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Anluan Van Der Westhuizen 8E

Term Two 2023-24

Attendance as at: 15th December 2023 94.5

Character Points Year to date: 78

Behaviour points Year to date: 0

Current Progress grade report

Subject Term 1 Assessment % Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6

English 34% 34
Maths 40% 28
Science 63% 38
Design & Tech 22% 33
Art 22% 22
Drama 58% 70
French 52% 70
Geography 67% 57
History 55% 81
Computer Science 54% 23
Music 70% 70
PE 35% 40
RE 50% 66

Character for Learning Report Term 1

Character For Learning Comments by Subject

Subject Open Mindedness Respect Compassion Motivation

English 1 1 1 1
Maths 2 1 2 2
Science 1 1 1 1
Art 2 1 2 1
Design & Tech 1 1 1 1
Drama 2 2 2 2
French 1 2 1 2
Geography 1 1 1 1
History 2 1 2 2
Computer Science 2 2 2 3
Music 2 1 2 3
PE 1 1 1 1
RE 1 1 1 1

Character for Learning Matrix

intellectual Moral Civic Performance

Open Mindedness Respect Compassion Motivation
OM1: Shows an ability to ‘Think outside the Re1: Follows the 3 schools’ rules, always Co1: Responds appropriately to the needs Mo1: Shows a positive attitude towards
box’ and is able to apply a growth mindset doing what is asked and responds to staff of others in the classroom and supporting homework and independent work as well as
to their learning instructions quickly and appropriately peers where appropriate. seeking opportunities to learn beyond
lesson time
OM2: Actively rejects stereotypes and Re2: Communicates politely and uses Co2: Actively looks to support classroom Mo2: Actively looks to extend their
demonstrate the ability to work inclusively language appropriately for a school setting. routines, through supporting the teacher classroom learning through, not only
with others in the classroom with roles and responsibilities completing their medal tasks but seeking
opportunities to exceed beyond.
OM3: Listens appropriately to others, Re3: Takes responsibility for their own Co3: Shows empathy and awareness Mo3: Attends lesson regularly and always
showing an openness to new ideas, actions in order to contribute towards their towards national/global issues and the prompt and ready with the correct
approaches or methods within their own positive character development in the experiences of others. equipment for learning
learning. classroom
OM4: Is able to listen to feedback, applying Re4: Settles into classroom routines quickly Co4: Shows kindness and consideration to Mo4: Demonstrates a positive attitude
this effectively to improve their work and shows consideration for the classroom others in the classroom. towards assessment and intervention, and
environment. is able to use feedback to further extend
and level up their work.

1 – Students always display the key principles for each Character for Learning 2 – Students mostly display the key principles for each Character for Learning
3 – Students sometimes display the key principles for each Character for Learning 4 – Students never display the key principles for each Character for Learning

Notes and Guidance

 Attendance: Regular and ongoing attendance will provide the opportunity for each student to develop their full potential during their time at Aylesford School. Regular attendees
make better progress, both academically and socially. Statistics demonstrate a direct link between under-achievement and attendance below 95%.

 In Key Stage 3 subjects are assessed in a variety of different ways depending on the subject and units. In order to provide you with the information that is most important to you we
are reporting for each child based on how well they are working as an individual. Each teacher reports on the progress a student is making and judges it as: Exceptional progress ,
Above expected progress , expected progress and below expected progress. This information will allow you to clearly see where your child is working at the level teachers would
expect, and where they may need extra support at home to ensure they are able to succeed in that subject and because these statements are based on the students own ability
profile, if a child is working below the expected progress this should be discussed with them to ensure they are able to improve their performance. We believe that this is more
informative for you as parents then being provided a list of numbers which do not necessarily illustrate to you where your child is excelling, achieving or struggling. Please do not
hesitate to contact class teachers, progress leaders or mentors if you have any questions. Current Progress reports will be sent out Term 4 and Term 6.

 CFL : Character for Learning has replaced ATL (Attitude to learning) . Each subject will enter a number under the 4 Character headings above these will be 1-4. The numbers 1-4
represent the meanings in the second box numbered 1-4. For example if under the heading Open Mindedness they achieve a score of 1 this would mean they always display all of the
comments under this heading.

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