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ISSN 2466-4073 – April 2023.

/ April 2023

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Nebeski manastiri
Heavenly Monasteries
Reč dobrodošlice Welcome message

April 2023. April 2023

Dragi putnici, Dear passengers,

Jedan od najpoznatijih muzičara na It was almost half a century ago that one
Balkanu pre gotovo pola veka objavio je pesmu of the most famous musicians in the Balkans released a
„April u Beogradu“, koju svi koji živimo u glavnom song entitled April in Belgrade, a song that’s sung spon-
gradu Srbije spontano pevušimo tokom tog meseca. taneously on occasion throughout the month by all of us
Beograd je najlepši u proleće, kada ga krase „sunčani who reside in the capital. Belgrade is at its most beautiful
i nasmijani dani“. Ukoliko ovaj tekst čitate na nekom in spring, when it is filled with “sunny and smiling days”.
od letova Er Srbije do Beograda, verujte mi, izabra- If you are reading this aboard one of Air Serbia’s flights to
li ste najlepši period godine za upoznavanje sa gra- Belgrade, believe me, you have chosen the best part of the
dom na ušću Save u Dunav. year to get acquainted with the city on the confluence of
Beograd je glavno čvorište naše kompanije. Tu the Sava and Danube.
je smešten Aerodrom „Nikola Tesla“, sa kog letimo Belgrade is our company’s main hub. It is where Nikola
do više od 80 destinacija u Evropi, Aziji, Africi i Se- Tesla Airport is located, from which we fly to more than 80
vernoj Americi. Upravo iz Beograda ovog aprila pr- destinations across Europe, Asia, Africa and North Ameri-
vi put letimo do Ankare, Lisabona, Izmira i Katani- ca. This April, for the first time, we will be operating flights
je, a obnovili smo i letove do Tel Aviva. from Belgrade to Ankara, Lisbon, İzmir and Catania, while
Naše putnike posebno su obradovali direktni le- we have also reinstated flights to Tel Aviv.
tovi do Lisabona. Otvorili smo vrata aviona putni- Our passengers are particularly pleased with the addi-
cima koji žele da upoznaju taj istorijski grad, u kom tion of direct flights to Lisbon. We have opened the door to
se stari običaji i drevna istorija mešaju sa savreme- passengers wishing to explore this historic city, where old
nom kulturom i zabavom, a fado recituje uz gitaru. customs and ancient history intertwine with modern culture
Lisabon je jedna od najtraženijih tačaka na turistič- and entertainment and fado music that is recited against a
koj mapi sveta, do koje sada možete stići redovnom guitar backdrop. Lisbon is one of the world’s most popular
linijom Er Srbije za samo četiri sata. tourist destinations, and one that you can now reach directly
Ove godine Uskrs se obeležava u aprilu i po juli- in just four hours thanks to the scheduled Air Serbia flight.
janskom i po gregorijanskom kalendaru. Taj najveći Easter is this year being celebrated in April, according
hrišćanski praznik ima posebnu simboliku zbog ra- to both the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The greatest
dosti koju donosi. Verujemo da će naši letovi do Tel Christian holiday carries special symbolism due to the joy
Aviva biti korisni onima koji su Uskrs želeli da prove- it brings. We believe that our flights to Tel Aviv will be use-
du u Izraelu. Istražite zemlju očaravajuće raznoliko- ful for those wishing to spend their Easter in Israel. Explore
sti u kojoj se drevno i moderno neprekidno prepliću. this land of charming diversity, where the ancient and the
Na istočnoj obali Sicilije i u podnožju Etne sme- Jiri Marek
modern intertwine constantly.
štena je predivna Katanija. Avanturisti iz celog sve- Air Serbia CEO On the east coast of Sicily and at the foot of Mount Et-
ta vide je kao početnu tačku sa koje kreću u upozna- na lies the beautiful Catania. Adventurers from all over the
vanje najvišeg vulkana u Evropi. Iako je upravo Etna world view it as a starting point for exploring the tallest vol-
jedna od najvećih znamenitosti Sicilije, nemojte pro- cano in Europe. Even though Etna is one of Sicily’s greatest
pustiti priliku da se tokom boravka u Kataniji upo- landmarks, during your stay in Catania you should be sure
BRŽE I FASTER AND znate sa njenom fantastičnom arhitekturom, broj- not to miss the opportunity to check out the city’s fantastic

nim kulturno-istorijskim spomenicima, predivnim architecture, numerous cultural and historical monuments
plažama i gastronomijom. Mi vam preporučujemo and beautiful beaches, but also to experience the cuisine.
arančini i pastu a la norma, a vi budite otvoreni da We recommend Arancino and Alla Norma pasta, but you
isprobate i druge sicilijanske specijalitete. should also remain open to trying other Sicilian delicacies.
MOBILNA APLIKACIJA MOBILE APP Ukoliko do sada niste upoznali Izmir, evo prilike If you haven’t previously visited İzmir, you now have an
ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA TO BUY FLIGHT TICKETS da to učinite. Naši letovi vode vas direktno do tog in- opportunity to do so. Our flights take you directly to this in-
teresantnog grada u Turskoj u kom se prepliću Istok teresting Turkish city that marks a meeting point between
i Zapad, Evropa, Afrika i Azija. Izmir je riznica pri- East and West; between Europe, Africa and Asia. İzmir has a
• Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Find the best offer rodnih lepota, u čijoj su blizini veličanstveni Efes, wealth of natural beauty, and nearby you can find the mag-
• Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne • Scan and securely store travel documents Češme, Kušadasi, Širindže, Urlu i Selčuk. nificent Ephesus, Çeşme, Kuşadası, Şirince, Urlu and Selçuk.
Na koju god stranu sveta da ste se ovog aprila Regardless of which side of the world you are head-
dokumente na svom profilu on your profile
uputili, želimo vam da se kući vratite ispunjeniji ne- ing to this April, we hope that you will return home feel-
• Brža prijava na let • Faster flight check-in go kada ste na put krenuli. ing more fulfilled.
• Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Boarding card always with you Uživajte u letu i srećan put, Enjoy your flight and have a pleasant trip,
• Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti • Share your ideas and suggestions with us
Jirži Marek jiri marek,
sa nama putem aplikacije in the app Generalni direktor Er Srbije CEO Air Serbia

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 3

Sadržaj Contents
The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva

/ Editor-in-chief and publishing director
Jelena Isaković
Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor
Jelena Pantović
Urednički odbor Er Srbije
/ Air Serbia Editorial Committee
Arsen Rudan
Šef tehničke redakcije/ Chief of the
design and layout team
Zoran Stojković
Tehnički urednik/ Design and layout editor
Aleksa Vasović
Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout
Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević
Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor
Mladen Šurjanac
u fokusu air serbia
Fotografije / Photography
in focus 58.  r Srbija prevezla pola
E Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić,
miliona putnika od početka Ritam srbije destinacija
14.  r Srbija uvela direktne
E rhythm of serbia destination
Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić
godine / Air Serbia has carried
letove između Beograda
half a million passengers since Foto-agencije / Photo agencies
i Budimpešte / Air Serbia 90.  anastiri Srbije:
M 102. Atina cveta i miriše u
the beginning of the year, Depositphotos
introduces direct flights Veličanstveni čuvari srpske aprilu / Athens blooms
between Belgrade and duhovnosti / Monasteries of and is sweetly scented in Lektori / Copy editing
Budapest Serbia: Magnificent guardians April Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović
Intervju moda of Serbian spirituality
interview fashion Prevod na engleski / Translation to English
Mark Pullen
na letu 24.  leksandar Skarsgard:
A 62.  omantično i sedefasto vs.
R 104. Solunska regija: Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing
on board Odrastanje uz Stelana nije crno i drsko / Romantic and uskrs Božansko mesto pod Mark Pullen
bilo zabavno / Alexander pearly vs. black and audacious easter suncem / Thessaloniki
12.  a nama putuje Jelena
region: divine spot under Oglašavanje / Advertising
Rozga, pevačica / Skarsgård: growing up with 78.  eli ljiljan: Isusove suze na
B Media Impact Srbija
Stellan wasn’t fun the sun
Travelling with us is Jelena Bogorodičinom grobu / The Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje
Rozga, singer
ritam grada white lily: tears of Jesus on the oglasnog prostora
rhythm of the city 108. Mediteranski
tomb of the Virgin šarm Tel Aviva:
/ Executive Advertising Manager
kultura  rocka kakvu ne poznajemo:
G Prestonica inovacija i
culture Grožđe, Dunav i zraci sunca 80.  roslava Uskrsa u Mokrinu:
P sunčanih plaža / The
/ The Grocka that we don’t Tradicionalni okršaj farbanim Mediterranean charm Izdavač / Publisher
36. L egat Velimira Živojinovića: know: grapes, the Danube and jajima / Celebrating Easter in of Tel Aviv: a capital of Ringier Srbija
Kinoteka slavi Batu / The sun rays Mokrin: traditional battle with innovation and sunny Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd
legacy of Velimir Živojinović: dyed eggs beaches
the Cinematheque celebrates 74.  eogradski maraton – Uvek
Bata više! / The Belgrade Marathon
– Always more! Lajfstajl Generalni direktor
42. L uk Blek, spreman za lifestyle Ringier Srbija /
Evroviziju / Luke Black, ready
for Eurovision 82.  de i kad izlaziti, koja
G CEO Ringier Serbia
mesta birati ako tragate za Jelena Drakulić Petrović
najboljim žurkama / Where

ISSN 2466-4073 – April 2023. / April 2023

Air Serbia inflight magazine
Štampa / Print
46.  vetski dan ploča: Velika

Broj/Issue No. 350 –April 2023. / April 2023

žurka posvećena vinilu / and when to have a night out Rotografika Subotica
Record Store Day: great party
devoted to vinyl
Distribucija / Distribution
54.  ntonio Zambužo i Jamandu
A Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije
Kosta: Spajanje magičnih Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights
svetova fada i bosa nove
/ Antonio Zambujo and Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er
Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača.
Yamandu Costa: fusing the Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi
magical worlds of fado and u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se
bossa nova odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa.
Nebeski manastiri All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of
Heavenly Monasteries
this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the
written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those
Srećan Uskrs / of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does
Happy Easter not accept responsibility for advertising content.
Foto/Photo: Depositphotos
putujte pametno Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air
smart travel Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP -
Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије,
Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia /
Vodimo vas u Kairo / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd :
We’re taking you to Cairo Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm
• Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air
Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-
ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Broj / Issue No. 350

Naslovna strana / Cover

10 | Sadržaj » Contents Contents » Sadržaj | 11

Na letu On board

Z a š t o v o l i t e av i o n e ? W h y d o yo u l i k e p l a n e s ?

Avion mi dođe kao drugi dom

Planes are like my second home
– Živim u rodnom I live in my home-
Splitu, pa mi je po- town of Split, so my
vezanost sa ko- fastest connection
pnom najbrža avi- to the mainland is by
onom. Barem triput plane. I’m at the airport at
mesečno sam na aero- Jelena Rozga least three times a month,
dromu, ponekad i češće. pevačica / singer sometimes even more. I like
Volim da putujem, naro- to travel, and especially to fly,
čito da letim, zato što se because you arrive quickly and
brzo stigne i štedi mno- save a lot of time, but also be-
go vremena, ali i zato što cause I like to be in the air.
volim da budem u vazdu- There is some special mag-
hu. Ima neke posebne ča- ic and charm in the sky and
ri i draži u nebu, suncu i the sun, and the whole world
svetu koji izgleda potpu- looks totally different when
no drugačije kada se po- viewed from the heights.
smatra sa visine. What don’t you board
Bez čega ne a plane without?
ulazite u avion? I don't like to carry a su-
– Kofer ne volim da itcase into the passenger ca-
nosim u putničku kabi- bin. That’s why I usually don’t
nu. Zato najčešće nemam have many things except my
mnogo stvari, samo torbi- small bag. I always have wi-
cu. Uvek imam slušalice da th me headphones, so I can
mogu da iskoristim vreme use my time on the flight to
na letu slušajući muziku, listen to music, but also to
ali i razmišljajući o svojim think about my new songs.
novim pesmama. Ukoliko If the flight is longer, I glad-
je let duži, rado pogledam ly watch a good film, and al-
neki dobar film, a i dobro so sleep well.
se naspavam.

Ko je Jelena? Who is Jelena?

Muzičku karijeru započela je She launched her musical ca-
1996. godine kao pevačica reer in 1996, as the lead sing-
popularnog splitskog sasta- er of popular Split-based band
va „Magazin“, a samostalno Magazin, and began her so-
je počela da nastupa deset lo career ten years later. Born
godina kasnije. Rođena je i and raised in Split, as a child
odrasla u Splitu, a u detinj- she was a very successful bal-
stvu je veoma uspešno igrala let dancer. One of the region’s
balet. Jednoj od najuspešnijih i najnagrađivanijih most successful and most awarded singers, she
pevačica regiona ostvariće se višegodišnji san 7. will realise a dream she’s had for a long time on 7th
aprila, kada će u „Areni“ na solističkom koncertu April, when she will perform numerous hits from
sa beogradskom publikom zapevati svoje brojne Tekst/Words: the first 27 years of her career for the Belgrade
Ana Vodinelić
hitove iz 27 godina duge karijere. audience with a solo concert at the Arena.
John Pavlish

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

U fokusu In focus

Let iz Beograda
scan traje 75 minuta
me The flight from
Belgrade takes 75

Foto: Róbert Baranyi/Budapest Airport.

O n e m o r e n e w d e s t i n at i o n

Air Serbia introduces

direct flights between
Belgrade and Budapest
The Serbian national airline will be
operating flights to the capital of
Hungary up to 17 times a week during the
upcoming summer season
On 13th March 2023, with flight JU150, Air Serbia
introduced the new scheduled service between Belgrade
J o š j e d n a n o va d e s t i n a c i j a nosti Srbije i Mađarske i značajno ubrzati kretanje put- and Budapest.

Foto: Róbert Baranyi/Budapest Airport.

nika širom Evrope – izjavio je Boško Rupić, direktor za “With the flight to Budapest, we launched the first of
Er Srbija uvela direktne komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije.
Doček prvog leta Er Srbije za Budimpeštu upriličen
more than 20 destinations we’ll be operating flights to du-
ring the summer season that weren’t part of our network
letove između Beograda je na Aerodromu „Franc List“, smeštenom 16 kilometa- in 2022. We will monitor demand and, in accordance with
ra jugoistočno od centra glavnog grada Mađarske. that, gradually increase the frequency of flights between
i Budimpešte Budimpešta je grad duge, bogate i burne istorije, o the two cities. We believe that the introduction of direct fli-
čemu svedoče mnoge značajne građevine raznih stilo- ghts will contribute to better connectivity between Serbia
Do glavnog grada Mađarske, tokom va: gotskog, vizantijskog, renesansnog, baroknog, kla- and Hungary and make travelling all over Europe much fa-
predstojeće letnje sezone, srpska sičnog, neoklasičnog. Budimpeštanski metro je drugi ster for our passengers,” said Boško Rupić, Air Serbia Ge-
nacionalna avio-kompanija leteće i do 17 najstariji na svetu, a čuveni Lančani most predstav- neral Manager, Commercial and Strategy. Letom do Budimpešte pokrenuta je prva od preko 20 destinacija do
lja nultu tačku od koje se mere sva rastojanja u Ma- A welcome greeting was organised for Air Serbia’s first kojih će Er Srbija saobraćati tokom letnje sezone
puta nedeljno With the flight to Budapest, Air Serbia launched the first of more than 20
đarskoj. Prestonica Mađarske poznata je po izvorima flight to the city at Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Air- destinations that will be operated during the summer season
Er Srbija je 13. marta letom JU150 uspostavila no- termalne vode i mnogobrojnim banjama i jedna je od port, which is located 16km southeast of the Hungarian ca-
vu redovnu liniju između Beograda i Budimpešte. omiljenih vikend-destinacija ljudi iz susednih zemalja. pital.
– Letom do Budimpešte pokrenuli smo prvu od vi- Uvođenjem redovne avio-linije između glavnih Budapest is a city with a long, rich and eventful history,
še od 20 destinacija do kojih ćemo saobraćati tokom gradova Mađarske i Srbije, Er Srbija putnicima pruža testifying to which are its numerous important buildings
letnje sezone, a koje nisu bile u našoj mreži u 2022. dobru povezanost od Budimpešte preko Beograda do from various epochs and in various styles: gothic, byzanti-
godini. Pratićemo tražnju i u skladu sa njom postepeno Španije, Italije, Grčke, Kipra, Sjedinjenih Američkih Dr- ne, renaissance, baroque, classical, neoclassical. The Bu-
povećavati broj letova između dva grada. Verujemo da žava, kao i zemalja u regionu. dapest Metro is the second oldest underground urban
će uvođenje direktnih letova doprineti boljoj poveza- rail system in the world, and the famous Széchenyi Cha-
in Bridge represents the reference point of the city, wi-
th distance from it is used to measure all distances in Hun-

Foto: Róbert Baranyi/Budapest Airport.

gary. The capital of Hungary, which is also known for its
thermal baths and hot springs, is one of the favourite wee-
Doček prvog leta Er Srbije za Budimpeštu kend destinations for people from neighbouring countries.
By introducing a scheduled service between the two
upriličen je na Aerodromu „Franc List“ capitals, Air Serbia also provides its passengers with go-
A welcome greeting was organised at Budapest Ferenc Liszt od connections from Budapest, via Belgrade, to Spain,
Italy, Greece, Cyprus, the U.S. and other countries arou-
International Airport for Air Serbia’s first flight to the city nd the region.

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15

travel Kairo / Cairo scan
smart me
travel od Beograda:
175 min.

from Belgrade:

Pobednički grad
na obali Nila
Kairo, egipatska prestonica, je-
dan je od najstarijih gradova
na svetu, riznica istorije, kul-
ture, drugi svet koji bar jed-
nom u životu morate da po-
setite. Da pomirišete začine,
Afriku, pesak u gradu koji se
na arapskom zove Al Qahirah,
što u prevodu znači Pobednič-
ki grad.
Tokom boravka u Kairu sva-
kako treba obići Nacionalni

Foto: depositphotos / Givaga

muzej Egipta, jedan od najve-
ćih na svetu, džamiju Al Az-
har, Koptsku četvrt, Tahrir trg,
centar savremenog Kaira blizu
kog se nalazi i egipatski par-
lament, ostrvo Roda na Nilu...
Naravno, ne bi trebalo da pro-
pustite ni noćno krstarenje Ni-
Victorious city on
lom uz orijentalni program i
večeru na brodu.
the banks of the Nile
Reka preseca Kairo, koji je, The Egyptian capital of Cairo is Located to the west of the Ni-
osim rečnih obala, zauzeo i te- one of the world’s oldest cities. le is the new, modern Cairo, whi-
ritoriju tri rečna ostrva. Na za- You simply must visit this trea- ch was mainly built during the
padnoj obali smešten je novi, sure trove of history and culture, reign of Ismail the Magnificent
moderni Kairo, izgrađen uglav- this other worldly place, at least and modelled on the example
nom u vreme vladavine Ismai- once in your life. Smell the spi- of Paris. It is characterised by
la Veličanstvenog po uzoru na ces, experience Africa, feel the its wide streets and boulevards,
Pariz, karakterističan po širo- sand in this city that’s called Al spacious parks and modern ar-
kim ulicama i bulevarima, pro- Qahirah in Arabic, meaning the chitecture. Sprawling over the
stranim parkovima i građevi- Victorious City. area to the east of the river is the
nama moderne arhitekture. Na Must-see places during your vi- old city, Islamic/Medieval Cai-
istoku se prostire stari grad, sit to Cairo definitely include a ro and Coptic Cairo, which bo-
gde se nalaze islamski i kopt- tour of the Grand Egyptian Mu- ast numerous sacral buildings
ski Kairo, sa brojnim verskim seum, one of the largest muse- representing various religions.
objektima raznih religija. Ostr- ums in the world, but also Al-Az- The islands, which are occupied
va na kojima se nalaze rezi- har Mosque, the Coptic Quarter, by residential neighbourhoods
dencije i luksuzna naselja po- Tahrir Square, modern Cairo’s ci- and luxurious settlements, are
vezana su sa gradom brojnim ty centre and the nearby Parlia- connected to the city by nume-
mostovima, koji takođe pove- ment of Egypt, the Roda Island rous bridges, which also conne-
zuju Kairo sa predgrađima Gi- on the Nile etc. Of course, you al- ct Cairo to the suburbs of Giza
zom i Imbabahom. so shouldn’t miss out on an eve- and Imbaba.
Grad je živ, brz, zanimljiv, ali ning cruise down the Nile, wi- The city is lively, hectic and inte-
ako ste navikli da sve bude th an oriental programme and resting, but if you’re accustomed
uređeno i pod konac, to ov- dinner on board. to everything being orderly and
de sigurno nećete videti. Ipak The river traverses Cairo, whi-
Foto: depositphotos

precisely arranged, you’ll be left

upravo taj, mnogi će reći „ha- ch – apart from the banks of the wanting here. Still, it is precise-
os“, čini ga neodoljivim i defi- great river – also occupies the ly this aspect that many would
nitivno jedinstvenim. Ovde će- territory of three river islands. describe as “chaos” that makes

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17

te videti svetska čuda, krstariti razgovaraju, druže se ili jedno- Cairo irresistible and definitive- stite da probate ful medames,
Khan el Khalili,
Nilom, posetiti hrišćanske cr- stavno posmatraju grad i ljude ly unique. Here you will see won- jedan od specijaliteta egipat- jedan od najvećih
kve ili džamije, prošetati nekim u njemu okupirani svojim mi- ders of the world, cruise the Ni- ske kuhinje. Možete ga naruči- bazara ne samo u
od mostova, koji su mesta gde slima. Ljubazni su, hoće da po- le, visit Christian churches or ti u nekom od egipatskih resto- Egiptu već i šire,
ima sve, od igle
se žitelji ovog grada vrlo često mognu, objasne i upute. Ali je mosques, walk across some of rana, ali je potpuno autentično do lokomotive
druže… Sve u svemu, nešto sa- u Kairu, u kojem je sve pome- the bridges where the city’s resi- ovo jelo kupiti na ulici. Jedno On the market
svim posebno i verovatno dru- šano i tako uzbudljivo haotič- dents often socialise... All in all, od mesta koje hvale kad je u Khan el-Khalili,
which is one of the
gačije od onoga na šta je veći- no, možda najlepše dozvoliti this city is something very spe- pitanju ful, kako ga kratko zo- largest bazaars
na nas navikla. da vas gradski ritam nosi ku- cial that probably differs from vu ovde, jeste lokal u jednoj od not only in Egypt,
Nil teče kroz čitav grad, pa mo- da želi. the cities to which most of us sporednih ulica kod Al Sajed

Foto: depositphotos
but anywhere in
the world, you’ll
žete pratiti reku upoznajući Ako ste navikli da posećujete are accustomed. Zainab džamije u istorijskom find everything

Kairo, naročito ako ste sme- radnje gde je sve na svom me- The Nile runs through the enti- delu Kaira. Inače, to je kao neki from aardvarks to
šteni u nekom od hotela na stu, sa fiksnim cenama i bez re city, so you can familiarise yo- gulaš od kuvanog pasulja ser- zorillas
obali. Koptska četvrt je vr- komentara trgovaca, Kairo ni- urself with Cairo by following the viran sa maslinovim uljem, ki-
metara visok
lo lepo i mirno, staro mesto, je mesto za vas. Khan el Kha- je toranj koji se course of the river, especially if mom i po želji seckanim per- such that one gets the impre- us stew Ful Medames, one of
sa predivnom Bogorodičinom lili, jedan od najvećih baza- nalazi u samom you’re staying at one of the ho- šunom, limunovim sokom, ssion that everyone is in so- the specialities of Egyptian cu-
crkvom iz 7. veka. Ovde je i ar- ra ne samo u Egiptu već i šire, centru grada tels situated along the riverbank. ljutom paprikom i drugim po- me kind of a rush, that everyone isine. You can order it at one of
At the very
hitektura zanimljiva, ulice u če- ima sve, od igle do lokomotive. centre of the city The Coptic quarter is an old, vrćem, biljem i začinima. Jede is hurrying and hustling, whi- the local restaurants speciali-
tvrti popločane i uske, a mno- Ovde ima svega, od suvenira, is the 187-metre- extremely beautiful and tranqu- se tako što se veoma ukusni le the sheer number of cars is sing in Egyptian national cuisi-
go je i kafića u kojima možete preko nakita, do kože, teksti- tall Cairo Tower il neighbourhood, which is ho- egipatski hlepčići umaču, da- incredible. On the other hand, ne, but it is completely authen-
popiti čaj i osvežiti se, pa na- la, začina, najrazličitije odeće me to the beautiful church of kle, jede se bez pribora, što je Egyptians also like to “chill”, whi- tic to buy this dish on the street.
staviti dalje. i obuće, igračaka, egipatskog the Holy Virgin Mary that dates naravno ipak vaš izbor. Egipća- ch they do by sitting in parks, on Among the places acclaimed for
Atmosfera je takva da ima- pamuka, nameštaja, dekoraci- back to the 7th century. The arc- ni imaju i kulturu ispijanja ča- benches, street sides, cafés and their version of fūl, which is the
te utisak da su svi u nekakvoj je za kuću… Bazar radi ceo dan hitecture is also interesting he- jeva u svako doba dana. Hibi- coffee houses, chatting, sociali- shortened name for this famo-
žurbi, svi jure i žure, automo- i noć, pa neko posebno vreme re, with the quarter’s streets pa- skus se gaji u Egiptu, a pije se Kad ste već sing or simply observing the ci- us dish, is an eatery located in
u Kairu, ne
bila ima neverovatno mnogo. za posetu ne postoji. Ovo je u ved and narrow, while there are i hladan kao sok i vruć kao čaj, propustite da ty and people occupied by their one of the side streets near the
Sa druge strane, Egipćani vo- isto vreme i mesto gde se lju- also many cafés offering respite mada je i crni čaj veoma popu- probate ful own thoughts. They are kind- Al-Sayeda Zainab Mosque at the
le i da iskuliraju, pa tako se- di druže, šetaju, svrate da po- in the form of tea and other re- laran. medames, ly and want to help, explain and historic heart of Cairo. This dish
jedan od
de po parkovima, klupama, uli- pričaju… freshments. Kairo je grad čiji se početak i specijaliteta
offer guidance. However, in Ca- is essentially a stew made from
cama, kafeima i kafanicama, Kad ste već u Kairu, ne propu- The atmosphere of the city is kraj ne vide, pa ćete za pano- egipatske iro, where everything is diver- cooked fava beans, served wi-
ramski poged morati da se po- kuhinje se and so excitingly chaotic, the th olive oil and cumin, and opti-
And while
pnete na neko visoko mesto. U you’re already
best thing is perhaps to allow onally chopped parsley, lemon
samom centru nalazi se toranj in Cairo, don’t the city’s rhythm to carry you juice, hot peppers and other ve-
visok 187 metara, gde se nala- miss out on the wherever it wants. getables, herbs and spices. It
zi i restoran sa raznim egipat- famous stew If you are used to visiting shops is eaten by dipping very tasty
Ful Medames,
skim specijalitetima, pićima i one of the where everything is in its proper Egyptian flatbread into the stew,
naravno nargilama, kojih ima specialities of place, where the items have meaning this speciality is traditi-
gotovo svuda. Odatle je pogled Egyptian cuisine fixed prices and the shopkee- onally eaten without cutlery, tho-
neponovljiv. pers don’t offer comments, Cai- ugh that is naturally your choi-
ro isn’t the place for you. On the ce. Egyptians also have a culture
market Khan el-Khalili, which is of drinking tea at any time of
one of the largest bazaars not the day. Hibiscus is cultivated in
only in Egypt, but anywhere in Egypt and drunk both as a cold
the world, you’ll find everything juice and as a hot tea, though
from aardvarks to zorillas. There black tea is also very popular.
are all sorts available here, from Cairo is a city that’s seemin-
souvenirs and jewellery, to leat- gly without beginning or end, so
her, textiles, spices, the most va- you’ll have to ascend to some
ried clothing and footwear, toys, high spot if you’re seeking a pa-
Foto: depositphotos /

Egyptian cotton, furniture, home noramic view. At the very centre

decorations and much, much of the city is the 187-metre-tall
more. The bazaar operates rou- Cairo Tower, which houses
nd the clock, so there’s no spe- a restaurant offering various
cial time to visit. This is also a Egyptian specialities, drinks and,
favourite place for people to so- of course, shisha pipes, which
Foto: depositphotos

cialise, stroll, stop by for a chat... can be found almost everywhe-

And while you’re already in Cai- re. The stunning view from this
ro, don’t miss out on the famo- tower is simply inimitable.

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19

Veoma frekventnim vozovi-
Giza and ma koji saobraćaju od Kaira i
do njega moguće je otići i na
Alexandria jednodnevni izlet do prelepe
Aleksandrije, drevnog grada
na obali Sredozemnog mora,
Numerous interesting sites lin- nekadašnje prestonice Egipta

Foto: Profimedia / Brian_Kinney / Alamy

ked to the history of Egypt are i mesta u kom se nalazilo jed-
Foto: depositphotos

located in close proximity to no od sedam svetskih čuda

Cairo. Starog sveta – svetionik na
ostrvu Faro. Tu je i čuvena bi-
GIZA blioteka, najveća na svetu.
The number one spot is Gi- Sastoji se od brojnih muzeja,
Ne propustite Gizu i Aleksandriju za, with its famous pyramids
and the mystical Sphinx. Le-
galerija i planetarijuma, kao
i bezbrojnih knjiga (posto-
ading to the Giza Plateau on ji šest specijalizovanih biblio-
Nedaleko od Kaira nalaze se od 2,5 do 15 tona. Njegov the west bank of the Nile is the teka). Nažalost, izvorna je iz-
brojna interesantna mesta sin, faraon Kefren, izgradio 11-kilometre-long pyramid ro- gorela u požaru, a ponovo je
koja su povezana sa istorijom je drugu piramidu u Gizi, oko ad, Al-Haram Street. First esta- izgrađena tek 2002. godine.
Egipta. 2520. godine pre nove ere. blished back in 1869, to coin- Svakako se zaputite i do Dža-
Njegova nekropola je uklju- cide with the opening of the mije Abu al Abbas al Mursi,

Foto: Profimedia / Kevin C Moore / ImageSource

GIZA čivala Sfingu, misteriozni Suez Canal, it has since been jedne od najlepših i najstari-
Na prvom mestu tu je Giza, spomenik od krečnjaka sa widened and tarmacked. Belie- jih džamija u Egiptu. Šetnjom
sa čuvenim piramidama i mi- telom lava i faraonovom gla- ved to have been conceived as kroz grad lako ćete uočiti i
stičnom Sfingom. Do pla- vom. Sfinga je stražar i bdi tombs, the pyramids represent tvrđavu smeštenu uz obalu.
toa Gize na levoj obali Ni- iznad čitavog kompleksa fa- giant staircases that lead the Tvrđava iz 15. veka podignuta
la vodi Put piramida (Šarija raonskih grobnica. Treća pi- ascent of the soul and spirit je na istom mestu kao i alek-
al Ahram) dug 11 kilometara. ramida u Gizi je znatno ma- of departed kings towards the sandrijski svetionik. Ovde mo-
Trasiran još 1869. povodom nja od prve dve. Sagradio ju sun and the spirit world. žete slobodno pustiti mašti
otvaranja Sueckog kanala, je faraon Mikerin oko 2490. The Giza pyramids were bu- da vas vrati u neka prošla vre-
sada je proširen i asfaltiran. pre nove ere i, iako je manja, ilt to last eternally. Constru- mena velikog Egipta.
Zamišljena kao grobnica, pi- njegova grobnica je mnogo cted approximately 4,500 ye- us limestone monument with gest in the world.
ramida je divovsko stepenište složenija. ars ago, these monumental the body of a lion and the he- The modern Bibliotheca
kojim se duša i duh umrlog structures represent relics of ad of a pharaoh. The Sphinx Alexandrina, commemorating
kralja penju ka suncu i duhov- the period of the Old Kingdom is the guardian of the entire the ancient original, compri-
nom svetu. of Egypt. In the belief that the complex of pharaonic tombs. ses numerous museums and

Foto: Profimedia / frans lemmens / Alamy

Piramide u Gizi građene su pharaohs would become gods The third Giza pyramid, whi- galleries, a planetarium and
za večnost. Monumental- after they died, their tombs we- ch is significantly smaller than countless books (there are six
ne grobnice su relikti iz doba re filled with things that every the first two, was built by Pha- specialised libraries). With the
starog kraljevstva i izgrađe- ruler would need to survive in raoh Menkaure circa 2490 B.C. original having been lost to fire
ne su pre otprilike 4.500 go- the afterlife. Despite being smaller than the in antiquity, the modern library
dina.Verovalo se da će egi- Khufu, aka Cheops, is the pha- previous two, his tomb is actu- was only completed in 2002.
patski faraoni, nakon što raoh believed to have first be- ally much more complex. You should also be sure to vi-
umru, postati bogovi. Svoje gun the project to constru- sit the Abu al-Abbas al-Mur-
grobnice ispunjavali su stva- ct the Giza pyramid complex ALEXANDRIA si Mosque, one of the oldest
rima koje bi svaki vladar tre- in around the year 2550 B.C. With trains running very and most beautiful mosques
balo da ima kako bi opstao The Great Pyramid, the lar- frequently to and from Cai- in Egypt. While walking thro-
na onom svetu. gest in Giza, rises to a height ro, it is also possible to enjoy ugh the city, you’ll also easi-
Faraon Keops je prvi zapo- of approximately 147 metres a one-day excursion to the be- ly spot the Fort Qaitbey citadel
čeo projekat kompleksa pi- above the plateau. Each of its autiful Alexandria, the ancient located along the coast. This
ramida u Gizi, oko 2550. go- 2.3 million stone blocks has an former Egyptian capital on the 15th-century fortress was bu-
Foto: depositphotos / Hackman

dine pre nove ere. Njegova estimated weight of between Mediterranean coast that used ilt on the site of the Lighthou-
Velika piramida je najveća u 2.5 and 15 tons. His son, to be home to the Pharos Li- se of Alexandria and here you
Gizi i izdiže se oko 147 meta- ghthouse, one of the Seven can let your imagination run
Foto: depositphotos

Khafre, built the second Gi-

ra iznad visoravni. Procenju- za pyramid in around the year Wonders of the Ancient Wor- wild and transport you back to
je se da je svaki od 2,3 mili- 2520 B.C. His necropolis inclu- ld, but also the famous Library some long-gone times of gre-
ona kamenih blokova težak ded the Sphinx, the mysterio- of Alexandria that was the big- at Egypt.

20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 21

Suveniri koje morate nabaviti u Kairu Souvenir musts in Cairo
Da li ste se ikada oduševlja- Did you ever get excited abo- Straw baskets
vali suvenirima na egzotič- ut a souvenir at an exotic You can store laundry in the-
noj pijaci samo da biste doš- market only to come home se baskets, but they also ha-
li kući i gledali kako skupljaju and watch it gather dust on ve many other practical uses.
prašinu? Suveniri mogu da a shelf? Souvenirs can co- Some straw baskets are mo-
evociraju uspomene na puto- njure up memories of a trip, re ornately decorated than ot-
vanje, ali vrlo često nam na but they very often end up hers. If you take the more mi-
kraju samo dosade. Zato na- just boring us. That’s why nimal ones, they will suit any
đite one koji čuvaju uspome- you should be sure to hunt room no matter how its décor
ne, ali su dovoljno praktični down souvenirs that bring may change over the years.
za upotrebu u svakodnevnom memories, but are also pra-
životu. ctical enough to use in dai- Wooden bowls
ly life. Wooden bowls, coasters and
Urme i hibiskus plates are a great way to liven
Listovi hibiskusa su odličan Dates and hibiscus up any coffee table. They’re
poklon za voljene koji može- Hibiscus leaves make a gre- great gifts too, because you’ll

Foto: Profimedia / Ahmed Gomaa / Avalon

te upakovati u lepu staklenu at gift for loved ones that be sure any kitchen will find a
teglu. Urme takođe čine uku- you can package in a nice practical use for them.

Foto: Profimedia /Edward North / Alamy

sne i hranljive poslastice. Ne- glass jar. Dates also make
ki paketi urmi već su umotani yummy and nutritious treats. Pottery from Fustat
u posude od slame, što je ta- Some packs of dates co- Old Cairo’s Fustat has a tra-
kođe odličan suvenir za čuva- me wrapped in a straw bowl, dition of creating beauti-
nje na stolu. which also makes a great ful pottery that dates back
souvenir to store odd bits on centuries. The Darb 1718 con-
Potrudite se da your desk. temporary art and culture
nađete suvenire koji
čuvaju sećanja, ali su
i dovoljno praktični
za upotrebu u
svakodnevnom životu
Be sure to hunt down
Foto: Profimedia / Konstantin Bordukov / Alamy

souvenirs that bring

memories, but are also
practical enough to use
in daily life

Foto: Depositphotos / motorolka

Foto: Profimedia / Joakim Boneng / Alamy

Foto: Profimedia / Schoening / imageBROKER

Komadi alabastera nja tokom godina.
Piramida napravljena od ala-
Foto: Profimedia / Diana Miller / ImageSource

bastera je sjajan suvenir. Jed- Drvene činije

nostavna je, lako se uklapa u Drvene činije, podmetači i ta-

Foto: Profimedia / Jason Wallengren Photography / Stockimo / Alamy

bilo koji dekor i neće vam do- njiri su odličan način da oži-
saditi dugi niz godina. Prona- vite sto za kafu. To su sjaj-
ći ćete alabaster širom Kaira ni pokloni jer ćete biti sigurni
i Gaze sa motivima drevnog da će im svaka kuhinja naći Alabaster pieces centre has several workshops
Egipta. praktičnu upotrebu. A single pyramid made from that offer you the chance
alabaster is a great souvenir. to buy unique items directly
Korpe od slame Keramika iz Fustata It’s simple, fits easily alongside from the artisans. There are
Možete da stavljate veš, ia- Fustat u starom Kairu ima onica u kojima možete pazari- any décor and won’t bore you plant pots in simple yet gor-
ko su praktične za mnoge na- vekovnu tradiciju stvaranja ti direktno od zanatlija. Posto- for many years. You’ll find ala- geous colours, but also desi-
mene. Ako uzmete one ma- prelepe grnčarije. Kompleks je saksije za biljke u prelepim baster throughout Egypt, and gns that will complement any
nje, uklopiće se u svaki dekor u galeriji moderne umetnosti bojama i sa dizajnom koji će countless pieces with Ancient balcony.
bez obzira na to kako se me- „Darb 1718“ ima nekoliko radi- ulepšati svaki balkon. Egyptian motifs.

