Grammar Goals 6 SB

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Student's Book 6

Starter Flrst cortdltlortal: revlew 2
o Exploring space Presertt perfect & slmple past 4

6 Ifs a mystery Modals of deductlort: presertt tertse 10

lt looks/feels/ smells/ tostes/ sounds + adjectlve or like + rtOUrt 14
Review 1 Grammar revlew; exam practlce 16
€) Community projects Presertt perfect progresslve: afflrmatlve, rtegatlve, & questlort 18

O Inventions and discoveries Past perfect artd rtarratlve tertses 24

Review 2 Grammar revlew; exam practlce 30
~ Unusualeven~ Reported speech.: slmple past, present perfect, will, can 32
Reported requests & commartds 36
o Curious minds Reported questlons: Wh- & Yes/No questlons 38
Review3 Grammar revlew; exam practlce 44
O Amazing engineering Passlve volee: slmple past & pres O~8 ct 46

O The natural world Present progresslve for ~lij@~angements; future tenses 52

Review4 Grammar revlew; ~Opractlce 1~ 58
o A better world Secortd condltlonal; I W¡~ slmp~e Pi~~ah, 60

e Communication Tag questlons: slmple

Revlew of modals
e.ff~R will 66
Review 5 Grammar revlew; exam practlce 72
Writing gools 74
Grammar reference and wordlim 84

MACMILLAN Angela Uanas & Ubby Williams
When the city is complete, it won't have any cars.
If there aren't any cars, there won't be exhaust fumes.

1 Rea.d the a.rticLe. ChecR (V") the things tha.t Ma.sda.r Cit!f won't

Masdar - A city of tomorrow

A new kind of "green" city is being built in Abu Dnabí, ín tne
united Arab Emírates. Wnen Masdar City ís complete ín 2025,
ít won't nave any cars, waste, or pollutíon. If tne government's
plans work out, tne city wíll depend only on renewable energy,
like wind and solar power. If only green energy ís used, tnís will
nelp conserve tne world's natural resources. And íftnere aren't
any cars, tnere won't be exnaust fumes to pollute tne atmospnere.
Masdar City will be tne first of many green cítíes around tne
world. We will solve many envíronmental problems íf we buíld
more green cities like Masdar.

a. cars o d pollution D
b wind farms D e exh.aust fumes D
c solar panels D f natural resources D
2 Rea.d a.nd complete the box with verbs from exercise 1.

We use th.e first conditiona.l to talR about a possible and

probable future situation and its resulto
A first conditional sentence two parts (or clauses).
We use if + simple present and will/ won't + th.e infinitive.

Wh.en Masdar Cit~ is complete, it won't an~ curs o

If green

If th.ere

We will solve
____ used, will help conserve natural resources.

an~ curs, th.ere won't be exh.aust fumes.

man~ problems if we more cities liRe Masdar.

fa First conditional
2 •

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the first conditional.

Frequently asked questions about Masdar City
Q: What transportation will people use?
A: If there (a) (not be) an~ ears, people (b) _ _ _ _ __
(use) a special train s~stem .
Q: How man~ people willlive there?
A: When Masdar Cit~ (e) (be) e
40,000 people (d) (live) there.
Q: Wh~ will ever~thing be ree~cled?
A: There (e) (not be) an~ waste.
~ people Cj) (ree~cle) ever~thing. ·
Q: What will happen to waste food?
A: When people (g) _ _ _ _ _ _ (throw) food
awa~, farme rs (h.) (use) it to
fertilize erops.
Q: What materials will builders use?
A: Wnen engineers CO _ _ __ __ (eonstruct) new buildings,
the!:J t;p (use) rec!:Jeled wood and metal.

4 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

be have to live jil lisie not go visit need

Treasure Island is an art~ieial island near San Francisco. When construetlon

(a) finishes , it (b) one of the biggest green cities
in the world. If ~ou (e) on Treasure Island, ~ou won't be
able to use ~our car o Onl~ walking and
riding bikes will be allowed. When ~ou
(d) to bu~ food, ~ou
(e) to the supermarket.
People will grow all their own food on
the island. If ~ou Cj) ______
the mainland, ~ou (g) _ _ _ _ __
take a ferr~.

orlng spa ~ _

Grammar start\ She has been there twice. She went in 2006.

1 @ Read and complete the fact file.

An o m ozing astronaut . '

Sunita Williams is an American astronaut and a U.S. Navy

officer. She joined the Navy 25 years ago, and she has been
a n astronaut since 1998. She has token part in many space
missions and she has been to the International Space Station
(ISS) twice. She went in 2006 and then again in 2012.
Williams is now one of the most experienced astronauts
at NASA. She has spent over 200 days in space and
she has done seven spacewalks. She has already
broken severa I records. These include the longest
time in space for a female astronaut and the
longest total time spent on spacewalks
(50 hours and 40 minutes).
Williams beca me the commander of the ISS
on September 17th, 2012. She hasn't gone
into space since she returned from the ISS in
November 2012. Sunita is married to Michael
J. Williams, a police officer.They hove been
together for over 20 years.

Name: a Sunita Williams

Job: b ~
Number of years in tne Navy:
Year sne became an astronaut:
Year of first space mission:
Number of days in space: f I
Total time spent on spacewalks: 9 m

Present perfect and simple past

2 Read and complete the grammar box.

We use the present perfect .. .

1 to talk about experien.ces at some time in. our lives up to n.ow.
We don't sa~ when. the~ happen.ed:
She has been to the ¡SS twice.
She has se ven spacewalks.
2 with for an.d since:
They have been together for over 20 years.
She hasn't gone into space November 2012.
We use the simple past to talk about finished action.s that happen.ed in.
the pasto We usuall~ sa~ when.:
She went in 2006 and then again in 2012.
She the Navy 25 years ago.
We often. use these time expression.s with the presen.t perfect an.d simple pust:

Present perfect Simple past

n.ever ago
~et ~esterda~ / ~esterda~
just last week / / ~ear
alread~ in. September/2006
so far on. Saturda~/September 17 t h

3 CircLe the correct words.

a Sun.ita Williams worlted /~s wor~for NASA for man.~ ~ears .
b She did / has done three spacewalks on. her first mission. space.
c On. on.e spacewalk, a camera became / has become loose an.d floated /
has floated space.
d She already spent / has already spent more time in. space than. an.~
other female .
e Williams visited / has visited In.dia several times.
f She tallted / has tallted to children. from space on. her secon.d miss ion..
9 Astron.auts never wallted / have never wallted on. Mars.
1 listen and circle T (true) or F CIalse).
a Yuri Malen.chen.Ro had a dgferen.t job before
he became an. astron.aut. G:)/ F
b He has n.ever been. on. the
Space Station.. T/ F
e He has had a lot of experien.ce in. space. T/ F
d He has been. on. ten. space mission.s. T/ F
e He became an. astron.aut in. 1QQ4. T/ F
f He an.d his wge have been. in. space together. T/ F
9 An.d~ an.d Beth have alread~ fin.ished their project. T/ F
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
a YuriMalen.chen.lw was (be) born. in. 1q61.
He Yoin.) the Russian. Air Force in. 1QS7.
b He (be) an. astron.aut sin.ce 1QS7.
e He first (go) space in. 1QQ4.
d He (taRe part) in. ten. space mission.s.
e He (do) five spacewalRs.
f He (spen.d) more than. 30 hours
walRin.g in. space so faro
9 He (win.) man.~ awards for his worR.
h He (marr~) his wge ERaterin.a in. 2003.
i When. the~ married, he (be) on.
the Space Station. an.d she (be)
on. the groun.d.
3 @ Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
listen and check.

send leave arrive send: maRe taRe colleet taRe

NASA (a) has sent th.ree robotie rovers to Mars sinee 2003.
Th.e aim of th.e rovers is to explore th.e surfaee of th.e planet. Curiosity is
th.e newest and biggest of th.e rovers . It (b) Earth. on
November 26 , 2011, and it (e) _ _ _ _ _ __
on Mars on August 5 t ", 2012. Curiosity is still
on Mars. It (d) th.ousands of
fascinating pietures, and it (e) _ _ _ _ _ __
lots of interesting soil samples. It
Cj) baeR h.uge
amounts of scient~ie data to NASA
scientists . In September 2012,
Curiosity (g) _ _ _ _ _ __
a very exciting diseovery.
It (h.) _ _ _ _ __
pietures sh.owed th.ere
used to be water on th.e
surfaee of Mars .

4 Imagine you are an astronaut. Complete the notes and write a blog.
¡¿ _. ___.,..~.2 _.~........~._.__ S5 -______.__. . . . . _. ~. ~ ___ ._~.~--."

i join NASA I 200Q

taRe part I in _ _ _ _ _ _ space missiol1S
do I spacewalRs
spend I ______ h.ours in space
arrive I on ISS I last _ _ _ __
be h.ere I for month.s
I do I a lot of experiments I

I not see I family I since !
L ___ __ ____________________ ___________ ______________- -- -- ---- -- -- --------- --- -------------- ----------_!

I joined NASA in 2009 .. .

Grammar goal
Hove you visited the Space Center yet? When did go?

1 Read the dialogo What did the boy Learn at the Space Center?

A: Have you visited tne Space Center yet?

B: Ves, 1 nave . 1t's amazing!
A: Wnen did you go?
B: 1 went last weekend. Tnere was an exnibition
about tne Cassini-Huygens space miss ion. lt's a
robotic spacecraft tnat is studying Saturno
A: Wow! How long nas it been in space?
B: Since 1qq7! It nas discovered seven new moons
around Saturno
A: Tnat's awesome! How long did you stay at tne exnibition?
B: We stayed for two nours . It was really interesting .

We use tne present perfect to ask about an experience in someone's l~e:

Have you visited the Space Center yet?
Have you (ever) been to the USA?
1f tne answe r is yes, we use tne simple past for all tne questions tnat follow:
When did you go? 1 went last year.
How long did you stay? 1 stayed lor two hours/weeks. J
2 Check (V") the correct q.uestions and correct the wrong ones. There are
two more incorrect q.uestions.
a Have you ever @ a picture of Cassini-Huygens?
Hove you ever seen o picture of Cossini-Huygens? D
b Have you ever visited tne Space Center in Houston?
c How long nave you stayed at tne exnibition on Saturday?
d Have you watcned tne TV snow about Saturn last nignt?
e Oid you enjoy your visit to tne museum yesterday?
• Present perfect and simple post questions
3 CompLete the diaLog with the correct form of the verbs.
A: How long (a) have ~ou worked (work) for NASA?
B: For seven ~ears.
A: Wh.en (b) _ _ _ ~ou first _ _ _ (go) into spaee?
B: Five ~ears ago.
A: How man~ times (e) ~ou (go) into spaee?
B: Th.ree times. But is m~ second mission to th.e Spaee Station.
A: How long (d) ~ou (spend) th.ere on
~our first mission?
B: Nearl~ five month.s.
A: Wow! And (e) ~ou ever (do) a spaeewalk?
B: Yeso I've done th.ree.
A: Wh.en Cj) ~ou _ _ _ (do) th.e last one?
B: I walked in spaee last week!
A: (g) ~ou ever _ __
(see) strange in spaee? How long has he been there? =
B: No, I h.aven't ~et, but I'm h.e is still th.ere now
keeping m~ e~es open! How long was he there? =
h.e is not th.ere now

4 Imagine it's the year 2023. Write questions to aSR an astronaut.

a Have ~our ever been to the International Space Station ?
b Wh.en did ~ou ?
e How long ?
5 RoLe pLay your interviews with a partner. Find out more detaUs;·

Have ~ou ever been to th.e

Intern.ational Spaee Station? Yes, I h.ave.

~ Wh.en did ~ou ... ?) •

s=a mystery
Grammar start 1I may be a piano. He must be a poinler.

1 Rea.d a.nd la.bel the picture with the underlined words.

A: This painting is caUed Making

Musie. But it's d~ficult to see
what aU the things are. The
black and white stripes must
be a keyboard.
B: Yeah. But what instrument is it
exactl~ ?
A: It ma~ be a piano, but I'm not
sure. What do ~ou think?
B: It might be an organ. The~
also have ke~boards.
A: It might not be an organ
or a piano. It could be an
accordion. But I'm sure about
this long gre~ sh.ape. It must be
a microphone. M~ brother has
one just like it.
B: Oh ~eah, it's definitel~ a
microphone! And that must be
a guitar next to it. You can see
the strings. GallerYI
A: It ma~ not be a guitar.
It might be a cello.
B: OK. But what about the ~e[low
and orange things in the
middle? The~ look [ike spoons.
A: Spoons? The~ can't be spoons!
The~ must be something
musical! 1 kn.ow's a pair of

ID Modals of deduction: present tense


2 Read and complete the grammar box.

To maRe deduetion.s about the presen.t, or to guess based on.,

we use the modals must, may, might, couid, an.d can't + injinitive.
We ehoose the modal aeeordin.g to how sure we are about our guess.
qq% probable 50% probable 1% probable
(I'm ver~ sure (I'm n.ot sure but it's possible) (I'm ver~ sure
it's true) it's not true)

It may be a pian.o.
It might be an. organ..
It must be a
It be an. aecordion.. It can't be a spoon..
It may be a guitar.
It might not be a guitar.

3 Circle the correct option. If both are possible, circle both.

A: What do ~ou thin.R these shapes are?

B: The~ (a)<i!iust ~I may be flowers
beeause they have petals. I'm sure
the~ are .
B: 1 don.'t Rn.OW - the~ (b) must be I
could be.
A: An.d this (e) could be I may be
water beeause it's blue. An.d these
shin.~ (d) can't be I could be
little fish.
B: But the . darR blue (e) may not I could not
be water. It Cj) could be I might be the n.ight
SRy . An.d the shin.y (g) may not be I might not be fish .
The~ (h) must be I could be stars in. the SR~.
A: No! They Ci) can't be I might be stars! They're n.ot the right shape!
They don.'t looR. tiRe stars at alt. But the pieture is beautgul.
Grammar practice

1 @ listen cnd circLe the things thct support the deductions.

2 O listen cgcin cnd complete the deductions.

c He must be a painter. He has paint on his hands .
b He be an artist . LOOR! He paints portraits.
c He be sueeessful. LOOR at the broRen eoueh!
d He live in New YorR. Lots of other eities have sR~serapers .
e He live in Toronto or TOR~O. The~ also have sR~serapers.
f He liRe Pieasso. All his bOORS are about Picasso!

3 LOOR cnd complete with cffirmctive or negctive deductions.

This woman (a) (ould be (be) a musician.

She has a piano in her house. But lots of people
have pianos, so she (b) (pla~)
the piano professionall~. She's carr~ing a guitar, so
she (e) (pla~) it as well. She
(d) (enjo~) reading about musie.
LOOR at the bOOR. And she (e) _ _ _ _ _ __
(live) in a cit~. 1 can see trees and fields outside her
window. There's also a tedd~ bear on the eoueh.
She Cj) (have) ehildren, or it
(g) (belong) to a nieee or
nephew. Who Rnows?

