions shall survive settlement Upon
refund of the deposit, this sale shall be void and of no effect,
and the purchaser shall have no further claim against the Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012444832
Substitute Trustees. The sale is subject to post-sale review Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012444394 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012442836
of the status of the loan and that if any agreement to cancel Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012444612 853 853
the sale was entered into by the lender and borrower prior Calvert County Calvert County
to the sale then the sale is void and the purchaser9s deposit
shall be refunded without interest. Additional terms and
conditions, if applicable, maybe announced at the time Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC
and date of sale. Sale is subject to the attestation by the 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 TRUSTEE9S SALE Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC
Borrower in accordance with Section 5.A of the Governor9s Hunt Valley, MD 21031 2706 Robin Rd, Glen Burnie, MD 21060 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302
order of 10.16.2020. File No. (22-02983) 470-321-7112 Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Hunt Valley, MD 21031
Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 470-321-7112
JOHN ANSELL, JOHN C. HANRAHAN, BRENNAN FERGUSON, TRUSTEES9 SALE OF premises known as 2706 Robin Rd, Glen Burnie, MD 21060. Hunt Valley, MD 21031
JEREMY B. WILKINS, AMANDA DRISCOLE, ROBERT OLIVERI, VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of 470-321-7112 TRUSTEES9 SALE OF
PAUL HEINMULLER, Substitute Trustees KNOWN AS Trust, dated July 7, 2008, and recorded in Liber 20315 at VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY
8602 PRETORIA CT Page 272 among the land records of the County of Anne TRUSTEES9 SALE OF KNOWN AS
CLINTON, MD 20735 Arundel, in the original principal amount of $282,765.00. VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY 370 THUNDERBIRD DR
Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees KNOWN AS LUSBY, MD 20657
Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the 12958 OTTAWA DR
July 11, 2016, and recorded in Liber 38525, folio 480, of COUNTY OF ANNE ARUNDEL, at 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, LUSBY, MD 20657 Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated
the land records of PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY , with an Maryland, on January 23, 2024 at 4:00 PM, all that property December 17, 2009, and recorded in Liber 3450, folio
original principal balance of $294,566.00, default having described in said Deed of Trust including but not limited to: Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust 0461, of the land records of CALVERT COUNTY , with an
Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012446652 occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute dated February 7, 2007, and recorded in Liber 02949, folio original principal balance of $207,951.00, default having
Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE Tax ID# 03-544-09562300 480, of the land records of CALVERT COUNTY , with an occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute
GEORGE9S COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF original principal balance of $240,000.00, default having Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE CALVERT
THE DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 175 MAIN ST, PRINCE
MAIN ST, UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, and is sold in <as is condition= and subject to all superior Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE CALVERT FREDERICK, MD 20678 ON,
JANUARY 22, 2024 at 2:00 PM covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights- COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 175 MAIN ST, PRINCE JANUARY 22, 2024 at 9:00 AM
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any of-way, as may affect same, if any. FREDERICK, MD 20678 ON, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any
buildings or improvements thereon situated in PRINCE buildings or improvements thereon situated in CALVERT
GEORGE9S COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash FEBRUARY 5, 2024 at 9:00 AM COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more fully
more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. or certiûed funds shall be required at the time of sale. The described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust.
balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any
TAX ID# - 09-0985861 annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be buildings or improvements thereon situated in CALVERT TAX ID# - 01-079344
paid within TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale. COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more fully
The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or TAX ID# - 01-067281 IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and
11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of
Hunt Valley, MD 21031 record affecting the same, including any condominium or regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and record affecting the same, including any condominium or
470-321-7112 homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real thereafter assumed by purchaser. subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real
Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association record affecting the same, including any condominium or Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 .
dues and assessments that may become due after the homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real
VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of
KNOWN AS $23,500.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of $16,000.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form
3103 GOOD HOPE AVENUE #608 as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, $20,000.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole
TEMPLE HILLS, MD 20748 discretion, required at time of sale except for the party transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole discretion, required at time of sale except for the party
secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of discretion, required at time of sale except for the party secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser
Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase
October 23, 1998, and recorded in Liber 12628, folio 069, of price together with interest thereon at 3.250% per annum forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase price together with interest thereon at 5.250% per annum
the land records of PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY , with an from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the price together with interest thereon at 6.000% per annum from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute
original principal balance of $35,100.00, default having Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days
occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be
Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s File No. 22-292484. after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be
GEORGE9S COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event
THE DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if
MAIN ST, UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes
JANUARY 22, 2024 at 2:00 PM and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
buildings or improvements thereon situated in PRINCE If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners Manassas, Virginia 20109 as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners
GEORGE9S COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and association dues and assessments that may become due (410) 769-9797 If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners association dues and assessments that may become due
more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility. association dues and assessments that may become due after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility.
Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording A181, A316, A311, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463, A508 after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility. Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording
TAX ID# - 06-0613257 taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is
responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time
The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults,
IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and
subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any
record affecting the same, including any condominium or deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and
homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not
Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012443529 attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return
of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale
TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust
$2,500.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form as including but not limited to determining whether prior to audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but not limited to determining whether prior to
the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole discretion,
required at time of sale except for the party secured by the
Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time
of auction. The balance of the purchase price together with
interest thereon at 7.5000% per annum from date of sale
sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or
other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated
or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and
void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit
without interest. File No. (23-140566)
Recipe including but not limited to determining whether prior to
sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or
other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated
or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and
void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit
sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or
other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated
or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and
void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit
without interest. File No. (22-077336)
to receipt of purchase price by Substitute Trustees must be
paid by cashier9s check within 10 days after ûnal ratiûcation
of sale. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest
if it is the purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest
due from the purchaser in the event that additional funds
Substitute Trustees
Search our database of tested
without interest. File No. (23-130592)
THOMAS GARTNER, Substitute Trustees
Substitute Trustees
are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed for recipes by ingredient or name.
any reason. All real estate taxes and other public charges
and/or assessments to be adjusted as of the date of sale

and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable, any

condominium and/or homeowners association dues and
assessments that may become due after the date of sale
shall be purchaser9s responsibility. Purchaser shall pay Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012444390 Jan 18,25,Feb 1 2024 0012446558 Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012444395
all transfer, documentary and recording taxes/fees and
all other settlement costs. Purchaser is responsible for
obtaining possession of the property. Time is of the essence
Booklets " Brochures
for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, deposit will be
forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the
defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deûciency
Posters " Flyers
in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and attorney9s
fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not convey title
for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return of deposit

without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of

the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including
but not limited to determining whether prior to sale a Business Cards

bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or other
agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated or paid
off. In any such event this sale shall be null and void and
purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit without
interest. File No. (22-044967)
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Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012444396 S0114 4X 3
853 853 853 853 855 855 857 857 872 872
Calvert County Calvert County Calvert County Calvert County Charles County Charles County Howard County Howard County Fairfax County Fairfax County
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Samuel I. White, P.C. TRUSTEE9S SALE
12763 Heron Ridge Drive
11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 448 VIKING DRIVE, SUITE 350 Fairfax, VA 22030
Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 VIRIGINA BEACH, VA 23452 In execution of the Deed of Trust dated July 3, 2023, and recorded in
470-321-7112 470-321-7112 470-321-7112 Book 27951 at Page 0806, of the Fairfax County land records the un-
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE OF dersigned Substitute Trustees, will offer for sale at public auction on
January 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM at the front of the Fairfax County Circuit
TRUSTEES9 SALE OF TRUSTEES9 SALE OF TRUSTEES9 SALE OF VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY Court (Fairfax County Judicial Center, 4110 Chain Bridge Road, at Fair-
KNOWN AS KNOWN AS KNOWN AS 7625 Stony Creek Lane Lot 219, BUCKLEY9S RESERVE, as the same is duly dedicated, plat-
1171 EL PASO CT 4014 SPIKE BUCK LN 3193 WESTDALE COURT Ellicott City, MD 21043 ted, and recorded in Deed Book 13023, page 1810, among the
land records of Fairfax County, Virginia.
Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a For informational purposes the property is known as 12763 Her-
on Ridge Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030
dated May 31, 2005, and recorded in Liber 02511, folio dated May 28, 2003, and recorded in Liber 01871, folio Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated certain Deed of Trust to MICHAEL LYON, Trustee(s), dated
479, of the land records of CALVERT COUNTY , with an 395, of the land records of CALVERT COUNTY , with an November 16, 2006, and recorded in Liber 06643, folio 0577, July 15, 2016, and recorded among the Land Records of Tax ID #: 0554 17 0219
original principal balance of $336,000.00, default having original principal balance of $204,500.00, default having of the land records of CHARLES COUNTY , with an original HOWARD COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 17026, folio 318, the The property and improvements will be sold in <as is= physical condi-
occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute principal balance of $367,500.00, default having occurred holder of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust tion without warranty of any kind and subject to all prior liens, ease-
ments, covenants, conditions and restrictions contained in the deeds
Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE CALVERT Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE CALVERT under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute Trustees having appointed the undersigned Substitute Trustees, forming the chain of title to this property. This property is being sold
COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 175 MAIN ST, PRINCE COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 175 MAIN ST, PRINCE will offer for sale at public auction at THE CHARLES COUNTY by instrument duly recorded among the aforesaid Land subject to at least one prior deed of trust. Purchaser shall be solely
responsible for obtaining payoff information and satisfying any prior
FREDERICK, MD 20678 ON, FREDERICK, MD 20678 ON, COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 200 CHARLES STREET ( IN THE Records, default having occurred under the terms thereof, deed of trust.
JANUARY 22, 2024 at 9:00 AM JANUARY 22, 2024 at 9:00 AM BREEZEWAY BETWEEN CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS ), LA and at the request of the party secured thereby, the TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit in the amount
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any PLATA, MD 20646 ON, undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public of ten percent (10%) of the successful bid payable by cashier9s/certi-
buildings or improvements thereon situated in CALVERT buildings or improvements thereon situated in CALVERT auction at THE HOWARD COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT ûed check required at time of sale except for the party secured by the
Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction.
COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more fully COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more fully FEBRUARY 5, 2024 at 12:00 PM 9250 JUDICIAL WAY, ELLICOTT CITY, MD 21043 ON, Balance of the purchase price must be paid by cashier9s check within
described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. 14 days from sale date. Except for Virginia Grantor tax, all settlement
costs and expenses are purchaser9s responsibility. Real estate taxes
TAX ID# - 01-123254 ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any FEBRUARY 5, 2024 at 11:30 AM will be pro-rated to the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for ob-
The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS TAX ID# - 01-239791 buildings or improvements thereon situated in CHARLES taining possession of the property. If purchaser defaults, deposit will
be forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting
IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more fully ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements purchaser who shall be liable for any deûciency in the purchase price
subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. thereon situated in HOWARD COUNTY, MD and described as and all costs, expenses and attorney9s fees of both sales. If Trustees do
not convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return of de-
record affecting the same, including any condominium or IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and TAX ID# - 06-171761 follows: posit without interest. Title will be conveyed via special warranty deed.
homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS UNIT NO.16- This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan secured
by the Deed of Trust including, but not limited to, determining whether
Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . record affecting the same, including any condominium or IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and A,BUILDING 16,PHASE 14 AS SET FORTH IN A DECLARATION prior to sale a bankruptcy was ûled; a forbearance, repayment or other
homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of ESTABLISHING A PLAN FOR CONDOMINIUM OWNERSHIP agreement was entered into; or the loan was reinstated or paid off. In
any such event this sale shall be null and void and purchaser9s sole
TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . record affecting the same, including any condominium or DATED JUNE 10, 1998 AND RECORDED AMONG THE LAND remedy shall be return of deposit without interest. This communication
$24,000.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real RECORDS OF HOWARD COUNTY AT LIBER 1940, FOLIO 0108 is from a debt collector.
as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO AND AS SHOWN ON THE Old Dominion Trustees, Inc., Substitute Trustees
discretion, required at time of sale except for the party $13,500.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of PLAT ENTITLED, <PHASE 14,BUILDING NUMBER 16, PLAT
secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole $22,000.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form OF CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION,THE WOODLAND VILLAGE FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:

from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase discretion, required at time of sale except for the party as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole CONDOMINIUM= AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO WHICH BUONASSISSI, HENNING & LASH, P.C.
price together with interest thereon at 5.3750% per annum secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser discretion, required at time of sale except for the party PLATS ARE RECORDED AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF 12355 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 650
Reston, Virginia 20191
from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser HOWARD COUNTY IN PLAT BOOK NO.9S 9523 THROUGH 9531, (703) 796-1341 x 144
Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days price together with interest thereon at 5.375% per annum from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase INCLUSIVE. File No. 950.82514
after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute price together with interest thereon at 6.530% per annum The property will be sold in an <AS IS WHERE IS= Jan 4,11,18 2024 0012447776
obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute condition without either express or implied warranty or
no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days representation, including but not limited to the description,
that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be ûtness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity,
settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be physical condition, construction, extent of construction,
and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision,
as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if environmental condition, merchantability, compliance
If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances
association dues and assessments that may become due as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to
after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility. If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. easements, agreements and restrictions of record which
Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording association dues and assessments that may become due If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to
taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility. association dues and assessments that may become due all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record
responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording after the date of sale shall be purchaser9s responsibility. affecting same including any condominium and of HOA
is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110.
deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY

cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time certiûed funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH
deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, WILL NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance
attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and of the purchase price with interest at 4.125% per annum from
convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within
of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not deûciency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale. There will be
audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return attorney9s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not no abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all
including but not limited to determining whether prior to of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale convey title for any reason, purchaser9s sole remedy is return taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments
sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed
other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated including but not limited to determining whether prior to audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust by purchaser. There will be no abatement of taxes, public
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void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner association
without interest. File No. (21-095904) or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated dues and assessments that may become due after the
void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
GENEVIEVE JOHNSON, without interest. File No. (22-033793) void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps,
Substitute Trustees without interest. File No. (23-094692) transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
BRYSON STEPHEN, THOMAS GARTNER, KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, BRYSON STEPHEN, the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
Substitute Trustees THOMAS GARTNER, Substitute Trustees forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs
of the defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to
pay reasonable attorneys9 fees for the Substitute trustees,
plus all cost incurred, if the Substitute Trustee9s have ûled
the appropriate motion with the Court to resell the property.
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accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy
is return of the deposit.
The sale is subject to post-sale conûrmation and audit
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
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entered into a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid
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Did you hear |e Post today? be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sol remedy, in law or
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Local Living

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a more
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at a time PAGe 4

