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Activity 2.

1 - The importance of digital analytics

1. Complete the definition of "digital analytics" by choosing the best option to fill in the
blanks for the statement below.
"Digital analytics" is the analysis of qualitative and (a) ___________________ data from your
business and the competition to drive a (b) ___________________ of the online experience that
your (c) ___________________ and potential customers have which translates to your desired
(d) ___________________.

(a) numeric, (b) continual change, (c) customers, (d) audience

(a) quantitative, (b) continual improvement, (c) customers, (d) outcomes

(a) numeric, (b) continual improvement, (c) customers, (d) audience

(a) quantitative, (b) continual change, (c) customers, (d) outcomes

2. Which of the following platforms is Google Analytics capable of tracking?

Check all that apply.

User activity on a website

User activity on a mobile website

User activity on a mobile application

User activity on a gaming console

User activity on any digitally connected device

3. For each of the five business types below, select the objective that you would most likely
track as a desired outcome.
Drive Drive Encourage Encourage Provide
product contact engagement frequent information
sales form & visitation quickly
submission awareness

/ support

Activity 2.2 - Core analysis techniques

1. Which of the following are true about segmentation?

Check all that apply.

Segmentation allows you to combine data from multiple web properties in your reports.

Segmentation allows you to isolate and analyze subsets of your data.

Segmentation is a technique that should only be used by experienced analysts.

Segmentation can help you find the underlying causes of changes to your aggregate data.

2. Which of the following is an example of adding internal context to your data?

Choose one.

Using third party data for your competition to set targets for your own site performance.

Using a monthly visits benchmark from your industry as a whole to set targets for your own
site performance.

Using your site's historical monthly visits data to set a future monthly visits target.

Micro and macro conversion

Attribution last click – quien converte

First click attribution

Activity 2.3 - Conversions and conversion attribution

1. Your business' objective is to maximize the number of sales through your website. Which
of the following metrics would most directly help you measure performance against this


Ecommerce conversion rate

Page value

Bounce rate

Pages / visit

2. You run a heavy machinery business and use your website to generate sales leads for
high priced items. Which of the following actions below would you consider the main
"macro conversion" for your site?

A potential customer visits a lead form, but doesn't fill it out or submit it.

A potential customer fills out and submits a lead form.

A potential customer downloads a spec sheet for one of your machines.

A potential customer signs up for your weekly newsletter.

A potential customer joins your social media community.

3. A customer visits your site four times in a month before making a $100 purchase on your
site. Given the following sequence of channels that the user visited from, how much
conversion credit would be assigned to the "display ad"?

$0 $25 $100
First-click attribution
Last-click attribution

Linear attribution

Activity 2.4 - Creating a measurement plan

1. Which of the following should be the first step you complete during the analytics
planning process?

Implement Google Analytics

Create your implementation plan

Define your overall measurement plan and business objectives

Maintain and refine your plans

Document your technical infrastructure

1. Read through the example business objective below to answer questions 2 through 5.
You run a business that offers online real estate listings and have defined the following as your
overall business objective:

"Help residential home buyers easily discover, finance and purchase the home of their dreams."

2. Which of the following would be the best strategies to define in your measurement plan
to support the business objective above?
Choose three.

Enable users to contact local realtors for their favorite properties through an online form.

Send users daily emails with the highest priced properties in their neighborhood.

Connect users to mortgage estimation tools and financing options through an online portal.

Provide users with search tools to narrow the listing options to match their specific criteria.
3. Which of the following would be the best KPIs to define in your measurement plan to
support the strategies above?
Choose three.

Number of monthly site visitors

Percentage of visitors who complete a realtor contact form

Percentage of users who use the search tools on your site

Average time on page for the homepage

Average time on page for the "Contact" form

Percentage of users who engage with the mortgage estimation tool

4. Which of the following segments would be useful to define in your measurement plan to
support the business objective above?
Check all that apply.

first-time home buyers vs. experienced buyers

first-time site visitors vs. returning site visitors

users who tried the mortgage estimation tool vs. those who didn't

users who used search specification tools vs. users who completed a general listing search

1. Which of the following could you use to set targets for your measurement plan?
Check all that apply.

Your historical site performance

Third-party industry benchmark data

Internal expectations from your business leadership

A random guess
Activity 3.1 - How Google Analytics works

1. Which of the following are considered the four main components of how the Google
Analytics system works?
Select four correct answers.









2. True or False: To collect mobile application data with Google Analytics, you should
implement the exact same code you use for your website tracking.



3. The code snippet for tracking websites with Google Analytics is written in:




Activity 3.2 - Key metrics and dimensions defined

1. Which of the following are metrics?

Check all that apply.

Avg. Visit Duration




2. Which of the following are dimensions?

Conversion Rate

Page Title

% New Visits


3. What is Bounce Rate?

the percentage of visits when a visitor viewed only one page and then exited without a
second interaction on the site

the percentage of times unique visitors returned to your website in a given time period

the percentage of sessions for which a visitor exits from your homepage

the percentage of site exits

4. Why might a site have a high Bounce Rate?

Check all that apply.
The landing page of the site has extra Event Tracking implemented to track additional
actions besides pageviews.

The ads that bring the users to the site set different expectations than the landing page.

The site only has one page (e.g. a simple blog).

The page that your users typically land on doesn't have enough information or a good call-

Activity 4.2 - Understanding your account structure

1. Using the test account you created in lesson 4.1, follow the instructions below to create new
properties and views for the account. Then, complete the questions that follow to review what you
learned in this lesson.