4 Complete with a modal and suitable verbo
A: 1 can. tell a lot about Dan. b~ lOORin.g
at this pieture displa~ he made.
s: liRe what?
A: Well, first, he (a) must be
a good photographer because
the pietures are great. An.d he
(b) baseball
because that's a baseball cap.
s: Not n.eeessaril~! He
(e) baseball.
Lots of people who don.'t pla~ baseball wear baseball caps.
A: But lOOR, there's also a baseball. An.d he (d) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a vegetarian..
s: Wh~ n.ot?
A: LOOR at the n.ame of the recipe bOOR! An.d lOOR at this pieture. That's Dan.,
but I'm n.ot sure about the other two. The~ (e) his brothers.
s: Or the~ Cj) brothers. The~ (g) frien.ds.
What else?
A: 1 have n.o idea about the Re~s or pen.s! We should aSR him!

5 Worlt with a partner. Malte five deductions and give reasons.

a She must like painting beca use she has lots of paint brushes.
b She might beeause _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---..,-
e She can.'t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Grammar goal; -
1I looks old. 1I sounds like a musical inslrument.

1 Read tite dialog o Wltat are tltey Looldng at?

A: Here is th.e first object.

Can ~ou guess it is?
B: It feels reall~ smooth. and h.ard.
It migh.t be made of wood.
e: And it lOORs reaU~ old.
B: It lOORs liRe an old to~ .
1s it for ch.ildren to pla~ with.?
A: No, it isn't a to~ .
B: Wh.en 1 sh.aRe it, it sounds liRe
a musical instrumento Is it is?
A:'s righ.t! It's a percussion
instrument made from
a dried bean podo
It's caUed a rattle.

Th.e five sense verbs taste, look, smell, sound, and leel are followed b~ :
1 an adjective:
It jeels smooth. It looks old.
2 like + noun:
It looks like a toy. It sounds like a musical instrument.

2 CompLete tite sentences witlt tite correct sense verbs.

a A:'s B: It sounds liRe th.e doorbell.
b soup is delicious. It h.omemade.
e Winter is h.ere. It reall~ cold.
d M~ sister liRe m~ Th.e~ are identical.
e perfume is nice. It liRe roses.
f ver~ h.ard. It can't be a fruit .

D If lookslfeels/ smells/fasfes/ sounds + adjective or Iike + noun

3 Complete with a sense verbo Add like where neeessary.
listen and eheelt.
o o

a It feels hard. It looks like a sn.ail.

b It SOllr. It a lemon..
e It the ocean.. It colorflll.
d It a small gllitar. It bealltiflll.
e It sweet. It soft.
f It grass . It a feather.

4 Choose four objeets. Write two sentenees to describe eaeh. Us~ some of
the adjeetives in the box.

hard soft cold smooth rollgh salt~ wet expen.sive lOlld

It looks expensive. It smells like flowers .


111 Read your deseriptions to a partner. Can they guess the object? G
Review 1
1 Read and circle the correct words.
A: This is Ranul h Fiennes. He's a famous explorer.
A: He (a must be I might be somewhere ver~ eold.
Look at t e ice on his faee!
B: He (b) must feell must feellike freezing! I'm not
sure where he is though. He (e) ma!j be I must be
in the Antaretie or it (d) could be I can't be
the Aretic.
A: He's over 70 ~ears old, isn't he? Does he
reall~ still go on expeditions?
B: Yes! He (e) has been I was an explorer sinee the 1 q60s, and he
Cj) has explored I explored plaees all over the world. In 1q6q he
(g) has been I went on an expedition up the White Nile, and in
1qq3 he (h) has crossed I crossed the Antaretie on foot .
A: He's climbed Mount Everest too, hasn't he? When CO has he climbed I
did he climb it?
B: In 200q .

2 Complete with the correct form of the verbs, or a modaL of deduction.

A: (a) Hove you ever heord (hear) of Kira Salak?
B: I'm not sure. Doesn't she get paid to travel around the world?
A: Yes, she (b) (be) a professional adventurer sinee she was 24.
B: What eountries (e) she (go) to sinee then?
A: She (d) (travel) in the Congo, Burma, Borneo, and Peru.
B: (e) she ever (be) to the Antaretie?
A: I'm not sure, but she Cf) (eross) Papua New Guinea alone
in 1Q%.
B: She (g) be ver~ brave o It
(h) be ver~ safe traveling
alone. In faet, it CO be
reall~ dangerous .
A: Ma~be. But it g) _____
be fun!

3 Complete tite dialogo Wltat does Jack sa!J to Elena? For eaclt question,
write tite correct letter (A-H).
Elena: LooR at tl'lis picture. I tOOR it in the museum ~esterda~.
Jack: B
Elena: That's right. It's called a harpol~re.
Jack: 1
Elena: Yes, ~ou don't see old ones liRe this ver~ often.
Jack: 2
Elena: No, it's more complicated. It's liRe pla~ing the harp.
Jack: 3
Elena: Yes, it does. It's sometimes called a harp guitar.
Jack: 4
ELena: Yes, the~ have a huge collection. You should visit!
Jack: 5
A It must be reall~ rare. I've never seen an instrument liRe it.
B Wow! What is it? It lOORS liRe a musical instrumento
C Did ~ou see an~ other instruments at the museum?
D How do ~ou pla~ it? It lOORs liRe a guitar, but it cant be the same.
E And how long did ~ou spend there?
F I thinR I might go next weeR!
G What did ~ou see?
H What do es it sound liRe? Does it sound liRe a harp?
Wltat can !Jou do? CircLe a medal.
1 I can talR about past experiences and finished actions.

2 1 can maRe deductions about the presento

3 I can sa~ what things feel, lOOR, taste, smell, or sound liRe.

Exam practice G
ommunity P~I~ ts~~~44
Grammar start' She has been making bread.
They have been fishing 011 moming.

1 Read and answer the q,uestions.

Sixteen adults and two children are finding out what it was like to live in the
Iron Age 2,200 years ago. They hove been living in their "Iron Age" village
for six months, with only the tools, animals, and crops available in those days.
It's nearly midday and Oliver is exhausted . He's been cutting wood for thé
fire since 9:00 a .m. Faith got up at daybreak and helped her mom milk the
goats and feed the chickens . Since then, she's been tending the fire in the
roundhouse. Her mom has been making bread. Emma has been working,
too. She's been making clothes from sheep's wool.
Riley and his dad have been fishing all morning,
but there are only two small fish in their basket.
"1 still miss interesting food," he says.
"We've been eating oatmeal for months!"
"We're 011 tired," says Liam, Riley's dad.
"The work has been difficult and the
crops haven't been growing well.
But nobody is going to give up."

a Do th.e vUlagers use from th.e 21 st cen.tury? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

b an.imals do th.ey h.ave in. th.e village? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e . food do th.ey h.ave? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d do th.e volun.teers use to make fires? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e does RUey miss about n.ormallife? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
) Present perfect progressive
2 Read and compLete the grammar box.

We use the present perfect progressive to emphasize the duration

of an action.
We form the present perfect progressive with havel has (not) been +
the -in9 form of the verbo

It is used ...
1 to talk about actions that started in the past and are still continuing:
She's been makin9 bread.
The crops haven't been 9rowin9 well.
We use ¡or and since with the present perfect progressive to emphasize
that the action is still happening now:
They've been livin9 there sU< months.
Since then, she been tendin9 the jire.
2 to talk about an activity or event that has recently finished and has
a result now:
He's exhausted. He's been cuttin9 wood.
They've been al! morning, but there are only two fish in their basket.

There are some verbs we do not usually use in the present

perfect progressive because they are not actions : be, belong,
have Cfor possession), hate, know, like, understand.

3 CompLete the sentences (K = negative).

a The volunteers hove been participating in the
experiment since January.
b Everyone is wet. It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ raining all day.
c Grace _ _ _ _ _ _ _ preserving meat in salt for two hours.
d A~ie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (K) cutting wood today. He _ _ _ _ _ __

looking for honey.

e The children _ _ _ _ _ _ (K) playing. They _ _ _ _ __
helping their parents all day.
f There's a nice smell in the kitchen. Emma and Liam _ _ _ _ _ __
making bread.
1 @ listen and circle T (true) or F CIalse).
a Lone Droscher Nielson began rescuing
orphaned orangutans over 15 ~ears ago . TI F
b The forest where the orangutans live
has completel~ disappeared. TI F
e Palm oil plantations are orangutans'
natural habitat. TI F
d Orangutan numbers have fallen in
recent ~ears. TI F
e Lone wants to release some of her
orangutans into the wild. TI F
f She doesnt need permission to
release the orangutans . TI F
9 She has been finding it d~ficult to
raise all the mone~ she needs. TI F
2 Complete the text with the verbs in the present perfect progressive.

Ri~a, a volunteer "bab~sitter» at the center, (a) has been working

(work) since 7 o'clock this morning. She is covered in mud because she
(b) (pla~) with ~oung orphaned orangutans.
Ri~a (c) (teach) them all da~, too . She
(d) (show) them which fruits are
good to eat. Two orphans, Luca and Tomm~,
are tired. The~ (e) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(learn) to climb, but the~ are still not good at
it. Momo and Tamu Cj) _________
(not pla~) with the other babies this morning .
The~ are in the clinic. The~
(g) (suffer) from a
stomach infection since last Monda~, but the~
are starting to get better.
3 Use the prompts to write sentences. Use the present perfect progressive .

.' '

Polar bear research project

Hungr~ polar bears have been eoming into our town
more and more in the last few ~ears. Dr. Magnus
Egeberg has been stud~ing wh~.

a. Dr. Egeberg / stud~ / polar bears for two months

Dr. Egeberg has been studying polar bears for two months.
b He I traeR / their movements sinee the projeet began

e Polar bears' habitats / disappear / for the last 20 ~ears

d The polar bears are thin because the~ / not get I enough to eat

e Dr. Egeberg is ver~ eold because he I wateh I a polar bear famil~ all morning

f The mother bear / hunt I seals, but she hasn't eaught an~ ~et

4 Read and write sentences with the present perfect progressive.

5:30this 1:00this (4:00 pm. on
th st th
December 28 : January 21 : February 13 : morning: . afternoon: February 26th):

working with
tagging polar
began fo//owing started
a polarbear work
writing a
feeling tired

polarbears bears family report

I am feeling ti red because I've been writing this report since 1 o'dock .
How long hove you been working here?
Hove people been giving their time?

1 Read the dialogo What is the aim 01 the project?

A: We're changing this vacant lot into a park for the

B: How long have ~ou been working here?
A: For about four months.
B: Your hands are all mudd~. What have ~ou been
doing toda~?
A: I've been planting these small trees .
B: Has the communit~ been helping with the project?
A: Yes, it has! People have been donating mone~ and plants.
B: Have people been giving their time, too?
A: Yes, lots of people have been helping out on weekends.
lt's going to be reall~ positive for the communit~.

Question Answers

Has the communit~ been helping? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn't.

How long have ~ou been working here? For about four months .

What have ~ou been doing toda~? I've been planting trees.

2 Write the questions in order. Then match to the answers.

a have / how long / been / ~ou / with the project / helping
How long hove you been helping with the project? 1 For three hours.
b trees / have / been / planting / toda~ / ~ou
2 Ben has.
c 3 o'clock / what / since / have / doing /~ou / been
3 Yes, I have.
d has / raining / it / how long / been
4 Since last Ma~.
e clearing / who / garbage / been / has / toda~
5 I've been

1» Present perfect progressive: question form

p lanting trees.
3 CompLete with the present perfect progressive form of the verbs.
Listen and check.

A: How long (a) hove you been working (work) at the soup kitehen?
B: We (b) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (work) here ever~ weekend sinee
the program started in Oetober.
A: You look tired. (e) (help)
out for a long time toda~?
B: Yes, 1 started at 7 o'doek this moming.
A: And what (d) (do) toda~? .•
B: 1 (e) (serve) food all da~,
but sometimes 1 just wash the dishes.
A: SO, who Cf) (do) the
eooking toda~?
B: M~ classmate Jenn~ (g) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(help) in the kitehen toda~.
She (h) (make) the food.

4 Choose one of the commu.nity projects beLow. Write qu.estions to ask

a partner.
- helping the elderl~ - helping in an elementar~ sehool
- cleaning up the park - working at an animal shelter
a How long have ~ou been working todoy ?
b What ?
c Have ~ou ?

5 Interview you.r partner. Report two pieces of information to the class.

Alana has been working She's been reading

for four hours toda~ . to the ehildren.
Grammar start\. He noticed that the chocolate had melted.

1 @ Read and number the sentences in the order the events happened.

The.invention o/ the waves magnetron
mlcrowave oven
Dr. Percy Spencer invented the microwave
oven. The invention happened by accident. Dr.
Spencer was an engineer. In 1946 he was doing
radar research with magnetrons. Magnetrons
produce microwave radiation. One day at work he
noticed that the chocolate bar in his pocket had
melted. He realized that the microwaves from a
magnetron had melted the chocolate. microwave

Dr. Spencer wanted to do more experiments. He immediately

bought a bag of popcorn. He put it in front of a magnetron.
When he checked it two minutes later, all the popcorn had
popped! Dr. Spencer had created the first microwave popcorn
snack! He was very excited beca use he had discovered that
microwaves cook things more quickly than normal ovens.
Other scientists had noticed the same phenomenon before
Dr. Spencer, but they hadn't understood the potential of the
discovery. So it was thanks to Dr. Spencer that microwave
ovens were soon available to the public in stores.

a Other scientists saw the effect of magnetrons. DJ

b The chocolate bar melted. O
e Dr. Spencer put a chocolate bar in his pocket. [1J
d He put popcorn in front of a magnetron. O
e He checked the popcorn. O
f The popcorn popped. O
9 Dr. Spencer was excited about his discover~. O
h He saw the melted chocolate. O
; , Past perfect
2 Rea.d a.nd compLete tne box.

We use th.e perfect to sa~ h.appened before action or event in th.e pasto To form th.e past perfect we
use had (not) + th.e past participle:
2 nd event = simpLe 1st event = perfect
He noticed that the chocolate bar in his pocket had melted.

Past perfect Simple past Present Future


He rea.Lized th.e microwaves na.d meLted th.e ch.ocolate.

Wh.en he cnecRed it, all th.e popcorn popped.
Dr. Spencer na.d ____ th.e first microwave snack.

Nega.tive scientists na.dn't understood th.e potential.

3 Rea.d a.nd number tne events '1' a.nd '2' in tne order tne!f na.ppened.
a. Dr. Spencer rea.lized th.e microwaves na.d meLted th.e ch.ocolate.
b He put popcorn in front of th.e magnetron because h.e na.d seen th.e ch.ocolate melt.