Home Eight practical and emotional ways Home High-end dog diets are all the rage. On Parenting How can I help calm down Home Sales The latest
to reduce the burden of housework. 6 But are they better for your pet? 9 my 3-year-old during tantrums? 12 transactions in your area. L1
l o c a l l i vi n g
Jenny rogers how to
deputy editors:
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Why is paint peeling on wood siding, and can I ûx it?
shikha subramaniam BY J EANNE H UBER
twila Waddy Q: We had aluminum siding removed in late
spring 2021 and found most of the wood
Photo editor: siding underneath was good. We replaced
Maya Valentine some and had the house painted. But the
staff writers: paint is already peeling 4 mostly on the
older wood, which I suspect was not
rachel Kurzius
properly prepared. We need to repaint. What
columnist: Meghan leahy is the best way to prepare the wood? How
email: many coats? And do we need a primer? The
telephone: 202-334-4409 house is about 1,200 square feet and has one
floor with an attic. Is this a possible DIY
Mail: project?
local living section, A: You9re right: Inadequate preparation is
the Washington post, 1301 K st. probably what caused the paint to peel.
nW, Washington, d.C. 20071 Paint can fail for numerous reasons: The
surface and paint were too hot or too cold.
advertising The siding was too wet. The surface was
ron ulrich, 202-334-5289 dirty. A first coat of paint wasn9t dry before a
on the cover second coat was applied. The list goes on.
When paint peels from the faces of siding
illustration by emily sabens/the boards, sometimes the cause is moisture
Washington post from the interior working its way to the
exterior to evaporate. The pressure of the
water vapor pushes paint off the wood. If a
steamy bathroom lacks ventilation, it9s
Washington post illustration; reader photo
sometimes possible to outline the shape of
the bathroom on the exterior wall by where
the paint peels. For paint to stick to a surface where hand sanding removes the loose fibers. Then
In your case, the picture you sent shows previous paint is peeling, all of the loose coat the surface with a paintable water-
paint peeling mostly along the lower edges of paint needs to be removed. <Scrape or sand repellent preservative, which will slow down
the boards and, to a lesser extent, along the whatever is willing to come off,= said the moisture absorption in the wood and make
ends. Paint typically begins to peel first in Sherwin-Williams representative. If the the paint last longer. Be sure to use a product
these areas partly because they are most paint has lead, that task needs to be done in labeled as paintable, and avoid getting it on
prone to staying wet. Gravity carries a way that keeps the worker from breathing any adjoining surfaces that still have finish.
moisture in a board to its lower edge, and dust and from spewing lead-laden dust into Let the repellent dry for at least three days,
the ends of boards soak up moisture because the yard or neighborhood. Some contractors then apply a primer to at least those areas
wood fibers are like straws, running invest in sanders with vacuums to capture and let that dry before repainting.
lengthwise in the boards and open at the virtually all of the dust. Another detail that can make a big differ-
ends. But peeling paint that9s just a few years The siding also needs to be clean. Some ence is rounding over any sharp edges, such as
old also points to poor preparation, said a painters start by power-washing the walls, borders between patches where paint peeled
customer-service representative for paint which dislodges a lot of the loose paint. and the lower corner of siding boards. Paint
manufacturer Sherwin-Williams. The new However, too high a pressure can erode the on abrupt transitions and sharp corners is
paint probably didn9t stick well to those wood and make it harder for new paint to likely to be thin, so it cracks easily and lets in
areas because older paint there was already stick. It also pushes a lot of water into the moisture. But feathering the edges and
peeling, or paint there had worn away and wood, meaning more sunny days are needed rounding over corners helps ensure that the
left weathered wood as the base for new to dry the wood before repainting. Other new paint is uniformly thick and thus resis-
paint. Or the lower edges of the boards, painters remove the loose paint, then wash tant to cracking.
which are prone to collecting dirt and the siding with a soft brush or sponge, a If you need to prime, you can do just the
harboring mildew, weren9t completely clean bucket of diluted detergent and a rinse from problem areas or the whole house. In most
the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

and dry. a hose. cases, exterior water-based primer works

So what to do now? First, fix any Once the surface is scraped and clean, you fine. Oil-based primer is better, though, if
underlying problems. For example, if the can see what9s left. If there is still intact you9re dealing with a lot of weathered wood
peeling is worse on a wall with a bathroom, paint or primer, you can probably just wait a or if the siding has a lot of tannin and hasn9t
add a fan vented to the outdoors. Or, if it9s couple of sunny days for the siding to dry been painted or has tannin stains that
peeling where gutter water splashes onto the and then repaint. To test whether the new seeped through the earlier paint, said the
siding, channel the water farther from the paint will grip sufficiently to the old paint, Sherwin-Williams customer-service agent.
house. If it9s most noticeable on the north researchers at the U.S. Department of Western red cedar and redwood, which are
side of the house, where the siding is in Agriculture9s Forest Products Laboratory, in often used in siding, are high in tannins,
shade and doesn9t dry as quickly between <Finishes for Exterior Wood,= recommend which dissolve in water-based finishes and
storms, trim or remove shrubs and vines painting a few small sections representative cause brown stains on the surface. An oil-
close to the wall. of the different exposed paint layers with based primer blocks this movement. (Tannin
If your house was built before 1978 and exterior, water-based paint. Let them dry at stains are a cosmetic issue; they don9t cause
you don9t know whether the paint contains least overnight. Then press an adhesive paint to peel.)
lead, either assume it does or hire a certified bandage onto each area and yank it off. If the Two coats of paint will last about twice as
inspector to test for it. Homeowners who sticky back is clean, you9re good to go: Just long as one, researchers at the Forest
love DIY projects, are comfortable working repaint. If the new paint stuck to the tape, Products Laboratory found. That9s a great
on ladders and have the time to devote to a you should apply a primer before repainting. deal, considering that the prep work needs to
big project can certainly paint a house, but If the old paint also came off, strip all of the be done just once 4 provided you don9t wait
dealing with lead paint that9s peeling is a paint before proceeding 4 definitely a job too long to finish the job.
tipping point: Hire a contractor certified in for a pro, especially if there9s lead paint.
lead-safe procedures. North Carolina, like Often, cleaning and scraping leaves ý have a problem in your home? send
most states, requires this certification for all patches of exposed wood. In this case, you questions to put <how
contractors involved in renovation, repair should take additional steps. Paint does not to= in the subject line, tell us where you live and try
and repainting. stick well to weathered wood, but a little to include a photo.
the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

A guide, season
by season, to
making your
garden more
BY K ATE M ORGAN <Composting is super purposeful, and
you will eventually get some really good
By their very nature, people who garden soil,= Phillips says. You can choose to
are some of the most environmentally compost directly in your garden (an impor-
conscious. Studies have found a connec- tant facet of the <no-till= gardening ap-
tion between spending more time outside proach), or in a designated pile or compos-
and wanting to help mitigate climate ter. It9s fairly simple to make your own bin
change and protect the environment. For by drilling holes in a garbage can 4 just be
those who are so inclined, making a real sure to do a little research on what you
difference can start right in your own should and shouldn9t compost, and mix the
backyard. contents every now and then.
To become a more conscious member of If you want to support native wildlife
your local ecosystem, you don9t need to populations, Phillips says, <the really im-
totally change the way you garden. Accord- portant thing, which is especially challeng-
ing to experts, small shifts can go a long ing in the winter months, is water.= Birds,
way, and they don9t all have to happen at small mammals and other wildlife that
once. Make your home a haven for flora and remain active through the winter all need
fauna by adding these new habits through- access to water, but many sources freeze.
out the year. <You can help by installing a heated bird
bath,= Phillips says. <Or, if you have a
Winter: Create compost and keep the regular bird bath, just change the water
water flowing regularly and try adding some hot water
Though it may feel like your garden is on when temperatures drop below freezing.=
pause during the colder months, there9s
plenty you can be doing to help it thrive. Spring: Skip the spraying, lose the
the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

Mary Phillips, head of Garden for Wildlife lawn and go native

programs at the National Wildlife Federa- The easiest way to have a positive im-
tion, says winter is a great time to start pact, says Uli Lorimer, director of horticul-
composting. Turning your kitchen scraps ture for the Native Plant Trust, is to <stop
into compost not only means sending less using fertilizers and pesticides.= These
to the landfill; it can also have a significant chemicals harm beneficial insects and soil
benefit for the nutrient profile of your microbes, and eventually make their way
garden. into local waterways, hurting fish and

