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Six Sigma Generation 3 by Mikel J. Harry Ph.D.

Delivering Six Sigma to Small, Medium Six Sigma programs have delivered billions of The SSGR and Six Sigma Generation 3 training are
and Large Business via the Internet

dollars of bottom line profit to large enterprises, accessible by Internet, reducing the cost of delivery

but have done nothing for the small to mid-size for students, consultants and employee practitio-

companies that represent the largest number of ners at small to mid-size companies, as well as large

firms. According to Mikel Harry, Ph.D., the world’s multi-national enterprises. The tests are required

leading expert on Six Sigma, the delivery systems to pass ASU’s online training courses. For others,

were not designed for small to mid-size businesses. SSGR provides an evaluation that determines their

Recently, Dr. Harry partnered with IdealHire to cre- standing in industry and what, if any, additional

ate the Six Sigma Global Registry (SSGR), a world training is required to meet their career goals or

class online resource for Six Sigma. SSGR rigorously company objectives.

assesses, certifies and/or authenticates Six Sigma

What is Six Sigma?
training and experience for students, consultants
Six Sigma is not a quality measurement program,
and practitioners. This allows managers searching
such as TQM and SPC. Neither is Six Sigma an alter-
for employees or consultants trained and/or expe-
native for ISO 9000, which documents processes
rienced in Six Sigma to access SSGR’s talent pool
and generates reports for maintaining repeatable
with a high degree of confidence. An integral com-
processes. Loosely defined, Six Sigma is focused
ponent of Six Sigma training is a partnership with
on minimizing errors in processes and products
One of Six Sigma’s Original Architects Teams with Ari- the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering at Arizona
and returning the savings to the balance sheet as
zona State University, Six Sigma Management Institute State University (ASU) and the Six Sigma Manage-
increased profitability. A stricter definition of Six
and IdealHire, Making Six Sigma Affordable, Available ment Institute for delivering an affordable and
Sigma is maintaining 3.4 errors per million oppor-
and Credible. credible online Six Sigma Generation 3 curriculum.
tunities for error, and returning the savings to the

bottom line.

Copyright 2004 Mikel J. Harry Ph.D., Ltd., and IdealHire. All Rights Reserved Six Sigma Management Institute 1
The average company in the United States is Four Six Sigma Generation 3 value, there are three key determinants. First is
Sigma, which is equal to 6,210 errors per million Over the past few decades Six Sigma has evolved utility (form, fit and function). Second is access
opportunities for error. The airline industry pro- from a focus on defects to cost reduction to value (volume, timing and location). Third, the idea of
vides a couple of examples that exemplify what this creation. Worth (economic, emotional, and intellectual)
means in the real world. Four Sigma is equivalent In its first iteration, Six Sigma Generation I delivered must be considered. Put it all together and value
to airline baggage handling. Six Sigma is equiva- defect reduction. Six Sigma Generation II deliv- is defined as delivering a quality product or service
lent to the airline fatality rate. In other words, a ered cost reduction. The latest iteration, Six Sigma to the proper location, at the right time, in the right
person is about 1,800 times more likely to get to Generation III, delivers higher levels of value for the volume, at the lowest possible cost. Of course,
their destination than their luggage. Six Sigma customer and provider. value entitlement is a rightful level of expectation.
could be employed to close the value gap be- Six Sigma Generation III creates value by focusing For every product or service, an enormous num-
tween the expectation of getting luggage on-time everyone on a simple, but highly effective four-step ber of expected value requirements exist. These
every time and the reality, which is quite a bit less. strategy, called ICRA. These letters stand for the requirements are referred to as critical-to-value
Even if a company only moves from Four Sigma to progressive flow of activity leading to the creation characteristics, or simply CTV’s. And for every right-
Five Sigma, the number of errors and defects are of value - Innovation, Configuration, Realization ful level of expectation, the actual condition exists.
reduced from 6,210 to 233 and the value increases and Attenuation. In terms of product or service This creates a value gap between the value expec-
significantly. tation and the value reality. Six Sigma projects are

undertaken to close every one of the value gaps,

whether it is focused on product or process design,

Evolution of Six Sigma from Generation 1 to Generation 3
economic value, manufacturing or any other factor.
Generation 1 Focus Generation 2 Focus Generation 3 Focus
Defect Cost Value
Provider Customer Customer and Provider Six Sigma ROI
Large scale industrial organiza- Large scale industrial and com- Small, medium and large scale In Six Sigma Generation II, the key operational roles
tions (hard) mercial businesses (hard and industrial and commercial busi-
soft) nesses (hard and soft) of professionals are referred to as X-Belts, such
Black Belts Green Belts White Belts
as Green or Black Belt. However, the high cost

of training a Black Belt in a brick & mortar class-

Copyright 2004 Mikel J. Harry Ph.D., Ltd., and IdealHire. All Rights Reserved Six Sigma Management Institute 2
room and longer ROI makes it cost-prohibitive without Generation 3 Training slides with a talking head reading slides is of uncer-

the deep pockets of a multinational company. Even a Six Sigma Generation 3 cuts the cost of training tain value.

