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Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400

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The twilight of Paleolithic Siberia: Humans and their environments east of Lake
Baikal at the late-glacial/Holocene transition
Ian Buvit a, b, *, Karisa Terry a, b
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1-1, Minamiosawa, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan
Central Washington University, Department of Anthropology and Museum, 400 E. University Way, Ellensburg, WA 98926, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Numerous archaeological sites in Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East are assigned to the Younger
Available online 18 May 2011 Dryas that testify to human occupation of the area despite a re-advance of steppe biota beginning around
11,000 14C BP (ca. 12,850 cal BP). Archaeological sites are primarily associated with low-energy alluvial
landforms where preservation is excellent, but some are heavily disturbed by cryogenic processes. Fish
bones and other direct evidence of aquatic resource exploitation appeared while terrestrial hunting
persisted. Technologically there was continuation of microblades, bifaces, and burins, but also harpoons,
composite tools, and even pottery emerged in some areas. The Younger Dryas in Eastern Siberia and the
Russian Far East was in many ways a watershed between Upper Paleolithic lifeways of the late Pleis-
tocene and more settled Mesolithic traditions of the early Holocene.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction This paper adds to the current discourse with a review of late-
glacial to Holocene transitional environments and human cultures
Cultural response to climate change during the late post-glacial in Russian Asia east of Lake Baikal (Fig. 1). The main question
was remarkable, especially during the Pleistocene-Holocene tran- addressed is: What is known about whether the Younger Dryas had
sition when large-scale temperature and precipitation fluctuations manifest effects on human adaptations in the area? The discussion is
prompted shifts in human organization in some areas at a relatively directed by the following related questions: When did the Younger
rapid pace. This paper deals with the Younger Dryas, a period of late- Dryas occur? What were environments like just before, during, and
glacial climatic cooling between 11,000 and 10,000 14C BP (12,850 after the Younger Dryas? Was there geographical variability in the
and 11,500 cal BP) once thought to have been restricted to the North climate signals or were they uniform across the area? What do the
Atlantic but now known to have occurred globally (Peteet, 1995) that late-glacial and earliest Holocene archaeological records indicate
disrupted relatively steady warming (Mangerud et al.,1974; Renssen, about human response to the Younger Dryas event? What sites date
1997, p. 12; Alley, 2000). Worldwide, humans reacted to the Younger to this period? What are their contexts? What do the cultural
Dryas in a variety of ways. In the Middle East, for example, cooler assemblages (artifacts, features, fauna) say specifically about human
temperatures and reduced precipitation may have led to shifts in adaptations around the Younger Dryas?
mobility and resource exploitation when Natufian hunter-gatherers For this overview, the Younger Dryas is defined as between
were forced to reduce their time spent at individual sites (Bar-Yosef, 11,000 and 10,000 14C BP (12,850 and 11,500 cal BP). The review also
1998; Bar-Yosef and Belfer-Cohen, 1999; Munro, 2003). On the North considers in brief environmental conditions and cultures of the
American continent Clovis cultures flourished during a brief period Allerød (12,000e11,000 14C BP [13,850e12,850 cal BP]), and touches
between 11,050 and 10,800 14C BP (12,980 and 12,660 cal BP) (Waters on climates of the Preboreal (10,000e8500 14C BP [11,500e9510 cal
and Stafford, 2007). Similarly, Europe witnessed the emergence of BP]). For comparison, archaeological sites with Allerød and Younger
diverse cultures adapted to meet challenges of limited precipitation Dryas components are discussed based on the presence of one or
and reduced temperatures across the continent (Macintosh, 2006, more radiocarbon dates between 12,000 and 10,000 14C BP (13,850
p. 24; Champion et al., 2009, p. 56). and 11,500 cal BP). Efforts are made to present 14C dates in radio-
carbon and calendar years using Calib 6.0.
Over the last few decades a wide range of dates has been used to
* Corresponding author at: Tokyo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Social
define the Younger Dryas, but there seems to be some consensus
Sciences and Humanities, 1-1, Minamiosawa, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan.
E-mail addresses: (I. Buvit), between 11,000 and 10,000 14C BP (12,850 and 11,500 cal BP) based
(K. Terry). on data predominately from Greenland (Alley, 2000; Rasmussen

1040-6182/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
380 I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400

Fig. 1. Map of Asiatic Russia showing the locations of sites mentioned in the text: (1) Khomustakh; (2) Ulkhan Chabada; (3) Suollakh; (4) Dyanushka; (5) Dolgoe Lake; (6) Lake
Kotokel; (7) Lake Baikal; (8) Gur; (9) Smorodinovoye Lake; (10) Wrangel Island; (11) New Siberian Islands; (12) Elikchan-2 Lake and Bakhapcha River; (13) Melkoe Lake; (14)
El’gygytgyn Lake; (15) Bol’shoi Yakor’ and Kovrizhka; (16) Kosayia Shivera; (17) Mukhor-Tala-7; (18) Oshurkovo; (19) Ust’-Kiakhta; (20) Ust’-Menza-1; (21) Studenoe-1; (22)
Ust’-Karenga-12; (23) Ust’-Timpton; (24) Berelekh; (25) Ezhantsy; (26) Zhokov; (27) Malye Kuruktachi-1; (28) Golya Mys-4; (29) Gromatukha; (30) Ustinovka-6; (31) Gasya; (32)
Khummi; (33) Goncharka; and (34) Ushki.

et al., 2006), but also from Germany (Litt and Stebich, 1999; Brauer closest approximation to the Younger Dryas is the Noril’sk Stade
et al., 2000). There does not seem to be firm agreement on these (Kind, 1974). The age disparities also likely result from the irregular
dates in northeastern Asia. Several studies, for example, cite an timing of late-glacial climate change across Siberia.
ending age several centuries earlier (Velichko et al., 2002; Bazarova Another major difficulty with a synthesis on a scale as large as
et al., 2008; Watanabe et al., 2009), which may in part reflect is covered here is the uneven scope of research across the region.
terminology from general Siberian climate sequences where the As a case in point, several decades of studies related to the Baikal
I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400 381

Drilling Project have produced volumes of data presented in

dozens of scientific publications (Williams et al., 2001). Similarly,
northeastern Siberia has witnessed a tremendous amount of
paleoenvironmental research over the last 20 years. The coring
project at Lake El’gygytgyn, Chukotka, for example, has generated
highly detailed records back as far as 250,000 years ago (Brigham-
Grette et al., 2007). Central Siberia, on the other hand, has seen
only a handful of studies, few of which have occurred in the last
A third problem has been the language barrier and limited
access to primary Russian literature by Anglophone audiences.
This is not as significant an obstacle, however, as it was just a few
years ago. Since 1991, cooperation between Russian and foreign
scientists has increased enormously, which has produced joint
publications in easily accessed English-language journals. Another
invaluable channel to original publications has been the Internet
where users can now access many outstanding Russian-language
journals with a few mouse clicks. It is also possible to request
material from foreign colleagues through e-mail. With a little
effort, a large body of Russian scientific literature is available.
Likewise, many Russian scientists are publishing in English in
journals available through sites including ScienceDirect and
Springer-Link. What remains difficult in terms of literature
searches is accessing “gray literature” where the most up-to-date
research is often presented. This includes conference proceedings,
monographs published by local institutions, and brief annual
research summaries.

2. Regional setting

This paper covers parts of Siberia and the Russian Far East from
Lake Baikal to the Pacific Ocean. Several regions of Asiatic Russia
from Suslov’s (1961) divisions are considered including Eastern
Siberia from Lake Baikal north to the Lena River delta, northeastern
Siberia from the Verkhoyansk Range to the Bering Sea, as well as
the Russian Far East, which includes Primorye and Kamchatka. For
brevity, Sakhalin Island is excluded.
Modern environments of such a vast area expectedly reflect
a variety of biomes and climatic extremes, from tundra in the frigid
arctic north where maximum January temperatures average
from 36  C in Yakutsk, to mixed deciduous forests in the
temperate Far East with mean January maxima as warm as 6  C in
Petropavlosk, Kamchatka (Fig. 1). The most common vegetation is
taiga forest stretching from Kamchatka westward beyond Siberia,
but stands of mixed forest are prevalent in the Russian Far East.
Average precipitation ranges from 238 mm in Yakutsk and 346 mm
in Chita to 826 mm in Vladivostok and 895 mm in Petropavlovsk
(Pogoda, 2010).

3. Late-glacial environments Fig. 2. Paleoclimatic reconstructions of Asiatic Russia in the Younger Dryas in relation
to modern conditions. (a) January mean maximum temperature, (b) July mean
To answer one of the questions presented in the introduction, maximum temperature, (c) annual precipitation (after Velichko et al., 2002).

Velichko et al. (2002) were able to demonstrate that Younger Dryas

environmental conditions were not uniform across Eastern Siberia
and the Russian Far East. For example, in central Sakha at Yakutsk 3.1. Eastern Siberia
mean maximum January temperatures differed as much as 8  C less
than today, but in southern Siberia they were as much as 14  C Palynological evidence from Sakha showed a clear Younger
cooler (Fig. 2, a) (Velichko et al., 2002). Likewise, average July Dryas climatic oscillation to colder temperatures followed by
maximum temperatures varied least from today in the north rapid, “intense” amelioration at around 10,000e10,200 14C BP
( 2 to 4  C) and most in the south ( 8 to 10  C) (Fig. 2, b). (11,500e11,910 cal BP) (Andreev et al., 1997). The Allerød pollen
Annual precipitation was up to 100 mm different above about spectra from Ulkhan Chabada and Khomustakh lakes in central
60 N but as much as 250 mm less below about 50 N (Fig. 2, c). Sakha produced clear signals of steppe vegetation (Artemisia, Poa-
These extreme differences produced a Younger Dryas landscape ceae, Thalictrum, Chenopodiaceae, etc.), as well as birch shrub taxa
markedly different than what came immediately before (Allerød) or (Betula sect. Nanae, Betula fructicosa). Similarly, in southern Sakha,
after (Preboreal). Allerød sediments produced a predominance of birch and shrub
382 I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400

