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Bakery ManageMent SySteM

UML BaSed architectUraL diagraMS

i. USe caSe diagraM:

The Following is the Use Case diagram of our Bakery Management System:

The Bakery Management System use case diagram provides a high-level overview of the
interactions between the system and its primary actors: Admin, Manager, Employee, and
Customer. The diagram captures key functionalities and processes that contribute to the
seamless operation of the bakery.

 Admin:
The Admin actor holds a central role in system configuration and management. They are
responsible for overseeing and configuring the entire bakery management system. Admin
interacts with the whole Branch Management use case ensuring the smooth functioning
of the system
 Manager:
Managers play a crucial role in the day-to-day operations of the bakery. They are
involved in overseeing employees, and handling branch-related tasks. The Manager actor
interacts with the Employee Management, customer review Management, and Branch
Management use cases.
 Employee:
Employees contribute to the operational efficiency of the bakery. They participate in
processes related to order management and carry out tasks assigned by managers. The
Employee actor interacts with the Online order taking, Inventory Management, Order
Management and Employee Management use cases.
 Customer:
Customers are essential to the bakery management system as they initiate the online order
taking process and provide valuable feedback through the customer review management
process. The Customer actor interacts primarily with the Online Order Taking, and
Customer Review Management use cases.

ii. activity diagraM:

The following is the Activity Diagram for the System:

Our Bakery Management system performs following activities:

1. Online Order Taking Process:

 The process starts with customers placing orders online.
2. Check Inventory:
 The system checks if the items in the order are in stock.
3. In Stock? (Decision):
 If items are in stock, the system proceeds to update the inventory and prepares the
 If items are not in stock, the system may handle this situation according to your
business rules (e.g., notify the customer of unavailability).

4. Employee Management Process:

 The system assigns tasks to employees.

5. Employee Provides Service:

 Employees provide the necessary services, such as preparing and packaging
6. Receive Payment:
 The system processes the payment from the customer.
7. Order Management Process:
 The system manages the order and proceeds to the delivery stage.
8. Deliver Order:
 The prepared order is delivered to the customer.

9. Customer Review Management Process:

 The system allows customers to give reviews.
10.Give Review?(Decision):
 If yes, review is evaluated and database is updated.
 If No, Customer simply leaves the system.
11.Branch Management Process:
 The system involves managers in supervising the branch.
12.Receive Salary:
 Employees and managers receive their salaries.
 The process concludes.

activity diagraM of eMpLoyee ManageMent SySteM:

The main process is overseeing employee management activities.

1. Manager Login:
 Manager Login to the system just at the start.
2. Add Employees:
 Manager initiates the process of adding employees, involving interaction with the
3. Check Employee Information:
 Manager checks the employee information and show lists of employees.
4. Employee Information:
 System shows Employee Information after adding an employee.

5. Update Employee Information (decision):

 If yes, Employee status is updated.
 If No, again list is being shown to the manager

6. Check Employee worth (decision):

 If worthy, it gives salary.
 If not worthy, system goes towards remove employee activity.
7. Remove Employee:
 Manager initiates the process of removing an employee, involving system
activities such as disabling the account and notifying the employee.
8. Employee Salary:
 Manager manages employee salaries, involving interactions with the system for
tasks such as establishing salary bands, conducting surveys, processing increases,
and calculating payroll.
9. Reward Employee:
 Manager initiates the process of rewarding employees, involving interactions with
the employee and possibly the system for recording rewards.
10.Process Transaction:
 System process transaction at last.
 The process concludes.

iii. State diagraM:


The state diagram above shows the Possible States our Bakery Management system will
be in, which includes:

 Logging in state:
This is the state that our system will be in right as the system is started. At this stage the
customer is logging in.
 Logged In state:
This is the state that our system in in when the log in credentials of the customer is
validated and the customer has successfully logged in.
 Order Placed state:
This is the state of our system when the customer has placed their order and their order is
received by the System.
 Order Confirmed State:
This is the state that our system is in when the Order placed by the customer in the
previous state is Confirmed by the employee. The system also sends a confirmation
message to the customer.
 Order in Progress state:
When the customers placed and confirmed order is being prepared by the employee we
say that the System is in Order in Progress state.

 Inventory Updated state:

When the Employee successfully updates the Inventory during the preparation of the
 Order fulfilled state:
The system is in this state when customers Order has been fulfilled by the Employee and
is sent on to be delivered.
 Order Delivered state:
The system is in this state when the delivery of the order has reached the customer.
 Payment Received state:
This state of the system shows that the customer has give the payment and it has been
received by the Employee.
 Payment Received by Employee state:
This state is when the Employee receives their payment after the amount has been
 Customer Review Requesting State:
During this state the System requests the customer to give their review / express their
opinion on the service they received. It is the customers choice to accept the request and
give their reviews or reject it and no give any review.

