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10, OCTOBER 2016

Opportunistic Scheduling of Randomly

Coded Multicast Transmissions
at Half-Duplex Relay Stations
Chao Chen, Seung Jun Baek, Member, IEEE, and Gustavo de Veciana, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— We consider the multicast scheduling problem for

the block transmission of packets in a heterogeneous network
using a half-duplex relay station (RS). The RS uses random
linear coding to efficiently transmit packets over time-varying
multicast channels. Our goal is to minimize the average decoding
delay. Because of the half-duplex operation, at each time slot,
the RS must decide to either: 1) fetch a new packet for
encoding from the base station or 2) multicast a coded packet
to wireless users. Thus, optimal scheduling hinges on exploiting Fig. 1. System model.
multicast opportunities while persistently supplying the encoder
(at the RS) with new packets. We formulate an associated fluid
control problem and show that the optimal policy incorporates architecture is preferable to multi-hop (more than two hops)
opportunism across multicast channels, i.e., the RS performs a relay networks, because of relatively low packet delays
multicast transmission only if the collection of channel conditions and reduced routing/signalling overheads. Meanwhile, with
is favorable; otherwise, it performs a fetch. Based on the fluid advances in cellular technology, recent years have witnessed
policy, we propose an online algorithm. We prove that our
algorithm asymptotically incurs no more than 4/3 and 2 times an explosion of multimedia traffic over cellular networks.
the optimal delay, for two-user and arbitrary number of user Accordingly, multicasting over wireless networks has received
system, respectively. Simulation results show that, in fact, our much interest as a means for efficient dissemination of multi-
algorithm’s performance is very close to theoretical bounds. media information to wireless users, e.g., evolved multimedia
Index Terms— Heterogeneous networks, network coding, broadcast/multicast services (eMBMS) [3]. While multicasting
opportunistic scheduling, fluid approximation, asymptotic over relay networks has been studied recently, e.g., from
performance. information theoretic perspectives [4]–[6], very little is known
I. I NTRODUCTION about the channel-aware (opportunistic) scheduling in such
systems. Opportunism of time-varying multicast channels is
T O MEET the ever-growing demand for throughput and
coverage, relay technologies have been widely consid-
ered in next-generation cellular systems, e.g., heterogeneous
not well understood even for simple relay networks, and there
exist a number of related open problems.
In this paper, we study multicast scheduling algorithms
networks with relay stations [1], [2]. We focus on two-hop
using Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC) in hetero-
relay networks in which there exists an intermediate node
geneous networks with relay stations. As shown in Fig. 1,
dedicated for relaying. The first hop serves as the high-speed
the network consists of a macro Base Station (BS), a Relay
wireless backhaul, and the second hop provides the access
Station (RS) and users associated with the RS. A data block
links to wireless users. In cellular networks, the two-hop relay
consisting of K packets, initially backlogged at a BS queue,
Manuscript received July 20, 2015; revised January 15, 2016; accepted must be delivered to all users. The RS stores the packets
February 19, 2016. Date of publication March 3, 2016; date of current version received from the BS in its buffer, and applies RLNC over
September 13, 2016. C. Chen and S. J. Baek were supported in part by
the Institute for Information and Communications Technology Promotion the stored packets to generate coded packets, which are then
within the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) under transmitted to the users. Our goal is to minimize the average
Grant B0126-15-1046 and in part by the Basic Science Research Program decoding delay. The decoding delay is defined as the duration
within MSIP through the National Research Foundation of Korea under
Grant NRF-2013R1A1A1062500. G. de Veciana was supported by the of time beginning from the instant at which the first packet
National Science Foundation within the Division of Computer and Network of the information block is relayed to the RS until every user
Systems under Grant CNS-1343383. has received K linearly independent packets and thus is able
C. Chen is with the School of Information and Electronic Engineering,
Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018, China (e-mail: to decode the entire data block. To exploit the broadcasting nature of wireless links, the
S. J. Baek is with the College of Information and Communications, Korea RS transmits a coded packet on a single time-frequency
University, Seoul 136-701, South Korea (e-mail:
G. de Veciana is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- resource. For simplicity, this is done at a fixed multicast rate
ing, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712-0240 USA (e-mail: across all packets. We assume that the users’ channels are time-varying and that their Channel State Information (CSI) is
Communicated by C. E. Koksal, Associate Editor for Communication
Networks. known to the RS. Consequently, the transmission of a coded
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIT.2016.2537837 packet is only successful for users whose channel state can
0018-9448 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

support the multicast rate. We assume that the RS operates The queueing aspects of wireless coded multicast over
in the half-duplex mode, as in many practical systems [2]. single-hop networks have been studied in [12] and [13]. The
Thus, the RS must repeatedly make scheduling decisions as study in [12] analyzes the queueing delay performance of a
to whether to multicast a coded packet or to fetch an original packet coding scheme with an adaptive coding window size
packet.1 Our model is intended to capture the salient charac- based on the number of packets buffered at the source. In [13],
teristics of RS scheduling for such multicast transmissions. the authors consider a model in which a BS serves multiple
Our focus is on scheduling strategies leveraging oppor- multicast flows. They propose a simple coding scheme that
tunism across time-varying multicast channels. We show that combines packets from different queues, and derive conditions
it is important to strike a good balance between multicasting under which their scheme achieves the maximum throughput.
and fetching, as described below. On the one hand, the Prior work on RLNC for multi-hop networks includes [14],
RS should frequently fetch original packets from the BS. where the authors study packet coding schemes over lossy
Otherwise, there may exist many users who already have networks in which the intermediate nodes can encode packets
received the same number of linearly independent packets stored in their finite-size buffers; however, they focus on
as the original packets stored at the RS. Because the coded serving a single flow without scheduling conflicts, which
packets are random linear combinations of those stored at differs from our work. The study in [15] examines a packet
the RS, the coded packets transmitted thereafter will not scheduling problem using RLNC in a cooperative network
be linearly independent of the packets already received by comprising a source and two receivers. The authors take a
these users, rendering the transmitted packets useless to them. dynamic programming approach to find the optimal schedule,
On the other hand, fetching too often can be inefficient, which has scalability issues when the number of receivers
because fetching is always performed at the expense of the is large. Recently, a multicast scheduling algorithm for
opportunity to multicast, due to the half-duplex operation of two-hop OFDMA relay networks was proposed in [16].
the RS. A key insight is that it is desirable to multicast only However, they do not consider network coding, and their
when the channel conditions are favorable (i.e., many users objective differs from ours; they consider finding the opti-
are likely to receive the packet and the packet contains new mal subchannel allocation over multiple multicast sessions to
information on degrees of freedom relative to those already maximize the aggregate multicast throughput.
received) and to fetch original packets otherwise. One can
achieve a good balance between multicasting and fetching B. Contributions and Paper Organization
by making the best use of multicasting opportunities while In this paper, we propose a scalable scheduling algorithm
keeping the coded packets “innovative” to many users. Optimal for opportunistic coded multicast in two-hop relay networks.
scheduling, however, is a complex function of, for example, Below, we summarize our contributions.
the queue lengths of the RS and users, and channel para- (a) The underlying decision problem is a Markov Decision
meters (possibly asymmetric among users). This problem is Process (MDP) that is intractable, even for a mod-
particularly challenging for large systems. We aim to develop erate problem size. Thus, we formulate an associated
a scalable algorithm with provable performance guarantees. fluid control problem. The fluid problem is nonconvex
Despite their importance, such scheduling/queueing strategies because of the nonlinear characteristics of decoding
for the opportunistic coded multicast have not yet been well delays under RLNC; however, we are able to show the
explored for two-hop relay networks. The related work is optimal fluid control problem can be reformulated as a
described below. linear program (LP).
(b) The LP is still difficult to solve because its size is
A. Related Work
exponential in the number of users. However, we show
One of the fundamental studies of random linear coding that the solution has a threshold-based structure. Indeed
in packet networks is [8]. The authors show that RLNC the optimal policy is for the RS to multicast only if the
achieves the min-cut capacity for both unicast and multicast current channel conditions are such that the “revenue”
in lossy packet networks. They assume, unlike in our work, (defined later) exceeds a certain threshold; otherwise, the
that all packets have predetermined schedules for transmission. RS fetches a packet from the BS. This result explicitly
Studies [9] and [10] examine the throughput and delay per- characterizes the optimal tradeoff point between fetching
formance of RLNC for broadcasting over one-hop networks new packets and opportunistic multicast transmission.
as a function of the coding window size and the number of (c) We propose a low-complexity scheduling algorithm
users. In [11], the authors focus on minimum delay scheduling motivated by the thresholding property of the optimal
in single-hop networks and show that an RLNC scheme, policy. We prove that our algorithm asymptotically
even without CSI, can outperform traditional uncoded schemes achieves at most twice the optimal decoding delay.
with CSI. Note that the analyses in [9]–[11] are mainly For two-user systems, the approximation ratio is shown
restricted to the case in which the users are statistically sym- to be at most 4/3. Simulation results show that our
metric in terms of channel conditions. However, in this paper, algorithm in fact performs far better than the derived
we will address the challenging case of asymmetric channels. bounds, achieving decoding delays that are very close
1 In order to coordinate with the BS on scheduling, the RS can generate cell to theoretical lower bounds.
control messages, e.g., the RS operates as a “non-transparent relay” specified The remainder of this paper is organized as
by the IEEE 802.16 working group [7]. follows. Section II introduces our system model and