<It9s one of the cruelest ironies, when you9ve

made the decision to seek out pollinator-
friendly plants, but they9re grown with a
chemical that will poison the creatures you9d
like to support.=
Uli Lorimer, director of horticulture for the Native Plant Trust

illuSTraTioN by emily SabeNS/The WaShiNGToN PoST

<Creating little areas in your yard with some

brush, and maybe some stumps and dead
trees offers amazing shelter for a variety of
Mary Phillips, head of Garden for Wildlife programs at the National Wildlife Federation

other aquatic species. If you adopt no other marine habitats, where they can damage
habit on this list, Lorimer says, just stay the tissues of some species.
away from the spray. Luckily, there9s a simple, old-fashioned
But that9s not the only way you can do solution, especially in the sunny summer
more by doing less. <A lot of folks hear months: a clothesline. Line-drying might
about 8No Mow May,9= Lorimer says, <and take longer, but it9s a simple fix with a big
that9s fine but one month is not enough. impact. And you can9t beat that fresh scent
Instead, we want to move away from the (which is scientifically proven to be a
putting green idea 4 that your lawn has to thing).
be a perfect green carpet.= Another simple backyard change in-
It9s still okay to use your lawn mower, but volves your lighting: Phillips says we all
look for places where you can let things get need much less of it. <Light pollution is a
a little more wild. <If there are weird little really big thing,= she says. Too much artifi-
corners or narrow strips that are hard to cial light can confuse birds, disrupting
mow,= Lorimer suggests, <consider transi- their migration paths and leading them to
tioning those to a no-mow alternative fly into buildings. <I recommend not hav-
ground cover like a native sedge.= ing as much light outside, or only having
While every gardener should be using as lights on during designated hours. And if
many ecosystem-appropriate plants as you must have lights on, switch to very
possible, Lorimer says it9s not necessary to yellow bulbs, which are not as distracting
tear out everything that9s nonnative. He to birds.=
points to research that suggests a <crucial
threshold= of 70 percent native plants <will Fall: Leave the leaves and let the
support the greatest insect diversity and stalks stand
therefore also the greatest bird diversity.= In the fall, many gardeners clear old
That 70 percent can be a longer-term goal, growth and cut down plants that have
Lorimer adds. <It9s something to work finished producing. To really help the local
toward, whether you do it over five years or wildlife, consider leaving a bit of mess.
10 years,= he says. <Welcoming any native <Creating little areas in your yard with
or regionally appropriate plant is a step in some brush, and maybe some stumps and
the right direction.= dead trees offers amazing shelter for a
To help you find those plants, Phillips variety of wildlife,= Phillips says.
suggests the National Wildlife Federation9s You may have heard advice to <leave the
online native plant finder tool. <You just leaves.= Lorimer clarifies that you can

the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

put your Zip code in and get lists of native provide benefits to all the small creatures
plants that support high numbers of wild- who depend on leaf litter while still clean-
life,= she says. ing up your landscaping. <It9s okay to use a
Lorimer offers one more tip for those rake to move the leaves off the lawn,= he
who want to go native: <When you go to the says. <But then, use them to mulch your
nursery, it9s important to ask the right shrubs and trees; don9t bag them up and
questions,= he says. Try to find out whether haul them away. You9ll be missing a lot of
a plant was grown locally, and whether its wonderful creatures from your garden next
grower used pesticides, particularly neoni- year if you9ve blown them all away into a
cotinoids. <It9s one of the cruelest ironies,= bag or put them through a shredder.=
he says, <when you9ve made the decision to And when it comes to those native
seek out pollinator-friendly plants, but plants, their ecosystem services continue
they9re grown with a chemical that will year-round. Leaving some stalks standing
poison the creatures you9d like to support.= provides valuable hibernation habitat for
many insect species.
Summer: Line dry and turn out the Of course, that doesn9t mean you can9t
lights give things a trim. <I think not cutting
In many homes, the least environmen- anything is just too wild for most people,=
tally friendly appliance is the dryer. Gener- Lorimer says. <So compromise: You can
ating enough heat to dry your clothes still make it look neat and more mani-
requires a lot of energy, and multiple loads cured. Just be intentional about what you
a week can quickly increase a family9s leave behind.=
carbon footprint. Plus, when dryer lint
makes its way into the environment, it Kate morgan is a freelance writer in richland,
releases microfibers into ecosystems like Pa.
Dc Home

iLLuSTraTion by JoSé L. SoTo/The WaShingTon PoST; iSTock

Don9t chase an 8impossible9 ideal: How to reduce cleaning stress

BY A NNIE M IDORI A THERTON sinks and cutting boards, should be thor- Put cleaning standards in perspective loosen up a bit. Perhaps relieving pressure
oughly cleaned after each use, says elaine Laura Vanderkam, author of <168 Hours: on others begins with being kinder to
There is no shortage of guides explaining Larson, professor of epidemiology emerita You Have More Time Than You Think,= has ourselves.
the proper way to do chores and how at Columbia University. And of course, interviewed hundreds of people about how
frequently we should be doing them. While toilets and bathroom sinks need frequent they spend their time. she has also found Share the burden
the advice is often helpful, it is, to an extent, cleaning as well. But many other tasks often that expectations around cleaning used to Women, on average, spend more time on
subjective. some household tasks are strict- thought of as weekly or even daily chores, be even higher. Poring through old women9s housework than men. A 2023 report by the
ly necessary 4 and some are a matter of such as vacuuming and dusting, are <really magazines, she saw articles on niche topics Pew Research Center found that in hetero-
personal preference or cultural norms. for aesthetics,= Larson says. <You9re not including the exact way to put floor wax on sexual marriages where both parties earn
Identifying which ones are which can help going to get much in the way of infections a brush when waxing the floors. <That is a about the same amount or the wife earns
the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

you prioritize what9s important and be from that kind of thing.= tip that I cannot really use in my life,= she more, women spend about 2.5 hours more
more forgiving of yourself. Compromised immune systems or dust says. <But that was the subject of an article each week on housework. Making house-
And thinking more <big picture= about or mold allergies might require more dili- in the 1960s.= work less overwhelming begins with dis-
the root of your challenges 4 for example, gence. But for the most part, nothing bad As more women entered the paid work- tributing labor fairly. That could also in-
an unfair distribution of labor or having will happen if a couple of dust bunnies force, some standards relaxed, and the clude calling on kids 4 especially teenagers
products that require heavy maintenance gather in the corner. eliminating all bacte- result was not catastrophic. <What people 4 to share more of the load.
4 can perhaps illuminate solutions. While ria at home is not realistic or necessary. felt was worth doing declined over the If you live with others and share house-
there are certainly practical ways to reduce There is even evidence that overly sterile decades,= she says. <But I don't think, for a hold labor, Vanderkam suggests coming up
the burden of housework, the answer may environments don9t allow the immune sys- normal person, that crossed the line of with minimum standards together. For ex-
include making peace with imperfection tem to develop. health and sanitation, which suggests that ample, if a couple splits cooking, they might
and knowing yourself. <There are both good and bad bacteria,= a lot of what was being done was not strictly agree that it9s not acceptable for one person
Here are a few suggestions, practical and says Rebecca Yee, assistant professor of necessary.= to always order pizza on their nights, but
emotional, for making housework less pathology at George Washington Universi- In my household, we9ve gone weeks once per week is okay, or that every meal
overwhelming. ty. <The good bacteria are what we call without deep cleaning the fridge, for should include at least one vegetable.
commensals and commensal organisms instance, and life went on as normal. That
ask yourself: What9s the worst that have a protective role. Without the good doesn9t mean I wouldn9t have been embar- Spend less time caring for clothes
could happen? bacteria in the gut, an individual may not rassed if someone else looked inside it, Vanderkam, a mother of five, sees many
We clean our homes for a number of be able to tolerate common allergens.= which speaks to another reason we clean. of her fellow parents lamenting tasks they
reasons, including to protect against nega- some of the things we can do to minimize Research suggests that women are judged could choose not to do. Folding a toddler9s
tive health effects 4 reducing the spread of health risks don9t require any labor, such as more harshly for messiness, so it9s under- clothes, for instance, strikes her as particu-
germs and pathogens, preventing mold. airing out rooms and investing in air purifi- standable that they may feel especially larly unnecessary.
But the list of chores that pose a serious ers with HePA filters. In areas with high pressured to keep up appearances. But <Does it have to be folded into a neat,
health risk if done poorly is fairly short. humidity, a dehumidifier can help prevent that finding also suggests that for clean- creased pile, or could you just loosely toss
Any surface or item used to prepare, eat mold build up or attraction of dust mites, ing standards to become more realistic T-shirts in a drawer and pull them out as
or clean food, such as sponges, countertops, Yee says. and forgiving, we need to collectively see cleaning on 7
Home DC