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Intervju Interview
Aleksandar je rođen u Stokholmu i najstariji je sin
slavnog glumca Stelana Skarsgarda, a braća su mu
takođe glumci Gustaf, Bil i Valter
Born in Stockholm, Alexander is the eldest son of famous
actor Stellan Skarsgård, while his brothers Gustaf,
Bill and Walter are also actors

bila odskočna daska za ulogu u
jednoj od najpopularnijih tinej-
džerskih serija „Prava krv“, na-
građenoj „Emijem“.

Romantizovanu dramu o vam-
pirima u kojoj je Skarsgard doča-
rao lik Erika Norderna, momka
na večitoj ivici dobra i zla, u Sr-
biji smo gledali na kanalu „Foks“
pre desetak godina. Od 3. aprila
na istu televiziju stiže sestrinska
serija „Vampirski dnevnici“, a pri-

Odrastanje uz sećanje na period kada su malim

ekranima gospodarili krvožedni
seksepilni junaci poslužilo je kao

Stelana nije povod za razgovor sa Skarsgar-

Foto: Profimedia / ROBYN BECK / AFP

dom, za kojim je danas karijera

bilo zabavno
duža od dve decenije.
Sećate li se prve uloge
koja vas je vinula među
Detinjstvo pamtim po pritiscima i – Bio je to film „Zulander“ sa
pitanju hoću li uspeti da nasledim Benom Stilerom i teško da je to
oca. Sećam se da sam sa 13 baš bio film koji me je upisao me-
godina davao maksimum samo đu velika holivudska imena, ali 13 godina davao maksimum samo
da shvatim ko sam i šta mi se jeste bio dobra odskočna daska. da shvatim ko sam i šta mi se de-
dešava. Plašilo me je to što se o Pamtim ga kao ludo i glamuro- Tokom sedam godina, šava. Plašilo me je to što se o me-

koliko sam igrao u seriji

zno iskustvo. Sama činjenica da ni pisalo u časopisima ili pričalo
meni pričalo po medijima, to me sam snimao film sa Benom Stile- na televiziji. To što je svima tema
„Prava krv“, morao sam
je činilo nesigurnim rom već mi je delovala nadrealno. kako izgleda sin Stelana Skarsgar-

da sačuvam svetao ten.
U to vreme jedva da sam bio glu- da, kakav sam i šta volim. Zbog to-
leksandar Skars- mac. Dve nedelje kasnije bio sam ga sam se osećao nesigurno i ner-
gard je igrao vikin- na ulicama Njujorka, džipom sam
A snimali smo u južnoj vozno. Za pomoć sam se obratio

ge i vampire, pljač- krstario njegovim avenijama uz jedinoj osobi koja je kvalifikova-
kaše i vojnike u muziku grupe „Wham“. Tada sam na da mi da savet, mom ocu. On
rovovima, trenut-
no ga gledamo kao tajkuna so-
zaista poverovao da su u Holivu-
du čuda moguća.
I had to maintain a light mi je objasnio da je posao glumca
težak i da su retki oni koji uspeju
ciopatu Lukasa Matsona u seriji Ipak, nije sve rezultat complexion during the seven da žive od tog poziva. Posaveto-
„Naslednici“, a krunu je zvanič-
no poneo kao kralj džungle u fil-
običnog čuda. Dolazi-
te iz glumačke porodice. years that I acted in the vao me je da je zbog toga važno
da uradim samo ono što osećam
mu „Tarzan“. Vaš otac je Stelan Skar- series True Blood. And we da je ispravno i da se glumi po-
Ipak, njegovu karijeru ne mo-
žemo zaokružiti, a da ne pome-
skgard. Koliko je ta či-
njenica uticala na vaše shot it in Southern California svetim samo ako verujem da ću
moći da budem jedan od tih pri-
nemo legendaran podatak da je opredeljenje za glumač- vilegovanih glumaca. Tada sam od-
pokušao da ubije pop ikonu Ledi ki poziv? svoja interesovanja, on je bio na lučio da nikada ne budem glumac
Foto: Profimedia / MATRIXPICTURES.CO.UK / Matrixpictures

Gagu. Naravno, u spotu za njenu – On je donekle i kriv što sam vrhuncu svoje karijere. Detinjstvo kao moj otac.
pesmu „Paparaci“. Sigurno se se- se prijavio na audiciju za „Zulan- pamtim po njegovim pozorišnim Ipak, toliko godina kasni-
ćate atraktivnog plavokosog da- dera“. Mi smo više kao braća nego predstavama. Nisam nijednu pro- je, eto vas u glumi?
se koji baca Gagu sa terase. Da, otac i sin. Družimo se. Često se pustio. Uz njih sam zavoleo glu- – Tek mnogo kasnije, kada sam
to je bio tada ne toliko poznati pridruži mom društvu u noćnom mu. Ali je istovremeno postojao imao 20 godina i bio na pola prve
Skarsgard. Istina, pevačica je izlasku kada smo u Los Anđelesu i pritisak zbog toga što ste Ste-
ovog skandinavskog Apolo- ili u Stokholmu. Nikada nam to lanov sin. Tekst/Words:
na kasnije sredila uz neko- nije bilo čudno. Međutim, odra- Kako ste se borili sa tim Nikola Dražović
liko kapi otrova, ali to ni- stanje uz Stelana Skarsgarda nije pritiskom? Fotografije/Photography:
je bio slučaj i sa njegovom bilo tako zabavno. U vreme kada – Loše. Nemoguće je da se dete Fox,
karijerom. Aleksandru je to sam bio mali i kada sam formirao izbori sa tim. Sećam se da sam sa

24 | Intervju » Interview Interview » Intervju| 25

I n t e rvj u / I n t e r v i e w

A l e x a n d e r S k a rs gå r d, acto r work of an actor is difficult, and

Growing up with
that it’s rare for someone to suc-
ceed in making a living from this
calling. He advised me that, because

Stellan wasn’t fun of this, it was important that I only

do what I felt was right. And only
to devote myself to acting if I be-
I recall my childhood for the pressure and the question lieve that I will be able to be one
of whether I would manage to succeed my father. I of those privileged actors. It was
remember giving my maximum energy at the age of then that I decided that I would
13 just to comprehend who I am and what was then never be an actor like my father.
happening to me. It scared me that I was being talked Nonetheless, all these
years later, here you are in
about in the media; that made me insecure
Foto: Profimedia / Tsuni / USA / Alamy


- It was only many years later,
lexander Skarsgård a role in True Blood, one of the when I was 20 and halfway through
has portrayed Vi- most popular Emmy-award-win- my first year of studies, that I real-
kings and vampires, ning teen series. ised that I missed acting. I didn’t
robbers and soldiers It was ten years ago, on the Fox want to reject that interest only to
in the trenches. We channel, that we in Serbia watched regret it at the age of 50. That’s why
can currently see him as sociopath- this romanticised vampire drama in I enrolled in drama school in New
godine studija, shvatio sam da mi ic tycoon Lucas Madsen in the se- which Skarsgård portrays the char- York, and then came that role in
nedostaje gluma. Nisam želeo da ries Succession, while he officially acter of Eric Northman, a guy eter- Zoolander. I spent the next three

Foto: Profimedia / Toulouse / Goff Photos

odbacim to interesovanje, pa da se took on the crown of the king of nally on the edge of good and evil. years flying over the Atlantic be-
sa 50 godina kajem. Zato sam upi- the jungle as the most recent in- And as of 3rd April this year, its tween Sweden and America, head-
sao dramsku školu u Njujorku, a carnation of Tarzan. sister series, The Vampire Diaries, ing from one audition to another.
onda je usledila i uloga u „Zulan- However, we can’t summarise arrives on the same channel. And Next followed a role in an HBO
deru“. Sledeće tri godine proveo his career without mentioning the recollections of that period, when series, and then that video with
sam leteći nad Atlantikom od Šved- legendary fact that he tried to kill small screens were dominated by Lady Gaga. And then, finally, that
ske do Amerike, išao sam sa audi- pop icon Lady Gaga. Of course, he bloodthirsty heroes who oozed sex famous True Blood. The character
cije na audiciju. Usledila je uloga did so in the music video for her appeal, provided a topic with which of Eric from True Blood is very dif-
u seriji na HBO, a zatim i spot sa song Paparazzi. You almost certain- to start our interview with Skars- was a good springboard. I remem- with Stellan Skarsgård wasn’t that ferent from my Michael in Melan-
Ledi Gagom. Konačno, ta čuvena ly remember the attractive blonde gård, whose career has to date last- ber it as a crazy and glamorous ex- much fun. At the time when I was cholia, for example, but I feel like I
„Prava krv“. Erik iz „Prave krvi“ guy who throws Gaga from a balco- ed for more than two decades. perience. The very fact that I was little and forming my interests, he have both of them within me, and
se mnogo razlikuje od mog Maj- ny. Yes, that was a then-not-so-fa- Do you recall the first role shooting a movie with Ben Stiller was at the peak of his career. I re- that’s what I think is interesting
kla u „Melanholiji“, ali mi se čini mous Skarsgård. It’s true that the that propelled you to star- already appeared surreal to me. I member my childhood according to among human beings – that we’re
da obojicu imam u sebi i mislim da singer later fixed this Scandinavi- dom? was barely an actor at that time. I his theatre performances. I didn’t capable of so much, both good and
je to ono što je interesantno kod an Apollo with a few drops of poi- - That was the movie Zoolander was on the streets of New York two miss a single show. It was with them bad, and that we struggle with that
ljudskih bića da smo sposobni za son, but that hasn’t been the case with Ben Stiller, and that was hard- weeks later, in a jeep cruising its that I fell in love with acting. But constantly.
toliko toga, dobrog i lošeg, i da se with his career. For Alexander, that ly a film that inscribed me among avenues to the music of the group there was also the pressure of be- What was the biggest
stalno borimo sa tim. music video was a springboard for the big names of Hollywood. But it Wham. I then truly believed that ing Stellan’s son. challenge that this series
Koji je bio najveći izazov miracles are possible in Hollywood. How did you handle that brought you?
koji vam je donela ova se- However, not everything is pressure? - This is about two challenges.
rija? a result of ordinary mira- - Poorly. It’s impossible for a The first is the fact that this was
– Reč je o dva izazova. Prvi je cles. You hail from an act- child to handle that. I remember the first time in my career that I
to što sam prvi put u karijeri imao Erik iz „Prave ing family. Your father is giving my maximum energy at the had such a major role, and that I
krvi“ se mnogo
tako veliku ulogu i što sam u njoj razlikuje od Stellan Skarsgård. How age of 13 just to comprehend who spent seven years in it. That was
bio sedam godina. Bilo je to ne- mog Majkla u much did this fact influ- I am and what was then happening a priceless experience for me. And
procenjivo iskustvo za mene. Dru- „Melanholiji“, ence your decision to pur- to me. It scared me that I was be- the second is perhaps even more de-
ali mi se čini da
gi je, možda, fizički čak i zahtev- obojicu imam sue a career in acting? ing talked about in magazines or on manding physically. During the sev-
niji. Tokom sedam godina, koliko u sebi - He is also partly to blame for television; that what Stellan Skars- en years that I acted in the series,
sam igrao u seriji, morao sam da The character me applying for the audition for Zo- gård's son looks like, what I'm like I had to maintain a light complex-
of Eric from True
sačuvam svetao ten. Vampiri ni- Blood is very olander. We are more like brothers as a person and what I like, was a ion. Vampires aren’t really known
su baš poznati po preplanuloj ko- different from than father and son. We hang out topic for everyone. That made me for their tanned skin [laughs]. That
ži. (smeh) To je bio jedan od oz- my Michael in together. He often joins my crowd feel insecure and anxious. I turned was one of the more serious condi-
Melancholia, but
biljnijih uslova za sve nas koji smo I feel like I have
for nights out when we’re in Los An- for help to the only person who was tions for all of us who played vam-
glumili vampire. A seriju smo sni- both of them geles or Stockholm. We never found qualified to give me advice: my fa- pires. And we shot the series in
mali u južnoj Kaliforniji. within me that weird. However, growing up ther. He explained to me that the Southern California.

26 | Intervju » Interview Interview » Intervju| 27



Šta je novo
u aprilu?
What’s new in
Srbija je zemlja u kojoj kultura nikad ne spava. Događaja iz
svih oblasti umetnosti je previše da bi bili nabrojani, mi smo
izdvojili samo neke, a vi uživajte otkrivajući Srbiju i njenu
bogatu kulturu / Serbia is a country where culture never sleeps.
There are too many events in all fields of art to list them all, so here
we’ve singled out just a few, and it’s up to you to enjoy discovering
Serbia and its rich culture

DuŠan Janković, Pariz, 1926.

28 | U trendingu » Trending Trending » U tendingu | 29

„Grad: mesto
Na drugom i trećem nivou Muzeja savremene umetnosti u Beogradu otvorena je izlož-
ba „Grad: mesto identiteta“, koja će predstaviti oko 130 dela iz kolekcije Muzeja savre-
mene umetnosti iz svih postojećih zbirki, a otvorena je za posetioce do 20. avgusta.
Izložba „Grad: mesto identiteta“ problematizuje načine na koje urbana sredina mo-
že da se posmatra kao mesto gradnje i kontinuiranog formiranja identiteta ne samo

MIODRAG MIĆA POPOVIĆ, Autoportret sa maskom,1947.

osnovnog/suštinskog već i umetničkog. Kroz izložbene celine gradskih toposa pred-
stavlja se ono što u užem i širem smislu definišemo kao gradsko (arhitektura, društve-
ne i kulturne aktivnosti, oblici ponašanja, stil života...) i što kao podidentitet, svojim pro-
stornim i socijalnim odlikama, bitno određuje razvoj individualnih i kolektivnih modela
delovanja i ophođenja. Mapiraju se umetnička dela od početka prošlog veka do ranih
dvehiljaditih koja svojim širokim spektrom značenja na različite načine tretiraju pojedin-
ca, od najočiglednijih pojedinosti kao što su fizičke karakteristike ili društvena angažo-
vanost do najsloženijih unutrašnjih preispitivanja koja se mogu istovremeno sagledati i
na nivou grupnog mentaliteta.
Fokus kustoskog tima je na antropološkoj i kulturološkoj analizi dela iz kolekcije, čime je
otvorena mogućnost dvojakog sagledavanje teme – kako grad tretira nas, a potom i
kako pojedinac/umetnik kroz vlastitu vizuelnu prizmu tretira fizičko okruženje – kako vi-
di grad. Izložba „Grad: mesto identiteta“ nije strukturirana hronološki, već je podeljena
u pet tematskih celina, koje se mogu označiti kao odrednice/nivoi u promišljanju grada
kao mesta tvorbe različitih vrsta identiteta.


The City: Place

of Identity
Marko Ristic, La vie mobile, 1926.

An exhibition entitled “The City: Place of Identity” has opened on the second and third
levels of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. Presenting around 130 works
from all collections of the Museum, it will remain open to visitors until 20th August.
This exhibition addresses ways in which urban environments can be viewed as plac-
es of the continuous construction and formation of identity, not only basic/essen-
tial identity, but also artistic. The exhibition section Topos Cities presents that which is
defined in the narrower and broader sense as urban (architecture, social and cultural
activities, forms of behaviour, lifestyle etc.) and which significantly determine the de-
velopment of individual and collective models of action and behaviour as a sub-iden-
tity, with their spatial and social characteristics. This project maps artworks, creat-
ed from the beginning of the last century to the early 2000s, that treat the individual
in different ways with their wide range of meanings, from the most obvious individu-
al details, such as physical characteristics or social engagement, to the most com-
plex internal reexaminations that can also be simultaneously viewed at the level of
Ivan Tabaković, Predeo sa mostom, 1927.

group mentality.
The curatorial team focused on anthropological and cultural analysis of works from
the collection, thereby creating the possibility of a twofold overview of the topic: how
the city treats us; and then how the individual/artist treats the physical environment
through their own visual prism – how they see the city. The exhibition The City: Place
of Identity does not have a chronological structure, but rather is divided into five the-
matic units that can be denoted as determinants/levels of reflections on the city as a
place of the formation of various types of identity.

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„Hari Poter: Harry Potter: Krvavi mesec

Foto: Profimedia / "Image Capital Pictures / Film Stills

Istraži Hogvorts“ Discover Hogwarts Ovo je 13. roman u serijalu o Hariju Huleu! Briljantni detektiv se vra-
tio, ovoga puta sa svojim istražiteljskim timom odmetnika. An-
gažovani su svi resursi policije u Oslu. Nestale su dve devojke.
U „Galeriju“ stiže „Čarobnjački svet“. Do 9. aprila posetioci naj- The Wizarding World is arriving at Galerija. Until 9th April, visitors to the re- Jedino što ih povezuje je zabava poznatog milijardera i trgovca ne-
većeg šoping-centra u regionu imaće priliku da istraže očarava- gion’s largest shopping centre will have an opportunity to explore en- kretninama na kojoj su svojevremeno obe bile. Kada pronađe te-
juće tematske sadržaje inspirisane kultnim scenama iz čuvenog chanting themed content inspired by iconic scenes from the famous Har- lo jedne od njih, policija primećuje neobičan „potpis“ ubice koji
serijala filmova o Hariju Poteru. Odmah po ulasku u tematski park ry Potter films. As soon as they enter the theme park, visitors will be able to nagoveštava da je to tek početak ostvarivanja njegovih monstruo-
posetioci će moći da vide fantastičnu repliku voza Hogvorts ek- see a fantastic replica of the Hogwarts Express train, browse Hagrid's hut znih namera. Pronalaženje nesvakidašnjeg ubice zahteva nesva-
spres, da razgledaju Hagridovu kolibu, kao i da se oprobaju u igri and try their hand at a game inspired by the Quaffle ball and the fiction- kidašnjeg detektiva. Ali legendarni Hari Hule je otišao. Nakon što
inspirisanoj bacanjem kvafl lopte i kvidičem. al sport of Quidditch. su ga otpustili, preselio se u Los Anđeles, gde namerava da pije B IOS KO P

Posetioci će takođe moći da uživaju u neverovatnim prizorima Visitors will also be able to enjoy unbelievable spectacles by exploring the do smrti – i na dobrom je putu da to ostvari. U svakom slučaju, ne-
istražujući Zabranjenu šumu i fotografišu se sa magičnim stvore- Forbidden Forest and taking photos of the magical creatures hidden in the ma nameru da se vrati u Oslo... Sve dok žena koja mu je spasla ži-
njima skrivenim u drveću. Obožavaoci će u magičnom putovanju trees. During their magical journey through Hogwarts, fans will also have vot ne bude u velikoj opasnosti. Pomoći će joj jedino ako prihva-
kroz Hogvorts imati priliku i da briljiraju u kvizu, pokažu talenat na an opportunity to shine in a quiz, demonstrate their talent in waltz classes ti neobičnu ponudu za privatni detektivski angažman i vrati se u Pokazao se kao sjajan reditelj, pre svega napetog trilera „Argo“,
časovima valcera ili učestvuju na maskenbalu čarobnjaka. or participate in the Wizards’ Fancy Dress Party. grad od kojeg ne može da pobegne. Po povratku u Oslo Hari oku- a sudeći po trejleru za njegov novi film „Er“, to će ponovo biti slu-
Na Gradskom trgu obožavaoci Harija Potera i škole magije On the Galerija Town Square, fans of Harry Potter and the Hogwarts plja tim sastavljen od druga iz detinjstva koji diluje kokain, korumpi- čaj. Ben Aflek je režirao i glumi u ostvarenju rađenom po istinitoj
Hogvorts imaće priliku da se fotografišu pored 3D tematskog, ar- School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will have an opportunity to take photos ranog policajca i nasmrt bo- priči o možda jednoj od najvećih sportsko-modnih priča ikad –
tističkog murala, koji je delo renomiranih umetnika ateljea „Mari- beside a 3D themed, artistic mural that is a work of the renowned artists lesnog psihologa. Ima deset stvaranju brenda „Er Džordan“. „Najkijevo“ košarkaško odeljenje
ja i Stevan Soln Marg & Wunste“. Za najvernije fanove Harija Po- of the studio of Marija and Stevan Soln Marg & Wunste. For Harry Potter’s dana da pronađe ubicu. Sat tada je bilo na samom početku, baš kao i Džordan početkom
tera „Cineplexx Galerija“ priprema veliki Hari Poter maraton, pa most loyal fans, Cineplexx Galerija is preparing a major Harry Potter film otkucava, a nad gradom se 80-ih, a fokus filma je upravo na jednom nekonvencionalnom
ne propustite priliku da posetite bioskop i prisetite se svih avan- marathon, so be sure not to miss out on the opportunity to visit the cine- nadvija krvavi mesec... timu biznismena koji je sve stavio na kocku, Džordanovoj maj-
tura najpopularnijeg mladog čarobnjaka. „Hari Poter: Istraži ma and remind yourself of all the adventures of the most popular young ci sa beskompromisnim integritetom koja je bila svesna talenta
Hogvorts“ će tokom celokupnog trajanja biti otvoren za posetio- wizard. Throughtout the duration of the event, Harry Potter: Discover Hog- svog sina i, naravno, samom Majklu, koji je tada nosio „adidas“.
ce od 13 do 21 h. warts through Galerija will be open daily to visitors from 1pm to 9pm.
B OOK O uticaju kreiranja brenda „Er Džordan“ u kontekstu sporta,

pop-kulture i ulične mode ne treba ni govoriti... U filmu, pored
Afleka, glume i Met Dejmon, Kris Taker, Vajola Dejvis i drugi. Za-

nimljivo je da se lik Džordana ne pojavljuje, ali je MJ sarađivao sa
filmskom ekipom, naročito zahtevajući da Vajola Dejvis igra nje-
govu majku. Svetska premijera zakazana je za 5. april.
This is the 13th novel in the
Harry Hole series! The bril-
liant police detective is back,
this time with his own team CINEMA

of renegade investigators.
The Oslo police have en-
gaged all resources. Two
girls have gone missing. He has proven himself to be a great director, first and foremost with
The only thing that connects them is a party that they both at- the tense thriller Argo, and judging by the trailer for his new film, Air,
tended, hosted by a famous billionaire and real-estate mag- this will be the case once again. Ben Affleck directs and stars in this
nate. When they find the body of one of them, the police notice production based on a true story about what is perhaps one of the
an unusual signature left by the killer that indicates that this is greatest sports fashion stories of all time – the creation of the “Air
just the start of his monstrous intentions. Finding an unusual kill- Jordan” brand. It’s the early 1980s and Nike’s basketball depart-
er calls for an unusual detective. But the legendary Harry Hole is ment is in its infancy, as is Jordan’s carrer. The film focuses on an un-
gone. After being fired from the force, he has moved to Los An- conventional team of businessmen who gamble on everything,
geles, where he intends to drink himself to death – and he’s well Jordan’s mother with her uncompromising integrity, who was
Foto: Profimedia / "Image Capital Pictures / Film Stills

on his way to doing so. Regardless of whether or not he suc- aware of her son’s incredible talent, and of course Michael himself,
ceeds, he has no intention of returning to Oslo... That is until the who was then wearing the Adidas brand. There’s no need to even
woman who saved his life finds herslf in grave danger. He will on- mention the impact that the creation of the Air Jordan brand had
ly help her if she accepts the unusual offer of engaging him as a in the context of sports, pop culture and street fashion... Along-
private detective and bringing him back to the city that haunts side Affleck, the film also stars Matt Damon, Chris Tucker, Viola Da-
him. Upon returning to Oslo, Harry assembles a team compris- vis and others. Interestingly, Jordan doesn’t appear in the film as a
ing a childhood friend who’s a cocaine dealer, a corrupt police- character, though he did cooperate with the film crew, specifically
man and a terminally ill psychologist. He has ten days to find the requesting that Viola Davis portray his mother. The world premiere
killer. The clock is ticking, and a killing moon is rising over the city... is scheduled for 5th April.

32 | U trendingu » Trending Trending » U trendingu | 33

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Stiv Vaj u Steve Vai

Beogradu in Belgrade
Jedan od najvećih rokenrol gitarista na Steve Vai, one of the world’s all-time great-
svetu, Stiv Vaj, održaće koncert 27. aprila u est rock guitarists, will hold a concert at Bel-
beogradskoj MTS dvorani. Slavni američ- grade’s MTS Hall on 27th April. This famous
ki virtuoz stiže u Srbiju u sklopu evropskog American virtuoso arrives in Serbia as part of
dela turneje na kojoj promoviše 10. samo- the European leg of his world tour to promote
stalni studijski album „Inviolate“, objavljen his 10th solo studio album, Inviolate, which was
pre godinu dana. Muzičar koga mnogi bez released a year ago. This musician, who many
preterivanja nazivaju genijem treći put će dub a genius without hyperbole, will put on
u ovom veku prirediti jedinstven spektakl a unique show for the Belgrade audience for
za beogradsku publiku. Vaj je više od četiri the third time this century. Vai has spent more

Foto: Profimedia / MPI04 / Capital pictures

decenije uzor brojnim muzičarima na svim than four decades serving as a role model for
meridijanima. Nije ni čudo ako se ima u vi- countless musicians worldwide. And that’s no
du da ga je sa svega 12 godina prvim lekci- wonder if we consider that he had his first les-
jama naučio takođe jedan od najvećih gi- sons with Joe Satriani, also one of the world’s
tarista na svetu Džo Satrijani, a da je već greatest guitarists, at the tender age of 12 and
sa 18 započeo profesionalnu karijeru na- launched his professional career and started
stupajući sa još jednom legendom, Fren- performing with another legend, Frank Zappa,
kom Zapom. at the age of 18.

with Marko
Foto: Profimedia / Marko Edge

Five years after the first edition of “Retro spec-

tacle”, the 25th anniversary of Marko Nastić’s
career is being commemorated together with
the fifth anniversary of the event that placed

Marko Nastić i
local DJs at the centre of events as stars of a
spectacle. Retro spectacle is an event that
has unified all generations of electronic mu-

„Retrospektakl“ sic lovers and left an indelible mark on the lo-

cal clubbing scene. This time, instead of being
divided into 20 years, the night will be divided
Pet godina nakon prvog izdanja „Retrospektakla“, obeleževa se 25 godina karijere into 25, with the four biggest hits that marked
Marka Nastića i pet godina od događaja koji je u svoj fokus postavio domaće disk-džo- the year in question to be played in each sec-
keje kao zvezde jednog spektakla. „Retrospektakl“ je spojio sve generacije ljubite- tion. A total of 50 star DJs of the Serbian club-
lja elektronske muzike i ostavio neizbrisiv trag u domaćem klabingu. Ovog puta, ume- bing scene will perform over the course of
sto na 20, noć će se deliti na 25 godina. U svakoj će se puštati po četiri najveća hita koji eight hours of continuous music, featuring a
su obeležili tu godinu. Za 8.000 fanova elektronske muzike 22. aprila u Hangaru 1 Luke hundred top hits, for 8,000 fans of electron-
Beograd nastupiće 50 di-džej zvezda domaćeg klabinga u osam sati neprekidne mu- ic music on 22nd April in Hangar 1 of the Port of
zike, uz 100 najvećih hitova. Belgrade.

34 | U trendingu » Trending
Kultura Culture
Jedan je od najpoznatijih glumaca sa prostora stare Jugoslavije,
koji je svojim upečatljivim ulogama stekao kultni status,
na filmskom platnu debitovao je 1955.
One of the most famous actors from the territory of the former
Yugoslavia, he made his screen debut in 1955 and gained
cult status with his impressive roles

Tu su Batine
kravate, lična
penkalo i čuvena
kožna jakna
There are
Bata’s glasses,
ties, personal
documents and
a fountain pen,
but also a famous
leather jacket

L e g at V e l i m i r a Ž i v o j i n o v i ć a Srbija je rasadnik do- mačkim veličinama poput Dragana lo 350 miliona gledalaca širom sve- nije usudio da prekine emitovanje
brih glumaca, ali samo Nikolića, Milene Dravić, Pavla Vui- ta, kao i „Sutjeska“ Stipe Delića, ili plašeći se reakcije naroda“, objaš-

Valter brani Sarajevo, najveći mogu postati le-

gende kao što je Velimir Bata Ži-
sića... Njegova vitrina donekle se ra-
zlikuje od okolnih jer, osim brojnih
pak „Partizanska eskadrila“ Hajrudi-
na Krvavca, a možda najpre „Valter
njava Batin sin Miljko Živojinović.
Ova, jedna od brojnih anegdota,

Kinoteka slavi Batu

vojinović. Štaviše, „Bata prevazila- nagrada, publiku mame i njegove brani Sarajevo“ istog reditelja, koji deo je i narativa koji prate multime-
zi nivo izvanredne glume i prelazi lične stvari. Tu su Batine naočare, je Živojinoviću doneo enormnu po- dijalnu izložbu, na kojoj je insertom,
u sferu mitologije“, kaže Jugoslav kravate, lična dokumenta, penka- pularnost u Kini. „Ovaj film se tra- tekstom, fotografijom i plakatom
Pantelić, direktor Jugoslovenske ki- lo, kožna jakna, za koju poznavalac Tekst/Words: dicionalno prikazivao na kineskoj predstavljeno osam Batinih najzna-
Multimedijalna izložba će insertom, tekstom, Dragana Nikoletić
noteke, u kojoj je nedavno otvoren njegovog opusa može da pomisli da televiziji uoči Nove godine i uvek čajnijih i najnagrađivanijih ostvare-
fotografijom i plakatom, uz osam Batinih legat tog barda srpskog glumišta. je kostim iz nekog od 35 partizan-
bi se završavao 10 minuta pre po- nja. „Svojim najvećim dometom on
najznačajnijih i najnagrađivanijih ostvarenja, U ovu prostoriju, čiji je svod skih filmova koji su ga i proslavili. Snežana Krstić, noći. Samo je jednom okasnio i 20 je smatrao ’Tren’ Stoleta Jankovića,
do juna pričati jednu od najlepših priča obao i popločan ciglama, ulazi se Mogla bi to biti „Bitka na Ne- privatna arhiva minuta zašao u 1. januar, pa je tada za koji je dobio gran-pri za najbolju
jugoslovenskog glumišta kao u kriptu, na poklonjenje glu- retvi“ Veljka Bulajića, koju je vide- i slavlje zadocnilo. Naime, niko se ulogu na Međunarodnom filmskom

36 | Legende » Legends Legends » Legende | 37

Ku lt u r a / C u lt ur e

festivalu u Moskvi“, kaže Irina Kon- slavnog oca. Bata je bio još blaži sa T h e l e gacy o f V e l i m i r Ž i voj i n ov i ć as a way of paying tribute to acting
dić, kustoskinja izložbe. unucima, ali ih je i podučavao vred- greats like Dragan Nikolić, Milena
Posetioci su do juna u prilici da
u Kinoteci vide i postavku „Privatno
nostima svoga vremena.
On je osmehom plenio svakog Walter defends Sarajevo, Dravić, Pavle Vuisić... His display
case differs from the others to an

the Cinematheque
i radno“. Među privatnim fotografi- ko ga upozna, pa i jugoslovenskog extent, because apart from his nu-
jama Miljko izdvaja uveličanu ver- maršala Josipa Broza Tita. „Jed- merous awards, the public is also en-

celebrates Bata
ziju Batine studentske knjižice. „To nom mu je Tito tražio da mu ispri- ticed by his personal effects. There
je jedini dokument u kojem piše da ča neki vic o njemu, u doba kada je are Bata’s glasses, ties, personal doc-
je rođen u Svetozarevu (današnjoj to bilo strogo zabranjeno. Otac se uments and a fountain pen, but al-
Jagodini), dok u svim ostalim stoji malo snebivao, rekavši u šali da se A multimedia exhibition that runs until June will use so a leather jacket that any connois-
Koraćica, gde je moj otac bio prijav- plaši da ga ne uhapse. Tito mu je
excerpts, text, photography and posters, along with eight seur of his oeuvre might mistake for
ljen u matičnim knjigama“, Miljko na to odgovorio – zna se ko hap- a costume from one of the 35 parti-
otkriva. Ipak ni jedno ni drugo ni- si u ovoj državi, misleći, naravno of Bata’s most significant and award-winning works, to san war films that made him famous.
je istina: Bata je rođen u vozu, gde – na sebe“, Miljko opisuje prirodu tell one of the most beautiful stories of Yugoslav acting That could be The Battle of the
mu se zatekla majka koja je prati- njihovog odnosa. Neretva by Veljko Bulajić, which has
la njegovog oca, sudskog izvršite- Na filmu je Bata bio pravi pro- Serbia is a veritable telić, director of the Yugoslav Cine- been watched by 350 million view-
lja, na službenim putevima. Goto- fesionalac, nikad ne odbivši nijed- nursery of good actors, matheque Film Archives, where the ers worldwide, as well as The Battle
vo pola veka kasnije Živojinović je nu ulogu. Naime, on je smatrao da but only the best can be- legacy of this bard of Serbian acting of Sutjeska by Stipe Delić or Parti-
briljirao u „Psu koji je voleo vozo- ga baš svaka rola obogaćuje. Tekst come legends like Velimir ’Ba- opened recently. san Squadron by Hajrudin Krvavac,
ve“ Gorana Paskaljevića, kao da mu je učio lako, ležeći na sofi, a paralel- ta’ Živojinović. What’s more, “Bata This exhibition space, with a but perhaps first and foremost Wal-
je to mestom rođenja i bilo suđeno. no čitajući i po 10 scenarija. Uprkos surpasses the level of exception- vaulted ceiling that’s rounded and ter Defends Sarajevo by the same di-
U posthumnoj vitrini Legata po- večitom osmehu, autentično je igrao al acting and moves into the realm covered with brick tiles, is entered as rector, which extended Živojinović’s
stavljen je i njegov portret u bronzi i negativce. Ako je posao zahtevao, of mythology,” says Jugoslav Pan- though entering a crypt, head bowed enormous popularity to China. “This
vajara Dragana Radenovića. Rustič- boravio bi mesecima na lokacijama film was traditionally screened on
ni potezi prstiju skulptora čuvaju budućeg snimanja. „Sa Romima je Chinese television on New Year’s Eve
Batin karakter – heroja iz narodnih učio romski jezik za ’Skupljače perja’ and would always end 10 minutes be-
epskih pesama, kako Miljko opisu- Aleksandra Petrovića, a za film ’Bre-
Na filmu je Bata bio pravi profesionalac,
nikad ne odbivši nijednu ulogu je svog oca. „Bio je personifikacija za’ mesec dana živeo u Hrvatskom
Bata was a real professional when it came to pravog Šumadinca, mirnog i gosto- zagorju učeći njihov dijalekat“, pri-
film, never turning down a single role ljubivog domaćina, dok mu neko ne mećuje Kondićeva. Glumio je Bata i
dirne u porodicu“, kao da se pono- na makedonskom, albanskom, ne-
vo mešaju realnost i filmska fikci- mačkom, francuskom, italijanskom,
ja u opisu Batinog lika, ali i vajar- engleskom i ruskom. Četrnaest od
skog dela. njegovih filmova bilo je nominova-
Porodica je bila baza Živojino- no za „Oskara“, dok je sedam bilo u
vićevog poslovnog uspeha, a supru- konkurenciji Kanskog filmskog fe-
ga Julijana, zvana Lula, bila mu je stivala.
sigurna luka tokom punih 55 godi- Dve izložbe u Kinoteci će se na-
na braka. „Moj otac je bio njen pro- kon Beograda uputiti na gostovanja,
jekat“, smeje se Miljko. „Postavka prenoseći mit o Bati. Legat će čuva-
’Privatno i radno’ Luli je delom i po- ti njegovo umetničko i životno do-
svećena, jer da nije bilo njene pre- stojanstvo, čemu će služiti i budu-
danosti, Bata se i ne bi toliko uz- ći muzej u Koraćici, kao i fondacija
digao“, nadovezuje se Kondićeva. sa njegovim imenom, koju će vodi-
Bata je Luli istom merom uz- ti Batina unuka Dina Živojinović.
vraćao, čak joj i pomagao u kućnim Premda je Legat otvoren po-
poslovima, što donekle odudara od vodom 90 godina od njegovog ro-
predstave tipičnog Šumadinca. „Na đenja, sama ideja potiče odranije,
fotografiji na kojoj ga vidimo za su- dok je Lula još bila živa. Inicijativu
doperom ipak ne pere sudove, već je pokrenuo Jugoslav Pantelić. Ba-
krcka led za viski“, opet se smeje ta je preminuo 2016. godine, osta-
Miljko. jući živ u srcima publike. Kuriozi-
Kuća je Živojinovićima uvek bi- tet njegovog života jeste i to što
la puna gostiju i često se smejalo i je Lula rođena u ulici koja je mno-
pevalo. „Nikad nije viknuo na me- go kasnije dobila naziv po njenom
Igrao je u čak 35 partizanskih filmova
ne i moju sestru Jelenu. Ako bismo suprugu. koji su ga i proslavili
nekad preterali s nestašlucima, on He played in 35 partisan war films that
bi se samo ućutao“, seća se sin svog made him famous

