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ISSN 2466-4073 – Jun 2023.

/ June 2023

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Vek Beogradske filharmonije

A century of the Belgrade Philharmonic

Veličanstveno muzičko putovanje

magnificent musical journey

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Reč dobrodošlice Welcome message

Jun 2023. June 2023

Dragi putnici, Dear passengers,

Već smo gotovo na polovini 2023. godine. Za We are already halfway through 2023. During
to vreme naša kompanija je prevezla više od milion put- this year to date, our airline has carried more than a million
nika, ojačala vazdušne veze sa Severnom Amerikom i us- passengers, strengthened its connections with North Ame-
postavila 15 novih linija u Evropi, Aziji i Africi. Posebno smo rica and established 15 new routes in Europe, Asia and Afri-
ponosni na direktne letove do Čikaga koje smo pokrenuli ca. We are particularly proud of our direct flights to Chica-
sredinom maja, posle više od tri decenije pauze. go, which we relaunched in the middle of May after a break
Beograd i Čikago su prijateljski gradovi sa razvi- lasting more than three decades.
jenom ekonomskom, kulturnom i privrednom sarad- Belgrade and Chicago are friendly cities with develo-
njom. Verujemo da će nova linija između ta dva grada ped economic, cultural, and business cooperation. We be-
doprineti daljem unapređenju odnosa Srbije i Sjedinje- lieve that the new route between these two cities will contri-
nih Američkih Država i biti značajna brojnim građani- bute to further improving the relationship between Serbia
ma Čikaga koji su poreklom iz Srbije i drugih zemalja iz and the United States, and that it will be significant to a lar-
regiona šireg Balkana. Kao nacionalna avio-kompani- ge number of citizens of Chicago who have roots in Serbia
ja, uvek se trudimo da budemo snažna podrška dijas- and other countries across the wider Balkan region. As the
pori i njihova spona sa domovinom. Upravo zahvalju- national airline, we always strive to be a strong pillar of su-
jući našoj novoj, direktnoj avio-liniji između Beograda pport to the Serbian diaspora and their link to the home-
i Čikaga, oni sada mogu jednostavno da stignu u svo- land. Thanks to our new direct route between Belgrade and
je rodne gradove, porodične domove, na slave, rođen- Chicago, they can now easily reach their hometowns, the-
dane, punoletstva… ir family homes, for Saints’ day celebrations, birthdays, co-
Uz Er Srbiju ništa nije daleko. Ukoliko još uvek ni- ming-of-age parties...
ste odlučili kuda biste putovali tokom leta, predlažemo With Air Serbia, nothing is far away. If you have yet to de-
da već danas posetite naš sajt i u sekci- cide where to travel this summer, we suggest you visit our
ji „Destinacije“ pronađete rešenje. Nudimo letove do website today and find some inspiring ideas
preko 80 gradova širom sveta, pa vam izbor možda in the “Destinations” section. We offer flights to over 80 ci-
neće biti lak. U želji da vam još malo „otežamo“, sa- ties worldwide, so your choice may not be easy. In our desi-
mo ovog meseca uvodimo sedam novih destinacija, re to make that choice even harder, we are introducing se-
i to do nekih od najatraktivnijih mesta u Grčkoj, Italiji, ven new destinations this month alone, including some of
Bugarskoj. Da li ste razmišljali da posetite Varnu, grad the most attractive holiday spots in Greece, Italy and Bulga-
na obali Crnog mora? Više volite slatku vodu od slane? ria. Have you considered visiting Varna, a city on the Black
Jiri Marek
Nema sumnje, uživaćete na Ohridskom jezeru. Traži- Air Serbia CEO Sea coast? Do you prefer freshwater to saltwater? There’s
te spoj predivnih plaža, istorijskih znamenitosti i kul- no doubt that you’d enjoy Lake Ohrid. Are you seeking to
turnih dešavanja? Za vas je idealan Palermo. Spremni combine beautiful beaches, historical landmarks and cul-
ste da otkrijete nešto sasvim novo? Predlažem Lajko- tural events? If so, Palermo is perfect for you. Are you ready
nik festival u Krakovu. to discover something completely new? We recommend
Šta god da odaberete, nećete se pokajati, jer svet the Lajkonik Festival in Krakow.
je prepun predivnih destinacija koje treba upoznati. Mi Whatever you choose, you won’t regret it, because the
znamo da su putovanja kao knjige, ona ostavljaju trag world is full of beautiful destinations to discover. We know that
u našim sećanjima za ceo život, i zato ćemo se truditi travel is like books: they leave a mark in our memories that
da nastavimo sa širenjem naše mreže destinacija ka- lasts a lifetime, and that’s why we’ll continue to expand our
ko bismo vam te lepote dodatno približili. network of destinations to bring you closer to these wonders.

Želim vam udoban let i srećan put, I wish you a pleasant flight and a happy journey,

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek

Generalni direktor CEO
Er SrbijA Air Serbia

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7

Na letu On board

Z a š t o v o l i t e av i o n e ? W h y d o yo u l i k e p l a n e s ?

Moj posao je nezamisliv bez aviona

My job is unimaginable without planes
– Maksimalno sam posvećena svom poslu, “I’m fully devoted to my work, and in that
pa i u tom smislu avion dođe kao „osnovno sense the plane is like a “primary resource for
sredstvo za rad“. Neka zanimanja su neza- work”. Some occupations are unimaginable
misliva bez aviona, pa tako i moje. E sad, without planes, and mine is one. Now, it’s
druga je stvar što sam vremenom počela another thing that I gradually started to en-
da uživam u letenju, da primećujem de- joy flying, to notice details that others don’t
talje koje ostali ne vide. U nekom smislu see. In a sense, I became part of the cabin
sam postala deo kabinske posade. (smeh) crew [laughs].”

Bez čega ne ulazite u avion? What don’t you board a plane without?
– Uvek imam neku knjigu i tablet. Nešto “I always have some book and my ta-
na čemu mogu da pišem. Često sam na blet. Something that I can write on. I’m of-
prekookeanskim letovima, pa tu imam ten aboard transoceanic flights, and the-
vremena da simuliram radni dan, re I have the time to simulate a
baš kao na zemlji. Uvek imam u “working day”, just like on the
torbi neku vrstu mini-kance- ground. I always have a kind
larije. Neke od najzanimlji- of mini office in my bag. Mo-
vijih knjiga o nama Momo mo Kapor wrote some of
Kapor je napisao u avioni- the most interesting books
ma. Ja ne pišem, ja crtam about us while he was abo-
treninge. ard planes. I don’t write, I
sketch training sessions.”

Ko je Marina? Who is Marina?

Osnivač Instituta za ženski Marina Maljković is among
sport je Marina Maljković, je- the world’s most respect-
dan od najcenjenijih svetskih ed experts in women’s basket-
stručnjaka za žensku košarku. ball and founder of Serbia’s In-
Trenutno je trener japanskog stitute for Women’s Sports. She
ženskog košarkaškog kluba is current head coach of Japanese
Denso Iris i selektor ženske women’s basketball club Denso Iris
košarkaške reprezentaci- and the Serbia women’s nation-
je Srbije. Poseduje najvi- al basketball team. She holds the
še trenerske licence i naj-
Marina highest coaching licenses and
veću diplomu francuskog has received the highest diploma
Ministarstva za omladi-
Maljković of the French Ministry of Youth
nu i sport za edukaciju košarkaški trener and Sports for educating young
mladih ljudi. basketball coach people.

Tekst / Words:
Ana Vodinelić
Fotografije / Photography:
Aleksandar Dimitrijević

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Sadržaj Contents

u fokusu air serbia
in focus 50.  r Srbija prevezla milion
putnika od početka godine
10.  r Srbija poletela za
/ Air Serbia has handled a
Čikago / Air Serbia
million passengers since the
launches Chicago flights
beginning of the year

na letu 52.  r Srbija i Turkiš erlajns

on board Intervju proširuju kod-šer saradnju
interview / Air Serbia and Turkish
12  a nama putuje Marina
S Airlines expand codeshare
Maljković, košarkaški 32.  udi Harelson i Džastin
V cooperation
trener / Travelling with us is Teru: Mislite li da znate priču
Marina Maljković, basketball o Votergejtu? / Woody 54.  ak devet novih destinacija
coach Harrelson and Justin Theroux: u maju / As many as nine new
think you know the story of destinations in May

putujte pametno ritam grada

smart travel rhythm of the city
Vodimo vas u Malagu / culture 62.  to godina Beogradske
We’re taking you to Málaga filharmonije / A century of the
38.  ikasova Malaga – tamo
P Belgrade Philharmonic
gde je sve počelo / Picasso’s
Málaga – where it all began

44. F ilmski susreti Francuske i

Srbije pod vedrim nebom
/ Film encounters between
France and Serbia in an
outdoor setting

58.  ta znaju najbolje odevene
devojke sa Instagrama? /
What do Instagram’s best
dressed girls know?

10 | Sadržaj » Contents
The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva

/ Editor-in-chief and publishing director
Jelena Isaković
Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor
Jelena Pantović
Urednički odbor Er Srbije
/ Air Serbia Editorial Committee
Arsen Rudan
Šef tehničke redakcije/ Chief of the
design and layout team
Zoran Stojković
Tehnički urednik/ Design and layout editor
Aleksa Vasović
Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout
Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević
Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor
Mladen Šurjanac
Fotografije / Photography
Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić,
Lajfstajl destinacija Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić
lifestyle destination
68. Foto-agencije / Photo agencies
Tumačimo aktuelne 88.  iser egejske obale:
B, Depositphotos
tendencije u sferi društvenih Jeste li već bili u Izmiru?
mreža i digitalnih medija / / Pearl of the Aegean Lektori / Copy editing
We’re interpreting current coast: have you been to Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić
trends in the domain of social Izmir already? Prevod na engleski / Translation to English
media and digital media Mark Pullen
102. Festivalska sezona se Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing
70.  oderne veštice sa Tiktoka:
M nikada ne završava u Mark Pullen
Hermiona, nismo više u Čikagu / Festival season
Hogvortsu! / Modern TikTok never ends in Chicago Oglašavanje / Advertising
witches: Hermione, we’re not Media Impact Srbija
at Hogwarts anymore! Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje
oglasnog prostora
/ Executive Advertising Manager
Ritam srbije
rhythm of serbia 106. Srbija od odbojkaša Izdavač / Publisher
uvek očekuje najviše Ringier Srbija
76.  ećine Srbije: Blaga skrivena
P / Serbia always has the Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd
u planinama / Caves of highest expectations of
Serbia: treasure hidden in the its volleyball players
Generalni direktor
Ringier Srbija /
CEO Ringier Serbia
Jelena Drakulić Petrović
Štampa / Print
Rotografika Subotica
ISSN 2466-4073 – Jun 2023. / June 2023

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Distribucija / Distribution
Broj/Issue No. 351 –Jun 2023. / June 2023

Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije

Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights
Vek Beogradske filharmonije
a century of the Belgrade Philharmonic

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er

Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača.
Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi
u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se
odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa.
All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of
this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the
written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those
of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does
not accept responsibility for advertising content.
Veličanstveno muzičko putovanje
Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air
magnificent musical journey

Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP -

Jedan vek Beogradske filharmonije / Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије,
Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia /
A century of the Belgrade Philharmonic glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd :
Foto/Photo: Marko Đoković Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm
• Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air
Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-
ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Broj / Issue No. 352

Naslovna strana / Cover
Marko Đoković

Contents » Sadržaj | 11
U fokusu In focus

D r u g a p r e ko o k e a n s k a l i n i j a i z B e o g r a d a d o S e v e r n e A m e r i k e
Second Belgr ade-North Amer ica long-haul service

Er Srbija poletela za Čikago

Air Serbia launches Chicago flights
Srpska avio-kompanija je 17. maja, With flight JU506, which departed
letom JU506 u 6.50 časova sa Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport at 6:50am
Aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ Beograd, on 17th May, a scheduled service
posle više od 30 godina pauze ponovo between Belgrade and Chicago
uspostavila avio-saobraćaj između resumed after a more than 30-year
Beograda i Čikaga hiatus

irektni letovi između srpske prestoni- irect flights between the Serbian capital
ce i Vetrovitog grada realizovaće se dva and the Windy City will operate twice a
puta nedeljno, sredom i subotom, dok week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, on-
će od 12. juna putnicima biti na raspo- ly for this frequency to increase to three
laganju i treći nedeljni polazak, pone- weekly flights as of 12th June, with the
deljkom. Letovi će se obavljati avionima tipa „erbas“ addition of a Monday flight. Airbus A330-200 air-
A330-200 iz flote širokotrupnih aviona srpske naci- craft from the Serbian national airline’s wide-body
onalne avio-kompanije. fleet will be deployed on the route.
Svečanom ispraćaju inauguracionog leta Er Srbi- The ceremony commemorating Air Serbia’s in-
je za Čikago prisustvovali su predsednik Republike augural flight to Chicago was attended by Serbian
Srbije Aleksandar Vučić, potpredsednik Vlade Repu- President Aleksandar Vučić, Deputy PM and Min-
blike Srbije i ministar finansija Siniša Mali, ministar ister of Finance Siniša Mali, Minister of Construc-

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

tion, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesić, Bel-
grade Mayor Aleksandar Šapić, U. S. Ambassador to
Brojni letovi u narednim Serbia H.E. Christopher R. Hill, as well as represent-

mesecima su već izuzetno

atives of the Serbian national airline, the aviation in-
dustry and the media.
dobro popunjeni “This day is of special importance to our com-
pany, to Serbia, to Belgrade, and to the entire West-
A large number of flights over ern Balkan region, as well as to the large number of
the coming months have already our compatriots who live and work in North Amer-
ica. We are pleased that we responded to passenger
been well-booked needs and have enabled them to easily fly over 8,000
km, aboard Air Serbia’s comfortable wide-body air-
craft. We believe that the flights between Belgrade and
građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture Goran Ve- Chicago will be useful for all passengers, regardless of
sić, gradonačelnik Beograda Aleksandar Šapić, amba- their reasons for travelling, and that it will help im-
sador Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u Republici Sr- prove business, tourism and all other links between
biji Nj. E. Kristofer R. Hil, kao i predstavnici srpske Serbia and the U.S.,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek
nacionalne avio-kompanije, avio-industrije i medija. on this occasion.
– Ovaj dan je izuzetno važan za našu kompani- “In addition to New York, which Air Serbia has been
ju, za Srbiju i Beograd, čitav region Zapadnog Bal- flying to for nearly seven years, our passengers will now
kana, kao i brojne naše sunarodnike koji žive i rade be able to travel on another direct scheduled service of
u Severnoj Americi. Raduje nas što smo odgovorili our airline, between Serbia’s capital and Chicago. The
potrebama putnika i pružili im mogućnost da razda- importance of that service, among other things, is ev-
ljinu od nešto više od 8.000 kilometara vazdušne li- idenced in the fact that a large number of flights over
nije pređu na najjednostavniji način, udobnim širo- the coming months have already been well-booked,”
kotrupnim avionima Er Srbije. Verujemo da će linija said Air Ser-
između Beograda i Čikaga biti korisna svim putnici- bia Vice Presi-
ma bez obzira na povod putovanja i da će doprineti dent Americas
još boljim poslovnim, turističkim i svim drugim ve- George Petk-
zama između Srbije i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država ović.
– rekao je Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije. By launch-
– Pored Njujorka, do kojeg Er Srbija leti već sko- ing flights be-
ro sedam godina, našim putnicima je sada na raspo- tween Belgrade
laganju još jedna direktna redovna linija naše kom- and Chica-
panije, i to između glavnog grada Srbije i Čikaga. O go, Air Serbia
značaju te linije, pored ostalog, govori i činjenica has provided
da je veliki broj letova tokom narednih meseci već its passengers
izuzetno dobro popunjen – rekao je Džordž Petko- with good on-
vić, regionalni direktor Er Srbije za Severnu i Juž- ward connec-
nu Ameriku. tions from the
Uspostavljanjem letova između srpske prestoni- “Windy City”,
ce i Čikaga, Er Srbija je svojim putnicima omogućila via Belgrade,
dobre konekcije između Vetrovitog grada preko Beo- to a large number of attractive destinations in its
grada do velikog broja atraktivnih destinacija u svo- growing network. These include Athens, Vienna, Ber-
joj rastućoj mreži. Među njima su Atina, Beč, Berlin, lin, Bologna, Bucharest, Dubrovnik, Istanbul, Larn-
Bolonja, Bukurešt, Dubrovnik, Istanbul, Larnaka, aca, Ljubljana, Prague, Pula, Podgorica, Rome, Sara-
Ljubljana, Prag, Pula, Podgorica, Rim, Sarajevo, Sko- jevo, Skopje, Sofia, Tivat, Venice, Zagreb and many
plje, Sofija, Tivat, Venecija, Zagreb i mnogi drugi. other cities.
Čikago je treća prekookeanska destinacija srp- Chicago is Air Serbia’s third long-haul destina-
ske nacionalne avio-kompanije, a druga u Severnoj tion and its second in North America. The first such
Americi. Prva takva destinacija pokrenuta je u junu route was launched in June 2016, when the national
2016. godine, kada su po prvi put od kada kompa- carrier launched direct flights between Belgrade and
nija posluje pod imenom Er Srbija uvedeni direktni New York for the first time since its rebranding. By
letovi između Beograda i Njujorka. Povećanjem bro- increasing the number of flights between Belgrade
ja letova između Beograda i Njujorka na sedam puta and New York to seven per week, and with the com-
nedeljno, kao i uvođenjem letova do Čikaga, Er Srbi- mencing of flights to Chicago, Air Serbia will offer up
ja će tokom letnje sezone nuditi do 10 nedeljnih le- to 10 weekly flights between the Serbian capital and
tova između glavnog grada Srbije i Severne Amerike. North America during the summer season.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13

Beli grad blista na Obali sunca
White city glistening on the Coast of the Sun

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

travel Malaga / MÁlaga scan
smart od Beograda:
from Belgrade: 215 min.

S privilegijom od preko tri stotine sunčanih da- With the privileged advantage of over three hun-
na u godini, zbog savršene klime čak i u zim- dred days of sunshine per year, thanks to a perfe-
skim mesecima, Malaga predstavlja jedan od ct climate, even during the winter months, Málaga
najpoznatijih turističkih centara na Meditera- is one of the Mediterranean’s most famous centres
nu. To je grad širokih avenija sa drvoredima of tourism. This is a city of broad, palm tree-lined
palmi uz more, parkovima, vrtovima s fontana- avenues by the sea, parks, gardens bejewelled wi-
ma i raznovrsnim tropskim rastinjem, prelepim th fountains and various tropical plants, stunning
plažama, intenzivnim noćnim životom, muze- beaches, intense nightlife, excellent museums and
jima i izvrsnim restoranima s ribljim specija- wonderful restaurants offering seafood speciali-
litetima. Posle Sevilje drugi je po veličini grad ties. The second largest city in Andalusia after Se-
u Andaluziji, demografski najgušće naseljen i ville, Málaga is the most densely populated urban
geografsko je središte Koste del Sol, turističke centre and the geographical centre of the tourist
zone s ukupno 160 kilometara obale. region of the Costa del Sol, which encompasses
160 kilometres of coastline.

Tekst / Words:
Senka D. Pavlović
Fotografije / Photography:
Mitar Mitrović

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15

M a l aga / m Á l aga

Pikaso i Banderas
Malaga je rodni grad čuvenog slika-
ra Pabla Pikasa, te postoje čak dva mu-
zeja koja su mu posvećena – Pikasov
muzej i njegova rodna kuća (ali o to-
me u posebnom tekstu). Ali u ovom je
gradu rođen i glumac Antonio Bande-
ras, koji je u gradskom pozorištu „Ser-
vantes“ prvi put kročio na scenu. Ima
stan na poslednjem spratu zgrade bli-
zu tvrđave, a kad je u Malagi, može-
te ga sresti svako jutro u 9 sati, kada ne
propušta džoging ulicama svog rod-
nog grada. Tu je i fenomenalni restoran
sa izvrsnim tapasima, čiji je jedan od
vlasnika, pa postoji velika verovatnoća
da ćete ovog španskog zavodnika sre-
sti u Malagi.
Picasso & Banderas
Málaga is the birthplace of famous
painter Pablo Picasso, and his home-
town has dedicated as many as two
museums to him: the Museo Picasso
and his birth house museum (but more
about that in a separate article). Fa-
mous actor Antonio Banderas was al-
so born and raised in this city, and it was
at the city’s Cervantes Theatre that he
first stepped on stage. He owns a pent-
house apartment in a building near the
city’s fortress, and you can bump in-
to him at 9am whenever he’s in Mála-
ga, as he doesn’t skip an early morning
jog through the streets of his home-
town. He is also one of the owners of a
phenomenal restaurant in the city that
offers excellent tapas, so there’s a rel-
atively high probability that you’ll en-
counter this seductive Spaniard while
you’re in Málaga.

Gibralfaro i Alkazaba
Malaga je tokom istorije bila pod različi-
Ovo je grad
tim kulturnim uticajima, a njena slavna te videti na pečatu i zastavi kako grada širokih ave-
hill, which is itself topped by a castle and
prošlost ostavila je traga najviše u isto- Malage, tako i istoimene provincije. nija sa drvo- fortress. The Alcazaba and the Castle
rijskom centru, posebno u okolini Alka- Gibralfaro & Alcazaba redima pal- of Gibralfaro are connected by a dou-
mi uz more,
zabe, nekadašnje palate koja je pretvo- The city has been influenced by vari- ble walled walkway that has been lined
rena u fascinantan arheološki muzej. ous cultures throughout its history, and i predivnim by pine and eucalyptus trees. The cas-
Alkazaba je palata iz vremena vladavi- its glorious past has left the strong- plažama tle overlooking the city dates back to the
ne Mavara izgrađena 1065. godine, a est mark in its historical centre, espe- This is a city 10th century, and its image can be seen
of broad,
tri veka kasnije je renovirana i korišćena cially in the area around the Alcazaba palm tree- on the seal and flag of both the city and
kao kraljevska rezidencija i vojna tvrđa- of Málaga, a former palatial fortification lined ave- province of Málaga.
va. Nalazi se u podnožju brda Gibralfa- that has been converted into a fascinat- nues by the
sea, parks
ro, na čijem vrhu je i istoimeni odbram- ing archaeological museum. A Moor- and stunning Pozorište i katedrala
beni zamak. Palata i zamak su spojeni ish fortress built in 1065, it was reno- beaches Rimsko pozorište je najstariji spomenik
stazom duž koje su posađeni borovi i vated three centuries later and used as u Malagi, datira iz prvog veka pre na-
eukaliptusi. Zamak koji gleda na grad a royal residence and military fortifica- še ere, korišćeno je sve do trećeg veka,
datira iz 10. veka, a njegovu sliku može- tion. It is situated at the foot of Gibralfaro a onda napušteno. Mavari su ga kori-

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Malaga je rod-
stili kao skladište materijala u toku iz- ni grad čuvenog
gradnje Alkazabe, u čijem se podnožju slikara Pabla Pi-
pozorište i nalazi. S vremenom je za- kasa, te postoje
čak dva muzeja
trpano, te je tako ostalo skriveno pu- koja su mu po-
nih pet vekova i ponovo pronađeno tek svećena
1951. godine pri pripremanju terena za Málaga is the
birthplace of fa-
izgradnju bašte ispred današnjeg Do-
mous paint-
ma kulture. Katedrala Malage, pozna- er Pablo Picasso,
ta i kao Katedrala de la Enkarnasion, and his home-
town has dedi-
građena je u renesansnom stilu, s ba-
cated as many
roknom fasadom, tokom celog 17. i 18. as two museums
veka, ali još uvek nije završena jer joj to him
nedostaje južna kula. Po prvobitnom
projektu planirana je izgradnja dva tor-
nja, od kojih drugi nikad nije podignut,
zbog čega je zaradila nadimak Manki-
ta, u doslovnom prevodu „jednoruka“.
Theatre & cathedral
The Teatro Roman, a Roman amphithe-
atre, is the oldest monument in Mála-
ga. Dating back to the first century BC, it
was in continuous use until being aban-
doned in the 3rd century AD. The Moors
used it to store materials during the
construction of the Alcazaba, which is
located above the theatre. Gradual-
ly buried and forgotten, it remained hid-
den for a full five centuries and was only
rediscovered in 1951, when the ground
was being prepared for the construc-
tion of new gardens in front of today’s
House of Culture. Málaga Cathedral, al-
so known as the Catedral de la Encar-
nación de Málaga, was built in the Re-
naissance style, though with a Baroque
style facade, with construction works
implemented throughout the 17th and
18th centuries. However, it remains un-
finished to this day, as it lacks a south
tower. The original design called for the
construction of two towers, the sec-
ond of which was never built, which is
why it earned the nickname La Manqui-
Malaga ima
ta, meaning “The One-Armed Lady” in privilegiju
English. od preko tri
stotine sun-
Park i fontane čanih dana
u godini
U blizini luke nalazi se Paseo del Par- Málaga has
ke, impresivan park i jedna od najve- the privi-
ćih botaničkih riznica, ukrašena broj- leged advan-
tage of over
nim skulpturama i fontanama. Istorijski three hun-
deo grada čini splet pešačkih ulica s dred days of
mnogobrojnim trgovima s neobičnim sunshine per
fontanama pored kojih se nalaze kafei,
barovi, restorani, suvenirnice. Trgo-
vački centar Malage se nalazi u ulici La-
rios, odakle možete započeti istraživa-
nje grada.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17

U ovom je gradu rođen glumac
Antonio Banderas, koji ima stan
na poslednjem spratu zgrade bli-
zu tvrđave
Actor Antonio Banderas was born
in this city and owns a penthouse
apartment in a building near the

Park & fountains

In close proximity to the Port of Málaga
is the Paseo del Parque, an impressive
park and one of the largest botanical
treasuries of the area, bejewelled with
numerous sculptures and fountains.
This historical part of the city consists of
a network of pedestrian walkways with
numerous squares adorned with unu-
sual fountains, alongside which can be
found cafés, bars, restaurants and sou-
venir shops. Málaga’s central shopping
street is Calle Marqués de Larios, aka
Calle Larios, from where you can begin
exploring the city.

Sijesta i tapas
Ovo je živahan grad prepun barova
koji su otvoreni do kasnih sati. Lokal- Siesta and tapas
ni stanovnici praktikuju kasni ručak i This pulsating city is packed with bars
druženje posle večere, te se nemoj- that remain open until the early hours.
Rimsko po-
te iznenaditi ako vidite porodice s de- Locals tend to take late lunches and so- zorište je
com kako piju piće na terasi i u poznim cialise after dinner, so don’t be surprised najstariji
satima. Zbog sijeste vodite računa o if you see families with children drink- spomenik u
Malagi, da-
radnom vremenu restorana i barova ing on terraces late into the evening.
tira iz prvog
(obično otvaraju kuhinje za ručak iz- When planning your own lunch and din- veka pre na-
među 12.30 i 13.30, a za večeru od ner, take into account the daily “sies- še ere
The Teatro
20.30 časova). Tapas (tipično špan- ta” that influences the working hours
Roman, a
sko predjelo), male porcije ali s velikim of restaurants and bars (they usual- Roman am-
izborom jela, svakako su vrsta andalu- ly open their kitchens for lunch between phitheatre,
zijskog običaja i vrlo jeftin način da se 12.30pm and 1.30pm, and for dinner is the oldest
proba veliki broj različitih jela. Malaga from 8.30pm onwards). Tapas (typi- in Málaga,
je posebno čuvena po peskaito frito – cal Spanish appetisers), are snack-sized dating back
malim komadima pržene ribe, poput portions, but with a large selection of to the first
century BC
sardine, lososa, koji se služe sa čašom dishes. They certainly represent an An-
hladnog belog vina. dalusian custom and are also a very af-

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Malaga je značajna luka, u koju svakog dana
pristiže mnoštvo kruzera iz celog sveta
Málaga is an important port, with huge numbers of
cruise ships from around the world arriving every day

fordable way to try a large number of

different specialities. Málaga is particu-
larly renowned for its Pescaito Frito –
small fried whole fish, such as sardines,
or pieces of fish, such as salmon –
served with a glass of chilled white wine.

Plaže i letovanje
Ukoliko se odlučite za odmor tokom
letnjih meseci, najlepše plaže Mala-
ge su Malageta, Sakaba, Pedregaleho
i El Palo. Malageta je plaža najbliža gra-
du i pruža se duž Pikasove promena-
de. Šljunkovita je i peščana, počinje tik
uz mol pored svetionika u luci. Mali re-
storani, tzv. čiringitos, nude ležaljke, to-
alete i svlačionice, kao i veliki izbor pića i
hrane. Plaža Sakaba se nalazi zapadno
od grada, slovi kao vrlo tiha i mirna, pa
ćete sigurno pronaći dovoljno prostora
za opuštanje na pesku bez mnogo lju-
di u blizini. Plaža Pedregaleho je neka-

Air Serbia » Er Srbia | 19

dašnje ribarsko selo, a sada jedna od
najpopularnijih u Malagi, sa mnoštvom
barova i restorana duž obale. El Palo je
najudaljenija od grada, a na njoj se na-
laze neki od najboljih restorana koji nu- Alkazaba
de ukusnu ribu i morske plodove. je palata iz
Beaches & summer holidays vremena
If you opt to take your summer holiday Mavara
here, Málaga’s most beautiful beach- izgrađena 1065.
es are Malagueta, Sacaba, Pedregalejo godine
The Alcazaba
and El Palo. Playa La Malagueta is clos- of Málaga is a
est to the city and extends alongside Moorish fortress
Picasso Promenade. An urban peb- built in 1065 that
formerly served
ble and sand beach, it starts beside the as a palatial
pier located next to the lighthouse in the fortification
port. Small restaurants, known as “chi-
ringuitos”, offer lounge chairs for hire,
toilets and changing rooms, as well as praznika, karakterističnim po masov- The city’s tourist season gets under-
a wide selection of food and drinks. Sa- nim procesijama u kojima se iznose na way with the start of the Easter holidays,
caba Beach, in the western part of the ulicu figure svetaca, od kojih je obave- which features mass processions that
city, is known as a very quiet and tran- zna figura zaštitnice grada – Virhen de see saintly figures paraded through the
quil beach, and here you’ll definitely find la Viktorija. Tokom letnjih meseci, ka- streets, with an obligatory figure be-
ample space to relax on the sand with- da u Malagi boravi najviše turista, orga- ing the city’s own patron saint: the Vir-
out being surrounded by crowds. Pe- nizuju se brojni festivali, a najpoznatiji je gen de la Victoria [Virgin of the Victo-
dregalejo Beach is located in a former avgustovski vašar (Ferija de Malaga), ry]. Numerous festivals are held during
fishing village that is today among Mála- kojim se obeležava kraj mavarske vla- the summer months, when Málaga wel-
ga’s fanciest and most popular areas, davine i slavi se nedelju dana svakog comes the most tourists, the most fa-
known for its many seafront bars and drugog petka u avgustu. Ova prosla- mous of which being the August Fair, al-
restaurants. El Palo Beach is the furthest va je karakteristična po tome što se lju- so known as the Málaga Fair (The Feria
from the city, but boasts some of the di oblače u tipične nošnje, a slavlje se de Agosto or Feria de Málaga), which
best restaurants, offering delicious fish održava na ulicama u istorijskom cen- commemorates the end of Moorish rule
dishes and other seafood specialities. tru grada, gde je uobičajeno piti alko- over the city and runs for a week from
holno piće po imenu fino i igrati flamen- the second Friday in August. A distinc-
Flamenko i festivali ko, takođe – fino! tive characteristic of this festival is that
Noćni život Malage je na dobrom gla- Flamenco & festivals the people dress up in typical flamen-
su, pa ne propustite da jedno veče pro- The nightlife of Málaga has a great rep- co-style costumes and celebrations are
vedete u nekom od poznatih flamenko utation, so don’t miss out on the chance held on the streets of the city’s histor-
klubova, gde je provod zagarantovan to spend an evening in one of its fa- ic centre, where it is customary to drink
do ranih jutarnjih časova. Turistička se- mous flamenco clubs, where a good the local sherry, fino, and dance flamen-
zona u gradu počinje tokom uskršnjih time is guaranteed until the early hours. co, which is also fino, or rather nice.

20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



Šta je novo
u junu?
What’s new
in June?
Srbija je zemlja u kojoj kultura nikad ne spava. Događaja iz
svih oblasti umetnosti je previše da bi bili nabrojani, mi smo
izdvojili samo neke, a vi uživajte otkrivajući Srbiju i njenu
bogatu kulturu / Serbia is a country where culture never sleeps.
There are too many events in all fields of art to list them all, so here
we’ve singled out just a few, and it’s up to you to enjoy discovering
Serbia and its rich culture

22 | U trendingu » Trending
Foto: Mezit Armin

Trending » U tendingu | 23
U trendingu / trending

Foto: Mezit Armin

Hanna Dujmović
i „Radost življenja“
Umetnica iz Sarajeva Hanna Dujmović predstaviće beo-
gradskoj publici svoju najnoviju produkciju na izložbi „La Jo-
ie De Vivre“ ili „Radost življenja“, koja može da se pogleda u
galeriji „Štab“.
Naziv izložbe inspirisan je načinom stvaranja Hanne Dujmo-
vić, ali je ujedno i naziv slike Anrija Matisa. Sve slike su rađe-
ne u tehnici ulje na platnu, a karakterišu ih jarka paleta boja,
originalni materijali sa drugih kontinenata, sofisticirana gra-
fika, mešavina žanrova i veliki broj objekata.
– Oblici su ženstveni, uvrnuti, vijugavi, dvosmisleni, slado-
strasni, elegantni i nespretni. Ove zaobljene forme ženskih
tela i njihovo fleksibilno i opušteno držanje pojačavaju ose-
ćaj radosti i slobode koji proizilazi iz rada. Slikarka, bez sum-
nje, nastoji da svoju umetnost usidri na tlu dovoljno dosled-
nom da podrži kadence i plesove koje nosi njen rad – kaže u
katalogu kustoskinja izložbe Milica Zorić.
Hanna Dujmović je akademska umetnica rođena u Saraje-
vu 1994. godine. Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti završila je
2017. godine kao najbolja studentkinja klase, te joj je dode-
ljena Srebrena značka Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Njene sli-
ke nalaze se u više od 300 privatnih kolekcija na više kon-


Hanna Dujmović
and “La joie de vivre”
Sarajevo-based artist Hanna Dujmović will present her latest
work to the Belgrade audience with the exhibition La joie de
vivre (The Joy of Living), which is on display at the Štab gallery.
Foto: Zlatan Menković

The exhibition’s title was inspired by Dujmović’s creative

method, while it is also the name of a Henri Matisse paint-
ing. All her paintings are created using the oil on canvas tech-
nique and are characterised by a palette of bright colours,
original materials from other continents, sophisticated graph-
ics, a combination of different genres and a large number of
“The shapes are feminine, twisted, serpentine, ambiguous,
seductively startling, elegant and awkward. These curva-
ceous forms of female bodies and their supple and relaxed
posture reinforce the sense of joy and freedom that the work
exudes. The painter undoubtedly strives to anchor her art in
ground that is sufficiently consistent to support the cadenc-
es and dances carried by her work,” writes exhibition curator
Milica Zorić in the accompanying catalogue.
Born in Sarajevo in 1994, Hanna is an academic artist. She
graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo in 2017
as the top student in her class and was awarded the Sil-
Foto: Mezit Armin

ver Badge of the University of Sarajevo. Her paintings are in-

cluded in more than 300 private collections on several con-

24 | U trendingu » Trending

Još volimo
Čuvena rok grupa „Skorpions“ odr-
žaće ekskluzivni koncert u Beogradu
25. juna u „Štark“ areni. Pet godina
nakon prethodnog spektakularnog
nastupa u Beogradu, na istom mestu
i posle brojnih poziva fanova, „Skor-
pionsi“ su odlučili da prošire već ugo-
vorenu turneju i da za publiku Balka-
na dodaju ovaj jedan koncert upravo
u Beogradu. Iskazati njihovu karijeru
u brojevima je gotovo nemoguće, ali
jedan broj ipak treba pomenuti – više
od 100 miliona prodatih albuma do

Foto: Profimedia / BERND THISSEN / AFP

danas. Njihove pesme „Still Loving
You“ , „Wind of Change“ i „Send Me
An Angel“ postale su vanvremenski
hitovi koji se i sada vrte na radio-sta-
nicama, ali i pored neverovatnog
uspeha ovih balada, „Skorpions“ su
prvenstveno hard rok bend koji do-
nosi žestoku energiju na sceni.