problem formulation. The associated fluid problem is devel- users who can receive the packet, i.e., the RS multicasts the
oped in Section III; its reformulation as an LP is discussed packets to the set of users given by {i ∈ I |X i (l) = 1} at
in Section IV. In Section V, we identify the properties of the time slot l. Because of such resource sharing in multicast
optimal fluid policy. We propose our algorithm in Section VI transmissions, the users’ channels are inherently “ON-OFF”
and analyze its performance in Section VII. Section VIII channels. We say that the channel of user i is in the ON
contains simulation results. We discuss some extensions of (resp. OFF) state at time slot l if X i (l) = 1 (resp. X i (l) = 0).
our problem in Section IX. Section X concludes the paper. Note for simplicity, we assume that there are no “packet
erasures”, i.e., the users in the ON state can successfully
II. S YSTEM M ODEL AND P ROBLEM F ORMULATION receive the transmitted packet with probability 1.
We shall use boldface letters to denote vectors and matrices. We will consider the Rayleigh fading channel as our time-
The i th entry of vector x is denoted by x i . All of the vectors varying channel model. We assume that Ci (l) is the SNR
are assumed to be column vectors, unless stated otherwise. process of a Rayleigh fading channel induced by user mobility
We define [x]+ := max{x, 0}. under a multipath environment with independent isotropic
Let n denote the number of users, and I = {1, . . . , n} scatterers. This is the well-known Clarke’s fading model [18].
denote the set of user indices. A block of K packets is initially Under the assumption of additive Gaussian noise, the received
backlogged at the BS, and is to be disseminated to all users SNR Ci (l) has the marginal probability density function (pdf)
through the RS. Each packet is represented as a vector of given by
length ν over a finite field Fd and has a length of νlog2 d  
bits. We assume that all original packets received by the RS are 1 a
f i (a) = exp − , a≥0 (1)
stored in the RS queue until the transmission completes. φi φi
The RS creates coded packets by applying RLNC over all
the original packets in its queue. We consider a time-slotted where φi denotes the average SNR for user i . The fluctuation
system in which the integer l denotes the time index. At each of the fading process Ci (l) is quantified by the level crossing
time slot, the half-duplex RS can either fetch an original packet rate (LCR) [19] as follows. The LCR is defined as the average
from the BS or multicast a coded packet to the users. The number of times the SNR falls below a certain threshold per
decoding delay is defined as the number of time slots it takes second. The LCR of user i ’s channel with respect to the
for all of the users to receive K linearly independent coded SNR threshold γ0 , denoted by Ni , is given by [19]
packets. The decoding overhead of the users is assumed to be   
negligible.2 2πγ0 γ0
Ni = f m exp − (2)
Multicast packets are encoded and transmitted on a single φi φi
time-frequency resource unit, e.g., a Resource Block (RB),
destined for all the users, at a predetermined fixed rate used where fm denotes the maximum Doppler frequency of the
for multicasting. The signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the RB users.
for user i is represented by discrete-time random process We will approximate the process X i (l) as a two-state
Ci (l), l ∈ Z. We assume Ci (l)’s are independent across the Markov chain as follows. We will adopt the framework
users. We define the SNR threshold γ0 > 0 such that, γ0 is of [20] and [21] on modelling Rayleigh fading processes as
the minimum SNR required for a user to receive a fixed-size finite-state Markov chains. Based on the marginal pdf (1) and
packet encoded at the RB. Hence for user i , two cases may the LCR (2) of the Rayleigh fading process [20], we can
occur at time slot l; either the instantaneous SNR of user i model X i (l) as a stationary and ergodic discrete-time Markov
is high enough for the packet, i.e., Ci (l) ≥ γ0 , in which case chain (DTMC) on {0, 1} where state 0 (resp. 1) corresponds
user i is capable of receiving the packet, or otherwise. Let us to the state such that the SNR is below (resp. above) γ0 .
define a binary random process Throughout the paper, let
X i (l) := 1(Ci (l) ≥ γ0 ), l ∈ Z
pi := P(X i (l) = 1) (3)
where 1(·) denotes the indicator function. Thus, we have
X i (l) = 1 if user i would be able to receive the packet at denote the steady-state probability that the channel of user i is
time slot l, and X i (l) = 0 otherwise. We assume that the CSI in the ON state. The stationary distribution of X i (l) is given by
is available at the transmitter, i.e., the RS knows X i (l), ∀i ∈ I ,  
prior to transmission. The RS allocates3 the RB only to the γ0
P(X i (l) = 0) = P(Ci (l) ≤ γ0 ) = 1 − exp − ,
2 As discussed in [17], the receiver is able to retrieve the coding coefficients  
for decoding, if it runs an identical pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) γ0
P(X i (l) = 1) = pi = exp − . (4)
initialized with the same seed as the encoder. We can show that, it is sufficient φi
for a coded packet to contain the information on (1) the number of original
packets used for the encoding at the RS, and (2) the total number of coded
packets transmitted. The users can feed this information to the PRNG to The transition probability of DTMC X i (l) from state j to k
retrieve the coefficients. for j, k = 0, 1, denoted by q ij,k , can be approximated as
3 By allocation we mean that the RS notifies a subset of users through a i
follows [20]. The probability q0,1 is proportional to the ratio
control channel so that those users may “listen” to the RB for reception. The
users who did not get the allocation can simply stay idle, or temporarily enter of the LCR from state 0 to 1 and the average number of
“sleep” mode to save power. slots per second the channel is at state 0; combining this


Fig. 2. Markov chain X i (l).

i is given by
with (2), q0,1

i Ni 2πγ0 exp(− γφ0i ) fm
q0,1 ≈ = · γ0 ·
f s · P(X i (l) = 0) φi 1 − exp(− φi ) f s
where fs denotes the symbol (packet) rate. Similarly, we have

i Ni 2πγ0 f m
q1,0 ≈ = · . (6)
f s · P(X i (l) = 1) φi fs
The Markov chain X i (l) is shown in Fig. 2. Later in the
simulation section, we will generate X i (l)’s for the users
undergoing different degrees of fading by varying the system
parameters in expressions (4)–(6).
The channel between the BS and the RS is called the
wireless backhaul. We assume that the backhaul is always
in the ON state. This is a reasonable assumption because, in
practice, the backhaul tends to have a high capacity, e.g., the
RS may be located in the line-of-sight of the BS.
We will use vector s := (s1 , · · · , sn ) ∈ {0, 1}n to denote B R (l) > B̂i (l). In other words, if user i has received
the aggregate channel state of users. Specifically, si = 1 (resp. fewer innovative packets than the original packets received by
si = 0) indicates that the channel state of user i is in the the RS, any coded packet multicast by the RS is innovative to
ON (resp. OFF) state. For example, for n = 3, the channel user i . This assumption is widely used, e.g., see [12] and [15].
state s = (1, 1, 0) indicates that the channels of user 1 and Once a user receives K innovative packets, the user can decode
2 are in the ON state. We let S := {0, 1}n denote the set of the whole block of original packets. The goal for the RS is to
all possible channel states. Let the random process X(l) := take optimal scheduling actions, either a multicast or a fetch,
(X 1 (l) · · · X n (l)) ∈ S denote the channel state in time slot l. each time slot so as to minimize the mean decoding delay.
The probability that the channel state is s in the steady state Table I is a summary of the notation used in our work.
is denoted by p(s) where Observe that there exists a specific structure to our problem.
 s Since the RS stores all the original packets fetched from
p(s) := P(X(l) = s) = pi i (1 − pi )1−si .
the BS, B R (·) is nondecreasing over time. Thus, under any
policy, B R (·) will eventually reach K . When B R (·) is equal
When a coded packet is received by user i , we say that it to K , i.e., the whole information block is received at the RS,
is an innovative packet for user i if it is linearly independent the RS does not need to fetch additional packets from the BS;
of all of the packets previously received by user i . Let Bi (l) thereafter an optimal policy for the RS will keep generating
(resp. B̂i (l)) denote the number of packets (resp. innovative coded packets from the stored block, and keep multicasting
packets) received by user i up to time slot l. Note that Bi (l) the coded packets, in order to minimize the decoding delay.
counts both innovative and noninnovative packets. In fact, Based on this observation, we will divide a transmission policy
only the innovative packets matter to the users. Let B R (l) be into two stages, depending on whether the whole information
the number of packets received by the RS up to time slot l. block has been received at the RS, as follows.
We have that for all i ∈ I
• Opportunistic Fetch stage: the time duration from the
Bi (l) ≥ B̂i (l), and B R (l) ≥ B̂i (l). beginning of the transmission until the RS fetches the
K original packets. At each time slot in this stage,
When a coded packet is multicast at time slot l, the probability the RS should decide to perform either a fetch or a
that it is innovative to user i is given by [13] multicast depending on the state of the time-varying
1 − d B̂i (l)−B R (l) . (7) multicast channels.
• Flush stage: the time duration following the Opportunistic
Note that (7) is equal to 0 when B R (l) = B̂i (l), and is Fetch stage until all users have received K innovative
close to 1 when B R (l) > B̂i (l) and d is sufficiently large. packets. The RS always multicasts at each time slot in
For simplicity, we assume that (7) is equal to 1 if this stage.

Thus, without loss of generality, we only consider two-stage Lemma 1: The rescaled processes satisfy the following con-
policies such that, in the Flush stage, the RS keeps multicasting vergence uniformly over compact sets (u.o.c.) as m → ∞:
(newly coded) packets until all users can decode the block.
gs(m) (t) → gs (t),
We briefly show that our problem can be formulated as
an MDP. We define Q := {0, 1, . . . , K } × {0, 1, . . . , K }n as h (m)
s (t) → h s (t),

the system state space, which represents the number of original b(m)
R (t) → b R (t) = h s (t),
packets received by the RS and the number of linearly inde- s∈S
pendent packets received by the n users. The action space A (m)

bi (t) → bi (t) = gs (t)si , ∀i ∈ I
of our MDP consists of two elements: the RS may perform
either a multicast or a fetch. If we associate a fixed action
with each system state, the system clearly evolves as a Markov where gs (t), h s (t), b R (t), and bi (t) are Lipschitz continuous
chain. Note that the system state space |Q| = O(K n+1 ) and on [0, ∞).
the channel states |S| = O(2n ). Because of the “curse of Proof: The proof is similar to [22, Lemma 1].
dimensionality,” our MDP quickly becomes computationally Hence, g s (t), h s (t), b R (t), and bi (t) are Lipschitz con-
intractable as K and n increase. tinuous and have derivatives almost everywhere for t ≥ 0.
The points at which the derivatives exist are called regular
points [22]. The derivative of y(t) at a regular point t is
denoted by ẏ(t).
Stochastic control problems are both analytically and com- Let δ := m −α for some α ∈ (0, 1). For some regular point t,
putationally difficult, but in this section we will consider the we have that
fluid model as a deterministic relaxation. Fluid models provide +δ)

tractable approximations, as shown in many studies [22]–[24]. G s (m(t + δ)) − G s (mt) = 1(X( j ) = s, ( j ) = 1).
We first introduce the related random processes. Let G s (l) j = mt +1
(resp. Hs (l)) denote the cumulative number of time slots in
which the RS performed a multicast (resp. a fetch) and the Dividing both sides by mδ, we have that
channel was in state s ∈ S up to time slot l. We have that G s (m(t + δ)) − G s (mt)
B R (l) = s∈S Hs (l); Bi (l) = s∈S si G s (l), ∀i ∈ I. mδ

m(t +δ) 
m(t +δ)
Recall that si = 1 if in channel state s user i ’s channel 1(X( j ) = s) 1(X( j ) = s, ( j ) = 1)
j = mt +1 j = mt +1
was ON. Define a binary random process (l) such that = · .
m(t +δ)
(l) = 1 if the RS performs a multicast in time slot l, 1(X( j ) = s)
and 0 otherwise. Thus, we have that j = mt +1

