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Quiz: Conjunctions & Signal Words: Attempt review 6/10/23, 11:06 AM

Dashboard / My courses / Grammar & Vocabulary Clinic / Organisation and Layout / Quiz: Conjunctions & Signal Words

Started on Saturday, 10 June 2023, 10:48 AM

State Finished
Completed on Saturday, 10 June 2023, 10:58 AM
Time taken 9 mins 51 secs
Grade 11.33 out of 14.00 (81%)


Quiz: Signal Words

Control and accuracy with conjunctions (and & but) will lead to better sentence structure and correct use

of time markers and signal words will help with cohesion and flow of information. These are core skills that

must be mastered if you are to write at the required level to achieve a B grade or higher.

You can test your ability to do this by filling in the gaps below with the following words. You will need to

rearrange the order.

Question 1 Emergency Department

Partially correct
QE 11 Hospital
Mark 11.33 out
of 14.00 249 Wickham Tce



Dear Doctor,

Re: Mr. Dave Cochrane DOB: 20/11/1969

I am writing to refer Mr. Cochrane, a 52-year-old retired patient who has developed unstable left ventricular

Initially ! , Mr. Cochrane presents with severe shortness of breath, chest pain, 2-hour sweating
and anxiety. His physical examination reveals dyspnoea, high jugular venous pressure and "

bilateral ankle oedema. On auscultation " , no murmurs were heard, but " there
were bilateral multiple basal pulmonary crepitations. His BP was 120/60 and " his pulse
rate was 66 BPM. He has been on daily Frusemide 40 mg and " Digoxin 0.25 mg

since his first visit " on 12/08/2022. Page 1 of 4
Quiz: Conjunctions & Signal Words: Attempt review 6/10/23, 11:06 AM

on 12/08/2022.

two weeks afterward ! , Mr. Cochrane reported moderate chest tightness, nocturnal cough and postural

shortness of breath. On examination " , his physical signs were similar to today’s visit
but " they were less severe. The ECG revealed cardiomegaly and "

the chest x-ray revealed signs of pulmonary infection. A one-week course " of a broad spectrum
antibiotic, together with " daily Frusemide and " Digoxin were prescribed. The
patient was strongly advised to refrain from both smoking and " alcohol consumption. His

medical condition had deteriorated and ! he was reviewed Today ! .

Please note " , Mr. Cochrane is a heavy smoker and " an alcohol drinker. He

leads a sedentary life with " no regular physical exercise.

In view of the above " , I believe Mr. Cochrane requires urgent admission to the Cardiology Unit of your
hospital. Should you have further queries, please contact me.

Yours sincerely,



when but

Your answer is partially correct.

You have correctly selected 17.

The correct answer is:
Emergency Department

QE 11 Hospital

249 Wickham Tce



Dear Doctor,

Re: Mr. Dave Cochrane DOB: 20/11/1969

I am writing to refer Mr. Cochrane, a 52-year-old retired patient who has developed unstable left ventricular Page 2 of 4
Quiz: Conjunctions & Signal Words: Attempt review 6/10/23, 11:06 AM

I am writing to refer Mr. Cochrane, a 52-year-old retired patient who has developed unstable left ventricular

[Today], Mr. Cochrane presents with severe shortness of breath, chest pain, 2-hour sweating and anxiety. His
physical examination reveals dyspnoea, high jugular venous pressure [and] bilateral ankle oedema. [On
auscultation], no murmurs were heard, [but] there were bilateral multiple basal pulmonary crepitations. His BP
was 120/60 [and] his pulse rate was 66 BPM. He has been on daily Frusemide 40 mg [and] Digoxin 0.25 mg [since
his first visit] on 12/08/2022.

[Initially], Mr. Cochrane reported moderate chest tightness, nocturnal cough and postural shortness of breath.
[On examination], his physical signs were similar to today’s visit [but] they were less severe. The ECG revealed
cardiomegaly [and] the chest x-ray revealed signs of pulmonary infection. [A one-week course] of a broad
spectrum antibiotic, [together with] daily Frusemide [and] Digoxin were prescribed. The patient was strongly
advised to refrain from both smoking [and] alcohol consumption. His medical condition had deteriorated [when]
he was reviewed [two weeks afterward].

[Please note], Mr. Cochrane is a heavy smoker [and] an alcohol drinker. He leads a sedentary life [with] no
regular physical exercise.

! [In view of the above], I believe Mr. Cochrane requires urgent admission to the Cardiology Unit of your hospital.
Should you have further queries, please contact me.

Yours sincerely,

# Doctor


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