 Review Received State:

System enters this state when the Review from the customer is successful received if the
customer wants to provide one.
 Performance Reviewed by Manager state:
This state is achieved when the Manager is reviewing the performance of its employees
and the review provided by the customer.
 Transaction Completed state:
Our system reaches this state when the transaction has been completed between the
customer and the said business. After this state we go into end state/ final state.

iv. State diagraM With reSpect to eMpLoyee:

The State Diagram above shows the states that our system goes through when an employee uses
it. The Following are the possible states:

 Logging in state:
This is the state that our system will be in right as the system is started. At this stage the
customer is logging in.
 Logged In state:
This is the state that our system in in when the log in credentials of the customer are
validated and the customer has successfully logged in.
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 Work time started state:

This is the state when the Employees work time has been started from this state onwards
the time will be calculated till work time end state I approached.
 Order Received state:
This state is when the Employee receives a Confirmed order from the Customer.
 Inventory updated state:
This is the state when the employee has updated the inventory and has started to prepare
the order for the customer.
 Order Fulfilled state:
Our system is in this state when the order placed by the customer has been fulfilled and
ready for delivery.
 Order Delivered state:
This state is of the system when the Order of the customer has been successfully
 Order Payment Received state:
The system enters this state when the customer has paid for their order.
 Work Time Ended state:
This is the state that terminates the time counting that was started when the system was in
Work time start state the time is the used to calculate the salary of the employee.
 Salary Received State:
This is the state when the employee has received the salary after the calculation was
 Logged out State:
Our system reaches this state when the employee has finished his/ her day and has
logged out .After this state we go into end state/ final state.
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v. coMponent diagraM:

The Component diagram above shows how Components interact with each other. The
following are the components of our Bakery Management System, keeping in mind it is a
close branched diagram:

 Bakery Management System

 Order management
 Employee Management0
 CRM (Customer Review Management)
 Branch Management
 Employee
 Manager
 Inventory
The relations between the components are:
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 Bakery Management System has a relation of dependency with Employee

management, Order Management, CRM , Branch management.
 The Order Management component has required relation with inventory as for
inventory to exist has to be order and order management.
 The Order Management component has required/provided relation with Employee.
As the employee provides the required order.
 The employee management has required/provided relation with manager as the
manager provides the required management to the employees.
 The employee management has Required relations with the Employee as employees
require to be managed by some component.

vi. cLaSS diagraM:

Following are the classes in our Bakery Management System:

1) Customer
2) Employee
3) Manager
4) Admin
5) Order
6) Branch

In a business, the customer is an important component, without its business cannot thrive.
The class Customer contains the attributes and the methods that are required for order
placement. It includes name, phone number, email address, and address.

This class is also used for online orders, so details like address are also used.

Some of the methods include:

 placeOrder(): To place an order with the bakery.

 trackOrder(): After placing, the order can be tracked.
 recieveOrder(): The order is ready, and now the customer can receive it.
 PaymentMethod(int amount, Order type): This method calculates the payment and
asks for the available payment options from the customer to make the payment.
 giveFeedback(): The customer can give feedback on the services and the products
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Employees serves the customer (aggregation), remove expire products, performs assigned
task etc . It contains all attributes that are required in the bakery.
Methods include all the functions perform by an employee. Attributes are name, id, cnic,
and workingHours.
Methods include:
 getSalary(int dailyHours): salary is calculated according to the daily hours spent
at workplace.
 assignedTask(String skill): View the task that is assigned to an employee.
 getWorkingHours(int hours)
 removeExpireProducts().
Manager manages the branch. As manager is also an employee, so it inherits all the
attributes and methods from employe but has some additional methods, that include:
calculateProfit(int todaySales)
distributeSalary(Employee employee)
employeeRecord(int attendance, int workingHours)
totalOrdersPlaced(String online, String onsite)

When the customer places an order(cpmposition), data is saved in order class that
contains the order_Id, the items ordered and the amount of bill to be paid, served by the
Methods include:
 ordersFulfilled()
 ordersRecieved()
 inventoryOrders(): Orders placed with vendor to stock up inventory.
Admin is the owner of the bakery (composition ) and owns a single branch or more. Its
attributes include name, employeeRecord, branchRecord.

Methods are:
 caculateProfit(Branch branch): Every branch’s profit is calculated in net profit.
 calculateLoss(Branch branch): Every branch’s loss is calculated in net loss.
 BranchCost(int expenses): Expenses spent on a branch are calculated.
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If there are more than one branch of an admin then, branch data is saved in branch class.
Its attributes are: branchProfit, branchLoss, branchManager.

Methods are:

 calculateBranchProfit(int weekly Profit)

 calculateBranchLoss(int weekly Loss)

vii. oBject diagraM:

Object diagram contains the attributes corresponding to the objects of a class. According
to the above-mentioned class diagram, object diagram is shown below:
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 customer1 is an object of class Customer. Values assigned to the attributes are:

name: Junaid
phone Number: 99932002
email Address:
address: Defense Road, Lahore.

 employee1 is an object of class Employee. Following are the values assigned to the
name : Akram
Id: 12
CNIC: 1222-3333323-22
working Hours: 8

 order is the object of class Order.

 manager is the object of class Manager.
 admin is the object of class Admin.
 branch1 is the object of class Branch.

viii. SeqUence diagraM:

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