G s (l) = 1(X( j ) = s, ( j ) = 1), The limit of the factor on the RHS of (10) as m → ∞ is
j =1 denoted by π(s, t) ∈ [0, 1], which can be interpreted as the

l instantaneous fraction of time spent for multicasting, on the
Hs (l) = 1(X( j ) = s, ( j ) = 0). condition that the channel state is s at time t. Additionally, as
j =1 m → ∞, the factor on the LHS of (10) converges to p(s),
Let t ∈ R denote a continuous time index. We extend the and (9) converges to ġs (t) because t is regular. Thus, we
definition of a discrete-time random process Y (·) to continuous have that ġs (t) = p(s)π(s, t). By taking similar steps for the
time as follows: process Hs (t), we get ḣ s (t) = p(s)[1 − π(s, t)].
Let ri (t) := ḃi (t) and rin (t) := ḃ R (t) denote the fluid rate
(t) := Y ( t ).
Y achieved by user i and the inflow rate to the RS at time t,
respectively. Define b̂i (t) as the cumulative units of innovative
Let D[0, ∞) be the set of functions f : [0, ∞) → R that are
s (t) fluid (analogous to innovative packets in the stochastic model)
right-continuous with left limits (RCLL). Then, clearly, G
and other extended processes defined previously, are random received by user i up to time t. Let r̂i (t) := b̂˙ i (t) denote the
elements in D[0, ∞). Consider a sequence of systems for the innovative fluid rate achieved by user i at time t. We have that
fluid scaling parameter m = 1, 2, . . .. In the mth system, ri (t), if b R (t) > b̂i (t),
the total number of packets to be received is scaled r̂i (t) = (11)
min[ri (t), rin (t)], if b R (t) = b̂i (t).
from K to m K. We will use superscript (m) to denote the ran-
dom processes associated with the mth system, e.g., G (m)
s (t) is That is, the innovative fluid rate achieved by user i is equal
the process Gs (t) in the mth system. We denote the rescaling to ri (t) if b R (t) > b̂i (t); this reduces to min[ri (t), rin (t)]
of the random process Y (m) (t) by y (m) (t) given by if b R (t) = b̂i (t), because the total units of innovative fluid
1 (m) received by user i cannot exceed the units of fluid received
y (m) (t) := Y (mt). (8) by the RS.
The users need to receive m K innovative packets in the mth
For example, gs(m) (t) is the rescaling of the process G
s (t). system; thus, under the fluid scaling (8), we want all of the

Theorem 1: There exists an optimal policy for the fluid

problem (F) such that the fluid rates are constant during the
Opportunistic Fetch stage.
Proof: The proof is given in Appendix A.
Recall that the optimal policy during the Flush stage is to
keep multicasting. Thus, the problem reduces to optimizing
the constant fluid rates during the Opportunistic Fetch stage.
For notational simplicity, we will drop the time index from
π(s, t), rin (t), ri (t), and r̂i (t), and instead, use π(s), rin , ri ,
Fig. 3. An example of buffer trajectories with n = 2. and r̂i . Based on (11), we have that
r̂i = min{ri , rin }, ∀i ∈ I. (21)
scaled trajectories b̂i(m)(t), i
∈ I to reach K . We define the Up to time rKin , the RS has received K units of fluid, and user i
asymptotic decoding delay in the fluid regime as
has received Krinr̂i units of innovative fluid for each user i ∈ I .
T = inf t ∈ R+ min{b̂i (t)} = K . (12) Thus, the remaining units of innovative fluid to be received
t i∈I
by user i during the Flush stage is given by
i.e., our goal is to minimize the time until every user receives
r̂i [rin − ri ]+
at least K units of innovative fluid. Hence, delay minimization K− K = K. (22)
using a deterministic fluid model can be formulated as follows: rin rin
It follows that, the decoding delay (12) is given by
(F) minimize T = inf t ∈ R+ min{b̂i (t)} = K  
π t i∈I K [rin − ri ]+ K
+ max .
subject to bi (0) = b̂i (0) = b R (0) = 0, ∀i ∈ I, (13) rin i∈I rin pi
bi (t) = bi (0) + ri (τ )dτ, ∀i ∈ I, (14) Overall, we have that (F) is equivalent to the following
0 problem:
b̂i (t) = b̂i (0) + r̂i (t)dτ, ∀ i ∈ I, (15) K [rin − ri ]+ K
0 minimize + max (23)
π rin i∈I rin pi
b R (t) = b R (0) + rin (τ )dτ, b R (0) = 0, subject to rin = p(s)[1 − π(s)], (24)
 ri = p(s)π(s)si , ∀i ∈ I, (25)
ri (t) = p(s)π(s, t)si , ∀i ∈ I, (17)
 π(s) ∈ [0, 1], ∀s ∈ S. (26)
rin (t) = p(s)[1 − π(s, t)], (18)
s∈S This problem is still difficult for two reasons. First, it is
nonconvex, and second, the number of variables π(·) is
ri (t), if b R (t) > b̂i (t),
r̂i (t) = exponential in n. Let us first address the nonconvexity.
min[ri (t), rin (t)], if b R (t) = b̂i (t), Define i b ∈ arg mini∈I { pi } as the index of the “bottleneck”
π(s, t) ∈ [0, 1], ∀s ∈ S, (19) user, i.e., the user whose channel has the lowest probability of
π(s, t) = 1, if b R (t) = K . (20) being in the ON state. Consider the following problem:

Similar to the original stochastic problem, (F) is a two-stage (P) maximize min{ri } (27)
π i∈I
fluid fill-up problem, i.e., the Opportunistic Fetch stage (resp. subject to rin = ri b ,
Flush stage) is the time before (resp. after) the instant at which
(24) − (26). (28)
the fluid level at the RS queue reaches K . Fig. 3 shows an
example of buffer trajectories for (F) with n = 2. During the Theorem 2: The solution to (P) is optimal for (F) as well.
Flush stage, the optimal control will perform multicasting at Proof: The proof is given in Appendix B.
all times. Hence, the inflow rate to the RS, rin (t), is exactly 0 Let us discuss some of the implications of Theorem 2.
during the Flush stage. Also, the fluid rate achieved by user i In the proof of the theorem, we show that there exists an
is pi for all i ∈ I during the Flush stage. Thus, it remains optimal policy satisfying the following constraint:
to find the optimal policy to be used during the Opportunistic
rin = min{ri }. (29)
Fetch stage. i∈I
If we combine (29) and the definition of r̂i in (21), we have
Solving (F) requires a technique called calculus of varia-
r̂i = min[ri , rin ] = rin , ∀i ∈ I. (30)
tions, which tends to be difficult. Instead, we convert (F) into a
simpler optimization problem from which we identify several That is, all users achieve the same innovative fluid rate given
properties of the solution. by rin under (29). Consequently, all users will simultaneously

finish receiving K units of innovative fluid at the end of the arbitrarily broken) among all {ρ̂(w, s)|s ∈ S}. Additionally,
Opportunistic Fetch stage, in which case, the Flush stage will define k ∗ as
have zero duration. Therefore, we need only optimize over one   k 
stage, i.e., the Opportunistic Fetch stage. Intuitively, a good k ∗ := min k p(η( j ))[1 + ηi b ( j )] > 1 .
policy will dispense with the Flush stage if possible, because j =1
during that period it cannot exploit opportunism. Importantly,
Theorem 4: The following policy π ∗ (·) is optimal
the nonconvexity of (23) is resolved, because the second term
for (MW):
of (23) becomes 0 under constraint (29), which results in the ⎧
one-stage LP given by (P). In the proof of Theorem 2, we also ⎪
⎨1, ρ̂(w, s) > ξ,
observe that ri b = mini∈I {ri } holds under the optimal policy in ∗
π (s) = β, ρ̂(w, s) = ξ, (33)
addition to (29). That is, there exists an optimal policy under ⎪

0, otherwise,
which the bottleneck user achieves the minimum fluid rate
among users. The bottleneck user governs the decoding delay; where

thus, one should maximize the service rate of the bottleneck

1 − s:ρ̂(w,s)>ξ p(s)[1 + si b ]
user, as in (P). Theorem 1 allows us to consider only (P), ξ := ρ̂(w, η(k )), β :=  .
which is significantly simplified from (F), in the rest of this s:ρ̂(w,s)=ξ p(s)[1 + si b ]
paper. Proof: The proof is given in Appendix F.
Remark: By definition, the fluid policy π ∗ (s) represents the
V. O PTIMAL F LUID P OLICY time fraction of multicasting under channel state s. In the
original stochastic network, π ∗ (s) (resp. 1 − π ∗ (s)) is anal-
There are 2n variables in (P); thus, it seems difficult to
ogous to the probability of multicasting (resp. fetching) at
solve (P) directly. Instead, we will first examine the structure
a time slot, under the condition that the channel state is s.
of the solutions to (P). For this purpose, we will reformu-
From that perspective, we see that π ∗ (·) clearly possesses a
late (P) as a max-weight problem as follows:
 threshold-based structure; the RS performs a multicast w.p. 1
(MW) maximize wi ri at a time slot only if the normalized revenue earned by
π the system exceeds the threshold ξ . Indeed, from π ∗ (·), we
 observe the aforementioned tradeoff between multicasting and
subject to p(s)π(s)[1 + si b ] = 1,
fetching. The RS should perform multicasting only if the
(24) − (26), (31) current channel condition is sufficiently favorable, i.e., it yields
a high normalized revenue; otherwise, the RS should perform
where (31) is derived from (28) by expressing rin and ri b in fetching.
terms of π(·). We also find that the normalized revenue serves as a
Theorem 3: There exist non-negative weights wi , i ∈ I , measure of channel quality/opportunism. The optimal policy
such that (P) is equivalent to (MW). implicitly ranks the channel states in the order of associated
Proof: The proof is given in Appendix E. normalized revenue. That is, for two channel states s, σ ∈ S,
One can interpret the weight wi as the revenue per unit we may say that s precedes σ in terms of channel quality if
bandwidth accrued by user i . Therefore, we may regard (MW) ρ̂(w, s) > ρ̂(w, σ ). The RS multicasts w.p. 1 under π ∗ (·) only
as a revenue maximization problem as follows. If we express if the current channel state precedes ξ . Our result explicitly
the objective of (MW) in terms of π(·), we have that characterizes the optimal tradeoff point in the opportunism.
 Although we have found the solution structure, it proves
p(s)π(s)ρ(w, s) (32) to be difficult to compute the exact solution. Computing the
s∈S threshold ξ for (MW) requires the knowledge of η(k), which
Define w  := (w1 , . . . , wn ) as the weight vector, and is the channel state with the kth largest normalized revenue.
ρ(w, s) := i∈I wi si as the revenue earned by the system We briefly argue that determining η(k) for given w and k
when the RS multicasts under channel state s. Therefore, is related to an NP-hard problem called the k TH LARGEST
(32) is the expected revenue earned by the system under SUBSET [25], which is defined as follows. For a finite multi-