38 | Legende » Legends Legends » Legende | 39

Ku lt u r a / C u lt ur e

slav Marshal Josip Broz Tito. “Ti-

to once requested that he tell him a
joke about him, during a time when
it was strictly forbidden. My father
shied away slightly, saying in jest that
he was afraid of being arrested. Ti-
to responded to that by saying – it
is known who makes arrests in this
country, referring, of course, to him-
self,” explains Miljko, describing the
nature of their relationship.
Bata was a real professional
when it came to film, never turn-
ing down a single role. Specifically, he
fore midnight. It was only late once rustic strokes of the sculptor’s fin- Bata sa sinom considered that he was enriched by
Miljkom i
and ended 20 minutes into 1st Janu- gers have preserved Bata’s character suprugom
every role. He learned his lines eas-
ary, so celebrations were also delayed. – “a hero of epic folk poems”, as Mil- Lulom ily, while lying on a sofa reading 10
Specifically, no one dare interrupt jko describes his father. “He was the Bata with son scripts simultaneously. Despite his
the broadcast, fearing the nation’s Miljko and
personification of a true native of wife Lula
eternal smile, he also portrayed vil-
reaction,” explains Bata’s son, Mil- Šumadija, a peaceable and hospita- lains convincingly. If the job demand-
jko Živojinović. ble host, until someone touches his ed it, he would spend months at fu-
This anecdote, which is just one family”, as if the real world and film ture shoot locations. “He learned the
of many, forms part of the narrative fiction have once again fused in the Romani language with Roma people,
that accompanies the multimedia description of Bata’s character, but for Aleksandar Petrović’s I Even Met
exhibition, in which excerpts, text, also this work of sculpture. Happy Gypsies, and for the film The
photography and posters are used to Živojinović’s family formed the Birch Tree he spent a month living
present eight of Bata’s most signifi- base of his professional success, and in Zagorje, Croatia, learning their di-
cant and award-winning works. “He his wife Julijana, better known as Lu- alect,” notes Kondić. Bata also per-
considered his greatest achievement la, was his safe haven during the en- formed in the Macedonian, Albanian,
as being Stole Janković’s film Mo- tire 55 years of their marriage. “My German, French, Italian, English and
ment, for which he won the Grand father was her project,” laughs Mil- Russian languages. Fourteen of his
Prix for best role at the International jko. “The setting of Private and Work- films received Oscar nominations,
Film Festival in Moscow,” says exhi- ing is partly dedicated to Lula, be- while seven of them competed at
bition curator Irina Kondić. cause without her dedication Bata the Cannes Film Festival.
Visitors have an opportunity to wouldn’t have risen to such heights,” Two Cinematheque exhibitions
check out the exhibition Private and continues curator Kondić. will go on tour after their Belgrade
Working at the Cinematheque until Bata reciprocated Lula’s love runs, further transmitting the myth
June. Among the private photos in- with equal measure and even helped of Bata. The Legacy will preserve the
cluded, Miljko highlights an enlarged her with household chores, which dif- dignity of his art and life, which will
version of Bata’s student I.D. card. fers somewhat from the image of a also be served by the future Muse-
“That’s the only document where it typical Šumadija native. “In the pho- um in Koraćica, as well as the Foun-
states that he was born in Sveto- to where we see him at the kitch- dation bearing his name that will be
zarevo (today’s Jagodina), while all en sink, he’s not washing dishes af- led by Dina Živojinović Bata’s grand-
others state Koraćica, where my fa- ter all, but rather crunching ice for daughter.
ther was registered in the birth regis- whisky,” says Miljko, again laughing. Despite the Legacy having only
try,” reveals Miljko. However, neither The Živojinović house was al- opened on the occasion of the 90th
claim is true: Bata was born aboard ways filled with guests, and laugh- anniversary of his birth, the idea it-
a train, where his mother just hap- ter and singing could also often be self dates back to the time when Lu-
pened to be accompanying his fa- heard there. “He never shouted at la was still alive. The initiative was
ther, a bailiff, on his official trips. me and my sister Jelena. If we some- launched by Jugoslav Pantelić. Bata
Almost half a century later, Živoji- times exaggerated with mischievous- departed this world in 2016, though
nović shone in Goran Paskaljević’s ness, he would just go silent,” the he remains alive in the hearts of the
film The Dog That Liked Trains, as son recalls of his famous father. Ba- public. Another curious fact of his
though he was destined to have had ta was even gentler with his grand- life is that Lula was actually born in
such a birthplace. children, but he also taught them a street that would be renamed af-
The Legacy’s posthumous show- the values of his time. ter her husband much later.
case presents a bronze bust of him His smile captivated every-
by sculptor Dragan Radenović. The one who met him, including Yugo-

40 | Legende » Legends
Kultura Culture

L u k B l e k , s pr e m a n z a „ E v r o v i z i j u “ unutrašnjih i spoljašnjih problema. Od rodnog Čačka do Lon-

Voleo bih da se još više probudim dona, gde živiš, prešao

Život u Londonu mi i možda inspirišem ljude oko sebe

da to isto urade.
si dalek put. Na koji na-
čin je život u Londonu po- Naš predstavnik nastupiće 9. maja
u prvoj polufinalnoj večeri, drugo
Kad smo kod Konstrak- mogao da se formiraš kao

je dao optimizam te, ona te je na neki način

inspirisala da se prijaviš
– Život u Londonu nije nima- polufinale zakazano je za 11. maj,
dok će pobednik biti proglašen
za „Pesmu za Evroviziju“, lo lak. Pomogao mi je da se istre-
zar ne? niram i naučim mnogo o sebi kao
Od kada je u Beogradu pobedio kao debitant s
elektro-pop pesmom „Samo mi se spava“, Luka
– Tako je! Doskora nisam imao umetniku, ali i generalno o muzi- na finalnoj manifestaciji dva dana
povezanost sa „Evrosongom“. Ali ci. Verujem da sam poprimio odre-
Ivanović (30), alijas Luk Blek, broji dane do kad mi se jedan od bliskih prijate- đeni optimizam koji London kao
takmičenja na 67. „Pesmi Evrovizije“ u Liverpulu lja prijavio, pobedio, čak bio i divno
prihvaćen, mislim na Konstraktu,
grad daje, a tako sam se i odvažio
da pokušam da predstavim svoju
Our representative will perform in the
odlučio sam da se oprobam u tome zemlju na „Evrosongu“. Do Lon- first semi-final evening on 9th May,
Luka je rođen 1992. go-
dine u Čačku, a talenat za mu-
– Pozdrav svim ljudima u avi-
onima Er Srbije i želim vam prija-
i vidim šta od toga može da se ra-
zvije. Definitivno se sada osećam
dona nisam imao samopouzdanja
za takav poduhvat.
while the second semi-final has been
ziku ispoljio je već sa 12 godina. tan let! Jesam se razbudio, treba- mnogo povezanijim s formatom i Kako tamo provodiš vre- scheduled for 11th May and the winner
Završio je dva fakulteta i master
studije iz oblasti muzičke produk-
lo mi je oko deset dana za to. Ali
sada sam tu!
jedva čekam pripreme.
Pesma je prilično mračna,
me, ideš li na neke dobre
svirke i imaš li neku pre-
will be proclaimed two days later, at the
cije, dok poslednje četiri godine ži- Publika ima mnoga tuma- a sebi si čak i umetničko poruku? Grand Final event
vi u Londonu i jedini je muzičar iz čenja šta si naslovom i sti- ime obojio u crno. Istovre- – U Londonu dosad nisam
Srbije koji ima potpisan ugovor sa hovima pesme želeo da ka- meno, deluješ kao zadovo- nastupao, nego sam radio druge
„Universal Music Group“, sa kojom žeš, baš kao što je slučaj sa ljan i nasmejan čovek. Ot- poslove. Sada sam menadžer u iz-
je 2016. godine realizovao uspeš- Konstraktinom pesmom kud ta ambivalencija? davaštvu. Ali imao sam priliku da
nu turneju u Kini. Obećao je izne- „In corpore sano“ 2022. – Nisam kao tinejdžer bio toli- idem na brojne koncerte mnogih
nađenja na bini s igračkom prat- godine. Zašto si nam poru- ko smiren koliko sam danas, i tako velikih zvezda i umetnika u uspo-
njom, a sve brojniji fanovi srpskog čio da ti se spava? je nastalo moje ime kojim se sada nu, pa sam upijao svaku poruku
predstavnika navijaće za njega ši- – Rečenica „Samo mi se spa- predstavljam. Ne živim toliko mrač- koju sam dobijao od njih. Svako
rom sveta. va“ je jedna od stvari koje sam du- no koliko moja muzika tako delu- mesto je mesto za svirku, ne znam
Verovatno te ljudi ovih da- go ponavljao kad sam hteo da se is- je, ali inspiracija je inspiracija, pa se tačno šta bih preporučio jer se svir-
na često pitaju kako spa- ključim i zaštitim od negativnosti. trudim da je ne menjam ni u kom ke održavaju i cene u svim delovi-
vaš? Da li si se malo raz- Koliko mi je to pomagalo u trenut- obliku da bih se više povezao sa sva- ma grada.
budio posle pobede? ku, toliko je i odgađalo rešavanje kodnevnim životom. Planiraš li neke promene
za nastup u Liverpulu?
– Radimo na tome da nastup
napravimo lepšim i većim za po-
trebe velikog stejdža. Ali poruka,
estetika i duh nastupa neće se pro-
meniti jer sadrži važnu poruku.
Odlaziš u grad iz kog su
potekli mnogi veliki mu-
zičari. Hoćeš li malo pro-
šetati stazama „Bitlsa“?
– Nisam uspeo da posetim Li-
verpul dosad, tako da će mi ovo
putovanje biti izuzetno značajno,
s obzirom na to da su „Bitlsi“ je-
dan od prvih bendova koje sam
slušao kao klinac i može se reći da
su prokrčili put mom tekstopisač-
kom razvoju.

Ana Vodinelić
Gordan Jović, Nikola Ristić

42 | Evrovizija » Eurosong Eurovision » Evrovizija | 43

Ku lt u r a / C u lt ur e

L u k e B l ac k , r e a dy f o r E u r ov i s i o n day. How has life in Lon-

don helped to form you as

Life in London has an artist?

“Life in London isn’t at all easy.

made me optimistic It helped me to train and learn a lot

about myself as an artist, but also
about music in general. I believe
Since winning in Belgrade as a debutant with that I’ve taken on a certain opti-
the electro-pop song Samo mi se spava [I just mism that London, as a city, pro-
wanna sleep forever], Luka Ivanović (30), aka Luke vides, and that’s also how I gained
the courage to try to represent my
Black, has been counting the days until the 67th country at Eurovision. Until mov-
Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool ing to London, I lacked the con-
fidence required for such an un-
Born in Čačak in 1992, would like to wake up even more dertaking.”
Luka showed his talent for music and perhaps inspire people around How do you spend your
at the tender age of 12. He com- me to do the same.” time there; do you attend
pleted two colleges and master’s While we’re discussing any good gigs and do you
studies in the field of music pro- Konstrakta, didn’t she have some recommenda-
duction, while he has been living somewhat inspire you to tion?
in London for the last four years apply to compete in “Song “I haven’t performed in Lon-
and is the only musician from for Eurovision”? don to date, but rather have done
Serbia to have a signed contract “That’s right! I had no connec- other jobs. I’m now a manager at
with Universal Music Group, with tion with Eurovision until recently. a publishing company. However,
which he successfully toured Chi- But when one of my close friends I have had the opportunity to at-
na in 2016. He has promised sur- registered, won, and was even re- tend numerous concerts of many
prises on stage with his dance ac- ceived wonderfully – I’m referring big stars and artists who are on the
companiment, while the Serbian to Konstrakta – I decided to try my rise, so I extracted every message
representative’s ever-increasing hand at it and see what could de- I received from them. Every ven-
number of fans around the world velop from that. I now definitely ue is a place for gigs and I don’t
will be cheering him on. feel a lot more connected to the know precisely what I would
Here’s a question that peo- format and can’t wait for prepa- recommend, because gigs are
ple probably ask you a lot rations.” held and highly rated across
these days: how do you The song is pretty dark, all parts of the city.”
sleep? Have you woken up while you even chose Are you planning any
a bit following your win? the colour black for your
changes for your perfor-
“Greetings to all people aboard stage name. At the same mance in Liverpool?
Air Serbia planes and I wish you
pleasant flights! I have woken up;
time, you come across
as a satisfied and jovi-
“We’re working on making the
performance bigger and better for
I needed about ten days for that.
But I’m present now!”
al person. What’s the
source of this appar-
the needs of the big stage. But the "IN HOUSE SOLUTIONS"
message, aesthetics and spirit of
The public has many in- ent contradiction? the performance will not change,
terpretations regarding “As a teenager, I wasn’t because that contains an impor-
what you wanted to say as serene as I am today, and tant message.”
with the title and lyrics of
your song, just as they did
that’s how the name that
I now use to present my-
You are going to a city that
has produced many great
MORE THAN 1 000 000 M2
in 2022 with Konstrak- self emerged. I don’t live musicians. Will you set
ta’s song In Corpore Sano. as darkly as my music aside time to follow in the WWW.KONSTRUKTORGRUPA.COM
Why did you tell us that might make it appear, but footsteps of The Beatles?
you’re sleepy? inspiration is inspiration, “I haven’t managed to vis-
“The sentence “I just feel like so I try not to change it in it Liverpool so far, so this trip As a general contractor for 18 years of business, we have justified the
sleeping” is one of the things I long any way to connect it more will be extremely important
repeated to myself when I want- with my everyday life.” to me, given that The Beatles trust of our renowned domestic and foreign Investors.
ed to switch off and protect myself You’ve come a long were among the first bands Thank you for your cooperation!
against negativity. And, as much way from your I listened to as a kid. And it
as that helped me in the moment, hometown of could be said that they paved
it equally postponed my solving of Čačak to London, the way for my own development
internal and external problems. I where you live to- as a songwriter.”

44 | Evrovizija » Eurovision
Ku lt u r a / C u lt ur e

Local record stores

used to represent the ep-
icentre of the music scene.
They were city locations where lov-
ers and connoisseurs of music would
gather to express their views and
opinions. Something similar to what
we were able to read in Nick Horn-
by’s legendary book (and later film)
High Fidelity, in which Rob has a
music shop in London.
Popular vinyl records first ap-
peared in the 1940s and very quick- Popularni vinil pojavio se četrdesetih
godina prošlog veka/Popular vinyl
ly became the dominant format for records first appeared in the 1940s
listening to music. Their populari-
ty declined in the 1980s, only for

Velika žurka je da se tada izdaju i posebna, limiti-

a resurgence in popularity to oc-
cur over the last 15 years, with the

posvećena vinilu
rana, specijalno dizajnirana Record number of people who appreciate
Store Day izdanja, koja su dostup- the sound quality of records ever
na samo u prodavnicama koje su increasing. Musicians are again re-
uključene u ovaj događaj. Često su leasing records, while young artists
Vest da je krajem 2022. prodaja ploča prvi put, to reizdanja najpoznatijih i kultnih recognise the quality provided by
odnosno posle 35 godina nadmašila prodaju CD- albuma, snimci uživo, singlovi ili ne- this medium. This is of course also
ova sigurno je obradovala sve ljubitelje i pravi je ki drugi ekskluzivni materijali. Re- thanks, among other things, to the
uvod u događaj koji se u svetu obeležava svakog cord Store Day postao je važan do- fact that retro is trendy.
aprila od 2007. godine gađaj za nezavisne prodavnice, koje Also contributing to this return
se poslednjih godina suočavaju sa to popularity has been Record Store
izazovima zbog porasta popularno- Day (RSD), which was created with how to enjoy the sound of vinyl re-
Nekada su lokalne pro- zavisnih prodavnica širom sveta. sti digitalnih nosača zvuka i onlajn the aim of celebrating and present- cords, and the city is home to a large
davnice ploča bile epicen- Ovo je i svojevrstan praznik muzi- prodaje. Svake godine ova manife- ing a large number of independent number of stores that satisfy various
tri muzičke scene. Lokacije u ke, jer se tog dana u gradovima ši- stacija delegira globalnog ambasa- stores around the world to the pub- tastes in music. Academy Records is

Foto: profimedia / Natasha Quarmby / Shutterstock Editorial

gradu gde su se okupljali ljubitelji i rom sveta organizuju živi nastupi, dora, a prošle godine to je bila Tej- lic. This annual event also represents one of the first ports of call for record
poznavaoci muzike, gde su se izno- susreti sa umetnicima, organizuju lor Svift. U prethodnim godinama a kind of music holiday, with live lovers visiting New York. Located in
sila mišljenja i stavovi. Nešto nalik berze ploča... Ipak najinteresantnije tu titulu nosili su, između ostalih, performances, meetings with art- Manhattan, it has an enviable collec-
onome što smo mogli da čitamo (a Ozi Ozborn, Igi Pop, „Metalika“, ists and record exchanges organised tion of vinyl and CDs. Your route will
kasnije i gledamo u istoimenom fil- „Perl džem“... in cities all over the world on that also take you to Rough Trade NYC
mu) u legendarnoj knjizi „High Fi- Njujorčani možda najviše znaju day. However, the most interesting (Rockefeller Plaza) and A1 Records,
delity“ Nika Hornbija, u kojoj Rob da uživaju u zvuku s ploča i u ovom aspect is the release on that day of which is located in the East Village
ima prodavnicu ploča u Londonu. gradu se nalazi veliki broj prodavni- limited edition, specially designed and specialises in rare and unusual
Popularni vinil pojavio se četr- ca koje zadovoljavaju različite mu- “Record Store Day” records, which records. However, regardless of the
desetih godina prošlog veka i veoma zičke ukuse. „Academy Records“ jed- are only available at stores that par- new growth in popularity, some cult
brzo postao dominantan format na na je od prvih stanica koje ljubitelji ticipate in this event. These are of- stores have failed to resist the spir-
kome se slušala muzika. Osamde- ploča u Njujorku posećuju. Nalazi ten rereleases of the most famous it of the times. One such outlet was

Great party
setih dolazi do pada, a ponovni po- se na Menhetnu i ima zavidnu zbir- and iconic albums, live recordings, Other Music, which closed its doors
rast i popularnost dešava se u po- ku vinila i CD-ova. Put će vas od- singles or some other exclusive ma- for the last time in 2016.
slednjih 15 godina, pa je broj ljudi vesti i u „Rough Trade NYC“ (Roc- terial. Record Store Day has become London also has a vibrant record
koji cene kvalitet zvuka sa ploča iz
godine u godinu sve veći. Muziča-
ri ponovo objavljuju ploče, a mla-
kefeller Plaza) i „A1 Records“ koji
se nalazi u Ist Vilidžu i specijalizo-
vane su za retke i teško dostupne
devoted to vinyl an important event for independent
music shops, which have been fac-
scene, with its most famous record
shops including Rough Trade East,
ing challenges in recent years due to a large outlet in Brick Lane form-
di artisti prepoznaju kvalitet koji ploče. Bez obzira na ekspanziju, ne- The news that vinyl record sales the rise of digital media and online ing part of the Rough Trade chain,
ovaj nosač zvuka pruža. Naravno, ke kultne prodavnice nisu odolele surpassed sales of CDs for the first sales. This event delegates a global
između ostalog, zahvaljujući tome izazovima vremena, jedna od njih time after 35 years at the end of 2022 ambassador each year. Last year it
što je retro u trendu. je „Other Music“, koja je 2016. go- was Taylor Swift, while previous am-
would certainly have pleased all lovers, Tekst / Words:
Foto: Isidora Everts

Povratku popularnosti dopri- dine zatvorena. bassadors have included Ozzy Os- Marina Lučić
neo je i Record Store Day (RSD), Vibrantnu scenu ploča ima i while it also provides the right prelude bourne, Iggy Pop, Metallica, Pearl Fotografije / Photography:
koji je nastao sa ciljem da proslavi London, a najpoznatije prodavni- to an event that has been celebrated Jam et al. Isidora Everts,
i javnosti predstavi veliki broj ne- ce su „Rough Trade East“, velika tr- worldwide every April since 2007 New Yorkers perhaps know best

46 | Ploče » Records Records » Ploče | 47

Ku lt u r a / C u lt ur e

Ko j e d o k t o r Ta n a s i j e v i ć , s rp s k i s t o m at o l o g s a s v e t s ko m r e p u ta c i j o m ?
W h o i s d o c t o r Ta n a s i j e v i ć , t h e S e r b i a n d e n t i s t w i t h a g l o b a l r e p u tat i o n ?
Dan prodavnica ploča
obeležava se već 15
subote u aprilu
(22. 4. 2023)
Record Store Day has been Ako želite „holivudski If you want a “Hollywood
smile”, like those of the
celebrated around the world osmeh“ poput onih koje
imaju zvezde sa crvenog stars that appear on the red
for the last 15 years on the tepiha, ne morate ići u Los carpet, you don’t have to
third Saturday in April (22nd Anđeles head to Los Angeles
April, 2023) Srbija je u poslednjih nekoliko godina po- Serbia has become a European centre of
stala evropski centar dentalne proteti- dental prosthetics over the last few years.
ke. Doktor stomatologije Vladan Tanasije- Doctor of Dentistry Vladan Tanasijević has
vić ima bogato radno iskustvo u ovoj oblasti amassed extensive experience in this field
i zajedno sa svojim timom kreira „holivud- and works together with his team to create
ske osmehe“ u Mladenovcu nadomak Be- “Hollywood smiles” in Mladenovac, on the
govina u Brik lejnu koja je deo lanca ograda. outskirts of Belgrade.
„Rough Trade“ gde se, osim ploča, • Šta znači „holivudski osmeh“? • What’s a “Hollywood smile”?
nude i specijalizovani časopisi i knji- To je kozmetička procedura koja u pot- This is a cosmetic procedure that complete-
ge. U londonskom Sohou vinile mo- lam
y punosti menja izgled osmeha. Vrhunski materijali koji se da- ly changes the appearance of one’s smile. The superior ma-
žete pronaći u čuvenim prodavnica- lJaco nas koriste, poput cirkonijuma, u kombinaciji sa najmoderni- terials that are used today, such as zirconium, in combination
ic hae
ma „Sister Ray“, „Phonica Records“ i edia
/M jim softverima, daju nam mogućnost da napravimo krunice with the latest software, enables us to make crowns that imi-
„Sounds of the Universe“. A nikako Fot
o: koje izgledom savršeno oponašaju prirodne zube. tate the appearance of natural teeth perfectly.
ne smete zaobići i „Honest Jon’s“, • Često pominješ svoj full design pristup. Šta to podrazu- • You often mention your full design approach. What does
koji je smešten u ulici Portobelo ro- meva? that imply?
ud (u pitanju je lokacija u zapadnom where specialised magazines and location known as the home of one Tako smo nazvali naš holistički pristup. Razgovaram sa sva- That’s the name we gave to our holistic approach. I discuss
Londonu poznata po tome što ima books are on offer alongside vinyl of the world’s most famous vintage kim pacijentom o tome kakva su njegova očekivanja i kako with each patient their expectations and how they see their
jednu od najpoznatijih svetskih vin- records. In London’s Soho district, markets). In this shop in the famous on vidi svoje „buduće JA“. To je vrlo inspirativan proces koji mi “future ME”. That’s a very inspiring process that provides me
tidž pijaca). U ovoj radnji u čuve- you can find vinyl at the famous mu- Notting Hill, you will find, among pruža mogućnost da iznova stvaram magiju. U samoj ordi- with the opportunity to create magic afresh. In the clinic itself,
nom Nating hilu, između ostalog, sic shops Sestra Ray, Phonica Re- other things, very rare records that naciji svojeručno dizajniram i kreiram osmeh vodeći računa o I personally design and create the desired smile, taking every
naći ćete i veoma retke i na širem cords and Sounds of the Universe. are sold out on the wider market. svakom detalju. detail into consideration.
tržištu rasprodate ploče. And you certainly shouldn’t over- Record Store Day has also been • Kako funkcioniše dolazak pacijenata iz inostranstva? • How does the arrival of patients from abroad function?
Record Store Day se proteklih look Honest Jon’s, which is located marked in Serbia for the past sev- Zainteresovani pacijenti se javljaju putem sajta, Instagrama, Interested patients contact us via the website, Instagram, Vib-
sedam godina obeležava i u Srbiji. on Portobello Road (a West London en years. Record lovers and all Vibera ili Vocapa. Za sve koji dolaze iz inostranstva organizu- er or WhatsApp. We organise free airport transfers and ac-
Svake godine ljubitelji ploča, ali i those seeking to discover a differ- jemo besplatan prevoz od aerodroma i smeštaj. Uobičajeno commodation for everyone arriving from abroad. It is usual for
svi oni koji žele da otkriju drugačiji ent sound gather each year at Bel- je da se procedura obavlja u nekoliko dana, a slobodno vre- the procedure to be performed in a few days, and clients can
zvuk muzike, okupljaju se u Čumi- grade’s Čumićevo Sokače. This year’s me možete iskoristiti za odmor i uživanje u Srbiji. Cela proce- use their free time to relax and enjoy Serbia. The entire pro-
ćevom sokačetu u Beogradu. Ovogo- event will be held on Saturday 22nd dura može da se obavi tokom godišnjeg odmora ili praznika. cedure can be performed during the summer break or winter
dišnja manifestacija će se održati u April in front of the Mascomstore • Do sada si radio sa hiljadama pacijenata, među njima su holiday period.
subotu 22. aprila ispred „Mascom- outlet of record label Mascom Re- mnoge poznate ličnosti, a uskoro otvaraš i najveću sto- • You’ve worked with thousands of patients to
store“ radnje izdavačke kuće „Mas- cords, which is organising a full day matološku kliniku u Srbiji. Koji je recept za uspeh? date, including numerous celebrities, and you
com“, koja u saradnji sa Paralel – event in cooperation with Paralel - Ovo je posao u kome ne možete da lažirate uspeh ili will also establish the largest dental clinic in
Beogradskim festivalom subkulture the Belgrade Festival of Subculture. kvalitet. Veliki broj novih pacijenata nam dolazi tako Serbia soon. What is your recipe for suc-
organizuje celodnevni događaj. Tom This occasion will see a large num- što vidi rezultate našeg rada na internetu ili kod svo- cess?
prilikom nastupiće veliki broj gostu- ber of guest artists perform as disc jih prijatelja. Onda im se to svidi i oni požele isto. Mi This is a business in which success or qual-
Foto: Isidora Everts

jućih umetnika u ulozi disk-džokeja jockeys and a large number of musi- zaista verujemo u kvalitet koji pružamo i zato dajemo ity cannot be faked. A large number of
i veliki broj muzičara koji će nastu- cians perform live. The special RSD doživotnu garanciju na naše radove. new patients come to us after seeing the
piti uživo. Posebno RSD izdanje biće release will be Novo Doba, the come- results of our work for themselves, on the
povratnički album „Novo doba“ le-
gendarnog novosadskog benda „Ri- Beogradski ljubitelji vinila svake godine okupljaju se u
back album of legendary Novi Sad
band Ritam Nereda, while this year’s internet or among their friends, which
they like and wish to emulate. We really
tam nereda“, a događaj će i ove godi-
ne tradicionalno pratiti berza ploča.
Čumićevom sokačetu da obeleže ovaj dan
Belgrade’s lovers of vinyl gather each year in the Belgrade
Design District of Čumićevo sokače to mark this day
event will also be accompanied by a
traditional record exchange.
dr_tanasijevic believe in the quality that we provide, which is
why our work comes with a lifetime guarantee.

48 | Ploče » Records Promo » Promo | 49

Kultura Culture

S v e t i s l av B u l e G o n c i ć , gl u m a c Uz sve moderne racijama da što pre dođu do scene. nu premijeru divne Pučinijeve opere pozorište visoko estetizovano ogle-
tehnologije pozorište Šta se sprema na baletskoj „Turandot“, izuzetno delo, preporu- dalo svakog društva. Narodno po-

Narodno pozorište je će uvek ostati mesto

susreta publike i
– Pre svega, ova godina je po-
svećena proslavi i obeležavanju 100
čujem svakome. U pripremi su „Fal-
staf“ i „Rigoleto“. Naša opera ima
sjajne umetnike, u čijem će izvođe-
zorište je kulturom započelo formi-
ranje građanskog društva kojim je
započela nova era u svetu koja još

svetionik naše kulture

umetnika. Nikada
godina postojanja srpskog baleta u nju publika uživati. traje povezivajući celu planetu. Kul-
neće nestati jer svi NP, odnosno jednog veka kontinui- Šta je na dramskom reper- tura i umetnost ne poznaju granice
osećamo potrebu da ranog postojanja stalnog baletskog toaru? i stvaraju mostove.
delimo isti vazduh, ansambla i repertoara. Balet je lič- – Drama priprema dve nove Šta vas u karijeri povezuje
zajedno uživamo na karta svakog velegrada, najlepše predstave. U toku su probe nove s ovim pozorištem pre ne-
u neposrednom što može da se ponudi u teatru. Veli- dramatizacije romana „Očevi i oci“ go ste postali upravnik?
kreativnom činu, da ka imena našeg baleta, ličnosti koje našeg savremenog klasika Slobodana – Imao sam priliku da u svojoj
zajedno doživimo su na sceni obeležile klasične naslo- Selenića, u režiji Veljka Mićunovića, karijeri igram i ovde. Više od toga
ve baleta, ali i pedagozi, koreografi a pripremamo i komad „Naš razred“ me, kao kolegu, ali i gledaoca, po-
katarzu i „dočekamo biće posebno istaknuti 2023. godi- poljskog pisca Tadeuša Slobođane- vezuju dobre predstave Narodnog,
Godoa“ ne. To su umetnici kojima duguje- ka, u režiji Tatjane Mandić Rigonat, veliki teatarski, operski i baletski
mo postojanje današnje scene bale- izuzetno delo o odgovornosti, slo- događaji, koji potvrđuju snagu i zna-
Doajen srpskog glumi- ta, nasleđa koje mora da se poštuje, bodi i današnjem svetu. čaj nacionalnog teatra u istoriji na-
šta Svetislav Bule Goncić jer zahvaljujući tome danas podiže- Za 150 godina postoja- šeg pozorišta. Narodno pozorište
dobio je krajem 2022. novi profesi- mo zavesu za nove, mlade igrače. U nja Pozorište je opstalo. je svetionik, referentna tačka naše
onalni i esnafski izazov – da sa ti- martu je bila prva baletska premije- Impresionira li vas sva ta kulture. U karijeri sam imao prili-
mom sačuva tradiciju i kvalitetnim ra koja predstavlja vrh baletskog ro- istorija? ku da budem predsednik Udruženja
novitetima ispiše savremeno poglav- mantizma, „Korsar“ Adolfa Adana, – Na celom svetu postoji i opsta- dramskih umetnika Srbije, direktor
lje najznačajnije nacionalne pozoriš- kojim će započeti obeležavanje 100 je ritual pozorišta. Pozorište je ne- Pozorišta na Terazijama, direktor
ne institucije, otvorene 22. novem- godina baleta. Taj velik, značajan i izostavni, ključni element naše civi- Teatra „Vuk“ i sada upravnik NP u
bra 1868. godine. Pitamo ga zato na zahtevan baletski spektakl, koji pri- lizacije. To dokazuju pisani tragovi Beogradu. Scena je za sve zajednič-
početku ovog razgovora šta se pod ča o morskim razbojnicima, roman- najranijih društava. Svako društvo ka i sve povezuje.
njegovim vođstvom sprema u Na- tičnim gusarima, prvi put je izveden je imalo potrebu za refleksijom sop- Gde je danas mesto Narod-
rodnom pozorištu. na sceni Narodnog pozorišta. stvenog postojanja, a različiti ritu- nog pozorišta u odnosu na
– Osim unapređenja tehničke ba- A operski ansambl? ali su imali tu funkciju zbližavanja, slične inostrane pozoriš-
ze, ovog leta ćemo kompletno srediti – U Operi se pripremaju novi na- širenja zajedničke teme, poveziva- ne adrese?
gledalište, sva sedišta, a planiramo i slovi. U decembru smo imali uspeš- nja i društvene bliskosti. Danas je – U 2022. godini postigli smo
druge sadržaje kako bismo unapre- dogovor s pozorištima zemalja
dili naš odnos i razvili interesova- „Otvorenog Balkana“, Albanijom i
nje nove publike. Program „Otvore- Severnom Makedonijom. Inicijati-
na vrata“, kao projekat, deo je takvog Najlepše je sa Er Srbijom va „Teatar Otvoreni Balkan“ u rea-
pristupa. Publika ima priliku da vidi Volite li da letite našom avio-kompanijom? lizaciji je od oktobra 2022. godine
kako pozorište izgleda iza pozornice, – Volim da putujem, da letim, a najčešće letim Er Srbijom. Destinacije na gostovanjem prvaka opere iz Tira-
u garderobi, radionici… Kako nasta- koje idem dobro su pokrivene i cene su pristupačne. Nekako se najbolje ne i Skoplja u operi „Boemi“. Pla-
je pozorišna predstava, a i da upozna osećam upravo u avionima naše avio-kompanije. Zabavljam se, čitam ne- nirana je saradnja kroz gostovanje
bogatu istoriju jedne od naših naj- što, gledam oblake, volim da sedim pored prozora. Osećam se bezbed- naših baletskih predstava, kao i na-
starijih institucija kulture. Kroz di- no i opušteno, kao kod nekoga koga dugo i dobro poznajete. I na letu mogu ših umetnika u Tirani i Skoplju, ali
gitalnu komunikaciju unapređujemo mirno da spavam, sve dok me ne probudi poziv da se vežem jer uskoro sle- i osnivanjem zajedničkog festiva-
prisustvo NP na društvenim mreža- ćemo! A to je, priznaćete, ipak lepo buđenje! la „Otvoreni Balkan“. Potpisali smo
ma, raste nam broj pratilaca. To je memorandume o saradnji s nacio-
posebno važno u kontekstu nego- Flying with Air Serbia is the finest nalnim teatrima iz Sofije, Zagreba,
vanja nove publike. Unapređujemo Do you like flying with our national airline? Ljubljane, Bukurešta. U predstoje-
sistem prodaje karata prateći nove “I like to travel, to fly, and I most often fly Air Serbia. The destinations that I ćim sezonama nastavićemo da ši-
trendove. Trudimo se da u cilju revi- go to are covered well and the prices are affordable. I somehow also feel rimo granice međunarodne sarad-
talizacije omogućimo mlađim gene- best aboard the planes of our national airline. I have fun, read something, nje, ali i saradnje sa nacionalnim i
look at clouds and like to sit in the window seat. I feel safe and relaxed, like in regionanim institucijama. To vidi-
the company of someone you’ve known for a long time and you know well. mo kao značajan zadatak i važan
Ana Vodinelić
And during the flight I can also sleep peacefully: all the way until I’m awoken parametar uspeha Narodnog pozo-
Fotografije/Photography: by the call to buckle up because we’re about to land! And that, you’ll admit, rišta u Beogradu, koje kroz među-
Snežana Krstić is still a nice way to wake up! narodnu saradnju mora biti amba-
sador naše kulture u svetu.

50 | Pozorište » Theatre Theatre » Pozorište | 51

Ku lt u r a / C u lt ur e

What’s being prepared on which is an exceptional work that I civil society, with which a new era in
the ballet scene? recommend to everyone. Prepara- the world was launched and still con-
“First and foremost, this year is tions are underway for the operas tinues, connecting the whole plan-
dedicated to celebrating and com- Falstaff and Rigoletto. Our opera has et. Culture and art know no borders
memorating the centenary of the brilliant artists whose performanc- and create bridges.”
existence of Serbian ballet at the es will be enjoyed by the audience.” What connected your career
National Theatre, or to marking a What’s included in the dra- to this theatre before you
century of the continuous exist- ma repertoire? became its director?
ence of a permanent ballet ensem- “The drama department is pre- “I also had the opportunity to
ble and repertoire. Ballet is the per- paring two new plays. Rehearsals are perform here in my career. More than
sonal I.D. card of every great city; the underway for the new adaptation of that, as a colleague, but also as an au-
most beautiful thing that a theatre the novel Fathers and Forefathers by dience member, I am connected by
can offer. The great names of our our classic contemporary Slobodan the good shows of the National, by
ballet, the personalities who marked Selenić, under the direction of Vel- great theatre, opera and ballet events,
classical ballet titles on stage, as well jko Mićunović, while we are also pre- which serve to confirm the might and
as tutors and choreographers, will be paring the play Our Class by Polish importance of the National Theatre
prominently featured in 2023. These writer Tadeusz Słobodzianek, direct- in the history of our theatre scene.
are the artists we have to thank for ed by Tatjana Mandić Rigonat, which The National Theatre is a beacon, a
the existence of today's ballet scene, a is an exceptional work about respon- reference point of our culture. Dur-
legacy that demands respect, because sibility, freedom and today’s world.” ing my career, I’ve had the oppor-
it is thanks to this that we are today The Theatre has endured tunity to serve as president of the
raising the curtain on new, young and remained in existence Association of Dramatic Artists of
dancers. The first ballet premiere was for 150 years. Are you im- Serbia, director of Terazije Theatre,
in March and represented the peak pressed by all that history? director of Theatre Vuk and now as
of ballet romanticism, Le Corsaire “A theatre ritual exists and en- the director of the National Theatre
by Adolphe Adam, which marks the dures around the entire world. Thea- in Belgrade. The stage is common to
launch of celebrations of the cente- tre is an indispensable, key element everything and connects everyone.”
nary of ballet. That great, significant of our civilisation. This is proven by Where is the National Thea-
and demanding ballet spectacle, rep- the written vestiges of the earliest tre’s place today in relation
resenting a story of privateers, ro- societies. Every society had a need to similar theatres abroad?
mantic pirates, was performed on to reflect on its own existence, and “In 2022, we reached agreement
the stage of the National Theatre for different rituals had the function of with the theatres of the countries of
the first time.” unifying people, spreading common the Open Balkan zone, i.e., Albania
And the opera ensemble? themes, connecting and promoting and North Macedonia. We have been
S v e t i s l av ‘ B u l e ’ G o n c i ć , a c t o r different content to improve our re- “New titles are being prepared social closeness. The theatre is today implementing the “Open Balkan The-
lationship with the public and devel- for the opera. It was in December that a highly aestheticised mirror of every atre” initiative since October 2022,

The National Theatre is op interest among new audiences.

