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Ethics of Writing Papers

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Ethics of Writing Papers

Ethical writing is a form of writing with a quality of inclusiveness, respect, and

awareness of diversity. The necessity of ethical writing, thus, is founded not just upon the

prohibition of duplication but also on the shortcomings of favouritism and exclusive

language. The concept of ethics is crucial in strategic communication. Content creators

should follow ethical standards when doing activities. Using ethical reasoning when creating

a contest or writing a daily mail article shows a basic understanding of message impact.

Ethical, effective communication helps avoid compromising circumstances. Several press

cases highlight the consequences of not using honest and ethical standards in communication

efforts. The example below shows this case.

Ryan Holiday has built a profession of controlling the narrative to achieve PR aims. He

used to work for Tucker Max, a disputed blogger and author known for his vulgar writing and

open conversations of his sexual escapades with countless women. Holiday helped promote

Max's book I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell. Holiday contacted influencers, blogs, and media

stations, claiming to despise Max's writings (Holiday, 2022). Max's book soon gained

national media attention and bloggers worldwide.

A film based on the novel was made afterwards. Holiday employed the same kind of

marketing techniques. He contacted college institutions all over the country, again posing as a

Tucker Max detractor. He included photos of fake ads offensive to women and claimed they

were used to boost ratings. He urged campus representatives, bloggers, and others not to see

the film. Holiday staged protests to gain media attention and public awareness for the cinema

as well as the Tucker Max brand. He used deception and controversy to leverage strong

opinions, backlash, social and a despised public figure (Holiday, 2022). It worked:

organizations throughout the country staged a protest against the film, bringing Tucker Max

to national attention. In this case, "any publicity is good publicity" worked in his favour.

Cases like these pose various questions about strategic communication. Most

importantly, the Tucker Max case calls into doubt Holiday's media control ethics. How often

should one promote a cause or brand? The impression that strategic communication experts,

especially public relations specialists, are excellent propagandists and media manipulators

has harmed the profession's credibility ( Holiday, 2022). To regain public trust in the

industry, strategic communicators must make an ethical decisions.

Co-creation of the basic principles for ethical behaviour for students is preferable, and

professors should be involved in monitoring the rules' execution. It is more likely that

students who set the rules themselves would adhere to them. Students gain confidence in their

abilities to build ethical settings in other settings by participating in the university's efforts to

create one. There are many opportunities to enhance ethical awareness through deliberations

during the process of writing the ground rules, which is more valuable to students than their

final product. Setting the basic rules for an ethical educational environment and delivering

ethical education can be achieved by involving students. Even if it's difficult at times,

enforcing the rules to students may be a powerful teaching tool for teaching ethical


Words have less impact than deeds. Ethical behaviour is more effective than educating

ethics in isolation in fostering students' ethical development. It's just as vital to teaching how

to teach as to what one teaches, especially when it comes to morality and integrity. Professors

are expected to set examples for their students by their position, and they should ideally act as

role models for ethical behaviour in and out of the school environment as well. To confirm

the validity and usefulness of their courses, professors who lecture ethics should be especially

devoted to functioning as ethical role models. Profs must display integrity and restrict

unethical behaviour in their regular practice on the campus, including their ethical behaviour

toward students, colleagues, professors, and the administrative staff. This will create a

conducive climate for teaching ethics and values in the institution.

Most strategic professional executives should promote their clients or organizations

honestly. As professionals, communication that is ethical and effective can assist prevent

compromising situations. Communication efforts might suffer if they are not based on

honesty and ethics, as evidenced by a number of high-profile. Their proposals should be

factual, and the account team should not employ misleading approaches to get there.


Holiday, R. (2022). Ethics case study – Writing for strategic communication industries. The

Ohio State

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