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Winter Mesko-Eby

Purdue Global University


Dr. Brodie
My fitness program

Height: 5’5’’
Weight: 135 lbs

★ Gain muscular tone but not get bulky
- Increase aerobic and muscular endurance
- Lose a few pounds

FITT Overview

Frequency Intensity Time Type

Aerobic 4 days a Moderate 30 Walking, hiking

week plus one Intensity - minutes- 1
day hike vigorous hour

Muscle Strengthening 3 days a week Moderate 30 Full body: Yoga

plus one day a Intensity minutes -
week yoga 1 hour Upper body:
dumbbell Chest
Press, dumbbell
single arm row,
dumbbell shoulder

Core: stability ball

crunch, bicycle
crunches, reverse
crunches, plank
with hip dips.

Lower body:
stability ball squat,
lunge, bridges,
deadlift, curtsey
lunge, lateral
Flexibility 3 days a Moderate 30 Gentle yoga
week Intensity minutes

Weekly Schedule

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Aerobic Activity REST 30 minute 30 Hike 30 minute 30 REST

morning minute morning minute
walk morning walk morning
walk walk

Muscle REST Lower 1 hour REST Core: Upper REST

Strengthening body - all Fully body - all
with 8-10 Body Stability with 8-10
Lbs Yoga ball Lbs
weights: crunch 10- weights
15 reps
X3 dumbbell
stability ball Chest
squat 10- Bicycle Press
15 reps X3 crunch 10 10-15
-15 reps reps X3
Lunge 10 - X3
15 reps X3
reverse dumbbell
Bridges crunches single
10-15 reps 10 -15 arm row
X3 reps X3 10-15
reps X3
Deadlift 10- plank with
15 reps X3 hip dips dumbbell
10 -15 shoulder
curtsey reps X3 press
lunge 10 - 10-15
15 reps X3 reps X3
lunge 10 -
15 reps X3

Flexibility REST 30 minute REST 30 minute REST 30 REST

gentle yoga gentle yoga minute

Carl’s fitness program

Goal: Add bulk to upper body


● Due to Carl not wanting to walk all the way to the rec center which is on the opposite
side of campus when he is not going to PE classes or IM sports, he can do strength
training at home with heavier objects he can find around his home such as large text
books, bags of rice, bags of potatoes…etc
● Carl should start with the reps I have noted below, however should challenge himself
to increase those reps over time in order to overload his muscles.

FITT Overview

Frequency Intensity Time Type

Aerobic 6-7 days a Moderate to 45 minutes IM Sports,

week vigorous - 2 hours Walking to and
intensity from Class, PE

Muscle Strengthening 2 days a Moderate, 1 hour Mainly upper

week, working working up to body but also
up to 3 with vigorous core and lower
rest days in body.
Upper body:
Chest Press,
single arm row,
press, push

Core: plank
with hip dips,
stability ball

Lower body:
stability ball
squat, lunge.

Flexibility 3 days a Light 10 to 30 Gentle yoga

week as well intensity minutes
as shortened
before and
after IM sports

Weekly Schedule

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Aerobic IM 45 45 45 minute 45 45 minute IM

Activity sports/ minute minute walk minute walk Sports/
PE Class walk walk walk PE class

Muscle Upper Upper Upper

Strengthening body: body: body:
dumbbell dumbbell dumbbell
Chest Chest Chest
Press 10- Press 10-15 Press 10-
15 reps reps x3 15 reps x3
dumbbell dumbbell
dumbbell single arm single arm
single row 10-15 row 10-15
arm row reps x3 reps x3
reps x3 dumbbell dumbbell
shoulder shoulder
dumbbell press 10-15 press 10-
shoulder x3 15 x3
press 10-
15 x3 Push ups - Push ups -
as many as many
Push ups reps as reps as
- as many possible possible
reps as
Core: Core:

Core: plank with plank with

hip dips 10- hip dips
plank with 15 reps x3 10-15 reps
hip dips x3
reps x3 stability
ball crunch stability
10-15 reps ball crunch
stability x3 10-15 reps
ball x3
10-15 Lower
reps x3 body: Lower
stability ball
Lower squat 10 - stability
body: 15 reps x3 ball squat
10 -15
reps x3
stability Lunge 10-
ball squat 15 reps x3 Lunge 10-
10 -15 15 reps x3
reps x3

reps x3

Flexibility 10 30 30 minutes 30 10
minutes minutes gentle yoga minutes minutes
gentle gentle gentle gentle
yoga yoga yoga yoga
before before
activity activity

yoga after
yoga after

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