policy π(·). We will also define ρ̂(w, s) := ρ(w, s)/(1 + si b ) set A, let A := a∈ A a denote the sum-element of A.
as the “normalized” revenue. By definition, ρ̂(w, s) penalizes I NSTANCE: Finite multiset A, positive integer k and c.
ρ(w, s) by a factor of 2 if the bottleneck user’s channel is ON Q UESTION: Are there k or more distinct subsets B ⊆ A
in channel state s, i.e., si b = 1. The penalty arises because such that B ≤ c?
there exists a constraint which involves the bottleneck user, We will refer to the sum-element of a subset as a subset-sum.
i.e., (31) in the problem (MW). Hence it is natural that the (MW) is related to the k TH LARGEST SUBSET as follows.
solution of (MW) is biased by the bottleneck user, and that Let us define the multiset A such that A := {w1 , . . . , wn }.
bias/penalty would be captured by the normalized revenue. For channel state s = (s1 , . . . , sn ), define multiset Bs :=
Next, we investigate the solution to (MW). Let us introduce {wi |si = 1, i ∈ I }. Bs is a subset of A, and we have that
the following notation, which will be useful for further discus- Bs  = i∈I wi si = ρ(w, s). Thus, the set of revenues
sion. For given w, let η(k) := (η1 (k), . . . , ηn (k)) ∈ S denote {ρ(w, s)} is a collection of all possible subset-sums of A. Con-
the channel state such that ρ̂(w, η(k)) is the kth largest (ties are sequently, in (MW), computing η(k ∗ ), i.e., finding the k ∗ th

largest normalized revenue, is at least as hard as finding the we will set a user’s weight to the remaining workload for
k ∗ th largest revenue, or, equivalently, finding the k ∗ th largest that user, as in max-weight type schedulers [27]. Thus, by
subset-sum of A. prioritizing users with high workloads, the WBP rule serves
as a simple (yet effective) measure of channel quality; we will
VI. L OW-C OMPLEXITY R ELAY S CHEDULING P OLICY show this in the sequel.
Next we propose a low-complexity scheduling policy that We will use the WBP rule to approximately solve (MW) as
achieves low decoding delays. Below, we summarize our follows. Consider the following problem:

policy. (P-WBP) maximize wi ri
First, we introduce the Weight-Based Priority (WBP) rule π
which we propose as a simplified measure of channel quality subject to (24) − (25), (31)
intended for low-complexity policy computations. We approx- ⎧

⎨1, s  ξ,
imately solve (MW) based on the WBP rule and obtain a
threshold-based fluid policy. Next, we map the fluid policy π(s) = β, s = ξ, (34)

to an online policy for the original discrete networks, which 0, s ≺ ξ,
we call policy translation. Policy computation and translation ξ ∈ {0, . . . , 2n −1}, β ∈ [0, 1). (35)
are performed periodically; in each period, the weights used
for policy computation are adjusted according to the users’ (P-WBP) is identical to (MW), except that π(·) is constrained
queue states. We will adopt the framework proposed in [26] to be a threshold-based policy under the WBP rule, i.e., the
for policy translation and renewal, as discussed later. RS should multicast w.p. 1 only if the binary number associ-
ated with the current channel state exceeds a threshold ξ .
Algorithm 1 exhibits an algorithm to determine the optimal
A. Weight-Based Priority (WBP) Rule
threshold parameters ξ and β in (P-WBP). According to (31),
Solving (MW) is difficult, primarily because we use the the optimal ξ is the maximum ξ such that
normalized revenue as a measure of channel quality. Specifi- 
cally, in Section V, we showed that the precedence relations p(s)[1 + si b ] ≥ 1. (36)
among channel states have a combinatorial nature. Instead, we s∈S,s≥ξ
propose WBP, a simplified precedence rule for ranking channel The LHS of (36), as well as the objective of (P-WBP), are
states. Prior to that, we introduce the following definitions. monotonically decreasing in ξ . In Algorithm 1, we initialize ξ
Definition 1: For a k-dimensional binary vector x = with 2n−1 which is the median element in S, and iterate the
(x 1 , . . . , x k ), we define x 1 · · · x k  as the k-bit nonnegative following to find the optimal ξ : (i) calculate the LHS of (36),
binary number associated with x where x 1 is the most sig- (ii) compare the result with 1, and (iii) adjust ξ accordingly to
nificant bit, i.e., make (36) as tight as possible. This is the well-known bisection

k method. Because the searching space of ξ has 2n elements, it
x 1 · · · x k  := x i 2k−i . takes O(n) steps to determine the optimal ξ using bisection.
i=1 Thus, Algorithm 1 has a complexity of O(n).
Definition 2: For two binary vectors x = (x 1 , . . . , x k ) and
y = (y1 , . . . , yk ) of length k ∈ Z+ , we define x  y if
B. Discrete-Review Policy
x 1 · · · x k  > y1 · · · yk .
In this subsection, we will construct an online policy for
The notation “≺” is defined in a similar way. The definitions the original network problem. The Discrete-Review (DR)
of the operators “” and “≺” are extended to compare a binary policy [26] is a general method for translating a determin-
vector with a scalar quantity. For example, for some ξ ∈ R, istic fluid policy into an implementable policy for stochastic
x  ξ means x 1 · · · x k  > ξ . networks. Under the DR policy, time is divided into review
Using the above notations, we introduce the WBP periods of constant length. At the beginning of each review
rule as follows. Without loss of generality, assume that period, we review the system state and formulate a fluid
w1 ≥ · · · ≥ wn , i.e., that the users are indexed in descending problem with a safety-stock requirement [28]. The safety-
order of weight. Consider two channel states s, σ ∈ S such stock requirement is an additional constraint to fluid problems
that s = σ . WBP is a precedence rule such that, we say that guards against undesirable “boundary behaviors”, such as
that s precedes σ if s  σ . In other words, we compare starvation of resources. Based on the solution to the formulated
the channel states by treating them as binary numbers. For fluid problem, a scheduling policy for the stochastic network
example, suppose that there are three users. Consider channel is implemented.
states s = (1, 0, 0) and σ = (0, 1, 1). Since 100 = 4 We will construct the DR policy associated with our prob-
is greater than 011 = 3, we say s is a better channel lem (called WBP-DR) as follows. Let the integer L > 0 denote
state than σ under the WBP rule. Recall that, in the binary the length of the review period, and let the integer u > 0 be the
number s1 . . . sn  associated with channel state s, the i th bit safety-stock parameter. Denote the time index of the beginning
si represents the channel state of user i whose weight is wi . of each review period by l j = j L, j = 0, 1, . . .. At the
Because w1 ≥ · · · ≥ wn , we see that the WBP rule gives beginning of j th review period, the RS queue length B R (l j )
higher priority to users associated with larger weights. Later, and the number of innovative packets received for each user

Algorithm 1 Finding the Optimal ξ and β Algorithm 2 WBP-DR Policy

1: ξ← 2n−1 , Residual ← 1, SumProb ← p1(1 + pi b ). 1: for Each time slot l = j L, j = 0, 1,  2, . . . do +
2: if i b = 1 then 2: Observe B̂i (l), ∀i ∈ I . Set wi ← K − B̂i (l) , ∀i ∈ I.
3: SumProb ← 2 p1 . 3: Sort w1 , . . . , wn in descending order. If multiple users
4: end if have the same weight, prioritize users with worse channel
5: for j = 1 to n − 1 do conditions, i.e., smaller pi values. Assign user indices in
6: if SumProb ≤ Residual then the order of the users’ priorities.
7: Residual ← Residual − SumProb, ξ ← ξ − 2n− j −1 . 4: Solve (P-DR) using Algorithm 1 by setting 1 −
u+ B̂i b (l)−B R (l)
8: if j = i b − 1 then as the initial value of “Residual”; obtain
2(1− p ) p j +1 L
9: SumProb ← p j (1+jp j +1 ) SumProb. threshold parameters ξ and β.
10: else if j = i then
b 5: for each time slot τ in the review period do
(1− p j ) p j +1 if there are no innovative packets to be fetched from
11: SumProb ← 2pj SumProb. 6:
12: else the BS queue then
(1− p j ) p j +1 if B R (τ ) > 0 then
13: SumProb ← pj SumProb. 7:

14: end if 8: RS performs a multicast.

