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Adrenal gland

1 - Adrenocorticotrophic hormone

a) Is produced by nerve cells with their cell bodies in the hypothalamus

b) Hyposecretion causes Cushing’s disease

c) Output is decreased by a fall in the circulating cortisol

d) Output is controlled by a releasing factor from the hypothalamus

e) Stimulates the synthesis of cyclic AMP in the adrenal cortex

2 - The rate of aldosterone secretion

a) Is controlled by the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system

b) Is increased by increased Na+ concentration in extracellular fluid

c) Increases when plasma K+ concentration rises

d) Is inversely related to plasma volume

e) Is increased by stimulation of sympathetic supply to the adrenal gland

579 - Effects of increased plasma cortisol concentration include

a) Inhibition of growth

b) Inhibition of inflammation

c) Enhanced vascular reactivity

d) Stimulation of protein catabolism in the muscle

e) Inhibition of glucose uptake by body cells

592 - An adrenal medullary tumour typically causes a

a) Raised systolic blood pressure which may be transient or constant

b) Fine tremor of the extended hand

c) Rise in the basal metabolic rate

d) Raised blood pressure, unresponsive to alpha adrenoceptor blockade

e) Rise in urinary catecholamine excretory products

595 - During the synthesis of steroid hormones in the adrenal cortex

a) Steroids are synthesized de novo from cholesterol and acetate

b) Cholesterol comes from circulating low density lipoproteins

c) In acute stimulation, steroidogenesis is mainly from circulating LDLs

d) Cytochrome P450 cleavage enzyme is critical for steroidogenesis

e) Steroid hormones are fully assembled in the mitochondria

596 - Regarding adrenal cortical hormones

a) Corticosteroids are stored in the adrenal cortex

b) Adrenal androgens have a considerable biological action

c) Cortisol is mostly bound to plasma proteins in the circulation

d) Aldosterone is mostly bound to plasma proteins in the circulation

e) Cortisol and aldosterone have roughly the same half-life

597 - Actions of glucocorticoids include

a) Decrease in the rate of gluconeogenesis in the liver

b) Decrease in blood glucose false

c) Cause increase in protein anabolism in skeletal muscle

d) Decrease blood amino acids

e) Cause net increase in protein content in the gastrointestinal tract

598 - True or false

a) Glucocorticoids increase fat mobilisation from adipose tissue

b) Glucocorticoids inhibit inflammatory reactions

c) Glucocorticoids secretion is stimulated by ACTH secreted by the gastrohypophysis

d) Glucocorticoids are transported in the blood bound to cortical binding globulin

e) Glucocorticoids plasma levels follow a circadian rhythm

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