Th.e popcorn ha.d popped wh.en h.e checRed it.
Wh.en h.e got first job in a factor~,
Spencer ha.d just finished 5 th
grade at sch.ool.

He ha.d been an electrical engineer for man~ ~ears
wh.en h.e discover~ .

Before Dr. Spencer discover~,
people ha.dn't used microwaves
for cooking.
1 @ listen Clnd complete the sentences.

Cl Dr. Alexan.der Flemin.g discovered pen.icillin. in. _~'=-"'-_

b At th.e time h.e was a .
c Dr. Flemin.g's laborator~ was often. _ _ __
d Durin.g vacation., h.e left th.e bacteria cultures on. a _ _ __
in. th.e laborator~.
e He saw developed on. on.e of th.e .
f He n.oticed th.e mold stopped th.e from growin.g .
9 Flemin.g seen. die of dan.gerous bacteria durin.g World War 1.
h Flemin.g kn.ew h.e discovered reall~ _ _ __

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the pClst perfecto

Cl Green. mold had developed (develop) wh.en. Flemin.g return.ed from vacation..
b Wh.en. h.e foun.d th.e mold, h.e (be) awa~ for more
two weeks.
c He realized th.e mold (kill) th.e bacteria in. th.e dish..
d He made th.e discover~ because h.e (n.ot clean.) th.e
laborator~ equipmen.t.
e He (leave) th.e dish. on. atable wh.en. h.e wen.t on. vacation..
f Flemin.g (work) in. Lon.don. laborator~ for several ~ears
wh.en. h.e made th.e discover~.
9 Flemin.g was well kn.own. before discover~, because h.e _ _ _ _ _ __
(be) a successful medical
h scien.tists (n.otice) th.e same ph.en.omen.on. before
Flemin.g , but th.e~ (n.ot realize) its sign.ifican.ce.
3 CompLete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

freeze temte fall invent send want invent maRe

More accidental discoveries and inventions _

The popsicle (1905)
When 11-~ear-old FranR Epperson WORe up one morning he
remembered he Ca) had left his favorite drinR in the ~ard the
night before . It had a stirring StiCR in it. That night, temperatures
Cb) well below freezing. When FranR went outside he
discovered that the drinR Cc) _ _ _ _ _ __
He Cd) the first fruit-flavored popsicle!
Potato chips (1853)
Chef George Crum created potato chips because he was angr~! He
Ce) French fries for a customer, but the customer
Cf) them bacR. He said the~ were too thicR and 50ft.
So Crum cut ver~ thin slices of potato and cooRed them until the~
were crisp o He Cg) to taRe revenge, but the customer
loved them! Crum Ch) potato chips!

Adverbs liRe just and already go after had:

He had just wORen up .

4 Use the prompts to write sentences.

a Before we read the article we / not hear / of FranR Epperson
Befare we read the article we hadn't heard af Frank Eppersan.
b FranR / just / waRe up / when he remembered his drinR

e George Crum was angr~ because a customer / complain / about his fries

d People / not tr~ / potato chips until Crum invented them

e He was surprised because he / not expect / the customer to liRe them

Grammar goal
He was working in Egypt.
He found a tomb. No one had entered for years.

1 Rea.d the a.rticle. Wha.t did Howa.rd Ca.rter discover?

In 1922, the archeologist Howard Carter was working in the Valley of

the Kings in Egypt. He hoped to find a pharaoh's tomb. Important
archeologists had said there was nothing more to find, but
Carter continued to look. While they were digging, they made
an incredible discovery. They found the tomb of an unknown
ancient Egyptian ruler called Tutankhamen. No one had
entered the tomb for over 3,000 years!

When Carter first looked through the door, he saw a room

full of gold objects. When he died 17 years later, he had
recovered more than 3,500 priceless objects from the tomb,
and he had become as famous as Tutankhamen himself.

We use different na.rra.tive tenses in stories to describe past events.

The~ found the tomb of an Eg~ptian rulero
(Main action) perfect
No one ha.d entered th.e tomb for over 3,000 ~ears!
(Previous event) progressive
(In progress at In 1 Q22, he wa.s worlting in Eg~pt.
a specific time)

2 Circle the correct words .

a. When Howard Carter found the tomb, he worlted I~d wor~
in Eg~pt for 31 ~ears.
b While he dug I wa.s digging, h.e saw a step that someone
ha.d cut I wa.s cutting into the roeR.
c Carter sent a telegraph to announce that he discovered I ha.d discovered
something important.
d Carter found evidence that robbers tried I ha.d tried to enter
the tomb, but th.e~ ha.d not been I weren't being successful.
Narrative tenses
3 @ Write the verbs in the correct na.rra.tive tense. listen a.nd checR.

In 2012, a treasure hunter (a) discovered (discover) 30,000 silver and gold
coins, and some jewelr~ while he (b) (search) a field in the United
Kingdom. Ronald Gra~ (c) (have) a cheap metal detector which he
(d) (bu~) three months earlier. The treasure he found was one of
the largest collections of Celtic coins and jewelr~ an~one (e) ever
_ _ _ _ _ _ Cfind)' Experts in Celtic histor~ Cj) (sa~) the coins
were at least 2,050 ~ears old.
Mr. Gra~ chose that particular field because he (g) (hear) stories
about other people finding old coins Ülere. While he (h) (use)
his metal detector it Ci) (start) making a lot of noise. He dug
for 30 minutes. When he stopped, he Q) Cfind) 60 coins . He
(k) (hurr~) back to the store that (l) (sell) him the
metal detector and he (m) (bu~) a better, more powerful modelo
When the da~ ended, he (11.) (uncover) at least 120 coins.

4 Expa.nd the prompts to write a.n a.rticLe in !:Jour notebooR.

Use na.rra.tive tenses.
In 2013, a treasure hunter discovered ...
- In 2013 I treasure hunter I discover I gold plate I while she I dive I off
the Florida coast
- Mar~ Fisher I looR for I the wreck of a 5panish ship when she I Jind I the plate
- 5he I be I in the water for 30 minutes I when she I see I something bright
in the sand
- 5he I be I excited because she I not find I an~thing like it before
- 5he I ta.Re I it to a Florida museum the next da~
- While the~ I cLea.n I it the~ I a.nnounce I that it was wortn $1 million
Review 2
1 Complete the diar!:J entr!:J with the correct narrative tense .

Saturday 15t h. .
1 love volunteering at the cat shelter. This morning 1 (a) arnved
(arrive) at q:OO a .m. After 1 (b) (sa~) hello to ever~bod~, 1
(e) (go) to see m~ favorite cat, SoeRs. 1 (d) - - - - - -
(pla~) with SoeRs when m~ manager (e) (asR) me to clean
the cages . That Cf) (taRe) me about an hour. Then 1
(g) (help) prepare the food . We (h) . Cfeed)
the cats when 1 (i) (notiee) a new blaeR and whlte one. Her
name is Fluff~ and she's adorable! After all the eats Cj) (eat),
1 (R) (pla~) with them some more before 1 went home.

2 Expand the sentences to complete the dialogo Use the correct past
tense, or the present perfect progressive.
A: LOOR at this little antique box 1 found! It's from China.
B: Wow, that's reall~ prett~. (a) Where I find lit?
A: In m~ attic. (b) 1 I loolt I through some old things
when 1 I notice lit. (e) When 1 found it 1 I not Itnow
I what it was because 1 I never I see I it before. Sinee
then, (d) 1 I use I it to store tea! But, I've just found
out it's worth $1 ,OOO!
B: Wow . (e) How long I ~ou I Uve I there for?
A: Ten ~ears! Sinee 1 found out its value, Cf) 1 I tr!:J I to declde if 1 should sell it.
B: (g) Wh~ I be I it in ~our attie?
A: (h) 1 I aslt I ever~one in the famil~ sinee 1 found it, but no one Rnows.
a Where did you find it?
3 You wiLL hear information about an invention. listen and complete
numbers 1-6. You wiLL hear the information twice.

The invention oJ the Post-it

Name of scientist: 5Rencer 5i1ver
Year: 1
He was tr~ing to maReo 2 glue
He actuall~ made: 3 glue that didn't well
Name of inventor: 4
Year: 5
Used paper to marRo 6 in his booR
He put the glue: 7 on the of the paper
Post-its first called: 8 'n Peel

What can !Jou do? Circle a medal.

1 1 can talR about what has been happening.

2 1 can use narrative tenses.

Exam practice GI
Grammar start) He exploined that 90 elephants hod competed.
He soid he would take par! in the festival again.

1 @ Rea.d a.nd a.nswer the C\uestions.

I~ $lepqant beauf~ contest

~ Every year there is an elephant festival in N epal. It
.r\ lasts for three days, and it includes an elephant soccer
game and a beauty con test. Elephant handler Ajay Kusle
took pal't in the contest with his elephant, Tokeey He
explained that 90 elephants had competed in the contesto
He said that Tokeey hadn't won, but they had had a
good time. Ajay said he would take part in the festival
again and that maybe Tokeey would win next time.
He told us she could be very obedient, but during
the last contest she hadn't behaved very well.
Bibek Dahal was one of the judges of the
contesto He told us that the judges had selected
the winning elephant fol' her beautiful
decol'ations and discipline. He said he had
never seen an elephant who could obey her
handler 50 well. Dahal explained that the
festival aimed to highlight the country's
elephant conservation programo He said
that elephant numbers had stopped declining.

a. Wh.ere does th.e eleph.ant festival taRe place? _ _ _ _!ª-llilL_ _ _---!

b How long does it last? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
c sports event does it include? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d How man~ eleph.ants tooR part ~ear? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e Did TORee~ win? Wh.~/Wh.~ not? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
f do es th.e festival focus attention on? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
D Reported speech: simple post, present perlect, will, can
2 Read and complete th.e grammar box.

When we use reported speech, we usuall~ change the tense:

simple past ~ past perfect
present perfect ~
~ would
_ _ _--;;;-:---::-;;=~-~:..... could

Direct speech. Reported speech.

"The~ competed." He said the~ competed.

"He didn't win." He told us he h.adn't won.

'T ve never seen one." He said he never seen one.

'T U taRe part again." He said he would taRe part agai~.

l "5he can be ver~ obedient." He told us she could be ver~ obedient.

3 CircLe th.e correct words.

a "ToRee~ can carr~ ver~ heav~ loads," he said.
Aja~ Kusle said that TORee~ carried I<€"uld ca?aJ> ver~ heav~ loads.
b "Man~ tourists from Europe came to the festival," he said.
He said that man~ tourists from Europe come I come to the festival.
c Dahal told reporters that the elephant center had started with 22 elephants .
"The elephant center started I wiLL start with 22 elephants," he told reporters .
d Kusle said TORee~ had worRed with tourists for the previous eight ~ears.
"ToRee~ worlted I worlted with tourists for the last eight ~ears."
e He said elephants could worR long hours ever~ da~.
"Elephants can I wiLL worR long hours ever~ da~ ."
f "1 will be a judge at the next festival. "
Dahal said he wouLd be I was a judge at the next festival.
(¡'- ,
Remember to change time expressions in reported speech: ~.~
~esterda~ ~ the da~ before tomorrow ~ the next da~ 1.; .
next ~ear ~ the following ~ear tonight ~ that night
1 @ Complete. Listen and check.
a "1 helped break a world record ~esterda~."
Kala said she hod helped break
a world record the doy before
b "1 danced with 2,642 other women."
5he explained that she _ _ _ _ _ _ __
with 2,642 other women.
c "We performed a traditional dance called Kaikottikali for 15 minutes."
5he told me the~ a traditional dance for 15 minutes.
d "We Will tr~ to break the record again next ~ear."
5he told me the~ to break the record again

e "1 can dance Kaikottikali ver~ well."

5he said she Kaikottikali ver~ well.

2 Change the direct

In reported speech we also make these changes:
speech to reported
speech. come ~ go here ~ there this ~ that

2012: Italian chocolate-maker breaks world record

a "We have just broken the record for the largest chocolate coin," said Mario Conti.
He said that they hod just broken the record for the largest chocolate coin.
b "Hundreds of tourists came here to watch us make it."
He said hundreds of tourists to watch them make it.
c "The previous record was 270 kilos. We made a coin that weighed 650!"
He explained that the previous record . He said
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that weighed 650.
d "It will be difficult for people to break this record."
He said to break record.
e "All the mone~ will go toward building a school."
He told us that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ toward
building a school.

3 @ Read and complete with. th.e correct sentences in reported speech..
listen and ch.ecR.

1 "1 calt't lead tite lettel ." 5 "A nine-~ear-old girl threw the
2 "I'll send m~ own message." bottle into the St. Lawrenee River."
3 "The bottle traveled aeross the 6 'Tve looked at a map."
oeean to 1reland." 7 "M~ father translated it for me."
4 "1 can't believe ~ou found m~ 8 'Tll sta~ in eontaet with Monique."
bottle after so man~ ~ears . "

Last wee k 1 2-~ear-old Callum James found a message

)r'";?1"j~M~'- in a botde on the beaeh in 1reland. Callum told reporters
t hat Ca) he couldn't read the letter because it was
in Freneh. He explained that Cb) father
_______________________ . His father Ce) _ _ ___
him that a nine-~ear-old _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
the St. Lawrenee River in Canada eight ~ears before. He
explained that the bottle Cd) _______________________
to 1reland. There was an email
Callum wrote to the girl, Monique . Monique said she
Ce) after so man~ ~ears .
Callum told reporters that Cf) ____________
and had seen how the currents ran from Canada to 1reland.
He said that Cg) with
Monique and he Ch) in
a botde soon.

4 11 TeLL each. about an unusual evento TaRe notes and reportto
th.e cLass.

Daniel told me that he had seen an article about an

elephant . He said that it spoke like a human! He said it
eould sa~ "hello ," "no," "good," and "sit down" in Ko rean.
Grammar goal
She asked us to a loy lo school. She told us not to broken toys.

1 Read th.e dialogo Ch.eck (V) or cross OC) th.e pictures.

A: What did 1 miss at school toda~?

s: We're collecting to~s to send to
a children's charit~. Miss Jones
aSRed us to bring a to~ to school
on Thursda~ . 5he told us to checR
it was in good condition. 5he told
us not to bring broRen to~s. 5he
also aSRed us not to bring ver~ •
large to~s. 5he told us not to , .'"'* *
* . * . * '"
wrap the to~s - the charit~ needs ** .
... *
to match them to the right persono •
Oirect speech. Reported speech.
"Please bring a toy to school." She aSRed us to bring a to~ to school.

"Oon't bring broRen to~s." She told us not to bring broReIl to~s .

2 Complete tite reported commands and req,uests.

a "Put the to~s in the boxes."
She told us ta put the to~s in the boxes.
b "Please don't choose broRen to~s."
She aSRed them broRen to~s.
c "Please help me carr~ the to~s to the bus."
She aSRed me her carr~ the to~s to the bus.
d "Don't drop the toys, Tomas!"
She told Tomas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the to~s.
e "Bring another box, Susie."
She told Susie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ another box.