alder pollen at basal layers from the Suollakh Peatbog. For Andreev beginning around 12,150 14C BP (14,000 cal BP) when taiga spread
et al. (1997), these Allerød vegetation signals meant that, “mean (Bezrukova et al., 2010, p. 192). Beginning at around 10,750 14C BP
July temperature was by 1.5e2  C below the present values, that of (12,650 cal BP) there appears to have been major cooling in the
January by 2 to 5  C” (p. 116). region when herb tundra replaced the forest vegetation. At this
Andreev et al. (1997) were able to extract pollen from Kho- time there was a complete disappearance of Abies from the record,
mustakh and Ulkhan Chabada lakes and the Suollakh Peatbog along and nearly a complete replacement of Alder with Betula (Bezrukova
the middle section of the Lena River (Fig. 1, nos. 1, 2, and 3, et al., 2010).
respectively). A bulk sample from the base of the Lake Khomustakh Evidence for a Younger Dryas event in the southern area of
core was dated to 10,400  600 14C BP (11,240e11,780 cal BP) (GIN- Eastern Siberia also appears in the diatom records of lakes Baikal
4176) from Younger Dryas sediments. Likewise, a bulk sample from and Kotokel (Mackay, 2007). At Kotokel there is a high abundance
the base of the Suollakh Peatbog was dated to 10,610  70 14C BP of taxa associated with relatively warmer climates and longer ice-
(12,430e12,630 cal BP) (GIN-4363) and also assigned to the free, open-water seasons between 13,850 and 10,900 14C BP
Younger Dryas. Deposits below these dates in both cores are (16,900 and 12,700 cal BP). Between 10,900 and 10,100 14C BP
believed to contain pollen reflecting terminal Allerød conditions. (12,700 and 11,700 cal BP), however, the signals indicate a cold
Younger Dryas spectra showed increased wormwood, grasses oscillation coincident with the Younger Dryas (Bezrukova et al.,
and herbs compared to Allerød samples, which indicated a reduc- 2010, p. 195). During this period, there was an overall reduction
tion in precipitation by 150 mm from today and temperatures that of diatom concentrations and retraction of warm-loving Cyclotella
were 3  C cooler in the summer and 6e7  C cooler in January. As ocellata from Lake Kotokel. Subsequent Holocene warming begin-
conditions changed at the onset of the Preboreal, larch and birch ning at 10,080 14C BP (11,650 cal BP) at the Preboreal is marked by
woodlands intruded on the steppe established during the Younger high amounts of Aulacoseira granulata, a species common in lakes
Dryas. Interestingly, arboreal taxa are present in all samples. Larix with high nutrient content (Bezrukova et al., 2010). Records from
pollen found in very small quantities throughout the cores, indi- Lake Baikal show a similar pattern.
cates that the trees may have persisted along river floodplains, even Boës et al. (2005) used gray-scale values of sediments from Lake
during the Younger Dryas, in environments similar to where they Baikal as proxy for environmental conditions. Lower gray-scale
are found today (Andreev et al., 1997, p. 116). The presence of larch values were associated with cold phases (Oldest Dryas, Younger
suggests mean July temperatures above 12  C (Andreev, 1980), and Dryas) when diatom-poor clays accumulated in the lake.
thus, conditions favorable enough to offer refuge to plants, and Conversely, warm phases (Bølling, Allerød, Preboreal) were char-
perhaps animals and humans. acterized by the concentration of diatom-rich sediments with
Farther north along the Lena River, Werner et al. (2010) exam- higher gray-scale values. The Allerød deposits reflected the highest
ined pollen and macrofossils from a terrace profile near Dyanushka values of any period (120 units), but at the onset of the Younger
Lake to draw similar conclusions as Andreev et al. (1997), that Dryas, the gray-scale levels dropped to 80 units, and recovered to
temperature and precipitation were sufficient for larch, shrub birch values between 90 and 110 during the Preboreal (Morley et al.,
and alder to thrive around the site during the Younger Dryas (Fig. 1, 2005).
no. 4). Earlier studies by Tarasov et al. (2009) identified similar
macrofossils at the lake. There was, however, an increase in Arte- 3.2. Russian Far East
misia late in the Younger Dryas, which Werner et al. (2010, p. 64)
regard as an indication of decreased precipitation. The signals for a Younger Dryas oscillation in the Russian Far
Evidence for a Younger Dryas oscillation in Eastern Siberia East are mixed. On the one hand, Bazarova et al. (2008) identified
occurs even farther north at Dolgoe Lake (71520 N, 127 040 E) (Fig. 1, evidence for warm conditions during the Allerød followed by cooler
no. 5) at the mouth of the Lena River (Pisaric et al., 2001). Pollen temperatures during the Younger Dryas. Then, at the beginning of
from a core, spanning the entire late-glacial/Holocene transition, the Holocene, warm conditions returned and peaked around 9000
showed a sharp increase in herb taxa at the expense of shrubs and C BP (10,200 cal BP). Alternately, Kokorowski et al. (2008, p. 1716)
trees between 11,000 and 10,000 14C BP (12,850 and 11,500 cal BP). concluded that there was uniform warming in the Russian Far East
Prior to this, beginning around 12,200 14C BP (14,050 cal BP), Betula during the late-Glacial/Holocene transition. In the lower Amur
became the dominant pollen when Gramineae, Artemisia and Basin, Bazarova’s team extracted pollen from cores at the Tyapka,
Cyperaceae were reduced. This was followed by “the rapid decrease Gur (Gursky) and Kiya peatbogs spanning the latest Pleistocene
of birch and the coeval increase of several herbs and grasses” at through the Holocene with the most complete section recovered at
11,000 14C BP (12,850 cal BP) (Pisaric et al., 2001, p. 239). Accord- Gur (Fig. 1, no. 8) (Bazarova et al., 2008).
ingly, the authors of the study suggest this vegetation change was At Gur, the lowest pollen zone dating between 13,000 and 10,300
likely the result of a climate oscillation similar to the Younger Dryas C BP (15,500 and 12,080 cal BP) revealed a high abundance of birch
even seen in the GRIP ice core and in northwest Europe. Shrub birch (Betula sect. Nanae) and alder (Alnus) with lesser, but not insignifi-
returned at 10,000 14C BP (11,500 cal BP) and then was quickly cant amounts of conifers (Picea, Pinus, Abies). While arboreal and
replaced by Alnus as the dominate species during the Preboreal. non-arboreal taxa were present throughout the core, their relative
Paleoenvironments from the southern part of Eastern Siberia proportions varied in accordance with warm periods (Bølling and
have been interpreted from data recovered at Lake Kotokel and Allerød) and cold periods (Middle and Younger Dryas). Admittedly,
adjacent Lake Baikal (Fig. 1, nos. 6 and 7, respectively). Demske et al. the strongest signal for the Younger Dryas from Gur was a thin eolian
(2005) examined pollen from Lake Baikal cores to conclude that dust layer bracketed between 12,010  75 and 9290  45 14C BP
a major shift in vegetation associated with climatic warming (13,870 and 10,500 cal BP) that may have indicated increased aridity
occurred around 12,000 14C BP (13,850 cal BP) when Picea distri- in areas upwind (west) of the site (Bazarova et al., 2008).
bution in the area reached its maximum, but began to decline by At Gur the earliest Preboreal deposits, represented by Pollen Zone
11,000 14C BP (12,850 cal BP) when temperatures and precipitation II, began accumulating around 10,300 14C BP (12,080 cal BP). In the
dropped enough for shrub Betula, Artemisia, and Chenopodiaceae to lower part of the zone, Betula and Alnus continued to dominate the
spread (Demske et al., 2005, p. 273). spectra (40% of total pollen), but Picea contributed a significant
In a similar way, pollen records from Lake Kotokel revealed portion (up to 20% of the total pollen), and Ulmus (elm) and Quercus
a significant increase in arboreal taxa (Picea, Betula, Alnus) (oak), two warm-loving deciduous species, appeared for the first
I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400 383

time (3.3% and 1% of total pollen, respectively). The upper part of One of the most comprehensive studies in northeastern Siberia
Zone II accumulated under slightly cooler conditions beginning has come from Lake El’gygytgyn, Chukotka (Fig. 1, no. 14). The lake
around 9590  60 14C BP (AA-36949) (10,790e11,100 cal BP) formed nearly 3.6 million years ago from a meteor impact (Gurov
(Bazarova et al., 2008, p. 13). Here, shrub birch dominates (57% of et al., 2007). Cores have produced a nearly 250,000-year record of
arboreal pollen) with lesser amounts of Alnus. By 9000 14C BP (10,200 millennial-scale climate change (Brigham-Grette et al., 2007)
cal BP) temperatures were reaching their maximum in the area. where numerous proxies have been used to record Allerød and
Mokhova et al. (2009) carried out independent analysis of pollen Younger Dryas oscillations. The core is well-dated through a series
from Gur and concluded that forest-tundra (shrub birch and alder, of luminescence samples and correlation with magnetic suscepti-
herbaceous taxa, and cold-tolerant Abies, Pinus, and Picea) was bility to the Greenland ice-core (Forman et al., 2007).
widespread even during the Allerød 12,150 14C BP (14,000 cal BP). As Unlike other regional studies that preclude a Younger Dryas
the Pleistocene waned between 10,000 and 9300 14C BP (11,500 and event in northeastern Siberia, clay mineralogy in the Lake El’gy-
10,500 cal BP), cool conifer forests were established. Mokhova et al. gytgyn core, “shows a distinctive shift to warmer then back to
(2009), however, were unable to identify signals of an intervening cooler conditions.between 11.6 and 14.5 ka, placing it between
shift in the Gur pollen that would indicate a Younger Dryas event. the Younger Dryas cooling period and the warmer Bølling/Allerød”
One criticism of Bazarova et al.’s (2008) study was the poor (Asikainen et al., 2007, p. 117). Abundance of chlorite apparently
chronological control for the Younger Dryas; no dates from any core increased in lake sediments during the Younger Dryas when higher
were between 11,000 and 10,000 14C BP (12,850 and 11,500 cal BP). amounts of the unweathered clay from the surrounding catchment
Based on an evaluation of the 14C ages and other proxy data, were available for transport into the basin. These results, however,
Kokorowski et al. (2008, p. 1716) concluded that there was uniform contradict pollen data that do not signal climatic cooling.
warming in the Russian Far East. They examined the pollen record Lozhkin et al. (2007a,b) analyzed pollen from Lake El’gygytgyn
from Gur to indicate an increasing contribution by warm-loving to determine that shrub tundra was established during the late-
species and continuous, uninterrupted amelioration at the late- glacial/Holocene transition. Lozhkin et al. (2007a, p. 148) found
glacial-Holocene transition. Likewise, in the original study of the that the emergence of modern climatic conditions occurred at
Gur sample, Klimin et al. (2004) did not find a shift in vegetation 10,700 14C BP (12,620 cal BP) when Betula and Alnus appeared, but
between 12,000 and 9600 14C BP (13,850 and 10,950 cal BP), which did not dominate on the landscape. These arboreal species became
would reflect a Younger Dryas climate oscillation. widespread only after 9900 14C BP (11,280 cal BP) during what
Lozhkin et al. (2007a) term the Post-Glacial Thermal Maximum.
3.3. Northeastern Siberia
3.4. Summary
The last two decades have witnessed a remarkable amount of
paleoenvironmental research in northeastern Siberia making it one In sum, temperatures appear to have increased in all areas of
of the best-studied areas in the region. Pollen data indicate that most Asiatic Russia east of Lake Baikal during the Allerød (Anderson and
of northeastern Siberia was spared the cooling and drying experi- Lozhkin, 2002). This was followed by a period of cool, dry condi-
enced elsewhere during the Younger Dryas (Kokorowski et al., tions that interrupted this warming at various times depending on
2008). The late-glacial-Holocene transition was, for the most part, the location between 11,000 and 10,000 14C BP (12,850 and 11,500
a time of gradual, uniform warming. Younger Dryas spatial patterns cal BP). In Eastern Siberia near Yakutsk, grass and Artemisia dis-
in northeastern Siberia, nevertheless, were the most heterogeneous placed shrub birch and alder established during the Allerød. Farther
of all the regions covered in this paper. As a case in point, areas south around Lake Baikal studies indicate a shift from warm to cool
around the Kolyma Basin and most of the Chukotkan Peninsula loving species. Data from the Russian Far East indicate little to no
experienced continuous and increasingly warm conditions between shift between the Allerød and Preboreal. Data from Primorye, for
the Allerød and Preboreal, while the area around Smorodinovoye example, show steady, gradual warming between around 12,000
Lake just east of the Verkhoyansk Range along the upper Indirka and 9000 14C BP (13,850 and 10,200 cal BP). Likewise, northeast
River (Fig. 1, no. 9) appears to have undergone sharp cooling and Siberia appears to have been spared the fluctuation experienced in
a shift from birch-willow shrub vegetation to herbaceous tundra Eastern Siberia. Remarkably, there were likely even warmer and
during the Younger Dryas (Anderson et al., 2002). Yet, conditions wetter conditions during the Younger Dryas in the extreme
may have been warmer and wetter on Wrangel Island and the New northeast (Wrangel and New Siberian islands).
Siberian Islands (Fig. 1, nos. 10 and 11, respectively) (Lozhkin et al.,
2001; Makeyev et al., 2003; Vazhenina, 2004). 4. Archaeological record
There also seems to have been no dramatic Younger Dryas
climate shift in the Upper Kolyma area at sites such as Elikchan Lake This section introduces study sites and devotes the bulk of the
2 and Bakhapcha River (Fig. 1, no. 12) where aquatic species discussion to those with Allerød and Younger Dryas radiocarbon
(Potamogeton, Nymphaea cf. candida, Nuphar cf. pumila), herbs dates associated with unequivocal artifacts or features. The radio-
(Eriophorum cf. brachyantherum, Carex kreczetonczii), shrubs (Ribes carbon dates presented in Table 1 are not exhaustive. Many Pre-
sp.) and arboreal taxa (Betula, Larix gmelinii, Picea, Pinus pumila) boreal and earlier dates are excluded from the list, as are many that
persisted (Lozhkin et al., 2011, p. 10). In a like manner, Younger are older than 12,000 14C BP (13,850 cal BP). When possible, the
Dryas sediments at Melkoe Lake near Anadyr (Fig. 1, no. 13) dated to locations of sites were identified using Google Earth to determine
10,620  50 BP (12,540e12,630 cal BP) (CAMS-58292) produced or confirm geographic coordinates.
Pinus pollen (Shilo et al., 2005).
Reconstructions of vegetation patterns across northeastern 4.1. Eastern Siberia
Siberia reveal a fairly widespread distribution of Betula and Alnus
beginning around 12,000 14C BP (13,850 cal BP) (Edwards et al., 4.1.1. Bol’shoi Yakor’
2005; Lozhkin and Anderson, 2006). Other studies indicate that The Bol’shoi Yakor’ site is on the 13e14 m terrace on the right
northeastern Siberia was a haven during the Younger Dryas for bank of the lower Vitim River at its confluence with Bol’shoi Yakor’
certain arboreal species, especially Larix (Brubaker et al., 2005; Creek (57490 N, 113 580 E) (Fig. 1, no. 15). The site produced 21
Shilo et al., 2008) and Pinus pumilla (Shilo et al., 2007). cultural layers, the lowest 16 of which dated between 12,700 and
Table 1

