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I am currently pursuing Chartered Accountancy course and I've given my CA Final examination in

May'22 (result awaited). My career objective is to become a leading Investment Advisor with great
skills and knowledge.

I come from a humble background where my family worked extremely hard to provide me with the
opportunity to pursue Chartered Accountancy (CA) course along with graduation. I have always
dreamed of having a career in finance and for that course fees are very high which my family could
not afford. One of the reasons I started CA course was the fees involved in it. I've been a consistent
performer throughout my education and always featured among the brightest minds despite having
limited resources.

My CA course added with the expertise and skills from CFA will result in more effective and efficient
performance for my future career and also provide financial stability to my profile which will help me
to serve my dependents.

I belong to a middle-class family that somehow manages to earn livelihood but spending such a big
amount on fees is quite difficult for my family. My dream Finance career is getting delayed just
because of insufficiency of funds to pursue CFA. I am hopeful and determined that the situations will
change in future and I will surely pursue CFA in future.

Hence, I request you to sponsor my certification through scholarship.

Thank you for your valuable time to review my application.

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