Physics Model Paper - 1

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Subject code: 33 {New pattern for – 2024}
Duration: 3 H. 15Mins II PU –PHYSICS MODEL PAPER - 1 Max. Marks: 70
General Instructions:
1) All parts are compulsory.
2) PART – A questions have to be answered in the first two pages of the answer booklet.
For PART – A questions, first written answers will be considered for awarding marks.
3) Answers without relevant diagram /figure/circuit wherever necessary will not carry any marks.
4) Direct answers to the numerical problems without detailed solutions will not carry any marks.
I. Pick the correct option among the four given options for ALL of the following questions 15 x 1 = 15
1. The minimum amount of charge that can be added or removed from a body is
a) charge of electron b) charge of alpha particle c) 3.2 x 10-19C d) 16 x 10-19C
2. Inside a charged conducting spherical shell
a) V=0 and E≠ 0 b) V≠ 0and E = 0 c) V= 0, E=0 d) V≠0 and E≠0
3. Drift velocity acquired by electrons in a conductor per unit electric field is called
a) terminal velocity b) critical velocity c) mobility d) resistivity
4. A charged particle moves parallel to a magnetic field its path is
a) a circle b) a parabola c) ellipse d) a straight line
5. A bar magnet is equivalent to
a) Toroid carrying current b) Straight conductor carrying current
c) Solenoid carrying current d) Circular coil carrying current
6. According to the Lenz’s law
a) The direction of the induced emf will be such that it helps the change in magnetic flux
b) The direction of the induced current will be such that it opposes the change in magnetic flux
c) The magnitude of the induced emf is directly proportional to the rate of change of flux
d) The direction of the induced emf will be along the direction of the magnetic field
7. Which of the following is constructed on the principle of electromagnetic induction?
a) Galvanometer b) Electric motor c) Generator d) Voltmeter
8. In an AC circuit, the rms value of the current, Irms, is related to the peak current I0 as
1 1
a) Irms = I0 b) Irms = I0 c) Irms = √2 I0 d) Irms = 𝜋I0
𝜋 √2
9. Which of the following radiations has the least wavelength?
a) 𝛾-rays b) 𝛽 – rays c) 𝛼-rays d)X-rays
10. Total internal reflection occurs in waves, when wave enters
a) Glass from air b) Air from vaccum c) Water from air d) Air from water
11. Two sources said to be coherent if they produce waves
a) phase difference is zero b) phase difference in 90 0
c) phase difference is 180 d) Phase difference in 2700
12. The maximum value of photoelectric current is called
a) Base current b) saturation current c) Collector current d) Emitter current
13. Total energy of an electron in the highest energy state is
a) 1eV b) zero c) 13.6eV d) 2.4Ev
14. Select the true statement
a) Nuclei having highest binding energy are most stable
b) Nuclei having least binding energy are most stable
c) Nuclei having highest binding energy per nucleon are most stable
d) Nuclei having least binding energy per nucleon are most stable
15. The energy band gap is maximum in
a) Metals b) superconductors c) Insulators d) Semiconductors
II. Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate answer in the brackets for ALL the following questions. 5x1= 5
(diffraction, zero, diode, increases, saturated, decreases)
16. The magnetic field outside the solenoid is takes as ………………..
17. As the frequency of ac increases, inductive reactance ……………………
18. Compact disks appeared coloured against sunlight. It is due to ………………….

Science Academy PU College, DVG. Physics-Model Paper - 1 Page 1

19. Nuclear force is a ………………………force
20. ............................... is used as a rectifier.
III. Answer any FIVE of the following questions 5 X 2 = 10
21. Write Coulomb’s law in vector form. Explain the terms used.
22. In a parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates, each plate has an area 8 x 10 -3m2 and distance
between the plates is 2mm. Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor.
23. Write the expression for the magnetic force on a current carrying wire placed in a magnetic field and
explain the terms.
24. Write any two properties of magnetic field lines.
25. Draw a neat labelled diagram of AC generator.
26. What is a transformer? On what principle transformer works?
27. Mention any two uses of UV-rays.
28. Write the relation between the path difference and wavelength of light used for constructive
and destructive interference of light.
29. What is a pn junction? Draw a circuit diagram for forward biasing of a pn junction.
IV. Answer any FIVE of the following question: 5 X 3 = 15
30. Mention any three properties of electric field lines.
31. Derive the expression for capacitance of a parallel capacitor.
32. Derive the relation 𝐽⃗ = 𝜎𝐸⃗⃗ where terms have usual meaning.
33. Using Ampere’s circuital law derive the expression for magnetic field near a point due to a
long straight current carrying conductor.
34. Write any three properties of ferromagnetic materials.
35. Derive an expression for electromotive force (motional emf) induced in a rod moving
perpendicular to uniform magnetic field.
36. What is total internal reflection? Write any two applications of TIR.
37. Draw a neat labelled diagram of Geiger-Marsden experiment. Write any one conclusion of the experiment.
38. Calculate the binding energy of an alpha particle (2He4 ) in Mev. From the following data
Mass of the helium nucleus = 4.00260u , mass of the neutron = 1.008662 u ,
mass of the proton = 1.007825
V. Answer any THREE of the following questions: 3 X 5 = 15
39. Define electric potential due to a point charge and arrive at the expression for the electric potential
at a point due to a point charge
40. Obtain the expression for effective emf and the effective internal resistance of two cells connected
in parallel such that the currents flowing in the same direction.
41. Derive the expression for the force between two straight parallel conductors carrying current in
same direction and hence define ampere.
42. (a) Write any two differences between interference and diffraction. 2
(b) Using Huygens principle show that angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
during a plane wave front reflected by a plane surface. 3
43. (a) Write any two characteristics of photon. 2
(b) Write any three experimental observations of photoelectric effect. 3
44. (a) What is a half wave rectifier? 1
(b) Write the circuit diagram and input-output waveforms for a half wave rectifier. 2
(c) Explain the working of a half wave rectifier. 2
VI. Answer any TWO of the following question: 2 X 5 = 10
45. Three charges each equal to + 4nC are placed at the three corners of a square of side 2 cm. Find the electric
field at the fourth corner.
46. A wire having length 3.0m, diameter 1.0 mm and resistivity 1.963 x 10 -8 Ωm is connected in series with a
battery of emf 10 V and internal resistance 1 Ω. Calculate the resistance of the wire and current drawn from
the battery.
47. A 20 Ω resistor, 1.5 H inductor and 35µF capacitor are connected in series with a 220V; 50 Hz ac supply.
Calculate the impendence of the circuit and also find the current through the circuit.
48. The radii of curvature of two surfaces of a convex lens are 0.2m and 0.22m. Find the
focal length, if it is immersed in water for refractive index 1.33.

Science Academy PU College, DVG. Physics-Model Paper - 1 Page 2

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