Archaeological Sites Mentioned in the Text with their Associated C Dates.
Site Fig. 1 Designation Location Layer C BP cal BP (1 s) Lab Code Material Chronozone designation Reference
Eastern Siberia
Bol’shoi Yakor’ 15 57 490 N, 113 580 E 4B 11,970  170 13,620e13,430 GIN-6464a Unreported Allerød Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011
3A 11,750  190 13,410e13,780 GIN-8980 Unreported Allerød Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011
6 10,400  600 11,240e12,780 LE-4172 Charcoal Younger Dryas Kuzmin, 1994
4A 10,320  150 11,820e12,420 IM-968 Charcoal Younger Dryas Kuzmin, 1994
3A 10,100  100 11,410e11,960 IM-920 Charcoal Younger Dryas Kuzmin, 1994
4A 10,070  540 10,880e12540 LE-4137A Charcoal Younger Dryas Kuzmin, 1994

Kosaya Shivera 16 50 090 N, 108 440 E 14 12,070  300 13,510e14,520 GIN-6123 Charcoal n/a-too old Konstantinov, 1994
Mukhur-Tala-7 17 51 450 N, 108 470 E ea 11,630  300 13,390e13,570 SOAN-3468 Charcoal Allerød Lbova, 2001
e 11,240  360 12,720e13,420 SOAN-3467 Charcoal Allerød Lbova, 2001

Oshurkova 18 51 580 N, 107 280 E 3 11,630  140 13,340e13,640 GIN-6121 Charcoal Allerød Kirillov and Derevianko, 1998
3 11,230  80 12,990e13,260 GIN-5787 Charcoal Allerød Kirillov and Derevianko, 1998
3 10,900  500 12,120e13,310 GIN-302 Charcoal Younger Dryas Kirillov and Derevianko, 1998
3 9700  700 10,220e12,200 GIN-5788 Charcoal Preboreal Kirillov and Derevianko, 1998

Ust’-Kiakhta 19 50 320 N, 106 160 E 1 12,595  150 14,260e15,130 SOAN-1553b Bone n/a-too old Orlova, 1995

I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400

1 11,510  100 13,260e13,460 SOAN-1552 Pottery temper Allerød Kuzmin and Orlova, 2000
3 11,680  155 13,390e13,700 SOAN-3091 Bone Allerød Tashak, 1996
5 12,100  80 13,840e14,030 GIN-N84-93a Bone n/a-too old Tashak, 1996
5 12,230  100 13,890e14,470 GIN-N84-93b Bone n/a-too old Tashak, 1996
5 11,500  100 13,260e13,450 SOAN-3092 Bone Allerød Tashak, 1996
6 11,375  110 13,140e13,340 SOAN-3093 Bone Allerød Orlova, 1995

Ust’-Menza-1 20 50 130 N, 108 370 E 11 10,380  250 11,820e12,570 GIN-5503 Charcoal Younger Dryas Konstantinov, 2001
13 11,350  250 12,930e13,450 GIN-5503 Charcoal Allerød Konstantinov, 2001
14 11,820  120 13,510e13,790 GIN-7161 Charcoal Allerød Konstantinov, 2001

Studenoe-1 21 50 030 N, 108 150 E 19/4 11,314  160 13,140e13,460 IEMEDZH-199 Charcoal Allerød Buvit et al., 2003
19/4 11,030  380 12,660e13,420 GIN-2938 Charcoal Allerød Buvit et al., 2003
16 11,630  50 13,460e13,810 SOAN-1656 Charcoal Allerød Buvit et al., 2003
16 11,520  260 13,160e13,820 AA-33036 Charcoal Allerød Buvit et al., 2003
16 11,340  200 13,050e13,760 GIN-2932 Charcoal Allerød Buvit et al., 2003
15 11,660  500 13,170e14,090 GIN-293 Charcoal Allerød Buvit et al., 2003
15 11,340  180 13,140e13,750 GIN-2931A Charcoal Allerød Buvit et al., 2003
14 11,395  180 13,150e13,780 SOAN-1655 Charcoal Allerød Buvit et al., 2003
14 10,970  135 12,880e13,140 SOAN-1654 Charcoal Younger Dryas Buvit et al., 2003
13/1 10,755  140 12,640e12,970 SOAN-1653 Charcoal Younger Dryas Buvit et al., 2003
8 11,995  150 13,820e14,130 AA-33040 Charcoal Allerød Buvit et al., 2003
7”b” 10,450  300 11,700e12,890 GIN-5493 Humates Younger Dryas Buvit et al., 2003
6 10,780  150 12,650e12,980 GIN-4577 Charcoal Younger Dryas Buvit et al., 2003
5 11,000  90 12,900e13,140 AA-33037 Charcoal Allerød/Younger Dryas Buvit et al., 2003
5 10,400  155 11,780e12,800 SOAN-1648 Charcoal Younger Dryas Buvit et al., 2003
3 10,580  155 12,340e12,890 SOAN-1647 Charcoal Younger Dryas Buvit et al., 2003

Kovrizhka-2 15 57 480 N, 113 560 E 5 11,190  390 12,660e13,410 SOAN-4553 Charcoal Allerød Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011
Kovrizhka-3 15 57 480 N, 113 560 E 2 10,940  150 12,660e13,050 SOAN-7029 Charcoal Younger Dryas Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011
Ust’-Karenga-12 22 54 280 N, 116 310 E 7 12,180  60 13,930e14,120 AA-60210 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin and Vetrov, 2007
7 12,170  70 13,910e14,120 AA-60202 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin and Vetrov, 2007
7 11,240  80 13,080e13,270 GIN-8066 Charcoal Allerød Vetrov, 1995
7 11,070  70 12,870e13,090 AA-38101 Pottery temper Allerød Kuzmin and Keally, 2001
7 10,870  70 12,650e12,830 AA-60667 Pottery temper Younger Dryas Kuzmin and Vetrov, 2007
7 10,750  60 12,590e12,690 GIN-8067 Charcoal Younger Dryas Vetrov, 1995
7 10,600  110 12,410e12,640 AA-21378 Pottery temper Younger Dryas O’Malley et al., 1999
Ust’-Timpton 23 58 420 N, 127 070 E VIII 11,800  200 13,430e13,830 IM-453 Charcoal Allerød Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a
VIb 10,130  100 11,410e11,990 LE-897 Wood Younger Dryas Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a
VIb 10,650  80 12,640e12,814 LE-898 Wood Younger Dryas Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a
VIb 11,150  150 12,930e13,170 IM-454 Unreported Allerød Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a
VIa 10,300  50 11,980e12,370 LE-920 Charcoal Younger Dryas Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a
VIa 10,340  140 11,840e12,580 LE-862 Wood Younger Dryas Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a
Vb 10,740  100 12,560e12,720 LE-861 Charcoal Younger Dryas Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a
Vb 9450  300 10,300e11,170 IM-455 Charcoal Preboreal Mochanov, 1977
Va 9140  150 10,180e10,550 Unreported Unreported Preboreal Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a
 0  0 c
Berelekh 24 70 50 N, 145 30 E * 13,420  200 16,060e16,840 IM-152 Wood n/a-too old Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996b
* 12,930  80 15,140e15,840 GIN-1021 Wood n/a-too old Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996b
* 12,410  50 14,170e14,630 Beta 243745 Mammoth tusk n/a-too old Pitulko, 2011
* 10,600  90 12,420e12,620 LE-998 Wood Younger Dryas Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996b
e 18,920  80 22,310e22,640 Beta 243743 Ivory n/a-too old Pitulko, 2011
e 12,240  160 13,890e14,520 LU-149 Mammoth tusk n/a-too old Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996b
e 12,200  40 13,970e14,130 Beta 216796 Mammoth bone n/a-too old Pitulko, 2011
e 11,830  110 13,510e13,800 LU-147 Wood Allerød Mochanov, 1977
e 11,450  140 13,170e13,430 Beta 190085 Hare bone Allerød Pitulko, 2011

Ezhantsy 25 60 290 N, 135 080 E 10,940  100 12,680e12,920 GIN-737 Charcoal Younger Dryas Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996c

I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400

e 10,500  300 11,830e12,680 LE-964 Charcoal Younger Dryas Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996c
e 9000  100 9920e10,250 LE-997 Charcoal Preboreal Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996c

Zhokov 26 76 070 N, 152 370 E * 10,810  390 12,733e11,531 LE-4533a Bone Younger Dryas Pitulko and Kasparov, 1996

Russian Far East

Malye Kuruktachi 27 50 170 N, 130 190 E * 14,200  130 17,070e17,500 SOAN-3287 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin et al., 1998
* 13,815  150 16,770e17,060 AA-13399 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin et al., 1998
* 13,310  105 15,980e16,700 AA-13398 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin et al., 1998
* 12,485  80 14,240e14,910 AA-17212 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin et al., 1998
* 11,730  70 13,470e13,680 AA-17211 Charcoal Allerød Kuzmin et al., 1998
* 11,355  370 12,840e13,600 SOAN-3591 Charcoal Allerød Kuzmin et al., 1998
* 10,520  95 12,220e12,590 SOAN-3590 Charcoal Younger Dryas Kuzmin et al., 1998

Golya Mys 28 52 090 N, 140 000 E * 12,925  65 15,130e15,820 AA-36287 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin, 2006a,b
* 12,680  65 14,810e15,200 AA-36278 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin, 2006a,b
* 12,610  60 14,660e15,100 AA-36279 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin, 2006a,b
* 12,360  60 14,120e14,560 AA-36281 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin, 2006a,b
* 10,340  50 12,065e12,380 AA-36280 Charcoal Younger Dryas Kuzmin, 2006a,b

Gromatukha 29 51 500 N, 128 500 E Lower layer 13,240  85 14,570e17,030 AA-20039 Pottery temper n/a-too old Derevianko et al., 2004
Lower layer 13,310  100 16,060e16,700 AA-20940 Pottery temper n/a-too old O’Malley et al., 1999
Lower layer 12,340  60 14,100e14,530 AA-36079 Charcoal n/a-too old Jull et al., 2001
Lower layer 11,320  150 13,080e13,370 SNU02-002 Pottery temper Allerød Derevianko et al., 2004
Lower layer 10,450  60 12,170e12,530 AA-38108 Pottery temper Younger Dryas Derevianko et al., 2004
Lower layer 9895  50 11,230e11,340 AA-36447 Charcoal Preboreal Kuzmin, 2006a,b

Ustinovka-6 30 44 160 N, 135 180 E * 11,750  620 12,900e14,590 SOAN-3538 Charcoal Allerød Kuzmin and Jull, 1997
* 11,550  240 13,190e13,670 GEO-1412 Charcoal Allerød Kuzmin, 2003

Gasya 31 48 450 N, 135 380 E Lower layer 12,960  120 15,160e15,900 LE-1781 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin and Jull, 1997
Lower layer 11,340  60 13,160e13,280 GEO-1413 Charcoal Allerød Kuzmin, 2003
Lower layer 10,870  90 12,640e12,850 AA-13391 Charcoal Younger Dryas Kuzmin and Jull, 1997

Khummi 32 50 340 N, 137 060 E Lower layer (low) 13,260  100 15,920e16,620 AA-13392 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin, 2006a,b
Lower layer (low) 12,425  850 13,500e16,040 SOAN-3583 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin, 2006a,b
Lower layer (middle) 12,150  110 13,850e14,140 SOAN-3826 Charcoal n/a-too old Kuzmin, 2006a,b
Lower layer (middle) 10,350  110 12,020e12,410 AA-13391 Charcoal Younger Dryas Kuzmin, 2006a,b
Lower layer (upper) 7760  120 8410e8700 GIN-6945 Charcoal n/a-too young Kuzmin, 2006a,b

(continued on next page)

Table 1 (continued )

Site Fig. 1 Designation Location Layer C BP cal BP (1 s) Lab Code Material Chronozone designation Reference
Goncharka 33 49 200 N, 134 550 E Lower layer 12,500  60 14,250e14,950 LLNL-102169 Charcoal n/a-too old Jull et al., 2001
Lower layer 12,055  75 13,820e13,990 AA-25437 Charcoal n/a-too old Jull et al., 2001
3b 10,590  60 12,430e12,610 LLNL-102168 Charcoal Younger Dryas Jull et al., 2001
3b 10,280  70 11,830e12,370 AA-25438 Charcoal Younger Dryas Jull et al., 2001
3b 10,280  70 11,830e12,370 AA-25439 Charcoal Younger Dryas Jull et al., 2001
3b 9890  230 10,880e11,950 GaK-18981 Charcoal Preboreal Jull et al., 2001