~ Reported requests and commands

3 Complete tite reported req,u.ests and commands. Use a su.itable
reporting verb and tite correct pronou.ns.

a "Juan, please draw two circles on th.e board."

Th.e asked Juan to draw two circles on th.e board.
b "Daniel, cover th.e board with. plastic, please."
He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with. plastic.
e "Paint a number on each. sh.ell, lüds!"
He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ each. sh.ell.
d "Give ~our snail a name!"

e "Ana, get some grass and leaves, please."

f "Invite ~our famil~ and friends to th.e snail race tomorrow!"

4 Imagine !Jou. are organizing a bake sale for cltarit!J. Make tltree
req,u.ests to a partner.

Please bring Can ~ou maRe Don't put th.e

some cooRies. some signs? tables outside ~et.

5 Write tite req,u.ests !Jou.r partner made.

Un asked me to bring some cookies.
urlous mind
Grammar start Jane asked her how much the brain weighed.
Mark asked her what the cerebellum was.

1 Read and write the names. Then match the names to the answers.

Teacher: Did ~ou gu~s enjo~ our visit to

th.e Corpus Sclence Museum?
Marlt: It was awesome! Th.e h.eart was
reall~ cool and jumping on th.e rubber tongue was great!
Teacher: questlons did ~ou aSR th.e tour guide?
Charlie: Jane aSRed h.ow much. a t~pical brain weigh.ed.
Jane: And Dana aSRed h.ow man~ bones we in our bod~.
Karla: MarR aSRed th.e cerebellum was. 1 aSRed h.ow long
h.umans could survive with.out water.
Tina: Ch.arlie aSRed th.e main functlon of th.e Ridne~s was.
Dana: And Tina asked wh.en th.e first h.uman h.eart transplant
taRen place.
Teacher: And do ~ou all remember th.e answers?

Who aslted abou.t ...

a th.e cerebellum? Mark 1 a little less 1.4 Rilos
b th.e first h.eart transplant? 2 about a weeR
c th.e weigh.t of th.e brain? 3 to clean our blood
d th.e function of th.e kidne~s? 4 206
e th.e number of bones? 5 a part of th.e brain
f h.uman survival with.out water? 6 1%7
ael Reported questions: Wh- questions
2 Read and compLete the grammar box.

In reported information questions... ~

1 we move the tense back in the same way we do with statements: V.
am/is/are ~ was/were simple present ~ simple past can ~ could
2 the subject 'comes before the verbo
3 we do not use a q,uestion mark or an auxiUary Cdo/does/didJ.
"What is the cerebellum?" ~ Nark asked her what the cerebellum was.
"How much does the brain weigh?" ~ Jane asked her how much
the brain weighed.

Direct speech Indirect speech

Charlie asked what its main function

"What is its main function?"

Dana asked how many bones .

"How many bones do we have?" _ _ _ hado

I asked _ _ _ _ _ _ humans
"How Long can humans survive?"

-- couLd survive.

In reported questions, you do not need to include

the person you asked Chiml herl them, etc.).

3 Find and correct the mistakes.

a He asked the teacher where&9 the cerebellum.
He asked the teacher where the cerebellum was.
b 5he asked me how long does it take for food to get to the stomach.

c He asked her why was it impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

d They asked her what the strongest muscle in the human body?

e I asked him why could roll only some people their tongue.

1 Listen and match. th.e questions to th.e answers .

a " is Rinetic energ~?" --_~ 1 It is impossible.

b "Wh.~ does oil float on top of water?" 2 Th.e th.eor~ of
c "Wh.~ don't we faU off Earth. into space?" 3 Energ~ of moving
objects .
d "Wh.~ can't h.umans travel into th.e future? " 4 Because of gravit~.
e "How man~ planets are th.ere in th.e
solar s~stem?" 5 Because it is lig h.ter.
f " th.eor~ did Albert Einstein develop?" 6 Th.ere are eigh.t.
2 Write th.e words in order to make reported questions.
a me 1 aSRed 1 was 1 Rinetic energ~ 1 1 sh.e
She asked me what kinetic energy was.
b aSRed 1 h.e 1 me 1floated 1 wh.~ 1 oill on top of 1 water

c 1 aSRed 1 h.e 1 we 1fall off 1 wh.~ 1 Earth. into space 1 didn't

d aSRed 1 me 1 h.e 1 wh.~ 1 couldn't 1 h.umans 1 into th.e future 1 travel

e h.e 1 h.ow man~ I were 1 in th.e solar s~stem 1 planets 1 th.ere I aSRed

f aSRed 1 1 h.e 1 1 1 Albert Einstein 1 th.eor~ I developed

3 CompLete tlle reported questions.
a "What's the largest planet in our solar system?" we aSRed
Mr. Seott.
We him the largest planet in our
solar system _ __
b "Why can't we live on Mars?"
We aSRed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ we _ _ _ live on Mars.
e "Where is the world's largest radio teleseope?"
We the world's largest teleseope _ _ __
d "How many stars does the MilRy Way have?"
We how many _ __
the MilRy Way _ __
e "How far away is the moon?"
We aSRed far away _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
f "Which planet is closest to the sun?"
We aSRed planet closest to the sun.
9 "Why does Earth have gravity?"
_ _ _ aSRed gravity .

4 Write tlle reported questions.

a "How many lungs does the human body have?" we aSRed the teacher.
We asked the teacher how many lungs the human body hado
b "What is DNA?" 1 aSRed Sara.
1 aSRed her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e "What is Stephen HawRing famous for?" John aSRed Jane .

d "Which liquid boils at 100 degrees?" we asRed.

e "Why can't we see infrared light?" Maria aSRed me.

f "What do es hydropower produce?" the teacher aSRed uso

We asked if sharks often aftacked people.
Ana asked whether they could see well.

1 Read and underline the reported questions.

I went to the Montere~ Ba~ Aquarium last weeRend. The~ have

an open water tanR with lots of sharRs. We aSRed the guide
lots of questions. I'm scared of sharRs, so I aSRed ~ the~ often
attacRed people. He said the~ did sometimes, but not as often
as in the movies . Bill~ aSRed if sharks ever slept. Ana aSRed
whether the~ could see well, and Ivan aSRed ~ female sharks
were bigger than males. Do ~ou gu~s Rnow the answers? ©

In reported yes/no questions:

1 we move the tense back.
2 the subject comes befare the verbo
3 we use if or whether before the subject.
"Do sharks often attack people?" We aSRed if sharRS often attacked people.
"Are fe males bigger than males?" Ivan asRed if females were bigger than males.

"Can sharRs see well?" Ana aSRed whether sharks couLd see well. )

2 Read and write the direct questions.

a He asRed whether sharRs had an~ enemies.
"Do sharks hove ony enemies?"
b We aSRed him ~ all sharRs were dangerous to humans.
"Are ----------------------------------------------7"
c I aSRed ~ there were sharRs in ever~ ocean in the world.

d We aSRed him how fast sharRs could swim.

e We aSRed ~ some sharRs could live in fresh water.

f He aSRed whether sharRs had bones in their bodies.

D Reported questions: Ves/No questions

3 Write reported q,uestions.
a "Do all lobsters live in salt water?" she as Red.
She asked if al! lobsters lived in salt water.
b "15 a lobster a fish?" he asRed.
He aSRed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e "Can lobsters live to 100 ~ears old?" the~ asRed.
The~ aSRed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

d "Do lobsters eat fish?" we asRed.

We aSRed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e "Do lobsters have a bacRbone?" 1 asRed.
1 aSRed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
f "Can lobsters see?" she asRed.
She aSRed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4 listen to !:tour teacher and write the reported q,uestions.

a M~ teacher aSRed us ~ -"d"'o~lp<.!.h.!..Cin'-"s"-w

iv"" o'-'
b He/She aSRed whether _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

She aSRed us ~ dolphins were carnivores.

Review 3
1 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
a "1 saw a meteor falling to Eartn on TV," James told me.
James told me he had seeo a meteor falliog to Earth 00 TV
b "1 nave never seen an~tning like it befo re."
He said _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

c "How big was it?"

1 asked _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d "1 ean't remember exaetl~."
He said _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

e "ls tnere a video of it on tne internet?"

1asked _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
f "Can 1 use ~our computer to waten it?"
1asked _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~___
9 "Don't worr~ about a meteor falling on ~our nouse!"
He told me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 Use the direct speech in the box to complete the emaU below.

"Tne next one will be in November." "Do man~ tourists 90 to tne festival?"
"How man~ monke~s are tnere?" "Please send me ~our pietures!"
"It nas become ver~ popular." "Look it up on tne internet."
"You can usuall~ see tnem walking "Tlte~ stalted tite festival ilt 1'18'1."
around town."

Last week m~ eousin went to tne monke~ festival in Lopburi, Tnailand.

He told me tne local residents (a) had started the festival io 1'18'1. He
said it (b) sinee tnen. 1 asked nim now man~
(e) in tne area. Apparentl~ tnere are over
2,000! He said ~ou (d) around town. 1
asked nim (e) taurists and ne said ~es.
He tald me tne next Cj) Navember. He tald
me (9) tne internet so 1 did. And 1 asked
(n) pietures, too.
3 Read the blog. ehoose the best word CA, B, or e) lor each space .

•• • ••

Asuaft e
1 was pla~ing soccer in the bacR~ard on Frida~ when 1 saw
something that looRed liRe a strange roeR. 1 showed it to m~ dad and 1
(1) him what it was . He (2) it loo Red liRe a fossll! He
said we (3) taRe it to the archeolog~ department at the universit~
to aSR an experto
The next da~ we showed it to a professor. He told (4) that it was
a wooll~ mammoth tooth. He said he had (5) seen such a perfect
fossil. We aSRed him how old it was . He said that the last wooll~ mammoths
had died in 2,000 B.C ., (6) it was at least 5,000 ~ears old! 1 aSRed
(7) 1 could Reep it, but the professor (8) me to donate

• it to the local museum .

Example: A lI1. @ 011. e since

1 A aSRed B said e tell
2 A aSRed B said e told
3 A can B could e will
4 A them B ~ou e us
5 A never B ~et e ever
6 A because B when e so
7 A if B when e that
8 A said B aSRed e whether
What can you do? eircle a medal.
1 1 can report affirmative and negative statements.
~ --.J
2 1 can report requests and commands .
~ --.J
3 1 can report questions .
~ .~
Exam pradice CD
• •
zlng eng ~
Grammar Sfart They were built 3,300 years
The monument was cut up.

1 Reo.d o.nd mo.tch. fo.cts o.-f to th.e numbers.

The temples at Abu Simbel in southern Egypt were built 3,300 years ago during the
reign oí Rarnses 11. When the Aswan darn was constructed in the early 1960s, the
Nile River started to rise . The temples were threatened with flooding. Peop1e from al!
over the world carne together to save them. The who1e monument was cut up and
moved 65 meters higher and 200 meters back írom its original position.
The giant carvings on the outside oí the temples and
the many statues írom inside were cut into 20-tonne
b1ocks. This was done mainly by hand because the
stone was easily broken. The immense b10cks were
then nurnbered and they were lifted to their new
1ocation. Then the 12,836 tonnes oí stone was
careíul1y reassembled.
Now the site is visited by thousands oí tourists every
day, and the efforts oí engineers and archeologists to
save the monument are adrnired around the world.

,-""', ,~"" ~-

'" ' ......~"li>llf:i;<~iIóI:~#,~""'.

. . . . . . . . . . ""_
""'*:J .S(' :« Y,,~el' >:' ~/'
/,~'~'Il~M ",'//"''''", ,./~
~ ~"~.,~';f"""",, ...... ~iIrWi";.,",,;J ...... ___ -.,.,
"~""_"~ivM'4'> ',
a. when. the temples were built 1 200
b the weight of the cut-up blocRs of ston.e 2 ~ 12,836 ..
e the date th.e Aswan. dam was con.structed - - - -3 3,300 ~ears ago
d the n.umber of meters the temples were moved bacR 4 1%Os
e the n.umber of of ston.e reassembled 5 1,OOOs
f the n.umber of visitors to th.e site ever~ da~ 6 20

D Passive voice: simple past

2 Read and complete the grammar box.

We use th.e passive voice ...

1 to emph.asize th.e action, wh.o did it:
Engineel s lifted the blocks to theiJ ne~~ 10catiol1 . ...
The blocks were lifted to their new location.
2 wh.en we don't know wh.o did th.e action, or it isn't important:
People built the temples 3,300 geals ago . ...
The temples were built 3,300 years ago.
3 wh.en it's obvious wh.o did th.e action:
Buildels leassembled the stones . ... The stones were reassembled.
Th.e simple past passive is formed with. th.e verb be + past participle.

Th.e Aswan dam was buiLt in th.e earl~ 1 Q6Qs .

Th.e temples were threatened with. flooding.

Th.e monument cut up and moved.

Th.e blocks lifted to th.eir new location.

Th.e simple present passive is formed with. islare + past participle:

The site is visited by thousands of tourists.

3 Read and write A (active) or P (passive).

a Sand buried th.e temples for centuries. 0
b Th.e temples were rediscovered in th.e 1 qth centur~. D
c Th.e relocation project was completed in 1Q68. D
d Th.e Aswan dam was built to provide electricit~ . D
e Hundreds of h.ectares of land was lost wh.en th.e water started to rise . O
f Th.ese da~s visitors to Abu Simbel travel to th.e site b~ bus or boato D
9 Th.e sun sh.ines on two statues inside th.e temple twice a ~ear. D
1 @ Rea.d a.nd choose the correct option. listen a.nd check.
a. Th.e Burj Kh.alga was designed b~ arch.itects .
designed IGta.s desi9 ñia:>1 is designed
b Th.ree h.undred and eigh.t~ engineers
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on th.e construction.
worked I were worked I wa.s worked
c Engineers ver~ fast elevators. insta.LLed I were insta.LLed I insta.LLed
d Th.irt~-nine th.ousand tonnes of steel _ _ _ _ _ __
needed I needed I wa.s needed
e Work with. concrete _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ during th.e
nigh.t because of th.e
did I wa.s done I done
f Th.e building in 2010.
is officia.LL!:f opened I wa.s officia.LL!:f opened I
opens officia.LL!:f

1f we want to include th.e subject, we use by:

It was designed by a tea m 01 architects.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the simple pa.ssive.
a. Th.e Burj Kh.alga was completed in 2010. (complete)
b Th.e building an award in 2010. (give)
c Over 330,000 m3 of concrete for th.e construction. (need)
d Some scenes from Mission Impossible 4 outside th.e
building. Cfilm)
e Th.e foundations of th.e building _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to a depth. of 50 m. (dig)
f About US$l.5 billion on th.e project. (spend)
3 Rewrite the sentences using the passive. IncLude by, if necessar~.
a Werner Stengel designed the Superman Escape roller coaster.
The Superman Escape roller coaster was
designed by Werner Stengel.
b He designed it to go from O to 100 km/h in two seconds.

c The~ spent AUS$16 milllon on building the roller coaster.

d Engineers built the roller coaster from steel.

e Local steel manufacturers made some of the tracks.