Novi roman We still love
Gijoma the Scorpions
Musoa Famous rock band Scorpions will hold
Gijom Muso, čije su knjige deceni- an exclusive concert at Belgrade’s
jama bestseleri u svetu i Srbiji, us- Štark Arena on 25th June. Five years
peo je da novim romanom „Anželik“ after their last spectacular perfor-
ponovo oduševi publiku, a u izdanju mance at the same Belgrade ven-
„Vulkana“ našao se odnedavno i u ue, and after numerous calls from
našim knjižarama. fans eager for them to return, Scorpi-
Osim što glavne likove knjige – poli- ons decided to expand the tour that
cajaca Matijasa i primabalerinu Ste- they had already contracted by add-
lu Petrenko – strmoglavo uranja u ne- around the world, and in Serbia, has ing this one-off concert for the Bal-
izvesnu istragu, a čitaoca u lavirint succeeded in delighting readers once kan audience, right here in Belgrade.
emocija, u kojem sve ono što je na again with his latest novel, Angélique, It is almost impossible to present their
jednoj stranici izvesno, već na dru- which recently appeared in Serbian career in numbers, but there is one
goj nije, Muso novom knjigom gađa u bookshops, published by Vulkan. number that should nonetheless be
sam centar preovlađujućih emocija Apart from plunging the book’s mentioned: more than 100 million al-
savremenog čoveka. central characters – police officer bums sold to date. Their songs Still
Mathais and prima ballerina Stella Pe- loving you, Wind of Change and Send
book trenko – headlong into an uncertain Me An Angel have become timeless
investigation, and plunging the reader hits that continue to be played on ra-
New Guillaume into a labyrinth of emotions in which
everything that is certain on one page
dio stations worldwide. However, de-
spite the incredible success of these
Musso novel is unclear on the next, Musso’s lat-
est novel takes aim at the very cen-
ballads, Scorpions are primarily a
hard rock band that brings ferocious
Guillaume Musso, whose novels have tre of the prevailing emotions of mod- energy to the stage.
for decades been among bestsellers ern man.
U trendingu / trending

bioskop the Dial of Destiny, starring Harri-

Vraća nam
son Ford, took place at the Cannes
Film Festival, screening out-of-com-

se Indijana
petition, while it will appear on the
screens of Serbia’s cinemas from 29th

June. Together with the hardened
team behind previous Indiana Jones

Foto: Profimedia / Walt Disney - Lucasfilm - Paramo / Christophel Collection

films, led by George Lucas and Ste-
Svetska premijera filma reditelja ven Spielberg, who this time took on
Džejmsa Mangolda „Indijana Džons the role of executive producers, di-
i artefakt sudbine“ („Indiana Jones rector James Mangold shot the fifth
and Dial of Destiny“) sa Harisonom and final instalment of this famous
Fordom održana je na Kanskom festi- franchise about the adventures of the
valu van konkurencije, a na platnima eccentric archaeologist, assembling
domaćih bioskopa zaživeće 29. juna. an incredible cast.
Zajedno sa već uigranim timom kada It’s worth recalling that the first film
je o filmovima o Indijani Džons reč, in the Indiana Jones series, Raiders
Džordžom Lukasom i Stivenom Spi- of the Lost Ark, about Indy’s quest for
lbergom, koji su sada u ulozi izvršnih the lost Ark of the Covenant and di-
producenta, reditelj Džejms Mangold rected by Steven Spielberg, was re-
snimio je peti i poslednji nastavak ču- leased in 1981 and won four Oscars.
vene franšize o avanturama ekscen- The second instalment, Indiana Jones
tričnog arheologa, okupivši nevero- njom koju su vanzemaljci ostavili na and the Temple of Doom, hit cine-
vatnu glumačku ekipu. Zemlji. Radnja najnovijeg dela sme- ma screens three years later (1984),
Podsetimo, prvi film, „Otimači izgu- štena je u 1969. godinu i prati ču- while the third film in the series,
bljenog kovčega“, o Indijani koji traga venu borbu svemirskih programa 1989’s Indiana Jones and the Last
za izgubljenim Zavetnim kovčegom, SAD-a i Sovjetskog Saveza, sa neiz- Crusade, about the search for the
nastao je 1981. godine u režiji Stive- bežnom zaostavštinom Drugog svet- Holy Grail, appeared to round-off the
na Spilberga i osvojio četiri „Oska- skog rata. series as a trilogy. That was until the
ra“. Drugi deo, film „Ukleti hram“, na- 2008 release of a fourth instalment,
stao je tri godine kasnije (1984), dok cinema Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the
je treći nastavak „Poslednji krstaš- Crystal Skull, in which he searches for
ki pohod“ iz 1989, u kom se traga za
gralom iz kog je na tajnoj večeri pio
Indiana Jones a crystal skull left on Earth by aliens.
The latest instalment is set in 1969,
Isus Hrist, delovao kao poslednji film
u nizu, sve dok 2008. nije snimljen i
returns against the backdrop of the famous
Space Race between the USA and
četvrti nastavak „Kraljevstvo kristal- The world premiere of the James the USSR, with the inevitable legacy
ne lobanje“ u kom se traga za loba- Mangold directed Indiana Jones and of World War II.

Foto: Profimedia / Walt Disney - Lucasfilm - Paramo / Christophel Collection

26 | U trendingu » Trending
U trendingu / trending


Bašta Fest Bašta Fest

Deseto izdanje Bašta Festa, internacionalnog festivala kratkog The tenth edition of Bašta Fest, the international festival of short
igranog filma u Bajinoj Bašti, biće održano od 29. juna do 2. jula. feature films in the town of Bajina Bašta, will this year be held
Bašta Fest, koji slavi kratki film i mlade filmske autore, održava se from 29th June to 2nd July. Bašta Fest, which celebrates short
na otvorenom i besplatan je za posetioce. Ova manifestacija usko films and young filmmakers, is this year commemorating its first
je orijentisana na zajednički rad reditelja i glumaca, a fokus na kva- major anniversary, with its 10th edition. The festival takes place
litetnim glumačkim interpretacijama ima veliki uticaj in an outdoor setting and is free to attend. This event is narrow-
na pozitivno pozicioniranje Bašta Festa me- ly oriented towards the joint work of directors and actors, while
đu internacionalnim festivalima kratkome- its focus on high-quality acting interpretations has greatly influ-
tražnog filma. enced the positive positioning of Bašta Fest among internation-
al festivals of short film.

DE Č JE B IJENALE children's
segmente – vizuelna umetnost, po-

„Otključano zorišni, muzički, književni, filmski, eko- Biennale

loški i tribinski program. Ovogodišnja
The Sky
nebo“ zemlja gost-domaćin Bijenala je Ne-
mačka. Publika će, između ostalog, Unlocked
Ovogodišnje, 10. jubilarno izdanje Bi- moći da pogleda izložbu posvećenu
jenala umetničkog dečjeg izraza u listu „Neven“ povodom 190. godišnji- This year’s jubilee 10th edition of the In-
Pančevu (BUDI), čija je tema „Otklju- ce rođenja Jovana Jovanovića Zmaja, ternational Biennale of Children’s Artis-
čano nebo“, trajaće do 15. juna na vi- kao i izložbu strip-autorke Ane Petro- tic Expression in Pančevo (BUDI), un-
še lokacija u Pančevu sa preko 50 be- vić. Svake nedelje u BUDI eko-paviljo- der the slogan “The Sky Unlocked”,
splatnih programa koji će se održavati nu u Narodnoj bašti biće otvorena po runs until 15th June at multiple loca-
svakog dana. Programi su podeljeni u jedna prva samostalna dečja izložba. tions in Pančevo, with over 50 free pro-
grammes taking place every day. The
programmes are divided into seg-
ments, with visual art, theatre, music,
literature, film, ecology and panel pro-
The guest-host country of this year’s Bi-
ennale is Germany. Attendees will be
able, among other things, to check out
an exhibition dedicated to children’s
magazine Neven, commemorating the
190th anniversary of the birth of Jovan
Jovanović Zmaj, as well as an exhibition
of comic strip author and illustrator Ana
Petrović. Every week will see the open-
ing of a new debut independent chil-
dren’s exhibition at the BUDI eco pavil-
ion in the city’s People’s Garden park.

28 | U trendingu » Trending
Intervju Interview

32 | Intervju » Interview
Nova HBO Max mini-serija „Vodoinstalateri iz Bele kuće“ New HBO Max mini-series White House Plumbers places actors
dovodi Vudija Harelsona i Džastina Terua na poprište jednog Woody Harrelson and Justin Theroux on the scene of one of the
od najvećih političkih skandala u istoriji biggest political scandals in U.S. history

V u d i H a r e l s o n i Dž a s t i n T e r u
su bili patriote i verovali

Mislite li da znate
da rade stvari u najboljem
interesu za svoju zemlju,
zar ne?

priču o Votergejtu? DžT: Da, patriotizam zaobila-

zi mnoge moralne odluke kada ka-
žete: „Pa, patriotski je uraditi to i
to...“. Svako može da kaže da je sa-
Mini-serija „Vodoinstalateri iz Bele kuće“ govori mo radio po uputstvima i ono što
o tome kako su glavni umovi Votergejta, Hauard je mislio da je u najboljem intere-
Hant i Gordon Lidi, slučajno srušili predsednički su zemlje. Ali takođe pri tome krši
mandat koji su revnosno pokušavali da zaštite zakone, zaobilazi politički proces i
volju naroda. Dakle, da, klizav je te-

ren kada postanete previše patriot-
va satirična drama Bernštajna, čuveni film ski orijentisani.
počinje 1971. godi- „Svi predsednikovi lju- VH: Slažem se 100 posto!
ne, kada Bela kuća di“... Da li ste mogli da Razgovarali smo o kome-
angažuje Hanta i Li- uradite ovu seriju kao pra- diji koja je deo ove priče,
dija, bivše CIA i FBI vi triler? Zašto ste izabra- pa ne mogu da se zaobiđu
agente, da istraže curenje Pentago- li satiru? perike koje vaši likovi no-
novih dokumenata. Nakon neuspe- DžT: Nismo mogli da idemo se kao deo prerušavanja
ha Hant i Lidi dospevaju u Odbor za drugim putem jer su naši likovi bi- u crnim operacijama. Ka-
reizbor predsednika, smišljajući ne- li mnogo glupi, kao i sami njihovi ko vam je bilo kad ste prvi
koliko neverovatnih tajnih opera- planovi! Imali su neverovatno lude put videli jedan drugog sa
cija, uključujući prisluškivanje kan- ideje za crne operacije, pa ta priča tim perikama?
celarije Demokratskog nacionalnog prirodno više ide ka komediji ne- VH: Oh, sit sam se ismejao...
odbora u kompleksu Votergejt. Do- go ka drami. Siguran sam da posto- DžT: Bilo je urnebesno.
kazujući da istorija ponekad može ji dramatična verzija, ali mislim da VH: Čak i nakon što smo neko
biti čudnija od fikcije, „Vodoinsta- bi bila netačna. vreme nosili perike, tipa dva-tri-če-
lateri iz Bele kuće“ bacaju svetlo na VH: I možda malo dosadna tiri dana, i dalje mi je bilo smešno.
manje poznati niz događaja koji su (smeh). Baš mi se svidelo sve to – naoča-
doveli do jednog od najvećih ame- Kada igrate ovakve likove, re, perika, bilo je baš dobro (smeh).
ričkih političkih zločina. šta god mislili o njima, da li ipak Snimali ste u zgradi Voter-
U glavnim ulogama su Vu- razvijete određenu naklonost? gejta. Šta je vama zapravo
di Harelson i Džastin Te- DžT: Apsolutno. Sve više sam značilo da budete na me-
ru, pa ih na početku raz- se zaljubljivao u svoj lik što sam ga stu gde se sve dogodilo?
govora pitamo da li je bilo duže igrao. Lidi je bio optimističan DžT: Da, ostali smo tamo sve
mnogo toga što nisu znali momak i bilo je zabavno igrati ga. vreme dok smo snimali u Vašingto-
o Votergejtu... Vudi, da li ste i vi osećali nu. Bilo je odlično. Osim pogodno-
DžT: Cela stvar je iznenađuju- isto prema Hantu? sti da možete da napustite hotelsku
ća. Svi znaju da je došlo do prova- VH: Zanimljivo je da jesam, ma- sobu i budete na poslu, imali smo
le i šta je time počelo. Svi znamo da mi se ne sviđa Hauard Hant ni kao fantastično umetničko odeljenje i
stranu B, a to su Bob Vudvard i Karl čovek, ni kao istorijska ličnost. Ose- dekoratere koji su omogućili da sve
Bernštajn koji jure priču kao istra- ćam da je bilo toliko strašnih stva- izgleda veoma autentično. A posto-
živački novinari „Vašington Posta“, ri kojih je on bio deo, a ipak sam se ji nešto specijalno u tome da se na-
ali ovo je mnogo urnebesnije od te na kraju povezao sa njim. Naroči- lazite u zgradi u kojoj se sve dogo-
verzije u kojoj svi stalno nešto pri- to zbog odnosa prema njegovoj po- dilo. Bilo je sjajno.
čaju (smeh). rodici i stvarima koje su se dešava- VH: Da, baš je bilo kul kada ste
VH: Mnogo toga me je iznena- le sa njima, ceo cirkus oko toga. Tu
dilo u vezi s tim. Ima toliko toga sam počeo da osećam nešto prema
što nisam znao. Mislim da je osve- Hantu. Ali na kraju sam ipak pre- Tekst / Words:
žavajuće i zanimljivo, ali i komič- stao da brinem o njemu (smeh). On Ana Lađarević
no da tu priču vidimo sa tačke gle- nije dobar momak. Fotografije / Photography:
dišta provalnika. Pošteno je pretpostaviti HBO Max
Pomenuli ste Vudvarta i da bi i Hant i Lidi rekli da

Interview » Intervju | 33
I n t e rvj u / In t e r v i e w

na stvarnom mestu. A svidelo mi se

to mesto – ima odličan bar na kro-
vu (smeh).
DžT: Atmosfera je na snima-
nju bila porodična, sjajna ekipa i
glumci sa kojima ste na kraju da-
na mogli da se popnete na krov i
Svakako se slažete da je
Votergejt narušio povere-
nje u politiku u SAD?
DžT: Mislim da jeste. Čini se
da je to bila nevidljiva linija koja je
pređena i posle toga se nije moglo
nazad. Možemo samo da aplaudira-
mo „Vašington Postu“ za praćenje
priče. Jer način na koji se o stvari-
ma danas izveštava, a zatim se one
odmah zaboravljaju jeste jedan od
problema. Nekada je bilo drugači-
je. Kad vidite da se pojavljuju važ-
ne vesti koje prekidaju program,
sve utihne u sobi, u fazonu – čekaj
malo, nešto se dešava... A sada ste
svakih deset minuta šokirani naj-
novijim vestima.
Toliko je neverovatnih
trenutaka koji su prika-

Serija baca svetlo na manje zani u seriji. Koliko je sve

to istorijski tačno?
poznati niz događaja koji su doveli VH: Pa, svi su glavni delovi tač-

do jednog od najvećih američkih

ni. Pojedini razgovori za koje nismo
mogli da znamo kako su zapravo
političkih zločina tekli očigledno jesu malo slobod-

Series brings to light the lesser-known

nija interpretacija, ali najvažnije
je istorijski tačno.
events that led to one of America’s DžT: Sve je izvučeno iz svedo-

greatest political crimes

čenja i veoma je dobro dokumen-
tovano šta se desilo.
Stvaranje pet televizij-
skih epizoda je dug pro-
ces. Na kraju, kad sumira-
te utiske, zaključak je...?
VH: Bilo je zaista prijatno i ve-
oma zabavno.
DžT: To je bio jedan od onih
scenarija iz snova gde tokom da-
na imate priliku da napravite do-
bar šou, a noću možete zajedno da
večerate i smejete se. I zaista je po-
sredi smešan scenario sa izuzetno
smešnim ljudima, zahvaljujući če-
mu su život na setu i naši vikendi
bili zaista zabavni.
VH: I svi su imali sjajne priče.
A kad razmislite o tome, u životu
svi jednostavno volimo da čujemo
priče drugih ljudi.

34 | Intervju » Interview
W o o dy H a r r e l s o n a n d J u s t i n T h e r o u x also more comedic to see it from
the vantage point of the burglars.

Think you know the You mentioned Woodward

and Bernstein and the fa-

story of Watergate?
mous film All The Presi-
dent’s Men... Could you
have also done this se-
Mini-series White House Plumbers depicts how the ries as a straight up thrill-
masterminds behind the Watergate burglary, E. Howard er? Why was satire right
Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy, accidentally overturned the for this?
JT: I would argue that you
presidency that they were zealously trying to protect couldn’t have gone another way

because they were so stupid, and
his satirical political drama begins in 1971, when the White so were the plans themselves. They
House hired former CIA and FBI agents Hunt and Liddy to had such crazy black ops ideas that
investigate the Pentagon Papers leak. Despite having failed to it naturally wants to go towards
do so, the pair are included in the Committee to Re-elect the comedy more than drama. I’m sure
President, where they plot several unbelievable covert opera- there is a dramatic version of it,
tions, including bugging the offices of the Democratic National Commit- but I think it would be inaccurate.
tee at the Watergate office complex. Proving that history is sometimes WH: And maybe a little bor-
stranger than fiction, White House Plumbers brings to light the series of ing (laughs).
lesser-known events that led to one of America’s greatest political crimes. When you play charac-
The lead roles are played by Woody Harrelson and Justin Theroux, so ters like this, whatever you
we begin our dual interview with them by asking if there was a lot about might think of them, do
Watergate that they didn’t know prior to this project… you develop an affection
JT: The whole thing. Everyone knows there was a break in and that’s for them as you go along?
what kicked it off, we sort of all know the B side of it, which was Bob Wood- JH: Absolutely. I fell more and
ward and Carl Bernstein chasing the story down as investigative report- more in love with them the more
ers on The Washington Post, but this is way more hilarious than this bor- we played them. But again, Liddy
ing Washington Post story that everyone keeps going on about (laughs). was this optimistic shiny penny of
WH: There’s a lot that surprised me about it. There’s so much that a guy and it was sort of fun to play.
I had no idea about. And I just think it’s refreshing and interesting and Woody, did you feel the
I n t e rvj u / In t e r v i e w

that were staying there, and at the

end of a day’s shooting we could
go up on the roof and have dinner.
Do you think that Water-
gate eroded trust in poli-
tics in the U.S.?
JT: I think so. It does feel like
that was an invisible line that got
crossed that we haven’t really been
able to step back over since. We
can applaud the Washington Post
for following the story through.
That’s because the way things are
reported today, and then immedi-
ately forgotten, is one of the prob-
lems. Things used to be different.
When you see an important news-
flash that interrupts a broadcast,
everything goes quiet in the room,
sort of like – wait a minute, some-
same way about Hunt? characters wear as part of thing is happening... And now you
WH: That’s interesting because their disguise when do- are shocked by the latest news every
I did! But I don’t like Howard Hunt ing one of their black ops. ten minutes.
as a human, as a historical figure, What was it like when you There are so many unbe-
I feel like there were so many ter- first saw each other in the lievable moments that are
rible things that he was a part of wigs? portrayed in the show.
and yet, eventually, I particularly WH: Oh, I laughed…. How much of it is histori-
connected to the relationship to his JT: It was hilarious. cally accurate?
family and the things that were go- WH: Even after we’d been do- WH: Well, all the broad strokes
ing on with them, all the circus of ing it a while and had been wearing are accurate. Obviously, with some
that. That’s where I started feel- the wigs for two, three, four days, of the conversations we couldn’t
ing for the guy. But, in the end, I it still struck me as funny. I loved possibly know what they actually
stopped caring about him (laughs). his disguise – the glasses, the wig, said, they are going to take liberty
He’s not a good guy. it was so good (laughs). with that, but the things that are
It’s fair to assume that You filmed at the Water- historical are all accurate.
both Hunt and Liddy gate building. What did JT: It’s all pulled from testi-
would have said that they that mean actually being mony and what happened is very
were patriots and acting in the place where it all well documented.
in what they believed were happened? Making five episodes for
the best interests of their JT: Yes, we stayed there the television is a long process.
country, right? whole time when we were shoot- Sum up what it was like to
JT: Yes, patriotism circumvents ing in Washington. It was great. make White House Plumb-
a lot of moral decisions, when you Apart from the convenience of ers….
just say, ‘well, the patriotic thing to being able to leave a hotel room WH: It was really pleasant and
do is this and that...’ Because an- and be at work, we had a fantas- a lot of fun.
yone can say that you just do as tic art department and decorators JT: It was kind of like one of
you’re instructed, and what feels that made it look very good. And those dream scenarios, where dur-
like it’s in the best interests of the there’s something about being in ing the day we get to make the show
country. But there is also breaking the building where the thing hap- and at night we get to have dinners
laws and circumventing the political pened. It was great. together and laugh. And it’s a real-
process and the will of the people. WH: It was kind of cool. It re- ly funny script with extremely fun-
So, yes, it’s a slippery slope when ally does add something when you ny people involved.
you become too patriotic. are in the real place. I liked that WH: And everyone had won-
WH: I agree 100 percent! place – and it has a great bar on derful stories. And when you think
We’ve talked about the the roof (laughs). about it, in life we all simply love
comedy that’s part of this JT: And you know there was a hearing the stories of other peo-
story, but we simply must family atmosphere on this and the ple, and here there was really a lot
mention the wigs that your crew and cast were a great bunch of that.

36 | Intervju » Interview


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T r a g o v i m a j e d n o g d e t i n j s t va / T r a c e s o f a c h i l d h o o d

Pikasova Malaga – tamo gde

je sve počelo / Picasso’s Málaga –
where it all began
Iako se porodica preselila u severnu Španiju kada je Pablo imao devet godina,
a on je nastavio da živi i studira u Madridu i Barseloni pre nego što se nastanio
u Francuskoj, Pikaso je sebe uvek smatrao Malagijancem, a mnoge teme iz
najranije mladosti nastaviće da se pojavljuju u njegovoj umetnosti do samog
kraja / Despite his family having moved to the north of Spain when Pablo was nine
years old, and the fact that he went on to study and live in Madrid and Barcelona before
relocating to France, Picasso always considered himself a Malagueño, and many
themes from his earliest childhood would continue to appear in his art until the very end

38 | Malaga » Málaga
Malaga je živopisni spomenik Pikasovom životu i delu, grad okupan Málaga is an evocative monument to the life and works of Pablo
suncem u kom je umetnik proveo prvih devet godina svog života, o Picasso, a city bathed in sunshine where this artist spent the first nine
čemu svedoče dva muzeja years of his life, as testified to by two museums

Jedno od najboljih me- One of the best places

sta za otkrivanje Pikasa to discover Picasso is his
je njegov rodni grad Ma- hometown of Málaga. It was
laga, jer je ovde, mnogo pre ne- here, long before he became the “Fa-
go što će postati „otac kubizma“, ther of Cubist Art”, that his extraor-
njegov izuzetan umetnički talenat dinary artistic talent first became
postao očigledan – prvo njegovom apparent – initially to his father,
ocu, Hoseu Ruisu, slikaru i nastav- José Ruiz y Blasco, himself a paint-
niku umetnosti, ali veoma brzo i er and art teacher, but very quickly
svima ostalima. Malaga je grad u to everyone else too. Málaga is the
kome je Pablo Pikaso proveo svoje city where Pablo Picasso spent his
rano detinjstvo, a atmosfera i sva- early childhood, and the atmosphere
kodnevni život tih godina postali and daily life of the city during those
su inspiracija za neke od tema ko- years served as the inspiration be-
je se ponavljaju na njegovim slika- hind some recurring themes in his
ma, kao što su Mediteran, flamen- paintings, such as the Mediterra-
ko, golubovi i bikovi. nean, flamenco, pigeons and bulls.
Koračamo ulicama njegovog We stroll through the streets of
rodnog grada u potrazi za mesti- his hometown in search of the places
ma koja su obeležila ovog španskog that left a mark on this genius art-
umetničkog genija i na početku sti- ist and first arrive at Mercy Square
žemo do Trga Mersed ispod čijih (Plaza de la Merced), where we find
procvetalih, ljubičastih krošnji na Picasso himself, sitting on a marble
betonskoj klupi sedi sam Pikaso. bench under the purple canopy of
Izliven u bronzi, drži neku olovku i a blooming Jacaranda tree. Cast in
notes, večno okružen gomilom lju- bronze, he holds a pen and a note-
di i grupama nasmejane dece na book and is eternally surrounded by
ekskurzijama. Ovde se svi slikaju crowds of people and groups of smil-
sa njim, pa i ja, tu na mestu gde se ing children on field trips. Everyone
igrao kao mali, jer se na istom tr- U čast 50. godišnjice smrti Pabla Pikasa (preminuo je 8. aprila
takes their photo with him here, my-
gu Pikasu iza leđa nalazi njegova 1973) muzeji i druge kulturne institucije organizovali su oko 50 self included, in the place where he
rodna kuća. izložbi i događaja širom sveta played as a youngster, because the
U broju 15 na Trgu Mersed do- In honour of the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso house where he was born is on the
(he died on 8th April 1973), various museums and other
šao je na svet 25. oktobra 1881. institutions of culture staged around 50 exhibitions and events same square, behind the spot where
Dok ulazimo u „Kasu natal“, prate worldwide Picasso now sits.
nas reči ispisane na zidovima: „Ka- He was born on 25th October
da srećete Pikasa prvi put, penjete
se stepenicama sa idejom da ćete
upoznati teoretičara i intelektual-
ca, veoma inteligentnog i važnog.
Ali jednom kad vam srce poskoči i
knedla u grlu počne da raste, izne-
nadiće vas prirodnost i jednostav-
nost kojom Pikaso ulazi u odnos
sa pridošlicom...“
Umetnik je ovde zaista prisu-
tan, što bi rekla Marina Abramović,
u svoj svojoj veličanstvenosti, ali i
krajnjoj jednostavnosti. U njegovoj
rodnoj kući oseća se uticaj oca, koji

Tekst / Words:
Jelena Pantović
Fotografije / Photography:
Mitar Mitrović

Málaga » Malaga | 39
Ku lt u r a / c u lt ur e

40 | Malaga » Málaga
je bio učitelj slikanja, umetnik i sâm,
čovek koji je malom Pablu otvorio

„Nikada nisam radio dečje crteže.

vrata sveta u kojem će ga sin neza-
mislivo nadrasti. Ali koji će ostavi-
ti neizbrisiv uticaj, baš kao i sama Nikada. Čak i kada sam bio veoma
mali“ – Pikaso
Malaga i cela njegova Andaluzija.
U blizini je katedrala u kojoj
su mu se roditelji venčali, a u ko-
joj je kršten, pa se u Muzeju može
“I never did children’s drawings. Never.
videti i haljinica sa krštenja, kao Even when I was very small” ~ Picasso
i replika čuvenog crnog ogrtača u
kojem je sahranjen. Uticaj majke
koja ga je veoma razmazila, Me-
diterana, sunca i mora, bikova či-
je je borbe gledao sa svojim prilič-
no strogim ocem... Ovde se nalazi
i kolaž slika kojim Pikaso prikazu-
je put koji slikar prelazi od klasike
do apstrakcije. Pomoću kojeg Pika-
so govori – pogledajte, umem sa-
vršeno da naslikam bika, ali onda
gledajte kako skidam detalj za de-
taljem, dok ne ostanu konture ap-
straktne slike i ne dođemo do sa-
me njene suštine.
Ako smo u „Kasi natal“ svedo-
čili o fascinantnim počecima jed-
nog genija, onda smo samo neko-
liko ulica dalje, u Muzeju Pikaso,
gledali 70 godina neverovatno plod-
nog stvaralaštva. Red ispred Muze-
ja svedoči da je Pikaso bio u pravu
želeći da u svom rodnom gradu ima
muzej. Želju mu je ostvario unuk 1881 at number 15 Plaza de la leave an indelible impact on Pablo,
Bernard, Paolov sin, koji kaže ka- Merced. As we enter his “Casa Na- as did Málaga itself, and his Anda-
ko su njegovi otac i majka pokuša- tal” (Birth House), we are watched lusia as a whole.
li da ostvare Pikasu želju još pede- by words pasted on the walls: “When In the vicinity is the cathedral
setih godina prošlog veka, ali je na you encounter Picasso for the first where his parents were married and
kraju trebalo još 50 godina da san time, you climb the stairs with the he was christened, and you can check
postane stvarnost. Pikasova sna- idea that you will meet a theorist out his christening robes at the mu-
ja donirala je deo svoje kolekcije and an intellectual, very intelligent seum, as well as a replica of the fa-
za osnivanje novog muzeja u gra- and important. But once your heart mous black cloak in which he was
du, a njen sin Bernard je značajno skips a beat and a lump starts to rise buried. The influence of his doting
pomogao sopstvenom donacijom. in your throat, you will be left sur- mother who spoiled him rotten, the
„Museo Picasso Málaga“ otvoren je prised by the naturalness and sim- Mediterranean, the sun and the sea,
2003. i pomogao je da se grad pre- plicity with which Picasso enters into the bulls whose fights he watched
tvori u vrhunsku kulturnu destina- a relationship with the newcomer...” with his rather strict father... Also
ciju, ne samo u Španiji. The artist is truly present here, on display here is a collage of paint-
Zgrada u kojoj se nalazi Mu- as Marina Abramović would say, in ings with which Picasso shows the
zej bila je nekad plemićka palata iz all his magnificence, but also in his path taken by a painter from classi-
16. veka, koju je vešto proširio nju- utter simplicity. Here in the house cism to abstraction. With this Picas-
jorški arhitekta Ričard Glukman da of his birth, you can really feel the so says: ‘look, I’m capable of painting
bi se neprimetno stopila sa belim influence of his father, who was him- a bull perfectly, but then see how I
okruženjem grada. Sa dva sprata, self an artist and an art teacher; the remove detail after detail, until all
galerija smeštena oko lepog mer- man who opened the door to the that remains are the contours of an
mernog dvorišta priča o Pikasovoj world to the little Pablo, a world in abstract image and we don’t reach
karijeri, povremeno osvežavajući, a which his son would inconceivably its very essence’.
time i revidirajući svoju stalnu ko- outgrow him. Though he would still If we bore witness to the fasci-

Málaga » Malaga | 41
surroundings of the city. With two
floors, this gallery situated around
a beautiful marble courtyard tells
the story of Picasso’s career, while
occasionally refreshing and thereby
revising its permanent collection.
The Museo Picasso Málaga there-
by traces the footsteps of Picasso
himself, who innovated his art con-
stantly throughout his life. The nar-
rative of the exhibition at the Pala-
cio de Buenavista enables visitors to
gain a deeper insight into his artis-
tic career by grouping the works in
such a way that it helps us under-
lekciju. Tako „Museo Picasso Mála- nating beginnings of this genius at stand his artistic processes.
ga“ na neki način ide stopama sa- Casa Natal, then just a few streets It isn’t just the longevity of his
mog Pikasa, koji je tokom života away, at the Picasso Museum, we career (more than 70 years) that
neprestano inovirao svoju umet- saw his 70 years of incredibly fruit- amazes, but also the range and diver-
nost. Narativ izložbe u „Palacio de ful creativity. The queue in front of sity of painting styles he employed
Buenavista“ omogućava posetioci- the museum demonstrates just how (many of which he invented) and
ma da steknu dublje znanje o nje- right Picasso was in wanting to have the seemingly unlimited materials
govoj umetničkoj karijeri grupisa- his own museum in his hometown. that he transformed into art. The
njem dela na način koji nam pomaže That wish was realised for him by highlight of the current selection of
da razumemo umetničke procese. his grandson Bernard, son of Pao- works on display is a 1958 tapestry
Ono što zadivljuje nije samo lo, who says that his parents tried depicting his revolutionary paint-
trajanje (više od 70 godina) već ras- to realise Picasso’s wish back in the ing Les Demoiselles d'Avignon [The
pon i raznolikost stilova slikanja 1950s, but that it ultimately took Young Ladies of Avignon], which he
(od kojih je mnoge izmislio) i na- 50 years for that dream to become was gifted by a lady called Jacque-
izgled bezgraničnih materijala ko- a reality. Picasso’s daughter-in-law line [master weaver Jacqueline de
je je transformisao u umetnost. Vr- donated part of her own collection la Baume Dürrbach]. Only one such
hunac trenutnog izbora radova je i to establish the new museum in the tapestry was ever made and Picasso
tapiserija iz 1958. na kojoj je prika- city, while her son Bernard helped kept it until the end of his life, hang-
zana njegova revolucionarna slika significantly with his own donation. ing it above the fireplace in his villa
„Gospođice iz Avinjona“ koju mu je The Picasso Museum, Museo Picasso in the south of France. He insisted
poklonila jedna Žaklin. Samo jed- Málaga, opened in 2003 and helped that it was more beautiful than his
na takva tapiserija je ikada naprav- turn the city into a top cultural des- original painting.
ljena, a Pikaso ju je čuvao do kraja tination, and not just in Spain. Although he is best known as
života, okačivši je iznad kamina u The building that houses the mu- a painter, Picasso was also one of
svojoj vili na jugu Francuske. Go- seum was once the palatial home of the 20th century’s greatest sculptors,
vorio je da je lepša od njegove slike. a 16th century nobleman, which was as evidenced by the exhibition “Pi-
Iako najpoznatiji kao slikar, Pi- expanded adeptly by New York ar- casso Sculptor. Matter and Body”,
kaso je bio i jedan od najvećih va- chitect Richard Gluckman to ensure which opened at the museum in May.
jara dvadesetog veka, o čemu sve- it blends seamlessly into the white Surprisingly, this is the first major
doči postavka otvorena u maju u exhibition in Spain to focus on his
Muzeju – „Pikaso vajar: materija sculptures. The works selected aim
i telo“. Ovo je, iznenađujuće, prva to highlight the central role played
velika izložba u Španiji koja se fo- by the human body in his works, tak-
kusira na njegove skulpture. Oda- en both as a whole and as a frag-
bir dela ima za cilj da podvuče cen- ment, but Picasso’s sculptures are
tralnu ulogu koju igra ljudsko telo, also significant due to their innova-
uzeto i kao celina i kao fragment, tive qualities and the use of unortho-
ali Pikasove skulpture su značajne dox techniques and materials. There
i po svojoj inovativnosti i upotrebi are painted tiles, sculptures made
neortodoksnih tehnika i materija- from pieces of scrap metal skilfully
la. Tu su farbani crepovi, skulpture folded to form evocative figures, ce-
napravljene od delova starog me- ramic plates turned into bullrings...
tala vešto presavijenog u zadivlju- This is a truly enchanting display that

42 | Malaga » Málaga
Ku lt u r a / c u lt ur e

juće figure, keramički tanjiri pre- shouldn’t be missed.

tvoreni u arene za bikove... Zaista And to conclude, while we
očaravajuća postavka koju ne tre- find ourselves here in Málaga, this
ba propustiti. very important city for Picasso, it
Na kraju, dok smo ovde u Mala- should be noted that he adored Spain
gi, za Pikasa veoma važnom mestu, throughout his life and always re-
treba reći da je ceo život obožavao spected his Andalusian roots. That is
Španiju i poštovao svoje andalu- evident in the colours that he used,
zijske korene. Može se to videti u in the bullfights, in the ever-pres-
bojama koje je koristio, borbama ent Mediterranean. Picasso visited
bikova, po večno prisutnom Medi- Spain for the last time just prior to
teranu. Pikaso je poslednji put po- the outbreak of the Spanish Civil
setio Španiju neposredno pre Špan- War, but he never again returned to
skog građanskog rata, ali se, pošto his homeland because he was dis-
se gnušao represivnog režima, ni- gusted by the repressive regime. He
kada više nije vratio u domovinu. would probably be fascinated today
Verovatno bi bio očaran da danas to find that his childhood home, the
pronađe svoj dom iz detinjstva, trg square where he played, the church
na kojem se igrao, crkvu u kojoj je where he was christened and the art
kršten, umetničku akademiju u ko- academy where his father taught are
joj je njegov otac predavao – sve all pretty much as he left them. And
otprilike onako kako ih je ostavio. that they’ve been joined by a muse-
Plus jedan muzej - onaj koji je to- um, the one he so desired.
liko želeo.
Kultura Culture

K at r i n F o d r i , ata š e z a k u lt u r u tografskom tradicijom i francuska

filmska produkcija je ovde veoma

Filmski susreti Francuske lepo prihvaćena. Nama je u Fran-

cuskom institutu u Srbiji bilo važ-

i Srbije pod vedrim nebom

no da na jednom mestu ponudimo
najnovija francuska filmska ostva-
renja namenjena svim uzrastima.
Specifičnost ovog festi-
Ponosni smo što u okviru Festivala francuskog vala je da se održava pod
filma publika ima priliku da vidi filmove vedrim nebom i da je be-
odmah nakon Kanskog festivala, jednog od splatan za publiku. Šta
najznačajnijih filmskih susreta u svetu posetioci mogu da očeku-
ju ove godine?