Ushki Lake 34 56 100 N, 159 570 E 7 14,300  800 16,590e18,560 MAG-550 Charcoal n/a-too old Goebel et al., 2010
7 14,300  200 16,930e17,910 GIN-168 Charcoal n/a-too old Goebel et al., 2010
7 13,800  500 16,070e17,610 MAG-522 Charcoal n/a-too old Goebel et al., 2010
7 13,600  250 15,430e17,220 GIN-167 Charcoal n/a-too old Dikov, 1993
7 11,650  100 13,380e13,630 MAG-594 Charcoal Allerød Goebel et al., 2010
7 11,360  330 12,890e13,580 LE-3695 Charcoal Allerød Goebel et al., 2010
7 11,330  50 13,160e13,270 CAMS-74639 Charcoal Allerød Goebel et al., 2003
7 11,220  25 13,090e13,180 UCIAMS-53556 Charcoal Allerød Goebel et al., 2010
7 11,210  25 13,080e13,180 UCIAMS-53554 Charcoal Allerød Goebel et al., 2010
7 11,205  25 13,080e13,190 UCIAMS-53555 Charcoal Allerød Goebel et al., 2010
7 11,185  25 12,970e13,160 UCIAMS-53553 Charcoal Allerød Goebel et al., 2010

I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400

7 11,120  500 12,430e13,600 LE-3697 Charcoal Allerød Goebel et al., 2010
7 11,070  60 12,880e13,090 AA-69057 Charcoal Allerød Kuzmin et al., 2010
7 11,060  25 12,900e13,080 UCIAMS-32199 Charcoal Allerød Goebel et al., 2010
7 11,050  75 12,840e13,090 AA-41389 Humates Allerød Goebel et al., 2003
7 11,050  75 12,840e13,090 AA-45716 Charcoal Allerød Goebel et al., 2003
7 11,005  115 12,740e13,070 AA-41388 Charcoal Allerød Goebel et al., 2003
7 10,850  320 12,410e13,130 AA-45709 Charcoal Younger Dryas Goebel et al., 2003
7 10,810  75 12,600e12,760 AA-45708 Charcoal Younger Dryas Goebel et al., 2003
7 10,675  75 12,550e12,660 AA-45710 Charcoal Younger Dryas Goebel et al., 2003
7 9750  100 10,870e11,260 MAG-637 Charcoal Preboreal Goebel et al., 2010
7 9960  100 11,250e11,610 LE-3024 Charcoal Preboreal Goebel et al., 2010
6 11,130  100 12,940e13,110 AA-45717 Charcoal Allerød Goebel et al., 2003
6 10,860  400 12,220e13,230 MAG-400 Charcoal Younger Dryas Dikov, 1993
6 10,800  150 12,670e12,930 AA-45714 Charcoal Younger Dryas Goebel et al., 2003
6 10,790  100 12,750e12,880 MAG-518 Charcoal Younger Dryas Dikov, 1996
6 10,760  110 12,700e12,870 MAG-219 Charcoal Younger Dryas Dikov, 1977
6 10,460  80 12,190e12,630 SR-5811 Charcoal Younger Dryas Goebel et al., 2003
6 10,385  90 12,070e12,560 AA-45719 Charcoal Younger Dryas Goebel et al., 2003
6 10,360  350 11,610e12,600 MO-345 Charcoal Younger Dryas Dikov, 1993
6 10,240  75 11,810e12,110 AA-41386 Charcoal Younger Dryas Goebel et al., 2003
6 10,230  70 11,820e12,080 AA-45720 Charcoal Younger Dryas Goebel et al., 2003
6 10,170  160 11,410e12,090 AA-69055 Charcoal Younger Dryas Kuzmin et al., 2010
6 10,160  80 11,630e12,000 AA-45715 Charcoal Younger Dryas Goebel et al., 2003
6 10,040  130 11,310e11,810 AA-45713 Charcoal Younger Dryas Goebel et al., 2003
From a non-artifact bearing layer.
b 14
McKenzie (2009) reports GIN-1553 as 12,600  90 C BP (14,600e15,090 cal BP) on pottery temper from the site.
*From the single cultural layer at the site.
I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400 387

11,500 14C BP (15,100 and 13,340 cal BP). Radiocarbon dates with a central hearth feature associated with 4 microblade cores, 9
between 12,000 and 10,000 14C BP (13,850 and 11,500 cal BP) are miscellaneous lithic tools, 348 flakes, 398 chips, 7 microblades, and
listed in Table 1 (Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011). Roughly 25-30 cm of various animal bones (Konstantinov, 1994, pp. 104e105).
sediment separates the lower, terminal Pleistocene cultural layers
(12-3A) from later, Neolithic and Bronze Age layers (3-1). Ineshin 4.1.4. Mukhor-Tala-7
and Teten’kin (2011) and Ineshin (2006) treat layers 4B, 4A, 4, 3V, The Mukhor-Tala-7 site is situated on the 70e75 m elevation
3B, and 3A as a single component because of their technological line of the Mukhor-Tala Ridge (Fig. 1, no. 17) (51450 N, 108 470 E)
uniformity. (Lbova, 2000, p. 80). Excavations revealed multiple localities with
Each layer, excluding 3V, produced a single hearth feature and occupations spanning the middle Upper Paleolithic to Neolithic.
Ineshin and Teten’kin (2011) suggest that a dwelling feature also The site is located within a roughly 3.5 km2 lava flow of liparites
existed in cultural layer 3B. Based on use-wear analysis, asym- (rhyolite and silicified tuff) and volcanic glass (Lbova, 2000, p. 80).
metrical bifaces served as knives or side scrapers during the initial Mukhor-Tala-7 is believed to have functioned as a workshop for
formation of the bifacial edge, then as side scrapers, burins, the exploitation of these raw materials. Some of the numeric ages
notches, and finally as Yubetsu microblade cores during reduction on charcoal from Mukhor-Tala-7 date between 12,000 and 10,000
(Ineshin, 2006). Bone needles were found in layer 4B and other C BP (13,850 and 11,500 cal BP), but no unequivocal archaeo-
bone artifacts related to both hunting (slotted bone points) and logical material was discovered there (Lbova, 2000, p. 87, 2001)
fishing (a harpoon) were discovered below cultural layer 4B (Table 1).
(Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011). The site also produced polished
pieces of graphite (layers 3B and 4B), and a flat stone with red 4.1.5. Oshurkova
mineral stains (layer 4A) (Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011). Based on The Oshurkova site is situated on the 6e8 m terrace of the
geochemical analysis, the graphite may have been extracted from Selenga River (Konstantinov, 1994, p. 99; Kirillov and Derevianko,
a source 60 km north of the site on Takhtyga Creek (Ineshin and 1998, p. 140; Konstantinov, 2001, p. 143) (Fig. 1, no. 18) (51580 N,
Teten’kin, 2011). 107 280 E). The site was discovered and excavated by A. P. Oklad-
Bol’shoi Yakor’ was situated in a prime location to exploit nikov in 1951 who renewed excavations there in 1958
resources from several different ecological niches. Allerød layers (Konstantinov, 1994, p. 99, 2001, p. 143). Konstantinov reopened the
produced remains of horse, bison, and musk ox common to steppe site in another locality in 1986 and continued in 1988, 1990, and
environments, moose, red deer, wolf, and hare from forests, and 1996 (Konstantinov, 1994, p. 101, 2001, p. 143). Four cultural layers
reindeer and argali sheep from tundra or alpine landscapes were discovered, of which layer 3 produced radiocarbon dates that
(Ineshin, 2006; Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011). Furthermore, the site likely represent an Allerød to Younger Dryas occupation (Tseitlin,
produced remains of birds (ptarmigan, white ptarmigan, and teal), 1979, p. 208; Konstantinov, 1994, p. 103; Kirillov and Derevianko,
fish (perch and pike), fox, and lemming (Ineshin, 2006; Ineshin and 1998, p. 140) (Table 1).
Teten’kin, 2011). Functionally, the site appears to represent During excavations of layer 3, Konstantinov discovered a small
a temporary settlement that was seasonally reoccupied during the hearth 1.8  1.3 m in diameter containing a 5-cm thick accumula-
spring and autumn over a 2000-year period where hunting and tion of charcoal, calcined mammal bone, fish bones, a bone
other resource processing took place (Ineshin, 2006; Ineshin and harpoon, a bird-bone awl (or needle), a bone tool with a broken tip,
Teten’kin, 2011). and hundreds of chipped-stone examples (Fig. 3) (Konstantinov,
1994, pp. 102e103). According to Konstantinov (2001, p. 144)
4.1.2. Kovrizhka large stones associated with the archaeological remains may have
The Kovrizhka complex was found around 1.5 km from Bol’shoi been the remnants of a dwelling. The harpoon and fish bones
Yakor’ on the right bank of the Vitim River (Fig. 1, no. 15) (57480 N, indicate the intensification of riverine resources in addition to
113 560 E) (Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011) and is associated with hunting (Okladnikov, 1961, p. 493).
Allerød and Younger Dryas radiocarbon dates (Table 1). Kovrizhka
2, positioned within alluvium of the 17e19 m terrace, produced five 4.1.6. Ust’-Kiakhta
late Paleolithic to Neolithic cultural layers. Cultural layer 5, dated to Ust’-Kiakhta-17 is located in the Transbaikal region near the
w11,200 14C BP (w13,120 cal BP), included a hearth with two river Mongolian border on the 5e6 m terrace of the Selenga River (Fig. 1,
cobbles and a scraper (Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011). no. 19) (50 320 N, 106160 E) (Konstantinov, 2001, p. 138). A. P.
Kovrizhka 3 is situated in eolian deposits capping the 21e22 m Okladnikov excavated there in 1947 and again in 1976 and 1978 at
terrace of the Vitim River (Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011). Cultural localities 1-4, but the results were only partially published
layer 2 produced a dwelling outlined with slate stones, a hearth, an (Konstantinov, 2001, p. 138). During Tashak’s renewed excavations
anvil, flat-faced cores, microblade cores, bifaces, transverse and in the 1990s, he discovered six more cultural layers that produced
angle burins on flakes, scrapers, and choppers. Ineshin and seven radiocarbon dates, four of which were between 12,000 and
Teten’kin (2011) consider the industry part of the Dyuktai cultural 10,000 14C BP (13,850 and 11,500 cal BP) (Table 1).
complex in the Sakha Republic as described by Mochanov (1977). Layer 3 produced the remains of a circular dwelling approxi-
Functionally, the Kovrizhka sites may have served as hunting camps mately 4 m in diameter partially outlined by 10 cobbles. The
during seasonal reindeer migrations (Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011). dwelling contained an unlined hearth with animal and fish bones
associated with five fire-altered cobbles and charcoal staining. The
4.1.3. Kosaya Shivera 4652 lithic artifacts found in and around the dwelling included
Kosaya Shivera (50 090 N, 108 440 E) is located on the first terrace prismatic and subprismatic cores, microblade cores, microblades
(8.5 m) of the Menza River in the Transbaikal region (Fig. 1, no. 16). and microblade fragments, flakes, chips, and angular debris
Excavations in 1981 by M. V. Konstantinov produced two dozen (Tashak, 1993, 1996; Konstantinov, 2001, p. 138). Stone beads, large
cultural layers, of which layers 14 and 13 correspond to the final pieces of ochre and graphite, and a large, ochre-stained stone were
Paleolithic, while 12 through 10 are early Mesolithic. The site’s only also discovered (Tashak, 1993, 1996; Konstantinov, 2001, p. 138).
numeric date, 12,070  300 14C BP (13,510e14,520 cal BP) (GIN- Fauna included fish, ostrich eggshell (Struthio asiaticus), and
6123), places layer 14 within or just before the Allerød (Table 1). a humerus of a house martin (Delichon urbica) (Tashak, 1993, 1996;
Excavations revealed a 5-m diameter, cobble-outlined dwelling Mlikovsky et al., 1997; Konstantinov, 2001, p. 138).
388 I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400

1994; Buvit, 2008) (Table 1). In cultural layer 13, a circular

dwelling outlined with widely spaced cobbles was found with
a flake and a chopper. A charcoal smear (1.60  1.06 m) outlined by
river rocks and associated with a flake core, a biface, and a few
flakes, was found in cultural layer 14 (Konstantinov, 2001, p. 46;
Terry, 2010, pp. 114e115). Fauna remains consisted mostly of red
and roe deer (Kuznetsov, 1996).
Hearth charcoal from layer 11 dated to 10,380  250 14C BP
(11,820e12,570 cal BP) (GIN-5459) (Konstantinov, 2001, p. 49)
(Table 1). This layer produced the remains of a dwelling outlined by
nine river cobbles, a hearth, and a charcoal smear. Artifacts
distributed within the dwelling included 2 microblade cores, 8
microblades, 4 microblade fragments with retouch, a retouched
flake, burins on microblades, a chopper, 60 microblade fragments,
114 flakes, 2 slotted bone points, a bone fragment with a drilled
hole, pieces of ochre, ungulate teeth, and many small bone frag-
ments (Fig. 4) (Konstantinov, 2001, p. 49; Konstantinov et al., 2003,
p. 23).
Although cultural layer 12 was undated, it was bracketed by
layers 13 and 11 (Konstantinov, 2001), placing its occupation
between the Allerød and the Younger Dryas. Layer 12 produced the
remains of a dwelling with a stone-outlined hearth and
a 0.9 m  1.25 m charcoal stain that may have been the dwelling’s
entrance. Artifacts distributed around the hearth included a wedge-
shaped core, a wedge-shaped core fragment, 2 chisels on flakes, 3
retouched microblade fragments, a blade fragment with retouch, 7
scrapers, 8 retouched flakes, 220 microblade fragments, 1882
flakes, pebbles with scratch marks (scored), 5 bone needle frag-
ments, a bone point, and animal and fish bones (Konstantinov,
2001, p. 47; Konstantinov et al., 2003, p. 22).