As a project, the “Open Doors” pro-
we had the successful premiere of
Puccini’s wonderful opera Turandot,
society. The National Theatre used
culture to launch the formation of
with guest performances of principal
opera players from Tirana and Skop-

a beacon of our culture

gramme forms part of such an ap- je in the opera La bohème. Cooper-
proach. The audience has an oppor- ation is planned through the guest
tunity to see how the theatre looks performances of our ballet shows,
Alongside all modern technologies, the theatre will
always remain a place for the audience and artists to
behind the scenes, the costume de-
partment, workshops etc.; how a the- Narodno pozorište imalo je as well as our artists in Tirana and
Skopje, but also through the estab-
come together. It will never disappear, because we all
atre show is created, and to familiar- predstave koje su sigurno obeležile lishing of a joint Open Balkan festi-

određeno vreme i zauvek ostale

ise themselves with the rich history val. We’ve also signed memoranda of
feel a need to share the same air, to together enjoy the of one of our oldest cultural institu- cooperation with national theatres
direct creative act, to together experience catharsis
and await Godot
tions. Through digital communica- u sećanju. Neke se igraju i danas, from Sofia, Zagreb, Ljubljana and Bu-

poput baleta „Ko to tamo peva“

tions, we are advancing the National charest. We will continue expanding
Theatre’s social media presence and the boundaries of our international
Serbian theatre veter- tion, which opened on 22nd Novem- growing the number of followers we The National has had plays that cooperation in the seasons ahead, but

certainly marked certain periods

an Svetislav ‘Bule’ Goncić ber, 1868. That’s why we start this in- have. This is particularly important also cooperation with national and
received a new professional and act- terview by asking him what’s being in the context of nurturing new au- regional institutions. We see this as
ing guild challenge in late 2022: to
work with his team to preserve the
prepared in the work of the National
Theatre under his administration...
diences. We are improving the sys-
tem of ticket sales by following new
and have remained forever etched in being a significant task and an impor-

memory. Some such shows are still

tant parameter of the success of the
grand tradition and, with high qual- “Apart from improving the tech- trends. We are trying, in the aim of re- National Theatre in Belgrade, which
ity new additions, inscribe the mod-
ern chapter of the country’s most
nical base, this summer we will rear-
range the entire auditorium, all the
vitalising our work, to enable young-
er generations to reach the stage as
being performed today, like the ballet - through international cooperation
- must serve as a worldwide ambas-
important national theatre institu- seating, while we are also planning soon as possible.” Who’s Singin’ Over There sador of our culture.”

52 | Pozorište » Theatre Theatre » Pozorište | 53

Kultura Culture

A n t o n i o Z a m b u ž o i J a m a n d u Ko s ta amandu i Zambužo stižu u prestonicu Sr- A n t o n i o Z a m b u j o a n d Ya m a n d u C o s ta

Fusing the magical

bije sa iskrenim oduševljenjem i željom

Spajanje da prirede koncertni spektakl za pamće-

nje. Svaka pesma na ovom koncertu pri-

magičnih svetova
čaće o ljubavi, prošlosti, tuzi, veri, sudbi-
ni, o isprepletanoj istoriji dve zemlje. Jamandu Kosta worlds of fado and
bossa nova
i Antonio Zambužo koriste zajedničko nasleđe i jezik

fada i bosa nove

i spajaju portugalski fado sa južnobrazilskom muzi-
kom bosa nova.
Antonio Zambužo je jedan od najvećih savreme- Legendary Brazilian guitarist Yamandu
nih umetnika, autora i izvođača portugalske muzike
Brazilska gitarska legenda Jamandu Kosta i i jedan od njenih najistaknutijih ambasadora u svetu.
Costa and world-renowned fado star
planetarno popularna fado zvezda Antonio Njegova muzika je prvo zasnovana na portugalskoj Antonio Zambujo will jointly open
Zambužo otvaraju beogradski „Guitar Art tradiciji fada, zatim je inkorporirao uticaje brazilskih Belgrade's Guitar Art Festival at MTS
Festival“ 10. maja u MTS dvorani pesama u svoju muziku, a posebno bosa nove, čime Hall on 10th May

je srušio granice i stvorio jedinstven stil i novi ciklus
u portugalskoj muzici. U predstvaljanju ove muzičke osta and Zambujo arrive in the Serbian
inovacije u Beogradu će mu se pridružiti Jamandu capital with genuine enthusiasm and a de-
Kosta, koji se smatra jednim od najvećih umetnika na sire to hold a concert spectacle worth re-
gitari sa sedam žica i koji oduševljava publiku širom membering. Every song performed at this ous improvisations on one musical foundation. The
sveta impresivnom veštinom i ogromnom strašću. concert will address the topics of love, the words of the song are the most important element.
„Guitar Art Festival“ biće 24. put održan od 10. past, sadness, faith, fate and the intertwined histo- It is performed on Portuguese and classical guitar.
do 14. maja pod sloganom „Creation“. Pripremlje- ries of the two countries. Yamandu and Antonio uti- Bossa nova emerged in Brazil in the late 1950s and
no je 10 koncerata na više lokacija u Beogradu, pa lise their common heritage and language, fusing Por- is characterised by a gentle samba rhythm and im-
će grad još jednom postati gitarska prestonica. Pred tuguese fado and southern Brazil’s bossa nova pressionistic harmonies. What differentiates
početak prestižnog „Guitar Art Festivala“ razgova- style music. us the most are the poems that we sing, but
rali smo sa Zambužom i pitali ga za početak kako je Zambujo is one of the greatest contem- also the sound.
došlo do saradnje sa Kostom. porary artists, authors and performers of You weren’t born in Lisbon, but you
– Upoznali smo se 2008. godine, kada sam prvi Portuguese music, serving as one of its most spent a long time living in the city. Lead
put nastupao u Brazilu i od tada smo dobri prijatelji. prominent world ambassadors. His music was us through its streets in search of fado.
Sve ostalo došlo je spontano. initially based on Portugal’s fado tradition, af- Are we heading to the Alfama neighbour-
Kakva je veza fada i bosa nove? ter which he began incorporating influences of Zambužo je ve- hood?
– Fado je tradicionalni muzički žanr koji omo- Brazilian songs into his music, particularly the lika portugal- - You should visit typical neighbourhoods
gućava različite improvizacije na jednoj muzičkoj os- bossa nova style, thereby tearing down bounda- ska zvezda i pr- like Alfama or Bairro Alto, but you won’t go
novi. Reči pesme su najbitnije. Izvodi se na portugal- ries and creating a unique style and a new cycle vi muški izvođač wrong wherever you head. Lisbon is a very
skoj i klasičnoj gitari. Bosa nova je nastala u Brazilu in Portuguese music. He will be joined in pre- fada koji dolazi u beautiful city and fado is everywhere, flow-
krajem pedesetih godina prošlog veka, a odlikuje se senting this musical innovation in Belgrade by Srbiju ing through its streets.
laganim samba ritmom i impresionističkim harmo- fellow guitarist Costa, who is considered one Have you ever been to Belgrade before
nijama. Najviše nas razlikuju same pesme koje peva- of the world’s greatest seven-string guitarists Zambujo is a and what are your expectations?
mo, ali i zvuk. and who delights audiences around the world great Portu- - This will be my first time. I hope that I
Niste rođeni u Lisabonu, ali ste u tom gra- with his exceptional talent and huge passion. guese star and will have time to walk around the city, but I
du dugo živeli. Povedite nas njegovim uli- This year’s 24th edition of the Guitar Art the first male fa- hope more than anything that you will love
cama u potrazi za fadom. Pravac Alfama? Festival will take place from 10th to 14th May do performer to the music we are bringing you. The Guitar Art
– Trebalo bi da posetite tipična naselja kao što su under the slogan “Creation”. A total of 10 con- visit Serbia Festival is a way for me to impart my vision of
Alfama ili Bairo Alto, ali nećete pogrešiti gde god da certs have been prepared at several locations music to different audiences. And it’s always
krenete. Lisabon je veoma lep grad, a fado je svuda, across Belgrade, meaning that the city will once a pleasure to perform with Yamandu again. I
teče njegovim ulicama. again become the world’s guitar capital for the hope you will enjoy it.
Jeste li već bili u Beogradu i kakva su vam duration of the festival. Prior to the start of
očekivanja? this prestigious festival, we caught up with Zambu-
– Ovo će biti moj prvi put. Nadam se da ću imati jo and started by asking him how he ended up col-
vremena da proštetam gradom, ali više od svega se laborating with Yamandu Costa.

nadam da ćete zavoleti muziku koju vam donosimo. - We met in 2008, when I performed in Brazil for Jelena Pantović
„Guitar Art Festival“ je način na koji mogu da prene- the first time, and have been good friends ever since. Fotografije/Photography:
sem moju viziju muzike različitoj publici. I uvek je za- Everything else came spontaneously. GAF
dovoljstvo ponovo nastupati sa Jamanduom. Nadam What connects fado and bossa nova?
se da ćete uživati. - Fado is a traditional genre that enables vari-

54 | Koncert » Concert Concert » Koncert | 55

Er Srbija vesti Air Serbia News

D o d at n e m o g u ć n o s t i z a p u t o va n j a i z m e đ u Srb i j e i K i n e
A d d i t i o n a l o p t i o n s f o r t r av e l b e t w e e n S e r b i a a n d C h i n a

Er Srbija i Er Čajna obnovile i proširile saradnju /

Air Serbia and Air China renew and expand partnership
Nacionalne avio-kompanije Srbije i Kine obnovile su saradnju započetu 2015. godine u cilju
omogućavanja jednostavnijih putovanja između dveju zemalja / The national airlines of Serbia and
China have renewed their cooperation, which began in 2015, with the aim of facilitating simpler travel
between the two countries

Obnovljena je kod-šer sa- đina, kao i letove Er Čajne od Tjen- The codeshare partnership
Er Srbija prevezla pola The results achieved so radnja dve avio-kompani- đina do Šangaja, Guangdžoua, between the two airlines was
far this year indicate that Air Ser- je na letovima između Beograda i Šenžena i Sijana, zahvaljujući in- renewed for flights between Bel-
miliona putnika od početka bia will reach the highest number Pekinga, tako što je Er Čajna sta- terlajn ugovoru između dve nacio- grade and Beijing, with Air China

godine / Air Serbia has carried of passengers carried in Q1 since

2013, the year of its rebranding.
vila svoj marketing kod na letove
Er Srbije između Beograda i Be-
nalne avio-kompanije.
– Pokretanjem direktnih letova
adding its marketing code to Air
Serbia flights between Belgrade
half a million passengers since “Demand for our flights is very
good and growing constantly. We
ča, dok je srpska kompanija sta-
vila svoj kod na letove kineske
do Tjenđina, nacionalna avio-kom-
panija se nakon više od dve dece-
and Vienna, while the Serbian air-
line has placed its marketing code
the beginning of the year are on the cusp of the summer se- kompanije između Beča i Pekin- nije vratila u Kinu. Svoje prisustvo
na tom tržištu sada smo dodatno
on flights operated by this Chine-
ason, which is the most popu- ga. Pored toga, saradnja je proši- se carrier between Vienna and Be-
lar season for travelling and du- rena dodavanjem marketing koda unapredili obnavljanjem i prošire- ijing. The partnership was further
Er Srbija je 11. marta, premašila 500,000 prevezenih ring which we will be flying to more Er Čajna na letove Er Srbije izme- njem komercijalne saradnje sa Er expanded with the addition of the
putnika od početka 2023. godine, dok je taj rezultat u than 20 destinations that we did đu Beograda i Tjenđina, koji su us- Čajnom. Verujemo da će ova vest Air China marketing code to Air
2022. godini ostvarila tek 10. maja, odnosno bilo joj je not fly to last year. We believe that postavljeni u decembru prošle go- obradovati putnike koji imaju po- Serbia’s flights between Belgrade
the months ahead will bring new dine. trebu za letovima između Evrope i and Tianjin, which were introduced
potrebno dva meseca više / On 11th March, Air Serbia records for Serbia’s national airline, Kada je reč o drugim grado- Dalekog istoka, odnosno Beogra- last December.
exceeded 500,000 carried passengers since the beginning and an even better flight experien- vima u Narodnoj Republici Kini, da i Kine – rekla je Ivana Miklja Mu- When it comes to other cities
of 2023, while in 2022 this result was accomplished only on ce for our passengers. With such a putnici će od sada biti u prilici da čalov, menadžer međukompanij- in the People’s Republic of China,
10th May, that is, it took two months longer strong start to the year, we expect kombinuju letove Er Srbije do Tjen- skih poslova i alijansi Er Srbije. passengers will now be able to
not only to exceed three million pa- combine Air Serbia’s flights to Tia-
ssengers carried this year for the njin with Air China’s flights from
Do sada ostvareni rezulta- miliona prevezenih putnika već i da first time, but also to possibly rea- Tianjin to Shanghai, Guangzhou,
Tjenđin, četvrti najveći grad u
ti ukazuju da će u prvom kvarta- ćemo možda doći do tri i po miliona ch three and a half million,” said Air Narodnoj Republici Kini / Tianjin, Shenzhen and Xi’an, thanks to an
lu ove godine Er Srbija imati najveći – istakao je Jirži Marek, generalni di- Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. the fourth largest city in the interline agreement between the
broj putnika od 2013. godine, od- rektor Er Srbije. Air Serbia posted record People’s Republic of China two national airlines.
nosno od kada posluje pod sadaš- Tokom osam uzastopnih me- numbers for passengers carried “With the commencement of
njim imenom. seci, od jula 2022. do februa- and flights operated for eight direct flights to Tianjin, national air-
– Tražnja za našim letovima je ra 2023. godine, Er Srbija je za- consecutive months, from July line returned to China after more
veoma dobra i pokazuje konstan- beležila rekordan broj prevezenih 2022 to February 2023. Good re- than two decades. We have alre-
tni trend rasta. Na pragu smo let- putnika i realizovanih letova. Do- sults were also recorded during ady further enhanced our mar-
nje sezone, koja je najpopularnija za bri rezultati zabeleženi su i tokom the winter schedule, when the ket presence in this country by re-
putovanja, a tokom koje ćemo po- zimskog reda letenja, kada je broj number of passengers carried is newing and expanding commercial
nuditi više od 20 destinacija do ko- prevezenih putnika tradicionalno traditionally lower. It was precise- cooperation with Air China. We be-
jih nismo leteli prethodne godine. manji. Upravo u tom periodu, na- ly during this period that the na- lieve that this news will please pa-
Verujemo da će meseci pred nama cionalna avio-kompanija oborila je tional airline broke its own record ssengers who have a need for fli-
doneti nove rekorde za nacional- sopstvene rekorde prevezavši vi- by carrying more than 200,000 ghts between Europe and the Far
nu avio-kompaniju Republike Srbi- še od 200.000 putnika i tokom ja- passengers during both January East, i.e., between Belgrade and
je, a putnicima još bolje iskustvo to- nuara i tokom februara. U prvom and February. Air Serbia operated China,” said Ivana Miklja Mučalov,
kom leta. Uz tako snažan početak mesecu 2023. godine Er Srbija je 2,756 flights in the first month of Air Serbia Manager for Internatio-
godine očekujemo ne samo da će- realizovala 2.756 letova, dok je u 2023, while the number reached nal Affairs & Alliances.
mo ove godine prvi put premašiti tri februaru taj broj iznosio 2.410. 2,410 in February.

58 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Air Serbia » Er Srbija| 59

Partneri Er Srbije / Air Serbia Partners


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Moda Fashion
Na dodeli Oskara tradicionalno se slave najbolja filmska
ostvarenja, ali glumci su na tepihu boje šampanjca pre samog
događaja pokazali i najlepša modna izdanja
The best film achievements are traditionally celebrated at the Oscars,
but the actors also showed off the most beautiful fashion releases on
the champagne-coloured carpet ahead of the event

veoma neočekivanom manevru najvaž- kao nešto što bi sa zadovoljstvom ponela i ona Emi-

eč avo
niji crveni tepih na svetu (da izvini „Met li koja je njen filmski alter ego iz „Đavo nosi Pradu“.

rc no i dr
t a j gl
gala“) ove godine promenio je boju. De- Ipak, najvažnija noć u Holivudu prosto mami da
S av likatna nijansa šampanjca imala je za- se pretera, makar kada je reč o izboru toalete. Tako
datak da ceo estetski doživljaj dode- su rezonovale Kejt Blančet, Nikol Kidman, Kara De-
le „Oskara“ učini skladnijim, kao i da se vizuelno ne levinj, Rijana i Ledi Gaga. Nijedna od njih nije želela
takmiči sa skarletnim draperijama. Ali ako red kar- da za tu priliku igra na sigurno, već na kartu beskom-
pet ne postoji u tom, decenijama hajpovanom, naj- promisne individualnosti, pozajmljujući ekstravagan-
bukvalnijem smislu, kako onda izgleda moda koju tnim modelima sa piste delić svoje harizme.
povezujemo sa njim? Uvek na listi najbolje odevenih gde
Dodela je, kao i svaki put, donela god da se pojavi – Kejt Blančet. Ume-
nove mikrotendencije, koje će se na sto „Armanija“, glumica je ove godi-
globalna kretanja tek odraziti. Ovoga ne odabrala kreaciju Nikolasa Gesk-
puta čini se da je najzastupljenija boja jera za kuću „Luj Viton“: u dva tona,
bila bela – najčešće u sedefastoj, bogato sa naglašenim ramenima i dugačkim
ukrašenoj i basnoslovno šik interpre- šlepom – bila je to vizija nalik na pre-
taciji koja budi sve asocijacije na diza- dratni Holivud. Nikol Kidman se pak
jnerske haljine za venčanja. odlučila da je odene nenadmašni Đor-
Ako je pola holivudskog superstar Čini se da je đo. Iako nije jedno od njenih najlep-

najzastupljenija boja
auditorijuma krenulo na svadbu, on- ših izdanja, ova haljina sa smelim izre-
da je ona druga polovina odlučila da zom i elaborativno vezenim ružama na
se za sve pare zabavi izborom upečat- bila bela – najčešće šljokičastoj teksturi istakla je njen pre-

u sedefastoj,
ljivo jarkih boja i trendovskom razgo- poznatljiv stil, ali na nov način. Kara
lićenošću kakvu smo mnogo puta vi- Delevinj je na dodelu pristigla u svom
deli na pistama za aktuelnu sezonu: bogato ukrašenoj najlepšem izdanju, velelepnoj kreaciji

i basnoslovno šik
drastičnim dekolteima, dubokim izre- Eli Saba sa predimenzioniranom maš-
zima i prorezima kroz koje se nazire nom na ramenu.
sledeća modna erogena zona. Ali da interpretaciji Dve pop dive, dve moćno provo-

It seems that white

krenemo redom... kativne crne haljine! Rijana i Ledi Ga-
U magiji duge bele haljine, koja se ga su, čini se, imale isti moodboard za
nosi onog drugog „najsrećnijeg dana
u životu“ kada ste pozvani na dodelu
was the predominant ovo veče – crno, vamp, bondage deta-
lji, MTV iz ranih dvehiljaditih, utegnu-
colour – most

priznanja Američke akademije film- to da puca... Rijanina haljina je nasta-

commonly in tones

skih umetnosti, pod zvezdanom ku- la posebno za nju u modnoj kući koja

oR man
polom Los Anđelesa uživale su Mišel nosi ime Azedin Alaje, a Gaga je osta-
of mother-of-pearl,
Foto: Profimedia / Kyusung Gong / PictureLux

Vilijams, Mišel Jeo, Runi Mara, Zoe la verna ateljeu „Versače“, koji joj je

Saldana i Emili Blant dokazujući da je-
richly decorated and namenio kreaciju friško prikazanu na

Foto: Profimedia / ANGELA WEISS

dan isti modni scenario može da ima reviji tog brenda u Los Anđelesu. Ni
resplendently chic

mnoštvo različitih zapleta. jedna ni druga nisu iskoračile iz okvi-

a s

Vilijamsova se opredelila za halji- ra onoga što od njihovog stila očeku-

si ede
nu iz „Šanelove“ kolekcije visoke mode jemo, ali hej, možda to i jeste demon-
sa plaštom od perlicama ukrašenog ti- striranje superstar statusa.
la i raskošno vezenim dekolteom. Nje- U svakom slučaju, bilo da ste za
na imenjakinja Mišel Jeo birala je delikatni „Diorov“ nežno belu ili drskije, jake boje, mnogo je toga što
model voluminozne forme dekorisan perjem, ali je može da posluži kao inspiracija. Dodela „Oskara“ i je-
(vredi notirati) i ta haljina imala detalj od tila na vra- ste prava prilika da se moda predstavi u punom sja-
tu. Runi Mara posegla je za retkim arhivskim koma- ju. Ni ove godine nisu omanuli...
dom – njena toaleta deo je epske kolekcije preminu-
log Aleksandera Mekvina „Devojka koja je živela na
Dodela je, kao i svaki drvetu“ za jesen 1998, dok je Zoe Saldana ponela
put, donela nove podjednako sanjivu haljinu u „lingerie“ stilu koju je
kreirao Kim Džons za italijansku kuću „Fendi“. Re-
mikrotendencije, koje klo bi se, spavaćica na steroidima. Jedan decidira-
Ivan Radojčić
će se na globalna modna no minimalistički izgled odstupio je od opšteprimet- Fotografije/Photography:
kretanja odraziti tek u nog romantičnog tona – Emili Blant dominirala je u
mesecima koji dolaze asketski krojenoj „Valentinovoj“ toaleti koja izgleda

62 | Crveni tepih » Red carpet Red carpet » Crveni tepih | 63

M o da / Fas h i o n

A l l t h at g l a m o u r

Black and audacious vs. 4
romantic and pearly (5) Ledi Gaga
je ostala verna
As it does every time, the award ceremony again ateljeu „Versače“
Lady Gaga
brought new micro trends that will only be reflected in remained faithful
movements in global fashion over the coming months to Versace

n a very unexpected manoeuvre, the world’s
most important red carpet (yes, sorry, Met Ga-
la) changed colour this year. A delicate shade of

champagne was tasked with harmonising the en-

tire aesthetic of the Academy Awards experi-

ence, as well as not competing visually with the


scarlet draperies. But, if the “red carpet” does


not exist in that most literal sense that’s


ia /
been hyped for decades, then what does



the fashion we associate with it look like?



As is the case every time,

ough / Everett
the award ceremony again

o: P
brought new micro

trends that have yet to

Foto: Profimedia / Elizabeth Gooden

be reflected in move-
ments in global fashion.
It seems that this time
white was the predomi-
nant colour – most com-
monly in tones of mother-
of-pearl, richly decorated
and resplendently chic in- 3
terpretations that evoke all
associations with designer
wedding gowns.

(1) Rijanina haljina nosi ime

Foto: Profimedia / A.M.P.A.S. viaThe Grosby Group

If half of the Hollywood su- Azedina Alaje/ Rihanna’s

perstar audience attended the dress bears the name of
Foto: Profimedia / Kyusung Gong /

wedding, then the other half de- Azzedine Alaïa Michelle Yeoh, chose a delicate yet
(2) Emili Blant dominirala
cided to “spare no expense” and je u „Valentinovoj“ toaleti/
voluminous Dior form decorated
have fun with a choice of striking- Emily Blunt stood out in a with feathers – but (it's worth noting
ly bright colours and trendy naked- Valentino gown that) this dress also had a tulle detail
ness the likes of which we’ve seen (3) Nikol Kidman je on the neck. Rooney Mara reached for
odenula nenadmašni
many times on catwalks for the Đorđo/ Nicole Kidman was a rare archival piece – her gown forms
current season: drastic cleavages, dressed by the peerless part of the epic collection of the late
deep necklines and slits through Giorgio Alexander McQueen’s Autumn 1998
which the next fashionable erog- “The Girl Who Lived in the Tree” en-
enous zone is revealed. But let’s semble – while Zoe Saldana donned an
advance in order... equally dreamy slip gown in the lingerie
In the magic of a long white style that was designed by Kim Jones for
dress – that’s worn on the sec- of Los Angeles were Michelle Williams, Michelle Yeoh, (4) Kara Delevinj Italian fashion house Fendi. It could be described as
je stigla u
ond “happiest day of your life”, Rooney Mara, Zoe Saldana and Emily Blunt, all prov- velelepnoj a nightgown on steroids. One decidedly minimalistic
when you are invited to the ing that the same fashion screenplay can have many kreaciji Eli Saba look deviated from the general romantic tone – Emi-
award ceremony of the Amer- different plots. Cara Delevingne ly Blunt stood out in an ascetically tailored Valentino
arrived in a
ican Academy of Motion Pic- Williams opted for a dress from Chanel’s haute cou- gorgeous Elie
gown that resembles something that would be happi-
ture Arts – enjoying them- ture collection with a beaded tulle cape and an elab- Saab creation ly worn by her alter ego from The Devil Wears Prada.
selves under the starry dome orately embroidered busty neckline. Her namesake, However, Hollywood’s most important evening

64 | Crveni tepih » Red carpet Red carpet » Crveni tepih | 65

M o da / Fas h i o n

(6) Mišel Vilijams opredelila

simply entices overdoing it – at least when it comes se za „Šanelovu“ haljinu/Michelle
to choosing a gown. This was the apparent reasoning Williams opted for a dress from
of the likes of Cate Blanchett, Nicole Kidman, Cara Chanel’s collection
Delevingne, Rihanna and Lady Gaga. None of them
(7)Mišel Jeo birala je delikatni 6
„Diorov“ model/ Michelle Yeoh chose
wanted to play it safe for this occasion, instead choos- a delicate Dior creation
ing the card of uncompromising individuality – lend-
ing a bit of their charisma to extravagant designs
from the catwalk.
One actress who always makes the best
dressed list wherever she appears is Cate
Blanchett. Instead of Armani, this year she
chose a Nicholas Ghesquière creation made
for Louis Vuitton: in two tones, with accen-
tuated shoulders and a long train – it was a
vision reminiscent of pre-war Hollywood.
Nicole Kidman nonetheless decided to be
dressed by the peerless Giorgio. Despite
not being one of her most beautiful
outfits, this dress with a risqué split
and elaborately embroidered roses
on a sequined texture highlighted
her signature style, albeit in a new 7
way. Cara Delevingne arrived at the
Oscars in her most beautiful edition
– a gorgeous Elie Saab creation sport-
ing an oversized bow on the shoulder.
Two pop divas and two powerfully
provocative black dresses! It seemed as
though Rihanna and Lady Gaga had the
same moodboard for this evening: black,
vamp, bondage details; MTV from the
early 2000s, fit to bursting... Rihanna’s
dress was created especially for her by
the fashion house that bears the name
of Azzedine Alaïa, while Gaga remained
faithful to Versace – who designed for
her a creation that was coolly present-
ed at the brand’s fashion show in Los
Angeles. Neither of them deviated
from what we've come to expect
from their style – but, hey, may-
be that’s also a demonstrating
of superstar status.
Regardless, whether
you favour soft whites or
more audacious strong
colours, there’s plenty
that can serve as in-
spiration. The Acad-
emy Awards also
represent a real op-
portunity to present
fashion in all its glory.
And that opportuni-
ty wasn’t missed this
year either...

66 | Crveni tepih » Red carpet

Ritam grada Rhythm of the city
Grocka je od centra Beograda udaljena svega 25
kilometara, a sa razlogom je u savremeno doba zovu
„srpska Kalifornija“, „zelena“ i „voćna“
Grocka is located just 25 kilometres from Belgrade city
centre, and in modern times it is rightfully dubbed
the “Serbian California”, “green” and “fruitful”

Grock a k akvu ne pozna jemo T h e G r o c k a t h at w e d o n ’ t k n o w Kao naselje Grocka se pominje u 9.

veku pod slovenskim imenom Gar-

Grožđe, zraci Grapes, sun rays dec, da bi prema turskim popisima

s početka 16. veka bila upisana kao

and the Danube

varošica. Kroz burnu istoriju značaj

sunca i Dunav This old market town that dates back to

Grocke raste tokom 18. veka, da bi
početkom 19. veka doživela procvat.
Tome najviše doprinosi porodica Ga-
Stara varoš iz 16. veka koja se kao
slovenski Gardec prvi put u spisima the 16th century, but was first mentioned rašanin, a ime čuvenog Gročanina i

pominje još 878. godine, kada i as the Slavic town of Gardec as far back državnika Ilije Garašanina nose ško-
la i biblioteka u Grockoj.
Singidunum, krije brojne tajne, a as the year 878, when Singidunum was O razvoju varošice danas svedo-
neke od njih su malo poznate i samim also first mentioned, holds numerous či i sačuvana reprezentativna arhi-
meštanima hidden secrets, some of which aren’t tektura. Njeno urbanističko i arhi-
even well known among locals tektonsko nasleđe, materijalni dokaz
istorijskog razvoja varošice, zaštitio
je sedamdesetih godina 20. veka Za-
vod za zaštitu spomenika kulture gra-
da Beograda. Grocka je od 1955. godi-
ne jedna od 17 beogradskih opština,
a jedna od malo poznatih teritorijal-
nih zanimljivosti je i to da se polo-
vina današnjeg Beograda nalazi na
nekadašnjoj teritoriji Grocke, jer se
grad u 20. veku širio na račun gro-
čanskih voćnjaka i njiva.

Ada Singa
Gročanska ada, duga tri i široka pola kilometra,
jedno je od najvećih pošumljenih područja grada Beo-
grada i ujedno jedna od najvećih rečnih ada. Danas je
omiljeno mirno mesto za pecanje brojnih sportskih ri-
bolovaca, alasa i nautičara Grocke i okoline.

Grocka je čuveni voćarski i vinogra- Grocka is renowned as an area of fruit

darski kraj pored Dunava, ali i vekovima oso- orchards and winegrowing beside the Dan-
bena varošica nadomak velikog grada. Otud je Groc- ube, but it has also been known for centuries as a dis- ic name Gardec, only to be registered as a small market
ka danas beogradska opština koja se ističe po značaju tinctive small town on the outskirts of the big city. That’s town in the Ottoman censuses of the early 16th century.
svojih kulturnih dobara i očuvanom urbanističkom i
arhitektonskom nasleđu iz 18. i 19. veka. Arhitekton-
why Grocka is today a Belgrade municipality that sets
itself apart due to the importance of its cultural assets Gročanska teritorija Through a turbulent history, Grocka’s importance grew
during the 18th century, only for it to experience its flour-
ski oblici, urbanistički koncept i pojedinačni objekti na- and its preserved urban and architectural heritage dat- pruža se duž starog ishing in the early 19th century. The greatest contribution
rodnog graditeljstva materijalni su dokaz istorijskog
razvoja varošice, koji verodostojno svedoče o životu
ing back to the 18th and 19th centuries. Its architectural
forms, urbanisation concept and individual folk architec- dunavskog i rimskog to this expansion was provided by the Garašanin family,
and today a Grocka school and library bear the name of
jednog društva i epohe. ture structures serve as material evidence of the histor- puta, a potom Ilija Garašanin, a famous Grocka native and statesman.

Carigradskog druma
Tragovi naseobina na teritoriji današnje opštine ical development of the town, which provides a credible Also testifying to the development of the town to-
Grocka datiraju još s početka neolita (mlađeg kame- testimony to the life of a society and epoch. day are its examples of representative architecture. The
nog doba), od kojih je najpoznatije arheološko nalazi- Traces of settlements on the territory of today’s mu- The territory of Grocka town’s urban and architectural heritage, representing ma-

extends along the old

šte Belo brdo u Vinči, epicentar vinčanske kulture, a nicipality of Grocka date back to the early Neolithic pe- terial evidence of its historical development, was pro-
Grocka se navodi i kao jedan od nekada važnih rimskih riod (or New Stone Age), with the most famous being tected in the 1970s by the Institute for the Protection
punktova na Dunavu, pod nazivom Ad sextum milliare. the Belo Brdo [White Hill] archaeological site in Vinča, Danube and Roman of Cultural Monuments of the City of Belgrade. Groc-

roads, and then along

representing the epicentre of the neolithic Vinča culture, ka has been among Belgrade’s 17 municipalities since
Tekst/Words: while Grocka is also mentioned as being one of the im- 1955, and one little-known interesting fact is that half
the Constantinople
Zorica Atić
portant stops on the Danube during Roman times, under of the territory of today’s Belgrade lies on former Groc-

Zorica Atić, Igor Mandić, Mića Nikolić, the name Ad Sextum Milliare. As a settlement, Grocka ka land, as the city’s 20th century expansion came at the
Snežana Negovanović, Danica Trajković was mentioned in 9th century records under the Slav- expense of Grocka’s orchards and fields.