4 Expand the notes to write about the Pearl Bridge.

Use active and passive sentences.
The Pearl Bridge in Japan is the longest span bridge in the world.
The bridge I build I to connect Awaji island to the mainland cit~ of Kobe
It I construct I b~ two mUllo n workers
Construction I start I Ma~ 1Q80
It I design I to resist strong winds and earthquakes
The designs I test I using complex models
181,000 tonnes steell use I to build the bridge
Special concrete I develop I to mix with sea water
It I complete I in 1QQ8

The Pearl Bridge in Japan is the longest span bridge in the world.The bridge
r was built to connect the island of Awaji to the mainland city of Kobe.
The wood has been bought. The roof hasn't been added

1 Read the arUde. What has been done so far?

Construction on the new tree

house in the pla~ground has
started. The old oaR. tree has
been strengthened with wood
to support the house . The wood
has been donated b~ a local
building compan~ and it has
been cut down to size. The
platform has been built, but
the walls and roof haven't been
added ~et . The rope ladders
have been made, but the~ haven't been attached ~et. Construction worR.ers
hope to finish in three weeR.s so that it is read~ for summer vacation.

The present perfect passive is formed with has! have (not) +

been + past participLe:

The wood has been bought.

The old oaR. trees have been strengthened.

The roof hasn't been added ~et .

The rope ladders haven't been attached ~et. j

2 Find and correct the mistaltes.
a The tree house ItuS paér Lted. has been painted
b A second room was been added. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e Plastic chairs have being bought. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d Builders have been added a staircase. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e A reporter has been taken pictures for the papero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
f It has chosen for an "Excellent Design" award. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
11 Passive voice: present perfect

3 CompLete the text with the verbs in the present perfect passive.

Work 011. the new Skate

The park (a) ---.lliru~n...g.§!j~~--,,;-"':" U"~L4
and lo eal pe () p le (b) _--"-_---';::-;;-...-.-,.,-,-~::'_'_:
- (show) the designo The~ are, ver~ ,
happ~ with it. The concrete floor
(e) (cbmplete)
'a nd the ramps (d) , .. .
(build). Unfortunatel~, thereis not enough ':
" mone~ to eontinue. The obstacles
(e) (not bulld)
-' " .'
',' and the surrounding fenee .
cp '" ' (not ' put up):"\ .'.
Local people (g) (aslü , "
'- . . ., '!¡'", .. ." , ..

about wa~s of raising mone~ and several~un.dra.ís\ng "

. . ' ' ,~ . ».
. events (h)" ~' , Sorga.nite);·, . ,

4 11 Imagine !jou are invoLved in a schooL project. TaLIt with a partner
about what has been done so faro

t#=##:n:f The land for the pla~ground

has been ehosen.
Bu.i/d a ne.w plaYSr'ou.nd:
Tphe lanJ -for -the playgroL.(nJ / choose
e rrniSSion / . ~ / b I
glv,- y ocal aL.(-thori-ties
P/aygroL.(nJ / JeSign )(
LanJ / c/ear )(
No-t enoL.(gh rno ney / Jona-te
The local COrnrnL.(ni-ty / asi< 1:::0 hel
Sorne rnoney / r aise p
~on;-tlons -frorn local cornpanies / receive
,L.(na:ra,s,na ac....· ...... /
" ~I V I ~ I es oraani2e / -t II
rnoney " o Co ec-t
Grammar start} Tomorrow, we're visiting the capital. What are you doing on Saturday?

1 @ Read and check (11') or cross (X) the activities.

üO-d0-9o-swr trip
Saturdaya.m. Visit AlltO-IIO-IIMivo
Saturday p.m. Bus to LO-\\e T ritrivO-, 90 horse60-c.\\ ridill9
Sunday Three-dO- y 600J trip 011 River Tsiri6ihill0.
Monday night 011 ishlld
Tuesdaya.m. Forest Vo.\\\

.&Ana: Are ~ou enjo~ing ~our vacation in Madagascar?

Alisa: It's awesome! Tomorrow, we're visiting th.e capital,
Antananarivo . In th.e afternoon, we're taking a bus to th.e south..
We're going h.orseback riding around a volcanic lake .
.&Ana: Wow! are ~ou doing on Sunda~?
Alisa: We're taking a th.ree-da~ boat trip on th.e River Tsiribih.ina. On
Monda~ nigh.t, we're camping on an island in th.e middle of th.e
river. And on Tuesda~ morning, we're going into th.e forest to
look for lemurs! Th.e~ onl~ live in Madagascar .
.&Ana: 1 saw a program about Madagascar's . Th.e~'re great for
snorkeling. Are ~ou going snorkeling?
Alisa: No, we aren't go ing to th.e beach. time.

a visit Madagascar's capital ~ e camp on an island D

b take a train D f visit a zoo D
c go h.orseback riding D 9 look for lemurs D
d take a boat trip D h go snorkeling D
D Present progressive for future arrangements
2 Rea.d a.nd compLete the box.

We can use the present progressive to talR about definite future

arrangements . We usuall~ use this tense when we Rnow the time
and place.
We often use time expressions liRe tomorrow, on Monday (morning),
tonight, next Friday, next week, etc.

Tomorrow, we're visiting the capital.

On Monda.!f night, we're _ _ _ _ _ on an island.

On Tuesda.!f morning , _ _ _ _ _ going into the foresto

What ~ou doing on Sunda.!f? J

3 CompLete the sentences. Do the!f refer to the present (P) or the future (F)?
a. On Wednesda~ , we 're taking (taRe)
aplane to Tollara. _ F_
b We (loOR) at pictures on
the internet right now. _ p_
e On Thursda~ morning, we _ _ _ _ __
(explore) the can~ons near Isalo.
d At the moment, our guide
_ _ _ _ _ _ (explain) our itinerar~ .

e We (not stop) at Andriglta

National ParR on Frida~.
f 1 (visit) a local marRet
right now .
9 We _ _ _ _ _ Cfl~) bacR home
next Frida~ .
1 @ listen and number the pictures in order.

2 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

pla~ not eat show listen have

meet not go maRe ti avel fl~

Profile Newsfeed

I've just arrived at Safari Camp in Zambia. Lots of aetivities have been
arranged for us! Tomorrow moming, we (a) 're traveling into the
forest and our guide (b) us how to identif~ animal traeRs.
On Tuesda~ moming, we (e) the ehildren at a local
sehool. But we (d) to class - we (e) _ _ _ _ _ _ __
soeeer with them! We CJ) ________ luneh at the camp on
Wednesda~. We (g) a traditional Zambian me al at a
loeal village. In th.e aftemoon, we (h) pots out of cla~ .
On Thursda~ evening, we (i) to traditional stories around
a eampfire. It's going to be awesome! We Cj) ________ home next
weeR and 1 Rnow I'll be reall~ sad to leave.
3 Complete the dialog with the correct form of the present progressive.
A: When (a) are we visifing (visit)
grandma and grandpa? I I
B: We (b) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (leave) on Tuesda~ afternoon.
A: How long (e) _ _ _ _ we (sta~)
with them?
B: For three days.
A: Great! What (d) we (do)
on Wednesday?
B: Grandpa (e) (taRe) Pete to a soccer match and we
Cj) (go) to the beach. We (g) (have) a picnic.
A: Cool! Are we (h) (go) to the safari parR on Thursday?
B: No, we aren't. You and Pete (i) (visit) the aquarium
with grandma and grandpa. There are some new green sea turtles there.
A: Awesome! Q) ~ou (come) with us?
B: No, I'm noto 1 (R) (worR) on Thursda~. 1
(l) (give) a talR at the universit~.
A: (m) we (taRe) a boat trip at the aquarium?
B: Yes, ~ou are. You (n) (taRe) an island tour to see dolphins
and birds.

4 Complete the schedule with your weekend plans. leave two spaces empty .

Saturday Sunday
morning: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ morning: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
afternoon: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ afternoon: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
evening: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ evening: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5 Work in groups. Arrange to meet up with someone who is free

when you are.

What are you doing on Saturday morning?

( I'm going to the parR.~
Grammar goal
Eorth Doy takes place on Mondoy. The school will stay open late.
We're to organize o compoign.

1 Rea.d tne bLog. Wna.t tney going to do for Ea.rtn Da.y?

Earth Day taRes place on Monday. We're going

to organize a recycling campaign and help our parents with
recycling at home. We're also going to encourage our friends
to recycle. All over tne world there are signs of global
warming, and it's going to get worse in the next few years.
1f we don't act now, tne environment will be in serious trouble.
Please join our campaign - ~ou will help save the planet!

2 CompLete tne box witn sentences from exercise 1.

will/won't + infinitive
1 Future facts
You will help save the planet.
2 First conditional sentences
1f we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
be + going to + infinitive
1 Future plans and intentions

2 Future predictions based on present evidence

Present simpLe
Future events that are scheduled

3 Circle tne best a.nswer.

a. For Earth Day, 1 dona.te /~ going to do~my allowance to buy
recycling bins .
b 1f we involve the community, our activities wilL be / are more successful.
c The talR on rec~cling starts / wilL start at noon.
d LOOR at Laura! 5he wilL / 's going to put the soda can in tne wrong
recycling bin!
e We organize / 're going to organize lots of interesting activities.

Future tenses
4 Complete the dialog with the best future formo
A: (a) are ~ou going to do (do) for Earth. Da~?
B: We (b) (maRe) bird feeders .
1f we put bird food out in. th.e ~ard, lots of birds
(e) (come) to our garden..
A: Is th.ese empt~ milR carton.s are for?
B: Yeah.. First, we (d) (pain.t) th.em an.d
cut h.oles in. th.e sides. Th.en. we (e) (jilD
th.em with. birdseed. Fin.all~, we Cj) ________
( th.em up on. tree with. wire.
A: How lon.g will it taRe to maRe th.em?
B: It (g) (taRe) about an. h.our.
Do ~ou wan.t to h.elp?
A: Sure. M~ guitar class (h.) (start) at
four, but 1 can. h.elp un.til th.en.. Can. 1 use pain.t brush.?
B: Yes, but be careful! pot of pain.t
(l) (jaU) off th.e table!
5 Complete the email with the best
future form of the verbs in the box. With. th.e verb go, use th.e
presen.t progressive, n.ot
give put on. earn. spen.d going to go:
start be h.ave separate We're going te ge to the beach.
~ We 're going to the beach.
colleet deal, up be we (a) 're going to clean up th.e local beaeh.. Th.e clean.-up
(b) at 11 :00 a.m. First, (e) _ _ _ _ _ _ __
gloves so we don.'t cut our M~ mom (d) us
plastie garbage bags an.d we (e) all th.e garbage we can.
fin.d . We Cj) th.e garbage as we pieR it up. Th.e beaeh.
(g) so clean. wh.en. we fin.ish.! 1f we taRe our garbage
bags to th.e local ree~clin.g een.ter, we (h.) a little mon.e~.
1f we get en.ough. mon.e~, we (l) it on. a ree~clin.g bin. for
seh.ool. LOOR! Th.e sun. is comin.g out. It (j) h.ot. I'm sure
we (R) a great time!
Review 4
1 Read and circLe the best answer.

• I
a ' This upside down f10 us e<€: loca~ I has been locQ.ted in Sz~mbarR,
Poland, "
b It was design~d f designed b~ ,a Polish busi'1essrnan" " "'~

c The eonstruetion completed I w~s completed in 2007,

d It is buiLt I was ~uiLt in 114 da~s , ,
e The house has been photographed I was photographed thousands 01
times ,
f We are visiting I wiLL visit it next Frida~ ,
9 The website sa~s the inside wiLL l.1\alte J
is malting us feel dizz~ ,

2 Complete with the verbs in the correct passive or future tense .

We have arrived in Beijing and we have so man~ trips arranged! Tomorrow,

we (a) 're visiting (visit) the Bird's Nest stadium 011. a guided tour.
The stadium (b) (build) for the 2008 Ol~mpie Games®,
The design (e) (inspire) b~ Chinese eeramies , Seventeen
thousand worRers (d) (emplo~) to bliild it and 400
'" million dollars (e) (spend) 011. it , Sinee the Ol~mpies,
it Cf) (use) for sporting and artistie events, Aeeording to
the website, it (g) (visit) b~ thousands of tourists,
1 (h) (taRe) lots
of pietures of it for ~ou to
looR ate 1 thinR tomorrow
CO _______
(be) a fantastie da~,
3 listen to Krist!J taLking to her dad about their vacation at a wiLdLife
camp in Ken!Ja. Check (V') A, B, or C. You wiLL hear the conversation
Th.e~ are sta~ing at th.e camp for A th.ree da~s. O
B eigh.t da~s.
C five da~s . ca
1 Tomorrow, th.e~ are A visiting a Masai village . O
B going on a walking safari. O
C driving in th.e truck. O
2 Krist~ wants to see A crocodiles. O
B eleph.ants. O
C giraffes. O
3 Th.e safari A will be exciting. O
B takes all da~. O
C takes h.a~ a da~ . O
4 Tomorrow afternoon, Krist~ and mom
are going to
A visit a museum. O
B rest at th.e camp o O
C pla~ soccer. O
5 Th.e~ are h.aving dinner at A 6:00. O
B 6:30. O
C 7:00. O
What can !Jou do? CircLe a medaL.
1 1 can use th.e simple past and present perfect passive.

2 1 can talk about th.e future.

o Exam practice
Grammar stai) If they had qualifications, they would find betler jobs.

1 @ Read and write th.e names of th.e speakers .

World Youth Nations online
.------ ------------ -,
I My name is Lana and ¡'m from New Zealand. I
Did you know that 70 million children around the
I world don't go to school? If they went to schooL I
they would learn more skills. If they passed
I exams, they would find better jobs and hove a
I better quality of lite. I
L ____ _
------------ _..1

My name is Hakim and ¡'m from Turkey. Millions

of people live in places where there is no clean
water. Many children get sick from drinking
dirty water. It is important to build more we11s in
villages. If every community had clean water,
children wouldn't get sick as often.

¡'m Asif. from India. Large companies a11 over the

world need to be more responsible for their workers.
They need to respect workers' rights. Workers would
have better pay and conditions if these companies
didn't exploit them.

a Tfle rigflts of worRers are not alwa~s respected. Asif

b It is important for ever~one to flave access to clean water.
e All cflildren sflould flave tfle cflance to get an education.
d Large companies need to treat tfleir worRers fairl~.
e DrinRing dirt~ water maRes cflildren SiCR.

• Second conditional
2 . Read and complete the grammar box.