4.1.8. Studenoe-1
The Studenoe-1 site is associated with the first alluvial terrace
on the right bank of the Chikoi River at its confluence with Stu-
denoe Creek in the southwest Transbaikal region (Fig. 1, no. 21)
(50 030 N, 108 150 E). Excavations were undertaken over several
Fig. 3. Artifacts from Oshurkova. Layer 3: scrapers (1-15), cores (16, 18), bone harpoon decades beginning in the 1970s until 2003 when the site was finally
(17), retouched blade (20), bone tool (21), chopper (22), large scraper (23) (after closed. In that time, the site produced 41 radiocarbon dates many of
Konstantinov, 1994, Fig. 63). which were discordant and between 12,000 and 10,000 14C BP
(13,850 and 11,500 cal BP) (Table 1). Despite stratigraphic irregu-
larities with the dates, Konstantinov (1994) argued that cultural
There are reports of pottery in cultural layer 1 dated at layers 14, 15, and 16 were occupied between 10,800 and 12,000 14C
11,510  100 14C BP (13,260e13,460 cal BP) (SOAN-1552) BP (12,640 and 13,850 cal BP). There was likely a Younger Dryas
(McKenzie, 2009) (Table 1). The pottery was 8e10 cm in diameter occupation at Studenoe-1; however, too many dating inconsis-
and tempered with crushed rock minerals and ostrich eggshell tencies prohibit precise resolution of the site’s geochronology (see
(Kuzmin and Vetrov, 2007; McKenzie, 2009, pp.182e183). Kuzmin Buvit et al., 2003 for a complete list of dates and more discussion).
(2006a, p. 367) and Kuzmin and Orlova (2000, p. 359) report that
the association between pottery and the radiocarbon date in 4.1.9. Ust’-Karenga-12
cultural layer 1 is unclear. McKenzie (2009, p. 183), however, argues The Ust’-Karenga complex, located on terraces around the
that the association may be good based on both the presence of mouth of the Karenga River at its confluence with the Vitim River
ostrich eggshell used for beads and temper and the fact that ostrich (54 280 N, 116 310 E) (Fig. 1, no. 22) in the northern Transbaikal
disappeared from the region only after the early Holocene. Exca- region, contains 16 sites with cultural layers dating from the final
vations of cultural layer 1 produced wedge-shaped microblade Upper Paleolithic to the Paleometal periods (Kuzmin and Vetrov,
cores, scrapers, and ostrich eggshell beads, along with the pottery 2007, p. 9). Ust’-Karenga-12 produced seven late-glacial/early
fragments (Aseev, 2003; McKenzie, 2009, pp.182e183). The exte- Holocene radiocarbon dates and is situated within alluvial sedi-
rior of the pottery may have been burnished while the interior ments of the 20e25 m terrace of the Karenga River (Kuzmin and
exhibited parallel lines (Kuzmin and Vetrov, 2007, p. 13; McKenzie, Vetrov, 2007, p. 10) (Table 1). Eight cultural layers were identified,
2009, pp. 182e183). but cultural layer 7 produced four dates just at or younger than
11,000 14C BP (12,870 cal BP), and if accurate would place the
4.1.7. Ust’-Menza-1 occupation within the Younger Dryas (Table 1). Layer 7 also
Ust’-Menza-1 is located in the Transbaikal region on the first produced two >12,000 14C BP (>13,850 cal BP) dates on charcoal
(5e6 m) terrace of the Menza River (Fig. 1, no. 20) (50130 N, that are the earliest dates associated with pottery west of the
108 370 E). It appears that cultural layers 13 through 25 were Russian Far East (Table 1).
occupied during the late Upper Paleolithic, but radiocarbon ages The pottery from Ust’-Karenga-12 is plant-fiber tempered like
from layers 13 and 14 indicate Allerød occupations (Konstantinov, that found in the Russian Far East and comprises fragments that
I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400 389

Fig. 4. Artifacts and features from Ust-Menza-1. Layer 11: microblade cores (1, 2), scrapers (3e8, 11, 12), burin (9), bone with drilled hole (10), slotted bone point (13). Layer 12:
Dwelling and hearth (14) (dwelling after Konstantinov, 2001, p. 47; artifacts after Konstantinov, 1994, Figs. 67e70).

form approximately 10 conical vessels. The exterior of the pieces a single radiocarbon date (Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a, p. 201)
are elaborately decorated with comb, cogwheel stamps, zigzag, and (Table 1). Cultural material is sparse but includes a combination
herringbone designs (Kuzmin and Vetrov, 2007, p. 12). The presence tool (scraper/knife), a dihedral burin, 5 blades, and 65 flakes
of ceramic technology at Ust’-Karenga-12 is compelling as (Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a, p. 206).
researchers are still in the midst of understanding the origins of Layer VI is subdivided into two sublayers e VIb and VIa e and
early pottery in the Transbaikal. One question is whether it was associated with five Younger Dryas radiocarbon dates (Mochanov
introduced from the east before the advent of agriculture (Kuzmin and Fedoseeva, 1996a, pp. 199e201) (Table 1). A rectangular
and Vetrov, 2007, p. 15). dwelling was discovered in VIb made up of burnt timbers oriented
at right angles to each other overlain by smaller branches inter-
4.1.10. Ust’-Timpton preted as a roof. One meter from the dwelling was a hearth asso-
Yu. Mochanov and S. Fedoseeva conducted investigations at ciated with 2 end scrapers, 2 blades, and 680 flakes (Mochanov and
Ust’-Timpton from 1964e1966, 1969e1971, 1974e1977, and Fedoseeva, 1996a, p. 204). A granite pebble and eight flakes were
1979e1982 (Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a, p. 199). The site found within the dwelling, while a scraper and five flakes were
extends 170 m along the second terrace of the Aldan River at its discovered outside the dwelling apart from the hearth (Mochanov
confluence with the Timpton River (Fig. 1, no. 23) (58 420 N, and Fedoseeva, 1996a, p. 204).
127 070 E) (Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a, p. 199). Excavations of layer VI produced a caribou bone, an elk or moose
Artifacts occur in the lowest, undated layer IX, but the overlying tooth, and two other unidentifiable animal bones (Mochanov and
layer VIII may have been occupied during the Allerød based on Fedoseeva, 1996a, p. 201). Other artifacts without clear sublayer
390 I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400

VIa or VIb designation included 2 wedge-shaped microblade cores, 4.3. Russian Far East
a prismatic core, a discoidal flake core, 4 end scrapers, 2 side
scrapers, 6 knives, 3 broken blades, 1 notched blade, 3 burins, 4.3.1. Malye Kuruktachi-1
a wedge-like tool, and a combination tool (scraper/knife) Malye Kuruktachi-1 is located above the Bureya River on
(Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a, p. 204). a bedrock slope (Fig. 1, no. 27) (50170 N, 130190 E) (Jull et al., 1999;
The layer Vb assemblage has been interpreted as transitional Kuzmin and Chernuk, 2000; Kuzmin, 2003, p. 18; Derevianko et al.,
between earlier Dyuktai and later Sumnagin traditions. The radio- 2006) and consists of one cultural layer yielding a wide range of
carbon dates from this layer, however, may be problematic (Table 1) radiocarbon dates on hearth charcoal between 14,200 and 10,500
(Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a, p. 199), as cryogenic activity likely C BP (17,280 and 12,480 cal BP) (Table 1) (Kuzmin et al., 1998).
displaced artifacts upward from Vb to Va (Mochanov and Fedoseeva, Derevianko et al. (2006, p. 69), however, place the habitation of the
1996a, p. 199). A pair of artifact concentrations produced 2 Gobi site between 12,200 and 13,800 14C BP (14,050 and 16,890 cal BP),
wedge-shaped and 2 subprismatic cores, 6 end scrapers on blades and thus outside the scope of this paper.
and flakes, a graver, a transverse burin, 11 complete blades and
microblades, and 3 broken blades (Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a, 4.3.2. Golya Mys-4
p. 201). Mochanov and Fedoseeva (1996a, p. 199) also included the Golya Mys-4 is located in the lower Amur River Basin on the
following redeposited Dyuktai-like artifacts with the layer Vb shore of Lake Udyl (52 090 N, 140 000 E) (Fig. 1, no. 28) (Derevianko
assemblage: 2 wedge-shaped blade cores, a discoidal flake core, 2 et al., 2006, p. 71). Most radiocarbon ages on hearth charcoal from
dihedral transverse burins, 2 scrapers, and a wedge-like tool this site range between 13,000 and 12,300 14C BP (15,550 and
(Mochanov and Fedoseeva, 1996a, p. 201). In sum, the Ust’-Timpton 14,220 cal BP), and one dates to the Younger Dryas (Table 1)
site produced a blade-based lithic assemblage thought to be the (Kuzmin, 2006b). Derevianko et al. (2006, p. 72), however,
progenitor of later Sumnagin technology with origins in the Younger consider the age of the site to fall within the earlier pre-Allerød
Dryas. Post-depositional disturbance at the site, however, has made time frame.
interpretations about its cultural assemblages difficult.
4.3.3. Gromatukha
4.1.11. Berelekh Most of the radiocarbon dates on charcoal from the Gromatukha
Archaeological material at the Berelekh site is situated 2.5 m site, located in the Middle Amur River basin along the Zeya river
beneath the tread of the 12 m terrace of the Berelekh River, Sakha (Fig. 1, no. 29) (51500 N, 128 500 E), are outside the range of this
Republic (70 500 N, 145 300 E) (Fig. 1, no. 24) (Mochanov and study (Table 1) (O’Malley et al., 1999). Two younger dates from
Fedoseeva, 1996b, p. 218). Radiocarbon ages from the site’s single organic pottery temper and one early Holocene age on charcoal
cultural layer published by Mochanov (1977) and Mochanov and (Table 1), however, may be relevant, but Derevianko et al. (2004)
Fedoseeva (1996b) indicate an occupation prior to the Allerød, state that there is ambiguity in their stratigraphic contexts and
but a single date may place humans at the site in the Younger Dryas not reliable.
(Table 1). Mochanov (1977) and Mochanov and Fedoseeva (1996b)
estimate the age of the site is between 13,000 and 12,000 14C BP 4.3.4. Ustinovka-6
(15,230e13,850 cal BP) based on an age of 11,830  110 14C BP Located along a cliff terrace of the Zerkalnaia River in Primorye
(13,510e13,800 cal BP) (LU-147) extracted from wood above the (44160 N, 135180 E) (Fig. 1, no. 30), the Ustinovka-6 site was occu-
cultural layer. pied just prior to the Younger Dryas based on the two radiocarbon
Upon reexamination of the data, Pitulko (2011, p. 12) argued that dates from the site (Table 1) (Kuzmin, 2003, p. 19). The site
this date was associated with a bone bed separate from the archae- produced over 20,000 artifacts with two distinct occupation areas,
ological material at the site. Pitulko (2011, p. 28), however, places the one of which was interpreted as a lithic manufacturing station
age of the site around 11,450  140 14C BP (13,170e13,430 cal BP) (Kononenko et al., 1995, p. 1, 2003, p. 72; Derevianko and Tabarev,
(Beta 190085) oddly based on dated hare bones from the surface of 2006, p. 50). The lithic assemblage consisted of subprismatic and
a talus slope near the cultural material. Because of the uncertainties narrow faced cores, Yubetsu, Horoka, and Togeshita microblade
associated with its dating, further discussion of the site is excluded cores, asymmetrical leaf-shaped knives, laurel-leafed and willow-
(but see Pitulko, 2011; Goebel and Slobodin, 2005, p. 121). leafed points, burins, bifaces, gravers, end scrapers, and bifacial
adzes, as well as four small tanged or stemmed arrowheads, an
4.1.12. Ezhantsy anvil, and a stone pendant (Fig. 5) (Kononenko, 2003, p. 114;
Although radiocarbon dates on charcoal from the Ezhantsy site Kononenko et al., 2003, p. 72). The arrowheads are similar to those
(60 290 N,135 080 E) (Fig.1, no. 25) fall within the Younger Dryas, they found in the lower Amur River Basin, as well as in Hokkaido and
are from strata overlaying the cultural layer (Table 1). Furthermore, Honshu, Japan as part of the terminal Pleistocene Mikoshiba
Mochanov and Fedoseeva (1996c, p. 184) believe that the charcoal cultural complex (Kononenko, 2003, p. 114; Derevianko and
was transported by frost cracking and only date cryogenic activity of Tabarev, 2006, p. 50).
the Younger Dryas, not the underlying cultural material. Kononenko (2003:114) conducted use-wear studies and
determined that meat cutting (with knives and composite knives
4.1.13. Zhokov with inserts), processing fresh hide (scrapers), bone and antler
The Zhokov site (76 070 N, 152 370 E) (Fig. 1, no. 26) yielded working (burins, drills, end scrapers, knives, abrasive pebbles),
a radiocarbon date that falls within the Younger Dryas (Table 1); cutting non-woody plants (knives), processing plants (grinding
however, 21 of 23 radiocarbon dates from the cultural layer at the slabs and grinders), and drilling soft stone (burins) occurred at
site are younger than 9100 14C BP (10,240 cal BP) (Pitulko and Ustinovka-6. Siliceous tuff and liparite from nearby locations
Kasparov, 1996, p. 4). were used to manufacture chipped-stone artifacts. Other raw
materials include obsidian and flint, but source locations are not
4.2. Northeastern Siberia reported (Kononenko, 2003, p. 114). Based on these features,
Kononenko (2003, p. 114) considers the site to have functioned as
No dated archeological sites from this region fall within the late- a base camp for hunting and fishing where organic tools were
glacial/Holocene transition. manufactured.
I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400 391