15: else 9: end if
16: ξ ← ξ + 2n− j −1 . 10: continue \∗ for loop ∗\
17: if j = i b − 1 then 11: end if
SumProb ← 1+ pj +1 SumProb. 12: Observe the channel state s and RS queue length
j +1 B R (τ ).
19: else
13: if B R (τ ) = 0 then
20: SumProb ← p j +1SumProb.
14: RS performs a fetch.
21: end if
15: else if 0 < B R (τ ) < K then
22: end if
16: if s  ξ then
23: end for
17: RS performs a multicast.
24: if SumProb ≤ Residual then
18: else if s ≺ ξ then
25: Residual ← Residual − SumProb, ξ ← ξ − 1.
19: RS performs a fetch.
26: if i b = n then
20: else
27: SumProb ← 1− pn
2 pn SumProb. 21: RS performs a multicast (resp. fetch) w.p. β (resp.
28: else
1 − β).
29: SumProb ← 1−pnpn SumProb.
22: end if
30: end if
23: else
31: end if
24: RS performs a multicast.
32: β ← Residual/SumProb.
25: end if
26: end for
27: end for
{ B̂i (l j ), i ∈ I } are observed; the following problem, which is
similar to (P-WBP), is then constructed and to be solved:

(P-DR) maximize wi ri condition that the channel state is s. WBP-DR is described
i∈I in Algorithm 2. Guidelines for setting parameters L and u
subject to (24) − (25), (34) − (35), will be provided in the next section.
B R (l j ) − B̂i b (l j ) + L(rin − ri b ) ≥ u,
wi = K − B̂i (l j ) , ∀i ∈ I. (38) In this section, we will characterize the asymptotic perfor-
mance of the WBP-DR policy. Let L (m) := f L (m K ) and
From (38), the weight of each user is set to the remaining
u (m) := αL (m) denote parameters L and u, respectively, in
number of innovative packets to be received. Constraint (37)
the mth system, where α ≥ 1 and f L (·) is a function such
is the safety-stock requirement; the expected RS queue length
at the end of each review period should be at least u greater
than the expected number of innovative packets received by the f L (x) f L (x)
bottleneck user. This constraint helps to prevent the bottleneck log(x) → ∞ and x → 0, as x → ∞. (39)

user from receiving noninnovative packets. Recall that, by √

For example, one can set L (m) = f L (m K ) = mK .
adding constraints (34) and (35) to (P-DR), we are optimizing
(39) implies that the length of a review period tends to infinity
under the WBP rule. By solving (P-DR), we obtain policy in the fluid limit. We have that
π ∗ (·), which will be implemented over the next review period
{l j , . . . , l j + L − 1}. π ∗ (s) is implemented as the probability L (m) f L (m K )
= → 0, as m → ∞,
to perform multicasting by the RS in a time slot, under the m m

i.e., the scaled review period has zero duration in the fluid for channel prioritization, i.e., the WBP rule. As a result,
limit. In the mth system, the weights of users at the beginning we were able to bound the rates of fluid trajectories, from
of j th review period are adjusted to which we derived guarantees in asymptotic decoding delay.
 + We believe this is a novel approach for the performance
wi = m K − B̂i ( j L (m) ) , ∀i ∈ I. (40)
analysis of fluid control problems.
Next, we present an upper bound on the asymptotic decod-
ing delay of WBP-DR. We first present the following lemma
(m) (m)
on the scaled queue length trajectories b R (t) and bi (t). In this section, we evaluate the performance of WBP-DR
L (m) in discrete-time stochastic networks via simulation. We will
Lemma 2: For any  > 0, 0 < δ ≤ m and j ∈ Z+ , there
make comparisons with the following schemes:
exists some M ∈ Z+ such that
ARQ: This is the traditional automatic repeat request (ARQ)
(m) (m)
bi(m) ( j Lm + δ) − bi(m) ( j Lm )  where the packets are not coded. The RS first fetches a packet
− p(s)π ∗ (s)si ≤ , from the BS, then repeatedly multicasts the packet until every
s∈S user has received a copy. This procedure is repeated K times.
(m) (m) (m) (m)
b R ( j Lm + δ) − b R ( j Lm )  GREEDY: The RS greedily performs a fetch until it
− p(s)[1 − π ∗ (s)] ≤ , receives K original packets. Then, the RS repeatedly
s∈S multicasts coded packets until all users have received K
almost surely for all m > M, where π ∗ (s)
denotes the solution coded packets.
to (P-WBP) with the weights defined in (40). LB (Lower Bound): This is the numerically obtained solu-
Proof: See Appendix G. tion to (P). It has been shown in [28] that, in the case of
(m) (m)
Lemma 2 indicates that b R (t) and bi (t), i ∈ I achieve finite-time horizon problems, the optimal cost of an MDP is
almost constant rates within each scaled review period for bounded below by the solution to the associated fluid problem.
large values of m. That is, the queue trajectories are roughly In our simulations, we set K = 5 × 103 . For the
piecewise linear over time for large values of m, which is Rayleigh fading channel model, we set f m = 50 Hz and
useful in proving the next theorem. f s = 103 packets/sec. This results in f m / f s = 0.05, which
Theorem 5: WBP-DR incurs an asymptotic decoding delay is a typical value of the ratio f m / f s , e.g., see [29]. In order
that is at most twice the optimal value. to generate a DTMC X i (l) with ON probability pi , we
Proof: See Appendix H for details. leverage (4)–(6) to set the transition probabilities of X i (l);
for example, q0,1i is given by
In proving Theorem 5, we utilize the fact that the service
priority of users is repeatedly adjusted based on the WBP rule;  pi fm
combining this fact with Lemma 2 and the constraint (21) on i
q0,1 = −2πln( pi ) · · . (41)
innovative fluid rates, we are able to bound the service rate 1 − pi f s
achieved by the bottleneck user under fluid scaling. In the For WBP-DR, we set L = u = 200.
sequel, we will show via simulation that WBP-DR performs Fig. 4(a) shows the average decoding delay for symmetric-
substantially better than the derived bound in the discrete-time user systems with n = 2 and p1 = p2 = p where we vary p
stochastic network. Prior to that, we present a tighter bound in the plot. We observe that the decoding delay decreases as
for two-user systems. p increases for all policies. WBP-DR performs well, incurring
Theorem 6: When n = 2, WBP-DR incurs an asymptotic a delay that is only 1–6% higher than the lower bound.
decoding delay that is at most 4/3 that of the optimal value. ARQ and GREEDY incur delays that are up to 329% and 30%
Proof: See Appendix I for details. higher than WBP-DR, respectively.
In the proof of Theorem 6, we explicitly show how the The case of symmetric-user systems with n = 10,
priority among users varies during transmission and compute pi = p, ∀i ∈ I , and varying p is shown in Fig. 4(b).
the innovative fluid rates achieved by users. This enables us WBP-DR performs best, achieving a delay that is 1–7% higher
to derive a tighter performance bound than that in Theorem 5. than the lower bound. The performance of GREEDY is close
We comment on the implications of the proposed algorithm to WBP-DR when p is close to 1, which can be explained as
design and analysis. WBP-DR is based on the framework follows. Due to the symmetry in channel distributions, larger
of discrete-review (DR) policies [26]; however, our approach p means better channel conditions for every user. Thus, if p is
differs from the conventional construction of DR policies. close to 1, the channel being in ON state is no longer a scarce
Typically, a DR policy translates the solution of a deterministic opportunity for any user, i.e., opportunism has little impact
fluid problem into an implementable policy for the original on the performance. However, as p becomes smaller, the
stochastic system. However, in our case, it is hard to solve gap of the decoding delays between GREEDY and WBP-DR
the fluid problem. Instead, we formulated an approximate increases. A similar argument as the above holds for Fig. 4(a)
fluid problem (P-WBP), and translated its solution to an when n = 2. We will discuss the effect of n in more detail
online policy which is the proposed WBP-DR. The analysis in the sequel. Meanwhile, the performance of ARQ declines
of WBP-DR is, however, still challenging, because the fluid quickly with decreasing p. When p ≤ 0.6, the delay incurred
trajectories under adaptive policies are hard to characterize. by ARQ is at least 496% higher than that of WBP-DR.
In our analysis, we exploited several properties of the solution In Fig. 4(c), we consider symmetric-user systems with
to (P-WBP), and those properties arise from a simplified rule fixed p = 0.5 and varying n. WBP-DR incurs a decoding

Fig. 4. Comparison of decoding delays based on simulations. The delays are plotted on a logarithimc scale. (a) symmetric channels with n = 2 and varying p;
(b) symmetric channels with n = 10 and varying p; (c) symmetric channels with p = 0.5 and varying n; (d) asymmetric channels with pi ’s are uniformly and
independently generated from [0.2, 0.8] and varying n; (e) asymmetric channels with n = 3, pi ’s are uniformly and independently generated from [γ , 1 − γ ]
and varying γ; (f) asymmetric channels with n = 10, pi ’s are uniformly and independently generated from [γ , 1 − γ ] and varying γ.

delay that is 2–7% higher than the lower bound and reduces mean reduces due to the concentration, i.e., the inherent
decoding delay by up to 87% and 20% compared with ARQ opportunism of the multicast channel “degrades” with respect
and GREEDY, respectively. The delay incurred by GREEDY to the mean np. This partly explains why the GREEDY
increases slowly with increasing n, because it is related to the scheme, which is oblivious of opportunism, performs closer to
maximum of n i.i.d. numbers of time slots taken by a user WBP-DR and LB for larger n. However, the above arguments
to receive K coded packets. The LB also increases gradually are applicable to symmetric systems. If the channels are statis-
with n. The performance of WBP-DR is between that of tically asymmetric, it is important to exploit the opportunism
LB and GREEDY. The gap between WBP-DR and GREEDY of the bottleneck user who will dominate the system perfor-
becomes narrow as n increases. We attempt to explain this mance. We examine this aspect in the following simulation.
by examining the limiting properties of multicast channels as We present simulation results for asymmetric-user systems.
follows. In Fig. 4(d), we have varied n from 2 to 10. For each n,
Suppose we scale the system by making n large. Assume the values of pi ’s are uniformly and independently gener-
that for simplicity, at each time slot, the channel state of ated from [0.2, 0.8] for 104 times. The delay incurred by
a user is distributed as Bernoulli( p). Denote the number WBP-DR is within 2% of the lower bound. By contrast,
of ON channels at a given time slot by a random variable ARQ and GREEDY incur delays that are 153–613% and
N ∼ Binomial(n, p). Note that N becomes concentrated 23–27% higher, respectively, than that of WBP-DR. Note
around its mean E[N] = np due to the law of large numbers. that the gap between the delays achieved by WBP-DR and
Intuitively, the opportunism of the multicast channel is closely GREEDY is relatively larger than that in the case of symmetric
related to the extent to which N deviates from the mean. channels, e.g., compare Fig. 4(c) and Fig. 4(d). This shows
However, as n increases, the deviation of N relative to the that, one should carefully exploit opportunism to deal with the

