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The volatility smile

Alternatives to Black-Scholes

Derivatives and Risk Management

Lecture 12: Volatility smiles and alternatives to Black-Scholes

Søren Hesel

Department of Business and Management

Fall 2022

Søren Hesel DRM

The volatility smile
Alternatives to Black-Scholes


1 The volatility smile

2 Alternatives to Black-Scholes

Søren Hesel DRM

The volatility smile Implied volatilities
Alternatives to Black-Scholes Empirical smiles and term structures

Implied volatilities
• The implied volatility for a given option is defined as the solution
σ∗ = σ∗ (S, t, K, T) to

fBS (S, t; K, T, σ∗ ) = fM

where fBS is the Black-Scholes price and fM is the market price

• If Black-Scholes holds: σ∗ (S, t, K, T) is constant!
• Empirical findings show that this is not the case
▶ For given t and St , σ∗ varies with K and T
▶ K 7→ σ∗ (for given T): the volatility smile
▶ T 7→ σ∗ (for given K): the volatility term structure
▶ (K, T) 7→ σ∗ : the volatility surface
• NOTE: implied volatility for a European put is identical to the
implied volatility of the equivalent European call (same
underlying, K, and T)
▶ No-arbitrage relation pt + St e−q(T−t) = ct + Ke−r(T−t) holds both for
market prices and Black-Scholes prices
Søren Hesel DRM
The volatility smile Implied volatilities
Alternatives to Black-Scholes Empirical smiles and term structures

(Tutorial: Hull’s Question 19.4)

A European call and put option have the same strike price and time to
maturity. The call has an implied volatility of 30% and the put has an
implied volatility of 25%. What trades could your do?

• Use that Black-Scholes option prices, cBS (St , t; σ, K), are
increasing in volatility so that

t = c (St , t; 0.30, K) > c (St , t; 0.25, K)

• Then recall that the put-call parity holds in the BS model

cBS (St , t; σ, K) = pBS (St , t; σ, K) + St e−q(T−t) − Ke−r(T−t)

• Use this to conclude that the put-call parity is violated for the
market prices
cM M
t > pt + St e − Ke−r(T−t)

and exploit the arbitrage opportunity

Søren Hesel DRM
The volatility smile Implied volatilities
Alternatives to Black-Scholes Empirical smiles and term structures

(Tutorial: Hull’s Question 19.6)

The market price of a European call is $3.00 and its price given by the
Black-Scholes model with a volatility of 30% is $3.50. The price given
by this Black-Scholes model for a European put option with the same
strike price and time to maturity is $1.00. What should the market
price of the put option be? Explain the reasons for your answer.

• Use that the put-call parity should hold for both the
Black-Scholes model and the market prices of the options:

ct − pt = St e−q(T−t) − e−r(T−t) K

• How does the right-hand side differ in the market and the
Black-Scholes model? See also Equation (19.2).

Søren Hesel DRM

The volatility smile Implied volatilities
Alternatives to Black-Scholes Empirical smiles and term structures

Empirical smiles and term structures

FX options

Options on foreign exchange: symmetric volatility smile

• “peaked” and heavy-tailed implied risk-neutral distribution
▶ due to jumps
▶ due to stochastic volatility

Søren Hesel DRM

The volatility smile Implied volatilities
Alternatives to Black-Scholes Empirical smiles and term structures

Empirical distribution
Fx Options

• Fx Options higher
• Fatter tails
• Almost symmetric

Søren Hesel DRM

The volatility smile Implied volatilities
Alternatives to Black-Scholes Empirical smiles and term structures

Empirical smiles and term structures

Equity options

• Equity options: implied vol decreases with K; volatility skew

▶ implied risk-neutral distribution has heavier left tail, less heavy right
∗ due to leverage: St ↓ ⇒ leverage ↑ ⇒ equity more risky
∗ due to “crashophobia” ∼ fear of a stock market crash ⇒ price for
low-strike puts ↑
• Volatility smiles typically flatter for longer-term options

Søren Hesel DRM

The volatility smile Implied volatilities
Alternatives to Black-Scholes Empirical smiles and term structures

Equity Options
Empirical smile and disctribution

Søren Hesel DRM

The volatility smile Implied volatilities
Alternatives to Black-Scholes Empirical smiles and term structures

