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12/19/23, 7:05 AM IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad) Class – 7 Level – 2 Year 2012 to 2013 Part 2 Download All the

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IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad) Class – 7 Level – 2
Year 2012 - 2013 Part 2 Download All the Papers for 2023
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Q. 10 Figure (1) and (2) bear a certain relationship. Similarly, Fig. (4) bears the same
relationship to the Fig. (3) . Select a figure from the options which would replace the sign of
question mark (?) in Fig. (4) .


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12/19/23, 7:05 AM IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad) Class – 7 Level – 2 Year 2012 to 2013 Part 2 Download All the Papers for 2023 …



Q. 11 Which of the following letters will be fourth if they are arranged alphabetically as
found in the dictionary?
(A) Clever
(B) Calm
(C) Cloth
(D) Custom
Q. 12 Amongst P, Q, R, S and T, each having a different weight, R is heavier than S but lighter
than T. P is lighter than S. Who amongst them is the heaviest?
(A) T
(B) Q
(C) T or Q
(D) Data inadequate

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12/19/23, 7:05 AM IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad) Class – 7 Level – 2 Year 2012 to 2013 Part 2 Download All the Papers for 2023 …

Q. 13 Pointing to a photograph of a man, Neha said, “He has no sisters or daughters, but his
mother is the only daughter of my mother.” How is the man in the photograph related to
Neha՚s mother?
(A) Brother – in – Law
(B) Grandson
(C) Nephew
(D) None of these
Q. 14 Select from the options that best illustrates the relationship among the three classes:
“Pigeons, Birds, Dogs” .




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12/19/23, 7:05 AM IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad) Class – 7 Level – 2 Year 2012 to 2013 Part 2 Download All the Papers for 2023 …

Q. 15 Select a figure from the options which will continue the same series as established by
the problem figures.



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12/19/23, 7:05 AM IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad) Class – 7 Level – 2 Year 2012 to 2013 Part 2 Download All the Papers for 2023 …



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