burins, cobble tools, combination tools (knife/scraper), and wedge-

shaped and end-struck microblade cores (Zhushchikhovskaya,
1997, p. 160; Derevianko and Medvedev, 2006, pp. 127e129).
Pestles, hammerstones, anvils, and grooved tools were also present,
as well as net weights for fishing (Derevianko and Medvedev, 2006,
pp. 129e130). Some of the earliest examples of art in the Russian
Far East discovered at Gasya were a bird motif chipped from a silt-
stone blade and a clay bear figurine (Derevianko and Medvedev,
2006, p. 131).
Plant-fiber, grog, and crushed stone were used as temper in low-
fired (400 e500  C) pottery (Zhushchikhovskaya, 1997, pp.
160e62; Derevianko and Medvedev, 2006, p. 130). Flat bottom,
concoidal vessels decorated with lines, cross-like designs, and
zigzag patterns were also discovered (Zhushchikhovskaya 1997, p.
160; Kuzmin, 2002, p. 39; Derevianko and Medvedev, 2006, p. 130).
Zhushchikhovskaya (1997, p. 160) suggests that vessels were con-
structed using a mold or by paddle and anvil as basketry impres-
sions appeared on their exterior surfaces. The plant-fiber temper,
vessel mold and design, as well as low firing temperatures, are
characteristics similar to early pottery in Japan and China
(Zhushchikhovskaya, 1997, pp. 169e170).
No plant or faunal remains were found because of the acidic
soils of the lower Amur basin (Kuzmin, 2002, p. 42; Derevianko and
Medvedev, 2006, p. 131), so no direct interpretations about
subsistence can be made. Net sinkers, however, lend support to
fishing as a major economic activity (Derevianko and Medvedev,
1993, pp. 99e100, 1994, pp. 92e93; Kuzmin, 2002, p. 42). Like-
wise, ceramics may have been utilized to extract fat from anadro-
mous fish (Kuzmin, 2002). Based on both lithic industries and
pottery found at Gasya and other sites in the Osipovka Complex,
Zhushchikhovskaya (1997, p. 171) considers these sites as part of
a wide social network connected to Japan and possibly China.

4.3.6. Khummi
The Khummi site is located within late Pleistocene deposits
above the Amur River at its confluence with the Khummiiskaia
River (50 340 N, 137 060 E) (Fig. 1, no. 32) (Kuzmin, 2002, p. 39;
Derevianko and Medvedev, 2006, p. 126). The oldest cultural
material was radiocarbon dated prior to and during the Younger
Dryas (Table 1), although discussions of the cultural material are
typically lumped into one assemblage (Kuzmin et al., 1997, p. 496).
Fig. 5. Ustinovka-6 artifacts: ski-spall (1), microblade cores (2-5), bifaces (6-8), The remains of two rectangular dwellings were found in
scrapers (9, 10), burins (11, 12) (after Kononenko et al., 1995, pp. 3e4). Younger Dryas layers at Khummi (Kuzmin, 2003, p. 21), one of
which was dug 20e22 cm into the ground, along with nine post
holes and stone-outlined hearths (Derevianko and Medvedev,
2006, p. 131). Artifact concentrations produced bifaces, large
4.3.5. Gasya blades, wedge-shaped and end-struck microblade cores, end
The Gasya site is situated on a cliff 13e16 m above the Amur scrapers, knives, adzes, and pebble net sinkers indicative of the
River (48 450 N, 135 380 E) (Fig. 1, no. 31) (Zhushchikhovskaya, 1997, Osipovka Complex (Zhushchikhovskaya, 1997, p. 162; Derevianko
p. 160; Kuzmin, 2002, p. 39; Derevianko and Medvedev, 2006, p. and Medvedev, 2006, p. 129). Other lithic artifacts include ham-
125). The site was first investigated by Derevianko and Medvedev merstones, anvils, pestles, and grooved tools, as well as stone beads
(1993) who excavated 1000 m2 in the 1980s and discovered and pendants (Derevianko and Medvedev, 2006, p. 129, p. 132).
a thick cultural layer 130e180 cm below the surface (Derevianko Concoidal, plant-fiber tempered pottery, with flat bottoms
and Medvedev, 2006, p. 125). Two of three radiocarbon dates decorated with various lines, cross-like designs, and zigzag
from the site suggest occupation just prior to and possibly during patterns, was discovered at Khummi (Zhushchikhovskaya, 1997, pp.
the Younger Dryas (Table 1) (Kuzmin and Jull, 1997; Kuzmin, 2003). 160e162; Kuzmin, 2002, p. 39). Some sherds had a net pattern on
Archaeologists discovered two possible dwellings consisting of their outer surfaces and grooved lines on their interiors indicating
dark charcoal stained areas (3.5  4.5 m and 1.5  5.0 m, respec- they were manufactured utilizing a basket mold and a wooden tool
tively) associated with most of the artifacts. Derevianko and pressed from the inside of the vessel. Another characteristic of the
Medvedev (2006, p. 130) suggest that these dwellings were con- pottery was a low firing temperature (600  C) in an open fire
structed with wood and animal hides built on the ground surface. A (Zhushchikhovskaya, 1997, p. 162).
“Mesolithic-like” laurel-leaf point was found in association with
pottery (Kuzmin, 2002, p. 39). Other artifacts were a chipped and 4.3.7. Goncharka-1
a ground adze, scraping tools on pebbles, arrow, dart, and spear Goncharka-1 is located on a terrace of the Amur River (Fig. 1, no.
points, bifaces, knives, end scrapers, side scrapers, blades, flakes, 33) (49 200 N, 134 550 E), (Shevkomud, 2002, 2005). The site
392 I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400

produced numerous radiocarbon dates spanning the late-glacial/ bifaces, net sinkers, as well as grinding stones were also common
Holocene transition (Table 1). The site lies within dense, clay-like (Shevkomud, 2002, 2005).
loams that were disturbed by cryogenic processes in which later Flat-bottomed, wavy rimmed concoidal vessels fired at temp-
artifacts have intruded into the lower layers through ice wedges eratures less than 600  C were decorated with perforations slightly
(Shevkomud, 2002, 2005). In both the upper and lower layers, stone below their rims (similar to those found at Ustinovka-3), zigzag
and ceramic artifacts were clustered in and around hearths along patterns (similar to those from Ust’-Karenga in the Transbaikal),
with accumulations of tested chert cobbles (Shevkomud, 2002). and horizontal exterior and vertical interior lines (similar to
Shevkomud (2002) notes the presence of post molds, which he Gasya) (Zhushchikhovskaya, 1997, p. 160; Kuzmin, 2002, p. 39;
considers evidence of dwellings. A burial was also discovered that Shevkomud, 2002, 2005). Goncharka vessels were made with sand
contained ground and polished artwork (Shevkomud, 2002). instead of organic temper (Kuzmin, 2002, p. 39; Shevkomud, 2002,
Most siliceous lithic raw materials at Goncharka-1, as well as 2005).
other sites in the Osipovka culture complex, including siltstone,
tuff, and chalcedony, were gathered from river edges near the sites 4.3.8. Ushki Lake
(Shevkomud, 2002). A small amount of high-quality siliceous silt- The Ushki site produced five excavation localities situated along
stone and obsidian was obtained in the form of large blocks from an oxbow lake of the Kamchatka River (56100 N, 159 570 E) (Fig. 1, no.
distant areas (Shevkomud, 2002, 2005). Lithic artifacts such as flake 34) (Kuzmin et al., 2008; Goebel et al., 2003). Dates from layer 7
pebble cores, wedge-shaped and end-struck microblade cores, end range between 14,300  200 (17,110e17,650 cal BP) (GIN-167)
scrapers, pebble scrapers, a few burins, leaf-shaped dart and arrow (Dikov, 1996) and 9960  100 (11,250e11,610 cal BP) (LE-3024), but
points, knives, and scrapers tie the site to the Osipovka Complex the layer has been firmly assigned to the Allerød (Goebel et al., 2010;
(Fig. 6) (Shevkomud, 2002, 2005). Groundstone axes, arrow points, but see Kuzmin, et al., 2010). Layer 6 dates from 11,130  100 14C BP

Fig. 6. Artifacts from Goncharka-1. Arrowheads (1e3, 7), scrapers (4, 6), scraper-like tool (5), knife-like tool (8), edge-ground chopping tool (9), and flat-bottomed ceramic vessel
with perforations and zigzag motif (10) (after Shevkomud, 2005, pp. 16e17).
I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400 393

(12,890e13,140 cal BP) (AA-45717) to 10,040  130 14C BP Goebel et al., 2003). These features were dug into the ground to
(12,070e12,520 cal BP) (AA-45713) with the bulk of the ages less a depth of 30 cm, each with a narrow entryway and stone-outlined
than 11,0000 14C BP (12,850 cal BP) (Goebel et al., 2003) (Table 1). hearth containing abundant fish bones (Dikov, 1996, pp. 245e246;
Layer 7 produced numerous dwelling features varying in size Goebel et al., 2003). In addition, post-holes indicate these dwellings
between 40 and 100 m2, each associated with several unlined had wooden frames (Dikov, 1996, pp. 246e247; Goebel et al., 2003).
hearths (Dikov, 1996, pp. 246e247). A possible burial was also An associated dog burial produced three stone tools, while the
identified in a pit with hundreds of stone beads, red ochre, and burial of a child contained numerous grave goods, including ground
lithic projectile points (Fig. 7). Elk antler, moose (Alces sp.), duck stone slabs, a pendant fragment, wedge-shaped microblade cores,
gastroliths, and unidentified charred bones are the only zooarch- retouched microblades, and red ochre (Fig. 7) (Dikov, 1996, pp.
aeological evidence from layer 7 (Dikov, 1996, pp. 246e247). The 246e247). Fauna from layer 6 include bison (Bison priscus),
lithic assemblage lacks microblades and is composed of notched mountain sheep (Ovis nivicola), lemming (Lemming or Dicrostonyx
projectile points, leaf-shaped bifaces, scrapers, and burins sp.), horse (Equus caballus), and duck and fish (Goebel and Slobodin,
produced on flakes or blades (Dikov, 1996, pp. 246e247; Goebel 2005). Source studies reveal that during the habitation of layer 7,
et al., 2003). obsidian was transported to the site from seven locations up to
Wedge-shaped microblade technology appears in layer 6 along 200e300 km away (Kuzmin et al., 2008), while in layer 6 only four
with foliate bifaces, burins, and scrapers associated with over 20 sources were utilized at a distance of 180e190 km from the site
dwellings, each roughly 5 m in diameter (Dikov, 1996, pp. 246e247; (Kuzmin et al., 2008).