We use the second conditional to talk about an u.nreal situ.ation

and its imagined resulto
If they passed exams, they would flnd better jobs.
(The~ don't pass exams . The~ don't find good jobsJ

A second conditional sentence has two parts (clauses).

We use if + simple past and would/wouldn't + infinitive:
Unreal situ.ation ~
If + simple past + would/ wouldn't + infinitive
If ever~ communit~ had clean water, children wou.ldn't get sick as often.
If the~ didn't exploit workers, the~ wou.ld have better conditions.

If children _ _ _ _ _ _ to school, the~ wou.ld learn more skills.

If the~ passed exams, the~ _ _ _ _ _ _ find jobs.

We can put the if clause at the end of the sentence.

When it comes second, we don't use a comma:
Children wouldn't get sick as often if every
community had clean water.

3 Circle the correct words.

a 1f we wou.ldn't /@ d r0> waste food, there would
be less hunger.
b Children would do better at school ~ the~
wou.ld have / had enough to eat.
c 1f we wou.ld cancel/ canceled world debt,
countries would have more to spend on schools and hospitals.
d Children wou.ldn't / didn't need to work ~ their familles weren't poor.
e 1f more people spoke out, world leaders wou.ld do / did more to help .
f More children would help ~ the~ wou.ld know / knew what to do .
1 @ CompLete with the eorreet form of the verbs. listen and check.
150 million children around the world drop out of school
a Students wouldn't drop out of scnool ~
conditions were (be) better.
b If classrooms weren't overcrowded, students _ _ _ _ _ _ (learn) more.
e Tne situation would be worse ~ governments (not provide)
free scnools.
d If ever~ cnild was able to read, fewer cnildren (live) in povert~.
e If more cnildren Cfinish) school, the~ would get better jobs.
f If the~ found better jobs, the~ (earn) more mone~.
9 If the~ earned more mone~, the~ (have) more power.

2 Use the prompts to write sentenees. Use a eomma where neeessary.

H"'" V'ou\d. 1').-yeof-o\d.s 1he V'o(\d.? ..

a If we I share I mone~ equall~ I no one I live in povert~
If we shared money equally, no one would live in poverty.

Ever~one I have I clean water I ~ we I build I more wells

., e We I understand I each other better I ~ we I listen I to people's opinions

~ I~

0: " . ,

. ~~'" d People I be I less stressed I ~ the~ I live I without tecnnolog~

~. '.:

IPil .... e If there I not be I an~ borders I the world I be I one countr~

If the world I be I just one countr~ I inequalit~ I not exist

3 Write sentences with. if. Use a comma wh.ere necessary.
a Th.ere arerÚ man~ trees in th.e area. Th.e air qualit~ is bad.
If there were more trees in the orea. the air guality
wouldn't be bad .
b Th.e street is full of litter. People don't use th.e garbage canso

e We waste a lot of papero We don't use both. sides.

d Th.e park isn't clean. It isn't fun to pla~ th.ere.

e We waste our resources. We don't rec~cle.

f We use ch.emicals on crops. Th.ere is a lot of air pollution.

9 Th.ere are a lot of cars on th.e road. Exh.aust fumes pollute th.e atmosph.ere .

11 Worlt with. a partner. Complete th.e sentences Llsing yOLlr own ideas.
a Th.e world would be a better place ~ .. .
b Ever~one would h.ave enough. to eat ~ .. .
e World leaders would do more to h.elp ~ .. .
Th.e world would be a better place
d L~e at sch.ool would be better ~ ... ~ ever~one enough. to eat.
e I would be h.appier ~ ...
Grammar goal
I wish I knew the answer. I wish I could give more.

1 Read th.e webpage. do th.e ch.ildren wish. for?


JUmost half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day.
Approximately 246 million children have to worlc. W:.
-----------------~ - ---------- --- - -- --,
1 wish l~e wasn't 1 wish these children
so hard for some didn't have to worR
people. What can to support their
1 do? _ _ _ _families
_ _____. _ _ _ _ ____ __
...:'""'"'''- -- --
- - --
- - -- -- -- -
---- -- _.
- -- - - -- --- ,
I ~OL "'

---------------- - ,

1 wish 1 Rnew the 1 have donated $10.

answer to these 1 wish 1 could give
problems! more.
-------~---- - - -- _.. - ------ - --- - ----_..1

Fact Wish.
1 don't Itnow the answer. 1 wish 1 Itnew the answer.

They h.ave to worR. 1 wish they didn't h.ave to worR.

We can also use 1 wish + could + infinitive:

1 can't give more. 1 wish 1 couLd give more.

2 CompLete th.e sentences with. th.e correct word.

a Many children don't have a loving family .
. 1 wish all children a loving family.
b Many children live on the street.
1 wish they live on the street.
c Many people worR in dangerous conditions.
1 wish they didn't in dangerous conditions.
d Governments can't solve all of the world's problems .
1 wish they solve all of the world's problems.
(1 I wish + simple past I could
3 Read and compLete the sentences.

Janet Fields from New Zealand started a foundation to raise

awareness of problems facing children around the world. She
has raised over $3,000 by selling jewelry made from seeds.
These are some of her concerns.

a Not all düldrell nave tne same rignts alld opportullities.

I wisn all children had the same rights and opportunities
b Mall~ cnildrell CQnt go to scnool.
I wisn all _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
c Some cnildrell witn disabilities dOIl't receive nelp .
I wisn all _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d Some commullities dOIl't nave electricit~.
I wisn all _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e Povert~ alld nUllger existo

f I CQIl't nelp ever~olle.

4 Worlt with a partner. Write sentences about how --

you wouLd Hite the worLd to be better.
We wish all children had clean water and enough food.
a We wisn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
b We __________________________________

5 I rI Compare your sentences with another pairo
Do you aU agree?
ommunicati ~=~~9-
Grammar start People used typewriters in the 20th century, didn't they? They won't
exist in 20 years, will they? It has been popular since 2002, hasn't it?

1 @ Read and check the things the boys talk about.

A: Do you have an.y ideas for our homework on. the
history of commun.ication.?
B: How about smoke sign.als? They were an. early type
of commun.ication., weren.'t they?
A: Good idea. Native American.s used them, didn.'t they?
B: That's right . OK, what about Morse code? People
used it to commun.icate with ships in. the 1800s,
didn.'t they?
A: Yeah, an.d it's still used today . An.d we should
in.clude typewriters. They were used to write
before computers, weren.'t they?
B: 1 thin.k so . But they weren.'t very efficien.t, were
A: No. An.d they won.'t exist in. 20 years, will they?
B: 1 don.'t thin.k so. Techn.ology is chan.gin.g so fast, we'll
have cell in. our watches soon., won.'t we?
A: That'll be so cool! OK, what else?
B: Social n.etworkin.g has been. really
popular sin.ce 2002, hasn.'t it?
A: Yeah. An.d we haven.'t men.tion.ed the or Twitter yet, have we?
B: Not yet. We could also talk about
computer chips in. our brain.s.
A: But they don.'t exist!
B: They will soon.!

smoke sign.als Ivl social n.etworkin.g D television. D

the D Morse code D email D
cell D the postal service D typewriters D
D Tag questions: simple past, present perfect, will
2 Read and complete the grammar box.

A tag q,u.estion is a snort question at tne end of a sentence. We use

tag questions to aSR for confirmation. It's liRe sa~ing "Am 1 rignt?" or
"Do ~ou agree?". Tag questions are ver~ common in spoRen Englisn.

A.f1i.rmative verb Negative tag

simple past Native Americans u.sed tnem, ___ tne~?

was/were Tne~ were used to write, weren't tne~?

present perfect It ____ been popular since hasn't it?


will We 'LL all nave cell pnones, ____ we?

AfJlrmative tag
simple past People didn't it, did tne~?

was/were T~pewriters _ _ _ efficient, were tne~?

present perfect We haven't mentioned it ~et, ____ we?

will Tne~ _ _ _ exist, wiLL tne~?

3 Match the sentences to the tag q,u.estions.

a Cave paintings were used for communication, ' \ 1 naven't tne~?
b People nave used Twitter since 2006, \... 2 will tne~?
c Smartpnones will get smarter in tne future, 3 weren't tne~?
d Man~ people used Morse code in tne 1800s, 4 nave tne~?
e People didn't nave color TV in tne 1%Os, 5 did tne~?
f Most Rids naven't used a t~pewriter, 6 won't tne~?
g People won't bu~ bOORS in tne future, 7 didn't tne~?

Q h.aven't started I ~et I ~ou I ~our h.omework I ~ou I h.ave

You haven't starfed your homework yet. have you?
b th.e Worldwide Web I it I wasn't I was invented I b~ Tim Berners-Lee

e did I ~ou were a kid I ~ou I th.e internet I wh.en I didn't h.ave I ~ou

d ~ou I h.ave learned I ~ou I h.aven't I h.ow to use it

e it I th.e internet I stop growing I won't ever I will

f willl won't ~ou I be able I ~ou I to do ~our h.omework now

2 Complete the tQ9 questions.

won't th.e~ will th.e~ ILovel c't ti ce~ didn't th.e~ were th.e~ h.ave th.e~

Q People h.ave become concerned about virus es on th.e internet, haven't they ;>
b Governments won't be able to control th.e internet as it grows, '/
e Kids weren't worried about internet safet~ in th.e 20to centur~, '/
d Yesterda~ people added more 300 billion pictures to Facebook,
- - - - - -?
e More five billion people will use th.e internet b~ 2020, _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
f Laws against illegal downloading h.aven't stopped it, _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
3 Circle the correct words. Then complete the tag questions.
A: I'm tr~in to ch.eck some facts for m~ project about communication.
You iLL he / help me, won't you ?
B: Yeah., sure.
A: Th.e Ancient Eg~ptians wrote / have written
in pictures called h.ierogl~ph.ics, _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
B: Ves,'s righ.t.
A: But h.ierogl~ph.ics weren't used / haven't used
b~ th.e Ancient Ch.inese, ?
B: No. Th.e~ used specialletters called ch.aracters.
A: OK. People had / have had computers in th.eir
h.omes since th.e 1 Q70s, ?
B: Correct!
A: And people didn't use / haven't used th.e
telegraph. for over 40 ~ears, 7
B: No, nowada~s people use th.e internet or cell ph.ones instead.
A: will we use to communicate in th.e future?
B: Well, we didn't Itnow / won't Itnow until it h.appens, _ _ _ _ _ _ 7

4 Write affirmative or negative sentences. Add a tag question.

a ~ou / use / th.e internet / ~esterda~
You used the internet yesterday, didn't you?
b bu~ / new cell / last ~ear

c people / read / newspapers / online / in th.e future

d ~ou / text / ~our mom / since Q:OO a.m.

e ~ou / join / Twitter / ~et

f ~ou / be online / tonigh.t

9 ~our dad / bu~ / a new tablet / last weekend

Grammar ....."'I ·~ ·
I couldn't remember the password.
I might not have time. That can't be right.

1 Read the dialogo What are the girls trying to do?

A: 1 tried to post on our class blog yesterday, but 1

couldn't remember th.e password. Do you Rnow it?
B: 1'm not sure. It migh.t be th.e name of our sch.ool.
A: can't be righ.t. 1 tried it yesterday and it didn't
worR. It must be different.
B: Let's call Tina. Sh.e could log in last weeR.
Remember, sh.e posted story.
A: Good idea. 1 won't call - sh.e's out with.
parents so sh.e may not answer. 1'll text
B: Cool. do you want to post?
A: I've written an article about th.e class trip last
weeR. 1 may post th.e pictures 1 tOOR too, but 1
migh.t not h.ave time before class.
B: We could also post interviews with. our classmates
about th.ey th.ough.t of it.

2 Match the modals to their use.

A possibility + B possibility - e past ability +

O past ability - E deduction + F deduction -

a 1 couldn't remember th.e password. D

b It might be th.e name of our sch.ool.
c can't be correcto
d It must be different.
e Sh.e could log in last weeR.
f Sh.e may not answer.
9 1 may post th.e pictures 1 too R.
h . 1 might not h.ave time before class.
i We could also post interviews with. our classmates.

I Review of modals
3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

eould can't be mignt couldl t't may not mignt be

a l couldn't post tnose pietures last nignt beeause my laptop broke.

b A Whose story is this on our blog?
B: l don't know. lt mine because l didn't write one tnis
c We _ _ _ _ _ _ put our projeet on tne blog. We naven't deeided yet.
d l nave time to post anytning beeause l nave lots of nomework.
e Tnis interview _ _ _ _ _ _ good for tne blog. What do you tnink?
1 My brotner fix all nis eomputer problems when ne was 12.

4 Complete the dialog with a suitable modal.

A: Ryan, l (a) couldn't understand tne text
message you sent me tnis morning. What are
these weird words?
B: That's text language, Dad! It's easy . Remember
what day it is!
A: An, OK. It's my birthday today, so HB2U!
(b) be "Happy birtnday to you!"
B: Exaetly. Wnat's CUL8ER?
A: I'm not sure. lt (e) be ...
"5ee you later"?
B: Yeah! Wnat about tne last one?
A: LOL? l nave no idea. It (d) be a real word!
B: It's "laugn out loud." Dad, l (e) use text language wnen l was
eight. lt's not difficult!
A: It is for me! Wnat are you doing tnis evening? Do you have nomework?
B: I've already finished it! So l Cj) go to the movies .
Or l (g) play video games. l haven't decided yet .

5 •I Check with a partner. Do !jou have the same answers?

both answers correct?
11 not, are
Review S
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

would ItOSI t't could didn't Imew

a Google existed sinee 1QQ8, hasn't it?

b Twitter started in 2006, it?
e I wish. I h.ow to use th.e ph.oto app on
d I wish. I open a FaeeboOR aeeount, but I'm too ~oung.
e If I a FaeeboOR aeeount, I would invite you to be my friendo
f If I a tablet, I taRe it everywh.ere.
2 Complete the dialog with the correct form of the verb, a tag q,uestion,
or a modaL.
A: Did ~ou Rnow 70 milllon eh.ildren
around th.e world don't go to seh.ool?
I wish. I (a) (ould do (do) to h.elp.
B: If ~ou really (b) (want)
to h.elp, you (e) (do) You've h.eard of Hanna
Godefa, (d) ?
A: I th.inR so. Sh.e became a UNICEF
Goodwill Ambassador in 2013,
(e) ?
B: Yes, and sh.e was onl~ 15 at th.e time. Before sh.e organized th.e Pencil
Mountain projeet.
A: Oh., yeso Sh.e Cf) (send) 400,000 pencils to Eth.iopian students,
didn' t s h.e ?
B: Yeso Sh.e th.e idea wh.en a friend in Eth.iopia (g) write to
beeause sh.e didn't h.ave a peneil.
A: Hanna (h.) be ver~ h.ardworRing. I wish. I (i) (be)
more h.ardworRing.
B: We Q) start a peneil eolleetion and send th.em to Hanna.
Sh.e'll be able to send th.em on, (R) ?
A: I don't Rnow. Let's tweet and asR.
3 Rea.d a.bout sma.rtphones. Are the sentences "Right" (A) or "Wrong"
(B)? If there is not enough informa.tion to a.nswer "Right" (A) or
"Wrong" (B), choose "Doesn't sa.!J" (e). eircle the a.nswer.
Smartphones at school
We aren't allowed to have smartphones in class. This is because we
would spend all our time texting each other ~ we had phones .
1 don't agree . 1 thinR smartphones would help us with our worR.
The problem with the school computers is we can't access
all the sites we need. Also , there aren't enough computers
for all the students . Last weeR m~ group couldn't do our
project because there were no computers free .
We did a surve~ at school and 70 percent of the students
said that the~ needed better access to the internet at school.
The~ wish we could use smartphones in class. The world will become
even more dependent on the internet in the future, won't it?

