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Subject: "Obsidian Order Unveiled: Marvel-DC Inquisition Extravaganza"

Dear Chair/Dice,
In the spirit of truth and justice, I, Wonder Woman, extend this directive to address the
unprecedented alliance of Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, Red Skull, Apocalypse, and Loki –
now collectively known as the Obsidian Order. Recent events, specifically the regrettable demise
of Ant-Man, Hawkeye, and Doctor Strange, compel Marvel and DC superheroes to seek answers.
Title: "Truth Unleashed: The Obsidian Order Inquisition"
Specific Actions:
1. Interrogation Gala: Marvel and DC superheroes gather for a formal yet intense
interrogation session. The heroes pose direct questions to the villains, demanding to know
the reasons behind the formation of the Obsidian Order and the motive behind the tragic
demise of their colleagues.
2. Emissary of Explanation: Each villain is assigned an emissary, preferably someone with a
penchant for diplomacy and a splash of humor. Deadpool, known for his unique approach
to problem-solving, takes charge of questioning Doctor Octopus, while Harley Quinn
confronts the enigmatic Loki.
3. Establish a Joint Investigative Committee: Propose the creation of a joint Marvel-DC
Investigative Committee, comprised of representatives from both universes, to examine
the motivations and actions of the Obsidian Order thoroughly. This committee would
gather evidence and present a comprehensive report to the larger assembly.
4. Open Diplomatic Channels: Urge the opening of diplomatic channels between the
superheroes and the Obsidian Order. This would involve designating ambassadors or
representatives from each side to engage in direct, structured talks to understand
grievances, explore potential compromises, and seek common ground.
As the questioning unfolds, the Obsidian Order attempts to justify its actions, claiming a
distorted sense of cosmic balance and a misguided mission to save the multiverse. The truth
serum, however, reveals underlying conflicts and insecurities among the villains.
In an unexpected turn, the session transforms into an opportunity for Marvel and DC heroes to
empathize with their adversaries. The revelation of personal struggles opens a dialogue that
could pave the way for a more nuanced understanding of the Obsidian Order's motivations.
With questions answered and unexpected alliances forming, the fate of the Marvel and DC
universes hangs in the balance.
With vigilance and inquiry,

Wonder Woman.

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