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(Description of the table below)

Table _. Perceived impact of Covid – 19 pandemic to eatery owners in Lemery, Iloilo.

Category N M Description SD

Entire group 51 2.7529 Moderate 0.1678

Male 23 2.7261 Moderate 0.1514
Female 28 2.7750 Moderate 0.1798

Young 2 2.9000 Moderately High 0.5657
Middle Age 13 2.8154 Moderate 0.1625
Old 36 2.7222 Moderate 0.1355

Years of Operations
New 2 2.8500 Moderately High 0.0707
Emergent 20 2.7550 Moderate 0.1669
Experienced 29 2.7448 Moderate 0.1744
Scale of Means Description
3.44 – 4.00 High
2.83 – 3.43 Moderately High
2.22 – 2.82 Moderate
1.61 – 2.21 Moderately Low
1.00 – 1.60 Low

(Write here the description of the table below)

Table _. Differences in the perceived impact of Covid – 19 pandemic to eatery owners in Lemery, Iloilo.

Mann – Whitney
Category Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Significance

Male 23.93 550.50

274.500 0.358
Female 27.70 775 50

p > 0.05, not significant

(Write here the description of the table below)

Table _. Differences in the perceived impact of Covid – 19 pandemic to eatery owners in Lemery, Iloilo.

Category Mean Rank df Mann – Whitney Significance


Young 27.00

Middle 31.69 2 2.759 0.725

Old 23.89

p > 0.05, not significant

(Write here the description of the table below)

Table _. Differences in the perceived impact of Covid – 19 pandemic to eatery owners in Lemery, Iloilo.

Mann – Whitney
Category Mean Rank df Significance
Years of Operations

New 38.75

Emergent 26.15 2 1.671 0.434

Experienced 25.02

p > 0.05, not significant

RAW DATA FROM SPSS (do not include this in Chapter4)


Mean N Std. Deviation

2.7529 51 .16775

Impact * Sex

Sex Mean N Std. Deviation

Male 2.7261 23 .15141

Female 2.7750 28 .17976
Total 2.7529 51 .16775

Impact * Age

Age Mean N Std. Deviation

Young 2.9000 2 .56569

Middle Age 2.8154 13 .16251
Old 2.7222 36 .13546
Total 2.7529 51 .16775

Impact * Years_of_Operation

Years_of_Operation Mean N Std. Deviation

New 2.8500 2 .07071

Emergent 2.7550 20 .16694
Experienced 2.7448 29 .17441
Total 2.7529 51 .16775

Mann-Whitney Test


Sex N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Male 23 23.93 550.50

Impact Female 28 27.70 775.50

Total 51

Test Statisticsa


Mann-Whitney U 274.500
Wilcoxon W 550.500
Z -.919
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .358

a. Grouping Variable: Sex

Kruskal-Wallis Test


Age N Mean Rank

1.00 2 27.00

2.00 13 31.69
3.00 36 23.89

Total 51

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 2.759
df 2
Asymp. Sig. .252

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Age

Kruskal-Wallis Test


Yrs_Operation N Mean Rank

Impact Young 2 38.75

Middle Age 20 26.15

Old 29 25.02
Total 51

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 1.671
df 2
Asymp. Sig. .434

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable:

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