A Right «
Exa.mpLe: Students at Sam's. school can taRe their phones into the classroom.
Wro~ e Doesn't sa~
1 Teach.ers th.inR students wouldn't concentrate in class ~ th.e~ had ph.ones.
A Righ.t B Wrong e Doesn't sa~
2 There are computers for all students to use at Sam's sch.ool.
A Right B Wrong e Doesn't sa~
3 Sam access to all th.e tech.nolog~ h.e needs at sch.ool.
A Righ.t B Wrong e Doesn't sa~
4 Sam uses th.e sch.ool computers ever~ da~.
A Righ.t B Wrong e Doesn't sa~
5 Most of Sam's classmates sa~ internet access at sch.ool isn't good enough..
A Righ.t B Wrong e Doesn't sa~

Wha.t ca.n !Jou do? eircle a. meda.L.

1 1 can talR about unreal situations and their results.
SJ ~~
2 1 can express Jegrets about a present situation.
0 ~~
3 1 can use tag questions and modals.
SJ ~~
Exam practice GJ
Writing goal 1
1 Read th.e notes in th.e box. Write th.em in th.e correct circles.

uses very eolorful paint born January 2007

2011: sold a painting for $24,000 first exh.ibition: two years old
began painting: nine month.s old adds small plastie toys to pietures
illte" co:tiollo:l I eputo:tioll sold paintings in many eountries paint onto th.e eanvas yOUlcgest pi ofessiollo:l 0:1 tist

life & ach.ievements


2 Complete th.e text with. information from th.e mind map aboye.

Aelita Andre is an (a) Australian abstraet painter. Sh.e was born in

January (b) . Sh.e began painting wh.en sh.e was
(e) . Sh.e sh.own work in art galleries sinee sh.e was
(d) old. In June 2011 sh.e sold a painting for (e) _ _ _ __
Sinee th.en sh.e sold art in many Cf) _ _ _ __

Aelita uses various teeh.niques in work. Sh.e uses (g) paint
and often it onto th.e eanvas to create beautiful images. Sometimes
sh.e adds (h.) to paintings, too.

To eonclude, Aelita now an international reputation. Sh.e is th.e youngest

(¡) in th.e world.

a Writing skill: Planning and organizing writing

Before we start writing, it is a good idea to use mind maps
to brainstorm ideas and organize them into paragraphs .

3 Read the mind map and circLe T (true) or F (faLse).

• music and soccer
• biotechnolog~
life & achievements
astronom~: how the world began
• born June 2003
• 2 ~ears old, could count
to 10
• 5 ~ears old, finished a
college course
• 6 ~ears old, tOOR college
classes in chemistr~ and

• now studies in college
• alwa~s gets A grades
• top student in man~ classes

a Tanishq Abraham is particularl~ good at science subjects. QJ¡ F

b He is onl~ interested in science. T¡ F
cHis parents onl~ recentl~ discovered he is ver~ talented. T¡ F
d He is still stud~ing in college. T¡ F
e He goes to school with children his own age. T¡ F

4 Now use the mind map to organize and write three paragraphs
about Tanishq Abraham.
Tanishq Abraham is a child genius. He was born in June 2003.
Writing goal 2
1 Read the emaiLs and circle T (true) or F CIaLse) .

To: Alison Wh.ite, Curator, Science Museum

Subject: Exh.ibition for sch.ools

Dear Ms. Wh.ite,

I am writing to ~ou about th.e next exh.ibition at th.e museum. I am a sixth.
grade student at Green Hills Elementar~ Sch.ool.
For th.e last two month.s we h.ave been working on a project about inventions,
so we were ver~ excited to see is th.e subject of th.e new exh.ibition.
We found some information on th.e website, but I would like to ask for more
details. For example, will th.e exh.ibition focus on past or recent inventions?
Will th.ere be information about possible future inventions? I it will be
perfect for our project.
We would appreciate an~ extra information ~ou can give uso
Th.ank ~ou in advance.
Jerem~ Grant

Hi Ton~,
How are ~ou? I got a repl~ from th.e museum! Th.e exh.ibition
is mainl~ on robots. Cool, can't wait! It'll be awesome for our
project. Can ~ou text me toda~'s math. h.omework? I forgot to
write it down. Th.anks!
See ~ou later,

a Jerem~ is writing to th.e museum for information. (DI F

b He wants to know th.e cost of th.eir next exh.ibition. TIF
e Th.e information h.e wants is on th.e museum's website. TI F
d Th.e exh.ibition will be usefuL for project. TI F
e Ton~ is a classmate. TI F
Writing skill: Formal and informallangua98
Before we write an email, we have to thinR carefully about who we are
writing to o We use formallanguage to write emalls to adults that we
don't Rnow . We use informallanguage to write emails to friends and family .

2 Read the emails in exercise 1 a9ain. Write F (formal) or 1 (informal).

Which type of email:
a is to a friend? _ 1-
b is to someone we don't Rnow?
c uses contractions?
d uses exclamation marRS?
e uses shorter sentences?
f always uses complete sentences?
9 sometimes uses incomplete sentences?

3 Read a9ain and complete the chart with the phrases in the box.

Ht See you later awesome How are you? Can you Bectr
We would appreciate Sincerely I am writing to you about
ThanRs ThanR you in advance perfect

Formal Informal
Dear Hi

4 Work with a partner. Write an email to a museum about a new exhibition.

• Why do you want more information? • Who are you writing to? ~
• What extra information do you want? • What type of museum is it? ..
Writing goal 3
1 Read the ré slLmé a nd circLe T (trILe) or F (jaLs e).

AJen ny Rogers
2452 lincoln Avenue, Brookl~n, NY 11230
Tel: 234-q83-5555

B My goal
I wo uld tiRe to volunteer at the BrooRl~n Arts
and Crafts Fair.
e Abilities and talents
I have good computer sRills .
I can worR we ll with ot hers .
I am reliable and responsible.
O Achievements and awards
I am on the Academic Honor Roll this ~ear.
Last 5eptember I sold cooRies and collected over $120 for charit~.
I cm on the school swimming team.
E Work experience
Jan 2014-present Bab~sitting for Mrs. Brown CTel: 458-623-87 77)
June-5ept 2013 Yard worR for a neigh.bor, Mr . Todd (Tel: 458-%3-1342)
F Education
Currentl~ in seventh. grade,
Woodland Middle 5chool, NY

a Jenn~ wrote her résumé because sh.e wants a paid jobo T I@

b 5he has looRed after children. TI F
e 5he taRes part in school sports. TI F
d 5he is a ver~ good student. T 1F
e 5he has never helped people in her communit~. T 1F

If we want to get a job or volunteer, it is important to write

an organized, clear résumé. We should also maRe sure
we mention all of our special sRills and ach.ievements .

•• Writing skill : Writing a résumé

2 Match the sentences to the correct section
(A-F) in the résumé.
a 1 have good leadership slülls. ~
b 1 tooR part in a charity race last year.
c 1 volunteer at a nursing home.
d I would liRe to do a paper route.
e I attended BanRstown Elementary School.
f Email: jenny
3 Match the interest to the abiLit!j. Check (..... ) three abiLities that describe !jou.
a 1 lik, 10 play "am ,port" ~
b I liRe playing individual sports. 1 I am an independent worker. D
c I listen to people's opinions. 2 I work well with others. D
d I liRe drawing, art, or music. 3 I am responsible and reliable. D
e People often aSR me to 4 I have good organizational skills. D
help them. 5 I have good time management skills . D

f I do well in school and also 6 I have good problem solving skills . D

have many hobbies. 7 I have creative thinking skills. D
9 I like to arrange events. 8 I have good communication skills. D
h I like math and science.
4 Write your résumé.
Think about:
• the job or volunteer work you want.
• the interests and skills you have that make you special.
• any awards you have received and your greatest achievements .
• work you have done to help out your family and community .
Writing goal 4
1 Rea.d the a.nd check (..... ) the things tha.t Da.vid ha.s done.

Hi Ben,
We've onl~ been in Panama for two da~s and we've alread~ done a lot! On tne first
da~ we went on a jungle cruise and 1 saw five enormous crocodiles. Awesome! Tnis
morning we went to tne Miraflores LocR.s Museum. We could see all tne big snips
sailing along tne Panama Canal.
1 nave learned a lot about tne Panama Canal nere. It was built between 1881 and
1q 14, and it's nearl~ 80 R.m long . It connects tne Atlantic Ocean to tne Pac~ic
Ocean. Around 43 ,000 people were emplo~ed to build it. Since it was constructed,
it nas been used to transport goods from one side of tne world to tne other.
We have a lot of exciting things arranged for the ne xt few da~s. Tomorrow we're
visiting Coiba National ParR.. On Wednesda~, I'm going scuba diving for the first
time. And on Thursda~, we're swimming with sharR.s! 1 can't wait! Chat with ~ou

e learn about the nistor~

a. learn to scuba dive D of tne Panama Canal O
b taRe a jungle cruise ~
c see ships on the Panama Canal D f see crocodiles O
d visit a National ParR D 9 swim with sharRS O
h visit a museum O
2 Rea.d the a.nd underline the three topic sentences.

A topie sentenee tells ~ou

what a paragraph is about. It is the most ~
important, and usuall~ the first, sentenee in a paragraph. The other
sentenees give details to support the idea in the topie sentenee.

Writing skill: Using topic sentences

3 These sentenees are from a paragraph in Oavid's next email.
Number them in the eorreet order.
a After that, the boat tOOR us out to
the reef and we jumped in. D
b First, we put on our wetsuits and our
scuba equipment.
e Swimming with sharRs on Thursda~
was amazing . D
d 1 saw white tip reef sharks and even
a whale sharR. It was unbelievable!
e Then we had a short scuba diving
lesson to practice using the equipment. D
4 Expand the notes to write an emaiL about a famiL!:j vaeation !:jou are on.
Write three paragraphs. Use topie sentenees.
Hi Tom,
We arrived in Hanoi yesterday ...

Hanoi (c.apital o-f Vietna/YI)

• arriveJ ye.s-te.rJay
• saw -traJi-tional wa-te.r
plAppe.-t Snow
• viSi-te.J -tne. Hoan Kie.fY\ Lake.
• a-te. -traJi-tional -fooJ
( c.a--fiSn Jisn)
Dalat (town in tne c.olAntrysiJe)
• viSi-t -tniS
• viSi-t -tne. Crazy HOIASe.
• Je.siSne.J by -fe.fY\ale. Vie. -tn afY\e. se. blAil-t in Iqsos
Nna Tran'3 (town on tne c.oast)
.J'"' • viSi-t ne.)(-t we.e.k
• SwifY\ / snorke.1 a-t -tne.
• -t ake. a boa-t riJe.
# . . . . ._-............,..J
-........"...._.""~."-• •=-,~.....,,,....,,...~#_,.,-.""
Writing goal 5
1 listen to a tallt abou.t c!:Iberbu.ll!:ling. Circle T (tru.e) or F (jalse).
a A c~berbull~
uses the internet to send
messages that hurt people. (DI F
b You should ignore harmful websites ~ou see. T IF
C If ~ou are c~berbullied, talR to an adulto T IF
d There is nothing school can do to stop
c~berbull~ing . T IF
e Young people should alwa~s thinR carefull~
when using the internet. T IF
2 listen again and complete the notes abou.t what Shau.n sa!:ls.

A cyberbully: • uses tuhnology to hurt others
• posts ________________
• sends
whelt to do
, don't send on hurJful messelges
2. report cyberbullying websites
~ if you rueive el hurJful messelge, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4 schools elnd parents must Kids

When listening to a long text, don't tr~

to write down ever~thing ~ou ~\
hear. TaRe short notes about the main ideas. Underline or highlight
important words, and use lists with bullet points or numbers.

3 Complete this paragraph u.sing sorne of the notes in exerclse 2.

A is a person who uses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

The~ also _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . So, what should ~ou

do to stop a c~berbull~? First, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Second, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Finall~ , _ _ _ __

• Writing skill: Note-taking techniques

4 @ listen to ShClun tClLking Clbout internet
securit!:j Clnd check (V) the phrClses !:jou heClr.

Cl proteet ~our password 0

b personal information D
c best friend D
d Re~board D
e open an attaeh.ment D i anti-virus software D
f clieR on linRS D j talRing to strang ers D
9 clieR ~our mouse D k e~berbull~ D
h download a file D L online D

5 @ Now Listen ClgClin Clnd tClke notes. HighLight importClnt words .

..,"'" Internet security
1 Proteeting ~our password

• Don't tell anyone.

~ •
...t"" 2 Computer viruses


.r •
3 Ch.atting online


~ •

6 Use !:jour notes to write cl pClrClgrClph Clbout internet securit!:j.

Grammar reference
Present perfect ond simple post Unit 1

We use the present perfect ...

1 to talk about experiences at some time in our lives up to now.
We don't sa~ when the~ happened:
She has been to the ISS twice.
She has done seven spacewalks.
2 with jor and since to talk about an action that started in the past
and continues up to now:
Thelj have been together for over 20 Ijears.
She hasn't 90ne into space since November 2012.
We use the simpLe past ...
to talk about finished actions in the pasto We usuall~ sa~ when the~
She joined the Navlj 25 Ijears ago.
She became commander on September 17th , 2012.

Present perfect SimpLe past

n.ever ago
~et ~esterda~ / ~esterda~ moming
alread~ last week / month / ~ear
just in September /2006
so far on Saturda~ / September 17 to

Present perfect ond simple post questions unit 1

We use the present perfect to aSR about an. experience in. someon.e's life:
Have Ijou visited the Space Center Ijet?
How long have Ijou worked jor NASA?

