Kamilleenglishreadingskills-Communication Skills

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Unit Three

Reading Skills
Miranda, Kamille Ann T.
May be defined as the
process of understanding
the meaning of letters,
words, symbols etc.
Skills strengthened by reading:
OAbility to read variety of materials.
OAbility to understand and remember
what you read.
OAbility to effectively communicate what
you’ve learned from your reading.
Comprehension is the capacity to
understand fully

Reading is the act of understanding the

meaning of written or printed matter
You can get the idea of what the writer
is trying to communicate by:

Setting goals based on your purpose

of reading.
Previewing the text to make
Relating new information to
Factors That Affect Reading
 Characteristics of the text
 Characteristics of the reader
The Text
1. Size and style of the font

Readable enough?

Readable enough?

Readable enough?
2. Pictures and illustrations
3. Author’s writing style and
personal perspective

 First person point of view

 Second person point of view
 Third person point of view
4. Difficulty of
the ideas
The Reader
1. Background knowledge
2. Reading ability
3. Interest
4. Attitude
Skills to be an
effective reader
OFinding main ideas and
supporting details/evidence
OMaking inferences and
drawing conclusions
ORecognizing a text’s patterns
of organization
OPerceiving conceptual
OTesting your knowledge and
understanding of the material
through application
OUsing structural analysis and
contextual clues to identify
vocabulary words.

The dates are listed in
chronological order.
They start at the beginning and
end with the last event.
OReading more critically - ask
questions while you read.
OSummarizing or outlining
main points and supporting
ORereading the material.
ODo a “think aloud” and/or try
to explain what you’ve read.
5 Thinking Strategies
of Good Readers
1. Predict: Make
2. Picture: Form images.
3. Relate: Draw comparisons
4. Monitor: Check
5. Correct gaps in

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