– Želeli smo da ovaj festival
estival francuskog fil- Ove godine Festival bude besplatan kako bi svima bio
ma održaće se od 14. do francuskog filma obe- dostupan. Održava se na otvore-
18. juna pod vedrim ne- ležava jedan lep jubi- nom, na nekoliko lokacija: u srcu
bom na nekoliko lokaci- lej. Sa kojom idejom je grada, sa pogledom na Savu, na
ja u Beogradu. Festival sve počelo? platou na Kosančićevom ven-
za cilj ima promovisanje najaktu- – Festival ove godine slavi cu koji podseća na pari-
elnijih ostvarenja francuske kine- svoje peto izdanje. Nepre- ski kvart Monmartr. Fil-
matografije i predstavlja prozor kidno raste i iz godine movi će biti prikazani i
ka francuskoj kulturi i umetnič- u godinu je sve uspeš- na obali Dunava, u Si-
kim pogledima od kojih je sačinje- niji. Nastao je 2019. losima Beograd, kao i
na. Katrin Fodri, ataše za kulturu godine, sa ciljem da na platou između dve
pri Francuskom institutu u Srbi- postane tradicional- kule na Ušću. Beograd-
ji, za „Elevejt“ je predstavila Festi- na filmska manife- ska publika imaće pri-
val, koji se ove godine održava peti stacija namenjena like da pogleda deset
put, i objasnila na koji način naša beogradskoj publi- najnovijih ostvarenja iz
zemlja i Francuska sarađuju u do- ci. Srbija je zemlja Francuske, od kojih neka
menu kulture i umetnosti. sa dugom kinema- pripadaju i ovogodišnjoj

44 | Film » Film
selekciji Kanskog festivala. Za ovu C at h e r i n e Fa u d r y, c u lt u r a l at ta c h é

Film encounters between

petu, jubilarnu godinu Festival će
biti održan i u bioskopskim sala-
ma u Nišu i Novom Sadu, kao i na
otvorenom, u Zrenjaninu.
Festivali su na neki način France and Serbia in an
outdoor setting
platforme kulturne diplo-
matije, predstavljaju pro-
zor ka kulturi jedne
zemlje. Kao ataše za kultu- We are proud that, under the auspices of the Festival of
ru, na koji način razumete i French Film, audiences have an opportunity to watch
gradite vezu između srpske films immediately after the Cannes Festival, which is
i francuske kulture? one of the world’s most important film gatherings
– Veze između Srbije i Francu-
ske u oblasti filma su veoma jake.
Francuska danas razvija saradnju
sa Srbijom u brojnim umetničkim
oblastima, kao što su film, književ-
nost, strip, video-igre, ali i pozori-
šte i igra. Sporazum o koprodukcija-
ma filmova dveju zemalja potpisan
je 2019. godine i od suštinskog je
značaja za jačanje veza u oblasti
filma između naše dve zemlje. Za-
hvaljujući njemu, brojni srpski fil-
movi imaju francuske koproducen-
te i priliku da budu promovisani i
ovde i u Francuskoj.

Kakva je trenutna film-
ska produkcija u Francu-
skoj i na koji način se ona publika imaće he Festival of French Film It was founded in 2019 with the aim
razlikuje od čuvenog no- prilike da in Serbia will take place of becoming a traditional film event
vog talasa? pogleda deset from 14th to 18th June in for the Belgrade audience. Serbia is
– Aktuelna francuska filmska ostvarenja iz an open-air setting at sev- a country that has a long tradition
produkcija vratila se na nivo koji je Francuske eral Belgrade locations. In- of cinematography and French film
imala pre krize. Postoji još prosto- The Belgrade tended to promote the latest cre- productions are very well received
public will have
ra za rast, budući da se publika ni- the opportunity
ations of French cinematography, here. For us, at the French Institute
je u potpunosti vratila u bioskope. to watch ten of the festival represents a window to in Serbia, it was important to offer,
Stara i poznata imena su još uvek the latest film French culture and the artistic per- in one place, the latest French film
productions from
tu, poput Arnoa Deplešena, Žaka France
spectives that compose it. Speaking productions intended for audienc-
Odijara, Kler Deni, Fransoa Ozo- for Elevate, Catherine Faudry, cultur- es of all ages.
na ili Katrin Korsini. Međutim, sve al attaché at the French Institute in A specific quality of this fes-
je više veoma uspešnih mladih au- Serbia, presents this festival, which tival is that it is held out-
tora, i to uglavnom rediteljki, po- is this year being held for the fifth doors and attendance is
put Žistin Trije, Majven, Alis Diop, time, but also explains the ways Ser- free. What can visitors ex-
Luja Garela i Sebastijana Lifšica. bia and France cooperate in the do- pect at this year’s event?
main of culture and art. - We wanted this festival to be
The Festival of French Film free in order for it to be accessible
celebrates a nice anniversa- to everyone. It is held outdoors, at
ry this year. What was the several locations: in the heart of the
initial idea behind its estab- city, with a view overlooking the Sa-
Tekst / Words:
lishment? va, on the plateau in the neighbour-
Marina Lučić - The festival is this year cele- hood of Kosančićev Venac, which is
Fotografije / Photography: brating its fifth edition. It has been reminiscent of the Parisian district
Francuski institut growing constantly and has proved of Montmartre. Films will also be
increasingly successful year on year. screened on the banks of the Dan-

Film » Film | 45
ku lt u r a / Cu lt ur e

Volite li da letite? Kako ube, in Silosi Beograd [art centre], as how does it differ from the
se osećate u avionima Er well as on the plateau between the famous New Wave?
Srbije? Ušće Towers. The Belgrade public will - Current French film production
– Obožavam da letim, uvek have the opportunity to watch ten has returned to its pre-crisis level.
imam isti osećaj uzbuđenja pri pole- of the latest film productions from More room for growth still exists, giv-
tanju kao kada sam bila dete! Često France, some of which were included en that audiences haven’t fully re-
letim avionima srpske kompanije, in this year’s Cannes Film Festival se- turned to cinemas. Old and familiar
naročito kada putujem u Francusku lection. For this fifth anniversary year, names are still on the scene, such as
da se vidim sa svojom porodicom. the festival will also be held in cine- Arnaud Desplechin, Jacques Audiard,
Ponekad vodim i svoju mačku, ko- mas in Niš and Novi Sad, as well as Claire Denis, François Ozon or Cath-
ja pri svakom letu pokazuje zabri- at an outdoor location in Zrenjanin. erine Corsini. However, there are ev-
nutost, ali i radoznalost! Festivals are cultural diplo- er more very successful young film-
U Beogradu ste već neko macy platforms in a way, makers, and those are mostly female
vreme. Imate li svoja omi- representing a window to a directors, like Justine Triet, Maïwenn,
ljena mesta? country’s culture. As a cul- Alice Diop, Louis Garrel and Sébast-
– Volim živopisne beogradske tural attaché, how do you ien Lifshitz.
kvartove, baš kao i kulturni život interpret and build upon Do you like flying? How do
u glavnom srpskom gradu. Bajlo- the existing bonds between you feel aboard Air Serbia’s
nijeva pijaca i Zeleni venac su ve- the cultures of Serbia and planes?
oma autentična mesta. Svima koji France? - I adore flying. I always feel
dolaze u Beograd preporučila bih - The bonds between Serbia and the same sense of excitement dur-
KC „Grad“ zbog odličnog ambijen- France in the area of film are very ing take-off that I felt as a child! I
ta i lepe bašte, kao i Silose Beograd, strong. France is today developing often fly on planes of the Serbian
gde su zalasci sunca uz Dunav naj- cooperation with Serbia in numerous airline, particularly when travelling
lepši i gde je muzika odlična. fields of the arts, such as film, litera- to France to see my family. I some-
A koja tri manje poznata ture, comics and video games, but al- times also take my cat with me, who
mesta u Parizu volite? so theatre and dance. An agreement every time shows uneasiness, but
– Nedavno sam posetila prelepi between the two countries on film also curiosity!
Muzej romantičnog života, gde sam co-productions was signed in 2019 You’ve been resident in Bel-
pogledala izložbu francuske umet- and is crucial to further strength- grade for quite a while. Do
nice srpskog porekla Fransoaz Pe- ening ties between our two coun- you have your favourite
trović. „La Gaîté Lyrique“, prostor tries in the area of film. Thanks to places?
posvećen digitalnoj umetnosti, ne- this agreement, numerous Serbian - I love Belgrade’s vibrant neigh-
zaobilazno je mesto svaki put kada films have French co-producers and bourhoods, but also the cultural life
odem u Pariz. Osim njih, preporu- opportunities to be promoted both of the Serbian capital. Bajloni market
čujem „Maïf Social Club“, koji nudi here and in France. and Zeleni Venac are very authentic
veoma inovativne programe u srcu What is the film scene in places. I would recommend Cultur-
prestižnog pariskog kvarta Mare. France like currently and al Centre Grad to everyone coming
to Belgrade, because of its excellent
ambience and beautiful garden, as
Često letim
avionima srpske
well as Silosi Beograd, where sun-
kompanije, sets over the Danube are at their
naročito kada most beautiful, and where the mu-
putujem u
Francusku da se
sic is excellent.
vidim sa svojom And which three places in
porodicom Paris that are not as well-
I often fly on known do you love?
planes of the
Serbian airline, - I recently visited the beautiful
particularly when Museum of Romantic Life, where I
travelling to saw an exhibition of the works of
France to see my
family Françoise Petrović, a French artist
with Serbian roots. La Gaîté Lyrique,
a venue dedicated to digital art, is a
“must” every time I go to Paris. Apart
from them, I would recommend the
Maïf Social Club, which offers very
innovative programmes at the heart
of Paris’s prestigious Marais district.

46 | Film » Film
Kultura Culture

„ L a b o r at o r i j a b u d u ć n o s t i “

Staro kao
resurs novog
Dvoje mladih arhitekata, Iva
Njunjić i Tihomir Dičić, nastupaju
na 18. Međunarodnoj izložbi
arhitekture u Veneciji, koja traje
do 26. novembra ove godine

Projekat arhitekata
Ive Njunjić i Tihomira Di-
čića „U refleksiji...“ govori o tome
da već izgrađeni objekti, dobro arhi-
tektonski rešeni, mogu biti resurs
Koncept postavke izložbe u Paviljonu u Veneciji
za oblikovanje budućnosti. Na taj Venice Pavilion exhibition setting concept
način autori su odgovorili na temu
kustoskinje Lesli Loko – „Labora-
torija budućnosti“. Fokusirajući se
na zgradu Internacionalnog sajma u
Lagosu, približili su se suštini njene
teze da će Afrika biti kontinent sa
najvećim demografskim rastom, što
će skrenuti pažnju svetskih arhite-
kata i dovesti do novih poduhvata.
Postavka u Paviljonu Srbije delu-
je kao vremeplov jer obuhvata efekat
dve stvarnosti – prošle i aktuelne.
„Projekat Sajma u Lagosu beograd-
ske firme ’Energoprojekt’, izveden
od 1974. do 1976. godine, podrazu-
Jugoistočni paviljon, Internacionalni sajam u Lagosu
mevao je urbanizaciju 350 hektara Southeast Pavilion, Lagos International Trade Fair
močvarnog područja. Sam objekat
je predstavljao simbol tek uspo-
stavljene multinacionalne države.
U arhitektonskom smislu nastao je arhitekata sa putovanja u Lagos, kao ge širom sveta mogu da zaključe da
multiplikacijom jednog betonskog i intervjue sa stručnjacima i lokal- nije nužno graditi novo, već se i po-
trougla. U okviru kompleksa naprav- nim stanovništvom, kojima se bliže stojeće može iskoristiti na najafir-
ljeno je i veštačko jezero“, opisuju objašnjava lokalni kontekst meta- mativniji način.
nekadašnju sliku mlade arhitekte. morfoze građevine. „Imali smo uti- Međunarodna izložba arhitek-
Velike promene koje su zahva- sak stalnog iščekivanja dok smo se ture u Veneciji odvija se u istom pro-
tile ovu afričku državu, od ekonom- probijali kroz gužve na beskonačnim storu kao i čuvenije Bijenale umet-
ske krize do premeštanja prestonice, auto-putevima prema Sajmu. Tu su nosti, manifestacije se organizuju
odrazile su se i na sudbinu Sajma. nas sačekali dualiteti, vrlo prisutni naizmenično, a cilj im je da pred-
Sada je on regionalni hipermarket i u drugim delovima grada. S jedne stave ono najbolje iz raznih zema-
za trgovinu na veliko sa Zapadnom strane, sajamske hale koje su i da- lja sveta.
Afrikom. Ulazeći u konceptualno lje u vlasništvu države napuštene
osmišljen prostor Paviljona, u vi- su i obrasle rastinjem, dok su one
du „vremensko-prostorne“ mape, u privatnom posedu promenile na-
Tekst / Words:
posetioci mogu da promišljaju o menu, sa mnoštvom skladišta, ba- Dragana Nikoletić
estetici i funkcionalnosti izabra- naka, različitih radionica, pa čak i Fotografije / Photography:
nog prostora. crkvi“, objašnjavaju Njunjić i Dičić. Tolulope Fatunbi, Iva Njunjić
Izložba pokriva i dnevnike dvoje Poučene primerom, i njihove kole-

48 | Arhitektura » Architecture
T h e L a b o r at o r y
of the Future

The old as
a resource
of the new
Two young architects,
Iva Njunjić and Tihomir
Dičić, are appearing at
the 18th International
Architecture Exhibition in
Venice, which runs until
26th November this year

The project of archi-

tects Iva Njunjić and Ti-
homir Dičić, entitled In Reflec-
tions..., presents the notion that
pre-existing buildings that have
been well-designed architecturally
can serve as a resource in shaping
the future. The authors thus provided
their unique response to the theme Expressway,
sequently hit this African country, the local context of the complex’s
of Venice Architecture Biennale cu- Market, Lagos from economic crisis to the relo- metamorphosis. “We had an impres-
rator Lesley Lokko – “The Laborato- Badagry cating of the capital, were also re- sion of constant anticipation as we
ry of the Future”. By focusing on the Expressway, flected in the fate of the Fair. It now made our way through the traffic con-
Market, Lagos
building of the International Trade serves as a wholesale hypermarket gestion on the endless highways lead-
Fair in Lagos, Nigeria, they addressed for the region of West Africa. En- ing to the Fair. We were awaited there
the core idea of her thesis that Africa tering the conceptually conceived by dualities that are also very evident
will become the continent with the space of the Pavilion, in the form across other parts of the city. On the
greatest demographic growth, which of an ellipsoid “spatial-temporal” one hand, the fair halls that are still
will attract the attention of world-re- map, visitors are invited to reflect owned by the state have been aban-
nowned architects and lead to new on the aesthetics and functionality doned and are overgrown with vege-
construction endeavours. of the chosen space. tation, while those that are now pri-
The installation at the exhibi- APT pijaca, The exhibition also covers the vately owned have seen their purpose
tion’s Serbian Pavilion serves to lead Internacionalni two architects’ journals from their change, now housing many ware-
visitors on a journey in a time ma- sajam u Lagosu trip to Lagos, as well as interviews houses, banks, various workshops,
APT Plaza, Lagos
chine, as it encompasses the effect of International with experts and local residents, with and even a church,” explain Njunjić
two realities: past and present. “The Trade Fair which they familiarise visitors with and Dičić. Having been taught by
Lagos Fair project of Belgrade com- this example, and their colleagues
pany Energoprojekt, built between around the world, they can conclude
1974 and 1976, involved the urban- that it is not necessary to build new
isation of 350 hectares of wetlands. facilities, but rather to utilise exist-
The building itself was a symbol of ing ones in the most affirmative/ap-
the newly established multination- propriate way.
al state... In an architectural sense, The International Architecture
it was created through the multiply- Exhibition in Venice, the Venice Ar-
ing of a single concrete triangle. An chitecture Biennale, is held at the
artificial lake was also built within same venue as the more famous Ven-
the scope of the complex,” say these ice Art Biennale, with these events
young architects, describing the for- organised alternately and aimed at
mer picture of the fair. presenting the best in their respec-
The major changes that sub- tive fields from around the world.

Architecture » Arhitektura | 49
Er Srbija vesti Air Serbia news
U dosad rekordnoj pret-
pandemijskoj 2019. godini
srpska nacionalna avio-kompa-
nija je do broja od milion putni-
ka stigla 25. juna, odnosno me-
sec i po dana kasnije u odnosu na
tekuću godinu. Imajući u vidu po-
stojeće trendove, Er Srbija oče-
kuje da u 2023. godini premaši
brojku od tri i po miliona preveze-
nih putnika.
– Kada smo sredinom mar-
ta zabeležili našeg petstohiljadi-
tog putnika u 2023. godini, zna-
li smo da je taj rezultat izuzetan i
verovali smo da će novi uspesi br-
zo uslediti. Samo dva meseca ka-
snije ponovo obaramo sopstvene
rekorde. Prvi put od kada poslu-
Ob o r e n j o š j e d a n r e ko r d jemo pod imenom Er Srbija, već
u maju smo prevezli milion putni-
Er Srbija prevezla milion ka. Uz izvanredne mesečne rezul-

putnika od početka godine

tate, deset uzastopnih rekordnih
meseci po broju realizovanih le-
Srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija je 8. maja tova i prevezenih putnika i profi-
tabilni prvi kvartal 2023. godine,
premašila 1.000.000 prevezenih putnika od početka imamo razloga da budemo zado-
2023. godine, dok je taj rezultat u 2022. godini voljni. Ostvareni rezultati nas mo-
ostvarila tek 8. jula, odnosno čak dva meseca kasnije tivišu da u narednom periodu bu-

The Serbian national airline

had carried its millionth
passenger in 2023 by 8th
May, while in 2022 this
significant achievement
was only reached on 8th
July, or two months later

In the pre-pandemic year

of 2019, hitherto the company’s
most successful year, Air Serbia
reached the figure of a million pa-
ssengers on 25th June, i.e., a mon-
th and a half later compared to
the current year. Given existing
trends, Air Serbia expects to ex-
A nother r ecor d broken ceed a total of three and a half mi-
llion passengers carried in 2023.
Air Serbia has handled a million passengers “We knew this outcome was
outstanding when we registe-
since the beginning of the year red our 500,000th passenger in

50 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

U prvom kvartalu 2023. godine od ukupnog As much as 49% of all passengers who
broja putnika koji su leteli sa beogradskog aerodroma flew from Belgrade airport in Q1 2023 did
čak 49 odsto putovalo je letovima Er Srbije so aboard Air Serbia flights

Er Srbija je u
aprilu prvi put
poletela do Tel
Srpska nacionalna Aviva, Ankare,
Katanije, Izmira i
avio-kompanija će u Lisabona

letnjoj sezoni leteti do

više od 80 destinacija
širom sveta
The Serbian flag carrier will Er Srbija u aprilu prevezla
be flying to more than 80 282.509 putnika
destinations worldwide
this summer Er Srbija je tokom aprila za-
beležila povećanje od 84 odsto
la 2023. godine, naša kompanija
beleži rekordne rezultate na meseč-
u odnosu na isti mesec 2022. godi- nom nivou po broju prevezenih put-
ne, odnosno porast od 53 odsto u nika, kao i po broju realizovanih le-
odnosu na do sada rekordnu pret- tova. S obzirom na to da je letnja
pandemijsku 2019. godinu. Sa ae- sezona u avio-industriji u toku i da su
demo još bolji i efikasniji – rekao rodroma u Beogradu, Nišu i Kraljevu brojne turističke destinacije sve ak-
je Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbija je u aprilu realizovala 3.167 tivnije, verujemo da će rezultati bi-
Er Srbije. letova, što je za 66 odsto više nego ti još bolji. U aprilu smo našu mrežu
Pored matičnog aerodroma prošle godine i 35 odsto više u od- proširili sa čak pet novih destinacija i
„Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, kom- nosu na 2019. godinu. taj trend rasta nastavili smo i u maju i
panija u Srbiji leti i sa niškog aero- – Tokom deset uzastopnih me- junu – rekao je Boško Rupić, direktor
droma „Konstantin Veliki“ i među- seci, odnosno od jula 2022. do apri- za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije.
narodnog aerodroma „Morava“
kod Kraljeva.
Air Serbia
launched its first
flights to Tel Aviv,
Ankara, Catania,
İzmir and Lisbon
this April
2023 in mid-March, and we tho-
ught that more successes would
come fast. Just two months later,
we are breaking our records again.
For the first time since we began
operating under the name of Air
Serbia, we had already handled
Air Serbia carried 282,509
one million passengers in May. We passengers in April
have reasons to be satisfied with
our outstanding monthly results, During April, Air Serbia re- on a monthly basis in terms of num-
ten consecutive record months in corded an increase of 84% bers of passengers carried and fli-
terms of the number of flights and compared to the same month ghts operated. Considering that
passengers carried and a profita- of 2022, and an increase of 53% the aviation industry’s summer se-
ble first quarter of 2023. The re- compared to the record-breaking ason is already underway and that
sults achieved motivate us to be pre-pandemic year of 2019. From many tourist destinations are beco-
even better and more efficient in the airports in Belgrade, Niš, and ming more active, we believe that
the coming period,” said Air Ser- Kraljevo, Air Serbia operated 3,167 the results will be even better. We
bia CEO Jiri Marek. flights in April, which is 66% mo- expanded our network in April with
In addition to its Belgrade Ni- re than last year and a 35% incre- the addition of as many as five new
kola Tesla Airport hub, the com- ase compared to 2019. “During destinations and we continued this
pany also flies from Niš Constan- ten consecutive months, from Ju- growth trend in May and June,” said
tine the Great Airport and Morava ly 2022 to April 2023, our company Boško Rupić, Air Serbia General Ma-
International Airport near Kraljevo. has been achieving record results nager, Commercial and Strategy.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 51

Z a s a d d o J u ž n e A m e r i k e , u s ko r o i d o K a n a d e /
F l i g h ts to S o u t h A m e r i ca a n d Ca n a da c o m i n g s o o n

Er Srbija i Turkiš erlajns proširuju kod-šer

saradnju / Air Serbia and Turkish Airlines expand
codeshare cooperation
Nacionalni avio-prevoznici Srbije i Turske unapredili su kod-šer saradnju dodavanjem
marketing kodova na dodatnim destinacijama u okviru svojih mreža / The national airlines
of Serbia and Turkey have enhanced their codeshare partnership by adding marketing codes
on flights to additional destinations within their networks
Uvođenjem novih direktnih linija između Beo- Along with the introduction of new direct
grada i Izmira obe avio-kompanije postavile su svo- flights between Belgrade and Izmir, both airlines
je kodove na dodatnim letovima za Tursku, uključujući have added their codes to additional flights to Turkey, inc-
i marketing kod „Turkiš erlajnsa“ na novoj direktnoj lini- luding the addition of Turkish Airlines’ marketing code to Air
ji Er Srbije između Beograda i Ankare. Srpska nacional- Serbia’s new direct route between Belgrade and Ankara.
na avio-kompanija dodala je svoj „JU“ kod na letove Tur- The Serbian national airline has added its “JU” code to Tur-
kiš erlajnsa između Istanbula i Sao Paola, i na taj način po kish Airlines’ flights between Istanbul and Sao Paulo – the-
prvi put omogućila prisustvo marketing koda Er Srbije na reby enabling Air Serbia’s marketing code to be present on
južnoameričkom tržištu, kao i na letove „Turkiš erlajnsa“ iz the South American market for the first time – as well as
Istanbula do Almatija i Abu Dabija. Nacionalna avio-kom- on Turkish Airlines’ flights from Istanbul to Almaty and Abu
panija Turske postavila je svoj „TK“ kod na letovima Er Sr- Dhabi. The national airline of Turkey has also added its “TK”
bije do Ohrida u Severnoj Makedoniji. code to Air Serbia’s flights to Ohrid in North Macedonia.
– Saradnja sa avio-kompanijom „Turkiš erlajns“ je ve- “Collaboration with Turkish Airlines is very important
oma važna za nas. Trudimo se da konstantno istražuje- for us. We strive to constantly explore opportunities to
mo mogućnosti za jačanje dobrih odnosa i dalja prošire- strengthen good relationships and further expand the
nja postojećeg partnerstva koje je počelo pre tri godine. existing partnership that started three years ago. In this
Na taj način želimo da doprinesemo još boljoj povezano- way, we want to contribute to even better connectivi-
sti između Srbije i Turske. Sa velikim zadovoljstvom na- ty between Serbia and Turkey. We are pleased to anno-
javljujemo da je postignut dogovor sa „Turkiš erlajnsom“ unce that an agreement has been reached with Turkish
za dodatno proširenje našeg kod-šer partnerstva u na- Airlines for the further expansion of our codeshare par-
rednom periodu. To proširenje bi uključivalo letove Turkiš tnership in the near future. This expansion would inclu-
erlajnsa do destinacija u Kanadi, kao što su Toronto, Van- de Turkish Airlines flights to destinations in Canada, such
kuver i Montreal, na koje bi Er Srbija postavila svoj kod, u as Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, on which Air Serbia
zavisnosti od dobijanja svih neophodnih odobrenja – izja- would place its code, subject to obtaining all necessary
vila je Ivana Miklja Mučalov, menadžer međukompanij- approvals,” said Ivana Miklja Mučalov, Air Serbia Internati-
skih poslova i alijansi Er Srbije. onal Affairs & Alliances Manager.

52 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Air Srbija » Er Srbija | 53
E r S r b i j a v e st i / A i r S e r b i a n e ws

Ča k d e v e t n ov i h d e st i n ac i ja u m a j u
A s m a n y a s n i n e n e w d e s t i n at i o n s i n M ay

Poleteli smo do Kaira, Hamburga, Čikaga, Geteborga,

Kelna, Napulja, Marselja, Firence i Irakliona / We’ve
departed for Cairo, Hamburg, Chicago, Gothenburg,
Cologne, Naples, Marseille, Florence and Heraklion
Er Srbija će u letnjoj sezoni leteti do 22 nove destinacije do kojih nije letela u letnjoj sezoni prethodne
godine. U maju je aktivirano novih devet gradova, a u junu vas očekuje još sedam / During the 2023
summer season, Air Serbia will fly to 22 new destinations that weren’t included in last year’s summer season.
Nine of them were introduced in May, with another seven cities awaiting Air Serbia flights in June

KAIRO – 15. maj CAIRO – 15th may

Er Srbija je letom JU876 uspostavi- With flight JU876, Air Serbia initiated
la direktne letove između Beograda its new direct service between Bel-
i Kaira. Do glavnog grada Egipta srp- grade and Cairo. The Serbian national
ska nacionalna avio-kompanija le- airline is flying to the Egyptian capi-
ti tri puta nedeljno, svakog ponedelj- tal three times a week, every Monday,
ka, srede i petka. Wednesday and Friday. The inaugural
Inauguracioni let svečano je doče- flight was ceremoniously welcomed
kan na međunarodnom aerodro- at Cairo International Airport, located
mu u Kairu, udaljenom 15 kilometara 15 kilometres away from the city cen-
od centra grada, a događaju su pri- tre, with representatives of the natio-
sustvovali predstavnici nacionalne nal airline and airport in attendance.
avio-kompanije i aerodroma.
HAMBURG – 15th may
HAMBURG – 15. maj Air Serbia flight JU394 marked the la-
Er Srbija je letom JU394 uspostavi- unch of direct flights between Belgra-
la direktne letove između Beograda de and Hamburg. The Serbian flag
i Hamburga. Do drugog grada po carrier is now flying to Germany’s se-
veličini u Nemačkoj leti se tri puta cond largest city three times a week,
nedeljno, svakog ponedeljka, sre- on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri-
de i petka. Inauguracioni let Er Sr- days. A welcome ceremony awaited
bije svečano je dočekan na ham- Air Serbia’s inaugural flight at Ham-
burškom aerodromu smeštenom burg Airport, located 8.5 km north of
8,5 kilometara severno od cen- the city centre.
tra grada.
GETEBORG I KELN – 18. maj COLOGNE – 18th may
Er Srbija je 18. maja letom JU440 Air Serbia flight JU440 on 18th May
pokrenula direktnu liniju između Be- marked the commencement of a di-
ograda i Geteborga, dok je samo rect route between Belgrade and Go-
pola sata kasnije, letom JU326, po- thenburg, and departing just half an
vezala glavni grad Srbije sa Kelnom. hour later was flight JU326, conne-
Nacionalna avio-kompanija do novih cting Serbia’s capital with Cologne.
destinacija u Švedskoj i Nemačkoj Air Serbia operates flights to these
saobraća tri puta nedeljno, tokom new destinations in Sweden and Ger-
cele godine. Letovi do Geteborga, many three times a week, year-round.
druge destinacije Er Srbije u Šved- Flights to Gothenburg, Air Serbia’s se-
skoj, obavljaju se svakog ponedelj- cond destination in Sweden, operate
ka, četvrtka i nedelje, dok do Kelna every Monday, Thursday and Sunday,
saobraća utorkom, četvrtkom i su- while direct Cologne flights depart on
botom. Inauguracioni letovi doče- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

54 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

kani su na aerodromu „Geteborg
Landveter“, drugom po veličini u
Švedskoj, kao i na aerodromu „Keln
Bon“, smeštenom oko 15 kilometara
jugoistočno od centra grada.

NAPULJ – 19. maj

Er Srbija je 19. maja uspostavila le-
tove na novoj liniji između Beogra-
da i Napulja. Srpska nacionalna
avio-kompanija letove do glavnog
lučkog grada na jugu Italije obav-
lja dva puta nedeljno, ponedeljkom
i petkom. Inauguracioni let Er Srbije
svečano je dočekan na napuljskom
međunarodnom aerodromu, po-
znatijem kao „Kapodikino“, smešte-
nom šest kilometara severoistočno
od centra Napulja.

MARSELJ I FIRENCA – 20. maj The inaugural flights were welcomed cated just six kilometres northeast of
Er Srbija je letovima JU296 i JU568 at Gothenburg Landvetter Airport, Naples city centre.
uspostavila direktne linije između Sweden’s second largest airport, and
Beograda i Marselja, odnosno srp- Cologne Bonn Airport, located around MARSEILLE AND
ske prestonice i Firence. Nacional- 15 km southeast of the city centre. FLORENCE – 20th may
na avio-kompanija do novih destina- With flights JU296 and JU568, Air
cija u Francuskoj i Italiji saobraća dva NAPLES – 19th may Serbia launched its direct services
puta nedeljno, utorkom i subotom, Air Serbia launched its new Belgra- from Belgrade to Marseille and Flo-
tokom cele godine. Inauguracioni de-Naples service on 19th May. The rence respectively. The national airline
letovi svečano su dočekani na aero- Serbian national airline is operating operates flights to its latest destinati-
dromima „Marselj Provans“, odno- flights to the main port city in sout- ons in France and Italy twice a week,
sno „Peretola Aeroporto di Firence“. hern Italy twice a week, on Mondays on Tuesdays and Saturdays, year-ro-
and Fridays. The inaugural flight was und. The inaugural flights were offi-
officially welcomed at Naples Inter- cially welcomed at Marseille Provence
national Airport, more commonly Airport and Florence Airport, Peretola
known as “Capodichino”, which is lo- Aeroporto di Firenze.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 55


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Enjoy fantastic offers, up to 7 days after arrival in Belgrade. Show your

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Enjoy Belgrade!
Partneri Er Srbije / Air Serbia Partners
Moda Fashion
M a l e m o d n e ta j n e

Šta znaju najbolje odevene

devojke sa Instagrama?
One imaju neke prepoznatljive modne cake pomoću kojih svaki trend
prilagode sebi. Prenosimo vam (u poverenju) te taktike koje ih čine
suverenim vladarkama Instagram Feeda

ako da se okušate u hrabrom kombino- One se ne plaše da eksperimentišu
vanju i izgledate bolje čak i od onih koji Pruge uz tufne? Što da ne! Vešta igra različitih
su uvek u vrhu liste najbolje odevenih uzoraka vruć je trend sa revija za aktuelnu sezonu
na Instagramu i koji su zbog svog stila – i modni rizik koji se isplati. Ipak, kako ne biste
postali ozbiljni influenseri? Pa ima ne- omanuli u kombinaciji, spajajte desene u crno-be-
kih malih stvari koje treba da znate... lom kontrastu jer sami po sebi deluju šik. Subotnji
dejt breton džemper dočekuje u svojoj „Emily in Pa-
One znaju kako da prikriju „bad hair day“ ris“ varijanti – uz suknju na tufne razigranih karne-
Šta može da postigne jedan običan platneni bej- ra i bele aksesoare, pruža priliku da sa dezenima ek-
zbol kačket? Mnogo toga! Za početak, da zauzda fri- sperimentišete kao prava modna maherka.
zuru koja se tog jutra otima kontroli – ali to nije sve.
Svaka kombinacija će uz njega delovati ležerno kul, One umeju da pozajme pravi komad
kao da ste studentkinja zvučnog američkog koledža. Oversajz blejzer je nezamenljiv u garderoberu
skoro svake influenserke sa masom pratilaca na mre-
One već imaju info koji džemper je žama. Međutim, uprkos tome što je reč o komadu
kupovina sezone koji zaista jeste opravdana modna investicija, često
Status Parižanki kao ambasadorki sofisticira- su najlepši primerci – i preskupi! Mi smo jedan pro-
no-senzualnog stila definitivno potvrđuje i činjeni- našli u sekend hend šopu među muškom gardero-
ca da su dizajneri sa svih strana sveta iz sezone u bom, što i vama savetujemo.
sezonu nanovo nadahnuti nezaobilaznim sastojci-
ma njihove garderobe. Tim večnim komadima ko- One prepoznaju komad „od jutra do sutra“
ji svakoj kombinaciji pozajmljuju jedan ubedljiv „je Postoji jedan odevni predmet koji baš svaka do-
ne sais quoi“. Priča, naravno, mora da počne od – bro odevena žena poseduje u svom garderoberu – par
mornarskog džempera. Amblem francuskog odeva- crnih pantalona koje pokrivaju sve, od poslovnih pa
nja kroz istoriju poslednjih sezona redefinisan je u do svečanih kombinacija. Džoker iz modnog rukava,
formi i detaljima – baš kao ovaj krop-model od gru- one čine da noge i bokovi izgledaju vitkije kao da su
bog pamučnog pletiva, sa poletnim karnerima na ra- krojeni fotošop. Pa ipak, da li koristite pun poten-
menu. Kad poželite da ovaj džemper odenete za po- cijal ovog genijalnog odevnog predmeta kao što to
sao, pridružite mu romantičnu bluzu sa satenskom čine influenserke? Za inspiraciju pariskim glamu-
mašnom, laneni sako sa širokim reverima i par ta- rom, svoj omiljeni par dopunite pomenutim over-
mnih farmerki. Iako je džins u ovoj priči, štikle će ga sajz crnim sakoom – ne brinite, ne mora da bude od
podići do biznis dres-koda. istog materijala kao što su pantalone; dve različite
teksture će biti top. Iznenadni pljuskovi i gradska
One imaju oko za detalje šetnja? Crne pantalone odolevaju svim meteo-iza-
Sećate se kako smo u originalnoj verziji serije zovima kad ih odenete uz korset gingam uzorka i
„Gossip Girl“ Bler Valdorf uvek viđali sa rajfom, a retro trenč klasične forme. Tako se dobija jedna kul
njena najbolja drugarica Serena često je imala tan- varijanta uličnog stila kojoj niko ne može da odo-
ku maramu u boho stilu nehajno vezanu oko vra- li. I za kraj, ali ne i najmanje važno – crne pantalo-
ta? Ovakvi stilski akcenti imaju za cilj da persona- ne rade i vikendom: uz šljampavi duks sa kapulja-
lizuju određeni modni momenat – baš kao damska čom od sivog meliranog debelog pamuka i omiljene
šal-kragna na svilenoj bluzi koja proviruje ispod bre- minimalističke patike, niko neće prepoznati da je
ton džempera. to isti par od sinoć.

