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Domain 1: Social Regard for Learning

Scenario: Having club activities in where students are to choose and join the club that piques
their interest the most and these clubs are facilitated by respective teachers. Through this, a
strong teachers-student interaction will happen as they get to indulge in their field of interests

Domain 2: The Learning Environment

Scenario: In relation to domain 2, school facilitators can organize a monthly awarding
ceremony in where the class that have been performing well in the past month will receive an
award. Like for example, awarding a class with the impeccable attendance, cleanest
classroom, class participation etc. in these ways the students’ morale will boost and will show
more dedication every class hours thus it will establish productive learning and conduct to the

Domain 3: The Diversity of Learners

Scenario: Celebrating Intramurals, Family Day, Foundation Day and celebrating the
Indigenous People’s Day, through these, the school, the students and even the family of each
student can acknowledge the diversity each of them have and could come as one, may these
diversity be in race, ethnicity, language, religion, and etc.

Domain 4: Curriculum
Scenario: Conducting examinations, quizzes, and performance tasks to assess learners'
progress and comprehension level. Through this, educators can evaluate what further
enhancement does each students must uptake.

Domain 5: Planning, Assessing, and Reporting

Scenario: An educator is to conduct a monthly assessment that aligns to the curriculum to
know the range of the students learning. Aside from that, a teacher must prepare an
evaluation test for the students in regards to his teaching skills and styles in order to reform it
if needed or have him preside an open forum session with his students. Having meetings for
parents is also crucial as well as submitting periodic reports to the superiors in order for them
to know the performance of the students in school.
Domain 6: Community Linkages
Scenario: An educator, along with its students can engage into school activities like tree
planting, clean drive, and outreach programs like having a feeding and donation programs in
hunger and poverty prone areas in the community. In these ways, students can have reflective
ideas about the different social realities of each people in a community. It will boost the
emotional learning of students and will help them gain self-awareness and a sense of
initiative to help the community.

Domain 7: Personal Growth and Professional Development

Scenario: Having the constant sense of improving oneself by practicing teaching, attending
seminars and workshops and creating good relations with the colleagues. Engaging oneself in
activities that will help develop enthusiasm, flexibility, and accountability in order to attain
professionalism. One must also have some self- evaluation to know his/her strengths and
weaknesses and develop as a professional.

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