1f the an.swer is Ijes, we use the simpLe past for all the question.s that follow :
When did Ijou 90? I went last Ijear.
How long did Ijou spend there? Nearllj jive months.
Modols of deduc:tion: present tense Unit 2

To make deductions about the present, or to guess based on evidence, we use

the modals must, may, might, could, and can't + infinitive. We choose the
modal according to how sure we are about our guess, and how probable the
statement is.

qq% probable 50% probable 1% probable

(I'm ver~ sure (I'm not sure (I'm ver~ sure
it's true) but it's possible) it's not true)

It ma!j be a piano.
It might be an organ.
It must be a
It could be an accordion. It can't be a spoon.
It ma!j not be a guitar.
It might not be a guitar.
We onl~ use malj not or might not to sa~ that it's possible something
is not true . We do not use could not in this situation.

Sense verbs Unit 2

The five sense verbs are: taste, look, smell, sound, and feel.
The~ are followed b~ an adjective, or like + a noun.

verb + adjective verb + like + noun

It tastes good. It tastes LiRe an apple.
It lOORS beautiful. It lOORS liRe a to~.

It feels soft. It feels liRe a feather .

It smeLLs good. It smeLLs liRe a flower.
It sounds interesting. It sounds LiRe a bird.

Present perfect progressive Unit 3

We use the present perfect progressive to emphasize the duration of an action.

It is used ...
1 to talk about actions that started in the past and are still continuing:
The crops haven't been growing well.
We use far and since with the present perfect progressive to emphasize that
the action is still happening now:
They've been living there far six months.
Since then, she has been tending the jire.
2 to talk about an activit~ or event that has recentl~ finished and has a
result now :
He's exhausted. He's been cutting wood all morning.

Affirmative Negative
Shortform long form
I've been living 1 have been living 1 haven't been living
You've been living You have been living You haven't been living
He's been living He has been living He hasn't been living
She's been Living She has been living She hasn't been living
It's been living It has been living It hasn't been living
We've been living We have been living We haven't been living
You've been living You have been living You haven't been living
The~'ve been living The~ have been living The~ haven't been living

Questions Answer
Has the communit~ been helping? Yes, it has. I No, it hasn't.
Have people been giving their time? Yes, the~ have. I No, the~ haven't.
How long have ~ou been working here? For two months.
Whcit have ~ou been doing? I've been planting trees.
There are some verbs we do not usuall~ use in the present perfect
progressive because the~ are not actions: be, belong, have
Cfor possession), hate, know, like, understand.
Past perfect Unit 4

We use the perfect to sa~ that something happened before another
action or event in the past:
He noticed that the chocolate bar in his pocket had melted.
C1st = it melted. 2 nd = he noticedJ

Post perfect Simple post Present Future

The past perfect is the same for all persons:

Aftlrma.tive Nega.tive
Shortform Long form
I'd seen I ha.d seen I ha.dn't seen
You'd seen You ha.d seen You ha.dn't seen
He'd seen He ha.d seen He ha.dn't seen
She'd seen She ha.d seen She ha.dn't seen
It'd seen It ha.d seen It ha.dn't seen
We'd seen We ha.d seen We ha.dn't seen
You'd seen You ha.d seen You ha.dn't seen
The~'d seen The~ ha.d seen The~ ha.dn't seen

Narrative tenses Unit 4

We use d1ferent na.rra.tive tenses in stories to describe past events.

The~ found the tomb of an Eg~ptian rulero
CMain action) perfect
No one ha.d entered the tomb for over 3,000 ~ears!
CPrevious event) progressive
(In progress at In 1Q22, he wa.s worlting in Eg~pt .
a spec1ic time)
Reported statements Unit 5

Wh.en we report person said, we do not use th.eir exact words
(direct speech.). We use reported speech with. said or toid (me / us / her).
Wh.en we use reported speech., we usuall~ ch.ange th.e tense, pronouns,
and time expressions .
simple past .. past perfect
present perfect .. past perfect
will .. would
can could

Direct speech Reported speech

"Th.e~ competed." He th.e~ ha.d competed.
''I've never seen one." He h.e ha.d never seen one.
"1 wiLL taRe part again." He h.e wouLd taRe part again.
"5h.e ca.n be ver~ obedient." He toLd us sh.e couLd be ver~ obedient.
We often ch.ange time expressions in reported speech:
~esterda~ .. th.e da~ before tomorrow .. th.e next da~
next ~ear .. th.e following ~ear tonigh.t .. nig h.t
We also change these words:
come .. go this" h.ere .. there

Reported requests and commands Unit 5

Wh.en we report req,uest a.nd comma.nds we use asked (me/us/her) or toid

(me/us/her) + infinitive. To maRe th.e negative we use not + infinitive .
Direct speech Reported speech
"Please bring a to~ to sch.ool." 5h.e aSRed us to bring a to~ to sch.ool.
"Check it's in good condition." 5he told us to check it was in good condition.
"Don't bring broRen to~s . " 5h.e told us not to bring broRen to~s.
"Don't wra.p the to~s." 5he told us not to wra.p the to~s.

Reported questions Unit 6

In. reported informCltion questions:

1 we move th.e bClck in. th.e same wa~ we do with. statemen.ts.
am / i5 / are -+ wa5 / were
simple presen.t -+ simple past
can -+ could
2 th.e subject comes before th.e verbo
3 we do not use a question mClrk or an. CluxiLiClr~ (do/doe5/did).

Direct speech. Indirect speech.

"Wh.Clt is th.e cerebellum?" He aSRed wh.Clt th.e cerebellum WClS .
"How Long CCln h.uman.s survive?" He aSRed h.ow Long h.uman.s couLd survive.
"How much. does a brain. weigh.?" Sh.e aSRed h.ow much. a brain. weigh.ed.
"How mCln~ do we h.Clve?" Sh.e aSRed h.ow mCln~ we h.Cld.

In. reported ~es/no questions:

1 we move th.e teme bClck.
2 th.e subject comes before th.e verbo
3 we use if or whether bejore th.e subject.
4 we do not use a question mClrk or an. CluxiLiClr~.

"Do sh.arks ojten. ClttClCk people?" We aSRed if sh.arRs ojten. ClttClcked people.
"Are jemales bigger males?" Ivan. aSRed if jemales were bigger males.
"CCln sh.arRs see well?" An.a aSRed sh.arRs couLd see well.
Passive voice: simple past Unit 7

We use tne passive voiee ...

1 to empnaslze tne aCtlon, ratner tnan wno did it:
El1gi/1ee/ s lifted the blocks. ~ The blocks were lifted.
2 wnen we don't know wno did tne aCtlon, or it isn't important:
People built them 3J 300 !Jea/s ago. ~ They were buílt 3J 300 years ago.
3 wnen it's obvious wno does tne actlon:
Builde/ s / eassembled the stoltes. ~ The stones were reassembled.
Tne simple past passive is formed witn tne verb to be (wasl were) + tne past
participLe of tne verbo

Tne Aswan dam was built in tne earl~ 1%Os.

Tne monument was eut up and moved.
Tne bloCRs were Lifted to tneir new locatlon.
Tne temples were threatened witn flooding.
~ Tne simple present passive is formed witn íslare + past participle:
~, The síte is visited by thousands 01 tourists.

Passive voice: present perfect Unit 7

Tne present perfect passive is formed witn haslhave (not) + been + past
Tne wood has been bought.
Tne old oak trees have been strengthened.
Tne roof hasn't been added ~et.
Tne rope ladders haven't been attaehed ~et.

~ If we want to include tne subject, we use by:

,. It was desígned by a tea m 01 archítects.
Present progressive for future arrangements Unit 8

We can use the present progressive to talk about definite future

arrangements. We usuall~ use thls tense when we know the tlme and place.
We often use tlme expresslons llke tomorrow, on Monday (mornin9),
toni9ht, next Friday, next week, etc:
Tomorrow, we're visitin9 the capital.
On Monday ni9ht, we're campin9 on an island.
On Tuesday mornin9J we're 90in9 into the jo res t.
What are you doin9 on Sunday ?

Future tenses Unit 8

We use different future tenses to talk about different sltuatlons ln the future:
1 Future facts and predlctlons
You will help save the planet.
will!won't + tv1any species won't survive.
ln.flnltlve 2 Flrst condltlonal sentences
If we don't act now, the environment
will be in trouble.
1 Future plans and lntentlons
be + 90in9 to + We're 90in9 to organize a recycling campaign.
lnflnltlve 2 Future predlctlons based 011. present evldence
Jt's 90in9 to get worse in the next few years.
Future events that are scheduled
Slmple present
Earth Day takes place on tv1onday.
Wlth the verb go, we use the present progresslve, not gOil1g to go:
. We're 90in9 to 90 to the beach. ~ We're 90in9 to the beach.

Second conditional unit q
We use the second conditionaL to talk about an unreaL situation and its
imagined resuLt:
If they passed exams, they would find better jabs.
(The~ don't pass exams. The~ dol1't jind good jobsJ
To talk about the unreal situation, we use if + simpLe pasto To talk about the
imagined result, we use would/wouldn't + infinitive.

UnreaL situatlon ResuLt

If ever~ communit~ had clean water, children wouLdn't get sick as often.
If the~ didn't expLoit workers, the~ wouLd have better conditiol1S.

We can put the if clause at the end of the sentence. When it comes
second, we don't use a comma:
Children wauldn't get sick as aiten if every community had
clean water.

I wish... Unit q

We use 1 wish + simpLe past to talk about a present situation that we want
to be different.
Fact Wish
1 don't know the answer. 1 wish 1 knew the answer.
The~ have to work. 1 wish the~ didn't have to work.
We can also use 1 wish + could + infinitive:

Fact Wish

1 can't give more. 1 wish 1 couLd give more.

lag questions Unit 10

A tag question is a snort question at tne end of a sentence. We use tag

questions to ask for confirmation. lt's like sa~ing "Am l rignt?" or "Do
~ou agree?". Tag questions are ver~ common in spoken Englisn. Wnen tne
statement is affirmative, tne tag is negative . Wnen tne statement is
negative, tne tag is affirmative .

Affirmative verb Negative tag

simple past Native Americans used tnem, didn't tne~?

was/were Tne~ were used to write, weren't tne~?

present perfect It has been popular since 2002, hasn't it?

will We'll all nave cell pnones in our watcnes, won't we?
Negative verb Affirmative tag
simple past People didn't use it before 1800, did tne~?

was/were T~pewriters weren't ver~ efficient, were tne~?

present perfect We haven't mentioned tne internet ~et, have we?

will Tne~ won't exist in 20 ~ears, will tne~?

Review of modals Unit 10

1 To talk about past ability we use couid/couidn't:

He couid program a computer when he was ten.
I couidn't read ljour text.
2 To talk about future possibility we use may (not), mi9ht (not),
and couid:
I may write a storlj. We couid post interviews. I mi9ht take pictures.
3 To make present deductions we use must, may (not), mi9ht (not),
couid, and can't:
That can't be correcto It must be something different.
She may be buslj. It mi9ht not be mine.

Starter Pages 14-15 popcom (1'1)
atmospnere (rt) nard (adj) realize (vb)
conserve (vb) identlcal (adj) revenge (1'1)
exnaust fumes (1'1) loud (adj) potential (1'1)
fertllize (vb) rougn (adj) Pages 28-2q
natural resources (1'1) salt~ (adj) arcneologist (1'1)
pollute (vb) I pollution (1'1) smootn (adj) dig (vb)
(wind/solar) power (n) snail (1'1) metal detector (1'1)
renewable energ~ (1'1) sour (adj) priceless (adj)
waste (1'1) sweet (adj) tomb (1'1)
treasure (1'1) I treasure nunter (1'1)
Unit 1 Unit 3
Pages 4-q Pages 18-23 Unit 5
astronaut (1'1) da~break (1'1) Pages 32-35
break a record (vb) exnausted (adj) compete (vb)
data (1'1) mudd~ (adj) cantest (1'1)
fascinatlng (adj) orangutan (1'1) decline (vb)
mission (1'1) orpnan (1'1) I orpnaned (adj) discipline (1'1)
robotlc (adj) participate (vb) judge (1'1)
space station (1'1) preserve (meat) (vb) obedient (adj) I obe~ (vb)
spacewalk (1'1) suffer (vb) select (vb)
surface (1'1) tag (an animaD (vb) translate (vb)
tne Air Force (1'1) tend (tne fire) (vb) Pages 36-37
tne Nav~ (1'1) tool (1'1) cnarit~ (1'1)
trae k (vb) wrap (vb)
Unit 2
Pages 10-13 volunteer (n/vb)
Unit 6
accardion (1'1) Unit 4 Pages 38-3q
cello (1'1) Pages 24-27 bone (1'1)
guitar (1'1) bacteria (1'1) brain (1'1)
ke~board (1'1) engineer (1'1) cerebellum (1'1)
organ (1'1) invent (vb) digestive s~stem (1'1)
petal (1'1) laborator~ (1'1) functlon (1'1)
snin~ (adj) melt (vb) neart I neart transplant (1'1)
star (1'1) microwave (1'1) kidne~s (1'1)
stripe (1'1) mold (1'1) muscle (1'1)
penicillin (1'1) sneeze (vb)
pnenomenon (1'1) stomacn (1'1)
theor!:J (rü Pages 50-51 overcrowded (adj)
tongue (n) attach (lib) pass an exam (vb)
weigh (vb) fundraising (event) (n) povert!:J (n)
Pages 40-41 obstade (n) qualit!:J (of life) (n)
gravit!:J (n) platform (n) respect (n/vb)
infrared light (n) raise mone!:J (vb) rights (n)
planet (n) ramp (n) speaR out (vb)
solar s!:Jstem (n) rope ladder (n) stressed (adj)
telescope (n) strengthen (vb) waste (v)
Pages 42-43 surrounding (adj) well (n)
attacR (vb)
Unit 8 Pages 64-65
bacRbone (n) Pages 52-SS awareness (n)
camivore (n) animal tracRs (n) disabilit!:J (n)
enem!:J (n) da!:J (n) opportunit!:J (n)
fresh water (n) go snorReling (v) Unit 10
lobster (n) identif!:J (vb) Pages 66-6q
salt water (n) itinerar!:J (n) cave painting (n)
Unit 7 lemur (n) computer chip (n)
Pages 46-4q pot (n) download (vb) I CillegaD
architect (n) volcanic (adj) downloading (n)
bur!:J (b) Pages 56-57 efficient (adj)
carving (n) campaign (n) hierogl!:Jphics (n)
concrete (n) carton (n) smartphone (n)
construct (vb) I construction (n) encourage (vb) smORe signals (n)
dam (n) rec!:Jding bin (n) social networRing (n)
foundation (n) separate (vb) t!:Jpewriter (n)
immense (adj) (computer) virus (n)
Unit q
install (vb) user (n)
Pages 60-63
monument (n) border (n) wireless (adj)
reassemble (vb) conditions (n) PClges 70-71
roUer coaster (n) debt (n) blog (n)
statue (n) drop out (vb) laptop (n)
steel (n) exploit (vb) log in (vb)
temple (n) hunger (n) password (n)
threaten (vb) post (vb)
inequalit!:J (n)
tablet (n)

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