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Week 4 WeBWork, Problem 15

Evaluate the limit

(2 − x)(4 + 2x)
lim .
x→∞ (3 − 11x)(10 + 7x)

Since the evaluating limit is x → ∞, we consider large positive values of x.
Therefore, for large positive values of x, we can approximate that

(2 − x)(4 + 2x) (−x)(2x) −2x2 2

≈ = 2
= .
(3 − 11x)(10 + 7x) (−11x)(7x) −77x 77

And the limit can be obtained by above that

(2 − x)(4 + 2x) (−x)(2x)

lim = lim
x→∞ (3 − 11x)(10 + 7x) x→∞ (−11x)(7x)

= lim
x→∞ −77x2

2 2
= lim = .
x→∞ 77 77

Week 4 WeBWork, Problem 17
Evaluate the following limit.

x + x 3 + x5
x→∞ 1 − x2 + x4

Since the numerator has a higher degree (x5 ) than the denominator (x4 ), for
larger positive values of x, we can approximate that

x + x3 + x5 x5
≈ = x.
1 − x2 + x4 x4
x + x3 + x5
lim ≈ lim x = ∞.
x→∞ 1 − x2 + x4 x→∞

Now, let us find the limit by a formal mathematical process,

x + x3 + x5
x→∞ 1 − x2 + x4

x + x 3 + x5 x4 1
= lim × 1 for large positive values x, exists
x→∞ 1 − x2 + x4 x4

(x + x3 + x5 )
= lim 1
x→∞ 4 (1 − x2 + x4 )

+ x1 + x 1
= lim 1 times and cancel out
x→∞ 4
− x12 + 1 x4
1 1
[ lim 3 ] + [ lim x ] + [ lim x]
x→∞ x x→∞ x→∞
= 1 1 by limit laws
[ lim x4 ] − [ lim x2 ] + [ lim 1]
x→∞ x→∞ x→∞

lim x
= x→∞
lim 1


Week 4 WeBWork, Problem 13
(Problem 13 is more difficult than Problem 15 and 17, so I plan to put
Problem 13 after them)
Let 
 10t2 +6 t < 760000,
g(t) = √
 4t2 −81 t > 760000.

Find the following limits:

(a) lim g(t).


(b) lim g(t).


For part (a), since the condition for limit is t → −∞, we need to consider
the first half expression of g(t) where t < 760000. Note that the numerator
has a lower degree (t) than the denominator (t2 ). Thus, for large negative
values of t,
1 + 10t t 1
=≈ 2
= .
10t + 6 10t 10t
Hence, it follows that
1 + 10t t 1
lim g(t) = lim 2
= lim 2
= lim = 0.
t→−∞ t→−∞ 10t + 6 t→−∞ 10t t→−∞ 10t

For part (b), since the condition for limit is t → ∞, we need to consider
the√second half expression
√ of g(t) where t > 760000. Note that the degree
of 4t2 −√ 81 is 1 as 4t2 = |2t|. Additionally, the numerator has the same

degree ( 4t2 − 81) than the denominator (−t). Thus, for large positive
values of t, √ √
4t2 − 81 4t2 2t
≈ = = −2.
2−t −t −t
Hence, by applying lim , we obtain
√ √
4t2 − 81 4t2
lim g(t) = lim = lim = lim −2 = −2.
t→∞ t→∞ 2−t t→∞ −t t→∞

Week 5 WeBWork, Problem 1
Recognizable formats of logarithmic and exponential functions in WeBWorK

1. ex : exp (x), eˆx, e∗∗ x

2. ln(x) : log(x)

3. 2x : 2 ˆ x, 2∗∗ x

4. ax : a ˆ x, a∗∗ x

5. log2 (x) : log(x)/ log(2)

6. logb (x) : log(x)/ log(b)

Week 5 WeBWork, Problem 4

In each part, find the value of x in simplest form.

(a) x = ln e−2
ln e−2 = −2 ln e : −2

(b) x = ln e2
ln e2 = 2 ln e :2

(c) x = ln( 1e )
ln( ) = ln e−1 = −1 ln e : −1
Week 5 WeBWork, Problem 8
Use the Laws of logarithms to rewrite the expression

x4 y 12
log( )
z 11
x4 y 12
log( ) = log(x4 · y 12 · z −11 )
z 11
= log(x4 ) + log(y 12 ) + log(z −11 )
= 4 log(x) + 12 log(y) − 11 log(z)

Week 5 WeBWork, Problem 17
Explaining the types of discontinuity by using the graph.

• Removable Discontinuity: f (x) has a removable discontinuity at x = a,

if lim f (x) exists but f (a) ̸= lim f (x) or f (a) is not defined at all in
x→a x→a
the domain of x. Example

(x − a)2
lim .
x→a x2 − a2

• Jump Discontinuity: f (x) has a jump discontinuity at x = a, if both

lim+ f (x) and lim− f (x) exist but lim+ f (x) ̸= lim− f (x). Example
x→a x→a x→a x→a
x2 , for x < 0,
f (x) =
x + 1, for x ≥ 0.

• Infinite Discontinuity: f (x) has an infinite discontinuity at x = a, if at

least one of the following conditions is satisfied,

◦ lim+ f (x) fails to exist


◦ lim− f (x) fails to exist


◦ Neither of lim+ f (x) and lim− f (x) exist.

x→a x→a

f (x) = .
Then, I will continue to the Week 5 WeBWork, Problem 17.

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