bottleneck user in asymmetric systems, by frequently review-

ing users’ buffer status and updating the policy accordingly,
which is the main idea behind WBP-DR.
In Fig. 4(e), we consider asymmetric systems in which
n = 3. The values of pi ’s are independently and uniformly
drawn from [γ , 1 −γ ] where we vary γ in the plot. Therefore,
the smaller the value of γ, the more variability in the values
of pi ’s. Interestingly, WBP-DR performs even better, i.e.,
closer to LB, with smaller values of γ, which we explain
as follows. A smaller γ leads to a larger gap (on average)
between pi b and other users’ parameters. As a result, user i b
will further dominate the system performance because of its
relatively poor channel condition, i.e., user i b will often be the
user who has the smallest number of innovative packets during
the transmission. Because WBP-DR prioritizes users with a
smaller number of innovative packets, user i b will be served at
the highest priority most of the time, which is also expected for
the optimal policy. WBP-DR incurs a delay that is 17–23% and
70–72% lower than that of GREEDY and ARQ, respectively. Fig. 5. Example of the trajectories for the fragment arrival model under
Fig. 4(f) considers a similar scenario as Fig. 4(e) with n = 10. policy P. The plot in the above shows b B (t) which represents the amount of
fluid arrived at the BS yet not received by the RS up to time t. The plot in the
WBP-DR incurs a lower delay by 11–20%, relative to below shows the amount of innovative fluid received by the bottleneck user.
GREEDY. Additionally, WBP-DR significantly outperforms The service rate of the innovative fluid is constant under P when b B (t) > 0.
ARQ, reducing the delay by up to 87%.
IX. E XTENSIONS AND D ISCUSSIONS Proof: Let τ̂1 , τ̂2 , . . . , denote the epochs at which
So far we have assumed that the BS queue is backlogged b B (t) hits 0 under P. Define
with the source information block. In this section, we discuss  
some extensions of our problem when there exists a source of j1∗ := min j |τ j > τ̂1 , (42)
arrivals to the BS queue.
We introduce a fragment arrival model as follows. In this i.e., τ j1∗ is the arrival time of the first segment since the
model, the original information block is divided into multiple BS queue became depleted for the first time under P; see
fragments. The fragments arrive at the BS queue at arbitrary Fig. 5. Let K̂ 1 denote the total amount of fluid arrived at the
instants. It is possible that, at some instant, all the previously BS queue until τ̂1 , i.e.,
arrived fragments in the BS queue have been transmitted to j1∗ −1
the RS queue, however a new fragment has not yet arrived at 
K̂ 1 := Ki . (43)
the BS queue. In this case, the BS queue is forced to idle, i=1
i.e., the queue can be “depleted”, and thus the system is no
longer backlogged with the source block. We will first show that, P achieves the minimum delay in
We will show that, the fluid policy which solves (P) is disseminating K̂ 1 amount of fluid as follows. The total amount
essentially optimal for the fragment arrival model in the fluid of fluid fragments which arrived during [0, τ̂1 ) is K̂ 1 . Also
regime. Let b B (t) denote the difference between the total we have b B (t) > 0 for t ∈ [0, τ̂1 ), i.e., the BS queue is
amount of fluid received by the BS and the total amount backlogged during [0, τ̂1 ). From Theorem 1 and 2, we know
of fluid received by the RS up to time t. If all the fluid in that P serves users’ queues with the innovative fluid at a
the BS queue has been transmitted to the RS, but if no new fixed rate, provided that the BS queue is backlogged, i.e.,
fragment has arrived until time t, then b B (t) = 0, i.e., the b B (t) > 0, and P is optimal when the system is backlogged.
BS queue is depleted. We define a fluid policy denoted by P Consequently, P achieves the minimum delay which is given
as follows. If b B (t) > 0, we use the policy which solves (P); by τ̂1 . Moreover, by (29) and (30), the amount of fluid received
otherwise, we let the system idle. One can prove that P is by the RS and the amount of innovative fluid received by the
optimal for the fragment arrival model as follows. users are both exactly K̂ 1 at time τ̂1 under P, i.e.,
Theorem 7: Suppose M fragments of size
b R (τ̂1 ) = b̂i (τ̂1 ) = K̂ 1 , ∀i ∈ I .
K 1 , K 2 , . . . , K M , arrive at the BS queue in the fluid
regime. The arrival epoch of the i th fragment is denoted by The dissemination of K̂ 1 amount of fluid completes exactly at
τi , and 0 = τ1 ≤ τ2 ≤ · · · ≤ τ M . The fragments comprise the t = τ̂1 , and thus the system can stay idle until a new fragment
entire block, i.e., arrives. Indeed P will idle when the BS queue is depleted; see

M the definition of P. Thus, the innovative fluid rate achieved
Ki = K . by the users during the period [τ̂1 , τ j1∗ ) is 0 under P.
i=1 Now let us consider the second period during which the
Then it follows that policy P for the fluid model is optimal. BS queue is backlogged. Let us make the following definitions

which are similar to (42) and (43): that WBP-DR is approximately optimal for the fragment
j2∗ −1 arrival model.
   Another direction to extend our model is the block arrival
j2∗ := min j |τ j > τ̂2 , K̂ 2 := Ki ,
model. In this model, the blocks of size K arrive at the system;
i= j1∗
let us consider an example of video multicast streaming.
i.e., K̂ 2 is the total amount of fluid arrived during the second Suppose a sequence of video segments arrive at the BS queue
“busy” period of the BS queue under P. We claim that τ̂2 is as follows. Each segment consists of K packets, thus a
the minimum time for disseminating the fluid of the amount segment corresponds to an information block. We assume
K̂ 1 + K̂ 2 , which implies that P is the optimal policy for the the segments are disseminated to video multicast streaming
duration [0, τ̂2 ). We shall argue by contradiction as follows. subscribers sequentially, i.e., the next segment is requested
Suppose there exists a policy P  which completes the and available for transmission only once the previous one has
dissemination of K̂ 1 + K̂ 2 amount of fluid strictly earlier been delivered to all the receivers. Such a scheme is motivated
than τ̂2 , say at time τ̃ < τ̂2 . First of all, we cannot have by DASH [30] which is a widely used protocol for unicast
τ̃ < τ j1∗ , because the total amount of fluid arrived at the BS video streaming. An example would be the system which
during [0, τ j1∗ ) is exactly K̂ 1 . Thus we have that τ̃ ∈ [τ j1∗ , τ̂2 ), serves a small to moderate number of users who are aligned
to watch the same content via a streaming multicast session.
which implies that the amount of fluid disseminated during Let us denote the block arrival rate to the BS queue by λ. Our
[τ j1∗ , τ̃ ] under P  is at least K̂ 2 . We will show that, however, objective for this model is to maximize the block throughput,
the minimum delay to disseminate K̂ 2 amount of fluid is i.e., to maximize λ subject to stability.
τ̂2 − τ j1∗ which is strictly less than τ̃ − τ j1∗ , which leads to In order to maximize the throughput, we would like to
a contradiction, as follows. deliver each segment to the users as fast as possible. Thus,
Because P has already disseminated K̂ 1 amount of fluid the problem reduces to minimizing the dissemination delay
prior to time τ j1∗ , the amount of fluid disseminated during the of each segment of size K , which is the same problem as
period [τ j1∗ , τ̂2 ) is exactly K̂ 2 . Moreover, b B (t) > 0 holds studied in the previous sections. Consequently, one can expect
during this period, i.e., the BS queue is backlogged. Thus we that WBP-DR performs close to the optimal policy for the
can use a similar argument as the earlier part of this proof to throughput model when K is large.
show that P achieves the minimum delay in disseminating K̂ 2 In conclusion, we observe that the optimal fluid policy
amount of fluid. Thus, the delay of disseminating K̂ 2 amount proposed in Section IV is applicable to both the fragment and
of fluid cannot be smaller than τ̂2 − τ j1∗ under any policy. This block arrival models, i.e., it is asymptotically optimal for both
implies that such P  does not exist. the models. Since WBP-DR well-approximates the optimal
We can extend the above argument to the subsequent “busy fluid policy, WBP-DR will presumably perform well under
periods” of the BS queue. For example, by using the fact that these arrival models.
P is optimal for the duration [0, τ̂2 ), one can show that P is
optimal for the duration [0, τ̂3 ), and so forth. This establishes X. C ONCLUSIONS
the optimality of P. In this paper, we examined the problem of minimizing
Next we discuss discrete-time algorithms under the frag- decoding delays using RLNC for multicasting in heteroge-
ment arrival model. In discrete time, the BS queue may occa- neous networks with relay stations. We formulated a determin-
sionally become depleted before the dissemination completes. istic fluid approximation of the original stochastic problem.
Note that WBP-DR will exploit opportunism as long as the The optimal fluid policy was shown to possess a threshold-
BS queue is backlogged, and will necessarily multicast if the based structure which captures the optimal tradeoff point
BS queue is depleted, see lines 6–11 of Algorithm 2. Due to between multicasting and fetching. We proposed a scheduling
these underlying characteristics for Algorithm 2, WBP-DR can policy WBP-DR, which is based on prioritizing users with a
be extended to the fragment arrival model: the algorithm will large amount of unfinished work, and derived bounds on its
exploit opportunism if the BS queue is backlogged, and will asymptotic performance. We evaluated the performance of our
perform multicasting if the BS queue occasionally becomes algorithm in discrete-time stochastic networks via simulation;
depleted. Thus, WBP-DR prioritizes opportunism whenever we showed that it incurs decoding delays that are close to
possible. This heuristic is motivated by the observation such the theoretical lower bounds. A future direction would be
that the optimal fluid policy maximally prolongs the “Oppor- investigating the effect of other system parameters, such as
tunistic Fetch” stage. packet length ν. For example, it would be interesting to
Although it appears to be difficult to analyze the perfor- study how to adaptively change ν using adaptive modulation
mance of WBP-DR under the fragment arrival model, we may and coding (AMC) at each time slot based on the current
conclude the following. Theorem 7 shows that P minimizes channel and queue states, so as to further improve the delay
the delay for the fragment arrival model in fluid regime, performance.
and the simulation results show that WBP-DR performs
very close to the optimal fluid policy. In conclusion, when- A PPENDIX A
ever the BS queue is backlogged, i) WBP-DR will perform P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1
similar to P; ii) WBP-DR will attempt to remain in the Let us denote the optimal policy by π ∗ (s, t). Let T1∗ and T2∗
“Opportunistic Fetch” stage similar to P. Thus, we can assume be the durations of the Opportunistic Fetch stage and the

Flush stage, respectively, under policy π ∗ (s, t). It is clear that Thus, minimizing the decoding delay is equivalent to max-
π ∗ (s, t) = 1 for T1∗ < t ≤ T1∗ + T2∗ . Consider policy π  (s, t) imizing rin , or equivalently, mini∈I {ri }. Hence, (F) reduces to
such that
⎧ ˜
(P) maximize min{ri }
⎪ T1∗ π
⎨ 1 π ∗ (s, τ )dτ, if 0 ≤ t ≤ T1∗ ,
π  (s, t) := T1∗ 0 subject to (24) − (26), (44).

