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8/30/23, 12:39 PM Exam Automation

Indian School Bousher

Indian School Bousher, Al Awabi, Al Ansab, Bousher, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

Worksheet Name: G12 English Standard: 12th Science Subject: English Core
Weekly Questions - Set 1 (30th
Student Name: Section: Roll No.:
Questions: 5 Time: 01:00 hh:mm Marks: 16

Q1. What does Derry realise towards the end of the play?
At the end of the play, Derry realises that external looks do not matter as much. The only thing that matters is the person’s worth,
their outlook towards society and life. Life is fleeting and we must make the most of it when alive.
Q2. Both Derry and Lamb are physically impaired and lonely. It is the responsibility of society to understand and support people with
infirmities so that they do not suffer from a sense of alienation. As a responsible citizen, write in about 100 words what you would do
to bring about a change in the lives of such people.
As citizens, it is our responsibility towards society to understand and support people with infirmities. Mr. Lamb and Derry both face
discrimination and ill-treatment at the hands of the world. A lack of support, encouragement and kindness has led Derry to be
pessimistic and aloof. If we try to be supportive and considerate towards them, we can help them have a more positive outlook in
life. I would treat them as equals and encourage them to take part in all activities as equals. I believe it is an important step in
making them feel included. I will endeavour to ensure that they do not suffer from a sense of alienation and I will also advocate
inclusive education for them. Campaigning for their social acceptance, I will raise hope and encouragement for their
empowerment. It is the duty of each one of us to bring about a change in the lives of people who are physically impaired and
Q3. What benefits did Derry reap from his association with Mr. Lamb?
Derry reaped many benefits from his association with Mr. Lamb. He was able to get rid of the habit of self-pity. He started
understanding others’ perspective and admired Mr. Lamb’s views of life and his outlook on life. Derry understood that his physical
handicap, his acid-burnt face was not the only important thing, there were other important things in life. Derry became more
confident of himself. He learnt to appreciate nature and his
surroundings and to think objectively. He stopped paying attention to what people thought of him. Mr. Lamb advised Derry to wait,
watch and listen and to try to know himself. All this helped Derry to overcome his complex and face the world confidently.
Q4. Both Derry and Lamb are victims of physical impairment, but much more painful for them is the feeling of loneliness. Comment.
Man is vain, selfish and prejudiced. He does not cherish anything that is incomplete or impaired. This nature of man, creates a
vaccum in the life of human beings who are handicapped, for no fault of theirs. A war veteran, an accident victim, a polio affected,
or a person born handicapped is looked upon by the so called ‘normal’ people with a false sense of sympathy, disgust or repulsion.
As a result, the injury that is physical becomes secondary to the injury that is caused to the mind, and psyche of the person. They
become pessimistic, feel lonely and alienated.
Q5. Do you think Mr Lamb leaves Derry with a positive frame of mind in the end? Mr Lamb dies but leaves his spirit behind.
The interaction between Derry and Mr Lamb had been short but the impact on Derry was very powerful. Mr Lamb tried to show
Derry that life is much more than his obsession with his disability. It is good to know one’s limitations but limiting oneself because
of the limitations is wrong. To prove his point, Mr Lamb gave example of other people’s lives and also his own. He wanted to show
that disability is not in the body but in the mind and the moment it engulfs the mind, one loses out on oneself.
Mr Lamb does not ask Derry the reason behind his disfigured face, something which everyone else had done. Mr Lamb’s apparent
disregard for his own disability also amazes him. For someone who was fixated with his own disability and who had in fact started
pitying himself, it was a shock. Mr Lamb, without overtly advising him, through his actions and behaviour, his benevolent nature
and through his optimistic attitude towards life, made Derry realise that there is more to life than being forever concerned with
oneself. The old man instilled a new hope in Derry to live life on his own terms. Hence, though Mr. Lamb died towards the end, he
was still alive within Derry in spirit. 1/1

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