Reevaluating Black-Scholes

• Non-constant implied volatilities demonstrate that Black-Scholes

assumptions are not valid
▶ Traders use the Black-Scholes model with option-specific
volatilities. The model is used as an “interpolation tool”
▶ Hopefully, the prices computed with this approach are close to the
prices obtained in more realistic models
▶ More realistic models are needed to price options that are very
different from the options already traded and priced by the market

Søren Hesel DRM

The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

The Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) model

Model setup, risk-neutral dynamics
dSt = (r − q)St dt + σStα dzQ

where α, r, q, and σ are positive constants. Equivalently:

= (r − q) dt + σStα−1 dzQ
St | {z } t

For α = 1: The model is identical to the Black-Scholes model

For α < 1:
• Volatility decreases in the stock price ⇝ (decreasing) volatility
skew observed for stock options
• Possible explanation: leverage effect
For α > 1:
• Volatility increases in the stock price ⇝ (increasing) volatility
skew sometimes observed for futures options
Søren Hesel DRM
The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

The CEV model, cont’d

Options are priced by solving the corresponding PDE

∂f ∂f 1 2 2α ∂2 f
∂t (S, t) + (r − q)S ∂S (S, t) + 2 σ S ∂S2 (S, t) − rf (S, t) = 0
f (S, T) = F(S)

OR by computing the discounted risk-neutral expectation of the payoff

f (St , t) = e−r(T−t) EQ [F(ST )] .

It can be shown that ST is non-centrally χ2 -distributed!

Søren Hesel DRM

The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

The CEV model, cont’d

For the CEV model with α < 1:

c = S0 e−qT 1 − χ2 (a; b + 2, c) − Ke−rT χ2 (c; b, a),


p = Ke−rT 1 − χ2 (c; b, a) − S0 e−qT χ2 (a; b + 2, c)


• χ2 (·; k1 , k2 ) is the cumulative distribution function of a random
variable which is non-centrally χ2 -distributed with k1 degrees of
freedom and non-centrality parameter k2
• a, b, and c are given in terms of S, K, r, q, T, σ, and α

Only slightly more complicated than Black-Scholes!

Søren Hesel DRM

The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

Merton’s jump-diffusion model

Recall that the GBM can be written

dSt = Sµdt + Sσdxt

where xt is a martingale; i.e. standard brownian motion.

• x is a pure continuous process
• The idea is to replace x with a process that is mostly continuous
but also includes jumps.
• So use xt = zt + mt where

dmt = −λk̄dt + k̃Nt dNt

λk̄ is the expected jump

k̃Nt dNt the jump at Nt

Søren Hesel DRM

The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

The jumps process

Nt Poisson process with risk-neutral intensity λ

• Nt counts the number of jumps up to time t,
Nt ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . .}
• dNt = 1 if there is a jump at time t, otherwise
dNt = 0
λ intensity; i.e., the average number of jumps per year
k̃1 , k̃2 , · · · > −1 (limited liability) a sequence of i.i.d. jump sizes with
mean EQ [k̃n ] = k̄
in case of a jump at time t of size k̃Nt = k, the stock price changes by

St− → St− + kSt− = St− (1 + k)

k < 0 captures a crash

Søren Hesel DRM

The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

Geometric Jump diffusion

Risk-neutral dynamics of the stock price is assumed to be

dSt = r − q − λk̄ St dt + σSt dzQ
t + St− k̃Nt dNt

Recall the issue:

• BS model undervalues deep out-of-the-money options
• BS model overvalues near-the-money options
• Creates a U-shaped volatility smile (as observed for FX options)

Søren Hesel DRM

The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

Merton’s jump-diffusion model, cont’d

Option pricing in the jump-diffusion model:

• Merton assumes a zero market price of jump risk
• If log(1 + k̃n ) is normally distributed with variance s2 , European
option price becomes

X ′
e−λ T (λ ′ T)n
f = fn ,

where λ ′ =p λ(1 + k̄) and fn is the BS-price computed with a

volatility of σ2 + ns2 /T instead of σ and an interest rate of
r − λk̄ + n log(1 + k̄)/T instead of r
• Heavier tails ⇝ currency options

Søren Hesel DRM

The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

The variance-gamma model

Recall the GMB:
St = S0 e(µ− 2 σ )t+Xt
1 2

where X is a brownian motion with volatility σ. Recall that we discount

also with 21 σ2 such that S is a martingale under Q.
The idea is replace t in Xt with a random time γt . I.e. instead we use
Xt = Xγvt = θγvt + σWγvt

where W is a standard brownian motion, and γv is a gamma process

with rate v.
• v: Variance rate of the gamma process
• σ: The volatility of the stock
• θ: Defines the skewness of the distribution
▶ θ = 0: log St is symmetric
▶ θ < 0: log St is negatively skewed
▶ θ > 0: log St is positively skewed
Søren Hesel DRM
The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