⎩1, if T1∗ < t ≤ T1∗ + T2∗ . Lemma 4: A necessary condition for the optimality
∗ ) ˜ is
of (P)
In what follows, we will use superscript (resp. to indicate
the notation associated with policy π ∗ (s, t) (resp. π  (s, t)),
∗ (t) (resp. r  (t)) is the inflow rate to the RS under min{ri } = ri b . (45)
e.g., rin in i∈I
policy π ∗ (s, t) (resp. π  (s, t)). It is easy to verify that The proof Lemma 4 is provided in Appendix D. By Lemma 4,
⎧ ˜ is equivalent to
⎪ T1∗
⎨ 1 ri∗ (τ )dτ, if 0 ≤ t ≤ T1∗ ,
ri (t) = T1∗ 0 maximize min{ri }
⎪ π i∈I
⎩p , if T1∗ < t ≤ T1∗ + T2∗ .
i subject to rin = ri b ,

⎪ T1∗ (24) − (26), (45).
⎨ 1 ∗
rin (τ )dτ, if 0 ≤ t ≤ T1∗ ,

rin (t) = T1∗ 0

⎩0, Note that, (P) is a relaxation of the above problem by dropping
if T1∗ < t ≤ T1∗ + T2∗ . the constraint (45).
We also have that Lemma 5: The constraint (45) is a necessary condition for
T1∗ the optimality of (P).
bi (T1∗ ) = ri (t)dt = bi∗ (T1∗ ), Lemma 5 can be proved in a similar manner as Lemma 4.
0 According to Lemma 4 and 5, (P) ˜ and (P) are equivalent.
T1∗ ˜ and (F) are equivalent, the theorem is proved.
Because (P)
bR (T1∗ ) = 
rin (t)dt = K = b∗R (T1∗ ).
Thus, the duration of the Opportunistic Fetch stage under A PPENDIX C
policy π  (s, t) is exactly T1∗ . It is easy to verify that π  (s, t) P ROOF OF L EMMA 3
satisfies (19) and (20); therefore, π  (s, t) is a feasible policy.
We will first argue that any policy under which rin <
The fluid rates are constant under policy π  (s, t) during the
mini∈I {ri } cannot be optimal. Suppose rin < mini∈I {ri } holds
Opportunistic Fetch stage, i.e.,
under the optimal policy π(·). Due to (21), all users achieve
bi∗ (T1∗ ) b∗ (T ∗ ) the same innovative fluid rate given by rin . We can revise
ri (t) = ∗

, rin (t) = R ∗1 , 0 ≤ t ≤ T1∗ .
T1 T1 π(·) by decreasing π(s) for some s ∈ S such that rin =
Combining the above with (11), we have that mini∈I {ri } holds under π(·). Under the revised policy, all users
 ∗ ∗  still achieve the same innovative fluid rate rin , but rin has
b (T ) b∗ (T ∗ ) been increased because, by definition, it can only increase by
r̂i (t) = min{ri (t), rin

(t)} = min i ∗1 , R ∗1
T1 T1 decreasing π(·). Thus, the decoding delay would be decreased
under the revised policy, which is a contradiction.
for 0 ≤ t ≤ T1∗ , which further implies that
Now, denote the optimal policy by π ∗ (·) and the associated
b̂i (T1∗ ) = min{bi∗ (T1∗ ), b∗R (T1∗ )} ≥ b̂i∗ (T1∗ ). rates by ri∗ , rin
∗ , and r̂ ∗ . Let T ∗ and T ∗ be the durations of the
i 1 2
Opportunistic Fetch stage and the Flush stage, respectively,
Thus, the duration of the Flush stage under policy π  (s, t) under π ∗ (·). We have that
≥ min{ri∗ }, rin
∗ ∗
T1 = K ,
K − b̂i (T1∗ ) K − b̂i∗ (T1∗ ) rin
max ≤ max = T2∗ . i∈I
i∈I pi i∈I pi ri∗ T1∗ + pi T2∗ ≥ K , ∀i ∈ I,
Therefore, policy π  (s, t) incurs no higher decoding delay than ∃ j ∈ I : r ∗j T1∗ + p j T2∗ = K . (46)
policy π ∗ (s, t), which proves the theorem.
Consider a rate vector r  = (r1 , . . . , rn , rin
 ) such that

 1 K
P ROOF OF T HEOREM 2 rin = = ∗ , (47)
T1 + T2∗
∗ T1 + T2∗
We first introduce the following lemma. r ∗ T ∗ + pi T2∗ K
Lemma 3: There exists an optimal policy for (F) such that ri = i 1∗ ≥ ∗ , ∀i ∈ I. (48)
T1 + T2∗ T1 + T2∗
rin = min{ri }. (44)
i∈I Note that r  can be achieved under policy π  (·) such that
The proof of Lemma 3 is provided in Appendix C. Note
that, the Flush stage has zero duration under the poli- π ∗ (s)T1∗ + T2∗
π  (s) = , ∀s ∈ S.
cies satisfying (44), because (22) is 0 for all i ∈ I . T1∗ + T2∗

It is clear that the duration of the Opportunistic Fetch stage is we have that rin < r  ≤ r  . Therefore, by choosing a value
j ib
T1∗ + T2∗ under policy π  (·). From (46) and (48), there exists of  that satisfies (52) and (53), we can construct policy π  (·)
some j ∈ I such that such that
r ∗j T1∗ + p j T2∗ K min{ri } = rk > rin
= rin = min{ri∗ },
r j = = . (49) i∈I i∈I
T1∗ + T2∗ T1∗ + T2∗
where k = argmin i∈I {ri }. Let μ = rk − rin
 . Consider the
Combining (47), (48), and (49), we have that following policy π † (·):

rin = min{ri }. (50) μ
i∈I π † (s(3) ) = π  (s(3) ) − ,
2 p(s(3) )
By (21), we have that π † (s) = π  (s), ∀s ∈ S, s = s(3) .
r̂i = min{ri , rin
} = rin = , ∀i ∈ I, where s(3) ∈ S such that sk(3) = 1. One can show that
T1∗ + T2∗
μ  μ
which implies that all users receive K units of innovative fluid

rin , rk† = rk − ,
= rin +
2 2
simultaneously at the end of the Opportunistic Fetch stage. †  μ
Thus, the duration of the Flush stage is 0, and the decoding ri ≥ ri − , ∀i ∈ I, i = k.
delay is given by T1∗ + T2∗ under π  (·). Hence π  (·) is optimal
Thus, we have that
for (F), and also satisfies (44) because of (50).
min{ri† } = rk† = rin

> rin = rin = min{ri∗ },
i∈I i∈I
P ROOF OF L EMMA 4 which contradicts the optimality of π ∗ (·).
Note that the above proof can be extended to the case in
Without loss of generality, let π ∗ (·) denote the optimal which
˜ such that
policy for (P)

rin = min{ri∗ } = r ∗j < ri∗b , ∀ j ∈ I¯
rin = min{ri∗ } = r ∗j < ri∗ , ∀i = j (51) i∈I
for some I¯ ⊂ I such that | I¯| > 1 and i b ∈
/ I¯. We omit the
where ri∗ and rin∗ are the associated rates with policy π ∗ (·),
details here to save space.
and j is some user index such that p j > pi b . There must exist
states s(1) and s(2) that satisfy
b = 1, si(2)
(1) (2) We will reformulate (P) as an LP with respect to r1 , . . . , rn .
sj = 0, s j = 1,
(1) (2) The feasible set associated with constraints (24)-(26) and (28)
si = si , ∀i ∈ I, i = i b , j, is denoted by A such that
such that π ∗ (s(1) ) > π ∗ (s(2) ); otherwise, we have that 
ri∗b ≤ r ∗j , which contradicts (51). Consider a policy π  (·) such A = π ∈ [0, 1]|S| p(s)π(s)[1 + si b ] = 1
that s∈S

 where π represents the |S|-dimensional vector (π(s), s ∈ S).

π  (s(1) ) = π ∗ (s(1) ) − , Define an n × |S| matrix H such that
p(s(1) )
 Hi, j = p(s)si , if j = s1 · · · sn  + 1
π  (s(2) ) = π ∗ (s(2) ) + ,
p(s(2) )
π  (s) = π ∗ (s), ∀s ∈ S, s = s(1) , s(2) for all i ∈ I and j ∈ {1, . . . , 2n }. Let r = (r1 , . . . , rn ). Then,
the constraint (25) is given by r = Hπ. Thus, the feasible set
where  satisfies for (P) is given by
0 <  ≤ min{ p(s(1) )π ∗ (s(1) ), p(s(2) )[1 − π ∗ (s(2) )]}. (52) B = r ∈ Rn |r = Hπ, π ∈ A .