58 | Influenseri » Influencers
Status Parižanki kao ambasadorki sofisticirano-senzualnog stila Parisiennes’ status as ambassadors of sophisticated sensual style is
definitivno potvrđuje i činjenica da su dizajneri sa svih strana sveta undoubtedly also confirmed by the fact that, season after season,
iz sezone u sezonu nanovo nadahnuti njihovim garderoberom designers from all over the world find inspiration in their wardrobe

Šta može da postigne jedan običan platneni bejzbol kačket? Mnogo toga!
What can be accomplished with a simple baseball cap? A lot!

Tekst / Words:
Ivan Radojčić
Fotografije / Photography:
Nikola Mihaljević

Influencers » Influenseri | 59
M o da / Fas h i o n

L i t t l e fa s h i o n s e c r e t s

What do
Instagram’s best
dressed girls know?
They have recognisable fashion tricks
that help them adapt every trend to suit
themselves. Here we transfer to you (in
confidence) the tactics that make them
sovereign rulers of the Insta feed

ow can you try on a bold combination
and look even better than those who al-
ways top the list Instagram’s best dressed
users and have become serious influenc-
ers thanks to their personal style? Well,
there are some titbits that you should know...

They know how to hide a “bad hair day”

What can be accomplished with a simple baseball
cap? A lot! For starters, it can rein in morning hair that’s
beyond all control – but that’s not all. It will make any
combination look casually cool, as if you’re a student
at a renowned American college.

They already have the inside info on which

sweater is “the buy of the season”
Parisiennes’ status as ambassadors of sophisticat-
ed sensual style is undoubtedly also confirmed by the
fact that, season after season, designers from all over
the world find inspiration in their wardrobe essentials:
those timeless pieces that provide every combination
with a convincing dose of “je ne sais quoi”. This story
simply must start, naturally, with the Marinière sweater
of the French navy. This enduring mainstay of French
attire has been redefined in terms of form and detail
in recent seasons – just like this chunky knit cropped
model, sporting playful shoulder ruffles. When you want
to wear this sweater to work, combine it with a roman-
tic blouse with a satin bow, a wide lapel linen blazer
and dark jeans. Although this story includes jeans, the
addition of heels will raise it to business dress code.

They have an eye for details

Remember how, in the original series of Gossip girl,
Blair Waldorf was always seen sporting a headband,
while her best friend, Serena, often had a thin, boho-chic

60 | Influenseri » Influencers
Postoji jedan odevni predmet koji baš svaka dobro odevena
žena poseduje u svom garderoberu – par dobrih pantalona
There is one item of clothing that is included in the wardrobe of
every well-dressed woman: a pair of good trousers

style scarf casually tied around her neck. These style

elements are intended to personalise a certain fash-
ion statement - just like ladies’ shawl collar on a silk
blouse that peeks out from beneath a Breton sweater.

They’re not scared to experiment

Stripes with polka dots? Why not! Deftly playing
with different patterns is a top trend at this season’s
fashion shows – and a fashion risk that’s worth it.
However, in order to avoid your combination falling
flat, be sure to pair patterns in a black and white con-
trast, because those colours have an intrinsically chic
influence. The Saturday date Breton sweater welcomes
you in its “Emily in Paris” variation – coupled with a
polka dot skirt with playful ruffles and white accesso-
ries, it provides the opportunity to experiment with
patterns like a real fashion trailblazer.

They are adept at “borrowing”

the right piece
An oversized blazer is an irreplaceable item in the
wardrobe of almost every influencer who boasts mass-
es of social media followers. However, despite such a
piece being a truly justified fashion investment, the
most beautiful are often also too expensive! We found
one in the men’s section of a second-hand shop, which
we recommend you also try.

They recognise an item “until

tomorrow morning”
There is one item of clothing that is included in the
wardrobe of every well-dressed woman: a pair of black
trousers that “cover” every occasion from work out-
fits to formal combinations. The joker in the fashion
pack, they serve to slim the legs and hips as if “photo-
shopped”. But are you really taking full advantage of the
potential of this ingenious garment like an influencer?
For Parisian glamour inspiration, complement your fa-
vourite pair with the aforementioned oversized black
blazer – don’t worry if it isn’t made from the same ma-
terial as the trousers, as two different textures will be
a hit. Sudden showers and city walks? Black trousers
can handle all meteorological challenges when worn
with a gingham corset and a classic retro trench coat.
That’s how you get a cool “street style” variant that’s
irresistible to all. And, last but not least, black trousers
also “work” weekends: combined with a scruffy hood-
ie with a speckled grey hood made from thick cotton
and your favourite minimalist running shoes, no one
will recognise that you’re wearing the same trousers
as the previous evening.

Influencers » Influenseri | 61
Ritam grada Rhythm of the city

100 godina

Beogradska filharmonija je kultni to svećica na svojoj ro- čarobne melodije Vivaldija, Mocar-
đendanskoj torti Beo- ta, Betovena, čuvenih klasičnih de-
srpski orkestar („Financial gradska filharmonija će la u izvođenju Filharmonije.
Times“), jedan od vodećih evropskih oduvati 13. juna na kon- Od tog 13. juna, u čast orke-
orkestara („Independent“), certu pod nazivom „ZA- stra koji slavi čitav vek postojanja,
orkestar koji gleda samo napred UVEK“ koji će održati kao poklon Er Srbija se pridružuje slavlju, a ne-
(„Washington Post“), ansambl koji svim ljubiteljima. Tog dana u mu- ma nikakve dileme da će atmosfera
sa sobom nosi veliku dozu nasleđa i zici, međutim, neće uživati samo u avionima nacionalnog avio-pre-
ponosa („New York Times“)... oni koji dođu u „Kolarac“. U avio- voznika, dok traje ukrcavanje, biti
nima Er Srbije putnike će dočekati za nijansu radosnija, pa i svečanija.

62 | Muzika » Music
Obeležavajući 100 godina svog postojanja, Beogradska Commemorating the first hundred years of its existence, the Belgrade
filharmonija je danas pozicionirana kao najbolji orkestar u regionu i Philharmonic has today positioned itself as the region’s top orchestra and an
ansambl koji predstavlja osveženje na međunarodnoj sceni ensemble that represents the reinvigorating of the international scene

A century of the
Belgr ade Philhar monic

Zubin Mehta is arriving

for the centenary
Stiže Zubin celebration
Mehta na slavlje The Belgrade Philharmonic is Serbia’s cult
orchestra (The Financial Times), one of the
jednog veka leading European orchestras (The Independent),
a forward-looking orchestra (The Washington
Post), an ensemble that holds a great measure
of heritage and pride (The New York Times) ...

he Belgrade Philharmon-
ic Orchestra will blow out
a hundred candles on its
birthday cake on 13th
June, during the concert
entitled “ZAuVEK” that will be held
as a gift to all its fans. However, that
day’s music won’t only be enjoyed by
those who attend the Kolarac concert.
On the planes of Air Serbia, passengers
will be welcomed aboard to the mag-
ical melodies of the famous classical
works of Vivaldi, Mozart, Beethoven Početak velikog slavlja
etc., performed by the Belgrade Phil. biće uz najvećeg prijatelja
From that 13th June, in hon- Beogradske filharmonije,
maestra Zubina Mehtu, 20.
our of the orchestra that’s celebrat- juna
ing an entire century of its existence, The great celebration will start
Air Serbia is joining the celebration, with the greatest friend of
the Belgrade Philharmonic,
and there’s no doubt whatsoever that maestro conductor Zubin
the atmosphere inside the national air- Mehta, on 20th June
line’s planes during boarding will be a
shade more joyful, and more festive.
Over the course of its first cen-
tury, the Philharmonic has endured
a turbulent history with many ups
and downs: from its humble begin-
nings, when a group of enthusiastic
musicians led by Stevan Hristić held
Tokom prvih sto godina Fil- the first philharmonic concert, to its
harmonija je u svojoj burnoj isto- current status as a grandiose ensem-
riji prošla kroz mnoge uspone i pa- ble of world class artists and the most
dove: od skromnih početaka, pa do successful cultural institution in the
grandioznog ansambla svetske kla- country and around the region. The
se i najuspešnije institucije kulture Philharmonic enters its second cen-
Tekst / Words:
u zemlji i regionu. U drugih sto go- tury with hope for a better tomor- Jelena Pantović
dina Filharmonija ulazi sa nadom u row and one step closer to its new Fotografije / Photography:
bolje sutra, na korak do nove kuće, home: the Belgrade Philharmonic Hall, Marko Đoković
dvorane Beogradske filharmonije, the construction of which is well un-

Music » Muzika | 63
R i ta m g r a da / R h y t h m o f t h e c i t y

na čijoj se izgradnji u bloku 13 na

Novom Beogradu intenzivno radi
zahvaljujući viziji, životnom i pro-
fesionalnom snu Ivana Tasovca.
A sve je počelo između dva
svetska rata u Beogradu nastoja-
njem muzičara da obogate i una-
prede umetnički život prestonice.
Tako je orkestar 13. juna 1923. go-
dine održao svoj prvi koncert pod
zvaničnim imenom Beogradska fil-
harmonija. Njen osnivač, umetnič-
ki direktor i šef-dirigent bio je Ste-
van Hristić (1885–1958), jedan od
najznačajnijih srpskih kompozitora
i dirigenata. Uprkos lošim uslovima
rada i brojnim problemima, Filhar-
monija je tokom ovog, tzv. Hristiće- derway in New Belgrade’s Block 13, With an innovative approach to
vog perioda (1923–1936) ustanovi- Beogradska thanks to the vision, life’s work and the selecting of concert cycles and in-
la sistem pretplatničkih koncerata, filharmonija će professional dream of Ivan Tasovac. dividual programmes, as well as the
obeležavati svoj
sa gostovanjima domaćih i stranih jubilej tokom And it all started in Belgrade dur- increasing quality of interpretations,
umetnika, i započela rad na savla- cele godine, od ing the interwar period, with the mu- the Belgrade Philharmonic has sig-
đivanju klasičnog, kao i tada savre- juna 2023. do sicians who endeavoured to enrich nificantly increased its number of
juna 2024.
menog repertoara. The Belgrade and improve the artistic life of the subscribers in recent years, but al-
Inovativnim pristupom pri iz- Philharmonic capital. And so it was that on 13th so enriched its repertoire with new
boru ciklusa i pojedinačnih progra- will celebrate June, 1923, the orchestra held its first works and works never previously
its centenary
ma, kao i sve kvalitetnijim interpre- throughout the concert under the official name of performed in Belgrade, which are pre-
tacijama, Beogradska filharmonija entire year, from the Belgrade Philharmonic. Its found- sented to the Belgrade audience soon
je poslednjih godina značajno pove- June 2023 to er, artistic director and chief conduc- after their world premieres. These ef-
June 2024
ćala broj pretplatnika i obogatila re- tor was Stevan Hristić (1885-1958), forts have resulted in the Belgrade
pertoar novim i do sada u Beogradu one of Serbia’s most important com- Philharmonic becoming the region’s
neizvedenim ostvarenjima. Rezultat posers and conductors. Despite poor first orchestra to have its concerts
ovih napora je činjenica da je Beo- working conditions and numerous sold out several months in advance.
gradska filharmonija prvi orkestar problems, it was during the so-called Among the recent successes of
u regionu sa rasprodatim kartama Hristić period (1923-1936) that the the Belgrade Philharmonic is the larg-
nekoliko meseci unapred. Philharmonic established a system est ever open-air concert of classical
Jedan od skorijih uspeha koji je of subscription concerts, with guest music in the Balkans, which was held
Filharmonija zabeležila jeste najveći performances by local and foreign on 25th June 2017 and attended by
koncert klasične muzike na otvore- artists, and launched work to mas- more than 25,000 people. That con-
nom na Balkanu 25. juna 2017. go- ter the classical repertoire, but also cert was led by chief conductor Ga-
dine, kom je prisustvovalo više od the then contemporary repertoire. briel Feltz, with the famous Zubin
25.000 ljudi. Koncert je predvodio Mehta also performing as a special
šef-dirigent Gabrijel Felc, a kao spe- guest. And while we’re on the topic
cijalni gost nastupio je čuveni Zu- Putnike će u avionima of this maestro, who is also one of
bin Mehta. A kad smo kod maestra,
on se vraća kao jedan od najvećih
Er Srbije od 13. juna the greatest friends of the Belgrade
Philharmonic, he is returning to hold
prijatelja Beogradske filharmonije, dočekivati muzika sa a gala concert at Kolarac on 20th June
da 20. juna na „Kolarcu“ održi Gala
koncert povodom stogodišnjice or- koncerata Beogradske to commemorate the orchestra’s cen-
tenary and the launch of the region-
kestra i početka regionalne turne- filharmonije al Open Balkan tour, which will con-
je „Open Balkan“ koja se nastavlja
u Tirani i Skoplju. From 13th June, passengers tinue in Tirana and Skopje.
All lovers of open-air philhar-
Svi ljubitelji koncerata na otvo- on Air Serbia planes will monic concerts, and especially those
renom, a pogotovo oni koji su ne-
strpljivo čekali izvođenje čuvene Di- be welcomed with music who’ve been eagerly awaiting the per-
formance of Disney’s famous Fanta-
znijeve fantazije, imaće priliku da from the concerts of the sia, will have an opportunity to attend

Belgrade Philharmonic
prisustvuju muzičkom pikniku Be- the biggest picnic of the music of the
ogradske filharmonije 2. jula. Belgrade Philharmonic on 2nd July.

64 | Muzika » Music
Music » Muzika | 65
Ritam grada Rhythm of the city

3 1 . B e l e f u z n a k u p o z o r i š ta / 3 1 s t B e l e f, i n t h e sp i r i t o f t h e at r e

Praznik leta i umetnosti /

Celebration of summer and art
Tokom vrelih letnjih dana na beogradskim ulicama i trgovima, u
njegovim dvoranama, parkovima i baštama održavaju se predstave,
performansi i koncerti / During sweltering summer days, Belgrade’s
streets, squares, concert halls, parks and public gardens host numerous
theatre plays, performances and concerts

Tekst / Words:
Dragana Nikoletić
Fotografije / Photography:

66 | Beograd» Belgrade
eto je obično vreme kad pozorišna sezo- ummer is usually a time when the theatre sea-
na utihne i kada i galerije deluju usnulo, son grinds to a halt, and the galleries also seem
jer se valjda muze – zaštitnice umetno- dormant, presumably because the muses – the
sti – vraćaju na Olimp da zabavljaju bo- protectors of the arts – return to Mount Olym-
gove. Međutim, Beograd se ovom pravilu pus to entertain the gods. However, Belgrade
uporno opire, evo već 31 godinu, od kada se u srp- persistently defies this rule, and has now done so for 31
skoj prestonici organizuje letnji festival „Belef“, nu- years, which is how long the Belgrade summer festival,
deći publici najrazličitije sadržaje. BELEF, has been organised in the Serbian capital, pro-
Ovogodišnje izdanje tog letnjeg, produženog pra- viding the public with the most varied possible content.
znika odvijaće se u znaku teatra, sa čak sedam pre- This year’s edition of Belgrade’s extended summer
mijera, šest premijernih gostovanja, a ukupno 20 fest will unfold in the spirit of theatre, with as many as
predstava. Glavna scena biće Botanička bašta „Je- seven premiere performances, six debut guest appear-
vremovac“, ali će svečanoj atmosferi doprineti i Tea- ances and a total of 20 plays. The main stage will be Je-
tar Vuk, Atelje 212, Narodno pozorište, Muzej grada vremovac Botanical Garden, while contributions to creat-
Beograda, Kulturni centar Beograda... Uz kulturu će ing a festive atmosphere will also be provided by Theatre
Beograd disati od 23. juna do 7. jula, sa mnoštvom Vuk, Atelje 212, the National Theatre, the Belgrade City
prilika za susrete izvođača i posetilaca. Museum, the Cultural Centre of Belgrade etc. Belgrade
„Belef“ će se i ovog puta posebno obratiti de- will breathe alongside culture from 23rd June to 7th Ju-
ci i mladima, kroz njima namenjene programe. Re- ly, with a multitude of opportunities for encounters be-
cepti za uspešnu interakciju već je oproban osmi- tween performers and visitors.
šljavanjem „Mladog Belefa“. Taj festivalski segment Belef will once again address children and young
u ovom navratu nudi prikazivanje godišnjih ispita, people in particular, through programmes intended for
Kao šlag na
ali i diplomskih i master radova studenata. Tako će tortu biće them. Recipes for successful interactions have already
pred širokom javnošću prvi put nastupati tek sazre- upriličena been tried and tested with the creation of the “Young
li glumci, reditelji, scenski muzičari... Noć legata, Belef” segment of the festival, which this year offers the
uz šetnju kroz
Za najmlađe će se pobrinuti dečja pozorišta „Pi- zaostavštine screening of annual exams, but also students’ graduate
nokio“, „Duško Radović“ i druga. Uz maštovite pred- velikih and masters works. As such, the general public will be
stave mališani će dobiti i stručna vođenja kroz bajko- srpskih able to see the first performances of newly matured ac-
pisaca i
viti ambijent „Jevremovca“ – istovremeno spomenika slikara
tors, directors, stage musicians and others.
kulture i prirode. Uživaće se uz lepote prve i zasad As the icing The spirit of novelty relates to a series of conversa-
jedine botaničke bašte u Srbiji. on the cake, tions with important guests of the festival, including au-
the Night of
Duh novine odnosi se na seriju razgovora sa zna- Legacies will
thors, culture and media theorists, artists etc. Audiences
čajnim gostima festivala, autorima, teoretičarima be organised, will be able to ask all these wise minds about numerous
kulture i medija, umetnicima... Publika će moći da with a walk contemporary phenomena, but also to express their own
sve te mudre glave priupita o brojnim fenomenima through the opinions. A boost will also be provided to young drama-
legacies of
današnjice, ali i da iznese sopstveno mišljenje. Ve- great Serbian turgs and playwrights, whose plays will be read publicly
tar u leđa dobiće i mladi dramaturzi i dramski pisci, writers and for the first time. This important work will be done by
čije će drame biti po prvi put javno čitane. Taj va- painters their actor classmates from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts.
žan posao obaviće njihove kolege glumci sa Fakul- As the icing on the cake, the Night of Legacies will be
teta dramskih umetnosti. organised, with a walk through the legacies of great Ser-
Kao šlag na tortu biće upriličena Noć legata, uz bian writers, painters and other important figures. But
šetnju kroz zaostavštine velikih srpskih pisaca, sli- the festival also proverbially discovers interesting new
kara i drugih važnih ličnosti. Ali Festival poslovič- spaces and converts city squares and streets into stag-
no otkriva i nove zanimljive prostore i u scenu pre- es, with inactive theatre auditoriums and concert halls
tvara gradske trgove i ulice. Zbog njega se otvaraju also reopened for the needs of the festival. Belef also
usnule pozorišne sale i koncertne dvorane. „Belef“ brings foreign participants, giving you the impression
dovodi i inostrane učesnike, pa ćete imati utisak da that you’ve travelled somewhere else. Here the avant-gar-
ste negde otputovali. Tu se meša avangardno i kla- de and the classical combine, and link up with various
sično, i nadovezuju razne grane umetnosti. Vizuel- branches of the arts. Ballet, visually imbued with the dra-
no se prožima sa dramskim, balet zauzima počasno matic, takes pride of place, while music dominates, be-
mesto, dok muzika dominira, kako i priliči jednoj fitting such a celebration.
takvoj proslavi. All that positive energy is probably also the reason
Sva ta dobra energija odgovorna je verovatno za the muses stay in Belgrade for the summer. What would
to što se muze i leti zadržavaju u Beogradu. Šta će they do on Olympus when they are surrounded by so
tamo na Olimpu kad su ovde okružene tolikom pa- much public attention right here? Besides, Jevremovac
žnjom publike? Uz to, „Jevremovac“ je svakako lepši is certainly more beautiful and greener than that inac-
i zeleniji od božanskih planinskih bespuća. cessible mountain of the gods.

Belgrade » Beograd| 67
Lajfstajl Lifestyle
Ta p i s e r i j a z a b av e , z a j e d n i c e i z n a č e n j a

Metaverzum u nastajanju
Tumačimo O tome kako danas merodavnijih izveštaja koji svedo-
aktuelne izgledaju naši takozva- či o tome kakve su nam onlajn na-
tendencije ni onlajn životi dovoljno vike i gde će nas one odvesti kaže
u sferi govori sad već pomalo bajata fo- (sledi spojler) – ljudi od svojih di-
društvenih ra da su punjač i šifra za vaj-faj za- gitalnih medija traže više poveza-
mreža i menili dobrodošlicu u vidu slat- nosti i vrednosti.
digitalnih kog od višnje i čaše vode – a kako
medija će tek biti u vreme kad generacija Smisao i povezanost
zed dođe u srednje godine? na mreži
Sad ostavljamo telefone po Brojnim tek stasalim pojedin-
strani tek kad baterija stigne na cima digitalni mediji ne služe samo
famoznih dva odsto, ali šta nas za zabavu. Oni im se posvećuju na
čeka kada dodatno uznapredu- iskonski emotivan način: sagleda-
je dugotrajnost života ovih (i no- vajući njihove prednosti, neguju-
vih) gedžeta? Povodom analize tog ći zajednicu koju su tu formirali i
pitanja, ali i mnogo čega drugog, očekujući da će ista podržati nji-
širom sveta angažovani su čitavi hove emocionalne potrebe. Mno-
timovi istraživača. Jedan od na- gima su ovi digitalni prostori više
Tekst / Words:
Ivan Radojčić
Fotografije / Photography:

Ta p e s t r y o f e n t e r ta i n m e n t, c o m m u n i t y a n d m e a n i n g smartphones when the battery

Metaverse emerging
reaches the famous two per cent
mark, but what awaits us with fur-
ther improvements in the longevity
of these (and new) devices? There
We’re interpreting current trends in the domain of are entire teams of researchers
social media and digital media worldwide engaged in analysing this,
and much more besides. One of the
There’s a joke, a now slatko fruit preserve and a glass of more authoritative reports about our
slightly trite one, that says chilled water as a welcome gesture” online habits (and where they will
plenty about the way our so-called on- - and how will the situation be when lead us) says that (spoiler alert!) peo-
line lives look today: “a phone charg- Gen-Z reaches middle age? ple are seeking more connections
er and Wi-Fi password have replaced We now only put down our and validity from their digital media.

68 | Mreža » The Net

nego stvaran deo života: tu pro- i influenseri ne gube primat kada nosti monetizacije. Dakle, iako
nalaze istomišljenike, dele šta ih treba uspostaviti i izgraditi povere- ova iskustva izgledaju i doživ-
– i ko – inspiriše, zajedno kreira- nje, razvijati zajednice i podsticati ljavaju se kao zabava, ona često
ju avanture i vode svoje (digital- svest o brendovima, proizvodima i pružaju mnogo više: od preporu-
ne) prijatelje na taj put. sadržaju. Skoro polovina potroša- ka proizvoda i pouzdanih izvora
ča obuhvaćenih istraživanjem ka- informacija do veće društvene i
Gde se završava stvarno, že da je veća šansa da će verova- emocionalne vrednosti.
a počinje virtuelno ti tom brendu ako je influenser u
Digitalni mediji nas mogu kojeg imaju poverenje dao svoje Zaključak: sve je u
odvesti na nova mesta, omogu- mišljenje o proizvodu. rukama generacije zed
ćiti nam da uspostavimo veze sa To je prva generacija ko-
ljudima iz celog sveta i pomoći da Dizajniranje otkrića ja je odrasla uz pametne tele-
se osećamo kao deo nečega većeg Više od polovine mlađih ge- fone, društvene mreže i stalni
od nas samih. Analize beleže da neracija odlučilo je da igra odre- pristup internetu. Njihovo po-
gravitiramo ka interaktivnijim đenu video-igru nakon gledanja našanje podjednako oblikuju fi-
iskustvima: mestima i prostori- serije ili filma u kome se ona Ljudi od zički i digitalni svet, dodatno
svojih digi-
ma gde možemo da pobegnemo pominje ili pojavljuje, a oko 60 talnih me- prizivajući metaverzum u nasta-
iz svakodnevice. odsto želi da se više njihovih dija traže janju. Oni možda drže ključe-
omiljenih filmova i serija proši- više pove- ve budućnosti medija i zabave:
zanosti i
Fama oko influensera ri na iskustvo video-igrice. Ovi vrednosti
verovatno je da je njihovo po-
Usmerenost ka određenim krosoveri mogu da dosegnu više People are našanje rani pogled na poveza-
kreatorima sadržaja i dalje je važan publike, stvore fascinantne kul- seeking nost stvarnog i virtuelnog ko-
more con-
deo digitalnog iskustva. Kreatori turne trenutke i prošire moguć- nections
ja tek sledi.
and validity
from their
digital me-

Meaning and wards more interactive experienc- favourite films and TV shows to be
connection online es: places and spaces where we can expanded to a video game expe-
For many individuals who are escape everyday life. rience. Such crossovers can reach
just becoming adults, digital me- larger audiences, create fascinat-
dia isn’t used purely for enter- Gossip around influencers ing cultural junctures and expand
tainment purposes. They devote Orienting ourselves towards monetisation opportunities. So,
themselves to their devices with specific content creators remains although these experiences look
primal emotions: they consider an important part of the digital ex- and feel like fun, they often pro-
their benefits, nurturing the com- perience. Creators and influencers vide much more: from product rec-
munity that they’ve formed there aren’t losing any ground when it ommendations and trusted sourc-
and expecting that same commu- comes to establishing and build- es of information to greater social
nity to support their emotion- ing trust, growing communities and and emotional value.
al needs. For many, these digital stimulating awareness of brands,
“places” are a very real part of life: products and content. Nearly half Conclusion: everything’s
there they find like-minded people, of all surveyed consumers say in the hands of Gen-Z
share the things and people that that they are more likely to trust This is the first generation to
inspire them, jointly create adven- a brand if a trusted influencer has have grown up with smartphones,
tures and lead their (digital) friends given their opinion on the product social media and constant internet
on those journeys. in question. access. Their behaviour is equally
shaped by the physical and digital
Where the real ends Designing discovery worlds, additionally invoking the
and the virtual begins Among younger generations, emerging metaverse. They perhaps
Digital media can take us to new more than half of respondents de- hold the keys to the future of me-
places, enable us to connect with cided to play a specific video game dia and entertainment: it is likely
people all over the world, and help after watching a series or film in that their online conduct provides
us to feel part of something bigger which that game is mentioned or advanced insight into the connec-
than ourselves. According to cur- appears, while approximately 60 tion between the real and the vir-
rent trends, we are gravitating to- per cent of them want more of their tual that is yet to come.

The Net » Mreža | 69

Lajfstajl Lifestyle

d svih stvari koje zabavlja taj nametnuti narativ sa
Moderne veštice sa TikTok a
biste mogli da po- trenutno najaktuelnije društve-

mislite kad neko ne mreže. U reportaži koja prati
pomene Žizel Bun- naslovnu stranu „Veniti fera“ na-
dšen, veštica vero- vodi se da Žizel u domu u Kosta-

nismo više u vatno nije ni u prvih pet. Ali uva-

ženi Tiktok auditorijum sumnja
da je supermanekenka sklona ve-
riki poseduje sobu u kojoj su izlo-
ženi kristali, tarot karte, knjige o

astrologiji i drugi metafizički pred-
štičarenju, te tu tezu temelji na se- meti, što je samo dolilo virtuelno
riji loših rezultata koje na terenu u ulje na video-snimke sa emotiko-
poslednje vreme beleži njen (sada nom vatrice.
Kako su nove generacije pretvorile već bivši) suprug Tom Brejdi. Razlog zašto su razni Tiktok
„ona je veštica“ u kompliment dok Umesto da to odlučno pore- teoretičari toliko opsednuti idejom
ste rekli #witchtok kne, rekli bismo da Žizel prilično da Žizel svojim „mađijama“ može
da preokrene tok najpopularnijeg
američkog sporta leži u popular-
nosti heštega #witchtok, kojim se
kolokvijalno opisuje rastući broj
mladih žena iz celog sveta fascini-
ranih ezoterijskom praksom, magi-
jom i mitskim predstavama veštica.
Generacijski im je zajedničko
da su odrasle gledajući kako Her-
miona, prijateljica Harija Potera,
ovladava svojom magijskom moći,
a ona je svetlosnim godinama uda-
ljena od predstave pogane veštice
iz bajki. Takve su i vračare kakve
se danas često sreću u knjigama
podžanra „witch lit“ i na „Netflik-
su“. Ove „rebrendirane veštice“ su
najčešće prelepe i intrigantne, u
isti mah gotički mračne, eterič-
ne i nesputane, kao Džejn Orte-
ga dok glumi Sredu Adams u se-
riji „Wednesday“.
„Veštica se smatra simbolom
ugnjetavanja, a istovremeno može
da se posmatra i kao snažan sim-
bol samoosnaživanja“, objašnjava
Meri Kurtman, autorka priručnika
za svakodnevnu upotrebu magi-
Foto: Profimedia / / Film Stills

je i osnaživanje duhovnosti kojem

je cilj da izbriše ezoterijske klišee.
Što se tiče Žizel i tribunala tikto-
kera, prelepa Brazilka odlučila je
da odgovori na optužbe o veštiča-
renju i poručila: „Da, ja sam vešti-
ca ljubavi“.

Zašto su razni Tiktok teoretičari toliko

opsednuti idejom da je Žizel veštica?
Why are various Tik-Toker theorists so obsessed
Tekst / Words:
Ivan Radojčić

with the idea that Gisele is a witch? Fotografije / Photography:

70 | TikTok » TikTok
Foto: Profimedia / BACKGRID / Backgrid USA
Foto: profimedia / NETFLIX / Planet

Foto: Unsplash

Moder n TikTok witches poor recent results recorded on the generationally is that they all grew
field by her (now ex) husband, Tom up watching Hermione, Harry Pot-

Hermione, Brady.
Instead of denying the accusa-
ter’s friend, learn to harness her
own magical powers, and she is light

we’re not at
tion categorically, we would suggest years away from fairy tale presenta-
that Gisele is quite amused by this tions of heathen witches. These are

narrative that’s been forced on her the kinds of witches that are often
by the latest popular social media found today in the books of the
network. It is stated in a Vanity “Witch Lit” subgenre and on Netflix.

anymore! Fair cover article that Gisele’s Costa

Rica home has a room containing
energy crystals, tarot cards, books
These “rebranded witches” are most
commonly beautiful and intriguing,
while at the same time Gothically
How the new generations on astrology and other metaphys- dark, ethereal and uninhibited, like
have turned “she’s a ical items – which only added vir- Jenna Ortega when portraying the
witch” into a compliment tual fuel to the video with emoti- Addams family daughter in the se-
– as quick as you can say con flames. ries Wednesday.
#witchtok The reason various Tik-Toker “The witch is a figure that often
theorists are so obsessed with the symbolises oppression, while at the

idea that Gisele can use her “magic” same time it can be seen as a pow-
f all the words that to turn the tide of America’s most erful symbol of self-empowerment,”
could cross your popular sport can be traced back explains Marie Kurtmann, author
mind at any men- to the popularity of the hashtag of a handbook for everyday magic
tion of Gisele Bünd- #witchtok, which is used to collo- and spiritual empowerment that
chen, ‘witch’ proba- quially describe the increasing num- aims to erase esoteric clichés. As
bly wouldn’t be among the first five. ber of young women all over the for Gisele and the TikTokerati tri-
However, the TikTokerati suspect world who are fascinated by eso- bunal, this beautiful Brazilian opted
that this supermodel has a pen- teric practices, magic and mythical to address accusations that she en-
chant for witchcraft - and that, in representations of witches. gages in witchcraft in an interview,
theory, accounts for the series of What they have in common saying: “Yes, I’m a witch of love”!

TikTok » TikTok | 71
Lajfstajl Lifestyle

V r l i n o v i ( z e l e n i ) s v e t / B r av e n e w ( g r e e n ) w o r l d

Eko-revolucija na ruinama Notr Dama

Eco-revolution on the ruins of Notre Dame
Čuveni belgijski arhitekta Bas Smets specijalizovao se da od hiperurbanih, često ruiniranih
prostora stvara održive oaze / Renowned Belgian landscape architect Bas Smets specialises in
converting hyper-urban, often ruined spaces into sustainable oases
Nakon što je Notr Dam izgoreo u de- After the devastating fire that gut-
vastirajućem požaru 2019. godine, Grad Pa- ted the famous Notre Dame in 2019, the City of
riz, čija je agenda da bude najzeleniji grad u Evropi Paris, which is striving to become Europe’s greenest city
do 2030, odlučio je da pripadajući vrt i promenadu by 2030, considered how to make the garden and prom-
učine eko-frendli prostorom za posetioce i prolaznike. enade an eco-friendly space for visitors and passers-by.
U pomoć su pozvali nagrađivanog i cenjenog ar- They called for assistance from award-winning and
hitektu iz Belgije, Basa Smetsa, čiji je predlog da „Il highly-rated Belgian landscape architect Bas Smets, whose
de la Site“ preraste u održivi mikroklimat sa odu- proposal to redevelop the island of Île de la Cité as a
ševljenjem usvojen. Smetsov projekat će od javnog sustainable microclimate was adopted enthusiastically.
prostora napraviti turistički epicenter, istovreme- Smets decided to turn this public space into an epicen-
no skrećući pažnju na klimatske promene, sa nada- tre of tourism while simultaneously drawing attention to
sve dugoročno pozitivnim rezultatima. climate change, with long-term positive results above all.
U okviru ambicioznog Notr Dam projekta Smets Under the scope of the ambitious Notre Dame pro-
će udvostručiti broj sadnica i to od vrsta koje ne za- ject, Smets will double the number of trees using spe-
htevaju mnogo vode, te dobro podnose duže sušne cies that don’t require a lot of water and are thus able
periode. Jedna od inovacija je i izgradnja cisterne to tolerate longer dry periods. One of the innovations in-
koja će sakupljati kišnicu za irigaciju, i u talasima cludes the construction of a cistern that will collect rain-
zalivati okolinu, pa biti i svojevrsna atrakcija grada. water for irrigation and water the surrounding area in
– Mi moramo da ponovo razmišljamo o javnim Tekst / Words: waves, thus should also become an attraction in its own.
Ivan Radojčić
prostorima u gradovima kao uporištima urbane eko- Fotografije /
“We must rethink public spaces in cities as strong-
logije. Ako to može da se uradi u Parizu oko Notr Photography: holds of urban ecology,” says Smets decisively. “If that
Dama, može se ostvariti i bilo gde drugde – deci- Bas Smets can be done in Paris around Notre Dame, it can be done
dan je Smets. anywhere else.”

