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Officer’s Handbook

Ranks and Powers

Each rank in a crew has different powers, I'll be explaining Officer, FO (Fleet Officer), and
SO (Senior Officer) Powers.

Officer Powers:

- Sailing a ship (including porting, ordering, planking, hiring, and waaay more)

- Can do navigation puzzle without being ordered to

- Post issues (if crew is not Democratic - in Democratic crews, you are already given the
privilege to do so at Pirate rank.)

- Edit Officer Bulletin Board

- Can talk on Officer and Flag Officer chat

- Proposal to Demote/Promote

- Can expel ONLY CPs (Cabin Person)

FO Powers:

- All Officer Powers

- Can access holds of ships

- Promote people to Pirate

SO Powers:

- All Officer and FO Powers

- Can promote/demote up to FO

- If crew is Oligarchic, you are the decision-makers of the crew.

New Buttons to Learn

Now that you're an Officer, I'm pretty sure you have seen buttons that haven't been there
before. Most of them are in the Ye Hold, Ye booty, and Crew and Vessel Panel.

Crew Panel Buttons

First thing, go to the crew panel. Then open your crew's list of members. Click a name.
Do you see more options then there were before you were an officer? WOOHOO! Those
are new buttons!!!
First with the full member's (Pirate and CP) buttons:

Assign Rank - to propose someone to a higher or lower rank. Officers and FOs put up a
Issue (If FO's promote someone to Pirate, there is no issue), while SOs have it done
immediately (with the exceptions of promoting/demoting a SO or Captain)

Assign Title - to give a title (such as bilge rat, sword master, urchin, ect.) to a member.
Does not affect rank. Cannot give titles to people that are higher rank than you.

Expel - to kick someone out of the crew. Officers can only expel CPs. SOs can expel up
to people from CP to FO

Dismiss Jobber - This button is only for Jobbers. If they're are on the ship, they will be
kicked out of the crew and planked. If not, they will jest be kicked out of the crew. Any
rank (Officer and higher) can dismiss a jobber

Vessel Panel Buttons

Vessel Panel can only be seen... when you're on a vessel! (This is aka a ship.)

Sail - When you have charted a course, you press this button for the ship to move (or
continue to move) to its designation.

Deport - When you haven't charted a course yet, moves the ship out of port.

Hiring Jobbers - It sounds like what is actually is: to hire jobbers. It will put up an issue in
the notice board so people can apply to pillage with you.

Port - When you've reached an island, press port to be in the dock of that island. The ship
will not be "abandoned at sea" when you leave it.

Turn Around - To.. Well, turn around! LoL, click this button for this ship to go the opposite

Attack - When you pass the ship (or perhaps a brigand), there will be a little box having
it's crew name, ship name, and picture of the ship, and will say if it's a brigand, navy,
ect. and below all that, will be a button saying Attack. Click it to begin chasing that ship
(You might have to click Turn Around)

Disengage - When you're already chasing a ship, you can click Disengage to stop

Ye Hold Buttons

Trade Commodities - Click this to restock the ship, to sell units that are in the ship for
poe, and more (For example, if you own a stall, you can use this too.)

Market Bidding - If the island you are on has a market, you can use the ship's money to
place a bid on a certain item (Items that an island market has are usually raw materials
for stalls, so they can manufacture it into something.)

Ship's Log - A history of the hold. This will give a date, time, who, and what of anything
that has to do with the Hold. Numbers in red means a decrease in the hold, and the
numbers in green mean an increase in the Hold. REMEMBER! Any Officer, FO, SO, and
Captain can see the history! So don't be stupid and steal money from the Hold. Cause
there will be likely proof that you did it! :P

Ye Booty Buttons

Inspect the Hold - To see how much poe in the coffers and the items you have pillaged.
This is actually not a new button, but you didn't see it before because before you were an
officer, there was only one option when you clicked the Treasure Chest.

Trade Commodities - Has the same function as the Trade Commodities in the Ye Hold.

Divide the Booty - Can only use this button when at port (and if you did sail). This will
divide the booty that you have pillaged. There will be a default when you click it, and you
can adjust it. Click the arrow facing down to decrease someone's cut, and click the arrow
facing up to increase their cut. (You can do the same thing with the restocking cut.)