68 | Beograd » Belgrade Belgrade » Beograd | 69

Ri ta m g r a da / R h y t h m o f t h e ci t y

Gročanska čaršija
Srce gročanske varoši, u dokumentaciji poznata kao
Gročanska čaršija, nekada je bila deo rimskog puta i
Carigradskog druma, najvažnijih puteva oko kojih je
i formirano naselje nastalo od vojnih utvrđenja, a po-
tom centar gročanske nahije i sreza. Gročanska čaršija
je i dan-danas poslovno-administrativni centar Groc-
ke, ali i zaštićena prostorna kulturno-istorijska celina
od velikog značaja za Srbiju. Gročanska čaršija u duži-
ni od blizu 300 metara svojom arhitekturom do danas
pruža mogućnost doživljavanja ambijenta koji je zna-
čajno dostignuće narodnog graditeljstva. Oduvek glav-
na ulica, ujedno je i najstarija ulica u Grockoj, a prema
svom značaju je u rangu zaštićenih prostornih celina
Kosančićevog venca u Beogradu i starog jezgra Zemu-
na. Interesantno je da je druga po redu ambijentalna
celina upisana u centralni registar prostornih kultur-
no-istorijskih celina u Beogradu, odmah nakon Knez
Mihailove ulice. U ulici je i najstarija kuća iz sredine 18. Rančićeva kuća church of the Holy Trinity, which was built in 1883 on
veka, a značajniji sačuvani objekti u okviru zaštićene Među zaštićenim kulturnim dobrima narodnog gra- the foundations of an older sacral building from 1828
ambijentalne celine su Apostolovićeva kuća iz sredi- diteljstva u nekadašnjim čaršijskim sokacima ističe se and was raised with the support of Prince Miloš Obreno-
ne 18. veka, Nišlićeva kuća i Savića mehana s početka Rančićeva kuća. Beleži više od dva veka trajanja i više vić and the Garašanin family. Also marking the entrance
19. veka, kao i vizuelno dominantna Crkva Svete Tro- od četiri decenije kulturne namene, a svakom poseti- to the Grocka Bazaar is a monument to aforementioned
jice, podignuta 1883. godine na temeljima starijeg sa- ocu daruje nezaboravnu atmosferu svog vanvremen- statesman Ilija Garašanin, which is a work of sculptor
kralnog objekta iz 1828. godine, građenog uz podršku Ada Singa skog sklada i spokoja. Gročanske varoške kuće svojim Nikola ‘Koka’ Janković. As of recently, the bazaar has
kneza Miloša Obrenovića i porodice Garašanin. Ulaz u At three kilometres long and half a kilometre wide, arhitektonskim i etnografskim vrednostima, kao i ra- also been adorned with a sculpture called “Gročanka”
Gročansku čaršiju obeležava i spomenik Iliji Garašani- this Grocka river island is one of the largest forested ar- znovrsnošću, predstavljaju najveće domete građevin- [meaning a female native of Grocka], which is a work of
nu, čuvenom državniku i znamenitom Gročaninu, rad eas on the territory of Belgrade and also one of the larg- ske, stambene i likovne kulture u našoj narodnoj arhi- famous sculptor Zoran Ivanović that’s intended to rep-
vajara Nikole Koke Jankovića. Čaršiju odnedavno kra- est river islands. It is today a favourite tranquil spot for tekturi. Ova stara varoška kuća kosovsko-moravskog resent a symbol of this fruit-growing region. Her wicker
si i skulptura „Gročanka“, rad poznatog vajara Zorana numerous sports anglers, fishermen and boaters from stila izgrađena je s kraja 18. ili početka 19. veka u mir- basket can be seen to contain cherries, apricots, peaches
Ivanovića, zamišljena da predstavlja simbol ovog vo- Grocka and the surrounding area. nom sokaku stare varoši, na uzvišici s pogledom na and apples, while it is dominated by clusters of grapes
ćarskog kraja. U njenoj pletenoj korpi se prepoznaju moćni Dunav. Ime je dobila po porodici Rančić, kojoj resembling the one that appears on the coat of arms of
trešnje, kajsije, breskve i jabuke, a dominira grozd, ko- Grocka Bazaar je gotovo dva veka pripadala. Građena od materijala sa the municipality of Grocka.
ji se nalazi i na grbu opštine Grocka. The heart of the town of Grocka, known in docu- ovog podneblja bez ijednog eksera, širokih streha, sa
ments as the Grocka Bazaar, once formed part of the drvenim doksatom i krovom od ćeramide, dragocen je Rančić family house
Roman Road and the Constantinople Road, which were primerak očuvanog narodnog neimarstva i varoškog Standing out among the protected cultural monu-
the most important roads around which the settlement doma Srbije. Rančićeva kuća je otud spomenik kultu- ments of folk masonry in the former alleyways of the
was formed from military fortifications, then the cen- re od velikog značaja za našu zemlju pod patronatom bazaar is the Rančić family house. It has stood for more
tre of the Grocka nahiye and county. The Grocka Ba- Zavoda za zaštitu spomenika kulture grada Beograda. than two centuries and spent over four decades as a pro-
zaar remains the business and administrative centre of tected cultural monument, while every visitor is provid-
the town today, but also a protected spatial cultural-his- Legat dr Aleksandra Kostića ed with the experience of an unforgettable atmosphere
torical unit of great importance to Serbia. The 300-me- U okviru obnovljene ambijentalne celine Gročan- of timeless harmony and serenity. Grocka townhouses,
tre-long Grocka Bazaar, with its distinctive architecture, ske čaršije i prostora biblioteke „Ilija Garašanin“ susre- with their architectural and ethnographic values, but also
still provides the opportunity to experience a setting that le su se zaostavštine dvojice znamenitih ljudi – seća- their diversity, represent the greatest range of construc-
represents a significant achievement of traditional folk nje na državnika Iliju Garašanina, čijom je zaslugom tion, residential and artistic culture in Serbia’s folk archi-
masonry. Always serving as the town’s main street, it is sredinom 19. veka osnovana prva javna gročanska bi- tecture. This old townhouse, built in the Kosovo-Morava
also Grocka’s oldest street, and in terms of importance blioteka, i zbirka naučnika dr Aleksandra Kostića, ko- style, was constructed during the late 18th or early 19th
ranks alongside Belgrade’s protected spatial units of Ko- ji je tridesetih godina 20. veka u Grockoj otkrio bogato centuries in a peaceful alley of the old town, on a rise with
sančić’s Wreath and the old urban core of Zemun. It is arheološko nalazište u Dubočaju i svoje nalaze ostavio a view overlooking the mighty Danube. It is named after
interesting that it was only the second spatial unit to be Grockoj „kao podsticaj za dalja istraživanja“. Svoj legat the Rančić family, which owned the property for almost
entered into the central register of Belgrade’s Spatial cul- je 1978. godine poklonio gradskoj opštini Grocka, koji two centuries. Built from local materials and without a
tural and historical units, immediately after Knez Mihailo- je potom izložen u Rančićevoj kući pod tematskim na- single nail, with wide eaves, a wooden porch and a tiled
va Street. This Grocka street also contains the oldest pre- zivom Zavičajni muzej Grocke (1982-2001). Njegov sin, roof, it is a precious example of preserved folk masonry
served house from the middle of the 18th century, while poznati srpski kompozitor, pisac i zaljubljenik u kuli- and a townhouse in Serbia. This led to the Rančić fam-
the more significant preserved buildings within the pro- narstvo Vojislav Voki Kostić, zaostavštinu je dopunio ily house being declared a cultural monument of great
tected area include the mid-18th century Apostolović’s očevim ličnim predmetima. Godine 2008, kuća je da- importance to the country, under the patronage of the
house, Nišlić’s house and Savić’s meyhane, dating back ta na korišćenje Centru za kulturu Grocka, čije sedi- Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of
to the early 19th century, as well as the visually dominant šte i zvanično postaje 2016. godine. the City of Belgrade.

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Ri ta m g r a da / R h y t h m o f t h e ci t y

Kasnorimska grobnica u Brestoviku

Izuzev po živopisnim pejzažima, Brestovik je ču-
ven po jednom od najdragocenijih spomenika iz an-
tičkog perioda na teritoriji Beograda i Srbije, koji je
tako dobro očuvan da u njega može i da se uđe. Ka-
snorimska grobnica potiče iz 3. ili 4. veka i ima sta-
tus zaštićenog kulturnog dobra. Nedovoljno je po-
znata široj javnosti možda i zato što je smeštena na
privatnom imanju porodice Milosavljević, čiji ju je
predak 1895. godine sasvim slučajno i otkrio. Grob-
nica je ukopana u padinu brega, a sastoji se od izdu-
ženog prilaza, ispod čijeg stepeništa su bile dve fi-
gure, središnjeg obrednog prostora sa dve bočne niše
i prostorije za sahranjivanje, ispred koje su se nala- Late Roman tomb in Brestovik
zile skulpture lavova – čuvara ulaza. U kripti su bi- Apart from its picturesque scenery, Brestovik is
la smeštena tri zidana sarkofaga, sa ostacima (vero- also famous as the home of one of the most precious
Belo brdo u Vinči Dr Aleksandar Kostić’s legacy vatno) vlasnika – vlastelina, njegove žene i deteta. monuments of antiquity on the territory of Belgrade
Ovde se možete upoznati sa nastankom prve evrop- Within the framework of the restored Grocka U jednoj od konhi se nalazila statua pokojnika ode- and Serbia, which is so well preserved that it can even
ske civilizacije sa sedištem u Vinči i zaštićenim lokali- Bazaar complex and the premises of Ilija Garašanin venog u raskošnu rimsku odeždu. Za zidanje grob- be entered. The late Roman tomb there dates back to
tetom od izuzetnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju. Arhe- Library, the legacies of two famous people have nice korišćeni su kamen, rečni obluci i čuvena pljo- the 3rd or 4th century AD and is classified as a protected
ološki lokalitet Belo brdo ime je dobio po svetloj boji come together: a memorial to statesman Ilija Ga- snata rimska opeka, vezana širokim slojem krečnog cultural asset. The fact that it is not well known among
lesne terase na kojoj se nalazi, na samoj desnoj obali rašanin, who is to thank for the first public library maltera – rimskog betona koji nema rok trajanja. the general public is perhaps because it is located on
Dunava. Vinča je jedan od najznačajnijih neolitskih lo- in Grocka having been founded in the middle of Kasnorimska grobnica u Brestoviku, spomenik the private estate of the Milosavljević family, whose
kaliteta, a pronađeni ostaci predstavljaju najveću prai- the 19th century, and the collection of scientist Dr kulture koji potiče iz antike, preplavljena je ikona- ancestor discovered it in 1895 quite by accident. The
storijsku naseobinu u Srbiji i prvu evropsku civilizaciju, Aleksandar Kostić, who discovered a rich archae- ma, tragovima sveća i pravoslavnim štivom. Ovim tomb, which was carved out of the slope of a hill, con-
koja je trajala duže od hiljadu godina. U nataloženim ological site in the Grocka settlement of Dubočaj hrišćanskim obeležjima nije mesto u jednom pagan- sists of an elongated approach, the staircase to which
praslojevima nađeni su oruđe, posuđe i predmeti sva- in the 1930s and bequeathed his findings to Groc- skom mauzoleju, ali vera ne zna za granice, pa mo- had two figures beneath it, a central ritual space with
kodnevne namene, čuvene vinčanske antropomorfne ka “as an incentive for further research”. It was in litva očigledno može biti upućena i iz hrama koji je two side apertures and a burial room that had sculp-
i zoomorfne figurine, nakit i bezbroj drugih nalaza. 1978 that he gifted his legacy to the City Munici- služio mnogobožačkom rimskom posmrtnom kul- tures of lions – guardians of the entrance – in front.
pality of Grocka, which was subsequently exhibit- tu i obredima. The crypt contained three brick sarcophagi that held
ed in the Rančić family house under the thematic the remains of (probably) the owner – lord, his wife
title Homeland Museum of Grocka (1982-2001). Voćarski kraj and child. One of the apses contained a statue of the
His son, famous Serbian composer, writer and cu- Grocka je uglavnom poljoprivredna opština, sa deceased dressed in luxurious Roman garb. The tomb
linary connoisseur Vojislav ‘Voki’ Kostić, supple- 23.301 hektarom obradivog zemljišta. Položaj Groc- was built using crushed stone, river pebbles and the
mented the legacy by adding his father’s personal ke, sa odgovarajućim klimatskim uslovima i plodnim famous flat Roman brick, all bound using a thick layer
items. The house was given to the Grocka Cultur- zemljištem, obezbeđuje gotovo idealne uslove za vo- of lime mortar – the Roman concrete that lasts forever.
al Centre to use in 2008, only to become its offi- ćarstvo i vinogradarstvo, što pokazuje i grb Grocke, The late Roman tomb in Brestovik, representing
cial headquarters in 2016. na kojem dominiraju grozd, reka i zraci sunca. Uz na- a cultural monument that dates back to antiquity, is
vedeno, i sam pejzaž – panorama panonske nizije, awash with icons, traces of candles and Orthodox writ-
Belo Brdo in Vinča šumadijskih brda i velike reke, a sve nadomak pre- ing. Such Christian characteristics don’t belong in a pa-
Here you can familiarise yourself with the stonice, čine je privlačnim mestom za život i odmor. gan mausoleum – but faith knows no bounds, so prayers
emergence of the first European civilisation, which can obviously also be sent from a temple that served
is located in Vinča and represents a protected lo- the posthumous cult and rites of polytheistic Romans.
cality of exceptional importance to the Repub-
lic of Serbia. The Belo Brdo [White Hill] archaeo- Fruit orchard area
logical site is named after the light colour of the Grocka is chiefly an agricultural municipality, with
sedimentary loess terrace on which it is located, 23,301 hectares of arable land. The municipality’s loca-
on the west bank of the Danube. Vinča is among tion, supported by beneficial climatic conditions and
the world’s most important Neolithic sites, and Zorica Atić, fertile soil, provides almost ideal conditions for fruit
the remains uncovered there represent the larg- istoričarka growing and viticulture, which is shown on the Groc-
est prehistoric settlement in Serbia and the first umetnosti i ka coat of arms that’s dominated by a bunch of grapes,
European civilisation to have lasted more than Centra za
a river and sun rays. Apart from this, the scenic land-
a thousand years. Items found in the deposited kulturu Grocka scape of the town itself – with panoramic views of the
layers included tools, pottery and other daily use Zorica Atić, art Pannonian plain, the hills of Šumadija and the great
historian and
items, but also the famous Vinča anthropomorphic director of the
river, all within easy reach of the capital – make it an
and zoomorphic figurines, jewellery and count- Grocka Cultural attractive place for living and holidaying.
less other finds. Centre

72 | Beograd » Belgrade Belgrade » Beograd | 73

Ritam grada Rhythm of the city

5 saveta: Kako
da se spremite
1. Ako ste rešili da učestvujete prvi put, a
Učesnici prvi put imaju mogućnost niste trkač, savetujemo vam Trku zadovolj-

da istrče trku od 10 kilometara

stva, koja je najmasovnija, najmanje iza-
zovna, ali odlična za upoznavanje jezgra

Participants have the possibility of grada i upijanje dobre energije koju Mara-
ton stvara.
running a 10km race, which is being 2. Ako ste početnik, spremite se za svojih

held for the first time prvih pet do šest kilometara uz mnoge on-
lajn programe i sakupite ekipu za štafetu
(može biti i mešovita).
3. Desetka je novina na ovom događaju i
prava mera za uživanje. U Beogradskom
trkačkom klubu, ali i u drugim klubovima,
postoje grupe za sve nivoe kondicije, mo-
žete se priključiti cele godine i najbolji tre-
neri rekreativnog trčanja će vas pripremiti
kroz trening i edukaciju.
4. Za sve one koji žele više, tu su 21k i 42k i
malo duže pripreme (od tri do šest mese-
ci), pa za taj poduhvat savetujemo da trči-
te uz napredne grupe kako bi se pripremili.
5. Ako ste u poseti Beogradu, istrčite sa
klubom neki trening i upoznajte svoju ekipu
koja će navijati za vas.

5 tips: How to prepare

1. If you’ve decided to participate for the
first time and aren’t a regular runner, we
recommend the Fun Run, which attracts
the most runners and is the least challeng-

ing, but which is still excellent for getting
D o g a đ a j ko j i s e n e pr o p u š ta ve godine 23. aprila održava se 36. Be- dra, ispred Crkve Svetog Marka. Od Starog grada do to know the heart of the city and absorb-
ogradski maraton sa očekivano rekor- blokova Novog Beograda, preko popularne Slavije i dva ing all the positive energy created by the

Beogradski maraton
dnim brojem učesnika, čiji je broj već u mosta na reci Savi – ruta vas vodi kroz najznačajnije Marathon.
martu premašio 7.000, što na neki na- žile kucavice grada. 2. If you are a beginner, you can prepare for
čin obećava spektakl na ulicama Beo- Dakle, bez obzira na vašu utreniranost, možete bi- your first five to six kilometres using many

Uvek više!
grada. Nedelju dana pre toga, u subotu 15. aprila biće ti deo Beogradskog maratona, a ako ne trčite, budite online programmes and assemble a relay
održan dečji maraton, trka koja tradicionalno najav- kao veliki broj Beograđana, dođite i navijajte. To je jed- team (which can also be mixed gender).
ljuje ovu manifestaciju. nostavno deo beogradske tradicije. 3. The 10k race is a new addition to this event
Od ove godine Maraton ima novi organizacioni kon- Inače, domaćini standardno brinu da duž rute trke and a real measure of enjoyment. At the Bel-
cept, logo i slogan „Uvek više“, koje je osmislio proslav- na nekoliko mesta osetite ritam grada, i to kroz razno- grade Running Club, but also other simi-
ljeni dizajner Slavimir Stojanović Futro. Učesnici ima- vrsne muzičke stanice. Od ritma bubnjeva do di-džeje- lar clubs, there are groups for all levels of fit-
ju mogućnost da istrče trku od 10 kilometara, koja se va i nastupa bendova, na svakih nekoliko kilometara ness. You can join year-round and entrust
prvi put organizuje u okviru Beogradskog maratona. očekuje vas novi žanr. Međutim, osim ovih uzbudlji- the best recreational running coaches to
Maraton zauzima sve važnije mesto Na čuvenoj Trci zadovoljstva možete čak i da prošeta- vih tačaka koje vam daju „boost“ dok gazite asfalt Beo- prepare you through training and education.
te stazom dugom 2,5 kilometara. Ova trka je namenje- grada, tu su i nezaobilazne navijačke stanice, koje naj- 4. For all those wanting always more, there
u prolećnom kalendaru prestonice, na svima koji žele da osete maratonsku energiju i tim- češće priređuju lokalni trkački klubovi. are 21k and 42k races that require slight-
ne samo za stanovnike već i za goste ski duh, a koji nisu fizički pripremljeni da samostalno Najveća i najpoznatija „stanica energije“ je na po- ly longer preparation (from three to six
Beograda istrče celu dužinu. Ova trka je najbolji spoj zabave i ak- slednjem kilometru pred cilj, gde vas očekuje i uspon, months), so we advise that you run with ad-
tivnosti i namenjena je svima kojima je umesto takmi- baš kada za finiš ulažete poslednje atome energije. Be- vanced running groups to prepare.
čenja na prvom mestu dobar provod. Poseban kurio- ogradski trkački klub redovno pravi najbolju zabavu 5. If you’re just visiting Belgrade for a short
Milica Luković
zitet 36. Beogradskog maratona čini štafetna trka na ispred pivnice u Ulici kneza Miloša, i kada mislite da time, attend a training run with the Club
Fotografije/Photography: 21 kilometar, u kojoj četiri člana tima pređu distancu nema ništa uzbudljivije od starta masovne trke, ovde and get to know the team that will be
Beogradski trkački klub polumaratona. shvatite da za to vredi trčati Beogradski maraton po- cheering you on come race day.
Start je tradicionalno na Bulevaru Kralja Aleksan- novo i ponovo.

74 | Beograd » Belgrade Belgrade » Beograd | 75

Ri ta m g r a da / R h y t h m o f t h e ci t y

E v e n t t h at ’ s n o t t o b e m i s s e d

The Belgrade
Marathon – Always
The marathon occupies an increasingly
important place on the spring calendar
of the capital city, not only for Belgrade’s
residents, but also for its guests

he 36th Belgrade Marathon will be held this
23rd April and record participation numbers
are expected, with registered runners hav-
ing already surpassed 7,000 in March, which
promises a spectacle on the streets of Bel-
grade. A week ahead of the big race, on Saturday, 15th
April, the children’s marathon – a race that traditional-
ly heralds this event – will be held.
As of this year, the Marathon has a new organisa-
tional concept, logo and slogan, “Always more”, devised
by famous designer Slavimir Stojanović Futro. Partici-
Bez obzira na vašu utreniranost, možete biti deo maratona,
pants have the possibility of running a 10km race, which a ako ne trčite, dođite i navijajte
is being held within the scope of the Belgrade Marathon You can be part of the Marathon regardless of your level of
for the first time. You can even walk the 2.5-km-long training, and if you aren’t running come to cheer
course of the famous Fun Run. This race is intended for
all those who want to feel the energy and team spirit of
the marathon, but aren’t physically capable of running
the entire length of the marathon independently. This
race represents the best combination of fun and phys-
ical activity and is intended for all those who prioritise
having a good time over competing. One special curi-
osity of the 36th Belgrade Marathon is the team relay
race, in which runners compete in four-member teams,
with each competitor completing the half-marathon dis-
tance of 21km.
As is tradition, the starting line is once again placed
in front of St. Mark’s Church on Kralja Aleksandra Boule-
vard, with all distances run from there. From the Old
Town to the blocks of New Belgrade, via the popular
Slavija Square and two bridges over the River Sava – the
route runs through the city’s most important arteries.
So, you can be part of the Belgrade Marathon re-
gardless of your level of training, and if you aren’t run- are also the unavoidable fan stations, which are usual-
ning, do what a huge number of Belgraders do and come ly arranged by local running clubs.
to cheer on those that are. That’s simply part of the Bel- The biggest and most popular “energy station” is lo-
grade tradition. cated one kilometre ahead of the finish line, where run-
Interestingly, the hosts take care to ensure that you ners are also awaited by an ascent, just when they’re ex-
can feel the rhythm of the city at several points along erting the last of their strength to make the finish line.
the route of the race – through various music stations. The Belgrade Running Club regularly holds the best par-
From drum beats to DJs and band performances, you ty in front of the pub on Kneza Miloša Street, and when
are awaited by a new genre every few kilometres. How- you think there’s nothing more exciting than the start of
ever, apart from these exciting points that give runners a massive race, here you realise that this makes it worth-
a boost while they beat the tarmac of Belgrade, there while to run the Belgrade Marathon again and again.

76 | Beograd » Belgrade
Uskrs Easter Beli ljiljan donosi radost, lepotu i nadu, pa Uskrs ne bi bio potpun
bez ovih suptilnih znakova nevinosti i naklonosti
White lilies bring joy, beauty and hope, which is why Easter wouldn’t be
complete without these subtle symbols of innocence and grace

B e l i lj i lj a n , j e d a n o d s i m b o l a U s kr s a
T h e w h i t e l i ly, o n e o f t h e s y m b o l s o f E a s t e r

Isusove suze na Bogorodičinom

grobu / Tears of Jesus on
the tomb of the Virgin
Iako ima mnogo boja i vrsta, beli ljiljan, koji simboliše čistotu i nevinost,
često se nađe u uskršnjim dekoracijama / Although there are many colours and
types of lily, the white lily, which symbolises purity and innocence, is a common
inclusion in Easter decorations

duvek su ljiljani važili za simbol mi- ilies have always been considered a symbol
losrđa i bezuslovne ljubavi. Pored oči- of beneficence and unconditional love. Apart
gledne lepote, u direktnoj su vezi i from their obvious beauty, they are also linked
sa nadom, verom, plodnošću i rađa- directly to hope, faith, fertility and birth. It
njem. Zato i ne čudi što se upravo thus comes as no surprise that lilies are often
za ljiljan često koristi i naziv rajski cvet. Iako ima dubbed “heavenly flowers”. Although there are many
mnogo boja i vrsta, beli ljiljan, koji simboliše čisto- colours and types of lily, the white lily, which symbol-
tu i nevinost, često se nalazi u uskršnjim dekoraci- ises purity and innocence, is a common inclusion in
jama. Zanimljivo je da o njegovom poreklu postoje Easter decorations. It is interesting that there are Greek
grčki mitovi, a pominje se i u Bibliji, i to upravo u myths about its origin, while it is also mentioned in
vezi sa Uskrsom, odnosno Isusovim uskrsnućem. the Bible in direct connection with Easter, or rather
Prema grčkom mitu, beli ljiljan je nastao od ka- Christ’s resurrection.
pljice mleka koja je kapnula na zemlju dok je bo- According to Greek mythology, the white lily orig-
ginja Hera dojila Herkula. Kako je on bio sin boga inated from a drop of the breast milk of the goddess
Zevsa i Alkmene, najlepše smrtne žene onog vre- Hera that fell to Earth while she was nursing Hercu-
mena, Zevs je izrazio želju da ga doji njegova He- les. The son of Zeus and a mortal woman called Alc-
ra, nadajući se da će tako postati besmrtan. Narav- mene, the most beautiful woman of the time, Zeus
no, vrhovna boginja na to nije želela da pristane, expressed a desire for his son to be nursed by his wife
ali kada je jednom prilikom zaspala, položili su joj Hera, in the hope that Hercules would thus become im-
dete na grudi, pa se nekoliko kapljica mleka pro- mortal. Of course, this supreme goddess didn’t agree
sulo svemirom kreirajući pritom Mlečni put. Jed- to the request, so the child was placed at her breast on
na kap koja je ipak dotakla zemlju pretvorila se u one occasion when she fell asleep and a few drops of
beli ljiljan. milk spilled out into space, creating the Milky Way. The
Postoji, međutim, verzija koja ovaj cvet smešta one drop that did manage to touch the Earth turned
u Bibliju. Naime, uskršnji ljiljan nikao je u Jerusa- into a white lily.
limu, na obroncima Maslinove gore, mestu na kom However, there is also a version of the origin story
je Juda izdao Isusa. To je bilo mesto gde se, pre- of this flower in the Bible. The Easter lily sprouted on
ma jevanđeljima, Isus često molio sa svojim učeni- the slopes of Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives, in the place
Da bi beli ljiljan uspeo cima, pa tako i te poslednje noći svog života. Iako where Judas betrayed Jesus. According to the Gospels,
u bašti, potrebno mu je učenike molio da ostanu budni, oni su zaspali, this was a place where Jesus would often pray with his
je dobro osvetljeno a Isus je jedini ostao budan, i to u velikom bolu, disciples, and that was also the case on the last night of
mesto u propusnom tlu,
ali zaštićeno od jakog
znajući šta ga čeka. Biblija kaže da su kapljice zno- his life. According to the Bible, drops of his sweat, but
podnevnog sunca ja, ali i suza, pale na tlo i da su tačno na tom me- also tears, fell on the ground and white lilies sprouted
Foto: Depositphotos / Whiteaster

In order for a white lily to stu nikli beli ljijani. in that exact spot.
succeed in a garden, it
needs a well-lit spot in
Slikari su vrlo često posezali za ovim cvetom It was also very common for painters to choose
permeable soil, but also to kada bi prikazivali Bogorodicu jer je njena smrt this flower when depicting the Virgin Mary, because
be protected against the obeležena ljiljanima. Naime, kada su ljudi poseti- her death was marked with lilies. Specifically, magnif-
strong midday sun li Marijin grob tri dana nakon što je sahranjena, icent white lilies were found on Mary’s grave by the
na njemu su pronađeni veličanstveni beli ljiljani. people who visited it three days after she was buried.

78 | Uskrs » Easter Easter » Uskrs | 79

Uskrs Easter

P r o s l ava U s kr s a u M o kr i n u / C e l e b r at i n g E a s t e r i n M o k r i n

Tradicionalni okršaj farbanim

jajima / Traditional battle with dyed eggs
„Tucinijada“ je tradicionalna mokrinska vaskršnja svečanost na kojoj se bira
najtvrđe jaje na svetu / Tucinijada is a traditional Easter celebration in Mokrin that
results in the determining of the world’s hardest egg

stanovništvo tvrdi

anifestacija nastala iz običaja ku- his event originated from the custom of
canja uskršnjim jajima organizu- tapping Easter eggs and is held annually da su mokrinska
je se svake godine na dan Uskrsa.
Ovog 16. aprila veliki broj takmiča-
on Easter Sunday. And a large number of
competitors in senior and junior compe- jaja malo jača od
ra u seniorskoj i juniorskoj konku- titions, who believe that their dyed egg is ostalih
renciji koji smatraju da je baš njihovo ofarbano jaje
najjače na svetu okupiće se u Mokrinu slaveći pra-
the strongest in the world, will once again gather in
Mokrin to celebrate Orthodox Easter this 16th April. Local residents claim
voslavni Uskrs. Several hundred thousand chicken, goose and duck that Mokrin eggs are
Za ovu priliku se ofarba nekoliko stotina hilja- eggs are dyed for this occasion. However, the compe-
a little harder than

Foto: Nenad Mihajlovic

da komada kokošjih, guščjih i pačjih jaja. Ipak, pro- tition concept dictates that only chicken eggs may ap-
pozicije nalažu da se u takmičarskom delu mogu po-
javiti samo kokošja. O značaju ove manifestacije za
pear in the competitive part. Also testifying to the im-
portance of this event to Mokrin is the fact that a stone
Mokrin govori i to da je na ulazu u selo postavljena statue of a dyed Easter egg decorated with motifs of the
kamena statua uskršnjeg jajeta ofarbana i ukrašena village stands at the entrance to the village.
motivima sela. For the needs of this festival, tens of thousands of
Za ovaj festival se svake godine na Veliki petak chicken eggs are dyed in Mokrin each Good Friday, with
u Mokrinu ofarba više desetina hiljada kokošjih ja- those eggs subsequently used in the competition on East-
ja, koja se na dan Uskrsa koriste u takmičarskom er Sunday, while an exhibition of children’s works and
delu, dok se na Veliki petak u okviru manifestaci- dyed eggs is held under the scope of the event on Good
je organizuje izložba dečjih radova i ofarbanih jaja. Friday. The next day, Holy Saturday, sees a gala celebra-
Sutradan, na Veliku subotu, priređuje se svečanost tion held in the village square at which artists from the
na seoskom trgu, gde svoje radove izlažu umetnici Mokrin district and the Mokrin Women’s Association
mokrinskog okruga i Udruženje žena Mokrina, na- exhibit their works, after which comes a midnight litur-
kon čega sledi ponoćna liturgija u Hramu Svetog Ar- gy in the Orthodox Church of St. Michael the Archangel.
hangela Mihaila. The competition on Easter Sunday starts in the cat-

Foto: Snezana Krstic

Na dan Uskrsa takmičenje počinje u kategoriji egory of the youngest competitors, after which the main
najmlađih takmičara, nakon čega sledi glavni deo. part follows. The event ends with the declaring of the
Manifestacija se završava proglašenjem pobednika, winner, but another traditional custom is practised be-
ali pre nego što se to dogodi, pristupa se još jednom fore the victor is officially announced. Specifically, the
tradicionalnom običaju. Naime, pobedničko jaje seče winning egg is cut in half using a sabre. One half must
Manifestacija je
se sabljom na dva dela. Jednu polovinu mora da po- be eaten by the jury, while the other half belongs to the prvi put održana
jede žiri, dok druga polovina pripada takmičaru. Tek winning contestant. The champion is only declared af- 1993. godine
nakon ove degustacije proglašava se prvak. ter this tasting. u Mokrinu,
rodnom mestu
Manifestacija je prvi put održana 1993. godine This event was first held in Mokrin in 1993. The Miroslava Antića
u Mokrinu, rodnom mestu Miroslava Antića i Raše birthplace of Miroslav Antić and Raša Popov. this village i Raše Popova
Popova, u opštini Kikinda, od Beograda udaljenog in the municipality of Kikinda is located approximately This event
oko 150 kilometara. Selo je poznato i kao dom Mo- 150 kilometres from Belgrade. The village is also known was first held
in Mokrin, the
krin Housa, koji okuplja digitalne nomade i predu- as the home of Mokrin House, which brings together

Foto: Profimedia / Dejan Ilic / Alamy

birthplace of
zetnike iz različitih delova sveta kako bi svoje radno digital nomads and entrepreneurs from different parts Miroslav Antić
vreme proveli u modernom kompleksu smeštenom of the world seeking to spend their working hours in a and Raša Popov,
in 1993
u ruralnoj sredini. Od prošle godine Mokrin je po- modern complex located in a rural setting. Mokrin also
stao i prvo digitalno selo u Srbiji, pa ako i ne stigne- became the first digital village in Serbia last year, so even
Foto: Milan Ilic

te za Uskrs, svakako ima mnogo razloga da posetite if you can’t make it for Easter, there are certainly plen-
ovo zanimljivo vojvođansko mestašce. ty of reasons to visit this interesting Vojvodina village.

80 | Uskrs » Easter Easter » Uskrs | 81

Lajfstajl Lifestyle
de možete čuti vrlo interesantnu i druga kuća. Potpisala sam ugovor sam njihovom muzičkom scenom,
nekomercijalnu muziku, rekla bih sa modnom agencijom i upravo ta- a izdvajam džez klubove, sva me-
da ih to čini posebnim. Što se ti- mo imala priliku da se slikam za sta sa bendovima koji nastupaju

Luda noć
DJ N a d e ž da D i m i t r i j e v i ć če noćnog života, provod počinje naslovnu stranu jednog london- uživo i naravno mesta sa elektron-
od 22 sata i traje do četiri ujutro. skog časopisa. Ako tragate za ul- skom muzikom. Od klubova kon-
timativnim i upečatljivim provo- kretno preporučujem „Teder Bar“,
Crna Gora dom, onda ste na pravom mestu. „Kuli Almu“, „Barbie“ i „Sputnik“,
U zavisnosti od toga kuda se Žurke su neverovatne, a atmosfe- ali i razne festivale. Od festivala
uputite, u Crnoj Gori vas čeka ra- ra neponovljiva. Izlazi se kasno, a „Red Sea Jazz“ i „Art and Music“
zličit provod. U Podgorici, u srcu žurke nikad ne počinju pre ponoći. do festivala „Neverland Electronic

i đuskanje
grada, nalazi se prelepa bašta klu- Pamtim sve nastupe u ovom gra- Music“, stalno je neko dešavanje.
ba „Biro“, koja će se dopasti svima du i fenomenalnu publiku, radujem
kojima je muzika najbitnija kada se festivalima na peščanim plaža- Francuska
biraju mesto za izlazak. Ovde vas ma i smatram da imaju ubedljivo Za mene je Pariz destinacija na
čeka dobar haus zvuk. Preporuka najlepši zalazak sunca. Inspirisana koju odlazim na odmor. Zasad ni-
za klabing, definitivno. Ako se za- sam imala priliku da tamo radim,
putite ka moru, izbor je još veći. ali se nadam da hoću, iako je konku-
Imala sam priliku da radim za „Di- Ovo su neka od rencija veoma jaka, pa je samim tim

do zore
or“, koji je ovog leta otvorio svo-
ju radnju u Porto Montenegru, pa najzanimljivijih i mnogo teže ući u modnu i muzič-
ku industriju. Ali zato uvek uživam
sam iz prve ruke proverila koliko je mesta za izlaske i u provodu i Gradu svetlosti. Uvek
dobra bašta „Diorove“ radnje. Fe-
stival „Budva Exit Sea Dance“ je celovečernje žurke / proverite da li je zakazan neki do-
bar koncert dok ste tamo, jedan od
takođe razlog zbog kog često od- Here are some interesting mojih omiljenih bio je onaj Rober-
lazim u Crnu Goru, u to vreme je
provod zagarantovan. Kotor je pre- places for evenings out ta Glaspera i Mosa Defa u prelepoj
koncertnoj hali „Elysee Montmar-
lep i kuda god da se zaputite, u bi- and all-night parties tre“. Izlasci ovde počinju nekom in-
lo koji lokal, klub ili restoran, biće- spirativnom večerom u restoranima
te zadovoljni. poput „Table du Lancaster“, „Sola“,
„Pur“, a obavezan je „Ran Paris“.
Hrvatska Za provod posle toga birajte, po-
Svakog leta obiđem prelepu put pravih Parižana, klubove „Rex
Dalmaciju, uzduž i popreko. Du- Club“, „Le Social Club“, „Vitrina“…
brovnik je uvek baza u kojoj nastu-
pam i uživam u čarima Jadranskog Srbija
Gde i kad izlaziti, cembru. Gotovo svakog vikenda je i energija ljudi koja kruži u Skoplju mora. Preporučujem Split i Hvar Volim kada imam priliku da
koja mesta birati ako na drugoj lokaciji, a ponekad ne- su razlozi zbog kojih jedva čekam kada je reč o izlascima, a meni lič- spomenem najlepši grad – moj Be-
tragate za najboljim ma vremena ni da poseti gradove da se vratim. Mesta koja preporu- no je omiljena Korčula i specifičan ograd. Čari naše prestonice kriju se
u kojima pušta muziku. Angažma- čujem su „Three Kitchen“, idealno vajb koji ima ovo ostrvo. To se ose- u jedinstvenom starom gradu i ma-
žurkama, kako pronaći
ni je vode i na brojne destinacije do za ručak, večeru i provod, „12 12 ti i u provodu po barovima, resto- lim ulicama koje ga okružuju. Beo-
skrivene bisere među kojih leti Er Srbija i sa nama deli klub“, „Stanica 26“, „Minus Eden“, ranima… Na ostrvu Stupe nikako grad ima poseban način življenja,
klubovima, barovima i neka od najzanimljivijih mesta za „Intermezzo“. se ne propušta „Moro Beach“. Tu u biti je ležeran i vrlo druželjubiv,
restoranima, najbolje izlaske, celovečernje žurke i hedo- sam upoznala ekipu serije „Game nemamo more, ali grad okružuju
znaju oni koji žive po nističke štekove. Albanija of Thrones“ jer su izabrali ovo me- prelepe planine i reke. To je jedan
pulsu noćnog života Prethodnog leta sam imala pri- sto za proslavu poslednje klape. Ta- od retkih evropskih gradova u ko-
svetskih prestonica Severna Makedonija liku da puštam muziku i da obiđem kođe, obavezna je i plaža Kopaka- jima je scena veoma pažljivo pla-
Klupska scena im je veoma ra- razna mesta u Albaniji. Preporu- bana, u Dubrovniku gde se tokom nirana i negovana, ne samo žurke

zvijena. Ima dosta dobrih klubova ka najpre za jedinstveno i pozna- leta organizuju neponovljive ma- već i festivali koje organizuju be-
adežda Dimitrijević, sa kvalitetnom elektronskom mu- to mesto – restoran „Mirzi Zana- tine žurke. To je jedinstveno me- ogradski klubovi.
model, Beograđan- zikom, a provod počinje tek od 23 ve“, koji se nalazi u gradu Lješu. Tu sto gde možete uživati u zalasku
ka koja se didžejin- sata i traje do ranog jutra, sve do se, osim tradicionalne albanske ku- sunca uz „lounge“ setove di-dže-
gom bavi već devet 4. Pozitivna strana noćnog života hinje i gastronomske fuzije ukusa, jeva koji nastupaju.
godina, kaže da za u ovom gradu je to što možete da nudi i neverovatan pogled. U let- Ana Lađarević
nju letnja sezona počinje u maju i čujete dosta muzičkih žanrova i što njoj sezoni je poseta dosta dobra Izrael Fotografije/Photography:
traje do septembra, a onda se po- možete vrlo lako pronaći idealno i u tom periodu se otvaraju klubo- Odlazim u Tel Aviv na dva do tri Danilo Pavlović, Nenad Karlic
sle kraće pauze nastavlja već u de- mesto za uživanje. Gostoprimstvo vi i barovi kraj prelepih plaža. Ov- meseca, rekla bih da mi je to sada

82 | Izlazak » Nightlife Nightlife » Izlazak | 83

L a j f sta j l / Lif e st y l e

DJ N a d e ž d a D i m i t r i j e v i ć esn’t even have time to tour the whom music is the most important mance in this city and the phenom-
cities where she performs. Her thing when choosing a venue for a enal audience; I can hardly wait for

Crazy nights and engagements also take her to nu-

merous destinations that are ser-
night out. Here you are awaited by a
good house sound. Clubbing is defi-
the festivals on sand beaches and
I think they have far and away the

dancing ‘til dawn

ved by Air Serbia, and here she nitely recommended. The choice is most beautiful sunsets. I’m inspired
shares with us some of the most even greater if you head to the coast. by their music scene and would sin-
interesting places for evenings I had the opportunity to work for gle out jazz clubs, all places with live
Where and when to have a night out, which places to out, all-night parties and hedo- Dior, which opened its own outlet bands and, of course, places with
choose if you’re seeking the best parties, how to find nistic havens. in Porto Montenegro last summer, electronic music. Among the night-
so I saw for myself how good the clubs, I would specifically recom-
clubs, bars and restaurants that represent hidden North Macedonia garden is at the Dior boutique. Bud- mend Teder, Kuli Alma, Barby and
gems – the answers are best known by those who This country’s club scene is ex- va’s Exit Sea Dance Festival is al- Sputnik bar, but also various festi-
live to the pulse of the nightlife of the world’s capitals tremely developed. There are plen- so a reason I often go to Montene- vals. From the Red Sea Jazz Festi-

ty of good clubs with high-quali- gro, with a good time guaranteed val, Art and Music Festival to the
ative Belgrader and mer season starts in May and runs ty electronic music, and the party at that time. Kotor is also beauti- Neverland Electronic Music Festi-
model Nadežda Di- until September, and then conti- only starts at 11 pm and runs in- ful and you’ll be satisfied wherev- val, there’s always some happening.
mitrijević, who has nues, after a short break, as early to the early morning hours, until 4 er you go there – any bar, club or
been engaged in as December. She finds herself in am. The positive side of nightlife in restaurant. France
DJing for nine ye- a different location almost every the capital city is that you can hear For me, Paris is a destination
ars, says that, for her, the sum- weekend and sometimes she do- lots of different music genres and Croatia where I go on holiday. I haven’t yet
very easily find the perfect spot for I tour the length and breadth of had an opportunity to work there,
enjoyment. The hospitality and en- the beautiful Dalmatia every sum- but I hope to receive one, although
Tel Aviv je mali
Njujork, koji ergy of the people who circulate in mer. Dubrovnik is always the base the competition is huge, which
te inspiriše Skopje are why I can hardly wait where I perform and from where makes it much more difficult to en-
na svakom to return. The places that I recom- I enjoy the charms of the Adriat- ter the fashion and music industries.
ćošku svojim
multikulturalnim mend are Three Kitchen, which is ic. I recommend Split and Hvar However, I always enjoy good times
razvojem i ideal for lunch, dinner and party- when it comes to daytrips, while in the city of light. Always check
raznolikošću ing, 12 12 club, Station 26, Minus my personal favourite is Korčula if there’s a good concert scheduled
religija na
jednom mestu
Eden and Intermezzo. and this island’s specific vibe. That for while you're there, one of my
Tel Aviv is a mini vibe is felt in its bars, restaurants favourites was the performance of
New York, which Albania etc. One ‘must’ on the islands of Robert Glasper and Moss Def at the
inspires you at
every corner with
Last summer I had the oppor- Stupe is Moro Beach. It was there beautiful Élysée Montmartre con-
its multicultural tunity to tour and perform in var- that I met the team of the series cert hall. Evenings out here start
development and ious places in Albania. My first rec- Game of Thrones, because it was with some inspiring dinners at res-
religious diversity ommendation is for the unique and there that they chose to celebrate taurants like La Table du Lancaster,
in one place
famous venue Mrizi i Zanave Agro- the end of shooting. Another ‘must’ Sola and Pur’, while the restaurant
turizëm, which is located in the city is Dubrovink’s Copacabana Beach, Ran is a must. For post-dinner en-
of Lezhë. Apart from traditional Al- where unparalleled matinée parties tertainment, choose like a real Pa-
banian cuisine and a gastronomic are held during the summer. This is risian and head to venues like Rex
fusion of flavours, it also provides a a unique place where you can en- Club, Social Club, Showcase etc.
spectacular view. This place attracts joy sunsets to the sounds of lounge
many visitors in the summer sea- sets by performing DJs. Serbia
Nightlife son, and it is during this period that I always love it whenever I have
clubs and bars open not far from Israel an opportunity to mention the most
the beautiful beaches. You can hear I head to Tel Aviv for two to beautiful city – my Belgrade. The
very interesting and non-commer- three months; I would say it is now charms of our capital hide in its
cial music here and I would say that’s my second home. It was right there unique old town and the surround-
what makes them special. As for the that I signed a contract with a fash- ing small streets. Belgrade has a spe-
nightlife, it kicks off at 10 pm and ion agency and received the oppor- cial lifestyle; at its essence it is laid-
runs until 4 am. tunity to have my photograph taken back and very sociable. We don’t
for the cover of a London maga- have a sea, but the city is surrounded
Montenegro zine. If you’re seeking the ultimate by beautiful mountains and rivers.
Depending on where you head and most distinct nights out, you’ve It is one of the few European cities
in Montenegro, you are awaited by come to the right place. The par- where the culture scene is planned
different nights out. In Podgorica, ties are unbelievable, and the atmos- and nurtured very carefully – not
Foto: klmbear

lying at the heart of the city is the phere unique. The people head out only when it comes to parties, but
beautiful garden of the club Biro, late, and the parties never start be- also festivals that are organised by
which will appeal to everyone for fore midnight. I recall every perfor- Belgrade nightclubs.