72 | Ekologija » Ecology
6 rata sa

011 41 42 980
USELJIVO 2024.godine
Lajfstajl Lifestyle

G e dž e t i / Ga d g ets

Dizajn koji hrli u

susret budućnosti
Design hurtling
towards the future
Gedžeti kojima se divimo imaju sve predispozicije
da postanu statusni simboli sutrašnjice:
oštroumno su kreirani da pojednostave
svakodnevicu / The gadgets that we admire have
all the prerequisites to become status symbols of
tomorrow: shrewdly created to simplify daily life
Anker PowerCore
10000 Redux
Srećan brak pristojne cene i prilič-
nih performansi, ova eksterna baterija
je nešto što će vam svaki poznavalac
gedžet prilika preporučiti „na keca“. U
svom cenovnom rangu najbolji, a uz to
i minimalističkog opredmećenja: na-
ročito od koristi tokom putovanja, taj
prenosivi punjač pokazaće se kao lak
a moćan način da nikad ne propusti-
te važan poziv ili mogućnost da vir-
nete na mapu kada ste u nedoumici u
koju ulicu treba skrenuti pri šetnji no-
vim gradom.

Anker PowerCore
10000 Redux
With the happy marriage of reasona-
ble price and adequate performance,
this portable charger is something
that any gadget connoisseur will rec-
ommend to you instantly. The best
in its price range, it is simultaneous-
ly a model of minimalist simplicity.
Master & Dynamic x Master & Dynamic x Lamborghini This portable power bank is particular-
Lamborghini We’ve already written about the collabora- ly useful when travelling and proves to
Već smo pisali o saradnji ovog niša tehno- tion between this niche tech brand and this be an easy and powerful way to nev-
loškog brenda i jedne automobilske legen- legendary carmaker – but on that occasion er miss an important call or the possi-
de – no, tad nismo pretpostavljali da bi jed- we had no idea that this crossbreeding of dis- bility to check a map when you have
no ukrštanje tehnološko-dizajnerskih vizija parate visions of technological design could a dilemma about which street to take
moglo da izazove takvu pomamu u svetu cause such a frenzy in the world of luxu- when strolling in an unfamiliar city.
luksuza. Svaki gedžet iz kolekcije reflektu- ry. Every device included in this collection re-
je upečatljivo beskompromisni vizuelni prin- flects the strikingly uncompromising visual
cip italijanskog magnata, istražujući kolorit postulates of this Italian industrialist, by ex-
lamborgini modela kao što je „Huracan“, te ploring the colour code of Lamborghini mod-
Tekst / Words:
uzbudljivo uređenu unutrašnjost svih super- els like the Huracán, and the exciting interiors Ivan Radojčić
sportskih automobila u dugoj istoriji brenda. of all supercars in this brand’s long history.

74 | Gedžeti » Gadgets
Bang&Olufsen Beosound A5
Tendencije u dekoru enterijera nalažu umirene linije dizajna ko-
ji je u skladu sa prirodom: skandinavski stvaraoci savršenog zvu-
ka su na tragu tog trenda svojim najnovijim šik zvučnikom iz „Beo-
sound“ ponude – ali fascinantna priča o njemu se ne završava na
uzvišenoj pragmatičnosti kreacije čija elegancija može da se meri
sa hit tašnama prestižnih modnih kuća. Na gornjoj strani nalazi se
i „Qi“ bežični punjač za telefon, tako da je dovoljno samo da svoj
smartfon stavite na punjač, pustite omiljeni album i opustite se.

Bang&Olufsen Beosound A5
Current interior design trends call for calming lines incorporat-
ed into designs that are harmonised with nature. And Scandina-
via’s creators of perfect sound are promoting this trend with their
latest chic speaker from the Beosound range - but this speak-
er’s fascinating story doesn’t end with the elevated pragmatism
of a creation with elegance comparable to that of the top hand-
bags of prestigious fashion houses. It also sports a Qi wireless
telephone charger on the top, so all you need to do is to place
your smartphone on the charger, pick your favourite album to lis-
ten to, and relax.

Off-White AirPod futrola

Od prvog dana pojavljivanja „Apple AirPods“ vinule su se među statusne sim-
bole digitalnog doba. Ali, kao što već svi poznavaoci luksuza pretpostavljaju, bi-
lo je pitanje vremena kada će im neko dodati pakovanje još veće lajfstajl vredno-
sti. Upravo to trenutno predstavlja futrola za kućište marke „Off-White“. Reč je o
brendu koji je pokrenuo pokojni Virgil Abloh i koja je prepoznatljiva po grafičkom
rešenju strelica na svetloj podlozi, što je ujedno i dizajnersko rešenje ovog mon-
denskog tehnološkog aksesoara.

Off-White Airpods case

Apple AirPods have soared high among the status symbols of the digital age since
first appearing on the scene. However, as all connoisseurs of luxury had already as-
sumed, it was only ever going to be a matter of time until someone added “packag-
ing” that has an even higher lifestyle value. And this is precisely what’s being demon-
strated with the Off-White brand case covers. This brand was launched by the late
Virgil Abloh and is recognisable for its logo of crossed arrows on a light background,
which is also the design solution selected for this fashionable tech accessory.

Ruark R3S
Dok smo se mi oduševljavali povratkom vinila i usponom interesovanja za gramo-
fone, tiho se dešavalo još jedno oživljavanje zvučnih heroja naše muzičke prošlosti.
CD format beleži sve veće interesovanje među audio-entuzijastima koji elaborira-
ju da „Spotify“ nikad ne može da pokaže svu raskoš melodije, aranžmana i produk-
cije. „Ruark R3“ je optimalan spoj različitih načina da uživate u muzici: elegantno,
univerzalno pakovanje je robusno i višestruko korisno.

Ruark R3S
While we delighted in the return of vinyl records and the rising interest in tradition-
al record players, the silent revival of another audio hero of our musical past was al-
so unfolding. Increased interest in the CD format is being recorded among audio en-
thusiasts who elucidate the fact that Spotify would never be able to demonstrate all
the richness of melodies, musical arrangements and production. The Ruark R3 rep-
resents the optimal combination of different ways of enjoying music, as an elegant,
universally packaged compact music system that’s robust and versatile.

Gadgets » Gedžeti | 75
Ritam Srbije Rhythm of Serbia
Pećine Srbije pred- The caves of Serbia are
stavljaju nezaobilazne must-see destinations
destinacije i za ljubite- for lovers of both archaeology
lje arheologije i speleologije i za and speleology, but also for admir-
sve poštovaoce netaknute prirode. ers of pristine nature.
Pećine Srbije Neke su bile dom ljudima ne- Some of them were homes to
C av e s o f S e r b i a olitskog doba, u drugima su sklo- the people of the Neolithic Age,
nište pronašle brojne životinjske others provided shelter for numer-

vrste kojih više nema, dok poje- ous animal species that have since
dine u svojim dubinama skrivaju gone extinct, while there are some
reke i vodopade... I dok arheolozi that hide rivers and waterfalls in
pećine pohode kako bi otkrili sa- their depths... And while archae-

skrivena u
me korene ljudske istorije, ljubi- ologists explore caves in search of
telji prirode uživaće u nakitu koji the very roots of human history,
krasi tavanice i zidove svake pe- nature lovers will enjoy the natu-

ćine. Stalaktiti, stalagmiti, pećin- ral jewellery formations that adorn
ski stubovi, draperije i okamenjeni the ceilings and walls of every cave.
vodopadi samo su neki od ukra- Stalactites, stalagmites, cave col-
sa koje su kapljice vode formirale umns, draperies and petrified wa-

tokom milenijuma. Mi vam ovom terfalls are just some of the spe-
prilikom predstavljamo tek delić leothem decorations that have
tog nacionalnog blaga... been formed over millennia by wa-

hidden in the
ter droplets and mineral deposits.
Resavska pećina Here we present to you just a select
Resavska pećina je jedna od fraction of this national treasure...
najimpresivnijih pećina u Srbiji

i jedno od najznačajnijih prirod- Resava Cave
nih blaga ovog područja. Nalazi Resava Cave is one of the most
se u istočnoj Srbiji, nedaleko od impressive caves in Serbia and
Despotovca. Ova pećina je pozna- one of the region’s most impor-
ta po svojoj bogatoj geomorfološ- tant natural treasures. Located in
koj strukturi, speleološkim oblici- the vicinity of the town of Despo-
Veličanstveni pećinski ma i izuzetno lepim stalaktitima tovac in eastern Serbia, this cave is
nakit i podzemni i stalagmitima. known for its rich geomorpholog-
vodopadi samo su delić Sa preko 2,8 kilometara istra- ical structures, speleological forms
lepote koju srpske ženih hodnika jedna je od najdužih and exceptionally beautiful stalac-
u Srbiji. Uglavnom je vertikalno tites and stalagmites.
planine kriju u svojim With over 2.8 kilometres of
raspoređena, a turistima je dos-
nedrima / Majestic tupna jedna trećina njenih hodni- explored corridors, it is one of the
cave jewellery and ka. Kada zakoračite u ovaj prirodni longest caves in Serbia. Tourists
subterranean waterfalls podzemni svet, bićete očarani nje- are able to access a third of its cor-
represent just a small govom lepotom i jedinstvenošću. ridors, while it has a mostly verti-
part of all the beauty cally staggered structure. As soon
hidden deep in the hearts Stopića pećina as you enter this natural subterra-
Skrivena u netaknutoj prirodi nean world, you will be enchanted
of Serbia’s mountains by its beauty and uniqueness.
između zlatiborskih sela Rožan-
stva i Trnave, na 19. kilometru od
turističkog centra nalazi se Stopi- Stopića Cave
Tekst / Words:
ća pećina. To blistavo podzemlje Hidden in an area of pristine
Ana Vodinelić
Fotografije / Photography: Zlatibora skriva stalaktite i sta- nature between the Zlatibor vil-
NAUTSOS lagmite, podzemne reke, dvora- lages of Rožanstvo and Trnava, 19
ne, uređene hodnike, ali i mito- kilometres from the Mount Zlati-
ve i legende – uzbudljive priče iz bor tourist centre, is Stopića Cave.
davnih vremena. This resplendent Zlatibor cavern
Poznata je po pećinskom vo- hides stalactites and stalagmites,
dopadu, a posebno po bigrenim ka- underground rivers, chambers and

76 | Srbija » Serbia
Prirodne ornamente nemoguće je pronaći Natural ornaments are only possible to find in caves,
izvan pećina, te je putovanje kroz pećinske kanale and taking a trip through cave channels provides a
jedinstvena prilika da se uživa u njima unique opportunity to enjoy them

Serbia » Srbija | 77
R i ta m S r b i j e / R h y t h m o f S e r b i a

Rajkova pećina
Rajkova pećina, za koju se ve-
zuje legenda o hajduku koji je u
nju sakrio opljačkano blago, pred-
stavlja izuzetno vredan speleološ-
ki objekat. Pećina je proglašena
za spomenik prirode I kategori-
je i svrstava se u objekte geona-
sleđa balkanskog značaja. Nalazi
se u istočnoj Srbiji, oko 200 km
od Beograda i na 3 km od cen-
tra Majdanpeka. Ukupna dužina
svih istraženih hodnika i kana-
la je 2.304 m, od čega je uređeno
633 m staze za posetioce. Pećinski
dama, koje predstavljaju pravu ge- nakit je izuzetne bele boje, u naj-
omorfološku retkost u svetu. One većem delu prekriven kristalima,
ovoj speleološkoj lepotici daju oso- zbog čega ova pećina s pravom no-
benu vrednost i predstavljaju njen si naziv Bele kraljice srpskih pe-
zaštitni znak. Tu je i jedinstveni ćina. U pećini je konstantna tem- periodu od pre 50 hiljada do pre
podzemni vodopad „Izvor života“. peratura 8 °C, a vlažnost vazduha 35 hiljada godina. Fosilni ostaci
iznosi 100%. životinja i alatke pećinskog čove-
Vernjikica ka danas se čuvaju u Narodnom
Vernjikica je suva pećina kreč- Pećina Risovača muzeju u Aranđelovcu.
njačkog porekla, na relativno ve- Nalazi se u istoimenom brdu
likoj visini i izuzetnih dimenzija na ulazu u Aranđelovac, uz desnu Potpećka pećina
podzemnog prostora i pećinskog obalu rečice Kubršnice. Paleonto- Potpećka pećina se nalazi u se-
nakita, ukupne dužine od oko lozi su utvrdili da je u ledeno doba lu Potpeć, 14 km od Užica. Ulaz
700m. Ime je dobila po brojnim u okolini pećine živelo najmanje u ovu pećinu spada u red monu-
porušenim stubovima ogromnih 20 vrsta sisara, od kojih su neke mentalnih dela prirode. Džinov-
dimenzija. Zaštitni znak Vernjiki- potpuno nestale sa lica zemlje. Ri- ski portal u obliku potkovice, vi-
ce je stalagmit Kolos, visine 11,5 sovača je, inače, jedno od najsta- sok 50 m, a širok 12 m pri dnu,
metara. Mermerna dvorana koja rijih arheoloških nalazišta na Bal- odnosno 22 m pri vrhu, najviši je
se nalazi pri samom dnu pećin- kanskom poluostrvu. Arheolozi su pećinski ulaz u Srbiji. Izdubljen je
skog sistema i raspolaže najkva- u njoj pronašli kamene i koštane na krečnjačkoj litici, čiji je vertikal-
litetnijim nakitom vredna je ulo- alatke, te se smatra da je u peći- ni deo visok 72 m. Ulazno-silazna
ženog napora da se do nje stigne. ni živeo i čovek, neandertalac, u staza ima preko 700 stepenika.

Cerjanska pećina
Cerjanska pećina (pećina Pro-
valija) predstavlja sistem ukupne
dužine od 7.149 m koji započinje
u selu Cerje i završava vertikalnom
kraškom jamom u selu Kravlje. Na
oko 3.400 m od ulaza nalazi se sifon-
sko jezero. Bogata je pećinskim na-
kitom koji se prostire celom njenom
dužinom i otkriva predivan podze-
mni svet satkan od hodnika i dvo-
rana. Njihova prosečna visina je od
15 do 40 m i kriju na stotine mor-
foloških i hidroloških oblika, najra-
zličitijih formi, veličina i boja, kao i
pećinskog nakita. Ulazak je moguć
samo i isključivo u pratnji obučenog
speleo-vodiča, u malim grupama i
u specijalnoj opremi koju možete
iznajmiti pred sam ulazak u pećinu.

78 | Srbija » Serbia
arranged corridors, but also myths
and legends – exciting stories from
bygone times. It is famous for its
cave waterfall, but especially for its
tufa tubs that represent a true ge-
omorphological rarity around the
world. They add a touch of special
value to this speleological beauty
and represent its hallmark. It is al-
so home to the unique ‘Spring of
Life’ subterranean waterfall.

Vernjikica Cave
Vernjikica is a dry limestone
cave located at a relatively high el-
evation. At around 700 metres Risovača Cave
long, it has exceptional subterra- Risovača Cave is located with-
nean spatial dimensions and cave in a hill of the same name at the
jewellery. Named after its numer- very entrance to the town of
ous collapsed columns of huge di- Aranđelovac, above the north
mensions, Vernjikica is symbolised bank of the river Kubršnica. Ac-
by an 11.5-metre-tall stalagmite cording to palaeontologists, the
dubbed The Colossus. The mar- area around this cave was home
ble hall located at the very bottom to at least 20 species of mammals
of the cave system and boasting during the last Ice Age, some of
the highest quality cave jewellery which have since gone extinct.
is well worth the effort required to Risovača is otherwise one of the
reach it. oldest archaeological sites on
the Balkan Peninsula. Archae-
Cerje Cave ologists have found tools made
Cerje Cave (Provalija cave) rep- from stone and bone within this
resents a cave system that encom- cave, and it is believed that Nean-
passes a total length of 7,149 me- derthals lived in the cave during
tres, running from the village of the period between 50,000 and
Cerje and ending with a vertical 35,000 years ago. The fossilised
karst pit in the village of Kravlje. who used it as a hiding place for remains of animals and the tools
Around 3,400 metres from the en- his plundered treasure, represents of caveman found here are today
trance is a syphon lake. It is rich in an extremely valuable speleolog- preserved at the National Muse-
cave jewellery formations that ex- ical object. The cave has been de- um in Aranđelovac.
tend along its entire length and clared a Category 1 natural monu-
reveal a wonderful subterrane- ment and is classified as a site with Potpećka Cave
an realm comprising corridors and geoheritage significance to the Bal- Potpećka Cave is located in
halls with an average height rang- kans. It is located in eastern Ser- the village of Potpeće, 14 km
ing from between 15 and 40 me- bia, approximately 200 kilometres from Užice. The entrance to this
tres and hiding hundreds of mor- from Belgrade and three km from cave itself ranks among mon-
phological and hydrological forms the centre of Majdanpek. Its ex- umental works of nature. A gi-
of the most varied shapes, sizes plored corridors and channels ant horseshoe-shaped opening
and colours, as well as attractive cover a total length of 2,304 me- that has a width of 12 metres
speleothems. Entry is only possi- tres, of which 633 have been ar- at the bottom and 22 metres at
ble with the accompaniment of a ranged with paths for visitors. Its the top, its entrance reaches a
professional caving guide, in small cave jewellery formations have an height of 50 metres, making it
groups and with special equipment exceptional white colour, mostly the tallest cave entrance in Ser-
that can be hired immediately be- due to being covered with crystals, bia. It was naturally carved out
fore entering the cave. which is why this cave is justifiably of a limestone cliff with a ver-
dubbed the White Queen of Ser- tical section that’s 72 metres
Rajko’s Cave bian Caves. The cave maintains a high. The path leading in and
Rajko’s Cave, which is associ- constant temperature of 8 °C, with out of the cave includes more
ated with the legend of a bandit 100% humidity. than 700 carved steps.

Serbia » Srbija | 79
Ritam Srbije Rhythm of Serbia

H a j l e n d e r o d 1 7. d o 2 1 . j u n a Učesnici imaju priliku da, pored uživanja u po-

Ne morate biti
gledu, stave na test izdržljivosti i svoju fizičku istraj-
nost, snalažljivost, osete suživot sa prirodom izolo-
vani od civilizacije i često bez signala za telefon, da

gorštak, dovoljno
spavaju pod vedrim nebom, pronađu svoj mir i uži-
vanje u ovom izazovu. Važno je napomenuti da u
ovoj avanturi nema pobednika, niti je u pitanju ta-

je da volite prirodu kmičenje, već je posredi lični ili timski izazov koji
pomera granice.
Ove godine početna tačka je istovremeno na dva
mesta na Staroj planini, ispod vrha Babin zub i kod
Jedinstveni događaj namenjen planinarskog doma Dojkinci. Staze različitog forma-
ljubiteljima prirode okupiće ove ta se susreću na određenim mestima, tako da se pla-
godine rekordan broj učesnika na nira kampovanje svih učesnika pod vedrim nebom
Staroj planini na Beleđu u jedinstvenoj atmosferi kraj logorske va-
tre. Staze se dalje odvajaju tako da se prolaze izuzet-

no atraktivni vrhovi Kopren, Tri čuke, vodopadi Tu-
jubitelje planinarenja, kao i rekreativce pavica, Draganov vir, uvala Ponor. Dužine staze su
očekuje sada već tradicionalni „Hajlender“, svakim kilometrom nagrada za učesnike, tako da će
tokom kog učesnici na osnovu svoje fizič- oni koji provedu najveći broj dana na Staroj plani-
ke spremnosti mogu da biraju dužinu sta- ni dodatno imati prilike da uživaju u doživljaju ko-
ze, kao i broj dana koji će provesti u neta- ji se rađa prelaskom visoravni Vrtibog – kroz Arba-
knutoj prirodi. naški kladenac, preko vrha Smilovica, kroz kameno
Obeležene staze kojima treba da prođu dobile selo Gostuša i uz obalu Zavojskog jezera sve do se-
su imena po sazvežđima. Najduža staza „Highlan- la Temska, gde je i zvanički cilj ovogodišnje „Hajlen-
der Hercules“ dugačka je 101 kilometar, a za taj iza- der“ avanture.
zov predviđeno je da se provede pet dana na Staroj
planini. „Highlander Pegasus“ je staza duga 53 kilo-
metara i za nju su predviđena tri dana. Vikend op- Tekst / Words:
cija „Highlander Orion“ duga je 33 kilometara i naj- Marija Nikolić
više je prilagođena entuzijastima početnicima kao Fotografije / Photography:
i porodicama sa starijom decom, sa jednim spava- Predrag Vučković
njem pod zvezdama.

80 | Srbija » Serbia
O „Hajlenderu“
To je jedinstven planinarski događaj
koji je osmišljen 2017. godine u Hr-
vatskoj i do danas je kao franšiza re-
alizovan u 17 zemalja sveta na četi-
ri kontinenta. U predelima netaknute
prirode „Hajlender“ avanture su me-
sto susreta gorštaka željnih nesvaki-
dašnjih doživljaja. Tu možete upozna-
ti istomišljenike iz čitavog regiona, ali
i šire, a nakon što savladate avantu-
ru u svojoj zemlji i postanete deo veli-
ke „Hajlender“ zajednice, možda vas
sledeći izazov čeka na nekom dru-
gom od mnogih zanimljivih mesta ši-
rom sveta.

About the Highlander

This unique mountaineering event was
conceived in Croatia back in 2017 and
Hajlender je has since grown as a franchise that’s
namenjen svim present in 17 countries and on four con-
ljubiteljima tinents. In landscapes of pristine na-
prirode, čistog
vazduha i
ture, Highlander adventures are where
aktivnosti na mountaineers seeking extraordinary
otvorenom i nije experiences come together. There you
usmeren samo
can meet like-minded people from
na profesionalce
The Highlander across the region, but also further
event is intended afield, and once you conquer an adven-
for all those who ture in your own country and become
love nature,
clean air and part of the huge Highlander communi-
outdoor activities, ty, maybe your next challenge awaits
and doesn’t you somewhere else among the many
only target
professional interesting spots around the Highlander
mountaineers Adventure world.

Serbia » Srbija | 81
R i ta m S r b i j e / R h y t h m o f S e r b i a

H i g h l a n d e r , f r o m 1 7 th t o 2 1 st J u n e Highlander Hercules, covers a distance of 101 kilo-

You don’t have to be a

metres and conquering it is predicted to require five
days on Stara Planina. Highlander Pegasus is a 53-kilo-

highlander – it’s enough

metre-long trail, with three days set aside to complete
the journey. The weekend option, Highlander Orion,
is 33 kilometres long and, with just one night spent

for you to love nature sleeping under the stars, is the most suitable option
for novice enthusiasts and families with older children.
While enjoying spectacular views, participants have
This unique event intended for nature lovers will this an opportunity to put their physical endurance and re-
year bring together a record number of participants sourcefulness to the test, feel a sense of harmony with
on Stara Planina, the Balkan Mountain nature, experience isolation far from civilisation, and
often without even a mobile phone signal, sleep un-

der open skies and find inner peace and enjoyment in
overs of hiking and recreational tourism are this challenge. It is important to note that this adven-
awaited by the now traditional Highlander ture has no winners or losers; it is not a competition,
adventure, where participants can select the but rather a personal or team challenge that broadens
length of hiking trail to suit their fitness lev- personal horizons.
els and choose how many days they want to This year’s challenge has two Stara Planina start-
spend in this area of pristine nature. ing points, with participants embarking simultaneous-
The marked hiking trails that participants trav- ly from the starting point below Babin Zub peak and
erse are named after constellations. The longest trail, from the mountain lodge in the village of Dojkinci.
Trails of differing formats merge at certain points, so
plans envisage all participants camping together un-
der the open sky on Beleđe pass, with a campfire and a
unique atmosphere. From here the trails diverge once
again, passing the stunningly attractive peaks of Ko-
pren and Tri čuka, the Tupavica Waterfall, Draganov
vir waterfall and Ponor Bay. The lengths of the trails
reward the participants at each kilometre, such that
those who spend the most days on Stara Planina will
also receive the opportunity to enjoy the experience
of crossing the Vrtibog Plateau - through the Arba-
naški kladenac, over Smilovica summit, through the
stone village of Gostuša and along the shore of Zavoj
Lake, all the way to the village of Temska, which offi-
cially marks the end of this year’s Highlander adven-
ture challenge.

Ove godine početna tačka je istovremeno na dva mesta

na Staroj planini/This year’s challenge has two Stara Planina
starting points

82 | Srbija » Serbia

adresa za
odmor iz
Kada pomislite na leto, šta vam
prvo padne na pamet? Lagano
poslepodne, uživanje na suncu i u mi-
risu mora pod palmama? Ukoliko je to
ono što želite, onda je Portonovi pra-
va adresa za vas! Skriveni raj na Ja-
dranu postaće vaša oaza ovog leta.
Bilo da tražite miran odmor od užur-
bane svakodnevice ili utočište za od-
mor sa porodicom – u rezidencijama
luksuznog kompleksa na Jadranu če-
ka vas sve baš po vašoj meri.

Odaberite oazu
po svojoj meri
Luksuzne četvorosobne reziden-
cije za velike grupe, ili udobni jedno-
sobni apartmani za romantični odmor,
ili nešto između – Portonovi ima sve.
Ukoliko se odlučite za jedan od Mimo-
za ili Marina apartmana, uživaćete u
predivnim pogledima na more, ali i
iskusiti život u modernoj marini. Rezi-
dencije u naselju su savršene za pra-
vi mediteranski odmor, sa lepim ba-
zenima, okružene pažljivo uređenim
vrtovima u kojima ćete moći da na-
punite svoje baterije. U Portonovom će se tradicionalno i ove go-
dine organizovati regata „Bokeška ostrva“, od
Kako bi izgledao jedan dan 9. do 11. juna, Portonovi akvatlon 10. septem-
vašeg odmora? bra, kao i popularni 3 x 3 basket turnir. Sezona
Zamislite ga ovako: budite se uz koncerata počinje nastupom Mjesne muzike
zvuk raspevanih ptica i miris mora koji Đenović u Portonovi marini 5. jula, a vrhunac
ulazi u sobu. Kafa se već sprema i tera- svetske zabave očekuje nas u julu i avgustu
sa je postavljena za doručak, upotpu- sa nastupima ABBA i „Queen“ tribjut bendo-
njen sveže ceđenim sokom od naran- va sa simfonijskim orkestrima. Na Vinskim ve-
dže sa lokalnih farmi. Ostatak naselja čerima, koje se organizuju u Portonovom 29.
još uvek spava. Gledate u mirno mo- jula, publiku će uz više od 30 izlagača zabav-
re sa kafom u ruci, a torba za plažu je ljati Jelena Tomašević. Dan kasnije publika će
spremna za dan koji predstoji. Miris uz muziku i stihove uživati u performansu Iva-
morske soli u vazduhu vas naprosto na Bosiljčića i benda „Naše veče“.
mami i jedva čekate da se osvežite.
Ostatak dana možete provesti kako
god poželite – „Lifestyle“ tim je tu da
vaš letnji odmor učini nezaboravnim slinovog ulja, organizovaće degusta- rana u marini. Italijanska, kuhinja Bli-
iskustvom. Oni će za vas pripremiti cije vina i još mnogo toga. Dok uživate skog istoka ili Azije – izbor je na vama,
privatne ture u kojima ćete obići zna- u svom danu na moru, oni će orga- a sto već rezervisan. Dani koje ovde
menitosti i lokalnu baštinu, farme ma- nizovati večeru u jednom od resto- provedete biće za pamćenje!

Promo | 83
Destinacija Destination

N o v e j u n s k e d e s t i n a c i j e / N e w j u n e d e s t i n at i o n s

Vežite se, polećemo

Buckle up, we’re taking off
Ovog meseca počinju direktni letovi do fantastičnih gradova.
Upoznajte Hanju, Krakov, Ohrid, Varnu, Rodos, Krf i Palermo / This
month marks the launch of direct flights to fantastic cities. Get acquainted
with Chania, Krakow, Ohrid, Varna, Rhodos, Corfu and Palermo

Do drugog po veličini grada na Kritu, Hanje, Er Srbija leti od 12. juna tri puta nedeljno, i to ponedeljkom, četvrtkom i ne-
deljom. Bogato kulturno nasleđe grada starog više od 5.000 godina ispunjeno je bojama, mirisima, ukusima i muzi-
kom. Ljubitelji kulture nesumnjivo će uživati u brojnim ostacima minojske civilizacije. Posebna čar Hanje su plaže sa
kristalnočistom vodom i finim belim peskom, pogodne za porodice sa decom.

Air Serbia is operating flights to Chania, Crete’s second largest city, starting on 12th June, up to three times a week,
on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays. The rich cultural heritage of this city, which has a history dating back more
than 5,000 years, is filled with colours, scents, tastes and music. Fans of culture will certainly enjoy the numerous
remnants of the Minoan civilisation. Representing a special charm of Chania is its crystal-clear water and fine white
sand, which is great for families with children.

84 | Nove destinacije » New destinations

Er Srbija nastavlja da povećava broj svojih destinacija, pa će Air Serbia continues to increase its number of destinations, so this
ovog leta, između ostalog, biti veoma lako i brzo stići summer it will be very easy and quick to reach the Greek islands of
do grčkih ostrva Rodosa, Krfa i Krita Rhodes, Corfu and Crete, among other places

Krakov je jedan od najstarijih gradova u Poljskoj. Impozantne gotičke kupole bazili-
ke Svete Marije, zajedno sa Rinek Glovni, najvećim srednjovekovnim trgom u Evropi,
simboli su tog grada. Iznad starog dela Krakova nalazi se Toranj gradske kuće sa koga
se pruža neverovatan panoramski pogled. Idealno mesto za kupovinu suvenira je trž-
ni centar „Cloth Hall“, za koji se često tvrdi da je najstariji na svetu. Er Srbija do Krako-
va leti od 4. juna, svakog ponedeljka, srede, petka i nedelje.

Foto: Depositphotos / Krzysztof Nahlik

Krakow is one of Poland’s oldest cities. The remarkable gothic domes of St Mary’s Ba-
silica, along with Rynek Głovni, the largest medieval town square in Europe, are sym-
bols of this city. Rising above the Old Town of Krakow is the Town Hall Tower, offering an
incredible panoramic view. An ideal place to shop for souvenirs is Cloth Hall, which is
considered by many to be the world’s oldest shopping mall. Air Serbia launches flights
to Krakow on 4th June, with rotations every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

Do Ohrida u Severnoj Makedoniji Er Srbija leti od 19. juna, svakog
ponedeljka, srede, petka i subote. Ohrid je kulturno-istorijski centar
koji krase brojni manastiri, zamkovi, antička pozorišta i preko 360
crkava. Poseban dragulj grada je Ohridsko jezero, staro više od tri
miliona godina. Spada i među najdublja evropska jezera, zbog če-
ga ima status kulturne i prirodne baštine pod zaštitom Uneska.

Foto: Depositphotos / Figurniy Sergey

Air Serbia starts flying to Ohrid, North Macedonia, as of 19th June,

with flights every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Ohrid
is a cultural and historical hotspot, with numerous monasteries, cas-
tles, ancient theatres and over 360 churches. The three-million-
year-old Lake Ohrid represents the special jewel of this city. It is also
among the deepest lakes in Europe, which is why it has cultural and
natural heritage status and is under UNESCO protection.

Od 5. juna srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija leti do Varne, svakog
ponedeljka, srede, petka i subote. Topli mineralni izvori, lekovito bla-
to, široke plaže i bogata šumska vegetacija čine Varnu jednim od naj-
poznatijih letovališta u Evropi. Posetioci mogu da uživaju i u planeta-
rijumu, delfinarijumu i akvarijumu, a sasvim sigurno će im se dopasti i
Pomorski i Arheološki muzej, pozorište „Stojan Bačvarov“, zgrada bu-
garskog teatra, kao i katedrala Uspenje Presvete Bogorodice.

From 5th June, the Serbian national carrier launches flights every
Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday to Varna. Geothermal
springs, healing clay, expansive beaches and rich forests make
Varna one of the most popular summer resorts in Europe. Visitors
can also spend quality time at the planetarium, dolphinarium and
Foto: Depositphotos

aquarium, while they will also certainly enjoy visiting the Naval
Museum and Archaeological Museum, Stojan Bačvarov Drama
Theatre, the Bulgarian Theatre, as well as the Dormition of the
Mother of God Cathedral.

New destinations » Nove destinacije | 85

Er Srbija od 8. juna leti na Rodos, i to ponedeljkom, sredom, četvrtkom i subotom. Sta-
ri deo Rodosa krase palata Kastelo iz 14. veka, impozantni toranj sa satom, kao i Arheološki i
Vizantijski muzej. Ništa manje zanimljivo nije ni u novom delu grada, u kojem se među broj-
nim građevinama iz perioda italijanske vladavine posebno izdvajaju Narodno pozorište i
Crkva Blagoveštenja. Nedaleko od sela Teologos nalazi se čuvena Dolina leptira.

Starting on 8th June, Air Serbia is flying on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sat-
urdays to the famous Greek island of Rhodes. The old part of Rhodes is home to the 14th
century Kritinia Castle, an impressive clock tower, the Archaeological Museum, and the
Byzantine Museum. The newer part of Rhodes town is no less interesting, and the par-
ticular standout examples of the numerous buildings from the period of Italian rule are the
National Theatre and the Church of the Annunciation. Near the village of Theologos is the
famous Butterfly Valley.

Do jednog od najšarmantnijih ostrva na Mediteranu, Krfa, od 9. juna mo-
žete stići direktnim letom Er Srbije. Letovi se realizuju ponedeljkom i pet-
kom. More, sunce i vetar isklesali su impresivnu obalu ovog ostrva sa
zlatnim peščanim i snežnobelim šljunkovitim plažama. Kroz bogatu isto-
riju na Krfu su nastajale brojne palate, tvrđave, crkve, muzeji, biblioteke,
galerije, tradicionalne kuće, zeleni maslinjaci i živopisne luke. Stari grad
i danas podseća na prošla vremena, a snažni evropski uticaji svuda su
vidljivi i skladno koegzistiraju, dajući gradu posebnu boju.

Starting from 9th June, you can travel with Air Serbia directly to Corfu, one
of the Mediterranean’s most charming islands, with flights operating on
Mondays and Fridays. Here the sea, sun and wind have joined forces to
carve out an impressive coast with golden sand beaches and snow-white
shingle beaches. Throughout the rich history of Corfu, numerous palac-
es, fortresses, churches, museums, libraries, galleries, traditional homes,

Foto: Depositphotos
green olive groves and lively harbours have been built. The old town is still
reminiscent of bygone times, and strong European influences are visible
everywhere, coexisting appropriately with the local culture and giving the
city a unique hue.

Do Palerma, administrativnog centra Sicilije, Er Srbija saobraća od 14. ju-
na, svake srede i subote. Palermo je dekadentan i raskošan, drevan i savre-
men, autentičan i očaravajući. Njegova istorija je bogata i fascinantna, i gde
god da pogledate, pred vama su dokazi slavne prošlosti grada. Palermo kra-
se brojne kulturne i turističke atrakcije, veliki broj crkava, spomenika, umet-
ničkih dela. Ukoliko volite plaže sa finim peskom i kristalnočistim morem, po-
setite Mondelo, jednu od najlepših plažu u Palermu.