Consider This Before Sailing

Now, before you ever sail a ship, there are 3 things I want you to consider:


Restocking is one thing you should really do. There are two basic supplies you need:
rum and cannonballs. Cannonballs are used during b-nav (battle navigation) to hit the
other opponent, causing damage and making it easier to SF (sword-fight), for the
opponent will have black bricks that cannot be removed. You can sail without
cannonballs, but it might be difficult when it comes to b-nav. Rum is for... well, drinking!
You can sail without this too, but I do warn ya, yer performances in puzzles will decrease
and during SF, you space to play in will be smaller. Also, for some reasons, the more
officers on board, the more rum consumed. (Why are officers such rum hogs...? O.o
Then again, here I am being one.)


To have a full pillage, consider how much time you have on your hands. A good
estimate, would be around 1 hour. If you have good workers, it will likely take less time.
I would recommend you not to take out a ship if you do not have enough time, as ships
abandoned at sea will likely make the Captain or SO mad and remember: different crews
will have different punishments.


Sailing alone can be a hard job, so you might want to take people along with you. If
you plan on sailing alone, you might want to read the "Doing a Solo" section in the "Other
Things to Know".

Charting a Course

Well, let's state the obvious, shall we? You can't sail if you don’t' know where you're

Click the Steering Wheel, then click chart course. Click a different island that you're not
at, and then a dotted line from your current island and the island you pressed will
appear. Now you have a course to sail to.
Sometimes if you click an island, the course won't appear. That is because there is no
map to that island.

Some maps are bought at a shipyard, while others are won by pillaging.

P.S. Consider the amount of time you have on your hands before making a long or short


You should have two basic supplies on you ship: cannonballs and rum.

Cannonballs are used during b-nav, to cause damage and making SF easier by making
black bricks that cannot be removed for the opponents.

The size of the cannonballs depends on the type of ship you are on.

Small Cannonballs - Sloop, Cutter

Medium Cannonballs - Merchant Brig, War Brig

Large Cannonballs - War Frigate, Grand Frigate

Rum is for drinking (don't ask me why you have to be drunk to work...) BUT if you sail
without it, your performances in duty stations will lower and annoying rum bottles that
cannot be removed will appear on the sides when you are in SF.

There are many types of rum, with all the same purposes, but the type of rum you should
stock you ship with is Fine Rum. Though other types of rum may be cheaper, they do not
last as long as Fine Rum.

To restock, go to Trade Commodities, then (on the top) Click sell. Scroll down until you
see Fine Rum. Look for the cheapest rum (it should be the one on the top of the list).
Click it and on the bottom, write down how much you want to buy (Let's practice, just buy
one, so type down 1 in the box.) Click buy. You should have 1 more rum than you had

The amount of rum and cannonballs you restock will vary upon these variables:

- Size (type of ship)

- How long the pillage will be

- Amount of people you will be sailing with (give a estimate)

You can check the Officer Bulletin Board to see if the owner of the ship has given a
guideline on how much you should restock that ship.

Stock rum first and then stock cannonballs, since you can actually live without

Hiring Jobbers

Well, I'm pretty sure you don't want to sail alone on your first time sailing!
First consider this: Is there anybody in you crew that can sail with you? Sailing with full
members or with friends can be better than sailing with unknown Jobbers.

You can do two things when hiring Jobbers:

1) Hire Jobbers until you reached the amount of people you want and then sail.

2) Hire Jobbers while you are sailing.

The second option might be hard because you might be doing a solo for a long time until
someone applies to your crew.

There are two ways to hire Jobbers:

1) Go to the Vessel Panel, then click Hire Jobbers. People can apply by the Notice Board.

2) Use /job. Remember that there is a slash before the word "job". For example, if I want
to hire a friend called... let's say Brom, then I would type /job Brom.

When using the first option, you might want to check their pirate info before hiring. It
would be good to hire someone with skills. ;)

Ordering People

When you order people, the person will have a pink box saying who ordered them and
what they have ordered them to do. If their sound is turned up, a whistle will come along

You should only order Jobbers. Try to ask your crew mates, and if they don't, it would be
reasonable to order them.

To order someone, go to the Vessel Panel, and click the person you are going to order's
name. Click a duty station for them to go to. They will receive that pink box, and a box
to you saying: "You have ordered (name) to (station)."

NNP (Non-player-pirates, which are computers) can only carp, bilge, and sail. They
cannot navigate or gun for you.

Jobbers and CPs cannot gun or nav, so if you want them to, you need to order them.

Pirates cannot nav. Order them if you wish them to. Officers and up can do all stations

Planking People (Heh-heh)

Planking... how evil... yet at the same time... useful.

