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Ms. Maha (9:51-10:01)
Opinions are divided concerning the issue of hunting crocodiles. There are
those who view crocodiles as a huge threat arguing that they are multiplying
rapidly and moving into highly populated regions. Consequently, crocodiles
began to consider humans as prey due to the ever-increasing number of both
humans and crocodiles in the same place. However, opponents of hunting
crocodiles insist that crocodiles never attack humans deliberately since they are
naturally inclined to avoid us. Furthermore, conservationists also warn that
crocodiles could soon become a threatened species if hunting them went on at
this rate. Finally, crocodile farming is introduced as the best means of both
keeping crocodile numbers under control and creating a profitable trade.
(114 words)
Arguments for:
1. Crocodile population rising
2. Crocodiles moving into areas inhabited by humans
3. Crocodiles learn quickly to regard humans as prey
4. Too many people and crocodiles in one place
Arguments against:
5. They do not intentionally attack humans
6. Their instinct is to avoid humans
7. Could be hunted to extinction
8. A small number of attacks on humans (in mangrove swamps)
9. Crocodile farming is a suitable alternative/economic resource

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