As of 14th June, Air Serbia is operating flights to Palermo, the regional capital
of Sicily, every Wednesday and Saturday. Palermo is decadent and luxurious,
ancient and modern, authentic and enchanting. Its history is rich and fasci-
nating, and you will see evidence of the city’s glorious past everywhere you
Foto: Depositphotos

look. Palermo has numerous cultural and tourist attractions, including many
churches, monuments and artworks. If you like beaches with fine sand and
crystal-clear waters, be sure to visit Mondello Beach, which is one of Paler-
mo’s most beautiful.

86 | Nove destinacije » New destinations

Destinacija Destination Izmir

Za mnogo više detalja i informacija

scan posetite portal /
me For much more detail and information,
visit the website
88 | Turska » Turkey
Ovaj drevni grad se nalazi u zapadnom delu Turske, daleko This ancient city is located in western Türkiye, far from the madding
od gužve Istanbula, a njegove prirodne lepote, plaže i crowds of Istanbul, and you have yet to discover its stunning natural
istoriju tek treba otkrivati beauty, beaches and long history

Grad i njegova ntil recently, luxury
okolina su savršen and enjoyment were
Biser egejske obale izbor ako tražite živu my first associations
P ea r l o f t h e A e g ea n c oast kulturu, istorijske with Türkiye. And
znamenitosti, slikovite there was nothing

Jeste li već pejzaže i fantastične

plaže/This city and
unusual about that, as I’d visited
the best resorts of Antalya, Alan-
ya and Bodrum on numerous press

bili u Izmiru? the surrounding area

represent the perfect
choice if you’re seeking
tours and experienced being able to
choose between 12 different types

Have you been to

of pillows on the bed and to circle
a pulsating culture, the buffet table until you collapse.
historical sites, charming
Izmir already?
And I don’t even need to mention
scenery and fantastic the warm, crystal-clear sea and
beaches where the sand remains

cool even under the most swelter-
onedavno su moje ing of suns.
prve asocijacije na I say that those were my first
Tursku bile luksuz associations until recently, because
i uživanje. Ništa last October I finally visited Istan-
neobično jer sam bul with friends. There’s no need for
u brojnim novinarskim turama me to explain to all those who’ve
obilazila najbolje rizorte Antali- ever visited this wonderful city how
je, Alanje i Bodruma u kojima ste it turned my world into a verita-
mogli da birate između 12 vrsta ble kaleidoscope of a million mul-
jastuka na krevetu i hodate oko ticoloured shards. It was in this city
švedskog stola dok ne padnete s that has it all that I realised Türkiye
nogu. O toplom, kristalnom mo- isn’t just about unforgettable sum-
ru i plažama na kojima se pesak mer breaks.
ni na najvrelijem suncu ne greje Of course, there was no swim-
– da ne govorim. ming and sunbathing in Istanbul,
Kažem da je to bio moj naj- but that’s why Air Serbia has be-
veći utisak donedavno, jer sam u gun operating flights to Izmir, a city
oktobru prošle godine sa drugari- located in the homonymous prov-
cama konačno otišla u Istanbul. ince beside the Aegean Sea, where
Svima koji ste posetili taj čudesni Asia ends and Europe is visible with
grad ne moram da govorim kako the naked eye. It is here that old
mi se svet pretvorio u milion ša- school charm meets modern lux-
renih komadića kao u nekom ka- ury, where everything that’s most
leidoskopu. Na tom mestu koje beautiful in this incredible country
ima sve shvatila sam da Turska is located. But let’s embark on this
nije samo nezaboravno letovanje. journey together – a journey that
Naravno, u Istanbulu nije bi- I hope you’ll one day experience
lo kupanja i sunčanja, ali je zato for yourself. First stop: Izmir itself.
Er Srbija počela da leti do Izmira,
Foto: depositphotos

grada koji se nalazi u istoimenoj

provinciji koju zapljuskuje Egej-
sko more, tamo gde prestaje Azi-
ja, a golim okom se vidi Evropa.
E, na tom mestu koje spaja šarm
stare škole sa savremenim luksu- Tekst / Words:
zom nalazi se sve najlepše od ove Jelena Pantović
scan neverovatne zemlje. Ali da krene- Fotografije / Photography:

me mo zajedno na to putovanje na
koje ćete, nadam se, i sami otići.,
Depositphotos, privatna arhiva

Prva stanica – sam Izmir.

Turkey » Turska | 89
izmir / izmir
Foto: depositphotos

IZMIR nadu. Možete da šetate, džogirate ili vozite što je započelo život kao carinarnica sada je
Na prvi pogled ovaj grad liči na bilo koju dru- bicikl duž obale zaliva, a usput svratite u mu- tržni centar sa fantastičnim restoranom ko-
gu modernu tursku metropolu, treći je po ve- zej posvećen Kemalu Ataturku, osnivaču na- ji gleda na vodu.
ličini posle Ankare i Istanbula, a ima dva pu- cije. Pri kraju šetališta naići ćete na mol koji Trg Konak je najprometniji deo Izmira. Okolne
ta više stanovnika od Beograda. Pomerite sat ulazi u more (Konak Pier), a koji je 1890. godi- kuće su izgrađene u turskom neoklasičnom
unazad više od jednog veka i videćete boga- ne dizajnirao, kažu, sam Gustav Ajfel, da, isti stilu, a krasi ga Sahat kula, simbol grada. Vi-
te porodice kako šetaju čuvenom promena- onaj čije ime krasi čuvenu parisku kulu. Ono soka je 25 metara, pozajmljuje arhitektonsku
dom Izmira, obučene po poslednjoj pariskoj inspiraciju iz severne Afrike i Andaluzije, diza-
modi. Ili ga vratite u vreme pre naše ere do le- jnirao ju je francuski arhitekta i savršena je za
Foto: Profimedia / David Forman / ImageSource

gende o Aleksandru Velikom, kome se, dok je fotke koje će završiti na Instagramu.
spavao na obroncima obližnje planine Pagos, 1 Nemoguće je na ovako malom prostoru na-
u snu javilo da izgradi grad na tom mestu. brojati sve zanimljivosti Izmira, jer mi već mo-
Sa istorijom dugom 8.500 godina, Izmir je ramo dalje, tamo gde ćemo se sunčati na
svakako jedno od najstarijih naselja u Turskoj nepreglednoj peščanoj plaži i okupati u to-
i tokom istorije je ugostio različite civilizacije. plom, plavom Egeju. Tamo gde se završa-
Uživaćete u građevinama koje nose trago- va Azija...
ve ove multikulturalne klime, a u tom smislu
svakako nemojte propusiti bazar Kemeralti. IZMIR
Jer bazar je uvek bio, baš kao i danas, mesto This city resembles any other modern Turk-
na kome se sve događa. U pravoj košnici gla- ish metropolitan city at first glance. The coun-
sova, boja i mirisa, pronaći ćete u uskim uli- try’s third largest city after Ankara and Istan-
cama proizvode veštih ruku Izmira. Ali možda bul, its population is twice that of Belgrade.
je najbolje da kući ponesete staklenu perli- Turn back the clock to more than a centu-
cu protiv „urokljivih očiju“ napravljenu baš u ry ago and you’ll see wealthy families strolling
ovom kraju. „Zlo oko“ će vas čuvati od dru- the famous Izmir promenade, sporting the lat-
gih, ali, kažu, i oterati strahove i nevolje. est in Parisian fashion. Or turn it back to classi-
Sam Izmir možda nema plažu (tamo ćemo cal antiquity and the time of the legendary Al-
tek da odemo), ali zato ima Kordon prome- exander the Great, who was told in a dream

90 | Turska » Turkey
to build a city on that spot while he slept on
the slopes of the nearby Mount Pagos.
With a history dating back 8,500 years, Iz-
mir is certainly among Türkiye’s oldest set-
tlements, while it has welcomed various
civilisations throughout that time. You will
enjoy the edifices that hold traces of this
multicultural climate, and with this in mind
you certainly mustn’t miss out on a vis-
it to Kemeraltı Bazaar. That’s because this
market has always been, and remains, the
place where everything happens in Izmir.
In the narrow arcades of this proper hive of
activity that’s awash with sounds, colours
and aromas, you will find products made
by the skilled hands of Izmir craftsmen. But
perhaps it is best to take home one of the
‘nazar’ eye-shaped amulets that are in-
tended to protect against the “evil eye” and
are made in this area. This talisman in the
form of an “evil eye” will protect you against 2
other such eyes, but it is also said to drive
away fears and misfortune.
Trg Konak krasi Sahat kula, simbol
There might not be beaches in Izmir it- 1 grada, visoka 25 metara / Konak
self (we’ll head there soon), but it does Square is adorned with a clock tower that
have the Kordon Promenade. There you represents one of the main symbols of the
city, reaching a height of 25 metres
can stroll, jog or cycle along the shores of
the gulf, and stop by at the museum dedi- 2 Nemojte propusiti bazar Kemeralti
gde ćete u uskim ulicama pronaći
cated to Kemal Atatürk, founding father of proizvode veštih ruku zanatlija Izmira / You
mustn’t miss out on a visit to Kemeraltı Bazaar
the modern Republic of Türkiye. Once you and find products made by the skilled hands
reach the end of the promenade, you’ll en- of Izmir craftsmen
counter a pier that extends over the waters 3 Sam Izmir možda nema plažu, ali zato
ima Kordon promenadu / There might
(Konak Pier), which is said to have been de-
not be beaches in Izmir itself, but it does have
signed in 1890 by Gustave Eiffel – yes, that the Kordon Promenade
same civil engineer whose name adorns
the famous tower in Paris. Despite hav-
ing started its life as a customs clearance
building, this pier is today home to an up-
market shopping centre that has a fantas-
tic restaurant overlooking the sea.
Konak Square is the busiest part of the city.
The houses in the surrounding area were
built in the Turkish neoclassical style, while
the square itself is adorned with a clock
tower that represents one of the main sym-
bols of the city. Reaching a height of 25
metres, the French architect who designed
it drew architectural inspiration from North
Africa and Andalusia, while it is today a per-
fect spot for taking photos that will end up
on Instagram.
It is impossible to list all of Izmir’s many at-
tractions in such a short article, because it’s
already time for us to move on, to head to
a place where we will sunbathe on an end-
less sand beach and bathe in the warm,
blue waters of the Aegean. At the spot 3
where Asia ends...

Turkey » Turska | 91
izmir / izmir

Posle samo osamdesetak kilometa- 1
ra auto-putem stižem na najzapadni-
ju tačku ove regije, na čarobnu plažu
u mestu Česme, što na turskom zna-
či „fontana“ ili, kako i mi u Srbiji kaže-
mo – česma. Bila sam u aprilu, pa sam
more pozdravila samo u plićaku, ali
sam mogla da zamislim kako to izgle-
da leti, na nepreglednom pesku i vodi
koja se preliva poput okeana. Za razli-
ku od mnogih letovališta u ovom regi-
onu, Češme je zadržao svoje stanov-
ništvo i lokalni ukus. Tu je veličanstveni
zamak koji su izgradili Đenovljani, ali i
polja anisa, susama i artičoka proša-
ranih stablima smokava i maslina.
Vetrenjače, od kojih su neke pretvo-
rene u restorane, nalaze se na brdu
iznad Alačatija, divnog i tipičnog egej-
skog gradića koji leži južno od oba- I was there in April, so I only paddled Čarobna
1 plaža u
le. Ovo živopisno mesto sa kamenim in the shallows, but I was able to im-
mestu Česme, što
kućama, šarmantnim butik-hotelima agine what it must look like in the sum- na turskom znači
i brojnim prodavnicama, istovreme- mer, on an endless expanse of sand, „fontana“ / The
no je centar za jedrenje zbog vetra koji with water that laps at the beach like enchanting beach
Foto: Profimedia / Yilmaz Savas Kandag / Alamy

in the town of
ovde nikada neće dozvoliti da vam bu- an ocean. Unlike many of the resorts of Çeşme, which
de prevruće. Grad je i raj za gurmane this region, Çeşme has retained its tra- means drinking
sa mnogim restoranima koji se mogu ditional population and local flavour. It fountain in Turkish
pohvaliti kombinacijom tradicionalne has a magnificent castle that was built 2 Vetrenjače,
od kojih su
i moderne turske kuhinje, ušuška- by the Genoese, but also fields of ani- neke pretvorene u
nih na krivudavim kaldrmisanim ulica- seed, sesame and artichokes that are restorane, nalaze
se na brdu iznad
ma Alačatija. Lokalno bilje slavi se sva- dotted with fig and olive trees.
Alačatija / Ancient
kog proleća na popularnom festivalu Ancient windmills, some of which windmills, some of
u ovom gradiću. Od meda od timijana have been converted into restaurants, which have been
do paste od cveća lavande, hleba od ÇEŞME & ALAÇATI adorn the hill above Alaçatı, which is a converted into
restaurants, adorn
koprive i kolača od spanaća. Ja sam sa After a drive of just 80 kilometres delightful and typical Aegean town lo- the hill above
sobom ponela jednu malu biljku bibe- down the highway, I arrive at the re- cated south of the coast. This vibrant Alaçatı
ra koja je preživela put i još uvek odo- gion’s westernmost point, the en- place, with its stone houses, charming 3 Neverovatno
su dobro
leva promeni klime. Nadam se da će chanting beach in the town of Çeşme, boutique hotels and numerous shops, očuvani ostaci
preživeti i dugo me podsećati na šar- which means drinking fountain in Turk- is simultaneously also a centre of sail- grada koji je car
mantni Alačati. ish or, as we say in Serbian, česma. ing thanks to the wind that will ensure Avgust progasio
you never feel too hot here. The town is Rimskog carstva u
also a paradise for foodies, with many Aziji / The remains
restaurants nestled along its wind- of the city that
Emperor Augustus
ing cobbled streets that can boast of declared the capital
wonderful combinations of tradition- of the Roman
al and modern Turkish cuisine. Local Empire in Asia are
unbelievably well-
herbs are also celebrated every spring
at the popular Alaçatı herb festival.
From thyme honey to lavender flower
paste, nettle bread and spinach cake.
Foto: Profimedia / murat topay / Alamy

I brought back a small pepper plant

that survived the journey home and
is still enduring despite the change in
climate. I hope it will survive and long
serve to remind me of the charming
2 Alaçatı.

92 | Turska » Turkey
EFES I BOGORODIČINA na papiru ili maramici napišete svo-
KUĆA 3 ju želju i okačite je na zid, u nadi da će
Ali hajde da nastavimo istraživanje iz- je Bogorodica uslišiti. Tu se nalaze i tri
mirske regije, jer posle mirnog pre- česme sa svetom izvorskom vodom –
daha i mirisa mora odlazimo u daleku jedna za zdravlje, druga za ljubav, tre-
prošlost, na mesto na kojem možete ća za posao. Može da se pije ili natoči
da osluškujete korake starih Grka, di- da ponesete. Ja sam gucnula sa one
vite se Celsusovoj biblioteci i proba- za zdravlje, napisala poruku Isusovoj
te da zamislite kako su ljudi živeli kada majci i nastavila dalje na ovom puto-
je ovaj kraj bio deo Rimskog carstva. vanju koje je iz dana u dan postajalo
Dobro došli u Efes! Samo 70 km juž- sve neverovatnije.
no od Izmira, antički Efes bio je nase-
ljen oko Artemidinog hrama, sagra- EPHESUS AND THE HOUSE
đenog u 4. veku pre nove ere – jedno OF THE VIRGIN MARY
od čuda antičkog sveta. Od njega ni- Let’s continue exploring the Izmir re-
je ostalo skoro ništa, ali su tu nevero- gion, because after this tranquil res-
vatno dobro očuvani ostaci grada ko- pite and enjoying the scent of the sea,
ji je car Avgust progasio prestonicom we are heading back to the distant
Rimskog carstva u Aziji. Ceo dan će past, to a place where you can hear
vam trebati da vidite sve ovo zamiš- the footfalls of the ancient Greeks, ad-
ljajući neko davno vreme, pa nemoj- mire the Library of Celsus and try to
te da vam bude žao. Jer u blizini je još imagine what life was like when this ar-
jedno važno mesto hodočašća – ku- ea formed part of Roman Empire. Wel-
ća u kojoj je poslednje dane svog živo- come to Ephesus! Located just 70 km
ta provela Devica Marija. south of Izmir, ancient Ephesus de-
Prema predanju, Marija je stigla u Efes blizini i zida želja. Od kuće je zapravo veloped around the Temple of Arte-
sa svetim Jovanom i ovde se upoko- ostao samo temelj, na kojem je podi- mis, which was built in the 4th century
jila. Danas se u predivnoj šumi, le- gnuta kapela kroz koju se u tišini pro- BC and represented one of the Seven
po uređenim kamenim stazama mo- lazi i poklanja Bogorodici. Pored mo- Wonders of the Ancient World. Almost
že stići do njene kuće, svetog izvora u žete da upalite sveće, a nešto niže da nothing remains of it today, but the re-

Foto: Deposiphotos

Turkey » Turska | 93
izmir / izmir

mains of the city that Emperor Augustus declared

the capital of the Roman Empire in Asia are unbe-
lievably well-preserved. You will need a full day to
see it all while imagining what it was like in ancient
times, so don’t regret setting aside the time. That’s
because there’s another important place of pil-
grimage nearby: the house where the Virgin Mary
spent her final days.
According to tradition, Mary travelled to Ephesus
accompanied by John the Baptist and remained
until her dying day. Today you can reach her house
and the nearby sacred spring and “wishing wall” by
following wonderfully positioned stone paths lead-
ing through the beautiful forest that surrounds the Prema predanju,
site. Only the foundations of the house remain, Marija je stigla u
with a chapel having been built on the spot as a Efes sa Svetim
Jovanom i ovde
shrine that pilgrims pass through in silence as they se upokojila
pay homage to the Holy Virgin. You can light can- / According
dles beside the chapel, while slightly below this to tradition,
Mary travelled
spot is place for writing wishes or prayers on paper to Ephesus
that can be stuck to the so-called wishing wall, in accompanied by
the hope that the Holy Virgin will grant them. There John the Baptist
and remained
are also three drinking fountains with holy water
until her dying day
– the first for health, the second for love and the
third for work. The water can be drunk on the spot
or bottled to take away. I took a sip from the one for
health, wrote a message to the mother of Jesus
and resumed my journey, which was becoming in-
creasingly incredible by the day.

94 | Turska » Turkey
I na kraju, ponovo na more, u dobro
poznati, lepi Kušadasi u kom se plavo
nebo stapa sa Egejskim morem i gde
su zadivljujući zalasci sunca svakod-
nevna pojava. Večerali smo u jednom
od niza fenomenalnih restorana, uživa-
li u plodovima mora, ali o gastronomiji
nekom drugom prilikom. Ona zavređu-
je poseban tekst...

And to conclude, let’s head back to the
coast, to the well-known and beautiful
Kuşadası, where the blue sky entices
the Aegean and breathtaking sunsets
are a daily occurrence. We had dinner
in one of this resort’s numerous phe-
nomenal restaurants, enjoyed seafood
specialities, but we’ll address the local
gastronomy another time. It deserves
its own article...

URLA I TESTIRANJE ULJA šest, između ulja jeli zelene jabuke da bismo beats swimming in the deep blue sea and sun-
Sledeća stanica – Urla. Sa duhovnih i istorij- neutralisali ukuse i otišli iz Urle bogatiji za jedno bathing on the fantastic beaches of this district,
skih visina spuštamo se na ona čulna, ovoze- nezaboravno iskustvo. though Urla is also a regular destination for gour-
maljska, u kraj koji se može pohvaliti najboljim mets. The town is famous for grapes and wine,
maslinovim uljem na svetu. Urla, strateški pri- URLA AND OIL TESTING and artichoke specialities, while it is also home
morski grad koji je tokom istorije ugostio ra- Next stop: Urla. We descend from spiritual and to the first olive oil atelier in Anatolia. Olives are
zličite civilizacije, vredi posetiti jer nema ništa historical heights to sensual, earthly ones; to an essential ingredient in Turkish cuisine, while
bolje od kupanja u dubokom plavom moru, an area that can boast of producing the world’s Turkiye has also become one of the world’s five
na fantastičnim plažama ovog kraja, ali Urla je best olive oil. Urla is a strategic coastal town that largest producers of olive oil. This can be partly
takođe česta destinacija za gurmane. Grad je has welcomed various civilisations throughout attributed to the Mediterranean climate and the
poznat po grožđu i vinu, jelima pripremljenim its history and is worth visiting because nothing fact that central Anatolia, Asia Minor, is said to
od artičoke, a tu je i prva fabrika za proizvod- have been the birthplace of the olive tree.
nju maslinovog ulja u Anadoliji. Masline su i And while we’re on the subject of olives and
inače suštinski element turske kuhinje, a Tur- oil, it is interesting to note that olive oil produ-
ska je postala jedan od pet najvećih proizvo- ction in this region is mostly entrusted to wo-
đača maslinovog ulja u svetu. Ovo se delom men, but also that I witnessed the testing of this
može pripisati mediteranskoj klimi i činjeni- oil that appeared to be carried out in the same
ci da se priča kako je baš centralna Anadolija way that wines are tested, but also in a comple-
rodno mesto maslinovog drveta. tely different way. The oil is poured into a glass
A kad smo kod maslina i ulja, zanimljivo je zna- and first heated with the palm of the hand, then
ti da se u ovom kraju proizvodnjom uglavnom covered with the palm of the other hand and
bave žene, ali i da sam prisustvovala testira- smelled. We correctly guessed the smells, sen-
nju ulja, baš kao što se to obično čini sa vini- sing the aromas picked up by the olives in di-
ma. Samo ipak sasvim drugačije. U čašici se fferent oils: tomato, mowed hay, artichoke etc.
ulje prvo dlanom zagreje, poklopi se drugim Next you take a sip, stick your tongue to the ro-
dlanom, a onda pomiriše. Pogađali smo miri- of of your mouth and slurp until the oil scratches
se – osećali u različitim uljima arome koje su and burns at the base of your throat and cau-
masline pokupile – paradajz, pokošeno seno, ses your eyes to water. The more your eyes wa-
artičoke... Onda se uzme jedan gutljaj, jezik ter, the better the oil and the higher its content
zalepi za nepca i srče, dok vas ulje ne zagrebe of essential amino acids – everything that ma-
i opeče po dnu grla i ne krenu vam suze od to- kes it “liquid gold”. We tried five or six types, ni-
Foto: Deposiphotos

ga. Što više plačete, uslovno rečeno, to je ulje bbling green apples between the oils in order to
bolje i punije esencijalnih kiselina, svega onoga neutralise the flavours, and departed Urla fee-
što ga čini „tečnim zlatom“. Probali smo pet- ling enriched by an unforgettable experience.

Turkey » Turska | 95
Destinacija Destination


Foto: Marco Cristofori / robertharding / Profimedia

96 | Španija » Spain
Zlatni trougao Golden triangle
Ljubitelji umetnosti imaju svoj poseban Bermudski trou- Art lovers have their particular Bermuda Triangle in Madrid,
gao u Madridu, poznat kao Zlatni trougao. To je skup naj- in the form of a set of the most representative museums
reprezentativnijih muzeja – Prada, Tisena i Rejna Sofije. known as the Golden Triangle and including the Museo del
Jedan od najvažnijih u celoj Španiji, Prado, poznat je po to- Prado, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza and Museo Reina Sofía.
me što ima najsveobuhvatniju kolekciju španske umetno- One of the most important institutions of its kind in all of Spain,
sti i jednu od najistaknutijih kolekcija evropske umetnosti Prado Museum is known for having the most comprehensive
između 12. i ranog 20. veka. U jednom od najvećih muzeja collection of Spanish art and one of the most outstanding col-
umetnosti na svetu nalaze se dela španskih velikana po- lections of European Art created between the 12th and the ear-
put Fransiska Goje i Dijega Velaskeza, između ostalih, a ly 20th century. One of the world’s greatest museums of art, it
svake godine ga posećuju milioni ljubitelja umetnosti. houses works by Spanish greats like Francisco Goya and Die-
Muzej Reina Sofija je svetski poznat muzej savremene go Velazquez, among others, and is visited by millions each
umetnosti, dom impresivne kolekcije španske umetnosti year. The Reina Sofía Museum is a world-renowned contem-
iz 20. veka, uključujući dela Pabla Pikasa, Salvadora Dalija porary art museum, home to an impressive collection of Span-
i Žuana Miroa. Pikasova „Gernika“ je možda i najčuvenija ish art from the 20th century, including works by Picasso, Dalí and
slika u muzeju, a odaje poštovanje narodnoj patnji tokom Miró. Picasso’s Guernica is a famous painting held by this muse-
bombardovanja Gernike u Španskom građanskom ratu. um. It pays respect to the people’s suffering during the bombing
Muzej Tisen-Bornemisa čuva Van Ajka, Karavađa, Rem- of Guernica in the Spanish Civil War. Thyssen-Bornemisza Mu-
branta, Monea, Degaa, Van Goga, Gogena... Ovo su sa- seum keeps works by Van Eyck, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Mon-
mo neka od velikih imena čija dela možete videti u Muze- et, Degas, Van Gogh, Gauguin et al. Indeed, these are just a few
ju. Prošetajte kroz kolekciju sastavljenu od skoro 1.000 of the great names whose works you can see at this museum.
slika, koje obuhvataju istoriju umetnosti od 13. pa sve do Wander through a collection comprising almost 1,000 paintings,
20. veka. spanning the history of art from the 13th to the 20th centuries.

Bouvi te čeka
Ima toliko razloga da posetite Madrid ovog juna, ali jedan se
izdvaja. „Colegio Oficial de Arkuitectos de Madrid“ (COAM)
domaćin je svetske premijere izložbe „Bouvija je snimio Dafi“,

Foto: Andrew Lalchan / Alamy / Alamy / Profimedia

a ova retrospektiva kultnih foto-sesija koje su spojile fotografa
i pevača može se videti do 25. juna – više od 150 objekata
iz Dafijeve arhive sa muzikom, video-snimcima, fotografija-
ma, velikim formatima i video-intervjuima koji nikada nisu pri-
To je putovanje kroz sedamdesete koje predstavlja rad legen-
darnog britanskog fotografa Brajana Dafija, sa jednim od naj-
uticajnijih i najtalentovanijih muzičara ikada. Tokom perioda
koji se naziva Bouvijevim zlatnim godinama radili su zajedno
na pet fotografskih sesija i omotima za tri albuma. U to vreme
su razbili vizuelne i identitetske barijere i 1973. godine stvorili
kulturnu ikonu sa omotom albuma „Aladdin Sane“. large format prints and video interviews that have never been
Te 1973. go-
Bouvi je skakao od jednog lika do drugog, uvek voljan da pro- seen before.
dine stvori-
ba različite stvari. U međuvremenu Dafi je snimio fotografije li su kultur- This is a journey through the 1970s, presenting legendary
koje će svedočiti o svim tim transformacijama. Fotograf je po- nu ikonu sa British photographer Brian Duffy’s work with one of the most
smatrao Dejvida Bouvija koji je očigledno bio tamo da bi bio omotom al- influential and talented musicians ever. They worked togeth-
buma „Alad-
posmatran. On ga je baždario, upijao, proučavao, ćaskao sa din Sane“ er during the period referred to as Bowie’s Golden Years, in
njim, postao njegova senka, savetovao ga, tumačio i na svoj In 1973 they five photo shoot sessions and on three album covers. At the
način štitio. Zahvaljujući ovim slikama, svet se može još malo created a time, they smashed pre-existing visual and identity barriers
cultural icon
približiti jednoj legendi. with the cov- and in 1973 created a cultural icon with the cover for the al-
er for the al- bum Aladdin Sane.
Bowie awaits you bum Aladdin Bowie leapt from one character to another, always willing to
There are so many reasons to visit Madrid this June, but one try different things. Meanwhile, Brian Duffy shot the photo-
stands out. The Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid graphs that would bear witness to all these transformations.
(COAM) is hosting the world premiere of the exhibition Bow- The photographer observed a David Bowie who was clearly
ie Taken by Duffy. This retrospective of the iconic photo shoot there to be observed. He calibrated him, absorbed him, stud-
sessions that brought together the photographer and sing- ied him, chatted with him, became his shadow, advised him,
er can be seen until 25th June. It includes more than 150 ob- interpreted him and, in his own way, protected him. Thanks to
jects from the Duffy Archive, with music, video clips, photos, these images, the world can get a little closer to the legend.

Spain » Španija | 97
Š pa n i j a / s pa i n

Foto: depositphotos/ fazon1

Hajde da igramo Primavera Sound

Božanstvena arhitektura, šarene pijace i ukusni tapasi očeku- is Spain’s most
ju vas u katalonskoj prestonici, ali i dva fenomenalna muzička fe- famous indie rock
stivala! festival. The first
„Primavera Sound“ je najpoznatiji španski indi rok festival. Prvo iz- edition played to
danje je 2001. u čuvenom Poble Espaniolu ispratilo oko 8.000 an audience of
ljudi, ali je događaj brzo prerastao svoj stari dom i sada se nala- 8,000 people in
zi pored mora u Park del Forumu. Preko 190.000 ljudi prisustvo- 2001 at the fa-
valo je poslednjem izdanju, a ove godine stižu „Pet Shop Boys“, mous Poble Es-
Foto: Christian Bertrand / Alamy / Alamy / Profimedia
„Blur“, Kendrik Lamar, „Depeche Mode“, Kalvin Haris i mnogi dru- panyol, but the
gi. Takođe možete očekivati da će neki od umetnika svirati ma- event quickly outgrew its old home and now finds itself by the
le, intimne svirke u najboljim barovima u Barseloni. Datum: od 1. sea at the Parc del Fòrum. Over 190,000 people attended the
do 4. juna. last edition, while this year’s edition features the likes of the Pet
Ljubitelji elektronske muzike verovatno znaju sve o „Sonar“ festi- Shop Boys, Blur, Kendrick Lamar, Depeche Mode, Calvin Har-
valu, jednom od najboljih junskih muzičkih dešavanja u Barselo- ris and many others. You can also expect some of the artists on
ni koji datira iz 1994. Počeo je kao trodnevni festival elektronske the bill to play small, intimate gigs at the best bars in Barcelona.
muzike i eksponencijalno rastao od svojih skromnih početaka. Dates: 1st to 4th June.
Od „SonarClub“ kapaciteta sa 15.000 mesta do otvorenog pro- Fans of electronic music probably know all about the festival
stora i udobnih elektro-šatora – jednostavno će vas razmaziti iz- known simply as Sónar, which has been one of the best June fes-
borom. Stižu „Aphex Twin“, Bad Gjal, Eric Pridz, „Black Coffee“ i tivals in Barcelona since 1994. It started life as a three-day elec-
drugi. Datum: od 15. do 17. juna. tronic and advanced music festival, but has since grown expo-
nentially from its humble beginnings. From its 15,000 capacity
Let’s dance SonarClub to multiple open-air venues and cosy electro-tents,
Otherworldly architecture, vibrant markets and tasty tapas you’re simply spoiled for choice. The line-up for this year’s Sónar,
await you in the capital of Catalonia, but also two phenomenal which runs from 15th to 17th June, includes Aphex Twin, Bad Gyal,
music festivals taking place this June. Eric Prydz and Black Coffee, amongst many others.

98 | Španija » Spein
Sav taj džez – na plaži!
Svake godine u junu održava se Međunarodni džez festival u Ka-
me la d’Oru na jugoistoku ostrva. Muzički nastupi međunarodnih bendo-
va mogu se čuti širom luke. Počelo je 1994. godine i od tada nastavi-
lo da raste i privlači domaće i međunarodne bendove. Muzičke grupe
često sviraju na otvorenom pored zaliva Kala Egos, Kala Ferera i Ka-
Foto: Christian Bertrand / Alamy / Alamy / Profimedia

la d’Or. Koncerti su besplatni i obično se održavaju svake večeri Festi-

vala od 20 časova.
All that jazz – on the beach
Every June sees the international Jazz Festival in Cala d’Or take place in
the southeast of the island of Majorca. Performances by internation-
al bands can be heard all over the port. Established in 1994, this fes-
tival has since grown continuously in terms of popularity, attracting
both local and international bands. Participating musicians often per-
form outdoors, by the bays of Cala Egos, Cala Ferrera and Cala d’Or.
The festival’s concerts are free of charge and are usually held each
evening, from 8pm, throughout its duration.
Š pa n i j a / s pa i n

Foto:JOSE JORDAN / AFP / Profimedia

Hajde da dočekamo leto! Let’s welcome the summer!

Kada dođe leto, morate ga proslaviti. U Valensiji postoji čak When the summer comes, you simply have to celebrate its ar-
i posebna noć za ovo: „La noche de San Juan“ 23. juna, ka- rival. In Valencia, there is even a special night for this: La noche
da svi idu na plažu da založe vatre i uživaju u prvoj letnjoj ve- Ne zabora- de San Juan; the Night of San Juan, or St. John’s Eve. On the
čeri. Tradicija je da se slavi početak leta, najduži dan u godi- vite da osta- evening of 23rd June, everybody heads to the beach to make
vite plažu
ni i, naravno, najkraća noć. Ljudima je tokom noći dozvoljeno čistom, ka-
bonfires and enjoy the first formal summer evening.
da prave piknike i vatre na plaži. Svako nosi svoje piće, hranu, kvu ste je i This tradition is intended to celebrate the summer solstice,
grickalice i muziku, pa tako ova noć postaje prava velika za- zatekli marking the start of summer, the longest day of the year and,
bava. Plaže Malvarosa i Patakona su odlično mesto, duge su of course, the shortest night. During this evening, people are
ber to leave
i široke, ima dovoljno mesta za sve. Međutim, nije dozvoljeno the beach as allowed to picnic and make bonfires on the beach. Everybody
paliti vatru na svakoj gradskoj plaži – naročito ne na plažama clean as you brings their own drinks, food, snacks and music, ensuring that
koje se nalaze na jugu u okviru Parka prirode Albufera. found it this evening becomes a huge party. Malvarossa and Pataco-
Ako ćete da palite vatru, grad je obezbedio drva na raznim lo- na beaches are great places to enjoy this night. These long and
kacijama, mada ćete verovatno morati da stanete u red da wide beaches have enough space for everybody, but you are
biste ih dobili. Osim toga, postoje neke veoma posebne tradi- not allowed to make bonfires on every beach in the city – doing
cije tokom ove noći koje nije loše znati: so is not permitted on the beaches located in the south, within
– Skočite preko vatre: videće- the Albufera Natural Park.
te mnogo ljudi kako preskaču When you are in the mood to make your own beach bonfire,
vatru kako bi se oslobodili loše piles of wood will be handed out to you, but you will probably
energije. Budite oprezni ako je have to queue to get some. This evening celebration also in-
plamen veoma jak! cludes some very special traditions:
– Skočite preko talasa: tačno u - Jump over the bonfire: you will see a lot of people jumping
ponoć morate izaći na obalu i over the fire to dispel negative energy. Be careful if the flames
preskočiti sedam talasa da bi- are very high.
Foto:Irr / Alamy / Alamy / Profimedia

ste poželeli želju i bili zdravi do - Jump over the waves: at midnight you have to head to the
kraja godine. shore, jump over seven waves and make a wish that will pro-
– Plivajte u moru: kada presko- vide you with good health for the rest of the year.
čite talase, možete da se ku- - Swim in the sea: once you have jumped over the waves, you
pate, ali budite oprezni kada can have a swim, but be careful when swimming in the dark.
plivate u mraku.

