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PRODUCT BRIEf ZndGtnen tion lntiel"CofePfOCIISsor Family for Oetktope

2nd Generation lntelCore Processor Family for IB;ktops

1he irlc:r'eila of video w1faaig ard sodaiiiiiiCia,IMhssa:mnunlcatlon Selec1*1g1he rightis by wtMI1 pur dlaslng 01 LWadlng yotrbu5lnctss PCs.1he has bealme r'IOf'll\llsualy solstlcrted. lnter HD Cirapf1ics ZOOO.integ'ated into pnxes501must lr2ep p;e wlthnew 1mlds the2nd gen lntelCoro processars. aUows in t CrJmrnerc.,complex applcatiom, lfld setU'Ity tha1:1111 appllcallle to r business. PC hardware to stay In step with1hese new lllsualmedia 1'181ds.The need for a !lscl"'rrB Meet YDI6business needs wtth a processor graphlcs card ls ellmlnated.redudng power from1tle Znd gen lntel"coreproc.ssor consumptlon1011symm CrJst. famllywhld\ offers lrnprovedad!lp11vll , Znd gen lntal Ccnwtth...,. and built-flllisual capabill1ies to lw1ng mora lntelgent par1arrnanca to IIPro"'tedWiologyl can helpraiD com and lnaaase efftdlncybyadvanbge of bu5lness PC. lndgent perbmance and lriuehardFtatured Tedmologies ware-assisttd s.a.ity and manageetijty Ciet more responsive nwttitasking wtth features. Ranota, automiltl!dmamgeablltty select processots k!1he 2nd genIITIIII featuresmalcmPC mantenance easler and Ccnprocessor famlly.whk:h femn lntel keep costs low. The IYftlm can be remotely Turbo 9oost Technology1 2.0 andInt... conflpedor dl11gnosed,and anlnfected HyperllW'oadlng Technalogy'.enablklg PC can be l5oll1ld lllpilhd.Anln1!1111Pro requlred Malrity iiJ)plications niprotDQ)Is li!CMalogy.-edsystem m1n1m1zes dlsrupto nM1tfflden11y In1he bad:grcJood wlthout 11ons lodaiY bush!ss Gperiltloll5. mrnpromlslngpnxluctlwtty . Tla!se ZJ1d gelllritB CcinPiW JISiR lnfonMtlonsecurtty is vital to tlusintss. alsD pawl!f effldlnt,IINblng ilU1!C!III!J9f' SeamgWotTMUanamidatarvqu1res effldent l*tflnnswl*tt can meetIHRGY complex111tryptlonsoftware.whld\ slows STAR"' andOflerQlollel environmentlll . Wl1tl AdVancedEncryptlon . PC PWfonnanc. re!f.Jii1!flll!flts. Solutlon NDW lnstruc1lons (AfS.M) lm lntel's technologles andlnnovatlons can into1he proc.ssor the erw;ryption1011 . lncrease the IOngevtty of the crmputer, deawtlonopera11onls ata!leratad,saving protectlng ycuhllestment nisupportlng youtltne.

Procluct OlltfVIew

setect 1he

znd Gen tnter COte"'

Processar thlt ls Best for Your

BIItln-CIIIllsPerfo11111nce The lntel" Core'"17 processor dellvers best-in-dassperformance for the most di!!Mndlng appllcatlons. quack:ore

Business lntar Coral7 PraCtiiOI'-

Z.O. N1Itallitlgcapablty. ancl illddltlonalL3 Okhe.


lnW coretsProcusorn.Nextllvelof ProductMty

The lntei Core"' l5 processor deiM!rsthe next level of productlvtty.Wlth lntel Turbo Boost Technologv thls quad-coreprocessor wlth 4-way mul11tlsklng capilbllty devers extra speed whenever ygu neec1 lt as wel as securtty t.ltl.lreS tof11$ protect lnformatlon ancl dm.


AtfonlllbiiBufMaPC The lntel Cote"' 13 processorprollldes the

besis for anaffordlll:ilebuslniiSS PC.This


xre enton lrlvHIJMnt.

dual-core processor wtth 4-waymlfttta!\Q capablllty has bult-lnperformance head ro11111 for software upgnldeprovidingan

2nd Generalion lntel Core"" Processor Family f or Deskt ops

Znd Gtneratlon lnbll" Cont"' Processar Famlly for Dasktops Camparlmn
Numbarof Pnmmor Conls 1Thntads rnte l\l'tloBoost Tedmology12.0

For morelnformatlonon the Znd GeneraIon lnter OJre 11o1 proc:eseor faJ'Ilily for desktops, vlslt