84 | Izlazak » Nightlife
Lajfstajl Lifestyle

T v i t e r i T i kT o k / Tw i t t e r a n d T i k T o k današnjem digitalnom dobu #Girlbo- t’s difficult to avoid #Girlboss culture in today’s dig-
ss kulturu je teško izbeći. Misteriozno ital age. It mysteriously weaselled its way into the

Kako su se sreli #girlboss se ušunjala u redove savremenog fe-

minizma i nekoliko godina bila je ne-
zaobilazna gde god da pogledate: taj
ranks of contemporary feminism and proved ubiq-
uitous for several years: the hashtag found its way
onto targeted ads on YouTube, on the bold print

i #girlfailure / How #girlboss hašteg se provlačio u targetiranim reklamama na

Jutubu, na masnoj štampi korica školskih svezaka
of the covers of school textbooks and, in a twist of bit-
ter postmodern irony, as a slogan printed on t-shirts tai-

and #girlfailure met

i, u obrtu gorke postmoderne ironije, kao print na lored in countries where women are harshly underpaid
majicama sašivenim u zemljama gde su žene suro- for working long hours in the horrific sweatshops that
vo malo plaćene za sate rada u horor krojačnicama high street fashion relies on.
(i zašto je to najbolja vest za nove generacije mladih žena) na kojima počiva masovna moda. I say mysterious – because if you delve into it, you’ll
Kažem misteriozno jer ćete, ako se udubite, realise the extent to which this term, which on the face
(and why it’s the best news for the new generation of young women) shvatiti u kojoj meri je ovaj pojam, koji tobože sla- of it celebrates a new era of female business independ-
vi novu eru ženske poslovne samostalnosti, zapra- ence, is actually a sexist Trojan horse. Have you ever read
vo seksistički Trojanski konj. Da li ste ikad pročita- #boyboss given as a compliment? No, because male pow-
li da neko upućuje #boyboss kao kompliment? Ne, er is still the default in the workplace - or, in more liter-
zato što je muška moć na radnom mestu i dalje di- ary terms, it represents the status quo in which some-
folt ili, pismenije, status kvo u kojem se nešto či- thing that sets a woman apart as a leader is still viewed
me se žena izdvoji kao lider i dalje tretira kao izu- as an exception, or even an anomaly.
etak, čak i anomalija. And that’s without even mentioning the extent to
Da i ne govorimo do koje mere je arhetipska which the archetypal representation of a “girlboss” is
predstava #girlboss dvodimenzionalna i zastarela. two-dimensional and antiquated. It is presented in such
Predstavljena tako da žena može biti odvažna, ali a way that a woman can be audacious, but never angry;
nikad ljuta. Na visini zadatka, a da deluje kako se ni- up to the task without seeming as though she tries too
je previše trudila. Uvek u toku, nikad pod stresom. hard; always in the know and never stressed; empowered,
Osnažena, ali ne i radikalna u svojim feminističkim but not radical in her feminist views. In general terms,
stavovima. Opšte uzevši, #girlboss je Barbi verzi- a #girlboss is the Barbie version of a career woman who
ja devojke od karijere koja ima više zajedničkog sa has more in common with a doting housewife and the
domaćicom koja manje zbori da joj ručak ne zago- objectified secretaries of the series Mad Men than with
ri i objektiviziranim sekretaricama iz serije „Ljudi the brave women who spend every God-given day chang-
sa Menhetna“ nego sa hrabrim ženama koje svakog ing the business world.
bogovetnog dana menjaju poslovni svet. It thus comes as no surprise that the term #girlfail-
Zato ni ne čudi što na Tviteru trenduje termin ure is trending on Twitter. It is born of the antiheroines
#Girlfailure, baziran na antiheroinama iz knjiga, fil- of books, films and TV shows whose lives are bursting at
mova i serija kojima život puca po šavovima, ali one the seams, but who somehow manage to have fun in all
nekako uspevaju i da se zabavljaju u svom tom hao- that chaos. TikTokers have gone further by viewing all
su. Tiktokeri su otišli dalje, pa sve „girlboss“ posma- “girlbosses” through the prism of their “girlfailure” ver-
traju kroz njihove „girlfailure“ verzije. Keri Bredšo sions. Carrie Bradshaw may live on the Upper East Side
možda živi na Aper Ist Sajdu i ima ubitačnu kolek- and own a killer collection of pricey stilettos, but she’s
ciju papreno skupih stileto cipela, ali je istovremeno also seriously inept when it comes to relationships and
ozbiljan duduk za veze, prijateljica na koju se baš ne an unreliable friend — and let’s not forget that she once
možete osloniti i da ne zaboravimo, jednom se us- overslept and almost missed her own photo shoot for the
pavala i umalo propustila svoje snimanje za naslov- cover of the influential New York Magazine.
nu stranu uticajnog „Njujork magazina“. So, in summary, imperfect is the new perfect – fail-
Da rezimiramo, nesavršeno je novo savršeno – ures in life aren’t there to discourage us, but rather to
životni fejlovi nisu tu da nas obeshrabre već da nas encourage us. And when absolutely nothing goes our
okuraže, a kad baš ništa ne ide od ruke, možda je way, it’s perhaps best to yield to the pressure and find
najbolje popustiti pod pritiskom i naći uživanje u enjoyment in accepting the idea that it perhaps isn’t our
prihvatanju ideje da naše greške možda nisu ono što mistakes that shape our destiny. And, if we might add,
oblikuje našu sudbinu. I, ako smemo da dodamo, či- they help us to live a life that’s more unburdened, and
ne da živimo rasterećenije. A samim tim i srećnije. therefore happier.

Ivan Radojčić
Foto: Unsplash


86 | Lajfstajl » Lifestyle Lifestyle » Lajfstajl | 87

Lajfstajl Lifestyle

Sony CH720N slušalice Instax Mini Evo Hybrid Instax Mini Evo Hybrid Camera
Tehnološki gigant ima impresivan lajnap slušalica, kojem je nedav- Camera The market position of the Instax brand is de-
no dodat i ovaj model, za koji tvrde da je najlakši ikad. Pragmatičan, Pozicija „Instax“ brenda na tržištu dik- termined by its commitment to young indi-
promišljen dizajn se podrazumeva kad je Sony u pitanju, tako da tira posvećenost mladim individualisti- vidualists in the creative industries – gener-
ako uzmemo u obzir sve prednosti specifikacija, jasno je da je pred ma u kreativnoj industriji – generacijama ations raised on the benefits of sharing via
nama idealan izbor za sve one kojima trebaju pouzdane slušalice za odraslim na tekovinama šerovanja putem social media. It was also in the spirit of imag-
svakodnevnu upotrebu u vrlo prihvatljivom cenovnom rangu. društvenih mreža. U znaku maštovitosti i ination and spontaneity that this Mini Evo hy-
spontanosti nastala je i ova „Mini Evo“ hi- brid camera emerged, with its main advan-
Sony CH720N headphones bridna kamera čija je osnovna prednost to tage being that it has never been easier to
This tech giant, which already boasts an impressive line-up of head- što nikad nije bilo lakše da se povežete sa connect with other creators. By combining
phones, recently added this model that it claims to be the lightest ev- drugim stvaraocima. Spajajući naizgled seemingly diametrically opposed instant and
er. Pragmatic and thoughtfully designed, as is a given when it comes to oprečne instant i digitalne tehnologije, reč digital technologies, this is a gadget that will
Sony, taking into consideration all the advantages of its specifications je o gedžetu koji će u svakome probuditi awaken in everyone the documentarian of
makes it clear that this is the ideal choice for all those requiring reliable dokumentaristu digitalnog doba. the digital age.
headphones for everyday use – in a very reasonable price range.

Xiaomi Wireless AR naočare

G e dž e t i / Ga d g ets Još jedan brend je ušao u arenu nosivih gedžeta – sada po-
red „Microsoft HoloLens“ i „Google Glass“, možete odabrati

Uhvatite haj-tek i „Xiaomi“ naočare koje spajaju virtualno i fizičko okruženje

kroz opremu za oči. Iako je reč o prototipu, ova kompanija

trenutak / Grasp the

nije časila časa da svoj atraktivni novitet predstavi na „Mo-
bile World Congress“ manifestaciji u Barseloni i reakcije po-

high-tech moment
znavalaca tehnološke industrije su ohrabrujuće pozitivne.

Xiaomi Wireless AR glasses

Another brand has entered the wearable gadgets arena – now,
Proleće je samo po sebi inspirativno, a ovo je apart from Microsoft HoloLens and Google Glass, you can al-
donelo nekoliko novih gedžeta koji čine da so choose these Xiaomi smart glasses that combine the virtu-
svet oko sebe vidimo novim očima / Spring is al and physical environments through eyewear. Despite still be-
itself inspiring, and this year it has brought with it ing a prototype, this company wasted no time in presenting its
a number of new gadgets that enable us to see attractive new gadget at Barcelona’s Mobile World Congress
– and the reactions among tech industry connoisseurs proved
the world that surrounds us through new eyes encouragingly positive.

Bigscreen VR Headset
DJI Mini 2 SE Dron Uz obećanje da je reč o najmanjem gedžetu te vrste na
Savršen za početnike koji žele da ovladaju pilotiranjem drona, ovaj model staje na svetu, „Bigscreen“ svaki primerak radi po meri mušteri-
dlan, teži manje od 250 grama i omogućava pola sata letenja zahvaljujući specijalnoj je koristeći 3D sken lica. Tehnološka kompanija koja je svoju
„Intelligent Flight“ bateriji. Niz poboljšanja u ovoj drugoj po redu iteraciji Mini SE dro- VR platformu lansirala 2016. sad ima impresivnih šest mili-
na čini ga poželjnim za one sa ograničenim iskustvom, ali veruje- ona korisnika i svojim konkurentima u toj sferi zadaje ozbi-
mo i da će se i iskusniji dron letači oduševiti. ljan udarac, budući da je ovaj „headset“ značajno lakši od
svega ostalog na tržištu – manje od 127 grama.
DJI Mini 2 SE drone
This model is perfect for novices wanting Bigscreen VR Headset
to master the art of drone piloting. Weigh- With the promise that this is the smallest gadget of its kind in
ing less than 250 grams, it fits the world, Bigscreen uses 3D facial scanning to “tailor” every
in the palm of the hand and individual example to suit the user. This tech company, which
enables half an hour of flight launched its VR platform in 2016, now has an impressive six
time thanks to its special In- million users and is dealing a serious blow to its competitors
telligent Flight battery. A num- in this sphere, as this headset is significantly lighter than all
ber of improvements have others on the market – weighing less than 127 grams.
been made for this second iter-
ation of the Mini SE drone that make
it desirable to those with limited experi- Tekst/Words:
ence, though we believe it will also delight Ivan Radojčić
more experienced “drone pilots”.

88 | Gedžeti » Gadgets Gadgets » Gedžeti | 89

Ritam Srbije Rhythm of Serbia
Velelepnost i značaj srpskih manastira osećaju se
pri samom ulasku u ta sveta mesta, koja nesumnjivo
zaslužuju da budu deo svake ture kroz Srbiju
The splendour and importance of Serbian monasteries
can be felt as soon as one enters these holy places that
undoubtedly deserve to be included in every tour of Serbia

rpski manastiri pred-
U blizini Kraljeva
nalazi se Žiča, stavljaju građevine ko-
zadužbina je su tokom vekova bile
Stefana najvažniji stubovi druš-
This endowment tva, a osim njihove za-
of Stefan the divljujuće arhitekture i ikona, po-
First-Crowned sebno su značajni jer u njima leže
is located in the
vicinity of the city
mošti najvažnijih ličnosti srpske
of Kraljevo istorije, svetaca, vladara i stvara-
laca. Ovaj izbor pokazuje samo ne-
ke od svetinja koje Srbija poseduje
i koje kroz vreme čuvaju tradiciju
pravoslavne vere i možda će vas

Foto: depositphotos
inspirisati da ih obiđete i lično se
uverite u njihovu grandioznost.


U blizini Kraljeva nalazi se za-
dužbina Stefana Prvovenčanog. Manastir erbian monasteries rep- nificant site due to the fact that it
Žiča je bila sedište Srpske arhiepi- podigao je
resent building complex- housed the seat of the autocephalous
skopije nakon sticanja autokefalno- 1321. godine es that have stood as the Serbian archbishopric after the Serbi-
sti 1219. godine. U ovom srednjo- kralj Milutin most important pillars of an Orthodox Church gained its inde-
vekovnom manastiru krunisano je Gračanica society for centuries. And pendence. The monastery was devas-
Monastery was
sedam srpskih kraljeva iz loze Ne- erected in 1321 apart from their amazing architec- tated in an attack by Tatars that took
manjića, a interesantno je da je po at the behest of ture and icons, they are also particu- place at the start of the last decade of
jedan ulaz u manastir otvaran za King Milutin larly significant as the final resting the 13th century, after which the seat
svakog od tih kraljeva da bi odmah places of the mortal remains of the of the archbishopric was transferred
nakon krunisanja bio zazidan. Žiča most important figures in Serbian to the Church of the Holy Apostles
je smeštena na svega šest kilome- history, including saints, rulers and in Peć, while the monastery itself
tara od Kraljeva, u jednoj od naj- creative artists. This selection pre- was restored in the early 14th cen-
lepših, plodonosnih ravnica, a osim sents only a small part of the many tury by King Milutin. The first thing
krunisanja vladara, značajna je i po sacral sanctuaries that Serbia pos- that one notices when seeing this
tome što je posle sticanja crkvene sesses, which serve to preserve the imposing building is its colour, as
Foto: depositphotos / Slavica Stajic
samostalnosti u nju smešteno sedi- tradition of the Serbian Orthodox there aren’t many monasteries in
šte autokefalne srpske arhiepisko- faith, and might inspire you to visit Serbia, or anywhere in the world,
pije. Početkom poslednje decenije them and convince yourself of their that have such an intense red col-
M a n a s t i r i Srb i j e / M o n a s t e r i e s o f S e r b i a
13. veka manastir je stradao u na- magnificence. our. Specifically, although Žiča was

Veličanstveni čuvari srpske

padu Tatara, posle čega je sedište built at the behest of the first king of
arhiepiskopije preneto u Svete apo- Žiča Serbia from the Nemanjić dynasty,
stole kod Peći, a sam manastir je This endowment of Stefan the his brother, Saint Sava, also played

duhovnosti / Magnificent guardians početkom 14. veka obnovio kralj

Milutin. Ono što se prvo primeti
First-Crowned is located in the vicin-
ity of the city of Kraljevo. Žiča was
an important role. After his stay on
Mount Athos and return from Nica-

of Serbian spirituality
kada je u pitanju ova impozantna the seat of the Serbian archbishopric ea to Serbia in 1220, he ordered cer-
građevina jeste njena boja jer ne- after the acquiring of autocephaly in tain changes be made to the architec-
ma baš mnogo manastira u Srbi- 1219. The coronations of seven Ser- tural appearance of the church. The
ji, a ni na svetu, koji su tako inten- bian kings of the Nemanjić dynasty church was painted red in the third
Ova sveta mesta predstavljaju najvažnije simbole srpske nacionalnosti, zivno crvene boje. Naime, iako je took place at this medieval monas- decade of the 13th century.
istorije, tradicije i vere / These holy places represent the most important Žiču podigao prvi kralj Srbije iz di- tery, and it is interesting to note that
symbols of Serbian nationality, history, tradition and faith nastije Nemanjića, značajnu ulogu individual entrances to the monas- Gračanica
imao je i njegov brat, Sveti Sava. tery were created for each of these Gračanica Monastery was erect-
On je posle boravka na Svetoj go- kings, only to be walled up immedi- ed in 1321 at the behest of King Mi-
ri, a po povratku iz Nikeje u Srbiju ately after they were crowned. Žiča lutin, who dedicated it to the As-
Jelena Pantović
1220. godine, naredio izvesne pro- is located just six kilometres from sumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Fotografije/Photography: mene u arhitektonskom izgledu cr- Kraljevo, on one of the most beauti- According to tradition, Milutin built
Depositphotos kve. U trećoj deceniji 13. veka cr- ful and fertile plains. And apart from this monastery as a sign of grati-
kva je obojena u crveno. coronations of kings, it is also a sig- tude to an angel who appeared to

90 | Manastiri » Monasteries Monasteries » Manastiri | 91

Ku lt u r a / C u lt ur e

Gračanica him in a dream prior to a battle and Visoki Dečani is the endowment of Nemanje, koji ju je stvorio 1190.
Manastir Gračanicu podigao told him that he would prove victo- King Stefan Dečanski and Emper- godine. Posvećena je uspenju Pre-
je 1321. godine kralj Milutin, ko- rious. Like Visoki Dečani, the value or Stefan Dušan, while the mon- svete Bogorodice, a značajna je iz
ji ga je posvetio uspenju Presvete and importance of this monastery astery is dedicated to Christ Pan- više razloga. Sava Nemanjić je mo-
Bogorodice. Na osnovu predanja also led to it being declared a mon- tocrator [Christ the Almighty] and šti svog oca preneo u Studenicu
Milutin je podigao ovaj manastir ument of culture of exceptional im- the Ascension of the Lord. Construc- 1199. godine, gde su i danas. Osim
u znak zahvalnost anđelu koji mu portance protected by law. Located tion in Dečan began in 1327 and njih, u Studenici se čuvaju i mošti
se u snu javio pred bitku rekavši in the village of Gračanica, approxi- was completed in 1335. It was the Nemanjinih sinova Vukana i Stefa-

Foto: depositphotos
da će pobediti. Kao i Visoki Deča- mately ten kilometres from Priština, largest building in medieval Serbia, na Prvovenčanog. Sava je od ovog
ni, proglašena je za kulturno dobro it experienced its greatest glory in hence the name Visoki Dečani [vi- manastira napravio svetovni i kul-
od izuzetnog značaja i zbog svoje the 14th and 15th centuries, when it sok means tall in Serbia]. It is most turni centar srednjovekovne Srbi-
vrednosti zaštićena zakonom. Na- was home to several hundred monks. famous for the miraculous relics of je, u njemu je napisao Studenički
lazi se u selu Gračanica, na dese- Apart from having great historical the Holy King Stefan Dečanski that tipik i uredio pravila monaškog ži-
tak kilometara od Prištine, a svoju and religious significance, Gračanica are still preserved in this sanctuary. vota u Srbiji. Bogorodičina crkva Ravanica sa Crkvom Svetog Vazne- Nemanjić je
struction undertaking, Studenica’s
najveću slavu doživela je u 14. i 15. also has extremely valuable frescoes, je izuzetno složen građevinski po- senja predstavljao je drugačiji stil mošti svog Church of the Virgin Mary was ex-
veku kada je u njoj živelo nekoliko standouts among which include the Studenica duhvat u kome su na umetnički arhitekture, do tada neviđen na oca preneo tremely complex, combining the in-
u Studenicu
stotina monaha. Osim velikog isto- likeness of Queen Simonida, Milu- This religious edifice of out- način sjedinjeni uticaji istoka i za- prostorima srpske države. Grad- 1199. godine,
fluences of East and West in an ar-
rijskog i verskog značaja, Gračanica tin's wife, as well as the family tree standing beauty and importance pada. Prostorna rešenja zasnova- njom Ravanice knez Lazar se na- gde su i danas tistic way. Its spatial solutions were
poseduje i izuzetno vredne freske, and genealogy of the Nemanjić dy- to the Christian Orthodox world is na su na rešenjima vizantijskih os- dovezuje na kulturnu baštinu ne- Sava Nemanjić based on the examples of the foun-
među kojima se ističe lik kraljice nasty. Gračanica rises skywards due located 60 kilometres from the city nova crkava, dok je obrada fasade manjićkog razdoblja, a sa druge transferred his dations of Byzantine churches, while
father’s relics
Simonide, Milutinove žene, kao i to an unusual building solution – of Kraljevo. It represents the endow- imala elemente zapadne romanič- strane, majstori koje je angažovao to Studenica the treatment of its façades included
rodoslov dinastije Nemanjić. Gra- the main dome is raised a few me- ment of Stefan Nemanja, who had ke arhitekture. Studenica je tako- pokazuju inovativnost. Po svojim in 1199, where elements of Western Romanesque
čanica ide u visinu, a razlog tome tres higher than is usual for this type it built in 1190. Dedicated to the đe pod zaštitom Uneska. arhitektonskim i likovnim obelež- they still rest architecture. Studenica is also un-
je neobično konstrukcijsko reše- of construction. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin jima Ravanica predstavlja početak der protection as a UNESCO World
nje – glavna kupola je podignuta Mary, it is a significant site for sev- Ravanica graditeljstva u takozvanom morav- Heritage Site.
nekoliko metara više od uobičaje- Visoki Dečani eral reasons. Sava Nemanjić trans- Manastir Ravanica sa Crkvom skom stilu i kao takva vremenom
nog tipa gradnje. Visoki Dečani Monastery is lo- ferred his father’s relics to Studenica Svetog vaznesenja po svom istorij- postaje reprezent ovog stila. Ma- Ravanica
cated in a valley beside the Dečan- in 1199, where they still rest. Apart skom značaju, stilskim odlikama nastir je podignut 1377. godine u Due to its historical impor-
Visoki Dečani
Visoki Dečani su zadužbina
ska Bistrica river to the southwest from them, Studenica also preserves moravske škole i živopisom znatnih podnožju Kučajskih planina, kod tance, the stylistic characteristics
Manastir Visoki Dečani nala- kralja Stefana of Peć, Kosovo. One of the most im- the relics of Nemanja’s sons Vukan umetničkih kvaliteta predstavlja Ćuprije, a mošti njegovog zaduž- of the Moravian school and paint-
zi se u dolini pored reke Dečan- Dečanskog i portant centres of Serbian spiritual- and Stefan the First-Crowned. Sa- spomenik izuzetne vrednosti. Za- binara kneza Lazara Hrebeljano- ing of considerable artistic quality,
cara Stefana
ska Bistrica, jugozapadno od Peći, Dušana
ity, it is also a precious cultural and va turned this monastery into the dužbina je kneza Lazara Hrebelja- vića, koji je poginuo na Kosovu, Ravanica Monastery, together with
na Kosovu i Metohiji, jedan je od Visoki Dečani is historical heritage site of the Serbi- secular and cultural centre of medie- novića, gde se čuvaju njegove mo- od 1392. godine čuvaju se u ovom its church of the Holy Ascension,
najznačajnijih duhovnih centara, the endowment an people. As one of the most beau- val Serbia. It was here that he wrote šti. U prošlosti Ravanica je imala svetom mestu. is classified as a monument of ex-
a ujedno i vredno kulturno-istorij- of King Stefan tiful Serbian Orthodox monasteries, the Studenički tipik [Studenica rule- značajnu ulogu u negovanju pre- ceptional value. The endowment of
Dečanski and
sko nasleđe srpskog naroda. Ovaj Emperor Stefan this monastery is included on the list book] and determined the rules of pisivačke delatnosti i razvoju srp- Manasija Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović, whose
manastir nalazi se na Uneskovoj Dušan of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. monastic life in Serbia. As a con- ske književnosti, pa je tokom isto- Na svega 140 kilometara od relics are preserved here, Ravanica
listi svetske baštine kao jedan od rije postala mesto pisane reči, ali Beograda, unutar visokih zidina historically played a significant role
najlepših srpskih pravoslavnih ma- i usmenog stvaralaštva. Manastir nalazi se spomenik i hram srp- in nurturing the field of transcrip-
nastira. Visoki Dečani su zadužbi- tion and the development of Serbi-
na kralja Stefana Dečanskog i cara an literature, which is why it became
Stefana Dušana, a manastir je po- a place of the written word, but also
svećen Hristu Pantokratoru i va- oral creativity, throughout history.
znesenju Gospodnjem. Gradnja Ravanica Monastery and the Church
Dečana započela je 1327. i zavr- of the Holy Ascension represented
šena je 1335. godine. Ovo je naj- a different style of architecture pre-
veća srednjovekovna građevina u viously not seen on the territory of
Srbiji, otuda i naziv Visoki Deča- Ravanica je the medieval Serbian state. With the
ni. Najčuveniji su po čudotvornim zadužbina erecting of Ravanica, Prince Lazar
kneza Lazara
moštima Svetog Kralja Stefana De- Hrebeljanovića,
built on the cultural heritage of the
čanskog, koje se i danas čuvaju u gde se čuvaju Nemanjić period, while the master
njegove mošti
Foto: depositphotos / Richard Semík

ovoj svetinji. masons and craftsmen that he en-

The relics of this
gaged also demonstrated their ability
Foto: depositphotos / Pecold

Studenica benefactor, to innovate. According to its archi-
Verski objekat izuzetne lepote Prince Lazar tectural and artistic characteristics,
i važnosti za pravoslavni svet na- Hrebeljanović, Ravanica represents the birth of con-
have been
lazi se na 60 kilometara od Kralje- preserved in struction in the so-called Moravian
va. Predstavlja zadužbinu Stefana Ravanica style, which led to it becoming a rep-

92 | Manastiri » Monasteries Monasteries » Manastiri | 93

ske srednjovekovne kulture, Ma- resentative of this style over time.
nastir Manasiju početkom 15. ve- Built in 1377 at the foot of the Kučaj
ka sagradio je Stefan Lazarević. Mountains near the town of Ćupri-
Od tada je kulturni epicentar dr- ja, the relics of this monastery’s ben-
žave, budući da je Stefan baš na efactor, Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović,
ovom mestu osnovao čuvenu Re- who perished following the Battle of
savsku školu. Opasan jakim zidi- Kosovo, have been preserved in this
nama, manastir Manasija se nalazi holy place since 1392.
u Pomoravskom okrugu u blizini
Despotovca i jedan je od najzna- Manasija
čajnijih srpskih manastira sred- Just 140 kilometres from Bel-
njeg veka te najbolji predstavnik grade, behind imposing high walls,
moravske škole. stands the monument and temple
of Serbian medieval culture that is
Đurđevi stupovi Manasija Monastery, which was con-
Jedan od najstarijih srpskih structed in the early 15th century at
manastira, Đurđevi stupovi, na- the behest of Despot Stefan Lazare-
lazi se na brdu iznad Novog Pa- vić. It has since marked the cultural
zara, na šumovitom uzvišenju ne- epicentre of the state, given that it
kadašnjeg Starog Rasa. Manastir was right here that Stefan founded
Foto: depositphotos / AndrejAntic

je podignut u 12. veku, kao prvi the famous Resava School in 1407.
veći manastir u središtu srpske Surrounded by strong walls, Manasi-
srednjovekovne države i kao je- ja Monastery is located near Despo-
dan od retkih koji je građen na ta- tovac in the Pomoravlje District. One
ko visokom uzvišenju. Sagradio ga of Serbia’s most important medieval
je župan Stefan Nemanja u znak monasteries, it is also the best rep-
zahvalnosti Svetom Đorđu, pošto resentative of the Moravian school.
je uspeo da se oslobodi iz pećine epoha gradnje poznata kao raški Manasiju
u kojoj je bio zatvoren. Karakteri- stil. Tokom 13. veka Stupovi pred- početkom 15. Đurđevi stupovi
stično za ovaj manastir je njegova stavljaju ugledan manastir, na či- veka sagradio One of the oldest Serbian mon-
je Stefan
arhitektura, koja predstavlja spoj ji značaj ukazuje i činjenica da je i Lazarević
asteries, Đurđevi stupovi [meaning
stilova Istoka i Zapada, odnosno kralj Dragutin, poslednji vladar iz Manasija St. George’s Pillars] is located on a
vizantijske i romanske arhitektu- loze Nemanjića koji je vladao Ra- Monastery was hill above the city of Novi Pazar, on
re, čijim spajanjem nastaje nova som, sahranjen ovde. constructed a prominent wooded rise of the for-
in the early
15th century at mer fortress of Stari Ras. Built dur-
the behest of ing the 12th century, it was the first
Despot Stefan larger monastery at the centre of the
medieval Serbian state and one of
the few to be built at such a high el-
evation. It was built by Grand Prince
Stefan Nemanja as a show of grati-
tude to Saint George after Nemanja
managed to escape from a cave dun-
geon where he had been imprisoned.
This monastery has distinctive ar-
Jedan od chitecture that represents a fusion
srpskih of Eastern and Western styles, i.e.,
manastira, Byzantine and Romanesque archi-
Đurđevi tecture, the combination of which
stupovi, nalazi
se na brdu
gave rise to a new epoch of construc-
iznad Novog tion known as the Raška style. Stu-
Pazara povi represented a prestigious mon-
One of the
oldest Serbian
astery during the 13th century, and
monasteries, also indicating its importance is the
Foto: depositphotos

Đurđevi stupovi fact that it is the burial site of King

is located on a Dragutin, the last ruler of the Ne-
hill above the
city of Novi manjić dynasty, who ruled over Ras.

94 | Manastiri » Monasteries
ta s t es o f S erbi a

Ovog meseca
probajte specijalitete
Vojvodine / This month
Foto: Vladislav Mitic

try the specialities of

» Ukusi
Tastes of SerbiaČačak » Čačak|
Srbije | 97
u ku s i s r b i j e / Tast e s o f S e r b i a

Hrana Food
Za Vojvodinu može da se kaže mno- Many things can be said about the cluding the famous quince jam), as well
go toga, ali jedno je sigurno – ova re- province of Vojvodina, which is com- as various buns and cakes, complete
gija Srbije je uvek velikodušna, nikad posed of the districts of Bačka, Srem the perfect Vojvodina lunch. The old-
škrta. Pored obilja kojim se vojvođan- and Banat, but one thing is certain: this est dessert from Vojvodina is made us-
ska kuhinja može pohvaliti, nikako se region of Serbia is never miserly and is ing quince. Rarely prepared today, it is
ne sme prevideti aspekt kulturne ra- always generous. Alongside the sheer called kitnikez.

Foto: Vladislav Mitic

Pravi raj za sve gurmane sveta
zličitosti, neverovatno bogatstvo uti- abundance that Vojvodina cuisine can The roots of some of the most belov-
caja naroda koji su ovde nekada ži- boast of providing, we simply mustn’t ed Vojvodina specialities can be traced
veli, ali koji i danas žive harmonično disregard the aspect of cultural diver- back to the 19th century, when Ger-

/ A true paradise for all isprepletani svojim divnim nasleđem.