Green Belt can be expensive to train in a brick & mortar by a factor of ten or more when compared to
classroom situation. However, not all processes require traditional classroom instruction, regardless of the When online training first appeared in the early

a Black or Green Belt. With the introduction of Six X-Belt role. This is done by utilizing online training 90’s, the Internet technologies were not in place to

Sigma Generation 3, a new belt was created, the White courses, such as those developed by Dr. Harry in allow the depth of training received in the class-

Belt. It requires far less training and ROI is much faster. conjunction with ASU and SSMI. The availability of room. Today however, advanced e-technologies are

For example, a White Belt can complete up to 12 proj- advanced e-technologies has made online training allowing those who take advantage of it to develop

ects per year with the potential of returning $25,000 virtually as effective as classroom training. That’s and present curriculum in many instances, is at

per project to their employer’s bottom line. not to say that all online Six Sigma training is fully least as effective as classroom training, if not more

effective. Online training relying on PowerPoint so. This has substantially cut the cost of training

and is delivering Six Sigma to small, mid-size and

The key operational roles of Six Sigma professionals
large companies, as well as to individuals working
Black Belts Generation 1 Green Belts Generation 2 White Belts - Level 2 Generation 3
to improve their skills and earning potential.
160 hours training 80 hours training 40 hours training
Large line of sight cuts across Typical line of sight would be Individual focus and local prob-
geographic regions, divisional within the Green Belt’s division lem solving team focus
boundaries and product lines The cost of classroom or onsite training and materi-
Relies on mathematical statistics Utilizes many of the Black Belt Less reliance on statistics, more als is expensive, but it’s the huge cost of employee’s
tools but with an industry spe- reliant on the equivalent graphi-
cific focus cal approach
lost production time and travel costs that put Six
Understands the theory and Understands the theory and can Understands how to apply to an
can generalize in many different apply within their “line of sight” individual and localized process Sigma out of reach for small to mid-size companies.
Small businesses do not have the reserves to take
Sophisticated tools Moderately sophisticated tools Less sophisticated tools
employees out of production for four to six weeks
$300K savings per Black Belt $100K savings per Green Belt $25K savings per White Belt
project project project of training.
4 projects per year 8 projects per year 12 projects per year

$1.2 million savings/year per $800K savings/year per Green $300k savings/year per White
Black Belt Belt Belt Onsite training by a consultant can provide a

The key operational roles of Six Sigma professionals are referred to as X-Belts, including White, Green or Black Belt number of benefits, because the program can be
The tabulated quantities are normative in nature

Copyright 2004 Mikel J. Harry Ph.D., Ltd., and IdealHire. All Rights Reserved Six Sigma Management Institute 3
tailored somewhat to a company’s specific needs. A real-time interactive online discussion board because they do not receive a certificate of comple-

However, that assumes the consultant has actual allows students to instantly move from online class tion for sitting in a chair and nodding their head. All

hands-on Six Sigma project experience. Without to online dialog with a professor. In addition, the students must be profiled, assessed and tested fol-

it, training will focus on Six Sigma theory and not students can have several applications, such as lowed by the execution of an application project. In

its application and the student may have a difficult Word and Excel open and active while the over- this manner, the students become qualified before

time applying what was learned. the-experts-shoulder videos are playing. Many they are certified as a practicing Six Sigma Black,

of the videos show how the analytical software Green or White Belt.

The unique online Six Sigma training developed by (Minitab) is exercised to analyze data. Online ses-

Dr. Harry and offered by ASU has a very strict cur- sions are followed by online research assignments
World Class Six Sigma Global Registry
Hiring pre-qualified Six Sigma practitioners is one
riculum and takes advantage of the latest Internet and online exams. Because the courses are taught
of the greatest hurdles facing a company. There
technologies, including what ASU and SSMI call online, the cost is reduced by a factor of ten and
are many horror stories about companies hiring
“over-the-expert’s-shoulder” video training, or OTES even more when lost productivity and travel are
ten Black Belts from here and there. Eight of them
for short. Also utilized are action capture video considered.
won’t work out because they do not even know the
software and a discussion board with instructor.
basics. During the interview process, the interview-
The over-the-expert’s-shoulder video is dynamic, Because the curriculum is modular, within a 48
er sometimes knows more than the practitioner
allowing students to see the concepts, ideas, hour time period a custom curriculum can be
claims to know because of watered-down curricu-
graphs and equations being built as Dr. Harry ex- designed and readied for a company’s specific
lum, which is poorly delivered by self-professed
plains just as if in a classroom. If a student doesn’t needs. The process is surprisingly simple. Managers
understand something, there is instant replay. The articulate their company’s knowledge needs. ASU