cleaning from 6 fewer toys in their environment, it

encourages them to focus more
you need?= she says. <one takes a <You can9t ever say one cleaning schedule will work for everyone because and play more creatively.
lot more time.=
By the same token, she sug- it totally depends on that 8cost per use9 idea.= Do your own experiments
gests buying clothes that don9t Chrissy Halton, British content creator and former professional organizer for areas that aren9t hot spots
require intense care. She favors for health risks, consider waiting
Betabrand <dress pant yoga a little longer to do a certain task
pants,= which resemble tradi- and see if you can tell the differ-
tional slacks but can be machine washes. monday is pasta,= Vanderkam ents know all too well, but it9s not ence. Halton says she thinks in
washed. If you hang up clothes says. <Every Tuesday is breakfast necessarily worth it. <I can prom- terms of how often an area or item
as soon as they9re dry, or wear clean the floor less often for dinner. Every Thursday is ise you that those toys are just is used. She9s the only one who
clothes that don9t wrinkle easily, removing shoes upon entering make your own pizza. Then no- going to come out again the next uses her en suite shower, for in-
you can forgo ironing and fold- the home, which is customary in body has to think about what9s for morning, and you are not going to stance, so she doesn9t believe it
ing. many parts of the world, minimiz- dinner on those nights, and you get that time back,= Vanderkam warrants a deep clean every week.
Also keep in mind that many es how much dirt and debris is always get those groceries.= says. <It would be better to just <You can9t ever say one cleaning
items do not need to be laundered tracked inside. <We have always Prioritizing meals that use acknowledge that and maybe use schedule will work for everyone
after every use. Towels can handle been a 8no shoes household,9 as it minimal pans 4 such as a large that time for leisure or going to because it totally depends on that
a few uses if they9re hung up to saves so much time on cleaning pot of soup or sheet-pan suppers bed a little bit earlier, so you can 8cost per use9 idea,= she says.
dry. Jeans, as the CEo of Levi9s the floors,= Halton says. for those 4 results in less cleanup. Experts fight the good fight again the next She9s also gone down to polish-
famously declared, hold up better who still want supportive foot- say dishes do not need to be pre- day.= ing the furniture every two weeks,
if rarely washed. Some fashion wear, consider having designated rinsed before going in the dish- She suggests finding one area rather than weekly, and hasn9t no-
industry experts also say that <inside shoes.= (mine are Crocs, to washer. And if you hate drying to keep as a tidy sanctuary for ticed a difference. Halton says it9s
most people over-wash knitwear, my husband9s chagrin.) dishes by hand? Good news: Let- yourself, rather than trying to liberating to be more in control
which only needs to be cleaned Beyond that, spot-cleaning ting them air dry is more sanitary tackle every room every day. If you about what needs to be done. <The
once per year. stains, such as a splash of coffee, anyway, says Erica Wides, the chef can toss clutter in large bins so perfectionist inside me is less
To avoid sorting laundry, Chris- could take less time than a full behind popular Instagram ac- they9re out of sight or focus on fraught as well, as I don9t try and
sy Halton, a British content cre- mopping session. You can also try count @thechefsmartypants. As clearing horizontal surfaces like chase an ideal that9s impossible.=
ator and former professional or- a robotic vacuum, which comes for lunch prep, Vanderkam says tabletops, that will make a space
ganizer, washes only one person9s with pros and cons but can keep that once her kids are 8 years old, feel cleaner even if much is left Annie Midori Atherton is a writer in
clothing at a time. She also sug- everyday dirt and pet hair at bay. they9re expected to either make undone. Seattle who covers culture, lifestyle,
gests buying all the same type and their own lunch or buy it at Simply having fewer toys and business and parenting.
color of socks. I9ve also found that Simplify meal prep and school. games is another way to cut back
having storage cubes on both cleanup on mess, one that may have other ý At Home newsletter Go to the
sides of the bed provides a holding Sticking to a few easy meals on Keep children9s things at bay benefits. A 2018 study from the Home & Garden page to subscribe to
place for sweatshirts and other a rotation simplifies meal plan- The nightly slog of picking up University of Toledo in ohio our email newsletter, delivered every
frequently worn items between ning and shopping. <Like, every kids9 things is a chore many par- found that when toddlers have Thursday.

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You should always have these unexpected tools in your home


Being awakened at 3 a.m. by a

smoke detector chirping because
of dying batteries, discovering
that a tire is low when you9re late
for an appointment or losing the
pin in the hinge of your eyeglasses
don9t rank as full-blown disasters.
But these annoying inconvenienc-
es can upend your schedule and
leave you scrambling for a fix. That
can mean scheduling a costly af-
ter-hours service call, cooling your
heels at a repair shop or going
without something until a profes-
sional can help.
I9ve learned, though, that when
things go sideways, it9s helpful to
have some relatively inexpensive
items around that can allow you to
fix small problems yourself, or at
least buy you time until you can
enlist a pro to remedy the situa-
tion. Here9s a list of things to keep
handy, based on my experience
and recommendations from
friends, colleagues and profes-
Most people keep extra AA and
AAA batteries on hand, but it9s
worth having a stash of 9-volts 4
the size used in many smoke and
carbon monoxide detectors 4
around as well. Even hard-wired
smoke detectors have a 9V battery istock
backup. And odds are that when
one goes, the others will soon fol-
low, subjecting you to a symphony splint for a broken finger or toe. ABOVE LEFT: Duct tape is a great staple for quick fixes. It ware stores, are the perfect size to
of incessant chirping until they They are also a great way to reat- can be used to patch cracks and rips on just about anything. wedge in drains for a quick fix
are replaced. It might also be tach an arm to your eyeglasses. TOP RIGHT: In addition to AA batteries, make sure you until new plugs come, says Lind-
worth having extra C batteries in Unwind a sturdy paper clip and have 9-volts for smoke detectors. ABOVE RIGHT: Multiuse sey Chastain, founder and CEO at
your arsenal. My new wireless thread it through the hole in the tools are compact and can fix a number of problems. The Waddle and Cluck.
window and door alarm sensors hinge to replace a lost pin. Wrap it
are powered by type Cs. When they around once and break off any Heavy-duty aluminum foil
get low 4 typically after 12 to 18 excess so you don9t accidentally Most people have this pantry
months, you can pay your alarm scratch yourself. to a repair shop. <Having one of these handy little staple on hand anyway. It can be
company to send out a technician things has helped me bend a used to create temporary patches
to replace them (in my case a $99 Duct tape FIXD sensor phone charger back to shape, pull and seals on damaged exhaust
service fee) or DIY. I choose the This strong, flexible and super- When your vehicle9s check en- a splinter and re-screw a chair leg pipes, hoses and more. <Foil
latter. sticky problem-solver can be used gine light comes on, it silently nags back into place,= she says. shapes easily to wrapped connec-
the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