The gamma process

• Define a variable g as the change over time T in a variable that

follows a gamma process with mean rate of 1 and variance rate
of v
▶ A gamma process is a pure jump process where small jumps occur
very frequently and large jumps occur only occasionally
• The probability density for g is

gT/v−1 e−g/v
vT/v Γ (T/v)

where Γ (·) denotes the gamma function

Søren Hesel DRM

The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

The variance-gamma model, cont’d

Note I define ω = log 1 − θv − σ2 /2 /v and we write

ST = S0 e(r−q+ω)T+XT

• In a risk-neutral world log ST conditional on g is normal

▶ The conditional mean:

log S0 + (r − q + ω)T + θg

▶ The conditional standard deviation: σ√g

Søren Hesel DRM

The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

The variance-gamma model, cont’d

• The variance-gamma model produces a U-shaped volatility

smile, not necessarily symmetrical
• The smile is very pronounced for short maturities and vanishes
for long maturities
• The model can be fitted to either equity or foreign currency plain
vanilla option prices

Søren Hesel DRM

The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

The variance-gamma model, cont’d

Monte-Carlo simulation of option prices:
1 Draw M i.i.d. samples, u , . . . , u(M) , from U(0, 1).
2 Transform these into gamma distributed variates:
(m) T
= FΓ−1
u ; ,v , m ∈ {1, . . . , M}
where FΓ (x; α, β) is the CDF of a gamma distributed random
variable with shape parameter α and scale parameter β.
3 Draw M i.i.d. samples, û(1) , . . . , û(M) , from U(0, 1).
4 Transform these into standard normally distributed variates:
ε(m) = Φ−1 û(m) , m ∈ {1, . . . , M}
where Φ denotes the CDF of the standard normal distribution.
5 The simulated values of the stock price is then
(m) (m) (m) (m)
ST = S0 exp (r − q + ω)T + θg + σ g ε
Søren Hesel DRM
The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

Hull & White stochastic volatility model

Recall GBM under Q:
dSt = St rdt + Sσdzt
I.e. volatility is constant! The idea is to replace σ2 with a stochastic
process Vt .
Model setup:
dSt = rSt dt + Vt St dzQ 1t
dVt = (µ(Vt ) − λ(Vt )) dt + ρξ(Vt )dzQ
1t + 1 − ρ2 ξ(Vt )dzQ

• λ(V) is the risk premium of the variance
▶ Hull & White assume that λ(V) = 0
▶ empirically, volatility risk premium seems to be negative
• ξ is the volatility of the variance
• ρ denotes the correlation between S and V
▶ ρ < 0 is empirically reasonable for stock options
Søren Hesel DRM
The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

Hull & White stochastic volatility model, cont’d

Option prices can be computed as follows:
• solve PDE

∂f 1 ∂2 f 1 ∂2 f √ ∂2 f
+ VS2 2 + ξ(V)2 2 + ρS Vξ(V)
∂t 2 ∂S 2 ∂V ∂S∂V
∂f ∂f
+ rS + (µ(V) − λ(V)) = rf
∂S ∂V
with terminal condition f (S, V, T) = F(S)
• Monte Carlo simulation based on

ft = e−r(T−t) EQ
t [F(ST )]

Note: need to simulate paths of (S, V)

• if ρ = 0: ft = 0∞ ftBS (V̄)g(V̄) dV̄, where V̄ is the average variance
and g(·) the probability density function of V̄
Søren Hesel DRM
The Constant Elasticity of Variance model
The volatility smile Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Alternatives to Black-Scholes The variance-gamma model
Stochastic volatility model

Hull & White stochastic volatility model, cont’d

Results • Depending on parameter values—in particular the

correlation—the model can generate various types
of volatility smiles
• Stochastic volatility which has negative correlation
with the stock price may explain observed prices
and “volatility skew” of stock options
• In general, price differences relative to
Black-Scholes seem small, at least for short-term,
near-the-money options
Remarks • Stochastic volatility has a larger impact on the
efficiency of Black-Scholes hedging strategy (the
• Negative correlation between S and V (or σ) can be
explained by leverage effect

Søren Hesel DRM

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