For Jobbers it means them getting booted out of the crew, and for both Jobbers and Full
Members, if also means a swim with the sharks.

You can plank people by two ways:

1) Go to Crew Panel, open up your Crew's list, and find that person's name. Click their
name, then click Dismiss Jobber (Only works for Jobbers)
2) Use /plank (always remember the slash before the word "plank"!) E.g., I want to plank
someone named ... Person (how original). So I would type /plank person.


Once in a while, while you're sailing and hiring Jobbers, there will be ANNOYING (and I
mean annoying!) Jobbers. There can be the swearing freak, the lazy slacker, or the one I
really hate: The "Plank me! Plank me! I'm here to sabotage!!" people.

Puzzle Pirates is supposed to be a fun game, and you should help your fellow Pirates by
ensuring that. If the Jobber you come across is completely rude, a crazy spammer, ect.
Complain/report them (along with plank.) This will send an OM (Ocean Master) a notice
about that person, as well as chat history proving that. (LoL, so you might not want to be
rude yourself!) Complain if it is only serious, abuse of it can be bad.


You might have not noticed it before while you were on a ship, but under the Sunshine
Widget (Which has the Crew, Vessel, Ye, Booty, Ahoy! Panels) there are three "half
circles". These are gauges.

The first one (off to the far left) has an S: before the half circle and is sometimes filled up
with yellow.

This is the Sails Gauge. It will indicate the speed of the ship. The fuller it is, the faster
the ship is.

The second one is the Damage Gauge. It will indicate how much damage there is on the
ship. The more there is, the more damage. Having the Damage Gauge empty is good.
To decrease it, put more people on Carp Stations.

The third one is the Bilge Gauge (which indicates how much bilge (water) there is on the
ship) Try having the Bilge Gauge empty by having at least one person on Bilge at all

One question you might have in mind is: "How are they all related?"

Well, bilge goes bigger if there's damage. So, the more damage there is, the more bilge.
Bilge will slow down the sails, so the ship will go slow. In order for the ship to go faster,
you need the bilge to go down. In order for the bilge to go down, the damage gauge has
to be less than half full. So, get your damage and bilge down!!!

Attacking Ships for Poe

There are two ships you can fight: Real People (PvP: Player vs. Player) or Computers
(Brigands, not the Navy!) Some PvP are harder, and if you lose, you'll lose more than if
you fought a Brigand, but sometimes if you win, it can really be worth it.

The numbers of Brigands are based on the amount of people (in the whole ocean)
pillaging. In fact, you spawn the Brigands! So if you don't see lost of Brigands sailing, it
probably means other Officers aren't getting much either.

While you're sailing, look at the mini-map on the right of you screen. And when you pass
a ship, there will be a colored ring around it. The color indicates how hard the ship is.
Here's the list from easiest to hardest:






A good color to attack is green.

Attacking any shade of blue can be bad cuz it'll storm up the Black Ship, a dark ship full
of 100 deadly pirates and when they win, they swipe all of your booty. Don't say I didn't
warn ya!

Now, when fighting a PvP, they can be really tricky or really easy. I best suggest you
master the battle navigation. Now when you're fighting them, you are also "risking" the
crew's PvP rating (and also the other crew's >:D)

Battle Navigation

B-naving is fighting the opponent’s ship, which is just before you SF.

There are basically two methods: try to grapple them asap, or, shoot them a lot then
grapple. Shooting them causes the opponent to have damage and these annoying black
bricks which cannot be removed.

Make sure people are at their stations. Have someone on guns (if you use guns during b-
nav) and at least 1 person on sails (which creates those tokens which moves the ship)
unless bilge and damage are full.

Here's a tip for Brigands: they try to get close to you, then grapple. Just let them go near
you, shoot them as much as you can, then grapple.

For more info: you can check out these handy sites:


Once you grapple them, SF starts. Now what I'm going to say is not a requirement, but a
recommendation: tell them to team up, and if they don't, tell them HOW. Usually teams
of 2 to 3. Solos are not strong. Teams of 4 and above should not happen when fighting
brigands: they cheat when you do that.
Also, here's another thing on Brigands. I'm not sure about this (I think it's a myth, but
hey, better safe than sorry.) Here it is: The NNP (non-player pirate) captain (which is the
NNP wearing the hat) give 2x more attacks when your on it. So your supposedly suppose
to attack the NNP captain last. I don't know about that one, but whatever, here's the


To end your pillage (or to divide the booty and then continue sailing) reach an island,
then click Port. This will put the ship into the island's dock so you can divide booty or
restock (You can only restock on civilized islands).