to patch cracks, rips, tears and you and makes you wonder tions, preventing leaks and block-
Air compressor holes on garden hoses, trash cans, whether it9s something minor or Heavy-duty plastic sheeting ages until replacements arrive,=
When outdoor temperatures tarps, tennis shoes and more. Jen- your car is on the verge of a break- George Matusyan, owner and op- Chastain says.
swing dramatically between hot nifer Lawler, of Los Angeles, says down. Erin Lawrence, a reviewer erational manager of United Win-
and cold, it can affect your tire she once used it to keep a broken at Tech Gadgets International, dows Pro, recommends keeping Wet-dry vacuum
pressure. Tires that look fully in- handle on her refrigerator func- keeps a FIXD car code reader heavy-duty clear plastic sheeting Brian Vastola, of Wake Forest,
flated one day can look flat the tioning for months while her land- ($40) in her vehicle. <FIXD is a around in case a window breaks. It9s N.C., says that having an inexpen-
next, possibly causing your car9s lord tried to find a replacement. way to tell if a warning light on available at home improvement sive 2.5-gallon wet-dry vacuum
low-pressure indicator to come And Catherine Aceto, of Pitts- your car is minor or serious with- stores; look for 6 mil or thicker. has helped him many times. <I
on. This is a frequent issue in burgh, says she keeps duct tape in out finding a mechanic,= she says. Ensure a tight seal by pairing it with saved a ton of money on water
Colorado, where I live. I invested her car for <when you rip your <It connects to your car9s OBD2 4 what else? 4 robust duct tape. I damage, especially for my wood
in an electric air inflater for about bumper loose on a curb.= port [on board diagnostics] under can attest that this works. Years ago, floors and those pesky second-
$75. It9s easy to use and allows me your dashboard. Just plug it in and when a tree branch crashed floor leaks that damage the first-
to quickly add pressure wherever I Electrical tape use the app to see exactly what through my home9s skylight during floor ceiling. I9ve used my vacuum
am. And if you notice a nail or Lawler says she once used this your car is trying to tell you. It9s a snowstorm, some plastic sheeting when the air conditioner leaked,
screw has punctured the tire, you sticky, flexible black adhesive to like a pocket translator for your and the help of a kind sheriff9s depu- when the refrigerator filter leaked,
can at least pump the tire up keep a frayed laptop charger work- car.= ty helped mitigate the damage until when installing a new garbage
enough to drive to a repair shop ing while she was on a trip to I could call my roofer. disposal and when the toilet
without having to change the tire Europe. It also makes a great Leatherman multi-tool leaked,= he says. Corded models
or wait for a tow truck. patch for grips on sports equip- Ali Smith, founder and CEO of Cork stoppers run $30 to $75; cordless ones start
ment or tools. I even wrapped the Rebarkable, says her Leatherman If you have a cracked sink or around $100.
Paper clips black leather strap of my favorite multi-tool (these start at $40), bathtub plug that9s causing a leak
These come in handy to create a handbag with electrical tape when which includes a knife, scissors, or prevents the tub from filling, Laura Daily is a colorado-based
temporary zipper pull, necklace the stitching started to unravel to screwdriver, tweezers, nail file and cork stoppers, available at many freelance writer specializing in travel,
clasp or, with some adhesive tape, hold it together until I could get it more, keeps her day on track. home improvement and hard- health, food and consumer issues
Home DC

Are fancy, 8human-grade9 dog foods healthier than dry kibble?


My dog9s food does not look

delicious. By human standards, it
barely even looks like food 4 dry,
brown triangles mixed with soft-
er dry, brown chunks, a bowl of
Unlucky Charms. The package
tells me the contents are lamb
and rice, but it looks curiously
similar to my other dog9s food,
which is labeled <salmon.= Be-
cause I love my dogs very much,
and because I9m a chronic over-
thinker, scooping kibble into
their bowls every day tends to
leave me feeling guilty. Do they
like their sad dog cereal? Is it even
good for them?
In recent years, an industry has
grown around these anxieties.
Consumers can now choose from
an ever-increasing amount of
high-end dog food brands that
advertise <real= food, which often
resembles the food we feed our-
selves: chunks of carrots, cubes of
chicken, leaves from green vege-
tables. You can choose from flash-
frozen raw food, dehydrated meat
and whole grains, and supple-
mented vegetarian diets. Several
brands will ship <customized= di-
ets right to your home, borrowing
the concept from human meal
delivery services. The food is typi-
cally labeled <human-grade,= of-
ten refrigerated, advertised as not
including <fillers,= and almost al-
ways at a higher price point than
illuSTrATion by ShikhA SubrAMAniAM/The WAShingTon PoST
the more common midrange
Going by looks, the food seems brands,= she tells me via email. efits, or mean that the ingredients ular, should be made in the Unit- few things you should look out
much better than the kibble my If you9re buying a quality gro- are actually better for your pet.= ed States. for. First, make sure the food
dogs eat by every conceivable cery store brand, Fox isn9t even The <made in the U.S.A.= label One area where high-end foods meets AAFCO9s standards for
metric 4 fresher, more nutri- particularly concerned about fill- holds a bit more weight. Although fare better, according to Loftus, is your dog9s age, and that it has
tious, tastier. Though typically ers. <Most 8fillers9 in dog food are it doesn9t necessarily say any- digestibility. This refers to how ideally gone through feeding tri-
more difficult to obtain, store and different types of carbohydrates thing about a food9s quality, ingre- well nutrients from a food can be als. The manufacturer should be
afford, it looks like the kind of (i.e. grains, potatoes, legumes, dients sourced from the United absorbed into the bloodstream. well-known and contactable for
food you9d feel good about feeding etc.),= she says. They provide fiber, States are at least <generally safe,= Loftus says those traditional gro- any questions, and the company
your best canine friends; like it antioxidants and essential fatty says John Loftus, an assistant cery store brands have come a should employ veterinary nutri-
could make them healthier and acids, and they tend to make up a professor at Cornell University9s long way in terms of their digest- tionists (and participate in pub-
happier. But does it? large percentage of dogs9 caloric College of Veterinary Medicine. ibility, with many of them landing lished, peer-reviewed research).