(52) guarantees that π  (s) ∈ [0, 1] for all s ∈ S. Let ri and rin
 A is a convex polyhedron, and B is obtained by an affine

be the associated rates with policy π (·) We have that transformation of A. Therefore, B is also a convex polyhedron.
(P) is equivalent to following LP
rin = rin , rib = ri∗b − , r j = r ∗j + ,
maximize min{ri } subject to r ∈ B. (54)
ri = ri∗ , ∀i ∈ I, i = i b , j, r i∈I

Furthermore, if  satisfies Let the optimal value of (54) be u ∗ > 0, and define the set
Cu ∗ := {r| mini∈I {ri } ≥ u ∗ }. By the separation theorem [31]
ri∗b − r ∗j for convex polyhedra, there exists a separating hyperplane
0<≤ , (53)
2 D := {r|w T r = u ∗ } which separates relint(Cu ∗ ) and relint(B),

where relint(·) denotes the relative interior of a set. This for all m > M1 . According to the Functional Strong Law of
implies that u ∗ is also a solution to Large Numbers (FSLLN), for any  > 0, there exists some
M2 ∈ Z+ such that
maximize w T r subject to r ∈ B, (m) (m)
bi(m)( j Lm + δ) − bi(m) ( j Lm ) 

which is equivalent to (MW). The solution to (54) lies in D; − p(s)π  (s)si ≤
δ 2
thus, D must be a supporting hyperplane [31] of set Cu ∗ . s∈S
It is straightforward to show that, for a hyperplane of form for all m > M2 . Combining the above with (57), we have that
{r|w T r = u ∗ } to be a supporting hyperplane of Cu ∗ for any (m) j L (m) (m) j L (m)
u ∗ > 0, it is necessary that the vector w has non-negative bi ( m + δ) − bi ( m ) 
− p(s)π ∗ (s)si
entries. This completes the proof. δ
A PPENDIX F ≤ + p(s) π  (s) − π ∗ (s) si ≤ + 2n n+1 = 
2 2 2
for all m > M := max{M1 , M2 }. Thus, the first part of
Define new variables x(s) := p(s)π(s)[1+si b ] for all s ∈ S.
Lemma 2 is proved. The second part can be proved in a similar
We can rewrite (MW) as
manner, we omit the details here to save space.

maximize x(s)ρ̂(w, s)

subject to x(s) = 1, P ROOF OF T HEOREM 5
s∈S By Lemma 2, the scaled trajectories b(m) (m)
R (t) and bi (t),
0 ≤ x(s) ≤ p(s)[1 + si b ], ∀s ∈ S. (55) i ∈ I become arbitrarily close to piecewise linear for suffi-
ciently large values of m. Specifically, during the j th review
The above problem can be solved in a greedy manner as period under fluid scaling, they achieve rates that are arbitrarily
follows. First, we select x(s) with the largest value of ρ̂(w, s), close to the optimal rates for (P-WBP) with the weights
i.e., x(η(1)). Then, we attempt to set x(η(1)) as close to defined in (40). Thus, it suffices to derive bounds for such
p(η(1))[1 + ηi b (1)] as possible until (55) is satisfied. If (55) optimal rates to (P-WBP); the bounds can be applied to the
cannot be satisfied even after setting x(η(1)) = p(η(1))[1 + trajectories under WBP-DR under fluid scaling. Let policy
ηi b (1)], we select x(η(2)), and so on. This procedure is π ∗ (·) denote the solution to (P-WBP) with the weights defined
repeated until (55) is satisfied, which leads to the threshold- in (40). Define ai , i ∈ I as follows:
based solution stated in the theorem. 
p(s)π ∗ (s)si
ai := s∈S ∗
≤ 1. (58)
s∈S p(s)π (s)
P ROOF OF L EMMA 2 We have that

Let π  (s) denote the solution to (P-DR) formulated at the p(s)π ∗ (s)
beginning of the j th review period in the mth system. We will s∈S
first compare π  (s) and π ∗ (s). Recall π ∗ (s) is the solution = p(s)π ∗ (s) + p(s)π ∗ (s) (59)
to (P-WBP) with input weights (40). Note that (P-DR) s∈S:si =1 s∈S:si =0
and (P-WBP) share the same weights; the only differ-   1 − pi
ence is that (P-DR) has the safety-stock requirement (37), ≤ p(s)π ∗ (s) + p(s)π ∗ (s) (60)
whereas (P-WBP) has the constraint (31), or equiva- s∈S:si =1 s∈S:si =1
lently, (28). Note the (37) should be strictly satisfied at each  1
= p(s)π ∗ (s). (61)
review period. Following [26, Proof of Theorem 5.1], we have pi
s∈S:si =1
We can derive the inequality (60) as follows. For any channel
u (m) + B̂i b ( j L (m)) − B R ( j L (m) ) state s ∈ S such that si = 0, there exists a channel state σ ∈ S
→ 0, ∀ j ≥ α,
L (m) such that
almost surely as m → ∞. Thus, for any  > 0, there exists σi = 1 and σ j = s j , ∀ j ∈ I, j = i.
some M1 ∈ Z+ such that
Clearly, we have that σ  s. Thus, from the definition of the
u (m) + B̂i b ( j L (m) ) − B R ( j L (m))  WBP rule, we have that
|rin − ri b | = ≤ n+1
L (m) 2
(56) π ∗ (σ ) ≥ π ∗ (s). (62)
Also we have that
for all m > M1 . Furthermore, (56) implies that  sj
j ∈I p j (1 − p j )
1−s j
 p(s) 1 − pi
|π  (s) − π ∗ (s)| ≤ , ∀s ∈ S (57) =  σj = . (63)
2n+1 p(s)[1 + si b ] p(σ ) j ∈I p j (1 − p j )
1−σ j pi

By applying (62) and (63) to the second summation of (59),

we obtain the inequality (60). Combining (58) and (61), we
conclude that
s∈S:si =1 p(s)π (s)
1 ≥ ai ≥  = pi , ∀i ∈ I.

s∈S:si =1 pi p(s)π (s)

According to (31), we have that

1= p(s)π ∗ (s)[1 + si b ] = (1 + ai b ) p(s)π ∗ (s).
s∈S s∈S
Fig. 6. Example of trajectories for Case 3.
Thus, for all i ∈ I , we have that
  ai pb
ri = p(s)π ∗ (s)si = ai p(s)π ∗ (s) = ≥ i . (2) (2)
1 + ai b 2 We also have that r1 ≤ r2 since p1 ≤ p2 . Thus, the higher-
s∈S s∈S
priority user achieves a higher fluid rate in this case. As an
From (31), or equivalently (28), we have that example of Case 3, Fig. 6 shows the trajectories of innovative
pb fluids of User 1 and 2 with p1 = 0.5 and p2 = 0.6. User 1
rin = ri b ≥ i .
2 receives the higher priority at the first review period. At the
According to (21), the innovative fluid rate achieved by each second review period, the higher priority is assigned to User 2
user under the solution to (P-WBP) in the j th review period whereas b̂2 (t) overtakes b̂1 (t) at t = t1 . Due to (31), we
is bounded below by pi b /2 for any j ∈ Z+ . Therefore, the have that b R (t) = b̂1 (t) for all t ≥ 0. Hence, during (t1 , t2 ],
asymptotic decoding delay under WBP-DR policy is bounded r̂2 (t) is reduced from r2(2) to r1(2) , or equivalently rin(2)
, since
above by 2K / pi b . Because the optimal innovative fluid rate
b̂2 (t) cannot exceed b R (t) for all t ≥ 0. Since b̂1 (t) = b̂2 (t) at
achieved by user i b is no more than pi b , the optimal decoding
t = t2 , the trajectories during 3rd and 4th review periods will
delay is bounded below by K / pi b . Thus, the theorem is
evolve in the same manner as in the first two review periods;
such trajectory patterns repeat over all the subsequent review
periods. In general, it takes κ + 1 review periods from t = 0
for b̂2 (t) to overtake b̂1 (t), where κ is given by
Without loss of generality, we assume p1 ≤ p2 , i.e., r1(1) − r2(1)
κ= > 0. (64)
ib = 1. By Lemma 2, it suffices to examine the optimal r2(2) − r1(2)
rates for (P-WBP) to characterize the users’ trajectories under
WBP-DR. First, one can easily verify that the fluid rates as Let c denote the mean innovative fluid rate achieved by both
the solution to (P-WBP) depend only on the relative order users under WBP-DR policy in the fluid limit. We have that
of the priority among users. Thus, we introduce the following (1) (2) (1) (2)
r̂1 + κr̂1 r1 + κr1
notation. Let π ( j ) (·) denote the solution to (P-WBP) when c= = . (65)
( j) 1 + κ 1 + κ
user j receives the higher priority. Additionally, let ri ,
( j) ( j)
r̂i , and rin denote the associated rates with policy π ( j )(·). Next, we compute the optimal rates by directly solving (P).
We consider the following cases: Denote the solution to (P) by π ∗ (·), and the associated rates
Case 1: p1 p2 ≥ 12 . We have that, by solving (P-WBP), by ri∗ , rin
∗ , and r̂ ∗ . Similar to (P-WBP), we consider three
1 Case 1: p1 p2 ≥ 12 and Case 2: p1 p2 < 12 and 1 − 2 p1 ≥
π ( j )((11)) = , π ( j )(s) = 0, ∀s = (11);
2 p1 p2 p1 (1 − p2 ). For both Case 1 and 2, one can show that users
( j) ( j) ( j) 1 achieve the same innovative fluid rates as in (P-WBP).
r1 = r2 = rin = , ∀ j = 1, 2.
2 Case 3: p1 p2 < 12 and 1 − 2 p1 < p1 (1 − p2 ). We have that
Based on (21), both users achieve the same innovative fluid
π ∗ ((10)) p2 (1 − p1 )
rate 21 , irrespective of the priority among the users. π ∗ ((11)) = 1, ∗
= , π ∗ ((00)) = 0,
Case 2: p1 p2 < 12 and 1 − 2 p1 ≥ p1 (1 − p2). We have that π ((01)) p1 (1 − p2 )

rin = r1∗ = r2∗ < p1 .
(1) (1) (1) p1 (1 − p2 )
π ((11)) = π ((10)) = 1, π ((01)) ≥ ; Thus, both users achieve the same innovative fluid rate given
p2 (1 − p1 )
(1) by r1∗ . Recall that π ( j )((11)) = 1 and π ( j )((00)) = 0 for
rin = r1(1) = p1 ≤ r2(1) .
j = 1, 2 in this case. Because π ∗ (·), π (1) (·), and π (2) (·)
In this case, User 1 always receives the higher priority, and satisfy (31), π ∗ (·) can be represented as a convex combination
both users achieve the same innovative fluid rate p1. of π (1) (·) and π (2) (·), i.e., there exist α1 , α2 ∈ [0, 1] such that
Case 3: p1 p2 < 21 and 1 − 2 p1 < p1 (1 − p2 ). We have that
α1 + α2 = 1; π ∗ (s) = α1 π (1) (s) + α2 π (2) (s), ∀s ∈ S.
π (1) ((10)) p2 (1 − p1 )
π (1) ((11)) = 1, (1)
> , π (1) ((00)) = 0; Therefore, we have that
π ((01)) p1 (1 − p2 )
(1) (1) (1) (1) (2)
rin = r1 > r2 . ri∗ = α1 ri + α2ri , ∀i = 1, 2.

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in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. Workshops (ICC), Jun. 2014, ACM TODAES Jan 2002-2004, Best Paper in ITC 2010, Best Paper in ACM
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IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 756–769, Jun. 2014. IMDEA Networks Madrid.

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