100 | Španija » Spain

Destinacija Destination

S p r e m i t e s e n a v r e m e / G e t r e a dy o n t i m e Svaka sezona je sezona

festivala u Čikagu. Svetski

Od Lolapaluze do poznati događaji slave hranu, mu-

ziku, kulturu, umetnost i istoriju
širom grada. Pogledajte samo ma-

baš dobrog džeza / li deo onoga što vas čeka u Čika-

gu ovog leta.

From Lollapalooza to Every season is festi-

really good jazz

val season in Chicago, with
world-renowned fiestas and events
celebrating food, music, culture, art
Sezona se nikada ne završava u Čikagu, kad god da se and history held throughout the
nađete tamo, postoji ozbiljna „opasnost“ da završite na city. Check out this small selection
of events scheduled to take place in
nekom fenomenalnom festivalu / Season never ends in Chicago this summer...
Chicago, so whenever it happens to be that you find yourself
in the city, a serious “danger” exists that you might end up at
some phenomenal festival Tekst / Words:
Jelena Pantović
Fotografije / Photography:
Foto: profimedia / Camille Fine / Zuma Press

102 | Festivali » Festivals

Ovogodišnji hedlajneri na festivalu Lolapaluza su Kendrik
Lamar, Bili Ajliš, „Red hot čili pepers“, Lana del Rej...
This year’s Lollapalooza headliners include Kendrick Lamar,
Billie Eilish, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lana Del Ray...

Grant Park / Grant Park

03 06
avgust/ august

Svake godine hiljade obožavalaca putuju iz celog sveta da

Foto: profimedia / Daniel DeSlover / Zuma Pressr

dožive Lolapaluzu u Čikagu. Oni koji imaju dovoljno sreće da
kupe ulaznice mogu da uživaju u legendarnim muzičkim na-
stupima, slikovitom okruženju na obali jezera i nenadmašnoj
letnjoj atmosferi sa veličanstvenim horizontom Čikaga u po-
Lolapaluza zove Čikago domom više od 30 godina, koliko je
ovo veliko muzičko iskustvo na obali jezera jedan od najvećih
i najpoznatijih festivala na svetu. Lolapaluza koja prkosi žan-
ru uključuje neka od najvećih muzičkih imena, zajedno sa no-
vim umetnicima i lokalnim miljenicima. Ovogodišnji hedlajne-
ri su Kendrik Lamar, Bili Ajliš, „Red hot čili pepers“, Lana del Rej,
„The 1975“... Kompletna postava ove godine uključuje više od
150 muzičkih izvođača na više bina.
Više lokacija / Multiple locations

22 01
sept. / sept okt. / oct
Foto: profimedia / Armando L. Sanchez / Newscom


Godišnji svetski muzički festival je vaš pasoš za bendo-
ve iz celog sveta. Na ovom besplatnom festivalu učestvu-
je preko 30 umetnika iz 22 zemlje na mestima širom Čika-
ga, uključujući Kulturni centar Čikaga, Milenijumski park i
Nejvi Pir, donoseći još više raznolikosti u već bogatu posta-
vu muzičkih festivala grada. Ovaj festival, koji se održava u
Čikagu više od 20 godina, obuhvata poznate zvezde i no-
ve umetnike u žanrovima koji se kreću od tradicionalnih do
savremenih. Na Svetskom muzičkom festivalu možete ču-
LOLLAPALOOZA ti sve – od indijske klasične muzike do bugarskih gajdi i kon-
Thousands of music lovers travel to Chicago from around the goanskog fanka.
world each year to experience Lollapalooza. Those lucky enough
to land tickets get to experience the festival’s legendary musical WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL CHICAGO
acts, scenic lakefront setting and unbeatable summer atmos- The annual World Music Festival is your passport to musical
phere, against the backdrop of Chicago’s magnificent skyline. acts from around the globe. This free festival features over
Lollapalooza has called Chicago home for more than 30 years, 30 artists from 22 countries at venues around Chicago, in-
with this larger-than-life lakefront music experience having cluding the Chicago Cultural Centre, Millennium Park and
grown to become one of the world’s biggest and most icon- Navy Pier, bringing even more diversity to Chicago’s already
ic music fests. The Lollapalooza genre-defying line-up includes rich music festival line-up. This festival, which has been held
some of music’s biggest names, along with up-and-coming art- in Chicago for more than 20 years, embraces well-known
ists and local favourites. This year’s Lollapalooza headliners in- stars and emerging artists in genres ranging from traditional
clude Kendrick Lamar, Billie Eilish, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lana Del to contemporary. You can hear everything at the World Mu-
Ray, The 1975... The full Lollapalooza 2023 line-up includes more sic Festival — from Indian classical music to Bulgarian bag-
than 150 acts performing across multiple stages. pipes and Congolese funk.

Chicago » Čikago | 103

D e st i n ac i j a / D e st i n at i o n

Milenijumski park /
Millennium Park

31 03
avg. / aug sept. / sept


Najstariji od besplatnih muzičkih festivala na obali jezera u
Čikagu može se pohvaliti neverovatno raznolikom posta-
vom jer uključuje koncerte u komšiluku koji vode do glavne
predstave u Milenijumskom parku i dodatnih programa ši-
rom grada tokom vikenda pred američki Praznik rada (La-
bour Day). Čikaški džez festival je deo gradske letnje mu-
zičke postave više od 40 godina, a opseg umetnika se
proteže od legendi džeza do uticajnih modernih majstora i
ključnih novih glasova u kontinuiranoj evoluciji žanra.
Kada je veliki Djuk Elington umro u leto 1974. godine, neko-
liko desetina muzičara iz Čikaga održalo je festival u njego-
vu čast na južnom kraju Grant Parka. Zatim su 1978. godine
muzičari održali prvi Memorijalni koncert za Džona Koltrej-
Foto: profimedia / Jeff Morgan 10 / Alamy

na u Grant Parku, da bi sledeće godine Institut za džez u Či-

kagu počeo da planira svoj avgustovski festival. Prvi Čikaš-
ki džez festival imao je Elingtonovo veče, Koltrejnovo veče i
pet drugih programa u organizaciji Džez instituta, a održan
je u novom Petrilo Mjuzik Šelu. Čak 125.000 ljudi došlo je
da sluša, igra, piknikuje na travi i uživa u rađanju onoga što
će postati najveći besplatni džez festival na svetu.


The oldest of Chicago’s free lakefront music festivals boasts
an incredibly diverse line-up, which includes free neighbour-
hood concerts leading up to the main show in the city’s Mil-
lennium Park and additional programming throughout the
city over the course of Labour Day weekend. The Chica-
go Jazz Festival has been part of the city’s summer music
schedule for more than 40 years. The range of artists spans
from jazz legends to influential modern masters and crucial
Foto: profimedia / Bruce Leighty / Alamy

new voices in the genre’s continuing evolution.

When the great Duke Ellington died in the summer of 1974.
several dozen Chicago musicians held a festival in his hon-
our, at the south end of Grant Park. Then, in 1978, musicians
held the first John Coltrane Memorial Concert in Grant Park
and the next year the Jazz Institute of Chicago began plan-
ning its own August festival. The first Chicago Jazz Festival,
held at the new Petrillo Music Shell, had an Ellington night, a
Najstariji od besplatnih muzičkih festivala na obali jezera u
Coltrane night, and five other programmes organised by the Čikagu može se pohvaliti neverovatno raznolikom postavom
Jazz Institute. As many as 125,000 people came to listen, The oldest of Chicago’s free lakefront music festivals boasts an
dance, picnic on the grass and enjoy the birth of what was to incredibly diverse line-up
become the world’s most extensive free jazz festival.

104 | Čikago » Chicago

Sport Sports

U napad
A l e ksa n da r
Ata n a s i j e v i ć

na olimpijsku medalju

Srbija od odbojkaša uvek očekuje najviše. specifično takmičenje s obzirom na

Tako su nas navikli prethodnih godina i zato značaj koji ima novi sistem bodova-
sa nestrpljenjem očekujemo nova takmičenja. nja. Sada je svaka pobeda važna jer
Prvo u napornoj i izazovnoj 2023. očekuje vas približava plasmanu na Olimpij-
nas već u junu, kada se igra Liga nacija ske igre u Parizu 2024. Zato je teš-
ko da bilo šta računamo unapred,
Selektor Igor Kolako- vom okupljanju nacionalnog tima kad je reč o konačnom plasmanu.
vić se za Ligu nacija osla- i da sada sa nestrpljenjem očekuje Naš zadatak je da damo sve od se-
nja na proverene snage, a prve utakmice. be i da odigramo najbolju odbojku.
ime koje se izdvaja svakako je Alek- – Svi smo se uželeli da budemo Znam da to možemo. Najvažnije je
sandar Atanasijević. Korektor Or- zajedno, da se družimo treniramo, da nas zaobiđu povrede i da idemo
lova ne krije da se obradovao no- igramo... Liga nacija je ove sezone vikend po vikend.

106 | Odbojka » Volleyball

Aleksandar Atanasijević je reprezentativac Srbije, Aleksandar Atanasijević is a Serbian volleyball international
učesnik Olimpijskih igara u Londonu 2012. i dvostruki who competed in the 2012 London Olympics and is a two-
šampion Evrope (2011, 2019) time European champion (2011, 2019)

Posle Lige nacija pred odboj- A l e k s a n d a r Ata n a s i j e v i ć

kašima je vrhunac 2023. godine –
Evropsko prvenstvo od 28. avgusta
do 16. septembra u Izraelu, Italiji, Attack on an
Olympic medalor
Bugarskoj i Severnoj Makedoniji...
– Ima još dosta do kontinental-
nog šampionata i siguran sam da
ćemo biti pravi kada bude bilo naj- Serbia always has the highest expectations of its
važnije. Bitno je da pratimo instruk- volleyball players. That’s what they got us accustomed
cije stručnog štaba i selektora Kola-
to over previous years, and that’s why we always await
kovića i da radimo po planu. Srbija
ima kontinuitet dobrih rezultata na new competitions impatiently. The first in the gruelling
evropskim prvenstvima, pa se na- and challenging 2023 awaits us as early as June, when
dam da će tako da bude i ove godi- they compete in the Nations League
ne. Ponoviću, kao i do sada, bitno
je da idemo redom. National team head tem. Every victory is now important,
Da se vratimo na Olimpij- coach Igor Kolaković is re- because it brings you closer to qual-
ske igre u Parizu. Odboj- lying on tried and tested ifying for the 2024 Paris Olympics.
kaša na najvećoj svetskoj powerhouses for the Nations That’s why it’s hard to calculate an-
smotri nije bilo još od Lon- League, and one name that stands ything in advance, when it comes to
dona i 2012. godine. Da li out is certainly Aleksandar Atanasi- final qualification. Our task is to give
ćemo vas naredne gleda- jević. The Eagles’ Opposite doesn’t our all and play the best volleyball.
ti u glavnom gradu Fran- hide his happiness about the national I know we can do it. The most im-
cuske? team squad coming together again, portant thing is for us to avoid inju-
– Igrao sam tada u Londonu i or that he is now impatiently await- ries and go one weekend at a time.”
dobro znam šta svakom sportisti ing the first matches. After the Nations League, the
znače Olimpijske igre. Tačno je, du- “We all missed being to- volleyball national team is awaited
go nas nema, ali ova generacija ima gether and wanted to by the top competition in 2023: the
priliku da ponovo napadne medalju. hang out together, to European Championship, to be held
Zato je važno da u Ligi nacija saku- train, to play... This from 28th August to 16th September
pimo što više bodova i da se spremi- season’s Nations in Israel, Italy, Bulgaria and North
mo za oktobar, koji će da bude naj- League is a specific Macedonia...
važniji mesec u 2023. Tada se igraju competition, given “The continental championship
kvalifikacije za Olimpijske igre i ve- the significance of is still a long way off and I’m sure we’ll
rujem da ćemo se plasirati u Pariz. the new scoring sys- be the real deal when it matters the
Svi to želimo kao krunu karijere. most. It is important for us to fol-
Pored reprezentacije Sr- low the instructions of the coaching
bije, velike planove imate staff and head coach Kolaković and
i na klupskoj sceni. Sezo- to work according to the plan. Ser-
nu ste završili u poljskom bia has continuity in terms of good
klubu Skra Belhatov? results at the European champion-
– U ovom trenutku Srbija je ships, and I hope it will be the same
na prvom mestu, ali naravno da again this year. I will repeat, as has
imam i velike ambicije sa klu- been the case to date, it is impor-
bom. Videćemo šta će da bu- tant that we take one step at a time.”
de, ima još dosta vremena za Returning to the Par-
izbor prave sredine. Svakako, is Olympics, our volleyball
želim da sa klubom osvojim team hasn’t competed at the
trofeje u svim takmičenjima
u kojima ćemo igrati.
Videli smo vas ne-
davno u „Areni“, Tekst / Words:
na meču košarka- Aleksandar Pjevac
ša Partizana i Reala Fotografije / Photography:
u četvrtfinalu Evro- Aleksandar Dimitrijević

Volleyball » Odbojka | 107

s p o rt / s po r ts

– Da budem iskren, sanjam tu da smo u avionu, na aerodromu,

vrstu atmosfere na nekom odboj- u hotelu...
kaškom meču, da igramo pred pu-
Korektor Orlova ne krije Sigurni smo da nema gra-

da se obradovao novom
nim tribinama, 20 hiljada ljudi... da u kojem niste bili. Gde
Zaista, košarkaški klub Partizan ste se osećali najprijatni-
i njegovi navijači imaju to nešto
posebno o čemu sanja svaki spor-
okupljanju reprezentacije je i gde uvek volite da se
tista. Atmosfera iz „Arene“ je sada The Eagles’ Opposite – Najlepši grad mi je Beč. U
već dovoljno poznata širom Evro-
pe, svi pričaju o tome i verujem da
doesn’t hide his happiness njemu sam imao priliku da igram
2011. godine i volim često da mu
bi svi voleli da makar na trenutak about the national team se vratim, kad god imam vreme-
osete deo te energije.
Red je da pričamo i o srp- squad coming together na. U Beču sam upoznao i supru-
gu Elicu, tako da za mene on ima
skim odbojkašicama, ko- stvarno poseban značaj. Drago mi
je redovno osvajaju me- je što ćemo uskoro ponovo imati
dalje i trofeje na svim ruju. Verujem da mi to možemo. priliku da putujemo u Čikago, na
velikim takmičenjima, od Sportisti često putuju i mečeve Lige nacija. Bio sam dva pu-
Lige nacija, preko šampi- veliki deo vremena provo- ta u Čikagu, ali nisam imao vreme-
onata Evrope i planete, do dite na aerodromima, iz- na da upoznam grad u kojem živi
Olimpijskih igara... među letova. Šta radite da dosta Srba. Nadam se da ću sada,
– To što naše odbojkašice ima- biste prekratili vreme? kada Er Srbija ima direktne leto-
ju je nešto što zaista nikada nije vi- – Obično gledam neki film ili ve, uspeti da ga obiđem i uživam.
đeno kada je srpski sport u pita- čitam knjigu. Navikao sam se da Za kraj nam kažite: gde
nju. Nema takmičenja sa kojeg se često putujem, pre svega sa repre- biste voleli da živite jed-
nisu vratile bez odličja. Na to na- zentacijom, i za mene je to postala nog dana kada završite
še rivalstvo, tako da ga nazovem, svakodnevica. Pauze na aerodromi- sportsku karijeru?
gledam kao na nešto izuzetno po- ma mi ne padaju teško jer u nacio- – Iskreno, samo u Beogradu.
zitivno i njihov uspeh predstavlja nalnom timu imamo neverovatnu Obožavam svoj rodni grad i stvarno
veliku motivaciju za sve nas. Tera- atmosferu koja nas krasi već go- ne mogu da zamislim da sa porodi-
ju nas da pokušamo da dosegnemo dinama. Družimo se i trudimo da com živim u nekom drugom gradu
visine i rezultate koje one ostva- uživamo u svakom trenutku, bilo ili u nekoj drugoj zemlji.

108 | Odbojka » Volleyball

“That which our women volley-
ball players have is something that’s
really never been seen before when
it comes to Serbian sport. There’s no
competition they haven’t returned
home from without medals. I view
our rivalry, as I call it, as being some-
thing extremely positive and their
success represents a great source of
motivation for all of us. They com-
pel us try to reach the kind of heights
and results that they achieve. I be-
lieve we can do that.”
Athletes travel often and
spend a lot of their time in
airports, between flights.
What do you do to while
away the time?
“I usually watch some film or read
a book. I’m used to travelling often,
primarily with the national team, and
world’s biggest event since that has become an everyday thing

To što naše odbojkašice

London 2012? Will we watch for me. I don’t struggle with breaks
you compete at the next one at airports, because in the national
in the French capital? imaju je nešto što zaista team we have an incredible atmos-

nikada nije viđeno That

“I played in London back then phere that has marked us for years.
and I’m very well aware of what the We hang out and try to enjoy every
Olympic Games mean to every ath- which our women volleyball moment, whether we’re aboard a

players have is something

lete. It’s correct that we haven’t been plane, at an airport, in a hotel etc.”
there for a long time, but this gen- We’re certain there’s pret-
eration has an opportunity to again that’s really never been seen ty much no city you haven’t

launch an assault on a medal. That’s seen. Where did you feel the
why it’s important for us to collect as most pleasant and where do
many points as possible in the Na- you always like to return?
tions League and to get ourselves “For me, the most beautiful city
ready for October, which will be the is Vienna. I had an opportunity to
most important month in 2023. “To be honest, I dream of that play there in 2011 and I like to re-
That’s when the Olympic qualifiers kind of atmosphere at some volley- turn to it often, whenever I have the
will be played, and I believe we will ball match; for us to play in front of time. It was also in Vienna that I met
qualify for Paris. We all want that as full stands, 20,000 people... And tru- my wife Elitsa, so it really holds spe-
the crowning glory of our careers.” ly, the Partizan basketball club and cial meaning for me. I’m glad that
Apart from the Serbia na- its fans have that special something we will soon have an opportunity to
tional team, you also have that every athlete dreams about. The travel to Chicago again, for match-
big plans on the club scene. atmosphere of the Belgrade Arena is es in the Nations League. I’ve been
You ended the season at Po- already sufficiently well-known across to Chicago twice, but I didn’t have
land’s Skra Bełchatów? Europe, everyone talks about it and time to familiarise myself with the
“At this moment, Serbia is my top I believe everyone would like to feel city that’s home to a lot of Serbs. I
priority, but of course I also have big part of that energy, even if only mo- hope that now, when Air Serbia has
club ambitions. We’ll see what will be; mentarily.” direct flights, I will manage to visit
there’s still plenty of time to choose We should also discuss Ser- it and enjoy myself.”
the right environment. I certainly bia’s women’s volleyball And to conclude, where
want to win trophies with my club team, which regularly wins would you like to live one
in all the competitions we’ll play in.” medals and trophies at all day in the future, after you
We saw you at the Belgrade major competitions, from finish your career?
Arena recently, at the bas- the Nations League, via the “Honestly, only in Belgrade. I love
ketball EuroLeague quarter- European and world cham- my hometown and really can’t im-
final match between Parti- pionships, to the Olympic agine living with my family in some
zan and Real Madrid? Games... other city or country.”

Volleyball » Odbojka | 109

Er Srbija info Air Serbia info
Foto: Depositphotos / Alexlukin

110 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Palermo Do Palerma, administrativnog centra
Sicilije, Er Srbija saobraća od 14. juna,
Air Serbia operates flights to Palermo,
the regional capital of Sicily, from 14th June,
Palermo svake srede i subote every Wednesday and Saturday

srce Sicilije
Palermo je glavni grad Sicilije,
koja je najveće ostrvo u Sredo-
zemnom moru i nalazi se na kraj-
njem jugu Italije, u neposred-
noj blizini Tunisa i Malte. Živahan
grad u srcu Mediterana, Paler-
mo je pun ukusa i mirisa koji lako
opravdavaju titulu kulturne pre-
stonice Italije. Ponosan na svo-
je poreklo sa grčkim, arapskim i
rimskim uticajima, grad održava
svoje pijace užurbanim, drevne
ulice živim i opere punim umet-
nika i entuzijasta. Okupajte se u
mirnim vodama Tirenskog mora,
popnite se na najveći aktivni vul-
kan u Evropi ili prošetajte vekov-
nim lavirintom ulica. Ovo su sa-
mo neke od stvari koje treba
videti u Palermu.

The picturesque
heart of Sicily
Palermo is the capital of Sicily, the
largest island in the Mediterrane-
an, which sits at the bottom of the
boot of Italy, in close proximity to
both Tunisia and Malta. A vibrant
city at the heart of the Mediter-
ranean, Palermo is full of flavours
and aromas that on their own eas-
ily justify the city’s moniker as the
cultural capital of Italy. Proud of its
origins with Greek, Arabic and Ro-
man influences, the city keeps its
markets bustling, ancient streets
lively, and opera houses packed
with artists and enthusiasts. Bathe
in the tranquil waters of the Tyrrhe-
nian Sea, climb Europe’s largest
active volcano or walk the age-old
labyrinth of streets. These are on-
ly a few of the many things to do
in Palermo.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 111

N as l e đ e / H e r i tag e

S r e ć a n 9 6 . r o đ e n d a n / H a pp y 9 6 t h b i r t h d ay

Er Srbija ponosno korača u susret stogodišnjici /

Air Serbia striding proudly towards its centenary
Ovog meseca slavimo 96 godina This month we celebrate 96 years of the
kompanije koja je prvobitno osnovana company that was originally established
17. juna 1927. godine pod imenom on 17th June 1927, under the name
„Aeroput“, što Er Srbiju čini osmom Aeroput, making Air Serbia the world’s
najstarijom avio-kompanijom na svetu eighth oldest airline that’s still operational
koja još posluje
Aeroput, koji je sa čuvenim pilotom i svojim Aeroput, which was headed by famous aviator
jedinim direktorom Tadijom Sondermajerom na če- and its only director Tadija Sondermajer and was the pride
lu bio ponos Kraljevine Jugoslavije. JAT, avio-kompa- of the then Kingdom of Yugoslavia. JAT, the airline that once
nija koja je predstavljala jedinstveni vazdušni most ka Er Srbija represented the only air bridge connecting all corners of the
svim stranama sveta. Nova srpska krila – Er Srbija ko- 23. juna world. Air Serbia, the new Serbian wings, which today flies
ja danas leti do više od 80 destinacija širom sveta i je- obeležava to more than 80 destinations around the world, and is the
dina je kompanija u regionu koja leti do Sjedinjenih sedam only company in the region that flies to the United States.
godina od
Američkih Država. Inspiration is still drawn from the courageous pioneers
prvog leta
Inspiracija još uvek dolazi od hrabrosti pionira do- za Njujork of domestic aviation, who had to overcome numerous dif-
maće avijacije, koji su te davne 1927. godine morali da 2016. godine ficulties back in 1927. Air Transport Company AD Aeroput
se suoče sa brojnim teškoćama. Društvo za vazduš- was the first Yugoslav joint-stock company for civil aviation,
ni saobraćaj AD Aeroput which was founded on 17th
bilo je prvo jugoslovensko June, 1927 and formally ce-
akcionarsko preduzeće ased operations on 24th De-
za civilni vazdušni saobra- cember, 1948. It was among
ćaj osnovano 17. Jun 1927, the first civilian airlines, re-
a formalno prestalo sa ra- presenting only the 10th su-
dom 24. decembra 1948. ch company in Europe and
godine. Bilo je među pr- the 21st worldwide. At its pe-
vim civilnim avio-prevo- ak, Aeroput flew to all four
znicima, kao 10. kompani- corners of the world. During
ja u Evropi i 21. u svetu. Na the company’s heyday, all
svom vrhuncu „Aeroput“ of Yugoslavia’s larger cities
je leteo na sve četiri stra- were connected to Belgra-
ne sveta, a sa Beogradom de, as well as some smaller
su u najbolje doba ove ones.
kompanije povezani goto- Prior to the outbreak of
vo svi veći jugoslovenski World War II, Aeroput had
gradovi, pa i neki manji. a modern fleet of 14 planes
Pred Drugi svetski rat „Aeroput“ je imao modernu (with seven Lockheed aircraft forming the spine), operated
flotu od 14 aviona (sa sedam lokida kao okosnicom) by a dozen pilots and five radio-telegraphists. Aeroput’s ina-
koju je opsluživalo desetak pilota i pet radio-telegrafi- ugural and only director, as mentioned, was Tadija Sonder-
sta. Prvi direktor „Aeroputa“ bio je Tadija Sonderma- Air Serbia mejer, thanks to whom the company managed to come to
is marking
jer, zahvaljujući kome je kompanija na samom teškom the seventh life immediately, despite a very difficult start, and who also
početku uspela da zaživi, a koji je obavio i prvi zvanič- anniversary of piloted the first official flight, together with Captain Vladimir
ni let s kapetanom Striževskim na relaciji Beograd– the first, 23rd Striževski, between Belgrade and Zagreb.
June, 2016,
Zagreb. flight to New Fame continued to be spread by Jat, which recorded
Slavu je nastavio da širi JAT, koji je zabeležio zlat- York the golden age of aviation, but Air Serbia is not far behind its
no doba avijacije, ali za svojim sjajnim prethodnicima great predecessors. The modern company has record re-
ne zaostaje ni Er Srbija, koja ove godine beleži rekor- sults in the number of transported passengers this year, is
dne rezultate u broju prevezenih putnika, stalno ši- constantly expanding its fleet and increasing the number of
ri svoju flotu i povećava broj destinacija, zbog čega destinations, which is why it's as though the whole world is
nam je ceo svet kao na dlanu. in the palm of your hand.

112 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Najbolje cene karata putem

direktnih prodajnih kanala Er Srbije

The best ticket prices via O N LY

Air Serbia direct sales channels GOOD

Zašto? / Why?

Bez dodatnih troškova

No extra fees

Efikasna i direktna komunikacija sa

putnicima putem naših kanala
Efficient and direct communication
with passengers via our channels


Brzo i adekvatno reagovanje na
Ovaj paket dodatnih usluga garantujebilonajbolje iskustvo na aerodromu Nikola Tesla u Beogradu. U
kakve promene
cenu paketa je uključen boravak uQuick
Er Srbija Premijum salonu u trajanju od 60 minuta, prioritetni
and adequate
prolaz na pasoškoj kontroli, kao i prvenstvo pri prijavi
response to any na let i ukrcavanju.
Za više informacija , molimo obratite se kabinskom osoblju ili posetite

This bundle guarantees the best airport experience at Nikola Tesla Belgrade airport. Services included
at the bundle are 1 hour Air Serbia Premium Lounge pass, Fast Lane at Departures, Priority Check-In
and Priority Boarding.
er sr bija info / air Ser bia info

Tri pitanja za... Three questions for...

Nikolu Kostića, kopilota Nikola Kostić, First Officer
U junu počinjemo da letimo do sedam novih gra- We’re introducing flights to seven new cities during
dova. Imate li svog favorita među novim destinacija- June. Do you have a favourite among the new destinati-
ma? ons?
– Kada sam ja putnik, bitan činilac u odabiru turi- “An important factor in choosing a tourist destination
stičke destinacije su hrana i njen kulturni sadržaj. Odra- when I’m the traveller is the food and cultural content. I grew
stao sam na bakinoj istarskoj kuhinji i, u skladu s tim, sa- up on my grandmother’s Istrian cuisine and, in accordance
ma pomisao na mediteranske specijalitete mi je već with that, the mere thought of Mediterranean specialities is
korak do bukiranja karte. Favorit je Palermo. Ranije su already a step towards me reserving a ticket. My favourite:
putnici koji su želeli avionskim prevozom do Sicilije mo- Palermo. Passengers who previously wanted to fly to Sici-
rali da budu spremni na bar jedno presedanje. Veoma ly had to be prepared for at least one connecting flight. I’m
sam srećan što ćemo biti u moguć- very happy that we’ll now be able,
nosti da za samo dva sata leta uži- with just a two-hour flight, to enjoy
vamo u istorijskim lokalitetima ovog the historical sites of this city and its
grada i predivnim plažama. wonderful beaches.”
Letite na ATR-u, avionu za ko- You fly ATR aircraft, whi-
ji su mnogi piloti rekli da je ve- ch many pilots have described
oma bezbedan. Ali recite nam as being very safe. But could
ima li ograničenja kad je u pitanju you tell us if there are any limits
distanca, odnosno, koliko najdalje when it comes to distance, or rat-
taj tip aviona može da leti? her, what’s the maximum flight
– Kako i sam akronim kaže – distance for that type of plane?
„Avions de transport régional“ – “As the acronym itself says - Avi-
ATR je regionalni avion. U našoj floti ons de transport régional - ATR pla-
su avioni sa maksimalnim kapacite- nes are regional. Our fleet has such
tom od 72 putnika. U zavisnosti od planes with a maximum capacity of
težine i količine goriva, komponen- 72 passengers. Depending on the
te vetra i visine na kojoj se krsta- weight and amount of fuel, the wind
ri, ATR može da leti oko 2.000 ki- factor and cruise altitude, an ATR can
lometara. fly around 2,000 kilometres.”
Ako biste mogli da birate od If you could choose between
preko 80 destinacija Er Srbije, gde the more than 80 Air Serbia desti-
biste nas odvezli u junu? nations, where would you “lead”
– Moja preporuka je Malaga. us in June?
Kultura, umetnost, kulinarske de- “My recommendation is Mala-
licije, sve izvedeno iz njenog bogatog istorijskog na- ga. Culture, art, culinary delicacies, all drawn from its rich
sleđa. Ima sjajnu poziciju za obilazak još nekih andalu- historical heritage. It’s in a great position for touring some
zijskih gradova ili popularnih izletišta poput Marbelje. other Andalusian cities or popular tourist destinations like
Međutim, destinaciju za putovanje svako bira na osno- Marbella. However, everyone chooses a travel destination
vu ličnih afiniteta, a mi smo tu da obezbedimo siguran i on the basis of their personal preferences, and we are here
bezbedan početak odmora. to ensure a safe and secure start to their holiday.”

Veoma sam srećan što ćemo sada biti

u mogućnosti da za samo dva sata leta
uživamo u lepotama Sicilije
I’m very happy that we’ll now be able, with just a
two-hour flight, to enjoy all the beauty of Sicily

114 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

M a ks i m a l n a u d o b n o s t j e p r i o r i t e t
maximum comfort is our priority

Nove mogućnosti
NEW possibilities

Nacionalna avio-kompanija Republike Srbije pod

imenom Er Srbija posluje od oktobra 2013. godine, kada je
promenila ime i celokupan identitet, uvodeći nove koncep- The national airline of the Republic of Serbia has
te poslovanja i usluge širom rastuće saobraćajne mreže. been operating under the Air Serbia name since October 2013,
Naslednica je prve avio-kompanije na ovim prostorima – when the national carrier’s name and overall identity were chan-
„Aeroputa“, koja je osnovana u junu 1927. godine. Od tada ged, with the introduction of new business concepts and services
do danas Er Srbija je bila među liderima civilnog vazduho- across its growing network of destinations.
plovstva, a od 1961. godine je članica Međunarodne asoci- Air Serbia is the direct successor of the region’s first airline:
jacije avio-prevoznika (IATA). Aeroput, which was founded in June 1927, and since then the Ser-
Er Srbija leti do preko 80 redovnih i čarter destinaci- bian national airline has been among the leaders of civil aviation,
ja u Evropi, na Mediteranu, Severnoj Americi i Africi, a sada becoming a member of the International Air Transport Associati-
i Aziji, i to u putničkom i teretnom saobraćaju. U saradnji sa on (IATA) in 1961. Air Serbia flies to more than 80 scheduled and
partnerskim avio-kompanijama u prilici je da putnicima po- charter destinations in Europe, the Mediterranean region, North
nudi letove do međunarodnih odredišta u Aziji, Australiji, America and Africa, but now also Asia, providing both passenger
Severnoj Americi i Africi. and cargo transport services. In cooperation with its partner airli-
Pored matičnog aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, nes, Air Serbia is able to offer flights to international destinations
Er Srbija u Srbiji leti i sa niškog aerodroma „Konstantin Ve- in Asia, Australia, North America and Africa.
liki“, kao i sa međunarodnog aerodroma „Morava“ kod Kra- Alongside Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, as its hub, Air Ser-
ljeva. bia also flies from Serbian airports Niš Constantine the Great and
Er Srbija igra ključnu ulogu u razvoju vazduhoplovstva Morava Airport near Kraljevo.
u Srbiji, srpske industrije putovanja i turističke privrede Sr- Air Serbia plays a key role in the development of aviation in
bije. Prioritet kompanije je pružanje usluge izuzetnog kva- Serbia, but also Serbia’s travel and tourism industry. The com-
liteta za putnike. Cilj nam je da putnicima pružimo mak- pany’s priority is to offer passengers an exceptionally high-quality
simalnu udobnost tokom putovanja, bez obzira na klasu service. Our aim is to provide passengers with maximum comfort
kojom lete. throughout their journey, regardless of which class they fly.

Er Srbija na konferenciji „Asia Connect: Digital Air Travel“

Air Serbia at Asia Connect: Digital Air Travel conference

Er Srbija je učestvovala na događaju iz oblasti avijaci- Air Serbia participated in the aviation industry event Asia
je „Asia Connect: Digital Air Travel“, održanom 10. maja u Connect: Digital Air Travel, which was held on 10th May at Bel-
hotelu „Hajat“ u Beogradu. Početak konferencije obele- grade’s Hyatt Regency Hotel. The opening of the conferen-
žio je intervju Jiržija Mareka, generalnog direktora Er Srbi- ce was marked by an interview with Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek
je, sa Kurtom Hofmanom, urednikom „Air Transport Wor- conducted by Kurt Hoffmann, aviation editor at Air Transport
ld“. Srđan Prokić, viši menadžer za E-commerce Er Srbije, World. Air Serbia Head of E-commerce Srđan Prokić partici-
učestvovao je na panelu „Digital Commerce in Aviation“ i pated in the panel debate Digital Commerce in Aviation, wi-
u svom izlaganju akcenat stavio na digitalnu transforma- th his presentation emphasising the digital transformation of
ciju turističke industrije. the tourism industry.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 115

Pratite nas Follow us


Hajde da budemo prijatelji

Let’s be friends
#FlyAirSerbia 🎉 Exciting news! 🎉
🎉 Uzbudljive vesti! 🎉 We added a new weekly flight between #Belgrade
Uveli smo nove nedeljne letove između Beograda and #Madrid. This brings our total number of week-
i Madrida. Na taj način povećavamo ukupan broj ly flights to three, providing even greater connectiv-
nedeljnih letova na tri, pružajući još bolju povezanost ity and flexibility for both business and leisure trav-
i fleksibilnost. 🛫 Letovi su ponedeljkom, sredom i ellers. 🛫Flights are on Mondays, Wednesdays and
subotom. 👉Rezervišite svoje karte i otkrijte živahnu Saturdays. 👉Book your tickets now and discover
kulturu, prelepu arhitekturu i ukusnu kuhinju Španije! the vibrant culture, stunning architecture, and deli-
Ne propustite ovu sjajnu priliku da istražite jednu od cious cuisine of Spain! Don't miss out on this amaz-
najpoznatijih evropskih destinacija, Madrid. ing opportunity to explore one of Europe's most
Vidimo se na letu! ✈🇪🇸 iconic destinations, Madrid.
See you onboard!