the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

<The most important thing for intake. One high-end brand, <There have been several issues somewhere around 90 percent. You should also keep an eye on
the health of the pet is that the which ships pre-portioned fresh with ingredients from China,= he The fresh diets, though, are your dog9s health 4 monitor their
food is providing all of the neces- food to your door, has a carbohy- says, so he recommends avoiding <probably a little bit higher.= weight, their stool, their skin and
sary nutrients, all of the vitamins, drate-to-protein ratio of about 1:1, pet foods sourced from there. Fresh diets can help, too, if coat, and tell your veterinarian if
all the minerals, the right amount Fox estimates; the same ratio is Loftus says jerky treats, in partic- your dog is a picky eater who anything seems off. They can help
of protein and fat, and so on, that found in most midrange brands, finds human food more palatable. you adjust their diet or guide you
they need to be healthy,= says such as Blue Buffalo. (A value <Palatability may be enough of a toward a new kind of food, if
Jonathan Stockman, assistant brand, such as Kibbles 9n Bits, reason to justify the increased necessary.
professor at Long Island Univer- fares a bit worse, with a ratio expense,= Fox says. Guardians Truthfully, it9s not like my dogs
sity9s College of Veterinary Medi- closer to 2:1.) <Although the standards may also opt to cook their dog9s have ever displayed negative feel-
cine. These metrics are set by the Similarly, that <human-grade= food at home, a route Loftus ings about their food. When it9s
Association of American Feed designation might not mean what for human foods are suggests they take only with the time to eat, they jump and spin
Control Officials (AAFCO) and you think it does. According to guidance of a veterinary nutri- with excitement, and they always
are met by most commercial dog AAFCO, human-grade ingredi- different in some ways tionist (or recipes backed by one). ask for a little more. Their health
food available in the United ents are <stored, handled, pro- <Making sure that they have all is good and steady. It seems that
States. <That is not really some- cessed, and transported in a man- than for pet foods, this the vitamins and minerals they right now the only thing about
thing that is provided in any ner that is consistent and compli- need is really important,= he says. their <sad dog cereal= that needs
better way through these more ant= with human food, meaning does not translate to The bottom line seems to be to change is my own perception of
humanlike diets,= Stockman says. the factory or kitchen is licensed that you are not doing your dog a it. Let9s call it <normal dog cereal,=
Carly Fox, senior veterinarian to produce food for both humans improved health major disservice by feeding her maybe, or <dog cereal that9s actu-
at Schwarzman Animal Medical and animals. <Although the stan- typical grocery store kibble. But if ally fine!=
Center NYC, agrees. <The nutri- dards for human foods are differ- benefits.= you, like me, still want some
tional content of high-end dog ent in some ways than for pet Carly Fox, senior veterinarian guidance on how to make sure kelly Conaboy is a writer in new york
food brands does not differ signif- foods,= Fox says, <this does not at Schwarzman Animal your dog9s food is healthy and who covers dogs, culture and dog
icantly from typical grocery store translate to improved health ben- Medical Center nyC nutritious, Fox says there are a culture.
DC Real Estate

1512 34th st. NW, Washington, D.C.
Bedrooms/bathrooms: 3/4
Approximate square-footage: 2,270
Lot size: 3,055 square feet
Features: this late 19th-century house was
renovated in 2021 to include smart home features
and other modern amenities, including built-in
speakers on every level and an automatic irrigation
system in the garden. street parking only.
Listing agent: Linda Lizzio, Long and Foster real

rEaL tour iNC. rEaL tour iNC.

housE oF thE wEEk

Georgetown house blends history and luxury

BY S OPHIA S OLANO you can spend a lot of family time while
you9re preparing dinner. And I would say
The search for a home in D.C. took Matt that9s my favorite time of day.=
Talley to two Georgetown houses, and the The primary bedroom suite, on the
second needed work. The basement second level, has a built-in nightstand and
smelled of mildew. The kitchen was a walk-in closet. The primary bathroom
outdated. He thought back to the first has a two-sink vanity with a Nero Marqui-
house, a newly renovated detached house, na marble countertop. This floor also has
a street away, and decided that he was a second bedroom with an en suite
done looking. He made an offer on the bathroom.
first house immediately. The lower level has a family room with a
Talley and his husband had just com- bar, a bedroom, a full bathroom and a
pleted a three-year renovation of their Key washer and dryer. The house has smart
the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

West, Fla., house when they decided in home features throughout, including
2021 to move to Washington, a city they built-in speakers on every level.
thought had more resources for their son, Another defining feature of the proper-
who is 10 years old and has special needs. ty is its expansive outdoor space, which
The Key West experience, Talley said, was featured on the 2023 Georgetown
affected the outcome of their D.C. search. Garden Tour. The kitchen door opens to a
<Once you do a renovation down to the patio, and beyond that there is a mani-
studs, you never want to do it again,= he cured garden that Talley said was modeled
said. on gardens in historic Williamsburg, Va.,
The house at 1512 34th St. NW, now on with boxwoods, hydrangeas and roses.
the market for about $2.96 million, was The reproduction lanterns that line the
renovated by Akseizer Residential, a D.C. HomEVisit pathway came from the shop at Thomas
development company, in 2021. According CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: The living room is at the front of the house. The Jefferson9s Monticello estate. Although
to D.C. building permits, the house was kitchen looks over the garden, which has automatic irrigation. The patio has WiFi. designed to resemble old English gardens,
built in 1880; little else is known about its this garden has decidedly 21st-century
history. tones of south Floridian design. That 2021 renovation, are rift- or quarter-sawn features, like WiFi coverage and a built-in
The Colonial-style exterior fits in with attachment was most noticeable in the white oak (for slightly different looks) irrigation system.
the neighboring rowhouses. But the house tropical interior decor 4 furnishings and with custom stain. A lounge area has a For Talley, whose family plans to stay in
is detached, which is unusual in the decorations that don9t convey 4 and can retractable television embedded in built- the area, living in a modern house in an
neighborhood, and the garden can be still be spotted in some parts of the in cabinetry. At the back of the house, the old Georgetown neighborhood has a satis-
accessed from the front of the house. house, like the yellow bar area on the renovated kitchen has Calacatta marble fying asymmetry. <It9s very cool to live in a
Talley and husband Ricky Hamilton lower level. Miele countertops. Talley said it9s his modern house that needed absolutely
returned to D.C. 4 after meeting on The entry level includes a living room favorite part of the house. nothing and then step outside onto the
Capitol Hill about two decades earlier 4 with a front-facing alcove looking out on <You can see the garden on one side,= he same bricks that our past presidents have
with a fondness for the pastels and warm 34th Street. The floors, updated in the said. <The way [the kitchen is] situated, walked on.=
Real Estate 11

BuyiNg NEw

A pair of penthouse condos near lively U Street

direct access to the building.
923 V St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20001 Kitchens and bathrooms
Builder: Urbaniak LLC The penthouses9 <chef-caliber= kitchens
are outfitted with stainless-steel Bosch and
Type of home: Condominium Blomberg appliances, including a two-door
Price: $1.79 million and $1.89 million refrigerator, a gas cooktop and a wall oven.
Number of units: 2 Details include Lyskamm quartz counter-
tops, custom pendant lighting over the
Bedrooms: 2
islands and full-height herringbone back-
Bathrooms: 3 (including powder room) splashes.
Square footage: 1,781 and 2,010 Bathrooms include backlit vanity mir-
Condo fees: $745 and $829 per month rors, a frameless glass enclosure for show-
ers and dual vanities with a white finish and
View model: quartz countertops.
The units have full-size washers and
When the Aperture condominium hit the dryers.
market in 2022, two of the 19 new-build
units were held in reserve: the two-level Community amenities and recreation
penthouses, with their roof terraces and The U Street corridor is a celebration of
sweeping views of D.C. landmarks. Now D.C. nightlife and culture. Aperture is an
listing agent McWilliams Ballard is promot- intersection away from 9:30 Club, one of the
ing them as elegant, move-in-ready units city9s most intimate and popular music
with high-end features and a location on V venues. The Howard and Lincoln theaters,
PhoToS By BeNjamiN C TaNkerSLey for The WaShiNgToN PoST
Street NW near the U Street corridor, one of former haunts of jazz greats including Duke
the city9s liveliest neighborhoods. Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald, still offer live
From 2007 to 2020, the two-story brick entertainment as well as a brush with histo-
structure occupying what is now Aperture9s ry. Green spaces and affordable dining sur-
site provided office space for building own- round the historic Howard University cam-
er and health IT contractor Cooper Thomas pus, just blocks north. Meridian Hill Park,
LLC. As the company9s needs changed, a with 12 acres of green space and a cascading
decision was made to demolish the building waterfall designed by sculptor John Joseph
and replace it with upscale residential Earley, is a half-mile walk west.
<The owners of the property had the Nearby shops and restaurants
vision and made the decision to be a part of Lines still form around the block for
the redevelopment of the neighborhood half-smokes at Ben9s Chili Bowl, a D.C.
and the local area surrounding the Howard landmark since 1958, and the U Street
University campus,= Jeffrey McCandless, corridor also includes a variety of some of
president of Cooper Thomas, said in an the city9s best dining options. It9s a go-to for
email. Ethiopian food, including Dukem and
Habesha, which regularly make best-of
Features CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: The living area in unit 601. A wall of south-facing lists. Busboys and Poets, now a D.C. institu-
Each of the penthouses, units 601 and windows opens to a terrace at unit 601. The terrace9s view includes D.C. landmarks, tion, has its flagship location off the corri-
602, has two bedrooms and three bath- such as the Washington Monument. The main-level foyer has elevator access. dor on 14th Street NW. Head to El Rey for
rooms, including a powder room. Entry to Mexican dining and dancing or to Bresca for
both is on the sixth floor. Unit 601, with 1,781 Michelin-starred French fare. Whole Foods
square feet, was listed in November and Market is less than a quarter-mile away.
serves as Aperture9s model unit, but the Schools: Garrison Elementary, Cardozo
slightly larger 602, at 2010 square feet, has Education Campus (middle and high), Ben-