Plodna, smirena prostranstva Bač-
sity, the incredible richness of the influ-
ences of peoples who once lived there,
manic specialities like rindfleisch, stru-
del and breaded schnitzel began be-

the world’s gourmets

ke, prošarana Dunavom i Tisom, ima- and who still live there today, harmoni- ing prepared here... Rinflajš [as the word
la su jak uticaj na navike u ishrani sta- da su ovde počeli da se priprema- ously intertwined through their wonder- is spelled in Serbian] is the first asso-
novnika pružajući im obilje namirnica ju rinflajš, štrudle, pohovane šnicle... ful heritage. ciation with this region for many peo-
i kvalitet hrane. Sremom se ni danas Rinflajš je za mnoge prva asocijaci- The fertile and serene expanses of Bač- ple, and this dish is prepared in a special
ne može proći a da se ne osete du- ja na ovaj kraj, a reč je o jelu koje se ka, decorated by the rivers Danube way. Translated literally from German, it
boko zapisani rimski tragovi. Sirmium priprema na poseban način. U buk- and Tisza, had a strong influence on simply means beef. The meat is boiled
je u rimsko doba bio centar kulturnih valnom prevodu sa nemačkog (rin- the eating habits of residents, provid- in broth, then extracted and left to cool
i gastronomskih dešavanja, koja su dfleisch) znači goveđe meso. To je ing them with abundant ingredients and before usually being served with a thick
možda najdublji trag ostavila u i da- meso koje se kuva u supi, pa se onda high-quality food. To this very day, you sauce, horseradish or mustard. In Vo-
nas prisutnom odnosu prema vinovoj izvadi, ohladi malo ili više i može da can’t pass through Srem without feel- jvodina, the dish of rinflajš is considered
lozi, spravljanju vina, obradi i suše- se jede sa sosom, renom ili senfom. ing the traces of Rome that have been as boiled beef (or generally any meat
nju mesa. U šarolikom Banatu nećete U Vojvodini se pod rinflajšom sma- deeply etched across it. During Ro- boiled in broth), accompanied by boiled
moći da nabrojite šta se sve od hra- tra kuvano goveđe meso (ali i uopšte man times, Sirmium was a hub of cul- potatoes and a thick sauce that’s usual-
ne stavlja pred vas kada vas domaći- meso iz supe), kuvani krompir i sos – tural and gastronomic events, which ly made from tomatoes, but can also be
ni obaspu pažnjom i započne gastro- najčešće od paradajza, ali može da perhaps left its most indelible mark on made from dill or horseradish.
nomski ugođaj. bude od mirođije ili ljutog rena. the attitude of locals towards grape Interestingly, sauces in Vojvodina were
Vojvođanska trpeza obiluje tradici- Inače, sosovima je u Vojvodini pret- vines and winemaking, but also the pro- preceded by traditional cicvara por-
onalnim đakonijama, obilnim i ka- hodila cicvara napravljena od pše- cessing and drying of meat, that re- ridge, made from wheat flour fried in
loričnim, sprema se s namerom da ničnog brašna uprženog na masti mains present to this day. In the colour- lard and with added salt and water, on-
dâ snagu, ali i da bude uživanje za sa dodatkom soli i vode, a zatim su ful and diverse Banat, you won’t be able ly for sauces to be later brought to Vo-
sva čula. Autentična narodna jela, u vojvođansku kuhinju sosevi done- to list all the dishes placed in front of you jvodina from Austrian cuisine, which had
kao što je hleb namazan mašću i po- ti iz austrijske kuhinje, koja ih je preu- when your local hosts dote on you and previously adopted them from French
sut mlevenom paprikom i solju, pra- zela od Francuza. Uglavnom se prave the gastronomic pleasure begins. cuisine. Mostly made from flour fried in
te jednostavni, ali preukusni suho- od proprženog brašna na masno- The Vojvodina spread is rich in tradition- lard, with the addition of dill, boiled or
mesnati proizvodi, kojima stanovnici ći, sa dodatkom mirođije, kuvanog ili al delicacies, plentiful and calorific, pre- pureed tomatoes, cherries, horseradish,
Vojvodine, ali i turisti, teško mogu propasiranog paradajza, višanja, re- pared with the intention of providing garlic, gherkins or bell peppers... Follow-
da odole. Na ova specifična predje- na, belog luka, kiselih krastavaca ili strength, but also delighting all the sens- ing the rinflajš course, it is most com-
la nadovezuju se supe od živinskog i paprike... Posle rinflajša najčešće es. Authentic folk dishes, such as bread mon to serve breaded, roast or braised
junećeg mesa i čorbe od povrća. Od se služi pohovano, pečeno ili dinsta- and dripping sprinkled with paprika spice meat with boiled or roast potatoes, a
mesa se najviše spremaju svinjsko, no meso uz kuvani ili pečeni krompir, and salt, are accompanied by simple yet mixed vegetable stew called čušpajz,
živinsko i goveđe, ali neretko i riblji i ćušpajz, sezonsku salatu i hleb. delicious cured meat products, which seasonal salads and bread.
specijaliteti od divljači. Ali nikako ne treba zaboraviti kraljicu are barely irresistible to both locals and But we simply mustn’t forget the queen
Testo je nezaobilazni deo svake trpe- Vojvodine – šunku! Nekada se ovde tourists alike. Following these distinctive of Vojvodina – ham! It used to be said
ze, budući da je uticaj nemačke kuhi- u šali govorilo: „Žena se pazi, a šunka appetisers are chicken and beef broth here in jest “a woman should be taken
nje na ovoj teritoriji izuzetno jak. Voj- se voli“. Ta vešto osmišljena doset- and thick vegetable soups. The most care of, but a ham should be loved”. That
vođanske gibanice, štrudle, kiflice, ka vekovima je imala opravdanje, jer commonly prepared meat dishes in- skilfully devised quip was justified for cen-
rezanci, pogačice, razno slano i slat- je šunka bila i ostala najveći gastro- clude pork, poultry and beef, but often al- turies, because ham was, and remains,
ko testo su veliki izvor uživanja za sve nomski dragulj na ovim prostorima. so fish dishes and game specialities. this region’s greatest gastronomic gem.
sladokusce. Kompoti, slatko, pekme- Na kraju – najslađe. Kada je reč o po- Pastries are an indispensable part And to conclude – the sweetest. When
zi (među kojima je čuveni pekmez od slasticama, u Vojvodini se još prave of every spread, given the extreme- it comes to desserts, in Vojvodina they
dunja), raznovrsni kolači i torte kom- razne štrudle, krofne, rezanci s ma- ly strong influence of German cuisine still make various strudels, doughnuts,
pletiraju savršen vojvođanski ručak. kom, tašci s pekmezom, kuglofi, mi- across this territory. Vojvodina-style gib- noodles with poppy seeds, jam tarts,
Najstariji vojvođanski slatkiš je baš od lhbrot, kohovi i druge đakonije. Ali i anica pie, strudels, bread rolls, noodles, Gugelhupf cakes, milk bread, semolina
dunja. Danas se ređe sprema, a zo- čuvene gomboce ili knedle sa šljiva- hearth-bread pogačica scones, vari- sponge cake... But there’s also the fa-
Foto: Vladislav Mitic

ve se kitnikez. ma, koje i van Vojvodine za mnoge u ous savoury and sweet pastries are a mous plum dumplings, which are a nos-
Neki od omiljenih vojvođanskih spe- Srbiji predstavljaju nostalgično seća- great source of enjoyment for all food- talgic childhood memory for many Ser-
cijaliteta korene vuku iz 19. veka, ka- nje na detinjstvo. ies. Compotes, fruit preserves, jams (in- bian people beyond Vojvodina.

98 | Ukusi Srbije » Tastes of Serbia Tastes of Serbia » Ukusi Srbije | 99

u ku s i s r b i j e / Tast e s o f S e r b i a

POTREBNO JE: kilogram brašna, 150g šećera, 4 žuman-
ceta, oko 70ml mleka, 2 kesice suvog kvasca, 150g mar-
garina, šećer u prahu; Za fil: 600g maka, 500ml mleka,
400g šećera
PRIPREMA: Prvo razmutite kvasac sa malo šećera i braš-
na i ostavite na toplom. Brašno obavezno prosejte i do-
dajte rastopljen margarin, šećer, žumanca i malo soli, do-
dajte kvasac, mleko i umesite testo. Ostavite testo na
toplom, prekrijte krpom i sačekajte da naraste. Podeli-
te ga zatim na tri jednaka dela i razvije kore. Skuvajte mak
sa mlekom i šećerom. Razvijeno testo premažite marga-
rinom , a zatim filom, savijte u štrudlu i ostavite oko 15 mi-
nuta. Stavite i podmazan pleh, premažite belancetom i
pecite sat vremena na temperaturi od 220°C. Dok je još
vruća, štrudlu pospite šećerom u prahu.


Foto: Depositphotos / dar19.30

INGREDIENTS: 1kg of flour, 150g of sugar, 4 egg yolks, ap-
prox. 70ml of milk, 2 sachets of dry yeast, 150g of mar-
garine, icing sugar; For the filling: 600g of poppy seeds,
500ml of milk, 400g of sugar
PREPARATION: Firstly, mix the yeast with a little sugar and
flour and leave in a warm place. Make sure to sieve the flour
GOMBOCE and add melted margarine, sugar, egg yolks and a little salt,
POTREBNO JE: 500g krompira, 2 jajeta, brašna koliko add yeast and milk and knead the dough. Cover the dough
se zahvati, 8 svežih šljiva bez koštice, ulje ili mast, pre- with a damp cloth and leave it to rise in a warm place. Once ris-
zle, šećer en, cut the dough ball into three equal parts and roll flat. Cook
PRIPREMA: U brašno se dodaju umućena jaja i obaren the poppy seeds with milk and sugar. Spread margarine on the
i izgnječen krompir, pa se sve zamesi. Testo se oklagi- stretched dough and then add the filling, fold into a strudel and
jom razvuče, iseče na parčiće, a u sredinu svakog par- leave to rest for approx. 15 minutes. Place on a greased bak-
četa stavlja se šljiva bez koštice. Testo se zatim obli- ing tray, brush with egg white and bake for an hour at 220°C.
kuje u loptice, odnosno gomboce, i kuva u posoljenoj Sprinkle icing sugar over the strudel while it’s still hot.
vodi dok ne isplivaju. Kad se skuvaju, uvaljaju se u sme-
su od proprženih prezli i šećera, pa posluže vruće.

INGREDIENTS: 500g of potatoes, 2 eggs, flour – as much
as required, 8 fresh pitted plums, cooking oil or lard,
breadcrumbs, sugar
PREPARATION: Add the flour to the beaten eggs and pota-
toes that have been previously boiled and mashed, then mix
it all together. Roll out the dough using a rolling pin, cut into
pieces and place a pitted plum at the centre of each piece.
Then shape the dough into balls, or dumplings, and cook in
salted water until they float to the surface. Once cooked, roll
the dumplings in a coating mixture of fried breadcrumbs and
sugar before serving hot.

čuvene knedle sa šljivama za mnoge u

Srbiji predstavljaju nostalgično sećanje
na detinjstvo / the famous plum dumplings
Foto: Vladislav Mitic

are a nostalgic childhood memory

for many Serbian people

100 | Ukusi Srbije » Tastes of Serbia

Destinacija Destination
Na Međunarodni dan spomenika 18. aprila poseta svim gradskim
arheološkim nalazištima i određenim muzejima je besplatna. Ovaj
dan se takođe slavi kao Dan svetske baštine
On the International Day of Monuments and Sites (18th April), which
is also celebrated as World Heritage Day, all the city’s archaeological
sites and certain museums are free to visit

T h e fa s c i n at i n g G r e e k c a p i ta l

Athens blooms
and is sweetly
scented in April
The capital of Greece is one of the
world’s oldest cities, and ancient
heritage is still evident throughout
Athens, represented by its numerous

Foto: depositphotos
artworks and ancient monuments

pril is considered one of the best times of
the year to visit Athens, as it is marked by
Foto: depositphotos
the middle of Spring. Daisies and poppies
bloom throughout the city, providing a vi-
brant atmosphere. The weather is warm
F a s c i n a n t n a gr č k a pr e s t o n i c a Nacionalni arheološki muzej and sunny, making it perfect for exploring the city’s
Najveći arheološki muzej Grčke je dom nekih od many attractions. Average temperatures are around

Atina cveta i najvećih i najvažnijih predmeta koji imaju umetnički,

kulturni ili istorijski značaj. Odvojte oko tri sata da
istražite muzej, najbolje u ranim jutarnjim časovima.
20C and it‘s rarely overcast, so you should choose this
time to visit some of the locations without which there
would be no civilisation as we know it today.

miriše u aprilu Hram Zevsa

Nalazi se na pešačkoj udaljenosti od Akropolja,
The Acropolis
April is a great time to visit the ancient ruins of scan
Glavni grad Grčke jedan je od pa prošetajte do Zevsovog hrama. Iako je porušen sa- the Acropolis of Athens. With fewer tourists than dur- me
mo oko sto godina nakon izgradnje, dobar deo spo- ing the peak summer season, you can explore its mon-
najstarijih gradova na svetu, a to

Foto: depositphotos / Figurniy Sergey

menika i danas stoji. uments in peace. Must-sees here include the Parthe-
nasleđe je još evidentno širom Atine non and the Temple of Athena Nike.
i predstavljeno umetničkim delima i Antička Agora
antičkim spomenicima Saznajte sve o rađanju demokratije na ovoj isto- National Archaeological Museum
rijskoj lokaciji. Smeštena severozapadno od Akro- Greece’s largest archaeological museum houses

polja, antička Agora je prostor gde su neki poznati some of the biggest and most important items of ar-
pril se smatra jednim od najboljih atinski ljudi kao što su bili Sokrat ili Perikle učestvo- tistic, cultural, or historic significance. Set aside around
meseci u godini za posetu Atini jer vali u debatama. three hours to explore this museum during an ear-
je sredina proleća, pa bele rade i mak ly morning.
cvetaju po celom gradu, dajući mu ži- Krstarenje do Saronskih ostrva Cruise to the Saronic Islands
vopisnu atmosferu. Vreme je toplo i Ako imate slobodnog vremena, obavezno se ukr- Temple of Olympian Zeus If you have time to spare, be sure to embark on a
sunčano i savršeno je za istraživanje brojnih grad- cajte na brodić do obližnjih ostrva. Posetite hram Afa- Located just a short distant from the Acropolis, day cruise to the nearby islands. Visit the Temple of
skih atrakcija. Prosečna temperatura je oko 20 ste- je na Ejini, prošetajte ispod crvenih popločanih kro- you can easily walk to the Temple of Olympian Zeus. Aphaia on Aegina, stroll under the red tiled roofs of
peni i retko je oblačno, pa obiđite neke lokacije bez vova Hidre i uživajte u kupovini na Porosu. Aprilsko Despite having been reduced to ruins only around a Hydra and enjoy shopping on Poros. The April weather
kojih ne bi bilo civilizacije kakvu danas poznajemo. vreme je savršeno za krstarenje, a odlično je i za ku- hundred years after its construction, a good chunk of is perfect for a short cruise, while it’s also a great time
panje u kristalno čistoj vodi. this former colossal temple remains standing. to take a dip in the crystal-clear waters.
April je odlično vreme za posetu drevnim ru- Izlet do Mikene Ancient Agora Mycenae day trip
ševinama Akropolja. Sa manje turista nego tokom Uživajte u jednodnevnom izletu u Nafplio i Epidaur, Learn about the birth of democracy at this his- Enjoy an excursion to Nafplio and Epidaurus, along
leta, možete u miru istražiti njegove spomenike. uz posetu drevnim ruševinama Mikene. Sa početkom pro- toric site. Located to the northwest of the Acropolis, with a visit to the ancient ruins of the kingdom of My-
Partenon i hram Atine Nike su nešto što obave- leća maksimalno uživajte u bujnom zelenilu dok istražu- the Ancient Agora of Athens was a place of debate for cenae. With spring in full bloom, make the most of
zno treba videti. jete istorijske znamenitosti. some of the most famous Athenians, such as Socrates the lush greenery as you explore these historic sites.
and Pericles.
102 | Atina » Athens Athens » Atina | 103
Destinacija Destination

Solunsk a regija zlatnih plaža, ali je treći prst, Agios OLIMP govi su živeli, spavali, sudili, hranili Predanje kaže da su prvi izgra-

Božansko mesto
oros (Sveta gora), po svemu pose- Planina bogova se ambrozijom i nektarom, dok ih đeni primitivnim metodama, kao
ban. Na njemu je smeštena jedin- Drevni Grci su videli 12 bogova je zabavljao Apolon svirajući liru. i da su kamen, alat, konopce i sve
stvena pravoslavna monaška repu- kako prave svoje domove na vrhu druge potrepštine graditelji izvla-

pod suncem blika, koja već više od 1.000 godina

živi po crkvenim kanonima i u duhu
vizantijskog vremena, tajanstveno
Olimpa, planine koja je načinjena
od vetra i često prekrivena oblaci-
ma. Olimp je i najviša planina Grčke
Nebeski manastiri
Meteori su podignuti na vrho-
čili samo pomoću užadi. Radozna-
li posetioci uvek pitaju sveštenike
koliko često menjaju konopce, na
ušuškana u šumama pored mora. – 2.917 metara, a najviši vrh je Mi- vima stena na obodima tesalijske šta ovi odgovaraju: „Kada Gospod
Solunci umeju da kažu „halara“, što znači lagano, Među 20 pravoslavnih manasti- tikas. Planina je i nacionalni park, ravnice. Ostaci prvih manastirskih dozvoli da puknu.“
jer u ovom gradu zaista treba da pratite taj ra nalazi se i naš Hilandar. Sama po- proglašena je za zaštićeni deo glo- zdanja potiču iz 11. veka, a danas Monaške kelije se i danas mogu
fini, nonšalantni ritam. Sve ćete stići, čak i ako misao da se nalazite na mestu ko- balne biosfere, što pokazuje njen ih je ostalo samo šest aktivnih, iako videti u šupljinama stena, a pešački
često pravite pauze pod drvetom mandarine sa jim su hodili Sveti Sava i otac mu značaj za čovečanstvo. ih je nekada bilo čak 24. Manastir- prilazi objektima sagrađeni su tek
pogledom na more Sveti Simeon Mirotočivi, kao i mno- Grci su smatrali da se na vrhu ski kompleks predstavlja jedinstve- početkom 20. veka, tako da se danas
gi drugi koji su svoj život posvetili planine nalaze kristalne palate u nu svetsku atrakciju jer je izgrađen do njih stiže spletom staza i stepe-
Obilazak Soluna goto- potom prirode, ali i religije. U me- molitvama, pa sa tog svetog mesta kojima bogovi žive. Ulaz u Olimp na potpuno nepristupačnim ste- nica. Teritorija Meteora je od 1995.
vo uvek počinje obilaskom secu u kojem slavimo Uskrs, vodi- odlazili u svet da propovedaju ve- bila su velika vrata od oblaka. Pa- nama koje se dižu i do 550 meta- godine grčkim zakonom i odlukom

Foto: Depositphotos / spotluda

Bele kule, na čiji se vrh turisti mo vas na tri izleta iz Soluna – na ru, čoveka ne može ostaviti ravno- late su sagradili kiklopi, a umetnič- ra u nebo. U slobodnom prevodu Sinoda Grčke pravoslavne crkve pro-
penju kružnim stepenicama, uži- Atos, Meteore i Olimp. dušnim. Nalazeći se tamo, u crkvi, ke predmete je načinio i iskovao sa grčkog naziv Meteori značio bi glašena za sveto mesto, neprikosno-
vajući u divnom pogledu. Većina okruženi viševekovnim freskama, Hefes. Zevsove i Herine odaje bi- „okačen na nebo“, što je i prva aso- veno i nepromenljivo. Najpristupač-
ne zaboravi da obiđe čuvene „so- ATOS upijajući opojni miris tamjana, ne le su na južnom kraju Olimpa, pa cijacija pri pogledu na ovo sveto niji i ujedno i jedini ženski manastir
lunske kišobrane“, koji su postali Gde se čuje tišina možete da ne pomislite da se nala- su odatle mogli da gledaju Atinu, mesto, jer su manastiri građeni je Manastir Svetog Stefana.
jedan od simbola grada, i zastane Po grčkoj mitologiji, u staro vre- zite u epicentru jedne sasvim po- Tebu, Spartu, Korint i Mikenu. Na na liticama i samim vrho-
da se divi impozantnom spomeni- me ovde su boravili titani, deca bo- sebne energije. Na Svetoj gori ima- severnom kraju, koji je gledao pre- vima stena.
ku Aleksandru Makedonskom. Po- gova (sinovi i ćerke boga neba Ura- te utisak da se nalazite u prostoru ma Makedoniji, nalazile su se kuhi-
drazumeva se i šetnja Aristotelovim na i boginje zemlje Geje). U bici sa bez vremena, prostoru u koji još ni- nja, prostorija za gozbe, oružarnica
trgom, kao i uživanje u ručku ili pi- titanima, bog mora Posejdon izgu- su stigle blagodati civilizacije. i radionice. U sredini su živeli ostali
ću na čuvenoj aveniji Nikis sa po- bio je svoj trozubac, a na mestu gde bogovi. Unutar Olimpa bo-
gledom na more. Solun je jedna od se dogodila bitka nastala su tri kra- Tekst/Words:
Jelena Pantović
najvećih mediteranskih luka, uni- ka, tri današnja prsta Halkidikija. Fotografije/Photography:
verzitetski grad i veliki trgovinski Planina Atos, visoka 2.033 me- Depositphotos
centar, grad sajmova i festivala. Ali tra, dobila je ime po jednom od na-
je i mesto hodočašća za mnoge ko- slednika titana. Prvi prst nazvan je
ji ne propuštaju da posete Zejtin- po makedonskom kralju Kasandro-
lik, mesto na kojem počivaju srp- su, dok je Sitonija dobila ime po gi-
ski vojnici. gantu Sitonu. Kasandra je najbliža
Ovo je i početna stanica, mesto Solunu, Sitonija jedinstveni deo ze-
iz kojeg vas put veoma brzo vodi do mlje sastavljen od visokih planina i
neverovatnih predela ispunjenih le-

104 | Solun » Thessaloniki Thessaloniki » Solun | 105

D e st i n ac i j a / D e st in at i o n

Thessaloniki r egion being in a space beyond time; a

space where the conveniences of

Divine spot under the sun civilisation have yet to arrive...

Thessalonians often use the word “halara”, which Mountain of the gods
means relax or take it easy, because in this city you According to the ancient
really need to follow its pleasant, nonchalant rhythm. Greeks, 12 gods made their homes
on the peaks of Olympus, a moun-
You will find time to do everything, even if you take tain shaped by winds and often
U mesecu u
regular breaks under a tangerine tree with a sea view hidden under clouds. Olympus
kom slavimo
Uskrs vodimo
is also the highest mountain in vas na tri izleta
iz Soluna – na
Any tour of Thessa- Poseidon, the god of the sea, lost Greece, with its summit reaching Atos, Meteore i
loniki almost always be- his trident, and the falling weap- 2,917 metres above sea level, and Olimp
gins with a visit to the on formed the three narrow pen- the highest peak is called Mytikas, In the month
when we
White Tower, which tourists insulas that are today known as meaning nose. This mountain is celebrate Easter,

Foto: Depositphotos / ZM
climb up via a spiral staircase, en- the Halkidiki fingers. also a national park and has been we’re taking
joying the wonderful views from Mount Athos reaches a height declared a protected part of the you on three
the top. Most also don’t forget to of 2,033 metres and was named global biosphere, demonstrating excursions from
Thessaloniki – to
visit the famous Thessalonica Um- after one of the Gigantes, the suc- its importance to humanity. Athos, Olympus
brellas, which have become one cessors of the Titans. The first Hal- The Greeks believed that the and Meteora
of the symbols of the city, or to kidiki prong was named after Mac- mountain was topped by crys-
stop and admire the famous mon- edonian king Cassandros, while the tal palaces that were homes to up to 550 metres. Loosely trans-
ument to Alexander the Great. A Sithonia finger was named after the gods. Olympus was entered lated from Greek, the word Me-
walk around Aristotelous Square the giant Sithon, a son of Posei- through a great door made of teoro would mean “suspended in
is a given, as is enjoying lunch or don. The Cassandra peninsula is clouds. The palaces were built by mid-air” or “floating in the sky”,
a drink on the famous waterfront the closest to Thessaloniki, while the Cyclopes Titans, while their which is also the first association
Nikis Avenue, with its stunning Sithonia represents a unique part artworks were made and forged by when initially observing this ho-
sea views. Thessaloniki is one of of the country, comprising high the god Hephaestus. The chambers ly place, with the monasteries jut-
the largest Mediterranean ports, mountains and golden beaches, of Zeus and Hera were at the south- ting over cliffs at the very tops of
a university city and a large centre but the third finger, Mount Athos, ern end of Olympus, from where the rock pillars.
of trade, a city of fairs and festi- Agio Oros (Holy Mountain), is spe- they could observe Athens, The- According to tradition, the first
vals, but also a place of pilgrimage cial in every way. It boasts a unique bes, Sparta, Corinth and Mycenae. monasteries here were built using
for many visitors who don’t miss Orthodox monastic theocratic re- At the northern end, which over- primitive methods, with builders
out on touring the Allied military public, which has existed for more looked Macedonia, were a kitch- using ropes and pulleys to hoist up

Foto: Depositphotos / Stan_pit

cemetery and World War I memo- than 1,000 years, with its monks en, banquet hall, armoury and the required stone, tools, ropes and
rial park of Zeitenlik, where Serbi- living in accordance with church workshops. The other gods lived all other essentials. Curious visi-
an soldiers were also laid to rest. canon and in the spirit of Byzan- in the middle. The gods lived inside tors would always ask the priests
This is also a starting point for tine times, mysteriously nestled Olympus. There they slept, passed how often they change the ropes,
exploration, a place from which away in forests beside the sea. judgement, ate and drank ambro- to which the priests would reply,
the road very quickly leads you to Among the 20 Orthodox mon- sia and nectar, while Apollo enter- “whenever the Lord allows them
incredible landscapes filled with asteries in this place is Serbia’s own tained them by playing the lyre. to break”.
the beauty of nature, but also re- Hilandar. A man is unable to feel The monastic cells can still be
ligion. In the month when we this indifferent merely at the thought METEORA seen today in the hollows of the
year celebrate Easter, we’re tak- that he is in the same place where Heavenly monasteries rocks, while walkways leading up
ing you on three excursions from Saint Sava and his father Saint Sim- The Meteora monasteries were to the buildings were only built in
Thessaloniki – to Athos, Olympus eon Mirotočivi walked, as well as erected on the tops of natural rock the early 20th century, so they can
and Meteora. many others who devoted their pillars that rise out of the Thes- today be reached via a combina-
lives to prayer and headed out from salian plain. The remains of the tion of paths and stairs. The ter-
MOUNT ATHOS this holy place to preach the faith first monastery buildings date back ritory of Meteora was declared a

Foto: Depositphotos / MARIUSZ PRUSACZYK

Where the silence is audible around the world. Finding oneself to the 11th century, while today on- holy place, inviolable and immuta-
According to Greek mytholo- there, in the church, surrounded by ly six of these monasteries remain ble, in 1995, according to Greek

Foto: Depositphotos / Alinamd

gy, in ancient times this mountain frescoes that date back centuries, active, despite them once number- law and the decision of the Syn-
was home to the Titans, the chil- absorbing the intoxicating aroma ing as many as 24. This monastery od of the Greek Orthodox Church.
dren of the gods (sons and daugh- of frankincense, one can’t help but complex represents a unique world Meteora’s most accessible mon-
ters of the sky god Uranus and think that this is the epicentre of attraction, as it was constructed astery, and its only female mon-
the earth goddess Gaia). It was in a very special energy. On Mount on completely inaccessible natu- astery, is the Monastery of Agi-
doing battle with the Titans that Athos one gets the impression of ral rock pillars that rise skywards os Stefanos.

106 | Solun » Thessaloniki Thessaloniki » Solun | 107

Destinacija Destination

Mediteranski T h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n c h a r m o f T e l Av i v

Capital of innovation
š a r m T e l Av i va

Prestonica and sunny beaches

inovacija i Laidback residents, excellent food, a pleasant

sunčanih Mediterranean climate, good nightlife and a rich

cultural offer – these are just some of the reasons
you’ll happily return to this city

Foto: depositphotos / Rafael Ben-Ari/Chameleons Eye

Opušteni stanovnici,
odlična hrana, prijatna
mediteranska klima,
dobar provod i bogata
kulturna ponuda samo
su neki od razloga zbog
kojih ćete se sigurno
rado vraćati u ovaj grad scan

he first 20-minute drive tree – a monument to the world-fa-
eć prva 20-minut- from Ben Gurion Airport mous Jaffa variety of this fruit, which
na vožnja od Aero- to Tel Aviv city centre originated in this region despite to-
droma „Ben Gurion“ will draw your attention day being cultivated mainly in Spain.
do centra Tel Aviva to a fact that somehow
skrenuće vam pa- defines this city: it shows two com- Eat on the streets
žnju na činjenicu koja na neki na- pletely contrasting faces at every As a true cosmopolitan city,
čin definiše ovaj grad – na svakom turn. There is the elegant business Tel Aviv offers a wide selection of
ćošku pokazuje svoja dva potpu- side, but also the unrestrained side, restaurants specialising in various
no suprotna lica. Biznis-stranu, glittering, exuding joie de vivre and world cuisines, but those in the know
elegantnu i prefinjenu, ali i onu a life of ease. Let the city carry you will recommend that you nonethe-
nesputanu, vrcavu, koja emituje where it will, but there are also some less sample some local street-food

Foto: depositphotos
radost i opuštenost. Pustite da vas Od 6. apri- “musts” in Tel Aviv... specialities. One option is to take a
grad nosi, ali neke stvari ipak ne- la Er Srbi- guided culinary tour, while anoth-
ja leti do Tel
mojte da propustite. Aviva tri pu- Stroll along the seafront er is to follow the recommendation
ta nedeljno The Tayelet is the two-kilometre- of locals and try falafel with hum-
Prošetajte obalom – utorkom, long promenade that many consider mus or tahini, as well as shakshou-
četvrtkom i
Tajelet je promenada duga dva tu, koji ju je izgradio. U jednoj od tahinijem, kao i šakšuku, baba ga- nedeljom
one of the world's most beautiful, so ka, baba ghanoush etc. You'll notice
kilometra koju mnogi smatraju jed- uličica nalazi se i leteće drvo na- nuš… Primetićete da Izraelci jedno- Air Serbia will it's definitely number one on the list that Israelis simply adore aubergines.
nom od lepših u svetu, pa je sva- randže – spomenik svetski pozna- stavno obožavaju patlidžan. start flying to of Tel Aviv musts. This paved prom-
Tel Aviv three
kako broj jedan na listi obaveznih toj jafa sorti, koja potiče iz ovog times a week
enade separates the city’s calm sand Enjoy the White City
stvari koje morate da vidite u Tel kraja, ali se danas uglavnom pro- Uživajte u Belom gradu as of 6th April beach from its forest of skyscrapers The White City is the world's
Avivu. Popločano šetalište razdva- izvodi u Španiji. Beli grad je najveći skup zgra- – on Tues- and busy streets. largest collection of Bauhaus-style
ja pitomu peščanu plažu od šume da u stilu bauhausa na svetu, zbog days, Thurs- buildings, which is also why it’s listed
days and
Jedite na ulici Lose yourself in Jaffa
Foto: depositphotos / Rafael Ben-Ari/Chameleons Eye

nebodera i užurbanih ulica. čega se i nalazi na Uneskovoj listi. Sundays as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Kao pravi kosmopolitski grad, Kvartove koji čine Beli grad izgra- Enter Jaffa’s winding cobble- The areas forming the White City
Izgubite se u Jafi Tel Aviv nudi velik izbor restora- dile su jevrejske arhitekte izbegle iz stone alleys and stairways that are were built by Jewish architects who
Zađite u njene vijugave kame- na raznih kuhinja sveta, ali znalci Nemačke, a na licu mesta možete typical of any Mediterranean city. Jaf- fled Germany. Here you can see ex-
ne uličice i stepeništa, tipične za će vam preporučiti da ipak ispro- videti primere moderne arhitek- fa, or Yafo in Hebrew, is one of the amples of modern 20th century ar-
bilo koji mediteranski grad. Jafa, bate neke lokalne specijalitete na ture 20. veka čiji principi počivaju Mediterranean’s oldest ports. Leg- chitecture with principles based on
ili na hebrejskom – Jafo, jedna je ulici. Jedna opcija su turističke ku- na funkcionalnosti i ekonomičnim end has it that it was named after functionality and economical mate-
od najstarijih luka na Mediteranu. linarske ture, a druga da posluša- materijalima. Centar „Bauhaus“ u one of Noah's sons, Japheth, who rials. Tel Aviv's Bauhaus Centre reg-
Legenda kaže da je dobila ime po te preporuku lokalaca i isprobate Tel Avivu organizuje redovne ar- constructed it. One of its alleyways ularly organises architectural tours
jednom od Nojevih sinova, Jafe- preukusni falafel sa humusom ili hitektonske ture gradom. is also home to the “flying” orange of the city.

108 | Tel Aviv » Tel Aviv Tel Aviv » Tel Aviv | 109
Er Srbija info Air Serbia info Izmir
Do jednog od najvažnijih lučkih gradova Mediterana
Er Srbija će početi da leti od 15. aprila,
i to svake srede i subote
Air Serbia will start operating flights to one of the most
important port cities in the Mediterranean from 15th April,
every Wednesday and Saturday

Biser Egeja i
svetska čuda
Grad Izmir nalazi se u zapadnoj
Anadoliji i poznat je po najvažni-
joj izvoznoj luci u Turskoj. Jedan je
od divnih gradova koje je izgra-
dio Aleksandar Veliki u 4. veku
pre nove ere. Takođe se govori-
lo da je to mesto rođenja pozna-
tog grčkog pesnika Homera. Iz-
mir je i dom drevnih gradova koje
svake godine poseti gotovo dva
miliona ljudi. Pergamon je moćni
drevni grčki grad koji ima neke
od najbolje očuvanih ruševina iz
tog doba. Ali nijedan put u Izmir
ne bi bio potpun bez posete ču-
venom drevnom grčkom gradu
Efesu, rodnom mestu osnivača
antičke filozofije Heraklita i me-
stu procvata umetnosti i nauke.