Uz rotirajući meni ukusnih sezonskih obroka koji su dostupni u našem Premijum
salonu, ukrcajte se zadovoljno na svoj sledeći let! 😍
📍 Posetite nas svakog dana na Aerodromu Nikola Tesla u Beogradu, u tranzitnoj zoni
između izlaza A4 i A5.
⏰ Od 5.00 do 20.00.
Očekujemo vas! 💙
With a rotating menu of delicious seasonal meals available in our Premium Lounge,
#EmbarkHappy on your next flight! 😍 📍 Visit us any day in the transit zone, be-
tween gates A4 and A5 at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport.
⏰ From 5am to 8pm.
We are expecting you! 💙 #FlyAirSerbia
Uzbudljive novosti! ✈
Naš novi avion „erbas A320“, sa registracijom YU-APS,
letom JU172 je po prvi put poleteo na redovnom letu za Er
Srbiju, prevezavši putnike iz Beograda za Podgoricu. Ovaj
prvi let predstavlja početak novog poglavlja za tu elegantnu
i sofisticiranu letelicu. YU-APS će pružiti udobno i prijatno
iskustvo putovanja za sve koji lete tim avionom. 😍
Exciting news! ✈
Our new Airbus A320, with registration YU-APS, took
off with flight JU172, its very first journey on a scheduled
Air Serbia flight, carrying passengers from #Belgrade to
#Podgorica. This maiden flight marks the start of a new
chapter for this sleek and sophisticated aircraft.
YU-APS promises to provide a comfortable and enjoyable
travel experience for everyone on board. 😍

Koristite #AirSerbia kada putujete sa nama. Dobro došli! / Keep travelling

and use #AirSerbia when flying with us! Welcome onboard!

Prvi saznajte sve o specijalnim ponudama Be the first to find out about our
i novinama. Posetite i special offers. Visit and
prijavite se za naš Newsletter sign up for our Newsletter

116 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

e r s r b i ja i n f o / a i r S e r b i a i n f o

na vašoj

Planiranje putovanja nika-

da nije bilo lakše uz naše
partnere. Bilo da želite da rezer-
višete smeštaj iz snova, unajmi-
te vozilo za sledeći porodični izlet ili
izaberete turističku aktivnost, ima-
mo pravu ponudu za vas.

Ture & aktivnosti

Otkrijte sve atrakcije i skrivene
dragulje na vašoj destinaciji. Er Sr-
bija i „TripAdmit“ vam donose ne-
ke od najatraktivnijih tura i niz aktiv-
nosti koje će vaše putovanje učiniti
Za rezervaciju usluge i više Ancillary
informacija posetite
at your Hotels
Find the best accommodation
Pronađite najbolji smeštaj za destination for your next journey through our
svoje naredno putovanje preko na- partner Explore co-
šeg partnera Istraži- untless options worldwide, as well
te bezbroj mogućnosti širom sveta, With our partners, as special offers at the local level,
kao i posebne ponude na lokalnom planning a journey has ne- and all at affordable prices and with
nivou, a sve to uz povoljne cene i ver been easier. Whether you greater flexibility when booking ac-
veću fleksibilnost prilikom rezerva- want to book your dream accom- commodation.
cije smeštaja. modation, rent a car for your next Book services and find
Za rezervaciju usluge i više family excursion or choose a tou- more information by visiting
informacija posetite rist activity, we have the right offer for you.
Car rental
Najam vozila Tours and activities Renting a vehicle has never
Najam vozila nikada nije bio Discover all the attractions and been easier or more affordable
jednostavniji i povoljniji uz našeg hidden gems of your destination. than it is with our partner Rental-
partnera Pretraži- Air Serbia and TripAdmit bring you Search, select and bo-
te, odaberite i rezervišite vozilo kod some of the most attractive tours ok a vehicle with more than 900
više od 900 agencija na više od and activities that will ensure your agencies in over 60,000 locations
60.000 lokacija širom sveta. travels are unforgettable. worldwide.
Za rezervaciju usluge i više Book services and find Book services and find
informacija posetite more information by visiting more information by visiting

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 117



Mapa destinacija
Destination map Oslo Sweden St. Petersburg

Redovne linije iz Beograda / Scheduled from Belgrade
Sezonske linije iz Beograda / Seasonal from Belgrade
Redovne linije iz Niša / Scheduled from Niš
Sezonske linije iz Niša / Seasonal from Niš Gothenburg
Redovne linije iz Kraljeva / Scheduled from Kraljevo
Sezonske linije iz Kraljeva / Seasonal from Kraljevo Latvia


Kingdom Berlin
Amsterdam Hannover
London Dusseldorf

Brussels Cologne
Frankfurt Prague
Frankfurt / Hahn Nuremberg Czechia

Paris Slovakia
Stuttgart Vienna
France Zurich Austria

Lyon Milan

Bologna Belgrade

Florence Kraljevo
Marseille Niš


Spain Rome
Barcelona Bari

Valencia Palma de Mallorca





118 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Libya

Udaljenost od Beograda Diseldorf / Dusseldorf 1.234 Ljubljana / Ljubljana 481 Salcburg / Salzburg 660
Distance from Belgrade (km) Firenca / Florence 740 Madrid / Madrid 2.217 Sankt Peterburg / St Petersburg 1.796
Amsterdam / Amsterdam 1.408 Frankfurt / Frankfurt 1054 Malaga / Malaga 2.268 Sarajevo / Sarajevo 192
Ankara / Ankara 1.164 Geteborg / Gothenburg 1.547 Malta / Malta 1.110 Skoplje / Skopje 330
Atina / Athens 824 Hamburg / Hamburg 1.233 Marselj / Marseille 1.215 Sofija / Sofia 344
Banjaluka / Banja Luka 246 Hanover / Hannover 1.1151 Milano / Milan 871 Solun / Thessaloniki 526
Beč / Vienna 467 Hanja / Chania 1.074 Moskva / Moscow 1.717 Soči / Sochi 1.537
Bari / Bari 505 Istanbul / Istanbul 809 Napulj / Naples 676 Split / Split 351
Barselona / Barcelona 1.582 Iraklion / Heraklion 1.125 Njujork / New York 7.260 Stokholm / Stockholm 1.629
Berlin / Berlin 977 Izmir / Izmir 901 Nirnberg / Nuremberg 877 Štutgart / Stuttgart 948
Bolonja / Bologna 1.047 Katanija / Catania 930 Oslo / Oslo 1.801 Tel Aviv / Tel Aviv 1.881
Budimpešta / Budapest 319 Kazanj / Kazan 2.349 Ohrid / Ohrid 410 Tivat / Tivat 298
Brisel / Brussels 1.357 Keln / Cologne 1.180 Palermo / Palermo 960 Tirana / Tirana 382
Bukurešt / Bucharest 460 Kopenhagen / Copenhagen 1.318 Palma de Majorka / Palma de Mallorca 1.561 Tjenđin / Tianjin 7.539
Cirih / Zurich 951 Krakov / Krakow 586 Pariz / Paris 1.415 Varna / Varna 620
Čikago / Chicago 8.027 Kairo / Cairo 1.892 Podgorica / Podgorica 286 Valensija / Valencia 1.811
Dubrovnik / Dubrovnik 299 Krf / Corfu 578 Pula / Pula 523 Venecija / Venice 640
Larnaka / Larnaca 1.585 Prag / Prague 744 Zadar / Zadar 422
London / London 1.675 Rijeka / Rijeka 477 Zagreb / Zagreb 348
Moscow Lion / Lyon 1.230 Rim / Rome 721 Ini Udaljenost od Niša
Lisabon / Lisbon 2.531 Rodos / Rhodes 1.135 Distance from Niš (km)
Atina / Athens 630
Beograd / Belgrade 201
Frankfurt Han / Frankfurt Hahn 1.054
Istanbul / Istanbul 635
Russia Keln / Cologne 1.391
Ljubljana / Ljubljana 667
Chicago Tivat / Tivat 278
Ka New York tianjin Kvo Udaljenost od Kraljeva
Distance from Kraljevo (km)
Istanbul / Istanbul 724
Ukraine Solun / Thessaloniki 390
Tivat / Tivat 217


Sochi Ljubljana

Pula Banja Luka

Zadar Kraljevo
Split Sarajevo
Bulgaria Varna
Ankara Tivat Podgorica
Turkey Skopje

Ohrid Istanbul



Tel Aviv


Cairo Chania
Nove destinacije / New destinations
Beograd/Belgrade Budimpešta/Budapest 13. mart/13th March
Beograd/Belgrade Tel Aviv/Tel Aviv 6. april/6th April
Beograd/Belgrade Ankara/Ankara 7. april/7th April

Beograd/Belgrade Katanija/Catania 14. april/14th April
Beograd/Belgrade Izmir/Izmir 15. april/15th April
Beograd/Belgrade Lisabon/Lisbon 15. april/15th April
we‘re taking off
Beograd/Belgrade Kairo/Cairo 15. maj/15th May
Beograd/Belgrade Hamburg/Hamburg 15. maj/15th May
Beograd/Belgrade Čikago/Chicago 17. maj/17th May
Beograd/Belgrade Geteborg/Gothenburg 18. maj/18th May

Beograd/Belgrade Keln/Cologne 18. maj/18th May
Beograd/Belgrade Napulj/Naples 19. maj/19th May
Beograd/Belgrade Firenca/Florence 20. maj/20th May
Beograd/Belgrade Marselj/Marseille 20. maj/20th May
Beograd/Belgrade Iraklion/Heraklion 31. maj/31th May

Beograd/Belgrade Krakov/Krakow 4. jun/4th June

Beograd/Belgrade Varna/Varna 5. jun/5th June
Beograd/Belgrade Rodos/Rhodes 8. jun/8th June

Beograd/Belgrade Krf/Corfu 9. jun/9th June

Beograd/Belgrade Hanja/Chania 12. jun/12th June
Beograd/Belgrade Palermo/Palermo 14. jun/14th June
Beograd/Belgrade Ohrid/Ohrid 19. jun/19th June

Do jednog od
ostrva na
Mediteranu, Krfa,
od 9. juna možete
stići direktnim
letom Er Srbije
Starting on 9th June,
you can travel to
one of the most
charming islands in
the Mediterranean,
Corfu, by direct Air
Serbia flights

120 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Flota / Fleet

airbus a330-200
Nikola Tesla Broj aviona / Number in fleet 2
Dužina / Length 57,51 m
Raspon krila / Wingspan 60,30 m

Broj sedišta / Seats 257, 268

Brzina krstarenja 870 km/h
/ Cruising speed
Visina krstarenja 12.500 m
/ Maximum cruising altitude

airbus a320 airbus a319

Broj aviona / Number in fleet 3 Broj aviona / Number in fleet 10
Dužina / Length 37,57 m Dužina / Length 33,84 m
Raspon krila / Wingspan 35,80 m Raspon krila / Wingspan 35,80 m

Broj sedišta / Seats 174 Broj sedišta / Seats 144

Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed 828 km/h Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed 828 km/h
Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude 11.887 m Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude 11.887 m

Atr 72-600
Za više detalja molimo vas posetite
Broj aviona / Number in fleet 5
sajt / For more
Dužina / Length 27,16 m
details please visit
Raspon krila / Wingspan 27,05 m
Broj sedišta / Seats 72
Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed 510 km/h
Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude 7.600 m

Ceo svet je bliži kad nas je više / The whole world is closer when there are more of us

Upoznajte naše kod-šer partnere / Meet our codeshare partners

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 121

Air SERBIA Airbus A330
2.800 RSD / 24 EUR
Razmera / Scale 1:200

Air SERBIA Airbus A320 Air Serbia Airbus A330

2.400 RSD / 21 EUR
Razmera / Scale 1:200 RSD 2.830

Air SERBIA Airbus A330

Mihajlo Pupin
3.900 RSD / 34 EUR
Razmera / Scale 1:200

Air SERBIA Airbus A330

Nikola Tesla
3.900 RSD / 34 EUR
Razmera / Scale 1:200

Razmera / Scale 1:200 Air SERBIA Airbus A319

2.400 RSD / 21 EUR

Air SERBIA ATR 72-600
Razmera / Scale 1:200
2.600 RSD / 23 EUR
Razmera / Scale 1:200

Makete možete kupiti u Er Srbija poslovnicama i Premijum salonu

Models can be purchased in selected Air SERBIA retail shops and Premium Lounge

Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 17 Jurija Gagarina 12 Air Serbia Premium Lounge

11000 Beograd 11070 Novi Beograd Aerodrom Nikola Tesla
122 Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Zabava na letu Inflight entertainment

na letu za
Enjoy the
flight to
New York kako sam upoznao vašu majku
How I met your mother
Bruklin 9-9
Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Ovo je samo deo

bogate ponude filmova,
TV serija i animiranih
filmova koja je dostupna
u biznis i ekonomskoj
klasi / This is just part of
the rich offer of films, TV
series and animated films
that are available to both
Business and Economy
Class passengers avanture mačka U kancelariji avanture rokija
u čizmama The Office i bulvinkla
The Adventures of The Adventures of
Puss in Boots Rocky and Bullwinkle

bornova nadmoć
Apolo 13 The Bourne Supremacy Mali šef
apollo 13 Skoro božić The Boss Baby
miris žene Almost Christmas
Scent of a Woman

Drama action porodični
drama 108 min. I 2004. drama family
140 min. I 1995. drama drama 97 min. I 2017.
drama 112 min. I 2016..
157 min. I 1992.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 123

Servisne informacije Service information


U avion možete besplatno da unesete Na let možete da unesete još jedan ... Jaknu ili kaput, sklopiva invalidska
komad ručnog prtljaga, za koji je dodatni mali komad prtljaga ili predmet kolica, ortopedska pomagala,
važno da ne prelazi dozvoljenu težinu i koji može da se smesti ispod sedišta koje kolica ili nosiljku za bebu, hranu i piće za
dimenzije. je ispred vas. bebu, kao i štap za hodanje.

8 kg
8 kg
8 kg 4 kg

Hand luggage Additional You can also

You can carry a piece of hand luggage hand luggage bring aboard...
aboard the plane free of charge, though You can carry aboard the plane an ... a jacket or coat, folding wheelchair,
it is important that this item does not additional small piece of luggage, or an orthopaedic aids, a baby stroller or carrier,
exceed the permitted weight and item that can be stored beneath the seat baby food and drink, as well as a walking
dimensions. in front of you. stick.

vežbe tokom leta IN-FLIGHT EXERCISES

Ove jednostavne vežbe pomoći će da se smanje These simple exercises will help to relieve the
umor i ukočenost koji se javljaju prilikom letenja. tiredness and stiffness associated with flying.


• Postavite jastuk iza leđa. • Udobno se smestite na sedištu i ispravite naslon za glavu.
• Sedite uspravno na sedištu da biste izbegli sabijanje • Nežno i polako kružite vratom na jednu stranu, zatim na
kičme. drugu stranu.
• Nemojte da prekrštate noge. Umesto toga, pokušajte • Pokušajte da zadnji deo vrata sve vreme držite pravo.
da sedite sa ravnomerno raspoređenom težinom. NECK ROLLS
SIT UP STRAIGHT •S  it back in the seat and flatten the headrest.
• Place a pillow at the hollow of the back. •G  ently and slowly roll the neck to one side, then back
• Sit up straight in the seat to avoid compressing the spine. through the centre towards the other side.
• Do not cross the legs. Instead, try to sit with weight • T ry to keep the back of the neck fully extended.
evenly balanced.
KRUŽITE STOPALOM • Sedite uspravno i nagnite se napred na sedištu.
• Sedite uspravno na sedištu, stavite jastuk pod butinu, • Približite ramena ušima, pa ih kružnim pokretom
iznad kolena. unazad spustite.
• Rasporedite težinu ravnomerno, pa kružite • Ponovite vežbu u suprotnom smeru podižući ramena
podignutim stopalom pazeci da vam pri tom cela prema ušima i spuštajući ih u početni položaj.
noga bude što mirnija.
ANKLE CIRCLES • Sit up straight and move forward in the seat.
• Sit up straight in the seat and place a pillow under the •B ring the shoulders up towards the ears, then circle
thigh, just above the knee. back downwards.
• Keep weight even and move the foot in a circular •R epeat the exercise by lifting the shoulders towards
motion, keeping the leg as still as possible. the ears before lowering in the opposite direction.

124 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Er Srbija poziva sve svoje putnike da dođu dovoljno rano na Air Serbia advises all its passengers to arrive at the airport on time
aerodrom kako bi završili prijavu za let na vreme. Prijavljivanje in order to be able to complete the check-in process. Please be
počinje najmanje dva sata pre vremena odlaska, međutim: advised that check-in opens at least two hours before time of
• Prijavljivanje na let zaključuje se 45 minuta pre poletanja. departure, however:
• Izlaz za ukrcavanje zatvara se 20 minuta pre • Check-in closes 45 minutes prior to flight departure
poletanja. • The boarding gate closes 20 minutes prior to flight
Za više informacija molimo pozovite kontakt-centar departure
Er Srbije na broj 0800 111 528 (besplatni pozivi sa For further information, please contact Air Serbia’s
fiksne i mobilne telefonije u Srbiji), +381 11 311 21 23 Contact Centre on 0800 111 528 (calls free of charge
za pozive iz inostranstva posetite zvanični veb-sajt Er from Serbian landlines and mobile networks) or +381
Srbije, ili bilo koju poslovnicu Er Check in 11 311 21 23 (if calling from abroad), or visit Air Serbia’s
Srbije ili ovlašćenih turističkih agencija. official website www.airserbia.comor any of Air Serbia’s
offices or authorised travel agents.

Pogodnosti za Namenski
putnike starije šalteri za
od 65 godina porodice /
/ Benefits for Dedicated
travellers aged counters for
over 65 families

Check in

Onlajn prijava na let Onlajn prijava na let

/ Online check-in ONLINE CHECK-IN
Er Srbija je dodala nove mogućnosti u okviru Air Serbia has added new features to its mobile
svoje mobilne aplikacije, pa je korisnicima sada app and users now have the option to purchase
na raspolaganju i opcija kupovine karata kao na tickets online, just like they would on the company
veb-sajtu. Pored toga, aplikacija je dostupna i website. Additionally the app is available on all
na svim mobilnim uređajima sa iOS operativnim iOS mobile devices . Air Serbia app has been
sistemom. Aplikaciju Er Srbije do sada je preuzelo downloaded more than 50,000 times so far. More
više od 50.000 korisnika. Više od dve trećine than two thirds of visits to the national airline’s
poseta veb-sajtu nacionalne avio-kompanije website have been through mobile devices, of
realizuje se putem mobilnih uređaja, od kojih which almost half are Apple devices.
gotovo polovinu predstavljaju epl uređaji. Čekirati se, naravno, možete i The users of the app have already been able to
preko desktopa / Of course, you
Korisnicima aplikacije su do sada već bile can also check in via the desktop
check-in, scan their passport, download their
dostupne opcije prijave na let (ček in), skeniranja boarding tickets and keep them in the Wallet
pasoša, preuzimanja karte za ukrcavanje i njeno app, register via email, Facebook and Google,
čuvanje u Wallet aplikaciji, registracije putem choose the analytics and message settings. They
mejla, fejsbuka i gugla, podešavanja analitike i have also had a very important option of safely
vrste poruka koje žele da primaju, kao i veoma keeping their travel documents. In addition to the
značajna mogućnost bezbednog čuvanja putnih new options of purchasing tickets, flight search
dokumenata. Uz novu mogućnost kupovine feature and price information, in the later stages
karata, pretragu letova i informacije o cenama, of development the passengers will be also able
putnici će u kasnijim fazama razvoja aplikaciju to use the app to purchase ancillary services,
moći da koriste i za kupovinu dodatnih usluga, or get service information about flight status,
servisne informacije o statusu leta, promotivne promotional campaigns and a number of other
akcije i niz drugih pogodnosti. benefits.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 125

Red letenja Timetable

Iz Beograda / from belgrade

pon uto sre čet pet sub ned pon uto sre čet pet sub ned
mon tue wed thu fry sat sun mon tue wed thu fry sat sun
A AMSTERDAM 06:40 06:40 06:40 06:40 06:40 06:40 06:40 06:30 17:20 17:25
AMSTERDAM 17:40 17:00 17:10 PARIS 06:40 06:40 06:30 06:45 06:40 06:30 06:35
ANKARA 00:30 00:30 00:30 00:30 PARIS 17:05 18:30 17:05 17:05 17:05 17:45 17:05
ATHENS 00:45 00:45 00:45 00:45 00:45 00:45 00:45 PODGORICA 07:10 07:00 07:00 07:00 06:50 06:50 06:50
ATHENS 13:05 13:20 12:15 13:05 12:25 13:10 12:25 PODGORICA 13:45 13:45 13:45 13:45 13:45 13:45 13:45
B BANJA LUKA 16:45 09:45 PODGORICA 20:15 20:15 20:20 20:15 20:30 20:15 20:30
PRAGUE 06:50 06:50 17:55 06:50 06:50 06:50 17:55
BARCELONA 06:30 06:30 17:10 06:30 06:30 06:30 17:10
PRAGUE 17:55 17:55 17:55 17:55
BARCELONA 17:10 18:00
PULA 13:10 09:50 09:50 09:50
BARI 18:10 07:20 07:15
BERLIN 07:10 07:10 07:10 18:05 07:10 18:05 R RHODES 11:50 12:00 11:50 12:00
BERLIN 18:05 RIJEKA 13:05 13:35
BOLOGNA 06:30 06:30 17:20 17:20 ROME 06:45 06:45 12:20 06:45 12:20 06:45 12:20
BRUSSELS 06:45 18:05 ROME 12:20 12:20 18:05 18:05
BUCHAREST 00:40 00:40 00:40 00:40 00:40 13:05
S SALZBURG 18:05 07:00
BUCHAREST 12:45 13:20 12:45
SARAJEVO 13:25 13:50 13:50 14:05 13:50 14:30 14:10
BUDAPEST 07:45 13:30 09:40 07:45 13:30 07:45 13:30
SKOPJE 00:40 00:55 00:40 00:40 00:45 00:40 00:45
BUDAPEST 13:30 20:15 18:30 13:30 18:30
SKOPJE 13:25 13:25 13:25 13:25 13:25 13:25 13:25
C CAIRO 23:15 23:20 23:15 SOCHI 23:40 23:40 23:40
CATANIA 13:00 11:55 SOFIA 00:20 13:30 00:20 13:25 13:30 00:40 13:30
CHANIA 06:40 06:40 18:00 SOFIA 13:30
CHICAGO 12:50 06:50 17:20 SPLIT 13:35 13:35 13:35 13:35 13:35
COLOGNE BONN 06:40 06:40 17:50 ST. PETERSBURG 21:50 21:50 00:30
COPENHAGEN 17:55 06:30 06:00 17:15 06:00 18:00 17:15 STOCKHOLM 06:40 17:05 17:05 06:40 17:05 06:25 17:05
CORFU 13:00 13:00 STUTTGART 18:20 18:20 07:00 07:00
D DUBROVNIK 13:30 13:20 13:30 13:30 13:35 T TEL AVIV 00:30 13:30 13:30 00:30
DUSSELDORF 06:45 18:05 06:15 17:40 17:40 06:50 06:35 THESSALONIKI 00:40 13:10 00:40 00:40 00:40 12:55
THESSALONIKI 13:20 13:10
F FLORENCE 13:10 13:30
FRANKFURT 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30
TIRANA 00:20 00:35 00:20 00:20 00:35 00:35 00:35
g GOTHENBURG 17:10 06:15 17:10 TIRANA 13:20 13:40 13:20 13:20 13:20 13:20 13:20
TIVAT 06:45 06:05 06:30 06:45 06:30 06:55 06:30
H HAMBURG 17:30 06:25 17:30
TIVAT 10:10 10:10 06:45 10:10 07:00 10:10 10:00
HANNOVER 06:30 17:40 06:30
TIVAT 13:40 13:40 10:10 13:40 10:10 12:25 13:40
HERAKLION 13:05 11:55 11:55 13:05
TIVAT 16:10 16:30 13:40 17:00 13:40 13:40 17:00
I ISTANBUL 00:40 00:45 07:10 00:40 00:40 00:40 12:15 TIVAT 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:20 14:15 17:00
ISTANBUL 07:10 13:20 12:10 13:15 07:00 13:10 17:45 TIVAT 17:00 17:30
ISTANBUL 13:10 17:45 17:45 12:15 V VALENCIA 06:20 06:20 17:05
IZMIR 12:15 12:40
VARNA 00:35 00:35 00:35
K KAZAN 20:05 00:05 VENICE 18:10 07:05 07:05 18:10
KRAKOW 06:30 17:50 06:30 17:50 VIENNA 07:45 07:45 07:45 07:45 07:45 07:45 07:45
VIENNA 12:35 18:35 12:35 18:35 12:35 18:35 12:35
L LARNACA 06:35 13:20 17:10 10:20 23:55 13:20 06:20
VIENNA 18:35 18:35 18:35 18:35
LARNACA 23:55 23:55 23:55 13:30 10:30
LARNACA 23:55 23:55 Z ZADAR 13:10 13:30 13:30
LISBON 19:05 13:15 ZAGREB 07:50 06:30 06:20 06:30 07:00 06:30 06:30
LJUBLJANA 07:30 07:30 07:30 06:15 07:30 07:30 07:30 ZAGREB 19:30 18:30 17:00 18:30 17:05 18:30 17:05
LJUBLJANA 18:35 18:35 18:35 18:35 18:35 18:35 18:35 ZURICH 06:50 06:50 06:50 07:00 06:50 07:00 06:50
LONDON LHR 10:25 10:25 10:25 10:25 10:25 10:25 10:25 ZURICH 12:35 12:35 12:35 12:35 12:35 12:25 12:15
LONDON LHR 17:00 16:05 ZURICH 18:00 18:15 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:15 18:00
LYON 18:10 06:15
M MADRID 14:00 14:20 06:30 iz niša / from niš
MALAGA 07:55 13:25 08:45
pon uto sre čet pet sub ned
MALTA 13:05 11:55 11:55 C mon tue wed thu fry sat sun
MARSEILLE 17:30 06:40 COLOGNE BONN 17:45 07:10
MILAN 18:20 07:20
07:10 18:20 07:10 18:20 07:20 f
MILAN 18:20 18:20 FRANKFURT HAHN 07:10 17:50
MOSCOW 17:00 14:30 06:00 13:45 06:00 14:35 20:30 i
MOSCOW 23:30 20:30 22:10 21:45 20:30 20:30 ISTANBUL 13:10 13:10
MOSCOW 23:35 l

N NAPLES 13:15 12:40 LJUBLJANA 17:40 17:30

NEW YORK 07:50 07:50 07:50 13:15 13:15 13:15 13:15
NUREMBERG 18:25 07:00 07:00
o OHRID 13:05 13:05 00:40 00:40 Iz kraljeva / from kraljevo
OSLO 06:05 17:25 06:05 17:20 17:05 pon uto sre čet pet sub ned
i mon tue wed thu fry sat sun
P PALERMO 11:55 13:00 ISTANBUL 10:15 10:05

126 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Sva vremena su lokalna / All times are local jun / june
Red letenja je podložan promenama / The flight schedule is subject to change

za Beograd / to belgrade
pon uto sre čet pet sub ned pon uto sre čet pet sub ned
mon tue wed thu fry sat sun mon tue wed thu fry sat sun
A AMSTERDAM 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 09:45 20:35 20:55
AMSTERDAM 20:55 20:20 20:25 PARIS 10:05 10:05 09:55 10:05 10:05 09:55 10:00
ANKARA 04:10 04:10 04:10 04:10 PARIS 20:25 22:00 20:20 20:25 20:25 21:05 20:25
ATHENS 04:35 05:00 04:35 04:35 04:35 04:45 04:35 PODGORICA 08:45 08:35 08:35 08:35 08:25 08:25 08:25
ATHENS 16:20 16:35 15:30 16:20 15:40 16:25 15:40 PODGORICA 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20
B BANJA LUKA 18:10 11:10 PODGORICA 21:50 21:45 21:50 21:45 22:00 21:50 22:00
PRAGUE 09:35 09:35 20:35 09:35 09:35 09:35 20:35
BARCELONA 09:55 09:55 20:40 09:55 09:55 09:55 20:40
PRAGUE 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35
BARCELONA 20:40 21:25
PULA 15:10 11:50 11:50 11:50
BARI 20:30 09:35 09:30
BERLIN 09:45 09:45 09:45 20:40 09:45 20:40 R RHODES 15:25 15:35 15:25 15:35
BERLIN 20:40 RIJEKA 14:55 15:25
BOLOGNA 09:20 09:20 20:10 20:10 ROME 09:25 09:25 14:40 09:25 14:40 09:25 14:40
BRUSSELS 09:50 21:15 ROME 14:40 14:40 21:00 21:00
BUCHAREST 04:50 04:50 05:00 04:50 05:00 15:55
S SALZBURG 20:40 09:30
BUCHAREST 15:40 16:15 15:40
SARAJEVO 14:45 15:10 15:10 15:25 15:10 15:50 15:30
BUDAPEST 09:30 15:15 11:25 09:30 15:15 09:30 15:15
SKOPJE 04:10 04:10 04:10 04:10 04:05 04:10 04:10
BUDAPEST 15:15 22:00 20:30 15:15 20:30
SKOPJE 15:05 15:05 15:05 15:05 15:05 15:05 15:05
C CAIRO 03:55 04:00 03:55 SOCHI 04:00 04:00 04:00
CATANIA 15:40 14:35 SOFIA 05:10 16:10 05:10 16:05 16:10 05:35 16:10
CHANIA 10:20 10:20 21:40 SOFIA 16:10
CHICAGO 18:40 12:40 23:10 SPLIT 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20
COLOGNE BONN 09:35 09:35 20:45 ST. PETERSBURG 02:30 02:30 05:05
COPENHAGEN 21:00 09:35 09:05 20:20 09:05 21:05 20:20 STOCKHOLM 10:05 20:30 20:30 10:05 20:30 09:50 20:30
CORFU 16:00 16:00 STUTTGART 20:50 20:50 09:30 09:30
D DUBROVNIK 15:15 15:05 15:15 15:15 15:15 T TEL AVIV 07:20 19:00 19:00 06:00
DUSSELDORF 09:40 21:00 09:10 20:35 20:35 09:45 09:30 THESSALONIKI 05:05 16:05 04:45 04:45 04:45 15:55
THESSALONIKI 16:15 16:05
F FLORENCE 15:35 15:55
FRANKFURT 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20
TIRANA 04:20 04:15 04:00 04:00 04:00 04:30 04:15
g GOTHENBURG 20:25 09:30 20:25 TIRANA 15:05 15:25 15:05 15:05 15:05 15:05 15:05
TIVAT 08:25 07:40 08:25 08:25 08:40 08:35 08:10
H HAMBURG 20:30 09:25 20:30
TIVAT 11:50 11:50 11:10 11:50 11:10 11:50 11:40
HANNOVER 09:15 20:25 09:15
TIVAT 15:20 15:20 11:50 15:20 11:50 15:20 15:20
HERAKLION 16:45 15:35 15:35 16:45
TIVAT 17:50 18:05 15:20 18:40 15:20 17:40 18:40
I ISTANBUL 05:00 05:00 10:40 05:00 05:00 05:00 15:40 TIVAT 18:40 18:40 18:40 19:00 16:00 18:40 20:40
ISTANBUL 10:40 16:45 15:35 16:40 10:25 16:35 21:20 TIVAT 18:40 19:05
ISTANBUL 16:35 21:20 21:20 15:40 V VALENCIA 09:55 09:55
IZMIR 15:40 16:10
VARNA 04:30 04:30 04:30
K KAZAN 02:00 06:00 VENICE 20:45 09:35 09:35 20:45
KRAKOW 09:10 20:30 09:10 20:30 VIENNA 09:45 09:45 09:45 09:45 09:45 09:45 09:45
VIENNA 14:40 20:45 14:40 20:45 14:40 14:40
L LARNACA 04:05 04:05 04:05 04:05 04:05 04:05 10:30
VIENNA 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45
LARNACA 10:45 17:30 21:20 14:30 17:30 14:40
LARNACA 17:40 Z ZADAR 14:55 15:15 15:15
LISBON 23:05 16:55 ZAGREB 10:00 08:15 08:05 08:15 08:45 08:15 08:15
LJUBLJANA 09:50 09:50 09:50 08:10 09:50 09:50 09:50 ZAGREB 21:30 20:15 18:45 20:15 18:50 20:15 18:55
LJUBLJANA 20:30 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 ZURICH 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:40 09:30 09:40 09:30
LONDON LHR 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 13:30 ZURICH 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:20 15:10 15:00
LONDON LHR 19:55 18:55 ZURICH 20:45 21:00 20:45 20:45 20:45 21:00 20:45
LYON 21:05 09:10
M MADRID 18:20 18:20 10:30
MALAGA 13:00 17:45 13:05
za niš / to niš
MALTA 15:45 14:35 14:35 pon uto sre čet pet sub ned
C mon tue wed thu fry sat sun
MARSEILLE 20:25 09:35
COLOGNE BONN 20:50 10:15
MILAN 20:50 09:50 09:40 20:50 09:40 20:50 09:50 f
MILAN 20:50 20:50
FRANKFURT HAHN 10:05 20:50
MOSCOW 02:10 04:30 02:10 03:10 02:55 02:10 02:10
MOSCOW 22:00 20:20 10:55 19:45 11:00 20:35 04:30
ISTANBUL 17:20 17:20
N NAPLES 15:30 14:55 LJUBLJANA 20:30 20:00
NEW YORK 13:50 13:50 13:50 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30
NUREMBERG 21:00 09:35 09:35
o OHRID 15:05 15:05 04:00 04:00 za kraljevo / to kraljevo
OSLO 09:45 21:05 09:45 21:00 20:45 pon uto sre čet pet sub ned
i mon tue wed thu fry sat sun
P PALERMO 14:35 15:40 ISTANBUL 15:10 15:00

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 127

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flying with us i obezbedite najbolje
cene karata koje možete rezervisati sa
samo nekoliko klikova mišem.

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can take advantage of great airfares and
manage your booking with a few clicks. #airserbia
Kontakti u inostranstvu
Contacts abroad


+ 355 42 220 879 + 20 102 55 99 567 + 40 21 599 01 02


+ 43 720 775 338 + 33 178 900 459 + 7 495 109 47 19
+ 386 416 444 83
+ 49 211 370 685
FRANKFURT + 46 8 1241 0058
+ 49 69 20756
+ 359 298 15 408 + 90 212 297 48 51
+ 385 180 002 40 MONTENEGRO + 44 203 769 5856
+ 382 20 664 750
+ 420 296 368 276 TIVAT
+ 382 32 671 186
+ 357 22 753 500 NORWAY OSLO
+ 47 220 644 06
+ 45 33 22 31 41
+381 11 2010 123
You name it, we fly it! +381 11 2010 245

Er Srbija poslovnice u Srbiji

Air Serbia offices in Serbia


Tel: 0800 111 528 Tel: +381 11 32 32 372 Tel: +381 11 20 97 202
toll-free calls from Serbian fixed and mobile +381 11 32 31 042
telephone network
Tel: + 381 11 311 21 23
for calls abroad or from mobile networks

Kontakt centar
Contact centre

+381 11 311 21 23 0800 111 528

kontakt centar kontakt centar (iz Srbije)
(iz drugih zemalja) contact centre (from Serbia)
contact centre
(from other countries)
Mihajlo Pupin

1.890 RSD
Michael Pupin Михајло Пупин



Michael Pupin


2.400 RSD S veličina

2.900 RSD M veličina
3.400 RSD L veličina


21 EUR size S

Razmera / Scale 1:200

25 EUR size M
30 EUR size L

Proizvode možete kupiti u Er Srbija poslovnicama i Premijum salonu

Products can be purchased in selected Air SERBIA retail shops and Premium Lounge

Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 17 Jurija Gagarina 12 Air Serbia Premium Lounge

11000 Beograd 11070 Novi Beograd Aerodrom Nikola Tesla

Centar za dentalnu i estetsku medicinu

nudi širok spektar stomatoloških usluga
vrhunskog kvaliteta, služeći se inovativnom
tehnologijom i najsavremenijim
materijalima i metodama.

Naše stručno osoblje se već 15 godina brine

za Vaš zdrav i lep osmeh.





+381/64 577 0509 Jurija Gagarina 22Z,

+381/63 842 4712 Novi Beograd

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