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Lakshmi Sushmita Mathamsetty

ƒ 8976959925 # ï linkedin

• As a Chartered Accountant (Final Appeared) with a passion for Data Science, my objective is to secure a role where I
can apply my analytical skills to drive business insights and improve outcomes. With a Certification in Data Science and
a strong foundation in Finance, Statistics, Mathematics, and Machine Learning, I am well-equipped to synthesize
complex data sets and deliver actionable recommendations.
NatWest Group(The RBS) Jan 2023 – Present
Business Analyst and Data Science Intern
• Worked on data related to accounting and various financial products like bonds, repo, IRS, etc. | T ranslate business

requirements, especially around accounting posting requirements and generally throughout the SDLC | Define business
requirements | W orked with large datasets and present the finding | M anage data and drive meaningful outcomes from it
| C onduct research and analysis in order to come up with solutions to business problems | W orked with diverse teams to
achieve project objectives | H ave worked in Data Warehousing, MS-SQL. Familiar with Agile methodologies including
• Project:Credit card Fraud Detection To investigate using ML techniques to predict whether Credit Card Fraud o

Solution: Data for fraud detection was collected Overcoming effects of imbalanced dataset F raud was named as 1 and
normal was 0 Data extraction from DB P erforming Data Pre-processing and EDA S emi-supervised Machine Learning
was deployed [ Logistic Regression +PCA,Local Outlier Factor,SVM,Isolation ]Random Forest+ Decision Trees(XG
o Result: False declines reduced by 90%
• Project Recommendation System(Upcoming ) : The project involved analyzing the purchase pattern of customers and

predicting what the Customers may be interested in buying

Learnbay Pvt Ltd June 2022 – December 2022
Data Scientist Intern
• Project : Loan Approval Prediction using Machine Learning - Predicting whether loan would be approved using

past CSV data

o Solution: Overcoming effects of imbalanced dataset | E DA | M odel Building using Boosting Algorithms like XGBoost,
SVM,Random Forest | M odel Deployment on AWS
o Result: Through Loan Approval prediction minimized the risk and reduced the number of defaulters by 85%
• Project: Bank customer segmentation The customers are divided in 3 distinctive group.

o Solution: EDA | M odel Building using Clustering and PCA

o Result: Maximized marketing campaign conversion rate helping Banks decide Decide on the right kind of promotional
content to send each customer| S elect the right marketing channels for the right audience| I dentify new and profitable
segments and launch innovative products and services
• Project: Customer Life time value- Represents the total amount of money a customer is expected to spend in a

business during his/her lifetime.

o Solution: Machine Learning Model built using [XG Boost Classifier+ Clustering]
o Result: Improved Revenue by 25%
Startup,Positive Skew Jan 2022-April-2022
Financial Modelling
• • Created financial models for more than 20+ clients for UK based startups

J.R Davda and Associates February 2018-February 2021

• Solved Business problems by saving taxes and generating more Revenue| F illing Income tax Returns of Individuals,

Partnership, HUF | H andling of Notices and Intimations | M anaging Statutory Audit | M anaging Internal Audit |
M anaging Tax Audit | M anaging GST Audit | E nd to End coordination with team members and client | GST
Computation and Returns | P rojected Financial Statements of Various Entities | P repared Dashboards using Power BI
and Tableau

Technical Skills
Python| R | N umPy | P andas | S cikit learn| S eaborn | S ciPy | M atplotlib | sklearn | M achine Learning | S tatistics| DL|
N LP| k eras | T ensorFlow 2.x [ML – DL Dependencies | M icrosoft SQL Server | M ySQL | P ower BI | T ableau | V isual
Studio IDE | J upyter Notebooks | Google Collab | AWS Sage maker | M icrosoft Azure ML Studio | GCP | Excel | M S
Word | M S PowerPoint
Relevant Coursework
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Certfication| I nvestment in Equity by Team Investor Diary

Mulund College of Commerce (Mumbai University) 2016– 2019
Bachelor of Commerce
ICAI 2015-2022
Chartered Accountant-CA(IPCC Cleared), CA Final appeared

Leadership / Extracurricular
• Team Leader of Project Stock Market Prediction : Managed a team of 22 people— Was responsible for coordinating all
the activities of team during the development of projects
• Mentored 45+ members in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
• Led chapter of 30+ members to work towards goals that improve and promote community service, academics, and unity.

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