8MBL3 !l'lared

Ves No


trteHyperlhreaclng TedYIOiogy 1
AeSNewlm.lnldlons(AES I) Ves


Ves Ves Ves Ves Ves Ves Ves

ht!!l"Stable lmPlatform Proram(lntel"SIPP)

fntelvtrtuallzatlon lecmology for DIA!ded110

l'ki l'ki l'ki

Ves Ves Ves

l'ki l'ki
H61/B65 2ndGenlntl!l"Cf!' processors sqlPOI't tnter

trte Trusted Executlon Technolo!w (lntel"TXT)1

Recommended ll!tel"6 Ser1es ExpressOllpset


HDGraphks2000.wiHI!annelDOR3 memory t

t 1333 MHl,and areIn theI.GA115S socket

Fturtures and Beneftts of 1he 2nd Ceneration

rnte l\l'tloBoost Tedtnology12.0

.rCore..Procassar Famlty for Deektops

Dynamlcallymereases ttleprocessor'sfre(f.Jency asneeded!Ytaklng ad\r.lntage ot ttlennalandpowerheadroom whenoperatlng below specttledIII'Ms. Oelillels twoproressilg111readsperphysicalccreHighly ttlreaaplicationscangetmore work doneinparalleL completilgtilsks sooner. An rntegratedmernary oonttoller affers\ller latency,andhlghermernarybir'lct.o<ldlh. Thesharedcadleis dynamicalyalcx:atl!dtoeadhprocessor OOflit. based on workloadSignificantlylli!OJceslatency,mprovingperformante. i i\llows onehardwareplatform1ofunctlonasmultlple'\1rtuaplatforms.OffersIIT'(lrtllll!d manageablllty by lrnltlng downtrne andmalmalnlngpl'!lduCIIVIty!Y l iso ng computingactillitiesintoseparate partitions. New AESlnstruconsaddhardwareao:eleratlonto AESalgolfthms and.51>eedsup the el<l!t1Jtlonof AESappllcatlons. Aseto!newinstruttions to improve 50ftware pEffoonancefur floalilgpoilt-iltensive !'PiC<Jtionssvdh udioIJOCI!Slingandaudio oodecs,imageandvideo editilg s appllcatlons.flnasellllc:es analysls cndmodelrgsoftware.cndmarufacturlrganden neemgsoftw.lre. H"lyversa11eset of hardw<re exter !ionsror lntelprocessors andehwhlcl\wllh appropliatesottware,enhanre rm secllttycapabllllles. StandildztlgonplatfonnsbasedoolntelS1lilllernage Platforrn Program Sff?aJ!lponentscanhred.Jte1he numbef of dlent oonflj1111tions suppri'lga standardlledsoftw<relmage fur at least 12montl\s,resulmgIn lcwerhardware port oosts andIIT'(lrovedrrrespon!lveness. IJdldesfwri!inconnector for!leed tonttol tohEipmilimize the acoostit ll<l5e li!vels gener<JI2d fromriXlning the fanat ti,tter speeds fur themlillperfomlill1ce.

trteHyperlhreaclng TedYIOiogy 1
htegrated Memory Ctlrrttnlll!r

trteSmart Cadle
rnte VJnuallzatlonTed1nology and lntf!r Vk'tualzatlon Technology for Dnctsd1101 Mllilnced BlcryptlonStandard New lnstructlons

1111:81Advllncad Vector Exbnlions lntetTruste<l ExecutlonTe<hnolo!w' 1n111Stable lmagePfiltformProgram Tharmllll Slllstion for Bolc4ld Prooasson.

1\o&oonT<Id1nologr.I'1Ui"HI'Pfl''ll1rMdlngTocmology..!Mei'VIrtiH-TOII1nologr.tndi'1UI" ec.MionTed1nolo!w'*IIAret -'"''Pftiiiiiii. 810S..,.,in111rm111an.

a sotMre anlloropemnsysUrn,dMced!M!rt. and plc<nb1s lle!l df11r1hese t - Ptlfonnancewlllvary clepmdl on)'CU' Im,Oxltlrtyoll'wndorfllrmore lnfMMtlm.

aWJ, IUI,ljnplks ...WIor,ond """""Yion-.1h .Forrnons l1fonrutb1,1oll_,..rwgptar,90"f .,..-.llt_Uolho1.1)1nhMoler...,.lentonapr-':fdM Conlllct!IOU'......,._.,.cturtrforarnpotlbltly. lrteh !Mollogo,1',C<n holdlt,ll>dhllllvPro,...-..lbofll1iliiCOrponrllonh1111US.ond..--. 01111<nemes tndiMndl mqbodllrned 111opro!*1Yofolho,.. CllpJII zo10 lrtelCrponr1b!.AIIrVttrre.wd.111101jW/}'ISII'Ilf OPioolafloc::a.:lo 3Z44!13-001US

'91SIGY S R-tlfnoUsaS'/$11!111 levtltnl!l'g'/$111dfte:nlon.deflnedbV1he US.&rfl PIW<IIonAgency.1Mtrdlesupon allot111e <OfTC)OnMU.Includl d'lpso!t. power

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