When you created your test account, your first default property was automatically created. Now
you will edit your account structure to include additional properties and views. Your account should
be set up to collect your website data separately from your mobile app data and each property you
create should have a minimum of three views.

When you’re finished editing your account, the structure should look as follows:

2. How many properties in total do you now have in your test account?


3. How many views in total do you now have in your test account?

4. Which of the following best represents the hierarchical structure of a Google Analytics
account from top to bottom?

View → Account → Property

Property → Account → View

Account → View → Property

Account → Property → View

5. Which of the following statements are true?

Check all that apply.

If you make a mistake with a configuration setting on a view, you can always reprocess the
data to fix it.

To view data from two websites in aggregate using Google Analytics, you must use the
same tracking ID on both sites.
Once a view is deleted it cannot be restored.

When a new view is created, it will show the historical data from the first view you created
for the property.

Activity 4.3 - Setting up basic filters

1. Using the same test account you used in Lessons 4.1 and 4.2, follow the instructions below to add
filters to your report views. Then, complete the questions that follow to review what you learned in
this lesson.

Create a filter for the view "2 - (test view)" that would prevent traffic from
the following IP address from showing in the report view:

When you’re done creating the filter for the test view, apply the same filter to the view "1 - (master view)."

2. Which of the following is the correct way to set up the IP address filter described above?

Create a Predefined filter excluding traffic from the IP addresses that begin with

Create a Predefined filter excluding traffic from the IP address that is equal to

Create a Predefined filter including traffic from the IP address that is equal to

Create a Predefined filter excluding traffic from the ISP domain that is equal to

3. True or False: The order in which filters appear in your settings matters.

True. Filters are executed in the order in which they appear

False. Google Analytics does not take filter order into account

4. Why is it important that you maintain one unfiltered view when using filters with your
analytics account?
Without one unfiltered profile, you will not be able to use a filter for multiple views

You can only use predefined filters with unfiltered views

There is no reason to maintain an unfiltered view

Since raw data cannot be reprocessed, maintaining an unfiltered view ensures that the
original data can always be accessed

Activity 4.4 - Setting up goals and ecommerce

Using the same test account you used in Lessons 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3, follow the instructions below to
add goals to your report views. Then, complete the questions that follow to review what you
learned in this lesson.

Create a goal in the “Master Profile” for the website to match the following pages:

1. What match type and URI pattern did you use to create the goal in your account?

Match type: Equals to; URI pattern: /thankyou

Match type: Begins with; URI pattern: /thankyou

Match type: Equals to; URI pattern:

Match type: Begins with; URI pattern:

2. Which of these best defines a Destination goal in Google Analytics?

A website page viewed by the visitor once they have completed a desired action

A page that has given you revenue

The most popular page on your site

3. You define a Destination goal by:

Adding the e-commerce code to the goal page

Adding the conversion ID to the tracking code on the goal page

Dragging the goal page onto a Standard Report

Specifying the conversion page in your view settings within Google Analytics

4. When configuring a goal, why is it useful to assign a goal value?

To attribute monetary value to a non e-commerce site

To calculate e-commerce metrics

To determine the popularity of webpages

You must assign a goal value in order to track conversions

5. Which of the following could be measured by defining a goal in Google Analytics?

Check all that apply.

The percentage of visits that result in a site registration

The percentage of visits that are unique

The percentage of visits which contain three or more pageviews

The percentage of visits during which visitors spend at least 2 minutes on the site
Activity 4.5 - Collecting campaign data
1. Using the URL Builder in the Help Center and the details below, create a tagged URL that you
would use for your Fall Sale email campaign. Then, complete the questions that follow to review
what you learned in this lesson.

Destination URL:

Source: newsletter
Medium: email
Campaign Name: sale
Campaign Content: promo1

2. Enter the tagged URL that you created for the campaign above here:

3. Which of the following traffic mediums are automatically tracked by Google Analytics
without extra tagging or account linking?
Check all that apply.








(none), when the traffic source is "direct"

4. Which campaign tracking variables should you always use when manually tagging a
utm_content, utm_campaign

utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign

utm_source, utm_content

utm_campaign, utm_adgroup, utm_term

5. Which of the following should you manually tag with campaign tracking variables?
Check all that apply.

Banner ads

AdWords campaigns


Organic search traffic

Non-AdWords CPC campaigns

Email campaigns

6. Which is the recommended parameter for identifying different versions of an ad?





Activity 5.1 - Reporting overview

1. If you have access to a Google Analytics account that is currently collecting data, we recommend
you use it as a reference for completing this activity. If you do not have an account with data, you
can use the "sandbox" practice account you created in Unit 4 and this lesson's video to familiarize
yourself with how to navigate Google Analytics in order answer the questions below.

2. Which of the following reporting tools would you use to show the dimension "city" next
to the dimension "source" in a report?

Date comparison

Table filter

Table sort

Plot rows

Primary dimension

Secondary dimension

Pie chart

Pivot table

3. Which of the following reporting tools would you use to show two rows of data on the
same graph?

Date comparison

Table filter

Table sort

Plot rows

Primary dimension

Secondary dimension
Pie chart

Pivot table

4. Which of the following reporting tools would you use to exclude any rows of a report with
fewer than 50 visits?

Date comparison

Table filter

Table sort

Plot rows

Primary dimension

Secondary dimension

Pie chart

Pivot table

5. Which of the following reporting tools would you use to show two date ranges on the
same graph?

Date comparison

Table filter

Table sort

Plot rows

Primary dimension

Secondary dimension
Pie chart

Pivot table

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