Fig. 7. Artifacts and feature from Ushki Lake. Layer 7: stemmed/notched arrowpoints (1e7), pendants (8e10), stone beads (11), unifacial and bifacial knives (12, 13), core (14), drills
(15, 16), burins (17, 18). Layer 6: leaf-shaped points (19e21), bifacial knives (12, 13), wedge-shaped microblade cores (24e27), ski-spalls (28, 29), burins (30, 31), scrapers (32, 33),
scraper-burnisher (34), knife (36), pendants (35, 37e39), incised stone (40), dwelling (41) (after Dikov, 1996, pp. 247e249).
394 I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400

5. Behavioral adaptations Allerød and Younger Dryas are combined into a single description
in the primary literature (e.g., Goncharka-1). There may, in fact, be
If the Younger Dryas imposed pronounced resource stress on subtleties between the archaeological material from the two
cultural groups in Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East, then components that are not recognized in this overview. Thus, Tables 2
shifts in various strategies associated with artifact manufacture and through 6 show numbers of sites in each time period with specific
use, feature construction, and faunal utilization from the Allerød to artifacts, features, and stylistic designs, not counts of the actual
the end of the Younger Dryas are expected. During times of items. Subsequently, as a whole this analysis may be coarse and
resource stress hunter-gatherers have several options for coping only able to document gross changes that likely occurred during the
mechanisms. Researchers have recognized several tactics employed 2000-year period between the Allerød and Younger Dryas.
by foragers that can potentially reduce risk associated with either
resource depression or environmental change. One way is to 5.1. Settlement
increase residential mobility as a means to improve encounter rates
with diminished resources (Cashdan, 1985; Sobel and Bettles, With the exception of Mukhor-Tala-7, sites dating to the Allerød
2000). Other strategies might be to intensify or diversify resource and Younger Dryas in Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East are
use (Hawkes and O’Connell, 1992; Hawkes and Bliege-Bird, 2002), located in riparian environments associated with alluvial terraces.
rely more on storage facilities while increasing sedentism Table 2 shows the number of sites in each time period in terms of
(Cashdan, 1985), change or innovate technologies within food- location, the presence or absence of dwellings, hearths, storage, and
getting systems (Jones and Madsen, 1989; Smith, 1991; Metcalfe burials. The table also indicates whether hearths and dwellings,
and Barlow, 1992; Bettinger et al., 1997; Beck et al., 2002), and when present, were more durable (indicating greater sedentism), or
widen social connections through reciprocity (Kaplan and Hill, of “light” construction (indicating greater mobility). Furthermore,
1985; Cashdan, 1985; Hawkes et al., 1991; Cashdan, 1992; Sobel most sites were habitation settlements (e.g., produced dwellings or
and Bettles, 2000; Weissner, 2002). These adaptations are man- other evidence of long-term use), but there is some evidence for
ifested as more ephemeral site use, subsistence diversification, short-term use as resource extraction locations. Bol’shoi Yakor’ in
increased storage and greater sedentism, increased exotic raw Eastern Siberia, for example, may represent a briefly occupied, task-
material use, and possibly the influx or borrowing of technologies. specific site and arguably served as a location to obtain seasonal
It is important to note that evaluation of the Younger Dryas is resources, such as large and small mammals, as well as birds and
hampered by inconsistent counts of the archaeological material in fish, for other Ust’-Karenga Complex sites along the Vitim River in
some of the publications used. Specific numbers of artifacts and northern Transbaikal (Ineshin and Teten’kin, 2011).
features are presented for some sites, but presence or absence is Other sites in the Transbaikal region, such as Ust’-Menza-1
noted for others. Analysis is also hindered when material from the layers 13 and 14 and Oshurkovo, and in the northern Russian Far

Table 2
Comparison of the number of Allerød and Younger Dryas sites in terms of locations, site types, and features.

Eastern Siberia Russian Far East Total Total 0.05 significance

Allerød Younger Dryas Allerød Younger Dryas Allerød Younger Dryas

N¼8 N¼7 N¼5 N¼2 N ¼ 12 N¼9

N sites N sites N sites N sites N sites (%) N sites (%)

Riverine 7 7 5 2 12 (92) 9 (100) X2 ¼ 0.725, df ¼ 1, p-value ¼ 0.394
Non-riverine 1 0 0 0 1 (8) 0 (0)

Base camp 6 5 5 2 11 (85) 7 (78) X2 ¼ 0.167, df ¼ 1, p-value ¼ 0.683
Camp/quarry 2 2 0 0 2 (15) 2 (22)

Absent 2 3 1 0 3 (23) 3 (33) X2 ¼ 0.282, df ¼ 1, p-value ¼ 0.595
Present 6 4 4 2 10 (77) 6 (67)

Dwelling type
Light (unlined) 2 1 2 0 4 (40) 1 (17) X2 ¼ 0.95, df ¼ 1, p-value ¼ 0.330
Durable (rock or timber 4 3 2 2 6 (60) 5 (83)
lined, pit, posts)

Absent 3 1 0 0 3 (23) 1 (11) X2 ¼ 0.512, df ¼ 1, p-value ¼ 0.474
Present 5 6 5 2 10 (77) 8 (89)

Hearth type
Light (unlined) 4 3 2 0 6 (60) 3 (37) X2 ¼ 0.90, df ¼ 1, p-value ¼ 0.343
Durable (stone lined, pit) 1 3 3 2 4 (40) 5 (63)

Absent 7 7 5 2 12 (92) 9 (100) X2 ¼ 0.646, df ¼ 1, p-value ¼ 0.421
Present 1 0 0 0 1 (8) 0 (0)

Absent 8 7 3 0 11 (85) 7 (78) X2 ¼ 0.167, df ¼ 1, p-value ¼ 0.683
Present 0 0 1 1 2 (15) 2 (22)
I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400 395

Table 3
Comparison of the number of Allerød and Younger Dryas sites in terms of fauna.

Eastern Siberia Russian Far East Total

Allerød N ¼ 6 Younger Dryas N ¼ 3 Allerød N ¼ 1 Younger Dryas N ¼ 1 Allerød N ¼ 7 Younger Dryas N ¼ 4

N sites N sites N sites N sites N sites (%) N sites (%)

Large mammals 6 3 1 1 7 (100) 4 (100)
Small mammals 2 0 0 1 2 (29) 1 (25)
Birds 3 0 1 1 4 (57) 1 (25)
Fish 3 1 0 1 3 (43) 2 (50)
0.05 significance X ¼ 0.545, df ¼ 1, p-value ¼ 0.909

East at Ushki Lake, however, have been interpreted as seasonal base semi-subterranean house pits, or evidence of post molds or holes is
camps with no clear connection to other task-specific localities an indication of more permanent settlement, while the lack of
(Konstantinov, 1994; Goebel and Slobodin, 2005, p. 135). In the these traits is an indication of higher mobility.
southern part of the Russian Far East in the Amur Basin and Pri- There is no clear shift of occupational duration between the
morye, Kononenko and Cassidy (2000) propose that during the Allerød and the Younger Dryas in terms of dwelling and hearth
Allerød, task-specific localities functioned as lithic workshops, construction, storage, or burials (Table 2). Durable dwellings with
hunting camps, and woodworking camps, tied to base camps stone or timber outlines were present in Eastern Siberia, and
positioned along waterways at sites like Ustinovka-6, Gasya, postholes or molds, or semisubterranean floors existed in the
Khummi, and Goncharka-1. Russian Far East at most sites. There is a slight, but insignificant rise
in the number of durable dwellings from the Allerød (N ¼ 5) to the
5.2. Sedentism and storage Younger Dryas (N ¼ 6). Hearth construction consisted of both
charcoal smears (presumably representing campfires made directly
Storage may alleviate stress during times of resource scarcity on the ground with little or no preparation of the area) and more
(Cashdan, 1985). Foragers can also increase mobility, either resi- durable, typically stone-outlined or dug-out types. In terms of
dential or logistical, as a means to augment reduced encounter storage, there was only one functional pit found at the Allerød site
rates with prey (Cashdan, 1985; Sobel and Bettles, 2000). A proxy Oshurkovo, apparently used for fish resources (Konstantinov, 1994).
for sedentism can be the relative degree of effort put into habitation Burials were also found in the same proportions during both times.
construction. Evidence of stone or timber-outlined dwellings, The Ushki Lake sites may provide evidence of greater occupational

Table 4
Comparison of the number of Allerød and Younger Dryas sites in terms of chipped stone artifacts.

Eastern Siberia Russian Far East Total

Allerød N ¼ 8 Younger Dryas N ¼ 7 Allerød N ¼ 5 Younger Dryas N ¼ 2 Allerød N ¼ 12 Younger Dryas N ¼ 9

N sites N sites N sites N sites N sites (%) N sites (%)

Core reduction
Microblade core 5 5 4 2 9 (75) 7 (78)
Blade core 1 2 2 0 3 (25) 2 (22)
Flake core 5 2 1 1 6 (50) 3 (33)
0.05 Significance X2 ¼ 0.260 ,df ¼ 2, p-value ¼ 0.878

Extractive tools
Biface (and core reduction) 4 1 5 2 10 (83) 3 (33)
Points 1 0 5 2 6 (50) 2 (22)
Spear point 0 0 2 1 2 (17) 1 (11)
Dart point 0 0 2 1 2 (17) 1 (11)
Arrow point 0 0 3 1 3 (25) 1 (11)
0.05 significance X2 ¼ 0.138 ,df ¼ 3, p-value ¼ 0.987

Processing tools
Scraper (end and side) 5 5 5 2 10 (83) 7 (78)
Knife 1 1 4 2 5 (42) 3 (33)
Notch 1 1 0 1 1 (8) 2 (22)
Burin 5 4 3 0 8 (67) 5 (56)
Graver/chisel 2 2 2 0 4 (33) 2 (22)
Wedge 0 1 0 0 0 (0) 1 (11)
Utilized flake 1 0 0 0 1 (8) 0 (0)
Utilized blade 1 0 0 0 1 (8) 0 (0)
Combination tool 1 1 1 0 2 (17) 1 (11)
Chopper/cobble tool 3 2 1 1 4 (33) 3 (33)
Bifacial adze 0 0 3 0 3 (25) 0 (0)
0.05 significance X2 ¼ 5.9646, df ¼ 10, p-value ¼ 0.812

Microblades 5 3 1 1 6 (50) 4 (44)
Blades 1 3 2 1 3 (25) 4 (44)
Flakes 7 4 2 1 9 (75) 5 (56)
0.05 significance X2 ¼ 0.930, df ¼ 2, p-value ¼ 0.637
396 I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400

Table 5
Comparison of the number of Allerød and Younger Dryas sites in terms of the presence or absence of organic, ceramic, and groundstone technology.

Eastern Siberia Russian Far East Total

Allerød Younger Dryas Allerød Younger Dryas Allerød Younger Dryas

Organic Total sites N¼2 Total sites N¼2 Total sites N¼0 Total sites N¼1 Total sites N¼2 Total sites N¼3
N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites)
Slotted points 1 1 0 0 1 1
Points 0 1 0 0 0 1
Harpoon 2 0 0 0 2 0
Paddle 0 0 0 1 0 1
Needle 2 1 0 0 2 1
Pressure flaker 1 0 0 0 1 0

Ceramics (construction) Total sites N¼1 Total sites N¼1 Total sites N¼3 Total sites N¼1 Total sites N¼4 Total sites N¼2
N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites)
Non-organic temper 1 0 2 1 3 1
Organic temper 1 1 2 0 3 1
Low firing temperature 0 0 3 1 3 1
Mold or paddle formed 0 0 1 0 1 0

Groundstone Total sites N¼0 Total sites N¼0 Total sites N¼4 Total sites N¼2 Total sites N¼4 Total sites N¼2
N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites)
Adze 0 0 2 0 2 0
Axe 0 0 2 1 2 1
Grooved tool 0 0 3 1 3 1
Pestle 0 0 2 1 2 1
Grinding stone 0 0 1 1 1 1
Net weight 0 0 3 1 3 1
Biface 0 0 1 1 1 1
Whetstone 0 0 0 1 0 1

sedentism on a local scale. In cultural layer 7, dwellings and hearths have been subjects of rigorous study for several decades. Some taxa,
were unlined and built on the ground surface, but stone-outlined such as the woolly mammoth, have had the benefit of direct
hearths and semisubterranean dwellings appeared during the radiocarbon dating on specimens. Mammoth persisted latest in
Younger Dryas in cultural layer 6. northern Siberia where remains have been dated around 9700 14C
BP (cal BP) on the Taimyr Peninsula (Orlova et al., 2003), and even
5.3. Subsistence (faunal remains) later on the Wrangel Islands, where dwarf varieties survived into
the early Holocene (Boeskorov, 2004; Vartanyan et al., 2008). Of
One of the most noticeable changes that characterized the late- note, ostrich (S. asiaticus), the eggshells of which have been found
glacial landscape in Siberia was the extinction of many large at a number of sites in this study, appears to have disappeared from
mammals (Sher, 1997). Some of the more notable prey species in Siberia at the end of the Younger Dryas, but may have survived into
Siberia that saw their demise at the end of the Pleistocene were the Holocene (Kurochchin et al., 2010, p. 1092). Megaloceros
woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) and woolly rhinoceros giganteus (giant deer), on the other hand, may have only experi-
(Coelodonta antiquitatis). The chronologies of these extinctions enced a decrease in habitat and range during the Younger Dryas

Table 6
Comparison of the number of Allerød and Younger Dryas sites in terms of symbolic representation.