Dividing Booty

You can only divide if you are in port. SO when you are in port, click the Treasure Chest,
then Divide Booty. You can increase or decrease other people's cut. Be reasonable. To
increase/decrease someone's cut, scroll down and find them, and click the arrow pointing
up (increase) or down (decrease).

Inviting People to Join

In order for someone to be invited as a full member, they must be a jobber first. Click the
person's character, and then click Invite to Join as Full Member.

You can invite when they first come on the ship, in the middle of pillaging, when you port,
or in the streets. Do whatever suits you best.

Promoting and Demoting

To propose or change someone’s rank, go to the Crew Panel, open up the Crew's list, find
their name, click their name, click Promote, and Select a higher or lower rank. It will do it
immediately or put up an issue, depending on your rank.

Participating in the Crew

Usually, your Crew will have activities that you can participate in, such as wearing Crew
Colors, blockades (for flags), work in the Crew's stalls, helping out in pillages, ect. Who
knows? Maybe it can all lead to good things, like a promotion!

Posting Issues

To post an Issue, click Crew Info, then Post Issues. Again, NO SPAMMING! (me: takes out
pitchfork and torch)

To change the Officer Bulletin Board, click the helm, then Officer Bulletin Board, then Edit.

Terms and New Chats


Well, I'll be frank, LEARN THOSE COMMON EVERYDAY TERMS!!! Learn those terms like
"helm". I won't waste this page by typing up a whole dictionary, so if you want to learn
pirate terms, go here:

WOOHOO! You get 2 new chats to talk on. Officer (/officer) and Flag Officer (/fo) chat.
Officer chat to talk with all Officers online in you crew, and FO chat to talk to all Officers in
your flag (if you're in one). Very important for FO chat: do not, I repeat, do not ruthlessly
spam. If you don't know what spam is (me: o-o;;;) look it up.

Command list: (not complete by far but a good rounded start.)

/afk Usage: /away message [configures busy/afk auto-response]

/away Usage: /away message [configures busy/afk auto-response]
/back Usage: /back [clears busy/afk auto-response message]
/blackspot Usage: /blackspot username [deals the pirate the black spot, a punishment not
to be given lightly]
/bug Usage: /bug message [reports a bug with the specified message]
/clear Usage: /clear [clears your chat display and history]
/complain Usage: /complain username message [submits the complaint about the user to
the support staff]
/crew Usage: /crew message [sends message to your crew]
/cwho Usage: /cwho crewname [displays matching crews, crewname must be at least 3
/dnd Usage: /dnd [toggles "do not disturb" mode]
/emote Usage: /emote message [displays emote message]
/fbroadcast Usage: /fbroadcast message [sends message to all flag members]
/fofficer Usage: /fofficer message [sends message to all officers in the flag]
/fwho Usage: /fwho flagname [displays your flag with no arguments, otherwise flagname
must be at least 3 letters]
/game Usage: /game message [chat with others in your game such as swordfighting,
drinking etc.]
/gwho Usage: /gwho [displays the location of new players]
/help Usage: /help [displays command help]
/info Usage: /info [displays info about the current ocean](also date and time)
/invite Usage: /invite username [invites the user to your building]
/jcrew Usage: /jcrew message [sends message to your jobbing crew]
/job Usage: /job username [invites user to job for your crew]
/me Usage: /me message [displays emote message]
/msg Usage: /msg username message [delivers message to specified pirate]
/mute Usage: /mute username [adds pirate to your mute list]
/officer Usage: /officer message [sends message to all officers and higher in yer crew]
/plank Usage: /plank username [fires jobbing pirate, kicks off vessel or out of building]
/royalty Usage: /royalty message [sends message to all royalty and higher in yer flag]
/say Usage: /speak message [delivers message to room or chat circle]
/shout Usage: /shout message [shouts message to all users on screen]
/speak Usage: /speak message [delivers message to room or chat circle]
/tell Usage: /tell username message [delivers message to specified pirate]
/think Usage: /think message [displays message in thought bubble]
/unmute Usage: /unmute username [removes pirate from your mute list]
/vessel Usage: /vessel message [sends message to your vessel]
/vwho Usage: /vwho vesselname [displays matching vessels, vessel name must be
/who Usage: /who [username] [without username, displays info on pirates logged in; with
username, displays info on specified pirate]

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