Pearl of the Aegean and

wonders of the world
The city of Izmir is located in west-
ern Anatolia and is famous as the
home of Türkiye’s most important
seaport. The country’s third larg-
est city by population, after Istan-
bul and Ankara, it is also one of
the wonderful cities to have been
built by Alexander the Great in
the 4th century BC. It is also said
to have been the birthplace of fa-
mous Greek poet Homer. Izmir is
home to ancient cities that are vis-
ited by nearly two million people
each year. Pergamon was a pow-
erful ancient Greek city that has
some of the best-preserved ruins
from the era. Still, no trip to Izmir
would be complete without visit-
ing the famous ancient Greek city
of Ephesus, the birthplace of Her-
aclitus, the founder of Greek met-
aphysics, and a place where art
and science flourished.
Foto: Depositphotos / Alexlukin

110 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 111
er sr bija info / air Ser bia info

Najbolje cene karata putem

direktnih prodajnih kanala Er Srbije

The best ticket prices via O N LY

Air Serbia direct sales channels GOOD

Er Srbija širi poslovanje u Nišu

Air Serbia to expand Niš operations
Posle izuzetno dobrog odziva na
završenom konkursu za nove agente
Following a great turnout at the
completed recruitment drive for new
Zašto? / Why?
kontakt-centra Er Srbije u Nišu srpska naci- agents at the Air Serbia Contact Centre in Niš,
onalna avio-kompanija odlučila je da udvo- the Serbian national airline has decided to dou-
struči broj agenata koje će zaposliti u tom ble the number of agents to be employed in this
gradu. Na konkurs se prijavilo oko 400 kan- city. Around 400 candidates from Niš and the Bez dodatnih troškova
didata iz Niša i okoline, a posle testiranja i surrounding area have submitted their applica-
identifikovanja više desetina vrlo kvalitetnih tions, and now – following testing and the iden- No extra fees
kandidata Er Srbija namerava da, umesto tifying of dozens of exceptional candidates – Air
prvobitno planiranih 20, već u prvoj fazi za- Serbia intends to hire 40 new agents in the first
posli 40 novih agenata. Konkurs je raspisan phase, instead of the 20 originally planned. The
nakon što je Er Srbija odlučila da, pored po- hiring call was launched after Air Serbia deci- Efikasna i direktna komunikacija sa
stojećeg kontakt-centra u Beogradu, zapo- ded to employ additional agents at its Niš con-
sli dodatne agente i u Nišu, u cilju pružanja tact centre, alongside agents in Belgrade, wi- putnicima putem naših kanala
još bolje usluge za korisnike. th the goal of providing customers with an even
Pored agenata kontakt-centra, srp- better service.
Efficient and direct communication
ska nacionalna avio-kompanija jačaće In addition to contact centre agents, the with passengers via our channels
svoje kapacitete u Nišu i tako što će nje- Serbian national airline will also strengthen its ca-
na ćerka-firma Air Serbia Ground Services
(ASGS) u tom gradu otvoriti službu za ba-
pacities in Niš by opening an aircraft balancing
service in the city through its subsidiary Air Ser- PRIORITY TREATMENT AT BELGRADE AIRPORT - € 27.99
lansiranje vazduhoplova. Izdvojeno odelje- bia Ground Services (ASGS). The dedicated de- Brzo i adekvatno reagovanje na
nje za Load kontrolu u prvoj fazi brojaće 10 partment for Load control will number 10 agents Ovaj paket dodatnih usluga garantujebilonajbolje iskustvo na aerodromu Nikola Tesla u Beogradu. U
kakve promene
agenata. in the first phase.
Tokom letnje sezone srpska nacionalna During the summer season, the Serbian na- cenu paketa je uključen boravak uQuick
Er Srbija Premijum salonu u trajanju od 60 minuta, prioritetni
and adequate
avio-kompanija će sa Aerodroma „Konstan- tional airline will operate direct flights from Niš prolaz na pasoškoj kontroli, kao i prvenstvo pri prijavi
response to any na let i ukrcavanju.
tin Veliki“ obavljati direktne letove do Atine, Constantine the Great Airport to Athens, Colo-
Kelna, Frankfurt-Hana, Istanbula, Ljubljane gne, Frankfurt-Hahn, Istanbul, Ljubljana and Tivat. Za više informacija , molimo obratite se kabinskom osoblju ili posetite
i Tivta. Pored redovnih linija, Er Srbija će i u Alongside scheduled regular routes, Air Serbia
čarter-saobraćaju leteti do popularnih let- will also operate charter flights to popular sum-
njih destinacija. mer holiday destinations. This bundle guarantees the best airport experience at Nikola Tesla Belgrade airport. Services included
112 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia at the bundle are 1 hour Air Serbia Premium Lounge pass, Fast Lane at Departures, Priority Check-In
and Priority Boarding.
er sr bija info / air Ser bia info

Tri pitanja za... Three questions for... M a k s i m a l n a u d o b n o s t j e pr i o r i t e t

maximum comfort is our priority
Aleksandra Aleksandar Miletić,
Miletića, kopilota First Officer Nove mogućnosti
April je, kako kaže poznata pesma, najlepši u Be- April is at its most beautiful in Belgrade, as the fa-
NEW possibilities
gradu, ali koja bi destinacija Er Srbije bila vaš slede- mous song goes, but which Air Serbia destination would
ći izbor? be your next choice?
– Proleće je sigurno najlepše doba za boravak u Be- “Spring is certainly the most beautiful period to stay
ogradu, ali ako bih imao priliku da otputujem negde u to in Belgrade, but if I had the opportunity to travel somew- Nacionalna avio-kompanija Republike Srbije pod
vreme, onda bi to bila neka od naših destinacija u Špa- here at that time, then that would be to one of our desti- imenom Er Srbija posluje od oktobra 2013. godine, kada
niji (Malaga, Valensija, Barselona i Madrid) ili Lisabon u nations in Spain (Malaga, Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid) je promenila ime i celokupan identitet, uvodeći nove kon- The national airline of the Republic of Serbia has
Portugalu. To su zemlje koje imaju bogatu istoriju i pre- or to Lisbon in Portugal. These are countries that have rich cepte poslovanja i usluge širom rastuće saobraćajne mre- been operating under the Air Serbia name since October 2013,
lepu prirodu. Poznate su takođe po izvrsnoj kuhinji i pro- history and beautiful nature. They are also known for their že. Naslednica je prve avio-kompanije na ovim prostorima when the national carrier’s name and overall identity were chan-
vodu, a i mentalitet ljudi koji žive tamo je najsličniji na- excellent cuisine and fun nights out, while the mentality of – Aeroputa, koja je osnovana u junu 1927. godine. Od tada ged, with the introduction of new business concepts and servi-
šem. the people who live there is most similar to ours.” do danas Er Srbija je bila među liderima civilnog vazduho- ces across its growing network of destinations.
plovstva, a od 1961. godine je članica Međunarodne asoci- Air Serbia is the direct successor of the region’s first airli-
Our airline will be flying jacije avio-prevoznika (IATA). ne: Aeroput, which was founded in June 1927, and since then the
to a large number of cities Er Srbija leti do preko 80 redovnih i čarter destinaci- Serbian national airline has been among the leaders of civil avia-
for the first time this year. Do ja u Evropi, na Mediteranu, Severnoj Americi i Africi, a sada tion, becoming a member of the International Air Transport Asso-
you have a favourite among i Aziji, i to u putničkom i teretnom saobraćaju. U saradnji sa ciation (IATA) in 1961. Air Serbia flies to more than 80 schedu-
the new destinations? partnerskim avio-kompanijama u prilici je da putnicima po- led and charter destinations in Europe, the Mediterranean region,
“My first flight for our airline nudi letove do međunarodnih odredišta u Aziji, Australiji, North America and Africa, but now also Asia, providing both pas-
was to Rome. I’ve had opportu- Severnoj Americi i Africi. senger and cargo transport services. In cooperation with its par-
nities to stay in Italy multiple ti- Pored matičnog aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, tner airlines, Air Serbia is able to offer flights to international desti-
mes and each subsequent visit Er Srbija u Srbiji leti i sa niškog aerodroma „Konstantin Ve- nations in Asia, Australia, North America and Africa.
was better than the last. That’s liki“, kao i sa međunarodnog aerodroma „Morava“ kod Kra- Alongside Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, as its hub, Air Ser-
why Naples and Palermo are ljeva. bia also flies from Serbian airports Niš Constantine the Great and
cities that I would single out Er Srbija igra ključnu ulogu u razvoju vazduhoplovstva Morava Airport near Kraljevo.
among our new destinations.” u Srbiji, srpske industrije putovanja i turističke privrede Sr- Air Serbia plays a key role in the development of aviation in
bije. Prioritet kompanije je pružanje usluge izuzetnog kva- Serbia, but also Serbia’s travel and tourism industry. The com-
We have two large liteta za putnike. Cilj nam je da putnicima pružimo mak- pany’s priority is to offer passengers an exceptionally high-quality
A330 aircraft in our fleet, simalnu udobnost tokom putovanja, bez obzira na klasu service. Our aim is to provide passengers with maximum comfort
but also Airbus A319 and kojom lete. throughout their journey, regardless of which class they fly.
A320. Which is the most
pleasant to fly?
“The A330 is the largest
Veliki je broj novih gradova do kojih će naša aircraft in our fleet and the most comfortable to fly. Pilots
avio-kompanija leteti ove godine. Imate li omiljeni među
novim destinacijama?
love it for its good flight performance and the stability it
provides under conditions of high turbulence. Moreover,
Er Srbija izabrala više od 120 kandidata za kabinsku posadu
– Moj prvi let u našoj avio-kompaniji je bio let za this type of plane flies on the longest routes that we ha- Air Serbia selects more than 120 cabin crew candidates
Rim. Imao sam priliku da više puta boravim u Italiji i sva- ve. Spending time in America or China provides a special
ka sledeća poseta je bila bolja od prethodne. Zato su experience in the aviation business and is a kind of privi- Na jednom od najvećih In one of Air Serbia’s largest calls for
Napulj i Palermo gradovi koje bih izdvojio među novim lege. That’s precisely why I would give preference to the konkursa za članove kabinske new cabin crew members since the start
destinacijama. Airbus A330.” posade Er Srbije od kada kom- of operations under its current name, as
panija posluje pod tim ime- many as 123 high-quality candidates have
Imamo dva velika A330 aviona u floti, ali i „erbas nom tokom samo jednog dana been selected for testing in just one day.
A319“, „erbas A320“... Na kojem je najlepše leteti? na testiranju su izabrana čak This result means that Air Serbia
– A330 je najveći avion u našoj floti i najudobni- 123 kvalitetna kandidata. Na has selected enough candidates to co-
ji je za letenje. Piloti ga vole zbog njegovih dobrih per- taj način Er Srbija je obezbedi- ver the entire summer season, when a
formansi u letu i stabilnosti koju pruža u uslovima jakih la dovoljno kandidata za letnju large increase in the number of destina-
turbulencija. Pored toga, taj tip aviona leti na najdu-
Napulj i Palermo su gradovi koje bih sezonu, u kojoj je očekuje ve- tions, fleet expansion and rising weekly

izdvojio među novim destinacijama

žim linijama koje imamo. Boravak u Americi ili Kini do- liki rast broja destinacija, flo- flight frequencies are all expected.
nosi poseban doživljaj u letačkom poslu i jedna je vrsta te i nedeljnih frekvencija leto- Air Serbia has shortlisted and invi-
privilegije. Upravo zbog toga bih dao prednost avionu
„erbas A330“.
Naples and Palermo are cities I would va. Od više od 800 prijavljenih
preko 300 je ušlo u uži izbor i
ted for testing over 300 of the more than
800 interested applicants who respon-
single out among our new destinations pozvano je na testiranje. ded to the call.

114 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 115

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Hajde da budemo prijatelji

Let’s be friends Dodatne
#FlyAirSerbia #FANtasticPhoto na vašoj
Dobro jutro! 🌞
Ko je spreman za
‼️Friday Quiz‼️
Sve oči uprte u našu veliku pticu!✈👀
poletanje? Sa preko Možete li da pogodite na koji aerodrom smo sleteli? 😎
80 destinacija u našoj All eyes are on our big bird! ✈👀
mreži koja se širi, vreme Can you guess which airport we landed at? 😎 Planiranje putovanja nika-
je da planirate svoju 📸 Thank you @austrian_aviation_photography for this da nije bilo lakše uz naše
sledeću avanturu. #FANtasticPhoto! partnere. Bilo da želite da rezer-
✈✈✈ višete smeštaj iz snova, unajmi-
Good morning! 🌞 te vozilo za sledeći porodični izlet ili
Who is ready for take- izaberete turističku aktivnost, ima-
off? With over 80 des- mo pravu ponudu za vas.
tinations in our expand-
ing network, now is the Ture & aktivnosti
time to plan your next Otkrijte sve atrakcije i skrivene
adventure. ✈✈✈ dragulje na vašoj destinaciji. Er Sr-
#AirSerbia bija i „TripAdmit“ vam donose ne-
#TravelToDiscover ke od najatraktivnijih tura i niz aktiv-
nosti koje će vaše putovanje učiniti
Za rezervaciju usluge i više Ancillary
informacija posetite
at your Hotels
Find the best accommodation
Pronađite najbolji smeštaj za destination for your next journey through our
svoje naredno putovanje preko na- partner Explore co-
šeg partnera Istraži- untless options worldwide, as well
#Plan- te bezbroj mogućnosti širom sveta, With our partners, as special offers at the local level,
YourTravel kao i posebne ponude na lokalnom planning a journey has ne- and all at affordable prices and with
nivou, a sve to uz povoljne cene i ver been easier. Whether you greater flexibility when booking ac-
Naša sreća veću fleksibilnost prilikom rezerva- want to book your dream accom- commodation.
počinje sa cije smeštaja. modation, rent a car for your next Book services and find
vama!❤️ Dobro Za rezervaciju usluge i više family excursion or choose a tou- more information by visiting
došli na let!✈ informacija posetite rist activity, we have the right offer
Pssst, neko sanja da leti sa tobom! ✈💭❤️
Our happiness for you.
Letenje danju ili noću: šta više volite? 😎
Pssst, someone is dreaming of flying with you! ✈💭❤️
begins with you! Car rental
Flying day vs night: which do you prefer? 😎
❤️Welcome on Najam vozila Tours and activities Renting a vehicle has never
Thank you @mark0gram for this #FANtasticPhoto.
board! ✈ Najam vozila nikada nije bio Discover all the attractions and been easier or more affordable
jednostavniji i povoljniji uz našeg hidden gems of your destination. than it is with our partner Rental-
partnera Pretraži- Air Serbia and TripAdmit bring you Search, select and bo-
te, odaberite i rezervišite vozilo kod some of the most attractive tours ok a vehicle with more than 900
Koristite #AirSerbia kada putujete sa nama. Dobro došli! / Keep travelling
više od 900 agencija na više od and activities that will ensure your agencies in over 60,000 locations
and use #AirSerbia when flying with us! Welcome onboard!
60.000 lokacija širom sveta. travels are unforgettable. worldwide.
Za rezervaciju usluge i više Book services and find Book services and find
Prvi saznajte sve o specijalnim ponudama Be the first to find out about our informacija posetite more information by visiting more information by visiting
i novinama. Posetite i special offers. Visit and
prijavite se za naš Newsletter sign up for our Newsletter

116 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 117

Udaljenost od Beograda Diseldorf / Dusseldorf 1.234 Ljubljana / Ljubljana 481 Salcburg / Salzburg 660
Finland Beg
Distance from Belgrade (km) Firenca / Florence 740 Madrid / Madrid 2.217 Sankt Peterburg / St Petersburg 1.796
Amsterdam / Amsterdam 1.408 Frankfurt / Frankfurt 1054 Malaga / Malaga 2.268 Sarajevo / Sarajevo 192

Mapa destinacija
Ankara / Ankara 1.164 Geteborg / Gothenburg 1.547 Malta / Malta 1.110 Skoplje / Skopje 330
Atina / Athens 824 Hamburg / Hamburg 1.233 Marselj / Marseille 1.215 Sofija / Sofia 344
Banjaluka / Banja Luka 246 Hanover / Hannover 1.1151 Milano / Milan 871 Solun / Thessaloniki 526

Destination map
Beč / Vienna 467 Hanja / Chania 1.074 Moskva / Moscow 1.717 Soči / Sochi 1.537
Bari / Bari 505 Istanbul / Istanbul 809 Napulj / Naples 676 Split / Split 351
Oslo Sweden St. Petersburg Barselona / Barcelona 1.582 Iraklion / Heraklion 1.125 Stokholm / Stockholm 1.629
Njujork / New York 7.260
Berlin / Berlin 977 Izmir / Izmir 901 Nirnberg / Nuremberg 877 Štutgart / Stuttgart 948
Bolonja / Bologna 1.047 Katanija / Catania 930 Oslo / Oslo 1.801 Tel Aviv / Tel Aviv 1.881
Estonia Budimpešta / Budapest 319 Kazanj / Kazan 2.349 Ohrid / Ohrid 410 Tivat / Tivat 298
Redovne linije iz Beograda / Scheduled from Belgrade
Beg Brisel / Brussels 1.357 Keln / Cologne 1.180 Palermo / Palermo 960 Tirana / Tirana 382
Sezonske linije iz Beograda / Seasonal from Belgrade
Redovne linije iz Niša / Scheduled from Niš Bukurešt / Bucharest 460 Kopenhagen / Copenhagen 1.318 Palma de Majorka / Palma de Mallorca 1.561 Tjenđin / Tianjin 7.539
Ini Cirih / Zurich 951
Sezonske linije iz Niša / Seasonal from Niš Gothenburg Krakov / Krakow 586 Pariz / Paris 1.415 Trst / Trieste 531
Redovne linije iz Kraljeva / Scheduled from Kraljevo Čikago / Chicago 8.027 Kairo / Cairo 1.892 Podgorica / Podgorica 286 Varna / Varna 620
Sezonske linije iz Kraljeva / Seasonal from Kraljevo Latvia Dubrovnik / Dubrovnik 299 Krf / Corfu 578 Pula / Pula 523 Valensija / Valencia 1.811
Larnaka / Larnaca 1.585 Prag / Prague 744 Venecija / Venice 640
London / London 1.675 Rijeka / Rijeka 477 Zadar / Zadar 422
Lithuania Moscow Lion / Lyon 1.230 Rim / Rome 721 Zagreb / Zagreb 348
Lisabon / Lisbon 2.531
Ini Udaljenost od Niša
Copenhagen Rodos / Rhodes 1.135
Distance from Niš (km)
Atina / Athens 630
Beograd / Belgrade 201
Belarus Frankfurt Han / Frankfurt Hahn 1.054
Hamburg Russia Istanbul / Istanbul 635
Kingdom Berlin Keln / Cologne 1.391
Amsterdam Hannover Ljubljana / Ljubljana 667
Poland Chicago
zan Tivat / Tivat 278
Germany Ka New York tianjin
London Dusseldorf Kvo Udaljenost od Kraljeva
Distance from Kraljevo (km)
Brussels Cologne Ukraine Istanbul / Istanbul 724
Frankfurt Solun / Thessaloniki 390
Tivat / Tivat 217
Frankfurt / Hahn Nuremberg Czechia

Paris Slovakia
Stuttgart Vienna
France Zurich Austria
Venice Trieste
Lyon Milan Hungary
Bologna Belgrade Sochi Ljubljana
Florence Kraljevo Belgrade
Marseille Niš Rijeka
Italy Pula Banja Luka

Spain Rome Zadar Kraljevo

Barcelona Bari Split Sarajevo
Naples Bulgaria
Madrid Niš Varna
Valencia Palma de Mallorca Italy
Ankara Tivat Podgorica
Turkey Skopje
Palermo Tirana
Catania Ohrid Istanbul
Malaga Thessaloniki

Malta Corfu
Algeria Turkey

Marocco Athens

Tel Aviv


Cairo Chania
118 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Libya Egypt
Nove destinacije / New destinations Flota / Fleet

Beograd/Belgrade Budimpešta/Budapest 13. mart/13th March

Beograd/Belgrade Tel Aviv/Tel Aviv 6. april/6th April
Beograd/Belgrade Ankara/Ankara 7. april/7th April airbus a330-200

Beograd/Belgrade Katanija/Catania 14. april/14th April Nikola Tesla Broj aviona / Number in fleet 2
Beograd/Belgrade Izmir/Izmir 15. april/15th April Dužina / Length 57,51 m
Beograd/Belgrade Lisabon/Lisbon 15. april/15th April Raspon krila / Wingspan 60,30 m

Polećemo Beograd/Belgrade Kairo/Cairo 15. maj/15th May

Broj sedišta / Seats 257, 268

we‘re taking off

Brzina krstarenja 870 km/h
Beograd/Belgrade Hamburg/Hamburg 17. maj/17th May / Cruising speed
Visina krstarenja 12.500 m
Beograd/Belgrade Čikago/Chicago 17. maj/17th May / Maximum cruising altitude
Beograd/Belgrade Geteborg/Gothenburg 18. maj/18 May

Beograd/Belgrade Keln/Cologne 18. maj/18th May
Beograd/Belgrade Napulj/Naples 19. maj/19th May
Beograd/Belgrade Firenca/Florence 20. maj/20th May
Beograd/Belgrade Marselj/Marseille 20. maj/20th May
Beograd/Belgrade Iraklion/Heraklion 31. maj/31th May

Beograd/Belgrade Krakov/Krakow 4. jun/4th June

Beograd/Belgrade Ohrid/Ohrid 5. jun/5th June
Beograd/Belgrade Varna/Varna 5. jun/5th June

Beograd/Belgrade Rodos/Rhodes 8. jun/8th June

Beograd/Belgrade Krf/Corfu 9. jun/9th June
Beograd/Belgrade Hanja/Chania 11. jun/11th June airbus a320 airbus a319
Beograd/Belgrade Palermo/Palermo 14. jun/14th June
Broj aviona / Number in fleet 2 Broj aviona / Number in fleet 10
Dužina / Length 37,57 m Dužina / Length 33,84 m
Raspon krila / Wingspan 35,80 m Raspon krila / Wingspan 35,80 m

Broj sedišta / Seats 174 Broj sedišta / Seats 144

Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed 828 km/h Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed 828 km/h
Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude 11.887 m Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude 11.887 m

Između Beograda
i Lisabona, avioni Atr 72-600
tipa erbas A319, Broj aviona / Number in fleet 5
Za više detalja molimo vas posetite
sajt / For more

saobraćaće dva
Dužina / Length 27,16 m
details please visit
Raspon krila / Wingspan 27,05 m

puta nedeljno,
Broj sedišta / Seats 72
Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed 510 km/h

utorkom i Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude 7.600 m

Between Belgrade Ceo svet je bliži kad nas je više / The whole world is closer when there are more of us
and Lisbon, the
Upoznajte naše kod-šer partnere / Meet our codeshare partners
Airbus A319 aircraft
will be flying twice a
week, on Tuesdays
and Saturdays

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 121

120 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Ljubav na prvi pogled Zabava na letu Inflight entertainment
Love at first sight
Air Serbia Airbus Uživajte
A330-200 Nikola Tesla na letu za
RSD 3.900 Njujork
Razmera / Scale 1:200
Air Serbia Airbus A330
Enjoy the
flight to
RSD 2.830
Razmera / Scale 1:200
New York kako sam upoznao vašu majku
How I met your mother
Bruklin 9-9
Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Ovo je samo deo

bogate ponude filmova,
TV serija i animiranih
filmova koja je dostupna
u biznis i ekonomskoj
klasi / This is just part of
the rich offer of films, TV
series and animated films
that are available to both
Business and Economy
Class passengers avanture mačka U kancelariji avanture rokija
u čizmama The Office i bulvinkla
Air Serbia Airbus A320 The Adventures of The Adventures of

RSD 1.990 Puss in Boots Rocky and Bullwinkle

Razmera / Scale 1:200

Air Serbia Airbus A319
RSD 1.990 filmovi
Razmera / Scale 1:200 movies
bornova nadmoć
Apolo 13 The Bourne Supremacy Mali šef
apollo 13 Almost Christmas The Boss Baby
miris žene Skoro božić
Scent of a Woman

Makete možete kupiti u Er Srbija poslovnicama i Premijum salonu

Models can be purchased in selected Air Serbia retail shops and Premium Lounge
Drama action porodični
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 17 Jurija Gagarina 12 Air Serbia Premium Lounge drama 108 min. I 2004. drama family
11000 Beograd 11070 Novi Beograd Aerodrom Nikola Tesla
140 min. I 1995. drama drama 97 min. I 2017.
drama 112 min. I 2016..
157 min. I 1992.
122 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 123
Servisne informacije Service information


U avion možete besplatno da unesete Na let možete da unesete još jedan ... Jaknu ili kaput, sklopiva invalidska Er Srbija poziva sve svoje putnike da dođu dovoljno rano na Air Serbia advises all its passengers to arrive at the airport on time
komad ručnog prtljaga, za koji je dodatni mali komad prtljaga ili predmet kolica, ortopedska pomagala, aerodrom kako bi završili prijavu za let na vreme. Prijavljivanje in order to be able to complete the check-in process. Please be
važno da ne prelazi dozvoljenu težinu i koji može da se smesti ispod sedišta koje kolica ili nosiljku za bebu, hranu i piće za počinje najmanje dva sata pre vremena odlaska, međutim: advised that check-in opens at least two hours before time of
dimenzije. je ispred vas. bebu, kao i štap za hodanje. • Prijavljivanje na let zaključuje se 45 minuta pre poletanja. departure, however:
• Izlaz za ukrcavanje zatvara se 20 minuta pre • Check-in closes 45 minutes prior to flight departure
poletanja. • The boarding gate closes 20 minutes prior to flight
8 kg Za više informacija molimo pozovite kontakt-centar departure
8 kg
Er Srbije na broj 0800 111 528 (besplatni pozivi sa For further information, please contact Air Serbia’s
8 kg 4 kg fiksne i mobilne telefonije u Srbiji), +381 11 311 21 23 Contact Centre on 0800 111 528 (calls free of charge
za pozive iz inostranstva posetite zvanični veb-sajt Er from Serbian landlines and mobile networks) or +381
Srbije, ili bilo koju poslovnicu Er Check in 11 311 21 23 (if calling from abroad), or visit Air Serbia’s
Srbije ili ovlašćenih turističkih agencija. official website www.airserbia.comor any of Air Serbia’s
offices or authorised travel agents.

Hand luggage Additional You can also Pogodnosti za

putnike starije
šalteri za
You can carry a piece of hand luggage hand luggage bring aboard... od 65 godina
/ Benefits for
porodice /
aboard the plane free of charge, though You can carry aboard the plane an ... a jacket or coat, folding wheelchair, travellers aged counters for
over 65 families
it is important that this item does not additional small piece of luggage, or an orthopaedic aids, a baby stroller or carrier,
exceed the permitted weight and item that can be stored beneath the seat baby food and drink, as well as a walking
Check in
dimensions. in front of you. stick.

vežbe tokom leta IN-FLIGHT EXERCISES Onlajn prijava na let Onlajn prijava na let
/ Online check-in ONLINE CHECK-IN
Ove jednostavne vežbe pomoći će da se smanje These simple exercises will help to relieve the
umor i ukočenost koji se javljaju prilikom letenja. tiredness and stiffness associated with flying. Er Srbija je dodala nove mogućnosti u okviru Air Serbia has added new features to its mobile
svoje mobilne aplikacije, pa je korisnicima sada app and users now have the option to purchase
KRUŽITE VRATOM na raspolaganju i opcija kupovine karata kao na tickets online, just like they would on the company
• Udobno se smestite na sedištu i ispravite naslon za glavu. veb-sajtu. Pored toga, aplikacija je dostupna i website. Additionally the app is available on all
• Postavite jastuk iza leđa.
• Nežno i polako kružite vratom na jednu stranu, zatim na na svim mobilnim uređajima sa iOS operativnim iOS mobile devices . Air Serbia app has been
• Sedite uspravno na sedištu da biste izbegli sabijanje
drugu stranu. sistemom. Aplikaciju Er Srbije do sada je preuzelo downloaded more than 50,000 times so far. More
• Pokušajte da zadnji deo vrata sve vreme držite pravo. više od 50.000 korisnika. Više od dve trećine than two thirds of visits to the national airline’s
• Nemojte da prekrštate noge. Umesto toga, pokušajte
poseta veb-sajtu nacionalne avio-kompanije website have been through mobile devices, of
da sedite sa ravnomerno raspoređenom težinom. NECK ROLLS
realizuje se putem mobilnih uređaja, od kojih which almost half are Apple devices.
SIT UP STRAIGHT •S  it back in the seat and flatten the headrest.
gotovo polovinu predstavljaju epl uređaji. Čekirati se, naravno, možete i The users of the app have already been able to
• Place a pillow at the hollow of the back. •G  ently and slowly roll the neck to one side, then back preko desktopa / Of course, you
Korisnicima aplikacije su do sada već bile can also check in via the desktop
check-in, scan their passport, download their
• Sit up straight in the seat to avoid compressing the spine. through the centre towards the other side.
dostupne opcije prijave na let (ček in), skeniranja boarding tickets and keep them in the Wallet
• Do not cross the legs. Instead, try to sit with weight • T ry to keep the back of the neck fully extended.
pasoša, preuzimanja karte za ukrcavanje i njeno app, register via email, Facebook and Google,
evenly balanced.
KRUŽITE RAMENIMA čuvanje u Wallet aplikaciji, registracije putem choose the analytics and message settings. They
KRUŽITE STOPALOM • Sedite uspravno i nagnite se napred na sedištu. mejla, fejsbuka i gugla, podešavanja analitike i have also had a very important option of safely
• Sedite uspravno na sedištu, stavite jastuk pod butinu, • Približite ramena ušima, pa ih kružnim pokretom vrste poruka koje žele da primaju, kao i veoma keeping their travel documents. In addition to the
iznad kolena. unazad spustite. značajna mogućnost bezbednog čuvanja putnih new options of purchasing tickets, flight search
• Rasporedite težinu ravnomerno, pa kružite • Ponovite vežbu u suprotnom smeru podižući ramena dokumenata. Uz novu mogućnost kupovine feature and price information, in the later stages
podignutim stopalom pazeci da vam pri tom cela prema ušima i spuštajući ih u početni položaj. karata, pretragu letova i informacije o cenama, of development the passengers will be also able
noga bude što mirnija. putnici će u kasnijim fazama razvoja aplikaciju to use the app to purchase ancillary services,
ANKLE CIRCLES • Sit up straight and move forward in the seat. moći da koriste i za kupovinu dodatnih usluga, or get service information about flight status,
• Sit up straight in the seat and place a pillow under the •B ring the shoulders up towards the ears, then circle servisne informacije o statusu leta, promotivne promotional campaigns and a number of other
thigh, just above the knee. back downwards. akcije i niz drugih pogodnosti. benefits.
• Keep weight even and move the foot in a circular •R epeat the exercise by lifting the shoulders towards
motion, keeping the leg as still as possible. the ears before lowering in the opposite direction.

124 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 125

Red letenja Timetable april / april

Iz Beograda / from belgrade za Beograd / to belgrade

pon uto sre čet pet sub ned pon uto sre čet pet sub ned pon uto sre čet pet sub ned pon uto sre čet pet sub ned
mon tue wed thu fry sat sun mon tue wed thu fry sat sun mon tue wed thu fry sat sun mon tue wed thu fry sat sun

PODGORICA 13:45 13:45 13:45 13:45 13:45 13:45 13:45 PODGORICA 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20
A AMSTERDAM 06:40 17:45 06:40 17:10 17:10 PODGORICA 20:15 20:15 20:15 20:45 20:45 A AMSTERDAM 10:00 21:05 10:00 20:30 20:30 PODGORICA 21:50 21:50 21:50 22:15 22:20
ANKARA 00:30 00:30 00:30 00:30 PRAGUE 06:50 06:50 17:55 06:50 17:55 06:50 17:55 ANKARA 04:10 04:10 04:10 04:10 PRAGUE 09:35 09:35 20:35 09:35 20:35 09:35 20:35
ATHENS 00:45 00:45 12:25 00:45 00:45 00:45 12:25 ATHENS 04:30 05:00 15:30 04:35 04:35 04:45 15:40
ATHENS 13:15 13:30 13:05 12:25 13:30 R ROME 06:45 06:45 12:20 06:45 12:20 06:45 12:20 ATHENS 16:30 16:45 16:20 15:40 16:45 R ROME 09:25 09:25 14:40 09:25 14:40 09:25 14:40
ROME 12:20 18:05 18:05 18:05 ROME 14:40 21:00 21:00 21:00
B BANJA LUKA 16:10 09:45 B BANJA LUKA 17:35 11:10
BARCELONA 06:30 06:30 17:10 06:30 06:30 06:30 17:10 S SARAJEVO 13:25 13:50 13:50 13:50 13:50 14:30 13:50 BARCELONA 09:55 09:55 20:40 09:55 09:55 09:55 20:40 S SARAJEVO 14:45 15:10 15:10 15:10 15:10 15:50 15:10
BARCELONA 17:10 SKOPJE 00:30 01:10 13:25 00:30 00:30 00:30 13:25 BARCELONA 20:40 SKOPJE 04:10 04:10 15:05 04:10 04:10 04:10 15:05
BARI 18:10 07:20 07:15 SKOPJE 13:25 13:25 13:25 13:25 BARI 20:30 09:35 09:30 SKOPJE 15:05 15:05 15:05 15:05
BERLIN 07:10 07:10 18:15 07:10 18:15 07:10 18:15 SOCHI 23:40 23:40 23:40 BERLIN 09:45 09:45 20:40 09:45 20:40 09:45 20:40 SOCHI 04:00 04:00 04:00
BOLOGNA 06:30 07:00 06:30 17:20 17:20 SOFIA 13:30 00:20 13:25 13:30 13:30 BOLOGNA 09:20 09:20 09:20 20:10 20:10 SOFIA 16:1005:10 16:05 16:10 16:10
BRUSSELS 06:45 18:05 SOFIA 13:30 BRUSSELS 10:00 21:15 SOFIA 16:10
BUCHAREST 00:40 00:45 00:45 00:40 00:45 13:10 ST. PETERSBURG 21:50 21:50 00:30 BUCHAREST 04:50 04:50 05:10 04:50 05:00 16:05 ST. PETERSBURG 02:30 02:30 05:05
BUCHAREST 12:45 13:15 12:45 STOCKHOLM 06:40 17:05 17:05 06:40 17:05 06:25 17:05 BUCHAREST 15:40 16:10 15:40 STOCKHOLM 10:05 20:30 20:30 10:05 20:30 09:50 20:30
BUDAPEST 07:45 07:45 06:45 06:35 06:15 06:45 13:30 STUTTGART 18:20 18:20 07:00 07:00 BUDAPEST 09:30 09:30 08:30 08:10 08:00 08:30 15:15 STUTTGART 20:30 20:50 09:30 09:30
BUDAPEST 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 17:05 BUDAPEST 15:15 15:15 15:15 22:00 15:15 15:15 18:50
BUDAPEST 19:35 20:15 17:05 T THESSALONIKI 13:15 13:10 13:10 12:55 BUDAPEST 21:20 22:00 18:50 T THESSALONIKI 16:15 16:05 16:15 15:55
C CATANIA 13:00 11:55 TIRANA 00:20 00:45 13:20 00:30 00:30 00:40 00:40 C CATANIA 15:40 14:35 TIRANA 04:05 05:00 15:05 04:00 04:10 04:20 04:20
COPENHAGEN 17:55 06:30 17:15 06:00 17:15 TIRANA 13:15 13:40 13:15 13:20 13:15 COPENHAGEN 21:00 09:35 20:20 09:05 20:20 TIRANA 15:00 15:25 15:00 15:05 15:00
TIVAT 10:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 06:55 06:55 10:00 TIVAT 11:50 11:50 11:50 11:50 08:30 08:35 11:40
D DUSSELDORF 06:45 18:05 06:15 17:40 17:40 06:50 06:35 TIVAT 13:40 13:40 13:40 13:40 10:10 10:10 13:40 D DUSSELDORF 09:40 21:00 09:10 20:35 20:35 09:45 09:30 TIVAT 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20 11:50 11:50 15:20
TIVAT 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 13:40 13:40 17:00 TIVAT 18:40 18:40 18:40 18:40 15:20 15:20 18:40
F FRANKFURT 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 TIVAT 17:00 17:00 F FRANKFURT 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 TIVAT 18:40 18:40

H HANNOVER 06:30 17:40 06:30 V VALENCIA 06:20 17:05 H HANNOVER 09:15 20:25 09:15 V VALENCIA 09:55 20:40
VENICE 18:10 07:05 07:05 18:10 VENICE 20:45 09:35 09:35 20:45
I ISTANBUL 00:40 00:45 07:10 00:40 00:40 00:40 12:15 VIENNA 07:45 07:45 07:45 07:45 07:45 06:40 07:45 I ISTANBUL 05:30 05:00 10:40 05:00 05:00 05:00 15:40 VIENNA 09:45 09:45 09:45 09:45 09:45 08:35 09:45
ISTANBUL 07:10 13:20 12:10 13:15 07:00 13:30 17:45 VIENNA 12:35 18:35 12:35 18:35 12:35 18:35 12:35 ISTANBUL 11:40 16:45 15:35 16:40 10:25 16:55 21:20 VIENNA 14:40 20:45 14:40 20:45 14:40 20:45 14:40
ISTANBUL 13:10 17:45 17:45 17:45 12:15 VIENNA 18:35 18:35 18:35 18:35 ISTANBUL 17:35 21:20 21:20 21:20 15:40 VIENNA 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45
IZMIR 12:15 12:40 IZMIR 15:40 16:05
Z ZAGREB 06:45 06:30 17:00 06:30 07:00 07:50 06:30 Z ZAGREB 08:30 09:15 18:45 08:45 11:25 10:00 08:15
K KAZAN 18:45 00:05 ZAGREB 18:30 20:25 20:25 K KAZAN 01:00 06:00 ZAGREB 22:10 21:50 22:10
ZURICH 07:15 07:15 06:50 07:15 06:50 06:50 07:15 ZURICH 09:55 09:55 09:30 09:55 09:30 09:30 09:55
L LARNACA 06:35 23:55 10:20 23:55 13:20 10:20 ZURICH 12:35 18:30 18:00 12:35 12:35 12:35 12:15 L LARNACA 10:45 04:05 14:30 04:05 04:05 14:40 ZURICH 15:20 21:15 20:45 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:00
LARNACA 23:55 23:55 23:55 ZURICH 18:00 18:05 18:00 18:25 18:00 LARNACA 04:05 04:05 17:30 ZURICH 20:45 20:50 20:45 21:10 20:45
LJUBLJANA 07:30 07:30 07:30 09:30 07:30 07:30 07:30 LJUBLJANA 09:50 09:50 09:50 11:25 09:50 09:50 09:50
LJUBLJANA 18:35 18:35 18:35 18:35 17:00 18:35 17:00 LJUBLJANA 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 18:55 21:00 18:55
LONDON LHR 10:25 10:25 10:25 10:25 10:25 10:25 10:25
Iz niša / from niš
13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30
21:05 09:10
za niš / to niš
LYON 18:10 06:15
pon uto sre čet pet sub ned pon uto sre čet pet sub ned
c mon tue wed thu fry sat sun
MADRID 18:20 10:50
c mon tue wed thu fry sat sun
M MADRID 14:20 06:50 M

MALAGA 13:25 08:45 COLOGNE BONN 17:45 07:10 MALAGA 17:50 13:05 COLOGNE BONN 20:50 10:15
MALTA MALTA 15:45 14:35 14:35
13:05 11:55 11:55
f f
MILAN 18:20 07:20 07:10
18:20 07:10
18:20 07:10 MILAN 20:50 09:50 09:40 20:50 09:40 20:50 09:40
MILAN 18:20 FRANKFURT HAHN 07:10 17:50 MILAN 20:50 FRANKFURT HAHN 10:05 20:50
MOSCOW 14:30 14:30 06:00 13:45 06:00 14:35 20:30 MOSCOW 02:10 04:30 02:10 03:10 02:55 02:10 02:10
i MOSCOW 20:00 20:20 10:55 19:45 11:00 20:35 04:30
MOSCOW 23:30 20:30 22:10 21:45 20:30 20:30
MOSCOW 23:30 ISTANBUL 13:10 13:10 MOSCOW ISTANBUL 17:20 17:20

L NEW YORK 13:50 19:30 19:30

N NEW YORK 07:50 13:15 13:15 N

NIŠ 00:20 18:10 00:35 LJUBLJANA 17:40 17:30 NIŠ 10:20 04:25 23:05 05:00 LJUBLJANA 20:30 20:00
NIŠ 16:55 NIŠ
NUREMBERG 18:25 07:00 NUREMBERG 21:00 09:35

o OSLO 06:05 06:05 17:20 17:05

Iz kraljeva / from kraljevo o OSLO 09:45 09:45 21:00 20:45 za kraljevo / to kraljevo
P PARIS 10:05 10:05 09:55 10:05 10:05 09:55 10:00 i pon uto sre čet pet sub ned
P PARIS 06:40 06:40 06:30 06:45 06:40 06:30 06:35 i pon
sun mon tue wed thu fry sat sun
PARIS 17:05 18:30 17:05 17:05 17:05 18:20 17:05 PARIS 20:25 22:00 20:20 20:25 20:25 21:40 20:25
PODGORICA 07:00 07:00 07:00 06:50 ISTANBUL 10:15 10:05 PODGORICA 08:35 08:35 08:35 08:25 ISTANBUL 15:10 15:00

Sva vremena su lokalna / All times are local

Red letenja je podložan promenama / The flight schedule is subject to change

126 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 127

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cene karata koje možete rezervisati sa
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+ 355 42 220 879 + 20 102 55 99 567 + 40 21 599 01 02


+381 11 2010 123

You name it, we fly it!

+ 43 720 775 338 + 33 178 900 459 + 7 495 109 47 19
+381 11 2010 245
+ 386 416 444 83
+ 49 211 370 685
Er Srbija poslovnice u Srbiji
FRANKFURT + 46 8 1241 0058
+ 49 69 20756 Air Serbia offices in Serbia
+ 359 298 15 408 + 90 212 297 48 51
+ 385 180 002 40
Tel: 0800 111 528 Tel: +381 11 32 32 372 Tel: +381 11 20 97 202 MONTENEGRO + 44 203 769 5856 toll-free calls from Serbian fixed and mobile +381 11 32 31 042
PODGORICA telephone network
+ 382 20 664 750 Tel: + 381 11 311 21 23
+ 420 296 368 276 for calls abroad or from mobile networks TIVAT
+ 382 32 671 186
CYPRUS NICOSIA Kontakt centar
+ 357 22 753 500 Contact centre NORWAY OSLO
+ 47 220 644 06
DENMARK COPENHAGEN +381 11 311 21 23 0800 111 528
+ 45 33 22 31 41 kontakt centar kontakt centar (iz Srbije)
(iz drugih zemalja) contact centre (from Serbia)
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