the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

yet to be put on the market. Kate Hanley, jamin Banneker High.
senior sales director at McWilliams Ballard,
said the company plans to formally list 602 Transportation
after 601 sells, although it is being shown The U Street Metro stop, on the Green
upon request. Aperture9s 17 other condos Line, is a three-minute walk from Aper-
have already been sold. ture9s front door. Bus service is plentiful
Model unit 601 has a foyer, with a closet along U Street, with stops for the 90, 92 and
and skylight, on the entry level, along with a 96 routes. Access to the 63 and 64 routes is
spacious primary bedroom and en suite available along Vermont Avenue NW.
bathroom. Engineered-wood stairs lead up
to an open-concept living area and a kitchen What sets it apart
that has an island with a waterfall-style Built in 2021 on a site that previously
countertop. provided office space, Aperture stands out
The living area has a wall-length row of with its rare-for-the-area concrete-and-
windows and access to a roof terrace with steel construction, Hanley said. (Brick con-
views of the Washington Monument and with a pass-through to the open-plan living Both units have floor-to-ceiling windows, struction is more typical of multifamily
other landmarks. On the other side of the and dining area. The smaller of two bed- with 10-foot ceilings on the entry level and residential buildings in the area.) Not only
living space, the unit has the second bed- rooms, with an en suite bathroom, is near nine-foot ceilings on the second level. Both does this give the building a strikingly
room, with en suite bathroom. A powder the entry-level living area. The second level units have engineered white-oak flooring bright and clean appearance, Hanley said,
room with washer and dryer is accessible has a second, larger living area with access everywhere except the carpeted bedrooms. but it also serves to deaden sound between
from the living space. to a private roof terrace facing north. This Aperture9s shared amenities include a units and from the street, giving the pent-
In addition to two bedrooms and three penthouse, unlike 601, has a second roof secure lobby and entryway and a package houses and other condos added privacy and
bathrooms (including a powder room), 602 terrace, also on the second level and accessi- room with space for bicycle storage. Each a sense of distance from the bustle of the
has a den, which is off the entry-level ble from the primary bedroom suite with en penthouse has a parking space in a surface- city.
corridor. The corridor leads to a kitchen suite bathroom. level garage at the rear of the building, with 4 Hope Hodge Seck
dc Family
On Parenting

My 3-year-old just gets angrier when I try to calm his tantrums


Q: My 3½-year-old son has

moments of defiance and tantrums
that I can9t control. No matter what
I do, he doesn9t seem to hear me out
in the moment and only seems to
get more angry if I try to calm him
down. I feel judged and
embarrassed when others see this
behavior occur. When can I expect
to see some improvement in terms
of age? How can I help him?

A: Thanks for writing. Defiance and

tantrums are so common in 3-year-olds
that I would guess that most pediatricians
would be concerned if your child weren9t
giving you some pushback. Though, like
everything on the developmental scale,
there is a range. I don9t know the severity,
length or frequency of these outbursts, so
an important first step is keeping track of
the tantrums. It may sound exhausting,
but whether in your phone or a notebook,
keep a record. It could become helpful
down the road for other experts.
Your son9s defiance and tantrums serve
a purpose. They are not simply
misbehaviors to be controlled; they are
part of his development. A human is not
meant to be a robot, blindly following
instructions and orders. And the younger
the child, the less likely you are to see
obedience. Remember, 3½-year-olds are
immature. Their brains are not yet able to
weigh many perspectives, options or
rational thought, and virtually anything,
from hunger to pain to fatigue, will send
them into a tailspin (I know adults like
this, too). The inability to express
themselves completely, to explain their
emotions, to understand others, explodes
as tantrums. Your son9s tantrum is a sign,
pointing you toward one obvious
the washington post . thursday, january 18 , 2024

conclusion: He is overwhelmed.
The rule of overwhelm is when you add illusTrATion By MAríA AlconAdA Brooks/The WAshingTon PosT

stress, you just get bigger tantrums. You

already know this: Whenever you have communicates that you are there. While child becomes more cooperative in fits you ready for the older years.
been terribly upset, anyone who tries to you are on his level, see how long you can and starts throughout their young years, If his tantrums get worse, please see
reason, silence or placate you is not going stay silent. You may want to rip your hair with a smoothing around age 7. The <fits your pediatrician. Also, invest in some
to be well-received. When our out, but compassionate silence often and starts= part is the most important; good development and behavior-
dysregulation is that high, we need a works in helping settle his feelings. He is every human is born with their own mitigation books; they will put your mind
quiet, loving presence and this is doubly accustomed to your overmanagement, so unique temperament and family of origin; at ease. If you don9t know many other
true for 3-year-olds. So remember, almost be ready for the tantrum to continue for a developmental paths look different for parents with children this age, please
every technique that is used to shut down while before it gets better. everyone. make every effort at finding some! It will
a tantrum (reasoning, silencing, talking When a tantrum occurs in public, get And the really sticky part? The normalize your worries and give you an
over them, etc.) ends up making it worse. out of dodge as fast as you can. Find a struggles you begin now with your son opportunity to share your exasperation.
His behavior is not personal. He is not quiet place, such as your car or even (arguing, silencing, etc.) can actually lead Children this age are challenging, but if
manipulating or ignoring you, he has been behind a wall. As soon as you remove the to bigger problems down the road. you keep your boundaries and gently love
kidnapped by his big feelings. To avoid audience, you will be able to manage your Imagine that you cannot help your big him through this time, it will (fingers
making the tantrums worse, first stop own emotions better. And remember: You feelings, and the person who is supposed crossed) pass. Good luck.
trying to be rational with him. You already are only responsible for your own to support and listen to you (your parent)
know this doesn9t work (<he doesn9t seem emotions when your son is melting down. shames and shuts you down. Those big õ also at read the
to hear me out in the moment and only Your only job is to breathe, stay with him feelings don9t go away; your child only transcript of a recent live Q&A with leahy at
seems to get more angry=). Next, if it and wait. No emotion lasts forever; you becomes more frustrated, more, where you can also
doesn9t seem to make the tantrum worse, need to trust that. depressed, more angry, etc. Again, the find past columns.
get on his level and make gentle contact. As for when you can expect the explosions are an invitation to connect,
Hugs, a compassionate face or a gentle tantrums to end, well, that is a bit stickier. not shut down. Is this the hardest work of ý Send parenting questions to leahy at
hand on the shoulder 4 anything that If everything goes according to plan, a your parenting life? Yes, and it is getting

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