software action capture allows students to see how translates those needs into a curriculum - virtually
The Six Sigma Global Registry (SSGR) is a world-
software is used dynamically with instant replay, overnight, owing to curriculum modularity and
class repository of authenticated industrial and
instead of with static screen captures and voice proprietary software.
commercial Six Sigma practitioners. Developed by
over, which are typical of outdated online learning
Dr. Harry, using IdealHire’s patented PowerMatch™
approaches. The quality of this particular Six Sigma training has
profiling technology, the SSGR enables profession-
been rated extremely high by the ASU students,
als to declare their training and experience, deter-

Copyright 2004 Mikel J. Harry Ph.D., Ltd., and IdealHire. All Rights Reserved Six Sigma Management Institute 4
mine what additional training is required to move These ratings are defined as: ability to make their profile available to employ-

to the next belt level (to advance their career) and Declared: provides a personal declaration of a ers seeking experienced Six Sigma practitioners.

take certification tests in order to determine which current Six Sigma practitioner level, or no level yet (This feature can be blocked for company-spon-

level they qualify for. The employers benefit by hir- achieved for professionals aspiring to one of the Six sored memberships). During registration or any

ing Six Sigma professionals with declared skills and Sigma levels. time after, members may select a preference for

validated credentials. The process of certification is Assessed: provides an extensive Six Sigma skills which companies have access to their profile. If a

fully endorsed and employed by the Ira A. Fulton inventory and Six Sigma practitioner assessment. member elects to participate in this service, their

School of Engineering at Arizona State University. Qualified: provides an extensive Six Sigma skills in- skills, education and industry experience are auto-

ventory, Six Sigma practitioner assessment and an matically matched (using PowerMatch™ profiling

Professionals taking advantage of SSGR have iden- X-Belt certification exam that tests a practitioner’s technology) with all current job openings placed

tified and documented their professional back- knowledge. in the registry by employers. When a job matches a

ground, past experiences, Six Sigma knowledge Certified: based on an extensive skills inventory, member’s experience, an email notification is sent

and on-the-job applications (projects) within the Six Sigma practitioner assessment, an X-Belt certifi- to the member. A personal web site address is pro-

field of Six Sigma. Their credentials are earned in cation exam that tests a practitioner’s knowledge vided for members for posting an online resume of

the workplace and in the classroom - with docu- and at least one project evaluation. This member their experience. The link can be made available to

mented hands-on application that validates their must have executed at least one significant applica- individuals of their choice.

accomplishments and professional competency. tion project employing the concepts, tools, meth-

The SSGR membership provides four levels of au- ods and procedures commonly associated with Six
Creating Value with Six Sigma
thentication (ratings), including declared, assessed, Sigma. This project would be authenticated from
Generation 3
Six Sigma Generation 3 delivers additional value by
qualified and certified for each X-Belt; White Belt, a Subject Matter Expert (SME). This SME must be a
reducing the gap between the customer’s expecta-
Green Belt or Black Belt. higher-level practitioner, such as a Master Black
tions and what the provider delivers. It does this by
Belt authenticating a Black Belt’s project.
uncovering hidden sources of loss - in processes,

products and services. Because of low cost delivery

Another benefit for companies and individuals is
systems, including introduction of the White Belt
SSGR’s talent pool. Individual members have the
and online training of Black, Green and White

Copyright 2004 Mikel J. Harry Ph.D., Ltd., and IdealHire. All Rights Reserved Six Sigma Management Institute 5
Belts, Six Sigma Generation 3 is affordable for small
to mid size companies, as well as large companies Mikel J. Harry, Ph.D.
making Six Sigma more widely available through- President and COB, Six Sigma Management Institute, Scottsdale, Arizona.
out its operations.
The drivers of Six Sigma Generation 3 include small

to mid size companies that must improve perfor-

mance and profitability to continue operating. The

advanced e-technologies of the Internet now al-

lows classroom-like training online, reducing train-

ing and related expenses, such as online courses at

ASU. The Six Sigma Global Registry (SSGR) provides

a stringent and certifiable resource for Six Sigma

professionals to determine strengths and devel-

opment opportunities. The SSGR also provides a

global archive and talent pool of Six Sigma profes-

sionals that employers can hire with confidence.

Ultimately, it will be the need of all companies

small or big to improve profitability and Six Sigma

professionals to improve career opportunities that

will drive the new generation of Six Sigma.

Copyright 2004 Mikel J. Harry Ph.D., Ltd., and IdealHire. All Rights Reserved Six Sigma Management Institute 6

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