Eastern Siberia Russian Far East Total

Allerød Younger Dryas Allerød Younger Dryas Allerød Younger Dryas

Symbolic Total sites N ¼ 3 Total sites N ¼ 2 Total sites N ¼ 5 Total sites N ¼ 6 Total sites N ¼ 7 Total sites N ¼ 4
N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (% of total) N (% of total)
Pigment (ochre, graphite) 2 1 1 1 3 (43) 2 (50)
Beads 1 0 2 1 3 (43) 1 (25)
Pendants 0 0 2 0 3 (43) 1 (25)
Figurines 0 0 1 0 1 (14) 0 (0)
Polished stone 0 0 1 1 1 (14) 1 (25)
Incised pebbles or slabs 0 1 0 2 0 (0) 2 (50)
Burial 0 0 2 2 2 (29) 2 (50)

Ceramic Style Total sites N ¼ 1 Total sites N ¼ 1 Total sites N ¼ 3 Total sites N ¼ 1 Total sites N ¼ 4 Total sites N ¼ 2
N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (# of sites) N (% of total) N (% of total)
Conical with pointed base 0 1 0 0 0 1
Conical with flat base 0 1 3 1 3 (75) 2 (50)
Perforations 0 0 1 1 1 (25) 1 (25)
Burnished 1 0 0 0 1 (25) 0
Parallel lines 1 1 2 0 3 (75) 1 (25)
Zigzag 0 1 3 1 3 (75) 2 (50)
Cog stamp 0 1 1 1 1 (25) 2 (50)
Herringbone 0 1 0 0 0 1 (25)
Cross 0 0 2 0 2 (50) 0
Comb 0 1 0 0 0 1 (25)
I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400 397

(Lister and Stuart, 2008). These changes in the spatial distribution grinding stones were discovered. The increase of forests during the
of fauna would have had a direct impact on humans and their Allerød in the Amur and Primorye may have prompted inclusion of
subsistence economies at the end of the Pleistocene. more plant resources in their economies, especially in the form of
If there was resource stress during the Younger Dryas, and high- tree nuts. Ceramic vessels appeared in the Russian Far East at Gasya,
ranking, large mammal resources were becoming scarce, then Goncharka-1, and Khummi well before the Younger Dryas that may
foragers should have added small mammals, birds, and fish to their signal a diversification or intensification of specific resources.
diets (Hawkes and O’Connell, 1992; Hawkes and Bliege-Bird, 2002). Researchers suggest that ceramic vessels were used to extract
Although faunal preservation and identification from the sites were fat from anadromous fish or to process tree nuts. Pottery temper,
variable, only 54% of Allerød sites and 44% of Younger Dryas sites molding, and firing also remained stable throughout the Allerød
had any identifiable bones, overall, resource diversification did not and Younger Dryas. In Eastern Siberia ceramic vessels were found in
increase during the Younger Dryas (Table 3). The bulk of the sample association with fish remains at Ust’-Kiakhta-17 that may pre-date
comes from Bol’shoi Yakor’ and Oshurkova in Eastern Siberia where the Younger Dryas and at Ust’-Karenga just before or during the
large mammals such as bison, musk ox, horse, moose, red deer, Younger Dryas.
reindeer, argali sheep, wild boar, and wolf, small mammals (hare,
lemming, fox, and pika), birds (ptarmigan, teal, and ostrich), and 5.5. Reciprocity
fresh water fish (perch and pike) were recognized. During the
Younger Dryas, red deer and roe deer and unidentified fish were Reciprocity is one of the best mechanisms hunter-gatherers use
identified at Ust’-Menza-1, and large mammals such as moose, red to alleviate risk (Yellen, 1977; Lee, 1979; Weissner, 1982, 2002;
deer, and reindeer were the focus at Ust’-Timpton. Cashdan, 1985; Kaplan and Hill, 1985; Meyers, 1988; Hawkes
In the Russian Far East, only the Ushki site contained faunal et al., 1991). Sharing, in essence, acts as insurance against vari-
remains, as soils in the Amur and Primorye prevented their pres- ance by investing resources when they are plentiful into a pool that
ervation. Again, cultural layer 7 at Ushki (Allerød) contained can be withdrawn when they are scarce. During large-scale
a slightly wider range of animals including red deer and birds, than resource depression, reciprocity is typically performed across
layer 6 (Younger Dryas) where subsistence seems to have focused groups (Cashdan, 1985, 1992). Documentation of reciprocity in the
on fishing. archaeological record can be problematic, but may be displayed as
exotic items, or borrowed technologies and ideas. If an influx of
5.4. Extractive technology these during the Younger Dryas is detected, then this could be an
indication of increasing social networks as an adaptational means
The development of new tools or modification of existing ones, of reducing stress (Whallon, 1989; Weniger, 1990; Gamble, 1993;
along with resource caching can reduce risk by increasing Svoboda et al., 1996; Jochim, 1998; Baales, 2001; Kuhn and Stiner,
encounter rates with prey or plant resources (Smith, 1991) and 2001; Eriksen, 2002; Whallon, 2006).
decreasing travel costs associated with hunting (Jones and Madsen, Although based on somewhat tenuous data, there is no
1989; Metcalfe and Barlow, 1992; Bettinger et al., 1997; Beck et al., detectable increase in the number of sites that show evidence for
2002). Chipped stone, groundstone, organic, and ceramic technol- long-distance sharing during the Younger Dryas. Broadly, raw
ogies before and during the Younger Dryas in Eastern Siberia and material source data on siliceous stone (chert, liparite, tuff,
the Russian Far East are remarkably similar (Tables 4 and 5). With obsidian), as well as mineral pigment (graphite), indicate that
the exception of Ushki layer 7, microblades were the principle distant sources were utilized in similar proportions. For the five
reductive technology at sites seconded only by blade and flake Allerød sites with sourcing data, four (80%) had material from local
cores in Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East (Table 4). In the sources and three (60%) from distant sources. Of the three Younger
southern Russian Far East, for example, leaf shaped or tanged spear, Dryas sites with sourcing data, one (33%) has material from local
dart, and arrow points were important for capturing large prey sources, and two (66%) have material from distant source. Research
between 12,000 and 10,000 14C BP (13,850 and 11,500 cal BP) at on raw material source during this time period, however, is scarce
Ustinovka-6, Goncharka-1, and Gasya. At Ushki in Kamchatka, there (only for 42% of the Allerød sites and 33% of the Younger Dryas sites
was a clear shift from non-microblade to microblade technology in this study) and currently not detailed. Furthermore, it is unclear
from layer 7 to layer 6, as well as stylistic changes from stemmed or whether these items were obtained through direct procurement or
tanged points to small, foliate points. reciprocity.
Processing tools revealed similar continuity over time. Hunter- Notwithstanding a small sample size that precludes chi-squared
gatherers utilized large quantities of scrapers, knives, burins, analysis, there is no increase in the number of sites with symbolic
chisels, and cobble tools in both Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far artifacts during the Younger Dryas. Pigments, beads, pendants,
East. Based on use-wear studies in the Russian Far East scrapers were polished stones, and incised pebbles were discovered at Allerød
primarily utilized for processing animal skins, while knives were sites of Bol’shoi Yakor’, Ust’-Kiahkta-17, Ushki Lake (layer 7),
used on mammals and fish (Kononenko et al., 2003; Volkov et al., Ustinovka-6, Gasya, Goncharka-1, and Khummi, as well as Younger
2006). Likewise, gravers or chisels and bifacial adzes were impor- Dryas sites of Ust’-Menza-1 (layer 11 and 12), Ushki Lake (layer 6),
tant woodworking tools, especially in the southern Russian Far East. and Goncharka-1 (Table 6). Similarly, stylistic variation of ceramic
Sites with non-chipped stone technology, although represented vessel shapes and motifs remain relatively unchanged. Vessels
in fewer quantities, followed a similar pattern as chipped stone were conical with flat bases in the southern Russian Far East
(Table 5). Bone and slotted points, in combination with microblades decorated with perforations, parallel lines, zigzags, and cog stamp
in Eastern Siberia, and groundstone points in the southern Russian motifs. Some of these patterns were present on ceramics in Eastern
Far East, reflect a reliance on large mammals throughout the Allerød Siberia, hinting at wide social connections starting before the
and Younger Dryas. In addition, net weights indicate that fish Younger Dryas. Pottery found in the Russian Far East also bore
resources were also utilized in the Russian Far East. A bone harpoon similarities with Japan and China in terms of molding techniques,
from Oshurkovo site in Eastern Siberia indicates that at least some of temper, and low firing temperatures (Kajiwara and Kononenko,
the fish resources were acquired during the Allerød. 1999). Similarly, during the Allerød arrowheads from Ustinovka-6
Plant resources were especially important in the southern resembled those in the lower Amur Basin, as well as in Hokkaido
Russian Far East where groundstone axes, adzes, pestles and and Honshu.
398 I. Buvit, K. Terry / Quaternary International 242 (2011) 379e400

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stress occurred during the Younger Dryas. Before and during, Kettig (Central Rhineland, Germany). Journal of Archaeological Science 28,
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spear, dart, or arrow points were used as projectiles, while fish Beck, C., Taylor, A.K., Jones, G.T., Fadem, C.M., Cook, C.R., Millward, S.A., 2002. Rocks
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glacial-interglacial vegetation and environmental dynamics in southern Siberia:
baikal, perhaps points toward processing or storing fish and plant chronology, forcing and feedbacks. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
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nology and stylistic designs. nation I. Global and Planetary Change 46, 299e313.
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6. Conclusions Brauer, A., Endres, C., Zolitschka, B., Negendank, J.F.W., 2000. AMS radiocarbon and
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Data from a handful of sites in Siberia east of Lake Baikal allow felder Maar, Germany. Radiocarbon 42 (3), 355e368.
Brigham-Grette, J., Melles, M., Minyuk, P., 2007. Overview and significance of a 250
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more sedentary villages with a focus on a few key wild plant and Paleolimnology 37, 1e16.
animal species) at the end of the Pleistocene epoch, but many of Brubaker, L.B., Anderson, P.M., Edwards, M.E., Lozhkin, A.V., 2005. Beringia as
a glacial refugium for boreal trees and shrubs: new perspectives from mapped
these changes occurred prior to the Younger Dryas and may have
pollen data. Journal of Biogeography 32, 833e848.
acted as buffers against environmental fluctuation. Of course the Buvit, I., 2008. Geoarchaeology of the southwestern Transbaikal region, Russia.
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Buvit, I., Waters, M.R., Konstantinov, M.V., Konstantinov, A.V., 2003. Geo-
starting points in the understanding of human-environment
archaeological investigations at Studenoe, an Upper Paleolithic site in Siberia.
interaction during the Younger Dryas. Clearly, many questions Geoarchaeology 18 (6), 649e673.
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out at known sites, and with existing archaeological collections. Champion, T., Gamble, C., Shennan, S., Whittle, A., 2009. Prehistoric Europe. Left
Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.
Likewise, the search for new sites dating to the Younger Dryas must Demske, D., Heumann, G., Granoszewskic, W., Nita, M., Mamakowa, K., Tarasov, P.E.,
continue. Oberhänsli, H., 2005. Late glacial and Holocene vegetation and regional climate
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us to contribute this manuscript and their enduring patience. We Amur River Basin). In: Nelson, S.M., Derevianko, A.P., Kuzmin, Ya.V., Bland, R.L.
are likewise indebted to two anonymous reviewers for their helpful (Eds.), Archaeology of the Russian Far East: Essays in Stone Age Prehistory.
comments. Also, we thank Yaroslav V. Kuzmin and Masami Izuho British Archaeological Reports International Series 1540. Archaeopress, Oxford,
pp. 123e149.
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Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia. Province. In: Nelson, S.M., Derevianko, A.P., Kuzmin, Ya.V., Bland, R.L. (Eds.),
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